THE LINK 50P JUNE 2020 Tarporley Parish Magazine

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THE LINK 50P JUNE 2020 Tarporley Parish Magazine THE LINK 50p JUNE 2020 Tarporley Parish Magazine Our beautiful church buildings are closed We shall Worship Him from home. 'Together whilst apart' Page 2 ANDREW P. DEAN Dip N.T.C., C.G.L.I., A.V.C.M. PIANO TUNING REPAIRS and RESTORATION We’re here to help you. Your professional local service. Please call Joanne 01829 730969 0784 152 9960 [email protected] (01829) 261222 Hibberts llP SOliCitOrS For all your Legal Services - Private and Commercial avenue Buildings, High Street, tarporley, Cheshire CW6 0aZ tel: (01829) 733338 Fax: (01829) 733055 email: [email protected] Phoenix Accounting Services I COLLECT OLD POSTCARDS & WOULD LIKE TO BUY ANY Tax and VAT Returns Revenue Accounts CARDS Book-Keeping WHICH SHOULD BE Pre. 1950's Administration of Will Estates ANY QUANTITY 55 Woodlands Way, Tarporley, Please contact me at: Cheshire CW6 0TP 07979 155795 t: 01829 733552 m: 07966 405314 Mike Goldsmith W: Page 3 A. W. BurroWs & son FunerAl Directors Long established family business since 1841 Private chapel of rest in Peaceful rural surroundings complete Funeral Arrangements Personal 24 hour service. Memorial Monuments. contAct nigel BurroWs tel: 01270 524243 / 07711 468917 snowdrop Villa, swanley, nantwich. cW5 8QB email: [email protected] PROMINENT HIGH STREET LOCATION ------- ESTABLISHED REPUTATION ------- EXPERIENCED PROPERTY PROFESSIONALS ------- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK SEVEN OFFICES ACROSS CHESHIRE FREE NO OBLIGATION VALUATIONS PROVIDED THINKING OF SELLING? Contact:- Tarporley Office - 01829 731300 E:Mail - [email protected] Web: PARISH DIRECTORY – TARPORLEY Page 4 Services: See Calendar page on the website or ‘The Link’ magazine. Weekday Service St Helen’s Church, Holy Communion: Wednesday at 10.00 am. (Note: all telephone numbers are area code 01829 unless otherwise stated). Rector: Georgina Watmore, The Rectory, High St, Tarporley CW6 0AG 732491 e-mail: [email protected] Assistant Curate: Julian Osborne,3 Dingle Way, Cuddington, Cheshire, CW8 2UW 07421 323699 e-mail: [email protected] Associate Minister: Trevor Davies, 5 Allansford Avenue, Waverton, CH3 7QH 0 1 2 4 4 332106 e-mail: [email protected] Tarporley: St Helen Churchwardens Phillip Posnett, Haughton Hall,. Tarporley CW6 9RH 260251 Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Treasurer Anita Langford, 7 The Crescent, Utkinton, CW6 0LT 458351 P.C.C Secretary Marion Moss, 2 Torr Rise, Tarporley, CW6 0UD 733382 Organist Chas Hardern 732595 Bellringers Jenny Christian 732412 Cotebrook: St John Wardens Bill Spiegelberg, Oulton Park House, Tarporley, CW6 9BL 760336 Peter Copland, Moss Cottage, 732618 Utkinton Lane, Cotebrook, CW6 0JH Organist Katrina Copland, 732618 Eaton: St Thomas Wardens Rosemary Lilley, Windward Mark, Eaton Lane, Eaton, Tarporley CW6 9AG 732948 Michael Scott, Shire Barn,Moss Hall Lane, Rushton, Tarporley CW6 9GJ 760750 Organist Marjorie Rathbone 732655 LINK Editor Andy Jobson, Plessington House, Huxley Lane, Brassey Green, Tarporley, CW6 9UG 732437 Electoral Roll Mike Kiddle, 1 Woodlands Way,Tarporley, CW6 0TP 733431 Safeguarding Officer Liz Neely email [email protected] 07890 470899 Sunday Sheet email [email protected] Tarporley C.E. Primary School Mrs Kerry Forrester 01244 981230 Utkinton C.E. Primary School Ms Lorna Pleavin 732322 Done Room Booking Secretary Kathryn Palmer 733040 CONTACT POINTS: Please do not hesitate to report cases of sickness or pastoral need to the Rector 732491 To make arrangements for a Funeral please contact the Rector 732491 To ask about Wedding arrangements, baptisms or general enquiries please contact Jan email: [email protected] Website: e-mail: [email protected] Items for ‘The Link’ should be e-mailed to [email protected] or posted to the Link Editor by the 16th of each month. Page 5 WORSHIP FROM HOME RESOURCES FOR THE MONTH As noted on the Front Cover of this magazine our beautiful church buildings are now closed so :- We Worship from home and remain ‘Together whilst apart’ We can do this in many ways using old and new technologies; some developed millennia ago and some which have emerged only in the late 20th and early 21st century of our Lord. On Paper, e-mail or Web Georgina is producing printable forms of worship available on the Homepage of our website as follows:- Home Worship for each Sunday of the Month. A daily ‘Morning Prayer and Compline’ Also Available are:- P’s in Our Time; A collection of uplifting thoughts and pictures (weekly) The latest copy of the Link Church Magazine (monthly) (Website only) To sign up for receipt of the P’s and Daily and weekly services please email [email protected] to be added to the circulation. (see more details on page 11) On Television Songs of Praise Sundays at 1.15pm on BBC 1. On Radio Prayer for the Day daily at 5.43am on Radio 4 Sunday Worship Sundays at 8.10am on Radio 4 Daily Service Monday to Friday at 9.45am on Radio 4 Longwave and DAB. Daily Prayer services can be found on the Church of England Website: This month we enter the season of Trinity:- The Sundays are:- 31st May The Day of Pentecost (Whit Sunday) 7th June Trinity Sunday 14thJune The First Sunday after Trinity 21st June The Second Sunday after Trinity 28th June The Third Sunday after Trinity Page 6 The Curate writes… I recently wrote a sermon based upon that lovely story of two Disciples setting out on Easter Sunday to walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus. Unbeknown to them, they had a special companion for the seven-mile walk, one who did not reveal himself to them until journey’s end, whilst breaking bread for a meal. Jesus had been walking with them and had opened the Scriptures to them, explaining how the various pieces of the jigsaw fit together to provide the picture of God restoring mankind through Jesus. The route I took into the Luke 24 account was to explore how we might today take similar journeys, not literally walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, but taking metaphorical journeys of discovery. Journeys where we may discover more about ourselves, our companions and about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus. For one of our church family, the sermon brought to mind what sounds like a gruelling journey undertaken in his country of birth, Scotland, during which he most definitely had a spiritual experience. Walter has very kindly agreed to share this very personal journey which he has entitled “Road to the Isles”, complete with some truly beautiful pictures. I am very grateful that Walter is happy to share his thoughts and experiences, for this is how we, in the words of St Paul, “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11), bringing the Bible to life in our everyday lives. Please do not hesitate to share your own story for it could be just what someone else needs to hear. But now, the floor is Walter’s… Julian Walter Gibson writes:- A Spiritual Journey The Road to (or from in this case!) The Isles Page 7 Reading the recent sermon by the Rev. Julian on the Road to Emmaus made me think about how physical journeys can often become a spiritual experience. In some cases, this is deliberate, when people set out on a pilgrimage like the Santiago de Compostela in Spain. In some cases, it can be unexpected, like Saul on the Road to Damascus. It prompted me to recall my own much less dramatic experience which happened during a long-distance run in Scotland in 2014. This run had been several years in the planning and was inspired by a walk along a path marked on the map as “The Road to the Isles”. Curiosity led me to discover that it was part of a very old network of drove roads that were used for centuries to drive cattle from the Highlands down to the markets in the south. When I realized that a lot of these paths were still in existence, I was able to connect them up and make up a long-distance route ( from Broadford on the Isle of Skye, where many of the droves started, to Crieff, where there used to be a market. My journey would end outside the house where my mother lived as a girl. I knew I had to do it. I trained hard over many months and made two trips to recce difficult sections of the route. I learned about what I needed to eat to keep me going. I bought new lightweight gear. I worried about whether I could keep running 15-20 miles a day over hilly rough ground for 10 days. My focus was entirely on getting round physically and not getting lost or having to call out the mountain rescue. I had raised a lot of money for charity and did not want to let people down. What I had not prepared for, or expected, was the emotional and spiritual impact this journey had on me. I was blessed with sunny weather the whole way and the scenery was glorious. The hospitality I received along the way was wonderful and my family hugely supportive. I found myself filled with gratitude and praying thanks as I ran along. And the challenges were not purely physical – I was ready for those – but much deeper. During the early stages of the run there was a moment when I was resting at a high lonely bealach or col in the ‘rough bounds of Knoydart’, and there was not a sound. Complete silence.
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