: r "-■'■■■ ____V _. .


V .i- TUESDAY, JANtJARY 20, 195S •f'- Average Daily Net Press Run Ths Weather PAGE SIXTEEN For tha Week Ended iTOanrljrBt^r lEafttiitg Sum. 17,. ISSS Foraeaat of U. 8. Weuther Buiuu

noon at 1 -o’clock at St. James' CIpody toiUght, poasIMy rnla ef 6roup D of Center Church Wo­ School. AH member* of the cast 10,853 men, Mrs. a ; Hyatt Sutllffe, leader; Cbiiiplele Trsininji; at Pickett Brooks Emcee are requested to be oti time. atiow tm -evening. Mlnlmmii XE- /JJJiout Tdwil will hold a service meeting tomor­ Meniber of the Audit Tickets are available at the Cor­ Burenu •r-DlreulsUon* 86. Tbiiradny, pnrtjy eloudy..' row at 8 p.nr. In the RObbtn*- ner Soda shop, ■’Harmac Men’s MmehiBster^A City »f F Utuge Chann A diw*»>ter| - Debrah ■'^ieliine; ■RbOm. work '-wtlt be on layettes, vFor Jamborfee •hop, Deyorio.'a..ator.e. At ..the.. CSH; w u born yMUi^ay in Burlingrton. and the members are asked to ter, Rolda Martin Gibson's Dance VU to Mr. and Mr*. Allyn Dam- bring thefr own sewing equipment. studio and also from any member, VOL. LXXII, NO. 94 (Clsaalfled Advertigtag an Pago 22) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, W5S (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) liack. Mra. IJambeck 1* th* former Radio Announcer Will of the cast. PRICE FIVE CENTS Ruth Buraack,'daughter of Mr. and . Mr*, yvilllam Stuek pnd Mr*. Handle Stage Work at Mr*. Daniel Bumck of 37 Packard Ray Warren will be hostesses at i j ' ■ the meeting of the Manchester Re­ publican Women’s Club tomorrow Polio Benefit Jan. 28 ' The Infant Je*uA, of PraRue at 2:30 p;m. at the Community Y Jack Brooks, popular radio an­ HALE'S Happy GOP Mothers Circle will iheet tomor­ on North Main atreet. Guest speak­ row nl*ht at 8 o'clock the home ers will be State Representative nouncer, will be the master of i of Mr*. Allan R. Keenan, W2 Hol­ Sherwood G. Bowers and Ray S. ceremonies for the Polio Jamboree | Headquarters SEALY MATTRESSES $29.95 and up loanees into lister atreet. Warren, who will discuss town and to be held at St. James’ School | legislative subjects. Hall. WednMday night. Jan. 28, at i Delta Chapter Np. .Sl._ 8 o’clock. Mr. Brooks, who ha* been j Arch Masons, win confer the Royal Manchester Grange will meet to­ .heard on the Manchester Matinee j W oe^ours Arch de»ree at it* stated conVocaX morrow night in OraWg* Hkll; The program over Station WCCC for | KEMP’S, Inc. tlon tomorrow night at ^ :30 In the lecturer's program will be In the past year, la known as a cap­ 788 MAIN STREET TEL. MI-S-56M Washington, Jan.^8L::-••> Veloeky ~ New-___ York'wr«»______— 'and — all ------second-j >^outing defiance, some and. the hostesses. Mrs. Imrle Ro-; Marietta Gagnon. ,a young YOUU SET THE------Included the most iihpres*rive event' fan CTOwdinrin upon DiYi|dit D. EiBenh(wrer toaii^ b(^ore M han, Mr*. Elizabeth Little and Mrs. ifavies and Silveritein Cite string leader* of the Communist J 325 r^Ilious convict# again any American can experience!—be­ TBk annual congregatlonalmeet- tap dancer, who la doing well with party, are: scarcely had a chance to draw a long breath after the io* of Concordia Lutheran Church Claude Porter, will serve tea, cof­ her routine, will ^Ive her Impres- WORLD ON FIRE spurned '' .surrender ultima- ing sworn in as President of the fee and dessert. Guild officer* who evoe* Nt4, Alexander Blttelman, 61; United 'States. auguration whirl. First and foremost was whether he could take place tomorrow night at Mutual Security Benefits ■ion of "Pat Roopey.’’ She also You'll look better and yoji’ll feel belter George Blake Charney. 46; Eliza­ tiims today'jn their barricad­ ' The President looked like a man get Senate approval for Charles E. •■. — T:B0. Reports will be siibmltt^r' have been re-eleCted pre, Mrs. cornea from a faitrtly of perform- Arthur Burnap, president; Mrs. Al­ when .you go oub to meet the .world wear­ beth Gurley Flynn, 60; Betty Gan­ ed cellblock H the Rockview out for a good time, and he ap­ WilsonIlson to be his Secretary of De-lDe­ and ■the election of officer* and 15 ■ers. . . nett, 44; 'Victor Jeremy Jerome, State Penitenb|[ry and re­ peared to 1m having It. fense. The White House sat'd Eiaen- danecma will be followed by a dis- lan Hotchkiss, vice president: Mr*. how. such as much of western Another oustandlngNact la that ^ o a i ing clothes freshly cleaned and pressed Tell L^tke of . F otern^ ,54; Arnold Samuel Johnson, 46: This was a double-jointed jubi-1 hower stlU intends to nominate cuasieh of the recommendation of Claude Porter, secretary; and Mrs.' 'Elirope.'whlle Point '4 la for nations of Jeanette Cahonial, a yoiihg lady by NEW MODFL; Drop off your dry fused to release'‘tlx’ guards Wilson. Earle Rohan, treasurer. with resources but no know-how, Claudia .Jones, 36; Alexander Leo lee. Morse Say4* the Church Council, that the .pres­ MSA Im- Strengthening who can sing, tap dance find plays cleaning at either of our two locations for Trachtenberg, 65: Louis' Weln- held as hostages ul^il their At opposite, ends of Washington . But the nomination will not be ent parsonage be converted to pro-, such ss India, Asia, and Chlpa. the saxophone. Her specialty is “gripes” are honored. Bubmitted to tbs Senate today. A daughter, Theresa Florence, United S t^ f- Defense Answering the question a* to safe, sure work that inspires confidence. atock, 48; William Wolf Weln- two big, bull-chested halls had been vide more room for the Sunday playing the saxophone while danc- .atone, 53; Pettis Perry, 54; Jacob It was the third day ofs, their given Over to the celebration. One James C. Hagerty, Eisenhower's eahool and parish activities. ,their first child, ws* bom yester­ whether the objective* of MSA are For prompt pick-up, and delivery service surprise Insurrection L press chief, told a news confer­ Ike Unidiil day In New London to Mr. and "There is real mining In the worthy, he stated that It has kept ‘"K- ' , \ h o m e c o m f o r t Mindel. 71; Albert Francis Lan- was the National Guard Arjpiory, A dre** rehearsal for the jam­ call 8072. V non, 43. V 400 of Rockview’s prisoners capil the other the McDonough Audi- ence. "»ph# Study group of the South Mrs. Jerome Becker. Mr, Becker term mutual aecurlty.X said High Communism out 'of western Eu­ boree will be held Sunday after­ lated to a demand by Gdv. John rope. *nd World War III Is farther Judge Edward J. Dlmock told -,|orium at Georgetown University.' The situation presumably was %»«Hutiiur W8CS will ipeet tomor­ la stationed at the Submarine Base, Davies. English E xchsn^ teacher lO^r Fine who warned tl)at additional ''.Officially, it was a white-tie and the subject of an 8 a.m. confer­ row at 2 p. n>. the church. The and Mrs. Becker, the former Helen away than It was a year ago; He MORIARTY Bros. the jurors the verdict was "amply To Wiiiqiil at East Hartford High School. In Cash and Carry Green Stamps jail sentences would be given to hM^-shoulders event, and most of ence the new President had with worship service will be led by Mr*. Kicking, resides at 45 Legion road. obaerved that one billion dollar* Justified by the evidence” and every man who continues to defy Dorothy Potter, ■ spiritual, life a talk at the open meeting OLthel worth of aid costa'cach American 3 1 5 CENTER ST thanked . them..for "tlie exhibition the 'guests conformed. Tickets his Attorney-OenersI-desIgnate, . ----- .J. LET US FILL YOUR BRANCH STORE AT SU.MAIN ST. you gave of careful study and the wereVl2 apiece, "and■ you"haff 16 narbert Briifvnen, Jf; WisKirijffbn, Jaii. 2T- leader .of the society. The jpro- Group A of the Center Congre­ League of women Vojera know soh^ebody who knew some­ Regular News Conference* j Caed ilelnlnar Method '' knowledge you showed." The newest rejection of the gram aubje

QUISH Your hnus« Is onl.v as e«mkI as the qualit.v.nf the ma­ Apartment No. 2 6 Charier Oak Street terials you put into it. When ,vou use inferior products, RED and REG. 1.98 to 2.49 ^ DISCONTINUED STYLES it costs you more in the lonjr run. Reduced For Clearance . 6 9 MEN'S PART WOOL AND ALL WOOL GIRLS'BLOUSES 1 FAMOUS MAKE . 1. ■ ^ Our materials are all backed by-our reputation as a SUITS Sizes .3 to 8x, 7’ to 14. Cottons and ravons. SPORT COATS ANKLE and LONB LENGTH HOSE - SERVICE - While They Last— Save Up To $50.00 CHILDREN'S SHOES dependable dealer in A^pnehester. REG. $30 to $35 VALUES .. NOW $19.75 SIZER lO!-*] to IS w h i ;n Y o r w a n t m REG. $13.50 to $20.0|) VALUES . NOW $9.45 “ Orig. S.SS le T.9S , REG. $35 to $40 VALUES . . . . NOW $24.95 REG. 50c and 65« PAIR ...... NOW39ePr. NO TRADE RE9UIRED W’e will KUide you in the .selection of materials for any REG. S27.S0 to S32.S0 VALUES NOW $16.95 REG. $40-$45 and $50 VALUES NOW $29.95, REG. 75e and $1.00 PAIR ...... NOW S9c Pr. • Fender Hodv Work Ori^. 1.98 GIRLS' RAYON SLIPS building project. We’ll advijie on the application, and if 1 REG. $21.50.$2S.7S and $26 VALUES NOW S14.95 REG. $1.25 and $1.50 PAIR .... NOW79ePr. « \\ heel Ali;fnmcnt v : ■ .any problem arises .while your .job is *in propresa, we’ll Orig. 1.98 GIRLS' W 0 6 l KNIT I .g q ^ V I'l REG. $1.75 PAIR ...... NOW 89e Pr. .H^VTS ...... t...... JL be right here to help you with it.— Easy Trrms. S (I ' iiiidc Tunc.up 3 > 9 9 4 ® ® Orig. 7.98 GIRLS' POPLIN DOWNHILL PANTS . . . .. 4 ’98 Brown lies, patent. N aty, red. straps, - ^ B ( I; ■ 111' . » ' TOPCOATS COLORED SRil FANCY DRESS SHIRTS i ------Bi-own* only. 7 .fh.l4. ' STRIDE RITE SHOES NOT INCLUDED KEG, $27.50 to $30 VALUES...... NOW $19.95 , StzM l4 to 17. Sleeve lehgtbi S3 to U. ■ TURNPIKE BUILDING MATERIALS REG. $35 to $40 VALUES . . . .. NOW $24.95 REG. $3.95 VALUE ...... NOW H W ; .AUro BODY WORKS CEJIOUSESSON— ■ III 1063 MAIN STREET — PHONE Ml-3-6227 ' LUMBER FUEL REG. $44.$47.S0 and $49 VALUES . NOW $29.95 ) ' I I ISI'^ c . = = = REG. $4.95 VALUE ...... NOW $191^ ; . . I i; -Ml. liirnpikc NO LAYAWAYS • NOT EVERY SIZE AND COLOR IN EVERY STy Le .WE GIVE awr GREEN STAMPS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS \ 336 M. MAIN ST., CHESTER TEL. MI-9-525.1 Mltchfi 3*7043 ■SbiSI

J •H' ■ •, I I 'l-'i \ ,1' , i \ 7 o i l / ' r - i ..;li ' .* I - ' ' " V-^' '• \ \ ' \ t, . . \ . • ■A' *'fe* ^ • <1 ■■ ^ . . ■ . ,,v^ . .... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ?1, 1953 PAGESEVEK<^ ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONNl, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 P A G C 8 IX mmm m m

841 m a in ST.


BiG SAVINGS! BIG SAVINGS! JUMBO CLEARANCE JUAVBC^ CLEARANCE JUMBO PURCHASE JUMBO CLEARANCE JUMBO PURCHASE JUMBO PURCHASE JUMBO PURCHASE * HANDBAGS / handsomely tailored SPORTSWEAR / / DRESSES • leather , a fabulous /^roup ^ - i - 4 ,1 / high-waisted \ • faille SWEATERS. ; i , - : ...r iV .— ' ,L JEWELRY .•corduroy $5-«l2 vahies to |25 PLAID SLACKS pure woola / noveltlea straight the * / 'F -s 1 '* • plus tax value 2.98 ' |«»io3«® broken atzea / / you’ll storm the doors at the crack values to 2.98 each by davenshire valuea to 5.98 NYLON * u. bag bar of 9 for a chance to save precious workro^s of A v . • , titf- a* * .."4 • dollars in our fantastic sale of cos­ KN IT SU ITS t' - ' tume jewelry . . . hurry, hurry for \ top ■ rnanufacturers! jewelry bar . 4 this one! Viuuos to 17.98 here are UrtjL;(i plaid ilacha BLOUSES made eapecially for our Jumbo GIRDLES - FLOWERS Sale by Shire-tex. .Amerlca'a wool jerseys top maAufacturer . . they have value to 8.98 .concealed slpperi and Inner 98 by FO R M FIT l^ppera In the belt . •. . afrea MATHINITIES cotton blouses value to 1.00 to 16. value to 3.98 COATS JUMBO PURCHASE JUMBO PURCHASE / values to 17.98 s8 sportswear dept. value 8.98 burton’s sportswear dept. ' —X- we. scooped up the.se JUMBO CLEARANCE ■ /■ "Lile" girdles the mo- GLOVES, MITTEN^ ' ment we laid eyes on their * nylon taffeta front and back and the leno elastic 50 genuine leather ■ in pure wool JUMBO PURCHASE sides. This is the most JUMBO PURCHASE exciting Value in high- / waist control! Sizes 25 to HANDBAGS 34 in 15 and 16" lengths. novelty designs ORLON, NYLON, TAEFETA frothy, 15 denier, 40 denier p / imported yarns \ values to 49.98 corset salon e plus ta.x 559 glove bar NYLON BLOUSES a famous makers value 7.98 value 1.50 SPRING# SKIRTS you'll find millium lininga in luscious pastel poodle fabrics . . handsome JUMBO CLEARANCE yam-dye gray sport coats . . fabu­ lous tweeds in our out-of-this world collection that just yesterday sold for/ designer 88 88 you'll anatcl; theae up the moment much, much more! sizes 8 to 18. you aee them . . . theyYe lacey and SALE OF FLEXEES lovely in quick- drying magic nylon' y values to 7.98 values to 8.98 , . buy them in white and paatela in alzea 32 to 38. ' 2 9 5 coat salon lite-weight nylon girdles and panties value 5.00 PEARL NEC theae are waalfable ^ lo n In tweedy fabrica, crlapy ■ I ■ ■ ; awlrly taffetaa and wonderfUl nubby linena that will wear now through aummar. In wonderful colora, alaea these ard highly styled collars, chokers, r^ulation pearls "coolaire” , nyralon, satin girdles^ 4 9 5 in the'most unusual designs you’ve ever raVed over! one to 22 to 30. _ BRAS value 8.95 sportswear dept. \ 9 9 ^ six strands in white or pink, earrings to/fnatch at 81. sportswear dept. values to 2.50 heavily boned satin girdles r value 10.96 jewelry bar JUMBO CLEARANCE JUMBO CLEARANCE JUMBO c l e a r a n c e JUMBO CLEARANCE JUMBO C LM R A N C E ,, JUMBO CLEARANCE shorty STORK4;COATS JUMBO PURCHASE Gowns and J^ajamas SLIPPER SOX 4- JUMBO PURCHASE Q u ilM Bed Jackets RAINCOATS NYLONS in flannelette > 1 0 „ ...by B^t^izpn.^ a .clean . sweep -of by Belle Sharmeer . all wools in novelty GIRLS' STORM COATS BOYS' SNOW SUITS highly - styled nov­ 'ehibfbidenes brok-.... 59 naatbl satin quilted WINTER COATS elty all - weather . broken sizes • and col- en sizes. __ MiWties In alwa 10 ■ coats in sizes 7-1^“ '” - ors -'-in-.this '.-famous , . - ■ igait- ■ value maker's clearance. n vrilue to to 20. value 2.50 to 6.98 S ^ / V value to hosiery dept. if you've an eagle eye for value yoji’fl bu.y these are sturdy, water-repellent gabardine 3-piece 69.98 coat salon 17.98 value 1.95 ' 3.50 . . theae cravenetted plaid storm coats now value' 6.98 lingerie dept. hosiery dept. anowaiiita, with mouton collars and zipper fronts. I lingerie dept. . . for next year'a wear. They're alpaca 98 They have warm alpaca lining and come in green, lined and have genuine mouton collars. navy, brown, in sizes 4-8. Slzea 7-14. JUMBO CLEARANCE JUMBO PURCHASE vaKia 29.98 Burton’s little s h a w s'hop JUMBO PURCHASE Burton's children’s .shop

/ . ROBES and LOUNGE P.J 's / FAMOUS, FLATTERING ROBES and DUSTERS GIRLS' CLEARANCE GIRLS' ROBES once - in - a - life-time ‘ DRESS CLEARANCE girls’ snowsuits fc 0 99 i98 poplin! wools, sizes 3-6x 1498 98 a super collection of gold-emhoaa- buy of ed crapes, washable aeerauekera to value 19.98 . . ail spanking new and beautiful value« 5.98 dark-seamed, novelty-heeled at this Io\y price, sizes 10 to 20. value 5.98. to 29,98 * 3 * 4 toddler snowsuits clearance of cotlnn quilts, sizes 3-6x values to 8.98 ail nylon, sizes 2-4 , value 22.98 I7®« Burton’s children’s shop robe salon \ robe salon Includes alzea 8-12, pre-teens 10-14. 'Burton’s children’s shop girls' coats solid or plaid— brollen sizes ■ SHEERNYLOi value 34.98 ^ 20“ " ,r . •. LITTLE SHAVER SHOP ^ JUMBO PURCHASE JUMBO.. PURCHASE ... • Burton's cbiiriren’R shop -CLEARANCE \ . . 51 GIRLS' SPORTSWEAR loaded with ' lac^ corduroy and woolen skirti long sleeved flandel shirts 149 MAN-TAILORED / t •f ■ • _ w.. 300, value 1.98 . . . -I,.,... ■;V; • ' *.‘*11 f».v « , * alzea 7-14, vaJtfe 4.98 . all^ool *•' - .. for dripping' wfth " embroidery I long sleeved cotton shirts P " - " |9 8 r corduroy vesf*"^ 198 value 2.98 SEERSUCKER PAJAMAS famous maker^ ..•-— ■ alzea 7-14, value 3.98 SLIPPER SOX value 1.50 each V X ready-made ties cotton blouses - |59 value .59c each .A. sizes 3-12 value 2.98 3 these well-tailored .seerBickera have contrasting pipii^ and a Burton's childi^'a sliqp' 159 Ima^ne-Tindin^-60-gfauffe hose . . « hand-painted motif on the - pocket, NYLON ■ ■■ -- dark beautiful seams ^ . T novelty buy them In while, pink, blue and t'*'- 4 " value 2.98 heels for this little price from maize, sizes 32 to 40. 2 ® r SHOE CLEARANCE one of the most f^ous manu* * children's sizes lingerie dept. . value 3.98 SLIPS facturers of women’s, ho­ MISCELLANEOUS childlife shoes 3 8 8 - 4 8 8 broken sizes value to 7.98 siery! -wonderful colors you^ll never believe . . . all si^es.. LMat these 40 denier famous-make socks A £__ S I slips . are. only 2.98!. rubber boots alzea 6-814, vaJue 39c each I broken sizes value 3.98 2°o JUMBO PURCHASE they look thrice the hosiery dept. e _ * ' ' price with their lace, LAYETTE SPECIALS net. and embroidery mill!ner storm rubbers |69 trim. Buy them in sizes 'elts value to 3.98 black only value 2.29 . 32 to 40-la sparkling 2 4 9 famous makers ^ white., j mittens gauze diaper's'^' Burton’.5 children’s shop ..pJastle coated weather proof value 2.98 LACEY GOWNS sta-on sheets 100 value 1.49 * F l a n n e l e t t e PAJAMAS in rayon tricot % t o d l e r s w e a t e r s D crib blankets 2 9 8 "'36x50 4-lnch satin Binding 2 p|«!fte here' is matchless value in lacey,' luscious gowns . . never before sizes. 6 to 14 available at this low, low price. 198 ■ % wool, nylons In car- infant gowns 100 8mail, mediuth and large. value 1.50 , solid and prints ^ 1 digan^. sizes 2-4. • P -lingerie dept. ' Vvaiuas to 3.98 value 1,98 Bprton’s la.vette dept. Burton’s children’i shop


..'.1 ■ V r ,1 \. m .s m 1 . ! , '■ 71- 7 .7

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21. 1953 PAGE EIGHT -MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MA^HESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1963 PAGE NINE t 111 I.L.l!. 1IIRI..L France, he equated the aacriflce of ■Congress or anybody. They are not years ago when St. Peter's Sum­ bridge were played. Miss Holliater fiaurliPHtpr the French soldier In Indo- used to politics, they are mot, in­ Hebron mer school was a flourishing con­ carried off the high honors. LOANS $-25 TO $500 Wethersfield In Lekewood Helghte. cern. Coventry federal etampa , 81.6.1; ■ Hartford- end of the British soldier in deed, used to being crossed. They Meek Club Members 7 ) C ------i MIm WooHey hak written aeveral I •“Ysa” promptly to 4 out of .9 km-, Connertlcut 'Truat Company lEuMtiiuj ifpraUi Malaya with that of the American Pastor Noikled; Anyone . wishing to enroll with have the hard-headed, practical other >children's books, including the Garden Sprouts, Douglas M. k ployed man, women — merried or / exeeutora of will of W. Harry Eng­ PUBLISHED BY THE ■ f&isonat I aingle. Loent your way . . . end /eat. soldier in Korea. Yet that la/not business viewpoint and they afb. "Glnnle and Geneva," "Schbol- Ffllowa, leader, is asked to com- land, to flobert L, Jr. and Primrose BEBALD. PJRISTING .m . INC.„ IS YOUR .Phone lot. J-vialt Jnn;,Kv.------Jsy -W.llllam Morro.w .and, Compahy. THOMAS r. rERGUSON. ■and degrading'the-signtficanee-of -trnok 'conviction-that'that la-what' jneeUng wiU^take .pJju:e..Jan. .27,,at. W ALTER R. FERGUSON. Korea. In Korea, a world organig the country now needs.” , To Take AcAioii New Yqrk.. T he'book'’above men­ the home of Ann Leary, Millatream IS Met. Church CKiib to Mefl- Pubilfhere tioned is'in much demand In the area. Sta te-Federa t Call Network The Couples' Club of-'the First Founded October 1, 1831 zation la enforcing a world law. In Perhaps the government should local library. $345.80 /$312.37 Congregational ChprfVi will meet Indo-Chlna and In Malaya colonial be run like General Motors. But Hebron, Jan. 21— (Special) — Publlahed Erery Evening Except The Illustrator is Iris Betty Manchester Evening Herald He­ 349.:^ 451.45 Coventry, 21-*^(Special)— • and three children. Members of the Satiirdty at 8jj<'1ti. in the veatry. Sundays and Hnlldaya. Entered at the powers iwe resisting movement.^ there are all kinda of reasons why When 'members of the Hebron and Johnson. ' bron correspondent. Miss Susar pleawi $2S Abev* peymtflh tv*rythif»9{ club are Wayne Clay, reporter, A program,'liaa been planned. Post Office at ManchejOer, Conn., aa Wins DAR Award >(SOO ea A lo«n o1 $108 ^20.60 whpii Emergency Communicationg, Inc., which began, at least, as native it cannot be. In the first place, Gilead Congregational Churches Pendleton, . telephone HArrIson prefnptly r»pei^ In 12 Elsie and Clifford Anderson, Mary ..Al'tlvlly Calendar Berohd Oasa Mall Matter. ______- Miss Faye Nidson of Colchester S-S8S9. w ^ Mtnotvre will meet Friday at 8 p.m. in the , ON SCORES of ITEMS revolutions, with which many of there are all kinds of vice presi­ meet in separate sesalonk Friday at M6Afh1y liHtoIpBtnti $10.05 »oeli. and David Farrell. Tjolfiorrow's meetings Include ^ SUBSCRIPTION RATES has been chosen "by Bacon Aca­ Alena new communicationg building lo-1 I-eague Set# Meeting .Biisy Little Sewers 4-H Club at 6 Payable in Advance us sympathize, as Aitiericans. It dents. ^-ho ait in Congress, who S p. m., two important matters will demy for the DAR Good Citizen­ ‘'GREETINO.S, MB. PEGLER”\ The baskalball league of Coywr- pj m. at :the home of Mrs. Ernest Ope Tear ...... ,11.8.50 "fNf CON^AWrJ ’ tmMt ro lAr nr* cated between theX^obertson I Six Mor.tha - ...... '.••• , 7.75 now happens that In all three possess real power. In the second come up for consideration. ship award' sponsored by Coi Washington. Jan.' 21—UP)—Col­ try boys of high school ageT'wlU G. LeDoyt, leader; Board of Wel­ , ,1.90 School and the J. LeR oy^hw eyer j ODDS AND ENDS Three Montha ...... Henry Champion Chapter. She Ir umnist Westbrook Pegler re­ fare with public on a meeting on , 1.30 cases Communism is the enemy, place, the stockholders are le­ Heading the list is the need to Fli C E CO . meet.today at 8 p.m. at^Urt' Robert­ One Month ...... take action on recommendations of a student at Bacon, and last year sponded cheerfully yesterday when property on Cross and ^South I son School. The m,peting was set public health nursing at 7:30 p. W eekly ...... , ■ ..10 which is what Justifie.s equating gion, and they are aivyays vocal, 2nd Fleer . JARVIS BUILDING . .05 the Committee for Pastoral Sup­ received the Pierpont Bacon prize. a man greeted film as he . sat In streets. Frederic Fish, radio offi­ m. in the Robertson School audi­ mOKEN SUES AND COLOaS. Single Copy ...... all three cases. -But.^in the one in­ and they are always demanding ahead from Tuesday. ply. Both houses of worship are She plana to enter aerretarial work the press aectjon at the presiden­ IN MAIN STREET (Over W o ^ r t h ’s) MANCHESTER cer under the RACES plan will be,, Prowir+S' Uonveyanees torium; Green-Chobot Po.st, ...... ME5IBER OF stance, we. are defending freedom answers and explanation and, un­ after graduating. tial Inaugural: ceremonies. HinI MI-9-14S0 e Philip E .^ n k in s, YES MANager In charge. . American Legion, Rlfie Club at 8 THE ASSOCTATF.D PRESS still without -a regular ordained N.WarrjMitee deeds filed in the past FRACTION OF ORIGINAL PRICE and world law against Commu­ der our gnvernmantarayatem, have mlntater ..Although theological stu- _.,Then his. greeter, apeclal proceat The group will organize for join-' ,Wl5^fc;iSt_ the towji clerk;s^pfflce In p,__ m.. practice in the State Ar­ REDUCED TO A r The Aaeoclated Preaa la exrlualvel.v Working An Tow.'n Books...... -O«N-TH0tt0AV^ENINGJ.UNia » EM...... ^ j[ii'g~w)lH "the -sistev “and "federal antmad to the iiae. of republloation of nism, while, In the other two in-* a right to get them when they dent John Beck- of the Hartford Ofllciala are working, oh the derver Hugh Duffy, handed the Imrs mUt tf if ill umiundini t*w« _____ ^^iwum^oventry recording transf^ mory in Wlriimantic. all newa dlapatchea credited to it. or newspaperman a two - year - old Civil Defense service, and to p r o ^ y include the following: ...... — ** I not otherwlae credited in thia paper stances, there is at least a partial want thejn. ' §lemlnary has been substituting. town books but the town's grand and alao the local newa publlahed here. Also to come up for consldera- list and other flgiire.s for the year suputions an d'a copy of a com­ L ^ e lm a to Royden F. Manchester Evening . Herald All righta of repiibllcatlon of apeclal defense of Imperialism involved. In Jhe third place. General tion Is the naming of a special will not be available for report plaint in a IS.lOit.OOO assault-libel- 2 facilities in the area. TJw .bllllding j,, jn Uakeview Ter- Coventry correspondent, Alrs.- BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! dlapatchea herein are alao reaerved. llaiiioq committee' to act Jointly until some little time longer. conspiracy suit. Will be eqiripped with/^Cdio cquip- race; Katie W./iIewcomb to David Charles'L. IJttle,- telephone Pil­ Finally, to ^ilcdge bolh..the Jut^ Motors ('sn.- it it .-Wiahcjt, - .spend niertt, according plans. Full aervica. client of N. E. A. Serv­ ther development of regional pacts millions of dollars on some ex­ between the two churcheb In thieir Neighborhood Bridge Party n i l suit’ wak filed Tjjr’coVurrinIsf .did Jirui'gareL,' M e h a e f Of grim 3^6381. ice. Inc. ■ . various activities. Drew Pearson against Pegler, Sen. lo^ern onef Memher^p. I.lmlte V,'' any sense inferior or -expendable." nothing less-than the practice and glas.'s font decoratf'd in green ivy Teave.s; green faille 10 cents towaid the fund drive. , 1 -” He pledged to strive, to make fulfillment of olir whole .faith, -shade (slightly sh(ipmarked). As Is . . . ' ...... 19.75 ,-.59.7.5 Drop-leaf^Table; .Small mahogany Sheraton d' A. number of other acts will also he 5 7 « 9 7 « sign with six reeded 'leg.s, 6 7 « *' the United Nations "not met-ely among ourselves and in our deal­ ...... 29.95 Included. Tickets will be available WERE $1.00 WERE $2.39 VALUES TO $1.91 an eloquent symbol but an effec­ ings with others. It signifies more 240..50-.Simmons Hide-A-Bcd..Modern arm .sofa de­ from local merchants. 18.95 (5) Side Chairs; mahogany finished Shcrato.p youth Week Set tive force." than stilling the guns, easing the sign in gray diamond-patterne(I damask. Opens to a } . ALLESON'S full size bed with innerspring mattress. ....2 1 9 .5 0 design with X-back, gold striped-satin .seats, Youth Week will be observed In sll these things. President .sol-i'ow, of war. Mch ...... \....:..ii.7: from Monday through Feb. 1. In Eisenhower wa.s rea.s.suring "More than an escape froip MEN S ANIjr BOYS' WEAR keeping with the tbeiue "Strive To 728 MAIN ST. (COR. B IS ^ L L ) 5,4->'i0 Hotel Built Mattresses. 9 Stearns & Fo.sler free world, and, incidentally, cM\~ death. It is a way of life. TEL. MI-4-6614 16.95 (8) Side Chairs; mahogany fini.shed Sheraton Know, Dare to Believe,'* the Sen- made; full size (not juvenile', each .37.95 Inr-Hi Pilgrim .Fellowship o f the ' Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! 4 \Rdduced! m Reduced! Ing upon Americans themsxilves "More than a haven for the Kmpire styling with red damask seats, each . . . ,,9.75 First Congregational Church spoci- for. a broader and deeper iinder- 'veary. It ia a hope for the brave." 15.95 Trimble Rathinettes. Just 4 of the.se blue and ER INVENTORY 91.00 Drop-leaf Table; solid Truetype cherry will nl activity will be In joint charge PLASTIC ■ ' \PLASTIC 1 PLASTIC atanding of the world in which Thia is the kind of peace which white Bathjnettes with aluminum tray and foot-pedal of. the worsliii) sei vicc at the Hal- , \ LACE six tapering legs...... •*...... 64.5f t f they must live and lead. spreads in the hearts nf-men as operation, epch ...... r..... 1 3.75 ly Sunday. With the Andover Pil- DRAW 1 C O T T A G E ' grim Fellowship' the local group ^ TAILORED BATHROOM 1 PRISCILLA ' In all this, President .Eisenhower well as over the potential battle­ 12.75 Play Yards. Six of these in natural wax birch 595.00 5-Piece Bedroom. Fashioned in fruilwood, thi will he In charge of the worship DRAPERIES said little that wa.s li'eW. He pro­ fields of men. This is the klhd of D O U AR DAYS group has a glowing walnut finish, a popular wood o service at We Union Congregation- ■ CURTAINS CURTAINS 1 C U R T A I N S 1 S E TS finish 1 wood slat bottom; hijie trim, each .'....1 0 .9 5 claimed np.intention which .is not peace which not merely avoids the French Provincial period. There’s a 9-dravver trip' al rTuirrh Trorn .'5:30-fi p. m, Tlic ; already recognized to be part of evil, but builds the good. This is FOR 3 ^ Y S ONLY— THURS.. FRI., SAT. 420.00 Majestic Combination Range. Cooks and hakes ' dresser base with mirror, a'5-drawcr chest-on-ches rally will be from 2:30 to 6 p. m. ' 1 - 5 7 f . 9 8 what most of us believe American the kind of peace which repre­ All youths of high or 'trade BROKEN 1X)TS A.ND SIZES with electricity.or oil. Coveralls forvall top burners; au- - with sliding /h e lf,' twin fdotless beds and a nigh school age are i'nvltdd to meet at 8 ’* 1 1 - 5 ’ 1 foreign policy should be. But he sents not merel.v the answer to tomatically timed oven for electric baking. Built-in table. . . . . - ...... 398.0' the local ch)irch .Sunday at 2:.3'0 p. f - .(icmnc.sa and clari- ENTIR^W INTER STOCK REDUCED LESS THA.N/COST * m. Transportation will he provided. REGULAR $10.98 REGULAR Sl^.49 WERE $2.49 I WERE $1.98 1 VALUES TO'SI.49 ,b',it the , ^creation, pf „ Jp.ye. oil biirners included, ., - 375410...... J; . '10VllE' .SllP.x PERaiEAPRONS , ty and a new and more positive at- among mankind. And here, accord- • 529;00 -4-Pi4ce Bedroom. Another ■M,odern group‘1" ' Thd.sis atlertding.'fife fe'qlie.'iftfl t6' I6YS/$1.79 WINTER CAPS ... ; ! ,.z.; .7 $1.00 bring a box lunch. Further infor- ■ titude of mind toward our basic .t° reports, Is the deepest 35.T.00 Kitchen-Aid pfshwasher. Cabinet style with . easy-to-care-for blonde Korina with polished bras (i ran Is own brand in Prttty-pnnt bib-fops 'capacitj'-ffctvseryicF pr hardware, ThiK cmg has a 12-drawer jtripte'dres.'rcr ba,s"~" — i.-toaUon-.nm.y-be. ohlaincd-fram.Alr3. and toverall tfyles - objicLvea,- and. his performance-' .philosophical ►dealipfr o f the mati 7$e IV $1.3r#OLO s h i r t s . . . 2 ^ $ 1i00 “ ; • 'Keiitieth A, Downing. Mra'. Herbert .sizes 46 >52 . . cannot but 6,c heartening Jo bur who is'now In the Wifilte Hduse— maiker of.cestaurant iand hotel''iIishwashii^g equipment. ■ ,i ■and mirror, an 8-drawer chest-iin-chest., fulf siza bed K. Ro.sp/Mr.s. Tniman O. Ireland:- 'J ; friend.Y abroad;-'w;.,--- - - :mjt merely , ta 'ctinquer the "fears m u t« S9c SOCKS V . r ...... 4 For $1,011 - .Floor-: sample- 2 S ^ 0Q —■ . ami - night tahle. ■Vr-.-.-. ...t , . . .V375.0a " — -hdv'ijldfs-.- •-••f;-"----''-- ■ Reduced! Reduced! Reduced!. ■ 1 Recfticecf.^ 4 l^ tie e d j : A study of. other phases of his- which corner abd paralyze man, ; Girls’ Teaiii I.,4>s«-s 9 7 c 124.50 9 X 12 Cotton Axmimster.Carved effect in two 42.00 Dresser Mirror. Truetype Queen Anne ‘design r, The Rohei'tson School girls' bai!- Inaugural Address raises some not merely to avoid destnictioh, ROYS' 79c LEATHER BELTS c. .. 2 For $1.00 c o n o N m INFANTS'. , tones of strawberry red. .i5iUiaye^i2r.,u«se,.over,.a.ire£S£r,.Jakaf....M^ IL ..^kelhall tearrivVyas defeated by the ™5fmIfl£Ucd«..cfllIam.-,,hoxe„ . qUMtlons as to whetfirr.’ in His ef-' hut to relea.se the more glorious ...Kaap. in..jha-Jtit6hao,. 1 R A T H CHENIUE 1 POT HOLDER pediment top with shell carved fin ia l...... ■19i95 buJIl up shoulders ti\ot * 1 REOEIVINB fort to simplify his views, he did positive potentialities o f maqktnd. BOYS' $2.98 DUNGAREES . 77. .7 .7.. $2.00 score of 18-17 Monday afpefnoon .See our jeleelton of florol-- r O T T A G E 6 to 16. ■ c- •> won't cut or slide. Dainty • not occasionally verge upon over- - Hero^ is the key to the potential T39.00 Love Seat. Modern (Curved Armles.s piece in at Coventry. /Scoring for.Vernon: sp'i'gged 80 sq. percales 1 M A T S 8EDSPREADS 1 RACKS Higgins i.*5. I^vorgne 2, Thayer 1; picot trim While or pink. 1 BLANKETS simplificaDon, and con.sequcntly hi.storic gieatness of the new that wash like hankies. SETS ROYS' $4.98 FLANNEL-LINED JACKETS (= - $3.00 Bali Flamingo textured cover. Just the piece for the Cnventri’. I-atimer 10. Bissell 5, upon -Tsome contradiction of President. . . y^ung couple .starting "a ifidclerri h%'irig Tciom’’ 59.50-^ Biissiere 2. Be.st guards, Vernon, '-theories. (7) BOYS'$8.9S CORDUROY COATS..... $5.00 Wilson and Patton Coventry Han­ 1 i * 7 7 3 . 9 7 The eumUict in the world toda.y 14-18. ,, ' ' . ' 510.00 Two-Part Sofa. A large Che.sferfiejd model sen. La.s.scn and Schwager. 1 : ” 1 1 3 7 « ils indeed "no pallid argument be­ Another Kind of Stockholder with deeply tufted back; to-the-floor upholstery. Cov-^ , The locals will play tomorrow at '3:1.5 p. m. \vlth Buchanan school 1 ; - WERE $1.98 WERE $5.98 1 WERE 50c ■ WERE 59c tween' slightly di'fferin^philoso- (8) BOYS' WINTER JACKETS ...... $6.00 ered in a rich red matelasse...... 299.00 SAVE 49% ON WERS $2.98 The peculiar, danger that Iie.s in SIZES 6. 8.' 16. 18, 30. » of M.ln.sfield Center girls at Cpyen- phies." But to proclaim Ihat'it^is the peculiar strength of the, Eisen­ 1.59.00 Maple Sofa with 4 spring-filled'cushions cov­ fry. This is the game that was TAILORED SHIRTS •a simple (jontest between sij- hower cabinet was well described (3) BOYS’ STORM COATS . _ $b'00 postponed heeause of bad weather. ered in jf red and gray yyestern-patterned tapestri' Mrs. StarUel is Chairman ■ .‘solute >go6d and absolute evil by RIcImrttL, Strmit, Washijjgton SIZES 13, 18. 20. * Good fo.r the den or game room...... '9 9 5 0 la, UR the other hand, too sweep­ Mr.s. Krnest .1. Starkei has been correspondent - o f the Christian named chairman of Garden Club Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! • ing and didactic a statement for .Science Monitor, In one of hls' MEN'S 39c to 59e SOCKS...... 4 For $1.00 ,75.00 Lounge Chair. Modern open-arm design with white elephant and rummage sale Reduced! a statesman. If that were ab.so- stories the other day. He'^vas re­ MEN’S WINTER CAPS . ... $1.00 spring seat and back. Plain nubb.v-te.xtured combined Feh. 5 and fi.et the Xathan Hate ’I ’ BOVS' WOMEN'S hltely true, there would be Itttli porting on t{ie Wilson ease, In par­ with gray and green modern dama.sk. . .’r.... .4 9 5 0 Community Center. ,\ssi.sting Mrs. MEN'S Wermn’s & Misses' INFANTS' EXTRA SIZE hope for peace,, or for any "joint ■ * '' ' Star.kel from noon untif 8 p. m. In Burlington'$ famous *ilr SPORT ticular. and thia led him Into A MEN'S WOOL MUr^ERS $1.00 . 54.50 Occasional-•Ch'air. Blonde finished frame with each day will be Mrs. Ravmond B. effort • to remove the l-auses of , Silduka fabric . DUM6AREES general observation. Modern-patterned cretonne upholstery in black, green Bennett. Mrs. Robert H. Wil.son; a.s Handkerchiefs mytual fear and 'distrust." Presi­ the committee in t-harg'.. / B ^ T S MITTENS SHIRTS "The Washington reporter see­ MEN'S WINTER UNDERSHIRTS ...... $1.00 and fuchsia...... 27.25 dent* Eisenhower, It seems to us, ing the new Enenhower cabinet Attend 4-H .Affair i. A number of re.'ddeni.s attended Reg. 1.98 luxury, royon 'in comes clos«9r:to both affirming and team one after the other." he MEN'S $5.98 GABARDINE ZIPPER JACKETS $3.00 -35.00 (4) Lamp Tables of genuine mahogany; Shera-' the fiftii annrial Tolland, Courtly precisely toilored tong or denying inevitable war. , wrote, "Cannot but be struck by j^on design with shelf, gold-tooled leather tops'.-19,75 :4-H' Lamb Club banquet Jan.’ 17 in short sleeve styles. White, 2 7 « He sets a goal of '.'honorable" 1 7 « their superbly dynamic quality, MEN’S $7.9$ GABARDINE SLACKS...... $4.00 the : Ameriean Legion Hall, staf- ■ peace, and yet-, proclaims that we 29.50 (4) Cocktail Taljl“ s. Mahogany Sheraton X- block, colors. Sizes 37-38. VALUES TO 39e WERE $1.98 WERE $2.49 self-confidence, ease of manner, MEN’S $29.50 WOOL SPORT CpATS .... $15.00 frrrd. . 1. - will not "compromise." That, and powerful peraonali ties. stretcher base design, ghld tooled and rimmed tops, Winthrdp \lerriam, Jr., of Co- , ventry anrl Franklin Parks, of isounda aa If only one aide would be "But in the very difficulty Mr. each ...... 17.50 «lhla, to consider the peace honor­ MEN'S $3.98 FLAN2|EL SHIRTS ...... $2.00 Korea, a student at Hillyer YJoll.ege, Wilson has, had in his first brush '^Hartford, were guest speakers. able. And that would mean that with a Senate committee are evl-: MEN'S $3.98 BROADCLQTH PAJAMAS ... $2.0Q ' Att"ndinc from Coventry were 9*aM would not com4 except as a dertt the dangers that lie in wait Mr. and Xfrs. 'Klia.s' Hay and B15 MAIN ^•ault o f conquest. Unless care Is exercised. Theae MEN'S $3.98 FLANNEL PAJAMAS ...... $2.00 family, Mr.' and Mrs. George Far- ; la a feature toward Britain and rejl and two children, Mrs. Win- W .i:^ G R A N T C O . ! >*—e f s s v 1 a men lu-e not used to bowing to throp Mcfrlilipi and son, Michael, 815-MAIN STREET MA N O J E ^ EER Afr. and, Mrs.'Benjamin Anderson I \ t-' .7- vr f ' ■—f-- , . - , ■ '' ■ 'f ' , ■ '■ ■ . J MANCHfiSTER fcVENlNG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21. 195.3 . PAGE ELEVEN ------^------m a n c h e :s t b : r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 1 . 195 3 PAGE TEf^ Mafch with two meetings each nurses have done in 'carrying on ,.l • . mon on Uia Mount demand* the will be sent to IndUn women of th eir guns or facts the th re a t rif total surrender of our natural self­ South Dakota. Public Nurses^ month until suriomer. The Johnson their duties in 1982 and promised extended prison sentences. Rockville ishness, and I don’t think any of Today's Activity Calendar A Johnson Company sent a man to full cooperation of the board in Increased Pfrformaiice in New Chevrolcis uS is able to live up to that; our The -Women’s Council of the the hospital to demonstrate new carrying on public health work in Rebel Cons The ultimatum was ahoiited to dressings, and this de i .onstratlon 1963. ■i Morse, Say§ the prisoners by State Attorney- outlet la usually to be conven­ Flrat Congregational, Church of Report on ’52 FOR EVERY PURPOSE Vernon Center will meet at was’ viewed by the Ulrica with Gen. Robert E. Woodslde. It said Chamber Waxes Optimistic tional In our behavior and then a I II \ no reprisals would be taken if the calLit.Uvlng.by tbn. Sermon. 8 p.m; The speaker will be Rahbt considerable interest. AUTO, MIRRORS, WINDOW like Unfair Re ject . Call men- sHTPendered before the-I- p- m. Outlines Teaching* AarOri TvVersky u f B'nal Israel ^ve Members of Yaarly. -reports. at— tha. annual, . . BLAXE. .(0»8CI7RK...... e.ri,t. .den.(JUrie,.lA»t.. higJiI...... ^ On Chances for New^Pldnt McArthur outlined the teachings .Congregation. in Rockville...... —... meeting were made by Mrs. Ray- After the deadline had pas.sed aad deeds of Jesus Christ, using The Altar Guild of the Flr*t Mide 9,327' Yisifs In hit;, Mrs. a ; 'W: Gates, ieom ify ot For BibmM iiI Garptii PHONE MltdMlV-7322 and Jt became apparent that Cell aa hla standard th* opening verses EvangelicM Lutheran C h u r c h the association: Mrs. Walter P. To Erid R io t Year, 1,069‘Increase Gorihan, treasurer; and Mrs. Phil­ T o W ilson block A Immates intended to hold . Rockville, Jan. 21-—(Special)—< receiva approval of th# local of tb* Book of Acta, "the things meets at 7:30 p.m. BBautifulIf Installed out. Welfare Secretary William C, Seabnry'Lawis, president ot the Board of Education and ba.submit- which Jesus began both to do and The Men's Club ol^ Trinity ip Nelson, the president. WHITE (Continued From Page Dne) Brown said the guarantee of no Chamber of Commerce here, today tad to the ataU for action. It Uha to teach," the two-fold tradition in Lutheran Church..meeta.at. 8 p.m.. MAncheaUr’a rive public health .,_Mra.N*J#on.reviewed the work Saa lit Sooil ^ (Continufd from P*f« Ono) repri.sala had expired and the re­ voiced an air of optlmiam regard­ state granted approval, the au­ the church, tf* sUted that today The annual meeting of the Tal- nuraea made a total of P,3'37 visits of the paht year, thanking her GLASSGO. Ing. on the ground outside Cell-; m aining reheLs now sjood to re­ ing future dealinga with the F. W. thorisation for a appropriation people are more Interested in the pottvlUe OJngrcgatienal church officers for their co-operation and ' five sani».fl^v ft '«■ •"-"Ived except during 1963, which is 1,069 visits VISIT MANCHESTErS 24 Birch St. Mandiester block "A" snd the convict leader | ceive extenslona of their sjsntences Sickle* dlvlalon of the General In­ would have to come from a special teachings, looking for a perfect will be held at 7:30 p.m. commendng Mr*. Henry Mallory ! by unanimous consent. Burpee Women’s Relief Corps more than waa mad* in the previ­ and the drive committee for the who peered out barred window* 301 for the riot. ' ' strument Clorporatlon. The Slcklea town meeting. ideal. , ous year. It waa reported at the HOUSE OF CARPETS! wffcii liiii. 1(10'. . . .ja y for con* firm earlier, through a labor pool will hold a meeting followed by a splendid work they did on the firmatlon of .the nominees, Morse feet above. I After Brown's staiem ent. , Flan Visit to Herald He added that the healing mira- annual , meeting of the Public spokesman for the / prisoners in survey. Indicated an interest in The fifth grade clasa at th* lesc are an uridoubted fact and the birthday soejal at 8 p.m. in the annual drive.- She also expressed Always 80 Roll* of Broadloom ffot the floor and launrhed into an Friedman sought to negotiate a GAR Hall. Mrs. Betty Ahorn is Health Nursing Association yea- the appreciation of tha board for explanation of why he Mocked ac­ Cellblock A '»houte^"We're hodded coming to Rockville and setting up Maple street school will Journey miracle of the resurrection find* terday In th* Auxiliary Room of In Stock surrender of the covict rebels who / chaiitnaa.bf arrangements. the fine work Mr*. Raynor and th* tion yesterday. down for the, n i ^ t . We’ll think it n plant hare. by special bus tbmorrow for a tour Its greatest proof In the existence the Manchester Memorial Hospital. launched the rioting Monday night. over and giveour answer be­ A report circulating in the city of The Manchester Herald pub- of the Oirlstian church, with It* . P&iitgageinent Aaneunced " i^inlcs held during the year Over 60 Fattema In 9x13 Ruga Morse denied that his action was During the course of the rioting ■X- ••out of vindictiveness, retaliation, tween 8 an^ 9 tomorrow -morn­ yesterdiay and given widespread lidiing plant on n ssell atraoL Ifiaa distinctive way of life; the teach- Mr.' and Mrs. Cfiirlstlan Lugln; were:- pre-natal, 61; well baby, 98; hundreds «f matlre.sses have been ing.” V attention! centered on the fact that Grady, class teacher, artll act as inga produced a drastic departure buhl of Orchard street announce tuberculoala, S3; tonall and ade­ Budget Terms Arranged or revenge." hiirned,' and plumbing and other He said others woiiid say this of The surrender moves started the instrument plant had made a chaperone.'' In th* behavior of people, such as is the engagement of their d'>u"htcr, noid, 61; tumor, 30; toxoid and fixtures have been ripped off walls, final decision regarding lU future him but it wa anol true. w hen m /n in Block B shouted their While at The Herald, atudenU too often underestimated today. Adel* Luglnbuhl to Ronald Tnieb, vaccination, 8; and heart, 6. and throix’n out cell windows. willingTie.ss to eiid their portion of Samples anrf^ discontinued pi^llerns. Size 9 x 12 heavy location. Opinion was among will aee all phases of newspaper He outlined the arrangement of son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Trueb. Mr*. Gertrud* Rayner reported * Morse re.signcd from the Repub- townspeople that the .plant would Manchester -lllcan. party during the last cani- Asks Hostages Release the/Wot, right after the deadline o|>eratlon including advertising th* gospels snd described the of Ellington avenue. No date has on the work of the nurse* at __ Frleclman s ^ l the convicts must ae-t hy Fine had.expired. Thev re- weight. Jim ited quantity. E-trclIent oppoHpnity, to be. located in Danielson. and busitiess, composing- room, sources -mm which their conteiits. been.set l 0)r .the .w:.eddlrig..._...... (mristmaa In providing toys,, candy h o m e C0MF-:)RI -paign and..supported Adlai Steven-' Doer ‘Not CleSed’ !son. the Democratic presidential first release the hostages' and rcel'ved ''assurances they' would b'e linecasting machines, photo and were drawn. and baskets for needy families. Carpet Center -The low, sweeping lines of the lO.VI Chevrolot.s i this view .ire the enlarged front snd rear vision,- throw out seven guns before a set­ represented by a five-man commit­ $10.93'value for only Lewis this morning said on the All Tolland and Vernon new* The aaaoclaton IS grateful to the nominee. Republican and pemocra- h«i« of what The Herald learned engraving, stereotyping, printiBg Guild Plans Potlnck ^ 8 Main St., at MMdle ■ Hie senators then joined in bump- are exemplified by this foifr-door sedan in the! new fender and" hood contours and a fresh grille tlement would be di.sciissed.. tee of pri.soners in a grievance ses- and editorial departments. The Women's Guild will hold a items nre now handled through tke many people who mad* such gifts MORIARTY Hi V,. "Two-Ten" series, which this year offers !n;/treatment that enhance the .rugged beauty of .sion with' M ate authorities. The and what he personally felt. It waa Rockville burenu oi the Maacheeter possible by their donations of Tuilipike *lng him oft two key Senate com­ At the same time,' the first direct entirely possible that "the door is Short Calendar Saasion potiuck Si^mr today at 6:30 p.m. 3 15 C f N r ) - mittees, Armed Ser^-ices and creased performance, comfort and convenience | the cars. Four-door sedans are also available in word came from the hostages who men in Block C followed a short, A short calendar session of Tol­ with Mlaa Delia Patridg* aa hoa- Evening Herald, located at Oae money,- also for baskets of food JtetoATONCEtolMMt in addition to a complete re-de.sign. Apparent In I'the-'.'One-FIfty" and the new Bel Air series. time later. not closed” on negotiation with the Mairket street, telephone Rockville given and the many pounds of Fhone M ltchen 9-4848 1 ' Ljibor. have been Held in the barricaded Maaaachusetta manufacturer in land County Superior Court 1* teas. Mr*. Josephine Mead will Sarcastically; Morse told the Cellblock "A"- since the riot broke The convicts then demsnded th at; e a c h scheduled for Friday at 10 a. m., have charge of the worship serv­ 6-8186. candy. Tha Memorial Fund waa e m H fp r u m r ...... S to re M oowr '- " ...... reference to locating here. also Used to help out this work. OPEN » HOURS ‘ Senate he had reassured himself out. By permission of the convicts, newsmen accompany guards aridf * It waa fesTM in some circles with Judge John H. King presid­ ice. The speaker will be Mr. Clif­ 6:80 DsUy—Wed. to Noon i todav that "the buildings were still Melvin Williams, one of the guards, ' state police on a tour of Block B. | 8.95 ford Knight Blackamithlng Is still taught In Regional conferences have Been that the ^rprislng turnout of ing. , e o tm n m 9 to 9 Thursday and Friday ' standing . . . no emergency was New First Lady Will Command came to a window- and said: I and officials said this wish wp(il(fi Member* *r# asked trt bring some schools—and it's Just another discontinued during the winter ToL Mltchdi 3-i13i prospective workers in Danielson Cases are assigned aa follows: months and will be resumed In 1 created" by his blocking confirma­ "Tell them i the families) we are ' be granted. In addition, tbs' of-j standard Weight each had swaged plant officials to serl- Stanley Knobcl 'vs. Chester Trojan pieces of cloth to make quilts which way of forging ahead. tion yesterday. well tr.eitted. We are okay. No one ' ficials ordered sandwiches ^ r l cof- ! ouslYConsider that town for future et als, demurrer; Ruth Bay et al Morse Olvea Ijectiire Regiment of Whitehousekeepers ha.s forced me jo say nn,vlhlng. ' fee brought in, marking/the first operktiona. However, The Herald vs. Lyman Hayes, motion for per­ Morse gave the Senate a lecture Come to a decision and give these meal for the'prisoners iit 24 hours. FELT BASE YARD GOODS. HEAVY contacted the F. W. Sickles. Divi­ mission to withdraw as counsel for then on its duties in confirming men a fair hearing.” sion In Chicopee Falla, Maas., and defendant; Edith Tacobucci va. J< presidential appointee#. Including Friedman told' the. pri.soners: NOW IT’S F-^^r.Ai 59c Sq. Yd. was assured by a company spokes­ seph Csaazar et ala, more speclfi cabinet mambers...... ----- By .PATTI SIMMONS...... mail roorri before being delivered ".Vou-hav# a chaVoe now for a. • Ailenlown. " P a / tdri ' The " De- man that no finar decision had statement; M i^ cal' llhtamlnatidhJ He said he would not oppose con­ "'Washington INEA) - Ike complete hearing of your gripes. hlgh County Me/ficsl Society, after been reached and that several lo­ Three divorce cases ar* listed: firmation junt because he did not to her. ' . gave up.an army to become Presi­ If she goes shipping and carts Release tho.se guards and throix' 100 years of operation, has .finally : cations were under consideration Esther Carolyn Joseph vs. ^ b e r t like an Individual or his policies. dent. The President's wife. Mam­ the package home herself, there's News Tidhits out the guns." ! gotten aioiirid''to "making it legal" in addition to Danielson and Rock­ Joseph, Judgment; Elmer F. 824-828 TEL. M l-8-5iei The word at the White House ie, took on an arm y yesterday. that secret .service man who'll "How about our 12 demands,” by applyip^' for a charter under ville. Hartenatein, Jr., va. Rosalia MANCHESTER one .shouted back, referring to the MAIN ST. that Eisenhower was sticking by Aa ruler of the housekeeping stick by her si

.99 ^ 'c J I* HAND f REAM TtiMms Face Lo>is ,■ r , , big beauty bargain at Of Foo

(('on I billed From Page One) Divers are still .searching for s Llmiled lime ouly • Northwestern Pscrflc locomotive : which wss pushed hy «.,slide into the, Eel River neai' Pcotin Bluff. 'Arthur Drug Stora X' • killing three men. They failed to locate the bodies or the engine ' . 942 MAIN STREET yesterday. CHILDREN'S * COFFIN!^. Si;4. rAJSI'AL.'s FI.ATS, OXFORDS. . WITH'FOAM RUBBER CUSHION REG. 79o HEAVY WARDOLEUM REGULAR 30.95 lABY CRIi .. highways with this slogan painted • SUPPK BS. * • ■ » on them: "Don’t Rush to Gel In." WOMENS >iizp* 18. lo 36" .wide. Off « h lte FiiM) Wee)( Of .She got the idea while on a re ­ DRES.S SHOES, SPORTS, FLATS. WOMEN'S ' color only. AM aleel ron*frurtlon. . Bfduend to' 28.88 10% down on TanM cent motor trip. Immediately after New Shipment nf IJabv Dolls. BALS. BABV DOLLS. BETTER DRESS SHOES. SPORTS, SAD- Lotiaga ehatr 79.88 10% down on Tnrms . 9 width 6 9 = SqiHun r v d a carload of coffins came down the Limited Quantity! GRADE-FLATS. FA.MP MOTS. - DLfcs. LOAFERS. PI MPS. * i . • . All hardwood crib with dpuble drep-sidat thot muha Store-Wide I nventory Look at the low pries—actually this Lounge Choir-'' Welcome 10% saving on best grade printed enamel. road in the. opjioaife direction she it usable anywhere in the loom. Spring adjust* to dif*, , noticed the cars, in front of her got r-'- fsoturss *lyls and quality of chairs selling for $100 Smo.rt poftem*! textured block |»hown),' ."bosket- Into orderly positions and promptly X ferent levels fef mother’s cenvenienca. Uicito ccMtan* or mors. Innerspring jjock podded with rubbarizsd " weave,” textured ribbon. 'Oean* wMi damp mop. ' cu t th eir speed. REGULAR 9.95 Wet-prsef Innenpring AAottrsu 8.18 I In March, 1961, Mias Rollband WOMEN'S ZIPPER i hoir and cotton. Luxurious frieze cover. 12 ft. w')dth. Reg. 87c. Sole pri^e—«q. yd,...... 77e - waa the winner of Ii slogan con- suFpqis $1.50 RMBBER , S lAk le £ ; teat spOhsored by the' pedestrian Variety of atylea for the” ■ 984 MAIN STREET COPLEY’S MI-9-8855 safety committee of the Utica I l l AIAIN ST.—TEl.. Alltchell B-S44S OVERSHOES ' All famll.v. Reg. value* to Military and Cuban h^ln* . Safety Council. Her slogaq, "A $2.96. $2.98 and WOMEN'S AFPAREL SHOP Careless Step la a Grave iMatter," NEWLY ENLARGED Raf. $d*5R.value; ' waa paiAted oh' the pavement at BASEMENT SHOE DEPT. $.1.98 Values aeyeral downtown Intersections. 777 Main St. Manchester t Tel. Mitchell 9.-3448 ,

T i - ■ f!

I I / J.,.

• ■. ' ■ ’ . ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 WilDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 Pages 13 to 24 TWELVE Section Two WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 iiimrtiPBter lEiiptttttg.lifraiii __ • Cites Provoo IJHF Js Explairiecl Savings Bank Reynold Becker Is Fatally \ SkywQtch Schedule For Rotary Club Local Man Is Held Up P u | )ils Get Chance to 'Attend' Inauguration i Aid to Prisoners Gro\^h Noted Injured on Wilbur 'Cross\ -■ Thursday’- - ■ — ■ - ■ • ■ ’rwe tutriou* steps heeded ;.to - re­ *N«W. York. JUn. 21 — — A: Midnight-2 a.mv ...... M arie Bldweli. .Sr.. ceive • ultra high -frequency -were ...... ' ...... ||tiaaia«lppl Air Fore* Sergemnt fii Bolto^ Liquor 2 a.m.- 4 a.m...... Floyd .Chapman explained to Rotary Club members Deposits Up $2,300,000 Besides his parents, he leave* hii' gky* John David Provoo aided ...... Volunteers Needed Veteran Local Aildete^ 4 a.m,- « a.m. . at their meeting \ at the Country wife, Mrs. Ethel Becker. ’ •Uiar American war prisoner* of d a.m.- B a.m...... Donald Hayes In Three Years; Offi- 32, Succumbs at Hos­ ’The.funeral will be held Friday! Herman Gunther, Jr. Club last night by Max Frankel, ifca Japaneae by briefing them on Frank .DeGanlis Gives, Consolidation Mulled afternoon at 2 o’clock at th* .Tohi* ■ a.Tn:-Noon i ..iT’.Tt-f'Mri-end Mrst-.-lVillard-Smail...... general -service -manager of-'-Ros- •cers Are Re-Elected pital at 5 a. m. Today l^w to get along with their cap­ B. Burke Funeral Home, 87 K u t Noon-3 p.m.' . . . .• ...... Rhoda BockUs, Ruth Bogllsch kln’s, Inc., local Philco distributor. Up $145 at Gunpoint; i ------Center street, with Rev. FauV ...... Mr*. Harold L.ord, Olive Chartier Rockville, Jan. 21—t^peclal) The Savings Bank of Manches­ tors. ■ 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. . Frankel recently returned from - Speculation over the pos­ Reynold ’’Butch" Becker, 32, of prokopy, pastor of the Zion Luth^ t B g t Arthur Tl. Oreen, of Jack- 6 p.m.- 8 p.m...... Ann Malson. Ruth Hickox Lone Bandit also Nabs* ter has grown over $2,300,000 in 487 Center street, veteran local eran Church, officiating. Burial wU( ..’...... loan Clark Indiana w he p a he attended a spe­ sible consolidation, bf the city lifti. Miss., came here from his sta­ 8 p.m.-lO p.m. . cial VHF jM ttinK concerning this Four Bottles for Road, deposits In the last t,hree years, athletic stsr, died , at Manchester tion in Labrador to testify yester­ 10 p.m.-Midnight ...... Mr. and Mrs. York Strangfeld of Rockville *n,d the town of newest addition to television. Vernon formed the basis her* corporators of the bank were told , , . .. w t Friends may call at the funeffiZ day at the federal courf treason state police were *tlU conducting Memorial Hospital about 5 o clock . home after 8 o’clock tonight uifitii ofs Provoo. 35-year- old for­ At /the business meeting Ror-; today for etteet comer conver­ last night. Over a 10 year peri­ this morning from injuries received i the hour of the funeral. ^ K. Watts; secretary, Mrs. John Ma­ .Shltbr, who Is associated with Che- an Investigation today In the-ca*e sations. , od, deposits have doubled, it was mer U. 8. army Sergeant. son, 3d, In a two car acciC erito said Provoo approached the Mrs. Edith Prior, 116 Keeney This growth has been reflected Atpanese and offered his services who have been folding surgical whp’^poured were: Mr*. Albert d»bt» of Porter street. cut back into the right lane too SunXet Rsbekah Lodge, will insUtt dressings'during the year received Jwey, Mrs. C. Elmore Wstkin*. Hartford. Jan. 21 tPP) -A study / DeClanti* told police the lone street; Mrs. Bernardetta ' Piano, in the increase In the number of quick and the right front end of the otficera of Myrard RetokaX ns an interpreter when they first of the method* of food purc;hasing 296 Hackmatack atreet; Mrs. Ma­ •-•ai depositors, with the number of anteisd the Corregldor hospital credit. ...iss Mary Chapman, Mr*. Robert holdup man, who barked hi* order* hia car caught the left front of Lodge No. 39 in Stafford flpriaglk ■ The new constitution and by-law Russell, Mis.'Wllliam J. Shea, and and preparation at the State’s from behind a revolver, entered the rian Vander and baby girl; Mrs. Herftid Photo.. accounts growing by 746 in the Staudt’* vehidle. ’The oars turned tonight. Member* of to* stilt in* Compound. three mental hospitals Is being Caroline Carle,- Platnville; Alcide three year*. dude Mr*. Virginia K*en*y> mar* a The witness said he was pres- were presented to the membdr* Mrs. David Caldwell. Mr*. Alex •tore about 6:30 p. m. and looked Tv-enfy-eight student* in the fifth over and came to rest upright. who voted to accept them. / Manella was chairman/bf the com­ made by a Hartford restauranteur over the stock on,shelves as if pre­ SaucieJ, Broad Brook; Mrs. Fran­ Re-Elect OWcere Becker waa thrown from the car. shal; Mr*. Ethel Strong, warden]; .fait when the Japanese entered the at the direction of Governor Lodge. . "I- grade at Roberls.on School, Mrs. ,creen. ' At the meeting last night, offl- Mr*. Arcelia Crawford, sacratary^ hospital and that he did not see Mrs. David Caldwell ,ann him I down. Y In *« court' ^ Unxfatf today, •Ir.. Thorns* K. Cl-*rke, Leon Doh- Bpeker was an outstanding base­ Mra. Earl Syfallow of 80 Oidc Orqyd his left hip pocket by the bandit. street. The baby’s paternal gran^ street: Arnold Clarke, 34 North Robert F. Harrigan, .31 of Hoi Sauejer denied knowledge of hb- With Embezzling tftn. Chrtstonher pi^nne'-. w-oor’s ball; player at Manchester High AND MATTRESS who lifted the contents out in one | School street; William Zicka. 31 attempted jump. P. Handley and Charles W. Hoi; School, the Twilight League and parents are Mr. and'Mr*. wfUlani BEDS hand and slipped the empty wallet Main street. Wllllmantic: Mrs yoke, Ma.ss., after having reserved various semi-pro teams. He, had Flavell of 71 Eldridge *tr*«t; tho man. back into DeCiantis' pot-ket. De- Barbara Donahue and baby girl, his decision in the case that wa.-- Also heard in-eourt today were A Manchester man charged with Atsf) rersi^cts^ to th* M’e**^. retired from^the game four^yeara maternal great grandmother, M n ! the rases of Richard' Chagnot. 22,~ Ciarifis said he was then sent to the 30.5 Porter street. held Jan. 12, , embezzienient and forgery had hi* ?I»ttb“W M. Mcrisrty. .Tnhn P ago. Ada Wauon of 29 Crtfitwood drlvoS cellar where he was locked in, the of Andover, who was fined $12 for 4 the paternal great grandinottMr! NOW $26.95 Harrigan was fined $12.5, with case continued In Hartford Police *rro»ek. T.iilgl Pn's, R Th son of Mr. and Mra. Adolf bandit using a piece of BX cable speeding; Louis J. Fox, 18, of East Court yesterday by Judge Nicholas rtiilnn. Ttinms* .T.*Po'-er.« R. !.*■ Becker, he waa born In this town Mr*. Margaret Flavell of Spruci E’ S SHOE^ to lash the door knob. .bond for, appeal set at $250. Hartford, who was fined $211 for F. Rago. 4fotte Pi>«se1i, wiul.m i. sh»*. June 7,1920, and was employed by atreet, and the maternal No car was heard by DeCiantis, Bind Two Men Defense. .Attorney Jay E. Rub|- speeding and. $12 .for, driving .with, John H.-Potter, 28, of 116 Benton Tjftnrt A; WiifiH . A. Verplanek- tha. K-..F- and D, Manufacturing gi'andiiarent*, Mr. and Mr*. and he did not know If the man now had staked his case on a dis­ defective equipment; Michael A. street, will be presented In court and C. Elmore Watkins. Company on Charter Oak street. Ewallcnv of Worentsr,' Maafc Reg. $19.95 Mahogany was accompanied by an accom­ crepancy that appeared between Toomey. 16, of RP'D 2, Manchester,, again on Jan. 27. Bond waa set at •T***y- REG. $29.95, plice. About eight minutes later To High Court the results of the sobriety teat who was fined $21 for speeding and $2,.500. COCKTAIL DeCiantis broke open the door and given Harrigan' after his arrest $12 for driving with defective The local man, who worked a* INNERSPRING b T T R E S S telephoned Manchester police. Dec. 2, which Indicated he had equipment; and George J. Mc­ a bookkeeper for Edward Grace- TABLE The thief was described by De- Charge Armstrongs with been sober, and a blood test, the Donald. 20. of 66 Burnham atreet, men and Associates of Hartford, i* Clsntis as about 300, six feet tall sample for which was taken at the charged with driving with defec­ accused of embezzling $1,500 from | With Glass Top and wearing an old top coat and a Thfee Local Breaks; same time, which indicated he had tive equipment, was given a w-eek'* the advertising firm. He gave him- PINEHURST $19.95 soft hat. He had never seen the been under the Influence. I self up to piollce yesterday. /I man before, he said. Affects Seven Towns continuance. Bfg Pockets Rubinow, at the trial, contended LOT NO. 1 ^ NOW $12.95 Two things were missed by the that the state’s case had not been MARSHALL, MEADOWS and REG. $79.95 INIdERSPRING Robert Armstrong and ' his woven tightly enough to establish CLOSE OUT OF ODD SIZES IN bandit. A metal cabinet standing younger brother. Richard; both.of' STEWART CASUAL CLASSICS next to the register contained a the validity of the blood test and Lower Prices on Frosted Foods HOLLYWOOD BED bag of change. Near the dbor was Hartford, charged by local police held that if the court were to place DOROTHY DODD, W. B; a container for polio contributions with three count* of breaking and Its cohfldence In the blood test Ir “ NOW $12,95 Reg. $169.95 deciding the guilty or innocence For the past year we have offered a 10% Durafr Plastic-^ ^ C Q Q g that remained untouched. entering were oi-dered bound over of acfcuacd drunken drivers. It ATTENTION OWNERS ^dboard NOW DeCiantis said he peered out the to Superior Court by Judge John must be satisfied that there has COON and RHYTHM STEPS LAWSON door through a little opening while S. G. Rottner in -Town Court this discount on frosted food purchases of 1 he- was locked in the Cellar. He been no chance for error. OF FOOD FREEmiS ip l morning. Satisfied with Tfst dozen straight or assorted packages. Aside RHYTHM STEP REO. $79.9.L ORTHOPEDIC SOFA saw the gunman carefully pick up Robert. 29, was ordered held Ir '/Si Rose Boucle four bottle* of liquor and stuff $2,.500 bonds and Richard, 17, in Tod^y. Judge Rotiiirr said that CLEARANCE LOOKER RENTALHALOIttllWiA NOW $ ^ . 9 5 thfpp into the huge pockets of his .81.000 bonds. . Both pleaded not he was satisfied with the validity from an occasional small ad mention of it, Ih « extravagant clnlm* m by tb* I NOW $10.79 .....„.;.$49.9S I u eo b M ' coat guilty to the charges. of the test and that there had we have ^not '‘shouted’’ much about this freeMr plana n*w In effect bnve Lt. Rundle headed the Investiga­ The two, along with John Johan- bee.n no error. Rubinow had label­ wheleaalec end wteller . . . FORMERLY $I2.»S-$13.BS-$1S.9S NOW T95 ed as ’’fatal weaknes.ses" In the tion from the scene last night and .sen, 17. also of Hartford, were In HOUSE’S plan. Now oRe of the big chains is advertis­ Our Birds Eye wholesaler has riven f* REG;-S2I.95 ROLLAWAY g g had asiiiatance from the Special bound over to Superior Court by .state’*' case, the absence o t two DOROTHY DODD COT. NOW ...... study to these plans. . . and hg elab u' Services Division of Hartford the Wlnd.sor Locks Town Court persons directly involved In the ing 10% off\i} quantity lots of frosted Bteek .Ud tie*. Brown kid giid black calf NOW $9.95 . Headquarter* of State Police as Monday in connection with ah at­ handling and the testing of the the prices quoted below plus the quaaft well as other barracks. tempted break in that town. blood. A secj-etsry at the Con- _ BOYS’ SHOP foods as a featured plan. Therefore In big discounts, will equal or beat any tot REG. *1’5.9.5. PLAS’nC . ANY LAMP. In all, two or more, of the trio nectlcut State Laboratory, who re-1 ceived the blood sample when it / •LOT NO. 2 IIEADBO.ARDS. NOW . .. $4.99 are charged with 14\ copnts of bold type, we tell you that we CONTINOI!.rniuTivilF copy P**" below end •** the l«*» asggeates na IN FOLLOWINO MAKES ON OUR FLOOR breaking and entering ir^Columbia was brought to the’ laboratory, and YWCA Campaign' an assistant to the toxlijploglst Special price* on BIRDh BYE FBOSTED BOOD0 jw ra VALENTIN^ Si»i.*bury. Farmington. 'Rockvillfi TO OFFER A, token fArni n letter Jnet aent ne by esr E M * s VALUES TO .X79.9.V FULL SIZE and Bolton, as well as in Manches­ who performed the teat, who aided Pump* and aandaliL MiedrB, Mack calf. For Funds Slow ter and Wind.snr Locks. \ in the analysis. Were not in court Eye Wholeanler. DOROTHY DODD, AIR TRED, LT.OOR SAMPLE $ 3 4 4 4 to testify. Th'e toxicologist. Dr. IF YOU PURCHASE FROSTED FOODS Brawn calf and red calf pump*. .TTRESS. NOW i OFF The local breaks the brothers are ONE COUNTER OF ODDS ani ENDS Beg. |B.BS-$10.95. NOW $7.95 Abraham Stolman, did take the At the end of the-first week of- accused of were at the Old Colony IN tiuanUUes of 24 package or owr ^TIFFANY, ORIGINALS and Cash and Carry Furniture Company and the Char­ stand. FLANNEL SHIRTS. COWBOY SHIRTS. MUFFLERS. (straight or assorted) we afldw yOa a diu« the. three weeks financial drive ter Oak Fountain Supply Co Rubino-v indlcatcd.he would take, . BE!B;^ SHW.9.’5 .SLEEPER . SOFA WITH being carried on-by the Manches-4 , »...... t- Trmr.-..a . ah appeal to the Court of Cbm; f FLANNEL PAJAMAS. VESTS* ROBES. eount iron the regular law pries of INNpRSRING ter Branch. Hartford County ■ P»"V- I* .tw C nlacc' A m T R ID VALENTINE PUMPS YWPA Mr* A P Wvlie of 605 i Carlson and Co.. 44 ^tork place., mon Pleas. , - SWEATERS. WESTERN SLACKS I Z f b ' M l i n ^street "^ camiatJn ! The breaks occurred ffi November , In another ca.se today, James Fnmp* and ties. NOT ALL SIZES ..... $119.95 Reg. $79.95—5 Piece NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS — NOT ALL SIZES Rag. NO W $7.95 iS*ucler, 39, of .19.5 North Main ' : ‘ “T h e '‘•,-r^st oLthe trio in Wind.,or ^ e e t, who Monday night had to BREAKFAST A gqal of $2,000 has been set by breL'm to beXforcibly restrained from jump- CLOSEOUT $^ *49 . . b(nfl Many More! ,Jhe local group in prder to enable | i»h in >h-ii- ing^ut of the window- of a third- DRESS TROUSERS Discount FRIENDLY it to continue its many services to rettaurant floor \apartment, was found guilty c o MeX e a r l y SUITE the women and girls hf this town. 1 fonfc.ssions to the olhei breaks, on a charge of intoxication, and H O W $4.00 O a rin g girls’ oxfords, loafers and Z strap NOW $6.49 Part of the funds wiff be used fo r, ® wotio- 'i fined $20; Saucier- was- arrested- on Fraaled Food* jyhen purchaaed In 1 do*. lot* FOR «E$T ~ - professional direction and affilia^ Lt. Walter ” " Ca.sSeti.i arid Patrol­ man Gfcorge McCaugltey of the after men who were with him N O W $4.40 (straight or naaorled)/ We will Buy and process, ready tm tion with the national organization : called police, "for his own protec­ freezer (wrapping not Included) bear, SjELECTK^! ^ NOW .and the rest for program pur-; local police riepartmeht aided in $49.95 the investigation by State police. tion.” They said he had tried to N O W $4.00 lamb or any meat Item at 5c K lb. oTtr LOT NO. 3 poses. Besides offering suOh serv- , iUY 12 PACKAGES AT ONE CALIFORNIA COBBLERS Ices as instruction of various kinds, i cost. Sale to he cash and carry. GROWING GIRLS' the ■ H'dmemakers Holiday pro- ' N O W $6.00 TIME AND SAVE AT PINEHURST ChMTy red Ghlllle tie. \Cdnv^/ent/ _,gram. Public Affairs course, the 'Reg/$«-BS;.....— - ■ ■ NOW $5.29 Reg. $1.99— 14 Pc. Glass Plfiy’^chool, Great Books course ■w-^- S’* — N O W $6.00 KALI-STEN-IKS and^assistlng with the Y-Teens ODD MAKES ' Budget Terms RtFRIBERATOR groups at the local high school, the. This is quoted from Birds Bye wholesales let- Manchester YWCA has a little CALIFORNIA COBBLERS Availabie! SETS known service, that of visiting V BOYS’ SUITS m l SPORT COATS Jtertous— ^ Black suede sling heel wedge. BROWN SUNDIAL OXFORDS newcomers ter town. .Chairman of this committee is Mrs. Robert Tay\ Reg. $8.50. NOW $6.95 “These are all new low prices. Stock up now; do not wait, we ‘>® "®* lop of 52 Lenox street. She and her hoW long we will be able to hold them. But with your BROWN and WHITE SUNDIAL f committee visit alt newcomers to MR. FRANK 10% O f f NOW $1.00 town and find out what they sre and (he increased volume. Increased ?r^,TO?itnbLy OXFORDS Interested in and then each has an us we will hold to this low price policy just as long as it is proIiUbiy JUMPING j a c k s h o e s opportunity to go as a guest to OFFERS THIS SURCOATS - STORM JACKETS possible. some meeting she is interested in. INFANTS' ^ 7 5 ______. . . N O W $3*75 ALL BLACK S{IEQE LOW NEEL :• i . •. 4'.'. ■.-.25c * Reg. $i29.93 ’ ■Jilembefs'' o f the'^cvTrrerit" cam- TOP COATS anf OVERCOATS r BIRDS EYE SLICEl) PEArHRS^ rr.^ ^ CHILD'S $6.00 . . . . NOW $5.00 1 STRAP paign committee ssslstlng Mrs. j BIRDS EYE s l ic e d STRAWBERRIES ...... 26c Wylie are Miss Elizabeth Bennett,; BIRDS EYE ASPARAGUS SPEARS . . . t i e CHILDREN'S $6.50 .. _____ NOW i$5.50 SOFA BED SUITE Lifs; Edward itesser. Mrs: Chartes ■ : ■ ■ ■ -a*,; . MISSES' $7.50 ...... :. N O W $6.50 ALL BLACK KID LOW HEEL i STRAP BIRDS EYE ASPARAGUS C U m ...... v - — R. - Barr., Miss MarJon Casey,. Mrs, .i JANUARY : 20% OH .^.23C , bavrab' iwhi' and ChMee «f Robert L.-Cooper, Mrs. W. J. Dob- ' ■ b ir d s EYE t r e n c h DREEN BE ANS f '* • 4 • -4 BUCK SUEDE ANII llATHlEli^ l^ ^ Rocker or Chair ' son. .Mrs. W. J. Erpigh. Mrs; BIRDS EYE CUT GREEN BEANS ...... - ...2 3 e Richard Hurd. Mrs. E. M. Kaye. BIRDS EYE CUT WAX BEANS ...... I .-25c Miss Elizabeth Krapowicz. Mrs. KALI-STEN-IKS LOW HEEL I STRAP SPECIAL LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS BIRDS EYE BABY LIMA BEANS ...... 2 for 59e NOW Roger Olcott, Mrs, ->^dam Rhodes, ___ ...... 29e; PUMPS and OXFORDS NOT ALL SIZES $99.00 Mrs. .R. A. St. Laurent. Mr*. Wil­ REG. $ 1 .9 5 ...... N O W S I.5 5 BIRDS EYE FORDHOOK LIMA BEANS .. liam 'steckel. Mrs; Robert Taylor, BIRDS EYE BROCCOLI SPEARS ...... 26C- MISSES' $ 8 .5 0 ...... ‘ : . .. NOW $7.23 Mrs. Allan Taylor *nd Mrs. E r*' ...... 19c SI b/SATlONAi HUTS iN REG. $ 2 .2 5 ...... NO W $1.80 BIRDS EYE CHOPPED BROCCOLI ...... CHILDREN'S $7.50 . ; ; v x . . .TV ;.v.NO^ nest Ungerer. . .'.2 for 59c NO W $2.35 IHRDS EYE BRIJSSRI. SPROUTS ...... CHILD'S $6.50 ...... N O W $5.53 REG. $2.85-$2.95 BIRDS EYE CAULIFI.OWER ...... 2 for 47c INFANTS' $5.75 ...... NO W $4.90 .IDRO O M ^ LIVING ROOM REG. $15 MR. FRANK REG. $3.39.$l50 NO W $2.80 BIRDS EYE CUT CORN ...... J J®! 5 ?! Hospital Notes BIRDS EYE CORN ON COB ...... ^ BIRDS EYE MIXED VEGETABLES...... •• .■Zl® PatlSnts Today: ISO LONG SLEEVE POLOS BIRDS EYE P E A S ...... / ...... * *®5 ACROBAT OXFORDS ODD LOT OF CHILDRET^S ADMITTED. YESTERDAY: BIRDS EYE PEAS and CARROTS...... t for CHILDREN'S $6.50 NO W $5.50 Yvorth* Gagnon. 416 Center gtreet; Permanent 4 TO to BIRDS EYE CHOPPED SPINACH ...... ’ « • David Stansberry, 18 Depot (INCLUDES HAIRCUT) MISSES' $6.95 .... NO W $5.95 RUBBER ARCTICS Square; John Evaniski, 30 High REg ! $1.69 ...... N O W $1.35 BIRDS EYE LEAF SPINACH ...... ^...... *... .2 for ^ BOOKCASE street; Annibale Roberto, 113 BIRDS EYE SQUASH ...... ^ J®** 5®® NOT ALL SIZES Spencer afreet; Mrs. Marguerite ' The beauty event of the year—Be beauty wi.se as well REG. $1.89-SI .95^...... NO W $1.50 BIRDS EYE SIJCCATASH ...... 2 for 49c BED Drapeau, 181 Princeton street; BIRDS EYE FRENCH WAX BEANS ...... ; ...... MEN'S' , * 1 - M Mrs. Helen Bumford, 53 Summit as dollar wise. Phone for your appointment without REG. $2.25 .. • ••••• N O W $1.80 $3.00-$4.0a VALUES . NOW styeet; Edwin Miner, 54 Arbutus delay. BIRDS EYE FRENCH FRIED POTATOES ...... 2 for 45c atreet, Ea.st Hartford! Rii.ssell BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE ...... 2 for 37c CO-OPERATIVErand BATES MR. FRANK’S PERSONAI.r/KI) HAIRCUTTING . . . ..12.07 r-r-A' Cowles. 254 McKee street; Mrs. ODDS AND ENDS OF BIRDS EYE FRYERS Black and bren-n oxfords. Mary Palmer. '46 Spruce street; with emphasis on flattering your particular facial con­ BIRDS EYE FRYERS • •••••••••♦•••••■•••■••g*** ******* » • • a • $1.8t I1S.M le $1S.M values. NOW $10.95 ^ rs . Ro.se Bent. 393 Bidwell tours—$1.50 . , BIRDS EYE FRYERS • ••••a ■♦•*♦•••*••*••••• •/t' a********* $1.61 CLOSE OUT OF CHILDREN’S AND MISSES' street: Mrs. Alberta Porter, ■ 70 LIGHT WEIGHT JACKETS Westmih.ster road. NOT ALL RIZEtt—ALL RALES FIN A I^PRtC ED ’( » SELL BIRTHS YESTERDAY,; Son to 1 STRAP PATENT PU #S Mr, and Mrs. W’alter Schultheiss, 136 Broad, street. 2 TONE OXFORDS— * { DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: BROWN 2 STRAP PUMPS < Mi*a Frances Sonego, 128 Oak Gr.ove street; Charlene Kane. 108 m iOUSE&SON $S.50.$6.9S VALUES . NOW White street: Mr*. Anna Kriipen, B E A U T Y S A L ON C EHOIISESSCW _ Mltckrii 3-4151 1SI±S==S=;=I IM C = .= = = MARLOW'S 16 Ridgefldd street; Robert . John­ ■ IM c : . II II .....— WS GIVE GREEN STAMPS' ston. 35 Division atreet: Miss Nel­ mEPHONE MlnIwE *-3941 ,WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS NORTH OF POST OPnCI • ONI WLOCK P R O M ^ lie Kovls, 31 Florence atrtot:' Mia* FURNITURE OEPSRTMENT-LOWER STREET FLOOR LEVEL Ann Misaiko, 43 Grant street,

. i r


^s^IANXHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONK.i WEDNESDAY^ JANUARY 21. 1933 PAGE FIFTEHf MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21. 1953 PAGE FOURTEEN \ 1 I..500 MiyiSTERS NEEDED ^ the boafd,' told the annual body thoae Interested in thle project are meeting "the thousands crowded f ll lin g t o n asked to remember that Feb. 21 W a p p in g Buck Hill Falls. Pa., Jan. -21— Ike Strategy Bars Directs ARC Drive III Iv P ^in g R ole into. Vast trailer camps, barracks Fiery, Smartiiig M Buick^H Beautiful New 1953 SkylaHi will be the first open meeting of IJ*.! The- Methodist Bnemd- of . M^-: Bolton LEGAL BEVERAGES siona w sa'lold today that 1,.500 And other tempoi'ary housing, e t Caminon Skin Railwfl the couples group. [ F^lowships Plan AT LOW PRICES Shift in War Plans Miss Stagers Carol Whitcher will play one of inirilsters will he n’ceded in the stand in particular- need of the Don'-t itsnd luch torment iinollier houTl Need Cbolr Blagen . ' rtre three leadlng'roles'ln the Cen­ next four years. ■Christian -miniatry. -The problem# Just snoeth Retmol Oinuaot on yotir. Members of the Congregational Arthur Dnis Stores irritated liHn at once. See how quickly Gelinnu Offers Guiity Plea; To Attend Course Health Post D im 8 ter Thespians’ production of Dr. Elliott L. FiBher. excewtive of housing education, recreatlph It! medically proven Ingredientt tn Isa- Church who ertjoy singing are in­ HOURS 8 A. M. to 11 P. M. (Continued from Page One) “Years Ago.”' at Bpwers^ Sch.poLi Secretary qt the honie nilssions of and religious facilities' sre acute.” --X vited, to johi the choir. It Is lm-- oUn brini bUtduU lont-Uatiag.relief. .. - ->Xapping,,„4an,,. 21--'(.Speern .Friday and Saturday, it was an-1 Ellington. .Jan,. 8lTr^(Spsclal), r-r. porluitr. that they Jpbi soot In or­ .* , recently rcalfirmei . intention to bOttwrerf-today.-Tbe. partis- Miat-<*<-- Bound Over to High (^urt der to leant tiieir pari/s for tfi'e . develop mfcli a policy, usth'^ Members from the junior and sen­ Miss Edna Staler, public health Rulh. Gordon Jones and is sup-. ior Youth Fellowship groups here EbMer Concert March 29. ' and political pre.seurea. Eiaenhower did not spell out In nur.s'e for this area, svill^ end her po,sectly a section of the life of the planning to attend the recreation­ ' Sooviety to Meet '' duties with the Public Health playwi^ht, Ruth Gordon, who left B0U.n. Ja«. ■?0^urtT\"h^.*r al workshop In East Hartford on The Ladies' Benevolent socjejy MAORI OIL 00. ,. his inaugural' address how he in- va n who wan apprehended on a | preaentatlon in the local 'Mends to tackle cither the Korean Nursing as.socialion on Feb. 14. her Iittle''fi[ew England town, went Saturday, are to ineet at the par­ will meet in the social rooms' of Her reason for quitting the organi­ to New YorK;and ^came a famous SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ’ breaking; add entering charge Juat j„gtjc, court. The two men were i;; sonage. the church Mondky at 8 p. m. ^lalernate, the liberation policy Rcri9« and Fu«l OH problem or any other specific is­ zation involved the acceptance of actress, Th^^plsy, a three-act' as he W8» about to return articles | charged with possession of burgla< Registration for the course will The program will concern, Con­ new duties as supervisory execu­ comed.v laid inM913, tells of her he Is alleged to have stolen, w a s. ry tools, carrying a dangerous gregational mission work in Mex­ sue of foreign policy. He did mak^ be 40 cents and a beverage will clear, however, that he Intends to tive with the North Haven health attempts to leavb, her home and' bound oyer to Tolland County S u -. weapon in a motor vehicle and pos- be provided. John Dombek and ico and the speaker .will be Mrs. 24 HOUR SERVICE ! perlor Court by Trial Justice John session of stolen goods. do all In his power Jo preserve and group. ex-.sea captain rather. Close ALWAYS Louis Phllbrlck will represent the Lola Hayes of Hartford Seminary In h^r new post Mias Stager, friends of the-heroin\are Kathe-| A. Swanson last night. Men Counting Coins Foundation. Mrs. Kenneth Love­ METER TRUCKS develop the unity of Allied nations sentqr group while Ribhard Dim- and of the whole free wqrld. who lives on Ellington road, will l ine Follelt and Ann\ Withamj Albert Gelinau, 22, of Allen: xiiey were picked up when ^ock,’ Nancy Loveland and Char- land is in charge of the wrorship RURNER SERVICE bo in charge of foul’’, full-time ■ street. Hszardville, entered a plea; officer Andreoll of the CPlchester "The strength of all free peoples pla.ved, re.spectively, b!K Eileen 'lotte Sikes, will head the juniors. service and Mrs. F. Limberger is mfrses and one part;-tlme wor ker in Liiico and. Vicki Wachtel, ! of guilty to the charge. Since the ^ barracks stopped to Investigate a ^nSL. MANCHESTER lies in unity," he declared. "Their AT Rdv. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson chief hostess for the.evening. danger in discord.” He said the ■ I the' Public . callli a.ssociation. She Miss Whitcher is a newcom! ■ amount involved In the break \yas; ^ar in the vicinity uf Bol- will go by automobile.------; 'vT 'Mystery Ride "Set ' •,— ; more than $100. the case was be- jjj,| Approaching iM car he U. S. has the responslbilily of lead- T haa been ivitl). the local organlza- the Thespians, hsvlng acted t Longview .PTA will hold a - ^ PACKARD SEDAN $2895 ., yond the jurisdiction of a trial ^aw two men with in n i heads Flan CbMplea Club h tl^ 3-45 23 j ership to develop this unity and, ’ I lion .since I9i4. In a workshop production. She ■ justice court. The companion case a large quantity of coins. Friday, -,the .third grou'p of cou­ mystery ride Feb. 2. speaking as directly as_ he could i ! MarkA Fifth Anniversary however, had considerable- ex |.\ ' of Robert Biz, also of Allen street, i ordering the men out of the car, ples wrlfl tneet at the parsonage to friendly foreign -.governments 'i0 Bvei*green Wood- (.Jraplci, OES.- jreri'ence-on Uie -alegev She pla.vert ’5t PONTIAC SEDAN $1995 Hszardville, was nolled on recom­r»rn . aearched It and found a for desert, fellowship, and^ the Manchester Evening HeraM El­ and people-s, he assured them: iWlll'(will eelebratp; Its fifth" birthday leading parts in High school pro- I mendation of prosecutor Renato discussion of the organisation of lington eorreapondent, Mrs. G. F. Read Herald Advs. r"\Ve Americans know snd ,ob- : j 1 with a potluck scheduled for 6 ductfons of Sock snd Buskin, and rifle with Its barrel and stock Beer, telephone- BoekvUle - 8-9818.- ' -■ serve -the differem-e between world loda.V: -M rsi ■ Doi'otby- Grmiae '51 PACKARD SEDAN $2195 t Coccohi «hce It was claimed that sawed off to make it piatol-size, a couples .riub ■bi\-the- church. All ■ ’ll r p.m. ■ the Patnt and' Powrlerjrroups. She- '^trol AVhHehef' I he had no connection with the leadership and Imperialism, be- of StalToid .Springs, special guest, aleo did work with «worshop plays four large hunting knives, several ■ tween firmness and truciilence. be­ will show movies of the general theft. Jimmies and crowbars, about 100 L X Ataifr 1 at the University of Connecticut. 'SO MERCURY SEDAN SIAiR Examine Cellar tween a thoughtfully calculated grandjchaptcr .scs.sion held in Mil­ Miss Wachtel has been seen in Edgar Biker,'\Falrfleld; t.,awrence packages of cigarettes and ap­ The beauty and elegance df sporfa car styling are combined with big car comfort and roominess hi The break occurred Dec. 21 when goal and spasmodic, reaction to the Oilbert C. Barnes waukee la.st October. several Thespian productions, in­ Wyllie, Nlanticl-Civtor Belafonte. proximately $3S in coihs. Bulck's beautiful Skylark sports edr for 1953... Po wered by Bulck's 188 horsepower valve-lil-head V8 stimulus of emergencies.” Coming Event Calemlar Washington DephL and Charles ’50 PACKARD SEDAN S1595 ellnau and Bi* were attempting The men were questioned at the RIGHT dRESS! AT EASE! cluding "See How They Run.” t to^ocate^ hobs* under cbnatruc- engine hooked up to the new TwH< ’furblns Dynaflow, the Skylark Is equipped with power steering, pow­ Top Priority The Men's and Women's XlfZ "Servant in the House,” “Plgma- Schmidt, Waterbur^; State police barracks \.ji e they er brakes, wire wheels, w h l^ a ll tires, Easy-Eye glass and selectronlc radio as aUndard equipment. Gilbert C. Barnes of 20 Welling­ To serve for a two-jt*car term are ‘ tlonHn Which they had been asked New U. S. proposals for dealing ton road has been named chairman Club meets tonight at the home of lian,” "Tile Anniversary,” and ’SO FORD CONVERTIBLE 51395 admitted breaking into p Mas­ It la available In 18 colors and four Interior trim options. The Skylark will be built In limited quanti­ with Korea evidently will have to Charles Bacon, Middiettw’n; David to \wterprtiof the cellar. They of the 19.5,3 fund drive for the Man- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Peterson on "Flight South.” . She also was drove In to the property on U, S. sachusetts roadhouse. They will ties only.' /; ______be formulated in the next few Kreiger, Shelton; Haroiri Bock, face charges of burglary in that chc.ster Cliapter of the American Deming street. active In Sock and Buskin, and 150 WlUYS STATION WAGON $1295 i Route «\irhere Wesley Robbins la weeks. The problem was given top The Pleasant Valley Club meets Paint and Powder groups in high Torrlngton, and Mtchaer'-AllarB, state after answering to the Red Cros.s, York'Strangfeld, local Stamford. Serving as directrtrs for constructmg a dwelling for his Smith; and her successor, Mrs. . priority by Eisenhower during the tonioiTOW at 7:.30 p.rii. at Wood | school. charges against them here. supervisor; Mrs. Bessie campaign. Furthermore the-Unit­ chapter chairm.m, announced to- a three-year period arc Mhriin father. Firs\Selectman Charles A Mystic Review who' Is a district deputy Evtushek, presented gifts to Mrs. Memorial Library.! .Mrs, Edward j Mias Liiko, who joined the Thes­ ’SOiVlUYS JEEPSTER S1295 Announce Play Roles WEAR ed Nations Gcncrnl Assembly is to day. . ' Daniel, New Haven; Pritcharfl; ' Robbins. ^ pnlor director, and third mem- Best 'and Mrs. Howland In appre­ Mr. Barnes was chairman of the Kiiehn and Mrs. Clifford Higgins, pians last spring, played Rose in ' BU, according to the attorney Mrs. Herald Lee will play "Ma' ciation of their service in install­ rensscmble in New York F'cb. 21. will demonstrate,braided and hook- , Joseph Zimmerrnan, West Hart Installed ber\of the auditing . committee. In that meeting the U. S. is due to Residential Division of the drive the fall pla.v, "Kind Lad.v.” She la (orfl, and Joseph Cawley, of Bris­ ’SO OUOLDSMOBILE 85 $1495 I Nicholas Armehtano of Stafford Mrs. Lottie Dinsmorc, in the JiinloKmeetlngs hereafter will, be ing the officers. last .year, and the succe.ss of his ed rugs. •' also' a graduated member of Sock ! Springs, who c'represented both three-act comedy, "Ma's New Hus­ seek adoption of a re-splution deal- The one - ball howling toiirna- i tol. held InXrinker hall on the first The meeting was preceded by a ...... Ing ,»'Uh... the. r.ejccjipn by nussia division in over-subscribing its and Buskin, Paint and Powder, and Approximately 350 retail h®Ld: S13I5 ■"4 men,' got- out o f. tna--oar.-to. exam-. band!'-to- be-presented -at the -Com­ By Gra<*e Best Ahd thltiKWednesday* at <1:30 fuTl course' dinner at ^Miller"'s'Res­ quota" '.vaa' Ibe: pfincrfial coht rlimt-:' merit,' -sponsored -■■joi'nt-ly- -by -dhe i'tne■ Beacon Player* of Hartford.- ’49 PACK5Rj5 SEDAN I Ins the cellgr. He d^rm ined that munity Hall Jan. 90 and 31 by the and Red China Iasi month of a gen­ ware dealers from all parts of trie p. m. \ taurant at the Center. eral a.s.sembly appeal for them to ing factor which secured the (jiic- Men's and VVomen'a Bowling Tickels may be obtained from any state registered at the convention. " ; they were bn the w i^ g job and Centennial Group of United Meth­ cp.>w of the local fund drive as a Leagues, will he held Saturday Thespian member or at Michael*. ’49 PACKARD TiLUB $1295 returned to the car wheVe he found odist Church. Playing opposite Mrs. Grace Best of Hartford, Mrs. Gglbre White continues as end the fighting on -terms which During the morning business meet captain bf the\guards; Mrs, Mu­ whole. from 2 p.rn. until Closing at Cotn-i’ Curtain will be at 8:30 p.m. ing the association restated its ap­ ' that Gelinau had removed, a power her will be Arnold McKinney as state field director of the Wom­ would provide for voluntary rc- riel Auderh color bearer No. 1; - pntriatlon of prjstmers. Mr. Barnes has been project en­ muqity Hall bowling alleys.' Whalens, or the Center Church of­ proval of the principle of permis­ ’49 HUDSON CLUB $1350 ] saw, electric motor, b e l t e r the Hercule'Hawser, her flance,- an's Benefit Association, installed with gineer with the Pratt and Whitney Hot Lunch Menu fice. I motor arid level from the house. Mrs. Ruth g ta p l^ color bearer There has been some speculation sive price mainteifanco a* embod Others featured in the^play will itomech I that Elsenhower's strategy for dcal- Division of United Aircraft Corpo­ Menu for tomorro and Friday at ied in existing state fafr trade laws ‘ At thls-pplnt, he was 4insu< be Barbara McKinney slid Carolyn the 1953 officers of Mystic Review, No; 2; Miss J^nna^Woffram,, en­ sign No. 1; Miss Peggj' Neriiis. CHOKED TUXEDOS ■ “•injj w'iihl'th'e korertri 'war might Ih- ration' for 10 years, and' for'thal the • elementary-schoplr-TomorTow* and 'fWeral'jenabltrtg Acts. ' ' -MCADILUG GLUl $2295 , fur in kn alleged attempt to Induce Goldsnider as Ma's" daughters; of which she is a member, in Odd THANK HEAVENS! Most attacki are scalloped—..potatoes,- ham, ' peas, Fellows Hall last nlTht. Mrs. eniflgn No. 2; Mrs. Grace How­ rlude such measures as a new of- length of time has resided in Man- Rufckville Man Included among resolutions was ' Gelinau to return the articles. Robert Miirdoclt" and Gordon acid Indlfeillon. When it atrlkei take ebeater... Be.fore.icomlng to- Connec- carrots, rpils, butter, fruit cake.; I they left the property, they wen Grace Howland a.sslsted her as land, welfare supervisor. ■. fe,nsive aimed at forcing an armis- a request for legislative relief In rn ’4S OLDSMOBILE SEDAN 51295 Yates, aa their" boy friends, and Beit-ans tahleta. They contain the tic'k and some kind of blockade •- tlriit.'he lived in New York City, Friday baked fish fillet .relish, turning to the ' former size and I seen by Mrs. Charles Robbins who .ussell Pot^et^ton, Jr., as a cousin. mistress of ceremonies. The State Field Director Best con­ (aatest-actlnt medicinei known to mashed potatoes, cote slaw, jam Named Officer ; reported the Incident to her son floor work was In charge of the gratulated the review for its flne doctor! lor the rellel of heartburn CUTAWAYS economic 'or naval of Cliina. It of which he i.s a native. His wife, weight limits of parcel post pack 'MIcJtiel Goldsnider. will be ^ could -also be propo.sed that the the former Janet Hopkins, also sandwiches, gelatin dessert. ages. The present regulation gov ’48 OLDSMOBILE CLUB $995 ! Finding the equipment mis^ingf imThe maid; Nancy Warren WBA guards, all of whom wore record during the past year, gnd and fai. Get Bell-ana today. 2Se. : Robbins then reported to the Col- pale green floor length dresses praised the work of Mrs. Farris UN ask all members which have native to New York, Is a descen­ 111 Slate Group eming aize and weight of these and XMay Miner, billed as two recognized Red China to wlthdri^tf’ dant o f Stephen Hopkins men- Manchester Evening Herald •package* went into effect in Janu ’49 PA0KARD SEDAN $1095 *. Chester SUte Police ba;rracks who glamour girls and Charles Warren with' violet corsages. Captain and Mrs. Lauro have done with SHIRTS I assigned Officer Francis Pisch to Oglore White directed the flag recognition. tio'necl in ''The Plymouth Adven­ M]a|>ping correspondent, Mrs. An- ary, 1952. as an office the Juniors. She also disclosed ('onimittrxl fo I>>adprshlp Bridgeport, aJn. 21—(*t-Francis Following business se.ssions this t tbs case. ceremony and different forma­ the decision of the supreme re­ ture.” Irleplione .MItrhell $795 rove la Mrector Britain'.^ attitude of caution The Barries’ have two rhildren. Pritchard of Rockville was named afternoon, the convention will close ’4S PLYMOUTH COUPE I Iteclda to. Return O ob^ tions.-— view--to hold the- 1954- national . t a ■ three-year director - of the Gon- ' In the meantime, according to The pla^is being direcCed by AGGESSGRIES about 'doing anything dfnstTc'wa.s' Paimel'a. 12.' and CS'nthia;' .5.'. Mr^ with a dinner lonight. Mrs. Kllzabeth Evtushek of 5 convention in Denver, Colo. Mrs. most recently expressed publicly necticut Hardware > Association, I testimony presented last night, the Marshall LoC^rove, who has suc­ Seaman circle is the new presi­ Barnes is a Mnsoii and a memh^ THRIFT AVEEK STARTS "Best presented a past president’s by Prime Mini.ster Churchill when of the Tall Cedars. The family at­ during that group's 80th annual I two accused had located the job cessfully pllmed this group dent of the review. She suc­ pin to the retiring president, Mrs. FREE WATCH convention held here-today at the COUPLE LETS TV SET BURN ' they were originally looking fOr through a previous play as well as he came to the U. S. early this tends Center Congregational TRUCKS ceeds Mrs, Shirley Smith, who , INSPECTION month to confer with Eisenhower. Hartford. Jan. 21 l/P) -Inaugu- Stratfleld Hotel. Frederick Hall of ' and upon leaving there, decided to the PTA production last spring. has .held the.rpoet .fpr..two yea.r^^^ Church. xaUng., ..JiAtiQn.aL, th.rift _ w eek _ in Cahaai):Was r*-elected pr^sident._ Binghamton. N. Y.—l/Pi A few • return to stbleh goods to the Bob^ Mrs.'"John' Brlckscnv Is prompter, When your watch 1e'plit or ------He-said - nobody - likes-B- stalemate nirhuTea aftet the'JbhlirT; Harrlng- FORO UUMF- AND $NO PLOW and automatically becomes junior "but there arc worse things than ELECTED lOTH TIME Connecticut, Governor .lohn Lodge, Other officers elected were Rus­ J bins property. ktr. and Mrs. Lester Harlow, stage past president. Mrs. Smith's kilter, too.fast, too slmr; or Juat NOTHING TO today urged individimla and gov­ sell V. Carlson, New Milford, vice ton* railed firemen at Hlnman'a I As they relumed to Bplton, managers and HerdldXl^e, stage not ticking, don't time, a .slslemate." Corners to report their tole.vislon '51 G.M.C. PICK-UP, GREEN mother. Mrs. Hazel F,ahey was American practice hh.s been to ernment alike to help combat in­ president; Edward Walsh. New Ha­ i Pisch apprehended them making hand. , ' ' X bring It to GAIJDETS for free \‘ Cairo, HI. (/Pi Republican .Tnlrn ven* second vice president: Arthur set- was on fire, another call came seated as vice president. keep,the governments with troops M. Dewey has started' hts 10th flation byi practicing thrift. Na­ '50 G.M.C. PICK-UP. RED I positive identification through the Tickets for either performance Mrs. Julia Rawson retains the WANTED Inapectlnn a n d / necessary tional Thrift Week commemorates Sollosy. Bridgeport, thjrd vice canrelling the alarm. I description of the car, a peculiar of the play are obtalnabl^ from palrs. All i^ a irs made by 1a In Korea informed of all jilans in fniir-ycar term as Alexander Cnim- president; Ned Russell, Fairfield, Firemen said the couple told PANIlEL— NEW MOTOR position . of flnancial secretary; SEND AWAY FOR running the. war. This has been ty's circuit clerk. Dewey says the the birthday of Benjamin Frank­ '4 6 D O D G E - heel mark left at the .scene of the members of the cast and Mrs. certified watchmaker. secretary., and Carl Nygard, Bran­ them to forget abotit It because Mrs. Irene Vincek. trea.surer; Mrs. STENOORAPHER done through a committee of am- 40 years will give hibi the, longe.s't lin, who, the governor snid "was a • break and finally discovery of the ert Richardaon, Mrs. Raym ^d Betty SobiskI, recording secre­ living example of the values of in­ ford, treasurer. they had decided to carry the TV nxperlriired In generdl of- bas.sadors meeting two or three continuous record ^f^anyone now Director* for one year ahe H. set outside and let It hiirn. ' missing articles in the car. Peterson, Mrs. Ralph Broil a tary; Mrs. Mildred Tedford, lady in any elective Ill/ndis office. dustry and economy.” Hear Accident f.'atte flOT work. Full time. \ times a week at the State depart- Mrs. Ekiward Griffin. of ceremonies; Mrs. Mary Hills, menh...... The case of Robert J. Kjeliquist, Vhaplaln; Mrs. Pauline Berrett. Apply Jl, of Lake street charged with WE SUPPLY YOU RIGHT OUT Through this or some similar THE PACKARD PLACE Manchester Evbnlng Herald Bol- sergeant; Mrs. Belle Schors. Inner agency Eisenhower and Dullp.s. Violation of the rules Of the road lua eorreapondeni^s Mrs. Joseph h o ^ s s ; Mrs. Irene La Palme, MANCHESTER PIPE^ being'committed to the exerci.se of . was nolled. Kjeliquist w u Involved OF OUR OWN STOCK ASSURING IVItaUa, telephone Ml^hell 8-5548. onteX, hostess: Mrs. Merle Lauro, and SUPPLY. Iny leadership rather than dictation in ■ in an accident at the -intersection joint efforts with other contriea. ! of U.S. Route 6 and Lake street TEL. MI-9-48 YOU OF PERFECT FIT may sound out nation.s involved In extension Dec. 8. 809 MAIN ST. the Korean fighting on their new Testimony presented by Trooper • plans. • Pisch who made the arrest, in- Buy a TV with a Future In the light of the inaugural ad­ dicated that Kjeliquist who was lEGK'S RNAL \ dress, it seems highly unlikely that 1 proceeding acroik^the intersection Eisenhower and Dulles would in­ from Lake street and had crossed sist upon -going, through .^^4th any OPEN MOND*Y^ond m URSM Y NIOHTS TIL ♦iM ; ------‘ Ihe centerllhe o f u. s; Rbute fl new strategy Which would he -■ • when the Impact occurred. The strongly opposed by a number of 358 EAST CENTER ST. PHONE Mil 3-5 191 second party Involved Ip the col- these countries, although. Strong \- ; lision did not appear in Cpurt last TELEPHONE arguments might be employed, in ; night. - ' SMALI. LOT OF MEN^S SHOPS efforts to get sgreement. / The court, feeling that th^ was a more correctly a civil rather than Mitchell 9-1352 907 MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. criminal case, nolled the charges. with better than ever Held For HIgli Court DRESSES Trial .Tiistlce Swanson found L o ca l StobUs I probable cause. It was learned to­ REDUCED \VOOT,S day, in the cases of Joseph A. Gad- .98 AND Quotations Furnished/ By . b«ta and Theodore Gauthier of Coburn 8; Middlebniok, Inc. PARIS’ TO . . . ____ RAYQNS 1 p. m. priceq/ Tht framt of light That’s Kindtr to Your lyos I ' We have marked down many more better dresses for Bank Stock* tllis Anal sale. . V : PAT. PCNOINC n— / Bid Asked Syivaiiia is the Iplnvi.'iioil you’ve been BflLCH Is Your _ First National Bank' of Manchester ...... 34 38 wailiiijr* for. "Built to receive all VHF BETTER The Modern PLAY-YARD Hartford Nirtlonai Rank and Tnisi/ rust/...... ,n31 and UHK channel.s that come to thi.s . Hartford Connn. Trust .92 Raiitd off rh8 floo. to protoet - Manchester Tnin^t .... '150 area— now or in the future. No need to DRESSES / 1 Phoenix' State/Rankk/RanV REDUCED TP / from yiriftSa and Trust 7...... 62 — The ARLINGTON call a -s’ervice man or add any parts— Fire insurance C'-oninanies SAVINGSON Mflpid eartdrt. . • eilY Aetna F ire /...... fit 63 KVKRYTHINC; IS BUILT IN Sylvania ___.$ 0 ,9 8 .98 ARMY and NAVY ' Hartford/^ire ...... 166 171 Rest Ijiiy in TV 21-inch •• .National F ir e ...... 70 73 will jrivc you the best pos.sible reception BEHER DEAL 997 MAIN STREET PhoeniX//...... 98 ' 103 maljogany veneer fable mnrlel In silks, wools, gabkrdlnes. For jiihlnir miss. Women’s DIAMOND’S Llfe/nnd Indemnity Ins. Cos. wliei'PVitr you, live. And onl.v Sylvania PONTIAC DEALER half sizes. Artmy'Cas.nalty...... 109 tl6 with llaloLlght powerful ' ( , r,|, r 'I r, .-! M .,,, I-. '• A ll $14.95 and $16.95 H E A V Y ^ Aetna Life .'. . . .UR 123 strato-power .508" chassis. TV' has HaloLipht. The amazing frame, TROUSERS Cnnh. Genera.l ...... 197 203 THE HUNTINGTON Hartford Steam Roil. . 44 U 47' of soft,' cool, light around the entire A rar# value . . .2 1 -Inch mahogany veneeV SWEATERS Travelers ...... ROO R20 EASIEST TER.MS IN T05VN. cnnsole with HaloLlght plus Sylvanla’s most SWEATE JACKETS Rag. $10.95.$12.95 Public UtillDes pic Lin e. powerfuf chassis. Conn. Light Power•er . . 1.5'i 16 V* EASIEST TERMS IN TOWN $1.98 $9.98. $ Q .9 8 Rtg. $12.50 ; Coqn. Power . . ____ 39 41 HOVY NOW Hartford Elec. Lt.1. . ., .50'a .52'5 : Hartford Gas Co...... -37'a 401 a Slip-on, cardigans, nylons— 100%/wool.. Reg. $4-00 lo NOW So. Nejv England1I PRICES STARTING AS LOW AS $199.95 $6.00 values; . / ' Tel...... 34'i 36'i AfanufacDirtng Comnanles XAj. Hardware ...... 17 'j 1' $X0'®® *6.95 / Arnnv, Hart. Heg. . . . 4n'3 ' -j ALL SALES FINAL! .A.ssoX Spring ...... 27 'j ."I E A C H c SOME ALL WOOL *4.95 BristoPBrass ■ Gheney .^ o s , Collins THE MOST POWERFUL PERFORMANCE AMAZIH6 HALOLIGHT' ' Em-Hart ...... - 97 fl mYiIi the nes Sfrstopower ’'.SOfl" > ou'li agree . ..Htl.OLir.Mt. the .ofi; g AU C A T S ip )U G E D ■ r . , Fafnir.Bearing, . — ...33's IIM 0 ' ijaJ'4 exer'vou lirrt \X iih NylVini's T\ soil velbprrien'f'ih"leletT«rnh l»wla\T“ Revolutionary safety ONE WEEK ONLT ICorth and. Judd vill shiavs get maximum pcrlorm-' device uses car’s ov S IZ E 4 2 "> 3 4 —. Ru.asell Mfg.- ...... ance, minimum interferenpcv^ ■Stanley Work com. ALL-CHANNEL RECEPTION motion to counteract'' HA' - CHOICE OF THE HOUSE Terry-Steam ...... THE FINEST FURNITURE STTLINC l\ anisTV for P).'>3 is a\ ailalilr imiIi skids; aids traction and\ $ 1 6 .9 8 Torrington hiiill-in .Ml-ChannrI Plit-Vjn recep­ U. S .‘Envelope com. . . 6.5 ^ 7.5 . Wlialr\er \oiir taste in fiirniliircj^ braking in any wcatlier. COLORED SHEETS DRESS PANTS r. S. Envelope pfd,).. 63 — S\l\ ania has dir moilrl for^ oii.{jhooi«e tion . . or Milh an exler'iial I III Kiddy Kerral it-mada of arlafWer.-Kithee uax »«(i -uiU eii.|,>i Test Ityn your own car. raid! t* Veeder^nM. . ; 31 34 front-rnshogaTiy, Tffaple Snit htdofte The above quotations are not to the beat rereplion posut'le from nlf kiln dried hardwood, a» .i» tnmk •» eer. Rag. $8.95. NOW 'haml-riihhed . hnislies. Oime in. See emoothly fSniihbd to - $ 5.00 , be construed as actiial market*. ihear beaulirs for joiirself! •t|tions with xour new !*il\ania l\ protoet oxpidring young ^ l y 9 8 - Slightly Irregnlar . reritiyer. FAI*RE WINS e l e c t io n - fingort. Opons into a Pink, Blue, White— Second* BLOUSES roomy, eix qidod ploy ran.*. Jan..- 21 l/T) Former A'-' Only on thaia *'Sala SpociaU** can you buy Long and Short Sleeve— Rayon and Cotton. - yordj^ Jo koop your Premier Edgar Faiire. a Radical o m m RUBIER and CLOTH a zipparod Playtax Pillow for I than $S-98f young ono* out of mis­ WORK WORK ftocistist, was elected rhatnnanof the foreign affairs committee of $ J.OO _ $1.98 chief, wherever you go. OVERSHOES the, national assembly today. - 1 Easy to monipulalo . . . HOSIERY Faure belongs to the .same party f f l t Remember—you save as much as $2 and $3 on a pillow— folds into a 25" by « " SHOES aa Premier Rene Mayer, who ha.s i Reg. $3.00 and $4.00. handy carrying unit. PACS. KNEE BOOTS promi.sed to bring vip in parliament v fll) H W so buy in pairs and double your savings ! Every Playtex Pillow Also plastic cevorod, fafda eawpeclty taf Rag. S6.951« $7.95 and HSHING ROOTS soon the rntification of the Euro­ 6 Poir For pean defense *■ cofnnumity treaty * oFfered is FIRST QUALITY—every one is made of - crack-proof, wator^-proef "wiaff apeca" itamfa. whi(*h set.s up a European army pod ovoilablo. with West German troops in it. *$ylvofiio TrodtmoHi SEI MALONEY'S TODAY . purest whipped foam latex, allergy-and*dust-free.' Available at your favoritg Car SKIR'TS Lowest Prices Faure's election wa.s opposed by 1P0% WOOL FREE DEUVERY the followers of General De Gaulle, . - Dealer, . Service Station 'or , pro-Commiini.st.s and Communists. 'These sayings are for a limited time on/y—take adyiintage iGkrage. *5.95 Irt Town All are against the treaty/in it-s THE ONIY SYIVANIA FACTORY AUTHOWZeD SALES AND SERVICE DEALER IN MANCHESTER Diatrihuted b y. *1.00 .present fnrrri'. of the biggest bargain in sleep ever! Come, write, phone today. $2:98 _ _ $0.98 _ $A.98 MANCHESTER KIDDIE FAIR ARMY ' A4TTION FAROUK’S AUTOS AND TEU 1089 MAIN ST., OPP. HIGH SCHOOL Cairo- i/Pi -Ex-King Farouk’a AUTO PARTS NAVY scores of luxurious automobile* b'^rvXl MI-9-1683 1 9 MAIN S t. will be sold at public auction short­ MALONEY’S 270 MOAD ST. Seek's , TELEPHONE MI-3-5858 DIAMOND’S ly. On sale at the same, time will TEL. MI-9.1046 PARIS CURTAIN SH 660 CENTER ST. OPEN MON. thru FRI. 'TIL 9 P. M.— $AT. TIL S P. M. ^ NEXT TO FIRESTONE 997 MAIN ST; TEL MM-3906 b# state-owned veljicles used by (NEXT TO RURTON'Sl HUtelMl M B28 former, ministers and deemed loo M A IN $ T , lujfnrioua for the present regime. / \ t . I .. . (, T . < 1 ' i i.ni /■ / . /•. I / ...... -.... * 1 - t J . .V

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 PAGE SEVENTEEN""’^ 4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERAED, MANCHESTER. CONN.,' WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 21, 1953 RAGE SIXTEEN a . —^probably would begin next Tu*a- to com* from th* general fund and 13,100,000 from th* highway fund. Japs Describe .Heads Heart Drive Benson Quits day. 35% Increase Ue S. Jets Down W T H T — 12*0 New Officer* Coiiiliiet-First M eeting M om lay Night YPE Readies FEATURING A DISTINCTIVE Bills In Senate Other M«a*nre* W M A Y — 010 .. To ! tha Senate c m * a. campara- •nie blg batch of bllla also In­ iWCCC—12flO Radio and i w n c — 1080 lively small pile o‘f bills covering cluded meaaurea which wbiildl In Parcel Post Seven MIGs in WTVHC— Th. « COLD WAVE PERMANENT How R0d Guns Planner Post ’ ■•w KNB—MO Ka«t«fn Standard Ttma some of the major problems ex­ Provide for th* calling of a THROUGH .lANUARY and FEBRUARY pected' to confront the- tegislatnre.- apaclai convention to writ* a new Cbnatttutlon. . 7;Ig_WTU.—Bob Steele. Election lo'T*iill Term on Ambng them were' prbpdrals Charges Asked Korea Scraps .... •'■ •wnitrs-Tfevra. ■ ■■ • TraVlitiohar Pageant to ...... REGUl.Alir.Y $15.00 Destroyed B-29 Inltlat* a n*w conatitutlimal WKNB—Polon a which would:' 7:15—WTIC—Weather; Boh Steele. - — —— • I Board of Education amandment providing for the elec-, WONS-J«ck'^Downey;» Mu»lc ^op. I Be Pre*enlefl Tonight N O W \ Establish S'* statewide adult tiogi of miner court Judgea in (ConHatied From Pago One) (Continued From .Page One). ■WDRC—It Happrni Every Day. Issa—WDRC— Old MiiSir, Box; .Newa. (Continued l^om Page One) probation system, make state, The Chicagoans. 1 WCCC—News; Good Morning Music. Cause of Resignation towns of more than 50,000 popula­ I WONS— Bill Jenkins Show. At St. Mary’s Church county and municipal employes average of 35 per cent on Oct. 1, The broadcast aaserted thou­ TfTHT—Cal Tinney. I , No extra ^ ^lon of sighting any parachute tion. . , W HAT—N'evca; Polka Hop. ' W KNB—.News; Phil Hale Show, eligible for unemployment com- 1B61. This Increased parcel post sand* of Red soldiers, working un­ j 7:45—W HAT—News, Harry B. .Benson, a long-time Require th* state’* attorneys of • tjU —WTIC—Stslla Dallas, f The Young People's Fellowship ■from the^^29. pensittlpn- benefits, permit state revenues by about 100 million dnl- derground by lamplight day and r WDRC—The Chicagoans. 7:5A-WTHT-Weather. charge for , Fairfleld. New Haven and’ Harlt- II WDRC—News. There waa no hint the Superfort, member of .the Town Pliuining laVs a year. However, the depart­ night, caraed out the tunnel net­ ijt5 —UHF Program. of .St. Mary's Episcopal Church will i empibyea to retire Rafter 35 years ford countiea to work full 4:10—Reqnc''t il**'"'''’' .. I WONS—Weather. haircutting, waa'^violating Ruaaian territory. Commission, has resigned from of -service, increase jobless Insur- ment said that subsequent wage work which '‘already proved itself ' a.sa_-WDRC—The Record Shop. I g:(M> \VDRt;-World News Roundup, present the Feast of Lights for the time at their Jobs, and aettingr an impregnable defenae line never ’ tVTHT—Eddie Arnold Time. I W TH T—News, 'Only 4>x mllea leparate northern that board "with sincere regret.” ancie benefits and extend them to their salaries at 311,000 annually. increa «a in the service and a grant' W TIC—News. gecond consecutive year tonight a t ; test ciirla^ before seen In the history of war." WTIC—Tonpg WIddrr Brown. In a letter to General Manager worker.7 whose employer has one Abolish the tax on Intangible of higher iaUw|y mail pay by the W HAT—Save A Lite. , ,, I WCCC—Klcdle Corner. 7:30 at the Church. This festival i Hokkaido and the Soviet-held The Red claims were reminis­ WH a T'-C up Of Coffee Club. shampoo, Richard Martin. Benqon, who last or more employes, establish a five- ICC had created a new deficit. 4:45 —W TIC — The Vtoman In My is a pageant depicting the history | Kuril* ialandi. A plane -halfway property. cent of those made by France apd WKNB - l i f V * . fall was elected to a full three-y^ar day, forty-hobr work week for Name a committee to study the Donaldson notified ICC as long ■ WO.NS—News. of the spread ol Christianity Germany just prior to World War ' |.gg?EwDRC—News; Old Record Shop Kt,vling between the two would be well term on the Board of Education, state employes, with time and a possibility; of coiiaolidatlng the ago as last June that another In- -' w h a t —Story Queen. 8:15—tWRC—ShfShoppers Special. Through the use of colorful co s -' n . Nazi troops esuslly overran and WTIC-\\Vorld Newe Roundup. within-range of Communiat ground gave his. election to that board as. half pay for overtime. ertasa would have to be made this ,.4«;nN e—Bohby Benao^n._ ----- t-umes and the candle-llghtltTg cere-; -City of. Rockvill* and Ur* Town of outflanked the ' yaimtecf French. WTHT __Nfwji; Jot Oiriud Snow, ....W T H T -^ e r fln Agronsky. A L S O guns. his reason for resigning from the The House found th* going a bit Vernon. year if' the parcel service was to WTIC—Just Plain Bill. ’ WONS—Bill Jenkins mony, It ■ endeavora to show , The U. S. goveriment ly)tly pro- Maginot line. WHAT—.testing with Wamp, planning body. He said,he feels tougher than the Senate. Scores Increase the statp'^a -payment -to be kept on a pay-aa-you-go basis. a.is—WTIC—Front Page Farrell. not only the Importance of the his-'. Creme-Oil Heat Wave teated the incldapt to RuSBia, de­ . The postal laws provi(1e that The German Selgfrled line, a > "w h a t —Crosby's Quarter. WKNB—Phil, Hale Show. “appointments should be spread of bills were piled high, on th* towns for schools to 340 per pupil t.:S»—weeu—NAwaa Breakfast Nawi- L-. toric. tonttnunlty of the^chifrch, the ___ R cK. SlO.OOrr-NQVV $6.00, manded -compensation. for - th* similar barrier, failed to atop th*^ , aigg-^tVTTAT—Rand h r - Demand. - rather than multiply under one lii- clerk’s desk. per year in towna'with 750 or more parcel -post rate* may .be' adjusted WDRC—Memory Lane hoy. \ nniveraallty of Christ, and the! J "wanton and unjustifiable attack" Allied advance into Germany in' , WTIC— ftadlo Psitaar. dividuBl.'a They included measures. Intro­ pupils; Tha praaent payment Is 330. •Khar by ICX!! or the Congress. WONS—Wild Bill HIckrwk. Ijbeauty an(i giory of Ihie Christian ' and warned of poaalble grave con- 1944. WTIC—Lighting the While House WTHT—Bob Llovd. Benson has been appointed last duced by Bep- Harry B. Neal (R- Set- -a limit of 31,000 on the AVDRC—News; Shopper* Speelal. 4- maaaaga aa reflected.in the symbol \ CHARMORE BEAUTY SALON aequencea fr*m -the "reckleaa prac­ year to All an’ unexpired tenn on -Thirteen Japan-baaed B-29 Christmas Tree;...... 8:1.5—WCCC—BreskfsenNewsboy. Hamdenl, to double state aid to amount of damages a person can ■' g -45—W D Rt— Curt Maiaey and Martha of light, but to emphasize the; .351 CENTER ST. TEL. MI-9-70i.3 or 9-0820 tice." the school board which erdrd l-'-t recover, f/bm a municipality for Superforts slammed 130 ton* of 8:55—WTHT -John Conte. central theme of Epiphany; name- , towns for road building, and to Runaway Traill Mra. Burton Knopp iboihbs on a Communiat troop and ■ ’ Tilton. ^ „ . WONS—Gabile; Hestfer.\ Before the proteat waa flledyOie Wllliain r . Slover. fall. In his letter, he said he did tnjuriea /Caused by snow or Ice. WTIC—Notes and Quot Kal|th Ilarbron ly, the manifestation of Christ'to i pay,for it by raising the gas tax. supply center near Hamhung, 60 W HAT—News. »:«0—WDRC-News.. • \, Sovieta charged the B-2 9 ,'^ had not want to quit the planning ■They would increase the state WTHT—Frankie w re c—12 Hundren and SOxHIts. all the world. ! Sabotage Hin led Mrs. Burton Knopp will again miles north of Wonsan on the AVK-N'B—.News; The I.IttI' Show. A GIFT WITH EVERY PERMANENT violated the Rualan frontier. They William P. Stover, superintend­ bpard until he was sure of his aid payment from 36,000,000 to this year arrange to have, an at­ ’ scores. W H AY—.Vewf: .Morning Star Review The newly electeil offirer.a' of Aircraft Coiporation In East The story begins with* the ent of Memorial Hoapital, has been election to a full term on the Korean east epaat laat night. WONS—Cecil Brown. News. Haitforil for 25 yea:-*, prior to Fallot Photo. mid two Soviet flghtepa ordered 310,000,000 a year, and Increase tractive wishing well placed on Crewmen said the area waa ripped ■ RreolBg WTHT—Breakfast ('lull. Nutmeg p'oresl. No. llfi. Tall f^e- Nativity tableau and proceeds to appointed chairman of the lor.al Board of Education. Historian Delves WTIC—Theater of Melody Jasnea W ,, l.,ewl* I the American plane land but the gasoline tax from lour to ffve (Continued From Page One) the dance- floor at the State Ar­ by explosiona, probably from ani- a ; ot)_ w D R L—News. which he was In the automobile tha visit by the Shepherds and committee on the Heart Fu'nd for Martin received Banson’s letter / ' ■ ' W TIC—News. WONS—News. ilars of I.rf-banon, with Ralph Har- that the B-29 ope^d fire. The cents per gallon. ' mory for the Gala Charity Ball, munitlon stockpiles. ,8:15—.W DRC- Mus[c_(1JT the Rennnl. ,, biiainesa here for many years, Magi. Appropriate .Scripture read-! the second year in succe^on. (eaterday. WONS—NSW*. . hion as grand Tall Cedar, A. Ed- Soviet planes flred back, the Rua- Adult Prnbatlen Bill / In Variety Acts were not correct. being held Saturday night to ben­ North Korean troops forded the WTHT—News; Joe Glrand. \WONB—.lock Dmvney'e Waxworks. ' .tunlor Deputy' Grand Tffll Cedar ings an(i remarks' serve to intro- ' The drive will be conducted here WK.NB—Ed Swell Show. Mans aaftJ. and the bomber "dis­ A drastic amendment to the bSn "It seems very p I a u s i b I e,” efit the March of Dimes Drive, ice-choked Nam river last night ■WHAT—Sports. \yard Crawford as senior deputy .lames W. Cewis, the- youngest duce the sp'ostles and certain rep- ' through the month of Februaiy. • :1S—WTIC—Strictly Sports. 8:SI>^, \' C C C -N ew s; Market, Basket, appeared in the direction of the on Aual .iob holding was promised Schroeder replied. it was announced today by Attor­ „..,ndg>gr Tall Cedar and .lame.s W. member of Nutmeg Foresl'a offl- Manchester% resentatlve saints. Key bishops snd early-today and Jabbed at ■ • WONS—Patter By Patterson. litis. » Goal of th* American Heart As­ Carbondale. III.—(48)-: A histor­ Tobey is chairman of the Senate b . WK.VB-ltsllsn Hojir. LevWs as junior deputy grand tall cial family, Is with Niles-Bement- who have labored to propagate tea.” Assembly May (xo by East Hartford’s two pem ^atic ney Richard W. Law, chairman of three Allied position* near Kan- /•WHAT—Supper Ssrenadj... I.d'vW m u sociation Is 310,000,000 and the lo­ ian haa delved into the entertain­ Commerce committee, which open­ / WDRC—Jack Zalman: Th' Be- WHATvItsllsn Program. CedaK will conduct the first meet­ P on d In W e st H a rtfo r d . CIhrlst’s Kingdom are portrayed to Yahio Miyaho, 35, aald he and Representatives, John Griffith and arri\ngements for the ball. song on the eastern front. - \VTIC—News; Tour Garden, Dale Book cal quota Is 36,000. Mr. Stover ment in variety houses of the old ed public hearings today in an ef­ ing o f the F o re s t f o r ’49.Y3 M o n ­ Their associate officers w|ll be: bring the story down through 15 other Japanese prisoners saw a George W. Hannon. It 5vpuld pre­ Attorney Eugene Kelly, who is The heaviest Red assault, by tilsI^AVbnC—Guy Lombardo, 9:I.V-WDRCvBing Crosby. announced the drive will be con­ On Four-Day Week west and doean t hUhie onlookers fort to determine the cause of the WHAY—Fahious Trials day night at the Masontc Temple. Chailes P. Flrifilay, scribe; Janies modern times and our own present Russian plane dive at the super- vent any member,of t)*e legisla­ in charge of tickets, announced shout 70 men. wa*. driven off after , WTIC— Weather. . ^ .Saturday, >Ian. 21 ducted, for the most part, by accldfnt.. |;S«-WTIC-Emlle Cote Glee Ctub. 5VTt('—VIrInP H. Lliullahr. G rand T all .C e d a r H a rb ron Is Baker, tieaaurei-.; WUbert Hadden, ■era. j w m r e K fort and "fire furioualy." , ' ture, .from - transaettpif, buslnesr' tor kicking up. * ruckus now and laat-week that ticket# may- ba .40 minutes of riflie and machine^ W K N B -Q uIz Itall. Gala Charity Bail,, benefit Polio mail,' blit the plastic heart cbnTri- More than '.60 persons were" in­ W THT—Scretio XJammell. Ne«',Fv Ttaw president amt' general -mana­ ehlef rangers Ernest Moi-ae, guide;.• Momenta earliex he had seen a . (Continned From Page One) with the state or. actihg as an agent then. bought At his office, 843 Main gun exchanges in n*air-*ero tem­ WONS—News; Music lor America. leiea-'^VYbRC- ArtlTO'r fJMfrey. Drive, State Armbry, At the conclusi'orr, Rev. Alfreci t biition containers will be distrib­ jured in the accident, several of- 5VK.VR—News; Through The Years Alex Duncan, sidbnian: Walter for any Arm doing-' buatneaa with Dr. Harold E. Briggs of South­ street, from other committee peratures. Allied artillery and . 4 i44_\VDRC-News. ger of the Fiber Equipment Cor- Williams, the rector, and people in single engined plane and a four- them critically, when the crack WTIC—Three Star Extra. W TH T—My True .Story, Custer, sentinel; Richard Puter, ■ .fan. 2.8 and 24 uted around town and personal ordei* around the end of next the state during Ws term of office. ern. Illinois University sear6hed members, and "at the following mortar fire hammered tha Red ■WTIC—Welcome TraVelera, poiati'on of .thlg town and has the congregation receive their com­ c o m H T engined aircraft flying side by side. solicitation will also be employed. passenger train s.njaahed through •WTHT—^ o rts . be^n A rofliilont hfie for about 1.3 -piiWlrlty: Charlea Towlea, precep- Center Jhe.spiana pr,eaent "Years month. As did the Sbnatf,. the .House old books, newspapers ind mem­ business places; Jon-Di’s Snack units. * g;j0_W THT—Sports. WHAY—News In Itallsh. mission to perform their Christian The four-engine plane, he said, a stop-block an() broke through the W(tCC-Music. Ago,” Bowers School. , received an ^ u lt probation bill oirs for details in his study. He Bar, 844 Main street; Pine Rexall The Air Foeee said twin-eng^e . «:55—W'ONS—Bill Jenkins Sho^. yeara. A native of Mancheat<*r. tor; John. Fox, projacta; William duty as missionaries. AH this Is 1 . falterdd and began to lose altitu(le, Adjourn June 8 floor of the station's concourse. Jjgtl—WO.NS—Fulton Lewis, jr . 18:1.5 WDIIC—Arfluir Godfrey, Wednesday, Jan. 2* dsecribed the U. S. plane* as Under the constitution, the and a aieasur* extending the serv­ reports: .. Pharmacy, »Center street; Fair- B-26 bombers. boVnl^ Red front WHAY— Ilallsii Music. \ Senior Deputy Orand Tall Cedar, 1 Haa.aer, band leader: , William dramatized by membera ol St. leaving a trail of smoke. It disap­ H. W. Brower of PhilsdeljJhla. WTIC—I Was a Communist for the Polio Jamboree, St.- James’ ices of the Btatef Parole Board and “ One of the hardest problems of field Grocery, Hartford road, and line pbsitions and blasted Com­ 18:2.5— W T H T — W hisperin g SI reels. A. Kdward Crawford, ia a member ^ Fnrbea. Daniel Hair and John Fox Mary's YPF. • peared behind a hill. “paper tigers .. so fragile they legislature must adjourn on June the, engineer of the Ill-fated train,, K B I JH.-iTftrr.WDBC-y’Artbur Goolreyi. . \ §tbopl4;.8 p.IJlvv. ______. .would, succumb, to .ground Are." Connectimit Prison Association tc any manager: yv** -that of . main-, the North End ' Pharmacy, Depot munist rail faciUties near Baritvon. ■ ‘ ■WDRC^Bemsh. ’-' ■ ; a family that haa^dongr b©«n=-i truatetea.; an;hteis of Isabella, American duces to 50 pfcr cent, and the other sented. were no doubt as good as would have happened, alnce he W TIC—StiHke It Rich. China is beating Its propaganda the Eisenhower inaugi ration yes-' WONS—-Bert Btchrsch' Aten's Cor- As Fxpert Shooter '74, retired dentist who doubled for Iy'gioK,^Home,. 9 p. m, OLD COMPANY LEHIGH COAL ism." \ to 40 per cent, the minimum num­ many offered in burleaqu* oi- but he said the train was going Ia(;ked braking power. If he had W s and rail facilities. • • / WTIIT-rf-ol2<^ Journry. drums over the loss of two U. S. terday, and with Lieut. Gov. Fi(i- T)ie Peiping Radio said som a^f I rer. _ W D n r—Arthtii Godfrey, ' ‘ Franklin D. Roosevf>lt as'model for Friday, Feb. 27 ber of voters who mtmt take part vaudeville. But, in general, these 40 anyway." And he added that, thrown the electric engine into re­ *0 WTIC—One Man's Family. , London's be.st known statue of the IN C O M E T A X military planes in the Formosa ward N. Allen In New York. Sen­ without atr to apply his brakes, th* tunnel* dug across the 195- * ;»— WDRC — FBI In Pei W H A Y-“ ItAllAr» Frnrr«iii. MasonhcBall at Ma.sonic Temple. DI8COURTE8T BI.AMED in a referendum to make the result variety theater* weia found more verse. II:IA—WTHT—Wf the Women. ,The„ ExpeH Rifleman Medal, late Prej»ident...Died M onday...... Have your , taxes r.omputed .or -This, -best of hard, coals,-.will provide--.'’ou tvith maxi­ . strait Sunday, boasting they, “were ate president pro tern Oscar Peter­ ha . felt as. .though. he was ..going' . did," Brow** replied.-J.Tt - mils batUe front were large enough ...... -.War...... Saftmla.5', Feb; 2* ...... son, Jrl, (R-Slratfbrd) was/acting binding. -The present -minimum; I* worthy- of condemnation than of W TH T—Postmarked U.S.A. sgcond -highest \awai'd in Junior Brookline, Ma.ss. Misa Lucille checked by a qualified tax ac- no match for China's strong anti­ New York :-Trt®^-r-At leaaL26,000 61 per cent., praise." . faster all the time. didn't do no good." to hold hundreds of soldiers.- W TIC—Walk a Mile. WDIK!—GrAnd SJairt. Annual laVlies' night, British- mum heatinsr comfort per ton. Let ug kchp your bin fijied: -governor. ' / r - WTTC-rBol. end Eaves, 84, professor emeritus of coiintHot. Cali Mitchell S-5416 aircraft defi'hsos." traffle accident fatalities result an­ ■ A plan to Sid persons-stricken The train blared a warning that Brower waa not aboard when Peiping said Red soldiers "oven 5VHAT—Cavalcade of Music. shooting. ha.5vgonVto Edwin Wal- Ainerii-an Club. In Allen's absence, ahd with WONS—ionicdv Theater of the Hour WON.9—Quprn Day. _ , . . .. . i oeonoiiiiis .re.v>nri-li. at Siniinoii.s for appointment or stop in at 5vi(h this quality coal. - The pro-Nationallst Hong Kong nually In the United Statea from with "catastrophic lllncse." orig­ CAIRO TO CELEBRATE the express was nut of control, en­ the train left Boston. He did not see film* In th* tunneU.” only a " 1:58—WDRC—Dr. Chrtallan. ' WHAY- -Brrlo Projfram. ter Reirliard, 17, Sop^ of Mr. *nd ‘ Born in Leavenworth, Peterson accupylng th(S governor's few hundred yards from Allied WTHT—Break Bank. rjS.IMMI FIRE AT FARM ‘241 Main Street. Available at newspaper Sing Tao Jih Pao quot- acta of. discourtesy on the road, inally proposed by former Gov. abling persona In its path to flee. take over the controls until it • WTIC—The Gre»t Glldcrsleeve. •Mrs. Tlieodore Walte'r Relelytrd, | Kas. i ;fHce;--3en. Lyman ■ Hall—( R-Ber- ...... w jiA T -siA r.d . forC rim e,______A V rer—aVewat Muflir’ .your convenience. ~ ied" CbmmunFt" Chinese papers' ss says’ a report by the GV-eater New ChesteF Bowles.' wa's'embodied hi Caifb, EgypfC, Jan. 21^/Pl— ■■■ The Senate Cbmihitlee’s inquiry piiTIed’mit of New'York. ' ■Jtni*...... ■'"v------:------r " " .hi- '' AVK Nft - ■MuJdr “Fmm 'O ut nf t he • \Vmt .. ..Washing ton,, Jan. 21—Vf’t—-Dam- IJUI)(;r:T IL\V.MENTS ARRAM^ . Un( served as that chamber'* pre­ g !44_WHAY—Bob Crosby Show. ■■149 MVirdle Ylirnpike eH.st.-,i.he"Na- I saying ground troops on Namoa York Safety Council. a bill introduced by Rep. AlCred A Cairo will pull out all the' stops is one of several investigations The name ol the engineer who WTHT—Valentino. IhlffV W H A Y Pot Pmjrri. lional Rifle Association ha,s an­ HITFF HAII «> IKK I2.'>,000 was siding officer. He was accorded undertaken to determine 'the fixed the brakes at Kingston was VENERABLE PATBIABOI - 11: i5-H\'Dnr—noaemary., tj X 1 I *^'*^**1* 8J- lauaed to a bkrfvon the dairy farm Island shot down two American Among the most^frequent viola­ Toscano (D-New Haven). It pro­ Friday In celebrating "Liberation |:88- years of .shocking' yming I |;^qn.CrP*mon^_SynCpian^Rhep con- ,|„y ^y a fire of tmdctciniined U. S. Pacific fleet headquarters disregard of speed limits, passing last week. such Illness will not ha> e to pay since Premier MaJ. Gen. Mohamed th* Interstate Commerce Commis­ immediately. WTHT—Western Roumtup. Afteraonn Cohen told reporters' that the in­ (A*)—Cedeon Cliche, 82-y*ar-rtd V Reichard his rl.sen through 13 gratulated Pre.sideht Elsenhower origin.' Acting Fire Chief Robert LAND SURVEYING A G. E. WILLIS at Pearl Harbor said a Neptune other cars on hills on curves, hog­ more than 10 per cent of his l:i- Naguib camj to power in an army sion (ICC) is set for Jan. 26. To- T(ibey observed that the rail­ 1} ^ ; rJVHAY—News; Night Watch. 2:00- • WClH.'XLiUni’neoD Mualrale, lower rankings to achieve the today on his inauguration. Rhee troduction of administration bills come for treatment, the br, tance to coup which overthrew King Fa- bey led members of the Senate roads were going to have to install widower, has 262 deaccndlMita, ffi-. .*:S»—5VDRC—'Vhal's .My Line. \VTIC—Newa\ Weal her. ^ .1. Benhsm, .Ir.i said the loss in- patrol plane was shot down by ging the road, failing to dim head­ ll WONSr-Snngs of Our Time. expert rifleman medal. With one i called It 'The dawn of a new era Edward L. Davit, Jr. — measures designed to implement be pai(i by the state. , rbuk. The feativUlea will continue committee to the station shortly the finest electronic safety device* eluding the fifth generation. Th* h - W Dnf'—Wendyv Warren. ’cliidrd 40 tons of hay and con­ Communist ground lire. A U. S. lights for approaching cars, and father of 12. he ha* 101 grand-nWl- '• W THT—Cross ftre. WllAY-rtaMan Xolrt*. % more awar(l, he will be .-lasaifled j international justice for all." ... and SON, Inc. Coa.st Guard Mariner crashed while refusing to wait for pedestrians platform pledges and recommenda­ A bill calling for a two-step raise until Monday, JSn. 26, the anniver­ after the wreck for an on-the-spot to meet such emergencies as con­ WTIC—Big Story. \VONf4—(’urt Maar«^' Time. siderable milk bottling cqiiiphientl Registered' laind Siirx'eyor for state employes carried a 310.* fronted Brower when hia train dren, 148 great-grandchildren ■ 18:88—The Lineup. • as a distinguished rifleman, along j '’Your inauguration,” Rhee,skid attemptin.g to rescue the survivors. crossing the street at the moment tions made by the governor in his sary of lust year’s blo(«ly riots and inspection.. , W TH T—Jai k Bert K\Shriw. Foity dairy cow.s were led to safe- 1.4 Proctor Road. Manchester 600,000 appropriation, 38.500.000 'm-->b-aet conflagrations. went out of coiTtro). one graat-great-grandchild. \ WONS—Frank Edwardf. ___ ' ....AVJCXB-.-rXcw»-:-2MuvikT.Uuc___ .Lwilh other.. top juntnr. shooters of . !.n A .(".f'Ynffe, "w«;^hot only^'b (lay :ty and housetl in - the barns ' of 2 .MAIN ST., TEL. .MI-.‘1-5125 The newspaper said the Red? the traffic light turns. opening address to the legislature 1 Sen. Tobey commended Brower "’^W TH T—Jobh'DaljA ------”" WONS— H. R R^khage. ' tho nation. - ccjotclng to the peoplwoT Amer- ■ TEU MITCHELL S-7019 J-/ li.'i WTIC—Bob Hope. WTIC .Medley Tiinr. \ . . . , ,, u . n. u ' lea. but -also to (he tree nations neighbors for the night. i WHAY'—News: Night Watch. WDBC—-Aunt .lennie'a StWiea. A senior at Manchester High ^ strufrglln^ ------7 ------10:15—WONS—Music Lover's Hour. W K N B - Perr.v Cornn SlioV 4 WTHT—Concert Hour W TH T—IjiinrheoH Mij.eir. School, young Rdchard Is a mem- InleWatIphal aggresslon." K 10:30—WDRC—News; Music. WHAA’ —C«en»ma Oil Prog ram.'' ber of that schools junior Rifle | meetings with . WTIC—John Cameron Swayze; Dsn- t3:25-*I..fH iU New a. • fTirh. His instructor Is Gllhert B I Eisenhower,/ineduding one. long I ■ • gerous Assignment. 12:30 -W DRC— Romance of 'Hunt. • 10:45-W H A Y —News, Trent. private tajk:^ when he general visit­ 1 1 :08—News on all stationi. WTIC - Morjorle Mlllr. ed Korea in Dacember. : 11:85—5VJ3RC—News. • w rC C —Newa. • WHAT—Nile Watch. W4IAY—I aR»>aa Program. I 11:15— W TH T — Late Bob B. Lloyd WONS—The Women a Page. \eaUi8 Last Night Jan. 21 (/D Emp(*ror I Show, W TH T—.Jewa. j'ohlto tod.a.y ,aent congratula­ BEST WISHES W ONS'-Mldr.lght M«tlnee< WKNB—Man on the Street. tions th President Et'aenhwer on Of The Completely kenorated 5VHAT—Nigh, Watch, «:4 .K W D R C -d u r Gal Sunday .Ry..: .ASSOCLATEO' I 'R E ^ ! • w n r —-NhW*;------1 ' w rro: -Mrifc f^irMiiady;...•------hlrtflaugurattonfi ' ' ....." I WONS—Jack'i Waxwork*. W TH T— We. the Wom>n. « ' .Spri Ma.ss. ('ol. lArtnus and congratulations to Jomos WDRC—You and the World. W KNB—Thp P.ntteea. H. Holt, (retircil) fornief dean ROnV FOUND 11 ;ri_ WDRC—Public Sermce Pro­ 1:00—W OnO—Newa. of West t who taught al4he Morionos, Sr., and JoK|i and gram. WTDT* Paul IUr\ey. Torringlon, Jan. 24 '/Pi Miss­ ; 11:80—W DRC—Symphony Hall. Arn5y school COhfi ^910 to 1928. u i n WC’C^— Mamhe.*ter Matinee. ing since Dec. 10. the body of AI- Jomas, Jr., pn tha epaning of W TIC—To Be Announcet.'. WTlQ.~Nrwa. riati-het. iiKh .Sir Eu.slace phonae V. Weber. 56, ■of Torring- 12:08—YVDRC—.New*. The Patteea. Piilhrook, 71, tier (liairinan W TfC—News, Music. Newa. ton, was ffltind hanging from a thair wondarful. naw Throa Tha’r*dav Morning WHAY Newe. Lloyds, and a.asochGed \('Uli lh elj,.^ j |„ ^ ^xioded area near his > 8:88—WTIC—Frank Atwood. Iil5 W'DRc -M a Perkina. vorld famous assoevatinn of in- - nnme her* yesterday. Medical ” J"s Rastouront. !, t' DP.C—Farm Program. W TH T—.Show .TmtM.*«. ' •«;I5—WDPiC—Hynir Time. W O N S-Ynnkeee Kootl Slmw .60 ■ Examiner Jack Bllnkoff said Web-, ■ 8:25—WTIC—News. WTIC* - Roaa. The Muairal .Miller, * years. ^ \ coVnmitted suicide by hanging. . 6;38—WONS—Bill .Isnkins Show. W IfAY Petty Ktrnhall. New York Nila Mach, pro- | Weher is sury|\’ed by his mother, RESTAURANT FIXTURES ; WDRC—Y'aw'n Patrol, 1:30 WDR(V—V.otinu Dr. Malone, BRAND NEW 1952 tlucei- of. "Let's Pretend" \raihoj Mrs. Rose W’eher: three sisters, all f YVTIC— Weather: Frank Aiwood. w o r e —New.«: 5faTnlie.«|er Mallrea. DESIGNED AND BUILT BY YVCCC—Newsreel. W’ KNB--raravAii of Mtialr. show for rhildien which won iltany ■ of Torringtnn. and two brothers, I YVHAY—Cup of Coffee Club. 1:45 -WDUO—tlmditm l.ight. swards' .since it was started Frederick, and Henry Weber of M O D E R N / : W TH T—Music, News. WON5J—.hfat .lenkln.a. 19.10, and a former actress ortsi Miami. Fla. , , 8:1.5— W TIIT—Moj-ning Devotions. WTIC- Cotton Bowl Game.. refrigerators STORE FIXTURE C O . THf MORIANOS YtTOTB—N e w s ,...... 2:00 -W D ftC —sSfcQDd Mra. Burton 1 4:5.5—WONS—Fjirlv Edition. wrrr^Muiir. 'PROVIDENCE. R. 1. ' JAMES. SILv JOHN. JAMES. ' .55'TIC—News. W ONS—^rohnertlcu*. • Ranrooni. t:88—W THT—Breakfast with Ben. W T H T --N ew s; Top Kft Tlmip; • ELECTRIC RANGES , WTIC—Boh Steels; Weather. Rmrea FORMERLY ANDERSON'S ICE CREAM BAR I WDRC—Newstime 'W K N B NVwa; Cai avail of Mualr. I 5VHAT—Ylorning Watch. WTH* The Doctor s Wife. IV A R B. scon I WCCC—Good .Morning. Good Music. DEfF FREEZE CABINETS 2:15—W n R ('— Perry Maaon. Have You Visited Our CARPBNTRT ' 5VKNB—Poldnla NYTTC—Clnd'erelia M>ek-end. ROUTE 6 and 44A, BOLTON I M^N'S— Weather: News: Bill Jen- WHAY Save A Life. • kins. 2:2.>—WONS—X-ewa. SWASHERS 2:.10—W(*C('—Newa. Mualr. WTHT —It Happena Kvery Day; Modern Plumbing WILLIa M DICKSON " ’ ... Scorra. . WON.S -IMuli Slone Show. 4 SON • WDRG- ^^»ra T>iake,. 2;4,’»' w njlC -*-B rirh!rr Day, / PAIN’nNO wnnC—Nora Drake. NATIONALLY WONS—('ohn. Ballroom. P. M. W’TIC—Mld-Afleriiooii Newa;, In- 4 :8 0 -K sI* Smith. ' aide Newa fron Hollywood. JOiiNSON BROTHERS I 8 ;00.-Shijrt Snort Dram*. WHAY- 910 Ghih. ADVERTjSED BRANDS J\ 8:15—51cct The Stars. ' 3:(H» -W DHG- Hilllop Houae. El Idcttrical w o r k . 8 :.20—Howdy ■ Dondy. WCCC-M.u.alr. : * on Moment.* of Comfort. W(")NS--.1 ark Dfiwnev'a Mualc Shop. 8 1.'.-Vsncly Club. WTHT- Newa: Tup Hit Thnrt . , P44ILCO, LEONARD (A Kaivinator Product) 6:3il—Sporl.icopo. W TIC—LIfn Can Re Beautiful. > 8:40—\\ exther Forecut*. WHAY .Newa; 910 ('luh. 1 iiiv4 ‘i‘«»al MANCHESTER . 6-4.5—tVorld Newt ToCsy. 3:15—W D R (' -Houae Party. FLORENCE. BENDIX t 7;O0—Csyslcedc of Ameflc*.- WTIC—Road o< Life. PROVISION CO. 7:30—Connsfticut Spotlight. 3:30— vVCCC—Newa; MualrJ ■ I t l l l M l I P ■ 7:4.5—Camel News (jsrsvtn, W TH T—Seorea; Top Hit Time. ' 5:00—Arthur Godfrey, W TIC—Pepper Younga KainMy. . 9 0o_strlke If Hich. WHAY- Save A Life Program. 9 PlJunclothMmtn. 3;4e—WCCC—.lurjlor Dl.«r .Joikey. CONNOR BROTHERS ^ . 10 On-Roxlnr.- ^ WDRC—Carl Smith; Aunf Jemima, \C0M E TO BENSON’S II 4 rTFORD—KITCHEN SUPPLIES. 10:-45—sSpDrt Spot. WTIC-^The Right To Hapnlneaa. COMPLETE 11:0*V—.CoRi^«.V Hourr 4:00— WDRC— It Happena18 ‘'EviEveryday, ' 12.0a-N>wi. WTHT—<'al Tinney. • , Tomorrow WrCC—MiiPir. LINE OF MODEM I a: ‘m. WHAY- Newa. 1 ^ MODERN STORE _ • CONNECTICUT , 7:00—T o d i^ , ’\YTJC.-B«ci(*ta« .VVJIs. ,; - 9:firtLText 'ysltfrh irta; Mulile.'" BATHRMM BEEF COMPANY ‘ 9:45—Morplnip 4 ■ 10 0(V-Dinff D o rr Sohnol^ BUY WITH dpNFIDENCE WHERE SERVICE. —Window ^opp^r, FIXTURES 1853.. Mo«leta-.»t* .rolling from fli*' fadorj-.-itanv, To- make room In. ■ . IS NOT^N m m O M ISE! 'hurry 5VP are offfHng tbcN* 10.5'i, one-qf-a-klnd applinncea (Kj'cry VIEW OF THREE >’J'’i SPACIOUS DINING AREA 2 ?itnke.li ntrh. .onen.real,value.!) ". .. ., ' ' ■ -j-a-..:- GEO. H. WILLIAMS V W# -LWo lo; ' • - BA N TLY ■ ' Lnyp of Gohroniztfd, Brass and Capper Pipa; olsd Sronm " - ASSO^ATES:'.— ^^^^^^^^ ■ 12 30:—Scaffh lor T'lmorrow. I ■ •CHINA.' ■ .• 1?:4.*» Nxttry^r KitrhfTT, • PIpa always in stoch. Pipg cut emd Hiroadod t o do- " LEONARD 'Yxr7:rHai»-T-QOTjrTMnorg-:cr---:-r:rr O IL CO. LEONARD BENDIX 2.00— \N liorl of Fortune, sirod sizas. 'Aulomatic It'O i. Ft. Refrigerator. 1 1. Cu, Ft. Refrlg.’ ralor _ t rthil-o-.Miitlr tVasher— No rriimltltig t ;:..3o_,Gtii(tjng Ughi, T e l . m i-9-4595 I 2.4e>—MId-Aftrnioon N>wi. CHARTER OAK 1 .1 0i>—Bic PryDff. or MI-9-4596 Rag. List Prica ^$4f24.9S Rag. List Prica $382.50 Rag. List frica $199.95 ' 3 30—^^>^rnrT^r Tp»v^l»*ri. FOUNTAIN SUPPLY CO. f 4;00--Kate Smith. Ail kinds'of sbaa Ymatal work dona that con SALE PRICE $324.95 SALE PRICE $299.50 SALE PRICE $Vj5Y.95 RANBE^ANB^HFUEL b# handlod in our shop ' ' ■ i # ■' ...... 4 *' GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO LEFT ABOVE:— View nf the’ (lining area of Ihe new Three "J"« R e «U u w t with It* OIL DISTRIBUTORS . s a v e ■paciou* and comfortable booth*, eleven In all. Including two corner Ubie* seating s a v e $100 SAVE $83 $40 . INSURANCE 'eight. . ED’S SIGN CO. 333 Main Stroat Guttars and downspouts mod# to ordor MANY MORE MODELS NOT LISTED AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! , IJiFT BEIAIW:—One of the moot popular »poi» In the new 'ITiree "J” * I* the foun­ • Commercial I.etlpring M c Ki n n e y b r o t h e r s ^ in c . tain fbr quick nAarks, dcllcloii* Icc cream, made on the premise*, and a good cup or coffee for which tha Morianoe have always been famous. Silk »TWn PrnbFsa Printing Yolvas o f oH typos ond rodiotor air volvos INSURANCE • Neon Servke Stoom pipo covoring PH ILCO V PHILCO PHILCO 24 Hour 9 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator ' 40" Electric Range Deep Freeze Cabinet— 13 Cu. Ft. Size THOMAS J . CROCKEYi ED TOMGSeVK Ambu ance Rag. M»t PHca $259.95 List Prica $209.95 Rag. List Prica $399.95 INSURANCE Manchester Ml-S-B'JG* Now shipmont 3 ft. to '8 ft. stoploddote, * DRIVE OUT TOMORROW! p 1 SAlE PRICE $199.95 ' SALE PRICE $149.95 SALE PRICE $319.95 i: i Service t - DART'S DAIRY Whether It’s for lancheon, n Knack at ouc fountain or a full'cqurac dinner, we’re ii ______------r , Shoo skotos shorponod nhre yon’H ha nlghCy plchaed with Three "J"s food, service and price*. And SAVE $60 SAVE $60 SAVE $80 you’ll Mke, too’, the clean, pleasant surroondlngs— the result of our wimpleto ' it. ! N O TIC E job of renovating. Com* oat—and bring the family! ■* BRYANT & CHAPMAN >Ve have colinbineid ali our - ■ f ' operations at

.■ f ( 5,-CO ' ■ A' (7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARV^21, 1953 PAGE NlNETEBji^ rjlG E EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1953 low heat until thickened. Stir In Use warm, not hot iron. When BY FONTAINE FOX PUNNY^BUSINESS ^ BY HERSHBERGER CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER lemon Juice; drain mushroome and finished,, beat out steam left In I^ONKRYILLE FOLKS add. (Relerve muahroom liquid to garment. Sense^and Nonsense add ta aoup or gravy anexther day.) PRESCRIPTIONS Add salt to taste and pepper. This Clean artificial flowera by ahak- ’CAREFULLY OOMPObl^jiii <^HAKDMA WoRTUE Bargains will make a medium-thick sauce; Ing them in a paper bag with a cup 69NTROt4 rfoNcY IH THK. Fa m il y If yoit- tlke .lt a little'thinner,'stir- o4 commeah • ArtiHir DragrlM^i B» cartful how you Uvo. You you’re 'trudging aaema. all up h ill;' in 2' tablespoons of the-mushroom' may bo tba only Biblo lomo poopU when the funds are low and the Listed by liquid. Reheat gently, stirring Save On Toileiriea! road. debts are high and you want to carefully only a few times so as If you'd like to make a aaving on not to break up lobster and make SHAMPOOS, HAND IDTIONS, smile but you have to aigh : when AND SHAVING NEEDS, you’ll find "HappincM la a perfume you cares are pressing you down a bit, It stringy. Serve, garnished with cannot pour on others without fet- toast 'points, and sprinkled with real opportunity at the PINE rest if you mutt, but don’t quit. paprika. Makes 4 to A servings. PHARMACY, 664 Center Street. At Unf a few drops on yourself." Life ia queer with its twiate and an anniveraary bargain. Laco of- turns as every one of ue eome- Body*Lotlon Reduced i Half-Price Wallpaper fera two bottlea of genuine Caatilie We’ve had a nfehk at 'the lt|J53 timea learns and many a failure Bargains In Work Clothes M«kii It Frofn.-A Yard Points In Floor Covering Anyone who combines a limited ahampob at $.69 - a regular $.98 turns about when he might have .The NEW COTY BODY IjOTION 1 A K/lpment of Beauty Value-conscious wives will send There are vital "points" to be merchandising^dUendar, and have la being Introduced locally for only ■ budget with a need for new w all-, value. Two bottlea of Fitch sham- oh if he’d ituck it out. their husbands to the MONTG03I- chocked In the purchase of a floor- pape'r should visit the McGILI.- pdb valuea at $1.18, are $.59. Hand noted with M ^e'alarm , that there fl.OO. plus tax, at the 'WELDON ERY WARD COMPANY In a hurry covering that will maintain good are tl wesxs this wear. Few of r Don’t give up, though the pace DRUG COMPANY. Lovely, fra-! CONVERSE COMPANY, 645 Main 1oti(otion bargains include Cashmere seems slow; you may succeed with to take advantage of the LOW- looks and livability In one's kitch­ Street, where there is .a HALF- Bouquet, with lanolin, in a dis­ them, w ^ s s te n to add', will alter grant, nice to use with the-simple PRICED WORK CLOTHES now en, bathroom, play room, or other our 1908 plana in the eUghteet; but another blow; success Is failure dispenser too, the lotion will cost. PRICE SALE ON DIStXIN’nNUKD penser; Frostilla with a amall bot­ available. Work pants - of heavy ^ots. Msdn ptrints are-styling, eol-^ WALIDAPERS. Any rdoin fh the tle aa a g;lft wrtH'lhe're|^rar''afZe: - j h ere v w one of two which seem turned inside but, and silver tints only 11.00, plus tax during Janu- army twill with zipper are only or harmony, durability in accord­ raUier Intriguing. "Let’s' Go Fish­ the duds of doubt. You never esm house can be yery attractively ac­ and Woodbury’s at half price. A tell how close'you are; It mky be *ry. _____ $2.98 in tan, bark tan or gray, in ance With the use of the room, and commodated with fresh good looks $1.98 value for $.98 ia Pond's Ckild ing" Week holds some promise, we sizes' 30 to 44. Shirts to match of very essenUal — an installation Cream, plus Angel face powder. think, of it doesn't coincide arith near when It seems ao far. So Lean fish such as cod, fluonder,' that will give lasting satisfaction.. as to paper. There'6 a nice' choice stick to the fight when.; you’re 6-ounce army, tvidll, sizes 14^ to of Styjes and colnf', as well as de­ To meet masculine needs, there our vacation; "It’s Watch Inspec­ haddock, and perch are beat for! 17, are $2.49. Here's a trim,- in­ At the MANCHESTER FLOOR sign anfl type.,.^ Stop in for a look- are: a free tube of Gillette shaving tion Time" Week should appeal to hardest hit; It's when thlnga seem cooking in water because they are expensive answer to the problem of COVRRmO COMPANY. 721 Main hardest that you mustn’t quit. on the firm side after cooking. you'll not balnade to feel'any obli­ cream with each purchase or IM clock a-atchers; . and "Sweater” respectable appearance in spite of Street, everg point gets high rating. gation. ^ Blue Bladea in a dispenser;. Stag's Week;-should bulge- with poealbili' dirty Jobs. ■ . Their stock of the finest UNO- \ ------■» "Parlay" after-shave lotion and tlea. My wife’s brother, John B. Kin­ New For Serving LEVM8, 'ASPHALT TUD. PLAS­ Serve'liver and other variety deodorant at $.98 instead of the caid, was bom when his father, For aigift that is both thoroughly Silver Patterns Open TIC. and RUBBER COVERING* meats often In family menus be­ regular $1.48; Kreml hair tonic and P tV t t P The on time when clock watch- William Kincaid, was 72 years old- elegant and modest in price If you’vS been unable lb get de­ haa been’ given special attention cause they are so rich in vitamins cream dressing, a $.90 value for Dots -your watdi Ing ie a gi habit is early in the William was bom when his (whether to onesdf of to another), sired pieces of silver in your pat- for Milting design and color to and minerals and have auch high- $.59. morning. father, the first John Kincaid, was there are brand new CRY8TAI. |tern, now is the time to fill in.'vThe decorative schemes of various' pe­ quality protein. mod QI1IN67 1 . 72 years old. "Thus there was 144 ANb STERLING DISHES on dis­ DEWEY - RICHMAN COMP^ANY, riod styles. One can get expert ad­ Many cooks like to rinse awsy play at MATHER’S AT THE CEN­ 1767 Main Street, is taking qrdera vice on the best type of icovering the oil from canned tuna fish be­ If yewr watch hasn't bMM ^ 1 - Doh;^t Quit years, between birth of grand­ TER. Sterling and crystal- com­ I for INACTIVE SILVER PAT­ for a givM room and for.a definite “Spring" In Dresses, Skirts When things go wrong, as they father and grandson. There’s a delightful aspect of fore s(Jdlng the fish to a salad or cl«on«|I or oHmI for a yoor bine in a cheese dish with Sterling TERNS made by Gorham. Wallace budget, llieir technical skill at in­ cream sauce. Others' like to use sometimes will: \when the road —'A. ^f. Wilson( Albla, Iowa server and In a lemon dish with and International. Place settings stallation ki excepUonal. spring In the NEW DRESSES AND or so, how con you oxpod “Swell idee for wintry days, ah, Joa?" SKIRTS now shown at the MONT­ the pit in the salad or as* part of fork, each at $6.10. A dual-pur­ or serving pieces may be order^ GOMERY WARD COMPANY. the shortening in making toe it lo kMp occuroto Hmof DAH.Y CROSSWORD PUZZLE pose prize is a pair of compotes of in styles no longer regularly man­ Ndotar Crisp Pudding .^Dresses are smart in spring colors cream sauce. crystal set in Sterling, which may ufactured—"Antique’’ and ‘ Wash­ Ingredients: 2-3 cup sifted all Oor FAiE INSFECnON BY J. R. WILLUMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE be unscrewed to form two sliver - from soft pastels to spring blues lOTOURW AY ^ .X l X ington" are among them. purpose flour, 1-4 teaspoon salt, —and in spring fabrics,,auch as Fortunately, when orange, grape­ will B'va yo4i o choneo to candlesticks — and the pair is 2-3 cup brown sugar (packed), *.i ,PW T C A «e' 0A«4 it all, burke/ tfOPT. ^ WOOLOHT 6AW VtHl WAS f Antwar to Pravioua Putxia , priced at only, $8.64j..lnciuding tax. polished cottons and linen-weaves fruit and tomato Juice .gre, canneci, SM whot shop* yioMr w«l«h;; wHumft ao X LUXUAIOOS LNll4a ^ tU JA PURS LARD, MA30R, BUT ^ ' . RenananU Save Meaey------eup fin# dry bread- erums; 1 cup of, cotton. Becoming styles are en­ iUmost all of their vitamin C is ABOUT TH *rt A \ IN'"' isw triC W Vegeltiblt Kingwin UCIU UINII V 9 You can have lovely chair cov­ crisp cereal flakes, 1-8 cup butter is reorty in. UTTLE MONKEVIM’- / I'M NOT t o H M e DULLEO MV « tam< you DON'T REMIND A A » ^ a a u X Tn A few drops of Tabasco sauce hanced by nice details.In trimming. protected. We need to have adequ­ WHV, 1 WA& ALMOST HAVE )NA/>^ NedER BBPORB O P HO MR. AMERICA ' “ You’ll find it a IM aaalAr Mp’that 'diiit'aflar th« doctor j'TinIt Ia 1 n erings. sofa 'upholstering, pillows, or margarine, 114 cups apricot Prices are a modest $5.98, $9.96, ate amounts of vitamin C (ascorbic Elgin Watch OwfMri) Got c a u u 1 adds pep to onion aoup. To make bags, chair seats, table covers and nectar, 1-4 cup sugar, 3 table­ and $12.98 — for dresses that need TO SOHOOL.' THIS HAVE X 6 C 6 M FELLED B Y EITHER/— X FOB&OT i •ondt hi* Mr*. Mag**!” ■OKBONTAlr ▼BKTIC, □ t f the soup itself add sauteed sliced other niceties at relatively small arid)'daily since ouf bodlies do not tho oxciusivo DuroPewor M> HOtefftBLE. A LiaK T BLOVJ IH A FRlEHDL/ MV5ELF FOR A MINUTE, H a u onions to a good beef stock. spoons-comatarch, few graine salt, not be ashamed in any company. store it. , LITTLE ^P A R R Ih ie M A T D ti' T ^ l > ^ AN',THAT PDNCW IGrean 1 Red vegatah QOU UIt u u cost with the UPHOLSTERY REM­ 1 egg, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice, Separate skirt fashion gets smart Mainspring—Buorontiqsl 9 NANTS OF CHENEY FABRICS— . BE FRANK. OLD CHAP* BY GALBRAITH vegetable 3 Gaelic a a 'i- ■ 7 m 1-4 teaspoon grsted lemon rind. attention in the new emboMed or Smart Barrettes to novor brook—pvt ia SIDE GLANCES SC o^le a n : m, O9 z Cabinet Sinks—Del-uxe < brocades, brocatelles, cottons, ray- Method; Stir flour, 1-4 teaspoon "polished" cottons, in rayons and lOppoaed U C30 H¥ 4 I Modernize' your kitchen with a .-.V- -ona and others— which .com* - in For any girl (of any age) whose your watch now, - - * Large piece of 4 Requires salt, brown sugar, 'crumbs, and in- other fabrics - featuring flared; )iatr,Btyirhg calls' for ii barrette, woo<(y plent r a a u Pl» handsome and convenient 4sluxe one to six-yard lengths or samples cefeal together; rut In butter or latted, box-slim or dirnw styles. there's a charming gift in the 5 Pod vegetable 1 1 2 1 CABINET SINK with a/beautiful approximately 27" x 54” at the margarine until crumbly. Spread Solid colors, tiny checks or plaids A D R A F T . of vegeteble Sr f s 5 mother-of-pearl Formica'top, which SMARTLY STYLED BARRETTES 6 Attack uIa T 1 ^ 3 3 . CHENEY BROTHERS REMNANT about two-thirds of mixture in promise to "go with everything." to be found at MATHER’S AT THE HORSE/, kingdom .. ' 7 Roman road I I IC m n k la a “Grade A -special’’ at $139.'S0 SALESROOM. X Big pockets are a nice feature in F . E . BRAY 12 See eegiee 9 miT ■ R (regularly $175.95) at BENSON'S You will iQve the rich beauty bottom of grbased 8-Inch round CENTER. Barrettes in Sterling sil- . SRapoaes this wall panel adds to your home. Neat as a pin and so practical baking dish. Heat nectar. Mix many, ' Prices range from $2.98 to ver are priced from $1.83 up, from 13 Itallen city ' Stand interasL INCORPORATED, 1085 Main Eggs on Toast with Ram Sauee about the. kitchen—bib styK apron $6.95, 14 AustraUeii 3SArrew^Uon 43 Entertain Street. It is simply done with easy sugar, cornstarch and fei(ir grains simple bars to intricate designs. MANCHESTER'S OLOBSV 10 Leave out .stitches and colorful embroidery Ingredients: 4 eggs, 2- table­ tjiat takes Just one yard of fabric salt thoroughly together and stir For especial elegance there are ostrich 11 Mouth parts 26FUth \ 45 Cut- spoons butter or margarine, 3 ta­ In the smaller sizes; If you like, You can steam-press wool even ESTABLISHED JEWELEH' ISEkuymes 25 Cloyed \ 46Stnmgcord • Use adhesive tape to mend rips floss. into nectar. Cook and stlr||Until real marpaalte hair-holders with a IS Harvest^ blespoons flour, 2 cups milk, lUM>M.' into both antique and modem fur­ printed in this l-s-sue. 25 cents. If there ia a gentleman on yoiir WK/ MOWERS GET ORAV rs) 32 Joins \ nishing. There’s a huge cake plate serving 4 slices. Cover with a Fa.shion fof ’62. Fall and Winter. Immediate gift list, mev we sug- ta isjb ttia 24 On land « A" Ii A with open-work design at $3.85, «- . generous half-cupful of the ham This new issue is filled with ideas geat a call at MATHER'S AT THE 39 Scorn covered candy dish at $3.25, un­ ly fold in prunes and walnuts. Fill sauce and garnish with reserved for smart, practical sewing for CENTER? Among many possibili­ LET OOP Doc Speaks U^'* BY V. T. HAMLIN 37 Twelfth U.B. i| usual candlesticks at $1.95, a bon­ nine medlum-siied greased muffin ngg and parsley. Cut remaining new season; gift pattern printed ties they can show you some DIS> President 1 cups two-thirds full.- Bake ip hot 4 slices of toast in triangular ' f H ii bon dish with a handle a t $1.39, as inside the book, 25c. | TINCnVB TIB SIJDCff, either SSBrlsUe N » % W/ well as many other baskets, bowls, (400F.1 oven 20 to 25 minutes; or halves and place one on each aide singly or in seta with cuff links. assisNto 39 Observed w until cake tester Inserted in -center w scr » and vases. Included are Ufi-y hen- of ham toast. Serve at once. oven and let cool 5 minutes. There are clever designs In gold, KNOWS 41 Fast tummejr K w on-a-basket sets and big roosters- of muffins comes out clean. Makes 4 generous-,serving8. set with atones, or slides with tha ABOUT time (ab.) on-baskets. Single pieces or sev­ Meanwhile mix confectioners’ r- emMam of big. revered lodge. U • eral matched pieces would make Mattress-Event. Bargains gar, orange Juice and rind, and MACWNE 42 War god Wedding-Minded Jew elry almonds; drizzle over tops of rolls Pricce'ean meet any budget. 44 Augments very acceptable gifts. Anyone w'ho la needing a new Because weddings call for the r wi <11 mattress will do herself a big favor and serve at once. - 46 TiUee again J P glamor of nice Jewelry, wedding- Rock Lobater and Mnekrooms 49BibUcal name I.i California Wheat MiilHns in economy by taking advantage of planners will be well advised to Supreme. W' Ingredients: 1 1/3 cups sifted the ANNIVERSARY SAID OF If you get an avocado whose 53 Poem visit MATHER’S AT THE CEN­ skin -doesn’t, slip.. off aaaily Just Tngredlenta; One 6'.4 ounce can. 54 Speech % w 5 ^ HT \flour, 3 tablespoons baking powder, SEALY MATTRESSES now being TER. Their lovely collection' In^ South A'fricari rock lobata'r, rniUc,' 87 P ■ . . teaspoon salt,' 2/3. cup_wheat featured locally at KEMP’S INC,, pare it away with a sharp knife; 56 Footlikc part W^\ dudes appropriate JEWEUtY FOR be sui-e to cut It close to .the skin. 4 tableepooins butter or margarine, d ' h 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg 783 Main Street. Thfe Scaly ia na­ THE BRIDE and GIFTS FOR A^*' 3 tablespoons flour, M eup cream, 57 Prosecutes tly beaten). 1 cup milk, 3 tionally famou.s for living up to its If you want to prepare the avo­ 58MU TENDANT8. Genuine cultured cado ahead of time spread it with 1 tablespoon lemon Juice, one 3 T7kaiBaaM.sa 59 Abstra^ bain] H w tab -spoons melted shortening, % slogan of "Like . sleeping on a I pearls are exquiaite ip a iiecklace ounce can (% cup drained) broiled chopped cooked pitted prunes, cloud." In addition to supreme or in a beautifully designed set of a little soft butter to keep the sliced muchrooma, salt, U teaspoon 60"PoUto chopped walnuts. comfort, these mattresses are flesh from turning dark. net tripa pretty country" n U>' a ' I pin and earrings in gold. A new pepper, toast points, paprika. hope rocket ahipa ara perffcted for 'JL Methi^; Sift floiir, baking powder made to last, and covered, with , pin and earriiig set puts frosty Method: Drain liquid from rock teen—a driver like you eeuld oure i that apaeal'’ 61 C(«l scuttles salt an^ sugar together. Stir ■ in good-looking damask ticking. Reg­ I white stones in delicate Sterling For i^aaler .Ironlng-^Hieaper lobster; add enough milk to make \ l,lN.T.iatlibtLB>HaBIE wheat ^rm . Beat together egg; ularly priced at $.59.95, the anni­ silver. Gold beads are heirloom There's still an opportunity to 1 cup. Cut lobster Into good size milk and', slightly cooled melted versary price for double or single save yourself tfme and eUort In BY RUSS WINTERBOTHAM ornaments. Singly or in sets, there pieces. Melt butter In saucepan IRIS WT2LKIN, Planeteer A P ictu re lO b ^ AND HER BUDDIES Excuse Please EDGAR MARTIN shorteningX- add to flour mixture mattress is $.39.95. A matching are pearls; colorful stones, gold Ironing by taking advantage of the over loW'heat; blend in flour. Re­ A all at once Md stir Ju.st enough to box ^pring is reduced at the. same and silver in unusual pattemr for sale of lw4TEX FOAM PADS F’OB move from heat; add lobster liquid .figure. IRONING BOARDS in the Domes­ ...ANO THE MAN. DIDilT'N \& ” V5>\ WK'St A moisten the ary Ingredients. Light- necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and and milk mixture slowly, stirring HEITHER PIP^ C O K t V 5 \ f W 1 pins, tics. Department of the J, W. HALE until smooth after each addition,/ AtOMATTBXPniO REACHING NIG I...BVTTKE- tW ------J QDVCVf ,tO 'XWE. VAC>«.D 0 9 M\K)CJ\l€x W fO RIt WE9 CORPORATION. The foam pad MOVIECMECA Stirr in cr^in. Cook and stir ov^. CAFTIIBE THESMOrr CAK.EGCAPEG DWOX Old curtain rods make handy makes it possible to iron right over mam^PKE^HBvaPSL^ WAG ON HIM, shoe racks. Tack them inside buttons or zippers with the greatest AH PW EyB >'S IfCORD DEPA^MENT SUGGESTS rclbset dboTi' and ' harig shoes by ease;. A heavy - sanforized" 'drill A o r u m ^'heels' by" heefs™'’--" ...... " cover, with a very'long fnturF, is OM F IL M l NNEW\itEcM^ Re l e a s e s Included in the set. No one who THE WHISTLE Small fry' usually like diced has used one would go back to By ibeBjaitila Fraaklla 'DOWkHEAlt^" ...... Eddiff Fishtr cooked potatoes served In a cream flat-surface ironing. Regularly Hera ia a Lesaoh written two sauce with a pretty garnish of $3.49, the set ia Ismpofarily priced hundred years ago by the greatest 'OBJECYibp mV^AFFECTION" . . Yogi Yorgosson finely minced . parsley. at $2.79. ' teacher's^ thrift in histpryr It has aince been translated into almost 'SEIInN' THE WOQDS ON NRE.” No. 2 Clearance On Aids .Wax the feet of rbairi and tables two hundred languages and read Extravagance Is A Dangerous Horse to Rida If you would like to save $60.00 St same time you wsuc the rest of and re-read to the children of every Homor and Jothro to $100.00 on brand new 1952 Philco 1 your furniture. . This will help pre­ civilized nattqn on earth. and Leonard REFRIGERATORS. vent scratching of‘floors. • When a child of seven yearji,..my.... TAjCE CARE. MY kOXE" " •. Margaret Whiting RANGES. AND DEEP FREEZF, friends 8n a holiday filled my After dusting 'Ven^isn blindS; jestiteete. CABINETS, come to RENSON’S pockets with coppers, I went di­ A CI.EARANCE SALE, In the most sponge them wfth Nhousehold rectly to a shop where they (sold HY .aL VERMEER 9 ^ISCOXA’S POP Wanpliif Thought W aitiilK ! l a n il l e 6 n a r d attractive new showroom located at •sponge that had been dipped In toys for children; and, being . 7 1085 Main Street. thick soapsuds. Dry with'jql charmed with the sound of a whis­ tle th it I met by the way in the I 'M S U R E , IT'S GETTING VESllT»,KnTyf Convenience In Painting . w o n t ; DE7 > WEItERUNNMG Quick Prune Kniaehy hands of another boy. I voluntarily A UTTLEBUNCV, INCORPORATED Ingredients; 3-4 ' cup cboked ' If you're thrifty and eiierge offered to give all m.V money for uncle LARRy! MID A storm ! prunes, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 ta­ enough to do iiome of the- painting one. I 'then cahie home, and-went ■ 76,3 Main St. Greeil'S’famps Given Tel. MI-3-.i680 blespoons prune cooking liquid, 2 on“youc walls and woodwork, you’ll whistling all over the house, much.. Ben Franklin Would Have Liked Just Such A Provfrb FURNITURE and MUSIC HOME OF FRIGIDAIRE 'cups sift'ed. nIl-purpo.4e flour, 1-4 ' appreciate the great- convenience of leafed, yvith my whistle, but dis-• cup sugar,’ 4 teaspoons baking I the ROLLER PAINTERS available tHrbtng ail the family. My broth- powder, 1 leaspoon salt, 1-3 cup i at the JOHNSON PAINT- COM- eriNgnd alstera and cou.sins. under- sh'ol'tening. 3-4 cup niilk.' 1 cup I PANY, 699 Main Stree). There’s'a ng the bargain I had mada, sifted confectioners’ sugar, I’i 1 tilted tray for the paint in each set told nte I had given four times as Youngsters: i tablespoons orange Juice, 1-4 tea­ I and a roller fitted with wool cover t much fdv It Bs It was worth; put I that lays the paint smoothly and . me in mind of what good things I spoon grated orange rind. 1-3 cup i evenly cthe wool cover can be re-1 Sfoms as if 'Ban FfanMin'scanly unfmishad jab was tbiff^rgcmiiCH ' chopped roasted unblanched al- might havVbought,With the rest rion af a School Sovingi Plan for ambitious studonlik^f th^ day ' mond-s, I placed, of course). A well esti-1 of the monei^; and .laughed at me I mated handle pn the, rojlgr xglyes ao-much for . my. Jolly, that .X cried . O f 4his though, you COR ba sura , , Tha^.'ff Sea PrankHii ■Method:-'Chit -prunes-from'-pits plenty of "reach.” Sets are priced Into small pieces; mix with 3 ta- w'ith vexation, And the reflection 'from $.5.29 ,— a bargain in satis- gave me more chagrin " than the wore going to school today, ba'd do morn thgii start a School blespoonq sugar.nnd prime , cook-, faction! - ing liquid. C ^ k apd . st(r over Whistle gave me plehSure'. Savings PIdn . . H«'4 OM H. JJL , This, however, w ^ afterw'ards low-heat until - mixture is 'con- ...MQliMMifsi ,,, sli^tien'Oy 'Or thlck'''‘lamT'"'pb^ .’nfft' of '-Hse-to. me,... the impassion .cwr —. tPTAIN EASY The Old Act BY LESLIE TURNER Miss Springtime BY MERRILL C. BLOSSEll Ingredients: 1 cup old-fashioned trniiing Ih'my mind'so tlmt often, FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS / toj^ether flour, 1-4 . cup sugar, jnplasses. *:» cup. sugar, 1 table.-, baking powder, .and salt.'/cut in' when T- was tempted, to' puy tame :, #MB1L UKAUi N r spoon butler-or margariiva, 3 qugrts imne<'ensarv thing. I saki tp my-r M IS S P n N € ^ 1 hear. •shortening. Add milk and mix unsalted popped corn. T V M L airr; AVAOUB m u . AMP well. ■ Turn, -out . Into lightly self;-"Don’t give too much fdy tho jYdults: OM A HAm ! MISS ^ Method: Mix molasses, sugar whistle." i • ■ ■ SPWNOTIMe NO > floured board and roil thin, a little ■j and butter Ip saucepan; Pfs6e over As I grew up, came' into the Dpuffrwiu.Br i less than 1-4-inch. Cut Into 12 t low heat and stir until sugar Is. world, and observed.-the actions of CAirr REMEM- THC SIZr AND to 15 3-inch rounds. • Place .a ' dissolved. Cook over medium heat men. I thought I met with many, MAKE EVERY WEEK SHAPE OP A . sm.all, spoonful of .priine fllUng ln j until syrup, when dropped In cold 1 very niany.-whp gsve too much-for, BUPPAtO" center, of each circle and fold > Water separates into threads that the whistle. .. over, pinching edges to seal. Place I are brittle, or until candy ther- In short, I conceive that a grest close together In shallow greased I mometer reaches 270F. Pour syrup part -of the miseries 'of mankind A THRIFT WEEK! pan. Bake in hot (400 F.) oven. I over popped corn; toss lightly. are brought qpon them by the false . ! abotit 20 ihlbutes. Remove from ' Mskes three quarts candy corn.- estimates they have made of the value of things and by giving too much for their whiatlea. r . ... ‘ . f Saving BdHk<^Maiidiesfer T IC F L IN T There She la B Y M ICHAEL O’M A LLEY BDG3 B U im Y A MUTUAL SAVmOS DAHK PUr.wWB4 _ _ TMBniEOKB HR ALI«WyfLpOC4$ ADMIT -K " lO0kiPNTKWPBP> PLACE WE 50" and 54" Wide in a Fine M THE ONLY ONE IN MANCHESTER R0CM4 CNCE, MR. RNT. a o N T r Shoes afiB Slippers Assortment of Colons and Patterns 923 MAIN STREET REMNANTS and IMPERFECTS Deposita made on or before the fifth of any month Rubber Footwear draw Intereat from the flrat of the month, MEN’S, WOMEN’S, CHILDREN’S CURRENT RATE 2V2% REMNANT SALESROOM DEPOSITS OVER HARTFORD ROAD — MANCHESTER $18,000,000 CLOSED WEDNESDAYS GUSTAFSON’S . Serving Manchea.ter and Vicinity . For Ovar 65 Yenrs. OPEN 9 to 5:30 — SATURDAY 9 to 4r45 705 MAIN SIKEET f- . f •' i.i 2 i jU L !'■ s: .


l O Extra Lift for Cager Nassiffs Re; 82-49 Gontender for Shrine

New York, , Jsn. 21 (jT) Joe VicCardell Kansas Upset ■ Asks Changes Walcott Plans The AlUAmerica W ay .... No. 3 niM sggio is expected to be voted Seek 3, Fourth • Herm’s Topple Ann’s Into bsRebnirs Hsil of.Fame todny paaaaaaasganaaaaBSB^ 8 0 w l Rn g ■ In Pro RilJes when the ballots are counted foi Meets Gavilan By Colorado To Box Again mSHfNgTMi B&B I the IB.IS election. \ ! In Rec League Play Bill Terry, Dizzy Dean and Al Of Season in Armoiy \H Q U BREG 5 Simmona are other stars of the INoii-Tille ' Boiil Fil9 Li I O llar nwullrrs Rule Bell Would Eliminate past w’ho are certain to receive Score* Remarks of Bob \ tS COUL&8 ...... ^7 177 f f To Figbt Marciano 2r*7 luS 94 IH run (X!IL competition tonlght'-aa they Double Strike.s . .5 2 .714 DIMAGGIO, who retired after 7R 2!:i l;",’ ^9 !D ::t »■( Houlder. Colo., .Inn. 31 (A*) the 19.51 W brid Series: ts eligible ,WashmgLon„ ..Jon,. 21 t/Pi Kid p|ay host to the Hornets^ In the ■ Camaen. N . J.: '.T«in. Philadelphia, jan. i l - — (/A - Per­ Herail (7» ^ , Frankie’S ...... a 2 .714' .7.. . . . arm'qry at 8;.30, A'prelim is c t^ e d F PIS, i Collegians------Gavilan, the world's welterweight Momiu ...... • ’ !*?- ColornOo'R unranked baBketball Former heavyweight champion sistent and patient Bert Bell today .5 3 ;625 for the first time after one year’s niin ...... ,.112 110 79 - ;;oi slate this week mr the locals who . sioner Robert Chrlslenberry’s Newington ...... 1 6 .143 bios, the other side recovering.! Cardcll of Wilson. Conn., In a iif'ir.h ...... / ,1 J Krt 72-6R up.sel la«t hi(cht of ninth to the National Football League Dobrutsky. 2-3 the number of votes cast but it is ‘I.I have already Scored onte over the ' statement that Walcott would Server, rx ...... 1 0-0 2 Ann’s Spot ...... 0 8 .000 Who’s ball Is It 7 l.lO-rqund non-title bout. S 'lf’Vl ...... ’ ’.V.’./ !! 74 167 ranked Knn.sna. rulemakcrs the elimination of the expected to approximate the 234 of j'lHijft’nur ... 8S‘ 92 IM 291 visitors, 67-61 In East Hartford probably never fight again, said Bro»krr. rx ...... \ ___ 6 r-\ 13 A. Despite the fact the player! 'T h e fight wUl be televispd nn- - The huatlinff Buffaloea pulled extra point after touchdown and Grsberk, If ...... \... 6 ,1-R 13 last vear. Onlv players now inac­ .It»hiH*«'n .u.. ,, ,,, ,, !9> 113 101 :;i3 back last month. It was the first yesterday the New York boxing Nassiff Ai;ms continued to roll »lipn»lwl for » fnlr he- .uonally,. aiul it aakes on. ad4c.U. int. 1—-aU.._Qli- ...HA. Institution of • “sudden d o th "- phty-' tive "but ‘ ‘w’hb have seen aettv-e basement' with their first ricldry win- of• the-season for- Manchester; • head la "hothlhg but a bellhop.” " ToUln ...... \ 35 79 through opposition in' the Rec lo catch the hall. The moment he : terest becaii.se of this: ' ' off.s In regular league games. 9-4 service In the last 25 years arq Tt'lnln ,w...... 474 fj09 49.3- M76 in four games. The loss, second In COACH W ILL CI.ARKIE wUl go "I would appreciate," the ex- Ann*f H League as the aecond round got fumbles, It liecomes a free hall, It’s Gavilrii's la.st shc^njt be­ with his iron man five composed Bert says he’ll propose at to­ F. Pts. eligible. fore he meets the popirWr Cihuck .five league starts for Kansas, left tltleholder said. "If the governors night’s meeting the abolitlnn of the AccornVro. rf ...... V \ 2-3 8 undei-way last night, trouncing the Q. W hat is the penalty when an N'firth .MrlliiMiisf No. 1 r League, record, nn enviable spot, I, I'T "W e <11(1 It with scrap,” smiled Jobs, and appoint someone that seorr the same number of touch­ BellinKhri. ir ...... , 0 l -\ 11 mage ? ZT'ii I 19!! 9lH) McGuire ahd Bob Biardi holding knows and has experience In box­ probably will be more tharwenough everything to'gsin, and 219 1 }\^ i-hnitD’ 11 . . !'k 112 : t»K Ciilormlo Coach H. C. (Bebe) 'Lee. downs, which is a team effort, ahi* lamonacA, 1r ...... 2 0-0^\ 4 Ca.meras, with a few hew faces In A . I,oss of T,3 yards from the down the back court positiohs; E x ­ ing Instead of playing politics." to hoo.s’t him Into the elite -com­ to lo-'e. "The Iniys beat Kansas tn the ball then one .team wins beeause of an the lineup and showing an Im­ pany, in the .Cooperstown, N. Y.. spot of the preceding down an ^ 4,‘:i i;4fir, T .tain ...... 4Sii r>32 517 - 1529 and then the.v eontrolled It. If we pected tn see action are. JbhHhy Chrlstenberry made his state­ Totals ...... 19 10- 1.7 Caddell h.ss been around and y . jo iiir « (.If i Morlanos, Bernie Alemany,. Jim extra point eon version; Bert con­ Score »; half time. 46-34 Herm's. proved brand of play, conquered sbribe. Fo r 13 active years with loss of a down, had tried to run With Kansas, ment Monday night at a Wilming­ swinging, with one exeeptlon,. a l ’ y i.nuth .'4, ( l i / h ...... 1 1 4 110 loo ;i‘ i : Moriarty, Paul Ryan and Charlie tends that If they score the same Referee Staum. Umpire, Beattie. the New- York Yankees from 1936 Q. What college holdsUte fbot- a . i> . . . . 92 •M • ’^-2 272 fh -y’d have heatCh ns 20 points.” ton' sports writers and broadcast­ ’s Spot In the lld-Ilfter, 79- 48. the finish, of every fight he h.s.s - Alwit*- .... Cronin. limber of touchdowns they should through 19.'il, with time out for ridi’luurxyk , ...... !9» 99 ""sri Kansas, which knocked Kansas ers dinner. Naa.iff Arma (OR 5I BIKKK, Bob Tedford ball record for ,scoriijg-3n con.secu- had. In winning 6 fights and I"-''-j j.V ...... KCl 133 !)3 32!) East Hartford has hopes of see­ kbcp on playing until one of the rnilitary service, DiMaggio had a Stale out of No. 1 ranking In the "I seriously doubt that Walcott r. Pts. andsBlng Miller led the Arma to tive game.s? in.g 10, he has been knocked otit ; ix lvi„/,ipr A. ntilim'iWi ...... 122 lo7 11.5 c :;u ing Lee M artin and TortV Mo- t e i^ s scores again nr kicks a fleld Burke, rf .. lifetime baiting average of .32l'i Asaociated Press poll last week. will fight again," Chrlstenberry' th e lr^lg h th straight win In the A , Cnt!iwbit^ -f'ollege of Salis­ but once, by Ilco . V.- goa;.\ .Miller, If ... Total.'* ...... "Lja 544 4M* 1572 lumphy direct the Hornets who Ibid the group. "Rules of the New .Miller, rf .. with 2.214 hits in 1,7.36 games. bury, iN c -D . From the last two men expert the bout to __ That's where the sudden death leagueXrhc.v captured the first TMtHl5 , oft-benten Coioratlo club springs have posted one victory In six out­ Dr. H . C. Carlson has a University of Pittsburgh basketball play­ York Commission and almost Booth, tf • ... round \rahqut a loss. Bill Jesuit; VET^F.RAN W RITERS have been garpelfln 198;i, through the first • po the limit beoauac neither man. . ^ ....Zl atmlght j harder .since he cut out h’*^ Ullinjikl Wll' ...... 117 112 9.V -• one reserve. right on going until one of the Parriak. lx . 62 men in the Hall of Fame. The games to (op Yale’s old mark of 73. I Dan Ijng rhumba. He .si'll ' IL K ’mj'lnn ...... Ill 117 123 . ::,-.i the game, Colorado caused Kansas ( N E A > .^ ______— Manager III Gunder.son, A ^ m T w a r’/ ns and 1 Mati;*‘'n ...... 112 ms 220 teams scored. Just like extra-inn­ others were sefected by a special Q. Where did the football ex-1 fights In explosive flurries with player.s to foul repeatedl.V as thej’ . . WKST SIDE MIDGETS "I’ll be .IB January .11,” Walcott ings In a baseball game. Totals ...... 38 « ri Tom Russell. went Into an aggressive mid-court stated. "It would make no differ­ rnllofiann (49) Jess Lucas, holder of the new commltt ee. pre.s.slon, “The Grange Eye," orlg- one eye on the’clock, invitng split i T..tn',H ...... 62.5 672 632 1619 Other new rules certain to be B. F. I The late H a rry Hcilmann and 412 439 4:>9 I3r»;i ' :X'n»id ti) pre.ss In an effdrt to get the ball. Felix fllandiafn ence If I was near 50. I have given individual .scoring record at the • inate? . 1 decisions. - W. Fct bandied about would prevent a bal' Twarkinj*. rf . j ...... 8 2-.3 Paul Waner made the grade last Whljt KUIff VI) P.i’nitmiu ...... 82 96 99 277 The Buffaloes hit three-fourths p- Skqwron Brightest New my life to boxing and.I have never TojnonaJorJa. ,rf. ■ Rec, .led...Harms to yictory...The .\. The, phrase, rarely heard ^Gayllan's 104-bout career, datln R»v r»{MrluhT'=i1- R4 ar.i .’\ UU»vr ■121 /ilia a urind^.ra 0 . . 1000. caerler from getttng to his feet’ and A 2-5 year. Heilmanri' wutK 1293 votca...... o f 1 heir free tosses; Thetr ‘ fteid Narnlff Ai.nui ...... f .750 done ahythlhif other than ‘respect Ounderaon. If ...... ,2 1-3 Camera five, now tabbed as the now,, was hiirh during the ’Red biick to 194.3, Includes 88 \vinaf''Y2 D. Huppe .. ss 9»; K.; ;:7’» l’:ir!mUrrr .... 106 ST 112 :Wi 1 moving forward again once he has Krouffli. s.. ‘Wancr with 19,5. T e rry fell 21. V. Xuln.in . . 80 87 S7 2,71 tuillllcll ...... 19 108 315 .‘:hootlng WBS 41 per cent In mak­ R. Pairani and 8oa.r..... a 1 .750 boxing and respect the,ipubllc In 1 0-0 club to watch irt^the second half, Grange era. It meant that the tlcfp.ats and four draw s^^e''never - MfCun*- ...... 122 'MW ChftrfF'i Ponllrplll...... 3 3 .(too been tackled. This has been a Kraruanan, c ...... 1 0-2 short of the required 176 with 1.3,3' -Inlbrif . 91 91 9» 27.7 ...... 12 ing 21 of .31 attempts. The Ja.v- Atperienn Leng’ue. He scored 47 Rookie with Yankees my entire 22 years of'bOxlng." Jones, rjf ...... had Bob Stefanhwakl and Bob Gra- Illinois great sup|Misr(Wy eoiild ha.s been .slopped andwvfi^ knocked 79 Manch^fitpr Plumbing; .. 3 3 mainstay of pro football for years, ... 1 0-0 votes. Dean hsd 132. Simmon.s 141. K. MrlVmrt 79 91 2.1 1 'r-'laln ...... fits 4!»!lo;i 52!)!i •'iD t4 h-w ks netted 26 of 74 field goal ppinl.s in twr» frames last week end. D#*rl'a DrlvMn . . , ...... 1 'The Camden heavyweight, who Ruaaf^ll, rar ...... 8 2-2 bek to bol.ster the quintet tnkt won s!-e poss'filc tacklers on either down onlv Ike Williams, 52 574 3 but the professional club owners Chapnon, ]g ...... Bill‘Dickey . . Rabbit Mnranville tr "s for .35 per cent and made .'to h(Hist b’i.s total output to 2fl0 Brown and Brauprp .... 0 lost his title last June to'R ocky 0-1 a single game in the Tirs t iWnd., 139 side of hl.in, even behind him, He has .-cored knockoul.s, Ti.Inis 427 m, U') i:5M Kiral Nation'll Bank .... 0 - 1 ' Xooo have come to the conclusion -that 1,3.3, Dazzy Vance’ 105 and Ted M. Jiiniuii' Nil. t Ml only 16 of the 25 free throws for pointjY in 13 shoved Kl- New York, Jan. 21— (/P>— He la a-i limited service at the tail-end of Marciano, said he has every Inten­ Totals ...... Steve Bellinghlrl and Johnny Rlro- \4liile still keeping Ids e.ve on the C.srdell, a durable sort with a- (Lacnoii .. 77 !-’r» 87 2.79 too many of their players have 21 7-16 49 il. 6 < ) ) 54 ncr cent. tion of fighting the new champ Score at tialf time, 3S-21.V».<«lff Arn Lyons 101. goal line toward wldeh the Gal­ good jab and a confu.sing defcn.se, i. h: ri> V ..•93 lOii IM) :;ni , mira’a; Jeri*y Fowler out of the Orisderi 451) A..A fnr loe Medwick and ' 1“*^ season, are back as are pitch- been Injured in pileups which re­ ■sa were the scoring stars for Ann’s .M. Wi-leht ...... 97 86 Neither team ever got ahead dead ringer for Joe Medwick m o Schaeffer and A rt Schal- Rrfprre Bcfldip. Umpire Btnum. Each baseball writer with ter loping Ghost was galloping. > .1 Mhin'lM . ..IH IlK \\:\. ::i.7 top. Fowler ha« scored 280 points B .. ■ again. But. he added that he has a 6.3- 15-6 record for 84 starts . v'<1 sult from the defense making sure who have vet to win in the' league.* I-:. (>..riu-ll,v ., . 82 J . l.ll f.Mrblnn .. Ki ns JI9 1 more than four points in the eyen Mahehuk rf ... be U a converted shortstop like newcomer among j \^uld do nothing mrtll his manag- year membcr.ship in the organiza­ since 1947. Ke has been slonped H. I iii.Tlflfinc .. 87 71 iy in 14 frarhes: the ball carrier Isn’t going to m i D A 'i ’ N IG H T S twin-bil^ pits Q. In bowling, what do the N . la ip ' .. 1(H) r* .^?7— Ml Iv-Coiight first half, which ended Df»hr*ity. rf ...» Mickcy Mantle but that is not all: the pitchers is A 1 Clcotle, nephew er, Felix Bocc)»lcchlo, Is well tion lists 10 players. A man must terms il) turkey, ( 2) sleeper and only iiilce by Ike Williams In A.* •...... -S-* V ‘2 i‘‘*V , '»rt ' Owntn^r ,B mark of 22.3 * per DalKlr, .r ...... start Jan, 21 and Jan. 22. All Frankies against Newington and 2 91 2 -D 37- 37. Kahsqs had a one-point move forward once he's down. receive 7.3 per cent of the vote.s or .M. Ara'Tunir.ritil # .. 81 j l i J ‘ ‘ ol^ ...... 4 ;7 MS .v::i- ^rle r, if ...... Bill (Sfcoiyron has to recqmmend ' of cicotte! the former great I again. .youngsters interested are-asked t o r C v p r c s s A.r.m.«i.tangle, with..the. t3i..railroad.jueau.?.,______, 1!I3.L ...... ^ I nJr icrtd- aftim -thre!. nrinutes nf "the ■KRU»e, Fehx •haS'sooi*ed 8ft baskota - -And the group will-probably talk Wait'u'niir'next year. Although (hV Television fan.s know Gardell ns wyKrtrf. :rY .7 him a* he tries, to win a reg^tlar pitcher of the Chicago White .Sox. Boccblcchl - 9?Waa stricken with a Sign up now. Several seni.hr men Double Strike Bowlers: All four \, (I) Three strikes in a row;, Tttlal.’* IM 4-‘).7 1239 . ... nil im 117 third quarter but fell behind, trall- and 112 foul tosses. Fowler has 93 Fifh. r ...... ahoiit dlsqiiallflcntinn of a player required 75 per cent was 176 la.st a_fiimiliar face for he fought VVil- , puu'imrrff H iForfuiU I llnnliii ....119 171 li . (lurtafson. rR spot in the New York Yankee out- ■ y^i, whose career twice was In­ heart attacK In New York recent­ have asked to have a class formed teams are expected to come up - ( 2) a hidden pin; and (.3)- two or >7 3!17 In.g four and five po'nts most of hoops and 94 free throws for a ly where^e was -negotiating for from a gatne. Under the present year it can raise or drop, depeiid- Hams, Gil Turner, Johnny Brat’ on ' ___UKl in3 (14.- kiu 8oUv«. r|t - field. ' terrupted by service calls, did not and If enough men are intere.sled with new faces in hopes of more pins which remain standing ; ( ’.ttipju’il 12fi !I7 :;l’7 lh» rest of the period. mark of 20 points per Kama. Cushing, IR setup, a player can be thrown out ing on the number of ballots. and Rocky Cnstdl.ani before the , ro i NTRV f i.i M THE FORMER Purdue* ' have an Imposing won-loat record the returtt bout. He Is In a New and sign up a course will be start­ atrengtherling their chances of « it h intermediate pins knm-ked H. II* lliV' ... .116 12. im ■HI The Jayhawks caught \ip In the W ith tliree K^nies listed for the Bissetl. lx Yorkyhospltal and is listed as "in at anv stage and he’s done for the The finst Hall of Fanie selection! network cj«uet-as. AI thniuf h-^ heat eii ally athleU isn't even officially b „i he fanned-148 batters In 128 ed on Thursday- even Inga -from play-off apots...... down la front and Iretueen. Punmiv ...... ___65 65 67 fourth biinrter at 61- 6T"nh a field rnmtn^T week end, Felix has day. Some of the coaches and own*< 8 "were made in 19.'16 when T y CobH. by Turner, he took much of Die Tolfllfi . ,,v;4 «:4 filti l7cH “Tntal!* listed on the Yankee roster b\it | innings with his blazing fast ball, seripus condition." to 9 o’clock. Q. When was the Pacific Coast , r>'i-nnr‘ ...... V’2 83 ' 2 •"f, ''oai nnd free throw b.v Born. The.v chance tn improve on his record. nrhetter'riomlHng (M) era would like to modify this tc Honu.s Wagner, Babe Ruth. Christy (;iiiKi ..... V 71 69 •■17 the'World Champions are going to: fanned 18 In one game and 16 ^^ocChlcchlo has Insisted the glos.s off young OiJ's then unspot­ •SI. Iwld life lend for (he last-lim e at He faces Fowler in the battle for B. r resemble the hockey rule which Mathew.son and Walter Johh.son Intercollegiate Conference found-^ Df'Mnrtln...... f9 89 76 I i:i rf ...... n give him a thorough Inspection at ^ jn another. ght be held In Miami or Atlantic cd? Who were the dtiginal mem-: ted record-by mdPfving his nuncli- mHn.« i ...... 108 87 S' I.H(’linp;’(’l](o ...... I'l ins 02-62 with Fix mimitcR to pla.v lop scorinir honors in Elinira Sat- (icnalir.es a player for seven or 1C G R A H A M H O L M E S , local box­ 8 « If’MttVUFl i:!i i::-: lay. j lop scorinir nonors in wiinira riai- Mitemnn. r f ...... 7 their St. Petersburg, Fla., sprinp Other freshmen hopefuls Inclui City, N. J, The International Box­ were pieked. hors ? inrr nower in a Madi.son Square Tlio Knn.sHns pnllrd within one iirdny nlpht and then comes the i^ilry, if ’...... i New Phillies^ Flag Hope minutes. er, went to the post for the first ■ Each summer the new niembers Totalf ...... 3"4 376 IS] r.-iii}- ...... :;7 t>i 'ikh . training camp next month. And If Binghamton graduates calche^^l ing Club, of New York'wants to CarrTcn bout in December. 1P."3. 22H r>o'nt. with a mtniita rr- Kwash, If , Following the rules parley, the time In about three months last i EMMINATE YOUR are formally wclromed to the hal A. The l*Cr was fniimled Iter. 3, ' 1 . r*. I fi;. (0) nr, nr. .Sunday doiihlerheader with rnnnon. r ...... he ahows anywhere near the form Robertson, who batfed .303j^ ^ lrd stage tbe fight A p ril 16 ^t the In his last start he was outpo'nted __ in* 8:i S.^ ”i;v Lfi'.v .Sr*i|’r* ins in.’. 216 )‘''nininjj but frro fliro'vii owners will catch some sleep and n ljh t and won a six round decision j when plaques are dedicated at the 1913, in Portland. Calirornia, Ore­ A. .ToliiiJton ...... by Pawtucket Slaters In the Ar; Moz/.^r, rf ...... ,he displayed at Kansas City last baseman Frank Verdi, a^^?l3 hit­ Chicago Stadium. j by Castcllani, one of the middl"- A. Ilairincloti ...... Yi 8.1 82 AVhitoy Comport nml «Mock put llnwley, rx ...... ThrowHn Hurler in Deal move Thursday into the bonus pick over Reggie Martina at White ; PAINT PEELING Cooperstown museum before s gon, Oregon State and Washing­ Tiil.ilifi ...; .7::.7 r,M 108!) In the afternoon here and year, he’s a cinch to be promoted ter; and outflelder A rt Achult, a Chrlstenberry was not available | ton were (be founders. Stanford weights competing In the title t ii'ii'lf '•(h (*2) Color'nflo out of reach. Klar, lx ...... and the draft, and then the all- Plains, N. Y , Major Le.ngue exhibition game at tucket Armory at night Be-lert, Ig ...... to the parent club— but fast, .303 hitter with 24 honk^ runs and for contment. ' \ and W'a.shlngl«n Stale Joined the tournament" in a lO-isauider at I.f'V. M . 82 , m3 2X1 P’orth C'arnllnii reKulned firaf Here Is the way In which this important flnan<;ial position of the Doubleday Field. Erookivii’s Eastern Parkwa.v. r -v (3> i*% t»fl*‘ll M '' 90 r:.3 Jackie Allen has nvovc<^nto seCj 118 runs batted in (hx^og the 1950 J U N IO R L E A G U E schedule at i ONCE AND FOR ALL conference the next year. Lla'io X. .Johiifffin ...... K'»2 : F*— 26'' iMLr ... 99 k : • 2lO n**re in the Mniithern C'nnferanee ond 'place In tlic lo^jd scoring Total* ...... 32-year-oId muscle man treated New York, Jan. i/P)— A - "The kid showed me enough to league. Gavilan, who became 27 on -Ian. 79 8rth .. ... 71 I ---- !'9 191 m;: ::ot» liv from hohlnd to bent palade with 174,for,ah average of American Association pitchers last throwl'ln hurler In a trade be- warrant a full Irla l In ^53J said j 6, has an unbeaten streak of, -23 (JlhMn ...... 79 1 S9 "f,' O'Mi in4ky 94 mH-- :ii9 with Uncle Ssmy/ o’clock finds the Dales meeting Average expandable Cape mllted in 1923, 5IontiMia and the ... lOM K .“' \\^ Forent. 73-flR. The Tnr lleela year: In 147 games, Skowron Australian Miler s J 1 wi : *1 Manaeer Steve O Neill. V*Even if going for him. Since he lost to A. HimiHo I . 9 2 1,3.4. Next In line la Bobby Knight nori’a Drive-In t»> Rookies hay^'oeen very success­ tween Philadelphia and ,Cincinnati he should ""t gain a regular Sal’s Maple Service. Thursday University of ('alifornia at I.As B. V.'ilkio...... > .7 8- .2 *.7 . 466 f.tn finn jrxui: behind hv n pointn, at FU banged out 38 douMes, 11 triples Cod re-sided with (op grade j Sport Schedule. Eugene, Hni-ston t>t Scr.Vnton. Tt‘(Hl« . with 165 and a 12.7 mark while E. ful breaklidf/ Into the Yankees’ early last segson may provide the staxtlng berth, he should make an night House and Hale collides with j •\ngeles in '"24. 5lont:ina has since Ih'* 11"?^ Imt put on a aeeond hulf B. rixdon. rf ...... 1 2 and 31 home runs. He knocked In paint holding cedar shingle.s Oct. 30, 1030 in a ma.ior unset he Tf'tnlx...... -97 41.7 1217 Buddy Ackerman ranks fourth at M. ronton, rf ...... 0 S front llnes/fn recent years despite Shoots fcT Record Fairfield Market at 7 and Herma \ been dropped. T<*; n I l''mtirtiirl l.nlhrrtiii (II) drive to pull the j^ame out of the 134 runs and accumulated 344 Phillies with their much needed excellent relief man and may Local Sport has hsd 21 wins and a .dra'” c Uh 7 N»'rcii ,m!' in 1.37 points and a 13.1' percentage.age. l||•wltt...... if ...... f,...... 3 7 four straight New. York champlonr Cameraa .versus Manchester Tru.st-i $ 5 8 5 .0 0 . \3'ednes(lay, .Jan. 21 W hen were the firs{ -foiAball K.. It" t e l e ______.7.7 , , 9.1 The 4* tinirioii . ., ..; .. VI XU W 'll . . . !I9 '11!l :i22 ^ V n ry Ohien with AT points, upset position to 75.8, second lowest in Young Bill led the'league In hom­ (,iP) - John l^ n d y , fa.stest known ersoh. s left-handed youngater water, Fla., next month with the. Wnded It four times. »’(i (‘nrlff'in .. . .i(»ri mn jir» (',eer. rx ...... 1 tl^ltey) Ford and Joe Colllne REVNOI.D "BUTCH” BECK­ (Off-sensnn prirp good through High vs. E.a.st Hartford, 8:30 time In 1879. They were steevelesS'/ (V l.nklng ■...... '67 96 Rice, 63-*\p, In the Southwest'Con­ till’ circuit. Wnison. lx ...... 7 14 ers, RBIa and total bases and was mller In th^world today, will go whii has been hanging around smallest group of newcomers in : 3 ^ d e It In 1950; Mickey Mantle, ER , well known local baseball star < Arm ory. . . .Tiitr, ,741 567 ig;;4 ference. The defeat kept Rice from ZaxM 1, l( ...... O’ voted unainlmously the loop’s No. 1 out SaturMy In a calculated at­ .W’lth the Reds since 1944 without ‘ years. Inflelder Dick Young anda I SEVENTY-FIVE members of January). Jaekets of eanvns, laced in front ' V ■T**nlH ...... 276 412 4H 12.:2 T 't U i . \. Gil McDougald and Tom Morgan Bob the Manchester Coon-and Fox Glnb In-high- school, .semi-pro and thej Friday. .Ian. 2.3 and drawn tight. Such suits offer­ r. « (!) "nlning a first plsce tie with rooklg. tempt to /Crash through tha four^ aeeompllshing - much. Peterson,^ pitchers Paul SlUffet and “ i-’lflon % .... : .... .’MOS' 304 116- 7122 were defeated by the indianapblia T e U U ...... 14 followed snit -in- 1951- and- Tom Twilight Leagu^ for many seasons, ; Othes types of siding and roof- NeeVington vs. Frankic’.Sj 7 |)ot« (1) Texas. roallralll’s <3SI Skowron has been In organl: minute barrier. , who at the time was toiling In the Miller will be on hand but they’ve enjoyed a venison and turkey din­ ed little ..handhold for taeUling. It Sports Mirror | frt*" • .OUioA'd .. ■%. m . . Gorman Joined the group last year, ner la.st Saturday at the Manche.s- died of rtijuri** lb Memorial Ho.s-; Ing-fAt. reduced ■ «'lnter prices. | Her. n : n-Vnrn'ii ...... V f o 9f 'rJmnia.’^ ...... ‘(7 •* su 98 •«> 1; ■ Dpratll nipped'Clhclnnatf, 68-67, ■01.vmplans, 70-.59, laat night tn the baseball two years and hi Landy; a 22-.vear-bld cprly* Texas League .was tossed In when | been up twice before. 'The only out- Is reeorded that one learn aclirill.v ...... 56 • 81 71 '•(•8 Wishnrt, r f .. i 4 pltal this morning, received In an | Call us cojleet for free estimate Cvprc.ss A im s vs. Double R'M r r Y . . . . M iM»I' Tl ...... 86 8.7 79 2Tp1 on two free throws by Ru*s John- only one of the three achfduled two leagues in hitting. In haired / Australian atudent of the Reds swapped Bubba Church right rookies are pitchers Bob ter Rod and Gun Club ih Coventry^ greased Kself to foil taeklers. The •( *r (■‘jl' t riiU ...... sh 64 ! j- ll!'U)(li;(M’d ...... M7 91 K».7 3)3 Be«*er, rf 0 . 0 on your home. No obligation. ' TOD.\ 3' .\ YE:'R, .\Gt). n - •’.7 " 81 2')!» I son In the last 90 seconds, league games played. The lone Arthur, If .. 0 topped the Piedmont Lea to the Phils for Johnny W yro- President Ed Dziadus, Walt Smith, auto accident on the parkjvay la s t, Strikes, R,:.30 Rcc. suits proved so slippery that the K. Srhrnlf'l ...... rn Greenwood, Ron Mrozlnski. catch­ Liberal hnanrlng. iiiid linoLs replacce Rhineland because of Pet­ FrniUi ...... nrj 14.1 120 .TS9 ■ By The Associated Press ' GREENWOOD, 6-4 horn in come up with another fine swim­ ‘ SIDING FIVE YF..\KS .-V/4, Cananea, Mexico 24 ytar.s ago, ming team at the High School. The j Voylc.s. coach of Aubiirn. wa.s .1 1.1) 2.7 1).7 2!'7“ Miilwcstcrn. 69-51. the New Yftrk Knickerbockers and him Ineligible M r m ilitary service. lieves it Ls^ossible for him to do It only games while suffering ]•; l.nr-’l tv.' u ...... 76 81. •VII Total* Philadelphia, outpointed B o b b y 12 36 pitched for Kennewick In the West­ SPECIALISTS named head coach of the Brook­ . . 2 4 84 8.9- Crntiflirll U(9 120 I.(»6 the Warriors and Milwaukee was Score at halfttm*; tW , Deri’s, N E W S W IM M IN G classes are club won Us first meet last week ! A nu >1. • :l ...... 116 K ‘7 87 n.os ■ Skowron, whom Mickey Owen, Dvkes. 154, San Antonio, Tex. 10. before very Iqng. losses. ern ■ International League where lyn football Dodkci’S of the A ll- K Mr(’'»rmlrk . . 8.*i • former Biiwoklyn and St, Loulr bf“^ formed at the East Side Rec and will bear watching. Some re-i Hartford 9-57.39 postponed until Thursday. The twin ‘White Plains, N . Y . Jim m y "It will be a fa.st mile," Landy THE PERSONABLE'southpaw he posted a 14-8 record. If Mrqzin- American Con'crcncc. T .it’.'ri ...... '■SN t .3i:i l.VII Miami Beach. Fla.- -George Ben- c a tc h e r,^ w coach of Kansas City, for girls and boys. The se.sslons I cords will go by the boards. 1 Tntat.^ ...... '•17 4 ".,7 417 1 *;';9 bill was shifted to avoid competi­ Herring, 160 U , Brooklyn, ou) said Just before he left Melbourne was allowed to stay In the minora ski is as difficult to hit as htr naipe T E N 3'E .M IS .-AGO - - T h r Ri’ook-. SI. rrifitrut’*. N*!. •: (Si OlviMpiaiiH Defeat Ion. 155, Philadelphia, stopped called ;>fhe greatest young hitter h ’• O N- i'll ...... I u7. .rill llrt :t:iit tion with last night’s Gll Turner- pointed Mack Stanford, 160/ for the Avest. " I ’ll be trying hard, until September When he was Ivn Dodgci’.a .signed out fielder’ II ' T.-rM 1 K Bobby Lee, 150',^, Baltimore, 8. I’ve .aver'seen,” Is not the only Is to spell and pronounce, he un­ S* u'l* 11 ...... I2M ;||| no ill’ll Bobby Dykes fight at the Arena. Englewood, N. J;. 8. but It's a gamble. It will depend brought up for Iste In.spection Paul Wanci’j and -Tohnny Coonev.' In.IVff l|» .«):illiv-n.i ...... 111 in no powfer-packed roiBile up foe Yan- doubtedly will make the grade. Itovals hv 70-59 Indianapolis, trailing 11-10 at - Sacramento, Calif.— Lauro ^laa, on jMie rOndltlon of the trark, hotv along with several other farm - recently relea-cd by the Boston ...... IM 86. • 30», '♦ rC ’ iiM'ni'' ...... 94 *7 ai - ’..“JL’ • • • Inspection. Bill Renna, jinoth^r Scout Cy .Morgan signed the 21- ' . i-9T It? -■•KT- ri't- lOH lir —-; jo.5 .Uw-erid of ,the first quarter, took a 13i; Loa Angelea. knocked out Del Pm-ss-feellng that -day, .and- the .hands. He made*.his.-flrst. ap- year^oId righthander out o f ' a'. T^ra v*e)i uiU tip _ Cockayne^ 137% . Dea MolnM, 4.__ trv’olU camp aiid sent hlrri to ; THERE'S A V GOOD REASON TttKNTY VK.MtS A8 many more rejections from the 20 J'ears In poJiCn' work, but he .703 613 >"& 1694 the Phils’ spring training camp ' Tfttfii.* .. I r . , . .9h ‘87 9V 283 high brass. '* | «I»o has a ngfne, .which Ots his record attempt late in tlm day ] the Giants. in a total of seven e after the temperature ha.s\begun Innings, Petetrson permitted only but hg M’ill have hi.s work rut out i ...1 1 5 96 lof) 316 INFIELDERS Andy C*rey, Kal . job. He Is John Lewis, of Klngs- M E R C U R Y .DOOR SEDAN SO MANY '« ( 1) to drop. \ lone safety and fanned six. for him with Smokey Burgps.s'and i 1 9 5 2 4 I A.»-i I.Tm('nrf*Rtix m 137 m 36.7 T oIrI* ■ .. .'480 .50.S .Vil I486 Segrlst and Loren Babe, who saw-[ ton. _ ___ Stan Lopata safely behind the bat. i Academy blue. 3,200 miles. i Mni’ftn- . .. .'i ,j.. 111 112 96 3’ 9. Come A lon g Tesauro. a .311 batter at | Radio, heater, merromatic. ; imdlijr'i'’ ...... 97 . . . \ SAVE $400 PEOPLE, NOT If You are out of work i r;.ijthrif* ... / 94 124 121 .339 Scngnectady la.st year, was a- kec-; 5?vfvn' 11.1 t1 JO’"1 ond ajl-stsr choice for the Eastern | 1 9 5 0 PlYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE ONLY IN TOWN, \ rhrtiTil.ifr* .....f ■ 99 lt)9 20'h- League; last year. .He is the only ; Sea mist greefi. Radio, beater, hydrlimatlc. L om- \Tn\n\r* •7i 4 3911 631 1641 rookie XvrOaser who will go to, mileage. On,- owner ear. Stock No. U -48...... • $1945 If You want work close to your home Dnrl -'la id (3 ). u t ) f) . 113 120 X72 , TODAY IS Clearwater. All the rest are hold-1 BUT FROM ALL Kf*fi'tf'.\* ...... , J ... SjV'IlXT ...... 123 nO 1.39 VJ overs. ‘ , 1946 PLYMOUTH 4-D06R SEDAN O. Jnruln ...... ___ _ 97 96 •106 2!ri ' Blai-k. Radio, heater. • OYER Tapff.ait ...... 119 151 123 •7!l’t ■ F u II»t ...... 96 . f06 129 3.31 : Stock No. U-992...... $645 BE SURE TO LOOK INTO THESE OPENINGS AT that's why Ballantine Beet is brewei^for Kovacs Advances | CONNECTICUT, Totnln ...... ___ .7T,4 576 617 MANCHESTER 1 9 4 9 O L D S 7 6 4 .DOOR SEDAN Gray. I/iw mileage. Radio and heater. Tii.wn .Matora (0) GOME TO ilS n ...... ___ 109 98 93 In Tennis Event Stock No. .l'-976...... S1295 51. ‘ Molinf'n ...... t . M 98 73 88 M. (7ow’ r#*n . . . . . 123 A T 'm E FOR A USED CAR n. Ponprnt/ . . . . . 95 H.7 87 2S7 flavor that ^Hollywood, FIs,, .1^ 21 . lA’i 1 9 5 0 CHEVROLET 4 -DOOR SEDAN DELUXE Cheney Brothers .Mnti ..... '1% Top-seeded F r»n k Kovses of O a k -; Black. Radio and heater, Powergllde. One owner car. A Q C I?*’ Tol-il...... ___ 302 275 470 CONNECTICUT ■ land. Calif-- drew a second .roun.^l Stijek ■ .No. U -971; ..,...., ^ . JfffMjird- IsMd <4i ; tS. ro w jv * . 101 96 W 2991 bye^toqgy in the Nationsl -Proifes-j i r s : F.. TMflforrl 9-» . 119 2W slonal Clay .Courts Tennis Tourn»/j 1 9 5 0 L i N C O L N 4 -DOOR SEDAN ! D. L'joiniK JIO D 1 .79. :Hi2 ’Color trojan g m y - Raidto, beaten, hydransatic. i V; ,^v' , ...... 3.‘;'.VJ.' ■99 ‘-107. W r ill can’t kitl... ment and advanced-to the quarter ; # Inspectors^ H y. (>a>.*1*11 10? Hi) 107 297 •; Stock No,. U--880. A -re a l buy a t ...... $1795 L. Tourtpllof ■ 89 5.1 ! SPORTSMEN’S and .ftnsu.,,,. ui, • or'-fviri-oe': --.u.l Ko.vaca defeated Ed.Cppcland otu. TMJil.t -... i-v.'.-.... ■" 456 --492-Lm |v 'Pphie Verda'Beach, ■ Fla.,'6-4, 6- 1, n 1 9 4 8 CHRYSLER '^W INDSOR" 4 . - , Pirkpv .. . 96 I0.'» 118 319 in these well-paying for flavor! Fiehback, of New York, vs. Joe ’ Gray. Heater. lAOOO mile ear. ^ HAVE Th<*rr)*‘n ------88 JOl 189 STATE ARMORY _ ^ HARTFORD Whalen of Jacksonville; Jack ; Stock No. NT-236...... jobs. Mechanics T^talir- . .. 489 468 / 518 i m For lightness, yes! For dryness, Rodgers of St. ■ Petersburg, vs. GONNEGTIGUT’S - R. II. R oofing <2» ^ A^ERNOON AND EVENING Jerry Evart of Fort Lauderdale; • 1951 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN Fv rholakl ...... M 116 2or) L ata' ...... Ci* 86 102 280 of course! But first, last, and Yvon Petro of Paris vs. Ja.son M or- - Green: Radio and heater. Wllhtftrn .r*...... 103 i n 8.7 299 * Tool & ,Dic Makers CLEANEST CARS ■ . J ton of Corpus Chriatl, Tex.; Bill ' Stock No. N T-331...... # Electricians Liiraa ...... 4..X5. 99 . 112 313 always, Ballantine brews for the' Ufler of Cbral Gables vs.•Martin Orlnrl riS: 81 m F*»r/F‘ ni«kl ...... * 97 89 186 -* Gauge 'Makers In Person fine, full flavor that chill can’t kill! Buxby' of rtollyM-ood. 1950 P A C K A R D 4-D O O R SEDAN PRICED RIGHT In Tuesday matches, Thomas T o tila ...... ___ 49(J 460 1474 Green. Radio and boater. Material .Handlers * Precision Machinists Serve Ballantine Beer right off won from meek Robinette of Coral St4)ck No. U -774...... • ■ Soda Shoppe U) ’ f ■ ■ Gable*. ' 4-8, 9- 7, 8-4; M i c h ^ n . ('4»wlffa .. .. .* 67 89 78 234 the ice.* It just brims with flavor! Gornto of Fort Dauderdale. defeat­ 1947 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR'SEDAN ' 1 .- L rfin alan ! \r.f ...... 92 .74 80 246 ■ * Sheet Metal Workers COME IN YOURSELF n. Rarkiia ‘ ...... 88 90 77 ZV7 W ALT DROPO ed Art Prochaaka of Pompano,! Two-tone blue. Radio and heater. Experience N O T essential on most of. these jobs. N. froodin ...... 98 98 89 28.7 Fla.. 4-6, 6-4, 6-0; Whalen defeated ; Stock No. U -887...... S. P uin^n . ... 75 80 . 76 231 * Machine Operators .Ralph Woods of Fort Lauderdale, j W # train you. Earn while you learn! DETROIT TIGERS 4-6. 6- 2, 7-5, and Morton , doRmed ' Tot»l* ..... ! . . . 420 431 400 1251 1947 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-DOOR SEDAN Prlnreoa i4i Tonv Acinto of New York, - , - . EYE W * Many other openings 6 0 6 1 Black. Rddio and heater. Hydramatle Drive.- ' B. rjilin p n ...... 89 — 97 1S3 * Since 1840 F. K lo trr ...... 97 89 78 264 Near new tires, puncture proof tnbe*. ' K. P#»r«*tto . , , . . . . 100 n o 114 324 COIJJCGE BASKETBALL , Stock No. IT-8d9.-A real hay at ...... OPENINGS FtDlR MEN AND WOMEN 1 A- Bfubu ... 93 f.l9 111 323 TRY ’EM! Pv. M *Intonh .7 *...... 97 81' 181 NEW EmploymptirOffiu PLUS Maine 86. Bates 81. * pH riam a ...... — 95 96 191 . ^ ... . 1947 BUiCK SUPER SEDANETTE ■ Plant” Brandela 90. Tufts 8(W ...... 473 ' 497 . 496 Ug6 Gun melal tuay. A real clean gmr. i ' t H la ...... North Carolina 72, Wake P'oresk A P P L Y A T . 366 MAIN STREET Stork No, T7-RD9, • • • BOY’EM! I Sensationol Stage and Tank Show ALLANTINE 68. S< HOLASTir RA.-kKETBALL (formerjy Hamilton DePaul 68. Cincinnati 67. • - I- . ■Rib Grande ,1 Ohlot 68, Cedar- ! Hartford Public 4(, Hlllhnugc ■Standard Plant) DOORS OPEN 1 P . M * ville 29 ' 4. r -" » jOna>Sft HUIIT I (New Haven 1.43 " . ; East Hartford 8, Conn, Tepcas Christian 69. Rice 60. TAKE UP TO CHENEY BROTHERS I Danburv 58, Harding (Bridgeport) i Hardln-Simmona 69, Midwest­ .35 • ■’ ■ ; STAGE and TANK SHOWS AT 2 P. M. and 8 i Bcia ern 51. . PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT " * ' Windham 66. Hall 45 , St. Mary’s (Tex.) 66, Corpus 24 MONTHS P.ulkelcy (Hartford) 78, Meriden PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT ChrlsU Univ.. 64, Divi- 'Cf 1 4 6 ^ HARTFORD ROAD MANCHESTER. CONN. 60 A D U L T S : $ 1 .0 0 Plu» Tax— CHILDREN; SOe Phn Colorado ;72, Kansas 68. Southington 68, Mid’dlrtnwr^.3 Umifd Aircraft C fii: ,>i TO PAY ■ * SeatUe 71,- Pacific Lutheran 58. aOl-815 CENTER ST. TEL. MITCHELL S-51S5 I Newington 75. Gl.astonhuy^nS I St. Mary’s (Calif.) 6f, .San, Jose Rockville 51, Stafford .50'-’^ BalkutiiM 4 Sotw,>l«w»rk. N. J. S U te 65. 7 ' i •. I I ■ ■ A .! i /■ , I.' r if , " i ... , 1 , w— MANCHESTER EVE^fING HERAI^D, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 21. 1953 PAGE TWENTY-THBEB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, .lANUARY 21. 1953 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Live «.Stock—Vehiclcfl 42 HonschoM Goods 51 Roomk wfthoat Board 59 Houses for Sale 71 'BubartNuiYor Sale 75 ReiMirinit ZS Help Wanted— Male 36 Help Wanted— Malf 38 Dogs— Blrds— Peta 41 Automobiles for Sale iLUtomobiles for Sale Business 9**'''*®** OfferiMl 13 N E W L Y DECORATED, beautUul- F i v e r o o m Ranch style home, Reds Build COCKER, THREE mnntha. Reds, AN HONEST PERSON^ ly fumlehad and spacious room. SIX-ROOM SINGLE COMPLETE Repairs b^ Stuart R. MATTRESS Yuur old mattresses WANTED Men for machine op.-; PIG. *$50. Inqulra Fred Banitsan, idvlng room, dinette, kitchen, 3 W l-1952 PACKARDS. . Spotless. blacks, nne male,; six females.-' Lydall street. WHO’S GOINQ HOUSEKBEPma xYie .most complete light houec- bedrooms, full tile bath. Plenty CONVERTIBLE etcrUigeu. and remade like new. WANTED eration.,.Steady .work, good Charmlng'Cape Cod with aix reomii ; /lo w mtleage, "One ,-at V.lvSOO; -one Wolcott. A-1 Repair, Sales, on '■ Sired ^hy ' Champibn Tiicker’s THA'TS WHAT 1 WANT UcepTnjg facillttes evaflehle in Classified Call Jbnea Furniture and Floor ■Tober Ba.seball Mfg. Co., TiicJ, finiahed. Ehctra land goea with tliu of climeta, aluminum comblnaiion A*?*' ■' SPECIALS at 10.900. New. car gusrarrtcca. v>ashing machines, vacuum clean­ Browti Bbmher. A.K.C.- registered. TO TAKE OVER ' Manchester. You will marvel at Death Zone Dances.mto Coyerinjf, 36 Oak, Mitchell 9-1041. ROUTE SALESMAN , Hilliard, ^ __ property making it a very .deslr- gtorm windows, Venetian blinds AII. eqiilppert ,wlth_^ famous _UUra- ers. motors, small appliances. •Chaafii Hebron .Road, South...BoK Ppi4^. u4*3af|fUci 43 UNPAID BADANCK ■tha,. cleanllheea. of this building. Buy out of ■ season and Wei'dihg. 180 MaTti afreet. PhbWe ’ MONTHLY PAYMENTS 6l}te 'home at' a reaaonahle price. ' and., many -other extras: - Garag*'- matlc brive, radio, hearer and ■' FOR DKY CLEAmNG WANTED Man for greasing and ton. Mitchell 3-5427. Children eocepted. Central. Pric­ In basement. Large 'fenced In Advertisements BROAD BRJBIASTED B ronu .^ur- ... $21A3 .'■■ ... 1947-p l YMOI ■many other extras-. See"thiese -to­ MUcheU-3-8597. M ortKaRcs pbllShlng cAVs. Good wages, ed so TeasOhahly you'll gasp f Be front yard. On'e-half mil* from 31 keya. freth froxen. ready anytime. NEW FURNITURE AND For Berlin Wee CLASSIFIED ADVT. night for a big trade. .See Dollar ESTABLISHMENT steady work. For further informa­ sure and see this one. Mre. Dor­ ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Univaraity of Conn., on main high, / 1948 STUDEBAJi WIRING ifi.STALLATION of all Live Stock—^Vehicles 42 22-25:< pounds, S9c a pound. .A p p l i a n c e s DEPT. HOURS Jones. Up to 4 years to pay. Brtin- FIRST AND Second mortgages tion see Joe Lawton, Snllmene', sey, 14 Arch street. ' Realtor way, roOta 195. Shown by ap­ 1946 CHEV ner'i^, 3-58 F.aat Center street. tj*pe.”. No Job too small. Call bought fur our own account. Faat, f GOOD PAY Schaub’s Turkey Farm, 188 Hllls- which is now In storage— (Contlhued FTom Page One) (ConOhued YFsm Faga Om ) inc., 6.34 Center street. Manches­ WANTED To Buy—Cows, calves pointment only. 'OaU Storrs 9024. 8:15 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Open Mon. and Thiirs. 'til 9;.30. Mitchell 9-7.303. gonfldentlal service. Manchester town Road. originally sold to a young couple PLEASAN T, well furnished rooms 875 MAIN ST. EST. 1921 All Conv^rtlblea. ter. . ■ and beef rattle. Call Pella Bros; whom had entertalnad on Monday Investment Coro., 244 Main St. rtlNSURANCE BENEFITS hut unfortunetely ere net getting m itabls for I.ght housekeeping. GLASTONBURY — Attractive To be caught In thia area with­ All PrpSed to Sell. married - COPY CLOSING TIME 19.53 WILLY.S Jeep, four weeks Phone .Mitchell 3-.5416. Mitchell 3-740.5. , On hue line. Inquire Hillside Phone: Office MItcheU 3-5440 ranch atyle, fjvc room, new home, out apecifle permkwion could mean night, moved around tha room Honschnid Serrlees Articles .for Sale 45 BEDROOM SUITE old. only BOO miles. It'.s new for a APPLY IN PERSON Female 38 Houee, Apartment 9, 24 Grove Eveninga: Mitchell 9-6933 ' on about two acree of land having gaping at political celebrities pret­ FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. BAL^PONTIAC .Inc. Offered 13-A LIVING ROOM SUITE abrupt death from the guns of the used car price. .See Boh Oliver on atreet, Rockville. a' frontage of 213'i ThU house is '.'J'. -fw r.. MON. THRU FRI. 135 Center Street Situations Wanted— BOLTON — Building stone and 5-PC. DINBTTE SET ' or Mitchell 9-5592 Soviet-trained border police. ty much ea people usually gape at this one at Center Motor Sales, FLAT FINISH Hollund window Help Wanted— Female 35 FISHER DRY CLEANSERS Notice flagstone. Bolton Notch (Quarry. ready for occupancy and aituated 10:30 A.M. ^Your Better Deal 461 Main street. WILL CARE for your child by day "PHILOO” ELEXmUC REP. ROOMS .FOR rent for lediea or A similar death zone was built them. Few people sat still. They ahadea made to measure. All WANTED • '"Oman for gensral Phone Mitchell 9,-0617. Stanley BENGAL” COMB. RANGE ..about flve mllea from Mancheater, Pontiac Dealer BROAD STREET br week. In reliable licensed hnme. Board Of Tax Review couples. Kitchen privileges. 98 SIX AN D Six. OU heat. Modern by the Communists on the zonal moved, endlessly, wheeling round SATURDAY 9 A. M. 1949 CHEVROLET’S. Four to metal Venetian bllnda at a new hoiisev/ork. No Thursdaya or Sun­ Patnode. ‘‘NORGE" WASHER Call for appointment to see. Alice Mitchell 9-8801. Tlie Board of Tax Review of the Norman street. Tel. Mitchell kitchens. Neat and clean. Fine lo­ Clampet, Realtor. Mitchell 9-4543. and round tha room. 0 9 5 0 WTLLY.S Jeepster. Ifa a -choose from. All in excellent con’- low price. Keys made while you days. No Iti.ndry. Call Mitchell •HOOVER”VACUUM frontier in midwest Germany'gftar WANTED- ReliabJf.T.V. Inatalla^< Town of , Manchester, Conn., will 6 0 % OFF on famous make Bat, 9-0815. cation. Near bua and school. Carl­ Other lutings available. A t' 10:45, Marine band in blue- roUK COOPERATION WILL/ honey. Heater, overdrive, Plea- dttion. Douglas Motors; 333 Main. wait. Ma.'low'a 9-94 85. - . EXPERIENCED typi.it de.otre.s • EMERSON” TELEVISION the Bonn Republic approved ^ e tion men. Full lime work. Apply be in .session at the Municipal terles. Written guarantees. $1.00 ton W. Hutchins. Mitchell 9-5132 and scarlet .crashed out the open­ BE APPRECIATED tone, wheel rings, a real sporty work at home. Call any time Sealy mattreea and box apring, A T T R A C n V E L Y Furnished room European defense treaty last sum\ WEAVING of bums', moth holea WANTfCD - Woman or girl for Beruvin'a, Int;., 1085 Main. Mitch­ Bbilding the following days dur­ dosm, 11.00 weekly. Calso Sent- or Mitchell 3-6231. ing b a n of “Hail- to the Chief,” th8 ear. Only 1295 down, 336 month­ 1950.OLD.SMOBILE .Sedan, Model Mitchell 9-8.365; Resident of. town. ing the month of Feh, 1953: Frh- Mohawk ruga, inlaid, lampa, tables, ■to rent. Complete light house­ mer. 88, radlr>, heater, Hydiamatlc and torn clothing, hoaiery runa, hoiia:’wnik and to help care for ell 9-5243. teenier. Tel. Mitchell S-4184, dishes, poU and pans. Wantedx-Real Batat* 77 song that announces the arrival of ly. I ft'nilt yoi .■ old 38. 39, 40, 41, rimiy 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6 from .3-5 keeping fecUIttes mvaiiable. Pri­ SIX ROOM Cape Ood, four rooms Roads from Weat Berlin to the Dial MI-3-5 drive, whitewall tires, hub shells, handba^a repa'red xlpper re­ two chlldre.n. Room, board and $15 Mitchell 3-4165, or Mitchell PHONE ME IMMSDIATELT. all PreaidenUr. 42 car. I will pay up to J500 in ROUTE SALESMAN for estab- p.'rii.; February 9, 10. 11 from 6 vate entrance. Oouple preferred finished, two unfinished. Built OONflIDEKINO SBLLINa surrounding Soviet sone have ays- I want your old pre-war car and placement. repaired, per week. Tel. Mitchell 9-887.3. 9-0980. * HARTFORD 6-0358- Then, in an upptr box, Bts8n- trade fot a better guaranteed used li.shed route. Paid holidays, gbo windows. $9,500 mortgage com­ you sell. Streeta, Saturday, package con­ and Thiira. 'til 9:30. t:all Mitchell 9-0472 after,6 p. m. Hon In Staaken, British sector, with his upraised arms. His 'wtfa waxing on all types of floors. As­ CASHIER Part time, .some eve­ ior. Conn., and those requiring ad­ kin's Bros., 110 Spruce street. A—L-B—E—R—T— 8 mitment. Priced to' 'sell. . Henry BRAE-BURN REALTY taining ^ t t o n yard goods from and the Fllenlcke bridge lit the smiled a little giri'a amllc. BEFORE YOU Buy a used, car phalt arid rubber tile, linoleum nings and week ends. Apply Msn- WANTED Full time day driver. justments must appear and file ' Tel. Mitchell 3-7739. 43 Allyn 8t., Hartford :^cott Agency. Mitchell 9-7683.'' Phoiie Mitchell 3-6273.- HaleVMItchell 9-3535. aee Gorman Motor Sales. Bulck 1951 PLYMOUTH Belvedere. Tu- Apply at City Cab, .5.3 Purnell ROOM FOR Rent at 272 Main American sector. O n c e / there .Instanlly, opera g lames and tone paint. All extras. 7,000 orig­ and hardwood floortrig. .Stores, nf- sger at State Theater, Manohc.s- Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 their complaint at nne of the.se .street. Parking. Mitchell 3-4071. Sales and Service. 28.5 Main Place. ,, meetings or at some adjourned b r a n d N E W 1953 21” table MANCHESTER — Attractive oiie U S H N O fl W anted Single, two- were hundreds of croaslfiig points. Dr. Edwin J. LoJeakI lorgnettes blossomed all over tha PASS BOOK No. 68540. inal miles, Call owner Mitchell flees and'homes. Kitchen- a spe­ (CLEARANCE. 20 % off electric family, thrta-famUy, buatnsss The .controls a lo n g ^ e city bor­ room, meet of them trained on har street. MItjhell 9-4571. Open eve­ c a n a r i e s —Guaranteed singer.". meeting of .said board of Tax Re­ model television. Ready for U. H. ANDOVER Oenler—Three larga year old Cape Cod. Four large otice is hereby given that Pae« 3-6140 after 6 ft, m. cialty, al.so applying hot wax COURTEOUS Married man, 25 to clocka, toasters, corn poppers, property. Hava many cash buy­ der between the West and East dress. nings. process. Free estimates. Phone Also females. Phone Mitchell view. F. Hand rubbed mahogany cabi­ fumUhed rooma with bath. Phone . rooms, two unfinished. Aluminum Dr.. Edwin J, LoJeskl, son of Book No. 68540, Issued by The GIRUS! 40 7or local vacancy. Opportunity irons, percotatora and upright ers. Murtgagsa arranged. Pleas* sectors of the cjty are loose anil Mr. and Mrs. Walter LoJeskl of It had been photographed be­ 1948-1949-19.50 Packards, 4 dopr, 9-0426. Tile time of appeal is limited by net, $189.95. Terms. Phone Pilgrim 2-0066 or Pilgrim 2-6048. s’.orm windows and screens. All Savings Bank of Manchester has 1947 FORD Deluxe tudor. Radio, .Mitchell 9-9.392. /hr advancemrnt. Public contact vacum cleanera. Krah’a, 367 call Gsorge L Grazladio, Real­ infrequent, but lately the Com­ fore, but there wen exclamations 2 door. Priced from $89.5 to $1.59.5. law to 20 d.Tys from and after the Mitchell 9-5650. modern ctHiveniencee'. Reaaon- 273 Oak street, announces tha been lost and application has heater. Jet black original flnish. "\’oti Can He A experience u.*efiil. $320 per month SIX WEEKS old part Shepherd Main. Four blocks north of P. O. tor. Mitchell 9-6878. 109 Henry munists ha^'^been Imposing spot when the ladies actually saw it. Good tires, perfect motors. All first day of February, 1953. PLE ASAN T FurnUhed heated able price. Inspection by appoint­ opening of his office at 29 Perk been made to amid hank for pay­ In nice condition throughout. guaranteed from very start. puppiei", $5 and $10. Gerich's BRAN D n e w 17” Emereon tele- atroet. checks. yOti one occasion they atreet today for the general prac­ is “ renoir pink” and gtudded have radios, heaters and . many Building—Contracting 14 N. Charles Bogglni, Cliairman room with use of small den. Phone ment. Phone owner Mitchell ment of the amount of deposit. Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 33.3 TELEPHO.NE OPERAT()Ii Write Herald. Box H. Service Station, Buckland. Mitch­ vielon $169. Tax and warranty WE BUT and sell good used funil- a rb itra ry seized several hundred tice of dentistry. . with 2,000 rhlnaatones. She had extras-. Easy terms. .See Top Dot Sherw.'ond A. Beechler Rockville 6-4647. 9-8924. Main. POR YOUR new building or repair ell 9-802.5. included. Can arrange terms to ture, combination ranges, gas CASH fUTEAa fralUng for 4|'6, Wept^*Berlin passenger automo­ Dr. LoJeskl, a veteran of World matching glbvsa and Evening bag- LOST -■ PASS BOOK No. 49301. lar Jenes for an extra big trade Right Here In ' Earle Is. Rohaq, Sec. ranges and heaters. Jones Furni­ a and aovOn room slnglaa Job see Wm. Kanchl. Contractor Boaid of Tax Review of Tile suit. Call Mitchell 9-0980. ATTR ACTIVE Room, centrally lo­ biles and aerved notice they will War II, graduated from Manchea­ Bqn John-^apparently the ahyeat Notice ia hereby given that Paws 1949 PACKARD nedan, radio, In allowance. Now at Bninner's, WHITE MICE, aUo brown and ture , Store, 36 Oak. Mitchell two-family ho- beeii lost and application boa Til. rotn\>nny lias- We Have Several Openings CLOTHES LINB—Ufe Ume guar­ 5. $10,900 trades. See Top Dollar Jones at Including repair". Tel. 'Mitchell rlxhi now in Its Manch#*st^r offlr# for changing, no storing. Free esti­ 9-1107. West Berlin Is still unclear. sity, School of Dentistry, Chica­ been made to said bank for pay' CHEVROLET.S, 1946, 1947, 1948, TROPICAL FISH. New shipment antee. New etainleae steel. Zip- After th* ElsenhowerY arrival, Bnmner’s, 368 East Center street. 9-4848. op^rAlrirR'. mate glyen, no obligation. Call' LARGE FRONT bedroom for cou­ Four rooms, two expandable plus Soviet General Vassily Chulkov go College of Dental Surgery, last . went of the amount of* deposit. 1949, 19.50, two dobra and four For Men • Just arrived. Kelly’s Aquarium, i Grip. Needs no clothea pins. Call DO YOU WANT to sejp your actor Adolphe Menjou, in the idle Open Mon. and Thurs. 'til 9:30'. William 'Tunsky, Mitchell 9-9095, ple or two girla Kitdien privi­ recreation room, fireplace, alumi­ assured acting U. 8. High Com June, and In July passed the Con- doora. All deluxe models and fully If you ATf' h!gK RchoVtl icradunt^ i MItchall 3-6502 for demonatra want^4o.selI It of maater-of-ceremonies, urgad the 1*1 Bml why not romo in ; 29 .Sunset street. Open 'til 9. | COME IN! ' leges. On bus line. Inquire 14G home? Do you ^ miaaioner Samuel Rebqr laat week neettept State Dental Board ex- LOST — PASS BOOK No. 66019. 1949 CADILLAC Club aedan. equipped. Stop In and Compare Roofing—Siding 16 In Our Expanding Operations ROYAL AND Smlth-Oorona port­ num combination atorms, full cel­ guests to dance. Some ef them and mir ^mplo.vm<*nl p^oplp. O p ora*' tion. Garden Drive after 5 p. m. lar, oil heat. Assume present G.I, now? If It’s for sml^you want to that Allied traffic between West amil^(tion. Notice la hereby given that Pas» tbia aelecllpn of beautlful,,clean, tr»n» liav^ l*ay. frfqiu'nt , Q.OCKBR .SPANIEL puppy, five . . . and see our able and standard typewriters. tried. But by this time the crush Radio, heate.r. Hydraniatl.c. Many mortgage. list. your , horn* with U>e ^ency Berlin and Waat Germany, would --PrevlouB -to -openlng'-hls -office Book 'Nh. 66019, Issued by The •5VE SPECTATJR5E In roofing and 'pl^iiiaant jnjirnrmrfiTiirtr-atTd ro-wnrk^'i’^'! Fartory 'Experience Helpful months olfi; 2l SBiem.Roa'd. Phone 1952 O BNERAL E L E C T R lC Iron- wiui-'Yoo' greit.^tt was bird “ to extras. Full price $2.29.5. Big guaranteed cara at Center Motor N E W Emplo.vment Ofticee All makes of adding machines ttfkt does the JtM^. Phone Mitchell continue to flow unhIndsrM ^ r e Dr, LoJeskl served an In­ Savings Bank of Manchester has aiding. Hlghe.st quality ma­ er. Magic Chef gas stove, $25, walk, let alone dance. A woman - tradea, 4 yeara to pay, Bruniier's .Sales, 461 Main atreet. QiiRMfi'*d hicit iM'hu'd. g^'nioi« aif* bp- Mitchell .3-6527. — fhe finest In sold or rented Repairs on all LARGE HEATED front room. GATTO & COMPANY O^-liei or Mitchell 9-8715. B and But the Soviet sons pews agen­ ternship in oral surgery at St. been Ibet and application ha» Packard, '3,58 Eaat Center street. terials. Worifmanship guaran­ inn acTPptPd parl-tirn'o o^'raior*. Age to 40 makes. Marlow’s. television booster, $15; Inside fainted. teed. A, A. Dion. Inc., 299 Autumn New England Weat Side. Phone Mitchell 3-4403. E Agency. cy ADN said this afternoon neii' Francta HosplUl In Hartford. . been made-to said bank for pay­ Open Mon. and Thurs. 'til 9:.30. door, 30” X 82” with braee hSrd' — Hartford 5-9198 measures to cut off contact hk' And atiU ths guests kept com­ ment of the amount of deposit Auto Accessories— Tires 6 atreet. Mitchell 3-4860. Full Insurance Program ATTENTION Ladles! Slip covera ware, $15. Mitchell 9-2673. Apply Now! Notice l a r g e ROOM next to bath. Hot Evenings, Hartford 8-3989 tween Eaat and W est ^ r llfi are ing. 1939 OLDSMOBILE, 1940 Oldsmo- and drapes custom made. Re-lip- water heat, near Cheney's and Legal Noticia in the offing. All Soviet sector Across towp, an idantical scene CONNECTICUT Valley Construc- Apidy In Person TW O USED Gas ranges. Good con blle, 1940 Lincoln. 1941 Chevro­ holstertng. Beautiful fabrics, Pioneer, te l. Mitchell 9-3055. Manchester Mitchell 3-6946 residents who have any kind of was taking place. Annoancementfl NOW tiort, Guaranteed roofa and aiding. ^lonHay to Friday OF ANNUAL MEETING ditlon, white porcelain, $26. AT A COURT or PROBAtB held Roger Brodie, let. All completely reconditioned COME IN! prints, •stripes, solids. Expertly a Job In Weat Berlin are to be The President, Who didn't get Aluminum storm windows and SPENCER OF m e m b e r s Kemp's, Inc. at Manch'eiler. within and for the •nd ready to go. See- Bob Oliver, 9 a. ni. to 4 p. m. flnishe(V$5 down, $2 weekly, 'TWO BUSINESS people, single or NORTH MANCHESTER—Excep­ Dtatrlot of Mancheater. on the lath registered in a apecial survey. there until after midnight, stood, HAIR CUTS B y appointment BY POPULAR REQUEST giittera, All men protected by In­ . . . and learn about Center Motor Salei, 461 Main OF 1 balance one year to pav. Call 'double rooms. Central. I^one day of Jahiiary, A.D., IMS The registration 'will single out half leaning on the balcony , iglli. (mornings only--Monday through surance. Three years to psy. Free RUHHKR PRODUCTS ABC OIL STOVE, two burners tional 5 room Cape Cod, attached Preaentj . JOHN J. WALLBTT, Siamese Twin, xtreet-.'*.. . . . -801V MAIN- STREET . the unusual Job opportunities.. Mra. Carr .MItcheU, 9-7320.. .. MItcheU. 9:7337. .,'. all the tiine he was there. Ha ek-' Friday): Phone • -Mitchell 9-5522 ■estimsles. Ciill • MrtCheir3-ri80.' M AN< HESTER S.WTNGS. GOOd”^ cohdltloh." c a n Hltchen garage; -tcreen porch. a;ttrsctfvc juds*. ■ ‘ this group, nufribered In the thou Ruarell's Barber Shop, comer Oak Winter tirc.s 1-2 price sale, COMPANY . AM) LOAN ASSOCL\TION,j . . . the many extra lot. An unus'.-ally fine home. Com- Estate of Rose, Benevenio, Ml* of sands, as subject to special scru­ changed quick, animated remarits 1949 WILLYS-Statlon wagon. 4 Alfred Chnre.st, Owner. 9-4212 after 6 p. m. FRONT ROOM, private home. Manchester, In said DIatrlet, deceased. and Spruce Streets. (Second Floor) 1NC0RP0R.\TED ' ad vantages.of .working for plete In every respect. Easily tiny for ’'western connections." Dies in Night with M n. Eisenhower ahd Athar cyllndera. heater. ove.r;drlve. Driv­ Buy one regular price, get one M ARLIN 32 Special. Three months Heated, all conveniences. Near On motion of Michael B. Beneeento hfcmbera of his party. en only 34,955 mjlea. $295 down, FOR GUARANTEED DQOFS that Chapel Street ■The annual meeting of the! a major supplier t« the old. Call Mitchell 9-8447. Center. GenEemkn preferre(4. financed. Warren Howland. Real­ of eald Menchester. admlnletrator. ANY TYPE doll repaired. Dreaaed 1-2 price. Casing plus tax, OR CALL MANCHESTER ELECTRIC HOTPOINT refrigera­ ORDBRXD: That etx month* from Etsanhower appeiured ready te 39 montha to pay. Brunner'a stay on in any kind of storm, and membei'.s of Mnnche.ster Savings [ fast-growing field of air Mitchell 9-2176. ty. C43 Woodbridge Street.'Phone (OoetlaiMd From Page One) to order. Specla,lty collection gutters, conductors and roof re­ ALTO SAXOPHONE, hoy’s over­ tor, $30. MltcheU 9-7097. Mitchell 3-8600-any-time...... the leth dey o f January A. D., 196I. ^ laava whan another act was -dit- Packard, 358 Ea.st Center atreet. MltCliell 3-4107 and Loan .Aasociatinn, Incorporat-] and the earn* kir* 'tlihUed ahd allesred Iteds Guilty - pieces reatoreji. Dreeaei copied pairs. Call Coughlin, Mitchell WANTED Man to work Sundays e,l will he held at the office of fhe ; transportation coat, size 34. Resonable. Boy gone aver, he must undergo further sur­ nounced— and that brought hbn Open Mon. and Thun». 'til 9:30. G IE N W O O D and Florence gas for the creditor* with which to brin* Call PIgrim 2-6945. .3-7707. in ser\-ice station. Must be nvef Association, 1007 Mai-n Slreeli 1 Into service. Mitchell 9-9912 after $8,500 — FOUR-ROOM unit of in their claim* eselnst seld e*t*te. and back to tha rail instantly. It was and oil combination stoves. Make Boarders Wanted 59-A gery and his condition still is r*' ths W est Point choir. 1951 PACKARD 4-door dehixe SERVICENTER EXCELLENT Permanent position 18 years of age. See Van for In- Manchester, Connecticut on .Tanu- 6. ranch like duplex, expansion the said admlnletralor le directed Jo Of Conspiracy LEARN TO make your oam slip GREAT EASTERN Roofing and open in small progre.ssive manu'> me an offer. Cell Mitchell 9-5527 space, basament game ' room. Sl»* public notice to the crec'ltorj. to garded as critical. The cadets, in trim grey larlth Covera or drapes In 5 easy lesaoni, aedan, Ultramatlc, radio and 4.36 (.tenter Street , terview. Van'." Service Station, 427 ary 23, 1953 at 7:00 o’clock P. M. HAVE OPENING in my licenied hrInS In thalr claims within said time Construction (,’o Applicators of facturing company for a capable YOU’LL GET . . . HEDSTROM Carriage, gray, also between'9 - 5 p. m. Near bus. Madeline Smith, Real­ allowed hr publlshins a copy of thie But Roger’s condition had been red chevrons, marched on stage. ;heater. Many extras. Driven only Phone Mitchell 9-0980. Hartford Road. for lhe\follnwing purposes: boarding home for an elderly per­ (OontlBned Frqm Page One) Call Rockville 6-7292. Bird and Flintkote. Guaranteed person for cost accounting work bathlnette, good condition. Rea-' tor. M!ltchell 9-1642 or Mitchell order In some newspaper bavins » rir- termed "very precarious” since the First they sang their ISmeua an-- 1'1^800 miles. Big trades, Brun­ 1. AcCoptalu-e of l eports.^ 6 >4 CUBIC FOOT Coldspot refrig­ son. Will give board and care. culetlon In seld probate district, with­ roofs and aiding. Life-time alum­ and pricing. Typing es ential. 4- The Stability of a Large apnable. M|tch*H 3:8615. 3-4679. separation. them, “The C om .” Then • flpok^ ner's Packard. 3.58 East Center 2. Election of Dirccldrs. erator. Ehccellent condition, $45 Mitchell 9-4402. in tan days from the date of this order, aame charges more than three WINTER TIPE.s— Pennsylvania inum clapboard and combination Knowledge of operating Bir- OFFICE CLERK Tompan.v and return make to thia court of the Roger's death was not an un- man announced that they wmad Personata street. Opeh Mon. and Thurs. 'til 3. To consider and lake action PARAMOUN’t All Aluminum delivered. Tel. Mitchell 9-3856. MANCHESTER GREEN—6 room years ago. expectad development by any do a song written espedaQy §kt Cleat. Goodyear Suburbanite ant' storm windows and acreens. For roughs hookkeeping machine upon a pi'oposal that the B.v-Laws notice Siren. Tha dafsiiaa asgued throughout 9:.30. Young man In Iraln- for clerical it Opportunities for advance­ triple track windows and- doors. ranch with attached garage, JOHN J, WALLETT. Judge. means,” said a spokesman at the the occasion, and for a highly re- t h e PROSRECT Hill School fpT 2 in 1 recaps Auto Lite, Penn free estin'rftes ■ call Mitchell helpful. Five day - 40 hour week, BEINSON’S January refrigerator ths long, costly trial that ths 13 accounting and sales analysis work of .the Association be altered in ment Also Paramount custom made Wanted— Rooms— ceramic tile bath, radiant heat. neuro-paychtatric hospital of tha nowned graduate of the aeadimgr. young children, Transporti^bn 1950 CHEVROLET Deluxe, tudor, aylvania and Bowers -batteries 3-8271,' Evenings Mitchell .3-830.3, with other benefits wh|ch T will and range clearance sale. Phileo AT A COURT OF PROpATK h»ld sought • to achieve Communist Permanent position with advance­ the following respeel: Venetian blinds. Hastings alum! Board 6Z Will qualify for 25 year G;l. mort­ at Manchester, within and for the University of Illinois. lU Utle; "You'll never git furnished. Mra. Lela Tybur, dlrec real clean, car. Priced for quick Free road service. Terms on all Albert V. Undsay, Owner: he glad to discuss at a personal A rticle VTTT Seetion 1. Shares ★ A LIBERAL Wage Scale 9 cu. ft. with freezing locker, only party alms only through peaceful ment. National concern, five-day awnings and door hoods. Free gage. Immediate occupancy. Ask­ District of ManchMter. on ths l*th OhaaoM Qldte Slim ew ay." tor. Phone Mitchell 9-5767/ sale, $1249. Written guarantee. products Th*) Budget Center, 91 Interview. Tel. Mr. Gunther. Hart- Add the following paragraph: dev of Januerv. A.D., tSSS. means. MANCHESTER Roofing and Sid­ i , . . I work week. Applv in person nr * PAID Holidays and Vaca- $199.95. Phileo and Florence elec­ W A N T E D — Room with shower ing $14,250. Warren Howland One atanza ended with the Bns: Cole MbtoPa .Servlcenter, 4.36 Center street. ford 8-2181. The Noble and West- I,avoie for appointment, (e) Short Term Sayings Shares estimates, no down payment, 3 Frceent, JOHN J. WALLBTT, The Jury notified Judge Dimock The spokuman aald attending BALLARD’S Driving School. Man ing company. Al-o all types of catlons yeara to pay. Office 47 Oak tric ranges $149.95, full alze. De­ accommodation by mechanical en­ Realty, 643 Woocbrldge street. Judx*. phyalclana had explalnad aevera) "One short term ivon't do.” Center. Mitchell 9-0980. brook Manufacturing Company ' ' ,Sliarc.s is.sucd in connection with luxe apartment gaa range $89.96. gineer transferred to Manchester. Estate of Oeorse H. 'Wllllsma, let* of that it had reached a verdict cheater's oldest. ThMisands ‘ of painting and carpentry work. street. Call Mitchell 3-8177, eve­ Phone Mitchell 3-8600 any time. shortly before noon. Their guilty times that Roger’s chances of re­ accident free Inati'uction hours. Eaat Hartford. H. .T. HEINZ COMPANY accounts upon which payment may * OVERTIME Premiums Trades and term s Benaon'a, Inc. Contact Wllco Machine Tool Co. Manchester In -asld district, dsceesad. 1949 MERCURY aedan, radio, Wanted Autna— Guaranteed work. Phone Mitchell he‘maile at the option of the Mein- ^ nings Mitchell 3-4010. Coventry Upon epplicatlnn nf Harlan H. WII-. announcement was delayed, how­ covering consciousness were "vlr Hundreds of s^ sfled atudenta heater, overdrive, -beautiful green .1085 Main atreet. Tel. Mitchell Mitchell 9-1266, or 30 Grandview BOLTON—New ranch, high eleva­ Hams, prayinc that an instrument pur- tualty non-existent.” Motorcyclea 12 9-8933 for free estifnate.s. 570 Tolland Street her to he repiircha.sed within 15 ★ Retirement Income Plan Pilgrim 2-7318. ever, so that Mlndel, the eldest For appointment tel. Mitchell 9-5243.^ street. tion/ fireplace, tile bath, three Portinx to be the laat will and teste- He said Roger's caaa had been Old Bronze Statue $395 down, $39 a mbnth. Bunher's FEMALE TYPIST months and on which no dividen.ls rnert nf said deceased be admlttaC to defendant could appear in court. WANTED—G'lod clean, used cara. PARAMOUNT Engineering Com ■* Insurance' WOODWORKING Lathe. A.B.C. bedrooms, Rusco storm windows, "todch and go” ever since the 9-2245, Packard, 358 East Center street OR GLENWOOD CorobinaUon oU and probate as ner appliratlon on file. It Is He was taken ill with a heart See Bob Oliver, Center Motor _.pan.v. Roofing and siding esti-1 T-’.a.st Hartfoi’d need he paid. • Ironer, also Southwlnd gasoline basement recreation room with ORDERED: That the forefolns ep- Open Mon. and Thurs.-Hil 9:30. CLERK - TYPIST ailment last week and bla foun- operation, with momentary daath Unearthed in Ruin ENJOY>Y ver'a lice.nae. For eX' . 4. To Iransacl any other busi- ★ A CLEAN, Modern Plant car heater. OaU Mitchell 9-0692, gas range, three years old. Like Apartments—Flat»-7 > Cajlton W. Hutchins. Mitchell nlicstlon be heerd end determined at Sales. 401 Main street. ‘’mates chpfrfully given. All types j IN ael waived hla presence In court alwaye a poasihllity. pert inatructliiictlon call the Manchea IMMEDIATE Delivery on ' brand Hartford 8-6524 ne.ss pioper to com e before such New. $100. Mitchell 9-1798. picture Window, garage; lafge lot. the rrnbate olfice In Mancheater In, of roofing snd siding /-amples on : k A FRIENDLY Tenementa 63 said District, on the 27th d sy nf Janu­ while the jury was deliberating. “The child had received minute- ter Pflving Academy. Pilgrim PURCHASING DEPT. meeting. ' ACOUSTICON Hearing aid, near­ ary. A.D., 1953, at, two o'clock in the Herculaneum — (P) — An an­ new Hudann Hornet and '. Wasp display at 41 Oak street. F. H. A. ; Atm(»sphere' REFRIGERATOR new Servel gaa. 9-5132 or Mitchell 3-6231. Since the Jury received the case to-mlnuta cerS* since the opers- ,2-7^9. automobile!*. Choice of colors and Riisinem* Servlce.i Offered 13 Financing. Tel. Mitchell ,3-3i77. ,j HARTP'ORD ROBJC.RT .1. BOYUF, ly new. used short time. Reason­ ONE TW O-ROOM and one' 3-room afkrnoon, and that rollce he siren to Uon.” he said. "Feeding through cient -flvs-hsadsd dragon mads of Secrelary able. Phone Mitchell 3-7366. No moving parta. lO cu. ft. Large MANCHESTER— New six room alKpersons Intereated In said estate last Thursday It had poured over models. Top trades. We need OF ADVERTISMENT k Aulfimalic. Cost-of-Llilng furnished apartment. No children. nf the pendency of said application and the nose tube continued on a half- bronas has bean uncovered in thia MERALD PAPER Route for aale, MANCHK.STER Welding Service. .lanuary 14, 1953 freezer, l^gular $399.95, apecial r..nch, artistically paneled. Tile a smalt mountain of evidence, clean used cars. .McClure AMo THE CONNECTICUT Adjustments Phone Mitchell 9-8191. tha tflne and place of hearing thereon, hour achedule until a few minutea dead city o f anUquIty near ITbpIss. h'rom 281 to 411 Center atreet, Portable equipment. General SP:WAGE TREATMENT THAYER BABY carrigge. Good at $275. Pearl’s Appliance and by publishing a copy of this order In brought in by the hasketfull. Co. Tel. Mitchell 9-9442. OpCp Rooflltx 16-A POWER COMPANY bath, double closete. Fireplace. before he died. aide atreeta in vicinity. Call welding, boiler and furnace’ weld­ Plr.\NT REVISIONS condition, $12. Phone Mitchell Furniture. Phone MItchill 3-7590, FOR RENT— Four room heated School and btiv line. Carlton W . some rewspaper haring a circulation in Hours also ware spent ip the I'he statue, found in the basla of evenings. 5-Day Week. 8-5 * Many of her Big Company sale' district, at least Are dsys before "H is condition had gradually Mitchell 3-8464. ing. .Mltchhll 9-16,58 or Mitchell ROOFING— Sper.lalixing in repair­ 9-4107. • apartment. Hot water, cabinet courtroom liatenihg to a re-read­ what once was a large pool built in Pleasant Surroundings Extra'Benefits KENMORE Washing machine with Hutchins. Mitchell 9-5132 or the dey of said hesring. to Sppesr If Worsened, almost Imperceptibly. \.9-8762, ing roofs of all kinda. Also new EIGHTH SCHOOL & UTILITIES kitchen, tile hath with shower, Mitchell 3-6231. they see esusa at said time and place ing of Vital trial testimony. the form of a cross,, ia p « t o f an 1947 DE SOTO 2-door deluxe lntere.Hting and Steady Work Notice actomatlc timer. In excellent con­ There waa a definite indication of / H A V E ROOM for two paaaengeiw Radio, heater. 32,000 original roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys DISTRirr OF MANCHESTER,. heated garage, adulta only. Ref­ and be he*rd\relstive thereto. and N^t one • of the defendants gave slaborata fountain almost sSvsn to Pratt A** Whitney, hours 7 to ANTIQUES ReflDished, Repairing Paid Holidays Paid Vacation A Public Hearing will he held by Building Materials 47 dition. Phone Mitchell 9-9018 , or mak/ return to m s court, and by mail­ any''outward sign of emotion on sinking during the dey. a grad feet high. The fountain ia milw. Clean throughout. $800, cleaned, repaired 26 years’ ex­ ' INC , MANCHESTER erences. Write Box K. Herald. CAPE COD, 6 fini.shcd roomr, on ing in a re g la te r ^ letter on or before 3:30, from Depot Square vicinity.' done on any furniture. Tleman. perience. Free estimates. Oall Other Benefita CONNECTICUT I he Tfiwn Planning Commi.ssion of Mitchell 9-8061. hearing the verdict. They re­ ually slowing pulse rate.” like a tree-trunk. T ^ dragon, with Call Q.wner. Mitchell 9-4344. CEDAR STAIN SHAKES-All Col­ large lot. near Waddell School. January 29. 1953, eVcopv of this order It was during the twins' aepa- Phone Mitchell 3-8841, 189 Sooth Main atreet. Phone Uowlcy. Manchester MHckell Position requires knowledge of of- Separate .sealed hid.s for the con- Manchester. Tue.sday evening. Jan­ HERE ARE . . In Harlan H. W lllladu. P. O. Box 947, mained seated inside the' court­ iU serpentine UU. embraees the ors ...... per sq. $13.95 N EW 1952 Capehart, TV-Radio Price $10,900 caah required $2,200. ration that eurgeona discovered 19.50 FORD Convertible coupe. Mitchell 3-5613. 3--.5,36 '. 1 fire' routine, filing, and accurate Sti-iK-tion of revisions to tVlfe exi.st- uary 27, IP.5,3, at 8:00 P. M. in the Boston, Maas. room rail which separated them base of the fountain. 1 Just a few of the Phono combination. Now - only Basiness Loeatiena Monthly paymoqt. Including taxeS ______JOHN J. WAL(.ETT. Judge. there was only one sagittal almia, WANTED — Ride to Rockville, Radio, heater, 4 good tires, red j typist. Write or call: 'itlT Sewage Treatment Plant Will Hnlllstei- School’ on ,an application 18 ” WOOP SHINGLES—No. 1 Per­ from the spectators who thronged The important discovery was FLOOR PROBL.E*MS solved with many openings $495. Floor sample blonde sewing for Rent 64 about $62. Madeline Smith, Real­ the main passageway or vein dally, arriving 8 a. m., leaving 6 leather upholstery. Low mileage. MR. HOPKINSON ved "bv the Directors of .tltc. for pfoposed. ortleis altering And fect______...p er aq. $15.80 tor; MEchell 9-1643 or MUohell AT, A COURT OF PRdBATE held the room. . About SO other per­ covered with mild and ashes, it linoleiim. ' asphalt ' ITIe counter, Heatinsr-^PIumWn* 17 machine, $i1'5. Krah'S, 367 Main. et Menchester. within anX for the draining blood back from both p. m. Mitchell 9-96.'i7. Big trades. Easy terms. See Top Eighth School * Utilities Di.strict establishing huMiling lines ns fol- sons milled In the corridor out­ n ^ h a v e bsen-burtsd tbare siaea . ^ p e r t work,man lJp,...,, free estt- Grinding Machine Operators STAIN GRADE 1 % OAK DOORS Pour hlocka north of P. O. OFFICE FOR rent, East Cehter 3-4679. District of Manchester. onNlhe 19lh brafnr. Because Rodney 8 HEATING From A t o Z. Con­ , P.,0, Box,*237.0 Irrws:- ■■ f - side. tinable to get 'Ih. 7B AD,-' wbtn the town was - ap- WANTED Ride to \iblnity of DhlUlT Jonas At - Brunner’s. : 358 matPA Open everiiiiga.'jones Fur­ oT MAiVc-hhBlcr,' IHC.’;. at- the- Fire — a V...... $9.95 streeV. Tel. Mitchell 3-8514 or da.Y of Tahuily, A.D;.; 1953 ' holding up much b a tty during version burneri, boiler-burner (1) On 'the Northerly sirle of Drill Press Operators MANCHESTER- -Six room Cape Present; JOHN J. WAL Judge Dimock denied pleas for nihtlated bjr 'Veauvius when it also East Center street. Open Mon. ()r Telephone 5-1 IfU, House. Main and Hiibard Streets. FRAMING—2 by 4 to 2 by 10. PRACTICALLY New Ruud gaa Mitchell 9-6820. Judge. the iperathon operation and sur- Nilea Bemnnt Pond Co., located niture, o a k street. MltchHl Locust Street a. 15’ hiiilrling line Cod, alt hardwood floors, tile ball and ordered all 13 defendants anuffail^ut Pompel. and Thurs. 'Ill 9:.30. units, eomplete heating systems. Manchester; Connecticut until 3:00 water heater, automatic, 20 gal Est'ite of Frank Everett Irons gsrv In his favor could be more Intersection Oakwood and New 9-1041. for Interview fr-mi Main Street Westerly for a Eleetriclans SHEAHING—1 by 8—(Small truck bath, extra lavatory, fireplace, kept in the custody of the U.-' 8. All work guaranteed. Time pay­ P. .M.. E .S T . February 11. 195.1. Ions. Phone M lt^ ell" 9-9333. or FOR RENT— Small, store on Main Frank E. Irons, late of Mancheater eesiiv performed, he was favored Park Aves., West Hartford, Houra 1949 HUDSON.^-7 Super 6 club distance of 178 feet. Ipad lots) ....-...... per M $99.50 oil hot water heal, garage. TTils eald district, deceased. marshal. He set Jan. 28 as the WINDOW SHADE.S made to order ments arranged M.oriarty Broth­ and then will be publicly opene-1 Bullard Operators Mitchell 3-4159. Ask for Johnson street. Immediate^cupsney. Call for "survival of the fltteat” by the 8 to 5 p. m. Call Mitchell 9-4821. coupe. Ne'w pkint, radio, heater, Upon aopllcation of Joseph W. Irons, te for rentsitclng, and installed. Venetian blinds ers. 'Tel. .Mitchell .3-5135. WAN’1\FU Woman nr girl to rare anr! read alinul. (2) On the Southerly side of WINDOWS—Complete ...a v . $14.95 MItcheU 3-8254., home is in an excellent location- praying that en Inatrument purporting surgeons. They gave the aagit- $.395 down, monthly payments ~ c Serrl, onp of the defense FLORIDA BOUND February 1. and curtain rods. 24 hour service. for children and do light house­ Tlin .information for Bidder, Maple Street a 1.5’ building line for Engine M the Operatura D ELU XE 54” cabinet sink . with near school and on bus line. Phone to be the last will and teatsmeirt nf tel sinus and most of the brain Rutk\Miliett $39. Big trades. Brunner’s ParJe- PLUMBINC And heating. Speclal- APPALACHIAN OAK FIXKJRING said decease!.' be admitted to probata Cjm accommodate 1 or more pa-s- Estimates gladly given. Fagan work frhm 11:30 to 6 dailv. $15 F'nrin of -Proposal, Form of Con­ distance of 316 feet Easterly mother-of-pearl formica top OFFICIES FOR rent In, centrally Mitchell 9-1167 or Mitchell la w ^ rs, told the court that with­ covering to Rodney and took the ■ ixing in repairs. Copper water Material Handlers ...... per M $195.00 located Maifi street building. Ceil as oer annllcatlnn on file. It la in m ^ c k the defense would seek aengers. Phone Rockville 5-7001 ard, 358 East Center street. Open V5’lndow Shade C c Route 44 at plus meaia. Call Mitchell 9-3.594. tract. Plans. Specifications, ' and from Main'Strt-rt. Special $139.50. reg. $175.95. Beh 9-8715. E and E Agency. ORDERED; That the foregoing ap- bigger chance on Roger’s aur- Pbui Veiir H( Properly Mon. and Thurs. ’til 9:30. piping, remoleling electric equip­ (3) On the Southerly side of Mltf^ell 3-6410 or Mitchell to havVjhe verdict set aside, snd, " or Rockville 5-577’l. Bolton Notch. Mitchell 9-.4473. Foim, of Bid Bond and Perform­ Bench Workers PLYSCORD—4 -by 8. .per M $160.00 aon'a, Inc., 1085 Mein atreet. Tel plieallnn he hr-ird ar.d determined al vlval. and Have Tima Y e m d f ^ ment for plugged drains. Edward APPLICATIONS Taken for full or ance Bond mny be examined at the Maple Street a 15’ building line 3 -7 6 1 4 ./ SIX ROOM .Cape Cod. Two unfin­ the Probate office In Manchester In if that imiye failed, would ask for 1950 PACKARD .Super convertible, part time work. Inq.ulre F. W. Mitchell 9-5243. said District, on the 30ih day of Janu­ Parent* Get News RIDE WANTED to Travelera, LINOLEUM Remnants 50c square Johnson, Mitchell 3-6979 or olfice of Buck ft Buck, Engineers, fronv. Spruce Street Westerly 125 Janitors ALL GRADES OF PLYWOOD ished; Attached garage, fireplace, a new tria Writes a houaewifo radio, healer, overdrive. Electro- FOR RENT—2 connecting offices, ary, A. D.. 195.1 at tan o ’clock In the Parents of the twins, Mr. and houra 8 - 4:30, from Rooaevelt yard. Asphalt t:le, wall covering. Mitchell .3-5044. Woolworth. 814\Maln .street.; 650 Main Street, Hartford 3. Gon- Tert. • AND PLYSCORD! ! ! ^ PHILGO 1214” television set. tahte open stairway, large lot, 80' x forenoon, and that notice be given lo_ “ N otw lthr^ndlng -the- verdtcIV Mrs. Royt Brodle. were informed aha la speaking for matic clutch', electric wiridowA, irTool and Die Maketa eehtral location for profession or . and Center streets. Tel. Mitchell Done by reliatde, well-trained pectiriit, and i-opies thereof ob­ (4) On' the Solltheil.V side of model. Goetd condition. Rewron- 170’. Near school, bus line. Im- ell pereona Interested Ir seld estate of we ..believe we\ have aubstantlal group of her friends; Gn-leather upholstery, chrome GUARANTEED faat plumbing and EXPERIENCED Gjrl for general The Original and Only Office liusineas. Willian-. Rubinow, 843 the pendency nf asld aPPUcalinn and of Roger’s death late last night 9-5.304 sfter 6 p. m. men. All Jobs guaranteed. Hall tained upon payment of $ for Park Street a ,29’ htiilding line able. Call Mitchell 9-2467 after ■ mediate occupancy. .FUva Tyler, grounds for r e v e a l ,” Scrii said. " A woman with children . wfieel rings, Prestone, new top. heating. Alterations and new office work with knowledge of 10.00 • Sheet Metal .Mechanics in New Haven. Main street. Phone Mitchell the time and place of hearing thereon, through s relative . as they have Linoleum Co.. 56 Cottage atreet. each set. All ileposit.s of- bidders from Main Stro"l Westerly for.a p. m. Agent. Mitchell 9-4469. by publlabing a copy of this order In Handcuffed to W ch other and no telenhonq In their fa rm home home and husband has absolute It’s like new. Cost $4200, it's yours work. Time paymenta arrariged. stenography. Tober iSgseball Mfg. 3-5556 or Mitchell 3-6158. some newspaper having a circulation In 'WANTED Ride to Roysl Typ«- Mitchell 9-4022, evenings Mitch­ and non-hidders, upon return of flistance of 125 fe.et. • Prerislon Machinists NATIONAL BUILDERS 8UPPUES accompanied by th r» deputy mar­ near Moline, HI. Roger died at NO time to htraslf if tha Job for $1,895. Big trades. See me Skelley' Bros. Mitchell 9-8714. Co. Phone Mitchell 3-5196. TWO MATCHED maple ^.'end said r.lstrlct. at least five days befora writer, first shift, from Drive A, ell 3-6166 or .Mitchell 3-8109, ilocuments in good eonilition with­ (5| On the Norlherlv sirle of , 420 Davenport- Avenue the day of said hearirg. Jo appear If', shal# the 10 men defendants were 10:45 p. m. Ifc.a.t.) homemaker la to ha eairisd out Silver Lane. Phone , Mitchell .now. Top Dollar Joner at Bnin- • Spinners • Scrapers tablea, 27” high, 21” -across TWO ROOMS. Ideal for office, sec­ ■250 MAIN STREET fXIMPLETE FURNACE repair- WANTED “ Experienced sales in ten flays after the dale rtf open­ Foiest,Street a 25’ hullfling line New Haven, Conn' ond floor. 95 Center , street. Will (hev see rauss al said time and place led Into s van and taken to the The twins’ narents had been et efficiently.” 9-84.5,3 after 5 p.,m. ner’a, .3.58 East Center street. fiOORS OPENED, i keys fitted, fi-om Main .Street Weslerlv to the TELEPHONE STATE 7-8597 Mitchell 9-4877. LARGE 7-ROOM SINGLE snd he heard relative thereto, and maka Federal House' of Detention.ntion. The Lota of women believe that—but Ing Bervio«..Oaa. oil or c6al. Win­ clerk, full time. Apply ir^per.-'on ing of bifl.s. will he refiipded with a Many Others redecorate and jfenovate to suit return to this court, and by maijing In the hospital throughout the Dec Open Mon. and Thurk. 'til 9:30. copiedj vacuirm cleanera, irons, Easterly street line of Chestnut three women defendants w'Xre to is It really true? ter air conditioning systems In­ only. Paris Curtain Shop, 829 a deduction of $5.00 for each set ALIXUCH HEIAT p^ck furnace tenant. Call Hartford 9-0710. that can be converted Into profes­ a reglalered leter on or' before Janu- .1 17 operation and had remained * guns,' etc., repaired.' Shears, Main atreet. taken' to cover actual cost of Street. j ' sional offices or apartments. House • l-y 20. 1953. a ropy of said will and of be taken by van to the! Woman’sWonten’s with the Infants until after Christ Admittedly there may be a fear Automobiles for Sale 4 ALL PRICES SLASHED stalled and aervlcsd. T. **. Aitkin. Diamonds— Watches— -complete. Good condition. Also this order to Cora E. Irons, Carrie E. years in a woman's life when kha knives, mowers etc. pul into con­ preparation. Documents will he (6 ) On the Southerly .side of R(X>MS FOR lease or rent. Suit­ in good condition. Excellent loca­ House of Detention. mas. 6 McCabe atreet. Phone Mitchell combination sink with metal Irons. Olire M, Irons, all of M Lnuret has very little time for harai)f. 1946 CHEVROLET four-door ON OUR USED CARS - dition for coming needs. Braith- AMAZING Half-price Offer- mailed to Bidders upon receipt of Forest Stieet a 25’ building line Jewelry 4S able for offices or stores. Inquire tion — plenty of parking., Imme­ street. .Manchester Conn.; Frances H. The mother. Mrs. Marjorie Bro- 3-6793. drawera. Call tntchell 9-4695 That is when her children are END OF YEAR waite. 5’J Pearl, atreet. - Choose samples from fa.«teat.SeU- the deposit of $ plus $ to fiom Main Street' Westerly to Don't Wait! Act Now! q diate occupancy. Private mortgage Hodge and Haiel B. Ayer, both of Bo* ^ e , 30. a former nurse, bad told aedan. radio; heater, good tires.- 10.00 1.00 LEONARD W . TO.ST, Jeweler, re­ after 6 p. m. 566 Center street corner .of M - 10. Chapllnr Conn.: Tennle R. Kaaulkl, Ing greeting card line st half of West line of land N F of F. W m ^sm eA: " I think It’s a miracle under school age, and she has ao Condition good. Mitchell 9-2587. CLEARANCE SALE EFFICIl'.N'f Pliimbing and heat- cover mailing co.sts. pairs. - abjusta watches- expertly. Kee after 3 p. m. available if desired. 73 OreenwOod Drive,, Mancheater, REFRIGERATION Service, com­ Cheney (opposite inters^etlnn of Apply at the Town Pension Unit thsKtheYve gone this far.” help in caring for the child. Ing. Plugged- dralna “ machine . retail. Make 100% profit quick. The Eighth School f t Utilitic.s' Reasonable pricea. Open dally. Conn.: n^ere N. Ixtckwood, Cherter 1940 FORD delux#'sedan. Radlq^ mercial and domestic. See our Samples, on spprovsi. Arti tic, Chestnut Street^. T. .1. CROCKE'ET Oak Street, Manrhester, Cohr.: Phehe But any housewife who real|y ONE OWNER CARS cleaned. Phone Mitchell .3-6497. rtstrict of Manchester reserves Thursday eveninga ,129 Spruce Musicil Instruments -55 Hei/hbs1’B™1- R®vt. 35, a farm­ heater. In good condition for s ' display of guaranteed used refrig­ (7l On the Easterly sicle of S, McClelland. SI Lake Street. Man­ er ahd meat ,-cutter, aald: "If wa'htt some time to herself can ALL WINTERIZED 408 Way, Elmirs, New 5'ork. the right to waive any Jnformali- NEW EMPLOYMENT atreet. Mitchell 9-4387. Houses for Rent 65 24'1 Main Street chester. Conn.: Charles A. Irons, fc/o Meeting Tomorrow provide for it under most clrcum-. car of this vear. Douglas Motors, erators. George H, Williams Ai" A PLUMBING shop at your door. Parker .street a 25’ huilfling line TRUMPE7TS, Clarinet#, trombones, you belleVe In the g < ^ Lord^yo^ l»5t Plymouth Cranbrook ’^lluh tie.s in. or to.yeject an.v pT all bids. Mltcliell- 3-5416 Mrs. Charles A. Irons, 4759 Graywood stancest -Having time for . heraalf 333 Main; " ‘ Wielpres: -260 Tollahll Turnpike." 'No time lost. New work"! 'Altera- NEED MONEY to holster ' the from the R. R. Cros;sing fight of ' OFFICE saxophones,' guitars; Largest se- AvemiS. Isihr Beach 3,'California. to he efreld 6f; Coupe, radio and 'heater—one own­ Each bidder imi.st deposit with CXJVEINTRY— Three room unfurn­ have nothliK.' ' ' may not always mean that aha can Manchester. Phone Mitchell tiona., copper piping, flxtiirea. hot budget? 3 or 4 hours a dsy will wav Northerly for ,a flistance of •'.South Plant" '-lection of instruments In town. Residence. Mitchell 9-7751 JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. The Town Pension committee The BrodieX have four other er low mileage. his hid security in an amount of Garden— Farm— Dairy ished house. Near bus and school. will meet .tomorrow at 4 p. m. in Jeave home. . 1931 DE SOTO. Good condition. '9-3.58.5, nights .Mitchell 3-7691. wates automatic heaters. Yoiings- bring .vou s good income. Write .310.000 in tjie form and subject to 126.5-feeU.. . 366 MAIN STREET* c All accessories. Expert repairi.ng. Evenings AT A COURT OF PROBATE held children, ell nbroiel. ranrflne. In IMV Plymouth Cambridge Club Products 50. Call' Coventry Pilgrim, 2-6912 General Manager Richard Mar­ But she can certainly mans Call IMItchell 9-4901 after 4:30 tiMv*. ainka sold. Estimates glad­ Box B,'Hersld; the condItiOTis nrn\hrtert in the in ■ 18 ) On • the Norlherlv and (former Hanfllton Standard Ward Krause, 87 Walqut. Mitch­ after 7 p. m. MancTutater. 'erlUiin and .lor the, ere from elghtNyeers to three p. m.- ' ' - - Coupe, radio and hieater. ■ Risfiil ATTICS AND Ba.sements cleaned. ■I I'DlairUl o f MatK-heeter. on the 79th, tin's'Office td -review its recom- even if she doesn’t get out of ly, given. C. O.. Lorentaen, SUtch- fcri-matipo fqr .Bidders. . . IVcsterlj’, sifica of Mitchell Drive a- , . . Plant)- , _ ell 3-5338. >- IUAROE LPT. !^ pa .Cpd, gjx ropms, da.y of-JairUarv; A.D., J992 , months. '' • ■ \ . ^ .plean-.car;--"---'..... RMbbish - ana-ashes -hauled.-■• All ...5s . ■.»- mshtUUona for pensions and social beuae^to And amne ttmeifSoFTla**’ V— r' ;:;sii;;9-7S3«;;:'-;/:,':'v ‘ No^bidder misy 'wHthdra'w’ his hid Sff^odt''fiutl«fihg.'‘Iih'e'; parallel''tS U. 8; NUMBER ! pblatpes. BfyaA Jwo unfiniadied -With haiFment ga­ Pteaeht. JOHN j; '" w a CLCTT. The’ 'tWlrtli ^‘ere fskefi' th the ing, or a hobby. 1951.0od^e Wayfarer ->'2 door ser Jots dprie>l yoiir convenience; Help AVanied— Male 26 Judge. security for town employes in an­ dan, radio sind healer, Gyromatic within 30 daj-s after the BctuaT the .street line^ from the Westerly l - Brothers. Mitchell 9-7037;' Wanted to Rent 68 rage, three. yeara old. aluminum hoiiiRal 4.5 dev* after their birth Use Your Tima Wtaelv • ' BR.nWN-HEAUPRE : Res.sonable- rates; Mitchell 9-SiS02 line of Parker-iBtroel Northe-rlv Wearing Appartl— Furs 57 Eatatr of Kdward' Charle* Vickerman, ticipation of the committee’s nieet- on Sent. 16 ; ' 1931. Before the drive. Mofinr—Tmeklnifi-- ■,WAN'TED--.Anto body man and date of the opening thereof. combination doora and Windows, late-hf Mam'hertrr, in aald diitrlct, dr- tng with the Board of Directors It may take soma forssi^t aad or 9-9791. and Westerly to property N 100 BALES of horse hay. 24” saw W A N TE D — UnfufnlBhed 4 or 5 coaard; eeparetlon thev had undergone 12 IS THE HOUSE OF 1950 Dodge Wayfarer 2-dpor. ae- painter’s helper. ' Steady work, PR AH & WHITNEY dormerii. Convenient location. Lot Feb. 6. planning for a housewife to work Storage 20 Kilpatfick.. . - and arbor. Bryan Bros., 179 Tol­ room feht by middle aged couple. t’pon applicallor of Rnmid 7. Vlcker- ooeratlon* designed to preoere dan, black, real clean car.- m u s k r a t Fur coat, size 16. Uke 160 X 460. Warren Howland Real- tnaii, Adlnmlatratnr, praying for au- The' committee ia prepared to out some tleflnlte time for herself. LOUIS’ ITMBRELLA SHOP good wages. Apply in person. (9),] On Jlh/Easterlv side of AIRCRAFT land Turnpike. Phone -"Mitchell Beat references. Phon#^ Mitchell thein for the mein ordeal. Costs GOOD USED CAtl BUYS! -v .- 1950 Dodge Coronet 4-dpor Se­ REPAIRING.,.- RECOVERING AUSTIN lA. CHAMBERS CO., Woodland Auto Paint Co., 1500 .new, $110. Phone MItohell 9-1801. tv. 543 Woodbridge atreet. Mitch­ thiirljy to ^■olliproml*» fhr doubtful and make recommendstions to the di­ Bpt she can..^do it if she really dan, radio, heater,'gyromatic drive. local and long distane'e moving, Spruce Street a 15’ hiiildlng line Division of rnite'd Aircraft 9-7037. - ■ 9-9333. dixputrd'rlaliii which nrid ralat* ha* of nil operation* and care of the wants to. AUSO Burnside Avenue. East Hartford. ell 3-8600. ■ gaJnat Gaorgr Paxlanoi of Manchaater, rectors for dropping the present No Paympiil.s for Six Weeks parking, storage. Call Mltchejl from a point 95’ North of Pearl , Corporation ’^WD^ LADIE*S winter coats, one twin* were borne by the unlver- Can . you possibly imagtna a One owner car. TYPEWRITERS REP.MRED URGENTLY Needed, fotir'to six ComieclUau. .u..ia,____ ■ ' ...... penaldn_ .plan ..In., favor of sfxdal a a -- ,3-5187 - Hartford 6-1423. St feet' .Sduthef ly to “Ch'h'f fe'f .'Oak East Hartford 8, COiin. rain coat, size 12-14. Very reason­ SIX ROOMS, two partly finished, ORDKItKD- Tha: fh* foregoing ap- alfv. : / man’s deciding YB arhe had to ba -1951 Chrysler New 5'orker 4-Door 1950 Chevrolet Deluxe Tudor Se. All Makes Cleaned. Oiled WANTED Household Goods 51 rooma. Resaonable.-Call Hartford curlty plus, another pension plan, The twin* weighed 11 pound*. dan. I-ow mileage. ------Street. able. Phone Mitchell 3-8140. full cellar, dormers, hot water oil pllcallon he he»rd ard determined al a constant slave to a house and a ' Sedan. Two-tone gray. • Radio, or Overhauled . 89-9920 collect. ^______the f ’ rohate offlre In .Man/healer In aald but there would be legal problems ouncen'at b'rth »nd last month 19.50 Fold Chasala -ami Cab, ALBAIR * BERRY, rubbish re­ JlO) On .the Westrrlv' ."ide of heat. Only $12,300. Gatto a^d Co. 12 family? Yet women will settle tar heater. Fluidmatic drive. -One 46-BIS.SELL STREI-T 4 or S rooms, unfumishod Diatrlrt. on the, 27lh day of January, involved, m suen a move Martin their combfoed weight wa* 38 model F-6, heater, good tires. moval, household and commercial. We need Ranch Hnaies. Spruce Street a 1.5’ building line Open Wcckda.vfl FIREPLACE FIXTURES Hartford 5-6198. Eveninga Hart­ A. D., 19.*,3. at ten o’clock In the fore­ that, telling themselves it can’t ba owner. • TELEPHONE Mitchell 3 .55.58 said he wanted newlv appointed noiind*. Roger measured SIX . 1949 Dodge Wayfarer 2-door Se­ Light trucking. Mitchell 9-2591. ColontaU. and Cape Cods from a point ‘95’ North rif Pearl MARMINK FUR coat. e1ze 14. $35is ford 8-3989. Mancheater MItj:hell noon. and that notice be given to all Town Counsel Charles N. Crockett ny other way. ' 1951 Plymouth Cambridge (3uh but hoottd if possiblo, Street Southerly to Charter Oak Phone Mitchell 9-4107. Houses for Sale 7Z peraona Intereated ir aald eitat* of the inches Jong arid Rodney 29 3-4 working ail day every day laat Coupe. Heater. One. owner, low dan, healer. MANCHESTER —Package Deliv­ at (air prices for our cash 8 A. ,M. to h P. M. NEW WODD-TONIT 3-6946. pendency of eald application and the to familiarize himself with these 1949 Plymouth 4-Door Special ALL KINDS of carpentry work. customers. Quick service Street. » time and place of heating thereon, by problems before any action was Inches. ‘ , being an officiant horaemakar. It’S mileage. ery. Loral Ilgh* trucking and by profotsionol man and BREAKFAST SETS beihg an out-and-out drudga. DeLuxe. Radio and heater. I./1W Reasonable rate.". Mitchell 9-4291. — no red tape. TOWN PLANNING COMMIS Safurdays WEST SIDE MANCHESTER-EKipIex 7,-7 both publlahlng a copy of thia order In aome taken. A scheduled meeting of the '1951 Plymouth Belvedere Coupe. package dellvvry. Refrigerators, Wanted—^Te Boy 58 newapaper having a circulation In said ART* r n .M PLANNED Don't ever gat in into your head mileage. SION LIVING ROOM FURNITURE sides have storm windows and committee with the Board of Di­ - Radio, heater. Special trim. Two- POWER BURNERS and Range washers and stove moving . a fomily of 3. Owner Leaving State dlatrlct, at leaat five daya befora the that you have to be a drudge if tone blue. One .owner. Ix>w mile­ 1949 Ford V-8 Station Wagon. Jo.seph E. LiitlE. Chairman WANTED—TO Buy—Girl’s 26” screens.'copper tubing, automatic day nf aald hearing, to appear If they rectors Friday was postponed to Burners expert.y cleaned and specialty. Mitchell 9-0752. 8 A. M. to 12 Noon SIX-ROOM SINGLE aee raua* at aald lime and place and Brussels —(4*>— Belgian art you are a homemaker. That idea age. Clean car. Harry E. Ru.ssell, Secretary APPLIANCES AND T. V. bicyiHc. Must be in-good condi­ gaj water heater, one car garage, give Crockett an opportunity, to 1948 Chevrolet Fleemaater, radio serviced. Is!t us service and re­ JARVIS REALTY Manchester, Conn. Two unfinished, all insulated. blinds. 3-4 acre plot. Near bus, b* heard relative thereto, and maka re­ critic Paul Haesaert* is currently ia Juat a hangover from Orandmitfl ‘■1951 Dodge Coronet' Club Coupe. tion. Call Mitchell "B-6036 or Fireplace and other features. Nine' turn to thia court. study the proposal. belief t ^ t a woman’s week is nevm and healer. Club coupe. pair yuui washing machine or re- Paintinj*— Papering; 21 January 16, 1953 school and a-tores. Priced at '$12.- working on the script of a full ' Gyromatic drive. Radio, healer. Ph^Jl4t4^112 PHONE MI-3-5121 CHAMBERS FURNITURE MitcheU 9-1256. yeara old. Sewerage, sidewalks, JOHN J. WAIJ.ETT. Judge. The pension committee tomor­ done, and no modem woman noeda 1948 Plymouth Special DeLuxe, frigeiator. Metro Service. Mitch­ * 500. Phone Barbara Woods, row will also review the pension length color film on the Flemish Gray finish. PAINTER A.ND paperhanger. No lot beautifully landscaped. $12,950. Primitive painters. The filming to Subscribe to such a dspriM Bg 1949 Chevrolet 2-Door Deluxe. Jet radio and hekter. 4 door sedan. ell 9.-0883. . . At The Green WANTED —Typewriter, In good Agent. Mitchell '9:7702. "request of John Mason, 67, a town Low mileage. Nice car. Job too small. Phone Mitchell Two years old, Six-Room Single; will take; Place In museums of thought. _ « black. ^Rgdio; heathr, new bat­ condition. Reasonable. MItohell six complete rooms, very large 8e4!ret Police Aided emloyc for more than 30 years. (Ail rights reserved, N B A 1941 Dodge 4-D6or Sedan. - RUBBISH AND Ashes removed. 3-8372. . Open 10 A, M.,to 5 P. M. Hong Kong , (/Pt- The, ClUnese Mason, who left the town’s service France.. .Germany., Greet Britain, tery. Extra good tires. N6w 9-4230. . ' lot, many featurea. Near buS, the' Netherlanda arid Snain. Out­ IRC.) brakes. ' f941 Plymouth Special, Deluxe Immediate and efficient service. Communists will enlist thousands Friday, had worked for the Ceme- Club Coupe. Radio, heater, price Contract or otherwise., Mitchell PAINTING AND Paperhanging. Evenings 7 :30 to 8 :30 stores, and school. Thirty-day oc­ I/otB for Sale 73 door acenea will he filmed In and 1948 Oldsmohil'e 4-Door 6-Cylinder. Free e."Umate.s. Paper books BUSINESS AND For Sale cupancy. $14,230. of carefully-screened Chinese to tiery Department for 27 years. TewtslB flea Oaid^ liB a Radio, heater. Hydramatic drive, low. 9-927.3, or .Mitchell 9:9706. Rooms without Board 59 help the secret police. Peiping* an­ around t7>e Belgian cities o f available. Get out spring outside Ranch Home, vacant, six rooms, .let black. Seal rovers. 1941 Plymouth Tudor Spei'ial De- FRAN K'S Antiques and second LOTS FOR Sale. 2 2-10 miles from nounced that Chinese (rom public DOODUNO PROVE.S UNDOI?IC Ghent. Bruges. Antwerp knd Luxe. Black. I • RUBBISH and A.shes removed. prices now. Call . Cliff Scorso, INDUSTRIAL hand store, 56 Cooper atreet. Buys LARGE, H EATED room on East- attached garage, amesile .drive, Tournal. Cripple , 1947 Chevrolet Fleetrhaslei- 4-Door. WANTED very large 161? Hot water heat, Hamilton -Standard.' Buy now offices, factories, business houses Owensboro. K.V.—(iPj -Doodling renowned Molly ------■ Radio, heater. Dark green. Good -1941 Pontiac Tudor, flray. Parking lots and driveways plow- Mitchell 9-4298. ' and sells good used furniture and Csnter street.' Continuous hot while the price , is right, on good As in ‘'Visit to Picasso” and 1946 CHEVROLET sewerage, sidewalka. Veteran, snd schools,will be'drganized Into was a disastrous habit for a m^n has hit tha jaebpoC ■ * 9Wr b|0pi tires. 1941 Ford 8 Club Coupe. Radio efl. Immediate aorvice, reasonable antiques. Phone Mitchell- 9-7966. water. Call MitcheU 3-7117; sized lots. Phone Mitchell 9-1167 security committees. . TTiey will "From Renoir to Picasso,** Paul PAPERING, PAINTING, floor Young man, .High Schc^ SITES AVAILABLE $750 down. /.Full price $14,000, who was Jailed here on charges of — in high-grade gold o n aad >1 1946 Chrysler Windsor 2-Door. Ra­ and heater. ralea. Phone. Mitchell 9-06,50. ppeh 9 to 5:30. . or Mltchey 9-8715. E atid E Agen- have power to investigate and ar- stealing two checks from a doc­ Haesaert.5 will be the author, sanding and reflniahing. Ceilinga PLEIA8ANT Roonu, aingle or tourist bualneaa. "gopL Las dio, heater, Fluidmatic drive. 1937 G. M.'C.. Chaasis and Cab. Ehccluslve With ■rtft persons suspected of anti­ tor’s office and forging the medico’s scriptwriter and dircctqs of the Heater. Make ua an offer. MANCHESTER TV Service, radio "Whitened. Call GllHiert Flckett. groduoto, to work in od- , We Will Bund to Suit for J T O N PANEL TRU CK . doubk. For gentlemen. A t the cy- ______' film. Paill Haesaert’s former «»id gold production is i ' and ..TV apecialLsta since 1934., Mitchell 3-69S2r l^ae. Apply ' 4 ‘ / ' communist activities. name. doesn’t interfere'. with; Your Chryaler-Plymouth Dealer EERVEL Gas refrigerator,. like Center. 14-16 Wadaworth street. GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO CXILUMBIA LAKE — Approxl- The accused forger'tried out his films won world wide fame. H«Iu.se Service call $3.50. Mitchell yortising dopt. Apply in. tourists. Last y JUST OVERHAULED. VERY CLEAN — *27.S new. Reasonable. MItcheU 9-5062. Realtor matejlF one acre lot with 168'foot Some people think the ains of penmanship before - signing the . BROWN-BEAUPRE, INC. ’ 9-2186 day or night. • FURNISHED ROOM for rent to After a woman gaU thio»igb ed tha mins and pda pear porson, Monchoftor Hor* .GLENWOOD Gaa range, in good temperete gentleman. Continuous 109 Henry Street bsach frontage. May be sub-^divid- omission are those they ought to stole# blank checks. He left, his Hghtsaera a n kaeptag name on the scrap of paper police paying her bridge debts, tlie fam­ 30 Bissell Street eoqditlon. Play pen^with p a^ in hot water and shower. P^vate ed Into,.4 lots. ■ Warreii Howland have done and haven’t gotten Manchester . Mitchell 9-6878 found on the doctor!# desk. ily has to eat out,of cans. giadea bumr- , t old. TEL Mitchell 9-9533 . entrance. iOl Chestnut street. Realty: Phone Mitchell 3-8600. arqund to. Tdephone lilltchell 9-5234 il,.. i N . ■ > ' I / tea:.,!.' WEDNESDAY/ JANUAHY 21, 1953 Average Daily Net Press Rnn #AGE TWENTY.FOUR The Weather iffianrlTifiatfr StJMitng Hiftalii For tko Week Ended Foioeut of Cl. 8- Woetkor B ene dan. n . 1958 conducted the ceremony for induc­ An Inforinal dinner waa held re-, Brownie and Intermediate Girl other trades, many of the new gen­ Fair tonight and tomorrow. A son. Charles D*wey,>,was bom eration are not taking’ up the tion of new members. Inducted cently. in. honor of the engagement Scout leaders who are interested were Willard Mawley. Leon Heus. 10,853 ProbnMy i^ n or aaow Fikftiy ....3.x . J-!',.: Monday at the New -Britain ■ Gan*- In crafts are urged to take the Club Is Told trad4, Michaels .pdlnted out. AboTitTowii aral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Max­ of Mias Arlene Cushman of 46 Vil­ tls. Walter Williams and - Dr M . MURRAY Member of the Audit night or Saterday. Mlnliiram to- lage street.- Rockville. • tCIATED PRESS law* and daiightef? Mr. and Mrs her Uth birthday Jan. IT with a Mrs. Ruth Ralph, 34 Ehgelwood skilled chaser to complete, he said the. December Issue of Nature ^ 198 East qenter street are the Drive. All membera are urged to passed down from IfaUier to son. ■- The East-German Chris­ Andrew Johnson of 449 Main party st her home for her class­ William McBride, past president Magazine. irs parents of a son born on Jan. Be, present. Berausc of opportunities offered in street. -■ mates and neighbors. tian Democratic party ^ t h o Hartford Hospital, (CDU), fighting desperately for its fellow-travelling life, ordered a complete purge of its entire niembership today CoU ^e Pal to weed out all but the Republicans Study Dulles As^| staunchest pro - Communists in Berlin. Links Reds, The central committee annouhe- ed that new,party booke woiiUJ be on Wilson issued in exchange for old, a dodge that probably will eoat.many mem­ :6n V ‘ ,1 bers their etatuF. Washington, Jan. 22— snagged by the be­ The Socialist UuHy (Commu­ — Praaident 'Eisenhower, lief of some Senators that his ■ N«w York, Jani -22;—(/P)— Ownership of the large amount of nist) party kicked out 10 percent sticking by, his view that Washington. Jan. A Philadelphia-busineM exec- General Motors stock might con­ of Ita membership two years ago Charles E. Wilson is the man — . President Eisenhowfl through the' expedient oY hew btive tesMiedTtOdiiy . that ek- flict with the-law. for SecretRrjr of Defense, Cabinet officers took party books. , j ' government econonrirt • Wil­ There 1a a statute making it a touiihed pff a aeries , of con- criminal offense for a government their commands today Netv Low Achieved liam Remington once said he fetences today aimed to, see oiBeial to have a direct or indirect one promptly^ shook up Ii The CDU purge was under^ken waa a Comm'uniai .because his interest in contracts or ether gov­ to regain.some prestige In the'yes .finally if a wpy can be cleared partment agri^ fdther wiur a-^'etooge for the ernment transactions ha handles. of the Russians and the Comrau- for Wilson to take the job. Others were expec' capitalists. And General Motors has billions of ^ nist Eaat German regime. The One such meeting waa s gather­ dollars morth of defense contracts. changes later on. - -party- sank lo B -new low -with'the - Rotolr B.~ K«1l«y;'.;an hMUranoe ing - of Remte' Ttepuhlican loader" ' tinder ’ the ‘canstttutiod. all call- SecretaiT' Bensm/movlKjl' arrest lavf week of ite deputy company official, aald 4Nat Ram- Taft, Chairman SaltoneUII (R- inet selections must have 'SeRatc Burprlaing speed on hla fim u .chairman. Foreign Minister Georg tngtofl- made the etatement to Mm Mass.) of the Senate Armed Serv­ approval. - ing day, ordered the rogrouphW^ Dertinger. now branded as a spy baCk^ln 1938 when both ware stu­ ice* committee, and Sen. Byrd fn addition' to the Taft-Salton- admt 25 Agriculturo depertaiaft for'the west. dent* at Dartmouth College. ID*Va.) fn Taft's cspltol oAce. atall-Byrd . meeting, cqhferencsa agencios. He called It tha flfiS A resolution by the CDU leader­ Remingtwi, on trial on perjury Byrd, coming out of this meet­ were Understood to be going. on atap toward "a gradual striM ^ ship, headed by chairman . Otto chafgM, ir aceuded of .lying ahmit ing. told.roporters he thoui^t WU- among MLLE OR PLASTIC CALF , "People'.^ Policemen’’ atso have de­ blnatlon of fluffy cotton, delicate lace and white-trim med trees that made a pretty picture for ’Ehe Hpndd s f that time.” ■ X $ 1.29 serted to the west in the last' 24 Kellay also aaid he attended work for a day’e pay.” photographer. / "eix or eeveh” 'meetings of the ~’la thane timea o i unpraeadailla REG. $l .‘^8— 54x72 ...... X \y hours. The inner rumblings of the East Thung Oommuntit - -League - ■ at' ed pubUo debt and oeatlnuedvp^ REG. 69c— 42"x36" C /^ S 5 9 ' 0m Darfmputh; ahd.'tbat Remington federal aggaadltaraa, the Colorful palm leaf pattern in gold, blue, green and red. Wonder­ Dresses zone. Imitating the Soviet zone and Hhndbags the satellite states, have created waa an “outatandtng”' participant rightfully axpecto us $o pi ful value! an atmoshpere in \vhich few feel Flu Covers Truiiian Ordered Chou Says at the meeqpgs. In Ending Jail Riot even gm tbr effort to e«| In top handle styles. Many with zipper compartments. Also box safe. Western observers, informed - "In fact he was a-leader,” Kel­ Inga In gevemmeat i Type 144 LadyN^pperell Reduced to styles. ■ \ for some time that Prime Minlster ley said. , . . toj^reduc^ public 0 _ ^ Otto Grotewohl, a renegade Social­ Som Bonie Kelley, hcaaolj^tiadnager for the 'Tluf-'dlipartii^t fftowU^ ist, may be on the purge list, had More Than B-29 Do^vn BmplpyUrti Mutual Oasudity Cam* Bellsfonte. Pao. ,Jsn. 22--)—It -waa" dormer Freeldent , ,yn 29th anniversary of the d^ th of Half of U. S. Harry 8. Truman htmeclf -whO. Over th# fffur- CLEARANCE SALE— REG. $1.50 ordgpiri.HaJ. Jobn ElseiiliowiF A t* o m anlMiaiiila; more -Isanlsi-yeaterday. He wae the only ------CWMiMHMrir eff* Sheets and CaseB top man of the regime who atayed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS home from Korea to see bla fath­ redMiffE^' Bed .Pillows er inaugurated as President. Tokyo, Jan. 22— -ll#8 mant eh whether . a force of number of emf or o< " away. Flu—or what feel# like flu Rem iniR; teatlfylng yestdiday natlng any of the Trial Imnltnent Roger Tubby, Truman’s press China’# No. 2 bb»# ch «rfi^ to­ dt Ms pefjury trial, donied liitsn- Guardsmen would be hroi’^ t ' to neer Says dep Wool Mittens —has spredd into more than secretary until Tuesday’s In-, day that a U. S. B-29 'Supat’- tbs’ riot-torn prison. Nor would; ..^ sa n t activteles. In Vienna, a Czechoslovak news­ half the 48 states, but ' the tionally vlMating stCurity;f'dgula- $2^ REG. f8.95 REGULAR HEIGHT paper indicated today that a new suguration, confirmed today, foFt violated Manchurian tlond when he turned ovdr secret they reply to quaetions as to Secretary of SUte DuUes lA tt REG. $3.29— 72x108 ... • • 0 •• • 0 $ K .95" Jacquard design in small, medium, laige size. outbreaks so far generally Air Shut from a staff eonfaranca and was uadey^ show trial, against former Com­ that the retiring Democratic f>ki‘e.a Jan. 12 and was shot govmment papers to d^lf-odnUt- whether a ntove to atorm the bar­ xWITH 7IPRERED C O V E R ...... munist leader.^ is imminent. President put the wheela In mo­ ricaded cell block where the men stood to have made one or ttoa 6f Better Hats have been mild. rioivn by Conununist night •tod Soviot courier BHsohieth $ 2 - 9 9 The Bratislava newspaper The Army, a state unlver.slty, a tion because he "thought the Bentley. Are holding out is being consider­ operaniig'-dnetaiona. ' Thay wigs .\ Train’s Brakes nor die^oaed. - REG. $3.49— 81x108 ..... REG, $8.95 EXTRA PLUMP HEIGHT YOUR CHOICE AT . ' ___ pair “Pravda" bitterly attacked two steel company and some local offi­ general’s boy should. see bis fighter#. Later, when authoriUed ap­ ed. ■ . . $0.95 former commiasionera of the state cials have taken step.s to combat father .Inaugurated as Presi­ U. .S. Far 'Ea.st.Alr Forces con­ proached him, ttsmlngtqii SaM he The move followed shortly after Aakw FwaWve'LeyaWy f-- 95 dent.” Duliea made public, however, a C O V H V^ITHOUT ZIPPER . : ...... ' of Slovakia, Laco Novomesky and tlie infections with influenza vac­ firmed Uie loss of the bomber, but Waahlagtaa. Jaa. 22— (ff) wanted to oeoporate ^ th the O- rebel convicts, holding tlx prfaron Tubby said he din’t know all letter to the lfl,600 Amsrteffi CLEA>AI^E SALE— ODD LOT Gen. Dr. Gustav Hiusak^ who were cine. asserted it was 12 to 15 miles In­ men and addqi: guards a* hostages, offered to etc- The- Saaato 'O m Mieroe. eeauntt- REG. 79e— 42"x36" CASES 65 , arrested In early 1951. A nationwide survey by the As-, 'the details and Mrs. 'rmroan, side —well below the *!T knew h{/ this (tma I. had been change on* of the hostages. for. tec aknipqy halted lie laveaKga- SUto department employee ta|h ' .$1 $2 ^3 tng them he win tolerate notU ^ JIEG. $11 .>5 KING SIZE HEIGHY , $ 0 . 9 5 In Bonn, today, nine Communist sociated Pre.ss showed that the, bark home as a private citizen, Yahi river boundary of Manchuria involveded 111 uii aomethtng 1 would another guard. tioa af . the raaaway train at COVER WITHOUT ZIPPER ..; . , \ S=SSSSSSSSSt^=SS=SS=BSSSBBSSaSSSaS m e n d e r s o f the.. West .. German .bulk.of the case.vare in tbe..ccnlral. W as not imnaedlately, ayallable --when crippled.., . have, -gjtmie anything to have ' ' - Onrimwa.OMffi... ff jiehlpgtep’e rslea Btatleg aafl less than "poalUve loyalty” to the parliament temporarily escaped at­ part of the nation and that Texas, for comment. "The B-29 transmitted .a *May .undone.' Earlier aa ominoiia calm hung naked the TVI to hunt fer evl- nation’s pMieias. - - - -— Fabric Grloves tempts to bring theni to trial on Tennessee and Arkansas have been Th^ Eisenhowers had said Day’ distress signSI and it Ls as­ deaM of eabotage. "The national welfare muM'ha Manufacturers* Close-out! they didn’t knmv how it came over the prison'With the convicts Wonderful Plsj^ejt^llows st .Ianuaiy\sale prices. charges of slander and Incitement particularly hard hit. sumed it was shot dovim .at that K ^tlan M on Pago Soventoen) sitting tight In their barricaded White and color. Values to $1.98. to treason and overthrow of the Texas reported from 200.000 to i point," said an official FEAF an­ /' — - ■ - - } cellhloek. (Ceatiawd an Page Sevaiatean)' REG. $1.00 54x54 Baby Shop Specials government. 250,000 flu cases. Arkansas had (Continued on Page Eight) Washington, Jen. 22—

—The \ nouncement. The live officers of the National engineer who first detected trouble - i " The bundestag.(lower house) re­ the greatest number of cases of ! The Reds alleged the- B-29 w a ^ uppei^'lrespiratory infections in its,' Guard went into conference with on the Pennsylvania peasengcr fused by One vote, 145-144 to lift shot dotvn nine miles northwaat Lt. Frank A. Weber,- State Ad­ train which creehcd into Washing- SLIGHT IRREGU pair the immunity of the nine, including hist.ory. "^e dsca.se was reaching S. Jets Blast Colorful Printed of Antung, big Communist Xlr jutant General, end Atty. Gen. ton’s Union Station a week ego CIO Concerned party chairman'Max'Relmann. so the epidemic .Stage in Tennc.ssee. j Traffic Crashes base Across the Yalu from nor^- Goat and Legging Sets The ea.stein and western states ; Robert E. Woodeid*. testified today someone must have ~ FAMOUS 8RAND . they could be prosecuted on the wf .st(;i;n‘ Korea. , . Interfered with its sir brake sys­ long-standing charges. The m oti^ were cpmparatively free of out- : Four Migs in WillUm C. Brown, state Secre­ Si?es .1 to 6x. Vshies to $25.00. Priced from Peiping Radio broadcMf the tary of Welfare, cosflsckted two tem hours earlier, in Rhode Island. About T-HIsiYi| was sent back to the committee breaks, although Florida reported ' In Storiii Kill charge, "and an angry protest, by Plastk Table Cloths some schools clo.sed to prevent >the . _ i motion plctursr cameras when Engineer W. H. MetU,,who took Boxed stationery with a request .for more evidence. Red Cliiha'’s., premier ahd foreign Furious Battles the train from Boston .as fer as furthOK spread of an Influenza-llke ; J4 0 1 J J * 0 1* S O U S ' cameramen sou ^ t to ffim the Na- Aide to Durkiu 100> W ool Uonsl Guard officera and other New Haven, was tha witness be­ Note and letter alze paper and ert\-elopesr in all white ot* floral (Continued on Page Two) page Two) fore the Senate Commerce com­ ' . ALL/FIRST to *^22 ®® / patteiha. .\rm.v Treats 'Troops j ______^ i Seoul, Jan. 22— -Outnumber­ officials walking toward the prison ed American SabM pilots today mittee. Ha said he found st King­ Wstoington, Jan. 22—<1^— • / The A rm y is giving flu vaccine bv THE ASS^IATED PRESS I stockade. Weber had told news­ CIO high command, faced withM blasted at leaat four CommunUt men: "No pictures of the military.” ston, R. I., that somCon* must have to the troops In Korea. Europe and I fou r persons lost their lives In j thmed an angle cock on the third possibily. unfriendly administrstidn (pUALITY , Box at ports of embarkation for those' highway accidents as a snow. ralH| MIGb from North Korean skies In Meanwhile, In Harrisburg the 50® the ssCond straight dsy of furious c| .r from the front, shutting off the for the flrat time in ita Matory, t/i- 1 Group of Dresses qountiie.'* and aleet atorm swept over mOat State Pardon Board said it would ait- pressure on the brake*. day takes up propoaalr for am«(d> $ 0.99 ______■ ' News Tidbits "file U. S. Army moved .swiftly Bulletins air battlM. ths U. 8. Fifth Air refuse tp consider any appeals for of Connecticut Ia.«t night. It would have hSd to' be turned ■ II ■ i' .11"' ■' , "■ today to vaccinate more than 2.50.- Fores reported. ing the Taft-Hartley Labor law. Beautiful aasortment of patterns In all c.olora and all white. Som* Sizes 3 to 6x. Values UiT $5.98. e^ced Ivom Culled from AP Wires Snow covered highwaya made commutation of sentence from by hand, and It would have to be Also on the agenda is tha IwQlp C)00 American servicemen in Eu­ driving hazardous in the northern from the AP Wires N Three MIGe were damaged In prisoners at Rockvisw and the textured plastic also. Blue, yellow, green and red prlnti. the clash between 10 Sabrae and done while the train Wes standing of CIO representation in the Leber rope ag.ilnst influenza snd report- part of the atate and Sluah com- Western Stet* Penitentiary at still, hs added He said he didn’t $J*99 ^^.29 *ed 378 flu ca.'ie.’i in military hos- 20 Red warplanes. AddltlonsI department. The Dig quesUo^^: poacd of mixed and anow Pittsburgh, acene of a. 24-hour know whether someone had turn­ Should the CIO recommend ona nf Girls’ Dresses Ansonia Water Company seeks pitnl.a in Germany, England an^ wreaked equal havoc in other »ec- I FHA RAISES UMIT claims of one iflG destroyed and riot earlier this week. average 20 per ’cent Increase in ed th car \''a* !| tr o c 'k and dempllahed b y ' courage more of these'homes. of coniratulatiiMui to hia pilots, who heads the CIO's sntt^lacn REG. $4.29 WITH RUBBER BUnO NS i ?3 ^4 *5 I.nternatiqnal Beaman’s Co'mmit- ,-ed down achoola for Amerlcatt de-- 'a!lraihff-' truck. ' calling it "a most approprlata 'way Crowds Greet Trumto Ination committee; Another prd(F jK s— P r e s s e s — t o y 5 ^ - ' -teb - utgtf'V. ’’S:' in' -evbhr-' plachtg- • pendenta ■,at''©ri«ana;,-.La -Rochelle 'HotVard "E. .’Myt-e'A' SO; OLD' OEhKSCR AY PASSEST to ^culehrattF’ Fiwstdent Ike's laauh p ^ hi Jdhfi'Bdeimsii; chtef’W f^ - ' .:-$2S8' what iV termed Irksome restric­ and Metz. Children under 18 were'' walk, met in.atant death when hla' Glastonbary, Jan. 22—igh— guration.” * latlve repreaentativ* of the CSO tions ph movement of foreign aea^; barred frorn Army theaters in the tank-milk truck, struck a torw car I Ckipt. Dolphin D. Overton, An­ Textile Workers. " "RfG. $4.98 WITH ZIPPERS CLOSE o Dt LOT*OF / William T. Hale, S7, aa active On Return to Missouri ' Sub-Teen Dresses men, when screening them under Orlean.* area. In Canaan.' . . Democrat who claimed to ha drews,. 8. C., downed his third. MIG CIO President Walter RentMr McCarran-Walter Act . . . Rocke­ American medical facilitiea in Myrle Peck of Groton waa kiUed ' the state’s eldest voter, died in two days. Ha shot down two and. faffed in an attempt last monthfo Reaf'heavy quality mattress covers that will give you y^aia of France were leported taxed by an wear. iSgams are all bound. x Sizes 10 to 14. Reg. $5.98 to $8.98 values. ^ feller Foundation'! General Educa­ when hla car collided with a truck day at his home, IM6 Main damaged one yesterday.' A Sabre ERNEST E VAOCARp -i-maif. Ma^biel^J. Connelly, long his haye President Eisenhower appoint tion Board gives one million dol­ Increase in upper respiratory in- on the Blue Star highway on Route | street. Hale, known as Wil­ Independence, Mo., Jan. —(P) .*PPointmedt secretary at the lars to''United Negro College Fund, fcctlona, the .Arm.v liaid. 22 Underwear GLASS REFRIGERATOR DISHES . ^ l-lm East Lyme. • . ! liam T., had voted In.every elee- (Oentinaed ea Page Eight) —Harry 8. Truman, welcomed White House, flew to Missouri in (OontlBaed ea Page Bight) ' Inc. In Germany, where the bulk of -'Ther^were nutheroua reporta of ■ tfon for the past. 75 xtltTfi. S!*i- home In rq ^ n g reaeptlons that advance of Truman to help set up SLIPS; GOWNS, PAJAMASrPANTlRS bikI other items; . Now Ptesidenl Elaehhtatver ,18"^ de­ U. iS."troops are stationed, the flu miiiof accldenta but" Slate Police’ 'every vote wwT a Demoeratie moved him to Ihe verge of teara7 We cffTce hMore opening one of his XQLOSE OUT LOTOF ' 8"x8" REG. 29c— I8c ^4 ^5 wa.a raging In Bavaria. Health Broken size and style.a. Reg, $2.25 to $$.9R. scribed by official .Chinese Com­ aaid none of- major importance began looking for wot-k today lest own in New York City aa a con­ 8"x4" REG. 19c— iPe munist newspaper as "typical up­ authorities .said that up to 50 per were reported ofri'the Merritt or New Drug RiiRhed 17 Escape Mental y . CJ ^ L idleness lead him into "devilment.” sultant on government contracts. cent of the achool children were i Wilbur Cro.** Parkway*. start” wluxaistingjiished himself FLi; HELD TO BE MILD nearly eight turbulent The ex-President end Mrs. Tru­ In Only one'w ay—on the football Waahlngton, Jan. 22 — tiD — To^razil Babies : JUBILEE COFFEE POT $2.15 BLOUSES (Continued on Page Right) years 'knd unprecedented responsi­ man, happy to be- home again, Hospital; 13 CaugM Brassieres . field . . . E!tplosion of wartime (Oontlhued on Page Eight) The Public Health flervlee aaM bilities at s time of world crisis, ateppril from the presidential priv­ Now $T’®® to ^5‘98 Reg. $3.25. Solid cqlors. . New nylons, jerseys and rayon crepes. White. Not all Oermnn bomb at a Bpviet 'Zone today the widespread outbreak he suddenly .found hinue)f with ate car last night to find a crowd airfield near. Berlin kiils at lea.st Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Jan, 22 — Kings Park. N. Y., Jan. 22—on . sizes, ileg. $5.98 to $7.98. of Influenza and respiratory dla- M4—A new drug is being flmirn from nothing to do biit unpack and find estimated at 10,000 gathered 11 .persona, including aevarnl Rus­ easc so far generaAy seems ta a Job. . — Seventeen male patients eany and Foundations - WHITE GLASS TEA CUP 12c Each Sweden in response to press r*$K>rts around the little depot to give today smashed their way out 6f sian soldiers,' and injures more have been limited to rather that a hiccough epidemic in meif* Harry Truman, ex-Prealdent. of them an emotional Greeting.'' than 20 others. Ban on Bottle Clubs Urged | Kings Park State Hoepital, a rae^ AU popular make*. Brokeh atylea and aizaa. WHITE GLASS SAUCER 12c Each mild rases. The servire listed aa has killed ss Infants in two .weeks, the IJnttsd . States, ’ is a laatleas Truman choked up aa he gased tal inatitution. and -13 wen ir»* CLOSE OUT LOT OF N o w ^3 “ ?4 - ^5 ' Sell, Prescott Bush, drafts bill to Increase of:. IS per eeat la Um but State Health authorities deny man who has been working 17 at the assembled thousands, some ported recaptured srithln a fiW help state expand Its super-high­ In Bill Due in Legislature number of death* from laffueaaa the outbreak. hours.a day ft ths Whits House in of. whom had been there for hour* hours. - "3:. Brassieres ^ and all forms of pneumonia la .00 .95 PRESTO COLANDER STRAINER COVER 35c way ayatem by charging tolls on Tha mysterious malady, said to Washifigton. aiid he's already Wor- waiting for the train that was 45 A police alarm described tftt I.T to ^3 Reg. $1.25. federal aid roads . . . Twenty 5S clti^ for the week mMed effapt only infanta under -Wm year'j rying■ ‘how long ‘he can "take it minutes late to begin vrith. as "vtolsnt." A staff MijMciaS' Reg. $1.50 to $5.00 Plaid Rayon and Gottoh Blouses theuanad people left homeless aft­ State Capitol, Hartford, Jan.'22 ; mixing beveragei to members who j Jan. 16, as compared with the old, was repeorted (blB^eek by the easy.” "I appreciate this reception,” he the hospital. Dr, -MUiny er fire which gutted 6,000 huts and previous week. Rio p* Janeiro newspaper O Globo. Robes Long sleeves. Not all sizes. Reg. $3.98. ^ —(‘75— Senate majority . leader bring their own liquor to the clubs, i ‘.'It’s not hard work that gets a told them. "It’s magnifleant. classed them aa ."inqtatidly, GLASS ROASTERS $1.98 1-^ 600 wooden buildings in Rangoon, Charles W. Jewett drafted a bill Bottle club opponents contend, [ However, Pernambuco State man Into trouble,” he told report­ There’s not any more I cap say ed” but he declined to stlti - M Reg. $3.49. ,1S.Burma.' today which would oUtlaw hojttle STATE RC8TB CASE . , Haaltth Secretary Arthur CouUnho ers, "It’s^thc lack of it. When a except that a'e are back home for what degree.!^ - ' , however^ that in many, caae.a the ' New York, Jaa. 22— The said only eight Ihfanta—a rtdrmal Small Lot of’ WOOL. COTTON and RAYON ROBES iVindham County.NationnI Bank clubs in Connecticut. clubs themselves sell liquor illegal- , fellow has nothing to do he-gats good.” - The bolting patiants of Danielson is slated to become "The general feeling 1.* that they Stale rested today ia the perjury number—had dieff in the paat two into devilment." Another throng o f 1,500 waited the furnishings pf - their' 1.00 and BRUNCH COATS— Broken Sizes WOODEN BREAD BOX 59c l.w. and cater , to young people under trial of U'iilUm Kpivey, 2^ Weeks in the Reeife suburb where i’95 to Now $3 '®® 14th bninch bank of Hartford-Con- are N.G. — cials. would be fined $1,000 or adopted an ordinance outlawing Chicago, Jaa. 22—CYt—Rod­ csl Company, read reportta of the aM* to hla talents. . down's Sizes 12 to 44. Reg, $2.98 an^$3.50. given a one,year, jail term or.both. along the route of the long train The San Francisco 49’ers won such, esfabliahmcnts aa a nuisance. ney Dee Brodle, the ourrivlag outbreak and o^arad-tha I$raaUian He already has-ranted a private trip from Washington wkare ha anil rah- 4 UNIVERSAL PERCOLATORS the National Football Lmgue’s Bottle clubs, which flouri h after T h « J ) j ^ A U Bottle club, owners protested separated Siamese twia, frits envoy in Stockholm a si ' office In ths Federal lUaarva Bank B|tw Dwiyht D. Usenhowsr in­ ■tonn. Now ^ 3 ’^^ to bonns^lck today and selected the 1 a. m. closing hour impo-ed on that the ordinance was unconstl- holdiag his own today—a fact drug davalopad raeantly ~ hy ■ two bulding in nearby Kansas City and augurated at noon Tuesday and all I^ e e« » 9 CUP. REG. $6.95— $4.95 Hai ry^Sabcock. offensive end taverns and 'bats, ostensibly pro- that encouraged atte^iag ph)r- put Mtsa Reaa Cm^ay. hia person­ Now $ 2 '^ and 53-®® from tha Calversity of Georgia. 1 vide "set-ups’! ^ .n o n -a lc o h o lic . (Continued on Page Thre^ 6 CUP, REG. $5.95^$3-95 sicisas. - » , (Om MmmJ sa-Faga.-B^) al Btonographar, to work, on .hla (CfEttoeefl.en.rag* Sevan) . «

\ /' ■ ; V A. -t (: , ’ /■ J ‘ /! t