Published online on 25 October 2011. Chen, Y. S., Zhu, S. X. & Bayer, R. A. 2011. Gnaphalieae. Pp. 774–818 in: Wu, Z. Y., Raven, P. H. & Hong, D. Y., eds., Flora of China Volume 20–21 (Asteraceae). Science Press (Beijing) & Missouri Botanical Garden Press (St. Louis). 10. Tribe GNAPHALIEAE 鼠麴草族 shu qu cao zu Chen Yousheng (陈又生), Zhu Shixin (朱世新); Randall J. Bayer Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs. Stems generally with fibers in phloem, without resin canals. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, usu- ally entire and tomentose at least abaxially. Capitula heterogamous disciform or homogamous discoid, rarely heterogamous radiate, solitary or variously grouped. Phyllaries generally papery, generally brightly colored or hyaline and with a thickened, cartilaginous basal portion (stereome) composed of compact sclerenchyma. Receptacles generally epaleate or paleate. Female outer florets gen- erally filiform or often absent. Central florets generally bisexual, sometimes functionally male. Anthers ecalcarate, with tails; endo- thecial tissue almost always polarized. Pollen with 2-layered ektexine comprising an outer columellate layer and an irregularly inter- laced basal layer. Style branches with hairs apically, rarely dorsally; stigmatic rows generally separated. Achenes small, oblong to obovoid, usually hairy; pericarp generally with 2, 3, or 5 vascular bundles. Pappus generally of plumose or barbellate to scabrid capillary bristles, occasionally of bristles and scales, only scales, or absent. About 185 genera and 1,240 species: nearly worldwide, with centers of concentration in S Africa and Australia; 12 genera (one endemic, one introduced) and 121 species (63 endemic, four introduced) in China. 1a. Receptacle with paleae; outer florets invaginated by paleae ............................................................................................ 174. Filago 1b.
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