US007266767B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,266,767 B2 Parker (45) Date of Patent: Sep. 4, 2007 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR 5,966,386 A 10/1999 MaegaWa AUTOMATED AUTHORING AND 6,012,098 A * 1/2000 Bayeh et al. ............. .. 709/246 MARKETING 6,026,417 A * 2/2000 Ross et al. ................ .. 715/517 (76) Inventor: Philip M. Parker, 12874 HarWick La., 6’026’809 A 2/2000 Abrams et al' San Diego’ A Nehab et al. 6,029,195 A 2/2000 HerZ ( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,052,717 A 4/2000 Reynolds et a1. patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,154,213 A 11/2000 Rennison et a1, U50 1540’) by 0 days- 6,374,271 B1 4/2002 Shimizu et al. (21) APPI' NO‘: 11l261’631 6,393,196 B1 5/2002 Yamane et a1. 6,393,388 Bl* 5/2002 FranZ et al. ................. .. 704/4 (22) Filed: Oct. 31, 2005 (65) Prior Publication Data C t' d Us 2006/0064631 A1 Mar. 23, 2006 ( on “me ) OTHER PUBLICATIONS Related US. 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Open Data Bases, 625 1 Run Module(s) I Tables and Fill Report(s) | Run Macro(s) | l | I Organize & Export Report(s) 630 : Run Query(ies : L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.._....___.l l_ ______________ __| l : Open Forrnating System(s) 635 i Run Module(s) : li I Run Macro(s) I Open Template(s) 640 i I l Run Query(ies) i : Fill, Format, and Edit 645 l I Template(s) Content(s) : L. ______________ __| Save Material to Speci?ed Path 670 Sufficemt Run Macro(s) to Resources to Free Resource(s) Continu e? 680 675 More Yes Increment to Mate rial? next material 695 690 Initialize Alternative More Increment to La nguage(s) Phase Ge nre(s)? Next Genre(s) Fig. 6 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 7 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2 Qiuthor Materia|(s) in Alternative Language(@—e- Open Speci?cation Table(s) 705 l Alternative Yes 720 Open Material / Langauge(s) Speci?ed? 725 Open Dictionary \l/ 730 Search and Replace\|/ ltem(s) IncrementLanguage to next 750 735 Save Translated Material to Specified Path(s) More Close Translation Langauges 740 to Specified Path(s) Speci?ed?. 745 No 755 Close Mate rial 765 M°Fe Yes Increment to next Matenaus)Specified? Material(s) Speci?ed 770 Initiate Next Phase(s) Speci?ed ( Done ) Fig. 7 U.S. Patent Sep. 4, 2007 Sheet 8 0f 13 US 7,266,767 B2 CSave Materia|s(s) in Alternative Forrnat(sD——-> Open Speci?cation Table(s) J 805 Alternative Format(s) Speci?ed? 815 Start Saving in Alternative Format(s) <-————— 1 Cleaning Macro(s) Run Cleaning Macro(s) 825 Required? Bookmarking Macro(s) Run Book marking Macro(s) 835 Required? Save Material to Speci?ed Path(s) 840 850 More Yes Format(s) Increment to next Format(s) Speci?ed? 860 More Yes Materia|(s) l Increment to next item(s) Speci?ed? 865 No Initialize next phase(s) speci?ed @ Fig.8 U.S.
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