THE LINK 50p March 2020 Tarporley Parish Magazine

Join a Lent Course in 2020

1 Chronicles 16:11 Look to the Lord and his strength. Seek his face always Page 2 ANDREW P. DEAN

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Contact:- Tarporley Office - 01829 731300 E:Mail - [email protected] Web: PARISH DIRECTORY – TARPORLEY Page 4 Services: See Calendar page on the website or ‘The Link’ magazine. Weekday Service St Helen’s Church, Holy Communion: Wednesday at 10.00 am. (Note: all telephone numbers are area code 01829 unless otherwise stated). Rector: Georgina Watmore, The Rectory, High St, Tarporley CW6 0AG 732491 e-mail: [email protected] Assistant Curate: Julian Osborne,3 Dingle Way, Cuddington, Cheshire, CW8 2UW 07421 323699 e-mail: [email protected] Associate Minister: Trevor Davies, 5 Allansford Avenue, Waverton, CH3 7QH 0 1 2 4 4 332106 e-mail: [email protected] Tarporley: St Helen Churchwardens Phillip Posnett, Haughton Hall,. Tarporley CW6 9RH 260251 Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Treasurer Anita Langford, 7 The Crescent, , CW6 0LT 458351 P.C.C Secretary Marion Moss, 2 Torr Rise, Tarporley, CW6 0UD 733382 Organist Chas Hardern 732595 Bellringers Jenny Christian 732412

Cotebrook: St John Wardens Bill Spiegelberg, Oulton Park House, Tarporley, CW6 9BL 760336 Peter Copland, Moss Cottage, 732618 Utkinton Lane, Cotebrook, CW6 0JH Organist Katrina Copland, 732618 Eaton: St Thomas Wardens Rosemary Lilley, Windward Mark, Eaton Lane, Eaton, Tarporley CW6 9AG 732948 Michael Scott, Shire Barn,Moss Hall Lane, Rushton, Tarporley CW6 9GJ 760750 Organist Marjorie Rathbone 732655

LINK Editor Andy Jobson, Plessington House, Huxley Lane, Brassey Green, Tarporley, CW6 9UG 732437

Electoral Roll Mike Kiddle, 1 Woodlands Way,Tarporley, CW6 0TP 733431 Safeguarding Officer Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Sunday Sheet email [email protected] Tarporley C.E. Primary School Mrs Kerry Forrester 01244 981230 Utkinton C.E. Primary School Ms Lorna Pleavin 732322 Done Room Booking Secretary Kathryn Palmer 733040 CONTACT POINTS: Please do not hesitate to report cases of sickness or pastoral need to the Rector 732491 To make arrangements for a Funeral please contact the Rector 732491 To ask about Wedding arrangements, baptisms or general enquiries please contact Jan email: [email protected] Website: e-mail: [email protected] Items for ‘The Link’ should be e-mailed to [email protected] or posted to the Link Editor by the 16th of each month. Page 5


March 1st THE FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT St Thomas 9.00am Open Worship St Helen 10.00am Open Worship St John 11.15am Holy Communion St Helen 6.30pm Evensong

6th St Helen 7.30pm World of Prayer Service See page 10 for details

8th THE SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion St Helen 4.00pm Messy Church Theme ‘A lost coin and Sheep’ 15th THE THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion

22nd THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (Mothering Sunday) St Thomas 9.00am Holy Communion St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion

29th THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT St Helen 10.00am Holy Communion St Helen 6.30pm Holy Communion

April 5th PALM SUNDAY St Thomas 9.00am Open Worship St Helen 10.00am Open Worship St John 11.15am Holy Communion St Helen 6.30pm Evensong

Every Wednesday at 10.00am at St Helen’s there is a service of Holy Communion. At all our Eucharist services we welcome everyone to come forward for a blessing or to receive communion. Page 6 The Rector Writes…………. An American decided to write a book about famous churches around the world, so he bought a plane ticket and took a trip to Rome. On his first day he was inside a church taking photographs when he noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read ‘€100,000 per call' The American asked a priest who was passing what the telephone was used for. The priest replied that it was a direct line to heaven and for €100,000 you could talk to God. The American’s next stop was in Moscow. There, at a very large cathedral, he saw the same golden telephone with a similar sign that this was a direct line to heaven and that for a similarly large amount of money he could make a call directly to God.

The American travelled on to Israel, Germany, Brazil,……. Everywhere he saw the same golden telephone with the equivalent of €100,000 per call sign. The American’s final destination was here in the UK where he went to York Minster. There was the same golden telephone, but this time the sign under it read '50p per call.' The American was surprised so he asked the priest about the sign. 'Reverend, I've travelled all over World and I've seen this same golden telephone in many churches. I'm told that it is a direct line to Heaven, but everywhere I went the price was the equivalent of €100,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here?' The priest smiled and answered, 'You're in Yorkshire now, - it's only a local call'.

This joke is, of course, a play on the idea that Yorkshire is God’s own country but it expresses a truth about prayer. We do not need to travel somewhere special, spend lots of money, make elaborate preparations or spend vast amounts of time and energy to contact God. Prayer is simply talking to God, which can be done anywhere and in a huge variety of ways. Prayer is akin to a local telephone call or sitting chatting to a friend or going for a walk with them. And yet we all find prayer difficult. We think we don’t know how to pray, or that we are not very good at it. We worry about how we should pray and what we should pray about. The number of books about prayer is testament to what a complex and difficult subject this it – and a little later in the magazine you can read a Book Review by Walter Gibson one of our St John’s congregation, about one of the most recently published.

All of this is why our Lent groups this month will focus on prayer (full details on pages 8 and 9). For each of the first four weeks we will look at various ways and forms of praying and then, for the final week (Wednesday 1st April), we will use St Helen’s for an Open Church session. For this session I have put together a total of 22 different ways to pray and these will be available in the church for Page 7 people to explore and try. It is so tempting to talk about prayer or read about prayer but there is no substitute for actually praying. I hope that this opportunity will introduce you to all sorts of new ideas and ways in which you can pray and deepen your relationship with God.

The Poet George Herbert called prayer: “God's breath in man returning to his birth, the soul in paraphrase, heart in pilgrimage”. Lent is traditionally a period of pilgrimage - a time to reflect upon our relationship with God and try, metaphorically, to draw closer to Him. I hope that this year as we journey together in worship and prayer that each of us will discover with rich new meaning how close God is to us, waiting for us to open our hearts to him

With every blessing Georgina

From the Parish Bookshelf:-

As mentioned by Georgina above and in line with the prayer theme being studied by of one of the Lent groups, Walter Gibson offers his review of a book entitled ‘How to Pray’ by Pete Greig. “How to Pray” by Pete Greig. This new book on prayer, kindly lent by the Rector, is sub-titled “a simple guide for normal people”, which is what attracted me to it! And indeed it is very readable and full of suggestions on how we can pray more and pray differently – if like me you feel that your prayers have got a bit stuck in a rut then this will give you ideas for different approaches. The author pours into this book a lifetime of experience in praying and helping others to pray. It has many wonderful examples of how prayer can lead us, guide our actions, help others and come closer to God. Pete Greig set up the 24/7 non-stop prayer movement which has spread around the world so he is an authoritative voice on this subject. The chapters in the book are structured around the Lord’s Prayer and follow the acronym P.R.A.Y – Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. In each chapter there is practical guidance supported by scripture and illustrated by stories and examples, mainly from his own life and often deeply moving and personal. At the end of each chapter he describes a “Hero” of that particular kind of prayer, someone, often an ordinary person, who brought about real and lasting change in the world around them. (continued overleaf) Page 8 These examples are really inspiring. Someone like Susanna Wesley, the “Mother of Methodism”, who had a very tough life but persevered in prayer for her children, two of whom went on to have a huge impact through evangelism and hymn-writing. The author’s humility and honesty makes it easy to relate to his writing, and while he challenges us to greater efforts he also offers reassurance when things get difficult. It opens lots of doors for us into a wider world of prayer and encouragement to step through them.

Walter Gibson Dates for your Diary Monday 9th March 1.30pm -3pm

Our Parish Reflection Group, facilitated by the Rector, will meet at the home of Angela Symes, 8 Spring Hill, on Monday 9th March 1.30pm to 3pm with tea, coffee and biscuits. Open to all in our congregations, these meetings provide a time of space and reflection linking our faith to our lives and circumstances. No prior knowledge or materials are required just a willingness to listen to others and share your own life experience. If you would like to know more please speak to Georgina 01829 732491 [email protected]

EATON WOMEN’S INSTITUTE: Tuesday, 10th March 2020 at 7.30p.m. In the Jessie Hughes Village Hall Eaton,

A talk by Mrs Sheila Walsh entitled-

“Trains, boats and totems”

Enquiries please contact Secretary, Celia Gregory 01270 528647


During Lent we are getting together with our friends at the Baptist/Methodist Chapel to hold a weekly series of Lent Courses.

As is customary there will be two groups in 2020.

Page 9 One group will meet on Wednesday mornings and will be on the subject of:- ‘Prayer’. So many people struggle or have questions about prayer that, rather than use a set course, for our Lent Groups this year I have put together a series looking at prayer. Although these will be stand-alone sessions each will inform and enrich the others. This year the sessions will be held on Wednesday mornings beginning at 10:45am for up to an hour and a half. After the first four sessions and for those who wish to stay a simple lunch will be served. The fifth session will take place in church and will not be followed by lunch. These sessions will be on Wednesdays at 10:45am (not as might have been previously stated 11:45) written and led by Revd. Georgina at the following venues: March 4th : Bill & Rosie Spiegelberg at Oulton Park House, Tarporley, CW6 9BL Who Do We Pray To and Why Do We Pray? March 11th : Phillip & Becky Posnett at Haughton Hall, Tarporley, CW6 9RH Prayer in the Old Testament March 18th : Tom & Beryl Kenny at No 1 Brookfield Close, Tarporley, CW6 9HG Prayer in the New Testament March 25th :Alastair & Henrietta Findlay, High Billinge House, Utkinton,CW6 0LA Set Prayers and Prayers of the Saints April 1st : St Helen’s Church - No meal Open Questions and Praying Different Ways At this session there will be 22 practical ways of praying laid out in the church ready to for people to explore as they wish. The Revs Georgina and Julian will be available to answer any questions.

If you cannot make this group why not join the one on Thursdays at 8.00pm. This ‘Thursday group’ will be hosted by Catherine & Richard Line at 2 Orchard Gardens, Tarporley, CW6 9GR . All are welcome on the following Thursday evenings at 8pm:- March 5th ,12th ,19th ,26th and April 2nd On Maundy Thursday 9th April there will be a Passover meal at the Tarporley Baptist/Methodist Chapel at 8.00pm. The theme for this Thursday evening group will be:- ‘Jesus in the Gospel of John’

The groups provide an informal way of learning together, and of making friends. If you haven’t come before, why not try it? No one is ever ‘put on the spot’ and you can participate as much or as little as you want. The groups are open to all – a warm welcome awaits you. Each session is stand-alone so even if you can only make one or two sessions please come! Georgina Page 10 REVISION OF OUR ELECTORAL ROLL is taking place between 9th February and 22nd March.

The Electoral Roll of the Church is different to the local government electoral roll that entitles us to vote in political elections. The Electoral Roll of our church is a list of people who consider themselves to be members of one of our three churches. So if you are not already on the Roll and come to St Helen’s, St Thomas’ or St John’s, even if it is not perhaps as often as you would like, please do add you name to our Roll by completing a form. And if you have attended in the past but are now housebound you are still very much part of our community so please do ask for and complete a form. Everyone is welcome and forms are completed by each individual - although you do have to be over 16 and baptised! You can be on more than one church electoral roll. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask.

The forms are available at the back of our churches or via our website. As a member of our community please complete the form with all the information and return to the Electoral Roll Officer Mike Kiddle or the Rector.

We do want our electoral roll to be an accurate depiction of our community so would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete a form and return it before the end of March.

World of Prayer Service: Friday 6th March 2020, St. Helen's Church, Tarporley at 7.30p.m This year the service has been prepared by the women of Zimbabwe and they encourage us all to reflect on the difficulties and unrest that have plagued their country over many years. They encourage us to 'Rise, take up your mat and walk' with them as they continue their often turbulent journey towards reconciliation. The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 170 countries it begins in Samoa and finishes in American Samoa more than 36 hours later. Please join us, refreshments will be served following the service. All are welcome.

The winners of the February 200+ club draw are: First Prize £100 No. 15 – Mrs D Lilley Second Prize £20 No. 127 – Mrs E Cheshire Third Prize £10 No. 109 – Mr P Jones The 200+ Club is a fun and simple way of raising funds for St Helen’s. Each month on the second Sunday a draw is made and prizes of £100, £20 and £10 are given. It costs only £1 to have your number in each monthly draw (an annual subscription of £12). The proceeds, after the prizes are allocated, go to maintain the fabric of the Parish Church. Page 11

Saturday 28th March 2.30 – 4.00pm Afternoon Tea in the Done Room Roll the Dice and other games to enjoy. Refreshments. Admission £2 (£1 children) includes tea or juice, and cake. Cakes – Sue Richardson 7921774010 Chutney and Jam - Dianne Ouseley 733639, Please donate cakes for serving and for sale Bottle of Wine –Anita and Steve Langford. 01829 458351 Raffle – Angela Hicks 732674 Tombola - Alison Moss 260820/Liz McElroy 262556 Gifts-Cynthia Bigby 732519 Please donate items to the stalls above. Proceeds in aid of the Done Room

Saturday, April 4th, 10am -6pm, Cotebrook Village Hall, Health and Wellness Day. Reflexoloxy, Reiki, range of massages, EFT, organic makeup, essential oils, healing crystals, food sampling and advice on nutrition and fitness will all be there. Pre booked 45 sessions of Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Pilates for Families, Zumba Gold and Gong Sound Meditation and seminars will be timetabled throughout the day. A raffle and refreshments available. For more information visit www.CotebrookVillageHall or [email protected] .

Judith Walters, Chairperson, Cotebrook Village Hall

We are very short of the following: Long Life Fruit Juice, Tinned Meat, Long Life Milk, Cuppa Soup, Jam, Sponge Puddings, Tinned Fruit, Pasta Sauce, Tinned Rice Pudding, Tinned Custard Currently not needed: Pasta, Beans. Please ensure that all donations are well in date. With Grateful Thanks. Further information:

We commend to God and pray for those who mourn: Gwendoline Billington Jean Buckle William Edwards Paul Withe Page 12 Diocesan News. Bishop Announces Details of Safeguarding Review Work is underway in the Diocese of into Past Cases Review 2(PCR2), a new national past cases review into the handling of safeguarding files in the Church. PCR2 has a key focus of listening to survivors who want to come forward. PCR2 follows on from an earlier review in 2007and is part of the Church’s ongoing scrutiny of its handling of past and current safeguarding cases. The Bishop of Birkenhead, Keith Sinclair, announced details of PCR2 in a letter to all parishes on Monday 27 January, in which he outlined what parishes are required to do. Bishop Keith, who leads on safeguarding in the Diocese of Chester says: “We want to ensure that all of our worshipping communities and church-related activities are as safe as possible for children and vulnerable adults. All dioceses have been asked to undertake and participate in this new review process which is known nationally as PCR2.“It is important that all known cases of concern about the behaviour of clergy and church officers towards children and vulnerable adults have been considered and dealt with appropriately.” All information that is shared as part of PCR2 will be reviewed by an Independent Reviewer and appropriate action will be taken. All parishes are required to respond to PCR2, which is commissioned by the Church of and is being carried out in order to make our churches safer for everyone. Listening to survivors: Individuals who wish to make representations to the PCR2 process, or who need to come forward with information or make any disclosures regarding church-related abuse, are encouraged to make direct contact at any time with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, Pauline Butterfield, on 07703 800031, or call the dedicated telephone helpline -0800 80 20 20 - operated independently from the Church, by the NSPCC. Further information can be found on the diocesan website: Chester Diocese and Agriculture. As befits a diocese in a county steeped in agriculture and agricultural tradition, the Cheshire Agricultural Chaplaincy is available to assist farmers and their families in times of need and support. HELP LINE 07967 559594 Email : [email protected] . Varied support is offered in a caring and confidential manner. The ‘Chester Diocesan News’ Magazine. The CDN magazine, which is issued every month, is available at the back of all three of our Churches detailing news and events of a diocesan nature. Included in the March issue are articles on the return of the ‘Passion’ to the streets of Chester on Good Friday, April 10th, a comparison between cathedrals and community/parish churches, observing Lent and some forthcoming events. Pick up a copy and have a look! Page 13

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J. BLAGG & SONS (Tarporley) Ltd.

T.V., Digital Home Entertainment, HELPING YOU TO KEEP YOUR Domestic Appliances, DOG HEALTHY, FIT AND HAPPY Free-standing and Built-in Please contact: 75 High Street, Tarporley Caroline on 07710 488106 Cheshire, CW6 0AB [email protected] % 01829 732043 Page 14

J.C. CLARKE & SON Funeral Directors & Monumental Consultants Pre-Paid Funerals Plans 111 High Street, Tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0AY Telephone: 01829 733808 PRIVATE CHAPEL OF REST 24 HOUR PERSONAL SERVICE Part of ‘Dignity Plc a British Company

THE DONE ROOM LOOKING FOR A VENUE FOR A GROUP MEETING? A CHILDREN’S PARTY, AN ACTIVITY GROUP (Yoga? Zumba?) THE DONE ROOM has good facilities (Hall and kitchen) and competitive rates Minimum charge - £15; Up to three hours - £25; Over three hours - £7.50 per extra hour For further details please contact Kathryn Palmer on 733040 or [email protected] Page 15

Jacqueline Wilson Independent Funeral Services Limited

Over 20 years local experience NAFD Qualified 24 hours a day Personal Service Private Chapel of Rest Pre-paid Funeral Plans Memorial Masonry The only Independent Funeral Directors in Tarporley & Hill View, High Street, 52 High Street, Clotton, Tarporley, Tarvin, Chester, Cheshire.CW6 0EG Cheshire, CH3 8EE Tel: 01829 781572 WWW.JWIFS.CO.UK Tel:01829 740002

EMAIL: [email protected]

A request for volunteers. Full training provided.

OPAL Clubs are social clubs for older people who need support to get out and about. Tarporley OPAL Club runs once a week on a Friday and we are currently short of volunteer drivers. The commitment would probably be once a month. If you feel able to help or would like further information please contact:- Sam Moggan mob:07856 095 611 [email protected] Page 16 Tarporley Flower Club The Old Fire Station Members of the Tarporley Flower Club Chocolate Shop invite you to join them at their monthly 54 High Street, Tarporley meeting which is held at the Tarporley Community Centre between 01829 733 736 Open 7 days a week 1.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month Fantastic range of (except in January when the meeting is held Chocolates made in Tarporley on the second Tuesday. Fudges made in Tarporley There is no meeting in August). Traditional Confectionery Cheshire farm Ice Cream Each month spectacular floral designs are created by a skilled demonstator on the Coffee Shop stage before an audience of Visit us and see why we have been featured so members, guests and visitors. often on Television and Radio

New members and visitors are most welcome, Confectionery also available from there is an admission fee payable. The Chocolate Box Blakemere Craft Centre, Sandiway 40 Annual membership fee is £ . open six days a week closed Mondays

Birch Heath Veterinary Clinic Birch Heath Road , Tarporley, Cheshire Swaffield’s CW6 9UU 51a High Street, Tel: 01829 733777/ Tarporley Telephone 733184 Opening times: Mon-Fri: 8am—7pm, Sat: 9am- 12pm, Sun: Closed Gents Hairdresser Cards, Gifts, Stationery

A selection of walking books for the surrounding area.

Rose Farm Shop Selection of 35 British Farmhouse Cheeses AlsoaDDitiVe visit Freeour CaféHOMe and PrODUCeD Garden BeeF Shop

HOME Opening Hours FRESH PRODUCED Monday to Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. FARM BEEF LOCAL ASSURED JOINT LAMB Saturday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. PORK Sunday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. AMple pArking taste the difference Home Cooked Meats Beef - Ham - Turkey We are a small farm producing ‘Additive free, home produced, top quality 100% Meat Content beef’ All our meat is professionally prepared on our premises to suit all TASTE THE DIFFERENCE requirements from your weekly joint to larger freezer orders. roSE fArM SHoP, uTKINToN, Nr. TArPorLEY TEL: (01829) 732978