TYBSc CHEMISTRY C303 UNIT IV THE PRINCIPLES OF METALLURGY AND CHEMISTRY OF Fe, Cu, Ni, U, Ag & Pb Minerals: Metals occur in nature, sometimes free but mostly in combined state. Those found in free or in native state are Cu, Hg, Ag, Au and Pb. The metals are found in the combined state with other elements and are obtained by mining from the earth are known as minerals i.e. Cu minerals are oxide ores – Cu2O, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2, Sulphide minerals are Cu2S , CuFeS2 etc. Ore: when a mineral contains sufficient quantity of a metal combined with other element from which it can be readily separated so as to render the extraction of metal of good quality probable. It is said to be an ore of metal. All ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores. i.e. Fe – Fe2O3.3H2O Haematite Al – Al2O3.3H2O Bauxite U – U3O8 Pitchblende Gangue or Matrix: The ores usually contains a large number of impurities like earth matters, rock stones, sand, lime stones, mica and other silicates. These impurities are known as gangue or matrix. The ores are divided into four groups. Native ores or Free State: The less reactive metals like Cu, Ag, Au, Pt, Hg and Pb occur in Free State. These metals are known as native ores. Oxides ores: These ores are classified as: Oxides and Hydroxides: The metals like Cu, Zn, Pb, Al, Sn, Cr, Mn, V, Fe,Ti, Mg, Be, Bi, etc occur as oxide and hydroxides. i.e. Fe2O3.3H2O – Haematite CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 —Malachite Carbonate : The metals like Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg etc occur as Carbonate ore.
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