❙ ❙ JUNE 2017

Researchers Review Muzzled Behavior

n owner’s No. 1 goal when outfitting their horse with a muzzle is usually related to A weight management—either keeping them from gaining weight or helping them shed some pounds. While study results have shown that muz- zles are, indeed, effective for weight control, they can also have other effects. For instance, they can alter horse behavior.

However, few studies have docu- three for six hours) mented exactly how muzzling impacts for one hour, two K e ith Larson behavior. So, Ashley Fowler, MS, days per week, for five Studies have shown that appear to adjust to wearing and colleagues at the University of weeks. The researchers muzzles in two to three weeks. Kentucky, in Lexington, conducted a watched their unmuz- study to compare the behavior of 12 zled behavior for the first week, then horses was not recorded, so the differ- horses when they were muzzled and monitored their muzzled behavior for ence in total movement is unknown.” unmuzzled. She presented the results Weeks 2 through 5. The team tested She said additional studies using pe- at the 2017 Equine Science Society closed-bottom muzzles that prevented dometers could help shed light on the Symposium, held May 30-June 2, in feed ingestion, but allowed water con- total movement and energy expendi- Minneapolis, Minnesota. sumption. ture between muzzled and unmuzzled Fowler and colleagues observed “We used total exclusion muzzles horses. the horses (turned out in groups of because some horses become really Additionally, the team observed that adept at grazing through muzzles that muzzled horses rubbed their grazing contain a hole,” Fowler explained, “so muzzles and pawed more frequently much so that they can continue to gain during the first two weeks of muzzling weight even while wearing a muzzle. compared to the last two weeks. Fowl- For these horses, exclusion muzzles er said this suggests it took the horses are a good option to still allow horses about two weeks to acclimate to wear- access to turnout, for ­exercise—which ing the muzzles. Unmuzzled horses did could encourage further weight loss— not have muzzles to rub, she added, and socialization.” and pawed very ­infrequently. The team found that: She also noted that the team ob- ■ When unmuzzled, horses foraged served altered drinking behavior when 52% of the time, stood 41% of the time, and walked 6% of the time; and In This Issue ■ When muzzled, horses stood 81% of the time and walked 16% of the time. Parasite Control: An Update 02 Although horses spent more time Nocardioform Placentitis 04 walking around their paddocks when muzzled, they also more than doubled Erica Larson Equine Summit Recap 05 the time they spent standing, Fowler When wearing muzzles, horses spent 81% of their time standing and 16% of their said. She cautioned that “movement Farm and Facilities time walking. during grazing bouts in unmuzzled Expo Recap 09

1 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Muzzled Horse Behavior Fowler cautioned that “these horses wore total exclusion muzzles; muzzles Masthead that allow reduced foraging might have horses wore muzzles. different effects on behavior.” ■ University of Kentucky Ag Equine “During the first week of muzzling, Muzzle use remains an effective Programs horses increased the number of times equine weight-management strategy Jenny Evans, MFA, co-managing editor and they visited the water trough,” she that many owners employ daily. senior veterinary science marketing and said. “While we didn’t measure water “Make sure that muzzles are well- promotion specialist, jenny.evans@uky. consumption, we suspect that instead fitting and sufficiently padded,” Fowler edu of drinking, horses were playing in the advised. “Ill-fitting muzzles can cause Holly Wiemers, MA, APR, co-managing edi- water or attempting to remove their sores (especially when the horses are tor and communications director of UK muzzles in the trough because we didn’t trying to rub their grazing muzzles off) Ag Equine Programs, holly.wiemers@ see an increase in the frequency of uri- and could also make it easier for the nation with the increase in visits to the horse to remove the grazing muzzle.” ■ Bluegrass Equine Digest water trough.” She also encouraged owners to wait Advisory Board Finally, Fowler said the team ob- out the horse’s acclimatization period, served more social interactions when even if he develops new behaviors. Bob Coleman, PhD, PAS, associate profes- sor, director of undergraduate studies horses were muzzled than when they “Horses appear to adjust to muzzling for equine science and management were unmuzzled. within two to three weeks,” she said. and extension horse specialist “Because horses aren’t able to graze “If an owner sees a horse rubbing their David Horohov, MS, PhD, chair of UK's anymore, they must fill their day up muzzle or pawing a lot during the first Department of Veterinary Science with other behaviors, and increasing couple weeks of daily muzzling, they and director of the UK Gluck Equine social interactions is one way to do shouldn’t give up. It is likely that the Research Center so,” she said. “So even though horses horse will reduce these behaviors in a Michael “Mick” Peterson, PhD, director of do spend more time standing around couple weeks.” UK Ag Equine Programs and professor outside when they are muzzled, at least in the department of biosystems and agricultural engineering they are able to have social ­interaction.” >Erica Larson is the news editor for The Horse. Ray Smith, PhD, professor and forage extension specialist in the department of plant and soil sciences Jill Stowe, PhD, associate professor in the Parasite Control: department of agricultural economics

An Update ■ Bluegrass Equine Digest nternal parasites of horses Editorial Committee Ihave been recognized for Craig Carter, DVM, PhD, Dipl. ACVPM, centuries. But until the early director and professor of the UK 1900s, methods for the control Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Laurie Lawrence, PhD, professor in of equine endoparasites lacked the department of animal and food a scientific basis. For example, sciences in the 1600s one recommenda- Krista Lea, MS, coordinator of UK’s Horse tion was to incise (cut with a Pasture Evaluation Program in the de- surgical instrument) the horse’s partment of plant and soil sciences palate with the intent that the Martin Nielsen, DVM, PhD, Dipl. EVPC, ingested blood would kill any ACVM, associated professor at the UK internal parasites. Beginning Gluck Equine Research Center in the 1940s and extending ■ The Horse: Your Guide To to the 1980s, new classes of Equine Health Care antiparasitic compounds were Erica Larson, News Editor

developed approximately every Janic k i Krist e n M. Brian Turner, Layout and Design 10 years. There are only three classes of dewormers—benzimidazoles, Currently in the United tetrahydropyrimidines, and macrocyclic lactones—available States, only benzimidazoles in the United States for controlling equine parasites. The Bluegrass Equine Digest is a registered trademark of the University of Kentucky Ag Equine Programs (fenbendazole and oxibenda- and Gluck Equine Research Center. The Bluegrass zole), tetrahydropyrimidines (pyrantel pamoate and pyrantel tartrate), and macro- Equine Digest is produced by the University of cyclic lactones (ivermectin and moxidectin alone or combined with praziquantel) Kentucky in partnership with and sponsor Zoetis. It is published monthly to provide are commercially available for parasite control in horses. up-to-date information on equine research from The major endoparasites of horses include bots, large strongyles, small stron- the University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture, gyles or cyathostomes, ascarids, and tapeworms. Large strongyles (Strongylus spp) Food and Environment. Research material is meant are one of the most significant equine parasites. The larval stages can cause dis- to be shared. However, materials are copyrighted and require reprint permission from UK Ag Equine ease due to migration in blood vessels and abdominal organs. Drug resistance is Programs. Past issues of the Bluegrass Equine Digest not evident in the case of large strongyles. are available at

2 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Parasite Control Update Commentary The Future of Parasite Control? Cyathostome larvae do not Dr. Gene Lyons (PhD) provides a brief review of the history and current status of anthel- migrate parenterally like Strongy- mintic treatment of important equine gastrointestinal parasites. No new anthelmintics with lus spp, but encyst in the mucosa newer modes of action have been introduced since the early 1980s, and levels of anthel- and submucosa of the horse’s large mintic resistance are ever increasing in cyathostomin and Parascaris spp parasites. While intestine. Intestinal disease can resistance is slow to develop, work by Lyons has clearly illustrated that once it appears in a be induced by cyathostomes when given parasite, it is there to stay. large numbers of larvae excyst Today, we can expect resistance to at least one drug class to be present in every equine from (exit) the lining of the large operation across the world, and an overwhelming majority will feature multi-drug resistance. intestine, a condition called “larval With only three classes to choose between, we are running out of treatment options. A perti- cyathostomiasis.” Resistance to nent question to ask is how to tackle this emerging crisis and what to expect in the future. fenbendazole, oxibendazole, and The first step is to acknowledge the extent of the problem. Despite recommendations pyrantel pamoate is now common given during the past couple of decades, a majority of individuals in the industry continue to among cyathostomes. Also, both use old-fashioned parasite control ivermectin and moxidectin have programs based on frequent treat- become less effective against im- ments given year-round without any mature cyathostomes in the lumen consideration of treatment efficacy, of the large intestine; thus, the life parasites present, and climatic condi- cycle is shortened. tions. If no diagnostic testing is done, Heavy infections with adult asca- resistance will not be identified. rids (Parascaris spp) can cause intes- For the long term, we need new tinal blockage and rupture because anthelmintic drug classes with new of their bulk. These too have become modes of action. It is important to resistant to ivermectin, moxidectin, learn from the past, however, and and pyrantel pamoate. realize that no drug class will remain The final group of equine endo- effective indefinitely, and reverting parasites, tapeworms (Anoplocepha- N i el s e n Martin e sy Dr. C ourt back to treatment regimens of the la spp), can also result in intestinal past would be a complete mistake. Recent collaborations have led to several new hypertrophy, blockage, intussus- diagnostic techniques, including an ultrasonographic The pharmaceutical industry is not ception, and rupture; they do not method for determining ascarid burdens in . anticipating developing any equine exhibit drug resistance. products in the foreseeable future. Recent pharmaceutical trends are aimed at combination Parasite treatment schedules have deworming products (i.e., formulations where two or more dewormers targeting the same been based on the life cycle of the parasites are combined into the same product). Research in the sheep industry has also parasites since the early 1900s. In highlighted the importance of reducing treatment intensity to avoid development of multi- the mid-1960s, it was suggested drug resistance. A recent project by the author highlighted the importance of high starting that horses should be dewormed efficacy of the given combination. If combination treatment efficacy is markedly less than for strongyles every six to eight the desired 95% or above, resistance could develop quickly. weeks. This frequent deworming The author’s laboratory is also testing a bacterial dewormer. Strains of naturally occurring was thought 1) not to provide time Bacillus thuringiensis produce crystal proteins capable of killing worm parasites. If success- needed for Strongylus spp to mature, ful, this could become an anthelmintic product in the future. 2) to help decrease potential cya- Perhaps the most important element in future parasite control programs is utilization of thostome egg deposition on pas- good diagnostic tools. Fecal egg counts will remain a cornerstone of control programs, but tures, and 3) not to allow time for they have limitations in not providing information about larval stages and specific types ascarids to mature. (species) of parasites present. Recent collaborations have led to several new diagnostics, High strongyle fecal egg counts including species- and stage-specific serum ELISAs for important strongyle parasites, and an indicate contamination of pastures ultrasonographic technique for determining ascarid burdens in foals. and increased potential for inges- One current project is making use of DNA-sequencing technologies to identify all parasite tion of infective larvae by grazing species present in a horse. Most recently, we have developed an automated smartphone- horses. Thus, profiling the number based fecal-egg-counting system, which allows easier, quicker, and more precise fecal egg of eggs per gram (EPG) in feces has counts to be determined. Taking these diagnostic approaches collectively, the goal is to been used in updating deworming enable veterinarians and their equine clients to make more informed decisions about para- schedules. Since Strongylus spp are site control. The road to effective and sustainable parasite control is evidence-based, with now rarely encountered, a deworm- veterinarians playing a central role. ing schedule can be more flexible. Unfortunately, there is no direct >Martin K. Nielsen, DVM, PhD, Dipl. EVPC—[email protected]—859/218-1103—UK relationship between EPG values Maxwell H. Gluck Equine Research Center, Lexington, Kentucky and cyathostome numbers. A suggested deworming program This was reprinted from the Lloyd’s Equine Disease Quarterly, April 2017, Volume 26, Number 2. is as follows: ■ Establish a strongyle EPG profile

3 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Parasite Control: An Update ■ Treat foals every eight weeks for ascarid infection until they become yearlings; oxibendazole is currently consid- ered the drug of choice followed by fenbendazole. for individual horses rather than deworming all horses; a ■ Control Strongyloides with ivermectin or oxibendazole study of 1,114 showed that one fecal and tapeworms with praziquantel or pyrantel pamoate/ sampling per horse was sufficient for establishing a stron- tartrate. gyle EPG profile. ■ For strongyles, use ivermectin or moxidectin alone or in >E.T. Lyons, PhD—[email protected]—859/218-1115—UK Maxwell H. combination with praziquantel twice a year—consider Gluck Equine Research Center, Lexington, Kentucky treating in the spring and fall. While benzimidazoles and pyrantel might be ineffective on cyathostomes, they could This was reprinted from the Lloyd’s Equine Disease Quarterly, April 2017, be efficacious in treating other parasite species. Volume 26, Number 2.

Nocardioform Placentitis from an Epidemiological View

he nocardioform placentitis out- 2017 and alerted local Tbreak in Kentucky’s 2011 crop practitioners and farm was concerning to the equine industry. managers through list- While not on as large a scale as seen in serv and social media. 2011, more cases of the disease are be- Typically, nocardio- ing confirmed in the 2017 foal crop in form cases are first not- Kentucky than in the last several years ed as early as October (Figure 1). and run through May Nocardioform placentitis was first of any given year. The identified and characterized in the majority of cases are di- mid-1980s. Sequencing of the causative agnosed from December agents led to the term “nocardioform” through April, usually due to the phylogenic relatedness peaking in mid-March of this large family of bacteria. The (Figure 2). Through the most common organisms have been third week of February identified as various Amycolatop- 2017, the UKVDL has sis and Streptomyces spp and Crossi- confirmed 44 cases of ella equi. Outcomes from nocardioform nocardioform placenti- placentitis can range from abortion, tis. Of these 44 cases, 31 delivery of weak but viable foals, or have resulted in abor- delivery of normal foals; all outcomes tion, 12 in viable foals, are dependent upon the severity of the and in one case a live placentitis. In some cases, foals born but nonviable foal. alive are not viable and are euthanized. The means of trans- In 2011, due to subsidies paid for mission is not yet placental submissions and exami- identified. Nocardioform nation, the response from the local lesions are not similar to equine industry was exceptional and those of other types of the UK Veterinary Diagnostic Labora- bacterial placentitis or tory (UKVDL) witnessed the largest septicemic bacterial pla- number of nocardioform placentitis centitis. Environmental cases submitted on record. The good factors are being investigated thoroughly and higher stocking densities are at news was that 70% of the 2011 cases and early analysis indicates an increase greater risk. Preliminary data indicate resulted in viable foals. in nocardioform placentitis cases after a that mares that spend more time in the Concerns of increased incidence of summer of hot, dry weather. Nocardio- barn are at risk of developing the dis- nocardioform placentitis in the 2017 form placentitis cases are almost always ease; increased grazing times appear foal crop surfaced in December 2016 lower in years associated with a high protective. There is a statistical indica- with a local veterinarian indicating incidence of leptospiral abortions, which tion that pre-breeding treatments with he was seeing an increase in cases. is correlated with weather that is wetter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Pathologists and epidemiologists at than normal. or progesterone could be protective, the UKVDL also noticed an increase in Analysis of affected farms indicates but this needs further study. Mares cases submitted to the lab in January larger farms with more pregnant mares that are given post-breeding human

4 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Nocardioform Placentitis nocardioform and a fetus submitted in UK Ag Equine Programs 2016 that also was diagnosed with the disease. The likelihood of recurrence Holds Summit on chorionic gonadotropin appear to be of the disease in previously affected Developing Tomorrow’s at significantly lower risk, but this also mares would appear extremely low. requires further study. Equine Workforce Based on cases of nocardioform >Jackie Smith, PhD, MSc, Dipl. AVES—jsmit8@ niversity of Kentucky Ag placentitis received by UKVDL from—859/257-7559—UKVDL, Lexington, UEquine Programs held its Jan. 1, 2010, through Feb. 21, 2017, Kentucky second Equine Summit, which there is little evidence that the dis- focused on developing tomorrow’s ease recurs in particular mares. One This was reprinted from the Lloyd’s Equine workforce, on April 26 at Spindletop exception is a that had a placenta Disease Quarterly, April 2017, Volume 26, Hall, in Lexington. submitted in 2011 that was positive for Number 2. Nearly 100 people, including representatives from five academic institutions across three coun- tries, attended the sessions over the course of the day. Faculty and UK Research Reveals Way to Improve staff from UK listened as invited panelists offered insights on how Legume Nitrogen Production educational programs contribute egumes, such as clover and alfalfa, have long been known for their nitrogen- to developing a relevant work- Lfixing properties, and a group of UK scientists have discovered a more ef- force and engaged in roundtable ficient way for these plants to fix nitrogen. discussions identifying current Through a symbiotic relationship with soil-borne rhizobia bacteria, legumes industry needs and future trends. can fulfill their own nitrogen needs and pro- The National Thoroughbred Rac- duce and leave enough in the soil for other ing Association (NTRA) and the plants to use. This reduces the need for topi- North American Equine Ranching cal nitrogen fertilizers, which are costly and Information Council (NAERIC) can cause environmental pollution. sponsored the event. But not all legumes are the same when it The summit brought together a comes to their nitrogen fixation efficiencies. cross-section of equine industry In fact, different environments and bacteri- leaders, recruiters, and others rep- al strains can result in legumes fixing little resenting a broad range of organi- to no nitrogen at all. zations. The summit represents a Recently, Hongyan Zhu, PhD, a professor philosophy of collaboration between in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and the UK College of Agriculture, Food Environment, and his team of researchers and Environment and key industry found two antimicrobial peptides in the leaders to identify new initiatives, model legume Medicago truncatula (bar- Zhu e sy of H ongyan C ourt strengthen existing programs, and relclover or barrel medic) that kill certain Medicago truncatula plants respond advance student professionalism differently to soil bacteria depending rhizobial bacteria as the nitrogen fixa- on the type and quantity of peptides and preparation to join the equine tion process begins. This model legume is they produce. workforce. closely related to the forage legume alfalfa. Alex Waldrop, NTRA CEO, began “This finding offers scientists a strategy to improve nitrogen fixation in the day with his presentation, legumes by selecting or manipulating these genes to accept more bacteria,” he “Equine industry perspectives: What said. “This could potentially allow legumes to fix more nitrogen.” is the industry and how big is it?” Zhu believes the original function of these antibacterial genes was to kill In his remarks, Waldrop gave in- bacteria as they entered the plant, but they have evolved to manipulate certain dustry statistics, from the number bacteria to start the nitrogen fixation process. Bacteria that do not tolerate the of horses to the industry’s econom- peptides die almost immediately. ic impact and how Kentucky and Scientists from Brigham Young University, University of Massachusetts, and UK graduates fit into that world. Cornell University, as well as collaborators from Hungary and the Netherlands, He talked about a highly decentral- also contributed to the study. ized gaming policy in the United Zhu’s research findings were published in the Proceedings of the National States, an “explosion” in animal Academy of Sciences and can be viewed at­content/early/2017/06/06/ welfare interest, and the challenge 1700715114.abstract and­early/2017/06/07/ scrutiny presents to the industry. 1700460114.abstract. How the industry answers those Zhu received funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agricul- challenges in the coming years will ture and Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation for this study. He will be the key to the racing industry’s continue to study more efficient ways legumes can fix nitrogen. future, he said. “The challenge for >Katie Pratt is an agricultural communications specialist at UK. and breeding, and for all equine

5 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Equine Summit Recap vibrant industry. will likely will look very different from “Do you want to make sure there is the one he or she has a decade or more always a market for these incredible later. He also touched on increased pursuits in the 21st century, is not just animals produced in such rich supply scrutiny into animal welfare issues and local, it is not regional and not even here in Central Kentucky?” he asked. maintained the importance of skills national,” Waldrop said. “Our chal- “Then start focusing on ways to not such as communications, mathemati- lenge is to think globally about how only supply the industry with graduates cals, and business acumen in a diverse Kentucky’s rich tradition in equine to care for the animals but think about industry. agribusiness will compete in a very ways to use the UK educational envi- “The summit was a unique oppor- challenging sports gaming and enter- ronment to supply graduates prepared tunity to get input from the equine tainment environment in the coming to help create demand for these amaz- industry,” said Mick Peterson, PhD, UK years. That is what students graduating ing creatures.” Ag Equine Programs director. “Listen- today from the UK Equine Program Following Waldrop’s talk, David Swit- ing to the industry allows us to help need most of all—a broad range of zer, a member of the college’s equine guide our graduates into careers in the skills and attitudes that will help them industry external advisory committee, industry that are impactful. The sup- participate in rapidly changing inter- consultant, and longtime advisor to port of NTRA and NAERIC made this national environment for horses and the college, addressed the status of the event possible, and we look forward to horse-related activities.” industry and careers within it. working with partners both in Kentucky He challenged UK faculty and staff He touched on the skills graduates and in the international equine industry to train students to help create demand will need for a changing world and as we fine-tune our program.” for horses and horse sport to ensure a how the job a graduate might secure The day included four panels focused on segments of the industry. Common themes emerged, including a consensus of the importance of skills in commu- nication, business, information, and UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY technology on top of the core skills students emerge with from UK’s equine Ag Equine Programs undergraduate program. Additionally, an understanding of the industry is Top-notch, interdisciplinary undergraduate considered crucial, as are interpersonal and graduate education, world-class equine skills and some work or internship research and unmatched service to the equine experience. The first panel of the day focused industry since 2005 ― all in one place. on equine health and nutrition careers It starts with us. and skills. Panelists included Karl Dawson, PhD, vice president and chief scientific officer for Alltech; Derrick The horse is at the heart Drinnon, regional equine president for Patterson Veterinary; John Francis, of everything we do. vice president and general manager of MWI Animal Health; Jeannie Jeffery, national director of equine sales for Henry Schein Animal Health; Kenton Morgan, DVM, Dipl. ACT, equine tech- nical services veterinarian for Zoetis; Mary Grace Rutland, veterinary field sales manager for Neogen; Deborah Spike-Pierce, DVM, veterinarian and incoming CEO of Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital; Bryan Toliver, senior associate director of equine sales for Boehringer Ingelheim; Brandon Tucker, equine team leader for Zoetis; and Clark Weaver, director of equine for MWI Veterinary Supply. The second panel focused on racing and breeding careers and future direc- tions and needs within that segment. Panelists included Bryan Cassill, animal The College of Agriculture, Food and Environment is an equal opportunity organization. resources manager at UK Maine Chance Farm and president of the Kentucky Thoroughbred Farm Managers’ Club;

6 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Equine Summit Recap Two Types of Horsepower Drive UK Researcher Matt Koch, co-owner of Shawhan Place Farm; Kenny McPeek, of McPeek Rac- Carl Mattacola, PhD, ing, Magdalena Racing Partnerships, ATC, FNATA, is interested Watch the video at and Magdalena Farm; Joe Morris, se- in horsepower in all its video-two-types-horsepower-drive-uk-researcher nior vice president of West Coast Opera- forms. tions for The Stronach Group; and Fred As a researcher Sarver, owner of Cornerstone Farm. in the UK College of The third panel’s focus was on com- Health Sciences, Mat- munications, marketing, and nonprofit tacola spearheads development. Panelists included Sarah the Equine Jockey/ Coleman, director of education and Rider Injury Preven- development for New Vocations Race- tion Initiative, a first horse Adoption Program; Ginny Grulke, step toward building executive director of the Appalachian a medical model for Horse Center of Kentucky; John K. jockeys like the care Keitt Jr., CEO, publisher, and editorial offered to athletes in director at BloodHorse; Glenye Oakford, other sports, including senior content editor for US Equestrian; hockey, NASCAR rac- Christie Schulte, director of Time to ing, or football. Ride; Chelsea Smith (UK ESMA ‘12), “A horse race owner of Smith Equine Media LLC; is a pretty high- Patty Tiberg, VP Morris Media Network powered event,” he Video produced by UK Public Relations and Marketing. Enthusiast Group and publisher of said. “You have to be To view captions for this video, push play and click on the CC icon in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. strong and balanced to Quarter Horse News; and Natalie Voss If using a mobile device, click on the “thought bubble” (UK ESMA ‘10), features writer for maintain control of this in the same area. Paulick Report. 1,000-pound horse going The final panel of the day focused on about 30 miles per hour. graduate and professional education We spend most of our time focused on the horse, but the rider is an athlete, too, and he or and included Emma Adam, DVM, PhD, she can benefit from the expertise that we have to offer.” a freelance consultant and surgeon/­ In his off time, he rides horses … and Harleys. internist; Jim Chiapetta, PhD, senior Watch this episode of “Five Questions” to learn how this grandson of Italian immigrants managing IP counsel for Boston Scien- and son of an educator has parlayed his skills and experience into a groundbreaking effort tific; Stephen Koch, executive director to help riders of all types. of the NTRA Safety & Integrity Alliance; Jamie MacLeod, VMD, PhD, professor >Provided by Laura Dawahare, public relations officer;A my Jones-Timoney, video produc- of veterinary science at the UK Gluck tion specialist; and Kody Kiser, video production specialist at UK. Equine Research Center; and Walter Robertson, attorney at Stites & Harbi- son PLCC. The UK Ag Equine Programs Summit was created in 2015 in response to UK UK Junior First Recipient of Jockey Club Ag Equine Programs’ 10th anniversary celebration. The first event in April Scholarship 2015 celebrated the achievements of ulianna Witt, a UK equine science and management and animal sciences junior, is the first 10 years of the program and Jthe first recipient of The Jockey Club Scholarship. set out to refresh existing and establish The Jockey Club Scholarship, which will cover Witt’s 2017-18 academic year of new research relationships by improv- studies, provides $15,000 ($7,500 per semester) to a student who is pursuing a bach- ing public-private partnerships and elor’s degree or higher at any university and has demonstrated interest in pursuing a explore ideas for new projects. Local career in the Thoroughbred racing industry. equine practitioners and special invite- A native of Freehold, New Jersey, Witt plans to graduate with her bachelor’s only organizations met with UK equine degrees and a minor in agricultural economics in 2019 from the UK College of researchers to discuss how UK and ­Agriculture, Food and Environment. A member of the Lewis Honors College and the industry can better work together a Chellgren Fellow, Witt’s undergraduate research project explores the relationship and to brainstorm a vision for future between broodmare value, stud fee input, and resulting return on investment. Her endeavors. research mentor is Jill Stowe, PhD, associate professor of agricultural economics. Off-campus, Witt has worked on several farms preparing horses for and working >Holly Wiemers, MA, APR, is communica- the sales, as well as spending time as a mare and foal groom. She also volunteers tions and managing director for UK Ag Equine at Old Friends, the Thoroughbred retirement farm in Georgetown, Kentucky. Witt is Programs. committed to working in the Thoroughbred industry and is considering applying for


Zoetis is the leading animal health company dedicated to helping you improve every aspect of horse health and wellness, every day. Building on more than 60 years of experience in animal health, Zoetis works to bring you quality vaccines, medicines and services to better understand and address day-to-day horse health care challenges. Learn more at

All trademarks are the property of Zoetis Services LLC or a related company or a licensor unless otherwise noted. © 2016 Zoetis Services LLC. All rights reserved. GEQ-00219 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Jockey Club Scholarship Julianna Witt is the first winner of The Jockey the Godolphin Flying Start program, working at the Irish National Stud, Club Scholarship. or pursuing a master’s degree in equine reproduction after getting her undergraduate degree. This summer she is interning at BloodHorse. “The Jockey Club is proud to support students who are interested in improving the Thoroughbred racing and breeding industries,” said James L. Gagliano, president and chief operating officer of The Jockey Club. “Julianna Witt and Scott Little (winner of The Jockey Club Jack Goodman Scholarship) exemplify the type of people we want joining us in this great sport.” The Jockey Club, founded in 1894 and dedicated to the improvement of Thoroughbred breeding and racing, is the breed registry for North American . In fulfillment of its mission, The Jockey Club, directly or through subsidiaries, provides support and leadership on a wide range of industry initiatives, and it serves the information and R ic k C apon e technology needs of owners, breeders, media, fans, and farms. It is the sole funding source for America’s Best Racing, the broad-based fan development initiative for Tthoroughbred racing. Additional information is available at

>Whitney Hale is a public relations officer at UK.

of rehabilitating, retrain- they retire from the track.” Farm and Facilities Expo Provides ing, and rehoming retired The Farm and Facilities Practical Information racehorses,” Coleman said. Expo included a tour of New “Many event-goers did not Vocations, a riding demon- n June 8, UK Extension gift to be able to show the know the service we provide stration, and the opportunity Oand UK Ag Equine Pro- public a facility on which before touring our facility to visit many exhibitors, grams hosted their annual they have had a direct and meeting our horses; including equine product Farm and Facilities Expo at ­impact. we are so thankful for the vendors and educational New Vocation’s Mereworth “We are also deeply opportunity to get the word booths from UK. Following Farm, in Lexington. Nearly grateful to be able to share out about how much these the farm tours and exhibitor 200 people attended the free with attendees our mission horses have left to give once visits, the Kentucky Cattle- event. man’s Association provided a “Everyone at New Voca- meal before UK researchers tions was very excited that presented rotating educa- UK Ag Equine Programs tional sessions about various chose our Kentucky facility topics. to host their 2017 field day,” Bob Coleman, PhD, equine said New Vocations educa- extension specialist and tion and development direc- associate professor within tor Sarah Coleman. “Not UK’s Department of Animal only was it wonderful to and Food Sciences, gave a welcome guests to the farm talk on barn design; Morgan who may be unfamiliar with Hayes, PhD, assistant profes- our program, it was espe- sor within UK’s Department cially meaningful to be able of Biosystems and Agricul- to show the public just what tural Engineering, spoke UK Ag Extension can offer. about farm site planning; “New Vocations at Mere- Laurie Lawrence, PhD, pro- worth Farm has been helped fessor within UK’s Depart- in so many ways by the staff ment of Animal and Food at UK,” she continued. “They Sciences, discussed nutrient have helped us design our Dr. Bob Coleman told attendees intake; and Ray Smith, PhD, barns, assisted in placing to remember the three “Es” when professor within UK’s De- building a barn: easy, effective, our run-in sheds, helped us and economical. partment of Plant and Soil decipher what weeds and Science, spoke on pasture plants we have in our fields, C o mm unications management.

and so much more. What a U K A g Bob Coleman spoke

9 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Farm and Facilities Expo the day. If pasture is abun- many aspects of maintain- dant, idle mature horses in ing good horse pasture. He good body condition can described the importance of on the three “Es” of barn driveways allow for easy ac- meet their calorie needs a soil test and explained how design: easy, effective, and cess, and well-built ones will during six to eight hours of to collect a sample. He also ­economical. not need to be replaced for grazing per day. Another is to discussed pasture weed con- “The ‘easy’ part is related a long time. Water manage- restrict pasture intake with a trol and demonstrated how to the horse owner—how ment materials, such as gut- grazing muzzle. Several dif- to set up an ATV sprayer they can easily care for their ters on buildings and proper ferent designs are available; that could be used on small horses on a daily basis,” he drainage, prevent water select the one that fits your pastures. said. “Effective is related to damage and erosion. horse the best. The third is to He also touched on over- the horse. To be effective for Lawrence provided use a drylot.” seeding and explained how the horse has to do with the information on controlling For managing the nutri- to seed with a no-till drill. environment while in the nutrient intake, specifically tion of pasturemates with He discussed which grasses stall (which should be) com- are the best for overseed- fortable with access to feed, ing and how to manage water, and interaction with a pasture once you have other horses in the barn.” overseeded it. He referred The last “E,” economical, attendees to UK’s pasture means making informed de- and forage publications for cisions as a consumer when additional information on buying materials to build establishing horse pastures your barn. Purchasing the and soil testing. proper products might cost a “The main goal of the little extra up front, but will workshop was to show save money in the long run, basic pasture management as those materials will last strategies that will improve much longer. anyone’s pastures, from He emphasized that all large Thoroughbred opera- three “Es” need to be taken tions to small pleasure horse into account and that a com- farms,” Smith said. “The prehensive look at all aspects most important point is to of a barn are vital when provide periodic rest periods designing one. C o mm unications for each pasture.” Hayes’ talk focused on the Added Mick Peterson, U K A g important concepts of laying PhD, director of UK Ag To prevent excessive weight gain for horses already at a proper weight, Dr. out a farm site. “A good lay- Laurie Lawrence said attendees should limit their horses’ pasture intake. Equine Programs, “The out should provide security, day was a chance to engage efficiency in performing while in the pasture and different needs, Lawrence with the broad range of the farm tasks, and a welcoming when feeding hay. Lawrence recommended that owners equine industry in Kentucky, approach,” she said. tailored her session to at- use strategies to prevent the bringing the practical side of She also stressed the im- tendees, and this shifted the dominant horse from steal- research to people who can portance of proper planning, focus to managing horses ing the submissive horse’s use the information.” explaining that this will who gain excessive weight, grain, such as a nose bag Bob Coleman echoed ultimately save money and as well as managing multiple (similar to the ones used that. “The Farm and Facili- also make the farm a more horses in a pasture that have to feed carriage horses) for ties Expo at New Vocations pleasant place to be. different needs. Lawrence submissive horses so their provided an excellent op- “New Vocations’ facility is said high-quality pasture has food can’t be taken. portunity for UK Ag Equine a good example of a well- a fairly high calorie con- Finally, Lawrence ex- to meet with a great group planned site, as there are tent, especially in the spring plained that pasture alone of horse owners, many we multiple entrances and exits and summer, which can does not have all the vita- had not had the opportunity to pastures and buildings, cause horses to gain weight mins and minerals a horse to interact with before. The efficient use of space, and quickly. To prevent exces- needs. So, even a horse partnership between New proper security measures, sive weight gain for horses maintaining its weight on Vocations and UK built on such as lights and gates already at a proper weight, pasture should be fed a ra- both programs to show- around the farm,” she said. Lawrence said attendees tion balancer pellet, which case what is available from Hayes said two areas in should limit their horses’ contains the vitamins and both groups. It was a great farm site planning that are pasture intake. minerals pasture lacks evening visiting with horse often overlooked, but are “There are three basic without adding excessive people.” very important, are build- strategies to limit intake,” calories. Corporate sponsors in- ing proper driveways and she said. “One is to keep the Smith’s session offered a cluded Central Equipment, water management. Proper horses in stalls for most of comprehensive look at the Equine Equipment, The

10 Bluegrass Equine Digest ❙ ❙ ❙ June 2017

Farm and Facilities Expo Upcoming

Franklin-Williams Company, event for the Equine Farm forward to this event again Events Kubota, McCauley’s, South- and Facilities Expo,” said next year.” ern States, Thoroughbred Krista Lea, MS, coordina- Founded in 1992, New July 27, 4-5 p.m. Landscape Products, and tor for UK’s Horse Pasture Vocations is the largest UK Department of Veterinary Tribute . Evaluation Program and racehorse rehabilitation Science Equine Diagnostic Bevins Motor Company, one of the event organizers. and retraining center in the Research Seminar Series Central Kentucky Ag Credit, “The weather was warm country. The organization Topic: Diagnosis of Upper Classic Metal Roofing, Equi- and clear, we had a strong rehomes off-track Thor- Airway Abnormalities in the poise Mobile, KEEP, Ken- list of industry sponsors, oughbreds for second ca- Equine Athlete tucky Thoroughbred Owners and can’t thank our host, reers after they have retired Speaker: Brett Woodie, DVM, & Breeders and Kentucky New Vocations, enough. An from the racetrack, and New MS, Dipl. ACVS, of Rood & Thoroughbred Association, event like this takes months Vocations offered its new Riddle Equine Hospital Park Equine Hospital, The of planning and effort facility for this event. Location: UKVDL, Lexington, Pond Lady, Robert, Davis & from many people, and our Kentucky Sons Hay and Straw Inc., county extension agents re- >Madeline Regis is a junior Sodworks, and WinHill ally helped pull off another marketing student at UK and the Farm Nutrition provided ad- great field day. We hope that communications and student re- July 29 ditional support. our attendees enjoyed it as lations intern with UK Ag Equine Hats Off Day “This was another stellar much as we did, and we look Programs. Kentucky Horse Park

UK to Host Turf Research Field Day

he UK turfgrass research group will host its annual field Tday July 13 at the Spindletop Research Farm, in Lex- ington. Everyone from turf professionals and home owners seeking to improve their lawns are invited to attend. The field day will begin at 7:30 a.m. with registration and a trade show. Wagon tours of the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment research plots will begin at 9 a.m. The four tours will include information about the latest research into insect management and pollinators, golf course turf management, lawn management, and sports turf man- agement. Participants can attend three of the four tours, as all repeat at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. The morning concludes at noon with lunch and a trade show.

The cost to attend is $20 per person through July 7 and turfgrass e xt nsion sp cia l ist U K G r e gg Munshaw, $30 per person after that date. Field day attendees can tour the research plots at UK’s A.J. Powell Jr. Turf- In the afternoon, participants can attend one of three grass Research Center at Spindletop Research Farm. optional workshops, which will cover sprayer and spreader calibration, weed and grass identification, and disease iden- for both the field day and the workshops. tification. Each workshop costs $10 to attend before July 7 Find more information and online registration at www. and $20 after that date. Field day organizers have applied for continuing education units for Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee turf professionals >Katie Pratt is an agricultural communications specialist at UK.

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