Navy List (Hostile and Otherwise) NAVY LIST
Sotheran’s 2–5 Sackville Street London W1S 3DP +44 (0)20 7439 6151 The Navy List (Hostile and Otherwise) NAVY LIST 3. BERESFORD, Rear-Admiral Lord Charles, and H. W. Wilson. Nelson and his Times. London, Harmsworth, [1915]. £78 1. “SPY” [Sir Leslie Ward]. Admiral of the Fleet The Earl 2. [ADMIRALTY]. Visit of Colonial Premiers and the Folio. Original pictorial cloth, all edges gilt; pp. viii, 232, of Clanwilliam GCB KCMG. “An Admiral of the Fleet.” Houses of Parliament to Portsmouth. [London, Eyre and colourful frontispiece, highly illustrated throughout; Original lithograph from the ‘Vanity Fair’ series, Spottiswode, 1907]. £245 cloth a bit marked and with strengthened inner hinges; published January 22, 1903. 395 x 265 mm. otherwise a rather good copy. Original black polished calf, lettered and decorated in One of the best pictorial documentations of the naval Admiral of the Fleet Richard James Meade, 4th Earl of gilt, all edges gilt, inner dentelles gilt, watered silk hero’s legacy. Clanwilliam GCB KCMG (3 October 1832 – 4 August endpapers, decorated in gilt; pp. 15, [3], folding map, 1907), styled Lord Gillford until 1879, was a Royal Navy printed in four colours, folding table, six original officer. As a junior officer, he served at the Battle of mounted photos with loose captioned tissue guards; Escape Creek and at the Battle of Fatshan Creek during photos oxidized, otherwise good. the campaign against Chinese pirates. He also took part Very rare first edition, marked at head of title ‘Not for in the Battle of Canton, where he was severely Publication’.
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