Il Manoscritto Palatino 313 - Dante Poggiali La Divina Commedia - Tiratura limitata e numerata unica al mondo Riproduzione in facsimile del Manoscritto conservato presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze, si colloca nel secondo quarto del sec. XIV, sia in base alla scrittura, sia in base alle illustrazioni che corredano il testo. Considerata la più antica Commedia miniata conosciuta,Type to contieneenter text 37 preziose miniature attribuite alla bottega di Pacino di Buonaguida, per cui, secondo alcuni critici, s’imporrebbe fin dall’inizio una preminenza di gusto giottesco June 2013 nell’illustrazione del poema; a suffragare tale ipotesi starebbe l’affermazione del Benvenuto, secondo il quale Dante avrebbe incontrato Giotto a Padova, quando l’artista era impegnato nella Cappella degli Scrovegni e aveva iniziato a dipingere il Giudizio universale, in cui la raffigurazione dei dannati e dell’Inferno trova largo spazio. Il codice Palatino 313, contiene grandissima parte del Commento di Jacopo, figlio di Dante, sebbene spesso le sue chiose siano corrotte e alterate. Quasi ogni chiosa è segnata della sigla Jac (Jacopo). Entrambi i figli di Dante furono commentatori della Commedia: Pietro di tutto il poema, Jacopo non andò oltre la prima Cantica. Nel tempo in cui Jacopo dimorò a Firenze molti facevano capo a lui per richiedere spiegazioni sui passi più ardui della Commedia. “E’ curioso che il possessore di un antichissimo codice scrivesse in margine dove non si intendeva: Jacobe, facias declarationem”. Il codice è scritto in littera textualis, una grafia nata nella Francia del nord nella seconda metà del XII sec. come evoluzione della minuscola carolina. Da una nota di possesso il codice risulta appartenuto nel ‘500 al letterato e uomo politico fiorentino Piero Del Nero (morto nel 1598). Passò poi alla biblioteca della famiglia Guadagni e infine venne acquistato da Gaetano Poggiali che utilizzò per la sua edizione della Commedia del 1807. Messaggio del presidente Cari soci, Promuovete i nostri eventi. Partecipate e siate Il 2013 è stato proclamato Anno della Cultura parte di noi. Italiana negli Stati Uniti, anno in cui tutto il Le quote di iscrizione e le donazioni, ci mondo ricorda i duecento anni della nascita di permettono di sostenere i costi di gestione del Giuseppe Verdi, di cui sono patrimonio per nostro comitato, ma non sono mai sufficienti. l'umanità il pensiero e la figura. Le vostre donazioni sono sempre benvolute! Diversi gli eventi organizzati nella nostra Il calendario eventi 2013-14 è in continuo circoscrizione, tra cui la presentazione della aggiornamento. Vi invito a visitare il nostro sito nostra Dina Soresi Winter sulla Aida, in web ( programma al Detroit Opera House. Le nostre classi stanno riscuotendo grande A giugno è stato siglato un accordo tra i successo. La professionalità e la serietà' delle Mosaico Musei Vaticani e la Società Dante Alighieri. nostre insegnanti hanno colpito il segno. Per questo anno i nostri associati, muniti di Grazie ai collaboratori, e tutti coloro che ci valida tessera d’ iscrizione, usufruiranno di aiutano! Grazie a tutti voi per il vostro agevolazioni per visitare i Musei Vaticani. supporto e il vostro incoraggiamento! La vostra Questo e tanti altri servizi sono il risultato stima e il vostro affetto ci da tanta voglia di

Il dell’impegno profuso da tutti noi. Offrire ai continuare anche quando è difficile andare nostri associati il maggior numero di eventi e avanti! servizi, il nostro obiettivo. Vi auguro una buona estate riposante, ma Per proseguire su questo cammino è soprattutto mi auguro di ritrovarvi numerosi ai necessaria la vostra collaborazione. Associatevi nostri prossimi eventi. alla Dante, se soci non siete. Rinnovate la -Daniela D’Amico Henderson vostra iscrizione, se non lo avete ancora fatto. Mission Statement Il Mosaico is the official publication of the Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter. Its purpose is to promote and preserve the Italian language and culture in the Italian-American Community, as well as in the community at large.

Il Mosaico 1 La Dante Informa Musei Vaticani A partire dal 26 giugno 2013 è attiva la convenzione stipulata con la Società Dante Alighieri valida fino al 31 dicembre 2013. I soci (ed i loro familiari diretti) che presenteranno la tessera socio avranno la possibilità di saltare la fila e di avvalersi del Dante Alighieri Society biglietto convenzione Euro 12,00 + Euro 4,00 (tariffa che si trova Michigan Chapter su Reception Permessi). 630 N Old Woodward - Suite 102 Birmingham, MI 48009 Ogni biglietto di ingresso avrà un'aggiunta di Euro 1,00 per l'acquisto Phone: 248.250.8928 obbligatorio del DVD Arte e Fede (la relativa ricevuta sarà emessa utilizzando PO Box 1644 l’apposito blocchetto di ricevute dei DVD indicando il numero di tessera Troy, MI 48099-1644 socio). Il Mosaico Editors: L. Adelfi, B. Schlossberg ~~~~ As of June 26, 2013 an agreement between the Musei Vaticani and the Contributors to this issue: Dante Alighieri Society, valid until 31 December 2013, allows members (and R. Haskin, G. Pittau, P. Simpson D. Valle their immediate family) who present DAS card to be able to jump the line to get the Convention ticket Euro 12,00 + EUR 4,00 (rates that is on Reception DAS Board of Directors: Permissions). Each ticket will have an addition of EUR 1.00 for the Daniela Henderson (President) mandatory purchase of the DVD Art and Faith. Lia Adelfi (Vice-President) Betina Schlossberg (Recording Sec.) Lori Bianco (Treasurer) Raffaella Medoro (C. Secretary.) Giulia Pittau (Development) Chiara Bucchi (Membership) 81° Congresso Internazionale della Società Dante Alighieri Paola M. De Sandre (Nominating) Anna Castaldi Roselli (Culture) “Dal Sud del mondo. La lingua, la cultura e l’economia italiane. Romina Marinucci (Youth Commettee) Dal 20 al 22 settembre 2013 è in programma a Cagliari l'81° Congresso DAS Special Committees: Internazionale della Società Dante Alighieri sul tema “Dal Sud del mondo. La lingua, la cultura e l’economia italiane. La Sardegna come ponte sul Mediterraneo”. By Laws: Betina Schlossberg Gruppo Ann Arbor Silvia Giorgini Il Congresso, appuntamento biennale che indica le linee della politica Website: Lia Adelfi culturale e linguistica della "Dante", Istituzione impegnata per la diffusione DAS Events photos: della lingua e della cultura italiane nel mondo, vedrà la partecipazione di illustri esperti, storici, linguisti, docenti universitari e personalità di spicco del L. Adelfi and R. Haskin panorama culturale nazionale e internazionale, oltre che di centinaia di DAS is a non-profit 501(c)(3) delegati provenienti da tutto il mondo, che daranno vita a tavole rotonde, organization, gifts and donations are dibattiti e riflessioni sul rapporto tra lingua, cultura ed economia. tax deductible. Ad aprire i lavori, dopo i saluti istituzionali, la lectio magistralis di Predrag ✼ Some images were taken from the Matvejević - scrittore e accademico croato, autore del volume Breviario web, and we don’t know the name of Mediterraneo - sul tema Il Mediterraneo di fronte alla crisi attuale. the authors. Si comunica che, dopo aver appreso la notizia della visita del Santo Padre Francesco a Cagliari il prossimo 22 settembre 2013 in concomitanza con l'81º Congresso Internazionale della Società, la Presidenza Centrale ha deciso di apportare alcune modifiche organizzative: il Sighientu Life Hotel, meravigliosa località Marina di Capitana, Quartu Sant'Elena Cagliari è stato scelto come sede dei lavori. Inoltre, il programma subirà alcune variazioni per dare la possibilità, a chi ne fosse interessato, di partecipare alla messa che verrà celebrata la domenica 22 settembre dal Santo Padre al Santuario di Bonaria. La Segreteria Generale della Presidenza Centrale comunicherà al più presto, le notizie di carattere organizzativo e le indicazioni sulle visite culturali.

2 DANTE ALIGHIERI GRIDA AIUTO Belle Isle Detroit By Dino Vale, Artistic Director, Belini Opera Theatre The Chevrolet Detroit Grand Prix on Belle Isle I want to point out that back in the early sixties, is over, the island is clean and ready to receive the Belle Isle for us kids was a lovers lane we would go to people from all over Michigan, and one can still hear a movie, downtown, then for a pizza at Luigi the thunderous fireworks that attract more than a Pizzeria, next to the gas light on Bagley Street… million people every year. then head to Belle Isle… so I told Professor Polidori So, last Saturday, June 22 I decided to visit Belle “You can count on me, and it came to be that, on a Isle and truly enjoy it without all the noise and beautiful summer day, the Italian community, spear traffic. At this time of the year Belle Isle is very headed by Zi Paolo, Gino Giovannetti, Maria Lalli, beautiful, especial l y if you lie on the lawn Nina Sartori, Bill Bosca, Ed and Marlene Baker from overlooking the Canadian shores and watch the the Italian Tribune, Rino Garagiola, Ilio Benvenuti, great lakes ship going by. The last time I was there I and the new kid on the block, Dino Valle. saw the doomed Edmund Fitzgerald going by. A year I witnessed the restoring of the monument of Dante later it sank on White Fish Bay. That was a long time Alighieri at Belle Isle and a brand new bronze ago. Just a few years before, back in 1964, I had just plaque. We were all very proud as we intoned Frateli won the Mario Lanza award; I first met Professore D’Italia. For many years every time I went to Belle Paolo Polidori, “a man of all season”. He was a Latin, Isle I looked to see if the plaque with our names was Greek, Italian teacher, a poet, a pilot of 2 wars 1915- still there. 1918, and WWII; but above all “Zi Paolo” (that is Saturday, June 22, I the way he wanted to be called) loved Italian along with my wife literature. He could recite passages from Petrarca, Kathy, and a f riend Boccaccio, Dante’s, Il Convivio and La Divina f rom Pennsylvania, Commedia. Zi Paolo used to call Dante, Il Sommo Bryant More, went to Poeta (“the supreme poet”) or just Il Poeta; along Belle Isle and driving with Petrarca and Boccaccio. They were known as slowly I started looking the Three Fountains, or the three crowns. Dante is for Dante…I saw major also known as the father of the Italian language. general Alpheus Starkey Professor Polidori asked me if I had read La Divina on horseback, I saw Commedia, I told him that I had, but truly I really Friedrich Schiller, and just went through a few pages of the Inferno, then I saw Dante. The Purgatorio and Paradiso. I just remember the first monument: sporco, e lines of the Inferno “nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita sbiadito discolored and and lasciate ogni speranza o voi che entrate” he no plaque. Orrore! la exclaimed!!! Devi legerla e rilegerla. Read it, and re placca non c’e piu! Some read it. It is a duty, and so I read it over and over. poor affamato I began taking Latin and Italian classes with him. disgraziato, must have Dino Vale I learned that Professor Polidori was one of the taken out the bronze founder and President of la Dante Alighieri in plaque, sold it for scrap metal to indulge himself Detroit. He had been a member in Italy since he was with some dusty stuff…I could not keep the tears in grade school he belonged to la Dante Alighieri di from coming. Roma. He asked me to join, and said “since you just I told Kathy; look at Schiller how clean the proud won the Mario Lanza award I will pay for your dues German society of Detroit keeps him, and look at for as long as I live” and he did. He said to me: “next Dante, mi sembra il figlio di nessuno, we need to restore year, June 1965 we will celebrate Dante Alighieri 700 the plaque and give Dante a clean look. To prevent anniversar y” our Italian community will be future vandalism, the plaque should be made of presenting many concerts to honor Dante, and I marble. want you to perform on every one of them. He said To visit Dante, go to Belle Isle, look for the we need to raise a few dollars to clean up and install cross road, Vista Ave., and Central Ave. Come on a plaque on the monument of Dante Alighieri at fellow Italians lets rally together, and make Zi Paolo Belle Isle…I had seen the monument of Dante many happy or, from up in heaven he will never forgive us times at Belle Isle. for neglecting Dante…then Dante Alighieri non

Il Mosaico 3 DanteEORUM Belle CLARITATEM Isle, Dante Alighieri VESTIG of ATIONESMichigan NOVEMBER 16, 2010 The Board of Directors of Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan was extremely sorry to hear, from Dino Valle, that the statute of Dante at Belle Isle has been vandalized. Since our inception, DAS has taken pride in celebrating the figure of the father of Italian language. Since 2011, DAS members have gathered at this statute every September to mark Dante’s death and honor his legacy. We have taken pride in the pristine condition of the statute and rejoiced celebrating our love for Italian language and culture. This year is no exception - with a twist. On September 21st, DAS members will gather in front of Dante’s bust in Belle Isle once again. This time, in addition to the presentation “Dante and Music: His Poetic Influence” by John Zaretti, the refreshments, and the good time to be spent with old and new friends, DAS will clean up the bust and inaugurate a new plaque to replace the stolen one. Culture is a major pillar of society; we must support every effort to Picture taken during DAS sustain it. Celebration in 2012

DAS member and former Cultural Chair included the works of ten other artists mostly from Richard Haskin, is an internationally well-known Italy, featured eight of Haskin’s photographs. Dearborn-based Fine Art photographer. On a recent The exhibition brought two points of view, trip to northern Italy, Richard was invited to different but of equal value: the vision of women par ticipate in an ar t exhibit entitled, through the eyes of a man on the one hand; and her "Contemporary Visions of the Feminine Gender". contemplation on contemporary reality on the This came about in part due to his strong other. involvement with the Italian Community as past The works of different mediums were displayed Cultural Chair for the Dante Alighieri Society of from June 16- 23 in the charming and historic Michigan, member of the Italian Film Festival USA- residence of Villa Berchiatti located in San Giorgio Detroit, event photographer for the Italian Canaves, in the outskirts of Torino (Turin), a sister American Alliance for Business and Technology, city of Detroit. The exhibit curator, Loretta Del but mostly due to his participation as co-founder of Ponte and presenter, noted architect Vittorio the photographic project "Rearview Mirror, A Tale Jacomussi were joined by several Piemonte Regional of Two Cities: Torino-Detroit".The exhibit Council lors of Culture for the opening "Contemporary Visions of the Feminine Gender", which celebration.

"The Seraphic Being" / "La figura serafica" "The Dreamer" / "La sognatrice" "The Huntress" / "La cacciatrice" PAGE 4 AIUTAMI per favore! (Help me, please!) By Mary Lou Rynski March 1, 1990 - Rome, Italy - a sunny, almost hope for an Italian Son-in-law. summery day: I arrived by train mid-day from After I nearly kissed his feet in gratitude Perugia, where I had been a "studentessa" for one (bowing and scraping), il "Capitano Bellissimo" month at the Università per Stranieri. preferred to speak with his Carabinieri collegues, My daughter was to join me; her arrival from who were interested in WHY he was there dropping Paris was late afternoon at Rome airport. The off this overly excited, boot-licking American concierge at my hotel told me where I could find the woman. "Blue Bus" to the airport to meet her. During the ride back to Rome in the correct bus, Historically impetuous, I arrived at the Central my daughter said: "I DON’T want to hear about it." train station quite early to find a Blue Bus indicating Was I already "damaged goods" as a mother? "Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino)." I boarded the bus; That evening over dinner with an American it was vacant; I dozed off. Eventually, a loud voice Franciscan Priest I had met at l’Università, Susan let woke me and I realized that the bus was moving fast me relate my "event of the day" to Father Peter. His along an expressway. "Biglietti, per favore” (tickets only remark was: "God protects the innocent." please). As the ticket-taker came toward me, I heard Susan's retort was: "AND THE STUPID." the extravagant price he wanted. I asked him in my AMEN! now excellent Italian: "Signore, Is this price for the round trip?" Addendum: His response: "Andata e ritorno, Signora? Are you In Europe, hitchhiking on any expressway is a going to Perugia and returning to Rome today?" CRIME. A ticket was not issued. God protected this I was being abducted to Perugia! My long nap had “stupid innocent. caused a panic, not only for myself, but also for everyone on that Blue Bus. I shouted in my best Italian: "Perugia, non voglio andare a Perugia; sono venuta stamattina da Perugia! Voglio andare al'aeroporto. Mia figlia aspettami!" Mister Ticket-Taker yel led:"Giorgio, Ferma!" (Stop!) I ran to the front of the bus to beg Giorgio to stop. He couldn't stop in the middle of nowhere on the expressway. At the first exit, he pulled over; I thanked him and ran like an Olympian athlete to the ramp, where I begged drivers exiting to stop. Three cars later, I was in a small black Fiat ~Mary Lou Rynski, Perugia - February 1990 in which the driver told me to fasten my seat belt. After thanking him, I begged him to take me to the nearest Taxi that would get me to the Aeroporto di Roma to meet Susan. From beginning to end, Italian was the Official Language. After explaining my predicament, he said: "Signora, you don't know how far you are from the airport. I am a Capitano in the Carabinieri. It is my duty to take you to the airport, Signora.” (Italian Military Police) It was a long ride to the airport, so time was passed in Italian conversation with my Hero, il Bellissimo Capitano. (“Son-in-law, son-in-law,” were my only thoughts). Mary Lou Rynski, Mike Filipponi, Hélas! When we arrived at the Aeroporto, my and la Professoressa Maria Grazia Spiti. lovely daughter’s eyes were flaming. Gone was the

Il Mosaico 5 Pasta World Champion il trionfo dei cavatelli pugliesi

La ricetta che ha vinto l’edizione 2013 del Pasta Ricetta originale dei cavatelli pugliesi: World Champion che si è tenuto a Parma, Procedimento nell’Auditorium di Academia Barilla: cavatelli pugliesi con vellutata di broccoli e fiori d’origano. per 4 persone

Ventiquattro chef arrivati da ogni parte del 240 g di Cavatelli pugliesi Barilla mondo per sfidare il campione uscente, il una testa di broccolo con le sue foglie giapponese Yoshi Yamada, e conquistare il titolo di 3 spicchi d'aglio miglior Pasta Chef: il migliore a preparare il piatto 4 acciughe simbolo dell’Italia nel mondo. Un campionato 100g di pane raffermo culinario che si sviluppa tutto attorno a un unico 20 capperi obiettivo: reinterpretare (e onorare) la pasta italiana. 4 pomodori asciugati in forno

La competizione si è tenuta in parallelo al 1 peperoncino

Secondo Forum sulla Cucina Italiana nel Mondo: tre fiori di origano freschi giorni dedicati al dibattito su come promuovere olio di oliva extravergine l’autentica cucina italiana, difenderla dalle sale e pepe falsificazioni e valorizzarla nella promozione del ~~~~~~ patrimonio artistico e culturale italiano a livello Sbollentate il broccolo e le sue foglie, in acqua salata internazionale. Semplicità, pulizia dei sapori e cura che userete poi anche per cuocere la pasta, fino a nella scelta degli ingredienti di altissima qualità: quando risulta morbido. sono state queste le caratteristiche che hanno spinto Scolate i broccoli, tuffateli nel ghiaccio per fermarne i giurati a portare in finale quattro chef, scelti tra i la cottura e per mantenere un bel colore verde. 24 sfidanti. Il vincitore, Giorgio Nava, del ristorante Frullateli fino ad ottenere una crema molto liscia Carne Sa di Città del Capo, con la ricetta che ha aggiungendo un filo d`olio. Regolare di sale e di stregato tecnici e pubblico: Cavatelli Pugliesi con pepe. In un pentolino scaldare in un po' di olio l' Vellutata di Broccoli e Fiori d’Origano. aglio, l'acciuga, il peperoncino e fare saltare il pane raffermo tagliato a cubetti irregolari fino a quando risultano croccanti. Far cuocere la pasta nell'acqua di cottura dei broccoli, scolatela al dente e fatela saltare velocemente nella crema di broccoli. In un piatto disponete due o tre foglie di broccolo sbollentate, e posatela dentro un coppapasta, decorate con il pomodoro, i capperi, l' acciuga, i crostini di pane e i fiori di origano freschi.

Giorgio Nava

Gli altri tre finalisti: Vittorio Beltramelli, del Ristorante Nolita di Parigi, che ha gareggiato con le Bavette con Pesto alla Genovese e Gamberi, Walter Potenza, del ristorante Potenza Ristorante&Bar di Providence, USA, con le Mezze Maniche in Brodetto alla Giuliese; e infine Mario , del ristorante InItaly di Singapore, con gli Spaghettini freddi al Ragù di Scampi Crudi.


Italian Book Club Theatre of Michigan. The next meeting of our Italian Book Club: La Solitudine Free and open to public, reservations preferred dei numeri primi - The Solitude of Prime Numbers, by

Paolo Giordano Ferrari, Fashion, and Culture

Friday, July 19, 2013 - 7:00-9:00 PM Saturday, September 28th - 6:30 PM The discussion will be in English unless all the Join us at Cauley Ferrari dealership for an evening of participants speak Italian. Feel free to read the book in Italian design, technology, Haute Couture, and Culture. either language. The Book Club is coordinated by Paola Melara De Sandre Details coming soon Italian Movie night Artist and Muses: Tommaso Juglaris and the Our next Italian movie: Generazione 1000 Euro, by Italian Legacy at Michigan’s State Capitol Massimo Venier An Exhibition Celebrating an Immigrant Artist and the Saturday, July 20th - 7:30 PM Michigan Capitol’s Crowning Art Works The Italian Movie Night is organized by Romina Italian American Cultural Center Marinucci & George Formicola, Youth Committee Wednesday October 2nd and Thursday October 3rd, coordinators. preview all day Where: Dante Alighieri Society Michigan Chapter 630 Friday, October 4th | Dinner and Presentation Old Woodward Italian American Club of Livonia Suite 102 Birmingham, MI 48009 Saturday, October 5th preview 5pm to 9pm The Italian Book Club and the Italian Movie Night are open to public and free of charge. Sunday, October 6th | Columbus Day Dinner Dance Donations are appreciated. and Presentation Celebrating Dante Alighieri, Belle Isle (Detroit) Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 11:00 AM "Ricerca, scoperta, innovazione: l'Italia dei saperi". By the Statue of Dante (Central Avenue & Vista Dr) October 14-20, 2013 The Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Detroit in its third Pizza Festival: October 2013 - TBD Annual Celebration of Dante Alighieri presents

Dante e la musica: La sua influenza poetica Annual Meeting | Dante Year End Gala

Dante and Music: His Poetic Influence SAVE THE DATE: November 16, 2013 A talk by John Zaretti, President of the Verdi Opera

Il Gruppo Italiano meets monthly at the Bloomfield Township Senior Center, 4315 Andover Road. The group comprises of members of various nationalities who are interested in the cultural subjects of Italy. For further information, please call Angie Giffels, 248-645-0958

In Memoriam GAMBINI DR. JOSEPHINE, M. former president of the Dante Alighieri Society Michigan Chapter, Died at age 74 on April 10, 2013. Attended and graduated from City College of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Wayne State University where she earned her Masters and Ph.D in Educational Psychology. She was a Professor of Education and Director of Special Education at the University of Detroit Mercy from 1974-2008. Taught summer courses at Oxford University, and directed numerous study abroad programs in Italy. Author of two children's books, Ciao, I am Poetino and Poetino Saves the Day. Sister of Carla Goaley (late Thomas), and aunt of Danielle Goaley. She is also survived by many other relatives in Italy and the U.S. The Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter extends its deeply felt condolences to the family.

Il Mosaico 7 Past Events JANUARY 16, 2010 The Dante Alighieri Soc. Michigan is honored to have every Dina Soresi Winter presenting year the legendary Dina Soresi Winter for a special presentation of

Verdi’s Aida the productions performed at the Detroit Opera House. On April 26, 2013 we had the pleasure to listen to the presentation of the Opera Aida by Giuseppe Verdi. Dina Soresi is a celebrated singer, teacher and artistic director who began her operatic training at the early age of fourteen. After a lifetime of dedication to music she has become increasingly well known as lecturer on opera. She has a unique ability to draw on her years of experience as a performing artist, giving a personal, exciting and very often deeply moving presentation. The elegant venue of the Townsend Hotel has been filled with the magnificent music of the grandest Operas of all times while Dina with the usual great professionalism and knowledge made some very interesting comparison between Verdi’s Aida and Dante’s Divine Comedy. Sharing recordings of some of the greatest singers such as Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, Tito Gobbi, etc. she gave us unforgettable moments. The peak of the event has been reached with an old recording of Maria Callas. Even though-due to the passing of time- the quality of the record was not excellent, the possibility to feel the charisma as well as the power of the voice of the greatest singer in history is a rare gift that will never be forgotten. Thank you Dina, you never fail on surprising your public with precious and rare pearls of art. ~Giulia Pittau

Euro-American Celebration On May 17, DAS Michigan was invited to participate of the Euro-American Celebration, organized by the French Institute of Michigan. There were three speakers at the event. Mr. Matthew Guinta opened with a presentation about University of Detroit Mercy “Volterra Program”, a study-abroad program at UDM’s Tuscan campus. Next spoke Eva Horelova, Deputy Head of Press and Public Diplomacy and Deputy Spokesperson at the Delegation of the European Union to the United States. Ms. Horelova spoke about the history of the European Union, the current economic situation, and the recognition of foreign educational degrees by member states. Finally, DAS Board Member and Immigration Attorney Betina Schlossberg presented about legal requirements for non-EU citizens to enter, work, intern, and volunteer in the EU. Her presentation included cultural tips for job hunting and for every-day life, as well. The night ended with sampling of European foods. The event was a great success. We are looking forward to future collaborations with the French Institute of Michigan. Immigration Attorney Betina Schlossberg PAGE 8 Paintings from Venice by Tom Parish A unique DAS event, Friday, June 21, 2013 There was lively banter as guests strolled among the canals of Venice. Actually, the canals were masterpieces of oil on canvas painted by Detroit's own, Tom Parish. At the Ellen Kayrod Gallery, sculptor Sergio De Giusti provided us an introduction about his friend. About forty guests listened eagerly to learn what inspired an American man, educated in American art institutions to devote his life to capturing Venice on enormous canvases. Mr. De Giusti explained that in 1986, on sabbatical from his teaching duties at Wayne State University, Parish went to Rome. It was his first visit to Italy since 1956, when he was a student at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. The painter recalls that Rome seemed inspiring to students of architecture, but less captivating for a painter. So he took the train to Venice and was immediately enthralled. “I got off the train and thought, ‘I’m home. I know this right now, I’m home.’” Thus was the launch of a brilliant career. Returning to the city each year, Parish executes photographic studies of its streets, buildings and canals—images from which he later creates large-scale oil paintings. Regarding his approach, Parish explains, “I believe in this thing called psychic distance, that you develop a kind of healthy psychic distance from being immersed in something. So if I’m in Venice, I can’t paint it. I have to paint it by being outside of Venice. That’s just me.” DAS vice-president, Lia Adelfi, understood this concept and explains, “It’s amazing to see people in love with my country. They see things that Italian natives strain to see because they are used to seeing them. These [Mr. Parish’s works] have details discovered only by a visitor.” What fascinated most of the evening’s visitors, however, were the waters, the most spectacular formal aspect of the paintings on view. Excitement, mystery, and discovery permeated the waters of each tableau with great depth. One could confine one’s attention to the waters solely. They are a testament to Parish’s exceptional technical command. Since 1986, Mr. Parish has executed about five canvases per year—a proud accomplishment for this octogenarian. His wife, Shirley, who appeared younger in years, accompanies him on each two-month stay to the popular tourist destination turned threatened archipelago. She also paints but occupies most of her time “in search of good meats and foul, such as quail, to prepare dinner.” As she accomplishes her mission, she marvels at what her husband’s admirers consider a preservation of a geographical artifact that suffers daily invasions by outsiders. Professor Parish has a glee in his eye when he reflects on his 35-year career as professor at the Wayne State University School of Art. His salt and pepper beard befits his newer title of Professor Emeritus. Prof. Franz Schulz of Lake Forest College, art critic, historian and writer concludes, “…Tom Parish has mixed naturalism and fantasy in parts and portions that together are fully digestible. He is surely the most reliable contemporary biographer of Venice, an artist who deserves his place in the company of the best of the earlier vedutisti.” The event could have easily been named “An American in Venice”, especially if composer George Gershwin had attended. Everyone left with images of architecture, water, gondolas and a fascination for this architectural marvel called Venezia. By Pierette Domenica Simpson

T. Parish and S. De Giusti G. Pittau, W. Bianchi, C. Cortegiani, L. Adelfi, P. Melara De Sandre, B. Schlossberg, T Parish, S. De Giusti, A. Castaldi Roseliand P.D. Simpson


The Michigan Chapter of the Dante Alighieri Society offers Italian language and cultural classes for a wide variety of ages and skill levels (Italian as a second language). DAS also offers classes aimed at children with an Italian background who already possess Italian language skills. Instructors teach Italian-based courses, including culture, history, geography and literature. Classes are taught in Ann Arbor and Birmingham. Check DAS website for updates and schedule: In May, another successful year ended for the DAS Italian school. Pre-schoolers and K-12-age children finished the year and were awarded certificates of attendance. As for high schoolers, our students took the Italian AP exam D. Henderson e C. Cortegiani in posa con il gruppo di with excellent results. Complimenti! bambini dei corsi Cuccioli ala consegna dei diplomini.

CALENDAR OF CLASSES FOR CHILDREN IN BIRMINGHAM and ANN ARBOR Fall/WinterProgram. Italian for Native Speakers and Italian as second language. All ages from 3 to 16 are welcome. Check our website at for updates

CALENDAR OF CLASSES FOR ADULTS IN BIRMINGHAM Fall/WinterProgram. Check our website at for updates

Membership Message Dear Friend: It’s still time to renew your 2013 membership to the Dante Alighieri Society, Michigan Chapter. However, in order to vote at the General Assembly, members must be in good standing and this means that membership must be paid in full by June 30 of each year. After this term, you are still welcome to renew, but without the benefit to vote at the Annual Meeting. If there are any questions, please let us know. You can also renew online on our website: or by filling out a copy of the form on the back page of this newsletter. ~~~~~ Good news students! Starting from July 1st, 2013 DAS is re-instating the Free Membership for Students policy. Interested Higher Education, College or University students should fill in the membership form and attach proof of student status to receive their memberships! Join us! Sincerely, Chiara Bucchi DAS Membership Chair PAGE 10 Il Mosaico All communications or articles of 250 words for publications should be sent to the PO Box or via email to: [email protected]. The editor reserve the right to edit the material to suit the presentation and avaiable space. Please submit material for the next issue by December 15, 2013. Dante Alighieri Society of Michigan activities are also sponsored by your donations THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Type to enter text

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Name Address 2013 Membership Application City/State ZIP Phone Number Updates on events at: Email Support DAS: Life $500 Individual $30 Memberships: Senior Citizen Corporate $300 $20 (65 and over) Check if you do not want to be listed in the DAS directory Patron $60 Student with school ID Free Call us at: 248.250.8928 Family $50 Donation 1