With Brownell Will Meet at the Home of Mr*

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With Brownell Will Meet at the Home of Mr* : r "-■'■■■ ____V _. ,r V .i- TUESDAY, JANtJARY 20, 195S •f'- Average Daily Net Press Run Ths Weather PAGE SIXTEEN For tha Week Ended iTOanrljrBt^r lEafttiitg Sum. 17,. ISSS Foraeaat of U. 8. Weuther Buiuu noon at 1 -o’clock at St. James' CIpody toiUght, poasIMy rnla ef 6roup D of Center Church Wo­ School. AH member* of the cast 10,853 men, Mrs. a ; Hyatt Sutllffe, leader; Cbiiiplele Trsininji; at Pickett Brooks Emcee are requested to be oti time. atiow tm -evening. Mlnlmmii XE- /JJJiout Tdwil will hold a service meeting tomor­ Meniber of the Audit Tickets are available at the Cor­ Burenu •r-DlreulsUon* 86. Tbiiradny, pnrtjy eloudy..' row at 8 p.nr. In the RObbtn*- ner Soda shop, ■’Harmac Men’s MmehiBster^A City »f F Utuge Chann A diw*»>ter| - Debrah ■'^ieliine; ■RbOm. work '-wtlt be on layettes, vFor Jamborfee •hop, Deyorio.'a..ator.e. At ..the.. CSH; w u born yMUi^ay in Burlingrton. and the members are asked to ter, Rolda Martin Gibson's Dance VU to Mr. and Mr*. Allyn Dam- bring thefr own sewing equipment. studio and also from any member, VOL. LXXII, NO. 94 (Clsaalfled Advertigtag an Pago 22) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, W5S (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) liack. Mra. IJambeck 1* th* former Radio Announcer Will of the cast. PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruth Buraack,'daughter of Mr. and . Mr*, yvilllam Stuek pnd Mr*. Handle Stage Work at Mr*. Daniel Bumck of 37 Packard Ray Warren will be hostesses at i j ' ■ the meeting of the Manchester Re­ publican Women’s Club tomorrow Polio Benefit Jan. 28 ' The Infant Je*uA, of PraRue at 2:30 p;m. at the Community Y Jack Brooks, popular radio an­ HALE'S Happy GOP Mothers Circle will iheet tomor­ on North Main atreet. Guest speak­ row nl*ht at 8 o'clock the home ers will be State Representative nouncer, will be the master of i of Mr*. Allan R. Keenan, W2 Hol­ Sherwood G. Bowers and Ray S. ceremonies for the Polio Jamboree | Headquarters SEALY MATTRESSES $29.95 and up loanees into lister atreet. Warren, who will discuss town and to be held at St. James’ School | legislative subjects. Hall. WednMday night. Jan. 28, at i Delta Chapter Np. .Sl._ 8 o’clock. Mr. Brooks, who ha* been j Arch Masons, win confer the Royal Manchester Grange will meet to­ .heard on the Manchester Matinee j W oe^ours Arch de»ree at it* stated conVocaX morrow night in OraWg* Hkll; The program over Station WCCC for | KEMP’S, Inc. tlon tomorrow night at ^ :30 In the lecturer's program will be In the past year, la known as a cap­ 788 MAIN STREET TEL. MI-S-56M Washington, Jan.^8L::-<fl’) liasonc Temple. The degree work chargP of the Horn* Economic* able master of ceremonies for HNE BEDDING will be followed by the usual social corbmittee, and each member la stage work. New York, Jan. 21—<iP^A fedierail court jur^ today found —^Happy Republicans hour. requCalcd to bring items for their Some of the act* at the jamboree all 13 Communist leaders guilty of conspiracy. The jury of sailed on into the wee bours ■ ^ t; table. MrA Herbert Clay and her -wtH-lnch-de-taKnted performers of today-iRa last great and committee will serve refreshment*. six men and six women rwched a verdict after receiving-thfr Edward M. Bensche of 58 Maple \ „ , who are well known locally. Tony case last Thursday. The trial lasted eight and one-half months. gala jubilee marking the in­ atreet. Frederick Mahoney of 60 O'Bright; an outstanding rhow- Maple street and John K. Snuffer Chapman'^Court, Order of Ama­ All of the Communist leaders %--------------'— --------------------------- auguration of President ranth, win hpld a military whist man,: will d)*play hi* prowess at were charged with conapiring to rfT« Summit street were awarded Oharle* H. Norris the xylophone. Eisenhower. master of art* degrees by Teach- Friday at 8 p'-ip: In the Masonic teach and advocate the overthrow And Eisenhower and his lady A Great Moment in U. S. History Temple which »'ia open to the Another act will be that of the of, the U. S. government. celebrated right along with them. era Oollege, Columbia University ' ^ , Training Center at Camp Pickett "Singing Sweets,” which 1* com­ Rebel Cons Mew Fork City, on Af- AH public. Mrs. Annle'|. Smith, chair P.vt. Norman I. Kronlck. son of The jury foreman, Mia* Lucille They didn't hold out until the three are World war II fSteran* man of the committee, announces prised of William Sweet. Sr., a! Collette, a music teacher, an­ final curtain at 3 a. m., but depart-' Mr. and Mr*. William Kronlck of "nie training Included such sub- veteran of the stage, who will be nounced the verdict aftier 48 hours ed at l:lk, compartTUvely the and' are fiiduate* of Wllmnantic that both playing and, door prlsea 18 Stephen street and Pvt. Charles Ject* aa anatomy, physiology, mlli- State Teacher* College, class of will be awarded and riHreshments accompanied by hi* daughter, RoimM. Rofrigoratore of deliberations in a clear, firm Reject Call shank of the evening. Long lines H. Norris, son of Mr. and Mia. »anltallon. method "f/y**;;;"- j Dlapa. and William . Sweet, Voice: *\ of limousines and taxis, stalled in IMS. will be served after the^-game*. „ „ . ' , - tlon. emergency medical treatment, W oshtrf arid All C. H. Norris of 63 Hamlin atreel, ,jjjfnlnl*tratlon of medicines, ward I Jr.; who 1* well known In Man- "We find the defendant* gUUty traffic, were still brining guests ; Chester and throughout the state aa.cha'rged!” \ •St. Bemadette’s Mother* Orcle St. .Mery's build will ' meet have completed basic training re- management, hypodermic Injection Other Appliances when he left. Thursday at 10:30 a.m. to 'fold for hi* performance*., Mr. Sweil. They could receive maxlmunr To End Riot . The new President was in fine With Brownell will meet at the home of Mr*. cently at the Medical Replacement and operating room technique. dressings for the Memorial Sr., has been with RKO circuit and sentences of five years in prison fettle, right up to the end. He still Ftanklln'Clove. 610 Middle tum- and flnbi^ of f 10,000. litk* w a t, tomorrow night w a pltal. Members will bring their own I* a tenor and a banjo and ukulele Thi J W H A U COM llefonte. Pa., Jan. 21— looked daisy-fresh, although his d a ^ ! '■andwlches-for tho- noon iudcheon player.------- ------ --- ------------ The defendants, all from the had begun IS hours earlier and had Washinfirton, Jan. 21—(jP)—Problems of the presidency !>••> Veloeky ~ New-___ York'wr«»___ ___ — 'and — all --------- second-j >^outing defiance, some and. the hostesses. Mrs. Imrle Ro-; Marietta Gagnon. ,a young YOUU SET THE------- Included the most iihpres*rive event' fan CTOwdinrin upon DiYi|dit D. EiBenh(wrer toaii^ b(^ore M han, Mr*. Elizabeth Little and Mrs. ifavies and Silveritein Cite string leader* of the Communist J 325 r^Ilious convict# again any American can experience!—be­ TBk annual congregatlonalmeet- tap dancer, who la doing well with party, are: scarcely had a chance to draw a long breath after the io* of Concordia Lutheran Church Claude Porter, will serve tea, cof­ her routine, will ^Ive her Impres- WORLD ON FIRE spurned '' .surrender ultima- ing sworn in as President of the fee and dessert. Guild officer* who evoe* Nt4, Alexander Blttelman, 61; United 'States. auguration whirl. First and foremost was whether he could take place tomorrow night at Mutual Security Benefits ■ion of "Pat Roopey.’’ She also You'll look better and yoji’ll feel belter George Blake Charney. 46; Eliza­ tiims today'jn their barricad­ ' The President looked like a man get Senate approval for Charles E. •■. — T:B0. Reports will be siibmltt^r' have been re-eleCted pre, Mrs. cornea from a faitrtly of perform- Arthur Burnap, president; Mrs. Al­ when .you go oub to meet the .world wear­ beth Gurley Flynn, 60; Betty Gan­ ed cellblock H the Rockview out for a good time, and he ap­ WilsonIlson to be his Secretary of De-lDe­ and ■the election of officer* and 15 ■ers. nett, 44; 'Victor Jeremy Jerome, State Penitenb|[ry and re­ peared to 1m having It. fense. The White House sat'd Eiaen- danecma will be followed by a dis- lan Hotchkiss, vice president: Mr*. how. such as much of western Another oustandlngNact la that ^ o a i ing clothes freshly cleaned and pressed Tell L^tke of . F otern^ ,54; Arnold Samuel Johnson, 46: This was a double-jointed jubi-1 hower stlU intends to nominate cuasieh of the recommendation of Claude Porter, secretary; and Mrs.' 'Elirope.'whlle Point '4 la for nations of Jeanette Cahonial, a yoiihg lady by NEW MODFL; Drop off your dry fused to release'‘tlx’ guards Wilson. Earle Rohan, treasurer. with resources but no know-how, Claudia .Jones, 36; Alexander Leo lee. Morse Say4* the Church Council, that the .pres­ MSA Im- Strengthening who can sing, tap dance find plays cleaning at either of our two locations for Trachtenberg, 65: Louis' Weln- held as hostages ul^il their At opposite, ends of Washington . But the nomination will not be ent parsonage be converted to pro-, such ss India, Asia, and Chlpa. the saxophone. Her specialty is “gripes” are honored. Bubmitted to tbs Senate today. A daughter, Theresa Florence, United S t^ f- Defense Answering the question a* to safe, sure work that inspires confidence. atock, 48; William Wolf Weln- two big, bull-chested halls had been vide more room for the Sunday playing the saxophone while danc- .atone, 53; Pettis Perry, 54; Jacob It was the third day ofs, their given Over to the celebration.
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