Water Supply Assured in Fords-Hopelawn Area, Company
A Newspaper Devoted Complete NCTVB, Pictures to the Community Interest jiil Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage Pn-scnUfl Fairly, Clearly Mepenbent - leakt Published Every Thursday PRICE EIGHT CENTS (L, XLVII—NO. 28 Knterftd ns Second Class Mutter WOODBRIDGE, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1955 at 18 Oreon Strret, Woodbrldite, N. at the Po«t Office. WoodbrldRft. N. J. 500 Seen Touching Drama Enacted at Ebbets' Field as Iselin's Water Supply Assured School Handicapped Dick Makin Meets His Idol Duke Snider Census In Fords-Hopelawn rslion Causes Need |r Kxlreme Caution, lirr Chief Warns Area, Company Says 3BRJDGE — Woodbridge i schools will reopen their e>:t Wednesday and with enrollment; of approxl- Public. Service Pays Town Mundy Asserts ,500 expected In the pub- is alone, Deputy Chief F Parsons today urged $1,025,000; More to Come New 30 • Inch 10 "take it easy" while ers are KJing to and from WOODBRIDGE — Yesterday, Tux Collector Michael J. Trainer has been estimated we received a check from the Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Line Adequate classrooma ahy of our for $1,025,724.71 from tross receipt? and franchise taxes. This sum represents our community's solvency. quiri'mmU, WOODBRIDGE — The water children will be going to Of that sum $989,121.15 was for the first and' second payments situation In the Pords-Hopelawn the first time," Deputy UWH SAVINGS of gross receipts taites and $36,603.56 In franchise taxes. Altogether section has been taken care of, ac- arsons said, "and they will the Public Service will pay $109, cording to Ambrose Mundy, presi- the benefit of training MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK 810.68 in franchise taxes and $1,- dent of the Middlesex Water Com- older children have.
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