Water Supply Assured in Fords-Hopelawn Area, Company

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Water Supply Assured in Fords-Hopelawn Area, Company A Newspaper Devoted Complete NCTVB, Pictures to the Community Interest jiil Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage Pn-scnUfl Fairly, Clearly Mepenbent - leakt Published Every Thursday PRICE EIGHT CENTS (L, XLVII—NO. 28 Knterftd ns Second Class Mutter WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 at 18 Oreon Strret, Woodbrldite, N. at the Po«t Office. WoodbrldRft. N. J. 500 Seen Touching Drama Enacted at Ebbets' Field as Iselin's Water Supply Assured School Handicapped Dick Makin Meets His Idol Duke Snider Census In Fords-Hopelawn rslion Causes Need |r Kxlreme Caution, lirr Chief Warns Area, Company Says 3BRJDGE — Woodbridge i schools will reopen their e>:t Wednesday and with enrollment; of approxl- Public. Service Pays Town Mundy Asserts ,500 expected In the pub- is alone, Deputy Chief F Parsons today urged $1,025,000; More to Come New 30 • Inch 10 "take it easy" while ers are KJing to and from WOODBRIDGE — Yesterday, Tux Collector Michael J. Trainer has been estimated we received a check from the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Line Adequate classrooma ahy of our for $1,025,724.71 from tross receipt? and franchise taxes. This sum represents our community's solvency. quiri'mmU, WOODBRIDGE — The water children will be going to Of that sum $989,121.15 was for the first and' second payments situation In the Pords-Hopelawn the first time," Deputy UWH SAVINGS of gross receipts taites and $36,603.56 In franchise taxes. Altogether section has been taken care of, ac- arsons said, "and they will the Public Service will pay $109, cording to Ambrose Mundy, presi- the benefit of training MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK 810.68 in franchise taxes and $1,- dent of the Middlesex Water Com- older children have. It 483.681.72 in gross receipts taxes pany. ;> to the drivers to watch this year, or a total of $1,593,482.40. Attempted Suicide those tots." Mr. Mundy told The Indepen- Money received In franchise and dent-Leader yesterday afternoon [police executive also ex- gross receipts taxes appears In the Thwarted by Cops that a new 30-inch line has been, thin with double-Bessions Township budget as anticipated completed and is in operation. throughout the Town- revenue. It is not a part of the WOODBRIDGE — Police Chief "This will take care of the situ- iny of the children will be real estate tax dollar of which .631 John R. Egan today commend- ation," he said, "and we antici- hnrrm from school during goes to schools; .208 to the county ed Sgt. Albert Martin and Patrol- pate no further trouble." I afternoon. and .161 to the Township. Fran- man Joseph Nagy, whose quick ac- A series of complaints was chise and gros receipts taxes are rill lie dusk then," he con- tion Is credited with saving the made to the Town Committee af- used by the Town Committee to '•«ii(i some of the chil- life of 26-year-old Mrs. Diane ter recent J»*avy rains caused a help run the various departments iv til w?::k on roads wlth- Riikctt, Rahway, who failed In her power faUu«B»nd the residents of of Township government. ,'nlks. The responsibility, attempt to commit suicide Monday Fords, lrtJmjLticular, were incon- . u ill rest with the motor- by Jumping off the Edison Bridge, venienced^RrTnany hours by the Sewtren Man Welcomes into the Rarltan River. lack of watek \ |ty chief Parsons reported At a meeting of. tm Town Com- addition to police and Mrs. Rakett, under treatment Relatives from Rumania at Perth Amboy General Hospital mittee earlier in the; inonth, Town- 11 Police, special school is in "fair" condition and has no ship Attorney NatharTDuH was>in- |paw been placed at stra- SEWAREN — Joseph J. fractures. She suffered Internal structed to malfe a formal com- Iti'rs.-rtiuiis throughout the Mancz, 491 West Avenue, was. Injuries but hospital authorities plaint to the Board of Public the sponsor of his brother-in- lip believe she will recover. The wo- Utilities and the State Depart- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. will know these school man is the only person to ever ment of Health. , i,r stated "by the white Martin Geng, and the Misses survive a l.eap from the bridge. •^On August 17, Mayor Hugh B. ..an belts they will fee Barbara and (Maria Gens, who Six others have died. Quiglcy received) a copy of a letter l'.r.isf cooperate with arrived In New York, Tuesday, Sgt. Martin and Patrolman Nagy sent by Mr. Mundy to Harry Ml tin. i-lilldren will be aboard the "General Langfltt" Greenfield, District Chief of Pub- A COl'rl.F OF BKi-l.K.UUlKKS PI-AY TOSS: Dickie Makin, 11-year-iild Iselin lad whu was so seriously burned by an electric wire were in a radio car on Route 9 lic Health of the State Depart- that he lost his rixlit arm at the elbow. It is left foot at tlu- ankli- anil a part of his right foot, met his bin hero Duke Snider at Ebbets Mr .and Mrs. Geng, formerly when they were called to go to ment of Health, stating that the Field Sunday. Here, Dickie is showing the Duke how he slips off his l«v<- after nitrhinir a hull. Wntdiins is Huppy Felton on whose of Sinfalu, S&tmarmegye, Ru- the scene. It was later determined R (Continued on Page Eight) television show Dickie appeared with the Dodgers' ace slugger. mania, have resided in the that the woman jumped from the American Zone of Germany Sayreville side of the bridge. With- >In Theatre By JOHN ROVLE since 1944 Three older daugh- in a few minutes the officers ar- (Sports Editor) ters, Mrs, Michael Meyer, Mrs, rved and found that Mrs. Rakett, lality's Target WOODBRIDGE — When Dick Anthony Maier and Mrs. John who had loft her six-month-old 2 Lose licenses Makin paid a visit to Brook- Baumgartner have come to this daughter In her car, had "changed country within the last four 3HR1UGB — Objection to lyn Sunday afternoon to chat her mind" and was attempting years and are now residing In For Tipsy Driving iri.immer.t provided at the with his idol, Duke Snider, the to swim. Both officers fired their • Passalc and Oarftel*. * • (Continued On Page Eight) -In Tlwntre IS Dodger's star ceflterflelder, on- WOODBRIDGE — Two motor- (I in a resolution adoptpd the Happy Felton Knot Hole ists, convicted of drunken driv* Junior Sodality of St. Gang TV program, he suddenly ing, were fined $200 each, plus [Cliui'h The criticism was found himself the star attrac- Mayor Pledges Legal Fight costs, and had their driver's li- ed nl a meeting held last tion on the show as well as at censes revoked for two years yes- Ebbets Field. Even the most re- 9terday, by Actinj; Magistrate Ed- odnlity has taken the posi- nowned celebrities at the game To Ban 'Gandy Dancers ward A. Kopper, Bt one of the principal fac- went out of their way to pay They were Robert J. Shea, 177 |)uv: ii'.le delinquency is the tribute to a young boy whose WOODBRIDGE — "Even If it means a legal battle, we Intend Moreland Street, Midland Beach, on of "objectionable mo- courage Is an inspiring story to get rid of the 'gandy dancers'," Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said Staten Island, and Felice J. Faella, nd charges the local out- which has yet to be equalled In yesterday in discussing the Township's efforts to get rid of the 870 Flora Street, Elizabeth. :' with this pr»ctice. Little League baseball. railroad laborers who are living in converted railroad cars in the Shea was arrested by Patrol- nniiimcation In which the Without a doubt, the person vicinity of Fulton Street and Eleanor Place. men William Stephano and Ar- leveled was signed by moved most by Dick's appear- Efforts to eliminate the camp gained new Impetus Tuesday thur GrosBkopf. August 21, The [aroUi Hirsch, St. James ance on the field was Snider when one of the gandy dancers,' I — • — two officers were assisting a mo- id Moderator of the So- himself. He had heard and read Dennis Flynn, 64, of Latrobe, Pa',, been forwarded to the Town Com- torist whose car had a flat tire laml Miss Barbara Brady, about the Iselin 'youngster but was found dead In his bunk. mittee. The signers are residents on Route 1, when, according to ! of the organization, failed to feel the impact of his Health Officer Harold J. Bailey of Eleanor Place, Legion Place, their testimony, they noticed Shea successful struggle to gain an said yesterday he had been in- Berry Street, Gordon Street, Wal- driving his car down the highway ext of the resolution fol- 1 equal place among his team- formed that Flynn, who had been lace Street and Jean Court. A pe- In an erratic manner and then- employed as a cook, had tubercu- is much talk about mates despite his handicaps, tition is also being circulated in pu,Ued off the road. They went losis. ^ delinquency. A contrib- until Dick walked out before the the Fulton Street flection, urging back to check and said they ctor to this situation is ob- TV cameras to shake his hand. "I will see to it," Mr. Bailey the Town Committee to evict the smelled liquor on his breath. The "gandy dancers." The petition will lnovies. When the pair met, Snider stated, "that every man in the officers reported they asked Shea be presented at Tuesday's meet- ox,muU'ly 70 per cent of seemed to forget he was on a camp who has anything to do with for the keys %Q tits car to prevent ng of the Town committee and m is Catholic.
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