From chains to brooches

Scotland in Later

i in Later Prehistoric Europe

ii From chains to brooches

Scotland in Later Prehistoric Europe

Edited by Fraser Hunter and Ian Ralston

iii Scotland in Later Prehistoric Europe

Jacket photography by Neil Mclean; © Trustees of National Museums Scotland

Published in 2015 in Great Britain by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

Society of Antiquaries of Scotland National Museum of Scotland Chambers Street EH1 1JF Tel: 0131 247 4115 Fax: 0131 247 4163 Email: [email protected] Website:

The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland is a registered Scottish charity No SC010440.

ISBN 978 1 90833 206 6

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

Copyright © contributors 2015

All rights reserved.

The authors and the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland gratefully acknowledge funding towards the publication of this volume from the Marc Fitch Fund, the Robert Kiln Trust and National Museums Scotland.

Design and production by Lawrie Law and Alison Rae Typesetting by Waverley Typesetters, Warham, Norfolk Manufactured in Spain iv From chains to brooches


Acknowledgements vii List of contributors ix List of illustrations xi

1 Introduction 1 Fraser Hunter 2 Facing the Northern Ocean: the British Late Bronze and Iron Ages in their continental perspective 5 Barry Cunliffe

3 Bronze objects for Atlantic elites in France and beyond (thirteenth–eighth century bc) 19 Pierre-Yves Milcent 4 the Later and Early in the southern Low Countries: where East meets West 47 Eugène Warmenbol

5 Changes in iconography, votive practices and burial rites at 500 bc in southern 85 Flemming Kaul 6 ‘I have not been able to discover anything of interest in the peat’: landscapes and environments in the Later Bronze and Iron Ages in Scotland 103 Richard Tipping 7 Keeping up with the neighbours? Changing perceptions of later prehistoric societies in central Britain 119 Colin Haselgrove 8 the contribution of contract to Iron Age research in Scotland 139 Andrew Dunwell 9 Bronze Age architectural traditions: dates and landscapes 159 Rachel Pope 10 Within these walls: household and society in Iron Age Scotland and Ireland 185 Ian Armit 11 the and enclosed settlements of Scotland: an overview 201 Ian Ralston 12 Belief and ritual(isation) in later prehistoric Scotland 211 Martin Goldberg

v Scotland in Later Prehistoric Europe

13 Craft in context: artefact production in later prehistoric Scotland 225 Fraser Hunter 14 It’s pretty, but is it Celtic art? North British decorative metalwork in its European context 247 J V S Megaw & M Ruth Megaw 15 Scotland in Europe 281 Stratford P Halliday

Index 295

vi From chains to brooches


The papers in this volume were delivered at a conference held by the Society in Edinburgh on 19–21 September 2008. The conference was organised by a sub-committee of the Society’s Research Committee, chaired by its convenor, the late Ian Shepherd, and comprising Dr David Clarke, Dr Simon Gilmour, Dr Fraser Hunter, Dr Brendan O’Connor and Professor Ian Ralston. For tremendous assistance in the practical aspects of organising what was a memorable and well-attended conference, thanks are due to the Society’s Director, Dr Simon Gilmour, and its staff, especially Jacqui Clabby and Jan Paterson. The editors were invited to take the proceedings of the conference forward for publication – a process which has proved more protracted than we intended owing to pressures of other work, but we feel the resulting papers are worth the wait. The conference was supported by Council, , National Galleries of Scotland, National Museums Scotland, RCAHMS and the University of Glasgow. The publication has been grant- aided by the Marc Fitch Fund, Robert Kiln Trust and National Museums Scotland.

vii Scotland in Later Prehistoric Europe

viii From chains to brooches

List of contributors

Ian Armit University of Bradford Barry Cunliffe University of Oxford Andrew Dunwell CFA Archaeology, Musselburgh Martin Goldberg National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

Stratford P Halliday University of Edinburgh

Colin Haselgrove University of Leicester

Fraser Hunter National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh Flemming Kaul National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen J V S Megaw and M Ruth Megaw ✞ Flinders University, Adelaide Pierre-Yves Milcent Université de Toulouse 2

Rachel Pope University of Liverpool

Ian Ralston University of Edinburgh

Richard Tipping University of Stirling

Eugène Warmenbol Université Libre de Bruxelles
