i ft RAHWAY NEWS RECORD CLARK PATRIOj PAGE HUPSTAY TOBER 0 Louis Buonir 73, Two Dies on His Walk GTrT^cout Troops 267 and Sharon Dowda, Joann Mc- Along Reservoir 761 of Rahway went on an Mullen and Lorraine Lensch. intertroop camping trip to Yunva- patrol Elena L.uuis Uuoni, 73, of 88 Knoll-Top the weekend of Caray, Bridgette Knight, Amelia Or., Clark, died Sept. 24, 25 and 26. Twenry- Kathy Hickey and Myra Tur- Munda> of an apparent heart rubiate. four girls, five adults and NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER EST. 1822 .1;- attack while taking his morn- three Cadettes participated. Sioux patrol - Donna CJl ing walk along theMiddlesex The theme at camp was Hickey, Cindy Lou Duncan, u nr Warn- Co. Reservoir. Indian lore. The girls made Donna Clark and Pat Con- liis boJy was found floating •ill juir.tl \ shields, beads, did sand dron. u l n i i. m rlit- reservoir at about 5 painting, and presented an Apache patrol - Christine m. h\ a 13-year old girl Indian skit and dance. King, Lisa Boley, Tonya VOL. 149, NO- 40 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1971 15 CENTS win' was walking along a - 1.1 'A The girls also had a com- limmons, Llga Tur rubiate ii briJU- fJth, Her mother no- pass point game and trea- and Theresa Houck. ritu-0. ['OUCL-, sure hunt. Ribbons were Cadettes attending the 1 a r !_n 1 i learned the vic- given to the following girls: camp-out were Margaret tim's LUcntit> after receiving COMPASS POINT WINNURS Sheehan, Susan Ryan and I :- a call from I-rank Huoni, Mohawk patrol - Donna Barbara Polhemus from that his father ap- Troop 156. Conducted, Boley, Faith Mosby, Wanda Patrolman Robt. Flaherty .JI parent 1\ w andered away Adults attending were Logan and Lori Polden. Joseph J. Smith uf the Clark 1 .- IHC- Comanche patrul - Lor- Mrsrs. Cervase M-cMullenMcMulln, victim was pro- will be raine Lensch, Sharon Dgwds, 5 Arrested dead at the scene Flaming Star/' Troop 267 Police Department tu be Joann McMullen, Mary Tilke RichardNewman. i'o- leader- Mrs. Franlc Hickey, graduated at^^xci Drujr raids- -ccrrn±ucred and Lisa Morriseette.__ "Mrrnday nrgtii by all i " 6 held tomo Licna liee -an- II rvi ration she r\ rresi ai principal speaker at on narcotics charges. event which marks the Ihree persons were taken ,„.„- PeteLKapiet inro cuarndv hy poUr.e William lar^c on Sun-Ja It- retired five years a-rnrrrg mayor—pointed-out,. He also :' a •_;' rvsi- and Donna Hickey. tectives at ihe Village Motel, 1'i-ior Kapiec, u, Cabin. left shows after being employed Council approved Dy a stated that the city colilcf ! l! Apache patrol - Christine Route 1, and charged with ^r rtssey Avc,, Avent-i, iU-rtu-rr H. Kicim left, giving some cam; as a molder by the Regina vote on Tuesday night during apply for a federal grant J m Kahwa\- Hus[ ital aftt r v-r rne Assembly, C. 1 <•• v. uv\~. Railway, 10 years. King, Flga Turrubiate, Lisa possession ol narcotics and its meeting in City Hall the of $32,000 from the-United t Boley, Theresa Houck and HENRY F. DONALD P. l.":i'i; illness. IK- was rhe- criiic i", and vi Frrt-holder Jeronii ^rein Id- u ,i.s an honorary mem- purchase of a building at 219 States Department of Com- :\ ..I... Tonya 1'lmmuns. shand of Mr^, £- li^c- shun- candidate tor - -<cnaU)r. In the photo at ber til (he- Semer Citizents rested were James R. Storey, Central Avenue, formerly merce. It was explained that . ka plec. i/. ut tic e holders. C la :K llni an ^ U.h. TRlfASURH HI'NT 24¥ and Rodger Storey, IS, occupied by the Elizabeth- federal funds were made WINNERS both of the 1800 block of !'•(•• IT, 111 I..U-!! : Vi;I"l, i : . , lu-rnard <-. i-ava^r, standing, ana ' Mr. Huoni was the hus— town Gas Company, from available only recently to NtoTnrwK:—p"arroT~^—Rrrth Newton Street, and Denise hvL-ci UK-IV -4* \i-jr.- a:,>_: iLi'k Walter . ! !.il;in, sc-au-d at *. i. :u i" I a I n 1U:K: ' t" th<_' late Mrs. Jenny the firm for $130,000. municipalities having an un- :" MI yt-ard vvnrk^d a^ .; it.- h, Walter O' lin Mosby, Lori Polden, Wanda Cheek, 19, uf L-".. Albert Street, L-IL-C t l ll pji ni. iif U-avL-s Henry, a For State Assembly LONG, HARD "CLIMB TO $89,000 UNITED FUND GOAL ... Donald P. Taylor, center, presi- Plans call for the building employment rate of more • i 1 rmiK-r. He livvd niKji,- 1 liu^t- who wi.>rk belnii- J 1 i tic a 1 si in, f-I da rk; a daughter, Logan and Donna l.^oley. near New B r un s w IC k A ve. dent, and Thomas Grahill, one of two general campaign chairmen for the Rahway I 'mred to be renovated for use as than 8.5 per cent. The city's .r. If1 Tuar? and in A.vrr:rl :\:v ptuito at lower. Lett. - Comanche patrol - Mar\ .infer in .V.ariu Mry, James Djkin of Miami; Detectives arrested Dennis Fund, are pictured with Lewis G. King, president of the Union County United Fund at the third a police headquarters at a rate is 9.3^ per cent, me i '. i a rs, c-ne 1 n is J n <, ounty Republic.! Tilke, Lisa Morrissette, C. Storey, 32, and Gwen- K L tl.il I'- a br>'tlu-r, I'anJido, ot" Cor- MEN of ACTION annual kick-off dinner attended by 200. The countywide goal is $2,109,033. Mr. King reminded cost of approximately mayor reported. :u- retired In l'JV) as .1 left fruiu, a:M Vr.-=. Irencdnffin, sr:uccnninuit-r- "IU, ! .1.; eight grandchildren dolyn II. Chase, 21, also dinner attendants that, "We are the only country in the world with a volunteer system uf $400,000. Fire Chief George G. Link, re.KL-ru an, .i.-n". ical ope r a TO r fn r Merck rij^ht fr-:nt, were pur in the spotlight by <n-r»r\;e and urn- great-grandchild, ALL-BUSINESS LADIES ... Members oi the Rahway Business known as Gwendolyn Storey, private charitable agencies. In fact, in Union County, we have 7,000 volunteers working on tht- Action by the Council came agreeing that a new police" Mrs. Connelly, 81 0ED1CATEH TQ PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT in an apartment In rhe 1500 .0 ^ '. • '1 R.ihw a\ , .iltt r I "' rv-sideni • t &•<-• Clark Gd!' club, Kn, aiui 1 award rtif I homas F. Higgins nnrt Professional Women's Cluh hRve n full schedule; of acrivi- annuaj United Fund campaigns." Both Messrs. Taylor and Grahill expressed confidence that after a two-hour public hear- headquarters ie needed to '."IT"'-<v.r Mrs. Anna Barry Con- "rJlock of Main Street. They t. lark ttMimcijial chairman. 1- ,ut ^uiii 1-uneral HumeJ lilt* ties planned for Business Women's Week, Oct. 18-23. The despite the economic climate and the wage and price freeze that the Rahway goal would be Ing on an ordinance providing r^pTXCeThe present BuHcttng" : .i ••I- \ ai ! nelly, SI, of lli Laipine Wij, were charged \uth posses- Mrs. McKeon, 54 :; i. w Ji a tiii.iiil!i.-r.'l Lu-..i! It-riiiVIUL ^, I' I'LL-holder Maguiri in L ii din M., Rahway, made 1. la. iiV AI. uollQ. Ki3"ll ^ > W j j , N unit will conduct a parade of old cars and costumes and will reached. for the expenditure and a to the rear of City Hall, said It- 1 i'. l Clark, died Friday at the distribute brochures explaining the purpose of their organiza- sion ui' a cuntroiied danger- i'\vt-r n:::.i, talks with his cam} fum-ral arrangements. half-hour recess in which • • (. he is "vehemently opposed*' !• : Ash Brook Nursing Home, ous substance and posses- ,r'.:^k : , lelt, dn<.\ his at tion. Irving Street has a new name again this year, die ladies the Council members dis- scotch Plains, after a briel sion of marijuana. tly^neb r was a rustrt. 1 i. N11 s t.- n. got meir way and renamed it BPW Boulevard, with the per- cussed the matter. Oppo- and fire headquarters. illness. She was the widow mission of Mayor Daniel L. Martin, right. With him are, Detective Lt. William Da- sition to the purchase was Frank Williams of Michael Oonnelly. Mr. Lawrence, in opposing left, Mary Finelli, BPW civic participation chairlady, and vis and Detecu v c Warren led by Alonzo W. Lawrence the ordinance to buy the gas Mrs. ConneITyTivect"mosToT — —— C airier K+ii-hrr;--H-P-W—pres-ident-; —— .Arguntie-r-c—and-John Claim Senator Caters . Grand Ave., Rah- Of 1343 Madison AvpmiP^h^ company hi Hiding her life in Elizabeth until made the arrests. d I-riday in Rahway said he spoke against the moving 10 Clark nine years CARRY OUT Council whetherlt was going art a after a brief Ul- James and Hodncs Storey proposal in his own behalf to force the taxpayers to ob- •au •t Kahwa e was the husband of hOOD SHOPPE were remanded to the Union and for the Railway Taxpay- tain signatures on a petition .U To Special Interests HL/SS. She waa a member ot M, The Rahway Municipal and Mrs. Forsythe seconded M r=- rent Kenclrzski Mary Harvatt Wil- C.
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