In December the DCCCP Teen Team had the pleasure of speaking with NBA Champion Derek Anderson. Here are some highlights from there exciting conversation!

Derek Anderson—NBA Champion Position: , , Guard) College: University of Kentucky NBA Draft: Round 1: Pick 13 (1997 by the Cleveland Cavaliers) NBA Career: 1997 - 2008 Career Highlights: NCAA Champion (1996/Kentucky), NBA Champion (2006/)

Teen Team: What was your best and worst experience in the NBA?

Derek Anderson: My best experience was with the —it felt like a family. My worst experience was with the L.A. Clippers; at times I asked myself, "Do I have to go to work today?" It was pretty bad!

TT: When you were a teen, what separated you from others who may have had aspirations to achieve big goals?

DA: They all made excuses for their lives and I wanted to change mine. I never made excuses; I never complained; I only worked to better myself. I was homeless at age 11 and became a millionaire at the age of 22. TT: What was it like being one of the first athletes signed by to Brand Jordan?

DA: It's interesting. Michael Jordan told me that he had been watching me for years while I played for the University of Kentucky. He told me that the reason he signed me was because he admired the way that I dealt with adversity. So I signed a life-long contract with Michael Jordan because of my attitude, not because of my abilities.

TT: What role has God played in your life?

DA: He's always been there for me to lean on. Through good and bad he is everpresent and that has been the foundation of my success.

TT: Are there any words to live by that you would like to leave with our Teen Team?

DA: Never allow someone's opinion of you to become your reality. And always know that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it!

We would like to thank Derek Anderson for taking time out to share his wisdom and insight with our Teen Team! His book “Stamina,” which chronicles his adversities from a youth to becoming an NBA champion, is available for purchase on or at