i ft


GTrT^cout Troops 267 and Sharon Dowda, Joann Mc- Along Reservoir 761 of Rahway went on an Mullen and Lorraine Lensch. intertroop camping trip to Yunva- patrol Elena L.uuis Uuoni, 73, of 88 Knoll-Top the weekend of Caray, Bridgette Knight, Amelia Or., Clark, died Sept. 24, 25 and 26. Twenry- Kathy Hickey and Myra Tur- Munda> of an apparent heart rubiate. four girls, five adults and NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 .1;- attack while taking his morn- three Cadettes participated. Sioux patrol - Donna CJl ing walk along theMiddlesex The theme at camp was Hickey, Cindy Lou Duncan, u nr Warn- Co. Reservoir. Indian lore. The girls made Donna Clark and Pat Con- liis boJy was found floating •ill juir.tl \ shields, beads, did sand dron. u l n i i. m rlit- reservoir at about 5 painting, and presented an Apache patrol - Christine m. h\ a 13-year old girl Indian skit and dance. King, Lisa Boley, Tonya VOL. 149, NO- 40 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 15 CENTS win' was walking along a - 1.1 'A The girls also had a com- limmons, Llga Tur rubiate ii briJU- fJth, Her mother no- pass point game and trea- and Theresa Houck. ritu-0. ['OUCL-, sure hunt. Ribbons were Cadettes attending the 1 a r !_n 1 i learned the vic- given to the following girls: camp-out were Margaret tim's LUcntit> after receiving COMPASS POINT WINNURS Sheehan, Susan Ryan and I :- a call from I-rank Huoni, Mohawk patrol - Donna Barbara Polhemus from that his father ap- Troop 156. Conducted, Boley, Faith Mosby, Wanda Patrolman Robt. Flaherty .JI parent 1\ w andered away Adults attending were Logan and Lori Polden. Joseph J. Smith uf the Clark 1 .- IHC- Comanche patrul - Lor- Mrsrs. Cervase M-cMullenMcMulln, victim was pro- will be raine Lensch, Sharon Dgwds, 5 Arrested dead at the scene Flaming Star/' Troop 267 Police Department tu be Joann McMullen, Mary Tilke RichardNewman. i'o- leader- Mrs. Franlc Hickey, graduated at^^xci Drujr raids- -ccrrn±ucred and Lisa Morriseette.__ "Mrrnday nrgtii by all i " 6 held tomo Licna liee -an-

II rvi ration she r\ rresi ai principal speaker at on narcotics charges. event which marks the Ihree persons were taken ,„.„- PeteLKapiet inro cuarndv hy poUr.e William lar^c on Sun-Ja It- retired five years a-rnrrrg mayor—pointed-out,. He also :' a •_;' rvsi- and Donna Hickey. tectives at ihe Village Motel, 1'i-ior Kapiec, u, Cabin. left shows after being employed Council approved Dy a stated that the city colilcf ! l! Apache patrol - Christine Route 1, and charged with ^r rtssey Avc,, Avent-i, iU-rtu-rr H. Kicim left, giving some cam; as a molder by the Regina vote on Tuesday night during apply for a federal grant J m Kahwa\- Hus[ ital aftt r v-r rne Assembly, C. 1 <•• v. uv\~. Railway, 10 years. King, Flga Turrubiate, Lisa possession ol narcotics and its meeting in City Hall the of $32,000 from the-United t Boley, Theresa Houck and HENRY F. DONALD P. l.":i'i; illness. IK- was rhe- criiic i", and vi Frrt-holder Jeronii ^rein Id- u ,i.s an honorary mem- purchase of a building at 219 States Department of Com- :\ ..I... Tonya 1'lmmuns. shand of Mr^, £- li^c- shun- candidate tor - -_: iLi'k Walter . ! !.il;in, sc-au-d at *. i. :u i" I a I n 1U:K: ' t" th<_' late Mrs. Jenny the firm for $130,000. municipalities having an un- :" MI yt-ard vvnrk^d a^ .; it.- h, Walter O' lin Mosby, Lori Polden, Wanda Cheek, 19, uf L-".. Albert Street, L-IL-C t l ll pji ni. iif U-avL-s Henry, a For State Assembly LONG, HARD "CLIMB TO $89,000 UNITED FUND GOAL ... Donald P. Taylor, center, presi- Plans call for the building employment rate of more • i 1 rmiK-r. He livvd niKji,- 1 liu^t- who wi.>rk belnii- J 1 i tic a 1 si in, f-I da rk; a daughter, Logan and Donna l.^oley. near New B r un s w IC k A ve. dent, and Thomas Grahill, one of two general campaign chairmen for the Rahway I 'mred to be renovated for use as than 8.5 per cent. The city's .r. If1 Tuar? and in A.vrr:rl :\:v ptuito at lower. Lett. - Comanche patrol - Mar\ .infer in .V.ariu Mry, James Djkin of Miami; Detectives arrested Dennis Fund, are pictured with Lewis G. King, president of the Union County United Fund at the third a police headquarters at a rate is 9.3^ per cent, me i '. i a rs, c-ne 1 n is J n <, ounty Republic.! Tilke, Lisa Morrissette, C. Storey, 32, and Gwen- K L tl.il I'- a br>'tlu-r, I'anJido, ot" Cor- MEN of ACTION annual kick-off dinner attended by 200. The countywide goal is $2,109,033. Mr. King reminded cost of approximately mayor reported. :u- retired In l'JV) as .1 left fruiu, a:M Vr.-=. Irencdnffin, sr:uccnninuit-r- "IU, ! .1.; eight grandchildren dolyn II. Chase, 21, also dinner attendants that, "We are the only country in the world with a volunteer system uf $400,000. Fire Chief George G. Link, re.KL-ru an, .i.-n". ical ope r a TO r fn r Merck rij^ht fr-:nt, were pur in the spotlight by W j j , N unit will conduct a parade of old cars and costumes and will reached. for the expenditure and a to the rear of City Hall, said It- 1 i'. l Clark, died Friday at the distribute brochures explaining the purpose of their organiza- sion ui' a cuntroiied danger- i'\vt-r n:::.i, talks with his cam} fum-ral arrangements. half-hour recess in which • • (. he is "vehemently opposed*' !• : Ash Brook Nursing Home, ous substance and posses- ,r'.:^k : , lelt, dn<.\ his at tion. Irving Street has a new name again this year, die ladies the Council members dis- scotch Plains, after a briel sion of marijuana. tly^neb r was a rustrt. 1 i. N11 s t.- n. got meir way and renamed it BPW Boulevard, with the per- cussed the matter. Oppo- and fire headquarters. illness. She was the widow mission of Mayor Daniel L. Martin, right. With him are, Detective Lt. William Da- sition to the purchase was Frank Williams of Michael Oonnelly. Mr. Lawrence, in opposing left, Mary Finelli, BPW civic participation chairlady, and vis and Detecu v c Warren led by Alonzo W. Lawrence the ordinance to buy the gas Mrs. ConneITyTivect"mosToT — —— C airier K+ii-hrr;--H-P-W—pres-ident-; —— .Arguntie-r-c—and-John Claim Senator Caters . Grand Ave., Rah- Of 1343 Madison AvpmiP^h^ company hi Hiding her life in Elizabeth until made the arrests. d I-riday in Rahway said he spoke against the moving 10 Clark nine years CARRY OUT Council whetherlt was going art a after a brief Ul- James and Hodncs Storey proposal in his own behalf to force the taxpayers to ob- •au •t Kahwa e was the husband of hOOD SHOPPE were remanded to the Union and for the Railway Taxpay- tain signatures on a petition .U To Special Interests HL/SS. . She waa a member ot M, The Rahway Municipal and Mrs. Forsythe seconded M r=- rent Kenclrzski Mary Harvatt Wil- C. unty Jail, l-.lizabeth, in duct a revaluation program. ers Association. Mr. against the plan to convert Mrs. John the Apostle Roman Cath- Council voted, 7-1, at Tues- to the motion. Councilman Mrs. NUldl'eC "'Mat*.- Senator I-rank X, benatur McUi_. lit-u of bail while Dennis He also said that the Council Lawrence is the associa- the ElizaJbethtown building hams. olic Church and its Rosary day night's meeting in City Voynik was the only une to \i jmsk i t k a rtL-rei, anc. Mcl-V-rnu-'H is a ^; (.-cial m- iroduceJ a : • - A 1> I! U llliams was born and Surrey was released in $5, recently transferred tion's president. for use as police headquar- Mr. Society, the Ladies Auxiliary Hall to adopt an ordinance join them m the vote to r-- N'aru K..;u-c ar hutiii. , U-leSt aj'eCiallSt wile, "ti lti- amend the Muu ^ s)^w bail. The two women were Anthony Pascale from he Two councilmen, Mrs. ters. He noted that the tax- raised m Rahway. of tlie Nugent Association, providing for revaluation of adjourn the matter. riuv a11er lsbLIv, 1 oui:hi tur tu dedicate w \-A 381-2150 fri.ed in their own recogni- engineer's office to the as- Esther Forsythe and Peter payers were able to defeat lit- retired Thursday after and the Ladies Auxiliar> of real property at a cost,of id. • •! '. iler. I yi.it:, special nut-- ri'S i ^roui :- and strucrion all i;.i =oline taxes, Msgr. Antliony J. Connell, ted to the pastorate u zance. sessor's office and that Mr. James Simpson of 1137 M. Donovan, Republicans a similar plan Involving a • ^ \ cars w ith Merck ; Co., the Catholic War Veterans ot" ?110,000. rc brnrhr-r^-, Anthony agalnsr the common erred/* rt^gi^ ir a uun who has been director of Central Avenue churc: bv A hearing uf the charges Pascale holds a certificate Kline Place asked where the representing the Sixth and large expenditure to reno- Rshway. Elizabeth. Good Food For Good Health The only vote against the as a qualified assessor, . city would "get the money" ict. i't K jhwa>, Mil \\\u tour 1 Vniueraiu candi- ft u eiu ral ; 1. r- a member t S^ton Hall Uiviniry School Archbishop 'I hnmas against Dennis Storey will be -.Fifth Warck respectively,., vate the former Po»r Office fT.1 ~ 11 i --t 1 lie was ... Surviving are d dau^luei^ ordinance was cast £y~Fifth for the revaluation program. Adamo-vich ot *.jrlt-ti dire? for rhe Mnrc" ^enarc p ftaprisr WESTFIELD AVE. CLARK, N. J. in South Orange for the pasi Hoi and to succeed tl.s.- heard hy Judge Marcus t. Voting for the ordinance, voted against the expendi- for city use. John" rhe Mrs. Ma r y Mnr^n uf C 1.1 rk Ward Councilman Peter M. Ivray Daniel L. Martin re- ; app> Legion Hall »-JgqrJting Secade, has~bec0meTpasiQTQfT7 .-L-uiui;-i, ±ia- which a_p_u r opr iates ture. Voting for the "Are you saying that the oThei- tour de- " '"Donovan ,'~ECepiiBIIcaa.'~CoLui-' Trrar-a-srare~5t2"i u rep e~r -~ • e\\ arK l-) ihre J» J 1111 1 . ^ • >nni >r J r., t. ar- transit, not hiv;hwa\ iie wat; a member for 25 a sor., Frank M. of Clark; St. Mary's Roman Catliolic last Kebruarv. p -wdrmmce were 7oiir"Dtanb- taxpayers musi do ihe same fendants are to apj-ear in cilman Donovan noted that a mits the city to spread the , M^, fieki; ( mlne 1. Lioita, t. iu"isri.'phcr Struction, IS needed. \ears of the Rahway LIks and a sister, Mrs. John Donnel- Church uf Rahwa>. The ap- The pastorate of St. tion and execution of a com- crats, John J. Gilgannon, thing agaiH7**-Msr. Lawrence Court on Thursday, i.»ct. 21. state statute permits the cost over a period of five Bonfires Prohibited • !<.•:; 1 \ on. Mrs Diet/ and Mrs. Jerr> !•. benator McDernu;: t spon- Veterans of Foreign Wars ly of Elizabeth, and lour pointment was effective Sun- Mary's is Msgr. 1. onnell's plete program of revaluation Charles E. Crowell,_Fran- demanded, "This time the grandchildren. day. municipal assessor to con- years. r - n -!•• Mac-rn Knglish denounced thr law- so r uU a Sena le. r u ii.KLLion Post t^l. He was a -mem- second. He served ai Our of real property for the use cis R. Senkowsky and Wilson taxpayers could take with the . .Vnna liarzack <>t yer-K'gislaior, cuing <.-xam- urging construeUun .1 the ber ot the Quarter Century Creativity Film Topic "Msgr. Curmeli was appoin- -Latiy-oif- Vfrrrorres 1 hurch, of the local assessor" were Alonzo W. Lawrence of D. Beauregard, and two Re- petition against the plan C. !" J ; eline Harrington lJark, from 1957 1343 Madison Avenue, presi- publicans, TUcnarcT J. VoynUc I e\ SL-vf n grand- ple^ of his re; rt.-t-<--niaiion [jroj used Alaskan p" Club of Merck & Co., and "Why Man Creates," a A N Dr. McOaniel Cited by independent seven councllmen, John J. another" tSetltion for a recall fields, v. \\]-.WA!.L SA\'i\G? to 19&1. A nauve of Newark, dent of the Rahway Tax- and James'RTFicJcehs. 11. i: anci a grear-grand- uf interests he defining only to the North Slope oil a veteran of World War II, color, sound film, will be Gilgannon, who presided in election/' He noted there is a ir,: he was ordained in 193-1. lie* payers Association, opposed a tew at the expense uf the the Democratic hopefuls sta- in which he served as a shown at the L'mon County LOAN ASSOCIATION the absence of Dr. Adam T. After the recess and be- movement in the city to have served eight years atSacred adoption of the ordinance. ana u- comn\uniiy. ted. They added that he has Navy pharmacist's mate. Park Commission's Lrail- As 'a Qualified Black Candidate' McDaniel; Charles E. fore the vote was taken, the fojtm of government ral proposed that casino gamb- STATEMENT OF CONDITION Heart Church, Vailsburg, Mr. Lawrence declared that 'Councilman VoytiiUc : scated- ; r 1 The LH*mocrats saiJ Sena- Surviving also are two side Nature and Science Cen- Dr. Adam T. McOaniel, McDaniel was "a qualified Crowe-W,- Wilflon D*. -cnanged-biii:^ai\ the Lehrer-Crabiel Fu- .^ SHERWIN- Jersey City, for nine years! Pickens, Republicans. city if necessary and that ( ; alition candidate for state state offices. that the office has two clerks. 1972 World lijsL-rfi Myers, 53, ol h o that are brought before ers who would be exempt vinilet! Sidles Guwt1' nn.cn: H^,;: J; L • -' Councilman Donovan che purchase would repre- neral Home, 275 W. Milton Msgr. Connell also is the senator from Uni^n County. Commenting on the candi- J aqu L-6. A v e., R ahw ay, died PI Rk.. from paung salet- taxes un- moved to adjourn further Mayor Martin, stated that sent an investment. Council- Back-to-School Ave., Rahway. -WILLIAMS Co. archdiocesan director of the Mr. Avant said that Dr. dacy of John T. Connor Jr.of ir. K ahw ay Hospital. der a bill he is sj*onserinij.. u : consideration of the ordi- the revaluation "couldn't be man Voynik then urged Book Encyclopedia I he IV rr.' >c r a r s also said fedeul Home Loa" 8J"** b!^( '•-• Aposcleship of I'rayer. Cranford, Democratic candi- i!.ei r hern in L ranford, he lived nance until a later meeting done by our own staff." Mayor Daniel L.Martin and AND CHILHCK AF" merger provide that stock- JX^A! WALL COVERING^ Assistant- pastors ai Si. date for state senator, Mr. in K e I ui w o r th and Newark r^BB^J CARPETING the Council "to look into a Night Scheduled holders of keanshurg-Mid- Mary's are the Rev. Harold Marching Band [„ [MTL niuving to Rahway ' " HEAOV-TD-1-l.NliM Avant stated, "One of the proposal" that a combined New, Expanded Editions Union County Trust Plans Merge* dKie-wn National Bank will FURNITURE Hermanns, Uie Rev. Ldward great forces in America dur- The Grover Cleveland l.i-i U'.ii". Mr. Myers was a iPRAY EQUIPMENT LADDtRi Myers and Uu- Rcv. John Motorcycle, Auto Rallies facility for municipal offi- Largest-Selling Encyclopedia receive fur each share of PAINTING *iub ''in ing the past decade has been School Parent-Teacher As- 1 111 •_• -! 1 il.- iiarr«.*nuer at the bycamure Cassidv. ces and police and fire its stock 2.0 shares of stuck BWUiHfc b TOOL S Msgr. Anthony Connell To Perform Sun. the sustained drive of black sociation will present its w •_• ] avurn, Kerulwurth. headquarters be constructed With Keansburg Middletown Bank nl L-nion County irust Com- 1542 .Irving Street people for a jusr share of "ar Central A;v©"nU6 and Fier«~ 7. Back^ to=&chool lie ii," survived byhlswife, pany on a tax-free exchange in a simultaneous an- t minry rusi ai Ellxabetit Ave. political power. Union County •Beld pont Street. Part of the program CLARK - Mrs. Geller. M r--. l^ances Myers, two basis. The agreement anti- At CYRC Game was— -a—quiet -battleground.of 7:30 o'clock in the school. nuunc ement made on beiialt r,- res {<'•• Rahway 381-1130 Donovan Calls for Probe The Rahway Jaycees will is to follow is ttt>t given to property,- formerly• the-Bitc- >. ns, I aniund and Joseph; cipates thai the merger will that drive. The record shows 961-1430 961-1287 ol their board uf directors, viet bank 111 vz. officer m tlie rt~K- Kahwj> iiigh school sponsor a Motorcycle and him. When bv starts, how- oi Lincoln School, is The general "meeting wiil _i:;a LW.. daughters, theMiss- take effect at die close of that Mr. Connor, whatever William C . Johnson, br., cuuntie^ >>t MOIIIIUJUU., bum- LIABILITIES marching lund will perform Sports Car Rally on Sunday, ever, he is given a starting occupied by the Railway Free be held in the auditorium. rr. Kar^r. and lircndil^lyej:^, business Dec. 31. his private feelings, has been RAHWAY - Mr. Medlov, president uf the Koansburg- erscT and t -mon. on bunday ,n Veterans Mem- Oct. 24. direction. After that he must Public Library, which faces After the session, the pa- all .ii home, a brother, Rich- publicly cool, at best, to die 985-6895 Middletown National Hank, i. oil- Iljellting on the pro- All directors presently isuse orial Field, KaliWay, at the Starting time for regis- look for line marks at road St. George Avenue, and the rents will have an oppor- mond oi kenilworth, and two political aspirations of the tunity to visit the classrooms >i->ters, M rs. Mary 'I yjewskl Middletown, and Raymond W. posed merger, both bank serving the two banks will in Pn..ress A taxpayers' investigation time record high budget and football ,j.anu uf the Citizens tration will be at 11 a.m. intersections or turns .>r library's parking lot could .\ u r black community. r and to meet the teachers Bauer, president ol Inion jir<.bKleni> fell strongly that constitute- die board of di- Other Liabilities into "misuses of our tax a tax increase of 23 per Youth Kec reation Committee. at B. & D. Cycles, L . S. traffic lights. These mar- be shared by the rwo city ,1 t incinnati and Mrs. Vera for discussions about the County I rusi Cumpanv, customer;-, statt pcrsonnL-1 of the merged bank, J money", was asked this week cent, the cuy already hat. The game is scheduled for "In 1969, he (Conno^i was Route No. 1, Rahway. Any- kers made with lime are put facilities, the councilman ' m a 11 M : I'asriey of L.dison. es and Undivided ^ 'otlt^ lei presently em- GAL- by Fifth Ward Councilman passed emergency appro- 12:43 p.m. pa^t of a lily-white De^no- one who rides a motorcycle clown by the judges that said. 1971-72 school year. Lists New Members fur merger ut the nvo m- rive significant advantages ployed w^TrTTx.- TetaTned/ Trre Peter-W. Donovan, Republi- priations amounting ro ap- cratic primary ticket which er drives a sports car will The membership drive of -f-t-d+i ..morning. _A rider must re- COlinoilmrm Donovan rhpn XrTiTfi fhT'^TlTCT^PTr;—h watr RS _caiyjwho is seeking elrrrinn will 1 q the Linden "bought th~e~~e~ffort to put a be welcomed by tfilT Jaycees -the PTA-haflpepened-and-^a- rititutluns was appro VeTPTiy nruxlmatelv $60.(HK). which AL. main observant so that he called_ for a referendum on t hristui tier Uietz of Rah- Buy from a leading company Lhjnnidn ot the Bua'O Last year [he t renrr directors. Uidic.HeU iliat the banks' re- William C. Johnson, br. as to a one-year unexpired represents lu tax points," [he VRC eleven —qqtaTeTTDi T ~srays~cnTC"o"urse while maTn^~ was, chairman ol the board OUR 34 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE the proposed purchase to" 381-8800 if the mergL- v proposal, s| ective trade areas Com- chairman of the executive A f KRUlZNfR ]R President term. Councilman Donovan de- upset Linden, 19-14. Adam T. McDaniel of Rahway, tant. taining the prescribed speed. Join the association. The an (,1 I Hi' ;; t. ounty Chapter, oUM0R E give the voters the oppor- as recom rneiKk-d h\ buih 111 e n u- n I i. a c h o Ui e r eft ec t - committee and his son, Wil- I will give v COMFORT L WHITMAN uf Ch^cnidii o' the Budifl "This year, with an ail- clared. The gan;e between the CY before the voters. In 1970," The rally will be a con- association also has sug- Naih'iLii I-oundation March 1 and SAVE you MONEY- Call for! At strategic points along die tunity to decide whether to boards of directors, is sub- lveh , as do the official lam- liam <~ . Johnson, Jr., as VIOLA K ORAVSKV Vice P'es 4 Secretary Councilman Oonuvan also KC team and die Clark L.itde the Democrats wisely nomin- test or competition among •course, judges will record obtain the property of the gested that members Join (il IUi:>e>, has announced the llieh dniA departmental sjiec- senior vice president of the a committee of the PTA eUcu«'n el three new board sequently apjiroved b> UK- SUPHLN ) IIPIAK ]R Assi Vice Presiden: stated that some department Crusaders, rained out last ated Everett Lattimore of riders who will test their the arrival time of each gas company. stockholders of ihe two banks laliu-.^. Monmouth Counr\. merged bank and a member Estimate on ANN[ GROSSHANS 1 2 City Men Face heads have stated that it will Sunday, lias been rescheduled I'lainfield as die first black skills to complete success- and become involved in the I" !! • eli' nernlier>, William McCloud reasurer & Asst Secreiarv contestant. The riders abil- Mayor Martin, in explain- and by the bank supervisors according to Mr. Johns..MI, ot the proposed regional NEW BOILER — BURNEJt A be necessary for them to get for Sunday, Nov. ?. candidate for the Union Coun- fully a prescribed course activities designed to make TRAVEL 1 -a:\kin . ,.i I Iwabeth, Mrs. Matilda iry to arrive at these check ing the proposed purchase, agencies, the new msuunion \M!1 wi'lcume the broad spc c - board of directors for Mon- CONTBOIS, CONVERSION OR DIRECTORS ty Board of Freeholders. the school a better place In M^i »».wan ot Mlzabeth and additional money tu continue within the time allowed. The points on or near the pre- said Elizabethtown agreed to will bear the title I niied truni ot services and higher muuth County. Kaymond W. ONLY A BURNER. ^ UNOABURY However, Mr. Connor was which to learn and to work. • Mrs. ! Isle bhamoniy ot D CARUSO UC Grand Jury the operation of their de- Flooding Progress rider is penalized for tardi- scribed time, determineshis sell itsbuildinBfor$13O,tiO0. m\ isio\ OK Counties Trust Cumpaiu and lending limit lu be oifered Bauer will serve as presi- *•• it t«f < oninit i partments. conspicuously absent and in- -ness or" "being too early in score. "Parents and teachers h> the merged bank. 1'ar- dent of the merged bank, I I HORAN active, in the insuring cam- The mayor added that the city will show resources oi ap- A F KRUTZN[R IR ANK K SAOF/R"" "Why?^ Councilman completing the 2 1/2-hour would have to spend approxi- working together have to be VSSLOCICY TRAVEL proxirniuely .: - $32S million. tiCUl?_rLy Important to the while George W, Bauer wilL On Dope Today paign." course. The route the rider After the winning team, especially t p MDRR1S LFVINt WHWMAN Donovan asked. He said that Scored by Nilsen the ride, food will mately $400,000, to make the Both baaika arc domiciled customers ot Keanfaburg- continue as chairman of the be DON'T WAIT, CALL NOW this year's city budget "cre- A call for an investiga- at low cost. office building, a. gar age _on. as their endeavors relate r: \- Mil in the second banking dis- Middletoun Mationai Bank - J. Harold Cullin&-_. Kenneth Totten, 25, of There will CLARK ADVISQBV BOARD ated many new jobs with tion of local flood control IVe free beer and the property and the parking 4o your -eMId -and-lila-pro- trict of New JurscN will be die services oi the presently chairman of the -Washington —--St£eei^—and- music. ~wlti W«!li-up »" Driv.-ln S:30 A..U. to noon versary of the national 1205 was essential during a dry group. DECORATOR FOLD FREE MOTH PROOFING 381-414) spell. He added that without such water reserves it would The local chapter will hold B56 St. George Ave. 3S14820 WE DELIVER NO EXTRA CHARGE a membership tneetlngMon- - 7 P.M. MON. THRU SAT"- -become_jTecessarY_jfor_ the day evening, and Mrs. -Fd Rahway, M. J.~ OPEN SEVEN DAYS city to purchase "water ~at~a "hlh ,^teady--to-sim^ 'The loss of the pond be- up ftew members. Activities REAL ESTATE-INSURANGE-WIORTGAGES for the night were arranged by Mre, Edward PerWih IN TtUS-iSSLJE rogram .chaitmatu Mrs* DISSOLUTION' HRisf"'AID SQUAD .. The Milton-Madleon HiUJ-lome- .Armed Forces —Classified ,*..,., i in. ..±y •Realtor bfli - -Ghurchr;7^-z..-..-..;.-., for Best Results ° mouely paesed-a-feaoludoh -offered by Gouncilman-at-large Wilson D. Beauregard to donate Editorials the money to the Rahway First Aid Squad. Also present at the Sept. 25 meeting were: Mr. and member^-and-speciaUzes Us Movies , aid to Jews tmmitrr Your Property With Rahway's Mrs. Lostcr Baeszlor, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Nolan, and William Fortune. The association Obituaries 10 —1-965-w-aght-a -variance to build apartment houses on lot facing Madison Hill AP^JR SENATE CANDIDATE ... John T. Connor Jr;, XrhlonXquhty Oembcratlc leraeU - .*_ RayHo&gland...... 8 : Most Active Realtor RRlHfe-paraIloprIloll to. tl£d44i-~J34^^~^taA^am^tl£d44iJ4^^^taA^am^^ candidate for "State Senator, addresses tlie Rahway .Rotary "Club on"community ~relations." ^e~-annuai-xumma«e Hatr/icKHror/torlello; pre Lester Bneszlor p. EL president of tlie extinct homeowners unit, John Oebahr, charter member, Mr. Beauretrard' Hardgrovc, vice president, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Rahway; Courttiey W. Clarke! MEMBER OF UNION COUNTY MULTUPLE USTlNG and Edward Mueller of tho^quad. B ' Weddings president, and chairman of the Rahway plannina Board; and Herbert Gbrbunoff, treasurer^ owner of Sargent's Men e Shop, Rahway.

.; *;• \ ~— y

RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARKPATR1O1 PAGE 2 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 To Autograph Books , . District Officers Mrs." Mildred L. Rulison,'-', 'iim lected Mrs. George 1;. KC Installation r former nature supervisor at helmer, Jr., president of the Plan Visit Today the Union County Park Com- New Jersey State Federation Free Pops Concert This Sunday mission's Traiiside Nature _,; and * of Women s Clubs and a Is October 28 and Science Centers-ill -the— member of die Westfield and To VFW Women Watchung Reservation., has Rahway chapters, as a judge On Organ in Rahwav Theatre Final Plans for the in- written a book for children, to choose the 17th annual stallation of the new officers The Fifth District presi- ""Nature Diary Through" the - Uaio Bauer of Father John P. Washington winner of *' Phe Realtor oi The New York Chapter of the American Theatre Or- dent, Mrs. Harry Snyder of General Assembly 4,th De- Year." , Railway as recording the Near" Awacd. gan Society will present its annual pops concert on the Cranford, and the senior vice Mrs. Rulison will be NU-mbers of Alpha Phi St. gree Knights of Columbus Retail prices of Volks- L. Marburger. Wurlitzer theatre organ in the Rahway Theatxe, 1601 The only independent president, Mrs. John Busa available to autograph_her. •__ i. 'niL'W, national service f ra- reta rv. were announced by Paul wagen being sold In the member of the Westfield Title 18A, which sets forth of Linden, will be guests of rhe Annual KecogniUun Irving St., Rahway, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ter :ut > , at I 'nion College, Maleclci, navigator. United States will increase Board of Education, Dr. the powers of the commis- the Ladies Auxiliary ofMul- book at Traiiside on Sunday Ben Harrison cl -is Ger-and Fellowship Uinner- The concert will feature four artists and is open to at 1:30 p.m. <. rar.ford, elected Michael For the first time, the by between 4 and 5 per cent Joseph E, Kalbacher, will sioner, as well as the opera- vey-Ditmars Post 681, Vet- trude St., Clark, is in the t.- ol the I'nion Council, the public without charge. as a result of the new sur- ^ din.' of 44" Westfield Ave., installation will take place address the Republican Con- ting rules for the state's erans of Foreign Wars, ACADEMY CHOIR TO SING ... On Sunday at 5 p.m. rise United States Naval Academy cast of "The Night l'horeau Scuts of Anit-rica, will An organizational meeting to form a New Jersey charge imposed on imported i_ lark, as rheir vice presi- during an 8:50 p.m. mass servative Action Club of school system, was com- Rahway, at the meeting to- choir of Annapolis, Ml, pictured above, will present a program of anthem and song Spent in Jail" which is beini; bc cars by President Richard HAVE US •,-,:, WJUU- Orshak M 3W i hapter of the American Theatre Organ Society will be to be- held at the Rahway Union County on Wednesday, posed in an era when people night In the VFW Hall. in the Second Presbyterian Church, 1221 New Brunswick Ave., Rahway. The public presented ai I Jirlcigh Dic- M. Nixon on Aug. 16, a VW Uillow ^'a>, Clark, as cor- 1:1 mfield held Sunday, Oct. 31, at 10 a.m. at the theatre. Columbian Club on Thurs- Ocg. 27, at the Union County did not envision excessive WORKING ON SET FOR MUSICAL. ... Teachers of has been invited to attend the concert by the 135-male voices. The choir will be kinson Cniversuy from ''a. An open console session will be held immediately DOING HOSPITAL WORK ... Miss Ruth Dengrove of official reported today. The purpose of the offi- FILL YOUR NEXT r^^ponding secretar\, and day, Oct. 28. Rev. Thomas Rahway w# i teaches school on Okinawa, is shown Republican Headquarters, and arbitrary powers being Mothfer Seton Regional High School, Clark and fathers cial visit will be to inspect singing fur the first time in Union County. Following the program, the young men 20 - 24, Wednesday through ,ns J . the organizational meeting. Richard Hamilton, vice KanJ\ Vena of 1^1 Cuncord li. P. Meaney, pastor of St. as she wflfi&Q in the medical records department of 610 North Ave.F Westfield, exercised by Dr. Marburger, of students work on set for "Hello, Dolly/ the school's the books of the auxiliary of the academy will be served dinner as the guests of Second Presbyterian Church Sunday, at in-.M' p.m. "n all , ,.r (. ^ ji — u-r chai president of Jenewein Volks- ::..:. :.:.y^:.>x.;.:.:-:.:.:*:-x :*x

.. \ "-TTS


RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT KGE 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 the publisher, editor, managing Club Will Hear STATEMENT REQUIRED BY editor, and business managers THE ACT OT AUG-24,1881. AS BINSON AMENDED BY TW ACTS OF "Publisher. IC C. Bauer, 41« s MARCH 3. 1833. AND JULY 3. Wells St.. Westfleld, N. J. 07090. ' Lazy Daisies' HARDWARE HOUSEWARES RAHWMf 1046 (Title 30, United SUt$* Code, Section 233) SHOWING Editor. Arthur Hartland Mer- MONDAY, OCT. 4 vehicle were locked. Nothing Tomorrow night, ' 'The THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGE- shon. Jr., T04 Hamilton SU Rah- An attempted break and appeared to be missing. Lazy Daisies," abarbershop MENT AND CIRCULATION way. N. J. 07065. ,a entry was reported to have Cheryl L. Wagner of 742 double quartet from Madison OF CLARK PATRIOT, Wib- 2. The owner Is: (If owned by occurred at C & H Con- PORTABLE EltfTRlC BROILER a corporation, its name and ad- Jefferson Avenue reported Hill Chapter, Sweet Adelines NEW SPEED PERK! struction, 624 LeesvtUe her 1964 Chevrolet, regis- dren are in danger of being should take rime to write to -^ *J October, - dress must be stated and also im- Inc. of Clark, will perform New Jenwjy's Oldest W*ekly Established 1823 By E. Sidman Wachter N fo r Avenue. Nothing was taken. tration STE-520, stolen from treated for "mental and their Representatives (Rep. xho name* and aT * mediately thereunder tho names in Townley Presbyterian Member of x and addresses of stocitholders Mrs. William Gibson, 9: her place of employment. Church, Union. Htmber of If the action of the Senate emotional problemproblemss " that Cornelius Gallagher for the publishepublisherr, editor,. mmnaaina owning or holding p The touchy issue of a dress erally thought to be play- '^fhril' $^'~PCZtr(&t Quality Weeklies of New Jeney. Inc. owning or holding 1 per cent or Elm Avenue; Mrs. Edwarc The Juvenile Bureau ar- New Jersey Press Association during the week of Labor exist, by Rahway and Rep. Florence P. editor, and business managers total amount of stock If code for students was dis- cloths. See-through blouses The quartet. Invited to n or may not more o£ Gibson, 1475 Main Street rested a 10-year-old boy perform by the members Union Connty'tt New«st Weekly Established 1963 Day is any indication of the way of powerful experimen- Dwyer for Clark) requesting l cussed at the first meeting were also discussed. f h l l D f Clk) questing -^ c. Mfc £ of the Franklin School PTA and Mrs. A. Milesi, 214*; who was in possession of a of the Couples Club of the legislation it will be enacang tal drugs, brainwashing, and that they vote against any w^£ st.. Westfleld, N. J. 07000 Mrs. Marosi said feelings Church Street were victims ll dividual owners must be _ stolen bicycle. The case was church, will sing several Published Every Thursday Moraln* by for the balance of 1^1. psychoanalysis. All who op- bill setting up a Child De- Editor: Arthur Hartland Mersh- executive board Sept. 28. were mixed on the general owned by a partnership or other of armed robbery in thereferred to the Juvenile and selections in four-part har- might better have remained noae the orovisionsof S.2007 velopment Program. on. Jr.. 704 HamUton St.. Rahway. unincorporated firm its name and 3.1 Mrs. Ruth Marosi, pub- issue and that further dis- p rear parking lot of the Town domestic Relations Court. mony, barbershop style- BAUER PUBLISHING & PRINTING LTD. in recess. Once again, CIR- ' N. J. 07065. address, as well as that of each licist for the Franklin School cussions would be held at a Individual member, must be House, 1453 Mam Street. Members of 'The Lazy "heavenly twins," Nev- Jer- 2. The owner is; (If owned by PTA, said there Is no dress future board meeting. 1470 Broad,$treet Rahway, N. J. 07065 388-0600 a corporation, its name and ad-given.) _ , ,. Police are investigating. Frank Nelson of 1077 Ri- Daisies" are Audrey Mullin- sey Senators Harrison A. code being enforced at the dress must be stated and also Im- Bauer Publishing & Printing chard Boulevard reported nix and Elaine Miller, ten- K. C. Bauer ' Artiior Hart land Uorshon, Jr. tars. ICatberlne E. Williams, Jr., and Clifford mediately thereunder the names school, although some senti- Those attending the ses- B & D Cycle, 1985 Route Ltd. 1-470 Broad St.. Rahway. his home broken into during ora; Brenda Strauss and ADVERTISING MANAGER P. Case, though muinlH-i's and addresses of stockholders NJ-. 07065. ment was expressed that a sion were: Mrs. William* 1, reported that sometime PUBLISHER EDITOR daylight hours. A bedroorr. Irene Ruschak, leads; Linda of opposing political |ianK--i, owning or holding 1 per cent or K C. Bauer. 416 Wells St« code be adopted to reduce Wanko, president; Mrs. during the night someone was ransacked but nothing The Rahway News Record and Clark Patriot are weekly newspapers serving the best interests of moro of total amount of stock. If BUous and Joyce Brandt, stood cheek by jowl i>n the Westficld. N. J. 07000. President. the frequency of accidents. Charles Oxman, first vice broke out the wooden panel reportedly was missing. not owned by a corporation, the Mrs D. J. Bauer. 416 Wells president; Mrs. Herbert of an overhead bay door on baritones, and Jeanne Grahm their respective communities. It is the endeavor of these journals to present the news in a sound wrong side of an important Mrs. Marosi said further William Hedges of 186 rniTOR'S NOTE- This is that hiring be done on the names and addresses of the in- St., Wefltflcld. N. J. 07000. Secro- Schlecht, second vice presi- the south side of the build- and Leona Garufy, basses. and traditional manner, maintaining the rights of all by accurate factual statement and measure. Indifferent UJ ih<-" UDI1UK b Wit. HUB IB «*«*i ™iniifi-njftno r,nri dividual owners must be given. If that some members thought vlonroe Street reported a dent;; Wade Likens, Frank- ing. No entry was made. sane, desires of their constituents. e of a series of articles basis of qqualification s and ^^^y a p^^^partnership <*or otheherr ^ ThThee knowknownn bondholdersbondholders.. prairie dress were dan- burglary at his home during measured reasonable opinion. onrittee n by the New Jersey ability, not gender, N Jfc.A owncunincorporatea by a d arm its namot e and mortgagees, and other security lin vice principal; and Mes- John Gibson of Avenel re- This time it wason^.-^" w p gerous on stairs and on the daylight hours with $300 in td dd wll s that of each holderhlds owninfinlg orr holding 1 per-- dames Bud Keenan, James ported that while his car Subscription Rates by Mail Including Postage $6.00; Outside Union and Middlesex that the two senators saw r> e t. due a tion Association to reported. - address, as well as that of each playground. Also cited as un- FLOOD OF MAIL ... State Senator Matthew J. Rinaldo ;ash being reported stolen. Hot Dog Honey 5.101 cent or more of total amount of Mer ricks, Robert Mills, was parked in the Merck 95 Counties $8 00; Second Class Postage Paid at Rahway. New Jersey to eye. This sweeping nt-w commemorate the Wrote Maurice Beesley, Individual member, must be bonds, mortgages, or other se- JkJh safe, she said, were sandals FRIDAY, OCT. 8 Vincent Tyrell, Ronald Sek-_ of Union reviews some of the coupons returned by & Co. parking lut opposite annlvprflary of the i) PnhUghinfl * Printing M^\*\^t nr«vJLgrce Collins, 10 which leave feet exposed to 1 1 • ley, Raymond SKotelcTJosepti" Union County reRidftnta supporting his_.drlye to con- David Andrews of 639 BR01LSJLMAN-SIZE STtAK OR for child devetonpjVni would free public schools. 1470 Broad St., Rahway. NJ. WestminsterRdT^Summlt, N. X: injury. ^ ppried all our energies be-directed ------Community State- Bank ATrust Berick, - Alex M vince Congress to enact a ban on foreign alcTto Grove Street reported his Stolen by Two 5 MEDIUM CHOPS TO PERKCTIC not only extend federal day- Bauer, President, 416 Co., 601 N. Wood Ave.. Linden. Hor pants; she stated were druE-T)reducing nations.' Helping him sort out some open the right Side vent win- 1968 Pontiae Tempest stolen to secure me services of K. C. folt to bo "c&fityaetlng" to dow d hk Detachable covor, reWOVablo Caf- „ _nA . "" —, A!/ —1 care~ "services TO CMWren -in laudia astar-than-insta* aU income groups, it woulU -educaUon has Sfrid-Bniotcemeni Gats 1 drew 38 Homes and 30n^nt t nof Rrhoolschools s lnin munity State Bank & Trust Co.. months: 1.850 location was also robbery occurred at 5:22 -ent-to-wllfui dtsregayd-e^-all safery precautions. There nutritional services . . . ^^ ^™" * i2""g Sussex County, where few if 601 N Wood Av«.. .Linden. W. J. the same SUNDAY, OCT. 10 dwellings and 300 apartments which are part uf the nr b> Single Issue Nearest Filing broken into and the stereo p.m. The thievee made their is no excuse for having the city's citizens, particularly identification and treatment Superintendent ot scnocus schooi districts had 5. Total No. Copies Printed Date: 1,912 Joseph SpineUa of 1500 (Net presa Hun>: In Death getaway on foot. 4StlGE the pedestrians, subjected to the hazards of careless Redevelopment Agency project. jf physical, mental and c-n.o- A. 11. Jones. Ana wnyi * . teacher Mail Subscriptions: FM tape deck stolen. Damage Campbell Street reported The foregoing at tional problems, including a Because we wiU not paj more u I r1no- a) Avcrasc No. preceding 12 a) Average No. preceding 12 was found to the glove com- The stand is owned by COMBINATION and reckless drivers. The foregoing statistics were released by^ th«e New ^ „ _ une me tf n The Township of Clark G. Weinstein, Elizabeth at- gasoline " stolen from his full raniyp of he-ilrh t-du^ a- them. There are young mer, , °J rnoat giaxiiig months: 2.575 months: 1,800 partment and the rubber The Rahway Police Department should continue op- Jersey Department of Labor and Industry, Division of "* " ' "" " """ "" "* " '" "One of and the Clark Board of torney, Mr. Paskow, a parked car during the night. Richard Munson of Rahway. Planning and Research. uun and socialler vices and women who love the evils," he wrote, is the b) single 1-JJH, Nearest Filing b) Single Issue Nearest Filing molding around the window eration of its radar unit to control traffic in the city. the evils," he wrote, Date: 1.838 Education are being sued former Clark resident, said TOASTER If a sufficient number of speeders are caught and fined Statistics are gathered from local building inspectors tion ana faocidi eciMccs ... a frequent change of teachers. Data: X678 on me passenger side of use uf child advucdU-^ tu work out tney soon icarn ^ , dinrricr six tea- 6- Paid Circulation Sales Total Paid Circulation: by the father of a six-year- his eon was going from Val- the vehicle. WITH in Municipal Court, an Improvement in the wanton dis- by the state department and complied. The report also old boy who was fatally in- ley Road School to his home NEW PASTRY — assist children in securing that they will not _ be paid ^J^l^^Z^^L^ through agtait. a) Average No. preceding 12 Mrs. Esther Fleishman, CONVENIENCE regard of traffic laws will be the result. uses statistics of Division of Housing, New Jersey full access to other service as tliey Who can a) Average No. preceding 12 months: 3.650 jured in an automobile ac- when he was struck by the FOOD HEAT and other activities.- (He- blame then, if they quit about durlngjh^current^ear. The months; 1,200 484 Lower Alden Dri-ve,-re- SELECTION ftAR. Patrolmen in cars also should be diligent in their Department of Community Affairs. b) Single Issue Nearest Filing b) Single Issue Nearest Filing cident two years ago. car near the intersection apprehensive of speeders and other breakers of the port of Senate Committee un the time they learn how to average "has been nearly two Date: 3.730 ported^ that a man snatched • Automatical^ _ ^_ ^^ Plato- Iflfii Heats Non-frogar n j0 ito" to each- district, and there "Her 5GrSe~~In~ the ~ A"~~& p~ ancTfrozen "Toaster Variefy" rTocMis . . . No~ traffic laws. Especially noticeable in Rahway ia the Labor and Public Welfare) Subscriptions: a) Average No. preceding 12 Allen S.paskow of 1 Col- Street in Clark. The suit " Toods . careless manner in which buses and station wagons This so-called ' 'child Lv-- In'1870-71 salaries foi are hardly half a dozen in a) Average No. preceding 12 months: 400 ony Court, West Orange, store e parking lot on Eliz- muss or fuss! • With TWO individual S«l«ct- Democratic Freeholder Candidates male teachers in New Jer- which the same teacher has months: 1,050 b) Single Issue Nearest Filing alleges the boy's death was abeth Avenue. He ran to a Rome Color Controls • Now . . . Licht Toast, transporting schoolchildren seem to be among most velopment Program" was filed the suit last week to due to the careless and ne- Dark Toast at the same time. Modal 22OOS Irresponsible in thTe!r~~ra±rcrre~ toiceep within the speed part of a $6 billion lull sey averaged $57.34 per presided for more than one b) Single Issue Nearest Filing Date: 400 WHEN THE SHERIFF STARES, LOOK . . . UnionCounty obtain damages in connection vehicle with another man in Gate: Total Distribution: Sheriff Ralph Oriscello confers with Christopher Dierz at glicnce of the defendants. it and the two drove away. 4 SLICE TOASTER limit and to operate their vehicles in a manner designed extending federal anu-puv- Total Paid with the death of his son, Mr, Paskow claims the A COMPLETE LINE OF to get their young passengers to school safely. Slam 60P Freeholders on Spending teachers who re_ a) Average No. preceding 12 the Union County Democratic Theater PartyOctober 2. Lewis, on Sept. 29, 1969. The purse and billfold were- HOME AND CAR STEREO UMITS • 1, 2, .3 or 4 Slices at a Time * S^lect- a) months: 4.100 Mr. Dietz, a State Senate candidate, and Mr. OrisceUo, township and the school Ronlc Color Control • Automatically Adjusts Perhaps in the months to come we shall aec an in- ac^wl* ^n^erl^^ mained in the profession Mr. Paskow also named as later found in Linden, still A Strong anti-Republican crate in control, the tax in- b) Single Issue Nearest Filing seeking re-election, were among candidates who board were negligent In fall- containing some money, a AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES Toasting Time. Mooz.io m *" w^oh months: 200 in the suit for allegedly fail- ROBINSONS nouncing iur n. inciucnuu)1IL o •, sey Educatio_ ^ ^n Associatio( t^n ingtolngtonn iinn Augus Augue>t" 1871' «7I , Countf.nimryv Date: aoo Total: M. Zbikowski, a school cros- Street, Apartment 4A, re- In a joint statement, Clark county tax increases in ex- one J h N J Association met at Wash b) a) Average No. preceding 11 ing to properly control the rn A IDC ONHOME& CAR STEREOS reported Superintendent Ephraim Total Distribution: sing guard. flow of pedestrian and ve-ported her car stolen from D Mayor Thomiis A.Kacz- cess of $2 and $3 million no n- voting Senators That was the average. The Dietrich gave this report: »a)' AversAveragee No. precedinprecedingg 12 months: 4.300 Multi-Family Building J 1527 MAIN ST., RAHWAY Take Your Time Hopes Meetings months: 2.-173 b) Single Issue Nearest Filing In the suit filed by Sheldon hicular traffic. that address- Teletype alarm Kfcr/Airvo COLOR &8&WTV S marek, Mrs. Matilda dollars." Surely not all were ill. Could Th re was was sent. they"hav¥ been "Junketing" "at highest salaries werepaldin "' f a goodly num- b) Single Issue Nearest Date: 4,400 ripUPi McGowan and Joseph L. y FREE'PARKING To Vote Nov. 2 y$/\\\ Be Publie The trio contrasted die me cities. But in Cape May ber in attendance. The exer- Date: 2.575 K. C. BAUEB •.-.".-.•-.-.•.•.-.----•£•--.-.% *>:•>$»•:•>>:• Officers patruling the PHONE Garrubbo pointed out that e -.•.•x-.-.'.-.-^w'iWw.w REAR OF STORE ,8 A M ic t, P County/one famale teacher ciBes consisted of essays, OfflCe Use: Publisher parking area at Rahway Re- 1 2B7--X 1 V| I read recently that only As one member of the "Republican big spending. of Se "world" Up 70% Over 1969 THURS flu'* thev are "receivinir a warm - . c,< . , u p was earning a mere $16 per class drills, and discussions a) Average No. preceding 12 Dwelling Units Average Monthly creation bowling alley ob- Der cent of "die eligible wa8Ce and The C For the first time Ginee units wati reported. 65 per cent of the eligible puWlc who has had to sit welcome and strong support inefficiency with months: 100 Rent served a car which had the voters are expected to bother 'through the economy and accom- Program y ,u and were"hlohlv interesrlnc Vote Cost Defended New Jersey has re- The previous waiting game" wherever they oo. including inrereHan b) Single Issue Nearest Filing report COUNTY 1969 1970 1969 1970 back right window brolcen it passed by the month. a™ TV«* S ta^tHr- increase in - Terry issued by the out by a rock. The contents they call it a so-called off- cion and ounty J th xronsmrcTioil—of- -new covering 1969, showed new City CouncU cake in . ^e pasr have supplied 1 12 Democraric candidate f Atlantic 745 1,020 $243 $188* of the vehicle had been year," we are electing the ff into recesses, 1 was rol. in "fiscal 1972 and commit had 1,979 female teachers periodically conducted tea- a> Average No. preceding multi-family dwelling units, construction declined 23 y, g off into rec, iiargargee pluralitiepluralitiess foforr RepubR - months: 2.575 unexpired term in the State 709 1,306 245 292 thrown about the ground out- According to theDemo- taxpayers to a $2 billion and 952 males. In the 1871- cher institutes. Alexander according to a report of the per cent over 1968. The Bergen whole state legislature, con- pleasep d to read the editorial ;ncan party candidatesdid , 2 s h o1 ar e flr8 b) Single Issue Nearest Filing Senate from Union County, 1,000 2,304 178 191 side of the vehicle. The trolling power of the free i lt k' Rah Ns ^ratic freeholder candi- orocram by fiscal 1473 ? ^ ° Y* — ^ ' Gilmore, the outgoing super- State Department of Com-department defines "multi- Burlington trolling power of the free- in last week's Rahway News- "There is no doubt aboui m^_ nsrro- year of free public educadoi Inrendent of schools for defended her estimate of t Camden 710 2,975 156 207 owner, Mr. Arthur Sam.-nond daies/ Union fa mil^'_ ___ as____refej:x.ill£.^. W holder- board, ^e sner-iff-and- -Record and hope -die publie it," the Dernocrats declared, munitv Affairs. J -89- -8B-* 1-51 .163- of Woodbridge, was con- is' not the in New Jersey — the total* buildings with three or more -Gape—M-a-y- - - the county clerk — not to meetings will be "public." "the taxpayers have had it RpnMhUranfi» cial election to fill one State At the same time, the re- Cumberland 235 226* 164 182 tacted and advised that an with the Republican Free- Republicans multi-million worst feature of this bill rose to 2,120 female tea- an institute on Nov. _ STATEMENT REQUIRED BY port noted, rents for the new family units. mention our local contests. MARY D. FINELLI courmouse garage THE ACT OF AUG. 2< 1021. AS Senate seat and an assembly Essex 360 501 204 227 attache case containing per- because it isthe childrer chers and 955 males, am in Williamstown, now in seat from GOP attacks which units rose to a statewide Mr. Hume said the figures With so many important 1028 Jefferson Ave. holdera' record-high county elephant was not an climbed tc Gloucester County but at that AMENDED BY THE ACTS OF Gloucester 1,016 204* 163 171 sonal papers had been stolen offices at stake, it's Rahway woulT time in Camden. MARCH 3. 1933. AND JULY 2. said the cost would be ex- average of $211 a month, a "seem to parallel nationwide Hudson 138 192 194 from the-car. 10 per cent increase over 537 difficult to understand how people have learned "Dr. Hart, principal of horbitant. Mr. English stated statistics, which reveal that Hunterdon 68 46* 183 197 1969. THURSDAY, OCT. 7 35 of every 100 voters would MilVOT Is Hit «*^,««-^ chat Burlington County which luring 1970, housing- starts Mercer 543 328* 184 215 J JST'^JSID CIHCUIATXON ie roughly one third the size The publication, "New n the United States were at Mr. Harry F. Krapsho of "sit it out ' and let someone ,,, l Middlesex 602 1,012 187 206 Garwood reported that while OF RAHWAY NBWS-&ECOHD, of Union County conducted a Multi-Family Dwellings in heir highest level since the else make theii-decl^ioris for Republicans who are the big Monmouth 1,000 1,224 187 195 his car was parked at Rahway projects provided oruty and even tlie institu- males. As a result, budget- published each Thursday »t BPecial election for about New Jersey - 1970, * re-1950s." them. I hope that every ell- spenders andd U they are now ^g »•- — ^™*hr^ tion of the family might well conscious local school was replete with great re- Morris 12 600 158 223 Recreation someone broke gible voter who readk this y Rlhway, K. J. for October, 1071. ported that 13,537 new mul- Camden County, quadrup- determined to throw out the > R b£can Parry ls in be destroyed boards preferred females to search and deep philosophi- Ocean 477 184* 207 187* the right front window with 1. The named and addresses of tiple dwelling units were ling its 1969 figure, recorded letter will resolve no*, to CoilFSC big spenders. - "rmirrol " Just the child advocate males —despite recommen- cal knowledge, Mr. Passaic 8 371 180 248 a rock. The doors to the vote on Nov. 2. If you plarj S constructed during calendar 2,975 new multiple dwelling 'In 1967, with the Demo- control. provisions make one shud- dadonG from state officiale OlimorejrVrQte. Salem 0 8 _ 145 to be out of town, apply for^ is with great interest Mr. GUmore gave this rwi" year 1970, a 71 per cent in- units in 1970 to lead the 4 308 der. The government would crease over 1909, which Somerset 250 186* an absentee ballot now while I, a 20-year resident description of a presenta- state. Burlington County, 10 99 Cleveland PTA be empowered to confront Lucy's Italian Kitchen recorded 7,932 new units. Sussex 162 190 there's still time. of <<:iark, watch the current Miss Curran Rinaldo Favors tion by a Camden County generally among the annual UNION 94 432 257 256* Our greatest American developments in our town- and defy parents in the rais- Hxcept for 19d7, when a leaders in multi-family ing of their children and teacher; "Miss Hillman de- Restaurant & Pizzeria Warren 112 156 169 165* heritagi e iIs our righiht to livered her deep and well- slight 2% rise was recorded, dwelling construction, re- Has Annual Tea shipp . . teach the youngsters to do vote -- to give a vote Address Township propounded essay on school construction of multi-family ported the second highest of [n the last 20 years, my Peter J. likewise. Tina smacks of Aiding Elderly 7,932 13,537 $192 $211 confidence to government. Itjaa-^replete-_ LUNCHEON SPECIALS dwelling units has declined total of 2,304 new units. doing a good job for us or times, from-a low of $126.27 Nazi Germany", '"whefe the State" "Senator-"Matthew 3, with naivete and vivacious every year since 19637-when Bergen, Monmouth, Atlantic Hears Principal IQ_ replace them, governing bodies young curried favor with Rinaldo said this week that a peak production of 25,000 and Middlesex Counties all in 1951 to nearly 51.000 for Cl u b i Of Grover Cleveland Parent- The five or ten minutes Nazi authuriut-b, by spying, he favors the proposal that reported over 1,000 new year 1971V and I am of the es- PIZZA---and-oU-ITALLAH DISHES TO GO Teacher Association of Rah- spent in a polling place is out" regarding the proposed The Clark Republican on their own mothers and merchants grant discounts „ , units. Rinaldo Explains How Municipalises routing of the PATH r'apid Club's monthly meeting will SANDiVIGHES TO GO way held its annual kinder- the best investment in abnormal case. fathers. to senior citizens when they ™^?L~ ™!,,5! !? Democratic Club Totally, 15 of the state's , L ., . . transit system in Union take place Friday, Oct. 15 garten tea Sept. 28. America I can think of. The day care centers fun- make purchases in the area s 3n of which 21 c6unties reported in- Mrs. James Lukridge, I truly believe in the ad- County_ at 8;3^ p_m> at ^Franklin ded, staffed and programmed stores. Senator In UC Use Sales Tax Rebated Funds JOSEPH B. POZNIAK age, "a fair day's pay for Rd uDUC 8B6 St. George Ave. 381"9820 WE DELIVER creases in new construction. president, welcomed the pa- Assemblyman McDonough State Bank, Raritan -» by the federal government pointed out that most senior P have a mental Selects Officer, 113 Amelia Dr. a fair day's work,' I also treat Of the six showing de- By Sen, Matthew j. Rinaldo The answers were inter- rents and invited them to met with Nelson Slator, de- Clark. would also constitute a real citizens live on fixed in- very rare Rahway, H.J. OPEN SEVEN DAYS Clark want to see our municipal creases, only Ocean County, become members of the ,, . . , , puty commissioner of the danger to the family unit, comes that seldom keep pace character. Sometimes a piece of esting, and I'd like to share down 00 per cent, and the some of them with you. Like PTA. Frank Brunette, prin- employees well paid and de-_ PlainJield Area Chamber of Richard Weber, program In America, we believe that! with die cost of living in- Listens to Talks legislation dropped into the Suggests Dictz 19o9 State leader, Glouces- cipal, introduced Mrs. Irene ^r_e_tp cpn^^ute my_Jair_^>ommerGe and.Sam.Dami_ chairman, invited Miss Bar- a child belongs to his par- creases, hopper in Trenton is like the many communities. Berk- --The meeting al the Third- ter- -bounty;—down—86—p and. Mrs. Karherine share. I am sure, however, ai^ the chamber»fl execu- bara Curran, executive di- ents, who are his natural falling money as miscellaneous none of these ernployeea axe Ward Democratic Club of cent, showed significant de- Lucidamo, kindergarten tea- What can you do to help the sick, the handicapped, Investigate Cost tive-. -vic©-presidiinv this rector of the New Jersey proiectors and guides, if Its ripples go a long way. revenues and used it co re- receiving eight rimes the Rahway was held on Sept. clines. The other counties chers, to parents. week_, State RepublTcanCDTmnnittee, temporary arrangements 2H in the Columbian Club- S-721 has certainly been duce the amount of taxes that salary or 1951. "Local sentiment favoring to speak on the accomplish- Candidates Cite reporting decreases in mul- A film, "Early Childhood the aged...and to help control social probl£ms_irQiiL Of Government must be made for his care house with the president, tiple dwelling unit construc- a bill with far-reaching ef- must be raised from home- So, where is the rest/ the exten^ion of the proposed ments of the state legislature fects. Shortly after my elec- Development," was shown, The police protection ... , , outside the home because of J^eisler, presiding. Cape May {89 co owners. "The township feels I see by state senatorial Cornish tion to the State Legislature, it stressed the important no better or worse that 20 line at le'ast to Plainfield under the-administration of financial need, far better Mrs. 7-euTtrberlafld <2354*x22£L_ this is a most beneficial drug abuse to marital stress? candidate Christopher Narcotics Fight recording se- I -Introduced^_a-i3lll to rerun of recognizing a child _. . , ls invaluable to the state Gov. William T. Cahill. that he be placed In a re- was elected Hunterdon (6.§ to. 46), and W-itlvlearning disabilities and Dletz's press releases that ligious or philanthropic day cretary. Nomination for re- to municipalities aportiono "programv yeartem s iagos n.o Th more schooe olr eys less- offlclals and ^ey are act_ Freeholders William J Mercer (543 to 328). H«eights official wrote. how if corrected in the early he Is promising anything and care center, locally funded, . . . . „ . , «„„„ freshment committee chair- the sales tax revenues. Th< Take the easy way out. Pass the buck. As many as adequate than it was when Ively soliciting these opin- r__ilM1 A- U^^r The average size of apart- Plainfield has also put the stages can help the learn- everything to anybody except than in a national govern^ Maguire and Donald Dunne, man was accepted by Mrs. measure received a gxea relief to the overburdened my children were enrolled. ions," the assemblyman rOlUni 10 liedl and another Republican free- ments, according to the re-deal of grass-roots suppori money Into general revenues ing habits of the child. The fire department ia still said. He noted tharcurrent ment institution hamstrung John Kinderes. port, slightly increased dur- and in effect reduced the tax you can. Make one contribution to the UnitedHFtmd: taxpayer. Speakers included William and passed the Legislature. A question and answer pe- a volunteer group, efficient, plans extending the Unk to ing 1970. Builders favored load on the citizens. How- riod followed. Mr. Brunette Talk on Economy r ectives disguised as -P-apir-nik, directar-.-of Civil However, Governor Hughes He is ready to reform any- dedicated, and underpaid for Cranford using-ihe tra6kage that Union County s pioneer- •thr-ee- to four—room apart- vetoe~d~it7~But~th~e peopld had ever, Mayor Frank— JBlatz and the-two-kindergarten tea- their efforts. The employees of the Jersey Central rail- ' 'guidelines.'' Better still Defense; Francis Senkowsky ments as they have in past and you'll support many worthy causes which des- thing he thinks is wrong with- road "are still in the ing work in the field of drug the last word. By the thous- pointed out in his reply that chers spok"e of the impor- of the road department are "ea^, Thomas D. Sayles, presi- and Wilson Beauregard, years, but construction of in the .state of New Jersey, sibUity study ecases" ands, they wrote to their since 1968 his city has added tance of die parents and continually complaining, and and^dent of the Summit andEliz- councilmen-at-large; Philip five- and six-room apart- 25 men to the police depart- regardless of the cost to the decisions can notbe I Trust C ompany, has is just one of the many new Carr, member of Planning representatives in Trenton teachers working closely to- perately need your help. poor taxpayer. the U. S. Postal Service in concepts and innovations ments showed considerable urging them to over-ride the ments-built^t new high school, gether to insure the best our town - well, that's a Board, and Joseph Hartnett, increase, according to the instituted-a new-&nd innova- iouB Jersey Central'proper- Nadler, nationally - known brought to county govern- executive secretary to Ma- Governor's veto. The legis- education possible for the He is ready to set up all complete story in itself. terventlon" may be given. ment during the past three publication. lators listened and voted to tive fire safety^ patrol. child. kinds of commissions to in- ties and agreements with scononilst, willbe the spealc- New York Senator James yor Daniel L. Martin. Theii _ Now, Mr. Kaczmarek, other rail lines are reeol- 3t at years. Statewide, rents for themake S-721 law over the "These are only a few of the Refreshments ,. were vestigate anything and "BDCElejrpoTnted" out that the projects we~-have-ondertakfcrr what have you done ln the ved. This is expected soon, less forubq and luncheon on The three candidates said were-f^towetr-mw-nanlra^ncTeTOed-1> "Governor's veto. -served by—MTST Dolores everything in New Jersey, Child Development Program by a question-and-answei since 1968, and I am sure U past three years? , • Oct. 28 at tt?e Canoe Brook :reation by the Board of per cent over 1969 to an During the past_ three Fillmore. except the high cost of run- ' 'would revolutionize the period. the tax load had not been You have told us we need Mayor and a part part- Country Club.' Freeholders of a department average of $211. Bergen years. Union County muni- ning the state government The next meeting is sche- lightened with the return of "more. _ratableeI ^and -as. re- *-*«*. Frrehnlrier. Will the for the prevention of drug County reported the state's cipalities have received for _the poor taxpayer, .States." He had duled for 8:30 p.m. on Oct some of the sales tax Approve Plans ported over Radio Station _new position mate you a highest average monthly $6,167,171.18 in direct aid No wonder he came but In 25 at the Columbian Club moneys, we would not have If you don't do it, it loon'tget done, WJDM, you were quoted as Detter Mayor of Clark? „ s c „„„_ rental, $292, while last under my. revenue- sharing support of imposing an in- been financially:_. able to saying we need multiple Mr Kaczmarek what will 1972," will focus oh. trends to vote against S. 2007. recognition and won an award year's leader, UnionCounry, law. The purpose of the mea- -• - - • ' and changes in the ecoXomic <=*mn«~ i«~^i«^*, . undertake many of them,*' For Bank Office come tax on the people of story buildings, and on the yo"u had the second highest fig- sure was to give aid that N . . . . _ .. . . _. at the annual convention of declared, Robert K, Rockhlll, presi- New Jersey. other hand you are . trying ROBERT G. TAYLOR -fnmk-Hamed dp-ease: the_prQpjerrx United picture with emphasis oVthe ready being studied by the the Natlonal Association of dent of the Community State to give away a half million 31Q Weet L^ Salem County reported the -Summit^ Ask any overburdened ^ current wage and prke House Education and Labor c officials. tax burden. ramblehi Q to pleaal e ft fcwf J lowest average rent, $145, -Township of Union and ik—and Trust Company,^ Rahway taxpayer ciark freeze, \ Committee. America 0 chil- ^^.-4.1^0. Campaign r. Several weekB ago I wrote Linden, announced yesterday golfers from the rest of with Cape May, Gloucester some Union County mayors Borough of New Providence Christopher Dietz's costly the county, not just Clark. soooo Carmine J. Liotta, Demo- and Warren Counties all in UHeused: the funds, as did sev- the approval by the state to ask specifically how they J commissioner of banking of programs in Rahway. By the Your constituents can hardly cratic State Senate candi- the $160-171 range. were able to use the monej {; ^ Dther communities, to way, when is afford this luxury I date, announced that Harry According to the repurt, heA lower the amount of Community Bank's request received under the revenue- P to open an office in Roseile. Dietz going to admit Mr. Mayor, MAC the KNIFE p. Frank of Elizabeth will monthly rents increased in sharing program. money raised by property The new branch will be that he was a has for realize be'his campaign manager j all but five of the 21 coun- ~fromr -—So—did—die—Gity~of—jbin^ .the-^bank-'s, sixth_offlce- Com-. tion? of all the people in Clark. Isn't Back in Town Usher of The Daily Journal, $243 to $188; Ocean, from PotfoenrairBreaki den, where. Mayor John munity has offices in Linden WILLIAM WANKO By commercializing the has compiled a statewide $207 to $187; Somerset, from Gregorlo reported "it isand Rahway and reports as- 601 W, Grand Ave. areas of the second, third reputation during . the past $250 to $186; Union from a blessing. It enables us tosets of app roxim a tel y $ 7 5 half century as a leader Into Locked Carr million. Rahway and fourth wards with high But... $257 to $256; and Warren, take care of many things— rise buildings, you are hurt- in civic, charitable and from $169 to $165. raises to police and fire- ing the very people who sup- youth endeavors. In addition, a total of 95 To Aid III Man men, construction and re- Denies Writing ported you* municipalities reported 163 Patrolman Jack Patton, pair of sewers, etc., without 1st New Jersey Mr. Kaczmarek, what have 27, of the Clark Police De- putting more of a burden on Journal Letter you done? 2nd Ward Dems during 1970. The 1969 re-partment suffered a wound-th6 homeowner, whom I feel We jread-iri the newspapers port listed 78 municipali- ;>n his hand that required has^had-itasfar-aa increases Opens Prepared aod ties and 137 new construc- contributed by Many comments and tele- of the scandal of 1964; con- four stitches to close, when First Kew Jersey Bank Bill's at 140 Westfield Ave. Set Buck Night tion projects. Because of the way S-721 Pubiic Service t>hone calls have called my Victed officials have created he came to the rescue of will formally dedicate its baa helped reduce the burden attention to an item which a legacy of problems that Issued annually, the pub-Frederick Tomassi of 10 new permanent branch of- The Second Ward Demo- on the homeowners whom I appeared in The Dally Jour- no one wants, and most peo- Cldrkr n.J. lication covers volume, cost, Linda La-, Clark, who was filce at Route 28 and Garden "'betters to the Editor" pie do not know about. Have cratic Club will hold a Buck size, and other data by county having a stroke in hie car with branches In Night on Thursday, Oct. 28, g Saturday at t97i7-^teps-been-taken-,to-c6J:-rect- S-TYr-L-lS-T-T-O-T-HE-MALE- FINE SELECTION and munici -oji-ngw-pru which *TdnreB~tb ese-iiiequitiea-oi^to-^om- as Lynn Hackerm an, Mise Smith, Rahway,:N.J^ *>°"f <* ^he felony? , ati e Jersey of Down with Mass Production operatives and hostelries, Howard Johnson's Motor * -Y accomplishment of my M.Pitt, Ttie writer-Vould like it Mr, Kacimarek. what are If MOUNTAINSIDE * MENU) PARK MALL lB available fr^fi f»f wirti Ticvnw^ *°ur years In Trenton, In aU known diut Juuies fltnltfa, -*S7 yon_notng7 rrr-Bmyi have ^^p O7B ^ ports Secretary Dee Knox;, 08625. ^SSS^^^S^SSP^^^^^= released. than S-721. Rahway Savings Institution, two hats half cocked head Railway" ™ * *"P»« THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14,-1-97-1—RAGE-7; RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK PATRIOT RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD/CLARK 6 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1971 SSS Pollitt Wants Some Tax Revenues Role Seen Legion Auxiliary GOP Freeholder Candidates Say Dems Abuses , Yet/a Names Chairman New faster Councilor Dedicated for Educational Uses Harry James Harchetts, were; Senior councilor, Ri- See Impossible Dream..low County Constitutional dedication ing deluded as occurred in " Pollution" used to mean scavengers haveflizeablein- .son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry chard Olson; junior coun- of certain tax revenues for 1966," he said. "Any re- contamination of atmosphere vestments in equipment, For Americanism Harchetts of 315 Berthold cilor, David Tomaszewicz; education is an essential step moval of dedication would or water, now it has become weekly outlays for person- senior deacon, Arthur Ly- Budge) and Purchase of Oak Ridge film, known as Celgard, said plastic membranes to restore public confidence be publicly debated." a close relative of waste nel, without which demands Ave-, Rahway, has been in- ons- junior deacon, Roy Dr. R. EC Isaacson, 2105 The president, Mrs. Gus stalled as master councilor St. George Ave., Rahway, "breathes" but it is water- made of Celgard could be in government taxation, said Mr. Pollitt contends that disposal and flood control a fair return on their in- Leonard; senior steward, Two Republican candi- Golf Course in Clark. the basis of "totally new the credibility of any fis-And all are out of hand. vestment, or garbage will Miss Laura Ann Netta be- Olde Colonial Inn, Susque- Boti of Clark Unit 328, of Union Chapter, Order of was a member of Celanese proof and bacteria resistant. Van Dyke J. Pollitt, Repub- dates for re-election to and They also noted the coun- types of engineered devices cal measure is in direct Councilman - at - large A. stand on our doorsteps and ;ame the bride of Ronald hanna. Pa., following the American Legion Auxiliary, -DeMolay, Rahway. Corporation's 10-man re- The pores are small enough lican candidate for the unex- Wayne Hodges; junior stew- one seeking his first term ty has enough space at the for pollution control." proportion to the public re- Charles Walano of Clark in leaseholds of dumping 5eorge Brownell at 4 o'clock ceremony. has appointed a past presi- The new master councilor search team that developed to prevent the passage of pired term in the State Sen- ard Guy Harriman; chap- on the Union County Board Ash Brook course owned by gard for its fairness, equi- warns. sites. _ _ jn Saturday, Sept. 18, in The bride is a graduate dent. Mrs. Herb Muth, as i is a Junior in Rahway High a microporous plastic film bacteria, water and selec- The Celanese inventors ate. Americanism chairman. lain, Jon Wolfarth; sentinel, of Chosen Freeholders have the county to build a third f tive fluds but allows air and put five years oi research tability and need. "Consti- Mr. Walano is running as a ""Similarly, effective flood die United M-ethodist Church, of Rahway High school and llSchool and a student at Union Gary Kremnick; standard that was termed . Jone of the He called for an amend- y g Delegates appointed to at- County Technical School charged their opponents with golf course. water vapors to pass and development effort into ment to the State Constitu- tutional dedication would Democrat for the State As- control demands major-out- Starrucca, Pa. f-.~-.i-ii,Franklin, n<__BeautMrv\ Sr.hooSchoolL, bearer, Albert PetraS; mar- "political hypocrisy" for .most ai§fitfl^ant^advances in "ake a giant step in the tend the Union County organ- where he is majoring in elec- The Republican incum- membrane technology since through. Celgard. At times- k seemed tion to make dedication pos- sembly in District 9C. lays. Land acquisition and The Rev. Ricahrd V. Gra- Elizabeth. Before her mar- shal, Stephen Pender; ora- urging the county to spend bents are William J. Ma- it might remain a laboratory direction of pla&ing our construction are more than ization meetings, held on the tronics. He is a member of tor William Wohltman; pre- the introduction of cello- Celgard will be marketed sible. "I hope the public Mr. Walano's message ham officiated at the candle- riage she was purchasing third Thursday of every millions of taxpayers funds guire of Clark, a former 1 curiosity. However, they has the right to vote on State's fiscal house in or- was directed noc only to a chore for a single com- agent for V, MuclU-r Surgi- the chapter's installing cep'tors, first, Laurence phane in 1924/ He is tech- Celanese Plastics Corn- light ceremony in the month, in the hall of Martin team. A Boy Scout, he is to purchase the Qak Ridge mayor of the township, and. "nical manager-resins at pany foTdiverse"appircations persisted and now Celanese this essential matter in ader," he said. Clark, but to all eight mu- munity. presence of members of the cal Instruments and Sui - Beam; second, Blair Svihra, Donald C. Dunne of Fanwood. Walberg Post 3, Westfield, a member of Troop 40. and third, William Marsh. Celanese Research Com- in the medical, industrial says, out of it all came a public question in 1972," Mr. Pollitt is running with nicipalities in Assembly "Whatever we do, wem-ist immediate families of the plies, Rahway. are: President, Mrs. Bott; Other officers installed The third candidate, Mat- he said. Senator Matthew J. Rinaldo, District 9-C. "Pollution/' do in concert, often with the couple. Mr. Brownell is a gradualL- first vice president, Mrs. Elizabeth Rejects thew H. Nilsen of Eliza- pany, Summit. processing and electric bat- truly^uniform microporous McDer- •he reminded, county and the state should- of Susquehanna Community Mr. Pollitt said if dedi- Senator Frank X. "smites all M_ss Netta is the daughter Steven Horin; second vice beth, is in his first bid The new polypropylene tery industries. Celanese film." cation would have been Con- mott and Jerome M. Bp- eight — Clark, Plainfield, . ering much of the respon- of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Netta High School and Williams- president, Mrs. John A. for a freeholder slot. Scotch Plains, Fanwood., sibility for deliberate and port Area Community Col- stltutional in 1965 when the stein, of 777 Rodgers Court, Rah- Gudor; correspondence sec- l1% Plan to Extend "In one breath, they com- sales tax was first promol- Westfield, Berkeley Heights, intelligent, longrange plan- way. Mr. Brownell is thelege in Pennsylvania. An retary, Mrs. Kenneh Rea, plain about the county bud- Smoking, Cancer gated, "measurable pro- |)|J0 ^ 6111 New Providence, and Sum- ning. That applies, too, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, R.Army veteran, he is em- and past county presidents, tet and in the next, they perry tax relief would have m i t. in acquiring property and Brownell of Starrucca. ployed by Handling Seo Mrs. Joseph Walsh and Mrs. _ Youth Program urge a giant expenditure for occurred instead ofthefrus- r* * p "The state increasingly construction o. dams, re- Misa Janice N etta w as The couple went on a wt-d- Gilbert C. Lesko. a third county golf course/* Subject of Talk takes a hand in.flood control -talnlng-7 -wfl___s,r—bridges,—and=_ in much of our k :r Muth, Mrs. Theodore Rud- Yfmrh but not delivered." Mr. "best TTTilTr^e^ fei5-~^TOthC_r- --•y^si-dc—in. ~ Mrs. FrarJT^WTeTry, ~^b^^^!LHIk re Pollitt stated. He hag given strict controTo- ship. Pa. -ps—to—tnc A wedding dinner at the 1 ~"J "*** - iTy'- • inVii r' MI 'i ' ^TlfKff* ' T— - •_- _ tiena tor —t__ey—didn* Better and accurate ve- - to the James dical A66ietant£ State PubUc UtUic Patricia Krov _v!EWI,YWEDS ON HONEYMOON ... Mr.andMrs •the—btt 7 tax and non-tax revenues hide accident. . ..__xar___rlcs y Com mission aer~GrrneTc J. Mak'ar of Rah^______._aboye. enjoy'usEig'amoEo& eencially S09_-man The duo said "A third gold course would CHAIRMAN FOR. TEENS APPOINTED ... Miss Virginia continuing sale of stockings Miss Boncouri Is an exe- chairman, Mrs. Walsh, re- gram. and note paper for the com- New Jersey has the highest ^^ che laet year for wnlch Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J. ported that United States Hew Statue oi Explorer Is Unveiled benefit considerably less McKenney, chairman for the March of Dimes campaign Boncouri of lU_Mjr_a> St., cutive secretary at Reeves- Charles Brown, JFK Cen- than 1% of our citizens while ing year and for a Christmas effective property tax rate COunty-by-county accident BQncouri Division, Cyclops Savings bonds were pur- The Rahway Italian Amer- grand marshal of the parade, ter's chairman, said after in Roselle Park, has been appointed Union County in the country, and the cost analysis was available was trr;—have—announced hitting everyone in their poc- chairman for teenage activities in behalf of the fund iiariy to be held at the truT e"ngagern"e"nT"""DT" trreir Corporaxron, Elizabeth. chased by members last tcan Club held a well- Numerous city officialsand the Elizabeth Council's ac- ketbooks." Freeholder can- Tower Restaurant, Moun- of education represents 19^8 GAL. BODYWORK month3ntn-. •irrpnripd and successful guest speakers welcomed the tion that underprivileged by Christopher Dietz of Rahway, chairman of the some 70 to 75% of property "From 1960 to 1967, eco- daughter. Miss Kathleen Hi—ttr with Tal didate Matthew Nilsen said. tainside, on Dec. 8. 1 SO gal. n>in. Dinner-Dance on marchers who were un- -executive—board nf Unipn County chapter. National tax bills. '•Funding of public nfnjr Toflfi ln our state for Anne Boncouri, tu Ldward Clark Inc., Avenel. The dark horse award was Columbuf"f "!;*,. s ^AOVnU-trV- 4^V*a._. •• MJ w -_-UI- f. - — - - - The noxt mooting will bo CUSTOM lce 'We simply aren'timpress- eaucaaon ^rne Jx-_ son of_Pg* ^.7^19722 « won^Mre.H^, , ^ ££»» ar their clubhouse, daunted by the rain and who .'victimized" by the refusal Foundation March of Dimes. Miss McKenney, meraoer held on Wednesday, Nov. 3, traffic accidents totaled Buy from a leading company PAINT An The c____tL_meetinK wll^be to funnel federal funds to ed with Mr. KaczxnareJc's some property OUR 34 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE Lt. and Mrs. L. J. liuTrne" Ts being "planned. dinner was Miss of the chapter's executive committee, said that it at the office of Or. Jean „ - r_ _.ta, x are twtwoo $1,403,091,840. During this held at the post home on eehH^iy-Anns NF.W LAUNDRY LINE the city's youth petitions, signed by golfers will give you MORE COMFORT uf o85 I. Scutt Avc.,Kahway. served by Merchants ^ — -r-.— . - is "only natural that teenagerg s become aware of Herz. Interested medical as- of the state s most pressing period the number of ve- HL'XFORD-GALLUCCI Wednesday. Berezny, home economics adv"-^ problems.' and SAVE you MONEY. Cell for CORVETTt Venice, Clark caterers. Dr. Barbera on Christopher demons tr-ates-fip employment program. ~__mrT.nvolve_riTiv6?TTnr _.tm_r of sistants may contacFTSTrB jixbj^msMeaningful_pro- nlcle mUes traveled annually D' AH If- N'/-G - PH dinner-dance com- Columbus. Following the Mr. Brown vowed to Ion County, because the tax prevent perty tax lrellef~iilljif InH th*TT_eZ I>for« —.m« on ^TNe~ 'w ' Jerse^r y road—:—s iin -;— ~ " The Blackstone clothes washer and gas dryer during birih defects since they are potential parents, W. G. Raney at 232-9177 of greatly expanded direct Wedding vows were ex- consisted of Nick talk, a new statue of Chris- of "leave no stone unturned" burden was not explained to creased by 40%, while esti- Miss Matlosz is employed mittee introductory sales meeting. for information, Marion Mil- aid to education from dedi- Estimate on Announcement w _^ made changed Sunday at Sulphur chairman; William topher Columbus was until the center obtains fund- them prior to signing, mated road accidents soared NEW BOILER — BURNER & ALL PHASES OF Spring Inn, Berkele_• }<*\Jy byy the General cie^-mElectric- lirettoi~iretto, cnainimu; WJ_.__._UI* w_™*. ler of 442 Orchard St., Rah- cated tax revenues would of the engagement of Miss r Credit Corp., Rahway, and storza, co-chairman; presi- unveiled. ing for the Rahway program. The GOP candidates ex- by 135%," the candidates CONTROLS, CONVERSION OR FIBERGLASS WORK; reports- solve both problems/' he explained." r**^ -wrT-HF^w^^-4a--w*T-Thc-EubHf'. H^ftt-ABtfaonv -^-ivffn^n. fifr* After_ plalned a third golf course said. of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gallucci, daughter of Mr. Servic"«* e Electric & Gas Co., Finelli, Gasper Addeo, Jo- -- service Contra.--! Prasek of 25 Lexington and Mrs. Leonard Gallucci of the existing Ash Brook Mr. Pollitt noted that many Mobile Meals Celebrates Vutoinstic D«liv«ry Irvington. sepPh LoPiccolo, Jack Scri- clubhouse where refresh- •"RTTaTRelofin ^cours^e in Scotch Plains, "but ^-:£#SS:^^ 'Turn of Earth' legislators resist dedication Mrtercd D_llv«r? Blvd., Clarfc, to Ldward of 205 Third Ave., Berkeley H iwiin Mararpse ments were served, Mobile Meals will cele- Radio Dlapntch-t} Heights, and Robert J. Hux- A May wedding is planned. menti, Philip Matarese committee Sold by Elizabethtown not until the tax climate because funds could become W p'Arienzo • Jr., sun of Henry Cantone, _ _ Larry *Z!L-J * an-c_hr_irmer t brate the third anniversary Mrs. lidward W. LVArienzo ford sun uf Mrs. James PRETTYMAN-VanPLLI M n Subject Tuesday — is CQnsid__rat>ly b__ite_r than Kenneth Henrr Airman Schuetz Movie Subject unusable if the purpose for of its inception today. The DOMT WAIT, CAtl NOW — USED CARS — Huxford of 485 Seminary J. Warren Russell washing cycles, four water it is today. The county al- which they are dedicated dis- non-profit program of home- 4S6-2726 Doy or Night STUDIOS of West Orange and the late ready owns the land at Ash Cadet Kenneth L. Henry, Airman First Class Fred- Mr. D'Arienzo. Ave., Rahway, and the late Nancy Claire Van -esidenffor temperature combinations, "Our Turn of the Harth," appears. "I cannot imagine delivered meals has been Miss Nick Firetto, Al Castorina, S^EjSSetbtown Gas Co. four wash "d ^p»n ep^s Of League Meet Brook. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Russell erick Schuetz, son of Mr. this ever being the case 436-OO59 Da/ 382-1115 The future bride is em-Mr:.. HuxioraHuxford. Pelt daughter of Mr. and - . er J. Henry of 383 Russell Ave., and Mrs. Karl M. Schuetz a color, sound motion pic- serving one or two meals l Gasper Addeo, PhU Landeau. ha8 annOunced the addition of and a choice ot *" t of "In their attempt to curry with education, ' he said. CORNER OF RARITAN RD. ployed by the Prudential The bride is a purchasing MrB_ v/illard Van Pelt of 33 ^'u'' The Linden League of Wo- of 95 Amelia Dr., Clark, ture, will be shown at the every day, five days a week and AU£CiiU»U ^door^J-s ^*_--.-J^L SlcsTcTM-yTpTngi;a Marty Spangle;, ^acBlackGton^ tone e Tautomatiu ronTaVicc dependindepending upupocn the size oi favor with the golfers who Rahway, ie one of more than "If we first make dedi- AND CENTRAL AVE. Insurance" "Co., Linden, and assistant with Merck & Co., Benjarnln St., Clark and « men Voters Is sponsoring a Union County Park Commis- to the elderly, ill, handi- r n he 0 P rl *.-- Mn.i,, r ^omrinft . . , i ,„,!•*-«. the wash 1 940 cadetsy havh e startedd is home from Vietnam on a cation Constitutionally per- CLARK, N.J. Rahway, where the bride- George W. Prettyman J'- ^n ± /-hv A^ on v "ri: V-V Slca. Marie Castorina, clothes waehers and gae^y- *e wash toad. meeting on state tax reform use the Oak Ridge course, sion's Trailside Nature and capped or convalescents her fiance is with the Union the Democrats have turned their Junior year at the month's leave. missible, 1 would support UNDEN, - ___room is an electrician. p of Mr. and Jean Landeau and Pat Ge-ers to the gas company's J^^^J^J^ill Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the J y Science Center in the Wat- since Oct. 14. 1068. C__n\p .Corp., Wayne. He their backs on -the taxpayers Airman Schuetz will re- a ^plan that would: ~__tlow" the .attend____ Dr__wi_r_[~T . _._IT "" " "'" "" """ "1 " .-."___. '' ^~_ r selection of famous make also r_av<__ ^ _• Linden Reformed Church United Staiea Air Force Aca- chung"R'es"ervatioh'6"n"5anclay Prertyman ^_._ „ Tt_e club headed by Presi. eumaritt. -Woo d-~Aver~and—i: who—must—foot—the— bill— • turn tCL. his durtes with the legislature to dedicate "all College, Fort Lauderdale, The engagement of Miss married in United Methodist dent Anthony Vivenzlo also Windows Smashed Twice home appuances. J^tndeT^elsy-to-clear , easytoclean TTnt they said. C adet H enry -wiH—Bervt at 2 p.m. or a portion of tax revenues Fla. Linden. The meeting is open Air Force—in—Vietnam this On Sunday at 3 and 4 p.m., Carolyn Matlosz to John R. Church in Rahway on Oct.took active part in the Union Vandals have shattered The Blackstone company. Mindeanr d slim "kitchen cabi- to the public. The GOP candidates said during the fall term as an month.. _ . . He expects to be by a 3/5 vote of both houses le Middlesex the nation's oldest manufac- uau. «_,!«=** .- but with element leader with the rank promoted to sergeant in Nov- a program, "Amateur As- Sparks 3rd, son of Mr. and 2. Prior to her marriage Counw Columbus Day Pa- windows at the Middlesex the nation's oldest manufac- trap Mrs. Paul Moffett, a re-there are eight golf courses and 'lift' that dedication by the bride was employed by .y's purifica- turer of home laundry equip- net dimensions of cadet master sergeant. He ember. tronomy," will be presented the- same -3/5- vote. This Mrs. J. R. Sparks Jr. of rade held Oct. 10 In Eliza- Water CompanM___d___m.______rnfinry s _ .an wrnrfflri in 187^ giant load capacity. presentative of thestate of- in Union County, some pri- 137 Colu"rm_us P\-~—R-oaeHe--New -JeFS€^BeU---T£leplici____. final vate arid some public."They was selected Tot the position in ttre Traiiaitle Plane- would eliminate die problem, +ierh - -T-hts - -wa-e—6Befifie-=ed-tion—plant on Mauwv»-- __.U....L>—""•" ^^^__j^__, fice of the League of Women because of his leadership Mif»_1__f_l tarium. The same program Park, was revealed by her Co., Cranford. The bride- by^eTtalTanAmericTnCul- Rd., Clark, two times re- William Blackstone i decision to add Blackstone Voters, will present a slide are: Plainfield Country Club, of unusable funds and would parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert groom is with Conaflow bHoosiey r inventor appliances we had our home Echo Lake Country Club, abilities and effectiveness Plll-liaCI will be presented on Wed- prevent the public from be- turaDr. lMatthe Societwy Ao Rarberf EUzabetha was. centlytime wa. s Thestimatee damagd aet each Hoosiesigned rth e inventofirst washinr whgo ma de- - lecture on tax reform in New ratings. Marine Pvt. Michael nesday at 8 p.m. Matlosz of 2153 Ludlow St., Corp.,, Bleinheim. : economics department, un- Jersey. Time will be pro- Rofctelle Country Club, Scotch Rahway. chine. der the direction of Mrs. vided for questions and dis- Hills Country Club, Subur- During the past summer, Roberson, son of Mr. and Today's Blacks tone Charlotte Mitchell, check J cussion. ban Country Club Oak Ridge he served as an instructor mrB. Virgil Roberson, Sr. - - . "t^ pverv Dhaee. The machines Golf Club, Ash Brook Golf in a rigorous basic training. f 337 E. Grand Ave., Rah- washers feature the very The League of Women o latest conveniences in- every p pOSSible Club, and Galloping Hill Goli course for members of the , completed basic "train- Voters in New Jersey has way eluding the exclusive *Maglk were gi nnfifipd each one Club. academy's incoming fresh- i the Marine Corps taken a four-point stand on ng at BalancV' which eliminates w« ^^^^rmancllent p e man class. Recruit Depot, Parris Is- off-balance load problem l^^^fratings," saiS d Russell,. tax reform. They believe New Jersey needs tax re- Cadet Henry also was a land, S. C. Mr. Roberson without cut-off switches or The Blackstone selection Grand Jury Bill survival training instructor i8 a graduate of Crestwood reset buttons, this special includes four washer models form which will (1) reduce for sophomore cadets in the High School, Chesapeake, SALES & SERVICE design stops vibration and dependence on the property and two dryer models, each rugged Rampart Range area Va. MACHINES - BAGS - SUPPLIES assures a completed cycle available in harvest gold, tax, (2) reduce disparities Indicts Man 26 surrounding the academy. every time. in tax rates and services r avocado green and white. Alfred P. Peaney, 26, of Upon graduation from the The deluxe model has five among communities, (3) raise the overall level of 1477 Main St., Rahway, was academy, he will be commis- .J. Holencsak BOWATER-ELSMAN Mr. Beriont, became the sioned a second lieutenant bride of Thomas J. Heaney, state services, and (4) en- indicted on a charge of bachelor of Navv Seaman Michael J. courage state development breaking and entering with and receive his bachelor ot Holencsak| aon of Mr> and 12 NEW STREET son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jntent to steal last week by science degree. The engngement of Mistos Heaney of 172 W. Hazelwood th a .-meets the neetts-of-New- Mrs. Albert Holencsak of Elizabeth Anne Elsman Jersey citizens. the Middlesex County Grand 1083 Maurice. Ave., Rahway, -Robert Bowater of-21 fltafrfrIte Ave., Rahway, Sunday after- Jury in New Brunswick. noon'In the TJnUed Methodist The executive board of is deployed to the Dr., Clark, was announced M r. Peaney is charged Richard Tannis Pacific aboard a guided mis- Church of Linden. the Linden League of Wo- with breaking into the Free- by 'her parents, Mr- and men Voters held its Septem- Richard Tannis, son ofsile escort destroyer, USS Mrs. Raymond H. Elsman MARTUCC1-WREESMAN zer Foods Service, 605 New Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tan- Ramsey, for duty with the ber meeting at the home of Brunswick Ave., Perth Am- REBUILD ANY MODEL $19.75 and up of 428 S. Broad St., Eliza- Announcement has been Emily Dooley, 948 Milton nis of 281 Williams St., Seventh Fleet. beth, and Belmar. Mr. Bo-made of the marriage of boy, on March 26. Rahway, has been promoted Spouio'i Mamo Ami Otiired Blvd., Rahway. His ship's home port is Birth Date HOME LAUNDRY APPLIANCES water is the eon of the late Miss Barbara Jean Wrees- to technical sergeant in the Long Beach, Caiii, Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Ethel Mastracola, a man, daughter of Mrs. consultant from the state Air Force. Bowater. Joseph M. Wisnosky of 86 AAUW to Have Sgt. Tannis, an aircraft Hnmi' fhouc How Lone There league, was a special guest. Fourth Ave,,. Garwoad, and maintenance technician at Civic Program Rent -The bride~_o-he-is a_.gra= She conducted an orientation dilate of Douglass College. -t-hft larp. H. r. Wrfflflman.m Homo ftddrE« ie ^>enefir~o-~ PO-ilion New Brunswick, and Mr.Edward Patrick Martucci, new board members. serves with a unit of the CAFiOr. ;cUTS THE GOBI Bowater was graduated from aon of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Colonia Branch, American Air Forces in Europe, Union County Technical In- P. Martucci of 18 Malvern The league is also plan- Association of University America's overseas air arm Spouvu b ArinuJl Drive, Clark, on Sept. 25 In ning a special United Nations OF FLASH PiCTURES- And Ehzabethtown Gas will bring you together. You, who appreciate the best stitute, Scotch Plains. They Women, will have a "Sherry assigned to the North At- New Volunteers are systems analysts with iie Church of St. Anne, Gar- meeting for next Thursday Sip" on Sunday between 2 lantic Treaty Organization. in automatic clothes washers and dryers . . . and Blackstone. ^America's oldest at the home of Mrs. Julia and 4 p.m. at the home of Rahway J^ycees and Jay- the New Jersey Blue Cross, Creitz, 218 Palisade Rd., The sergeant is a 1954cee-ettes are still soliciting AUTQMATiCALLY manufacturer of quality home laundry appliances. t Newark. Mrs. Marjorie Crump of graduate of Bronx (N.Y.) You'll love the complete flexibility ot Blackstone products Like the gas Linden. Mr. Behrooz Sadry, Colonia for new and pros- participants in a community HEANEY-BERIONT the administrative officer in Vocational High School. involvement project called Othnr PjymciU dryers that offer push-button fabric drying for any type of fabric load, Over 6,500 families read The His wife, Dorothy, is the THE CANONET QL17 CAMERA WITH the executive branch of the - • ^ _ M Do Something. giant capacity and the exclusive Blackstone "Visual Minder Lint Trap", that Miss Drueanne Beriont, News-Record /Patriot. That's women who hold bac daughter 00 Mr. and CANOLITE D ELECTRONIC FLASH Department of Economic and calaureate orhlgtof degrees The organizations have reminds you to remove the lint and makes it easy to do And they're so daughter of Mrs. John 26,000 people reading your ad. Isaac Cummings, 575 Castle suggestion boxes placed in It takes grout indoor flash picture.—automatically and Olhti pretty tooin th^U-iAihiio, Awr_r;fido Green jnHaryest Gold colors -Berlont—of-1412-Sherwood. Hill Ave-HBronx_ 4no*i3ensiv_ly—with Iho -campncl. ntoctronic (lush ^jnitl 1 will be AAUW qUallfled "stores"around tHe^city where' It takes groat outdoor picturos—automatically—with the The dryers can be paired up withirn^tcTTnTg~~Blac1^slcaTe-A-t_+omatIc the late people wishing to devote speaker. degree from a CdS electric eye! Yot this (ino precision camoru has Clothes Washers with features like famous "Magik-Balance"—the Blackstone their time to any aspect foaturea 1or oil kinds of picturo-taking situations. exclusive that oUtni__atr><; vihrnt'ton and assures a completed cycle every time. James R. Walsh "of—com m ui li _y in ve_ve»-ent- zed by the James R. Walsh, son of may deposit their names. Whether you buy the washer, the dryer or both . . . remGrrTCiETr^ will also be held later this eration of University Wo- CriS ELECTRIC EYE Elizabethtown Gas includes delivery and normal installation plus a 2-year month. Mr. and Mrs. James R. The Jaycees and Jaycee- ULTRA-FAST 1/1.7 LENS men, may Join the associa- Walsh of 57 Armstrong Dr., ettes will then forward the warranty on parts and service on the gas dryer (1 year on the washer). tion. QUICK LOADING SYSTEM Clark, has completed six boxes to the appropriate ULTRA-COMPACT ELECTRONIC FLASH 11 Joint Account So make it a triol You . . . Elizabethtown Gas and Blackstone. The branch draws its *pplie«M (ink Oniyt Wants Bounties weeks of reserve officer Rahway service groups. PRECISION RANaEFINDER FOCUSING Come to your nearby Elizabethtown Gas Showroom soon membership from the north- training at the Mar- SHUTTER SPEEDS TO 1/500 SEC. r h i nlor m.lt' John Wheat, chairman of you »o ern Middlesex County area Corps Development and BUILT-IN SELF-TIMER " n ,__ lo , T AND I 1IIUM as well as Rahway and Clark. the project, says that only On Drug Pushers Education Command, Quan- with committed cpknmunity AND LOTS M0RE1 _Brcu uuii •••••- --•- CP-10/14/71 Information may be obtained nol the loan .1 trjnicil TIP--Tum in a Pusher—0 involvement will drug ,ad-,J Complotu Outlit Include.— E__3 from Mrs. Stanley Rothman Canonot QL17 Ctimera program placing a cash He is a 1970 graduate of diction, flooding, racial con- Gas, Cloan Energy of the Future of 211 Temple Way, Colonia. Canoltto D Plash USE OUB CWUSTMAS LAY-A-rWAY PLAN bounty on the heads of drug Union Catholic High School, flicts, and welfare be era- DUIUKO Currying Case FULL SERVICE LOAN WESTFIELD MENLO pushers was advocated by Scotch Plains, and is attend- dicated. ELIZABETH A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR AHTICtt tf you are considering one of the 18-4 Elf" 5t Opp. M.nlo Po.k Shopp.na John T. Connor. Jr.f Demo- ing M arquette University, For informatUQn, please GCTCO wit: handle the iMns.in.ons Ong Elown In E^cutiv P»o*« Oldg. / 2B2 _QQQ g q new-model cars. SETCO's full ! _89 5000 289-5000 TILL-CHH1STMA5———— cratic candidate for State - l AS A one p4j'-Kaije dea - [•••in,- pal Wlwaukee, Jinmtr service finance plan can save you interest car insurance anri loan ioonn Ototri ihoppinQ nighli and S(itt)r_oyl Senator from Union County. r only in area lervicud by Eluobclhlown Ga» Under the proposal for S 95 time and money. insurance'- ail m one pa> ncn; K' suit 381-8564 NOW 124. your own budget TIP, the state would allocate For Holding Two With a SETCO P.A.C.K. Chet-Uini; Account, you LUII do all of your money for the" bounties— Christmas shopping hy just writing a cliock. without any money 24-HOUR SERVICE ITS EASY $500,000 for a start—and Shop At S S 45 Our new s.mphlied Zip aPP'lcat'°" then have county prosecutors Government Jobs Reg. 162. in the hank. And the checking account is free of all charges takes only minutes to ftli out and send Just fill in the above Zip application andtake it to your nearest StTCO or sheriffs administer the along with a reserve of $400 to $5,500. MONEY IN ADVANCE brancRT^ST'mSTnrTO •——' • Winch are two joUv £OQd n™*;.__ns f°r.___ivjn___rt P-A.C.E. With a SETCO monoy-.n- Summit & Elizabeth Trust Company District 9B, which includes "Where Better Butter Checking Account. If you don't already have one, open an account P.O. Box 499 Fire Prevention Rahway, slammed incumbent auto loan. en]oy the conventenco and today at any Summit and ElizabrtW-Tnt**-Company-office,— security of buying your new car Elizabeth, New Jersey 07207 Democrat Henry Gavan for For additional Informatlon.-call holding two paid government Watch For Our U you already have one, use it for convenience in shopping with your financial arrangements 277-6200, Extension 227. Being Stressed already completed. positions. for everything under the tree. Through the combined ef- Mr. Bassano noted Mr. forts of the Westfield As- Gavan is paid $13»500 as TBADinOli-Df- ay ron-s^Ganie r a) «a 0PM A- surance __„—_,__ _ CHAMI ACCOUNT field Fire Department and the Westfield Area Chamber of ber of the New Jersey As- We Specialize In Wedding Cakes YOUB OalDIT II GOOD Commerce, the observance sembly. of Fire Prevention Week, Mr. Bassano stated fur- 1470 Main Street Oct. 3-9, was evident, in ther that Mr. Gavan has one SUMMIT and EUZABETH S TWIN OVENS TRUST COMF=»ANJY ELIZABETH Assembly, T COMPANY RM.tfAV*S OLDEST ESTABUS9feJDi3EACER-i BERKEUV MIGHTS m CURK « EttZAQElii «• CU?H1E!»K1BT _r -NEW Place mats and napkins of BAKEBY SUMMIT M NEW Mr Bassano" s running- _ EUWBFTH - Sffir-1667 " ' B-is in- r^ftTttrrrtw-5yHQPi>nia <_^E_ffE_^ §M Louis^ %^n^T^n^il\d ^tendance record (95%) .oT§ HJRLBItAM ROAD _ARK, NEW JERSEY and F. W. Woolworth Co county.


leader; Mrs. Samuel Alley Receives Plaque having made the largest con- Troop 267 Sees assistant leader;Mrs. James tribution co the 1971 Union Sports Schedule lue Ocean Has Dowds, Mrs. Joseph Sibiga, Clark lanes was the re- County Charity Bowling and Mrs. Jerry Timmons. dpient of a plaque given for Tournament. Stallions Perform (Continued from Page 8) outs for boys 12 and under 4- RAHWAY HIGH SCHOOL and for boys 13 to 17. Rated 18th in football game will be broad- Today Junior Girl Scout Troop The soccer team of Arthur cast over • radio station Varsity cross-country, The Crusaders of Arthur i If you've just come back 267, Rahway, took a train The Hillside High School -j L. Johnson Regional High WDJM on Saturday,starting k - , , ,. . Football fans will get an The series, which dates to Union, away. L. Johnson Regional High from a vacation at the Jersey trip to Madison Square Gar- insight on Saturday into what 1924, has seen the Indians .1 den to see the Royal Lip- School, Clark, haa been at 9:45 a.m., from Veterans cross-country team defeated Tomorrow School, Clark, who took it shore, you may have noticed ranked 18th in the list of Memorial Field. Rahway. ^e. runners of Arthur U may be expected in the Rah- win 21 ggames and the Cou- Freshman football. on the chin last Saturday that there was just a little izzan Stallions from Aus- Six Leading Scorers tria in the Wonderful World the top teams in the state * * * ' Johnson Regional Hign way-Clark game this year, gars, 13. Four games ended Thomas Alva Edison Junior from the Cranford Cougars, YEAR less shore, and a little more by the New Jersey Soccer. Indians are in ties. Last season the High School CLARK HILL. of Horses on Oct. 9. School, Clark, 23-34, over o Modern Air Conditioned Room The Rahwayj of Westfield, will face the Hillside 1957 15 6 ocean than there used to be. Coaches Association. Hillside 23 - Clark 33 die Warinanco Park course. scheduled to'meet the Cran- Cranford team shutout Rah- home. Attending the show were: Comets, undefeated in Wat- 1958 20 6 And If you have a beach When the Clark team was was the score of two school's, . Mark Nasclmento, who © Television By Ray Hoagland ford Cougars who trounced way, 21-0. Sn Watchun Sharon Dowds, Elena Garay, Saturday chung Conference compe- 1959 6 12 house of your own, there's placed on the list last week cross-country meet. The in- was timed in 13:43, was the the Clark Crusaders, 27-0, Coach Norman Koury will ^ Sharon Garay, Bridgette Varsityj football, Cran- TD PAT Totals tition in their 15th annual i960 6 18 a Rutgers researcher who is It has a season record of dividual winner was Hill- first Clark harrier across o Cocktail Lounge last Saturday, at 10 a.m. on present a Cranfordteam that t, home, 10 a.m. Knight, Donna Lickhart, Jo- fort Morton, Westfield 8 2 50 gridiron contest at 2 o'clock 196I 0 28 finding out how you — or five victories and no defeats. side's 13:37, and Clark's the line. Bruce Kulpan of o Swimming Pool the gridiron' of Veterans rebounded after two losses, Monday 12 7 people like you -- feel about ann McMullen, FaithMosby, Mark Nascimento was in theHillside was flrBt in 13:13. Quinlan, Hillside 3 2 20 on Saturday afternoon in 1962 mi Robin Rodger, Wandi Sibiga, Games Postponed Memorial Field, Rahway. one to undefeated Linden and Junior varsity football 0 12 Hillside's Woodruff Stadium. 1963 34 13 this creeping advance of the third slot as he finished in * Nearby Restaurant After three weeks ^1 [ rc- stay with the It-e-jays, Davis, Westfield 2 Tonya Timmons, and Elga The game between Rahway one to Westfleld unbeaten in Cranford, away. Rosenkrantz,-Hillside 2 0 12 Clark, which holds a 1964 26 0 Atlantic. Rain forced postponement 14:07. Over 6,500 families read The dicting high school football 10. and Cranford will be the 39th 27 games. Cranford has good • * * and Matyra Turrubiate. The of three Union County Touch 11 > WN - Maccivaerna, Scotch Plains 2 0 12 series lead of 10-4, is ex- 1965 41 7 He is Kenneth Mitchell of * * • ROUTES 1 scores we have a record oi M1DDLL1VV/N meeung of the two rivals, speed In the baclcfield and an ARTHL'R L. JOHNSON girls were chaperoned by Football League games News-Record / Patrl of. That* s :3u a.m. Korner, Cranford 0 12 pected to have difficulty this 1966 20 6 the Rutgers College of Agri- The Rahway YMCA swim- RAHWAY, I-J. 23-13-2. SHIT A 1 LLNOL N, K. .., -.-.;.•..„,...._.-. excellent field general in REGIONAL HIGH SCUui.L, Mrs. Gervase McMullen, scheduled for last Sunday. 26,000 people reading your ad. :avtr the LEADING POINT AKTliR TOUCHDOWN SCORtRS year in stopping the Hillside 1967 16 7 culture and Environmental ming teams are holding try- The Watchung Conference ;.:-:•:..•.-.-•.-...-.•..,•.....-.•-..••• .••--.....-...... Garry Qe Longe, 5-11, 160- The Linden Tl^t-ra 1 CLARK attack. The Crusaders have 1968 26 0 Science, and his field of in- has three important games -ions cu Parpen, Westfield - 9 passing game. I ^- '• WAlVHL'NC CONFERENCE pounder. Oe Longe passed Today 28 6 quiry is a new one. It's called scheduled for this week but n, 24-.S. Scola, Hillside - 5 won the last nine games of 1969 drop another. LinUu STANDING OF H for three scores against Junior varsity soccer, 22 6 the perception of environ- the key to the conference 'ARSIP- Dixon, Scotch Plains - 4 Jie series. They stopped the 1970 ROSLLLL A I I Teams VV L Clark last week.. Cranford, home. mental hazards, and it means season could be the bcotch PANY liLLLi:, - i .ni. Both Segear, Cranford - 3 Comets, 22-6, last season. RECORD - Clark has won Service 0 Steve McGrath, 5-11, 180- Tomorrow The Comets started well 10 games. Hillside, 4. finding out how people feel Plains-Westfield game at the teams are having their i_ rob- pounder, is a strong full- Varsity soccer, Berkeley Hillside 0 PO1NTS SCORhD POINTS ALLOWED this year, beating Rahway ...... about a whole range of nat- Scotch Plains Raiders field. lcms. We will taicc the Ru- back on both defense and Heights, away. selle Kanib over the Vikings, Scotch Plains 0 : ::::: >x : : : : : : : ural disasters -- tornadoes, The schedule for this offense. Kevin Webb, a good Freshman football, liill- and Governor Livingston Re- --•"-^•--•>^->^>:->>>>- < >---'---^ ranford 1 Westfield - 6 flood s, earthquakes, outoido cfigAftter— at 5—1-1, 1-X5 Westfleld.- 95 which has lost two d in h NLW JERSEY OLLLCI- STTFC" Hillside - WATCHfNG COSFrRU.NCI Berkele> Hcigl Korner, 5-10, 170 pounds, Berkeley Heights, away. Muiuclair btatu over Scotch Plains - 31 Cranford - 20 The way people view these __ L ramo_ru at KAliWAV, 10 also play offense and de- Saturday Hallway - 22 risks ro nhedx Jieckaor^at —MADE TO ORDER fense tor the~Ctxrg£rrs.-- Rahway - 6. . 4 "aim* "__ "_7~Z Varsity -foottrarr^-HUl^idg-, Berkeley - 6 Clark - 67 least/their poetetbooiTs may ' -10 a.m. After seeing bom"^ "-^- ' iedr-4ight—G«—aii—age-tvid- teams pIay"Tast"Satu"rcTa\","wt"" Freshman soccer, bouth Furniture Refinishing, Repairing Westfield a: Scotch Plains, Doug Brinsko, 6-4, 195- first three games will have puzzle. will take the Cranford tuu- I rentun biactr, T*-i.. pound tight end. Flainfleld, home, lu a.m. Delaware tu nanu- scui't- * Only points scored in conference games are tabulated. to contain the good set of , Do people feel they are in gars, 20 - lo. Rahway will reorganize its Monday ln the control of nature? Do they - PROMPT SERVICE WESTFIELD Al" SCOTCH over Rutgers, lHJ-u Varsity cross-country, backs who run and pass for „ Saturday s game i Reupholstering forces following the ol-o the Comets. They are led Cougars outplayed Clark In feel nature dominates them? \ PLAINS, 2 j..m. Winning rit hjve loss to Linden. Roselle Park, away. most Is nature an ally, or an en- streaks are made to be bro- srrung l\>r Newark Mau-, JJ- P^ presented atrophy by Gary Stakes, who has a departments Cran ord to the winner of the annual The Indians-, who have a "h" squad football. Hill- emy? A Fabric Shop-aMUxne Service ken, so we are going to pick 0. side, away. good passing mark and who was ahead20 I4n -yard 146s .gaine In thd e Railway - Linden game strong running game but rolls out well to both the rushing, ™4 - 146. In the Poets and philosophers OIL & GAS BURNERS Coach Hal Mercer's Rai- return, to u c e or n0 as Junior varsity football, passing department, Pilcna mng j'hl Members of the Hahway post J1 J P sing game. left and right; 5-10, 185- have been musing over such MAN AGAINST THE OCEAN ... Seawalls like these ders, 22 - lo. will start senior Duane^pro- Hillside, home, tried 13 passes and com- questions from die earliest CHANDLER BROS. UPHOLSTERY CO. AIR-CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION CLARK AT HILLSIDE, 2 vach at quarterback.. Other Junior varsity soccvr, pound Jim Quinlan, who has pleted four for 50 yards. along die Jersey shore are mute evidence of the con- ln arl times, but only recently have ELECTRIC SEWER SERVICE p.m. The Hillsidtr Cumets P >' backs will be Donald Kirby, L'nion Catholic, home. scored 20 points so far in Cranford's Gary De Longe stant struggle to hold back the Atlantic and keep the land 79 EAST MILTON AVENUE p scientists begun to ask the KITCHEN DRAINS CLEANED have the backs and should be Tuesday Witchuntr Conference passed 10 times and com- from floating off to sea. A Rutgers researcher is a win over iariquehanna, g^nie Walter Winning, who has ,, . ,-,,,/ *, ,^ games, and Rudy Rosen- man in the street. studying how people react to the ocean's depredations. RAHWAY. N. J. 07065 388-3612 the winner, 22-8. Varsity soccer, Cranford, pleted five for 03 yards. RAHWAY 14-12. best - ball, blind scored four times this sea- Bill Martin, owner ofHus- nature Store at 67 Westfield krancz wno ls a hard-run- Americans' attitudes to- OTHER GAMES In ^V£* ( IDVIT in fnp A TY\ £*ric Q C ™ . r In firsr downs ir waa 8-7 :Liflam«t^^ywM>y southern L^nncaiat all son and Philip Sobo who home. 1 **"T v.-lti I I^, ill UIC rviiici. l^ti » n £*>try ' Club- ., ^Bilml I^^COn and single-engine Class III P Florida in De- George Dee's team. are typically optimistic and Seawalls or bulkheads are 300 East Elizabeth Avanua p U[tr LO L broken field running last Freshman soccer, PORT, 2 p.m. The Panthers ^ - t ^- . , L p'.^ tv^m hid i ^? ?n speedboat championship, is cember. aggressive. Either they feel the mostcommon recommen- Lmdan, W«w J or say 07036 Custom Madc-To-Order to have noF trouble with K.c-y- weeJc. Sobo will operate Thomas Alva Edison Junior uuinns Rumpers uf Rah- Lrnie hromm had a 32-JU- having a new boat. Hustler Hustler 111, a 33-foot Mag- they dominate nature, or they dflfionw, bin rh^T-e axe-in- (Formerly MaV*s" Ford Bldfl port. 30-0. from the wing spot. High School of Westfield, num wil1 have cwo Jan-Ell American Food O Larcest seleeUon tn *a> defeated the Downtown o2; Dom Mille- r33-0 and 4George Illz constructed b^ a Florida . 496 cubic TeeT themselves in conflict teresting variations between Scheuermann this area LEY HEIGHTS, 1: 3u p.m ^cxaLClul^ lo-o^in _a_Union Dixon. 31 - 33-04. Dick r"t ini Aflnv ~~T*Jie new soeed— ***cii rvi eTrc \-* ruisur erigiTies« with it. communities, ne'finds. With o Pitted In yotxr koine- Hams, 32-32-64, and _Bur r ter. He was having trouble boat should be ready in three Wnile Hustler II has a top Except when it comes to a well-developed local gov- The Democratic aspirants For The Mustangs to hand County Touch Football Lea- at weeit U I'lZENS YOL'TH • Guaranteed Worav and "Don Dolstrom", ^ on passes back to weeks Martin said. speed of 70 miles an hour. the ocean. ernment, he says, there is a for freeholder posts de- Highlanders their fourth gue game. RLCRLATION COMMIMLL- Smart Fashions Chinatown manship 31-37-68. the punter, D ' People who live along the ?.®!?d6ncY for people to rely scribed the present rtepubli- Open 8 a.m. — 6 p.m. Daily m a. row, IV - tL Rahway came from behind Hustler II, a 25-foot Mag- Hustler Ill's top speed is At « Finest fabrics in die second Half tQ score, "efiorellne f&£l "theTtvBfeives - "S"atrt1?PTlpiThniT" KEN1LWORTH Al CHAT- McKenzie, Robert Holmes CYRC Chiefs versus Lin- min„ .i _" wit cubih c inch Merc Crui- miles an hour. Martin said wildest spenders of tax- Modest Prices ek Willie Huff's pass to Leon ne subservient to nature," Mr. scheme, such as a seawall. HAM TOWNSHIP, l;M> p.m. Clark's Crusaders soccer and Bob Thompson also will den PAL Tigers, Veterans raced tomorrow expects Hustler III to be payers' money in thehistory Slater was good for 45 yards wlll be Mitchell says. "They may But all devices have their Real Craftsmanship on Body & Fender FREE ESTIMATE The Keni! worth Bears to takc- team moved Into the top 20be in the line along with Memorial Field, Rahway by Martin in the 184-mile the fastest speedboat in deep- <-rantord s C.ougars han- of Union County govern- Jr., Misses & Storage and a score and another tu also feel themselves in con- weak points. Whencommunir another, this time, lo - ,s, was* good lor ^ ^Q state when they scored Joe Procter and John WarCQ, peewec game, 12:45 p.m.Miami; , Fla., to Nassau, Ba- water racing. <£4 the Clar* Crusaders ALJ ment." Repair? - -Free Estimates. Half Sixes 8-331 i BERGEN TECH A-I HUN- s away anu d toucn- — • • • ** flict with nature, but they organization is looser, the ... ,. . n , a 1-0 victory over Edison the ends. midget game, 2 p.m. hamas race.The new speed- Husrler iPs recordincom- £eir- second loss of ti^ sea-= In a joint statement, Clark - JFREE ESTIMATES GRY, 1:30 p.m. The Bruins don't feel hopeful. They don t residents are more likely Truck & Camper Pamt^A^Cor^servrce Canton House down. Ihe final Rahway tally h f EUzieth on a goai boat wU be driven by Martin Petition has been made w>n 27-0. in a^Watchung ALJ Mayor Thomas A, Kacz- are too strong for Pinery, t-arne feel they can do anything to to come up with flexible sol- 1490 Irving St. when Bill Gonnel by Joe Malicky in the third proprietor of Martin's Fur- against speedboats much Conference game at Nolan _U Westfield 40 stop the sea, though they may marek, Mrs. Matilda T. 24 hour service 24-7. p J utions that handle the erosion Rahway, N. J. Restaurant kicke,.,,.d . a 35-yard fiel. d goal. period on Thursday. longer and with more power. Field, Clark, on Saturday. 2-, Springfield work very hard at trying to. McGowan of Elizabeth and Our creed "consumer protection" NEW PRUVIDLNCl. A I problem better. McColley Bros. Gil Muurc scored on a pass ^ Thia waa che Clark team's When he competes in the Quarterback Gary De- Q Joseph L. Garrubbo of Union 5-year guarantee against fading 1540 IRVING STREET irom ians Lead in Series L 0 Cranford Mr. Mitchell, whose study Beach nourishment -- add- Fashion Fabrics VERONA, 1:30 p.m. This is America's Cup Race, a 190- unge passed for two touch- 22 noted that in 1971 county bran Ruth. Ihe play slxth vlctory ln a row. 22 TOTALS 89 383-0453 a real battle. A small nod to Figure Skating iowe fo is reported in the current ing sand to replace whai is 5,000 colors to choose from RAHWAY, N. J. INTERIOR DBCOSATOfcS^ 30 yards in the first i « * mile event*off thecoastfrom r the winners. Saturday, Hillside, away. issue of Re: Search, die spending will exceed $33 - MOVERS - the viaiting Pioneers, 14 - h. YEAR RHS CHS 1953 Miami, Martin is looking for- After a scoreless first washed away -- is an ef- million, an increase of $5 Dealer, Fleet & Insurance Business Invited Curtains - Linen* - Yard Good* z Oct. "23 - Berkeley college'squarterly publica- S&H Stamps Ii:"SUMivitT-- A^t •M^tt.-Bt^R-N-, fur Downtown. Jim Farranc-a 652 led the 1924 3 ^54 19 ward to being-u •match--for ^riod, Cranford tallied . IficrlV.fi.. har expensive JS_ Heights, home. tion, points out tHat erosion" ~ million~over last rearr —~~ 4iandi-Charge M2V-MAIN--ST. RAH3KAX- 1:30 p.m. A Suburban Cun- 'I CharlitrDeaal me. pmneTS aT the-Clark Lanes. 1933 o IS ".1955 19 . ~every—comiDHtitOT wirth" Husr——"^^^—cn-e—EB-JF©©—y-a-^ct lln© «i-£— c Xlinics Witt- Be r iscommon along the Atlantic ference feature. The Hill- Clark 20 - oi w * • 1934 3 7 1956 2o " 18 ler Ill's speed. Bob McGrath dove over the Oct~ 30 - rCc rtK""PTaln- nature by planting sea grass Two goals by Mike Brady 13 15 seaboard, from southern B3££H toppers to win but it will bf led the undefeated Clark soc- 1935 2 32 1957 middle. The score was setup field, away. :o help hold the shore in Over 2 7 19 Maine to southern Florida. NEW LOCATION close, 22 - 18. The K.leen Sweeps of Rah- cer team to a 4-0 victory 1936 13 2 1958 when Ted Korner Intercepted Nov. 6 - Linden, home. place. Some anticipate the 1959 14 14 Held at Center Nationally, costal erosior MERCHANTS BtOOMFiELD-Af I^ION, y won one Elizabeth slow- over the Kenilwor-th Bears, 1937 ay game Nov. 13 - Rahway, away. problem by building their round robin tourna- 1960 "• 6 Nov.1--25- - Scotch Plains" 2 p.m. This is one of the • * * 1938 u 7 The L'nion County Figure saders' 21. Bob Segear homes on pilings, or setting 700 W- brand Ave, ment, beating Helecke 1961 13 20 worth of property damage a And Still Anxious best games of the day. We The Union High School 1939 0 6 Skating Club, in cooperation kicked the firsc of three Fanwood, away. them well back from the Tavern, 12-10, at Brophy 1962 12 18 year, and the costs are going anticipate lots of scoring. cross-country team defeated 1940 19 0 with the Union County Park placements for the Cougars. ocean's edge. Rahway fenton Gla*a Field. 37 6 1963 7 14 Commission, will conduct fi- up as seaside resorts and But however they try to We like the Bloomfield Ben- the Clark Harriers, 21-34. 1941 Canoe Trip Cranford made it 14-0 in down pass early in the fourth HummcU 12 6 1904 25 0 gure skating clinics next retirement homes become come to terms with the sea, gals, 18 - 8. The top finishers were Jay 1942 the second period when a period, capping a six-play, Jewelry 1943 0 1965 4U 0 Monday, from o to 8 p.m., ever more popular. Ocean they are all impressed with WARDLAW AT MORR15- The ol points scored by Giordano, Union. 13:25;Gary J966 short punt was downed at the 91-yard drive. The big play • Pllyrlip Glass , ; 0 0 . 0 19 and on Monday, Nov. 1, from County/New Jersey, for in- what this particular aspect oi 1967 Clark 29. De Longe passed was a 15-yard run by Steve /; iFljrtsrinea TOWN SCHOOL, 2 p.m. The the Linden Tigers against the Schwartz, Union, 13:57, and 1945 7 32 14 0 6 to 8 p.m., at the Warin- stance, is the fastest-grow- nature can do. r Dolt* & Plush Animals improving Wardlaw team to Indians on Saturday morning Bob. Lescinente Clark, 14. 1968 6 20 kicked the first of three Leonard. ing county in the nation. win,. 13 - 6. was .the most scored by any * * * 1946 0 6 anco Park Ice Skating Cen- As one storyteller points Wide Ran*;e of Books 11 10 A canoe trip, a ramble, placements for the Cougars, Cranford then moved the PLAINFIELD AT THOtea- m in the long series. Pre- Walt Winning has scored 31 0 1969 ter, Roselle. But while the poeple keep out, "It eludes anything that Beat Seller* 6 U 21 a trail clearing hike, and a Cranford made it 14-0 ir ball 81 yards in seven plays. MAS JEFFERSON, 2 p^rru vious high was Railway's 41 touchdowns for the In- 27 1970 Conducted annually the ^1^^ ^e second period when coming, the land is slowly we can foresee or prove. The BICYCLES Prayer Books 36 0 bicyCle tour are Webb's 34-yard run to the Both losrlast week. Maybe points scored in 1949. dians in three games. 1949 clinics include instruction ^ county Hiking short punt was downed at the Clark 41 helped setup De- washing away. Erosion losses power of the old water is ROWERMOWE-RS Bible* 46 RECORD - Railway has by Union the Cardinals are ready for • » * * * * 1950 in figure skating runaamen- weekend. Clark 29. De Longe passed Longe's pass to Doug of 5 to 10 feet a year are terrific." AH Types of Imported Children's Books 27 won 21 games, Cranford, C1 fa f LOCKS SAFES an upset but we had better The Mulvey - Ditmars The Kenilworth Jets de- 1951 common all along the At- And another adds, "Every Products Paper Books 43000 titles) 13 13. Four games were ties. tals and techniques for all Qn Saxurday> ^m wiUl 5 yards co Doug Brinsko. Brinsko from the 19-yard STRONGBOXES Post 681, Veterans of For- feated the CYRC Chiefs, 14- 1952 y lantic coast; in some spots, year you get out of a house skill levels, to include no-b e ramble 'in the Wat- Kevin Webb circled his left line. the ocean eats up 20 feet on the ocean is one year to Mom's Homemade Sauce eign Wars, and the Linden 7> under the lights at the CUTLERY, etc. vice, intermediate and ad- chung Reservatlon< Theen d to score from the 14- Early in the fourth period, of beach tn a single year. SALES & SERVICE Closed Mondays Jets* home field. be thankful for." RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Wig Shoppe Meatballs vancea levels. group will meet at the Trail- yyard line. Clark scored but the play In another Pop Warner Each clinic will be limited * „<, , Crt, ,, „ ,^ , „, To find out how it feels Veal & Peppers « Sausage 1537 Irving St., 53 E. CHERRY ST. side Nature and Science Cen- De Longe combined with was called back because of to be a property owner in Conference game. Hillside to 100 boys and girls Korner on a six -_yard touch- a holding, pe Zboyan Captures Union •who are in such-a situation,-Mr. Mitch- - COMPLETE - 33 WESTFIELD AVENUE 3fil-l770 turned back the Little eru- Cranfords Fire Rahway -fourth high record is 1-2 ell has been interviewing in SfylitiQ & Fitting " CLARK/NEW JERSEY eatiere of Clark, 19-0, while the Crimadera are O- -a—nunibet—©f—sanaple,xom- 382-7779 'school- 2-1. - - Oak Ridge Title Ray Covino regained his All those wishing to par- Open Mayor Address I ida. He's been using an ex- KENTS Dan Zboyan of Fords won club championship of the ticipate in the first clinic SLIPCOVERS the Oak Ridge Golf Club Coloola Country Club with a Their Workouts tension of a psychological Travel Guide championship on Saturday by two-up victory over Archie Linden's powerful Tigers Brewer School tool, the Thematic Appercep- Township Lions by Specialists! Beauty Salon Leonardis. Covino took the rolled over the Rahway In- tion Test, as partof his study. DRiPERIES beating Ray Amato, defend- RHS FOOT BALL 1085 RARITAN ROAD CLUB ing champion, 5 and 4. title in 1969 and was runner- dians, 61-6, at Edward R. Fans In these tests, people are Fire Captain Anthony Mal- 46 E. CHERRY STREET up last year. Cooper Field, Linden, be- SEASON RECORD shown a picture --in this anga was the guest speaker CLARK, N. J. BEOT1MG Zboyan, 23, finished the RHS OPP. Also Qii Sunday, there will Officials Club case, a house perched at ALTERATION anH REPAIRS first 18 holes with a score fore more than 4,000 fane on 1 clinic. Giant fans throughout New at the Clark Lion's Club Hail Capacity 225 6 Hillside 22 be a bicycle tour of south- the top of what appears to be Monday night meeting. Capt. CARPETS only one over the 72 par. Rov Fa her or the ColonU Saturday morning 09 With Dancing 180 The score put him rive up Country Club picked up $15C Malanpa cited the importance Job_Too.Large_or Too Small New and Completely The "Indians Jumped ott 6 Linden 61 ther Linden seore. Mudak's group will meet at the Ad- waves REUPHOLSTERY on Amato. Zboyan then mat- for his third place finish e e y move to the of each home having aperiod- to an early lead when Ed 38 TOTALS 105 kick gave the Tigers a 21- ministration Building of the ?, J" £ Meadowlands and are asked to make up ic fire drill to assure a speedy ADDITIONS ROOFING Brake Service Colonial Beauijr Shop ched par on the next five with Charles Tatz of AshCiemniecki fumbled and Jack Saturday - Cranford, 6 lead at the end of the first Union County Park Commls- Hackeneacic holes to win the title. Brook in the annual New stories about the picture. evacuation in the event of a Flach fell on the ball on thehome. * period. sion, Warinanco Park, Eli- The Charles H. Brewer REC ROOMS BATHROOMS A Complete Travel SIX HAIR STYLISTS AT Jersey PGA pro-pro, best- The stories often reveal the fire. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Tigers' 15-yard line. It was Oct. 23 - Westfield, away. Linden increased its lead zabeth, at 8 a.m., or at the «v^"uTnVvni7rfi at School Officials Club, a emotions and perceptions of The captain stressed the KITCHENS PORCHES Service YOUR SERVICE ball championship at the the first play of the game. Berkeley to 35-0 by halftime by add- rear of the Circle Diner, Y^nt^Sradiumorlorre,Sun- school activity sponsored by SERVICE White Beaches Golf Club. Oct. 30 - the storytellers themselves. following points: remember GARAGES INSULATIONS OPEN D to 6 MON., TUES.. SULO BROS. in|ngn tw«»o« touchdownt-^M/~hr1rtumsc iin thrh,e^ Rout RrtiifAe 202->n-> , RemingtonHAtvUn^^n , a*tt Yankee itaOlUm prio r tO OUI1 xhe «,...,. n«.J -ir i--,!.,^-. The team had a card of 71- Duane Sprovach on a boot- Heights, home. dav home cames Clark Board of Educa- ' * There'd be nothing butin a fire seconds count; have- CRUISES - TOURS WED. «nd SAT. lea to the left waB stopped Nov. 6 - Scotch Plains- second quarter. A short punt 9:15 a.m. Coach Alex Webster will tion, had its initial fall meet- depression here. Like Hans a planned escape route; plan DORMERS FREE ESTIMATES STORE FRONT 1850 ELIZABETH AVE. For Information Call 66-137. made possible a march of with his finger In the dike, HOTELS OPEN 9 to 9 THURS.. FR1. * * * on the one-yard line. Then Fanwood, away. put the Giants through a final ing^?« *«* at the: school two different escape routes WE DO OUR OWN WORK 382-I6IG RAHWAY G-8P.M. he sent Walt Winning over Nov. 13 - Clark, home. 27 yards. Watson slammed tune-up each SaturdaSd y att 100 min©e CIUD, inn ituss fourth once you walked away what from each room; leave the- | Convenient pkrklng directly ln Jim Burke of Clark won left tackle for the score. Nov. 25 - Colonia, home, in from the two. Then came Clark Harriers a.m. The dates of the work- year of operation, performs can you do? Futility. This is house immediately -- do not FINANCING CAN BE ARRANGED All Domestic and Overseas rear of shop ln Municipal lot SAL FINELLI - 388-6435 the pool aboard the Norma w ae a 30-yard march late in the nature," said ope ©f th« Samuel J. Gas&awny Q9H Ki?"by _ stopped a : : ; : : : : outs and the Sunday oppo- ^-^^^ Z linger "to take "valuaBles'br"." " your " K If ~our Ti"f-Poinr Pleasant .:<-:->>>>X*X-X->:-:-X%-WK-M***'-''"- period that ended with Wat- storytellers; Travel Arrangements 388-1190 foot ~from the" goal" line"in •- call the fire department, and Call Bob at 322-6429 or 743-0100 iO7 Monroe St. Rahway convenience" with a fine bluefish. the two extra a keeper to the left, fum- eon's run from four yards Lose to Ctanlflid nents are; the intramural programs "The state or county will use a neighbor's phone or * + his try for Saturday - Giants - Colts, .__ our.. The cross-country team of Sunday which are held each day come in and bring relief of street alarm. of Tire-Golonia -points 68 sec- The Tigers, then took po- In the third period the Ti- some sort," predicted an- B/E REPLACE P/ui Country Club has been named One-minute and L. Johnson Regional Oct. 30 - Giants - Vikings, after school hours. The boys Mayor Thomas A. Kacz- the were ssession of the ball on their gers went 60 yards in six are instructed in the proper other, more optimistically. AUTO GLASS SUMMER WT. to the executive committee of 20. On the second play, Ber- plays. Talbert scored the Oct. 31. marek was also a guest of the STEWART BROKEM FRMMES WATCH REPAIRS THE MAN WHO HAD by the Cran- Nov. 6 - Giants - Charg- methods, mechanics and "The only remedy there club. The purpose of the New Jersey State Golf Asso- carried the kickoff up to the iont passed to Ciemniecki 1 , and would be to get tremendous mayor's visit was to circulate OF ciation. Tigere' 39, Walt Beriont who went down the sidelines 7. rocks. To build a seawall the 2.5 mile course in 27 - Giants - Cardi- the a petition urging the Union BEAUTY FOR EVERY WOMEN ELETRIC CO. passed to Ciemniecki for a 78 yards for the score. The were made In the fourth rules of games. The club with something to take the NEWS The Rahway - Cranford ;an Park, . 28. County Park Commission to CASUAL OR HIGH STYLE Cranford brunt of it is what should purchase the Oak Ridge Golf (Continued on Page 9) 1 - Giants - Cow- "Watts My Une' 1 400 It WOOD AVEJJNDEN 9ES-97B7 J601 IRVING ST.MHWAY 3**-1 one-half yards of penalties, dians were behind, 14-6. the first play of the quarter. Lambert, During last week's meet- occur here," said a third. Course. on At! Jewelry^ RECORD The Tigers' Jerref Watsen Linden's on side^Jcick. Jalbert scored from the Pedde, Reli^^ c Murph^^yy „.„_and Jeff. ^Ali m^'parties conducted in«. the 27 members who are "The ocean can do these went over right tackle for was-recovered by Rahway on ;hrec-yard line following a B B0 e flnlsh b things. This building can be CUSTOM-KHRRORS FURNITURE TOPS Electrical GOLDBLATTS the score. A kick by Jack the Tiger's 46. Don Kirby 3ad snap from center on > ?*> . ? * ? die Gtaitti and G«y. one W^K grader^ s ™£S*elected Ooff£i? carried away In a night. You Contractors Game Ratncul Out RESIDENTIAL GLASS & SCREEN REPAIRS -.11 Hudak made the score, 7-6. and Sobo picked up a first fourth down. The final score 12;38. of their radio sponsors, wiU cers for the 1971-72 seafion. cannot beat the ocean with JEWELERS The Rahway stands'went down on Linden's 33. On f the game came when Cie- Junior var- be held at Yankee Stadium Stevo How was eleCted concrete or steel/'observed PORCH ENCLOSURES JALOUSIES While You Wait! la o RAHWAY'S OLDEST Directoryi —when Phil-Sobo took the ne~n p y Sprnvflfh again rn"^-c-^i rdrik£il-Ofi_a-ILahwji> the Clark jay- Souvenir booklets, while the> ., ^ ?*,-,£ .. _-.,Un,^ —a-four-th,,——-———__—_ between STOR-F-RTONT RFPAI5S 9-21 gS J *-*«** , • ^—„.],*„„«. HrtK Komisiiane, lie CYRC Chiefs of Rahway lenses, too! ESTABLISHED JEWELER CONTINUE YOUR the next kickoff on his 12- fumbled and the Tigers took pass and ran 50 yards foi Along with this sense of yard line and, after a great over on their 33. and Mike the power of nature, Mitchell and the Little Crusaders of Hotr Sloping ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS Xr DOORS Just bring In the pieces dl | DIAMONDS Advertisements VACATION FUN one-half-mile race in 7:36. are histories of the Super- secretarv-treas- Clark, scheduled for last g, Colorlnfl House & Industrial your broken glasses FOR ALL AGES broken field run, was caught Five plays later, a pitch- Rahway's record is now Is also finding what he calls ESTIMATES GIVEN bowl, urer. Sunday afternoon, was post- DISTINCTIVE HAIR STYLING Wiring WATCHES on the Tigers' 20-yard mar- out to Watson from the 14- i_2 while the Tigers are "a misplaced faith in engin- 1 NOW OPEN Clark FrosM Beaten After each workout, se- eering* among many of the ponecL-because of heavy rain. Wtfl» Sold-S»rvlc«d-Cl»on-d-R»«Tyl»d . • A fun itNt OF JE *. I t *\ ,' • ^WEEKDAYS 1 P.M. TO 11 ker. The run was good for yard line was good for ano- 2-0-1. The freshman football lected Giant players will give Our ads get you actioiK.CaU P. 0. Box 575 Robt E. Bronner 68 yards. The Tigers were Prop. Mary Wot«ra & Mo* Grunwald 388-1667 SAT., SUN. 8. HOL 10 A.M. team of Arthur L. Johnson special demonstrations iii The Rahway News-Record at Rahway, New Jersey WESTFIELD TO 11 P.M. penalized to their, 10. Win- Regional jjaafo-Sftnool, cYarfc, i football fundamentals—a^Tag-OeOO <# 3BB-46D1. Av Rahway , 84 E, CHERRY ST.; ning -_hlt —left.. aide, to the 1743* SI. CRANFORD ^tmr*tb^Bie~grlddere-of-HUte;-bow--to--play-their-positions. - : - -.,=_--,..,.. Go Easy on Reducing Driving Fines, '.' RAHWAY , -on side Avenue Junior High Stars will be available to Rahway, NJ. fiin of it... School, Cranford, 12-0. answer questions. Sentences Dietr Tells Governor GREEN'S Tel. 245-9625 State Senate candidate ses. Second offenders would* Ted's Pizzeria RAHWAY Bauer- The Entire Family Christopher Dletz yesterday have to prove they have over- of Rahway WE HAVE urged Gov. WllUam T. Ca- come their habit. Floor & Bedding Tan Bowl Together hlll and other state officials "I. certainly praise and 1501 Main St. endorse any rehabilitation prograiyi dfrectediat the true Plumbing and Heating 388-0316 t pro- Repairs; "A1tertftii3ws~ posal that would ease drun- alcholic/" Mr.'dietz conttn- S Floors of Furnlturo ued, "but we would be mis- Remodeling MDTQWCYDUCB - ten-driving penaltie&in the state. placing our efforts by con- THREE FLOORS . M* CSMnUL A\m*M *~N.Y-"Airports sidering the average drunken LINOLEUM - CAH1PETS Nursery Furniture - Edison, Mr, Dietz, a Rahway at- driver as a real alcholic." Delicious Pizza Lullabyc, Childcrart, Biltrite FURNITURE - BEDDING PROMPT, EFFICIENT < - torney, directed "Undex. existinK_. state Directory Bicycles - 381-4700 oi Kay J. Marinl, subject to a flVieof"hotless Come In and Browne Scrta, 50 Brunswipk Automatic Lanes newly-appointed State Motor than $200 or more than $500, Phone in Vour Ordefs Advertisements LOWEST Snack Shop Vehicle Director, that all 30 to 90 days imprisonment, _ 381-6665 Kenlea & GALL those convicted of drunken or both, and^Cfense^BUspen- 67 WESTFIELD AVE. Colony -• Toys " See Dave or Archie Taylor Cocktail-botinge driving T>eTTe^te?^a^~a"ddlc tB eibTf~*To~r™tw6 ycarsT~Sccbrict ."ServiceJfe X)ur Byword^ SupervlsecTPIayroora n need of rehttbiliiuiioii-Uii— uffoiidtJie mo bubJeCt1 tOTt 'Limited Time Only 297-3313 ieea oixenauiin.au.un-i_m— offoiideie mv 1752 Whittier Street Central Awe. at ftaritan Rd., Clark 381-4150 tor Bowling Mothers der the proposal, violators mandatory 90 days in Jail ESTIMATES Fr*« D«tlv«ry CORNER VII. 1ST and 10 years license sus- Open Mori. - Sat. 7:30A.M.-6 P.M. ROSELLE, N.J Coal & Oil Co. could recoVer-thelr licenses Cell 3SQ-0600 AT NO OBLIGATION 37 Years ot Valued Service 14&0 IEV1NG STREET, RAHWAY, N. J. Phone 381-&400 AMSTERDAM -1400 by successfully completing pension, ' Mr. Diotz con- Corner of Grand Ave. FU1-6B86 special rehabilitation clas- eluded. RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD OCTOBER U, 1971 RAHWAY NEWS-RECORD CLARK PATRIOT THURSDAY, OCTOBER T4, 1971 PAGE 11 MMSM«M«V«W«-: tt-z-tt-i-t-yi Introduced to Provide Funds Joseph Risko, Streeter at the 11 a.m. ser- to attend. Nursery provided nounced that a Halloween vice on Sunday. Sunday TEMPLE BETH TORAH Surveys Ordered the age of 20 are welcome party for the children win Rahway To Study Anemia Affecting Blacks School classes will meet at to attend. Nursery provided Dies, Proprietor 9:30 a.m. he held on Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. Robert Stager will conduct "One out of every 500 for children to the age of The Youth Fellowship will l.S. Senator Clifford P. the services tomorrow at Mrs. Rehak, 90 black children have sickle By Freeholders Other activities sche- three. provide the Ghost Walk. Re- Jase of Rahway, announced church Duties 8:30 pjn- in honor -of -his Mrs. Emma T. Rehak, 90, cell anemia, and one out of 12 duled are: Monday, 7:3O Wednesday services are cently the Youth Fellowship Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Jacob Oi Disposal Firm that he is cospons p.m.. Women's Association SPECIAL NOTICL- blacks carry the sickle cell Louis Bassano, Repub- ^sibility for the proposed au- at 8 p.m. Care provided painted the tables and chairs Rubens tein will preach the THLHPHONL ANSWERING Joseph Risko. 60, of 10 osuccumbef 800 Bryand int RahwaSt., Rahwayy Hos-. islatiun dealing with Called Wasteful The Rev. G. Edward executive meeting. Synod for children to the age of trait, according to recent sta- lican candidate for Assembly thority, is pollution, Mr. Bowden has assumed duties in bright colors for the kin- sermon and Hazzan Solomon HELP WAN I LL) I-'L.MAi.L SYSTEMS. Remote, origin- James Ave., Clarlc, died ln pital after a long illness cell anemia. The text meeting in Ocean City 12. •64 CHEVELLE convertible PAPER DRIVE nemia. tistic s. I under stand that in District 9-B, this week Bassano said, adding the au- Union County Democratic as rector of Grace Episcopal dergarten class. Sternberg will chant the ally $650, now S350, non- Perfecf running condition Sponsored by the daughters Rahway Hospital after a brief She was the widow of Lawr- a tor Last- * btatemeni there Is no known cure for freeholder candidates have starts; Tuesday, 10 a.m.', A radio series, "The liturgy. The Oneg Shabbos rt-mute originally $250, now continued his efforts aimed thority should undertake a Church, DeWitt and Robbin- Women's Association fel- ME 4-2921 after 3 p.m. of America-AssoclateClark illness. He was the husband ence Rehak. this disease. accused the Republican-con- Truth That Heala," may be FIRST PRESBYTERIAN will be sponsored by Ro- IHease call 257-7830. Council Chapter #73. Will f Mrs. SteUa Fortuna Risko. to cospon- at the creation of a Rahway study of all storm drains wood Terraces, Linden. The lowship ingathering, Wed- o Born in Austria, Mrs. Re- '' Hie major goal of the River Authority by outlining entering the river to deter- trolled Union County Board church also serves Clark. heard every Sunday over sta- Rahway bert's parents, Mr. andMrs* iH-ey. Aircon- pick up papers any Wednes- Born In Elizabeth Mr. sor R-gisiuuui. Li.ul deals with nesday, 8 p.m., Bible* study- hak lived in Rahway since legislation is tocreate a vol- of Chosen Freeholders of tions WERA, Plainfield, at The Rev. Robert C. Powley Morris Singer. a.IAl SALL rnacic V-8, ex- day morning. Please call 233- Rieko Uved in Clark the sickle cell a program of priorities he mine the sources of pollu- Father Bowden was elec- Thursday, Oct. 21, 7:30p.m' 1918. She was a communi- that untaxy program for ldenttfy- "shortchanging the taxpay- 8:15 a.m. and WVNJ, New- will conduct the service at . frames, brie- y g cell anemia feels should be followed. tion. He said municipal ted by the veetry of Grace Board of Deacons. The Bar Mitzyah of Robert Call 634- last 30 years. He was owner cant of St. Mark's Roman s_ ing and counseling for sickle ers with its poor planning ark, at 9:15 a_m. Title of 10 a.m. on Sunday* The ser- marble top table 5708 or 233-4002. affecis lUack Americdns.es "Every municipality boards o/ health would be Church. His election has Singer will take place at the P. m and operator of the Risko Catholic Church, Rahway. told cell anemia and to sponsor and the spending of thou- Sunday's program is "Birth mon topic will be "The Man 10:30 - ^ peciallv. children. I am struck with the awesome enlisted to assist in this been approved by the Rr. service on Saturday at 9 Disposal Service in Clark Surviving are two sons, sands of dollars on ill-ad- SECOND BAPTIST I )e f ec ts C an Be H ealedl' * We Ought to Be." Children, and glassware, or 225-0475 anytime. the disease damages the wa>b truths of flooding over the phase of the program. Rev. Alfred Baynard, a.m. Robert will chant the for 30 years. Raymond R. and Theodore vised studies and surveys." Rahway grades 1 to 6, are Invited Haftorah and the Musapb Geo. Rand, 61 a effects of the disease. past few weeks has embarked "Weekly surveys of water Episcopal bishop of New Jer- J Coupe DeVille r Mr. Risko was a communi- T., and a daughter, Mrs. tlSSUCS ill UIL- UUt_i\ "The High Cost of Diso- ZION LUTHERAN to participate each week in "The bill will provide re- on separate paths for what samples should be taken In a Joint statement, Clark sey. Father Bowden replaces service. Klddush after the Full power with factory air. cant of St. Adalbert's Roman Florence Coppola, all of result, (I"-' 11 f L- . Mayor Thomas A. Kacz- bedience" will be the serniun Clark morning worship. They will services will be sponsored and l-o of chusL- ai'tlicu J wirh search funds so that a cure they hope will be control along the entire length of the Rev. Charles A. Good condition. Best offer. Catholic Church, EUzabeth, Rahway, two grandchildren can be sought for sickle cell within their own boundries," the river and tested for bac- marek, Mrs. Madlda Mc- Cesaretti, who has taken a of Rev. James W. hale>, Laity Sunday will be ob- be seated in a reserved sec- by Mr. and Mrs. Singer. Dies in Calif. and was formerly a member disease is pastor, at the ll a.m. ser- Call 382-7466. three great-grandchil- anemia." Mr. Bassano said. teriological content. Such a gowan of Elizabeth and position on the staff of St. served at the 10:30 a.m. tion and will be dismissed Other servies scheduled Services were held m San of the Clark First Aid Squad. years ot Joseph L. Garrubbo of Union, vice. The Semur Choir and service on Sunday under the following the children's ser- I bllll.l1 Vt >r andyoui "But this is not the an- program could very well im- Paul's Church, Westfield. are as follows: Sunday, 8:30 CARS WANTED Bernardino, Calif., Surviving also are a son, Arrangements were corn- cited the controversial Disko Gospel Chorus will sing. At direction of the Rev. Joseph mon for an extended session Linu> tight water pollu- Twin swer. We mjst have a Rah- prove the quality of the A long-time resident of a.m.; Monday, 7 ajm.; George Rand, 61, of Michael, at home; two pleted by the Thomas r. Tops List oi Industrial States solid waste disposal study 4 p.m. Sunday the 2lst an- D. Kucharik. Members of the of elective interest groups. n. Hu\ Bcstlinc I'roducts, died way River Authority appoint- drinking water,' Mr. Bas- Phillipsburg, where his fa- niversary of the Gospel Thursday, Oct. 21, 7 a.m. J T N K C A R S Peaks, Calif., who VVTQ daughters, Mrs. Delores Biggins Sons Funeral Home, ed and financed by the state sano said. Also important if as "a perfect example of congregation will participate The new church learning _ biodegradable, phos- Nisky of Metuchen and Mrs. ** - • ther Is rector of St. Luke's CHorus will be observed with WANTED Thursday at home. 16 Bryant St., Rahway. the Republicans* wasteful in the worship with readings program will be held at 8:45 IS .847 for Food Stamps iau- true, will deliver free, che husband of Mrs. Almeda which can oversee and cor- pollution and flooding are to Episcopal Church, Father a musical program. Sunday Call 353-9398 Alice Bradley of In Dependence on Real Estate Tax rect the problems along, the be controlled, would be in- spending of taxpayers' from the scriptures and a.m. Coffee will be available call 'as - 24 hour tele- Rand. a sister, Mrs. Mary Gen- Bowden was graduated from school convenes at °;30 a.m. leading the congregation in According to the U. S. De- entire course of the river stitution of "weekly mainten- „ y University in 1V6 upon arrival. service. Call 322-OS77 A native of Flemington, tile of Mountainside, and N,, j,-rs,-\ relus nmr, data compiled by the United ve f our coum s 21 gy The Inspirational Choir prayer. The Sunday School partment of Agriculture, FOR SALU ; Bialecki Jn fjaex^Jaton-and Middle—ance-patFeie-fe^-che Rahway Q Q h d a^TOVQi -^ Child care and Church 16,647 persons in _ Union Mr. Rand lived in Rahway eight grandchildren. ...on 'l.ic-ai rrrrrcrtv 'itatt-s Bureau —oi- Census \ bachelor-of-a^s-de- fiev. G, Edward Bowden will" hold a Fashion Show and" and "Adult Blbte Hour will ~ "u-~ c* ' per cent of sex counties. River Authority. _^W-baok In ApriV "t^ School classes from nursery County most of his life before mov- 1 gxee. PatheT-BOWden also Luncheon S3ni-rday:-OFJ fir pi.iuiky,- the caruil- TKe area of respon attenaed tne CTeheraFTheo- recently was elected s n.m. food glvwir awrary Walter J. John- f in lea;tinir indus- state - gttld h C^^rTHi^: from nuon to 4:30- p.-m. -tte rcbearaai—will Wednesday for the Authority , -. ;; . -*- -- logical Seminary in New tary of the Livingston Mini- ~Bie federal government in in New Jersey were dace emphasised, would be similty arei ae tWQ cou ihfi Town &•-Campus Res- today at 8 p.m.; confirma- Senior High m —beautilicaTlDii""ot~^ - ^"^~^- ~ *" Yoric from" wHldiJi£ grad- sterlaL_.Aasi>ciaiiun, iie is Fellowship August. Of the total, 9,031 ie was me owner oi a pool lucal property taxes. No" n 1 taurant, Elizabeth. tion claesea on Saturday _a will meet on Call VA6-8676^ afte ilfneTs" filling the Rahway River was the river." "Though not as ? have JeOT-pwjpeYly tou uated in- -^969- -with- a t)acfre^-partirlprartrTTE^^ nday at^Z ar-e-alseady reee£v±ng-other- bookcases, beth, f uther. • • - • ° plemented because the Re- more to blame for rhe J.OT—of—-sacrod theology—ear for which comparative Jesus mean to people in to- steeei. Three large bed- ^6 a former Rahway in Elizabeth. He lived in stltute a program of silra- natural beauty for the Rah- appropriation of funds, EPISCOPAL NL.t DEI- !'i 'IN I" Robert in Hawaii; a daugh- jent who died Saturday at his tlara'riave "been issued "by the For the past two years Father Bowden is married day's world? MRSI UNITED METHODIST Rahway rooms, 23' living room, eat- ter, Mrs. Charlotte Bland in la. Linden 14 years. t. ensus Bureau. tion and debris removal from way River, Mr. Baasano £r b^ a transfer of money he has served as curate to the former Miss Helen hand painted can- New Smyrnaj F Schoel Attitude the river bed, then, after it said "If we follow some : An answer to this ques- Rahway The Twentieth Sunday af- in kitchen, family room, 1- .; his mother, Mrs. hm- Mr. Bialecki was em- Nationwide, property ld there have been con at St. Peter's Episcopal LaPoinre of f'tartsburgh. vas, Persian yarn, instruc- was has been reasonably cleaned of the suggestions which I tinued progress in die tion will be given Sunday at Laymen's Sunday will be ter Pentecost will be ob- 1/2 baths. November posses- ,, , c _, ployed as a machine opera- axes collected by local units Church, Livingston. While N.Y. His wife, -\ registered tions included w,ith i urchase. bro- out along the entire" bed have heard about control of county's effort to find a solu- Christian Science church observed at the 11 a.m. wor- served on Sunday with Holy sion. Low 40's. Principals ma Rand of Clark; tor for 41 years by he On Questioning government constituted in Livingston, he served as nurse, has been active in ;all 233-5OS4ur 501- thers, Robert St. John's, dredging operations should the Rahway River, including tion to the solid waste dis- services in a Bible lesson- ship hour on Sunday. The Communion at 7:30 a.m. mly. Call 233-4015. Singer Co., Elizabeth j . per cent of all state the coordinator of Episcopal church work, serving as dis- U. begin to deepen the channel, concrete channelization, our posal problem." sermon, "Doctrine of Atone- speaker will be the lay lea- family worship and Church Ga., to retirement 14 years and local government tax chaplaincies at St. Barnabas trier chairman .f Christian Another measure which children will never know the ment." der, Ralph L, Smith. Church School service at 9:30 a.m., riM-ANY LOT FOR SAEE 5 before moving Among his survivors revenue. Thus, the degree Modical Center.-TheMedical social relations for the Ois- should be considered im- fun of fishing in the river "God so loved the world, School will meet at 9:40 a.m. and Choral Eucharist at 11 uik- of a klnU Iittany-type Florida in 1909. He was a son, Stephen, of Clark «jf reliance on local property Center also_asked him to criet of Eaaex in rhe Oiocese departmenrs. . y_eiL_manv years at the mediately, particularly in of the experience of a quiet Trust Company's that he have Ms only be- fionv a large-V-k;— ft. K 130 J2nlQn_ .and -Sp-r-in g&teld along—w alk—a lofrg—thTrr-b3Yik~wh"erET The Tw^lye~"Wni~hi"eeT at rrrrrr. on-Jone^ Co^ -Ellxaheth, gotten Son, that whosoever IRe home ofi&ir. and Mrs. -pIscopalXhurchwo- Uriginai Sussex N.J. ernnient in New Jersey was the path of Route 78 condem- one could ^hink things out,' " sors for the St, Barnabas retiring in 1968 as office Father Bowdt n and Mrs. believeth in him should not Victor Somers tomorrow. men are sponsoring their DIVISION OF solid brass Overlooking lake -beauaful rrandchl'ldren\ per cent greater than the nation, is the planting of the 28-year-oldMr. Bassano School of Practical Nursing. Bowden will reside at the manager. nn^oodward Master Charge perish, but have everlasting A rummage and cake sale annual roast beef dinner on Perfect condition -- view. Call 381-4254. decree of dependence re- trees. Such stands of trees said. He has served for two years rectory, 240 Kobbinwood VISLOSKY TRSVEL lie was a member of the Frederick A. Woodward, life," a Bible text states. will be held on Oct. 28 at the Saturday, Oct. 23, from 5 to diameter. 1 Tease call 80, of 53 Third St., Laurel- ported by all local units of are natural wateter retention ' 'In our haste to correct on New Jersey Council of Ter., Linden. Father Dow- From "Science andHealth 100' wide x 300' deep front- Second Presbyterian Church, areas," church by the Women's So- 7 p.m. Tickets may be ob- Williams Lani^s, 232-2158. ton, died in Point Pleasant government in all states. the candidate ex- flooding problems, let's not Churches Board for Migrant den stresses that he is al- with Key to the Scriptures" 47 E. MILTON "SVE. ing on a stream. Holiday Po- Rahway, and was a veteran plained. make mistakes our children Is Independent ciety of Christian Service. tained from members of the Hospital following an appar- Pennsylvania, another of Ministry and has delivered ways available ulu-n needed by Mary Baker Lddy, this RAHWAY, N. J. Ass'n, Albrightsville, Mrs. Hazel Nor berg of the U.S. Navy. Still another step which will have to suffer for. A The Church School tea- group or by calling 388- SLIPCOVERS ent heart attack. He was the leading industrial states, Union County Trust Com- illustrated lectures on mi- and that people should not citation will be read; 'Jesus Westfield phe Pettit Funeral Home, 1 Mr Bas9ano chers and officers have an- 1025,pr 382-3665. wo lakes, fishing, swim- Bieler, 45, of was luth on the list with ^H ^-^5^' ; Hah way River Authority, with pany, ElizabethElib , announced grant work in the state. He hesitate to call. aided ln reconciling man to neflT Ppc- ings, and this truer sense the lucal property tax. in violation along the river." ation to the benefit of all York City banks to restrict Sr. Memorial, representing -WILLIAMS Co. Bieler lived in Rosellv Park AUen A. Reed, 73, of 218 ployed as an inspector at - '-^or-recden G* the flood- the people. FIRST BAPTIST of Love redeems man from BARN SIDING CAMP SITE RENTAL _ Bayway Refinery, Lin- their Master Charge service the gifts of many friends the law of matter, sin, and before moving to Clark 2U Murray St., Elizabeth, died the ing problem can not be ac- I believe it is the respon- to New Jersey agent banks. Rahway \\ ej the red gra> and brown Monday at home after a brief den, prior to retirement in following Mr. Harding's death by the law oT^Spiri WALL CQV£RlNfia_ For State Assembly DELV1EW CAMPGROUND - years ago. complished without the un- sibility of our elected offi- The bank has administered "My Brother's Keeper" is L C-kRPETING in wide widths. Any quantity. Uness. He was the husband 1950"""'. H'' e worke-•-->-d a-t -Lth-e .„re. - Dietz Lambasts death in December, 196 J, -- the law of divine Love. A new campground now open Surviving also arc a son, derstanding and cooperation cials to lead and I urge its ownMasterCharcecredit the sermon chosen by Rev. READY-TO-KINISH v'Id hand hewn beams, almost >f Mrs. Anna O'Neill Reed finery 26 years. He served will be dedicated b\ rhe Rev. Services are held at 11 FURNITURE anv t>izcr and length. If it & located on the Delaware idward W. Jr., and a daugh- of all affected municipal!- local and county officials not card program since its Orrin T. Hardgrove for the SPRAY EQUIPMENT LADDERS ind the father of Mrs. Rich- as a sergeant in the Arnn Paul N. Jewett, pastor, as- a.m. The public is invited came from an old barn, we River at Equinunlc, Pa. 22 er, Jayne, both at home; Cahiil Statement ties. The Rahway River Au- to react too quickly with inception in February 1970. 9:45 a.m. Sunday service. PAINTING AIDS ird Gamble of Clark. during World War 1. sisted by church officials. to attend. BRUSHES TOOLS probably have it. Barns, Inc. miles north of Hanesdale, ier father, Charles Norberg thority should be authorized stop-gap measures which According to John W, Church school for adults and Born in hlizabeth, Mr. The ritual will be held dur- Sunday School classes 1542 Irving Strwi Bloomingdale, New Jersey Pa. off Route 191. Only two >i Roselle Park; two bro- Born iIn EUzabeth,, Mr. to institute a study by the could in the long-run be Strough, assistant vice children convenes at 11a.m. DEDICATED TO ECONOMY IN GOVERNMENT liers-, Allen axidcitxirg! ^lajm. service in convenp. ai ill;^5 a.m. Chil- ql EHrabetft fly*. hours from metropolitan Ceerl was a rnmmiinlr.am of Woodward lived in Laurekon State Prisons the sanctuary. "V "area. '"Smart" campers—~are-—jergT-both—of- Roselle eritlre river. bors~l—n - othe~*—-rr communitieX™»M..uiuu " bank'q Master Charge de- those attending worship. dren and young students to 381-7130 Church. He was employed 1 niun County State Senate The program on the theme, the age of 20 are welcome P0. FOR BY B. EUGENE LEWIS, 32 SHELBY RD.. SPRINGFIELD, N.J. d Iv. rht I' tia Han- ES ILY ORGAN, originally reserving their sites now on ind three sisters, Mrs. Ro- Another area of respon- Mr- Bassano concluded. partment, only the banks who Naomi Circle meets today "Our Mission Today," in- is a machinist at the Amer- k .mdi-Jatt- Christopher Dietz Memorial Fund for $149, selling $75 - instruc- a seasonal basis while choice oerta Coblelgh of Roselle Ac^ust.'^ Ciov. William T.Ca- have acted as agents have it 1 p.m., choir rehearses clude brief addresses by re- tiuns and music included. riverside sites are still Park, Mrs. Mildred Hoerr- can Type Founders Inc. for the tonight at 8:15 o'clock, and M r s. Anna hill of "passing the buck presentatives of men, women UAJ-UWIN liAMiL IQ N. available.. Fax x£-S£xvaii_2_l ier of Scotch Plains and 13 years prior to retiring in •afuJ -n-u-feltaUing—-state- resi— Fjnd^WrinkleJernover lalsely <«™^^°»^^ ut •-rmrc-rs—and—yotTth~~ot rrre CKurcfcT SHOW"AND"5ALE hhrrviihi, 7-7; PIANO, $000, excellent con- or information call (717) 224- vf rs. Waffan"" Tierriclc of 1960. " " - • - • dunts earlier this week when Master Charge, tomorrow at 7 p.m. The Featured speakers will be church, 559 Park St., EUzabeth, died in St. diuon. Call AD 3-5708. 4830. Do v e r. he said he- was not respon- Mr. Strough said, "The Board of Deaconesses will Frederick Bowers, Southern 'lains, N.J. Elizabeth Hospital after J Arrangements were com- sible fur state correctional Represented by Florida Resident Union County Trust Com- meet Tuesday at 1 p.m. District director of lay 1 •• - noon to 10 Fritz Schrader long illness. She was th 4U-PIECE CRYSTAL-STEM- SPECIAL SERVICES pleted by the Pettit Funeral facilities. sMaster speaking; Miss Limilie P. -I - noon to 0 p.m. Fritz Schrader, 78, of widow of Michael Harvilla. The Postal Service has tion of skin tissue by causing P^"y' Charge pro- WARE - lifetime guarantee. Home, 371 W. Milton Ave., S Und 00 Dooley, "Women's Society of SION - $1.00 Newark died Oct. 4 in Clara A native of Czechoslova- Union Catholic Mr. Dietz, who last month determined that a Miami, a chemical burn, which the S^h " °U ? .f *",?' ZION LU-THERAN Also new counter-top range, PIANO TUNING Rahway. S SUed Credlt Christian Service member, Maass Hospital, Belleville. kia, she came to the United ur^L-d major reforms ln fed- Fia., man falsely re- inexperienced lay person ^rriif fn3f«^ * | , Rahway ultramatic Caloric copper- Pianos tuned and repaired eral and state prison sys- and Guy Jackson, president SPECIAL SAEE Born in Germany, he re- States and settled in Eliza- presented a wrinkle-remov- would find most difficult to hnuS »il^! /»?Inately and tone gas, $40. Built-rite car- Call AI Carpenter — 9o9- r Fashion Show tems, voiced his criticism ln y foUowed The worship services on of the L'nited Methodist - .Vidtr variety uf AkC puppies, JUIIII ing procedure as safe and control, he said. ?i K ^f accep- riage, $10. Call 541-4752. 1349. sided in Newark since 1935. £>eth 50 years ago 8 P CeG ln our Youth Fellowship. Before he retired 12 years response to a newspaper in- succeesful when in fact it If misapplied, the medical rZ^fi^, ^°^ Sunday at 8 and 11 a.m. innoculaied, wurrned, health John Vailacari, 53, of Nut- d 12 Survivors includea daugh- ago, Mr. Schrader was a terview of Gov. Cahiil at will be conducted by the Rev. A brass ensemble, di- ranu-Ld. Alsu selling little : SLT with matching ley died recently in Rahway ter, Mrs. Mary Soykafl ot Friday, Nov. 19 could cause burns and scars witness testified, it would HnVZa investigation proce- DINETTt PET PORTRAITS machinist with the Arkansas rhe National -Gov«rnore^— Walter - -JL Maier, Sunday rected by Gerry Dt^cktr, will mnp.keya, tropical fish, can- hutch. All formica. Grey Lovable likeness of your dog. Hospital. Rahway. or accidentai blindness. be likely to xeBultlnch^nges Devfenc^n fv^f^ T^^T Co. of Newark for 20 years. Mr Conference in Puerto Rico, aud and CrecUt School classes will meet at perform and accompany con- .iru .->, , J rakeets and parrots, grain finish. Best of- horse in pastel or The case, presented be- in skin pigmentation and foJ«S hn« £ , HI wood ca[ or Mr. Villacari was born ln He was a member of the tulluwiny the riot in New WltlUn 9:15 a.m., the Junior Fellow- gregational singing oi old vv t- r-t-11 all accessories, _ Hoover li fore the Postal Service's cause unsightly scars, which reaZnhip ^H ^ fer MsOf electric oa. Done from life "or photo. BelleviUe and lived in Hill- Association of German and LF. Seifert, 81 York State's Arcica Correc- reasonable ship at 5 p.m., and the Senior hymns. t U'jst call o3o-2ti44. broom, $10. Call 381-5912. judicial officer, involved might be further complicated bounds.'* Also wildlife paintings avail- side before he moved to Nut- Austrian War Veterans, •"'"' Lawrence F. Seifert, S\ tional laciluy. FeUowhsip at 7 p.m. able. Call 232-8820 or 232- ley 15 months ago. He was a Vernon McGuire of 3127 S. by infection. Accidentalspil- Survivors include a son, of ^>0 Cedar Lane South Ln the interview, Mr. Dietz W. 27th Ave Miami, doing ling of the solution in the Dr. Christopher Van Dijk HI i 3018. retired auto salesman and a Membership Meet of the Friends of Fortune Guenther, of Clark. Newjark., died on Oct. 5 a\ said Guv. Cahiil said, "All business as 'Skinpeel." eye could cause blindness, Sl-COND PRESBV I'HRIAN l»l IM- veteran of World War II. Clara Maass Memorial Hos- yi»u have to do is go through Society will speak on the pro- Rahway PCELtC SALE Among his survivors is a Mr. McGuire was charged he said. CLUU Monday, October 1H 1971 NOTICE TO BIDDERS pltaE, Belleville, .._ / . i rentun £xaie_ JP£ison_an(i you blems of J?risons_ and im- T stepson, Ronald Francisco, know that something is wrong under ... the adminlstrativ-e Based on the^ testimony, MondaY-at-Temple prlsohment at the Lutheran In accordance with R.S 40:60-26. and a resolution by cm OK H \\\\\ \t Frank C. Barn in Newark, Mr. Sei- "That Mysterious Power" the Municipal Council of the City of Rahway, New Jersey at a CMflN CUl'NTY, NKW J of Clark. Frank C. Wilk, 55, of 800 fert lived in Hillside for wiih our correctional sys- postal false representation the Postal Service's judicial Church Women's meeting on will be the sermon subject The Sisterhood of Temple regular mooting hold Monday. September 13th, 1971, the City of ( ON 1 U -\(" I M). H Clark St., Linden, died in 43 years before he returned tem, 1 here's so many things Monday at 8 p.m. of the Kev. Richard R. Rahv.a> will ui'ior fcr sale at Public Auction to be held Monday, wrung, I could write a book." h O' Cl f ili 7 IN August Krowicki East Orange Veterans Hos- to Newark in 1961. He was Other events scheduled October 18Lh. 1971. at 10 00 A M , prevailing time at City Hall. 1470 MHll.l.lNt; Oh ft H I- NO Ar the same time, Gov. Ca- are: Tomorrow, 7:30 p.m., |.(-U> r.l CITY <>K KAHW AV, N I- * JKR- August Krowicki, 80, of pital after a long Illness. a self-employed machinist t, \\ Cam ph. 11 Street, Kali way. New Jersey, the following doucribed hill said he is not responsi- ss^-s^i-^ssss ^ttssr^sE £ fS£HiSfH Lutheran Church Men; Tues- br premises: 001 Dill Ave., Linden, died He was the husband of Mrs. working for various firms hi i "n- ble tor correctional facili- day, 7 p.m., Senior Confir- GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE. in Cornell Hall Nursing Christine Yasick Wilk. in the Newark area. acid) aa directed by him. less of cause and that it MOnda? TS£) ^m ?n Ae Christian ScJenco tr.u-t No. t hi .irill- ties because they are con- mation Class; 8 p.m.. Altar 1 Sale shall be made to the highest bidder subject to conflma- Home, Union. Born in New Britain, During World War 1, he would enable an inexper- would be hazardous to ln- tenSs social hV En Reading Hoom iii^; of .1 well in ill** (its I trolled by the Board of Con- experlenced users Guild Workshop; Wednesday, lion by Municipal Council which reserves the right to accept or Born in Poland, Mr. Conn., Mr. Wilk resided in was supervisor of the Wes- g H,lhv..l\, New Jcrsc\, Ulll |>f trol of Institutions and Agen- reject nil bids. Krowicki lived in Linden 3T" Newark tinghouse Corp. machine iir^erz\Vo\Ta: - -t^enrswill be by f"Th e*T^ Better 7 p.m., high school choir; bv the Citv nt HMT cies and the president of tions of thejskin, regardless Halves." A light supper will 12 noon to 4 p. m. tor '2 1O<~L. of the price shall be paid In cash or by certified eheck lliii Cumicil L.tiajiibtT.1 years. He was a machinist Linden 21 years ago. shops. 8 p.m., adult choir. by the highest "bidder at the time of sale. be served and door prizes m tin- ( it\ H.tll, .n , New with the Singer Manu- He was employed as an Survivors—indtnie—a—m&* of their cSse and without Wants Day Care Centers Daily .ii* [>o-.it ,'t not 3 Co^t of sale including advertising and balance of purchase awarded. Twenty,- six .new JiT^cv, nn Tn f'- O r\n lir- facturing Co., Elizabeth, for allocator by che Simmons ter, Mrs. Florence Barney. tee, Mr. Dietz alleged. fectsseriou. s Hm of adverse M;nl - . price shall be paid b\ purchaser at the closing within 45 days of ;mrl nt ltitsB attraction for new busi- members _jsdlll - TRINITY UNITED ... r 10, 197 It .11 10 A.M. 45 years. He was a member Co. the past 28 years. He of Rahwav. M r. Dietz is a Rahway Amono- nrhpr t-M™,, \* attraction tor new £>usl- umuucm^--w111 iir fH.iruirriu confii ination nf i. V by the Municipal Council. If price is not paid g n6SS lf ltfi METHODaST uithm said lime, depu-.it may be forfeited-unless the time of clos- ill.it lime [HiblirU of the 40-year Club of Singer. was a member of the Sim- attu rney and former chief MCGSS? ad^rtis^d Sat "I communities sup- Admission is paid-up dues. 1469 ing is extt*nded h\ the Mayor or Director of Law. r>',i ij ,11 tiu .U, Rahway Among his survivors are mons Employees Union Lo- ui staff (sf the State Law believe oeoole ar, nm,Li ported establishment of day Next week a rummage sale |{ .1 Ii v\ .1 \ in the I ' I " 1 I I li.ini- Featured during annual •1 Sale may be aiiji urncd within discretion of City's Auc- cal 420 and the sick and hntarcemcKt Plannina A- P Care KAHVVAY, N J t'r-r-. in thr Cii\ H. H,.)iu .i\ , two daughters; Mrs. Amelia of peeling iemsIlveS Se centers tor chUdren of and flea market will be held 1ii:nr-( r .ind may be withdrawn from sale at any time prior to con- Services were held for workln Day at Trinity N "u J cr^c\ , on 1 >.i.i\ , Dr- Selelonis and Mrs. Cecilia death benefit fund of the •same as I beheve Venrtl S mothers," acco-rding -artbe'Ttoi^rtcaH Legion Han, 5 Sale is subject to zoning and other municipal ordinances, 65, eo le Mnlted Methodist on Sunday, All ARE WELCOME l"l--r m, 1Q7 1, -it \.M-. ''».i Simmonmmons personnel office. Vliss Minna Eisenbergerg , are canahlenf .Tn?n« P P to Mrs. Jerry F.English Liberty Street, Clark.be- nnfirniL-d ris.,i>s -nii-nt s. restrictions of record, and easements, If Brescher, both of Clark. f jvill be dedication of sanc- • .nc .il tll.ll lime |M| I A brother, Stanley, of Rah- ormerly of Newark, bhe wat iinl facts shu'A 11 b> an accurate survey and inspection of the a ^ou?btovS^^mseves democratic candidate for the weer.Westfield Avenue and ;wi> .in,i ri'.ui .ilon.l. lifelong resident ol tuary sound equipment PUBLIC NOTIGE way, is among the survivors. Scouts to Have up. or croSgm? etr %**<* Senate trom Union Roadway on Oct. 24, 25 and f• r search fees, survey rk li eet In nn event sh.ill *hc Ciiy be l.il 1 III' H'Kir.l Df AlljllNttiHMlt i>f 1- ranee: Count Z0 unmarketable the City 1 Among her survivors Is j .ii without getting run over by y- ' or broker's cnmmissions. It title is llu jownMiii' of ("lnrL "-ill M rt. lreru K i --1.M ti-s *.p'tn»n cli^ai" up the ULlc at ili xspense or cancel the sale f urn l>lillli< .ui. a sister. Miss Ldith a car. Non-medical people l R. D. Washburn or Mrs. 1 .rr Seminar Od. 20 by -ret tlie dep*-'*-'-i-it paid Onn tho ppurchat o pricep , berger, of Clark, have been peeling for years^ .Iraft, j b ld f l th th r t>iiir«i<'l Russel D. Washburn, 65, Manicii)al UuiUl- Tin- premises -.hall be ^old for no less than the price herein- 1 at tbc and the number of people in- lltr I it [or in ihi • . [HT 1 [ 1 c .1- of 1501 Roosevelt Ave., Car- or r.i the follow inn '']*" nf nl _N taled rind are described as follows; to bear For Volunteers jured by chla has been Lot t urn-. teret, died last Thursday tn ( ,n V'TII Block Location Anprox. Sixe Minimum Offer :,i.ls will 1. ri-rt'i\ r.l negligible, mostly, because N t. \L. :M-7 I -\ - Villa Hros., Mount Sinai Hospital, New "Dare to Care" is the „,•>; or 12(1 Harriett Street 50'x 100' $7.50000 m.iiic in writing on of extreme carelessness." iTcri .111 .nll^jian to a retail York Ciry, after a three- theme of an all-day seminar A. CHARLES BATTISTA fiirnishfii 'iii'l 11111 c-i-% CARRY OUT re at U)(,(i Haritan Hoa.l, for Girl Scout volunteers, The Postal Service's City Auctioneer inird In .1 I'(TII(I>M1 month illness. He was the "A 60, Lot-. 6 3, (..1, and \, scheduled to be heldon Wed- medical witness testified FOOD SHOPPE i.ule |).i\ .ibli- ID tin* (' i 1\ H husband of Mrs. FreidaKas- 1 iion-i'oiifurni in u use. however, that there are many th' ! tl' SALE of x uv for than \ru pcrri'iil I 10";) nf By Senator Matthew J. Rinaldo coordinated by the Dela- causes of wrinkles and that Monday, October 18, 1911 <*rs, lo crcri ,i rrta il store Jt He was employed as a llli r.irh ilu- .1 mo mil of ihc li.i-.r- liij. \ ware-Raritan. Girl Scout use of chemicals In removing 1 Plain Coaf 1 Tn accordance with R.S. 40:G0-26, and a resolution paused by I0i,0 Harilan ll'i.i.l, lllock t>0, carpenter at the General Mo- Union CounTy Stota Stmata Delegation Leoij | hi' ^i the Municipal Council of the City of IUhway. New Jersey at n Suri'tv Stiitt'mfiil "ill .ilr-o .ir- Council. them Is applicable only to 11 I .ins i,.i, tiS H, .»rnl -I, non-con- tors assembly plant. Linden, e r'^i lt iri rom|>an\ itie bidi ^> I. '! niiij Drug abuse in the United The numhernt prr^'iibar- regular mectlnc held Monday, September 13th. 1971 the City of ftinn in £ u si1, Among the topics which the fine rather than, deep 381-2150 bf w iihilran,H v% uluii .'10 ^la^ ^ for the last 19 years. States has^reached epidemic rested for crimes ul violence iur Rahway will offer for sale at Public Auction to be held.Monday. c -\i.. :M-T ic - viibm " -•-' will. be.discussed are- drug- wrinkles. The chemical pro- i.t afl«T receipt u[ bi.la. Among MB survivors la proportions, h-was estimated who apt- altio Iteroin addicts October 18th. 1971. at 10;QO A.M., prevailing time nt City Ha^ H70 ty, tn convcfl nit oxiKlinp build- abuse, sex education, wo- cedure-depends for its ef- \lfllll • Campbell Street, Rahway. New Jersey, flic following described Hidiicr^ tire imiifii'.i that a daughter, Mrs. Hrna there are more than 300,000 is asTonlshinirfy high .•-bevt** ealtt in^ to tuo mini thentersi men's liberation, racial pre- fect upon selective destruc- [ i h.il premises: un .ler (,h.i|>ier 1H0 11 ihc l.n%> Maxwell, of Rahway. heroin addicts in this country. of every 1U persons arrested 83 WESTFIELD AVE. of I'J^d, State ol Nc\s Jcrsf\, i)0t 1.nt-, ti'i .mil iiSA, non-con- CLARK, N. J. 111 in in, u GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE: Arrangements were com- for armed robbery in one judice, and community and ill hi* rfiMl HI C|| t - nish form of qnc-,- igT Municipal Council which reserves the ri£ht to accept or t OS til, lo r-rr-rt ii one-family Mrs. Nancy Richards, uon linnnuirr nnd {in-moi.il *.t.ite- on Johnson Funeral Home, 803 and recent disclosures of been estimated that drug-re- lh(« prnjert, :di'i t n ft t ,i well inn H.iwthnrntr l)riv«. dean of students at Doug- 0% of'thc-price shall be paid In cash or by certified check menl mnitiiii in^ .1 rom ]>li*H' Raritan Rd., Clark. widespread addiction in lated crimes cust the Amer- tr.ici i>r iim-l Block U, I'M \\, front drpih DRUG STORE 276 Hamilton Street M.iicnu'nt of the hiililer's lass College, New Bruns- |)lll\ !>.• -. .11) .! by the highest bidder at the time of sale. violation. Vietnam present the spectre ican public mure than $8 .tli ilii\ , fiiiLiuci.il lUtjtlinn i»tiil wick, will be the keynote pli>s nV tit .lr-- 3 Cost ot sale including advertisinc and balance of purchase I M.. 2-\'~i - W'iriium Capo- of thousands of battle-train- billion a year in theft, crim- RflHWfiY price shall be paid by purchaser nt the closing within 45 days of 1*x jiericnrf in [icrfortnin^ vsurlv. Mrs. Shumsky, 6f ed veterans returning to the inal justice proceedings and speaker on "The Changing of I lie t\ [>«• rontein(il;iu-il, lic- tosta, to <-rrrt a on«-family confirmation of sale by the Municipal Council. If price is not paid .Ucllinsmi H>ron Plnce, Block Mrs. Minnie Shumsky, 61, United States bringing their other expenses. Role erf Women in Today s OPEN EVERY DAY OF THE YEAR Ih.- ( iu • Hi within said time, deposit may be forfeited unless the time of clos- fore inrh bidder ran I ;i«!L Lots I') and 20, front of 331-9 Academy Ter., Lin- World. J^e counc11 s exe- ing is extended by the Mayor or Director of Law. terrible plague with 'them. m order to support a daily (IfVfln pm "'lit ttepLh violation. den, died at home after a . The Bumber of persons who "The Complete Medical Center" ttrr—ripiil -lt>- - 4 -Sale may be_ adjourned within discretion of City's Auc- tions, C:\I.- 2T)-7 1 - Clifford Koh- long-illnessv Sher was the wife ^^ caflUna $100'a day, an (i .in •. tioneer and may be withdrawn from sale at any time prior to con- I lie (lit\ , through 11^ 1- n- died from drug-related . address 1mlh .in .t i Ipr, to erect .i carport «l 642 of Herman Shumsky. Anative addlct who steals must ob- in .t 1 i t i «* — in firmation. • , , , ,. jiinrrrs, m.iv rrfii^f to (ur- causes between 1965 and 1969 group Haritan lloml, HlocL 33H, Lol toln $5ou worth of merchan- regarding the PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY li rij.-lii 5. Sale is subject to zoning and other municipal ordinances tii^li hiinh bidder whose st»-uc— fl of Brooklyn, Mrs. Shumsky iiliili .t*l*i'_T_\ : HHt «i'l yaril violaiionM* is estimated at more than 3, ^ \ aay. lhere are few The ,1. Tirtconflrmpd assessments, restrictions of record, and easements. If lived in Linden 42 years. jfet nn\ iiiili» h,inic 6 In no event shall Mie Ciiy be 'table for nii iiif r.iirri'*s in its judgment* best hcrvi-M CM.. 28-7 1 " Leonard The time when the problem Sar offenses are directly Scout program in Mldtileaex 1,, .ft.! by refunding the deposit paid on the purchase price. IRVING STREET, OPPOSITE ELIZABETH AVE, MIHIII HOI lie unlit It,* itH interest* HrooU, to udd one Yoom~imlfu5i -2 S —with.the comforting ration.-? P&Xyou should quantities may hv «i*en nt the Office- of available evidence Union Counties '„ —The coun- nctnn Hy— 1 ct:r Street, Block BO, !-•>» 72. olization that 4'it can't hap- ^ur-rounaings-and-make- him shiill ili.ui th* Block Lots Location Appro*. Siw Offer ihc City Ennin » Cil> Hall, vnrd violation^* DisclosureUrged be pr«*iU«r here" has long passed. to a worsening of the cil serves about 25,000 girls you feel at "Home quantities 325 10 Broadway $350.00 HuKuay, New J crst:yt imll CM.. 31-7 1 - Oillnan F»f- John T, Connor, Jr..Union problem. Left on its own, it an'd 4,000 adults. liflti'il in lli 383 14, Allen Street 20' x $500.00 picked up ut the office of the who once •Sweet" Howe," again. W $500.00 Democratic candi- Action on any 794 23 WheUm PIncc Con Hulling Kngineer»f KIHOU She will bring gifts and rn;ibt(rni|y 601 N, Wood Ave,. Linden. NJ. y ness and civic!eadenr. «-*»*l thirty (30) i>yM from mem of n deposU of $10.00 for "aa -^^^^ •: 1000 St_ Gfeotge -Avo., W», Linden - the date, of thr op«>nllif! of l>i*!s : encli HCU The deposit will be 27, 197 I. the deterrent against -secured a promise fromnrut--to attend thc"XTandidBte-Nighr of rcvicv. in Either an addition may be erected to a building on an ad]otn- returned only to contrnctorti d "itTto attnd thjnc^ndld Call 100 ElfzaHoffTAve^ Linden, N.J.. for tht* piirpoj*c f i Board of Adjustment recom- and conflicts of — source of on estimated program of the Springfield 388-7422 $C25 lot or n gnmcc mny be erected theroon. or both \n addition BUbmittinR bona fide nroponnU BRANCH OFFICE: 978 St. Geoi^e Aye., Rahway, NJ. li Bnd-fr-ifarago-may ho eroetcd thereon, but whate , mended lo the Gov«rnli narcotics League of Women Voters on o[ j ho eroetcd thereon, but whatever 1B fctected, who r«u,rn tho plnn» in ftood interest. */s or. front, renr; and sidc_yiijds shall conform to rcflUlccfnonlU U of tthhe npprovni of the ^U^it;f>" attorney rWn rnwntry ~» >n ThursdnVi:~Oct7~2ily-af B-p^tllT. i_ _ 10 th inniny.nningg Qrdirto»oOraiprmof«t oof.thflf tha^ City CityoUfafe^y»^^E^J^ mny ito nttachod or ut<-—— ^«- ..****"-•" -—™™.« „ ^-__.- tblJ» on-fomily B TheTWTbat >HIENDLY RELIABLE Dmpi>*ii Insurance Corp, UEDEVELOPMENT AC EN C\ Khali be used In" conjunction with the buttdlnfl on said «-j „. City ol Hnhwny aSd the law would i^Sire ctip.nts have &> ***v**™c a legal crop. 700 S. Sorlngtfeld Ave«fc 1 1 1 n Str«i, Block p dct Fnmou» &o«kai AND HIGH QUALITY Oil Roymotitl K» Hani -" " " lot Any violation of snid condition shall automntlcolly cause thd RALPH 107,Zh Secr«t»ty political candidates to make that a desperate addict will is an encouraging Springfield. In tho World* PfcrlilTll(ofilDlitlHlnoCo.,N,Y.,8Apfoo( tiu'c to said premises to revert to the "'*-' -' «-*--— W. Schrof not break in and steal to City tJonrrf t AJittent a full disclosure of their con- in the right direction. r 1-U 107 • City Auctioneer support hie dreadful habit. Dial388-5100 October 21# 197 1 tributors .



RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1971 15 CENTS VOL. 149, NO. 41 State Board Threatened ith Huge Tuition Costs ts Of Because of a New Law Control headquarters, now in City Hall, .also would be moved A financial monster, crea- cause they must pay tuition No action to block the purchase of the Elizabethtown Gas building on hsterbrook Avenue, began its battle against costfi for incorrigible chil- Company building at Central Avenue and Hamilton Street by plan after the Municipal Council had acquired the building to me remodeled building, according to tbe proposal by the ted b> tiie state, Is threat- administration. ening the Rahwav Board of dren, Edward J. Higgins, the City of- Rahway is contemplated at present by the Rahway from__tht federal government. Petitions against the expenditure 1 N-Vr^tawTtrnceyHrn-opening his battle—against the ordinance. 3—Association; _pf"The" ^J^QQfPjwere circulated and enough "SignaTnres- were "and other boards for purchase ~ai -ilie Elizabeth town building, kg expenditures be- day night s board meeting stated this" weefc—by- •; __obt~alned "by rhe association to have the matter placed before Tn" Roosevelt School audi- Avenue, president of the association. the electorate at "a referGnZHTflir Mr. Lawrence declared that when a new library building torium. Mr. Lawrence^ who spike at length In opposition toan ordi- the legislation for financing of the Post Office building was erected, u was located in an area subject to flooding. He Mr. Higgins' staterri ent nance providing for purchase *"0T"~the~toaild±ng for—iiee-as-i-- ~TReTTTIecTave"crxh'at~dre -Council TCahway FolTclTT7e~p~arTjrienr headquarters; saiti- the ordinarnce- An. urdirLance .uloprpit. hv. .the. governing.body last weeETpro- ments of the bonding ortirnancer which-provided-the-financing- voted on diree motions to would not be effective until 20 days after its publication. That fur purchase of the Llizabethtown Gas Company building, for the new library. Mr. Lawrence said theordinance requires place tfiree Rahway children.. date would be Nov. 10. nuw vacant, by the city for $130,000. Mayor Daniel L. Martin the city -ta-seU-the..former library, at Seminary Avenue and in institutions and to pay The association meets the first Tuesday of each month, has ~esumated"trYa~f"tn"e~city would have-to spend $400,000 for- a total of $8,420 a year renovation of the building, for an addition and for changes to Irving Street and use the money to reduce the city's indebted- except September, Mr. Lawrence noted. He added diat he does ness. The former library, renamed the Claude H. Reed for their tuition. The board not know if the association will meet on Nov. 3. The previous tlie garage on the property. The building was used by the voted to pay the tuition in company for offices, showroom and meeting room. Recreation and Cultural Center, houses the Recreation De- day is Election Day and the meeting time may be changed partment of the city. accordance with a court or- because of the election, Mr. Lawrence stated. I he Council has proposed that the police headquarters, "This is something you will have to do/' Mr. Lawrence der directing the State Bu- The association, which prevented the expenditure of $325,000 locaieU for many years in a building behind City Hall, be Rahway Board of Ed- reau of Children's Service by the city to renovate for city use the former Post Office moved to the Elizabethtown building. Civil Defense and Disaster told the Council. has a surplus of ap- to place the children In Mr. Lawrence called the former Post Office building, which proximately $20,000 at the institutions. \ was bought by the city and which has been used for recrea- omclusLun of the 1970-71 The Rahway board and ot- tional purposes, a "white elephant." The building has offices financial year, Louis G, her boards with similar in- of the Rahway Redevelopment Agency. 243-. is-. -Huc±L^pret?|dent. reported at corrigible children placed Mr. Lawn-ncc then noted dhe lack of maintenance of the .53 Mu!,Jay night's board^rrTeeT^ the City Hall, the police headquarters and the new building at the me in Roosevelt School au- costs as a result of a new city yard. Jitt.1 num. state law, Mr. Higgins ex- -^Now -uj^ru_ ialkinji_ about adding another facility for the Ilie taci tliat the board plained. police," Mr. Lawrence~commenter±:—^And—the-flew—bi111 fitng__ tirnslieU the year "in the "The change in the law, at die cuy yard is going to pot already." He said concrete black" instead of having a making local boards re- capping has fallen off and that precipitation gets behind the cleTicix, a"S" WHS ^anricip a ted sponsible for payment of The Rahway Jaycees and bricks. -Lidi'l\ this year, was attri- tuition for children placed Jaycee-ettes have started a "When there is a freeze, the water will expand and away buted by Norman J. Ander- t 7 "Do Something" drive to will gu the brick veneer," the taxpayers* leader added. s«'!i, secretary to receipt by enttst ~volonreers—for—woi-ia-r-< d—cri ypn UH approval t,0 ances in prior years' fed- dent at the tuition rate of volunteers for civic work to Mayor Daniel L. Martin of Rahway. With them is Al filling out a form and put- the purchase, Mr. Lawrence asked, '"Wh•"Whc o are the members eral programs be reviewed i 5230 a month. The eight Chamberlain^ vice chairman. ting It in one of the col- of the board?" He then.-said three otthe seven members are for disposition, and diat old other board members voted lection boxes. Mayor Martin, Councilman John J$, Gilgannon and Martin • .^ -uceivable be collected in favor at the motion but Mayor Martin noted that, Chomsky of Long Branch, the health offleer. < : cancelled. Louis R7 Rizzo said he did in addition to the city, there Mr. Lawrence also said that Martin administration's pro- so "regretfully," "are some 73 different civic posal calls for construction of an addition on the Elizabeth- When two other motions groups which stand to benefit town Gas Company site. If such an addition is constructed, Law to Permit for payment of tuition were from the 'Do Something' pro- it would violate one of the city's own ordinances, Mr. Lawrence- presented, all members gram." The mayor said the pointed out. He explained that an ordinance prohibits new civic groups deal with en- construction on properties bordering on Robinson's Branch voted in favor of payment. A program, including a Schweitzer of the high school Thtr delegates to the vironmental problems, hu- of the Rahway Itrver. Examples of waterway encroachment One motion authorized pay- band concert, for observance Ending of Lease band. Rahway Veterans Central man relations, first aid, ci- were cited by Mr. Lawrence who said that the United Exca- ^ lli'W lIMi. ... Salt air might not help everybody's ment of $3,500 a year for of Veterans Day on Monday Members of the commit- Com mi nee are: Catholic vil defense, youthprograms, ojgiing Company was only removing brush on its property skin, but it produces big appetites. Here, Kenneth home instruction tuition at at 10:30 a.m. in Squier Park, tee are: Chairman, Joseph War Veterans, Henry Shus- senior citizen programs, re- along the river and was told to stop the work. Mayor Martin Maua dispense is goodies, as Russell Reptke tries to Pine Ridge School, Willis- St. George and W. Grand Signed by Gov. Lewinski, past commander ter, William Hurke, Robert creation, sports, housing contended the ordinance refers to establishment of encroach- warn him that the camera's evil eye has them zeroed ton, Vt., and the other ap- Avenues, Rahway, has been G. Mullaily and John Frav- in. behind Mr. Maua is Carolyn Beaudy chatting. proved payment of $2,16C of Post 681; vice chairman, problems, job training, and ment lines after permits are issued. A bill which allows a hus- arranged by the Rahway Ve- Mr. DeParlier; secretary, nor; Veterans of Foreign rehabilitation of the handi- a year for home Instructor terans Central Committee. Wars, John Kopik, Ralph "You had better study the statute," Mr. Lawrence replied. band or wife to cancel a __aL §l- Michael's School fqi Mr. Sammond; sergeant-at- capped. "You have to get encroachment lines established before you The__ program Jjs being -arms,. Henneih .. Q Donnell, Bianco, Darwin McDougal Boys, ~Hoban Heights, Pa. sponsored to honor and to and Byron Gibson; American John Wheat, chairman, and . can do a thing to the property." one of the marriage partners past commander of Cpl. Al Chamberlain, vice chair- Mr, Lawrence, referring to th"e pet!tlonfi"~oKaInea~to~l5l5-B~, sponsor of the loitering on school premises municipalities in the state "At the same . time, if it is necessary to obtain petitions bill, reported today. the support of the service- Joseph F. Dietz Post 301, ans, Mr. O'Donnell and Adam late at night. men and women serving the Makow. and that they were "very against renovation of the Elizabethtown building, we can take Catholic War Veterans. successful." Assembly man Kiehn, a The letter to Chief Kinch nation in Vietnam, the com- petitions for a recall election," Mr. Lawrence declared. He The "Do Something" form Rahway resident, stated that was proposed by Mr. Hig- mittee announced. said that a change of officials, not a change of the form of includes spaces for listing the new law will be especial- • gins who pointed out that a government, might be the goal. The concert will be given Rahway Council Objects of the volunteer's name, ad- ly helpful to senior citizens, Kreat^ amount of damage has by the..Ilahway High School dress, telephone number. who, after the death of a cfsierv done to "Board oTTEcI- Redskin Band under the di- _s£vuse, find they cannot af- ucation property and that rection of Ronald Dolce The Council Proposes Change ""youths congregate - -arotmd TurdThe rented dwelling place tcaT~s^TecSbns will in- they have been occupying. school buildings and remain the volunteer is a member clude "America" and "The The Rahway Municipal The assemblyman noted that there "until all hours of Avenue. of a civic or service organi- Star-Spangled Banner." Council at last week's meet- the law will permit:-a widow the night."... Hia statement ' 'Clark has obtained rat- zation. The volunteer also In Tree Removal Control Paul Konlc, past comman- ing voted unanimously to ; or widower to terminate the was supported by Richard ables from location of die may state 'how much time A proposed ordinance re- trees more than three inches der of Rahway Post 5, Amer- adopt a resolution opposing lease on any quarters rented M. Nash, superintendent of interchange and shouldn't they would be willing to de- gulating the cutting of trees in diameter. ican Legion, will be the mas- the request made to the state •'solely for the purpose of schools, who suggested that object to the traffic at the vote to service in the com- within the city limits was The proposed measure re- ter of ceremonies and the by the Clark Council for circle," Councilman Vuynik munity. providing a dwelling place a letter about the problem opening prayer will be of- reintroduced by unanimous quires anyone requesting a establishment of a new in- declared. The volunteers are asked fur himself and his family." be addressed to the Muni- fered by the Rev. Theodore vote of the Rahway Munici- building permit for a new terchange at the Garden First Ward Councilman to list their preferences in cipal Council. Chelena, pastor of St. pal Council at last week's structure or an addition to State Parkway and Inman John J. £jj.lgannon said W. the following areas: Pollu- Alonzo W. Lawrence of Thomas the Apostle Byzan- meeting. submit a plan showing Lo- Avenue, Woodbridge. Inman Avenue, Rahway, a tion, race relations, com- ^^IMM^^^M& tine—-Rite Greek Oat-hnHr. The new ordinance Is sim- cation of trees on the con- la\v provides that notice of Opposition to the proposed continuation- of Inman munication-gap -berween__ ilar tb one Tntroduced~by The struction -site and Indicating ON CL'ITINC KDCL ... Jerr> Cambinu, left, Wave, sident of the Rahway Tax- Church. termination may be given to ayers Association, said the interchange was led by Third Avenue, VVoodbridge, is "in dents, clerical, crime and Council In August and given the. trees proposed for re- the St. Bernard, and Kichard Huckncr, like the fresh The program will consist Ward Councilamn Richard bad shape traffic-wise." juvenile delinquency, slums moval. the landlord by the lessee, £oard was the "keeper of of a commenoration by Ho- a public hearing at the gov- and cutting breeze of che U>\\ ol ilie bea llursi-, the executor or administra- public property" and asked J. Voynik of Rahway who The councilman added that and environmental improve- erning body's September The ordinance provides- ward" C.Sammond, past com- declared that construction the street has a high ac- ment, community services tor of the estate, or by the if the board could not sti- mander of Mulvey-Ditmars meeting. At thai lime me for a $200 fine. 30 day:-, surviving spouse. Termina- pulate what hours persons of the proposed interchange cident rate and that an in- (volunteer fire departments, Council voted xo table the in Jail, or both, for persona Post 681, Veterans of For- would pour unwanted traffic terchange would increase rescue squad), handicapped tion would be effective on the could stay on school pro- eign Wars; placing of a measure. convicted of violating th e perty. onto Rahway and Woodbridge the traffic hazards. rehabilitation work, civic 90th day following receipt by wreath on the memorial in The new ordinance was conditions of the ordinance. the lessor of written notice Mr. Higgins commented streets, and would not af- "Rahway is taking flood activities promoting com- brought before the. Council The ordinance will be gi- the park by Mayor Daniel fect Clark. Councilman Voy- munity, public health and and rent would have to be that the problem of loiter- L. Martin; memorial to de- water from Clark now and last week with changes in ven a public hearing at the paid tu die termination of the ing by youths also is one nik declared that Clark of- there is no reason why it safety, recreation and the regulation concerning the Council's Nov. 8 meeting ceased veterans, Jerry De+ ficials did not consult Rah- sports, housing, youth pro- lease, the assemblyman said. faced by the Union County Parlier, past commander of should take Clark's traf- size of treed thai could be in City Hall. Park Commission, the city's way or Woodbridge officials &c>" Councilman Voynik grams, employment and Job removed and the regulation Rahway Post 5, and bene- before deciding to seek the training,, _ . The law became effective Recreation Department and diction by Father Chelena. concluded. about appeal of the building Oct. -i. Leases executed be- new interchange. private property darners. He A rifle volley will be fired inspector's rulings to the Board Transfers fore the.-9.Gth day following stated -thaL-'ibands -of chil- Councilman Voynik also business administrator in- the signing of the bill by by a squad -efHPost 5 under commented that the Town- dren destroy park property command of John Hayes. stead of die Council. Alonzo the governor are not affected and Utter both public ana ship of Clark .baa gained W. Lawrence of 1343 Madi- Two Teachers; by the new law, it was stated. "Taps" will be played by a large amount of ratables private property. Blair Svihra and Randy son Avenue, president of the because of the interchange Rahway Taxpayers Associa- at the Garden State Parkway, tion, told die Council that Central Avenue and Brant it had tabled the measure Transfers of two teachers TOT'S BATH ON DECK ... Carolyn Beaudy has Uttle in September and that the were approved by the Rahway —-- —trouble- adjustinjg g -to-hcr-new~ p Library to Show action killed it. Mr. Law- Board of Education at Mon- Thhe tot was aboard, on a cruise leaving from Atlantic rence said" the ordinance day night's meeting in City. Richard Buckner looks on. would have to "be Introduced Roosevelt School. a second time. Mrs. Catherine Cashion City Clerk Robert W. was transferred from the The Rahway Public Li- Schrof confirmed Mr. Law- kindergarten ^-of ^Madison -• brary will continue its rence's statement that the School to the kindergarten Autumn Flicks film series Council had tabled the or- of Franklin School. Miss with a program on Wednes- dinance after the public Joan Van Graitis was moved day at 7;30 p.m. hearing. from the kindergarten of FRATERNITY IS PART OF SCOUTING ... You could "Anatomy of a Murder" Glty Attorney Richard p. Franklin School to. teach the have one dllly of a time with Diller aboard, but gr "Comerford stated thatTf the pre-school class at Wash- thankfully the madcap lady is pictured at the Shanghi Remlck and Ben Gazzara ordinance was tabled, it ington -School-. of the East Coast, Atlantic City, where the boys were will be featured. Admission would have to be reintro- Safety Patrol advisors given shore leave. Realizing that Scouring Isn't all is free. duced. First Ward Council- were appointed* They wjll man John J. CUlgannon, who l(1 I lri .P.hyll1n nili^r Rlr,h- receive $200 for the 1971- IN THIS ISSUE was the acting president of 72 school year. Appointed ard HendrlckBon and Robert Lunston. Armed Forces 14 FASHION SHOW TUESDAY ... Court Victory No. 449,Catholic Council, said action on the were: Franklin School, Mrs. —-ordinance--ahem !•<* h*ive -been -M-a-r-y —Gom-ich} Columbian Club, Jaques and ET^nman ~hvea., Rahway. Latest adjdurrie3 aTier the hearing. d^ Movies. drossesdrosses-, hot pants, aaa shown aaboveb , and other itema, wJJi be The new regulations state tor member of the public relations committee of Visiting Riirae „ idT5~R -thai Lrces niiii.e than six Ray Hoagland.. 8 provideaT5y~Rae-LOU KashtonB of y^pg he=jk&H-mm~ Mrs. John-Major. of 860 Hamilton St,t Rahway^member ofjhe program committee, and Mrs. for the affair are (L to r.) Miss Deann Swart, model; Mrs. inches "in diamctcr'-cannot Social NewBM>,., DnrnrtiFift'TTifflTttittr. affair chairlady. and Mrs .Janet Millto, be removed withnnr dr exhibit dramatizing the work of their organization which"wilTBc on display at the ortS.v,r. .v . 9- one of die^proprietors of Rac-Lou1hashionB,-Rfain David B. Crabiel, Director-Manager Library-of Rahway during tho month of October. eddings.. 6-7 riance prevented removal of

^'.'.!>'••; ••' .^....lA.-'A.