Gas Network Innovation Strategy

March 2018 2 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Development of the Gas Network Innovation Strategy

“The views of the We (Cadent, National Grid, , SGN, Wales & West Utilities) have worked together wider industry have as part of the Energy Networks Association (ENA) been carefully Gas Innovation and Governance Group (GIGG) to considered and develop this Gas Network Innovation Strategy. This document will be revised and reissued every two have helped shape years, next due in 2020. the final strategy.”

We published a draft version of The stakeholder consultation on the strategy in November 2017 for the draft strategy was crucial to its stakeholder comments. A formal development, giving all interested parties consultation on the draft ran from an opportunity to review the draft strategy 1 November to 22 December 20171. and provide valuable feedback. The During this period we engaged views of the wider industry have been stakeholders across a number of carefully considered and have helped forums, including presentations and shape the final strategy. a joint interactive session with the Gas In total we received 25 responses to and Electricity networks at the LCNI the stakeholder consultation. A full conference 6-7 December. Feedback summary of the responses received from this session was directly fed into from stakeholders during the the strategy, alongside responses via consultation period is available at: the survey questionnaire and several response letters. futures/gas-innovation.html

The ENA Gas Innovation & Governance Group consists of representatives Gas Innovation from the innovation teams in the following companies: & Governance Group

1 The Stakeholder Consultation Document was available online at futures/gas-innovation.html from 1 November to 22 December 2017. 3 Gas Network Innovation Strategy


“Projects have the potential to develop a truly world-leading, Whole Systems Approach that brings the way our gas and electricity networks work The publication of the gas and electricity Network more closely Innovation Strategies is the latest chapter in Great together.” Britain’s energy network innovation success story. Since funding was first introduced in 2007, Great Britain’s energy networks have developed a world leading reputation for innovation. A variety of transformational projects has enabled network companies to deliver greater efficiency, improved performance and respond to the challenges and opportunities presented by the decarbonisation of our energy market.

Innovation projects allow network This progress is part of a wider, operators to better understand how fundamental change to the way our to integrate new technologies into our network infrastructure operates that is energy networks, help them identify new now taking place which is driven by opportunities for their use and speed up new technology. Across the country, their wider adoption. They also reflect our innovation will help network companies commitment to build an efficient, smarter, to enable new markets and provide new cleaner energy system fit for Britain’s opportunities for consumers to have homes and businesses. greater control over their energy bills. Projects have the potential to develop The current RIIO price control a truly world-leading, Whole Systems mechanism, which includes the Network Approach that brings the way our gas Innovation Allowance and the Network and electricity networks work more Innovation Competition, has been key closely together. This will be crucial to driving success forward. Continued as we find new ways to meet the UK’s support for innovation has been vital to carbon budgets, because if our power, embedding a culture of innovation within heat, transport and waste sectors are all our energy networks so that innovation interdependent, then so must the solutions is a permanent fixture in the network to their decarbonisation. Our role is to landscape. Smart network solutions deliver the integrated energy infrastructure connected through the Low Carbon that Britain needs to underpin those Network Fund alone have already essential pillars of our economy. enabled close to £1bn of cost savings for customers within the electricity sector. 4 Gas Network Innovation Strategy


These Strategies set out the areas of As the pace of network innovation “These opportunities focus where network companies are continues to accelerate, then so will the looking to provide value to customers importance of this work. The publication extend to communities from the innovation projects they are of the first joint Network Innovation and businesses undertaking and how they will share the Strategies is an important milestone lessons learnt from those projects with and we look forward to working with across the country, other organisations. This transparency is our innovation partners to ensure our key to ensuring that network companies network infrastructure, our wider energy ensuring that the continue to focus on areas for innovation system and our customers benefit from investment which can deliver most new technology and approaches. economic as well benefit to the wider energy system as practical benefits in the most effective way possible. are spread far Network companies cannot deliver this innovation alone. We want network and wide.” infrastructure to act as a platform for new energy technologies and services that will put Great Britain at the forefront Huw Sullivan of the global low carbon transformation. Cadent Whether they are end-users, technology Chair, ENA Gas Innovation developers or service providers, network & Governance Group companies want to work with these innovators who have the best and the brightest ideas of how we can harness the potential of energy technology. These opportunities extend to communities and Phil Swift businesses across the country, ensuring Western Power Distribution that the economic as well as practical Chair, ENA Electricity Networks benefits are spread far and wide. and Futures Group

Common themes Electricity themes Gas themes Future Safety of gas and health

Low carbon and Emergency environment response

Reliability, New replacement, technologies maintenance and commercial and repair Innovating evolution to benefit

Network customers improvements and system Security operability 5 Gas Network Innovation Strategy


“The strategy 1. Development of the Strategy 02 identifies the 2. Foreword 03 challenges and opportunities the 3. Introduction 06 gas transmission 4. Innovation Themes 11 and distribution a. Future of gas 11 networks face, as the UK aims to b. Safety and emergency 18 decarbonise its c. Reliability and maintenance 23 energy system to meet climate d. Repair 28 change targets.” e. Distribution mains replacement 33 f. Environment and low carbon 38 g. Security 43 5. Next Steps 47 6. Help us to deliver the Gas Network Innovation Strategy 48 Since 7. Exemplar projects 49 2013

£193m 402 13 invested in NIA projects NIC projects gas innovation 6 Gas Network Innovation Strategy


The Gas Network Innovation Strategy has been produced by Energy Networks Association (ENA). ENA represents the ‘wires and pipes’ transmission and distribution network operators for gas and electricity in the UK and Ireland. This Strategy is for the gas network licence holders in Great Britain (Cadent, National Grid, Northern Gas Networks, SGN, Wales & West Utilities).

Gas Network Licence Holders

This is the first version of the Gas We are publishing this document to give Purpose of the Network Innovation Strategy. The the public, industry and other interested strategy identifies the challenges and parties an opportunity to help us to drive Gas Network opportunities the gas transmission and innovation that could potentially benefit distribution networks face, as the UK consumers. We also want to coordinate Innovation aims to decarbonise its energy system to our activities as networks, share our meet climate change targets. learning and avoid duplication. Strategy It sets out the role that our existing gas infrastructure can play in meeting demand for power, heat and transport in a low-carbon economy. The strategy also seeks views from technology providers on the part they would like to see gas network companies play to deliver greater energy innovation in future. 7 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The Gas Network Innovation Strategy • Future of gas Structure of is structured around seven innovation • Safety and emergency themes. These were developed by the • Reliability and maintenance the document gas networks in setting out Innovation Problem Statements, the last edition of • Repair which was published by ENA in March • Distribution mains replacement 2017. It was developed by ENA’s Gas • Environment and low carbon Innovation and Governance Group, with feedback from wider industry • Security stakeholders. The Statements sought to Under each theme we explain the context, set out problems that innovation projects innovation requirements and the areas could help to address, with a view to needing further development. The aim encouraging third parties to approach is to help our stakeholders understand the networks with innovative ideas. This our current needs, without restricting the approach will now be integrated into the ideas and technologies they propose. Gas Network Innovation Strategy. Examples of current projects are given in The themes as set out in the Problem an appendix at the end of the strategy. Statements and adopted for this Where possible, specific strategic aims Strategy are: for the next two years are identified. These are summarised at the end of the document, under ‘Next Steps’.

We use innovation to develop new • Continued operation of the safe, What is solutions to problems which exist now, reliable and affordable gas network or which we anticipate we will face in that consumers need, and to innovation? the future. It helps us to improve our • Developing solutions for the step business processes. It supports use of change to the low-carbon economy. technology. It strengthens the security of supply of gas to consumers and ensures We recognise that in a fast-changing that we deliver the services they need. world there are many uncertainties, particularly when looking as far out as Our innovation strategy is twofold. 2030 or 2050. We can be clearer about Innovation is key to the: near-term innovation opportunities and we will manage our innovation project portfolios to address future uncertainties.

2 Gas Network Innovation Problem Statements, Energy Networks Association, March 2017 8 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Stategic aim 1 Work with Ofgem to agree an appropriate solution for measuring benefits from innovation, following proposals in Ofgem’s 2017 Network Innovation Review.

Innovation is fundamental to developing At the time of publication, Ofgem and How is network key projects that drive benefits to the networks are actively discussing our customers. Under Ofgem’s RIIO new measures to report the benefits innovation regulation model, the innovation from innovation. stimulus consists of three measures: Across the GB energy industry there funded and • A Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) is a range of other bodies and funding – to fund smaller innovation Projects platforms that are heavily involved in regulated? that will deliver benefits to Customers energy industry innovation. These bodies as part of a RIIO Network Licensee’s are funding, planning, developing and “To make the price control settlement; rolling out innovation projects. These [1] • A Network Innovation Competition bodies include Innovate UK , Energy [2] most of innovation (NIC) – an annual competition to Systems Catapult , the Industrial [3] fund selected flagship innovative Strategy Challenge Fund and the we need to work projects that would deliver low carbon Engineering and Physical Sciences [4] with partners from and environmental benefits Research Council (EPSRC) . Within to Customers; and the Gas Network Innovation Strategy we have described the way that we across the energy • An Innovation Roll-out Mechanism collaborate on and disseminate learning – to fund the roll-out of proven from innovation projects, recognising that sector and beyond.” innovations which will contribute to make the most of innovation we need to the development in GB of a low to work with partners from across the carbon energy sector or broader energy sector and beyond. environmental benefits. There is more information about Ofgem’s model for regulating innovation here: regulation-riio-model/network-innovation

[1] [2] [3] [4] 9 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

This is a summary of the work we’ve Some projects span multiple Innovation done so far across all the themes of the themes. In these cases, the lead strategy since 2013. It shows where we network has decided which category to date are focusing our innovation efforts under best describes the activity. For example, the NIC and NIA schemes. Security is a new focus but has been an element of other projects, even if it GAS NETWORK The tables below are based on data is not the primary theme. The project NIA AND NIC PROJECT VALUE supplied by the lead network for each values given are those recorded on the project. They also include projects that Project Registration Documents, which £60m are electricity network-led and have are indicative costs estimated at the gas involvement. start of the project.

£40m ALL NETWORKS NIA Projects

£20m NIC Projects NIA Projects NIC Projects All Projects

Theme Number Value (£M) Number Value (£M) Number Value (£M) 0 Future of Gas 40 £16.31 5 £32.74 45 £49.04

Repair Safety and Security 58 £10.31 0 £- 58 £10.31 Emergency

Future of Gas Future Reliability and 145 £36.11 1 £6.30 146 £42.41 Maintenance

Repair 45 £9.47 2 £13.70 47 £23.17 Safety and Emergency Distribution Mains 65 £27.87 0 £- 65 £27.87

Reliability and Maintenance Replacement Environment and Low Carbon and Low Environment

Distribution Mains Replacement Security 0 £- 0 £- 0 £-

Environment and 49 £18.34 5 £21.17 54 £39.51 Low Carbon

Totals 402 £118.42 13 £73.90 415 £192.32

We want to share as much information Finally, in addition to project learning Sharing as possible about the work we’re doing being shared through media, marketing on innovation, and to do so in the most and at promotional events such as learning effective ways possible. We do this in workshops and conferences each of several ways. ENA’s Smarter Networks our networks publishes information Portal ( online about its innovation activities. is where we collate all the insights and learning from our innovation projects. For more detail on innovation in each Each year we report against all live network, please visit: projects and each network publishes an Annual Summary Document in • Cadent: July. This outlines key achievements, lessons learned and focus for the year. About-us/Innovation These can be found on the Smarter • National Grid: Networks Portal as well as the individual networks’ websites. gasinnovation • Northern Gas Networks: We also organise the Low Carbon https://www.northerngas Networks and Innovation (LCNI) conference (http://www.lcniconference. the-future/at-a-glance/ org/) on behalf of UK electricity and gas network operators. The purpose • SGN: of the LCNI is to disseminate project learning, increase understanding of Innovation/ innovation taking place across the • Wales & West Utilities: industry, and provide opportunities for greater collaboration. innovation 10 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Participants in a dissemination event for WWU’s Project Freedom

Getting involved We want to hear your ideas to support the delivery of the Gas Network Innovation Strategy. You can find out more about how to get involved in ‘Next Steps’ at the end of this document. If you have any questions or would like to discuss the innovation strategy in more detail, please get in touch at: [email protected] Please use ‘Gas Network Innovation Strategy’ in the subject field. 11 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 1 Future of gas

In summary: The gas network is at the heart of Great Britain’s In this chapter energy system. It plays a vital role in transporting energy read more about… to consumers securely and cost-effectively. It’s also • The need for flexible networks flexible and can adapt to support the decarbonisation • The role for gas in heat and transport of heat, transport and energy towards 2050 and beyond. • Enabling the introduction of So, as the nation’s energy mix changes, what does the a wider range of gases future hold for gas? How will technology, policy and • Integrating gas and electricity networks customer demands evolve, and what does that mean • Decarbonisation. for network innovation?

Britain’s gas network is one of the most As the economy decarbonises, we extensive and efficient networks in the must ensure that households and world. It delivers energy reliably and businesses are served by networks safely to where it’s needed. that are flexible enough to support the available range of energy sources. Power Domestic The network plays a vital role in Networks must also deliver these Generation 38% maintaining secure and affordable sources safely and efficiently in a 39% gas supplies. It will also be fundamental way that customers can use. to meeting the challenge of climate change as the energy system moves The gas network is a high-value to a low-carbon future. asset that can transport a wider Industrial & range of gases beyond those that Commercial The network provides storage capacity comply with the current Gas Safety 23% to respond to the large daily and (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R). seasonal swings in energy demand. These regulations set the criteria for the UK gas use by type and quality of gas that can flow market sector, 2016 Great Britain has committed to through our pipes. Flowing a wider range decarbonise heat, transport and of gases can potentially help reduce the power. The pathway of least disruption carbon footprint of gas, increase security “The gas network and cost to consumers will be critical of supply by widening the sources we to the success of this effort. The interests can use, and minimise the cost delivers 995 TWh of current and future consumers drive to consumers. our innovation activity, as we look for of energy through new ways to serve their needs. 284,000 km of pipes Future of gas: to industries, homes innovation in and businesses numbers since 2013 in Great Britain. This compares with 307 TWh of electricity 40 5 £49m transported along NIA projects NIC projects project value 818,000 km of cables.” Ofgem 12 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The UK faces a significant challenge to and could reduce the level of disruption Gas for heat decarbonise heat, which makes up a large faced by businesses and consumers. proportion of our day-to-day energy use. There is a clear opportunity for the gas Other reports7,8,9 predict that global network – which currently provides heat warming targets cannot be achieved to around 85% of homes – to help tackle without more work to decarbonise this issue and ensure that the UK meets gas-powered electricity generation its target under The Climate Change Act using carbon capture and storage. of an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas This is important for some scenarios for emissions by 2050 from 1990 levels. decarbonising gas too, notably where Steam Methane Reformation (SMR) is The Committee on Climate Change3 used to produce low-carbon hydrogen, puts the importance of heat into context. as in the H21 project.10 Carbon capture, It reports that heating and hot water for utilisation and storage potentially has buildings make up 40% of our energy use a key role to play in power, heat and and 20% of greenhouse gas emissions. transport decarbonisation. These emissions will need to be reduced dramatically if the target is to be met. The government has set out that it will publish “a full report on our review of As emissions from our electricity the evidence [on heat decarbonisation] generation mix reduce, changing a by summer 2018”.11 Through innovative large proportion of our heating projects, the gas networks are already systems to electrical power undertaking a range of initiatives is one proposal. However, to maximise the use of renewable recent energy industry gases, including biomethane, bioSNG 15% reports4,5,6 have shown and hydrogen, which can help to meet that decarbonising gas this challenge. is likely to be a more cost effective option, 85% There are almost 22m gas customers in the UK, with around 85% of households using gas for heat.

Strategic aim 2 Build on existing gas network innovation projects around decarbonised gas to support the formation and delivery of government policy on heat decarbonisation.

3 Next Steps for UK Heat Policy, Committee on Climate Change, October 2016 4 2050 Energy Scenarios – The UK Gas Networks role in a 2050 whole energy system, KPMG, July 2016 5 Too Hot to Handle? How to decarbonise domestic heating, Policy Exchange, 2016 6 A Greener Gas Grid: What are the options?, Imperial College London, July 2017 7 The Future Role of Natural Gas in the UK, UKERC, February 2016 8 Energy Roadmap 2050, European Commission, December 2011 9 Energy Transition Outlook, DNV GL, September 2017 10 11, p. 82. 13 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

About 25% of total greenhouse gas Carbon Vehicle Partnerships infrastructure Gas for emissions come from transport. Roughly road map to 205013. At the heart of this a quarter of this is produced by Heavy roadmap is innovation in different forms. transport Goods Vehicles (HGVs) and buses. As in It covers policy, collaboration, information the heat sector, there has been relatively assessment and technology for hydrogen little progress towards decarbonisation and methane networks. We’ll also need over recent years – and even some innovation to develop hydrogen-natural “The concern 12 gas blends for transport. in the transport increases in overall emissions. The concern in the transport sector is not Gas Network Innovation has already sector is not just cutting carbon but also improving explored some of the potential for gas air quality. Natural gas engines produce in transport, and we are keen to build just cutting fewer emissions – they out-perform on this work. A project called The City 14 Euro VI emissions standards for diesel CNG . It is exploring the first scalable carbon but engines on nitrogen oxides (NOx), compressed natural gas fuelling station sulphur oxides, particulates and carbon for city-based vehicles. The Leyland also improving 15 dioxide emissions. Project developed the first commercial air quality.” high-pressure refuelling station for HGVs. The use of Compressed Natural Gas After its first year of operation there was (CNG) and Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) an 84% cut in carbon dioxide emissions for HGVs and buses is not new – but it from the vehicles. remains far from its potential. A lack of refuelling infrastructure means current fleet owners tend to build their own stations. The potential of gas as a road transport fuel is included in the Low

Transport generates roughly a quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions.

Strategic aim 3 Develop projects which support low-cost, highly integrated networks/systems to enable low emission journeys for a variety of vehicles.

12 the-policy-gap/ 13 Transport Energy Infrastructure Roadmap to 2050 – Methane Roadmap, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership, June 2015 14 The City CNG project is led by Northern Gas Networks (NGN) – https://www.northerngasnetworks. 15 The Leyland Project is led by Cadent – revolutionising-transport 14 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Strategic aim 4 Continue to use innovation to explore the potential and demonstrate the safety of using a wider range of gases in GB networks, to support decarbonisation, minimise costs to consumers and enhance security of supply.

To decarbonise the heat and transport what this might mean for domestic, A wider range sectors cost-effectively one of the changes commercial and industrial consumers. we can make is to transport a wider of gases range of gases. These could include This is a country-wide challenge. biomethane, hydrogen, hydrogen blend Introducing a wider range of gases into the and ‘unballasted’ LNG. Transporting gas network needs industry collaboration. these gases would mean opening new, We are working together with the Institution cleaner sources of gas such as anaerobic of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM) digestion; synthesis gas; and hydrogen to develop standards for the safe delivery from Steam Methane Reformation with and use of these new gases. Three carbon capture or with electrolysis. examples of this collaboration are the: • Gas Quality Working Group. It aims to But there are implications for the change the key regulations, GS(M)R, networks in doing this. The network will to enable a wider range of gases to be need to be more flexible. It must do so safely delivered by the gas network16 to match consumer demand with the varying energy content of these gases. • Industrial and Commercial Gas We will need innovation to support the Quality Impacts. options and how we manage them. It aims to explore the effects of the wider gas Wobbe Index17 range Ongoing innovation and technology including blended hydrogen mixtures developments focus on understanding • Hydrogen Working Group. the impact of a wider range of gases The focus here is developing on the gas network. They also consider standards for hydrogen networks.


Unconventional H2 blend


Future of Gas Traditional H gas supply 2

16 IGEM Gas Quality Working Group and Industrial and Commercial Gas Quality Impacts collaborative projects with all GDNs and National Grid Gas Transmission. 17 The Wobbe Index describes the way in which the gas burns and is calculated as a factored ratio of calorific value and specific gravity (otherwise known as relative density). 15 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Strategic aim 5 Support the delivery of a low carbon, integrated, cost effective energy system by increasing collaboration on gas and electricity network innovation projects and building on existing initiatives such as the Low Carbon Network Innovation (LCNI) conference.

In the past, our gas and electricity The gas network will underpin the Integration networks were almost completely decarbonisation of our whole energy separate, linked only by large scale gas system, including electricity. It will of gas and power stations and in the home. Today, continue to act as an energy store gas and electricity networks are already that can respond quickly, flexibly and electricity integrating more closely and at different efficiently to peaks in consumer demand. levels. This is in response to increasing As the diagram on page 11 shows, a networks consumer choice, the availability of high volume of gas continues to be renewable energy technologies and used for power generation. energy pricing. Innovation around the further To decarbonise domestic heat, for integration of gas and electricity is example, hybrid systems offer a solution already happening. One such example combined with hydrogen in cities or is the FREEDOM18 project, which is a biomethane in smaller communities. large-scale trial to demonstrate smart Examples include: hybrid heating systems. Meanwhile, InTEGRel19 is a research, development • Increasing numbers of small local and demonstration test site for integrated gas-powered generators energy systems. • Combining intermittent renewable energies and gas Networks continue to look for ways to increase opportunities to • Combined heat and power collaborate. They are also encouraging • District heating schemes more outside bodies to come up with • Power-to-gas to store renewable their own innovation ideas to support energy in the gas network. this approach.

Future of gas outlook The energy trilemma. UK gas supply needs to be: Secure: a range of gas sources and no over-reliance on any single gas type or source Clean: a gas mix that includes renewables and helps meet legally-binding Carbon Budgets Affordable: delivering 1 and 2 at the lowest cost possible to customers.

18 FREEDOM – Flexible Residential Energy Efficiency Demand Optimisation & Management, Western Power Distribution and Wales & West Utilities 19 Integrated Transport Electricity and Gas Research Laboratory (InTEGRel), supported by Northern Gas Networks and 16 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Flexible network Another example with significant potential Future of gas The future gas network will transport is the use of hydrogen; either alone or as gases from renewable and sustainable a blend with gases containing methane. innovation sources. It must also maintain current or Hydrogen is attractive because it burns improved levels of safety, reliability and cleanly: there are no carbon emissions affordability. The flexible network theme at the point of use. Innovation in this area covers low-cost and simpler access to aims to allow the transport of low-carbon We have identified three the gas network for new gas sources. alternatives to natural gas. It must do broad areas where so while maintaining current standards innovation is required Past and current innovation projects have of safety, reliability, affordability and greatly helped the process of connecting customer service. to support the future of biomethane and high Wobbe Index gas. It is important that gas to the gas network. Standards and We have begun several projects to the overall innovation guidance issued by IGEM clarify and explore transporting hydrogen or simplify the requirements for biomethane hydrogen blends. Projects assess the strategy for the gas producers. We are now contributing to impact on consumers and industrial network remains flexible. work by the European Committee for users. They also consider the changes to We should not rely on a Standardisation (CEN). It focuses on energy measurement and billing needed single vision of the future, a harmonised European biomethane for a low-carbon network, and many are specification. Similar guidance for being conducted through collaboration but these categories give connecting unconventional gas sources between the networks and with third some sense of where is also being developed. parties. There are more details on our vision for greener gases in the theme on innovative projects can Environment and Low Carbon. help deliver a clean, Decarbonisation secure and cost effective Decarbonisation of heat is essential to Planned projects include trials for meet the UK’s carbon reduction targets. hydrogen distribution networks and energy system for This means not only developing a long- continuing contributions to the IGEM consumers. term vision for the energy system in 2050, working groups on hydrogen standards. but also meeting incremental Carbon The use of the high-pressure National Budgets which seek to reduce emissions Transmission System (NTS) to transport across the economy over time. hydrogen is an area for further work. As set out above, the primary fuel for Enabled customers and markets domestic and industrial heat is natural gas. To support decarbonisation now We believe that customers should and in the future, the gas networks share the benefits of moving toward a are supporting and analysing the low-carbon future. This may be achieved opportunities to incorporate new by using the right billing arrangements Decarbonisation sources of low-carbon gas. There and enabling customers to choose from are already 90 biomethane a flexible range of energy options. For plants connected to networks this to work, the gas network will need Flexible across Great Britain which use to better predict demand. It must also network food waste, farm material and monitor the use of gas, preferably on a sewage to generate green gas. near real-time basis. Completed innovation projects are improving demand forecasting and understanding of the system constraints for the high-pressure gas network. Projects are also helping us to look at options to decarbonise domestic and industrial heating and what this means for stakeholders. Studies are under way to explore the benefits of improving energy flexibility for consumers and the Enabled operation of a real-time network. Future consumers of Gas 17 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Future of gas innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible future developments on the future of gas theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2020 Facilitating change 2050 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. Decarbonised energy system “Gas will continue to • Repurposed decarbonised networks be essential across the • Hydrogen networks • Renewable and nuclear power whole energy system, generation with limited fossil fuel including for transport.” with CCS • Consumers have a range of energy options to manage environmental impact • Distribution networks move to hydrogen/natural gas/biogas/SNG blends for some regions • Prosumers and district heating schemes increase in number • HGV refuelling using hydrogen blends • Advanced energy storage solutions 2030 • Decarbonised transport and heat • Artificial Intelligence control. Carbon decreasing • Natural gas from conventional • Extensive transportation of biomethane, waste sources and LNG derived SNG, LNG and unconventional gas in distribution networks • Inlet specifications changed to open the gas market and increase security • Inlet specifications relaxed further to allow of supply hydrogen blends • Limited biomethane into distribution • NTS/LTS transports natural gas for power networks (up to 5%) generation with CCS • Prove accommodation of alternative • Advanced consumer billing introduced sources of gas • Flexible network • Hybrid downstream appliances. • Integration of gas and electric technologies • Local hydrogen networks • First Artificial Intelligence assistance • Energy storage solutions 2020 • CNG trucks/transport Facilitating • Low-carbon transport infrastructure. change 18 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 2 Safety and emergency

In summary: As an industry we have committed to minimising the In this chapter risks associated with operating the gas network for read more about… our stakeholders and wider society. Our common • The impact of accidental damage aim is to ensure the provision of a safe network in to the network compliance with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) • Managing ageing assets including the standards and improve asset knowledge. We face avoidance and prevention of damage many challenges, including how to manage the risk • Damage detection • Safety competence of ageing assets and how to protect pipelines from • Gas composition and safety damage by third parties. As the age profile of our management workforce changes we must also maintain safety • Collaboration with electricity competence and pass on expertise effectively to networks. a new generation of gas engineers.

“We have an Achieving high standards in safety and • Prevent major incidents associated opportunity to emergency response are core activity with the loss of containment of gas for the networks. We work closely with or volatile fluids introduce new partners including the Health and Safety • Manage the risks associated with materials and Executive (HSE), who published sector ageing infrastructure and the failure plans in 2017 which cover Gas and of asset integrity techniques to Pipelines20 and Utilities21. The HSE Gas • Ensure that emerging energy and Pipelines plan identifies the key technologies and fuels can be keep safety at outcomes and priorities for the sector as: incorporated safely. world-class levels.”

58 £10m NIA projects invested Safety and emergency: innovation in numbers since 2013

20 21 19 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Safety and emergency

“Third-party damage to underground services of all types continues to be a source of danger and financial loss to The Health and Safety Executive estimates workers, members 4mthat about four million holes are dug of the public, utility every year just by the utility companies. companies and Accidental damage by third parties contractors.” remains a major threat to the safety Health and Safety and performance of the gas network. Executive While we need to manage much of this While unplanned gas outages are as part of ‘business as usual’, there are infrequent, we must also prepare areas around new technologies and plans for how to respond effectively to techniques where innovation can help any incidents on the gas network that us meet these goals. might have significant implications for safety and/or loss of supply. As the UK As HSE identifies, the network is continues to cut the amount of carbon in ageing: much of it has already reached energy supplies, we may need to adapt the end of its original design life. We our emergency response. For example, keep it running safely through robust we may have to consider whether replacement and repair work, which changes in the gas being transported – forms a major part of each network’s such as an increased use of hydrogen activity and investment. As the materials – have implications in this area. used in pipelines degrade and components wear out, we have an opportunity to introduce new materials and techniques to maintain world-class “The service we safety levels, and deliver a safer, more provide is critical efficient network for the future. to keep people To reduce the potential impact of accidental damage to the gas network, safe in their homes we are focusing on two areas of improvement. The first is to invest in and businesses.” new technologies, and the second is to develop improved processes and procedures. For example, this could mean solutions that better highlight where the pipelines are, or improving the physical protection of pipelines. 20 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We believe there is significant Likewise, all network operators Integration shared value to be gained from will benefit from projects that help innovation projects. For example, us to identify where asset failure is of gas and helping third parties to have a clearer most likely to occur, or where such understanding of where utilities are failures could affect safety or loss of electricity buried is highly beneficial. It could also supply. This is particularly important help electricity network operators who as routes for all utilities become networks use underground cables. more congested.

We have developed our own ideas Safety and for the future of safety and emergency. But we must also be open to fresh emergency thinking. It is important that the overall innovation strategy for the gas network innovation remains flexible. We should avoid having a single Third party vision of the future. interference The challenges we see are combined under three areas Safety set out below. competence

Managing Safety and gas assets emergency

How can we manage the risks Managing linked to ageing assets efficiently? To do this, we need solutions that gas assets allow us to better understand their true condition. We can then prioritise and target measures to reduce the risks. In some cases, this might mean replacing pipes and fittings where the likelihood of failure is highest and/or the potential consequences of failure most severe. With a range of pipeline diameters, materials and components, we must carefully consider these in making an assessment on condition. 21 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The expertise of our workforce is one of Safety our greatest assets. But the age profile “We need to of our engineers means we face a big find innovative competence challenge to maintain competence levels over time. ways to pass on We need to find innovative ways knowledge to new to pass on knowledge to new gas engineers. Innovation may have a gas engineers.” role to play in knowledge transfer supporting succession plans as people approach retirement. In addition, we are carrying out projects looking at automation and tools to support better decision-making to help our workforce carry out their duties safely.

The move toward lower-carbon energy To minimise safety risks, we’ll need to Gas composition supplies has implications for the gas develop new approaches to emergency network. We are likely to see changes response. This might include new and safety in the composition of the gas being instrumentation to spot leaks on the transported through the distribution (and distribution network. management potentially the transmission) network. This could include increased use of hydrogen – either as an additive to natural gas, or as a replacement for it.

Strategic aim 6 Use innovation to reduce the safety risks associated with essential activities now and in the future.

We protect our pipelines from the threat Prevention Protecting of damage by both physical and non- We value solutions that stop a damaging against physical methods and technologies. activity from reaching the pipeline itself. We are also looking to develop These could include different types of innovative solutions to protect pipes monitoring or in-ground indicators such third-party and associated equipment. Four areas as marker tapes. interference could help us do this: Barriers Avoidance We might see more physical protection damage We need to prevent potentially damaging against the damaging activity such activities near our pipelines. For example, as slabs, thicker walls or increased this could be through liaison schemes depth of cover. to increase awareness that a pipeline is Damage detection present and the potential consequences of damaging it. It might also involve More solutions that flag up if improved third-party access to records damage has occurred before of pipeline locations or ways to detect the pipeline fails would be useful. non-metallic pipes. Examples here might involve cathodic protection (CP) monitoring of metallic pipelines or acoustic surveillance. 22 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Safety and emergency innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible developments in the Safety and Emergency theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario. Other scenarios are possible: 2020 Facilitating change 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. 2050 Decarbonised “We value solutions energy system that stop a damaging • Smart networks in common use activity from reaching • Majority of surveys by unmanned vehicles the pipeline itself.” • Inspection mostly replaced by sensor networks for assessing system health • Pipelines produced by additive manufacturing • New pipe lay techniques using pipe manufactured on site • Self-monitoring and healing pipe materials available. 2030 Carbon decreasing

• Hydrogen compressors • Virtual reality used for network and above-ground installation design • Better pipeline location records • All preheat uses efficient and sustainable easily available to third parties sources of technology • Improved digging techniques using • Some surveys by unmanned vehicles. robots to reduce accidental damage • Robotic inspection common to buried pipelines • Equipment spares produced using additive • Improved warning systems – the use manufacturing of intelligent sensor systems. • Sensor networks and artificial intelligence data management provide early warning of failures • Composite pipe widely used 2020 • All iron pipe replaced. Facilitating change 23 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 3 Reliability and maintenance

In summary: Britain’s gas network has been serving In this chapter customers since the Victorian age, and continues read more about… to evolve to meet new reliability and maintenance • The effects of an ageing network challenges. For example, we must deal with the • The potential of new materials and effects of ageing assets and examine the potential corrosion protection of new materials to transform the way we operate. • Integration of gas and electricity As smart systems are increasingly adopted, networks for improved reliability and maintenance how should our network management adapt to • The impact of smart systems and a digital future? And how can gas and electricity a digital future for both network management and network control. networks work more closely to improve reliability • Operational improvement. and maintenance?

The current gas network provides Innovation in 99.999% supply reliability. Consumers “As the network very rarely lose their gas supply, ages, innovation reliability and even in the worst winters. As the gas network continues to evolve, we must is helping to keep maintenance ensure this standard is maintained while enabling a range of low-carbon gases it safe, secure to be transported. and reliable.” 99.999% The current gas network provides 99.999% supply reliability.

145 1 £42m Reliability and maintenance: NIA projects NIC project invested innovation in numbers since 2013 24 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Most industrial systems follow the Parts such as valves, pressure reduction A maturing ‘bathtub’ curve for reliability against time devices, filters and governors are likely (age). This means that systems can often to be less reliable the older they get. network see a rush of failures soon after they are built. This is followed by a long period As the system ages, we need to of reliability. As the system ages and invest more in maintenance and nears the end of its planned working life asset integrity to keep the current “As the system there is a gradual increase in failures. reliability standard. Innovation can Older systems generally need more help us do this better. It holds the key ages, we need maintenance to keep them running well to identifying new maintenance and and potentially to extend their lifespan. inspection techniques that are more to invest more in efficient. They could also extend the maintenance and The pipes within the gas network are reliable life of the gas network. inherently reliable. Inspections show asset integrity.” that pipes can last a very long time. Even 100-year-old pipe can be in Failures excellent condition. However not all pipes can be inspected. It is therefore vital to maintain and improve our corrosion Effect of control and inspection methods to innovation mitigate against this risk. Time

One major area of focus for the gas The cost of corrosion can be controlled Materials and network is corrosion of underground in several ways. These include innovative and above-ground assets. The gas corrosion detection and prevention corrosion network is made of metallic and and the use of new materials with polymeric materials. These materials built-in corrosion resistance. We are also control were state-of-the-art when it was built. seeing improved paints and coatings. A combination of cathodic protection The current programme of distribution and coatings gave the high-pressure iron mains replacement will see the iron transmission networks highly effective pipes in the distribution network replaced corrosion control systems. with plastic ones that don’t corrode. 25 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Strategic aim 7 Unlocking the potential for smart systems, cognitive computing and automation in asset management strategies through innovation.

Greater use of smart systems, cognitive Digitalisation computing and automation is essential “Greater use of to meet the challenge of reducing costs while maintaining asset integrity and smart systems, operating safely. Gas networks have a cognitive big part to play in meeting this challenge. computing So, how could digitalisation help us maintain assets more effectively? and automation Examples include predicting when equipment needs maintenance. We is essential.” could also witness increased use of remote-controlled or autonomous vehicles for inspection. Digital advances might help us to predict corrosion. In addition, they could improve the accuracy and accessibility of asset records.

Gas and electricity networks face impact of third party interference and Integration some of the same challenges in reliability ground movement could be significant, and maintenance. They both need it is key that we continue to focus on of gas and regular surveys to detect problems innovative solutions to combat these such as third-party interference or risks. An example is the Beyond Visual electricity ground movement. Line of Sight Aerial Inspection Vehicle22 project. This aims to set rules for the networks Joint development of innovative survey use of unmanned aerial vehicles platforms is already under way, with (UAVs or drones) for pipeline and several projects in this area. As the power line surveys.

We have our own scenarios for the Reliability and future of reliability and maintenance. The challenges come under three maintenance themes, which are explained below. innovation Reliability and maintenance Asset integrity

Asset Operational management improvement

22 Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aerial Inspection Vehicle, Northern Gas Networks, Northern Powergrid, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, Energy Networks, and UK Power Networks 26 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We will need to continue to manage our We’re making good progress in asset Asset assets effectively and in the interests of management. Projects to date have consumers. This includes aspects such investigated the use of field data to management as data management, how we schedule improve asset records, for example. Work maintenance and how we manage risk. has been done to consider the impact We have effective asset management of climate change using intelligent systems. They are certified to the ISO 3D modelling. We’ve also seen the 55000 standard. Innovation can support development of the asset health ‘criticality this work by improving accuracy, index’. It measures the relationship efficiency and value. between the probability of failure and the consequence of that failure. Work continues to improve digital systems to capture and work with asset data.

Maintaining the integrity of the gas Asset integrity network will remain essential. It covers the performance of the network’s main role: to transport gaseous fuels cost- “We continue to effectively and safely. This includes areas look at the use of such as pipeline surveillance, corrosion UAVs for pipeline control and inspection. Several projects have looked at surveys and replacing the current helicopter pipeline surveys with different solutions and inspections.” sensors. We continue to look at the use of UAVs for pipeline surveys and inspections. Remote inspection using robotic systems is another focus area. Some projects have explored the potential of new coatings and technologies to reduce corrosion. We are also examining the potential of using more composite materials.

Several projects have investigated • Control room automation to improve Operational more efficient methods of gas preheating. reliability using predictive artificial This is needed in some situations intelligence improvement before gas can be reduced in pressure, • Supporting how we connect and and some trials are under way. Other manage more diverse sources of gas work has examined more flexible • Developments to improve access compressor installations. We are planning as maintenance activity considering the role of wireless grows and we see greater diversity sensor technology and how to in customers both supplying and improve the efficiency of actuated using gas valves. Moving toward smart operation, we need to see more innovation to • Balancing the needs of diverse link sensors and remote operation customers across the gas network. • New control technology to manage rapid demand increases from electricity Innovation in Operation and Control of generation, and to manage greater the networks could deliver benefits in interaction between gas and electricity several areas: distribution networks in general. 27 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Reliability and maintenance innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible developments in the reliability and maintenance theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2050 2020 Facilitating change Decarbonised 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. energy system • Smart networks are in common use with the majority of surveys by unmanned vehicles “Britain’s gas network has • Inspection has been mostly replaced been serving customers by sensor networks for assessing system health since the Victorian age, • Self-monitoring and healing pipe and continues to evolve materials available • Pipes produced by additive to meet new reliability and manufacturing. maintenance challenges.”

• More detailed inspection of the gas 2030 pipelines will be possible with the increasing use of robotic inspection systems and the first pipeline Carbon surveys using (UAVs) decreasing • Predictive analytics and sensors will be commonly used to monitor and optimise compressor • Widespread use of virtual reality for network performance and above-ground installation design • Wireless sensors will become • Sensor networks and artificial intelligence standard and alternative data management provide early warning technologies will be utilised for of failures preheating • Hydrogen compressors are in place • Novel processes and systems • The use of robotic inspection and for balancing supply and UAVs is common demand resulting from multiple • Equipment spares produced using additive unconventional connections. manufacturing. 2020 Facilitating change 28 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 4 Repair

In summary: Much of the metallic gas distribution network is In this chapter being replaced with plastic. However, under current read more about… plans, parts of the network will remain metallic after • The importance of asset data this programme finishes in 2032. We need repair • Integration with electricity networks technologies that can solve issues with legacy metallic • Minimally invasive techniques pipe on the distribution and transmission networks. • Security of supply Alongside this, the technology we use must also be able • Polymer repairs. to repair new plastic in an efficient and cost-effective way, causing as little disruption as possible. We want to make sure our pipes stay in great condition for “We need good future generations and carry out repairs in an data on assets to innovative and efficient way. be able to manage and maintain our As well as repairs at distribution level, sometimes repairs are also needed on EXAMPLE: Composite Repair Project gas network.” the higher pressure gas transmission All gas networks are collaborating networks. Current methods work well, on a project to test the suitability but there are innovation opportunities. of the composite repair system For example, this might mean using through full-scale testing supported new materials or repair tools to improve by numerical analysis. capability and efficiency.

We need good data on assets to be • Understanding of the gas network’s Asset data able to manage and maintain our gas condition to support risk management network. Current innovation projects are • Flexibility of access to the gas helping us gather lots of asset data, network but we can do more. • Third-party planned interaction and Using increased digitisation to interference prevention visualise data in a different way • Efficient use of network capacity will help us to improve: • How we survey/inspect all our linear assets and with less invasive techniques and interruption.

45 2 £23m Repair: NIA projects NIC projects invested innovation in numbers since 2013 29 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

When we monitor the condition of the will give us more flexibility. This will Asset life gas network, we normally focus on enable us to increase pressure and the metallic pipework to ensure assets reduce our reinforcement and service remain fit for purpose. This pipework replacement activities. is typically cast iron, ductile iron and carbon steel. As the networks evolve we will also “Replacing iron gas need to monitor increasing lengths of polyethylene (PE) pipe. This will drive the mains, along with need to develop risk registers and health indices further. the refurbishment It is reasonable to expect that shrinkage of reliable metallic from the gas network (gas used within the network or lost) will reduce over time sections of the to very low levels. Replacing iron gas network, will give mains, along with the refurbishment of reliable metallic sections of the network, us more flexibility.”

There are some similar challenges projects could do the same for gas Integration of to repairing gas, electricity and water projects, and vice versa. We already networks. They are buried in towns and share learning from innovation projects gas, electricity cities. We must dig to reach them. We via the Smarter Networks Portal, the LCNI can minimise the disruption this causes conference and other routes, and are and water to consumers through better cooperation planning to increase collaborative work between the gas and electricity networks. in this area in future. networks Innovations that are benefiting electricity

“Innovation, collaboration and partnership will identify transferable solutions between sectors.” 30 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We have identified three areas where Repair innovation can support the future of repair. In all of these areas, we not only innovation need to develop new technology, but also the techniques and skills in our workforce to use new materials and pass on knowledge to the next Repair generation of engineers.

Minimally invasive

Polymer repairs Security of supply

Minimally invasive “The techniques we use for repairing the network will need to adapt to new technologies.”

We have seen a dramatic move away The techniques we use for repairing from open-cut pipeline installations over the network will need to adapt to new the past 20 years. We now have new, technologies. For example, we would less intrusive methods of accessing the like to see robotic internal repair of gas network. Keyhole technology gives PE pipes using the direct injection of us opportunities to move further along polymers. Another example is more use of this path. New technologies to minimise corrosion-resistant composite materials for the physical impact of work and the the repair of higher pressure transmission traffic disruption associated with repair pipes and fittings. Innovation will contribute activities would be welcomed. to the effectiveness of this effort. 31 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The industry is moving away from Security the use of squeeze-off tools for “As the network stopping PE pipe flow. The use of becomes of supply bags and stopple techniques, traditionally for metallic pipework, has been increasingly successfully adapted. We would like to see further advances, such as patch PE, we need to repair electrofusion techniques on live gas leakage. expand our focus.”

As the gas network becomes We also have a small amount of Polymer increasingly PE or advanced non-standard pipe materials which high-pressure-capable composite helped develop the PE plastic used repairs pipes, we need to expand our focus. today. These pipes also need new repair It should move from inspection and techniques to be developed alongside repair techniques on metallic parts our replacement programme. of the network alone to include techniques that can be applied on plastics and composites. 32 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Repair innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible developments in the repair theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2020 Facilitating change 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 2050 Decarbonised energy system. Decarbonised energy system • The energy network is decarbonised “The technology we and integrated – with alternative use must also be able gases in a fully PE network playing a key role to repair new plastic • Solutions are needed for real-time monitoring of pressures and flows of in an efficient and the network, as well as for integrity cost-effective way.” and leakage identification • With low disruption ways to locate, access and repair pipes introduced, automated robotic repair is possible.

2030 • Replacement programme continues Carbon to reduce amount of metallic pipe on gas networks, and internal decreasing robotic repair techniques become more commonplace • Replacement programme has enabled • With the spread of PE, efficient and the introduction of alternative gas in our cost-effective PE repair technologies networks, including biomethane, syngas are required, including for use on and hydrogen the high-pressure network • With the distribution network largely PE, • Ahead of the introduction of solutions for low disruption location, access alternative gas such as biomethane, and repair of pipes are required, including syngas and hydrogen into the the use of robots, 3D printing, and new ways gas network an understanding of of accessing the gas network their impact on pipe’s integrity and • On the high-pressure network, use lifespan is required. of composite technologies, including corresponding repair and inspection methods. 2020 Facilitating change 33 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 5 Distribution mains replacement

In summary: The gas distribution network is complex and has a In this chapter 200-year history. Some of it was built in Victorian read more about… times and continues in use today. The Iron Mains Risk • Prioritising mains replacement Reduction Programme (IMRRP – also known as the • Construction techniques 30/30 Programme) began in 2002. It has accelerated • Operational challenges work to replace old mains with polyethylene plastic (PE). • New materials It is a huge task. The programme sees around 3,200km • Robotics and digitalisation of pipe replaced across Great Britain each year. We • Alternatives to replacement. continue to review our mains replacement and network riser strategies, and look to innovation to improve efficiency, reduce disruption and lower costs. “New pipes delivered through Older cast iron gas pipes can fail PE pipe also future-proofs the gas network, because of corrosion and fracture. PE as PE pipe can transport a wider range of the mains has a design life of 80 years and is gases than traditional iron mains (see the central to the replacement strategy. Future of Gas chapter). We therefore have replacement the option to use existing infrastructure and Although this work began nearly 40 benefit from the inherent flexibility of gas programme years ago, IMRRP increased the rate of long into the future. replacement to a level that was estimated future-proofs to be as fast as possible given the the gas network potential risk and resources required. and supports The work is driven by several benefit areas, not least by health and safety decarbonisation.” considerations. It also reflects a desire to reduce leakage of natural gas into the atmosphere, where it contributes to climate change. Risk management and prioritisation of network risers is also a key consideration within the scope of this strategy.

65 £28m Distribution NIA projects invested mains replacement: innovation in numbers since 2013 34 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The scale and importance of the All iron mains of diameter less than or Mains gas network as a critical part of our equal to eight inches (20 centimetres) energy infrastructure makes the mains that are within 30 metres of a property replacement replacement programme a huge task. will be replaced over a 30-year period, ending in 2032. We have developed our statistical and prioritisation analytical methods to prioritise which To date, various innovation projects parts of the network to replace over have enhanced the mains replacement “Homes, time. This has culminated in the Mains prioritisation framework. For example, Replacement Prioritisation Scheme new camera systems have been businesses (MRPS). It estimates the likelihood and developed which facilitate live mains impact of failure by looking at various insertion. This has been an enabler and industry factors. These include the history of the for more efficient working practices. gas main, including earlier failures, and We want to continue to find innovative rely on the its surroundings. ways to reduce the need to excavate to replace mains and services. gas network.” Combining these factors gives an indication of the risk. We can use the data to prioritise higher-risk mains for replacement earlier than lower-risk ones. MRPS is invaluable for selecting mains for replacement within a large population. It means we can target maximum reduction in risk as efficiently as possible.

Typically, when we replace an iron main Replacement by PE is usually Construction with PE, we replace the full length of the straightforward. We recognise that the gas main. We can use insertion, where standard of jointing of PE is critical and methods the new pipe is pushed into and through can compromise the integrity of the gas the old one and avoids digging up roads. network if it is not done correctly. Simpler methods of making joints would help to “We recognise Live insertion can reduce the time that reduce the cost and improve the integrity consumers are without gas. We have of the gas network. that the standard now replaced a large proportion of the of jointing of Tier 1 (≤8-inch diameter) gas network. Better management, control and We’ve also replaced some larger audit of joint operations could drive up PE is critical.” diameter pipes in Tier 2 (8-inch to 18- quality and increase confidence in the inch diameter). With the largest category, PE assets. Tier 3 (≥18-inch diameter), decisions are taken by local risk assessment and economic considerations. Risk on Tier 2 and Tier 3 mains could be managed through routes other than full replacement, and innovative technology and techniques can support this too.

There is a synergy between gas and Integration of water distribution networks in asset condition assessment and PE jointing gas and water quality. Both have been persistent issues in the water industry. There is clear networks scope for both industries to cooperate more closely. This would help us to improve iron main asset monitoring and intervention and improve PE network construction quality. In turn we could ensure the design life is met and ideally exceeded. 35 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Innovation could help us meet teams more frequently. The same applies Operational operational challenges in the distribution to equipment and support services. It mains replacement programme. puts pressure on costs and increases the challenges These include a general reduction number of main-to-main connections. in the number of large-scale mains We would like to explore options which replacement projects and labour may be available to better manage these. market pressures. Growth in the number of utility and other Some very small sections of iron mains developments across the country is remain in the network, known as ‘stub increasing pressure on resources due ends’. Smaller projects mean we need to higher demand for skilled labour. to mobilise and stand down engineering

We have developed our own scenarios Distribution for future distribution mains replacement. The challenges come under the three mains themes shown here. While there is a natural focus on techniques for mains, replacement there is a real productivity opportunity to improve Alternatives to innovation within service replacement replacement so new technologies for services are also New important. materials

Robotics and Distribution digitalisation mains replacement 36 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Robotics technology is leading to major This may enable us to defer the cost Robotics and advances in in-pipe inspection. It allows of mains replacement. Interim measures, us to measure the remaining pipe wall such as condition monitoring, could digitalisation of old iron mains over a much greater be used instead. The improved data area without widespread excavation quality may also allow us to target the and coupon extraction. It also has the higher-risk parts of the gas main with “Robotics technology potential to reduce excavations and much greater accuracy, leaving in increase productivity, and creates less service the parts of the main that are is leading to major disruption for customers. in good condition. advances in in-pipe The results from these investigations These initiatives could be used to provides a snapshot of the pipes’ gain maximum benefit from the data inspection.” condition. We can combine the data being produced. We would like to with an understanding of time in service see better coordination of data from and corrosion mechanisms. Ultimately, various sources. this could help us assess the rate of deterioration against in-service life.

We are currently replacing mainly iron We are also interested in pipe New materials mains with PE. We are interested in lining technologies and exploring materials other than PE that could be the potential of structural and semi- used, as well as new ways of connecting structural applications for both mains pipes that do not include fusion or and services. mechanical joints. Using alternatives to PE pipe, alongside exploring on-site PE extrusion, could remove the need to hold a large stock of PE pipe.

While exploring new materials, PE As noted above, replacement is not Alternatives to remains our preferred choice for always the answer for Tier 2 or Tier 3 replacing low- and medium-pressure mains. Where the iron mains population replacement gas mains. It has an 80-year minimum seems to be in reasonable condition design life but in reality is likely to last after many decades of service and the longer still. condition assessment is favourable, replacement may not be value A small proportion, mainly above-ground for money. pipe, is replaced in steel. More detailed analysis of gas mains condition could For larger-diameter mains the greatest enable us to rate the gas main condition remaining risk is leakage from the joints in much more detail than previously. between each pipe section. Proven remediation methods using anaerobic This could be used to determine sealant injection can reduce joint a preferred strategy ranging from leakage. However, they require the road replacement, through selective to be dug up at each joint location. Any replacement, joint repair, rehabilitation or application also needs to take account an enhanced monitoring regime. of other pipe furniture such as syphons, plugs and service joints. We would like to develop decision support tools based on detailed survey We would like to consider other risk data. The goal here is to manage asset reduction methods such as large- condition more efficiently. Being able to diameter joint sealant and cured-in-place detect leaks more effectively would then linings. These could be alternatives allow us to repair pipe in a more efficient to mains replacement and asset life and targeted way. extension. Such technologies could also help us remediate gas riser pipes within buildings more efficiently. 37 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Distribution mains replacement innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible developments under the distribution mains replacement theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2050 2020 Facilitating change Decarbonised 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. energy system • Actively managed network • Continuous asset health/condition “The programme monitoring sees around 3,200km • Optimised intervention • Strategy with wider range of of pipe replaced engineering alternatives across Great Britain • Targeted interventions down to each year.” individual pipe level of granularity.

2030 • Wider roll-out of inspection Carbon technology • Integration and standardisation of decreasing data sources • Refine strategy based on outputs • Common approach to condition-based • Moving to condition-based asset health assessment assessment for remaining assets • Assessment data-based decision support • Identifying ways to address skilled approach for asset management and labour shortage intervention options • Reducing need to excavate for • Holistic intervention approach including mains and service replacement customer and operational logic/efficiency considerations. • Demonstrating more efficient techniques for mains and service replacement. 2020 Facilitating change 38 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 6 Environment and low carbon

In summary: Improving our environmental performance is more important In this chapter than ever. We must think both locally and globally as read more about… we manage the impact of the gas network on the • The emissions challenge environment. There any many issues to consider, ranging • Decommissioning assets from gas leakage and venting during field operations, to • Energy efficiency in homes dealing with contamination during decommissioning and • Sustainable reinstatement how we remediate legacy gas industry sites. Sustainability • The potential for biomethane is fundamental to the future of the gas network, and • Contaminated assets • Collaboration with electricity networks. reducing environmental impact and costs.

Methane is the primary constituent of Emissions natural gas. It has a global warming potential 25 times that of carbon dioxide 23 (CO2) , which means that minimising “Sustainability is leakage to the atmosphere plays an important role in environmental fundamental to protection. Our gas emissions may the future of the come from planned events such as venting pipes for routine maintenance gas network or emergency activities. Emissions also occur through small leaks in joints, and reducing valves and other equipment. environmental We consider noise from operational gas equipment, such impact and costs.” as above-ground installations and compressors, an environmental consideration for our neighbours.

49 5 £39m Environment and low carbon: NIA projects NIC projects invested innovation in numbers since 2013

23 Climate change 2007: Working group I: The physical science basis, IPPC, 2007 39 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We are committed to using natural Use of natural resources wisely. Where possible, we “We are committed will reduce the volume of raw materials to reducing the resources we use and find more sustainable alternatives to current materials. We volume of raw will follow the principles of reduce, reuse and recycle. materials we use.”

When assets such as gasholders contaminants such as hydrocarbons, Contaminated and the sites of old gasworks are heavy metals and volatile organic no longer needed, we want to see the compounds. There is also an assets land they occupy put to good use. environmental risk from water that may Current methods of decommissioning have accumulated in the assets. We are often not efficient or cost-effective. need new methods to treat and dispose We must be careful not to expose of this efficiently while continuing to our workforce to health hazards from protect the local environment.

When we need to access underground there can be local environmental Impact of pipes, the work we do affects the impacts such as dust and noise. environment. Heavy motorised Innovation can make a difference streetworks equipment, such as diggers, cause in two ways: by finding alternatives carbon emissions and affect local air to major excavations, and by quality. Material from excavations may reducing the environmental impact need to be disposed of or recycled, and of those we need to make.

Strategic aim 8 Use innovation to reduce the number of excavations we make in maintaining and extending the gas network.

Other than dealing with gas The government is looking at policy Energy emergencies, the role of the networks options to encourage home-owners to generally ends at the meter. However, invest in energy efficiency28. This could efficiency we don’t work in isolation. Consumer have wider implications for networks and decisions, regulation and government how they run. in homes policy have a huge impact on how we plan and run our networks. For example, Future revisions of the Gas Networks the government estimated in 2016 that Innovation Strategy will consider what “The government more efficient condensing boilers reduce we learn from ongoing projects, as well average household bills by around as the effect of any changes to energy estimated in 2016 £95 a year. This in turn reduces demand efficiency standards or policies. that more efficient on the network24. Some innovation projects also have condensing boilers a direct effect on consumers and their reduce average homes. Examples include Opening Up The Gas Market25 and HyDeploy26. household bills by Both projects assess the impact of changes in gas make-up on appliances. around £95 a year.” There is the FREEDOM project Freedom27, which is a live trial of 75 Hybrid Heating Systems.

24 BEIS (2016) Heat_in_Buildings_consultation_document_v1.pdf 25 Opening up the Gas Market is run by SGN: Docs-Innovation-Oban/SGN-Oban-Opening-up-the-Gas-Market-Successful-Delivery-Criteria-3.pdf 26 HyDeploy is run by Cadent: 27 FREEDOM – Flexible Residential Energy Efficiency Demand Optimisation & Management, Western Power Distribution and Wales & West Utilities 28 40 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Strategic aim 9 Use innovation projects to find new ways to increase the proportion of our gas supplies that come from renewable sources.

Consumers are already receiving new, The gas networks are supporting Biomethane renewable sources of gas from networks. the development of biomethane in Take biomethane as an example. It is different ways. These include agreeing produced from the ‘anaerobic digestion’ procedures and standards for new of waste, sewage and other organic connections. Networks are also matter. It is then injected directly into the improving systems to manage the gas grid at 90 sites across Great Britain. network and supporting innovation around low carbon gas. This green gas is reducing the carbon footprint of heating and industry. It’s Several projects focus on billing, notably also doing this without consumers Future Billing Methodologies29 and changing their systems or daily lives. reducing the cost of connections, for However, biomethane is also changing example, Project CLoCC30. the way networks run. It means Distribution Networks must manage The total volume of renewable gas in the sources of gas from different locations. GB network is still small. In the first three They must also consider the implications quarters of 2017, 2.2 TWh of biomethane of gas with a lower calorific value and were injected. This compares with total different trace elements compared with distribution network demand of more natural gas. than 600 TWh31. However, use of renewable gas is on the rise. The 2017 figure was an increase of 45% over the same period in 2016. The total potential of renewable gas is also significant. Cadent estimates that with the right policies in place, over 100 TWh could be delivered each year32. That’s enough energy to heat a third of UK homes. Or to put it another way, it could fuel every HGV in the country. Gas network innovation is crucial to deliver this potential. As well as the projects above, a BioSNG project33 project is studying whether we can produce grid-quality gas from black bag waste. As part of the vision for decarbonising gas, the networks want to develop more innovation projects. The goal is to help renewable gas reach its potential.

We see opportunities to reduce the “We believe Integration disruption to consumers and the environmental impact of projects, by the there is significant of gas and gas and electricity networks working more closely. Innovations that produce shared value to electricity environmental and low-carbon benefits for electricity projects could do the same be gained from networks for gas projects, and vice versa. innovation projects.”

29 Future Billing Methodology is run by Cadent: 30 Project CLoCC – Customer Low Cost Connections, is run by National Grid: 31 32 Cadent (2016) Renewable Gas Potential Renewable-gas-potential 33 BioSNG is run by Cadent: 41 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We have grouped the opportunities for Environment innovation to improve our environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions and low-carbon into the three areas below. Environment innovation and low carbon Emissions reduction



Over recent years, reducing gas We’re also looking for innovative ideas Emissions emissions has been a key focus for to make our operations run more quietly gas network innovation. We are making without the need for obtrusive structures. reduction progress in capturing vented gas and This could be through novel sound identifying small leaks. We need further barriers or silencers on noisy equipment innovation to reduce gas emissions in a or processes. more cost-effective and sustainable way.

Sustainability is high on our agenda We are making progress in reusing Sustainability and we are committed to embedding materials. We must also unearth more sustainable practices in our decision- ideas to be sustainable at every stage making. The benefits of minimising the of the project life cycle. We also need “By using social, economic and environmental to focus on improving the quality of impacts of our projects are well-known. recycled materials used for excavation sustainable By using sustainable resources, we reinstatement. The use of renewable resources, we can reduce the impact of our projects. power generation onsite, especially We need more innovation to improve in remote locations, needs further can reduce the the sustainability of day-to-day network innovation to ensure the power sources operations, such as: developing are reliable in all conditions. impact of our alternative or substitute materials; reducing waste; developing sustainable projects on the resource management strategies which environment.” follow circular economy principles; and preserving the value of materials.

We are currently decommissioning gas are still needed to cut risks and improve Decommissioning holders, and other assets will require efficiency in key areas. These include dismantling, treatment and disposal decommissioning, including wastewater to return the land to other use. We are treatment and disposal, demolition and progressing in this area. Fresh ideas how we remediate contaminated land. 42 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Environment and low-carbon innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible future developments on the environment and low-carbon theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2020 Facilitating change 2050 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. Decarbonised energy system “With the right policies in • Completion of gas holder decommissioning programme place, over 100 TWh of • Significant leak and emission renewable gas could be reductions • Widespread use of decarbonised delivered each year.” gas across the energy system.

2030 Carbon decreasing

• Sustainability considered throughout the project life cycle • Onsite renewable power generation • Alternatives to venting applied • Improved decommissioning techniques • New leakage detection implemented • Novel wastewater and sludge treatment • Noise mitigation measures evaluated • Alternatives to excavation widely used • Robotic roadworks • Reduced emissions and leaks. • More biomethane production plants connected. 2020 Facilitating change 43 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Theme 7 Security – a new focus

In summary: Cyber and information security are increasingly In this chapter crucial issues for businesses, and network read more about… operators are no exception. We are moving towards • How challenges are evolving a smart energy future with more connectivity. • The role of technology in protecting These changes mean that the way we protect our systems networks must change too. We will face increasingly • Challenges for security innovation sophisticated threats in the years ahead. Innovation • The evolving cyber threat will be vital to preserve and enhance both our • The importance of incident management physical and cyber security. • Site and asset security • Collaboration with electricity networks. Security has not been the lead theme funded via NIA, and many could be of any individually funded innovation delivered through business as usual projects to date. However, it is an activity through IT departments and important consideration in a large best practice. Nevertheless, it is an “In many cases number of our projects. From a business emerging theme for where utilities need perspective, information security must to be at the sharp end of technology the true scale and be balanced against cost, and in future development, and therefore we consider years, we expect security to grow in that it should be part of our innovation intent may not be prominence as we adopt new connected strategy moving forward. clear even after a innovations. Here we set out some of the main issues. It should also be noted that breach is found.” not all security projects will be Innovation

In the coming years, organised criminals While our networks are configured Organised will likely gain access to methods differently, incidents like these show the traditionally limited to Nation States. impact of a multi-tiered attack. It involved crime or state In 2015, attacks on three Ukrainian accessing business networks, stealing electricity distribution network operators security credentials and overwriting sponsored led to power outages affecting more than control device firmware. Such examples 225,000 people. reinforce the need for energy networks to attacks be resilient. We must be able to fend off prolonged and varied attacks. In many cases the true scale and intent may not be clear even after a breach is found.

The number of countries with offensive cyber-attack capabilities, a five-fold increase in less 32 than 10 years. 44 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The gas network increasingly relies We have an increasing need for devices Convergence on data acquisition and control devices and systems to talk to each other. We and systems to manage plant and also want them to be interchangeable. of Information equipment. Operation Technology This means devices can be exchanged (OT) systems have traditionally been without losing or degrading service. and Operational isolated from Information Technology More devices and systems are based (IT) systems. This has been by means on standardised application and Technology of a physical ‘air-gap’. networking technology. While this brings efficiency it also presents a potential With more diverse, interconnected opportunity for those who wish to networks emerging, there is a cause harm. It is therefore important to requirement for greater flexibility understand the threat in the context of and control. There is an increasing the existing mitigations and business demand for operational data and continuity and what innovations may help remote maintenance. With this where they are seen to be unsatisfactory. supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and distributed control system (DCS) hierarchies are becoming interconnected. Criminals could potentially exploit this.

Security of plant, equipment and gas is sophisticated protection measures. Gas and an increasingly common issue. It affects These could include near real-time gas network operations, competition, monitoring to deter, prevent and detect asset theft privacy and safety. Ultimately, consumers theft – as there have been examples face higher costs. We need to see more in other countries.

The challenges we face are not unique It will take a collective effort so that we are Integration to the gas network. They are at least as all prepared for increases in the volume important to the electricity network, other and ingenuity of attempted attacks. of gas and utilities and our supply chains. As threats evolve we must develop our responses Much of this takes place as part of electricity too. This will involve working with various wider business activity, but may present agencies and government departments, opportunities to trial and use innovative networks local and national, including working with technologies and BEIS around critical dependencies. techniques.

Incident We have captured management Security the opportunities to use innovation innovation to support network security Site and in the three areas asset security identified here.

Security Cyber security 45 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

The release of so-called exploits will more important to keep IT and OT Cyber security become more widespread. Exploits systems apart. This limits the extent of target weaknesses in standard systems, any compromise. We must balance such as computer operating systems. usability with the need to reduce the “Advanced Systems must be kept up to date. opportunity for attackers to access all We will need to install patches more parts of a network. attacks will quickly to reduce the time when our systems are vulnerable. Advanced attacks will drive the need drive the need for smarter monitoring of networks. In More detailed reference systems, turn this will promote better analytics for smarter where we can test updates, and greater for monitoring and logging. A smarter use of automated testing will help us gas network will generate massive monitoring of achieve this. amounts of data. These data must be networks.” securely acquired, validated, stored The fact that such exploits exist, targeting and processed. Big data sets will need traditional IT systems, makes it even artificial intelligence (AI) to aid analysis.

We can use smart grids to improve how Instrumentation (E&I) technology will help Site and we protect physical assets and data from us do this. We must improve the way we unauthorised access, loss and malicious detect and prevent illegal activities that asset security damage. Intelligent and connected threaten our equipment and data centres, site security, and Electrical and including at end points.

We need to plan and manage our We are interested in projects which Incident response to security incidents. New can support better security incident technology and ways of working can management. management help with this, as they can in managing incidents such as interruptions to supply.

146The median number of days before a cyber security breach is discovered. Under half of these are discovered internally. 46 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Security innovation strategy

This timeline shows possible future developments on the security theme as the energy system evolves. This is only one scenario and others are possible: 2020 Facilitating change 2030 Carbon decreasing 2050 Decarbonised energy system. 2050 Decarbonised “We must improve energy system the way we detect • A decarbonised and integrated energy system relies on the sharing and prevent illegal of data, remote management activities that threaten of energy use, smart grids and personalised energy trading our equipment and • Cyber attacks on energy generators, producers, networks and grids data centres, including become a serious threat to global at end points.” stability and security.

2030 Carbon decreasing

• Increased interconnectivity, proliferation • Increasing deployment of smart of smart grids and use of the Internet of metering and Internet of Things Things blends virtual and physical assets devices on the gas network mean and data, with emergence of personalised that the security of smart devices energy trading and their connections is more • Threats to assets and data by organised important than ever crime and state-sponsored cyberattacks • Increased use of non-password increase security like retina and fingerprint • Resilient and hardened smart grids and scanning. connectivity required to keep people, data and assets safe. 2020 Facilitating change 47 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Next steps

Britain’s energy system is changing rapidly to work together and coordinate our and innovation must keep pace with these innovation efforts. We will continue to changes. The publication of this strategy share what we learn from our innovation will help us to build on existing innovation activities with the wider energy industry. work and will shape our future efforts. We will engage across the industry and We know that innovation in our gas use events such as the Low Carbon networks will help us to deliver secure Network and Innovation Conference energy in the coming decades. To (LCNI) to involve as many stakeholders achieve this goal, we must continue as possible.

Strategic aims Work with Ofgem to agree an appropriate solution for measuring benefits from innovation as part of Regulatory Reporting, following proposals in Ofgem’s 2017 Network Innovation Review. Build on existing gas network innovation projects around decarbonised gas to support the formation and delivery of government policy on heat decarbonisation. Develop projects which support low-cost, highly integrated networks/systems to enable low emission journeys for a variety of vehicles. Continue to use innovation to explore the potential and demonstrate the safety of using a wider range of gases in UK networks, to support decarbonisation, minimise costs to consumers and enhance security of supply. We are grateful for the consultation Support the delivering of a low carbon, integrated, responses and cost-effective energy system by increasing collaboration feedback which helped on gas and electricity network innovation projects, to shape this strategy and look forward to building on existing initiatives such as the Low Carbon continuing to work Network Innovation (LCNI) conference. with stakeholders from across the industry Use innovation to reduce the safety risks associated with on the range of issues essential activities now and in the future. we have covered. The strategy will Use innovation to reduce the number of excavations we be reviewed and make in maintaining and extending the gas network. refreshed every two years, with Use innovation projects to find new ways to increase the next version the proportion of our gas supplies that come from set for publication in March 2020. renewable sources. 48 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Help us to deliver the Gas Network Innovation Strategy

We are listening to stakeholders. example of this is our new challenge “Our collective Our efforts focus on innovative area of security, which has not been a solutions to meet their needs. Our primary driver for projects in the past, knowledge people generate ideas and scan the but which we have identified as an will help us technology landscape with suppliers important area going forward. New to find new opportunities. challenges will always appear that innovate better.” need to be addressed. We will continue to build a more innovative culture within our Partnership is important. We want organisations to achieve our vision. to continue to build strong links with Our people need the tools and time academia, suppliers, manufacturers, to investigate innovative solutions. and other organisations through the gas We are committed to fostering an value chain, and from related industries. environment where this is the norm Our collective knowledge will help us rather than the exception. innovate better. We recognise that we don’t have all the This strategy is an important step answers. Using only our own resources, towards engaging the wider world in the we cannot make the best use of work we’re doing on network innovation. innovation funding. Nor can we identify The implementation of the ideas and all the solutions to our challenges. We projects we describe will help to ensure also accept there will be gaps in our we achieve our vision for the consumers current innovation portfolio. A good of today and tomorrow.

Your new ideas We are always ready to welcome fresh thinking and are welcome new ideas for innovation projects. For example, we launched a public call for ideas for the 2018 Competition in October 2017, which you can read here: This document is designed to help potential partners for collaboration on projects identify new ideas which could fit within either the NIA or the NIC funding schemes. If you have an idea, you can visit ENA’s Network Innovation Collaboration Portal to submit it for the networks to consider at

If you have any questions or would like Get in touch to discuss the innovation strategy in more detail, please get in touch at: [email protected] Please use ‘Gas Network Innovation Strategy’ in the subject field. 49 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Exemplar projects

Smarter Networks Portal The ENA’s Smarter Networks Portal includes a complete list of all current and previous innovation projects that have been funded under the Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) and Network Innovation Competition (NIC) and can be found at:

Future of gas

Project CLoCC, National Grid Opening up the Gas Market, SGN Flexible The aim of Project CLoCC is to minimise Two key concerns for British energy the cost and time of connections to the consumers are price and security network National Transmission System (NTS). of supply. Together with the need to The focus is on unconventional gas cut carbon emissions, these form the connections. This will be achieved energy trilemma. Opening up the Gas by challenging every aspect of the Market aims to show that it is safe to current connection process, building distribute and use gas meeting the on worldwide ‘best in class’ technology specification of the European Association and practice. for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange (EASEE) but sitting outside GS(M)R. Biomethane connection guidelines, NGN Moving to the higher Wobbe This project sets out guidelines for number gas makes 90% of the global biomethane producers to clarify what is LNG supplies available. This is a needed to connect to the gas distribution significant improvement over the network. The guidance includes best 10% currently suitable. The project is practice recommendations for aspects complete and work on changing the such as gas quality, dryness, flow rates GS(M)R limits continues. and monitoring methods.

H21 Leeds City Gate, NGN HyDeploy, Cadent Decarbonisation The H21 Leeds City Gate project looks at This project is a practical demonstration the potential of hydrogen. It assesses if it of using hydrogen blends within a could be possible to convert the existing closed gas network at Keele University. natural gas network in Leeds, one of It will include engagement with local the largest UK cities, to 100% hydrogen. industrial and domestic consumers. The project shows that the network has It will test appliances, develop operational the correct capacity for conversion. The and safety procedures and assess existing heat demands of Leeds could staff training. be met using steam methane reforming technology, supported by salt cavern The project will include a quantitative risk storage for high peak demands. assessment to gain an exemption from the GS(M)R regulations. It will include making billing arrangement acceptable to Ofgem. Later phases will feature the installation of hydrogen production plant. Finally, there will be a live trial of the hydrogen network. 50 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

FREEDOM project, WWU • Use smart switching between gas Enabled FREEDOM stands for Flexible Residential and electric load. This would involve Energy Efficiency, Demand Optimisation combining the simultaneous purchase consumers and Management. It is a project to trial of fuel and the sale of heat – so-called at scale smart hybrid heating systems. fuel arbitrage – to create value and It aims to understand the benefits of offer highly flexible service. These moving domestic heat into a demand- services would match side response market. It is also the first with consumer demand for heat joint project between the electricity and • Demonstrate and record the potential gas networks. The objectives are to: consumer cost, carbon emissions and energy system security benefits from the large-scale deployment of hybrid heating systems • Gain insight into balancing the interests of ourselves, our consumer, and our suppliers.

Safety and emergency

PE asset life research, SGN and Cadent Development of a risk-based approach Managing This project will develop methods to for safe control of operations, WWU assess the condition of polyethylene (PE) This project covers an innovative gas assets pipes and fittings. This will help to show approach to safe operations. The work their remaining service life. The project focuses on choosing suitable methods envisages a scheme to manage and of control. These include permits to rank ongoing risks to the PE distribution work, non-routine operations, routine network. This would demonstrate to operations and method statements. The regulators that control of primary assets work is based on consistently applying is being maintained in a safe and HS&E risk criteria in a practical way. well-planned way.

Incident management, SGN stages of an incident. For example, Safety This project reviews the emergency this would include notification of the action levels and trigger points following incident, starting a response and how competence leaks or loss of supply to consumers. the response should be escalated. Trigger points are set to consider various

Risk methodologies, Protecting National Grid and Cadent As part of this broader project, we against are working with European pipeline operators to quantify the benefit of third party different types of physical protection used on pipelines. This could mean, interference for example, developing the design and assessment of the effectiveness damage of PE slabs. 51 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

SMART pressure sensor device, WWU network to be measured accurately. Site and asset The project aims to evaluate, produce It will also store a digital record to prove and test a smart pressure-sensing that a pressure test has been completed. security device. It will allow test and installation pressures across the gas distribution

Reliability and maintenance

Asset health and criticality Building information modelling Asset modelling, WWU (BIM), National Grid This collaborative project delivers the This highly successful project looks management first consistent framework developed at using intelligent 3D model design for reporting asset health, probability to cut the time and resources needed of failure and deterioration, providing a by traditional approaches. The study means of direct comparison between identifies savings of between 4% and different categories of assets for each 11% at the conceptual phase. There is GDN. All GDNs will be able to use the the potential for greater savings with framework integrated into their asset smart survey techniques such as laser management activities. scanning. The innovators shared their results with the electricity sector. Follow-up projects are focusing on how the technique can be fine-tuned.

Corrosion mapping system, SGN can perform in-line inspection of below- Asset The Orpheus regulator system is buried ground pipes at high pressure. The and protected from corrosion using device will allow us to inspect critical integrity cathodic protection (CP). There are times high-pressure installations that we when the CP fails, however. The module can’t currently inspect, using in-line then needs to be physically inspected. techniques. We can then monitor their condition. This will also end the need to This project aims to develop an excavate to assess potential problems. inspection device to measure wall thicknesses from the inside of the Development of guidance for reinforced module. This would avoid time- thermoplastic pipelines, Cadent consuming excavation and surface Reinforced thermoplastics (RTP) can preparation before inspections. An be used at higher pressures than the inspection device has since been polyethylene (PE) pipes currently used demonstrated on several regulator types. in the distribution network. This guidance covers the design, build, inspection, Fracture monitoring using acoustics, NGN testing, operation and maintenance This project is run jointly by NGN, of RTP pipelines for natural gas Cadent and SGN. It seeks to develop transmission. We also created a draft a system detecting pipeline failure management procedure to support this. remotely. When a failure is detected It covers using RTP pipe at pressures the system sends a text message to a more than double the current PE limit. central location to trigger a response. Three field trials successfully showed Eye in the Sky, WWU that fracture monitoring could be used The largest cross-sector project to within a gas network. date – involving seven networks from the gas and electricity sector – is In-line robotic inspection of investigating drone utilisation to prove high-pressure installations benefits ranging from a reduction in (Project GRAID), National Grid cost, improved survey data, reduced This project aims to develop a robotic environmental impact over a manned in-line inspection device that works at helicopter survey and improved safety. high pressures. No current technology 52 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Low carbon gas preheating, NGN GPS-enabled video for walking Operational This project involves a trial of two surveys, WWU alternative low-carbon gas preheating The project aims to improve the current improvement technologies. It is spread across six sites. walking surveys by automating how We will compare the efficiency of the we plot asset or risk locations onto a technologies against current methods pipeline route map. It will develop and using smart metering. An extra benefit pilot technology to combine the video of the project is to measure the quantity and GPS capabilities of smart phones of gas used for system preheating. This with modern geographic information will allow better cost estimates and systems. We will be able to plot a route encourage improved efficiency. from the video taken by the phone and project it onto a map.


Mains and service replacement Minimally through keyhole (iCORE), SGN The goal of this project is to develop a invasive solution to use with keyhole excavation techniques. It would also allow the trenchless replacement of PE pipes and services by both live and dead insertion methods.

PE Flowstop (up to 10 barg), SGN Stent Bag, SGN Security The aim is to prove the suitability of The aim of the stent bag project is to using PE flow-stopping equipment design, develop and test an innovative of supply up to 10 barg on the gas network. stent bag system that can maintain gas supplies during high volume gas Digital MRPS solution, NGN escapes, and reduce the potential loss This project improves efficiency by of supply to customers. developing an electronic data transfer tool with in-built validation. It removes the need for extensive administration work. The tool allows real-time data transfer that is GPS tagged. It is also date and time-stamped to provide evidence of when and where the survey is completed.

Development of specification Polymer for PE repair systems, Cadent Cadent, NGN and SGN support this repairs project. It is looking at potential repair techniques for PE pipes that could be an alternative to traditional cut out and replacement methods. 53 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Distribution mains replacement

Utilisation of the modular NIC It can be deployed within a large Robotics and robotics platform for service line diameter gas main. The project covers rehabilitation, SGN seven concepts for installing a service digitalisation The aim is to carry out a feasibility line. It ranks them and produces a plan study to use the NIC Robotics platform for a commercial trial. for service line rehabilitation. The NIC Robotics Project developed a modular robotic repair and inspection system.

CIPP for services, Cadent New materials This cured in place pipe (CIPP) project aims to show that CIPP is fit for purpose as a permanent repair and replacement technique for gas service pipes. The first stage will develop a performance specification for using the technology in the gas industry.

Investment prioritisation in distribution service. These plans are justified Alternatives to systems, WWU based on the current and future risk of This project looks at investment planning. service failure. Prioritisation of mains replacement It tackles how mains replacement is replacement is based on implementing prioritised in the gas distribution network. investment plans. Investment planning develops plans for stable or improving levels of customer


Smart meter implementation Smart Data Communications Company Cyber programme, SGN, WWU, Cadent, NGN (Smart DCC) has in place a new central The government has set out plans for communications infrastructure. It can security a low-carbon future. Energy retailers provide secure access to smart meters. are deploying more than 50 million The system is highly secure and backed smart meters to every home and small by rigorous assurance processes. This business in Great Britain. We are key is designed to protect the smart meter stakeholders in this rollout. The wealth of network from attack and to keep sensitive data from meters will help us to increase consumer data private. efficiency and develop new services. 54 Gas Network Innovation Strategy

Environment and low carbon

Noise mitigation tool, National Grid mitigate and abate noise. Benefits should Emissions This project involves research and include an evaluation of pipework noise development of a tool and process abatement techniques. The potential here reduction to evaluate and compare options to is to reduce the whole-life cost of assets.

Robotic roadworks, SGN public and traffic. We will avoid disruption Sustainability This project will develop a robotic to the gas service, with no need to platform that can vertically launch into decommission the gas pipe during live Tier 2 and Tier 3 gas pipes. The the repair. Finally, this approach will platform will include a module which have a much smaller carbon footprint can travel 150 metres in either direction than current repair methods. from the single launch excavation point 3D volume scanner, Cadent and install mechanical seals within the pipe. A launch tube system will prevent This technology calculates the gas escaping. volume and dimensions of excavations. It also tracks the type of material used This innovative approach will reduce the in each layer. The scanner will help amount of excavation and reinstatement engineers working on reinstatement needed. This in turn will cut cost and works do their job as quickly and shorten the process. There will be accurately as possible. reduced need for permits to excavate the road and less disruption for the

Clean to green, NGN Soil and groundwater remediation Decommissioning This project aims to develop technology technologies for gasworks and to use in a gasholder before draining. It gasholder sites, SGN will provide data to give more accurate This project will clarify the issues and decommissioning costs and inform our contaminants that gas network faces business decisions. It will also develop when remediating gasworks and technology to decontaminate gasholders gasholder sites. It will produce a report without putting our people in the tank or that can be used for future reference, working at heights. giving insight into new approaches for this problem area.

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