INTERNATIONAL COUNTER-TERRORISM REVIEW VOLUME II, ISSUE 2 February, 2021 The Revival of Islam How Do External Factors Shape the Potential Islamist Threat in Azerbaijan? FUAD SHAHBAZOV ABOUT ICTR The International Counter-Terrorism Review (ICTR) aspires to be the world’s leading student publication in Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism Studies. ICTR provides a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to publish their papers, share innovative ideas, and develop an academic career in Counter-Terrorism Studies. The publication also serves as a platform for exchanging research and policy recommendations addressing theoretical, empirical and policy dimensions of international issues pertaining to terrorism, counter-terrorism, insurgency, counter-insurgency, political violence and homeland security. ICTR is a project jointly initiated by the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya, Israel and NextGen 5.0. The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) is one of the leading academic institutes for counter-terrorism in the world. Founded in 1996, ICT has rapidly evolved into a highly esteemed global hub for counter-terrorism research, policy recommendations and education. The goal of the ICT is to advise decision makers, to initiate applied research and to provide high-level consultation, education and training in order to address terrorism and its effects. NextGen 5.0 is a pioneering non-profit, independent, and virtual think tank committed to inspiring and empowering the next generation of peace and security leaders in order to build a more secure and prosperous world. COPYRIGHT This material is offered free of charge for personal and non-commercial use, provided the source is acknowledged.
Interim Report of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on The
Interim Report of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the implementation of the recommendations by the Working Group of the UN Human Rights Council on the Universal Periodic Review with respect to the first report of the Republic of Azerbaijan 1. Address shortcomings in the area of human rights promotion and protection, including promotion of a culture of human rights among the society, strengthening of national capacities, the rule of law and adequate protection of vulnerable segments of the population (Iran); Issues indicated in the recommendation are one of the main duties of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is always being carried out. Protection of human rights and freedoms was defined as the highest goal of the State in the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In order to ensure the sustainability of the “Baku process of intercultural dialogue” initiated during the conference of the CoE Ministers of Culture held in Baku on December 2-3, 2008 the VI Conference of the Ministers of Culture of the OIC Member States was held in Baku on October 13-15, 2009. The first day of the conference, a round table on the topic “Baku process: a new call for a dialogue among civilizations” was arranged between a number of European states and the OIC member states by mediation of ISESCO and the Council of Europe, by the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The participants of the round table adopted a final communiqué at the end. The issues of cooperation at bilateral, regional and international levels, exchange of experience, development of intercultural dialogue between the Islamic world and Europe, implementation of projects and programs in this field, as well as joint measures regarding the protection of cultural heritage in conflict regions were indicated in the communiqué.
Azerbaijan’s Regional Role Iran and Beyond By Richard Weitz September 2013 Azerbaijan’s Regional Role • • • Azerbaijan’s Regional Role Iran and Beyond TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... 2 AZERBAIJAN’S GROWING GLOBAL INFLUENCE ..................................................................................... 5 EMPOWERING RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE .................................................................................................. 11 MANAGING IRAN'S REGIONAL AMBITIONS ......................................................................................... 20 IRAN'S AZERBAIJANI MINORITY ......................................................................................................................... 21 CURRENT TENSIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 23 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 33 Executive Summary 1 Azerbaijan’s Regional Role • • • Executive Summary The Republic of Azerbaijan, a close U.S. ally since Azerbaijanis regained their independence following the Soviet Union’s collapse, has become a prominent role model for Muslim-majority nations seeking to manage religious and ethnic differences in a harmonious and productive manner. Thanks to its secular
Developing Cultural and Creative Industries in Azerbaijan
DEVELOPING CULTURAL AND CREATIVE INDUSTRIES IN AZERBAIJAN Cristina Farinha The Programme is funded The Programme is implemented by a consortium led by the British Council, in partnership with the Soros Foundation by the European Union Moldova, the National Center for Culture of Poland and the Goethe-Institut The report is developed with the assistance of the EU-Eastern Partnership Culture and Creativity Programme. The content of this report does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Responsibility for the information and views expressed in the report lies entirely with the author. The report was published in January 2018. 2 CONTENTS 1. Executive Summary 4 Team and Acknowledgements 8 2. Creative Industries in the EU 9 3. Mandate and Methodology 11 4. Developing Cultural and Creative Industries – Regional Analysis and Detailed View on Azerbaijan 14 4.1 Brief analysis of the national context 14 4.2 Recognising CCIs’ transversal character 16 4.3 Setting up participatory policies and platforms 21 4.4 Building on emerging creative hubs 23 4.5 Easing access to specific funding and support 26 4.6 Improving creative entrepreneurial education and skills 27 4.7 Developing audiences and markets 32 4.8 Encouraging internationalisation and cooperation 35 5. Recommendations on Developing Cultural and Creative Industries in Azerbaijan 37 5.1 Policy-making, Participation and Platforms. 41 5.2 Infra-structure, Funding and Frameworks 43 5.3 Skills, Audiences and Markets 45 5.4 Internationalisation and Cooperation 46 Appendix A: Bibliography 49 Appendix B: List of Participants in Workshops, Interviews and Site Visits 51 3 1.
Azerbaijan Page 1 of 8 Azerbaijan BUREAU OF DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND LABOR International Religious Freedom Report 2009 October 26, 2009 The Constitution provides for freedom of religion. On March 18, 2009, however, a national referendum approved a series of amendments to the Constitution; two amendments limit the spreading of and propagandizing of religion. Additionally, on May 8, 2009, the Milli Majlis (Parliament) passed an amended Law on Freedom of Religion, signed by the President on May 29, 2009, which could result in additional restrictions to the system of registration for religious groups. In spite of these developments, the Government continued to respect the religious freedom of the majority of citizens, with some notable exceptions for members of religions considered nontraditional. There was some deterioration in the status of respect for religious freedom by the Government during the reporting period. There were changes to the Constitution that undermined religious freedom. There were mosque closures, and state- and locally sponsored raids on evangelical Protestant religious groups. There were reports of monitoring by federal and local officials as well as harassment and detention of both Islamic and nontraditional Christian groups. There were reports of discrimination against worshippers based on their religious beliefs, largely conducted by local authorities who detained and questioned worshippers without any legal basis and confiscated religious material. There were sporadic reports of societal abuses or discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice. There was some prejudice against Muslims who converted to other faiths, and there was occasional hostility toward groups that proselytized, particularly evangelical Christians, and other missionary groups.
United Nations A/74/212 General Assembly Distr.: General 23 July 2019 Original: English Seventy-fourth session Item 72 (b) of the provisional agenda* Promotion and protection of human rights: human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms Human rights and cultural diversity Report of the Secretary-General Summary The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 24 of General Assembly resolution 72/170, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to prepare a report on the implementation of the resolution, including efforts undertaken at the national, regional and international levels regarding the recognition and importance of cultural diversity, and taking into account the views of Member States, relevant United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations. Following the General Assembly’s request, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights invited States, United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations to submit written information on efforts undertaken in that regard, and the present report provides a summary of the submissions received. The submissions from Governments focus on measures taken within the State to promote cultural diversity and to protect and ensure access to cultural heritage. * A/74/150. 19-12549 (E) 080819 *1912549* A/74/212 I. Introduction 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 24 of General Assembly resolution 72/170 on human rights and cultural diversity, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to prepare a report on the implementation of the resolution, including efforts undertaken at the national, regional and international levels regarding the recognition and importance of cultural diversity, and taking into account the views of Member States, relevant United Nations agencies and non-governmental organizations The Assembly also requested the Secretary-General to submit the report to it at its seventy-fourth session.
Shrines and Sovereigns: Life, Death, and Religion in Rural Azerbaijan
Comparative Studies in Society and History 2011;53(3):654–681. 0010-4175/11 $15.00 # Society for the Comparative Study of Society and History 2011 doi:10.1017/S0010417511000284 Shrines and Sovereigns: Life, Death, and Religion in Rural Azerbaijan BRUCE GRANT New York University Shrines fill the Eurasian land mass. They can be found from Turkey in the west to China in the east, from the Arctic Circle in the north to Afghanistan in the south. Between town and country, they can consist of full-scale architectural complexes, or they may compose no more than an open field, a pile of stones, a tree, or a small mausoleum. They have been at the centers and periph- eries of almost every major religious tradition of the region: Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism. Yet in the formerly socialist world, these places of pilgrimage have something even more in common: they were often cast as the last bastions of religious observance when churches, mosques, temples, and synagogues were sent crashing to the ground in rapid succession across the twentieth century. In this essay I draw attention to a number of such shrines in the south Cau- casus republic of Azerbaijan. My goal is not to celebrate these settings for their promotion of an alternative route to religiosity under communist rule, as many have done before me, but rather to consider the ways in which the very popular attachments to shrines over so many centuries offer a window onto the plas- ticity and porosity of political, religious, and social boundaries in a world area that otherwise became better known over the twentieth century for its leaders of steel, curtains of iron, and seemingly immobilized citizens.
Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe Volume 40 Issue 6 Article 5 8-2020 Religious Aspects of Bilingualism in Azerbaijan Malahat Veliyeva Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Christianity Commons, European Languages and Societies Commons, and the Islamic Studies Commons Recommended Citation Veliyeva, Malahat (2020) "Religious Aspects of Bilingualism in Azerbaijan," Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe: Vol. 40 : Iss. 6 , Article 5. Available at: This Thirty-Year Anniversary since the Fall of Communism is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact RELIGIOUS ASPECT OF BILINGUALISM IN AZERBAIJAN In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful... By Malahat Veliyeva Malahat Veliyeva is an Associate Professor at the Department of English Linguistics at Azerbaijan University of Languages in Baku. She did her PhD in Germanic languages in 2008 and started the post-doctorate degree in Sociolinguistics in 2012. Her area of interest is also multiculturalism and religious studies. She was a SUSI scholar awarded by the scholarship of the US Department of State in 2019. She has three publications on General Linguistics. Email: Introduction Azerbaijan is one of the former countries of the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics (the USSR) that lost its independence in 1920 when the Russian XI Red Army brutally intervened in the country and imposed the Soviet regime throughout Azerbaijan.
ACFC/SR(2002)001 ______ REPORT SUBMITTED BY AZERBAIJAN PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 25, PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE FRAMEWORK CONVENTION FOR THE PROTECTION OF NATIONAL MINORITIES ______ (Received on 4 June 2002) _____ TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I............................................................................................................................................ 3 II. Aggression of the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan..................... 9 III. Information on the form of the State structure.................................................................. 12 IV. Information on status of international law in national legislation .................................... 13 V. Information on demographic situation in the country ...................................................... 13 VI. Main economic data - gross domestic product and per capita income ............................. 15 VII. State’s national policy in the field of the protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities ...................................................................................................................................... 15 VIII. Population awareness on international treaties to which Azerbaijan is a party to........ 16 P A R T II..................................................................................................................................... 18 Article 1 ........................................................................................................................................ 18 Article