Abstracts / Journal of Veterinary Behavior 29 (2019) 147e158 153 21 positive (such as providing conspecific companionship). However, ‘ ’ Are views regarding show horse welfare influenced there were also instances where interpreting horses as being like by owners perceived locus of control humans motivated practices potentially negative or stressful (such as L. BRIZGYS 1,*, M. VOIGT 2, C. HELESKI 3, L. PFEIFFER 1, training and outings). Findings suggest that the relationship between C. BRADY 1 anthropomorphism and equine welfare is not necessarily negative and fi 1 Purdue University, Youth Development and Agricultural may even be advantageous. There may be bene ts in developing an Education, West Lafayette, IN, USA education and communications framework based around human- 2 Iowa State University, Extension 4-H Youth Development horse similarity and difference as part of the public communication of Program Specialist, Ames, IA, USA Equitation Science. 3 University of Kentucky, Ag Equine Programs, Animal and Keywords: welfare; anthropomorphism; survey; social; behav- Food Sciences, Lexington, KY, USA ioral; education *Corresponding author:
[email protected] 23 Management of show horses dedicated to competition frequently limits Does leadership relate to social order in groups of natural behaviors and meeting of needs. To advance the improvement horses and can it be transferred to humanehorse of show horse welfare, an understanding of human psychological interactions? characteristics underlying behaviors that impact owner decision mak- E. HARTMANN 1,*, J.W. CHRISTENSEN 2, P.D. MCGREEVY 3 ing must be established and evaluated. In this study, the Locus of 1 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Control theory identified by Julian Rotter (1966) was employed.