M A R C H 2 0 2 1 I I S S U E 1 'S FOOD NETWORK

An introduction to the Network and it's members

Connect I Share I Support The key principals of the network are to Connect with like minded individuals to An encouraging alleviate food poverty across the county; start ... Share resources, skills, experience, knowledge and volunteers, and Support one another to support our citizens.

10.02.2021 07.03.2021 Initial Meeting begin green mapping

02-08.03.2021 1-2-1 meetings Cluster Meetings being arranged

10.03.2021 reaching out to Food Hygiene Training potential members

“When adversity strikes, that’s when you have to be the most calm. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded and press on.” LL COOL J

Pandemic brings out the best in people Communities were proactive in responding to the needs of their residents when was plunged into lockdown in March 2020. With the Covid-19 Coronavirus spreading through the principality the need to provide a plethora of support, for our more vulnerable neighbours, was activated. FaceBook groups, WhatsApp groups, telephone trees and a host of other mechanisms offering Covid-Support sprung up in most corners of Carmarthenshire. volunteering armies were deployed to support with collecting medication, accessing groceries, linking with foodbanks and providing welfare calls to keep people's spirits up. 'Hello' cards arrived through letterboxes offering a local contact to call, newsletters were created to share local information and highlight local delivery services and connections were created to share knowledge and resources. When help was needed the response from our kind communities was outstanding. Jmlh2021

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 1 Creating a Movement ... a place where stocks of food, typically basic provisions and non-perishable items, are supplied free of charge to people in need. Connect I Share I Support


Established in December 2011, Lifeshare Foodbank has been at the heart of the Glan Y Mor area of .

Lifeshare is an independent Foodbank, part of Antioch church’s community expression. We have a heart for the least and the lost and long to see an end to poverty. Lifeshare Foodbank works on a voucher referral basis, working with a number of key community organisations to ensure we are helping those in need. We support those that are financially struggling. We operate a 3 vouchers a year scheme but are flexible on this when appropriate. We understand that those that are accessing Foodbanks often find it challenging to access them.



Open 11am to 12noon Awaydays has run in the town for 17 years, helping daily people get together regularly and offering emotional and mental wellbeing support. Pick up from The It's not a food parcel service as such, we have a Nurture Centre, range of food laid out which we collect throughout . the week and people can take what they want. As well as Awaydays, Mr Bowen also runs the Tinned Foods. offshoot group Awaydays Coastcare. 07507 257 692 This is made up of the more adventurous group members who travel to destinations and do a beach [email protected] clean or litter pick.

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 4 CARMARTHEN FOOD BANK

Carmarthen Foodbank was set up by Towy Community Church in partnership with The Trussell Trust in September 2010 and officially opened in January 2011 opening just one day a week from a small office in Carmarthen Town Centre. Since 2013, Carmarthen Foodbank has fed over 9,000 people and become the fastest growing foodbank in Wales. It is run by a team of over 20 volunteers.

Miriam Jones

The food parcels we give contain enough food to last 3 days and we include a suggested menu to provide nutritional meals.

Currently Deliveries ONLY.

Our partner Carmarthen Community Money Advice are offering a new service to reduce anxiety around talking about your finances. This will enable you to seek advice without the added stress and anxiety of talking about it.

PAGE 02 Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 5 J a c k i e H a m i l t o n

01267 230694 [email protected]


Someone is in office Mon – Thursday 9-4pm

We serve a hot takeaway meal at 12 noon on a Tuesday and Thursday each week. We distribute any food donations we have been given at the same time. We have emergency short term food bags for those in urgent need ie those experiencing homelessness or crisis. We can issue E vouchers for Carmarthen Foodbank.

PAGE 02 Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 6 CWMAMAN FOOD BANK M A R I S S A S W E E N E Y A R I S

[email protected]

Cwmaman foodbank supports the community of Cwmaman (Glanaman and wards) that has been affected by Covid 19.

Cwmaman Community Centre, High St, Glanaman. SA18 1DX

Open on Friday


Tinned Food Cleaning products Hygiene products Ideas of what to cook with the food provided Special food: Halal, diabetic, gluten free, etc

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 7 YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CENTRE Jill Tatman Gerwyn House, Market Square, Llandovery, SA20 0AB Chloe Baker

We are in this together and we want you to know we are here Call for a chat for you We are a foodbank who deliver shopping to 9.00 am to 4.00 pm isolating and shielding members of the community. Monday to Friday Llandovery, , , , ,

01550 721499 Tinned Food Cleaning products Hygiene products Fresh meat [email protected] Herbs and spices

Access to citizens advice service.

PAGE 02 Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 8 L L A N E L L I F O O D B A N K


Emergency food and Hygiene aid and @LlanelliFoodbank Mondays, Wednesdays signposting to support and Fridays 10am-1pm services

S U P P O R T I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 2 0 1 1

Our foodbank is a project founded by local churches and community groups, working together towards stopping hunger in our local area.

We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis.

We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system.

Tinned Food, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Vegetables, Cleaning products, Hygiene products, Herbs and spices, Ideas of what to cook with the food provided, Special food: Halal, diabetic, gluten free

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 0 9 K i d w e l l y P o l i c e S t a t i o n , B a n c P e n d r e , K i d w e l l y

Jonathan Williams

Pembrey and Burryport Foodbank: Amanda Evans

Cetma Surplus food project was started 3 years ago. Our main aim is to make sure that food that is still edible does not go to landfill instead it goes to other projects and organisations that are helping the most vulnerable in our communities such as the soup kitchens etc. The food is collected from different stores across the county and then is delivered to where it is needed.

PBP Food Bank: we cover and , , , , , , Ponthenri, , , and Fforest. Please contact us for help and support.

Tinned Food, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Vegetables / Cleaning products, Hygiene products / Herbs and spices / Ideas of what to cook with the food provided / Special food: Halal, diabetic, gluten free, other.

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 0 THE PANTRY IMPACT 242

A place where you' re loved not judged


We provide food parcels to those in need. We accept every request on a case-by-case basis and are flexible with our opening hours. We signpost to other services. We host a kids service on YouTube. Tinned Food, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Vegetables, Cleaning products, Hygiene products.

01269 507838

Cross Hands Public Hall andCinema, Carmarthen Road SA14 6SU

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 1 TOWNHALL COMMUNITY FOOD BANK Helen Ryan [email protected]


Distribution of Ambient Goods and Frozen Bakery

Delivery service for those unable to collect.

Also respond to other community needs.

Currently open: Tuesday 2pm-4pm Thursday 6pm - 7.30pm and can also open for emergency food packages.

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 2 , & Carmarthenshire CARIAD PET FOOD BANK run by Cariad Pet Therapy CIC

Robert Thomas

Our Mission

to ensure that pets have access to nutritious food during times of hardship by offering a pet owner a timely, consistent, individual pet food bank service they will continue to receive the comfort, companionship and wellness that pets provide these measures, in turn, will aid the prevention of a pet being taken into a rehoming centre

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 3 Established in 2013

http://ammanford.foodbank.org.uk/ 07804 189830

Ammanford Food Bank Ammanford Evangelical Church Whether its through volunteering or donating, we serve Wind Street Ammanford together. Simply providing food is not our goal Ammanford – we want to see men and women get the help they need in SA18 3DR order that they may be freed from whatever problems they

face. Short-term relief is essential, but just as papering over Fridays 10-12 cracks doesn’t solve the problem, neither does just providing food. This is why, when a client comes to see us we spend time with them, listening and caring. Then as we seek to provide them with food, so too do we direct them to our other organisations who can offer long-term support and help. Ammanford Food Bank is about more than food, it’s caring for the community to the best that we can.

07804 189830 @AmmanfordFoodbank

We offer tinned and packs of food that are within use by date. We also offer fresh bread, By referral. fruit and vegetables as they are available. We also seek to help the We supply baby products root cause of the crisis by (milk, food, nappies & signposting to our partners toiletries), pet food, for health, housing, toiletries and cleaning financial, utilities & products. wellbeing support.

Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 4 J U S T T H E S T A R T . . . Think BIG


Explaining the catwalk - 3

Good Communication Supports the Mission With every new layer to navigate comes more reasons why positive and empowering actions 'take time'. There are no quick fixes regarding food poverty but there are steps that Communities can take to embrace their own responses to this additional pandemic!

The premise of a Carmarthenshire Food Network was borne out of an idea to create a mechanism for the incredible projects, already working hard to support our residents, to speak with one another. The spokes needed a hub to connect to and a way of merging their authoritative voices for the common goal of improving the lives of those struggling. Whilst still in a state of forming, and developing the over arching aims and objectives of the network, there have been a number of encouraging connections made amongst its members who are now sharing good practice and identifying support needs of others.

The network does not focus entirely on food banks, soup kitchens and hot food projects as we believe that food insecurity can be tackled through taking a holistic approach and considering the many facets that bring people to the point of needing help. There are so many exceptional projects already underway so let's place a spotlight on them so that we can get involved and GROW our connections.

Our community growers are vitally important in supporting community groups to develop their own allotments, shared growing spaces, orchards etc. and we are currently mapping county provision to identify gaps. We are all potential candidates for our community's land army, experts in cooking good hearty local dishes, visual storytellers and local historians - all essential requirements for a regular local meal nurtured, created, shared and enjoyed. This is about helping to build resilient communities and creating connections for all.

Our support partners include experts and advocates to help with mental health, debt and budgeting, fuel poverty, meal planning, domestic abuse, cooking skills, nutrition and ways to connect with others. It may not feel like it at times but we are ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Connect I Share I Support P A G E 1 5 Inaugral Meeting: February 10th @ 6pm

Food Bank / Food Share Cluster Meeting March 2nd @ 6pm

Hot Food Project Cluster Meeting March 3rd @6pm

Growers Cluster Meeting March 4th @6pm

Community Support Cluster Meeting March 8th @ 6pm

Food Safety Training Distributed: March 12th

Carmarthenshire PSB: Growing Carmarthenshire Welsh Food Poverty Network

Food Poverty Alliance Wales

Food Network Wales

Public Health Wales