
(12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,266,767 B2 Parker (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 2007

(54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 5,966,386 A 10/1999 MaegaWa AUTOMATED AUTHORING AND 6,012,098 A * 1/2000 Bayeh et al...... 709/246 MARKETING 6,026,417 A * 2/2000 Ross et al...... 715/517 (76) Inventor: Philip M. Parker, 12874 HarWick La., 6’026’809 A 2/2000 Abrams et al' San Diego’ A Nehab et al. 6,029,195 A 2/2000 HerZ ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,052,717 A 4/2000 Reynolds et a1. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,154,213 A 11/2000 Rennison et a1, U50 1540’) by 0 days- 6,374,271 B1 4/2002 Shimizu et al. (21) APPI' NO‘: 11l261’631 6,393,196 B1 5/2002 Yamane et a1. 6,393,388 Bl* 5/2002 FranZ et al...... 704/4 (22) Filed: Oct. 31, 2005 (65) Prior Publication Data C t' d Us 2006/0064631 A1 Mar. 23, 2006 ( on “me ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related US. Application Data _ _ _ _ “eTranslate Joins Forces With MSN LinkEXchange to Help Small (63) Commuanon of appl1cat1on NO~ 09/723,522: ?led on Businesses Reach International Audience on the Web” Aug. 30, NOV- 27, 2000, now abandoned 1999 etranslatepr.mspx.* (51) Int. Cl. G06F 17/00 (2006.01) (Continued) (52) US. Cl...... , ...... 715/517; 715/523 Primary Examineristephen Hong (58) Field of Classi?cation Search ...... 706/45; Assistant ExamineriAdam M Queler _ _ 715/500’ 513’ 517’ 523; 707/3 (74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiAndreW D. Skale, Esq. See appl1cat1on ?le for complete search h1story. (56) References Cited (57) ABSTRACT

U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS The present invention provides for the automatic authoring, 3,781,816 A 12/1973 Coleman et a1. 4,881,197 A 11/1989 Fischer marketing, and/or distributing of title material. A computer 5,133,051 A 7/1992 Handley automatically authors material. The material is automati 5,261,601 A 11/1993 Ross et a1. cally formatted into a desired format, resulting in a title 5,349,648 A 9/1994 Handley material. The title material may also be automatically dis 5,453,570 A 9/1995 Umeda et a1. tributed to a recipient. Meta material, marketing material, 5,649,186 A 7/1997 Ferguson and control material are automatically authored and if 5,670,999 A 9/1997 Takeuchi et a1. desired, distributed to a recipient. Further, the title material 5,715,866 A 2/1998 Granger may be authored on demand, such that it may be in any 5,743,252 A 4/1998 Rusamen et a1. desired language and With the latest version and content. 5,745,678 A 4/1998 HerZberg et a1. 5,865,185 A 2/1999 Collins et a1. 5,934,289 A 8/1999 Watkins et a1. 17 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets

Material ‘ Specifed?

Open Dana Bases. s25 Run Modultls) Tabbs and H1 Revolt“) Run Mandi) Organize A Exwn Repunu) s30 Run Querme:

_ Open Formali?g System) 535 Run Module(s) 650 Run ManMs) 555 Opin TamplatBKl) s40

Flu. Forum, and inn 5“ Template“) commas) US 7,266,767 B2 Page 2

US. PATENT DOCUMENTS http:// com/reviewlhtml, pp. 1-5 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). 6,453,280 B1* 9/2002 Yang ...... 704/10 6,453,459 B1 9/2002 Brodersen et al. 6,473,096 B1 10/2002 Kobayashi et a1. review2.html, pp. 1-2 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). 6,628,303 B1 9/2003 Foreman et al. 6,633,877 B1 10/2003 Saigh et al. novels.htrnl, pp. 1-3 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). 6,636,648 B2* 10/2003 Loui et al...... 382/284 Tidwell, “Why for Applications (VBA) Should be in 2002/0040374 A1* 4/2002 Kent ...... 707/516 your Curriculum,” 2002/0152215 A1* 10/2002 Clark et al. . 707/10 visualbasici052000.cfm, May 1, 2000. 2003/0079177 A1* 4/2003 BrintZenhofe et al...... 715/500 “ONIX explained,” http:/, Nov. 10, 2000. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Ardissono, et al., “Exploiting user models for personaliZing news Bott, Special Edition Using Windows Millennium Edi presentations,” tion, Published Nov. 3, 2000, Que, Chapter 25* sono.html, published May 14, 1999. Galloway, “Electronic Portfolios,”, pp. 1-2 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). ep.doc, published Jan. 7, 2000. “Atlas of the Future,” The Macmillan,. p. 36, 1998. other.htrnl, pp. 1-2 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). “Talking to the World,” The Economist, pp. 83-85, 1999. order.html, pp. 1-5 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006)., Nov. 20, 2000. faghtml, pp. 1-2 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). aa032600a.htm, pp. 1-2, Nov. 26, 2000. review.html, p. 1 (printed on Feb. 7, 2006). * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 1 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

C Start Phases D

Automated Authoring 105

Automated 110 Distribution

Automated Marketing 115

Automated 120 Control U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 2 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

( Start Phases >

Specify Genre(s) and Title(s) Material(s) 205

Specify Distribution 210

Specify Marketing 215

Author Material(s) 220

Author Material(s) in Alternative Language(s) 225

Save Material(s) in Alternative Format(s) 230

Author and Save Distribution Meta Material(s) 235

Distribute Title and Meta Materia|(s) 240

Author and Save Marketing Materia|(s) 245

Distribute Marketing Material(s) 250

Author and Save Control Materia|(s) 255

l Done l Fig. 2 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 3 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

_3_35______|[ | Keyboard 335 : I/O - 310 | out: i I I : Video 340 l CPU - 315 : Monitor I I i | : Memory - 320 i 355 I Network : Connection I |

[1 Telecommunications System(s) 385

Remote Computer 395 i System(s) E] Telecommunication i I Network(s) :3 [:3 390 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 4 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

interface(s), Form (s) or Browser(s) 405

i 410 415 420 425 430 Formating System(s) Database System(s) Operating System(s)

435 440 445 Graphic syste'ms) Network Communication Control system(s) System(s)

450 T 455 _i 460 '7 F orm(s) Module(s) Query(ies)

465 1 470 _\ 475 T Macro(s) Report(s) Tab|e(5)

480 __| 485 __‘ 490 7 Automation l Tempiate(s) Graphic(s) ' Program(s)

492 # Recipient(s) 495

Fig. 4 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 5 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

Specify Action(s) 500

Open Secification System(s) 505 l Open Speci?cation Form and Tab|e(s) 510

Specify G en re(s) 515

Specify Title Material(s) 520

Specify Saving Format(s) 525

Specify Graphic(s) 530

Specify Text(s) 535

Specify Tabular Text(s) 540

Specify AudioNideo(s) 545

Specify Editing Procedure(s) 550

Specify Language(s) 555

Specify Run Time(s) and Batch(es) 560

Specify Distribution 565

Specify Marketing 570

Specify Control 575

Specify Path(s) 580

( Done ) U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 6 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

Author Materia|(s) Open Speci?cation Table(s) 600

05 No Material Specified?

Open Data Bases, 625 1 Run Module(s) I Tables and Fill Report(s) | Run Macro(s) | l | I Organize & Export Report(s) 630 :

Run Query(ies : L ______.._....___.l l______| l : Open Forrnating System(s) 635 i Run Module(s) : li I Run Macro(s) I Open Template(s) 640 i I l Run Query(ies) i : Fill, Format, and Edit 645 l I Template(s) Content(s) : L. ______|

Save Material to Speci?ed Path 670 Sufficemt Run Macro(s) to Resources to Free Resource(s) Continu e?

680 675 More Yes Increment to Mate rial? next material

695 690 Initialize Alternative More Increment to La nguage(s) Phase Ge nre(s)? Next Genre(s) Fig. 6 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 7 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

Qiuthor Materia|(s) in Alternative Language(@—e- Open Speci?cation Table(s) 705 l

Alternative Yes 720 Open Material / Langauge(s) Speci?ed?

725 Open Dictionary \l/ 730 Search and Replace\|/ ltem(s) IncrementLanguage to next 750

735 Save Translated Material to Specified Path(s)

More Close Translation Langauges 740 to Specified Path(s) Speci?ed?. 745 No 755 Close Mate rial

765 M°Fe Yes Increment to next Matenaus)Specified? Material(s) Speci?ed

770 Initiate Next Phase(s) Speci?ed

( Done ) Fig. 7 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 8 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

CSave Materia|s(s) in Alternative Forrnat(sD——-> Open Speci?cation Table(s) J 805

Alternative Format(s) Speci?ed? 815

Start Saving in Alternative Format(s) <-————— 1

Cleaning Macro(s) Run Cleaning Macro(s) 825 Required?

Bookmarking Macro(s) Run Book marking Macro(s) 835 Required?

Save Material to Speci?ed Path(s) 840

850 More Yes Format(s) Increment to next Format(s) Speci?ed?

860 More Yes Materia|(s) l Increment to next item(s) Speci?ed? 865 No Initialize next phase(s) speci?ed @ Fig.8 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 9 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

(Author and Save Meta MEtGFiGKSDé Open Speci?cation Tab|e(s) 905 I/

915 Meta Yes Material(s) Open Meta Material Speci?cation(s) Speci?ed?

925 Title M aterial(s) Open Title Material(s) Required? \l/ Author Meta Material(s) Author Meta 930 Material(s) \l/ Save Meta Material(s) 945 935 Save Meta Material(s) J

955 More Yes Increment to Next Meta Material(s) Meta Material(s) S pecified ? Speci?ed

965 M ore Increment to next Material(s) Specified '? Material(s) Sp eci?ed

970 Initialize Distibution Phase(s) Fig. 9 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 10 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

Distribute Material(s) Open Speci?cation' Table(s) 1005 1010 Open Recipient 1015 Yes Recipient(s) N0 Speci?cation Tabie(s) / Specified?

1020 1025 \ Open Network Run Transfer Macro(s) Communication System(s) Module(s), Query(ies)

\V 1035 Relgg?ggs) Send Requisite Materia|(s)? Fmmaus)

1055 Recipiep?s) Yes 5 Author and Save Requlre Noti?cation Noti?cation?

1060 No Send Requisite Format(s)

1070 Recipient(s) Increment to next Recipient(s) Specified?

1 080

Material(s) ‘ Increment to next Material(s) Specified? Initialize Marketing 1085 Material Phase Fig. 10 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 11 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

Qxuthor and Save Marketing MateriaKw Open Speci?cation Tab|e(s) 1105

1115 Marketing Material(s) Open Marketing Material Speci?cation(s) Speci?ed?

Title Yes 1125 Materiai(s) Open Title MateriaKs) \ Requlred'?. \J/ Author Marketing 1130 Materiai(s) 1135 Author Marketing \ Material(s)

Save Marketing Mater|a|(s) 1140

1150 More Increment to Next Marketing MateriaKs) Marketing Material(s) '— Speci?ed? Speci?ed

1160 M°.'e Yes Increment to next Materia 1(5) Matenal(s) s eci?ed — Specified? p

1165 initialize Control Phase Fig. 11 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 12 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

(Author and Save Control Material(s))-> Open speci?cation Tab|e(5) 1205 \l’

1215 Control Yes Material(s) Open Control Material Speci?cation(s) Speci?ed?


Title Yes _ _ M aten'aKs) Open Title Materia|(s) Required? \1/ Author Control 1235 Material(s) Author Control 1230 Mater|al(s).

Save Control Material(s) 1240


More Yes Increment to Next Control Material(s) Control Materia|(s) Speci?ed? Speci?ed

1260 Mall/33(5) Yes Increment to next ___A Specified?. . Mate rial(s) Speci?ed

1270 Initialize Next Phase(s) Specified Fig. 12 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 13 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2

1310 1330 1320

Hard 1322 Copy 1 332

1310 @155 1324

Audio 1325 ElectronicD 1336

Text 1326 U 1310 _~ @1338

Recipient E 5 Order 1340 1350 1310 T 1 =1: HUHHUI] E


1360 Fig. 13 US 7,266,767 B2 1 2 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR Work is authored and edited, it is marketed using various AUTOMATED AUTHORING AND means, including press releases, cataloging in various data MARKETING bases (using meta ?les), direct mail brochures, email announcements, video releases, audio releases, banners, CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED billboards, and Internet Web pages, among others. Many APPLICATIONS months of labor is traditionally used in the preparation and the distribution of these marketing and promotional mate This application is a continuation of Us. application Ser. rials. Additionally, human marketers must ?nd the appro No. 09/723,522, ?led Nov. 27, 2000, noW abandoned, Which priate audience to send press releases, brochures, or similar is herein incorporated by reference in its entirety. marketing materials. In addition to creating the marketing materials, the human marketer spends time researching the BACKGROUND appropriate target market of individuals Who should receive the marketing materials. 1. Field of Invention Further, When such Works are ordered or requested, it is The present invention relates to automatic authoring and traditionally ful?lled using an inventory of existing stock marketing, and more particularly to a method and apparatus that has been pre-printed or produced in either electronic or for authoring, marketing, and/or distributing title materials non-electronic format. Therefore, if a neW edition is automatically by a computer. required, many of the costs associated With the ?rst edition 2. Description of the Prior Art of the material are again incurred. Furthermore, if a recipi The commercial publishing and media industries tradi 20 ent, such as a distributor or an end-user, requests a speci?c tionally comprise a number of discrete entities Which ulti form of the material, or a customiZed version of the material mately make title materials available to an end-user. This that might omit or augment the content, this customiZation disintegrated process involves a number of phases Which, by takes many months time and added costs. their nature, incur substantial labor, material and organiZa If a version of the title material is desired in a language tional costs. 25 other than that of the original material, the author or pub Manually authoring a Work, such as non-?ction and lisher Will send the material to language translators Who may ?ction Works, often requires months, or even years of costly require many months time to completely translate the mate labor. Further, many manually authored materials are prone rial. If a version of the title material is physically or to errors, especially in cases Where the Work involves a large electronically incompatible With a given seller’s method of number of numerical values Which may be based on a 30 distribution, the material is often reformatted at high costs in plurality of calculations, includes extensive tabular infor labor and/or materials. If a series of a version of the title mation, or includes a large number of graphic illustrations. material is desired across pre-de?ned units such as time, Given the need to recover the costs of high labor inputs, geographical area, corporate entity, genre, or methodology, manually authored Works are often economically viable only substantial costs are traditionally incurred for each member When there exists a suf?ciently large number of buyers to 35 of the series, or plurality of series making up the body of the recover the costs of development and marketing of the Work. materials. Given the complexities of some subjects, the publication of At least one recent source has opined that it Would not be some materials are not economically viable. Such subjects until year 2017 that a computer “creates original text docu include, for example, materials that involve a large number ments.” The Macmillan Atlas ofthe Future 36 (Ian Pearson of numerical entries or calculations, the reporting of a large 40 ed., Macmillan Books 1998). Additionally, a recent article number of calculations in tabular or other formats, or noted that “[W]hat We noW call ‘hard copy’ has continued graphical or audio representations embedded Within mate essentially unchanged since Guttenberg. Letters are still rials. Traditionally, the larger the number of such complexi Written, books bound, newspapersimostlyiprinted and ties, the higher the cost of developing materials. distributed much as they ever Were.” Talking to the World, Additionally, the publication or production process of 45 The Economist, Dec. 31, 1999, at 83-85. Therefore, there is materials is often undertaken by a separate entity, thereby a need for a method and apparatus for authoring, marketing, increasing the total labor costs associated With providing the and/or distributing title materials automatically by a com materials to an end-user. The publishing and production puter. Further, there is a need for an automated system that processes for material traditionally involves packaging, for eliminates or substantially reduces the costs associated With matting, promotion, distribution and the like. This process 50 human labor, such as authors, editors, graphic artists, data also traditionally involves substantial labor inputs and is analysts, translators, distributors, and marketing personnel. prone to human error. Moreover, there is a need for an automated system that Once a Work is authored, the Work encounters laborious alloWs title materials to be quickly authored, marketed, editing and formatting. These processes often include gen and/or distributed as the latest possible edition of the mate eral editing, spell checking, grammar checking, sentence 55 rial and in the format and Written language of the end-user’s re-Writing, graphics editing, text formatting, video editing, choice. dubbing, audio editing, changing layout designs, and the like. The existence of tables and graphics in the title material SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION further sloW this process. In addition to being prone to human error, the typesetting/ developing, editing and format 60 An embodiment of the present invention alloWs a com ting processes take several months time. puter to produce a plurality of original computer authored After the Work is polished, edited or formatted in an title materials and also distribute, control, and market such appropriate manner, the publishing and media industries use title materials. A computer authors the title material in such separate entities or persons to handle the marketing or a manner so as to eliminate the need for manually authoring promotion and the distribution of the Work. This separation 65 and/or editing the material. The title material is indexed of tasks incurs additional costs based on persons Who are automatically. Marketing and promotional material is auto neither the authors nor the editors of the Work. Once the matically authored for the title material. Further, the mar US 7,266,767 B2 3 4 keting of promotional material may be automatically dis FIG. 10 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic tributed. Additionally, the title material may be distribution of material according to an embodiment of the automatically translated into any language and the title present invention; material may be available in its latest version upon request. FIG. 11 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic author An embodiment of the present invention may be imple ing of marketing material according to an embodiment of the mented using a computer, such as a single or plurality of present invention; adequately equipped desk top, laptop or similar computers. FIG. 12 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic Further, the faster the speed of the computer used, the faster authoring of control material according to an embodiment of title materials may be authored, distributed, and/ or marketed the present invention; and under the present invention. FIG. 13 illustrates an overvieW of an embodiment of the Advantageously, an embodiment of the present invention present invention. decreases the costs associated With the authoring, editing, marketing, distribution, translation, reformatting, copyright DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE ing, and last-edition ful?llment of title materials. Addition INVENTION ally, an embodiment of the present invention further signi? cantly reduces the amount of time required to author an The present invention provides a method, system and original full-length material to a matter of minutes and/or apparatus for automatically authoring, editing, distributing, seconds for any genre of title material, including ?ction or marketing, controlling and publishing title materials. While non-?ction material, Whether in unique or serial form. the invention alloWs for the elimination of substantial human Advantageously further, an embodiment of the present 20 effort at any phase of the process described herein, human invention automatically authors title material; automatically intervention may occur such that that process may be authors title materials in a plurality of languages other than completed manually. the original material; automatically authors marketing and Materials, as used herein, includes any information and promotional materials for the title material; automatically data capable of being used in a title material, for example, distributes title material, descriptive meta material, control 25 but not limited to, text, audio, video, descriptive, tabular, materials, and/or marketing materials; automatically cata artistic, and/or graphical information. logues the title material; automatically indexes the title Title material, as used herein includes a publishable material; automatically updates the title material to the latest and/or authored Work, such as literary Works, serial publi edition or any previous editions on demand; automatically cations, theatrical plays, books, including ?ction and non matches materials to distribution meta and marketing mate 30 ?ction Works (for example, but not limited to, reference rial to more efficiently target information to appropriate books, market research reports, travel guides, company channels of distribution, target audiences, end-users, sellers competitive analyses, industry reports, company reports, or recipients; and automatically produces title material of a management consulting reports, technical documents, and high level of complexity. the like), neWsletters, magaZines, computer instructions, Further features and advantages of the invention as Well 35 softWare, softWare publications, Internet publications, com as the structure and operation of various embodiments of the puter-based content, Internet Web sites, musical scores, invention are described in detail herein With reference to the screen plays, video productions, holographic or 3-d Works, accompanying draWings. virtual reality Works, and the like. Alternatively in an embodiment, title material includes any Work that is capable BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 40 of being associated With a unique identi?cation alpha numeric code, for example a unique alpha-numeric identi?er The present invention Will be described With particular that is used to identify the Work or a catalog number. embodiments thereof, and references Will be made to the Alternatively still in another embodiment, title material draWings in Which: includes any Work that is capable of being associated With a FIG. 1 illustrates a How diagram of an embodiment of the 45 unique alpha-numeric codes, such as an ISBN (International present invention; Standard Book Number), ISSN (International Standard FIG. 2 illustrates a How diagram of an embodiment of the Serial Number), a UPC (Uniform Product Code), a library present invention; number (such as the Library of Congress identi?er), a bar FIG. 3 illustrates a portion of a computer, including a code, an item number, an SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), a CPU, conventional memory, and communications hardWare 50 number code, a caselaW number, a docket number, an in Which the present invention may be embodied; abstract number, a year of publication, a chapter code, and FIG. 4 illustrates a block diagram of an embodiment of the like. Alternatively still in another embodiment, title the present invention; material includes any authored or published Work that is to FIG. 5 illustrates a How diagram of an embodiment of the be commercially available. In a further embodiment, a title present invention; 55 material includes any Work With an alpha-numeric number FIG. 6 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic author ing system that is observable or intended to be observable ing of a title material according to an embodiment of the Within the public domain. In an embodiment of the present present invention; invention, a Work is considered published if any of the FIG. 7 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic trans unique alpha-numeric codes mentioned herein are associ lating of a title material into an alternative language accord 60 ated With the Work. ing to an embodiment of the present invention; Marketing material, as used herein, includes information FIG. 8 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic saving used to market, disseminate knoWledge of, or promote title of a title material in alternative formats according to an material. Marketing materials publiciZe or announce title embodiment of the present invention; materials to various audiences, including remote servers that FIG. 9 illustrates a How diagram of the automatic author 65 post electronic announcements. Marketing material ing of meta material according to an embodiment of the includes, but is not limited to, public relations Works, press present invention; releases, product announcements, brochures, ?yers, bill US 7,266,767 B2 5 6 boards or outdoor copy, video, audio, magazine or print implemented using copper Wire, ?ber optics, radio Waves, media copy, emails, banners, displays or similar materials. coherent light, or other media. The system of netWorked Meta material, as used herein, includes materials used to computers may be the Internet, an intranet, a secure virtual describe title material. Meta materials may be used in the private netWork (V PN), or any other system of computers publishing and media industries to catalogue and/or promote that are interconnected by electronic connections. As used title material. Meta materials describe title material to pub herein, the term “netWor ” refers to any such system of lishers, resellers, distributors, industry associations, industry netWorked computers, including the Internet. LikeWise, as organizations, government organizations, or end-users such used herein, the expression “providing a system of net as libraries or individuals. Further, meta materials may Worked computers” means creating a netWork speci?cally include text, graphics, numerical data, coverings (such as a for the purpose of facilitating the present invention or simply book jacket, a CD jacket, videotape jacket, or the like) or connecting to an existing netWork for the purpose of facili other information that is used to describe the title material. tating the present invention. Additionally, meta material may include, but is not limited A computer, as used herein, includes any general-purpose to, information regarding the price of the title material, the machine that processes data according to a set of instructions length in pages or time of the title material, the language of that is stored internally either temporarily or permanently, the title material, the physical or electronic format of the title including, but not limited to, a general purpose computer, material, the binding or packaging of the title material, an Workstation, laptop computer, personal computer, set top abstract of the title material’s content, an alpha-numeric box, Web access device (such as WEB TVTM (Microsoft identi?cation number of the title material, subject codes or Corporation)), cable television, satellite television, broad text of the title material, comments from the author of the 20 band netWork, an electronic vieWing or listening device, any title material, comments from the publisher of the title other type of computer, Wireless devices, such as a personal material, credits related to the title material, endorsements of digital assistant (PDA), cellular or mobile telephones, elec the title material, revieWs of the title material, a table of tronic handheld units for the Wireless receipt and/or trans contents of the title material, date of publication of the title mission of data, such as a BLACKBERRYTM (Research In material, place of publication of the title material, name of 25 Motion Limited Corporation), or the like. the publisher or producer of the title material, address of the In an embodiment, to author or authoring, as used herein, publisher or producer of the title material, or the like. is to create an original Work of authorship ?xed in any Further, meta material includes meta ?les and/or metadata. tangible medium of expression, noW knoWn or later devel Control material, as used herein, includes any information oped, from Which it can be perceived, reproduced or other used to control, track, index or account for title material. 30 Wise communicated, either directly or With the aid or a Control material includes, but is not limited to, items in machine or device. Works of authorship include title mate meta, title or marketing materials, but may also include rials, such as literary Works; musical Works, including the information used for inventory control, billing, ?nancial lyrics; dramatic Works, including any accompanying music; accounting, stock keeping, information relating to the target pictorial or graphical Works; motion pictures and other audience, and cataloguing information used for internal 35 audiovisual Works; sound recordings; and any compilations control. and/ or derivative Works or the Work of authorship; and other Database ?les, as used herein, includes forms, modules, materials. queries, macros, reports, tables, templates, graphics, auto As the present invention alloWs for the sequential and mation programs, audio and video ?les, data ?les, material uninterrupted batching for a virtually unlimited number of ?les, information in a database, document ?les, and the like. 40 genres or title materials, it should be understood that terms A genre, as used herein, is a group or series of title such as “material”, “title material”, “?le”, “macro”, “mod materials having common characteristics or using similar ule”, “template”, “database ?le”, “system”, “computer”, procedures to be authored. Genres include, for example, a “automation program”, “query”, “form”, “interface”, series of market research reports having similar formats, “recipient”, “manuscript”, “book”, and the like, should be logical statements, calculations, graphics, or patterns With 45 considered in both singular and plural forms. As used herein, different content for each title material Within the genre. A the Word “material” Without a preceding adjective should genre of materials may include multiple materials having imply all forms of material, including title material, meta similar characteristics. material, marketing material, control material, and/or any Arecipient, as used herein, includes any individual, entity, material used to generate such material. computer, or the like, that is capable of receiving title, meta, 50 FIG. 1 illustrates a How diagram of an embodiment of the marketing, and/or control materials authored by the present present invention. In step 105, materials are automatically invention. For example, a recipient may include a distributor authored using various processes as described herein. In step or an end-user of the title material. 110, materials are automatically distributed to various A user, as used herein, includes any individual, entity, recipients. Examples of such recipients include, for example computer, or the like, that is using the system of the present 55 if distributing a book, title material, marketing material, invention to automatically author, distribute, and/ or market meta material and control materials, may be resellers such as title materials. AMAZON.COMTM (, Inc.), BARNES AND An end-user, as used herein, includes any individual, NOBLETM (Barnes and Noble Bookstores, Inc.), entity, computer, or the like, that is to be the ultimate BN.COMTM (Barnes and Noble College Bookstores, Inc.), consumer of the title material. 60 DIALOGTM (Dialog Information Services, Inc.), or the like. A system of netWorked computers as used herein by the Recipients may further include individuals, printing com system of the present invention may be any system of panies, or remote computers. Step 110 further includes multiple computers that are directly or indirectly intercon various systems that automate this process. In step 115, the nected by any types of electronic connections, including materials are automatically marketed or promoted. Market connections via hardWire, Ethernet, token ring, modem, 65 ing materials may be both authored and distributed in this digital subscriber line, cable modem, Wireless, radio, satel process. Step 120 includes automatically authoring index lite, and combinations thereof. Such connections may be and control materials. Such control materials may be used to US 7,266,767 B2 7 8 track materials such as for accounting, logistics, or admin cations system 385 may be connected to the system via istrative purposes. While the steps in FIG. 1 are shown in a modem 325 or other communications device. This would certain order, these steps may occur in any order deemed allow the system to connect to a telecommunication network necessary by the user. 390, such that the system may connect to a remote computer FIG. 2 illustrates a summary ?ow diagram of an embodi system 395. The present invention may work on a single or ment of the present invention. Automatically authoring plurality of computers as shown in FIG. 3 and may be locally material under the present invention may start by ?rst or remotely operated. making various selections. Steps 205 to 255 shown in FIG. FIG. 4 illustrates a block diagram of an embodiment of 2, illustrate various steps that a user may select to have the the present invention. This embodiment shows how the system of the present invention perform. These steps may system may be accessed via an interface, form or browser occur in any order desired by the user, illustrated by the 405 that may be operated on a local or remote computer. The double arrows coming in and out of each of the steps 205 to interface allows for interaction between the user and the 255. computer 410 which allows for further interaction with In step 205, a user speci?es title material(s) within a recipients. The embodiment may make use of a variety of genre. In step 210, a user speci?es the distribution require software packages 415, including software packages that are ments, including the authoring requirements for meta mate commercially available, customiZed by a user, or created by rials and for the title material(s). In step 215 the user a user. Software packages 415 include: an operating system speci?es the marketing material to be authored and distrib 430 such as UNIXTM (UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.), uted. Additionally, if default information is provided to the MICROSOFT WINDOWSTM (Microsoft Corp.), LINUXTM system, any or all of the steps in FIG. 2 may be completed 20 (Torvalds, Linus), or similar systems; one or more database automatically, without human intervention. systems 425 such as MICROSOFT ACCESSTM (Microsoft, The outputs of steps 205, 210, and 215 may be recorded Corp.), ORACLETM (Oracle Corporation), or similar soft in a table or other database ?le, to be used by other processes ware packages; one or more material formatting software that follow. The user of the embodiment of the present packages or database systems 420 such as MICROSOFT invention need not be human, for example the computer may 25 WORDTM (Microsoft Corp.), WORD PERFECTTM (Word auto start and run on default values. However, human Perfect Corporation), CRYSTAL REPORTSTM (Seagate intervention may be considered at any phase of the process Software, Inc.), COREL VENTURA PUBLISHERTM (Corel should the user so choose. Corp.), MICROSOFT FRONT PAGETM (Microsoft Corp.), At 220, the system automatically authors title, meta, PAGEMAKERTM (Adobe Systems Incorporated), marketing, and/or control material. The material authored 30 QUARKTM (Quark, Inc.), DREAMWEAVERTM 3.0 (Mac may be for a series of genres or titles within genres in a romedia, Inc.), LUMIERE VIDEO STUDIOTM 2.0 (Inter single or a high-volume batched process. If speci?ed by the national Microcomputer Software, Inc.), MGI VIDE user, at 225 the material is automatically translated into any OWARE IITM MGI Software, Corp.), SOUND FORGETM language, such as any spoken or written language. 4.5 (Sonic Foundry, Inc.), WAVELABTM 3.0 (Steinberg Recipients of the material may desire the material to be in 35 North America, Inc.), DIGITAL ORIGIN EDIT DVTM 2.0 certain formats, such as electronic, non-electronic, formatted (Digital Origin, Inc.), ADOBE PHOTOSHOPTM 6.0 (Adobe for a speci?c word processor, or the like. Step 230 auto Systems, Inc.), or similar packages; one or more graphic matically saves the materials in the format speci?ed by the software packages 435 such as the packages mentioned user. Step 235 automatically authors and saves meta mate herein, multi-media software, ADOBE PHOTOSHOPTM rials. At 240 meta materials is automatically distributed. At 40 (Adobe Systems Incorporated), QUARKTM, or similar soft 245 marketing material is automatically authored and saved, ware packages; one or more network communications pack wherein the marketing material may be speci?ed by the user. ages 440 which may electronically transfer ?les from one Step 250 automatically distributes the marketing materials. computer to another using ?le transfer protocols or similar At 255, the control materials are automatically authored and systems, including browsers or similar software packages, saved. The control materials may be automatically distrib 45 and one or more control systems 445 that allow for the uted to recipients speci?ed by the user. tracking of materials and processes completed, including the While the sequence presented in FIG. 2 is illustrated in a software mentioned herein, spreadsheet programs such as certain order, this does not imply that the order be adhered MICROSOFT EXCELTM (Microsoft Corp.), or accounting to implement the present invention; the present invention software packages such as PEACHTREETM (Peachtree Soft may implement some or all of the steps in FIG. 2 in any 50 ware, Inc.). Interaction with the various databases can use order the user desires. For example, the step of automatically SQL (Structured Query Language) or any other such lan authoring marketing materials 245 may occur prior to guage to interrogate and process data in a databases and/or authoring title materials 205. For example, this may occur in relational database. the book publishing industry where publishers pre-announce Database ?les 492 may be used to help author title and promote a title before it is authored. 55 materials according to an embodiment of the present inven FIG. 3 illustrates a portion of a computer system, includ tion. Database ?les 492 include forms 450, modules 455, ing a CPU, conventional memory, and communications queries 460, macros 465, reports 470, tables 475, templates hardware in which the present invention may be embodied. 480, graphics 485, automation programs 490, audio and Some of the elements in FIG. 3 shown include a processor video ?les, data ?les, information in a database, material 305 having an input/output (I/O) section 310, a central 60 ?les, and the like. This information may be contained in one processing unit (CPU) 315, a memory section 320, a com or more databases saved in a ?le format compatible with and munications modem 325, and a network connection 330, exploitable by one or more database software packages 425. connected to a keyboard 335, a display unit 340, a storage For example, a database may be de?ned as a collection of disk 355 such as a database, a CD-ROM or similar unit 345. information that is related to one or more genres or titles that The CD-ROM unit may read a CD-ROM or similar medium 65 include, for example, database ?les 492. Therefore, database 350, which typically contains programs and data 360. A ?les 492 may access material found in other database ?les printer 380 may connect to processor 305. A telecommuni 492. US 7,266,767 B2 10 Within one or more database ?les, data may be divided may be generated from one or more queries 460, modules into separate storage containers called tables 475 Which may 455 or macros 465. A variety of information may be stored be vieWed, added to, and updated using forms 450, queries in a report, including codes for headings, titles, blocks of 460 or other methods. Information may be retrieved and text, variables to be acted upon by a module or macro, or analyzed using queries 460 Which may be organiZed into 5 similar types of variables. reports 470. A table 475 is a collection of information or data, for A form 450 is a structured material With spaces reserved example, but not limited by, text, numbers, symbols, graph for entering information via any number of methods includ ics, audio objects, video objects or similar objects, items or ing, for example, drop boxes, list boxes, text boxes, combo sub sheets organiZed into columns (Which may be called boxes, or selection boxes. Modules 455 are de?ned as a ?elds) and roWs (Which may be called records). Atables may collection of programming declarations and procedures that include common ?elds relating tWo or more tables. A table are stored together as a unit. Modules may be programmed may be directly or indirectly accessed, vieWed, or edited. in any number of computer languages such as VISUAL Further, a table may be permanent, or temporarily authored BASIC FOR APPLICATIONSTM (Microsoft Corp.), Within the material automation process. Also, a table may be TURBO PASCALTM (Borland International, Inc.), Fortran, tWo dimensional, three dimensional or “n” dimensional or Cobol, C, Pascal, C++, or the like, and may comprise form relational in nature. The association betWeen elements modules associated With particular forms 450, report mod Within and across tables need not be deterministic, Wherein ules associated With particular reports 470, or standard it may be probabilistic or use fuZZy logic. modules containing general procedures that may not be Templates 480, like forms, are used to de?ne the associated With any other object that may be run from 20 structure of material and may contain various settings, anyWhere Within a database or computer 410. Modules may macros, tables, information or modules. Such settings contain event procedures that run in response to an event on include automatic text entries (information used on a the form or report or that control the behavior of forms, repeated or stored basis, including boiler plate), fonts, key reports, objects, or other softWare systems and packages. assignments, macros, menus, page layout, special format Modules may also run in response to a user action, such as 25 ting, modules and styles. Templates include general tem clicking the mouse on a command button or selecting a plates and speci?c templates. General templates contain speci?cation option. Modules may comprise function pro settings that are available to all materials (for example, cedures Which may return calculated values, or sub proce Within a genre). Speci?c templates contain settings that are dure(s) Which carry out an operation Without returning a available only to materials relying on that template (for value. 30 example, Within a title). If speci?c material is authored using A query 460 is a method of retrieving, sorting, vieWing, a speci?c template, the speci?c template may use the set changing, or analyzing data in different Ways. Queries may tings or content from both the speci?c template as Well as the be used to retrieve or be the source of data, information, general template. graphics, audio material, video material or records for forms, Graphics 485 are a collection of graphics in any relevant reports, or other systems. Queries can be programmed in any 35 format that might be used in material. These may be stored number of computer languages, such as SQL (Structured in a various locations together or independently from tables Query Language). or the softWare packages 415 resident on the system 410. A macro 465 is a set of one or more actions that perform Automation programs 490 may include macros, queries, a particular operation, such as opening a form, running modules, or similar programming that serve to automatically queries, and/or printing a report. Macros may automate 40 boot the system, open or close applications or softWare common tasks. For example, a macro that prints or outputs programs, send or receive ?les, utiliZe information or data, material may be run When a user clicks a command button or similar tasks. These programs 490 may be programmed in or selects a speci?cation option. For example, a macro may any number of computer languages such as VISUAL BASIC be one macro comprised of a sequence of actions or it may FOR APPLICATIONSTM, TURBO PASCALTM, Fortran, be a macro group of related macros alloWing easier man 45 Cobol, C, Pascal, C++, or the like. The programs 490 may agement of the database(s) or computer 410. Macros may be also be programmed using languages speci?c to computer programmed in any number of computer languages such as applications. These programs can perform simple or com VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONSTM, TURBO PAS plex functions. An example of a simple function is recording CALTM, Fortran, Cobol, C, Pascal, C++, or the like, and may the copyright date, or ISBN number of the title material comprise a variety of expressions including conditional 50 authored by the system. Such information can be automati expressions Which determine Whether an action Will be cally recorded in a table or the material. performed When a macro runs. Macros can automate Recipients 495 may receive the output of the process in repeated tasks, or may be used to avoid manually performing the form of material via electronic or non-electronic means a series of time-consuming, repetitive actions. Further, mac or formats. For example, recipients 495 may receive a ros may perform multiple tasks that involve the authoring, 55 physical copy of the title material or an electronic copy of editing and formatting of material. Modules and macros may the title material. reside in or act upon softWare packages 415 and/or automa In an embodiment, system 410 performs the automated tion programs 490. Modules and macros may also be used functions shoWn in FIG. 1. To increase ease of operation, the to speed up system editing and formatting. Additionally, contents of each of the elements in 410 may be de?ned prior modules and macros may be used to combine multiple 60 to the operation of the system. For example, the tables may commands, for example, inserting a table With a speci?c siZe contain a variety of information including lists of genres; and borders, and With a speci?c number of roWs and lists of title elements; lists of control elements such as ISBN columns, to make an option in a dialog box more accessible, numbers that are uniquely and sequentially assigned to the or to automate a complex series of tasks including the title material; blocks of text Which may contain variables authoring of graphics, audio and video material. 65 that need to be replaced, calculated, and/or generated during A report 470 is a Way to present data or information in a the authoring process to author complete sentences, titles or desired format. Data or information presented in a report headings; endorsements, credits, and/or subtitles; images or