UN Vote Defeats India Bid Seat

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UN Vote Defeats India Bid Seat ......----------_________________ J ■ ->e , J 1 I - * I'. / WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16.1988 * • » A r m s * Daily Nat Drtas Ras f^ N T Y -rO U R Far Mm W*«ic BnAtd i f f w ;flIanirlr?Btf.r lEuraing Utralb Ai«. 98. m a, Istsred for Urn elaaaaa which will Fahr aad Httla ehaage In Mr. and Mra. John S, rogarty, The arsV^aU meeting ot\the Mra J. Herbert Finlay, 86 R, Bruce W atl^s include both lecturo programs at 1 0 , 5 9 ^ pamtora tatdsbt. MaMly affhay Manchester Registered N u r M s Phelps Rd„ will give an informal the university and field----- tripe to— iS High St., announce the coming welcoming party at 7 p.m. tonight Back-To-School Hats MMnr «< Mm AadM eeatimied v**y warn* $atlM*f*sa. About Town marriage of their daughter, Miei Assn, will be held Tuesday, 8e] furniture factories, retail stores Boraw (tt Clwialattoa* A . Margaret Mary Fogarty,, to Mer- 1, aV^:45. In the dining room . outdoors at her home, for two of 4t Retail Scliool and warehouses. \ . H aneheiter^A City of ViUaifo Charm the Memorial Hospital. Following he new families in the Imrhediate A faculty of outstanding home and Htmmn B«Imnd, rill Joseph Whiston. eon of Mr. U t. U n . and Mra Stephra J. Whiston. of m business session, Mrs. Howard ighborhood. R. Bruce Watkins, of Watkins goods merchants and Industry ax- High S t, whoM 60th wedding Meriden. The crffemony will .take Lockward, the former Miss perU will stage a series of “shirt (CtaaMM Adv as Page 18), MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1953 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE n V B CENTS MinlverMry f»Ue on Wedneidey. Hasel Drlggs, will present a pro-^ Ml«. Arlyne Burdick, 37 Strant Bros., is attending the National sleeve" talks followed by discus­ YOL. LXXII. NO. 279 Sept a, wiU obeerve the event et place Saturday. Aug. JO, at 10 apt. Retail Furniture Assn.'s 1953 In St. James’ Church. a gram of dramatic readings. All St., w ^ bitten by> an unlicensed sion periods during which man­ • nntUy dinner, Sunday, Aug. 30, members are urged to reserve the dog earner this week and treated school for retail executives in Chi­ agement problems will be ana­ gt Schaub’s Reataurant on the date. at Manchester Memorial Hospital's cago this week and next. lyzed. , foat Road, Warehouae Point Jack •'Proven, son of Mr. and eniergency\room. Dog Warden Lee The fourth annual two-week ses­ Among the subjects to be pre­ Mounis fpr^ister Mrs. Daniel Provan, 620 ^ t Mid­ Fracchia is^nvestigatlng. sion will be held in Wleboldt Hall, sented during the session are store Law Guild dle Tpke., is attending the Fellow­ Mr. and Mrs. M. Kenneth Oa- organisation and personnel man­ ‘ U t, and Mri. LouU U. Oenoveii. trinsky arid daughter, Carol Ann McClintock Campus of North­ IftS North Main St., have been ship Conference at Camp Wood- Raymond J.'Finnegan, Jr., gun­ western University, through Sept. agement, planning and conducting stock. Conn., this week as a dele­ 30 Saulterg Rd.< returned today apeclal sales, events and * promo­ tUitlng the family of their eon, after a motor trip through the ner's mate 3/c tISN, 243 Oak 8t.. 4. A record enrollment of 57 rep­ Is Ternted UN Vote Defeats■ Indiae. **=. Bid lAula M. Genovesi, Jr., of Glena gate from Center Church. Mrs la aboard the des^yer USS Tin resentatives from stores in 25 tions, sales management, and ac­ Hooks JohnOton of this town is White Mountaliu and upper New counting as a management tool. V Falle, N.Y., and touring the New York State. gey of the Pacific Fleet. states, Alaska and Canada, la- reg- York Lake reg)p«t. leader of the Conference. — ' ■ Subversive Boston, Aug. 27 (fl>)—Atty. Gen. Brownell said today he proposed to put the National Seat Lawyers Guild-^which he --described -as- the legal niouth- iece for the Communist J'arty—on his Hat of subver­ Na|^ib the Purifier sive organizations. U.S. Victory Addrataea Bar Oraup ^sian-Arab Protest Brownall mada tha announce­ Practical Hats ment in an addreaa prepared for the American Bar Aaan. (ABA) in Over Issue convention here. H^^ded for Debate MfMk «f |«n«y hi aM There waa no Immediate com­ ment from the Lawyera Guild, The attorney general aald ha had United NaWns, N. Y., Aug. 27 (/P)—Tb^U.N. Security Established colon. Choice of sov- served notice on Hie guild of ita Council settled ^own today to a week or so of debate over s. ■ proposed incluf Ion on the Hat whether to take up Asian-Arab coiApIaints against^ France’s United Nations, N. Y., Aug. which the government uaea in dethroning of the ^ t a n of Morocco. With the United States, 27 (JP)—India failed today to onristylof. Checking the efflllationa of fed Britain and France all' lined up^- ....... ■— -* win .sufficient U.N. support eral worker! In relation to their against U.N. discussion of the ! to give her a aeat at the loyalty and security. French North AfrlcSn protectorate Korean Peace Conference. The notice meant the guild has - which Franc* contend* 1* a do­ 10 days In which to tak for a hear­ mestic problem all her own, there Carpenters She received a majority of ing-to present evidence oh why appeared little chance the iaaiie the votes caat in the 60-nation *1.98 the organisation should not go on would win a place on' the council'a Committee, but fell the Hat. / agenda. • ' —; May Rejoin the two*third ma- y o u n g s The- ABA Houee of Delegatae Ask PuMIc Alrlhg - earlier adopted a • reaoiuticm de­ Joaeah Dl Barrr SS. of BeoervUle. Maaa, leaves a faaeral hame The IS Asian and Arab nations ]oriT5vrequired for approval claring that Oommuniats ahoulu be In tkat elty niter viewing the bedy ef hto alater M ^ , 14, *•*• *»“ hoped, however, to give their com- by thh. General Asaembiy p«t«r pan barred from the legal prhfa^on In •Inin bv Jeaenli'a ea-gtrllrlend, Mlaa MIMred _ McDonnld. Mildred plalnta a full public airing during AFL Ranks which acta tomorrow. Wonderful thia country. ' )-x wna nrvMted In New York where nuthoritlee from .Kseservllle w re the Council’s current dellberaUona The vote Wu 27 for, 31 against, Secretary of Stata Julies yes­ anrrrrafifl In ehtainlnra eonfeanlen ef the slaying, anid te hnve^lieea over whether to discuss them 11 abstaining and India not par­ terday told the aaaoclation the oanmlltted In n fit ef anger wad fear. (NBA Telephoto). Washington, Aug. 27 (>P)— broadcloth formally. A 2-week old secession jof the ticipating. \ Baulings United Nations charter it "obao^ U. 8. Delegate Henry Cabot Kplit WItli AlUea laU.-” '"'-------— ^ ..................... Lodge, Jr., w as acheduhsi to go powerful Carpenter' Union It was a victory fSFth#‘Uni'ted He defended the Fraaident'a before the council this afternoon from the A F L may ^ome to a States, who had split v ^h Britain powera In treaty-ihaking and to oppose U. N. action. quirk end now that the union and other Western AlIiesN)ver the _Woolens azeeutlve agreement negotiation fleveral delegates. including issue and fought vigorouaiyhgainat as important tools “to produce for Blonde Steno Held Russia’s Andrei T. Vishinsky, also rt dickering for peace. Private Conferenre India’s Ineluaion. Summer Hats ^ uch our nation an environment of se­ have asked to speak but said they The committee alao; curity.” would not be ready before Monday The AFL aaid today In a state­ , \ " — — x ; ment that President George 1. Recommended ‘ aeat* at the In tha Immediate wake of bis or Tuesday. * , AFI„ conference for alt the 16 countrfea Irrgspdcfivd of surnmtr valuas. For GirVs Murder Lebanon and Pakistan, from the Mcany conferred privately about addreaa. the goVemIng body of this union's reaffiliation with Maur­ who fought under the U. N. banner the A ^ took up today a report Arab-Asian bloc demanding an air­ —If they desire to do so. The vote Millinery Dept.—2nd Floor / ing of France's administrative ice Hutcheaon, chief of the 823-000- ' from,Its own international law member Carpenters' organization. waa 42-7, with 10- abstaining and section. The report called upon Somerville, Mass.. Aug. 2 7 “ h.re by plan, last night methods in North AfrlcartoW the India not. voting. Council yesterday- it should act They met here earlier this week the ABA to rescind Its previous (/P)—Blonde Mildred McDon- refuaed her passage be- and agreed that rommlt(eea from 2. Rejected a Soviet proposal stand for limitation of preaiden immediately to meet a “threat to the union and the AFL’s Executive that the conference be made up of -J 7 lo 14 nld, 25, was to nnawer to a causa of a company rule against peace." . six belligerent countries and nine tial treaty-making power*. murder charge today as carrying a "prisoner In the cua- Council will confer within the next Sen. Bricker (R-Ohio) had sup­ French Delegate Henri Hoppe- two weeks to try to work an ar­ "neutrals." ,The vote: 5-41, with COlW-a not denied that the Moroccan 13 abstaining and India not voting. ported bla propped Constitution­ Ihru-^H ^S giri t h t I" 1 "frtirVook'lIJjIunogr.ph.r rangement for the Carpenters' al amendment to to limit presi­ problem waa International in scope quick return to the AFL-fold. 3. Voted to include Russia tn the spent the night In a New York or fell within U. N. jurisdiction.
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