Request for an Inspection on the Impacts of the Bisri Dam Project in Lebanon
June 24th, 2019 To: Executive Secretary, the Inspection Panel 1818 H Street NW, MSN 10 - 1007, Washington, DC 20433, USA REQUEST FOR AN INSPECTION ON THE IMPACTS OF THE BISRI DAM PROJECT IN LEBANON We, the Lebanon Eco Movement (LEM), are a network of 60 environmental NGOs advocating for sustainable development and the protection of the environment in Lebanon. The movement co- founded the Save the Bisri Valley Campaign in collaboration with the affected communities and a group of experts. LEM is also a member in the Arab Watch Coalition. In this request, we represent a group of residents and landowners whose addresses and signatures are enclosed below. We are also attaching a copy of a new petition that gathered more than 30,000 signatures (Annex Z.b). Our network submitted an earlier request for inspection on June 6th, 2018, and the Panel did not recommend investigation. While we acknowledge the Panel’s previous efforts to address our concerns, we believe that the first complaint was not satisfactorily answered. The Recommendation Report given by the Panel focused more on ensuring a checklist of studies is filled rather than evaluating the validity of the studies and, most importantly, the grave social, environmental and economic harms the project poses to Lebanon. Consequently, the Panel accepted inaccurate information and factual discrepancies provided by the Bank Management. Additionally, given the emergence of new evidence and circumstances, we are submitting a new request for inspection. Our concerns have been already conveyed to the relevant authorities and to the World Bank Management in Beirut. However, the concerns were either disregarded, or addressed with neglect and delay.
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