United States Patent (19) 11 4,244,949 Gupta 45) Jan
United States Patent (19) 11 4,244,949 Gupta 45) Jan. 13, 1981 (54) MANUFACTURE OF LONG TERM Steroid-Induced Sterility in Mice, Nature, vol. 190, pp. CONTRACEPTIVE IMPLANT 174-175 (1961). (75) Inventor: Gopi N. Gupta, Blauvelt, N.Y. Primary Examiner-Henry R. Jiles Assistant Examiner-Robert C. Whittenbaugh 73) Assignee: The Population Council, Inc., New Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Brumbaugh, Graves, York, N.Y. Donohue & Raymond 21 Appl. No.: 894,088 (57) ABSTRACT Apr. 6, 1978 (22 Filed: This invention relates to a bioabsorbable fused implant (51) Int. C.’.............................................. A61K 31/56 for subcutaneous administration in mammals of a con 52 U.S.C. .................................................... 424/243 stant and effective amount of a steroid over a prolonged 58 Field of Search ......................................... 424/243 period comprising a solid dispersion of an effective 56) References Cited amount of a steriod uniformly dispersed in a matrix of a lipoid carrier the weight of steroid to lipoid carrier PUBLICATIONS being within the approximate range of 99:1 to 80:20, Shimkin and White, Absorption Rate of Hormone respectively, and to the method of manufacturing the Cholesterol Pellets, Endrocrinology, 29:1020, 1941. P. M. F. Bishop, et al, Absorption of Hormone Implants fused implants. in Man, Lancet, Aug. 11, 1951, pp. 229-232. Lipschutz, et al., Recovery of Fertility After Protracted 12 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures U.S. Patent Jan. 13, 1981 Sheet 1 of 3 4,244,949 ATMOSPHERE 0 I6, - St \ - VACUUM A/6. / U.S. Patent 4,244,949 Q S Juva45th SD passeudxa AlAuod l3N-(H) U.S. Patent Jan.
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