otham Blxby, President. E. E. Norton, Cashier. ' E. Hatch, First Vice-president. W. M. Cook, Ass't Cashier. io. H. Bixby, Second Vice-president A. V. Bradford. Ass'l Cashier The National Bank of Long Beach N. E. CORNER PINE AVE. AND FIRST STREET Oldest Bank in Long Beach

___1 11

I.apitai Stock, - - _ _ - - $150,000 Furplus and Profits, - - - - $100,000 G;

- - ,"h--- L··`-· II r ':'- M -_= A; E" 1 37

Long Beach Bank Building. Hone of Tne National Rtank of Long Beach and The Long Beach Savings Bank &Trust Company.

DIRECTORS !o!haniBixty. Geo. H. Bixby. tP. E. Hatch. : %V.. I man. T. L. Deg Ct.udres. C. P. Patter . . A. Graves. Fred H. Bixby. p C. DCn!'i. 3. H. Thornburg. William Schiiiiul;. ;. C' YVoamans. George Summers. Geo. C. etIt. :harles R. Drake. I- =1 Our Advertisers

,DV.r.lSTISiM.ITTS '. thl d;Feltolry rprenrenit th energy-

and push of the community and it is a pleasure for the publishers to havO thle opportunity to malc the public

neqWtlrited with thlet kthrougllh our eolumtnst-. Ih.h- pd- vertisers are the people who accomplish the wonders in business here and make the city what it Is. They recognize and support all the public necessitiles aid !rn, +.~t-dult iW improve and serve a community of thisimagnitude. They are not the drones and sponges- who never support anythhlig, but seek fatiber to gain by others' hard work and money. When you patronize those adver- tising you patronize men-and firms who will patronize you in the

ame broad-manhner yonn tronfzaithedr. lu t_ti tii5ther cie.; tthe--- dronva and sponges. figure to keep all they make and never pat- ronlze anone if -it is possible-there are a ftw * these peopie here and they are C-ea;tr0y nwt gSno Long Beach eitiens, DIRECTORY RESIDEN!T AND CLASSIFIED BUSINESS OF 3_REATER LONG BEACH antaining a Recotd of All Business Houses and Private Citizens, a List of All Trades and Professions, City and County Officials, Courts, Churches, Public and Private Schools,andL Secret and Benevoient Societies. 1908


Entered According to Act of Conuges, in the Year-1907, by the THURSTON DtRECtORY AND PUBLISHING GO;,-P and Long Beach, Cal., in q Ofike f the Lmra.l* of Coare, at Vahbigton, D. C.



Board of Edcation ...... 5

Board of Health ...... 4

Chamber of Commerce ......

Churches ......

City Officials ......

Class!fied Business Directory ......

Clubs .

Halls ......

Gntroiluctior ...... I

Physclianx ...... v

Public Librarsie ...... 6

Schools ......

Sei.l ...... eies

Title Page ......


Co.'s Dirsctory of Long Beach, is offered the product of more than four months' painstaking la6or. In its publication The Thurston Directory & Publishing Co. has endeavored to re-ch a higher standard of excellence than has ever hewn obtained in previous lssues. This book which is presented to you is the result of a careful house-to-house canvass by experienced men, not only of every house, oftice, store and shop within the ceiy limits, but of those also in the out-lying districts as well. The Information herein contained Is of the utmost importance to the public Extensive and expensive prepara- tions are necessary for the issuance of a directorr like this and a thorough knowledge of every locality within the limits of our city by experienced and careful canvassers. Many new people and industries are locating in this city, old in- stitutions are enlarging and real estate has continued to increase -in' value. That this book will be found to.- from m!talw;m would 'tE too much to claim or expect,. but the publishers are Justified in asserting that they have spared neither time nor money to avoid all inaccuracies -and deielenelea. Very respectfully, THURSTON DIRECTORY & PUBLISHING CO., Compilers and Publishers.


LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICIALS Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Supreme Court-Charles G. Keys. Recorder-Charies L. Logan. Auditor-Herbert G. Dow. Treasurer.--John N. Hunt. Assessor-E. W1. Hopkins. Sheriff-Wim. H Hammel. District Attorney-John D. Frederickg. Sureyor-Ivcry B. ;'oble. Corcner-=R.jy S. f anterman. Tax and License Collector-Wm. O. Welch. Public Administrator-Prank Brryon. .u-perintcndent of Schools--Mark Keppel. First City Officials Under Newt Charter Ercted Dec. 3 , 1907, to uta offticJrn. 1, 190G Mayor-C. H. Wiiidham. City Clerk--C. 0. Boynton. City Treasurer--]EL Barndollar. City Attorney-Stephen G. Long. Auditor-tra S. Hatch. Tax and License Collector-Charles Maleoir. Po:ico Judge--A. C. Lawson, CITY COUNCIL- Firtt Ward-Chs T., McGrtw. Sbcond Ward--. H. Robinson. 'Third Ward-H. S. Callahan. Fourth Ward-F. W. Stearns, Fifth Ward-B. P. Dayman. Sixth Ward-C. A. Lewey. Seventh Ward-. . HBoar,.-

Board of Trastees-F. H. Downs, preaident; R. 8, Oakf3rd, Geo, S. Betn- re.n, S 1. LenLt G, A. Mohrensteeher. City Clerk and Asaetor-Fred P, Baldwin, City Attorncy-G-:erg A. Skinner, Recorder-J. J. Hart. Tr+t-r'r.--.. L. Heartwell. Er-r~c;r--arn-ey F. Shaw. 5tret sperdntendent-C IJ r zz Marshal; and Tax Collfetor-George Wg. Young. Health Officer-Dr. %V. Harnxman Johes. U3uilding Insnector-E. W. Oliver. Plumbing Inspector-Charles B. Murphy. Electrician--Ct. It. Desnsond. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY v Auditina and Finance Commite_--C. -. . Mohrenateher, S. L. Lent, R. S. Oakfcnrd. Ordinance and Judiciary Committee-R. S. Oakford, G. A. Mlohren- iteeher. G. S. Benson. Public Works CommitteSo-. L. Lent, G. S. Benson, G. A. Mohren- si(echer. Police and Saistary Committe--G. S. Benson S. L. Lent, G. A. Moh- ren. eecher. Board of School Trustee-- -H. L Enloe, president; Wm. Schilling Sr., 1. C Teomans, Albert Johnson, clerk. Supervisln3 Principal of Schools-Jamer D. Graham. Library Trustees-Rev. Charles Pease, president; Webster Wotkyns, ec'y; Mrs. Jennle A. Reeve, Mrs. Wm. H. Schilling, Mrs. Ada- lalde Tichenor, Miss Victoria Ellis libfarian. laide Tichenor; Miss Victoria Ellis labrarian. Fire Department-J. E. Shrewsbury, chief: G. C. Craw, assistant. Head- quarters cor. Third and Pacific av. Justice of the Peace--. S. Brayton. 227 Plne.av. Constable--Wm. L Hawkins, 227 Pine avenue. City Haill-West Second and Pacific av. City Jail-West Second and Pacific av. City Pound--J. N. Walters, poundmaster, 2234 Fast Fourth. Public Library-second floor City Hall, Armory N. 0. C. Co. H-221 East Third. Post Office-George F. Herch, post. master, YTed W. McCoullah, aest., s. a- rnr Ro-nnd sn Ame..4 ,.. .n.v Chamber. of Commtrc--Dr. L. A. Prc-, pres.; C. A. Buffum, 1st vice- pres.; C. H. WIndham. 2d vice-pres.; 3. A. Miller. sec'y; Frank Mc Cutcheon, treas.; 137 e- First.

CEMKETERIES. Occan View Cemetery, Dominguex Station. Signal Hill Cemetery, n. w. cor. Willow and Orange av. Sunny Side Cemetery, n. s. Willow bet, Orange and California av. CITY PARKS. Bixby, bet. Junipero and Cherry avs., e. Ocean av. and Railway. Knoll Park, bet. Park Circle and Main. Pacific Park, bet. Pacifft- and Deiar vi, w. COcean a. ad.a w szcogne BLOCK8 AND BUILDINGS. Bartow Block, s. w. cor. American ar, and-e. First. Berkeley Block, 113-121 w. First. Bixby Building, n. e. cor. w. O. n andPacific avL Bixby & Heartwl-l1Blc,k nv -w. 'eor, Pine and Ocean ave. 'Cam-pbellBlock, 1-Phine a. Christian Assoctlion Building. 121-122 Lonust av. City Market Building. a e. cor. Seventh and OliVe av. City National Bank Bldg, n. w. cor. American av. and Second. Cosmnopoitan- Club Building., 43 Pine av., Coughran Block, s, e. coar. Pine av. and First. Eastman Bidg.. SIeside Blvd& and Pier Place. First National Bank Bldg., n. w. cor._-Pne av. and Ffist. Henderson Block, 149-53- Pine av. Horne Block, n. w. cor. American av. and First tenacbcc; Thiidhn;-,s-- . cn;r. Pac^i.fic v and Pst Lewls BuIdfing., 134-t4 Pacific av. Long Beach Bank Bldg., n. e. cor. Pine av. and First, Lovcll Block, 2t1 Pine ar, 7Lowe Block. lS-20 Pine av- ..asenlc Temple, 230 Pine av. VI LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

McCullough Block, 118 Pine av. BMetropole Building, s. w. cor. American av. and Eighth. Pier Block, foot of Locust av. Post Office Building, s. e. cor. American av. and Second. Psychological Temple, 230 e. Second. S:alffrd Building, 121 Pinte av. Stewart Block, 221 e. Third. Townsend Building, 125-139 c. First. HALLS. American Avellue Hall, 111 American av. Armory Hall. 221 e. Third. Auditorium n. end of Pier. Castle Hall. 11 Pine av. Coughran Hall, 112~ e. First. Independeclt Order of Odd Fellows Hall, n.| w. cor. American av. Second. and Masonic Temple, 230 Pino av. Sons of Veterans Hall, 244 Pine av. Stewart Hall, 221 e. Third. Sun Parlor, s. end nf Plet Union Labor Hall. 116 e. First.

SCHOOLS, Alamitos, '. F. iuff, principal, n. w. cor. Juniper, av. Alamitos and e. Fourth. Heights J. .. Parker. orincinai. e. sa Trma, a ., .-. _.. Atianle Avenue. H. H. McCute-han, pitncipal, Atlantic Burnett, av. and e. Fltih. J. Winm. Gastrich, principal, n. w. cor. Hill and Atlantic Daisy Avenue, av. Melvin Neel, principal, n. w. cor. Daisy av. and w. Sixth. Eleventh Street, Forrest Whitaker, principal, Alamitos av. and e. enth. Elev- Fourth Street. F-'K. Van Forsen, principal. s. e.- Pourth bet. t'rmino and Ximcno av. High School, David Burcham, principal, American av. and e. Pine Avenue, Stanley Eigth. F. Howland, principal, B., W. cor. Plne ar- and Sixth.. e. T.-rnM;ai isiand, Stewart Laughlln, principal. Railroad av., t. Fifth and Scvnth.

CHURCH£ ,. Alamilos Park Methodist, Rev. A. E Johnson, pamtor, n. e. cor. Eliot and Junipero av. Blethel, Friends, n. w. cor. e. Tenth and Gladys av, Burnett Baptist, n. e. cor. Jessie air. and Hill, Cen.trl.. jlethodist Episcopal, tRer Wm. F. Lusk. pastor, n. w. -or. 'Cal- ifornia av. and e. Tenth. Church of Christ, The. Stewart Hatl, j1 E. Twi'a. *"~'---hvGO G e. re,1 Elm av, First Paptist, RevJ. Lew'rf SmitFh. , .D.,. ator, s. cor. and a. Fourth. Locust sv. First Brethreni Rev. B. F. Masterson, pastor, n. cor.o. alnut ay. and Bishop. Firsti Christin. Rpev. Edwiln W. Thornton, pastol, L. w. cor. Amerliitn. . and Fourth. First Churcl, of Chris Scentist.t, w eor. w Third and Flhrst ,Cnrchofthp Nse , R·e.· F C. Edwards, pastor, n. s enthlbet Amenrlen and ? -- . rv- First m.etrh,& an,. one. s. w. ueel'.Ceda' av. and w. Third. First Method.ist Episcopal Church, Rev. W. A. eut, pastor, n. cor. Pine av. and e. Fifth. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY VIT

First Presbyterian, Rev. Josiah Sibley, pastor, n. w. cor. Locust av. and e. Sixth. Friends Church, Rev. A. F. Mitchell, pastor, s. e. cor. Elm av. and e. Fourth. (7trmnan Lutheran, Rev. A. M. Wyneken, pastor, 56S e. Tenth. Holiness Church, n. e. cor. Atlantic av. and e. Fourth. Methodlst Episcopal Church (South), Rev. Edwin L. Fitch, pastor, n. e. cor. Linden av. and e. Third. Peaples Church of California, The, Dr. W. R. Price, pastor, Psychologi- cal Temple. Plymouth Congregational, Rev. Chester P. Dorland, pastor, s. s. e. Fonrth e. of Locust av. Second Baptist Church, Rev. Daniel Potts, pastor, s. e. cor. Atlantic av. and e. Tenth. Seventh Day Adventists, n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and Dakota mv. St. Andrews by the Sea, n. e. cur. e. Fourth and Junipero av. St. Anthony (Catholic), Rev. James A. Reardon, pastor, s. e. cor. Olive av. and e. Sixth. St. Lukes Episcopal Church, Rev. Robert E. Gooden, rector, n. w. cor.-e. Fifth ind Locust av. United Presby.erlan Church, Rev. S. Dell Johnson pastor. as. e. cor. At- lantic av. and Fifth. World-Wide Misiaon, The, mneets every Sunday afternoon, at Stewart Hall.

SECRET AND BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. Masonict Long Beach Chapter No. 84. R. A. Mi., mcats first Tuesday evening of each month at Masonic Temple. Long Beach Chapter No. 1713. 0. E. S, meets first Monday evehning of each month at Masonic Temple. Long Beach Chapter No. 40, K. T., meets second Tuesday evening of each month at Masonic Temple. Long Beach Lodge !No.327 FP. & A. M., meets first Thursday evening of each month at Masonic Temple. Paios %Verde*Lv.die No. 389 F. A. M., m.eets .rst -..iday- eveningi of each mouth at Masonic Temple. Odd Fellows. Long Beach Encampment, meets first and third Monday evenings of each month at i. O. 0. P. Hall. Long Beach Lodge, meets every Thursday evening at L 0. O. P. Hall. Long Beach Rebekah Lodge, meets every Tuesday evenilng-at L 0. O. F. Hall. Misetlaneous oetiei& Benevolent and Protective Order of Eiks, meets every Monday even- ing a Casiie Hall. Fraternal Aid, meets second and faurth Monday evenings at J. 0. F. iall. Fraternal Brotherhood, meets every Thursday evening at Stewart Hall. Fraternal Order of Eagles, meets every Thursday evening at American av. HEl.L nrand Army of the Republic. meets first and third Saturday evenings at L O. . Pt Hall. Independent ider eof Forresters. meets first sand last Thursdai evenings at Castie Hall. Knights and Ladies of Security, meets every :Tuesfary evenilg at 24i Pine av. Knights, of Columburs meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings at Stewart Hall. iKnights of PytiLias, meets every Friday evening at Castle lall. VIII LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Ladies of the Maccabees. meet every second and fourth Tuesday after- noon at Castle Hall. Modern Brotherheid of Ameriea. meets first and third Friday evenings at 1 0. 0. F. Hall. Modern Woodmen of America, meets every Friday evening at Stewart Hall. Native Daughters. meets first and third Thursday evenings at Castle la)ll. Pythlan SistPrs meets firqt and third Friday evenings at Castle Hail. Royal Arcanum, meets setnrid and fourth rrida~ ret .:ss *. ea--C: month at 244 Pine av. Sons of St. George, meets every Wednesday evening at Castle Hall. Soais of Veterane, meets every Monday evening at 244 Pine av. Sons of Veterans Auxiliary, meets v';ery FridJ.ay - ..c . ;t... sne av. Spanish War Veterans Wm.. cKir!cylr Canip N;. 23, meets every Wed- nesday evening at 244 Pine av. TTniversal Order of Forresters, meets first and third Wednesday evenings of cach month at Stewart Hall. Women of Woodcraft meet second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at Stewart Hall. Women's Relief Corps, meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings at L. 0 O. F. Hall. Woodmen of the World, meets every Wednesday evening at L O0.O. F, Hall. Young Men's Christian Ass'n, James E. Sprunger, sec'y, 121 Locust Youne W-omen' av. 5 C"h t-.. .a'r.- i. rt3yCampbell, ;wc:'s. 123 Locust av.

HOSPITALS. Long Beach Hospital Ass'n, cor. Tenth' and Linden av. READING ROOM. Public Library, City Hall. yI M. C. A.. 121 Locust av. Y, W. C. A. 123 Lecust av.

CLUBS. Cosmopolitan Club, 433 Pine av. Ebell Club, as. s. w. Ocean av. cor. Occn Plac*. South Coast Yacht Ciub, Bay Front;, Terminallslad.

LABOR UNIONS, lricklayers, meets every Wednesday evening at rear Hotel RJvier. Building Laborers, meets every Tuesday evening at rear Hotel Rlvrq, Carpenters, meets overy aturday evening at Coughraln 11sl. Painters, meets every Thursday evenin at rear Hotel Riviera Plasterers, meets every Monday evening at lS e. Fnrst. Plumbers, meets every Friday evening at 11 e. F-irt. Typographical, Long Beaeh-San Pedro, No. S,0. meets first Sunday of each month at IS . First, alternating at 8an Pedro.

X. LONG.: MOPIP;tIMOQERN STRE-T.-DII .ECTORY - LONC * ------Blixby Ave. Burnett, Wets Appleton Ave. f r o mn Livingston from Pacific ave. be- from Alamtitos be- drive between Santa ween W. Hill andt tween E. Second Fe. and Nieto aves. WV, Willow, westr5 to and E. Third east north to Colorado Llagnolla ave. to city limits Anser Cedar ave. 963 Bonito ave. Vista Chestnut ave. 1071 Cerritos ave. Eucalypttus 1171 Descanso ave. Eliot 1273 Esporanza%ave. Illhns,,filhi Ave. 1374 Falcdn ave. fromi WV. Seaside from Alamitos ave. 14L0 Gaviota ave. blvd. between Gold- 1 block north of I c 157.1 Hermosa ave. en and oi'gantl ;ve. Anallchni ePast to nrW i660I ltdeletind:rIUL av. north to Santa crux inge ave., i ave. California Ave. Atlnteic Ave. fr from 543 E. Ocean lBluff l$laee. from junction of- ave. north to and from Eleventh place Alamitos ave. and- beyond city limits 1 block south of B. Sixth north' to andl- 79 E. First Ocean ave. east to beyond city limits L 141i E. Second Thirteenth place z66 1. Third TWeifth place E. Eightih 355 B. Fourth Blonito. 1. Sinth 455 E. Fifth from E. Fourth 1 955 B. Tenth k 551 E. Sixth block east of Ala- E. Eleventil :: 1 E. Sventh mitos ave. norti to Hamilton 70 EB.EightI E. Fifth 1241 . Aknaheim 850 E. Ninth Bonito Ave. New York ' 953 F. Tenth from 933 E. Ocean Pefinsylvania Fr E. Eleventh ave. north to Fourth Curtis I103 StLInwood 31 B. First I. Seventeenth : 1°55 E. Anaheim 131 B-..Sccond tatte_- - 1325 1. Flourteenti Ilaitltay Dayinltt/ 14.6 New York Appleton Tinct:l> - _ 1491 Penneylvania I43 E. Third N. ineteenth : 1553 E. Sixteenth Grant - E. Seventeenth Bonnle Brar. E. Twentieth [ 1. Esther fromn W. Seaside . Titwenty-lirt e E. State blvir, between Gold- Salt Lake r Dayman en and Mlorgan ave. E. HillI T. Nineteenth north to'Santa Cruz Mahaska RIhea ave. In. Twentlet Birawnr Av4. Burncit - E. Tvwenty-first from. E. Eieventh Poppy - between Wlnilnt and Rose Atiuntie WVny. Cllherry anves. north B. Willow from .Marine Way I to Wehrle; also from Campbell Ave. . blhoel east of Lin- State I block south f r o n) .ivlinstol, den ave. South: to . Ariaheimn drive between Rant.F_ Se:lside Boulevard Brayton Ave. Fe antd Nlieto aves:. Belle Ave. from Burnett be- nmih to Colorado . from W.!, ll be- tween Orange and Atar;er- twben Pacific and WValnut aves. north Vista Pine ave. _ block to Signal Hill drive Eliot south Canon Drive. Belmont Ave. from i block east of from Cherry ave f roo Livinusston Gundry ave. be- block north of E:i drive between tween E. Fifteenth Hill east an '.. Grand and Ximeno and E. State east 2 northeast to- Terr- aes. north to Eliot blocks cinrtdrive - E. Secind Gundry ave. Carnatlion Var. _ St. Louis Brhownie Drive. fronm Santa Cru" Anser from E. Tenth be- ave. between 1B03nnil twe Le ar. - rae anda 'ba DeUe"tt Ave. Trmrnuno ave. nortb aves. southit lrloC), f r o m Tivingeton 1 block drive between Tev- BDnreit Ave. f£ruon Junlpero iye. mine and Ximenn from Orange ave. .block north oU1 aves. north to Eliot between E. Hill and Bishop northeast tWA B- Peeend J.. Wiilow east to F. Fourth ' St. L.ouls Hri s6 ave. -Anxer Brayten ave. Tingling ave. - Wamlnut ave. Catalln, - j Hoosier ave. from CherrYy-'ve. . Benusdn., Dakota ave. blocks north c'. front Independencla Iowa ave. ave. between Bishop State east to ¥,,:., and E. Fourth east Burnett. Inast ave. t0 .'u' rc a ve. .r-Gm.. ile ave. be- Cedar Ave. tween IL HiEt a.d- . from se.W-W - .enai ', vIow ma~sttn Or- :.%W.- iT7E f---a all l .'um IIestecanBo; ave. ange between E- Second ave. Discon- beyond city -Imttts and E. Third east to. nected from 1 block Disconnecteld frml east of ]Ulft anve. to kA block north ofl Junlpero ave. California ave. Esperantsa ave. ae ust 'F-lrieenthi to it Falcon ave. ave. block south of SevW Walnut ave. American ave. enteenth; also from] G(aviota ave. Elmn ave. Twentieth to {Hill HermonSa avy'. Gary ave. 14t2 W. S6cond 1ldeuendencla ave. Grsand View ave. 253 W. Third- lenyon ave, 352a W.. Fourth- _ i- ;_1 LONG BEACH MODERN STREET DIRECTORY XI.

fth 914 W. Tbnth Cota Ave, xth 1064 WV. Eleventh from WV. Atialein 1 ·venth iGis7 NV. Twelfth block Wesl of Perris tght~h 1255 W. Anaheim road northi to State nth 1352 W. Fourteenth Cowles enth W. Seventeenth Gaylord wolfth W. Stat4 W, Seventeenth nahelm W. Nineteenth Cowle. , ourteenth W..Twentieth froih Mlagnolia I !venteenth AV. Hill block north of W. ate Pr!ie ouLrtnr.th; et¶i tt Inateenat.h twurnett and beyornd Pico vwetleth College ave. ill XV. WlVJlow- Daisy Oregon ,+; Clark. pFrisc re frott Ocean Park Pico ave. Illowv ave. I block north r t. to tiverside drive trom we hlt ave. AlA:lamitos ave. bTorg.n ave between . Hill and 3n F. State Parker ave. . ilow east to Hill east to Cherry ave. ave. College. HMosier ave. frorn aclflec ave. Dakota ave. e. I,,loa ae 10 73 E. Oeean- ,Gtwsen W. Hill Iowa ave. Twenty-first and IV. Willow west Crescent Ave. ornected from to Magntoli f romn 17 Golden tCeaR ave. northwest a n d alsoso frofroeve Chestnut ave.g.ee. ttonnortheast of Golde to June-n to Linconn; EurClYptus tion of Gotlen- ande.una iro,ni Grant to Collins A.y. Fourth tit) from 295 1. CeOean W. Thir St ave. south to Sea- Short ond side blvd. a hor Ty A{larrne aCre:itov A:.t.y LAlj ' from %Walnut ave.- rd Colorado. between E. Hilt and 'OUrth from Temple ave E.. Willow east ta th between Eliot and Cherry ave.. . tn hbeiond Nietov rom Californiauln ave. ave. betweenE. A na- zBi shop I block qladys ave. helm and E. State 'f Hermosa Ojal ave. east to Alamitos .o )rth to and Obispo ave. e. Id E. WillonV Coronado ave. a hedondol ave. DalY Ave. NeiWport ave. from 547 W. Ocean, Loma ave. ave. north to Ana- Euclid ave : helnm Grand ave. 3& W. First Mriramar ave. 132 W. Second Termino ave. 253 W. Third Roswell ave. - 3.:5 W. Fourth h- XXimcno ave. 4417 . Fifth Prospect ve 553 W. Sixth ' Qulney ave. G-.6 1V. Severfix ltooscroft ave, 75W W. Eighth Santa Fce ave. s54 %V. Niihi' ·e. St. Joseph ave.- S:L W, Tenth Campbell ave. i-54 W. Eleventh Bixby ave. Loms Vista drive N!eto ave. Dnlkota Ave. *erd=o .XIoen r front Burnett be- *rind"- OP.stIay be- trcc . aInt ,ni 'tween OblsPo and Cherry aves. ;north Redondo aves. north t9 Crescent ee. to I block north of Dakota Av. , 41 Park C.ir- E. Anaheim. Die- from E. Furtih be- outhwTest to rnnneCeted from E. LVe.ti tI JlipEeFt ftnl rk_ ave. * Eleveith fto E. Ana- Temple ave. nzm;th drive efm -- to an d beyond r Vlsta Stare. Discontlected e.Eliot from I block north 13 ''W. Occan Colorado of Anahoim to S_ P. orthi to and E. Fourth PrM I city limits. rensmon31re Densm;- Leered trom -I,. Seventh i ., .eveylth ck north of . Eigtih lVashington intt to ' H. Trt - F. Tenti iath of Sev- E. El!eventh h; also fronm 'errin'e Av,. Fb Anaheim 3th to Hill from Lincolh II: Palmnt econd t r Ce n · California Short hird and Liemon aves. 8tate 'ourth,'ourth north to Grant ave. Davis. 'ifl c arSto Prlate. from Golden bc- Sxth from - function - f tweren XV. State and eveiith Railway and OiIal W. Twentieth west Igbtith ave. east to; Objip?!C_ t___ta_Carroll -T rinth ave, - - Brown XII. LONG iEACHI 1ODER , ST TET ' lj

*Myrtle ave. to Ca!- E. Anahelim. Plf- - illyifits. iforria. ave. connected from Col- from 1836 nAmerican Lime ave. orado to Densmore; . ave. betwt-en E. Jessie ave. ahso from E 'entl; g State and E. Hill 1,1wis to I block south of 12 east to Atlantec ave. Alamitos ave. Anahelm P dacenaave. Anser lti.. more. Elerenlth, West. Vistar. ,r- nspere ave from i6,t1 Cile=-::.t Eliot between E. Fourth ave. west to Loma E. Seventh and E. Seventh east Vista drive E. Elghlth to Euclid ave. 42' lMagnolia ave. Lincoln 541 Dai.y ave. fraknta ave. Elevebth IP'isee. Ohilo ave. from 1ti63 E. Ocenn from Callfornia ave L Temple ave. ave. sonth to the between E. Anaheinm v GSarfield a e. oceanr front and E. State west I ra.1st... ave;% ittie plae*. bleck C'oronado ave. I:liis Ave. nalrbsankr Ave. [7 Redando ave. from junetIon of i:. Eruoni juIlUniL of oewp-,rt a.e. t;ate .and Temple are. nvorIlteie t- to enth northwest t',, rene.o .iAve. lMontere} ave. ',~ block northwestlW frfmi 1175 E. Oceanr of Chester rplaee Ells Ave. Chester are. to E. Fourth front 365 iE. Ocean place . i E. First E.rp, See-, d ate. IRouth tu amid Feireon Av-. T beyond 'city limits. from 1379 ]E. Ocean D2 Disconnected from 1 ave. to Bishop block north of 27 E. First b 4'3 E. Third Fourteenth to fL 131 E. Second Dr Sot= block soutC u£r Six- 42: Rail wa- _ f r.nJ Tmrn.le be- teenth; also from 30u9 Appleton wc"PF Elint and E. Slxteenth; to Twen- k.,urt, were 1 block ty-first lViteIxt=a , isit Eagle. 55 E. First fronm 14,5 Pint rve from -_block west 156 E. Second east at Americar of Lcnst ave. be- 253 E. Third ave.; also from Or- tween E. H1ll and 345 1, 1Fourth ange ave. To rJiisp. h _: W!H- zs t. i !5! E. Fifth ave- bloJfk east of Elm 553 E. Sixth Locust ave. are. 65i E. Seventh Gundry- , e. I . f. , t. l 1t wIr~rn= 77·f7 30 i. Nioth Poisi.-ttia ave. - j 55 T. Tncr.th rierry -v& .. li;tgteeatih. Iti T Slanws.od Shlorman rlaee from Aiamitos ave. 1255 E. Anmheim Stanton pilace retween E. Fif- o155 E. Fourrecnth Vin& ;*Vie. teenth and E. State E. fill] Temple :ae. r"eu t-* 1 block cast August.a -S tnnrrov eynn O udr; ave. Eagle Freeman ave. G;undry ave. Burnett Fifteetle. Weni. Eaigtreenth Plate. SElmWay. from 14:5. ePiIe, ave fr-n.n lst. E. Ocean from 355 E. Ocean West 1 block ate. soutn to the ave. south to Sea- Fifteenth Plaee. ocIin ilont side blvd. from 16-T_ , Ocear Eighth. EnAt. Marine way ave, south . to ti frt.. - Pi3-e a.e. EnoN Ave. east to altifornia from E. State be- are. Fifth. East. tween Obispo and fronm l! Locet ave. Lo:f.a aves. north 1 455 Pine ave 15. American ave. ea·et to and b(yYni I3. Elmeve. block city Illmits ' 4t' Linden ave. Eperniia Ave. 16 LuSt Ore. _ 5;I Atlantic ave. from 1269 E. Ocean 2_9 American _ve. Ozi in::f 'tvm. ..Ae. north to E. 3a0 Elm ave. 7:7 ,*ihe ave. Third; also from E. 41t3 Linden ave. Tanth t.. w. , is, AI*tuilo ave- enth O36 3imea save.- .- Eighth, %%ett. 45 E. First 39 Olive ave fr Pine a-e. 10G E. Second. 8S9 Alamitos ave. west to 3aine z: Railhvay 129 Pacific x Fifith. Went. 4'25 ' . ,ar frons 455 Pi;e- vsi Estier. Eali r-_ [ Riversitde from 1746 American I.l Daisy ate. ave. east to z 145 Pacific a;ve. blocks east of Lime 232 Cedar ave. Eighth Place. ave. 345 Chestnut ave. fro,m 12a; F. OEcean Atlantic ave. 4FI II agnoia a'e. 4:ve. south to the Lime ave. ncean front 515 DaIsy ave. Ent'hr, Vent. igri Maine , Eldurado nee. from ,Magnolla ave. Golden *r',. fc.f.-.,a al; 1e. athamrocrk buloek south ,f XW. wert iu ao!:- beyond Plco ave. Fifth rlaee. eC&, '.-st t' Daisy tL¢ l.ro,.r Oregon from 1161 BE Ocear Tilare a:te. Frisco ave. south to the Eleventh, Ezat. Pico ave. ocean Tront from lOG4 Atlantic Filbert vLwe. ate. east to amn be- Euelid Ave. from ]E Eill be- )osd city limits. from E. Second 3 tween Wralinut and *Dlnm nee-te4 fr^ blocks east of Re- Cnetr- vaes. south dV .do ave. north. to L' AI - : - LONG UAcer MOD It STRIt D R TQ RY'i vII.

Oregon conneced r m ]. Tenti. be- Frisco Rose Circle to E.' !emple and Pico ave. Eleventh aves, north Fortieenth Plaee. Helena ave. Dnaheim- Densmore from 1607 E; Ocean Theresa ave. ti .i' ave. south to the E. Seventh ocean front 1. Anaheim i] ~jPine aVG. Fourth, East. Gary., ,.tOKennebec from 366 Pine .,ve. from P. E. Ry. be- slso from Ter- east to and beyond tween California pave. east to Ximeno ave, and' Orange aves. ton drive 1317 Locustnve. north to W'illow ptst n2.-l Amertcanz 5:a. Burnett grIcan ave. 353 Elm ave. Prospect ave. f ave. 444 Linden ave. Signal Hill drive batn ave. 530 *Atlanticave: itntic ave. 642 Time ave.' Gavliotn Ave. wSfe=-e. 747 Olive avo. from 1465 1E. Ocean ]linitos ave. 5 "' Alamitos V-e, afve. north to Bishop lbont place )940 Bonito ave. also from E. Fkourtti · _t, pvF. s;F17 Cerritos a-e. to E. Fifth t"lltos- ave. .If; Descanso, avel B. First scanso ave. 1171 Orange ave. 1'.I: Second e~raanzo ave. Alintoind ave-, P.tlvray Iflon ave. Tile Appletoni skota ave. lelbratka ave. Giidys Ave. wrnumnt avO. Walnut "ave from Eiot betwccn RIpendencla sv. Gaviota ave. Temple and Oblspo alnpero ave. Rose ave. aves. north.to and Btnd ave. Hermosa ave. beyond F. Anahelim nitmar ave. Cherry ave. Disconnected from -fmnino ave. . St. Louis E, Fotturth to :k I-f. 'D :hitwson ave. block----south- - of I Pine ave. Junlper t aye. WVashington: also Watter. Dis- Carrollton avc. from %'ashlngtonto acted from Pa- Kintn ave. '1/ blockt south of E. 9*Ve. to Slag- Dakota ave. Tenth avc.: also Larut ave. Cdlordan Golden to Ohio ve.' f. Tenth E.-Anahebt. Glen Ave. trnnm It---S he- tW-.e'n Ximeno atndl itchell ave. Coronado ave. Sathta 'Fe anves; ta Clara. ave. Redondo ave. north to' 1 block itarlo ave. Newport ave. north of E. Tenth. iarside r a*e.ave.erside Loma&ve. Dlsconrqected -from Grand ave. Lincoln to E. {rentht ny 'rTermino ave.- , Sixth Rosewell ave., - E. Ocn ave. Glendale Ave. ith to the toCvan Ximeno ave. from Sunrise blvd. Tremont ave. "' blocks cast of At- lntla .- ve.' nuortir to Fourtl. Wext. Willow m Hel mosa ave. from 356 Pine ave. Signal ween Bishop and west to Golden Hill View Fourth east to 145 Paciflcave. Goldien. unipero ave. 'M4 C edarav from 745 W. Seasild idencla ave. 33t Chestnut.ave. fryd. norEh to Hill. Iac rive. 165 Magnola avea Disconnected 'from im 417 E. Ocean 547 NaIsy ave. Seventh to State , nortl arnra Cruz ave. to E. 6415 Maine W. Ocean ave.. hat .- eor tl .iOec. IT Crescent ave. . i-fropi 1123 E. Ocean, 36 W. First m Temple 1 block avn south_ to-vthe . 1.4Tl.W, Second- Fil or Raliway ocean front. 249 ,. Thir d. it-to OLispo ave. A -3;53 .'. Fourth- - , · ceanA; ark ave. - tFifteentlifrom -. FiE*. - between Temnple n rlomoaave. be- ande Obipo aves. W. Sixth eeli 1E.- Anahetm. north toanid beyond- .. W,. 'Nineteenit h tEo. State east 1 u.am!ti'road ,Y.'Twentieth Oek PalM -W.frwenty-:lrst (.ram Are. [ntip. 2nF. State from junction of E- bm 1355 Pine ave. Summit road Ocean aveI. and Liv-' it to city IhtullI FylUidale Air. ingston ,ocust ave. from E. Hill bb- drive northi merican ave. tween to State. Discon- Orange And. neted from .E. Im ave 'Walnut ayve, . .5thb -Tentir Inden ave. 1 belock f -ti , bl'ck - t; , W*tit C;tG ai Ave_ - _.-~irst, un 15a3 Pine a oe frornm Seventh. be- E . Secdnd stest toto n and beyond tweell wtilaoit ahdn 'Anser isyon- Cherry ayes. north. %rfta cte,d from Chest- to Guava 'Elfot t ave, to MIag- (Parfild Ave. Colorado Ita t oiomE. Fourth 'be- . 10' Fourtrn cilfic ave. b tween Temple and -F Fifth edar Ave. Obispo aves. nortn '-. Seventh )oslaty ve. t- P. E.iRy. lDI- _- Lineoln, xIV. LONG BEACH MODERN STREET DIRECTORY I I~~~~~~

Griand Vriew Ave. ilerttrloan AVe. Iowas Aie. from Agusta ave. from 1597 E. Ocf-an from E. State be- betvween California ave. north to E. tween Atlantic and and Orange aves. Fourth Catornia a v es north to WIllow BG.Fl'st i;orth to Twenty. B:rnctt E. Second first Prospect ave. Railway E. Nineteenth Signal Hill drive 3ont Appleton E. Twentieth lBishop Grant. lownr Ave. from ('alifornia ave. Florida froam urnott be- C:v.%CenC E. -t"'t **I.ls4- AV'. and F. Twentieth from E. Anahel:n Cherry aiyes. nortt east to oiranige ane. between Walnut to Crescent also from Obispo to anti Cherry v es. Jnekxon Ave. Alami s Iblvd. north to Wehrle from S. P.P y. I Corlinne ae. I block west Lopm.n llill, EN,-lt of Porr!- av- from Pinoe ave. '* rcd nor:th ;to Ami,.- Cerritos ax e. '.file r.. -th of St-ate helm ·a.i-7 an.": 't e),ond from Poinsettia ave.- Cherry aw.e. Commarciat ave. et'Ae*t!! E- Se'nt h Locust ate. Jeeile Ave. and E. Tenth east Amnprlcnn n t- to f__...... :-. Tv i: Gardena avc. Elm ave. north tn ani l,..... !(eC. ea-n Pasadena ,it e. city limits. Discon Gunelry Ave. Perkinr.s ave nected from 14 from E. Fifteenth 1 ,Atlantic ane. blocks north of An block east of Or- LIme ave. alheho' to T-enty ange .ixe. north to Jessle ave. first A.lamitos ave. llvrtle iate. 112S E. E!ovonth Briggs California ave. Ir.5 E. Anahelrl F. Seventeenth Oak ave. E. Hil! E. Eighteenth Lelon ave. lMabaskan E. State ',Iange ave. E.' Twentieth Frultdalie aer. Iona iinmilton. Almondl .av: from Santa Crn from 1225 California Filbert a-e. a. . bciwveen 3loon, Ax e. e.atb to city Cherry ave. field and Morga- limit. ave.s south %_bloci i* . .I IIr .tV linrail Ave. block north of from E:-Seventh, I, from Signal Hill Twe-rut -first. west Lwrec:t Termlno at, blvd. between Vine to and beyond Gold- Xlmeno aves. norn and Tein!tlel .e. en to Lineoln north to Panorama bel1e ave. drive Paclfie. ave. Junipero Ave. Hinrt Court. Edtit-nd:ic bivd. trtiOiO sur B. ce-.. fronl S; }. ):.r.til 0"-1ar -v. ave. north to : ave. south to Sea- Chestnut ave. Sevent. side bllvd. F;uCal.ptEus ave E. First Marine way .Magn lla ale. R. Second , Ilaye% %vc. Talsy PRailway from %laine Appleton ,'. Anaheimrn t;regotn Eliot i biock West of Bltsha, Seabrigl.t ave. north ifTlfillll %ve. Hfechbiur ave, t. State fr.,m ir. l-irhth Ib- nerntuda C'owles Orange and -"-en Shwrt WValnut aves. north Carrollton axe. Gaylord to E. ll'orida Tenth E. Fourth WV.,eventeentih E. Ninth E. Fifth llanard Ave. lIeosler Ave. Densmorea from Hellman be- frlnl Burnett be- twveen tween Jupiter. Alanmitos and 'alnuzt and fmrn Othlige Ave to L. Tenth to, Crescent helm and E. Fit let.'hiiur .Ave. liotel sCourt. tcenth east 1 blo-.- .--.:!: '.nipero ave. from E. Seaside 1 block north ,,f blvd. between Col- KICerebee Ave, Ehlit ea.t to Tinm- llrts way and Hl.art .fr1om. 1a E. Oeeca- It,, court. nr.th to .,.e. north to '-il a axe. Marine wvay t lIt-lraa. e. liner- %rve, Park bl!.L E. Second fronwelln, t pV' from Eliot I !lnkl; betW, C- ,i-Fourih . v-:-4: oI .Illn tin~r Keryon Ave. ave. north tIo -o_ to C)hi:gp,,..... rotiTron -. e, twe_~en - almihornlh Ieler. -orth - btWent& fr-,n ih.s.· . !...... PavndeGr a'e. l .LVer.,.. _ir .tn i. toirth Bishop Slgnal HIHI drive and '.|: m.eelirt Kera Ave. IL. second from W. S.easid.' letllnian. it'- t t'al. blvd. east of Parker from %2. -\ppleton north to Eldorad.' ave. tp.et . r.-- from JPe.si- -e. be- Tentj zlt' tween . Htill and V. from* nut a%.st ,, WVilow east to P. E,. Ellot betwee: Ryl . - JuIptere and Tem- Myrjle ave. ple avesr north tO r. Fourth , LONG BEACH 'MOD,RN STREET, DIRECTORXY ', .XV;' _I_ i connected from Ter- ave. south to Sea- mino to 54 block side blvd. west of Roswell ave WMarine way Grand ave. ,Lonmn Ave. 1~ir:.:nar ave. from E: Second 2 Roswell ave. blocks east bf Re- Judson ave. dondo ave. north to Ximeno ave. and beyond State Glen ave. - Anser ' Ailr.rv. -. Eliot from Rose Circle Colorado between E. Seventh E. Fourth and E. Tenth east Densmore to Obispo ave. E. Seventh Rose Park ave. M, Eighth Linden Ave. E1. Tenth from. 445 E.'Seaside E. Eleventhl bl;vd. north to Sev- ;. Anahelm enteenth Zaferia :1 E. Ocean ave. itansom ave: 71 E. Fir.t %Viitom: av . 155 E. Soeond E. Eighteenth 251 E. Third E. State 352 E.. Fourth lomn, Vlstn Drive. 453 E. Fifth from 751 Maine r,5T1 E; Sixth northwest and 653 E. Seventh northeast to Ana- 746 V, Eighth R53 E. Ninth 802 -Chester place 939 E1. Tenth 6S8 St. James place 1121 Stanlwood W. Eleventh 1255 E. Apahelm Daisy ave. 1357 E. Fourteenth Ma/gnolin ave, !.!2 NC=,. Y.r*, =i4, Ctihusltri; ave. 1493 Pennsylvania LMcaft Av'er 1559 E. Sixteenth from Willow 1 Mlock lemderop Ave. west of Californla fronm MaT7 r, :--vr _.v_ nortlh to Eliot Rlttox Park blvd. tZudf Ave. E. Second from I. State be- Railway tween Obispo and LivNluisto Drive. Loma aves. nuorth I from junction orf Termino and Ocean Latclln,,ve. eves. east to and from Signsal Hill beyond Nieto ave. blvd. 1 block west Graid aee. of Teaipla ave. Miramar ave. -north to Panorama 'Termino Rvwe. drive Belmont ave. Panorama drive Roswell ave. Signal Hll blvdi. Bennett ave. Magnela A&ve - -- Xiinentl aye. fronk 457iW. iSeaifle - Prospectp ve. blvd. north to and Quincy ave. beyond city ioitLffS_- ltoycott ave. Disconnected from Santa Fe :ve. Anaheim to Hill. St. Joseph ave. - W. Oceant avce.- Campbell ave. W, Ftrst - tixby ave. 129 W. Second Nieto ave. ;:1 W. Third Levnt- Arve. --51 ;.-rFoturh" : from 147 E. Ocean 454 W. Fifth ave. north to and 653 V. SiXt' - beyonid city limits. 651 W. Seventh Disconnected from 753 W. }Eighthl TweI£uli to Aialhtlai :.;4 IV. Ninth Al.o* from Twenty- 955 W. Tentlh first to % block I056 . '. Eleventh south f }till I.orna Vista drive- 41)0 E. rsit 'W.Anaheimn 156 E. Second %V._ Hill r54 T:, Thilrd Price .5~4 ,f ''ourth Burnett 453 * . Fifth College b56 IF. Sixttlh WV.Wllow 651 1E. Seventh MA&,,mnn Ave. . ;3R. E i.ghth ffok IiT.-pk'f south S53 1E. Ninth of- U. Eleventh I - '551 E. Tenth block east of Or- 1364 E. Fourteenth ange aVe. north- to 1455 E. Fifteenth E. Allielmc 1595 .:8ixteentlh 1'. Eleventh 1755 E. State MIanlsk. E. Twentliet from- Jessie ave. be- Wiilarld tween F, Hill and' 23. Hill '- 13.. W- lovW east- to fero-st W ay. Cal iornia. .ave. from 147 E Oce;an' ; Myrtile ave, ' XV.i. LONG BEACH MODERN STREET DIREUCORY njorh to E 3lne. Is A.rve. dondo blok northa fo 4 W Of mfrom v loc junc- drive 1 block east ave. north to ave. north of . Anahelm to I tionLion of LoaLolna VistVtsta a sconof te:rand - block south o- E. to rle Dscoo l o bok drive and Eleventh nected fron C - State anld frotn State to rado to t bleck Anser of EB.SeV EttN istal 'i 1--W.fEStisouthW.1V. FirstecondE itol m also fromi P. F. cty. Eliot Second1to E. Anaheim Colorado 24913 WW.I Tltrd toEE. Anaheim V,. Fourth '249 W.Third B. First Densmore 313o3f rW. v. FifthFourth .. Second fr!Xt! Anser e. Sevent- w. Seventh VistEaS aente . eventh blvW. Mignhtl Eliot E. Anaheim 854 W. Nintlh v. Seventl WV.Tenth Lincoln. ahe m 953 MHtcebeti Ave. New Y tork. Wt. Nlneteenti 'W.Ocean ave. from 1436 .1vindenl W. TrWenti.eth fron ave. cast -to Ctlifor- Tvwenbty-fri east of Coldden w. north to Riversciae nia ave. aie drive Atlantic ave. lno Way, Seas ide . First from . Neto Ave. s t blvd. betwoten Nep- W. First f r oA n LVng and ler- W. Second tune place 4 blocks 'easl maid place northi to molino Ave. driveSanta Fe ave. imei-fanave. from 2063 E. Ocean (f avre. ourth to eoat Ca -an Santa Cruzl ave. way Colorado Marie Ave. Park blVd. Anser from0i Panorama E. Second Eliot drfve I block west onlo (olorado of Luella ave. north to lotemrey Ave. Hotel Court to Panorama drive from .Fifteet between Temple Hart Court Signal IItli drive aves.Obispo E lm way and Ltnten ave. Marine WY. north to E. Hill. way from Pier ave. be- Pam Atlail tween B. Seaside F - Lime 'Way blvd. and t. Aclna Ellis ave. iv- ave. east to Ala- Park lane from 1856 American road ave. east to Atlantle mitos avdre. Summit e S. liocust ave. x* .=tx A , ave. froml W'. Seaside' $4 raoam.cPl e- West. SiaiMdlwlMAve. blvd, I block east Nigtgieatlh. from W. Seaside o f Parker ave. from Pacific ave. north to Ocean avee. north of -%V blvd. eastof Golden west fo-Gold- north to Ocean ave. Santa Cruz are, State Santa Cruz ave. ve. Cedar ave. avetiqitu. from E1W'. Seaside from I block west blvd. north to Clark chestnut ave. of Tenmple ave. be- Sania Crua a.ve. MagnolIl ave. tween tailway and Sat Ocean afve. Edendale blvd. Eliot east to Obispo W. First Daisy ave. V'. Second Maine Temple ave. Oregon OJai ave. m·rtlefrom Ave. E. Tentht be- NIaeteent" Plnce and Al- from 1 E.,21 Ocean -' ,Mesnchbusetta. tween Uit.l, to tl from Termino ave. amitos ayves. north ave. odthth between Eliot and to and beyond City ocean front E. Fourtik east to limits. DIsconneted ,f, lBet. eiieave. from 1 lfrontwl R Pine ave R Itoswellave. north of Anabheim to east to., California ave. May Ave. Twentv-first ave. f.m nrs l '1133 E. Eleventh 12$ Locust e'- a v . f:om Sunrise blvd. 126 B.Anaim 346211 Elricanricanv ave. 1 block east of At- . 1 - 345 Ein ave- lantic ave. north to E. Hill Willow 1htL41 from 121 E.Twelfth 6446 Jm;~V. Signa HillAlv. Olv -5; y. - MKinlelr Ave. north to E. Anahelm 725 from Rose Circle 52 WapblDBfl plfte hetween Temple he- Nint h Wendf" and Obispo aves. from E. Fourti SO piise- ve M. Tedianth tween Orange and from %Waqlfut,aves. north'i wento-aie..o.26 aVe.. lS i blowt el ave: from 29 Lime ave. I block ,29 Phlc. 29 -Cedar ave. east to Alamitos Neptun 322 Chestnut ave- fronm W. Seaside ve,, Mendeecin Ave. blvd. between Mag- 157 Magrolia/. Junt!e.n of nolia ave, and Gotld- , , i'e-.- Crom cean r e. nn:ia Ba-errn and en Portn to from 3qo7 Son.n.ranml,. no'rtb- ae, ocean al ' wvest to Water rNevada Ave. aye. noulK 4.u A~pfner ave. ~from ztl E- Ocean o·eaw frot- Ave. Mertaid Plage. ave. north to Rail- Newt from AV. Seaside wav nmrt lm btwen Park blvd. Temple andarObisv bliv. between Mag- ve ioth o naila ave. and Gold- . Semlcond Stateaves.t t en north to Ocean Ae. E. Second 1" iort. ijce. SanterSanta ave. v.fromCru~ block east of ie- om b IONcG 'FRACH MODERN RS'rkET-BDIRISCT04V :. -Xz;.'-

- n Temple rand -- Santa -Barbara ave. · HellIaix '_- ,ave. north to Mendocino ave"e. ,E. Tenth Oeafn- Park Ave. E.- Eleventhr from,. ,junictidn of - Anaheim ' C*II E. Hill be-- -GolIden and C)cean Werner ,, wina save.. northwest t-anfl Bush Ind Orange a northeast to, .,N . -Jupiter north Fifth 'EB. Fittpntl. to P. B. :t W. First - Alamitoe. p. Ave; W. Second E. Seventenitl -, rom 2291 R. Oc ean Clark ..State ' nve. north to It aiIl- V. Third Lincoln * Way and from E. Shanock. Giant to Guld n . ' ' Twenticth and beyond Summit 4~ea' Place. E. Twenty-first rlvad from E. Hiltl ' - I blvd. , - W. Se.aside Agusta ave. blvd. between a- Burnett nolia avo. and i o-'ropeet-' ave. en north to .Jneean Signal -Htll-drive ave. E. lWillow off. froen I. Tenth be-ba- ' 1neile.AVe.'taelueAde., -- tween Walnut. and from 145 Wv Oceanb Chterry aves. Inorth nave. north to and to BE. Eleventh- beyoind city limits OK1Ave. 22 W.; First irom E- Ani 142 WV.Second betreen nWhilim 250 W. Third and Cherry 'lnut-- f52 W Fourth - uorth to I aves.; 4. 4 W.r Fifth - north of ]L block 55 W, Sixth teenth Pit 4 Weeltb Wehrle --7 W3-.;Eighth 85I W. Ninti- E. Fifteenth 954* W. Tenth Ohio Ave. 1160 W. Twelfti fromf E. Fourtih be- 1267 W. Anaheim tween Juniperdi nd-- 1353 W, Fourteehit- - ~--- Tem ple aves. north W itlf-eentu,- 1. to State. Dinscon- XW.Sixteenth , nected from 1 1 it -' block 1636 W.- Seventeeth ' north of Analiceim to 65 '.,.Statc. -. mit-road w-rrNneteentlr I .I- EaIISt. Densmore - ' :1 YW.'Twentletlt. ' .- SevenLth W.- Willard -- from. - Pi-e &Lve. Washington esi_ fo nnd beycand W. Twenty-first city limits E. Tenth Piekiring-,- E. Eleventh W. Hill . a.Lo

: . - - . I I -Aen Temple and - Santa 3artbara ave. Hellafiah ' l: aves' north' to Mendocino ave. 'E. Tenth Oesan Park Ave. E. Eleventlr from . Junti6n of -E. Anaheim a E. Hill be- Golden and Ocean', Werner,' OeI:t rtalifornia ave- northiwest-and tBush - rnd Orange aves. northeast to. 'W. -Jupiter Drth to P. E. Ry. Fifth -E. Fiftgentl. W. First - Alamltos. P Ave; WV. Second E, Seventeent!ih tom 2291 E. Ocean EK.State ve. north ltolail- W. -Third Lincoln ray and from E. Shanock. Grant E, Trrcnt6ttlL nd beyond Summit H. Twenty-first O4cAa Place. E. Hill '. c from W. Seaside Agusta ave. blvd. between Mag- Burnett nolia ave. and Gold- 1los-peCt- ' are. en north to Ocean Slgnal -HI-l-drive E. Vilow onf. frotn E. Tenth bea- l e Ae..Anee tween Walnut and ' frolm 145 L- -Oceahn Cherry aves. north ave. north to ano to E; Eleventh- beyontd city limits tOKiAve. 2 W; First irom -E AnAheim i2 -V. S§dond .- between Walnut'- 250 W. Third and Cherry - aves 352 W. Fourth hlrth. to I block 4-4 W.. Fifth- north of F:. ltif- 553 'W Sixth - teenth 5-es V. Severath -Wehrle - 7G3 W.,-Eighth G51 W. Ninth ' - E. Fifteenth 954- W. Tenth' - Ohio Ave. 1.360 W. Twelftli" from'n 1. Fourth be- 1267 W. Anheim tween Junipero and- 13.- FeFoiltii-'-e- Temple aves. north -p to State. Discon- W. Slxteenth - nected from I block 1636 WA, $eventeelxtii north of Anaheim to W--Wr-tneteenth Densmore 'iW T".wentietlt- fl.- Seventh W.-Willard Washington W. Twerity-first - E. Tenth Pickeiring ,- . ' E. Eleventh W. Hill - -- E. Anaheim -Palm Price - Short - College State · Willow -. Ojai Ave. .-Paceiie Ave. from ailwaynv be- -fro- i . Liviitgstan tween *Temple and drive I block-.'east Obispo aves. north of. Miramar ' irve.- to-E, Fourth * south. 16 Esplanade. Fortuna - F. Ocean aver&, __ Marlquita Eliot- i'aeise Ave.E-Emi. Colorado f·romn 135 W. Secbnd& Olive Ave. from-l l Alamitos ave, north -to F- - from -v..SJeond p-- Twenty-first. Di- ' connected f r o m - north 'itThf - Tenth to .tae- ' -'P aC' -' I .- 14 ER-Sce'ong _frmt 'rre -p :-. 1.' Third - -- b otwe-' .. -Flt-' 350 E. Fourth - - 455 .- Fifth: - *- 653. Sixth 653 N. St7enth- T4 E,. Eighthi 853 E. Ninth, Daynian - = -Dakcotta vcw -nf-- E. Nineteenth Tempale Ave_'- -' E. Twentieth Oatarl-Ave. Norton ave.· * - irom T- - ,-tu Monterey ave;. :ibvd. east of Ptrker ]Ereemen aVr, . ave. nortn to Water- '''-r S A ee . .. . W, Ocean &ve. ' fromt"231'Ocean .-- - ave- 'nort-.to, Pail- Orage Ave. Park b'lvd. r front 11ES E. Fourth E. Second -- nortih to and beyond Wil!w, · 'from Terinino arive E. Fifth- 'betreenE Lt-Aflihelm : S.Sixth and E. 'State 'we : f - .e_ . to8 hqrt . . - XVI,. LONG BEACH MODERN STRREET DIRECQRy

Praorama Blulevard. tleth and ur. Hill -ignal Hill" west to Eucalyptus t (r om Llvingsorl Edendale blvd. drive between Xlm- Pfier Ploere. ., .- .- i&anta Fe Ier-i"Icln drle froIn 17- E.. Ocean n"..ortlb tio C.lo- Lero- ave. ave. southwest and rado Harold a% e. south to Seaside EJ Second MAnrie ae. blvd. IUe1lla ave. Elita Marine way E;lut .ltrnaal Hill blvd. Pine Ave. Inoirama drive froin Ocean ava op- qlaoe Ave. si,.al 111:: blvd. posite pier north. to Jfrolm F. Oceatl ve and I block east of Park Boulevard. boyond city Palom fronm K-enlnebec I limits dividinmg the :awe. souet block north of B. city Into eait and t4-= tSY;fiai Ocean 4a'e. east to west Park vCLa. Termino avc. Pine Ave. Hrllw.y. 9Il Lindero axe. from 103 Ocean ave. frmm Junction of l! iNeva-da north to and beyond ave. city ittmits. Dlscon- bispo ave. neeted front *'Iwn- city limits °: .naave. ty-ilrst to ii block qIuito axe. south of Hill Cerritos ave. Itedondo a e. 41 First ritrk CIrele. 153 Second t£. : SS4 Mailne 255 Third slcrnsrave. isrrthwest a n d ::56 Fourth Gaviota ave. northeast to iune- U15 Filth Hermos a&re. tion of Maine andt 5D4 Sixth IndependencIa av. Tenth 652 Seventh : CtLes:er place 7.3 Eihth!: 944 St. James place 857 Nintlh Lindero ave.P 9 ! Tenth Pttrk Ltne. 1158 Twelfth frntim Temple ave. I 12C7 Anaheinm Lrui- arve. block north of Ei. 13t53 Fourteerlth Temple ave. Slate east to ,Mon- 1455 *'leenthf *iilspotart. teryV nt e 156. Si:xieelntii from lilo7 WV. Sea- T'wentietl side hblil. north to Itll ardl Rivershie dhlri e Tl'wents- iirst HEIII Willow W. Second of I1mav-e * I'olnRselin Ave. Lota ave. CLark front EB.Seventh be- &anadeln Ave. tween Walnnut and irotl',, .IA. State Cherry ivueS. north -.t.r ;,. aildtl beyomi tn t bl-ek north ot city limilts E. Tenth; also from r- mand 'rne `aes. i. Statc soutih I '---'' to -anoranma F. NUilteenth block drivUe e Rhea t. Tvt, jtvtil thlavmt H. Twenty-tlrst froLm 1j-. Oceah ave ".t ll I'oipy. 2 blocks east of c.lt A.ugusta fronil Californat ave. IL,.n. north to E lagle btwvrern 1. Hillt and Bi nett If. WVil v west e-l[ f,-oi-- I block rPntl Lare. block north of -E Ana- frr,, E. Sixth) be- PIrlee. P;-~~ r .] blek_ fro, tween Xl1lniio LaIl ll,'li..lan ave. ?out.of. Sta SanDt 0Fe veso. I block north of north to I.ljneoll 11111 west to mlag. 1 Seond lieaa f.rl:t:;:.e. t4.elntl , ave. 'nuMrmylvaira. I'llo live, ln.oft blo;: fru?: t45l },hfiml-t P-iJc aev. -(otma Lt ,ate. to t I Pacile ave. AttalItte mite f'ell/tr ave. t'hetitnut anyv R. arat-m VtClw- .t.n if r. t','-irptypilus ltve. 7. Teo £ E i tOl I irilg.l J~llJ~-rlilti'iitSrniave nve.e bet "uP'. f. ll untit I -llt It . irli Io"l,, Pi., Wll11%V -- .. )Iititt lve , n otgrt E Cruz ave. lbetweeu Cok- DAa- TIe rite

&vemk. northi antiu ,i drlr. liitweelt X.m- to .Atmrf- el,.mV tna.l iewltmt I tle ave. otVrlent 'I'ltjlti ILh'. nortsh tic Iroll .lHmiti-mt4 .i h.i,: ;-~. east of parker he ltv %. 'l ' - ._EanjhesF i'LONG _BWCftBEA IEIN STRkET pRC'P 1tORYU XixX;-

San Dlee, Ave. Santa Barbara ave. ', 1 block from 'W. Seaiv:e Alpine ave. Second , blvd. east of Parker Tulare ave. 1(d north - ave. north' to Oeean Kcet':ave.. ave.- Seeond, Eat. : Satnta Barbara Ave. from 153 PInir-ae. from *,W. Seaside east to, and beyoned blvd. east of Parker ,city limits ' ave. lurtlh :to Ocean 145- Locust a-vie rtht . ave. 256 American ave. - Santa Clara Ave. 381 Elm ave. Califorinia ave. tronm W. Seaside 436 Linden ave.-- en E,. Ftlll nnd- blvd. east of Parker 535 Atlantic ave,* Villow west- 1 ave, north to Water 6ti4 Jilr.e avet - W. Ocean ave. 741 Olive ave. W. First - 801 Alamltos ave. Fourth W. Second 964 Bonito ave. TAantlh Snts Crus Ave. 1104 Cerritos ave. from tMh junction 1272 Esperanza ave. of V.- QOeCp Ave. 1355 Falcon ave. and Maine west to 1476 Gavinta ave. t Monterey ave. 1571. Hermosa ave. Neptune place 1661 Tnolependencia av. Pele. 3Maine Way place 1803 Juniperu rae. rccn E. Seventh 1Mermaid placc 1870 Xennebec ave. E. Tentlh at in- Golden 1970 lindero ave. etfion of ',Wash- Ronnie Brae ave. 2073 ^[ol6l ave. ton, MceKinley Wabash ave. 2171 Ner'ada ave.. ; Lincol n and Bloomfield ave. 2291 Obispo ave. field aves 5Morgan ave. gton Parker ave. - 2391 Palonia ave. y'raVe.. Quito ave.. Santa Fe Ave. IRedondo. ve.-- f roem Livingston Loma ave. - irk Ave. drive between Xi- Sobrante ave., nE. Seveenth be- meno and Nieto Euclid ave.. en Temiple .and aveu. inorth to E. Termino ·ave. north Seventh Grand- ayve E. FnStiTentlt St. Louis Miranmar ave. Anser Termino ave., Vi.tat Belinortjave.! yW. Tliot RotweWI-av.e. m Santa1 Cruz Colorado _ Bennett ¥ei, r-bimtwee !. wol.- Ei Filttit ' and DB omrfield Prospect ave. I block' Senbright Ave. s. south ,from' W. Anaheir 2 S~coad, Wet. . II Ave. blocks west of Per- from 1530 rine.ave. n- Li vin//atol* ris road north to -westto Water. Pfi.x re betwe en Ter- State * cqnnected from eo and Xfmeno Cowles Crescent *ave. to mi. tnorth tot. E Gaylord - Ocean Park. ave. Ith. Discconnect- W. Seventeenth 135 E. Pacific ave. from E. Seventh Sefnide Blvdi, Earst. W. Pacific ave. '.EBRy.. 246 Cedar -ave. -- from Pine ave. on 345 Chestnut MvLv.- Ocean Front east to · 461 M /agnoliaave. Alamitos ave. 51i6 Daisy ave, Pier ave. 642 Mainei S. Tocust ave. - 730 Golden. Collins Wayt Heitei Court Rs!3 Sthrt - Wart C16uri Parker ave. - Elm Way Mitchell ave.- - Linten ave. E Santa Clara ave. Atlantic way -Ontaftlo RYej=- Lime ,way Se_s ldellvd. Wnt.. Seu-- Peee. - - - romnt rrr ve,' on south to -tbe,' _--.- V Ave. the Oqan Fiont .m LUl vingston rwest 'to Main Chair: front t.' -.- --' _ e betweeen Xi- anel,'of.-lon Beach anta -eearira/- L north to E. 1Viwgnnola ave. ave.-eaet tnaotd tie- - anthl Discon- Surftine place ,on'd' A)amitos ae.: ed fronm Colo- Ocean place Lin4-qn ave. ,to E, Fiftih Neptune place Atlhntic ave. : -: Maine place Chtforni;z ave. Mermald place Lewli ivve. _ . Golden Lemon ave "; Bomnie Brae ave. CcCrrltds-v-p ....-. I4. - Wabash. avle; n ·-E. Anahelim Bloonfield .ave, Sevenfestki-nrW - reet: Termitie Mo rn e. from- -lSt; Pacific Aover.° Parlrc; aye. _ave.-rwetto:an be-'. Ximen Monterey- ave. yond: Plco ave. lh 1 bloe blariposa ave. Cedar ave. Santa- Clara ave. Chestnutavv. iVCaltforrnia ave. San Dxego ave. MagnoaH ave, reeif E. -Twhenty- Ontario ave. Magnolia - c t'd t. E;. HIKtll Ventura, ave Daisy - I to Lenmoil ave. Riversfde. ave. Oregon. .MLX. LSNG BEACH MODERN STREE? ITET-COrt ______F Frisco north to Crescent bSobrante Ate. Pico ave. from E- Ocean 25n v'. Third i.Venternf ltcrf -i-BlocK east of it. from E. Ocean ave. hort., dondo ave. north opposite Alamntcs front Panner be- Park sout.. tu th.e tw.een; L. uj and Il ark blvd. ocean front Termino aves. x block south, .Masne Avie. from junntlon, Seventh. Ent. .horl. fcean ' and Yr- from 65Z Pine ave. from Dakota '.veo Ba. ara a.ves. e. east to Santa Fe between Palm and south and east ave. E. State west: Santa Bahrbara ai. 128 Locust ate. block Mendocino jave. 219 American ave. 355 Elm ave. %Irnftfl Mil! =1:4 AJpfhe ave. 441 Linden ave. 'Signal Hill" Alpinne rVe. 521 Atlantic ave. Catalina SlmJunte Ave. 845 .ime ave. H"-rold a;-. r-ur. Vensnlore 7! C.he ave Luella ave. block eat of Stir S31I Washinvtnn Temple ave. 95 Caliifrrnria ave P'anorama drive Vafishlington ar 532 Alamitos ave. Marie are. from E. Tenti, Cerritos ave. Leroy ave. Ahahelnl; and fr,. (Irange ave. Raymond ave. Pa11l Nsoutl Almond a;e btlock; also from t Almond ave. SMignal Ifil{ l)ive. State north ! h.... Walnut ave. from. California ave. :Seventh Poinsettia ave. betwueen E. Hill rnd E.l-eventli. Isme nive. . W'illow east r0: t-ardena ar:e. Oht~nge ave. frOm, E. Fifteen, Cherry ave. Cary betwveen. C!her St. Louis ave. Grand View nav and Vir., ayes.-nor Da-;rsoni tae. Kenyon avv. t* Siatre Junipern &rV. SXlK14l 11111 View. Palm. - _ Stanley ave. fron: 31ay Dakota ave. are. be- stonwd.,l tween Willow- and from Ohio ave. Sunrise blvd. east 112-4 Amierica Temple ave. to Glendale ave. east to Atar- Gartfield ave. ave. Pa-rer-. a%. Sixteeath,. :slt. Elm ave..' Ohi[po ave. frotl 153i5 Plte ave. 4.G Linden ave. Coronado ave. east to city limits PRedondo arc. .., Locust ave. ialnwodl Ave.. vesm. ierwport arve ..aeries ^-_.- Lome * ,- TLwetf tL - ~Eulhl ave. tI0 Linden ave. Sttae. - an*. Grand ave. Sixteentk. frdon 17§T2 Pine a ilramar ave. W'et. from 1555 Pine ave. east to a-li beyon- Terminn ave. west to Pico Ternilno ave. Rosewell ave. ave. Lieust ave. JIldson Disconnected from ave. Pacitfie ave. to tMag- American arve Ximeno ave. noliz 44i Pa.sdena &vir. Glen ave. Da lsy 33 Atlantic ave. Pearl la-r.ne Oregon Lime ave. Roycroft ave. Pri.seo Iowa ave. venth. WVent. Olive ave ¢ Sltetith 1'1,ep California ave. from 65 Tfi. ave. fronm west to an7 t"-:--d E. Ocean ave. -Lir: =rra. £ tRlsirusi ,-,:-%'. ",P.ip AsteAinmltos Lemon afve. PaclficR-, ave. Park touth !`t the Cerrltos-ve. 145Cedar ave Ce4tan £rr-nt Ora-,ce' ave. 3;7 Chestnut re. Stxth, C 458 .lagnozli ave. t. GUndinry ave. -43.'- ; ave. fromi' 55 Pine ave. Walnut'ave. Maine east to andi beyond PolnsettLa ave. Fairbanks BraWn ave. are. 1°. Locust Golden ave. 74i ave. herra 'c;e Shannqak Americah ave. i7 Lindeo' ave. , tafsiea plaee - eveath the i. 517 Atlantic ae 645 Lime! from lz6 E. Oceon ve.e 1ktaneyzve. ave. south to the 8.l OAlve ave ocean front 837 IamLftos ave. 'Temple ave. Wftervon Shanna 1k. ave. from Ocean Park from 55I Pine ave. Freeman ave. . t loc west of west to Water Obihpo ave. Golden north to W. 147 PacAific ave Ludy k've, Seventh C.Cedar ave. rI-..offo ave. V. Sixth eswtorl ave. 614 Lomt i.ev She PFifte n AkLmJtos blvd. %rom -. Firteenrlo Ooldle O rniom 1fVi Pine avr. Stiate lrverslde drive west to and-beyond Palml lndfi Perris road Pacific ave., Shorn. from l205 E. Ocean Cerda -ve. from g43 W. Second are. south to tihe Ch'eatnut av~e- Ocean front Edlendale blvd- - LONGo BlWiA*CH 'MoIU1N-"#T IRRECTORY .- X. .i-

*r ~ ~ " . =; E0 xnaheimn .1;, Fourth E. ,E;0.Ftlf : Fifteenth 'R.SlitiL- Palrn- J 10. Seventlh E. State Lincoln' EllIrave. E. Tenth Wall E. Anaheim Park lane Wehrle Summit road E. Fourteenth - Tenth. East. 'Zaferla from 94 -Pine ave. Panner 44 Park Cir- ti and beyond !1- ta44 toie i menoL ave. Tercaiua tr e. ' - rtwest to % 128 Locust ave. from Alice -ina - southerly direction to lanodYhia%drive· - Canon drive . Atve. 347 Attasitie ave. nI.ivingston Lime ave. 'Therean. Ave. etween Santa 721 Jessie ave. from Temple ave. rnd Nieto ave.s. Olive ave. between E; Fourth -to Colorado 'Myrtle ave. and E. Seventh east. 943 California ave._ 'to Obispo a;vet 1037 Lewis Garflold ave.- 1034 Alamitos ave, Third. Eret. - R,, . ' IH-azard. ave. from 16 Pine' ave. -live. Y;t [a ~£e ave. - to- city liniit*- - E.Fourth 'I Orange ave. .143 L.nellst ave, east of Cher- Esperanza 249'. American ave.. F;--ve. north I -Woffmanh ave, 35G- Elm ave, k;i also from Eh. Walnut ave. 431 iJnden ave, ii - bIlock Poinsettia ave. 545 Atlantie ave. th; also from E. Rose ave. 643 Lime ave. Jbeimsouth I Vina 746 Olive ave. 821 Alamitos ave. Cheirry ave. 942 Bonita ave. ;.--ili.Axe.mnnt Belmont ave. DVasonnDawsonave. ave. 1071 Cefritos ave. tWeen Second and Stanley ave. Third. Weit - Aer, east to Liv- Stale ave from 25S Pine arves Lton drive-. -west to.at. :, i4ti .- acinec ave. - Teinple ave. 203 *W Paeific ave. t ave. Gladlys ave. 227 Cediar rve. atave. JaMeinley ave. 347 Chestnut ave._ -ave Filer ave. 441 Magsnoli-. ;ve. t vKave. nose Park ave. 549- fWlaisyTve- -e Pc ave-. Coronado ave. Mafn'M45 -- - '43 Golden i Radi.. Redondo ave. 835 Short_ gn I blick east Newport ave. Crescent ave.; FTemple ave. be- Loma av6e. Ocean Parkave. pen E. State and Euclid ave. Riverside drive:-- mnal Hill blvd. Grand ave India - Rt to Loma ave. Brownie driva- Tsid Plae, . - sconnected from Termino ave. - from 1061 E. pInie aye. to 0on1. RoswTe! ave. Ocean ewyave. -Xi-meno ave. ave.. -outlh toi the--- ocean front - - cLa.eave. %'WTenth. -est. _ aesbid fronir 954)-Plne ave. -e b"lvd- wos:to-'ze-ailnv-avwr. from - -617 ix Ocean- ' ~/JFlvd. * -133 Pacific ave. ocean fron " ' ' *m Atlantic ave. ear Bluff place - ,block nortb of 347 Chestnut ave. B. Ry. southleast 44 Magnolia ave. 1 from :FO ilhut._ !.rtb' - weav. , TenthIr e . -_ [~eav e . .. fram3144C ML O*en I- blck -Plaee. aVe. south to the mn.- W. Seasid - - . oe front - trm Elt- 2 pili*, 'd. tbeweei- ag.r - Ter.. Ave. ,:east, of ' Jun ipero - ia.ave.. and Gold-. - . '1 Occan j. norh to Ocean blocks- cast orf e- rollto ave.. - e.ono ' dv .- north; to, Hechlura- ve - Ave-V. SconS t Raailway R. First 5 - from E. Fiurthl be- - e eat ot Juni- 'IerIne--Ai-e. ave. nori Et t I- f.i *,Livlvnston4 -*,qat- s cF n-ve nal -Hill btlvd, - d'rive between Grand north to 'P-E. fRy. - ',- ' and .Xlimeno. aves. -"heiawe Ave. < -ta ' north to and-beyond state --blv.d. ast- o Frker to E. 'First- ave. northeast to o ' E. Second Eldorado tave. rth Anser Twelfttst. , ave- Vista rom Tn'SS Pine avE.. - ore ' 'P Eliot .east to -American L.ave. Massihusetts ave. - ' ' - ' Inth . - Colorado- - -'121i.sh-" t.. Zgon .-er;mnont'.: -. -%ema' 26ff Locusts ave XXII. LONG BEACH IODERN ST-iRET:i'DiECTORY,

Ttelfthl, West. Ventnra Ave. . e. State from I1i5 Pine ave. from V%'. Se-1,3_ west to Chlestnut blvd, east of Parker E. Hill ave. north to Oce.ian ave. Agusta ave. Paciic .ave. V'ernmont. Creston 211 (edar ave. from Termino ave. Burnett ave. Ti elfth Plt-e. betw.-een Eliot atnd Cresce-tt from I 7,3 E. Ocean 1i. Fourtnh east to I V.l llow ave. south to the block east of Xi- ocean front meno ave. from htanlney :t Bluff Pla°eo IRotwell ave. tlw.~oPn i. o,,:o-. Xci~eno .atc. Tweutleth. andiE. Tent, -- st t from Alamitos ernaon. Rose Circle ave. from Pine ave. be- Dakota ave. I block north of E. twpenl 1R. 11111 and. f. :sElPe east o tUll!- Ohio av e. dry ave. :Inworlean ave. l'wvtntleth,. East. View. antinicrtsn Ave. ·fr -. -. a-. - * ft vro t,. s010irk a. - tween E. State andi block south of E. Of -.alvson are. :.- E. [ill. east to Cer- VWillow west to P. tWeer. E. Sex en ritos ave. E. Ity. and E. Tenth east I.ocust ave. Vine. l'-I1ek American ave. fromn E. Tenthi be- Dw.%wsOn ave. 34i Pasadena ave. tween WValnut and %'ihisto Perkins are. Cherry aves. north I'nilntee. Atlantic ave. to E. Eleventh from 831 E. Sevent Lliloe at e. .;-rt:h t~o -. Tenthil Iowa ave. Vine .Ave. *73 E. Eighth iOlive ave. from E. Seventh ,,e- California ave. tweetn Cherry and !.ewis ave. Tenille aves. north %l%'t41r. Lemon ;te. to Catalina flrom V. end E. Tenth Oeealtn 1ive. n-,rt Twentieth, iVe t. F. Eleventh eai;t. and north t frorm.P'n ave. K. Ananlnlln Antaieim. s ,se, blocks nnrth of V, E. neeted from. State west to Gold. Fifteeoith Slit en Palm to- .- P. aRY. E. St:ate WV.Firt . Pacific ave. W% Second Cedar \'xtia. ,-eur;r,.. ,!r've Cedar ave. from . Oblspo ave Chestnut Wilmington blvd. between Ansrer and Ai. Third Chestnut a r. ElIot east to Eucalyptus Bixby Frankl!n lMagnolla ave. Columbia. l.dn,.;#ile Coronado ave. .Commercial i.ivdY. Riedondo ave. Daisy Nelvl)ort ave. ;Werie. Maine Loma ave. from Off ave. Oregon E1uclid ave. block north of E Grand ave. Anaheims east t 'Yweslletb a'lnte. Cherry;arve.; arb, from 19103 IE. Ocean Mliramar av' Termlno ave. from firanmar av- ar. soutl, to the - et -t Termtim:,::- ocean front Belmont ave. Roswell ave. WVerner. Twenty..firxt. Bennii:t tve. tfuiz Orinige ate. from Alahnittls ave. X!;neno nae. block north to I' 2 blocks nortlh of E. Prospect ave. Knahelm ePast State east to al:n- Qu ney ave. blok - dry- ae. I-oycroft ave. Thweaty-itirtl, FEat. Santa Fe ave. -fron E. Hill 1 block St. Joseph ave. east of Cherry from American ave. Campbhell ave between Rhea and ave. northl to Canoer R. H"ll cast to Or- drve. ange ave. from .-. $eaade Elm a:e. blvd. letWrreen Uood- Pa.sadena ae,. en an,- Mourgan ave. -- -trolj .ne it block Perkins ave. nortnh t Twentiet' nortsh t^ >2-'_ .... 't--o ,o er!c"- .rtantic ave. ave. .'lne ave. ave. a; . wIt. Locust ave. Jessle ave. from Dakota ave. 1 lyrtle ave block north of 'V, Olive frEtt Pine ave. I ave. State east to Tem- block California a'e. Ple ave. norUtL of W Lewis ave. Twentleth west I Lemon ave. Walnut Ave. block- Ierr:t. !_ from- 'k i tas.t or Descanso Twret.-Gt.~ %ttei.. frtUJ Pine ave. I mile north from Pacitic I block ,emUlltf E- ''ilToWv of Hii; north of I. Twen- Lelnn eaat.-to and beyond tletih west to Gold- E. Fourtht Cherry ave. en . Filfth Locust- ave. Cou. ,irive 1.'. Sil.'h W_ Amor1c;G ave. Edendale blvd. I'. Seventh lhterieSat- ave. Eucalyptus iHellman Parsadrl rare. Magno!L- I-: Eighth Llndemr ave. Daisy E. Ninth Atla'ntle ave. Mlaine P Tenth May -ve. - - Oregon Analt.e9- Gledaie .ave. _S..~t,} - _--= - itVCCE Z---~- .ON- BEACHI .--mODurz - -r Sr1tRIn-' DIRECTORY It XIII.U

- _ . . . _ and E- State eait to St. Louis -Short, Aner Loma ave. Vista. Wlinn3ipeg ilnaee. Eliot from Eliot between Colorado Ojal and ObisDo Vermont aves. north and east E. Fourth to Oblspo ave. E. Fifth E Sixth Vimolisla Ave. E, Seventh from Railway be- Lincoln tween Junipero an - Temple aves. ,north E. Anaheim to Eliot 'Zaferla. imeim A.Ye. fromet-Lne ave- he- from Livingstone tween T:. Anahelin drive betit'een Ter- and- E. State east to mino and Santa Fe I block east of Ter-, avce. north to State mino ave. E. Second Termino ave.

t Our Advertisers

DRiRTISEMENTS in this directory- rpre- sent the energy and push of the cohnulmnity and it is a pleasure for the publishers to have the opportunity to make the public gcquainted with them through our columns. These advertisers ire the -iople who accomplish the wonders in business hereiand iate the city what it is. They recognize and- support ll the public necessities and things needful to improve and Aer.ecommuny of this magnitude., .They atr nogtthe Itoes-aud spoges whoo eer suppot anything but nk- ither to gi by othr3 hard work and moneys. :Why L cun patronLe thosee aedv.rtiging you patronize men and firms 6ho will pationize you. in' the same broad mnner youw patroniie them. But-the other class, the drones and. iponges ffgire to keep all they make andieverotronmle'-- lyone if it is possible-there are a few of these people be-t. and they are certainly not good Long Beach'citizenis. :

r I t

; -- _ - I MO ML__


-- Do You Want

To find any one? To keep track of customers ?

To know who you are dealing with? - - To keep you accounts clearer as to customer's name and address? - To have the Best Information Bureau in -- wn at your comnand ? Buy a Directory and Learn How -. We Teach You Free - of Charge

Thurston Direco and Publisbhing LONG BEACH ,


I %tnl iIer.(. Aachen-'ilIunich 'ilre Ins. ('o Geo.. . Sllith & ('o., agents, 404 FIirst

Aarup, Etnil, ilboat builder lellows Yacht, ,lMarin. {',nonstruction (C., -Sarn Pedro. Abbey, -Abraham I,.. groeries, 120l ('elit ,s av.. I. Q. s. EI'sl,'anlza tav. __ndich. n. of 1Tenth. Abbey, H.attie M1., cl lk A. L. Abbey, r. e. s. Esplra.:l.z av. 2ndl h. n. of -Tn t h. AlibeyjteroyTenth. L.. cht rk A. L. Abbey. r.. .. s ... a.. 2nd i.. n. of -Tetb. A·bI2,tA.i'thur. t-:t(Pr \v;'nu"v):,:,y School, r. .:31 ('rys.tal ',,ur't. Abbott',alvln tt., building contl'act ,. r. So03 e. Sixth.

AbbotflIa A.. ,Mrs., r. 428 w. inth. G I .E 't2t-- ~c.2 tabl rer C'alifo-nnia 1i-1, ('o., ,. East SanI Pediro. - AbbottA- -:Sarah L.., Mls., r. 630 ('edar :atv. Abbotti--W. E.. ,u'tlcinizier E. J. Gray. ri. 328 e. ,'ourth. Abrani.. S. J.. tailor. 33 'ine anv. 1. foot of Bonitaav. on beach. - Abrlz.r. Mls. ri. s29!, Pine, a;v. Acosta,-Manuel P., r. 121, I're.cttnrt av. Adaairg red. r. :5,3EsiF.l:inza. Adair, Cliarles S. (Pahla.c Ii!i:ardl Palrll.r), r. 6i; Atlantic av. Adair, .JB.,,'. 621) ('hestnut av. Adali, Jlimes A. driver Peol)h,s Ie.e ('o.. r. 35. ESlperanza. av. Adalr.-LPearce. (('. S. Ad;air,, A. 1. Pearce). ,roprs. Paiate Billiard Par- __10.ianorthi end o)f Piter. AdaiilIbelt 1.. tuibilng. r. 635 Eliot. =rthrl l H. mining eng ineter. -. '9;5 e. :,',lrth. ~---ifikrfial3 ',1.r av.3 Ha ' Adaiuartenc e ('.. r. 41:3 w. Sventh. rt ;t Adam4, nm:la A.. Mrs.. prop. \\omian's lat Shop. r. 417 I.ong Blaelch k Bl3lg. ^!... ; 4... ?.Mli ;.. ,r Ai,A i!1' s ~,.'!::.!*,,.*. . :;i B-.!: "oiS ____ alitne. .M.s..: r. ,5 '. conl. ,. -A attie A.. .Miss, watitl'r's. i. 7)3 ('hestnut atv. 7>A wnes B. r. 71:1 Paciffic a. _A__ osejkhin,.. M ir !7Irs.. L.io,v. on rl loyd G., (WoV}lff & Adams )Drug('o.L r. 255'3 Park Blvd. , -A [ argaretlh. i.s. teachl,-)-Daisy Avnute School. r. 421 w. Sixth. CO Ah~ ' Mal~ry. Miss. tta:lther Daisy Avenute School. 1'. 421 w. Sixt;.. ti e A M'ary.,, .l rs.. r. 331: I)aisy av. eekie W.. Irs.. r. 421 w. Sixth. .A ~ tzoi~o!al XI N11-.' t-:.,h.. Pr I.3:3 Eli It.


-__=_H L~ JULIAN 1 Excellentl, situated near the Ocean, ,rairig Pacfi: H Park. Special Rates by the Wieek. : L~-¢ ,~C~. Hoffman, Prop. ...AMERICAN PLAN... .'ca.I RAtES: $2.00 lto s, So per Day, Stngle Metst 50 Cents. 0__ Cedar Ave. TELEPHO.VE HO.UE 36

I _ I ------J..W1,eienlrr R. C W t., GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT Co. 144 PINE AVENUE hile itt tile city do not fail to ilnvetinrateour high grade City and Ranch Property. S'PCIALTY. Home Phone 6x, Long Beach, Cal. ' CHAN~.r - 1i LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

'AdI a m s, Shbrman R.. eonfectionery. on the Pike. r. 8t!1 Pine av. Adams, Thomas W., r. 965 e. Fourth. lAdeonk, Leon. r. 109 w. Ocean av. Addison, Amos I., engineer, Virginia Hotel. r. Ij- e, First Adkison F. A. Mrs.. r(Hawk & Adkison), r. 412 e. First Adkins, Molly P., 'Miss, r. s. w. cor. Seventeenth and Chestnut. Adkins, S. J., r. 142 American av. Adkins, S. J., Mrs., delicacy store, 142 American: r. same. .Adkinsni, c(assell W., bookkeeper Towvnend-Dayman Inv. Co.., . Daisy av. Aetna Fire Ins. Co., W'alker-Williams Realty Co., agti., 227 Pin, 4l Afana, Bshara, 0 (Gamil Afana & Bro.), Auditorium Bldg. r. sanm 0 Afana, Gamil & Br3. Gandit & Dshara, proprs. The Egyptiani Barz Auditorium Bidg. A-gri-!tura ins. I

jNerry i., boxmaker. r.rs e. car..c. Seektih and St. Louis av. tiith N., r. s. e. cer. e. Seventh and St. Louis av. .H., carpenter, r. 121 w. Third. -Miss Tresse E. Alford, prop. furnished rooms, 135 Amer- C

E,., Miss, prop. The Alford, r. same. prop. City Shoe Shop, 109 e. Seo)nd, r. same. 13B.,gvoceries, 236 e, First, r. 1153 Elm av. mshed, astrologer, r. 240 Maine. jifi•k, rancher, r. 829 Daisy av. _e, Miss, r. 829 Daisy av. lanr , Miss, r. 829 Daisy av. , Mrs., r. 829 Daisy av. _., ranhPr- r. 82 DaLy' av, . mill supt. iational Lumber Co., r. cor. Ninth and Railroad WI'mlnal Island. ~K. C., Miss, r. 538 w. Third. ,,Mrs., r. 1013 LOcust av. _ A., dentist,'109 e. Third, r. 1457 Appleton. painter, r. 252 Short. gj,E., with Edison Light Co., r. 437 e. Ocean av. W., r. 721 w. Firt. Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. -(OVING, PACKING and STORAGE m Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 l_

t, Mrs., r. 229 w. Anaheim. Ci Btegent Puente Oil Co., r. lZR w, Third, ., r. 638 w. Third. r. 1457 Appleton. [., meat market, 852 e. Seventh, r same, r,f. 421 e. Sixth. Whine M., Miss, r. 538 w. Third. O, collector, r, Hotel Del Mar. -iekc., Miss, r. 1013 Locust av. = r. S Ventura av. Seaside Park. ili A., Miss, r. 324 Cedar av. d.ore E. prop. Long Beach Coffee Co., r. 918 Alamitos av. '-- , Miss, student, r. 721 w. First. hostler Tally-Ho Stables, r. 337 e. Fourth. -_M., Mrs, r, e. . Redondo -v. 1st h. s, of Anaheim. ml.. Mhtrs. nran Alpha FPlat, r. 236 e Pacific ji. 38, gas fitter Edison Electriec Co., r. 429 e. Ocean a. - rin E., r. s. w. cor. Coronado av. and Vista. s, Mrs. Jennie Alley, prop., furnished rooms, 234-236 Pac- _

W., 'eapool. digger, r. 1019 Hellman

Gt BUY OF THE BIG -HOUE-ARTLITT MUSIC-CO. RLSON TAILORING GO :[lR~_ XLS-.L,,,ON~t · HIGH CLASS TAILORS 'iP"-. L.a CLARlt, ma.uw. Homn Phone 798 120 PinuA~.;- Young-Parmley Inv. Co -REAL-ESTATE- P IN-VESTI-MENTS J. W. Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parnmley. Suite400-1-2-34, LONG BEACH ]%N}K lLbt


Altenberg, W'm. L., r. 19G7 Atlantic av. Alter, Win. 1., supt. job dept. Long Beaclh Press, r. s000 e. Ocean Amack,. U. S., carpenter, r. e. s. Atlantic av. opp. Rhea. Amcrican Avenue Hail, 111 American av. American Ins. Co. of Newark. N. J., J. R. Maason & Co., agt, ,(4; Long Beach Bank Bldg. t1 American Real Estalte Cu., (3. A. Roininger), real estate and ins.. First. American, The, WVn. Ramige, prop., furnished rooms, 56 America, Amnes, C. C., pres. and treas. San Pedro Canning Co.. r. Los Ang.l . lL iV, Ames, Edwin a., r. n. s. e. Tenth 2nd h. e. of Orange av. Ames, Elizabeth, Miss, dressmaker, r. 137 Ocean Way. -!t Aiir.iani. Fred R. pile (lriver, r. 328 Court Drive. Anmmn. B. I.. dour tender Majest' Skating Rink, r. Hotel Ri. 1&' Amsburg, Oliver W., r. 1044 Cedar av. Anaheim Feed Yard, J. H. Steward, prap.. 321 e. Anaheim. Anchor Grocery. Kanoff & Hubbell, proprs,., 400 e. First. Anderson, A. A., Dr., r. 330 Linden av. Anderson, Augusta, MliS', domestic, 505 w. Ocean av. 1 Anderson, Charlps I., r. 1235 Pacific av, Anderson, Charles R., carpenter, Q*4 r. 1235 Pacific av. Z- Anderson, Clarence, prop. San Pedro Copper XWorks., r, San Poilr, Anderson, Daniel W., r. 120 Bonita av. Anderson. Eleanor. ifts,. r 321 Pa;e!'fie av. t Anderson, George E1, l: 1235 Pacific av. Andelsun, George Mi., barber, Kneipp Bros., r. 31; American av. LL t -0. Anderson. H. T., (Glen Burnic Hotel;, r. Railroad av. and Thrdi. 7 tli, rv mnlnal Island. Anderson. Hattie C.. Mrs., restaurant 321 Pacific av., r. same. Anrle;sn, H.ilda.o.V.r., ihctjU-SuketPUr, .; 4,¢9 W. Elghth. -ti Anders,,:l, J. IV., ag;. Paiftlc Electric Ry. and mgr. Postal Tcltgi, E., and Cable Co., r. 440 e. Fourth. Anderson, John, r. 321 Pacific av. "W i W I Anderson. John, 221 Esperanza av. XC Andfreson, John A., vice-pres. Peck ~ Anderson Realty & Inv. c 0.! San Pedro. Andprson, M. B., Mrs., r. 143 w. First. C: Anderson, Margaret E., Milss,. 2r16 Magnolia av. Anderson, Oscar J. A., plumber, r. 737 Lime av. Anderson, Raymond C., jeweler, r. 421 w. Ninth. Andrew, Anna R., Mrs., r. n. W. cr' T,'~nntvre and Termino av Andrews, Charles L., labarer r. rear 326 American av. o Andrews, Daniel, r. 1140 ('edalr vy Anlre. s, n C., ir insector 'alt Lake Ry., r. Railroadi av. Ter,.- o Island. Andrews. J5ishua, r. n. e. cor. Hill and California av, 0 Andres. Alargaret, ,Miss, physical director y. WV.C. A. Assn, r. ri; f'eedar av. Andrews. Mary R., Miss, stenographer Citizens Avinss Bank, r.

Andrews, Ruth, ,Miss, student. r. 1140 Cedar av. Andrews, Walter H., r. 1304 e. Seeend. I

V. MB.rcCRACKEN, 5lanager E. A. GOETZMAN. Sec. and Thr -g HARBOR LUMIBER CO. OFFICE AND YARD: Cor. Ocean and Golden a". Fnil Line of BUILDING MATERI [$ a-ad .":: o,.rk. Tel. HomeS65, Sn;nset2r4. Lolwg BeaC:. tI! raHr.!H R T H O R N' S Bought, sold, e.- W~~~~H~omeA -= ---- d.i anged or rented. 441 P.IANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE 'Tuning and re- -ave. 240 PINE A -E. iri. a ial- , BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 2816! tY LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 21

Willlam T., pres. Long Horn Consolidated Mining and Miii- [Co., r. 430 -V. Fourth. [ Hugh, r. Bay Front. Terminal Island. _ 'Sarah, Mrs., r. 221 e. Ocean av. Z. C., agt. Yosemite Mineral Spring.Crystals, 221 e. Ocean r. same. ahn H., (The Tourist Grucery), r. 561 Orange av. 0 LOsborne (J. H. Anglin, M, E. Osborne), proprs. The Tourist ,ery, 4256 e. First. fEs N., r. 1719 e. Fourth. > iry, Sfrs., r. 130 w. Third. *hey, Annie, Miss, employee Model Laundry, r. w. s. New- av. 1st h. n. of e. Tenth. fkey. Kate. Mrs., r. w. s. Newport av. 1st h. n. of e. Tenth. g Carles, teamster Long Beach Milling C., r. 403 Appletcn. 0 .A. E., employee Artificial Stone and Brick Co., r. 830 Z lard. lertha, Mrs., r. w. s. Roswell av. bet. Anser and St. Louis. '5 irry r. n. s. Anaheim 4th h. w. of Ohispo. t,;Leslie H., prop. DPl Mar Cafeteria, r. Del Mar Hotel. )ora, Miss, r. 1379 Myrtle av. lrank, r. 1379 Myrtle av. ~Long Beach Brick Works i{g RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor

MLITYBUILDING BRICK. PIIONES: Office, Home 651, Works, Home200 [,

H. mgr. Long Beach Bath House, r. 232 Magnolia av. bhn I., r. 835 Pine av. e ;Charles H., r. 245 e.- F3urth. iThe, Mrs. M. C. Weimer. Mrs. E. G. Wagner, boarding house, ,k. Oceau av. s Y I- ,er, Norman J., r. 1643 Appleton. I |; 3J. T. Short, manager, new and second hand goods, 119 wv. i ond. . The, Mrs, C. McCord, prop., furnished rooms. 202 e. First. [argaret, Miss, r. av., Seaside Park. . N. G. C., Company H., 221 e. Third. g, Ada A., Miss, employee Inner Harbor Laundry, r. s. s. Zaf- P1st h. e. of Termino av. it Alfred W.. r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. * ,. CarrU. Miss. r 735 w. Third, ,. Emma, Mrs., r. 344 Cedar av. L , Joah H., r. 646 Pacific av. I. g, Lucy A., Miss, milliner Miss L. M. Miller, r. 556 Locust av. . . , Mathew, r. 35 w. Third. g, William C., eemont worker, r. s. s. Zaferia 1st h. e. of Ter- !o av. I.

EST-LARGEST-STRONGEST-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. iring, Motors and Fixtunrs. Phone Home 30, Snsset 1561 Electrical Supp[ &- ftxture¢ o.

ii -Frt.ieti u ecCl Phones: Home 394, Pacific ill, FRI'D HIX19ECalifornia Chocolate _ Candy Co.

All our goods are made from tie purest materialsand w eiatt.l..-.- s-ol'- Cur. E. Sixth and Alamiltosave., Lang Beach, Cal.


P Arnold, Beth, Miss, r. 230 Cedar av. Arnold, Catherille N., MIrs., r. 929 Cedar av'. Arnold, Dwight, D)r., r. 230 Cedar av. Arnold, Edward C., taborer, r. 110 e. Seventh. A Arnold, Ellen, Mrs., r. 256 e. First. Arnold, Francis M., carpenter, r. s. e. cor. Dakota and e. Fourteenth. Arnold, Harry r. 311 American av. Arnold, Harry C., r. 345 e. Second. T Arnold, J.. clerk, 1: 40214 American av. Aila.I;. Ju:tna,P., MtH , r 229 w. Anaheim. Arnold, Norman D., r. 402% American av. Arnot, Georp Mrs.. r. 277 Cerritos av. Art Theatre, R. H1. Harrison, prop., on -the Pike. Artigue, Bernard, restaurant, the Pike, r. 645 w, Third. Artigue, Edwas waiter Bernard Artigue, r. 645 w. Third. Artigue, Genevieve, Miss, r. 645 w. Third. Art:is, Alla, Miss, r. 938 e. Fourth. Artis, John M., r. 938 e. Fourth. Arlis,. Nancy A., Mrs., r. 938 e. Fourth. Arns, Nellie, Miss, r. 938 e. Fourth. Arvine, James T.. physician, s. w. cor. Eleventh and VWalut, r. samn Ash, George WV.,carpenter, r. w. s. Redondo av. 2nd s. of- ; Eighth Ash, Gertrude, Miss stenographer Edison Electric Co., r. w. s. Redanl{ av. 2nd h. s. of e. Eighth. Copyrights Ash, Thomas, .: v. s. Ked-ndu dv. 2nd h. s. of e. Eighth. Trademartkes Ashbridge, Frederick. boat builder Felil,3 l'aeht and Marine c'; Labels structlon Co., r. Bay Front, Terminal Island. Ashby, Charles, S., clerk Cooper Hdw. Co., r. s. s. Heller 2rd h. c. orf R- av. CY Axhhy Froid S. r. x w. ,w,r. e. Trith and Raymord av. Z 4 hAshby, Julia H., llss, student, r. n. cor. Cherry av. and A.nahcim. I Ashby, Linford L. r n. w. col: Cherry av. and Anaheim. Atcheson. N., Mrs., r. 923 e. Ocean av. Atchley, E. F,, barber, r. rear 328 Pacific av. Zilr:Z Atkins. Harry, employee P. E. Ry., r. 109w e. 'Third, Atkinsoa, Mary, Miss, student, r. 231 w. Pacific a'. At!antie Avenue Schoo!, H. HI. McCutchan. principal, Atlantic av. andl _ t Fifth. _J >,V Atlreltic, The, Mrs. C. Ware, mgr., furnished rooms, 426 Aitahilntc ,. ,4 Atlas Fire Ins. Co., W. W. I.owe & Co., agts., 16 Pine av. Atwater. A. J. (Atwater & Carl), r. 705 Lueust av. a* CO~ Atwater & Carl (A. J. Atwater, B. J. Carl), groceries, U3 e. Third Atwood, Charles L., r. 228 Lindon av. O Aubery, T. A, Mrs., r. 1011 Elm av. Auburn, L. O., policeman, r. Ocean FrGiot, Terminal island. r_ Auditorium, in. end of Pier. _ Aufdenkamp. Fred E.. real estate. r 11ii . Wnurth. · .E Auld, Samuel D., laborer, r. 2273 Atlantic av. __ Austin, Albert B., dentist, 38 Pine av., r. 422 CheStnut av. Austin arson A.. r. 427 e. Seventh. i Austin, Charles R., mgr. Home Tel. & Tel. Co., r. 72T w. Second, Austin, EP Harry. silver polisher, r. 37 Linden av. Austin. Ernest, kiteien man Royal Cafe, r. 109 w. Ocean arY

ROY N .CARR O. lREALESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC RENTALS 107 AMERICIiN AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES nsend, Pres. C. P. Van de Water, Vice Pres. B. P. Dayman, Secy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. THE JINCORPORPORATED ncral Reral Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in Casiiornia uan ne Home 8 SnseTracts n Mexico 125 EAST FIRST STREET 0a1- ~ LOnXG BAtCH DiRECTOR . 2a

, Gearge E., policeman, r, n. e. cor, Anaheim and Calitornia sr. . n, Jesse, Mrs., r. 137 Chustnut av. _ n, Peter K., r. n. e. cor. Anaheim and California av. O nWilliam H., Dr., r. 639 Chustnut av. n, William Horace, architect, r. 639 Chestnut av. Mary. Mrs., r. 720 w. Second. Is, Peter, waiter, r. 720 w. Second. John, repairman Pacific Tel, Co., r. engine house. __ John C., real Jsatte 4 Pine av., r. 1003 American av. r, John F., pres. Jackson Park Land Co., r. 1003 American av. ,, Lois Le B., Mis3, r. 1003 AmnerIcan av. 4 Frank, boatbuilder Felton Marine Con. Co., r. Fifth, Terminal 4 -Island. ITI lDora H., Mrs., r. 325 Cedar av. 0 Ada M., Miss, clerk Postoffice, r. s. w. cor. Eliot and Ojai av. 0 Blanche, Miss, r. s. w. cor. Eliot and Ojai av. G n worth, Harry B., r. 40 Atlantic av. . ~

ck, Clyde C., clerk H. S. Callahan Furniture Co., r. 13, w. Third. ; E. M., carpenter, r. 227 e. Fourteenth. . ( F. L., Mrs., r. 446 Pacific av. > B John '., laborer, r 5Z7 w. Third, - Shirley V., photographer, 119 e. Ocean av., r. 848 Magnolia av. > , Frank A., clerk, r. 1638 e. Fourth. m- M r, Earl W., stenographer Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. z j or. Appleton and Bishop. r Mining &: Milling Co., J. M. Seay, Sec'y., 414 Long Beach Bank .

ruitWmn., laborer, r. 149 PIne av. >. _r,Samuel, blacksmith J. G. Hunt, r. 150 Elm av. rF me, Charles, Capt., whtrfinger, r. s. end of Pier. Fred, expresranan, r. 1053 Atlantic av. - nburg, Kittie, Mrs., r. 937 e. First. _. Bros., proprs. Farmers' Supply House. 117-119 w. First. a-. @M ,Esenhart, r. w. s. Loma av. 2nd h. s. of e. Fourth. o Elizabeth H.. Miss teacher High School. r. 521 E. Ocean av. 0 F. L., r. 125 w. Third Glen, laborer, r. 915 Washington. n * :o t . 5 , m Henry Clay, r. 44G Locust av. ' Katherine, Miss, teacher Pine Avenue School, r. 44S Locust av. P C. a Lillian, Mrs., nurse. r. 331 Daisy av. ~ Y-c Lorinda, Mrs, r. 435 Linden av.- · " Mamie, Mrs., , 435 Linden av. r 3 Mary E., Miss, r. 446 Locust av. .r.. Syrei, r. ;ef' Third. WeltrS !, (10rParse ;nupply House)- r. 446 Locust av. _ _ ' CS Alexander, baker Fancy Bakery, r. 142 Locust av. i -__ , Eugene, r. .or. -lemtery a-v. "a*l Zsunmit. ". * Mary 1. Mrs., nurse, r. 1030 Jexlet av cp

CHAIE PIANOS ARE SEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANy, .A~lTSTEftR,~anag~er -- PHONE, HOM]R tI~ .be f clRUister f!uSIc. Compant in Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Pcires, Fr.nes, Mduldip,..Etc. PLATING -dk'A - IidklBZS&TIE - Im~ INO MVALCOX E. A. MALCOA !Tds n~YD F W JORKSA 27f)Phone: Home 741.Pacfic 161,

'rf';:kF ='~ .-. ;: ti.' ,i.s', and Gents' Fite Garments a Specialty :.


-.*.r., MtrF' U..ls. teacher 1Hcnld's Long Beach Business Collcg, r ii I DtlI nr. tarc C.'hrl s E.. r. 461 St. Louis av. LS-.%r. Eihza U.. Miss. r. s. v. cor. Ximrneno and Colorado. '_-r 'g. t'_ Xtrs.. r. 1014 Atlantic av. Faw. r Franrk W.. cornice maker Long Beach Hdw. Co., r. 1324 e. Fir· Saker, Frederick, (Long & Baker), r. 121 w. Tenth. -,Fr C- rg,- Y. nnllehir. r. n. Ransom 1st h. e. of Lmr.a itv, ';atrr tiuah H.. (The Ideal Grocery), r. 415 Elm av. Fu.;,Ar Irv WV.. r. 461 St. Louis av. Fa Lr J&teles E.. transfer, r. n. wv. cor. Jessie av. and e. Anahlidi. _aF r J$hn. r. 335 e. Seventh. ,a_- r J .hn. baker F. V. Johnson, 1:. 1085A e. Thilrd. ,9, .. n E:- gas fitttr Edison Electric Co., r. 1016 Atlan:ic av a,9-Tr. J seph. r. 10n3 lIocust av. 11 :- ;. .K-;:- K.. .Miss,r. s. w. cor. Xlimeno av. and Coloran!o. SakLr Kezina. Mrs., r. n. e. cor. e. Second and Belmont av. :i i Fick-r L-_onard. sewer contractor, r. 224 e. Sixth. F'k.r L'r-'o!n S.. !aberer. r. 224 e. Sixth. I__t_- LI.lL .Mrs.. furnished rooms. 108 w. Firet r. same. .~H i-.t. -!a b I..., Miss. rms. Ransom 1st h. e. of Loma av. -II i' Fk-r. Margaret, Mrs., r. 952 Locust av. Fk, r. lMarv L.. SMrs., r. 445 Maignolia av. -" I ti ;'-r 3lar 31.. MIrs.. r. 1038 Locust av. I I EI_ r. Ml.nr :. S.. Mrs.. nurse. r. n. wv. cor. Jessie av. and e. AnlilalIn i_-- _*. xr: !r th're Idea! Grocery), r. 255 Linden av. _l EI Eker. XN.rhan V., carpenter, r. w. s. Tinling av. 1st h. n. of Eliot. F _-lrThom.as l,.. r_ 722 Pacific av. , a I ...- w.- D.. r -22 Pnp -v.. i '.r. .Va!:-rC., ri't lnan S. P. Ry., r. 335 e. Seventh. 1, , Iu..lrramla. A.. laborer, r. 1716 Pine av. CI IIs f':la in, Adah. Miss, c.llector Long Beach Hdv. Co., r. 415 Orange ]"ilP.lda in. Anson H., employee Cresceent Lumber Co., r. n. s. Eliot !ndih Wn.of Temple av. I Pin:n. C'arlton J., machinist. r. Ninth and Railroad, Terminal! Pl,;nl i, aldwin. E. J., pres. Lng Br-ahil Tdw ro., r. 4i1 Orangeo av. Cr; ParldamIn. E. J.. Jr., stnam fitter,' r. 41 Orange av. olBaldwin, Fred P., city clerk, r. 1545 Pine av. of Long Beach. r r t Palxl inl. Geurge H., clerk The National Bank Winchester and Eliot. Baldwin. MIyrtle. clerk, r. 415 orange av. Bali. Alva A.. r. 407 Pine av. Eall, Ben;dicet C.. carpenter. r. 549 e. State. %muI Ba.l. 1. ra .,., ,iss, dressmaker, r. 549 e. State. i3all, Frank A., r. e. s. Esperanza av. 3rd h n. of Tenth. 0 Call. George E.. r. 549 e. State. Bal. Ruitlit E.. r. 132 C*h'etnuT av. -' W4~ eall, Beymour E., physician, rms. 9-13, 11 Pine av., r. t w. co Irll a2 Perki.,s av. IBallard. Fldwin X.i r '35 El!'. I:allt-,T* h e.W i n. Welsh. prop., furnished rooms, 345 e. Ciee]l avr tallh'mgr. Frank J.. net. W'ell Fargen F;axprss CO r. W s. Perldns t . :trd h. s. ,f Hlill. - ,NEW AND SECOND HAN, RIC¥CLES frE¥TING', REpL'R!NG tIIIDRlE- CALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY TIRE VULCANIZING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION F S. r)NES, Man3ager Sunset, lnum1330 113 EAST SECOND STREEt', LON ".E"A CLEVELAND, Funeral Director and Embalmer AliibulanrcE1or Use of Sick Laidy Assistant lomne 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE

. - 25 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY -25 pJm. H., barber Beloit & Drummond, r. e. s. Raymond av. Ist-.h. of Anaheim, Gertrude, Miss, domestic, r. 729 Daisy av. L Terrace, Marion Srite, prop., furnished apartments, 130 Elm erger, Henry (City Paint ShoiF) r. 1075 Crescent av. lugh F., plasterer, r. 123 Wait Drive. 0 h, John, r. 956 Elm av. , Joseph T., r. 1117 American av. Elbert D., employee San Pedro Lumber Co., r. 742 California. . Horton, commercial traveler, r. 437 w. Third. W olhn H., r. 709 Campbell av. ian, R. D., prop. Bay View Transfer, r. 106 American av. 'Ship Yard, Mormon Island opp. Bay Front, Terminal Island. !John W., phrenologist, r. n. w. cor. American av. and Earl. E Lee H., supt. Bixby Park, r. 1622 e. First. WL, M., Mrs., dressmaker and embroidery teacher, r. 37 Amer- .n av. Rsarah A., Mrs., r. n. w. cor. American av. and Earl. -Henry P., r. foot of Lime on heaeh. 9va, Miss. r. Brighton Beach. Terminal Island. kCharles 'WV..Mrs.. r. n. e. cor. Larut and LaSalle av.

- G- }C ntbia Cntba ERnnex ,ti apartmient house in Sonth- ii New two-story brick bnilding adjoining the Cynthia, containing snites of fotr, A utia. Coiitahis 24 font-roIm 1 s, alelegantlyfurnished. All three and two rooms, as well as single ted during winter months. [ looms. ALL STEAM HEATED. T OCEAN AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM VS Emma, Miss, r: n. e. cor. Larut and LaSalie av. Emidio, musician, r. 58 Elm av. B. Claude, electrician Electrical Supply & Fixture Co., r. 227 z Third. O-0 M Frank, r. 919 e. First. A. rank S., attorney, 414 Long Beach Bank Bldg., r. s. w. cor. neno av. and CIlorado. -r {erard S., attorney, 414 Long Beach Bank Bldg., r. s. w. cor. -rrJ g O ieno av. and Colorado. 0 tobert, plasterer, r. s. e. cor. Cerritos av: and State. S a Wrm. H. (Barker & Casey), r. 318 'v. Fifth. l; H. Barker, E. D. Casey), real estate, 221 Pine av. _Casey (Wnm. 02 George R., real estate, r. 705 LBma Vista Drive. ir, C%.3 I, Harry, vice-pres. State Bank of Long Beach and sec'y Long '4 :ch. Hotel Co., r. 737 v. OCean avr. MM ir, Harry S., r. 737 w. Ocean av. to rohn R., janitor L. B. Bath House, r. 11211 California av,. t B ',, r ,Seasl-ac nld Rlve ide av. rloyd A, gen. mgr. Long Beach Hdw. Co., r. 1324 E. First. z ienevl;eVe, Mrs., prop. Mission Grocery, r, 246 e. Fourth. MII '-eor'e, clerk Misoln OGutwery, r. 246 e. Fourth. m MUSIC CO. I TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT * . hen you want the gas .turned on call the Edison Electric mny. The purest gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- bne 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue, GOULDENI STATE VSTMiENT-CO. _ 144 PINE AVENUE -; ,r -=w 4 1-XSPEIALTY.- & ouisrHome ;M, Phone-ro ee6;3, C,: u--dgR a;ca;NES Pr-

- 26 LONG BEACH DM-.'C";Or-

Barnes, Jessie B.. 'Mrs., teacher Pine Avenue ri. 1'24 e. F-st, BFwrnes. Joseph. porter, r. 144 W'at DrEfe_ . Barnes. Joseph C'., barber Stag Barber S'rRp, r. 4S w. See=d. Barnes, L. S. & Co. (L. S. BarnE . We. L. ~re'-adi . _.in ze -. Ing brokers, 109 e. Ocean av. Barnes, Legene S. (L. S. Barnes & Co;. r 444 D a-ira. t-JI lwv Barnes, Phillip L., bench hand Long Ba 9 &.& DOS Co.. r :: LiLime tV. Barnes, Robert C., r. 547 Atlantic av. CO Barnes, Stephien I., clerk Long Beaach iHdwr. C, r. 12* e. j &Barnhill, Agnes J., Mi'us, r. 1531 e Fourtb. Barr, Eula MT., lMiss, stenographer. r. E5- e.' Barr, Kate, Mrs., r. 407 e. Seventh. 5,~, Barr, Lillie B., Mrs., r. 1.35 e. Third. b!- Barrett, Eleanor, Miss, nurse. r. 12; BIlqhop;. Barrett, J. S., merry-go-round F- e r- i Barrett, Lory H.. building con-tract'-r r. .r2 F a-;r. 0 Barrett, Mary, Mrs., r. 313 Elm av. Barron, Milford D., carpenter, r. s. pl.n.t- s --... .. e A: , ave imm r j Barrnws, Ernest F., r. 1712 Heller. Baree, Edwin O., r. 1235 Cedar ar. Bartle. Helen L., Miss,. r. 1902 e. Seend. s~ Bartle. Henry H., Mrs., r. 19Q0 e. eca21

Barties, W'm. A., carpenter, r. _l 2A-._;t-:Et _ Bartlett. Anna L. aMrs.. r. w. s. Obsl: .. I- b 1=M -. :E. Rarti, F.E C.. r lil oP 'nFourth. tBartlPttd Edr'rd I., r 1nI2 EU"-- Bartlett. Grace. Mrs.. teacher Daisy- Avex- e e55 :rT--oL r. . a n , i Bartlett, Ida. Mrs.. r. 1012 Elm arr to [Bartlett. Lillian, Miss, bookkeeper. r_ i- "_e. E- . artiett Music Co.. D. C. Salyer. Mr_ z fc',=_ -nE2 .rEb C !p Phones. Pacitic 3221. Home 14S4. 4_T P£ ne: %T - Bartlett. Sidney. P.. r. 1012 Elm av. r c~ <; rrtiley. Sib i S.. Mii.s r S$3 e Fc. i .artnn. Jeffrey S.. clerk C. C. Lordl & C3, r. SX A-iern a;. . I Barton. Rnay;nond. camer,-In, .1^ iBarton. Wallace. hostler City Tiver%. r. 1_ 1Pi~-:r ii;Barton. Winl. T., buldting cantractor. r. 1iE e.. Fec Bartow Block. s. w. cor Anlerican a.t. a_ e* F--S_ iartou. J- V. r. 1124 American rx'. %n RiF'trtowv, o. 0. . R.t. arge). r. 11i-ita v .. O 8lBartow. W. V., prrp. Hotel L"!. .ar, r. .ue. _ B,artza. 'earl N.. Miss. r. 3L2 . Eightl bE"artz. Wil. 11.. r. 332 w. Eighth. *X IBasett, ilenrv ". r e. e. cr. Xn*ent Wr. < ;tBas.ett.R. S.. clrpenter. r. 434 I,oeust at. ' .tr eGrocery. C. W. Bogart. propv 3_ P'ne avtr *'_;, O'L e-v.jTn. . rh latboer iqa trZE ':

v.i.t.ema{lN Albert J. bookiee.p-,r F. 1V. S-etni & cOL . d n r ' I ::3 e ,e'etttith.

~'. F-nc1 m*s' ,t'rCOIFORTA4B KRL;U t GOLDFIELDS of NEV4ADA ...... - ,,\ c ,Pv,,'' WITH TIE S4ALT~~~E~~~K~t LAK KUE... r-TrefiVIZhD- STObPI is9 PtNE AVENUE Phones: Home 25, Sunset 23 - ...: :: Presetiptions Fled Right . :: :


Arthur M., cement contractor, r. 1054 Bishop. ; E. E., Miss. r, 448 w. Fourth. as, Homer O., physician roms 9-13, 11 Pine av., r. 425 Orange av. ps, Laura B., Mrs., furnished rooms, 105 American av., r. same. ES, Victor C., r. 1054 e. Ocean av. es, W. E., r. 448 w. Fourth. is, Win. I., supt. Sunnyside Cemetery, r. s. w. cor. Gary and Signal H-lfl Drirva. Di, W. H., mgr. Delmonico Baking Co.. r. 337 Pacific av. ighman, Lodema, Miss, nurse. r. 1104 e. Ocean av. e gnhman, Reuben E., r. 1047 Elm av. !mnm,Joseph, F., clerk, r. 227 Elm av. . Joseph, dyeing and cleaning, 428 Pine av., r. same. nn, Samuel, teacher High School, r. a. e. cor. Orange and, Willow. iruk, Francis, r. 336 Daisy av. tcr, Eda I., Mrs., r. 249 e. Fifth. iter, James E.. painter, r. 844 e. Second. ter, John, porter 137 w. Ocean av. r. 132 Wait Drive. tter, Wna. O., iaborer, r. 149 Pine av. . View Livery Stable, The, J. N. Watters, prop., 234 e. Fourth. View Transfer Co., see L. B. Transfer & Warehouse Co., er, Helen M., Mrs.; r. 343 Chestnut av. la kfarb DrugAa g1mpauyg 1; > R. S. OAKFORD, Manager m _

tzs trfO i n -6 Ems' Aver. t Phones No. 204 Pine Ave. and Second Street 0 _ rha, houis, plumber, r. 521 Almond av. _ty, Win., sec'y Crescent Wharf & WVarehouse Co, r. Los Angeles, :h, Charles B., mgr. Penny Arcade, on the Pike, r. 1445 e. Ocean av. ,ch, John D. (Beach & Kuebler), r. 317 American av. *-lt, Miary EB_.Mrs., r. 121 Cr, ilghih,. kch, W. L., see'y Peoples Ice & Cold Storage Co., r. 331 Bonita ar. tch & Kuebler (J. D. Beach, John Kuebler), Penny Arcade on the Pike. 0 icom, John Wesley (Wilhoit & Beacom), r. 736 Locust. : John P., r. 125 w. Fifth. , r, Jane, Miss, masseuse, r. 137 Cedar avi liner. L. S., conductor P. E. Ry., r. 520 e. Fourth. James N., r. 1213 Cedar av. }rdslee, Frank, niachlnist, r. rear 427 e. Sixth. dsley, John P., r. '1574 Appleton. ye. Nora. MLhss, aclela.dy The Mercant!!e Co.. r. 1411 BLshop. itty, Wilson I., building contractor, r. 903 Pacific av. Luchamp, Coston D.. conductor P, F Ry. rr 417 Amnerlrm ay. A- Anna B, Miss, r. n. a. e. Fourth 1st h. e. of Junlpero av. I George P., Jr, se'y Soft Wrater Laundry, r. 1237 e, First. '-k, Tho:nai, r. 232 e. Eighth.


B.-k, Harrison A., clerk Finney & Young, r. e. Fourth 1st h, of Junipero av. Beelk. _ Webster, carpenter, r. n. s. e. Fourth _ Becker. 1st h. e. of Junipero av. Andrew, r. n. e. cor. Lemin and 'Walnut av. Becker. E. H.. Mrs.. r. The Ramona ApartmentS. 2- Becker. Mary. 'Miss, seamstress. r. 432 e. Second. I r2,.. : ^. l .. ,._ . Beeker, Sarah. lMiss,dressmaker. r. 432 e. Se'nn'l Becker. Samuel E., gardenel; r. 1787 e. Fourth. Beckman, Frank = - J. (Epperson & Co.), r. 537 Atlantic av. Bedf,rd, W. H., pharmacist Jackson's Drug Store, r. 202 e. Seccnl. Beebe. Richard, r. 972 e. Seventh. IB-ks. Oscar L.. clerk J. P. Taylor. . r. 654 Locust ar. Beer, James C., building contractor, r. 2437 Beers, e. Ocean av. Helen MI., r. e. s. Coronado av Is ii. i . of Colorado. Beers, Wm. H., carpenter, r. rear 1247 e. Third. Bezun. Chaile. E., printer, r: SO, Lime a-. Begun, Edward L., cashier S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R., r. S01- Lime at o .. Begun, Mary, Mrs.. r. 80s Lime av. Behan. X'im., r. 917 e. Tenth. Behin, Wm, carpenter. r. 423 Almond av. Belcher. _c Theres.^, Mrs., r. 227 w. Third. BeIden. Irma. Aiss, operat r Pacific Tel. Co., r. 120 Magnolia ar. Belden. Mary. Mrs., r. 740 Alamltos av. Belknap, Frances M!., MIrs., r. e. a. American av. 3rd s. of Twenty-first -B:!. ('!.r. i.t -'.I-g :-. c. s. cor. Anser and Lorn av. Btl!. David, r. 336 Magnola asv. Bell. David Fl, i= ii phys-k!a:, r ,m I 17, ;t P-.e a'i., r. 14°20 Be:i, Elizabeth A.. Mrs.. e. Piourth. h U r r,-- .. .e. --rmnma ,o . '-eii,Gunbert C., agt. S. P. L. A. & S. L. Ry., r. Ocean Front and Terminal Island. Fir-t o 1 Be;i. James W., r. 326 Alagnolia ar. Lel!. Marv-. iiss, ._B I .. r. 33,; -Magnolia av. Pl-;i, ,,bert. 0- furnlMlhtd rcems, 326 w. Second, r. same. Rell. Thomas J. carpenter, r. 421 Almond av. - ;el, Vm. 1:F.,clerk .!oriel MAarket, r. 753 Pine RBele;u-e av. Lnd.ge, T. J.T.! oiard, prop., furnished rooms. Relllows, 233 Ocean av Cyrus P.. (Cilv 'arage), r. 352 Pacific av. Bellows, Horace, r. 225 w. Pacific an. Bl-o' as.5 S DI., M3rs., r. 352 Pacifir av. Behiwood. Delia, M-\Iss, r. 801 Redondo av. Bellwood. H.H.H., Mrs., r. 801 Rednndo asv. Beiiwood. Ina, .Miss, r. 801 Renndo, av. Btirnont, The. lIrs.. P. A. roov. Fir,... IBevel...... ~,"~,-,~us.~ned rooms, i30 w, Firz n'm. S.. barber 243 Pine av., r. 227 e. Third. Benedict. B. Edison. carpenter, r. 232 e. Eighth. -nia*--- 0., fviath P. 1.ItY ., r. n. w. cor. dena av Twentieth and Plasl- BRnham. John D.' (nham & Nichols), r. 937 E!m av. Benlam & Nlche!s J D. Ben.ham, A. P. Nichois), building contract r- 426 Pine ar. Bennett. A K - ashher Long ?vach. Water Co,, r. 947 Elm as. Bennett. Charles E.. r. 1718 I Lc.ust av. FRED HINZE PHONESg: Home i. Pacjfiej Jl California Chocolate & Candy C-o, l- --- *W tre nrade fromi the Purist atl.-rial.-: 2 t, .!!_a==d .l: e oregr.e. a d i l.. r. E.rSu:th anid Alaiftos A. ., IL.ng Ie=ch, Cal. 1-HOOVER & SMIITH E TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialfy 7-19 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.

=- LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 29 .t, Cora, Mrs., clerk S. A. Schilling Co.. r. 432 e. Second. 0 tt, George E., carpenter, r. 338 Elm av. Att, James G., plumber WVm. B. McKinley, r. e. s. Perkins av. 1st h. in. of -Twenty-first. -tt, Lloyd D., r. 715 w. Third. fi= T, P=-k fnn,, r,,,4ohk, P-r UVc lot of Locust av., r. 327 fje. Ocean av. ett, Millie V., Mrs., r. n. w. cor. Redondo av. and Anser. ett, Stephen A., r. 703 Medlo. ett, W. A., driver Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 333 w. Anaheim. tti, Walter. driver City Transfer Van & Storage Co., r. 432%4 e. i Second. ', G. J, Mrs., r. 1300 Appleton. t, M. E., Miss, r. 417 w. Fourth. t, S. H., r. 417 w. Fourth. O n, Albert S., cement worker, r. e. s. Rose Park av. 2nd h, n, of e. Z Seventh. i, Charles WV., carpenter, r. e. s.s. arfield av, 1st h. n. of e. Eleventh. V _; 'aye, MIiss, student, r. 351 e. Sixth. %,George S., r. 351 e. Sixth. On,Oswald. laborer, r. e. s. Garfield av. Ist h. n. of e. Eleventh. P -JOD MERCHANDISE CMHEA.P X tsv

iparatble vl- , n, See our advertise- i charaterze neent of watrted i F Fifth Strict ,ercihatndis s to- :; :: _day's parn. :: : Mi~AMW&5'-IGLftiM. S1U-!,s& gIlilR

Howard, cement worker. r. e, s, Garfield ay. 1st h. n. of e. fi Eleventh. n. The. Japanese Art Goods, on the Pike. .' Clarence, engineer, r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. m , ,r. George !H., student, r. 1115 Cedar av. , John, r. 1115 Cedar av. L-, J. Ray, student, r. 1115 Cedar av. y, L. L., laborer Natloral Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Termina! - i _ Island. P "y, L. M., Mrs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. , Raymlnd, employe Calitornia Fish Co., r. Ocean Frsnt, Ter- 2 rs ;minal Island. , Arthur B., r. 1436 Tenth Place. * , l , Edith, 1Mis, r. 1436 Tenth Place. dIa Xf,Elr" Ea;, ttetiikeva , r. FS2 Locust av. Ira E., r. 926 Locust av. ... Charles E., carpenter, r. ^22 DaLy av. . Christopher C., carpenter, r. . . car. Densmore and Grand .

C.y L., carpenter, r. a. w. cor. e. Seventh and Grand av. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BE ACH TENT CITY IISHtD - HOU3E - TENTS - COMPLETE - FOa - HOUSEKiEECiG RItegi,, Sireen Drnantd Windows, Gas forCooking'and Ltghtihsg, wIth Shewrer !ath and Sanitary )l:clt. AT FOOT OF GOLDEN .tVEy., TRIEE BLOCKS WEST OF HOTEL VI-.G'NIA. REIInR, Prop, PHONES: Main 1I4Z, Home 125) S-&f W-ater Lau-nOdr y-Iompa ANAHEIM AND DAISY ?FH,;)~S: 5, Pz i 4 7 !1 Home 7,3 -~~~~~~~~~~~Hm 3 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY C!_ i; r- '.tana3rde (C'_ mason, r. S24 :.Terlan a v. C _ .- ?--. ti-r-a P rMiss teacher Hpald's Tong Beach Bts!ness C,I;, I 2. .,. r n. cw.r. Densmre and Grand av. B.~-nr . Os

fl -.-$, ":!, -TaorS)I, -Zl' Fr t*'- SIts' -^ Q_Z __ DLUg.. rnl HI me 763, r. n. w. cor. Chcs:nut av. and Sixteenth, Berkeiey Block. 113-121 w. First. Be.eiey. The, MIrs. Agnes Callahan, prop, furn'ihed rooms, 11; s Fir-st. Strken. .- .- HEenr L.. stone mason, r. 126 e. N-'-th. Berning. August. wire chief Home TOi, Co.. r. 337 Atlantic av. Berry. Hereford. r. s. e. cor. Vista and Redondo av. , ,- -.rr'. J.hn. barber Stag Barber Shop, r. 130 r. Third. Berry. I- Mark J., r. 435 w. Second. Berry, Perry S., vlece-pres. Long Beach Paper 4& Paint Co., r. w. s. r- peranza av. 2nd h. n. of Tenth. F-rr' VidL i-1 H., Miss, teacher Daisy Aenue Sio. r. 435 w. Seconji Xs ieerryman. H. A., wholesale produce, Ciy ma.-e, BE;t- r. BerthaL ll e ,x iL r The. Hale lcC'artney prop., ei furnih-e_.d r .35 Anetahan.;. , Besansn. Harold, boat builder Fellows Yacht and Marine Con. c... r. Ne'pnrt| and la!!:ay. Best. Amnanda, 'Mrs., r. 1055 CalifornL a-r. E=S;. Joln P.. dentist, 207-210 First Nat'l Bank B!de_ r, e. Tingilng av. Ist h. n. of Eliot. Best. Peter L.. rancher r. w m. Airn!Ce SV 1_t 1 - ... Best Realty . Co (R . (Preslaw, T,.-'- W.. .e .s- mnace. 112 Locust av. { Bethel Friends Church. r I n. v. cor. e. Tenth "an Gadys a-.- 8settls. Frank A., r. 545 e. First. Be:s. John H.. Jr. r. 620 w. E!hth. Be-tts. W AX. Rev.. pastor First- Methodist Episcoptal Church, r i:1 - Fifth. Bevere Jesse. r. 345 Elm tav. BeWleay. Anna. Miss, r. 539 Cerritos axv Bewley. Anna R.. Nrs.. r. 627 e. Sixth. Bev!ey. C,. George WV..real estate. 254 e. Second, r. 27i e. SiLx't. Ew-iey. Frank (Bewley Grocery CPo.), r. 12S e. Seventh. Bewlry Grvccrr Co. fJaime5 and Frank B aey.5. . 4 1 iur. Si XA:= Severth. rwley Hulda. liss, r. 539 Cerritnqs aRV Bewley. James (Bewley Grocery Co), r. 333 Cerrltoslav. Be-wiy.- Win. E. real estate. S Pine av.. r t!10 , C th. :nsvsty. W\alter G.. boat builder, r. e. s. Newport = C.02i 90 i- av. lst h s. of Alu- Bibtau. Adelard. r. 349 Chestnut av. bm,& 'r::;ne.Mi.. r. 349 Chestnut av. .i:uau.Earnest. r. 349 Chestnut ,v. Z I. :Borau. %-a A.. liss, r. 349 Chestartr q-_ m y_ : s · ~ AnP.. MUrs.. Christian sclence Pr-t.c--3_ r, r. Chestnuot '- _:k t R.-se J. lliss. r 330 ChestZt .. .

H enr . Pa uMly Co. '- e_-- %_4 RoolsT and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Idex Sl.ts- '-__ .. t C-v,.'s Labor Saving Filing. '2Ik's-$iC-CgASLCi Ir:a Alew~igjj S.Y,? Lss$ ;-.d.4:;5 41%v 1 I rr~- - t vf A - - R`YA BESA _TE 7U'7A· RR-CD' ' INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS A.MERCRICAN AVENUnE . HOME PHONE 38 EXCHXVCES

LONG BEACH DIRECrORY 31 ord, Dalton D., marker Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 911 Pine av. -- Je,Jennie, Miss, r. 130 Pacific av. Ge fey, Anna, Miss, ad writer The Daily Telegram, r. 934 e. Ocean av. Go ey, Lucy R., Mrs., r. 934 e. Ocean av. y, Wm. (Uncle Josh), advertising, 114 e. First, r. 934 e. Occan av. 0 [e, Ralph A., electrician. r. 1104 e. Second, pl0r, Harry, barber Palace Billiard Parlor, r. 4323 o Ocean av. Four Inv. Co., The, Geo, M. Wilkins, pres. and mgr,, real estate, O P 245 e. First. low, E. Adale, Miss, teacher, r. 1876 e. Seventh. low, James M., collector, r. 1876 e. Seventh. . ' low, MaItnda A., Mrs., r. 1870 e. Seventh. o low, Mui'bin W., r. 1876 e. Seventh. Mf _ low, Morgan, collector Home Tel, Co., r. 1876 e. Seventh. low, Olita, Miss, teacher Atlntic A*vtnue School, r. 1876 e. Seventh. obw,Viola A., Miss, r. 1876 e. Seventh. O M er, Mary A., Mrs., r. 289w e. Second. s, Frank, carpenter, r. 532 Nebraska av. 2 tJ , Robert A., engineer Long Beach Brick Co., r. w. s. Hermosa av. o 0 1st h. in. of Bishop. s. Williard, r. 243 e. Second. -Belle, Mrs., i. 431 e. Ninth. 'Frank G.. r, 405 Locust ar. - hwood Livery and Boarding Stable, T. G. Warne, prop., 438 Ameri- > a-n aV. CA Edwin R., r. 702 Park Circle. Rebecca J., Miss, r. 1867 Bermuda. m li. Wtn. r. 7::;B Pacif r r. 1 Lu ee, Laura, Mrs., r. 610 w. Fifth. ~{~ , R. L., prop. Palace Cafe, r..Hotel Del Mar. op, Alonzo F., furnished rooms, r. 418 w. Third. ) ?p, Asa C. (Bishop & 1Wfyrrs), r, 162 Locust av. , ip, Elijah A., chiropodist, 211 Pine av., r. 421 St. Louis av. r ip, Frank D., physician, 207-210 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Phones, Home 17, Pacific 3793, r. 848 Elm av. 'p & Myers (Asa Bishop, M. H. Myers), shooting gallery on the & . 50 Pike. w nger. Edward P., mgr. Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 1147 Loma Vista z = _ Drive. · s, Hiram B., Janitor First Nat'l Bank, r. 343 e. First. r Building, n. e. cor. w. Ocean and Pacific av's. < r Charles F., groceries, 115 w. Fifth, r. same. $=v F,'anny 'I. Miss, studio 317 Bixby Bldg., r. 505 w. Ocean av. , P = , George H., vice pres. and gen. mgr. Bixby Land Co. and Palos -r a - Verdes Co. and Pres. Long Beach Savings Bank, r. Los Cerr-teez c -5= Sttion, P. a By. ,. J.tham, pres.- .itxby land Co. and pies. Palo$ Verdcs Co. and . -M pres, of the NatI Bank of Long Beach, r. 505 r. Ocean av.. c .= n , Jothan, Co. (Joituim Bixby, prts.; E. . G.rani, s.'y.j, 22 --3- , Pacific av. . g ; r Jothia, AV., real estate, 145 w. Ocean av., r. 121 Chestnut av. = 1 3" Land Co, Jotham Blxby, pres., 0. A. Mohrestecher se'y., Geo. _ , Z AY8 TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. zbe 3ruojt-ttt K ]Dine Wt Carriesa Select Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations, Fine Importedand Domestic Perfumes, Etc, iS'"TIR1) D R U' G ClP-ox I:t pINE VEN.' I .J. L. HOVER, MIGR. i prs:;ri;piun: Sp-rialt). Frc. Delivcry.. C., prtec L;neof Drugs. Sundrf.s, Tol:.t Articles, Cglrs, Sod.a ,aicr


H. Bixby. g. mgr..n. 22 Pacific av.

Ll, Bixby, Llei.ellyn, L'nl vice-pres. Bixby Land ('n and 2nd ,i.. 1-,r . Patl, Vt ides Ct',.. r. 1665 e. O(can av. Bisb:. Park. bet.' Junil,tt., and 'herry avs.. p. lOcean av. andl RBtl. Rixby & }I!::t:!t.el Blcfk. n. v.. j-l'. Pine and O4cean avs. [ 1r ,:h..i'l ;,2 0V :. ; lUggil., r. )b5 Hialiiwvy .t.zh;, . S.,tpive/i S.. i. I .a Railway. TzF 'l Pyr-n. barbr. V'. (, oshtrn. r. 817S v. Third. Pilack. E E.. Imr,,p The c'liumbine Apartments, 106 Magnll.a d. santf. ila, k. Ella M.. Miss. r. 423 Melrose Court. tla, k I T (Bnqd & Black). r. 1407 e. Fourth. Plakt. kIda B. Mrs.. r 1082 Atlantie av. rU.'Mk. I.str. t uht-r Pine Avrnue School. r. 828 Pine av. i la k. Pih *'be E.. Mirs.. r. 14iO e. Second. P ia, k R:tnhat l. Mrs.. searnstlress, r. 617: e. First. _ n ky. 1RaD ah em.!lay, Lg !R.eqb Dairy Cto., r. 1470 ev ,. (u I htt.kburn. Franik. r. 637 e. First. [.~ ,S I lackburn. Harry r 121 e. Third. ', ,;kisuln J hn. gr,. eries. s. vw er Hill and Atlantic av., ... l Platt kburn. X. .. irennn Fdison Elec. C'o., r. 415 w. Ninth [tqa,'kmnan. IFr*-,l F.. plumhr F W. Stmith & ('o..r. III.111 ... I, _Ila, k-.t,,t.. ndr. : 1'. r 4:54 w F,,urth. g . i'lma k'^:t. n V,n . E.. Rev.. r. 424 w F'ontli L._jhltir. 'larnre 1.L. tPacific FVih 'o.). r. 443 Lindcn av. CYO ° Blair. '..lnk "'. b ,,kk*.p r First Nat'l Bank, r. 446 Elm av t'lai r. Jan:. M. liast re r. r. 440GElm av. Blair. Lu' MxIA fft-,aht:r. r. 116I Jessie *av -I v Olr. Man, tin.a Mr. f '23 iDaisy tav. < t IlIh r R.,b+.rL E:.. r. t1t1 Jtsse a,. ¢O .Ll.islIl .M.ry .1 Mr.S [ pit. The Wfstphalia. 130 n. Third. r -.-,,. l;lak. ,hrtrrud, '.. M*Us. bookkeeper V'ity Transfer Van & S' '- (',.* r !)19 I, av. 0 ft!uakM.M ¢lu..,... M.l-. r 31) aw Sixth. L lakn.l) R,,y.. lin*-marl P E. Ry.. r. 625 American av. Z Bil..nd Adl.,lin.. Miss. tf :I her. r. 1240 ct. Fourth. 0 Bland., Agn.A-s. Mlis,. bl,,kkeeper. r. 1240 e. Fourth. | . Lilan'I Julius W. r. 237; i. Eighth. · lttain-l Mlaud Nti's. tlia t Pltn Avtenue SChlsli. r 13410 .- F'.irllt D fi;¢..i XNant, Sy.. Mirs. r i2"40 *. Fourth. lBlanltn. 4'klalssa Mrs. r 9gS ('allforia av. Plandin. Wlls,,n F. plastt rer. r. 422 Valnut av. Pl- Is,-. J ,hn '. r. 33 -'bestnut av. tlitiklry. Anna. Missm. r. 231 Pine av. il.,ck. I),1,, d1. r 962 e Sixth. £::..,,. Letto. .eirs.. r. 962 e. Sixth. Bl'1,nk. Lry. . 96, e. Sixth. 0i. lA!'sen.!.... .:sj.aa... nlt librarian, r. 822 Daisy av. Rhl.mftield. Richard D.. Mrs.. r. 822 )aisy av. P! .Y irnI T b kreIt.r. r. 410Lk, anierlean av. i;.lt. JPess.. real estate, r. The Rivlera. lultiuit Blsslt 3M M3ls-. r. n. Wv.r r.r. Fourth and TemPile av. 1it unt. Edhiid T. ailtt v, iI Blount and Notary. r. 386 Junilpr. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS BUY IT TODAY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG BEACH ------9499991V

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I, Ilt --i -.Z~ ! - -~- ~ - S~.A , - f' 'iARDWARE BEARS CAN BE N- AT 133 AMFERICAN AVE.

- LONG BEACH- DIRECTORY 33 ifeal estate, 40 Loeust av. r. n. w. cor. e. Fourth and L itudent, r. n. w. cor. e. Fourth and Temple av. -, Scherer & Mitchell, prop., 403 Lime av. 4. e_ Sixth. [ 244 o. Sixth. .f344 e. Sixth. V Fr; 119 w. Fourth. 4l11vier Long Beach Fire Dept., r. 119 w. Fourth. LMiss, clerk Faney Bakery, r, 119 w. Fourth. W'., prop. Basket Grocery, 310 Pine av., r. 121 w. Third. EL, Miss, mgr. branch office Harthorn's, 646 Pine av.,

'r_94S Pacific av. i ,337 Daisy av. -iF LMiss, r. 337 Daisy av. >6*45 Pacific av. ther, r. 529 Atlantic av. E-., gr.oceries. n. e. cor. American av. and Anaheim,

crh&f, 1'. 1534 Bishop. rr., r. 342 e. Third. -Forerman Pac. Elee. Ry., r. Huntington Park. Wtis, uperator Huvme Tel. Co., r. 62 VEn av. iLMrs., '. 62 Elm av. 9s._i25w. Fifth. A ltWilwlngton R,-alty r'.), and Notary, r. 249 GO*tdewn. ,-Tr. n. e. cor. Orange av. and Burnett av. "ent contractor, r. w. s. Gladys av. 3rd h. n. of e.

;irs., r. 343 Linden av. ioud & Black), r. 1407 e, Fourth. W-vI. J. Bond, 1. T. Black ), groceries, s. e. cor. Bishop

-, r. 322 w. Fifth. irket, A Morosco, prop., meats, fruits, and vegetables,

L- Miss, r. 427 Cedar av. a 6'£ P. 427 Cedar .av. , clerk S. P. L.A. - P L R R., r. 41 Chestnut av. h ti bob & Co.), r. 509 Orange av 1F. Boob), shoes, hats and furnishings, 15-17 Pine av. Q 4-04o w. Third. -ean Front, Terminal Island. M Fr iW' sva. av. Ist n. n. or mlii. 427 American av. C4 ~i~wa. Oak aiv. It I n. of Hill. ba. r. 310 Linden av. I j e. 'ja-i Rtv.2nd h. s. of e. Fourth. -310 Linden av. W

AANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. ~MA[N Flro2ll itntt { nne!r Ike Ocenann, r.,i_ Padrffi

lIL~,IA .A...,,, a 4L. I ~Prop.\...AMER!CAN FLAK.. RATES: J2.00 to f2 50 per Day, Sislle Mafts 50 Cets. A~rw. U TELEPHONE HOMlE 36 H. C W-..b_ J. A. eisetibor1 GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AJVENUJE t,l l.estiatoUirghirgradei t Citysand Ranch Propertly. EXCH ANGS A hlleltileCiy d n, t faiIn SPECIALTY. ome rsovc e2, Lng E.a.. , C.... 34 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Boldn. A. David, foreman Interstate Dock & Lumber Co., r. 226 Tenth. Borden, Ela ., Mliss. teacher, r. 226 e. Tenth. Borden, J. E.. r. 723 Pine av. Borden, 'Josie, Miss, r. 226 e. Tenth. Borden, Margaret M., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 222 Locust av. .Borden, Thomus C.. pollcemal,- "22 c Te-nth. Bordner, Isaac, r. 1112 ,. First. Bordner, Isaac A., carpenter, r. n. w. cor. Temple av. and e. Tenth Borrodaile, G. C., r. Hotel Del Mar. Borton, Elijah, r. 125 w. Stanwood. 0 Borton, Lois P., Miss, mgr. Pacific Paper Store, r. 128 w. Stannwool Boschke, Alartha E., Mrs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. V n Bosley, Georg- R., clerk C. E. Herman, r. 827 e. Fourth. Bosley. Mana L., Miss. r. s. e. cor. Lincoln and California av. r 5 r Bostnek.RIt. I. elerk Edison Elec. Co., r. Del 'Mar Hotel. Boston inc. Co. of Buston, George W. Smith & Co., agt., 404 Flrst .-. Bank Bldg. Bosustow, Win, prnp, Park View Cafeteria, r- 430 w. Fourth. Boswell, Charles A., real estate, r. 437 e. Ocean av. U O ,Rsworth.Orvill D.. clerk G. L. Eaatwood, r. n. a. e. Seventh 2nd h. w of Temple av. f Bott, Avis B., AMrs., r. 190n e, Fourth. 0# r: Bouman. E. L., r. 802 Loma Vista Drive. B mr, 'Mary. Miss, tailoress Carlson Tailoring Co., r. 218 Lind-.n av Bourland. Katherine D., Mrs., r. 1345 Myrtle av. Bourne, Morton E,, carpenter, r. 240 e. Fourth. M rT 1 BisOgupt. O:ust. machinist Johnso.n-Sh{;ids Auto CO.- r. 3455 .. Thir. Bovaris. Bert, driver Long Beach Baking Co., r. 723 Pine av. Bovay Alec., laborer, r. 1201 California av, Pc*YB Bovey. Augustine. Miss. r. 755 Alamitos av. WBoers, Henry, salesman Carter Curio Co., r. 2227 e. First. Bowers, Jessie, Miss, r. 1022 Atlantic av. [ Bowers, Louis C. (Bowers & Son), r. 1622 Atlantic.av. Bower, W. C. (W. C. Bowers & Son), r. 1022 Atlantic av. /) I Bowers, W. C. & Son (W. C.& I. C.), groceries, 156 Locust av Bowers, WVm. J.. driver Long Beach Dairy Co., r. 739 e. Firs,. Bowlak, K. M,1. sewer contractor, r. n. e. cor. Garfield av. and e. 'lT0 L Bovwman, Arthur D., physician, rm. 1 Masonic Temple, -. 43.. Ell:i I .xman, Ivory L,, Dr., r, 10f- Cbestinu a:v._ _ -3 irB3 lBMan. Ic.'rie V., Mir., teacher aisay Avenue Schooi,. r. ,4 tl.I' - 3 Bvt man, Sranuel C., c. 535 w. Third. 0 # Bown, Chas E. tBown & Bown), r. 212 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Bown, Netta R. (Bown & Bown), r. 212 Fiirst Nat'l Blantk Bldg. Bown Bown (Chas. E. and Netta R.), osteopathic physiclann, 2l1 _C °114 First Nat'l Rank Bldg.._ hone Hume 6G. . Bowron, James, mgr. Long Beach Bath Holse Bowling Allty, r. : - E-( FPaelicc av. Boyd. Christopher, clerk W. F. Pascoe, r. 227 e. Sixth. Boyd, David M., gardener, r. a. 8. Anahdlm Ist he.. of Orange itv. Boyd, F. C., solicitor City Dye ¥Works, r. a. w,. cor. State and ai;iit ana av. *-*· Boyd, Ferrill F., r. 41 Linden av.tCf.

J. A. McCastin, Prcs. P_ .. Ttrmrv. V C.R Caa,.lr Sc .s PHONES: Roec3 Sast 3et LONG BEACH PAPER & PA-INT CO. Dealer, In P:ate and Window Glass. VWal Faer.Paintsh Oils and Varnishs. 2 PIXE AVENUE, LONG l:EAfLI. CAL5 Zbe Irua zt . 14 PINE AVE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our * Check System absolutely protects you

I _I I _ 1 -_ from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 35

J. W., r. 445 e. Ocean av. 3. W., Jr., r. 445 c. Ocean av. FJames M., r. 625 Walnut av. Nathan G., rancher, r. s. s. Anaheim 1st h. e. of Orange av. Ruth, IMiss, r. 344 -Short. ton, Beulah A., cashier F. B. Silverwood, r. 2134 Elm av. ion, C. Oliver, clerk Long ]leach Watcr Co., r. 1030 c. Tenth. ton, Jesse B., Mrs., r. 2134 Elm av, ton; Katherine, Mrs., r. Hotel Del Mar. ton, May' G., Miss, bookkeeper Long Beach Hdw. Co., r. 1324 e. First. , Wm. H., carpenter, r. 956 e. Sixth. beer, Edward, confectionery, 224 e. Second, r. same. 0 in, Ettie ,Miss, r. e. s. Ohio av. 1st h. s. of Densmore. L[rd, A. V., asst. cashier The Nat'l Bank of Long Beach, r. 624 !-Zjar av. m tord, C.. laundryman Long Beach Steam Laundry. r. l111 e. First. > Ford, David, r. 250s e. Second. Ley, Anha, Mrs., dressmaker, r. 429 Magnolia av. fey, David A., presser Sunset Dye Works, r. 338 e. First. - ley, Hugh, cabinet maker City Wood Working Co., r. n. e. cor. _' EPerkins av. and Twentieth. 0 pg Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. 3 [ MOVING. PACKING and STORAGE r

-.-c s na;f; Salt ' kt Rots! Pwi>teeL HeIMe 78, P. _.!;.c .- -

Ley, Julius L, r. w. s. Walnut av. lst-h. n. of Anaheim. CV Lauraay, A., Miss, society editor Long Beach Press, r. Dudley § Apartments. treet, Henry, r. 188G e. Fourth. ), Edward J., r. n. w. cor. Vine av. and e. Seventh. H

James F., laborer, r.t1316 Appleton. Kate, Miss, r. 1129 e. Third. , Lina, Mrs., clerk Fish & McBride, r. 125 e. Third. 0 , Loren A., student, r. n. w.. cor. Vine av. and e. Seventh. Vera. A., M].se student, r. n. w. eor. Vine av, and e. Seventh. rd, A. T., mgr. Eaastman Shell Store, r. 545, Linden av. rd, Slaa G., Mrs., r. s. w. cor. Alamitos av. and New York. Wrd,l. S., insurance, r. 142 Chestnut av. man, Charles W., printer, r. 1025 Lime av. James H., carpenter, r. 10256 LImA iv. an, Lincoln H;, faaier cantractor, r. 1117 Alamitos av. e. James R. emploYe Long Beach Milling Co., r. 1556 Linden av. Frank G., electric foreman Edison Electric Co., r. 728 iCerrtos av. sten,Simon, r. 3 Chestnut av.

TO. BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO, r mr·h TAtILORING GO. AI rt."LS HIGH CLASS TAILORS ILARK,Pror. L. G. CLARK, Maufr. Home Phonc 798 120 Pie Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Uome &4,Sn-t4 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS J. . Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parmi.'. Syuit 4t! 2-3-1, LONG BII BAXNK BLut; 36 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Brandriff, Kate L., Mrs., r. 447 e. Sixth. Brandriff, Laura. Miss, dressmaker, r. 447 P. Sixth. Branstool. J. P., r. 416 Lime av. . Brasfield, J. S., r. 903 e. Seventh. Brass, M. A., Mrs., r. 212 Magnolia av. ' Bray. Eleanor H., IMIss, artist, r. 346 W. Sixth. O Brayton, Frank C., rancher; r. n. e. cor. Orange av. and Burnett a'. L Braytin, Ruth, MIiss, clerk safe deposit dept. First Nat'l Bank. r,3 Descanso av. Brayton, W. S., justice of the peace, 227 Pine av., r. 1321 e. First. *.,Z X Brayton, Wm. L. (Powell & Brayton) r. 533 Descanso. Breakers, The, hMrs. M1. A. Rohrer, prop., boarding house, 521 e. Orela av. s , Brechtel, George, carpenter, r. 1215 e. Third. 2_ X FBreiten, Henry, r. w. s: Oerritoz 1st h. n. of e. Fourth. Brendamour, Susanna, 'Mrs., r. rear 333 Elm av. Vi Brennan, Fred S., groceries, 641 w, Second, r, 637 Maine. (,) * Brent, Edward, carpenter, r. 731 Washington Place. 1 Bresch, Fred, r. 917 e. Tenth. Brewer, Alice D., Miss, stenographer, r. 838 Chestnut av. IO(q Brewer, Arthur B., prop, Salt Lake Transfer Co., r. 330 Atlantic av. Brewer, Edward, sileet metal worker W. B. Joy, r,. 118 Pine av. Brewer, George G., janitor Pine St. School, r. 838 Chestnut av. Brewer, Laura AM.Miss, r. 838 Chestnut av. Brewer. Mlolie. Miss. r. 923 e. Ocean av. Brewer, V., iMrs.. r. 923 e. Oecan av. Brickey, .'. _.. greccricz. 4., I ina-;, "'l A-rita aV. Bridge. Byron A., r, e. s. Larut av. 1st h. n. of Railway. Bridges, Archibald, musician, r. 141 Golden. Bridges, Jresi!, Mitvs, musician, r. 141 Golden. Bridges, Lena, Mrs., r. 141 Golden. Bright, Charles T., rep, International Cor. Schools of Scranton, Pa. k i5~ ~ r. 143 w. First. Briggs, Herman A., r. 1906 e. Seventh. rvVi; Brinkerhoff, 1Myrtle, lMrs., r. s. s. e. Seventh. 2nd h. e. of Rose av. nh 1 Brite, J. %V., r. 321 w. Ocean av. Brite, Robert MI., saleYsalti Newall & Slater Co., r, 321 w. Ocean av. q itsch, Frank W., architect, r. 72 Atlantic av,. Britton, 'Warren D., bookkeeper, r. n. w. cor. Rose av. and e. Tenth. Broadbent. Charles W.. earpnnter, r. 403 e. Anahe-m. O W Broadbent, Alarvin O., clerk San Pedro Lumber Co., r, 825 Alamitos fV Broadbent, Pearl, Mliss, stenographer Butters & Paul lnv. Co., r. 1i3 e. Anaheim. , DBroadbent,~ T. A., r. 1110 e. Anaheim. O0 Broadbefit, V. A., r. 532 Almond av. Broadmead,,~v, Evelyn. Mrs.. r. £13 (el.rW aI. Brockett, Henry A., r. 1156 Lime av. BrOcketi, Kate C., r. 830 Elm av. Brockway, Clarence V.. prop. Harbor Transfer, r. 1326 Pine av. brommel; Wm. F, Kidder & Rrnqrmer, r. 0ag TtCIftc. Brooks Apartments, 1. G. Stone, prop., 134 e. First, Brooks, Howard .V. Mlork 9. Pt, L. A. & S. L. Pt., r. Terminatl "t!ll1 Brooks, James, r. 218 Pine av.

.l -;CRACK.~i,W Ma-r-ager 'r F r'1Aq c. ad 1['£eJ HARBOR LUMIBER CO. OFkI tr± AXD YARD: Cor, Oceran and Golden avs. Fnil Lineof BUILDING RATERIALS and Mill Work. Tel. Home ZS, Sunset 2742 Long lteach, C-I I&D. J. Har-l H A R T H 0 R N S Bo.ht, sold, ex- ,Tt. Home -- changed or relted. EPaciic 44.1 PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE iTuning and re- ,13Pine are.j 240 PINE AVE, Ipairing a special- v Fecii 4oz i BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 28161 t E LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 37 okshire, L. Lloyd, teamster, r. 590 Cerritos av. osart, Dollie, Miss, r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. J;~n, Abraham E., student. r. e. s. Redondo av. Ist th; s. of Anaheim. twn, Alfqnso W., :r s. e. cor. Catalina and Cherry av. *n, Alice, Miss, r. 345 Elm av. .wn, Arthur F.., printer, :. w. s. Brownie Drive Ist h. n. of e. Tenth. ;wn Barney, mfr. Dew Drop Lawn Sprinkler, 43 Linden av., r. same. ,wn, Belle, Miss, real estate, r. w. s. Coronado av. 1st h. n. of e. Fourth. ""n, Bertha, Miss, r. 350 Olive av. fwn Bros. (C. N. & L. A.), Curio Store s. end of Pier. wn, C. D., r. 350 Olive av. iwn, C. J., shipp*ing clerk National Lumber Co., r. East San Pedro. awn, Carey WV., carpenter, r. 763 Cerritos av. wn, Charles E., mleat nmrket, 18S4 e. Fourth, r. 551 Cerritos av. .wn, Charles H., employee Long Beach Gas Co., r. 424 Almond av. ; wn, Charles N. (Brown Brcs.), r. 638 Cedar av. *wn, Clarence E., waiter, r. 551 Cerritos av. Lwn, ERdittl G., Miss, stenographer T. B. Townsend, r. n.'w. cor. Pasa- t dena av. and Willo. wn, Edward D., chicken ranch, r. n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and Stanley s av. Q C Long Beach Brick Works mg L...... R-0 LOYNES,POropricier iT QUALITY BUILDING BRICK. PHONES: Office, Home 651, Works, Home 2D00 I wn, Edward R., Jeweler, 142 Pine av., r. 1205 e. Ocean av. 1 wn, Edwin S., undertaker, 430 American av., r. 331 w. Fourth. wn, Eloise, Miss, :r 103 Goolen. wn, Elsie A., MIss, student, r. 638 Cedar av. ._ wn, Ernest G., conductor P. E. Ry., r. 553 Elm av. !wn, Fannie, Mrs., r. 305 Elm av. I iwn. Forrest T., carpenter, r. w. s. Rose av. Ist h. s. of e. Tenth. c m wn, Gardner C., lineman Home Tel. & Tel. Co., r. 1050 e. Fifth. *1 wn, George, engineer Ice Co., r. 952 e. Second. rn, George H., r. 1169 Linden nv C wn, George W,, r. w. s. Ojai av. 2nd h. s. of e. Eliot. I- gn, Harry G., dentist, r... 15, 11 Pine av., r. 2123 Pasadena av. 'n, Harvey C., with Roy N. Carr Co., r. 1044 Jessie av. e , Mn, Helen, Miss, r. 941 Cedar av. IQi kn. Henry P.. cigars and tobacco, 119. w. Ocean av., r. 403 e. First. ne, earbert.-agt. XNorth roci, S.. . Co., r:.i3 e. Sixth. in. Isaac R., r. 412 w. Ninth. J. A., r. Ocean Front. Terminal sldand. John A., letter carrier, r. 1103 Myrtle av. !n, John B,, Mr., r. 3:0 Chestnut av. John H., r. 744 w. Fifth.


aIWirirn, Meters wnd Fif.;sr. I oe o. $S.S Is156 I 3: Electrtcal buppl. & $txture Co. 120.122 E. First StretI, Ldtn Bidtk, Cal. VIkED BiXZ -J'.Ott Hom-ij ,,1 / 3Xj California Chocolate a Candy Co. All our goods are made from the porest materialt and will he f3iad healthful as well as detl:cuas. C- E. Six:. "rn.d .:'---..."~, '--' F.F.-!.-. e


P Erown, Jchn H., real estate, s. w. cor. Anaheim and Redondo, r. t. s. Redondo av. ls. h, s. of Anaheim. Brown, John L., student, r. e. s. Redondo av. slt h. s. of Anaheim. Erown, Lorenzo A. (Brown Bros,), r. 638 Cedar av. Brown, Luke W., r. n. s. Cclorado 2nd h. e. of Loma av. Brown, Lydia, Mrs., r. 1103 Myrtle av. Brown, Martin, C., employee Fairchild-Gilmore-Wilton, r. 337 Olive av. Broxnn, Mary E., ,Miss, r. 412 w. Ninth. Brown, May, Miss, asst. librarian Public Library, r. n. w. c3r. Pasadena av. and Wlilow. Brown, Mlerrill, driver E. F. Fellows, r. 424 Almond av. E Bro--n, Rachcal E., Mrs., r. 240 Chestnut av. Brown, Ruth, MIiss, operator Horne Tel, Co., r. cor. Tenth and Lomia av. ^N B'rown, S. D., Mrs., r. 903 Hazard av. Brown. Samuel rancher, r. s. c. cor. Catalina and Cherry av. Brmwn, Seth C., r. 1020 Pacific av. Brown, Sherman, barber, r. 903 Hazard nv. Brown, Susan, Mrs., r. resar 119 American av. Brotwn Thomas TT, mining, r. n. e. cor. Twelfth and Chestnut av. Brown, W. R., r. 164 Locust av. Brown, Walter E., r. 1020 Pacific av. Brown, Win. D., painting contractor. r. 437 e. Sixth. Brown, WVillIam H., r. 938 Atlantle av. Brown, Wm. L., carpenter. r. e. s. Stanley av. 1st h. n. of P. S.vpnth copyrights Brown, WVm. M., pres. Long Beach Sash and Door Co., r. h. w. cor. Pasa- Tradeimarks dena av. and Willow. La' elsR'rn. n, H. JosephLne.Y .s!, r. 503 . 'Sixth. Brown, Laura N., Miss. r. 503 e. Sixth. 0 Browning, Finley, clerk Long Beach Hdw. Co., r. 245 w. Seventh. Browning, Fred W. (Hotel Savonv. r s_.me Z Browning, George R. '(ITotel Snvuy. r. same. VTU . BBrowning, Nat. C., clerk Long Beach Hdw. Co., r. 245 ;v. Seventh. Browning, Zepporrah, Mrs., r. 245 v. Seventh. Broyles, C.. L., Suuthern Cal. Lumber Co., r. oceain Front, Terminal Z Island. < Bruce, Charles F., pres. Home Mill &.Lumber Co., r. 527 e. First. oO'J Bruce, Edward S., teamster, r. 435 Daisy av. Brummer, E. B., Mrs., prop. California Ocean View, 437 e. Ocean av, 0_ >V r. samne. I_ L' _I- BErundage. Clarence A., boat painter BRay Front, Terminal lsland, r. L. Railruud av., Terminal Island. Brundage, Frank, carpenter, r. e. s. Mahanna av. near Eleventh. 0 :· Brundage, Harry C.. r. e. s. ,Mahanna av. near Eleventh. 0 Brunn, Charles H. (Pacific Real Fstate Co.), r. 60s-Pacific av. a Brunn, Harry H., bookkeeper First Nat'l Bank, r. f06 Pacific av. I Bsunner. LawrPneo S., r. 21 Da3-y V-. BktUlswick Billiard Parlor, W. D. Watkin%, prop., 13T'w. Ocean av. Brush. N'tlie S.. =:t. Pastur First M. E. CIhureh, r. 110 w. SeveI;k- E Bryan ary J.,, Mary r. 147 Temple Bryan, Thomas, r. 735 American Rv. ryaden, Win., bicycles a.,d repairs, 152 Locwut ar., r. w. a. Ohio av. 2n- h. s. of Anaheim. . & R. Garage (R. O. Bartow, H. G. Ravenscroft), 122 American av.

ROY N. CARR INSURSNCEINSURTNCE NOTARY PUBLIC LENGS 107 AMERICAN AVE. LOANS PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES ownsentd, Ps. V.a.Van de Water, Vice Pres. s. P. Dayman, ecy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. [snernl Rel stteanl nvsreINCORPORATED 6eneral Real Estate and Investment Business, Very Choice Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Phone?! Home 86, Sunsetl 91 125 EAST FIRST STREET

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 39 icey, Herman, teamster, r. 1014 Lime av. echanaf, John R., r. 905 e. Eighth. ickland, Mnary R., Mrs.. r. 930 Locust av. ( " ecklmanl, Solomon S., r w. s. Brownie Drive 2nd h, n. of e. Tenth. t icltes, Charles R.,. r. 317 Cherry av. 0 ickles, I.rkin, building contractor, r. 317 Cherry av. Jckley, John, laborer, r. w, a. Rose Park av. Ist h. n. of e. Seventh. ickley, Sarah, Miss, nurse, r. 109 e. Third, Wt ickwater, Edward, painter, r. 140S e. First. ickwater, F'lmer, r. 1408 e. Fourth. dffurm, C. A., ,eeey an I gen. mgr. The Mercantile Co., r. 1441 e. First f E .ffun, Edwin E., r. W.05Atlantic av. iford, Luther V., carpenter, r. 1876 Pasadena av. mp ilash, George C,, plasterer, r. 1063 Hel!man. ilgin, Ellwoorl J., evangelist, r. w. s. Tln!:'ing av. 2nd h. s. of e. Fourth. o.. illard, Evan Riehard, clerk, r. 712 Locust av. . Illard, John, r: i21 Elm av. itler, PeLer, city street cleaner, r. n. w. cor. California av. and Penln- O F.ylva.fia. iltions, Win. B., r. s. c. cor. Atlantic av. and c. Sixteenth. j . _. imgardner, Mary, Miss, r. 32, Elm av. ince, Lee, r. 435 w. Ninttl. - ine, AWesley, r. 435 w. Ninth. mnferd, Mlary J.. Mrs., r. 189 eP,Fourrh. unker ,C, it., news store Glen Burnle Intel, Third and Railroad av.. Terminal Island. r. same. 7 irbank, Glenn C., dentist, 201 and220 L. L. Bank Bldg., r. 2111 o. Oceea urpham, n)avid, principal High School. r. 448 Orange av. ur-en. .Prances, Mrs., r. 611 Linden av. _ tlrden, Wtn. L., 1. -i4 UCherry av. -; irg. Emil, r. 11Ce e. Third. jurges,, Della, Mfrs., chiropodist, r. 123 .ocust av, irgess, Emnma. E'., Miss, r. 603 w. First. urgess. Gracer H.. Mist, r. 603 w. First. $ a irgin, Wm. J., buildilng contractor; r. 814 Main. .a. 0 - irgoylte, Eliza. Miss, prop. The Burgoytte '335 e. Ocean av., r, same s 'g yyne, The. m.iss E. Burgoyne, prop., 3:'5 e. Ocean av. n urke, Anna, Miss, saleslady The Mercantile Co., r. 1561 Elm av. a WF5: S nrke, .. P., lftlesman The Mercantile Cu.. it 1561 Elm a " t irke, James H., r. 1561 Elnm a . -. irke, Margaret, Miss, employee Model Laundry, r. 434 Walnut av. ="o f urke, Mary h, Miss, r. 1561 Elm av. . .'4 irke, OUe J., teamster. r. e. s. Pasadena a. 2nd I. . of Hill. Irke. srah, Mrs.,rsr. 4354 Wiut av. = .. srke, Walter E., r. a1 E. First. urkett, Manning J, building contractor, r. s. w. cor. e. Tenth and c0,- '-" Gladys av. Z Wd. urkhard, Frank L, r. 1121 Paciie av. - _ "C ·Ck.=,UY Jolln ., F. 132_ E^^i· .* , arkhrt, Adelin F., Min, cook, 632 w. Fifth. c '


N. McALlST:r, l3 geEr ,_ , - DMana> tbe l£icltltster Muskec Companw Dealers in Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, Etc. -ECTRO PLATING IO EAST THIRD STREET ORKS--tNON-XKOXPhones: Horne-7, E.. ftdfl-A. NIALcn0 1611. i CITY DYE WORKe236 PINE A VEN'UE I Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialtyv


Burlingame, Luther P., r. 1020 Pacific av Burlingham, C. I., r. 226 i Third. Burlingham, E. B., IMrs., d-I,,,altt ., i. 111 Elm av. Burlinghalm, S. G., r. 141 Elm av. Burner, Alma J., Miss, chief operator Home Tel. Co., r. 240 e. Fourti. Burnett Baptist Church, n. e. cor. Jessie av. and Hill. Burnett, Jtssle, Miss, clerk MIcCutcheon's Book Store, r. 335 Pacific av. Burne:t P.st Office, W. J. Kellum, P. M., w. s, California av. opi. Bjr. nett. Burnett School, J. Win. Gasiriek. prin., n. w. cor. Hill and Atlantic at. Burnett Station, S. P., L. A. & S. L. R. R., California av. cor. Burnut. B'urnham, Aurora Ml., Mlrs., r. n. e. cor. Ohio av. and e. Seventh. Burnham, S. Geneva, Miss, nurse, r. n. e. cor. Ohio av. and e. Seventh. Burnham, Lula F., Miss, piano teacher, r. n. e. cor. Ohio av. a nd . Seventh. Burnham, Mattie A.. Miss, vocal teacher, r. n. e. cor. Ohio av. and . Seventh. t_() Burns, Daisy M., Mliss. teacher Pine AVenlUe Seiloul, r. 1215 e. 0c,,~ av. Burns, Frank, sec'y and treas. Fulton 1Marine Con. Cao r. San Pedr,. 4 Burns, James N., helper Favorite Cefe, r. 149 Pine av. Burns, Mlichael, r. wv. . Coronado av. 1st h. n. of e. Seventh. Burns, Philip O., r. 1215 e. Ocean av. BBurns, Rbertb M!., r. :. s. Redondo a. 2nr h. e.e£ Eightht. *)3 s Burr, Frank L., r. 730 Locust av. I~O Burrington, Winm. R., engineer, r. 1326 Pacific av. i. BurriY-. Katherine, Mrs., r. 1326 e. -oLcond. Burris, J. E., stationary engineer. r. 919 e. Flirst. Burris, Nathan WV.,real estate, r. 1325 e. Second. I Burro Studio, Charles F. Quaintance, prop.. Pier Block foot of Locust av. Burroughs. .M..IMrs., r. 127 e. Fifth. rLU"'4 Burrus, E. H., r. 133 v. Tenth. Burson. Aaron S., butter and eggs, r. 528 %v.Second. Burtch, Lewis A.. Dr., r. n. s. Eliot 2nd h. e- of Ojal. Burton, Edward, laborer, r. 120 xv. Seventh. Burton, Frances H., Mrs., china and water color studio, 424 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. 2341 e. First. Burton, John H., osteopath, r1 436 e. Second. Busick, Frank M., r. n. wv. cor. Atlantic :av and .Rhea, Bustad, John. lab^rcr California Fish Co., r. San Pedro. Bustemonta, Salvadore, Mrs., r. last h. on w. s. Cherry av. n. of Spring. Butler. Alonzo D.. r. n. wv. cor. e. Fifteenth and Stantoxa Pla-e. O Butler, Frank G., sec'y-treas. Crayton Mfg. Co. and real estate, rm. i 109 w. Ocean av., r. n. s. Willows bet. Atlantic and California .V.- Butler, Fred H., carpenter. r. rear 33S Paeifie stv But;er. Lei-.si C. teamster r. n. a. Anaheim 'nd h. w, of Obispo as. Butler. Nettite. Mrs., r. 231 Pine av. Butler, Otis L, delicacies. 440 Pine av., r. uame. Butler, Philip V., upt. F. E. Newberry Co., r. 153 Golden. luitler, Stephien. r. 155 Bermuda, Butler, The, R. WV.Lazenby, prop., furnished room.3, 109 w. Ocean av' Butte. The, E. II. 1IcCuiiough, prop., furnished rooms. 131 w. Ocean av

xErW .XD SEC,.VD P.aD BScICtYCLES REN.TiNG. RFPAIRIXNG StL%'DRIES CALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY rTRE VULCANIZING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION t. S. J!?XES, Manager Sunset, Main 1330 1:3 EAST SECOND STREET, LONG BEACH H. CLEVELAND, -Funera Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant hones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 41 itters, Ada, Mrs., prop. Strand Apartments, Seaside Blvd. foot of Lin- den av., r. same. itters, Mary, Mrs., r. w. a, Obispo av. 1st h. n. of State. utters & Paul Inv, Co, The B. H. Paul, pres., Mrs. Ada Butters, see'y, real estate and investments. 108 e. First. itts, D. R., r. 335 w. Third. 0 ye, John, carpenter, r. 47 Elm av. yers, Samuel M., r. 952 e. Second. . les, Austin B., vet. sur. and prap. L. B. Vet. Hospital, n. e. cor. e. Ana- heim and Atlantic av., r. same. ytherwood, S. McC., Miss, r. 62 Lime av.

C adnus, Ira C., carpenter, r. n. w. cor. Newport av. and e. Fourth. E admus, Julia S., PIiss, r. n. w. cur. Newport av. and e. Fourth. admus, TLura E., Miss, asst. librarian Public Library, r. n. w. car. Newport av. and e. Fourth. adwallader, J. E., carpenter, r. 335 Linden av. adwallader. M. J.. Mrs.. r. 830 Elm av. aldwell, Albert, r. 331 Golden. !aldwell, Harriet, Miss, recorder Pac. Tel. Co., r. 443 w. Fifth. G .;be C¢ntbta C¢ntbia EBnnex A iost modern apartment house ln Sonth- New two-smory brtik building adjoining Contains 24 four-room itheCynthia, containlllng suites of fonr, rn California. a Single partments. all elegantly furllisdhel. All three and two rooms, as well- icaum hiteie;i during il;ies ofli;; ;uc.-- A-i.L TE-AM. HtTlE.' EAST OCEAN AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM aldwell, 1. S., Mrs., r. 443 w. Fifth. aildweil, Laura B., Miss, student, r. 532 Linden av. Z aldidvell, Margareth, Miss, clerk Fancy Bakery, r. 1086 Pine av. 'aledonia Ins. Co., Roy N. Carr & Co., agts., 107 Anmerican av. O :alifornia Braes Works, Smith & Calkins, proprs., East San Pedro. on ialifornia Chocolate & Candy Co., Hinze & Weber, proprs., s. e. cor. 'T Sixth and Alamitos av. O California Coke & Gas Co., 26 Pine av. m California Fire Ins. Co., U. S. Trust Co., agts., 225 e. First. 3 Palifornia Fish Co., J. . .Lapham, pres., R. D. Wade, sec'y, fish canning, Htubor Front, East San Pedro. alilornla Ocean View, Mrs. T. D. Brummer, prop., furnished rooms, ' i 437 e. Ocean av. C) allifornia Rubber Co., F. S, Jones, mgr., vulcanizinz, bicycles and re- pairs, 113 e. Second. 'alifornla Wholesale Hay and Storage Co., Reed & Vetter, proprs., feed > " and fuel. B20 e. Fourth, alkins, R, . (Californla Brass 'Works), r. tel. Home li, L. B. m aI, Elisa, Mrs., r. 121 w. Firth. C all, H. C., Mrs. (The Palms), r. 537 e. Ocean av. C all, ary L., Mrs, r. 1409 e. Fourth. m1 m

PAYS TO-BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-- BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Electric ompany. The purest gs .in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- t Phone 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue. J:A. ciscnborn H, C. Waugtlnp, GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 Pi NE AVENI'UE While in the city do not fail to investigate our High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANXGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 63, ton"gkeach, Cal. 42 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Q010 Callahan, H. S., Funltrure Co. (H. S. Callahan), furni;ture, CsapetS U. I house furnishings, 228-230 Pine av. Callahan, Hoenry S. (H. S. Callahan Furniture Co.), r. 855 Elm av. L) Callio, Hattie, Mrs., r. 1187 Crescent av. Callio, John, waiter, r. 1187 Crescent av. Callis, John E., prop. New York Racket Store, r. 514 e. Fourth. ~'3 Calpine, Robert, r. e. s. Moutierey av. 2nd h. n. of S.mmit Road. IL~ Camblln, Earnest, r, 323 Magnolia av. Camblin, Lydia, MIrs., r. 323 Magnolia av. O (g CiCamblin, Maud C., Miss, bookkeeper L. B. Paper & Paint Co., r 3 '1 Magnolia av. Camp, Howard E., carpenter, r. 438 Bonita av. ,- O Campbell Block, 135 Pine av. Campbell, Charles E., carpenter, r. 911 Pine av. bo Campbell, Cornella, Mrs., r. 68 Lime av. Campbell, George (W. L. Campbell & Co.), and notary, r. 452 Pine av O ~ Campbell, John H., paftner, r. 705 e. Seventh. Campbell, M. A., Mrs.. r. 219 w. Third. Vn Campbell, Marcus, building contractor, r. 434 w. Eighth. _, C nampbell.Mary P., Miss, sec'y y. W. C. A., r. 227 Landen av. [mI4 · 1 Campbell, Nellie, Miss, r. 243 Magnolia av. Campbell, Robert A., real estate, r. 1557 Appleton. CamDbell, W. L. & Co. (Wm. L., George E. and W. W.), real estate and insurance, 143 Pine av. • ^ •3Campbell, Wim. L. (W. L. Campbell & Co.), and vice-pres. Citizens -4-6 Savings Bank, r. 452 Pine'av. .*n~ | Campbell, Wm. W. (W. L. Campbell & Co.), r. 452 Pine av. Camnpen, raimer, mgr. F. B. Silvcrwoo]. r. 237 e. Sixih. Candler, H. E., 1Mrs., furnished rooms, 253 Pine av., r. same. Canfifld, Mary, Mrs., r. 119 w. Stanwood. J Canier, Orlando S., shoe dealer, 202 Pine av., r. 126 e. Third. Cannan, F. A., Miss, real estate, 14 Pacific av., r. 130 Pacific ar. 43'% Lwl Capron,.Ben F., r. 809 Ob!spo av. Capron, Jean L., r. 809 Obispo av. . Capron, Nelson H., sign writer W. L. Davies. r. 809 Obispo ar. Card Earl, clerk Kennedy Bros., r. n. w. cor. e. Eleventh and St Louis ay. Card, M. L., r. 329 w. Third. Carden, George R., real estate, r. 437 e. Ocean av. _ ;Carey, Edgarr ., r. 1212 e. Third. Carl, B. J. (Atwater & Carl), r. 329 Loeusi &. - CarJ, Charles C., building contractor, r. S1i Loeust. av. ,~z Carl, Tobhlx, r. 840 Pine av. 0 CarlIn, Albert, moturynt'af P. T. Ry.. r. 10i w. Ocean ar. Carlin, (Charlotto; Miss, stenographer Townsend-Da.man In - Ca- and notary, r. 01.0 Disy y V - Carlin, J. P, 4 Co. (J. r. Carlin), renl estatc, 1 i'a ai, C*rljn, Jnmes P, (Carlin, J. P., & Co.), r. le ID.Iy &v. Carlisle, Lewis C., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. CGrl*oR TallGei#1 Co,, I, G. Ciarh. migr... Io Pin ar. stariwit, Iambella, Mrs., r. 157i Appleton. Curme,, 3iark C,,, miltter r, t .s. Walnut ! 1*4 t.l A.LoAhenlae. Carmen, iEdr W, pal,nter, r. w. s. nvalnut h. AnaheimA heiof



Carnahan, James A., barber 321 e. Fourth; Carney, Clarence C.. agt. L. A. Examiner, r. n. e. cor. e. Second and Belmont av. Carpenter, Catherine, Miss, r. 447 Pacific av. Carpenter, George S., lunch counter, r. 419. e. Seventh. Carpenter, Harr!et A., Mrs., r. 474 Waserm av. Carpenter, Helen C.. Mrs., r. 407 e. Seventh. Carpenter, Helen M., Mrs., r. 137 w. Sixth. Carpenter, Louis K., carpenter, r. s. s. e. Nineteenth 3rd h. w. of Atlan- ticCav. v Carpenter: Ora G., collector L. B. Water Co., r. 119 w. Sixth. Carpenter, W. L., motorman P. E. Ry., r. 411 e. Eighth. Cart C. (Inc.!), Fanny Briggs'Carr, prop., facial preparations, 113 e. Occan Wr. 0 Carr, Elizabeth, Mrs., r. 1416 e. Second. Carr, Frank, r. 422 Pacific av. Carr, Judson, r. 345 e. Ocean av. Carr, Roy N. (Roy N. Carr & Co.), r. 521 Orange av,. Cart, Roy N., Co., Roy N. Carr, pres and mgr., real estate and Ins., i01 American av. Carr, Timothy, teatlnster, r. e. s. Coronado av. 3rd h. n. of Anaheim. '4 Carrier, Levi, r. 939 Atlantic av.

@akfnva SDrug ana erIOAORD pa R. S. OAKFORD, Nlanager m

Both Phones No. 204 Pine Ave. and Second Stree Carriger, David W., mining, r. s. w. cor. Pine av. and Fifteenth.' Carroll, John, vice-pres. First Nat'l Bank, r. Victorville, Cal. Carroli, W. E., r. 3910 e. First. Carruthers, Eftie J., Miss, clerk The Racket Store, r. 724 Loma Vista Drive. Carruthers, Gordon, r. 724 Loma vista Drive. Carruthers, Grover C., student, r. 724 Loma Vista Drive. Carruthers, Joseph J., carpenter, r. 724 Loma Vista Drive. Carse, Sarah, Mrs., r. 753 Locust av. Carson, J. A. salesman Tie Xereantr. e Co.. r. a05 Elm av. Carson, Mantmi, Miss, cashier Shoups Tavern. r. 228 Cedar av. Carson, Oscar S., teamster, r. '403 Bonita av. Carson, S. W. employe City. r. 402 e. First. Cart, Wm,,-laborer. r. rear 1i; Locuat yv. Carter. Alonso J., clerl, r. 128 e. Tenth. Carter, Bert, -ranmher. r. last ls. en w. -, inhetr V. Us. c SPrin. Carter Curio Co., . E. Carter. Jr. prop. n. end of Pier. Carter, Edgar, teamster, r. 428 Lime av. Carter, H. V., vice-pres.l. B. Bath House and Amusement Co. a -d prer. Seaside Water Co., r. Les Angeles. Carter. J. R., Jr., prof*. Carter Curio Ce., r. U1T7e_ irst.


Caller, Rhoda M.,., r. 625 w. Tenih. J1IIZ Carter, Richard, teamster,; r. 628 Lime av. Carter, Richard hI., r. e. s. Dakota av. Ist h. n. of e. Anaheim. _^ Carter, Roe E., plumber VW.H. Holloway, r. 341 e. Fourth. Carter, Thomas, r. 1576 Locust av. ; Carter, tL WWm.,foreman Salt Lake Ry., r. e. s. California av. 2nd h. n. af Burnett. QQ Carter, WVm. A., laborer, r. 705 e. Seventh. O I vCartwright, R. a., teacher Atlantic Avenue School, 1: 121 Locust av. J .... Carver, HI. S., mgr. Western Boat & Engine lWorks, r. Riverside Drit- s. of Third. Casceden, Della, miss, nurse, r. 1245 Pacific av. Casceden, Mary, 'Mrs., r. 1245 Pacific av. Case, Adebert C., r. 745 Chestnut av. . Case, H. M., BMrs., r. 541 Locust av. C,±sc, Joseph P., r. 335 Pacific av. _il! Case, Mellssa, Mrs., r. 426 Atlantic av. Case. Walter H. reporter The Daily Telegram, r. 211 LInden av. Casebeer, C. F., feed and fuel, 634 e. Anaheim, r. 1235 Lime av. V'asey, Alice E., -Miss, saleslady The Morcanttile Co., r. 451 w. Nintllh. Cauey. Anna E., Miss, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 4561 v. Ninthil. I Casey, E. D. (Barker & Casey), r. 221 Pine av. asey, Elizabeth, Mr.s., r. 451 -. Ninth. Q I1t Cash Store Co., The, W. H. WVIse, mgr., dept. store, 327-341 Pine av. l Cason, Wm. D., collector,r: 526 e. First. CI ( n.nrI. Ca.,Clr. . O. S. Car;,.i, r. 105 e. Thirl; Casselberry, Alexander O.. elerk WV L. Stevens & fion, r. 1212 C. First. Q Casswel, F. E., .Mrs.,r. 254 Locust av. Q I. Castle, A. E., bMrs., r. 137 e. Fourth. I Jz Castle, Abbie R., Mrs., lady anst. A. C. Walker, r. 435 wv. Ocean av. Castle Hall, 11 Pine av. Castle, Helen A., bliss, teacther Pine Avenue School, r. 43.5 w. Ocean av. Castle, Lila G., MAlss, r. 137 e. Fourth. Castle, Olive M., Miss, r. 435 w. Ocean av. Caswell, A. A., r. 1365Y Pine av. Caswell, S. F., Blrs.. furnished rooms, 136, Pine av., r. same. Cate, D. M., pres. Citizens Savings Batik, r. 615 Ocean av. Cate, George F., groceries, 124 w. Eighth, r. 111 w. Eighth. Cate, Marlon J., Miss, clerk G. F. Cate., r. 111 w, Eighth. Cates, Alfred B. (Cates Bros.), r. 121 e. Tenth. Cates Bros. (A. B. and FP. M.), shoe dealers, 312 Pine av. Cates, Florence, Miss, saleslady The ?Mercantile Co., r. 811 Pine aV. Cates, Frank Mb. (Cates Bros.), r. 1217 Elm av. Cates, Samuel. Rev., r. 215 w. Seveat-. CaIes. Susih. AIr,, mil!ncr A. Schil:ling Co., . 12T17 Elm av. ,d l Catlin, Charles, engineer Southern California Lumber Co., r. Fifth. :_ C . aTerminal Islan.d. E. Caustic, J. W., r. e. s. Ojal av. 1st h. a. of Colorado OX emCawrey. Charles, r. 1107 P:ca!fic. :. ,,! n Cdefrlor. Ero. . 1 l'~n~-! ;v. Center, A. P., Mrs., prop. The Dudley Apartments, Surf Line Place, r. same. Center, Eliza I., bMrs., r. s. s. Catalina 2nd h v. of Temple sv.

FRED II1NZE PHONES: Home3:. Pacific Ullb California Chocblate & Candy Co. Al lf ofnrgoodes are made from the Purest Nlaterialsand will be found healtllful as well as deliciou.- Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos AVe.. Long Beach, Cal. aln iltJI Homne 832 HOOVER & SM1ITH INE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 1511 9 E. SECOND ST. :: : : LONG BEACH, CAI,


ntral Meat Market, S. D. Graves, praop., 130 w. Second. 0 entral Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. Wm. F. Lusk, pastor, n. w. cor California av. and Tenth. haffe, Earle G. (Seay & Chaffee), r. 720 e. Fourth. haffee, Ella M., Miss, r. 535 Atlantic av. haffee, Ellen, M., Mrs., r. 420 Cedar av. haffee, F. H., r. 355 Atlantic av. haffee, Ira T., driver Long Beach Dairy, r. 123 w. Fourth. Chaffee, John S., clerk Postoffice, r. 123 w. Fourth. 'haffee, Minnie A., Miss, r. 535 Atlantic av. Chalkerl; Frank M., r. 348 Daisy av. Chalker, M. RF, Mrs., r. 135 wv. Third. Chalker, Vernon, A., carpenter, r. w. s. Rose av. 2nd h. n. of e. Fourth. Chalker, Romain, r. 135 w. Third. Chalmers, Joseph W., archittet, 310 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Chamber of Commerce, Dr. L. A. Perce, pres.,C. A. Buffum, Ist vice- Z pres., C. H. Windham, 2nd vice-pres., J. A. Miller, sce'y, Frank MeCutcheon, treas., 137 e. First. Chamberlain, KatE:ertne, Mrs., r. 530 Pine av. . Chamberlain, Vm. M., r. 945 Chestnut av. Chambers, David H., r. rear 519 e. First. GOOD NERCHANDISE CHEAP :je

-51nBIRcoot . - J - lI.uinprailc 7=' ; : .. h..... Sen our dvertisce-

The Fifth Street- - mrcndiseIn I-nt Store.::: day'sPilerSp ape ::

Chambers, L. L., shoe dealer, 133 Pine av., r. Bixby Bldg. . Chamness, Hubert, driver Long 1Beach Dairy, r. 1147 e. First. Champion, Ethel L., Miss, r. 1044 e. Second. :Champion, Floyd N,, grocer. 525 e. Second, r. 1044 e. Second. Champion, John B., real estate, 525 e. Second, r. 1044 e. Second. Chanda, Anna, Mrs., r. rear 748 Alamitos av. 5aC Chanda, Henry, carpenter, r. s. e. ear. Cerritos nv. and Grant. 1 Chandler, Barton C., r. 1547 Pine av. _ ' Chandler, Carrie N.., Miss, atengrapher Denio & Monk, r. 1547 Pine av. Chandler, Eliza J., Miss, r. 1547 Pine av. Chandler, George L, r. 14i4 American av. e Chandler, Jessie, Miss, teacher Atlantic Avenue School, r. 603 American v. Chandler, Ralph W., see'y Long Beach RFereation Ce., r. 1410 Amcerican .. Chandler, Robert A, r. 1031 e. Fourth. i..i Chandler, Sarah H., Mrs., r. 603 American av. { 15 Chandler, Win. H. (Chandler & Miller), r. 1410 American av. Chandler & Millet (W. H. Chandler, J. A. Miller), rwel t state. 1:7 c. First. . .Ia A. B. CRnAE P:AN1O3 ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BEACH TENT CITY' FURNISED - HOUSL - tRTS - EOMPLTl - 10k - HOUSKItN Double Roof Scnreea D:orsaud Findi ws Gas for Cokingand Llgtfingt- ith Siaawer iath and, Sanitar. Toilets. AT FOOT O CGOLDEN AVE., THRE' BLOCKS WES'1 OF HOTEt VlRGtNIA. W. H. REIDER, Prop. PHONES: gMain IGZ. Howie 12*5 Soft Water Laun Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 46 LONG- BEACHoe DIRECTORY357 _ 4 Chaney, Blanche, bliss, r. 156 Elm av. U Chaney, Estella, ,Mrs., r. 156 Elm av. 4 Chapin, Carl C., clerk Joe M. Holder, r. 41 Chestnut av. .. t) Chapman, Charles, r. 329 Locust av. * ls Chapman, Charles, r. 507 w. Anaholm. U) Chapman. Charles D., solicitor Edison Electric Co., r. 360 e. Seven- ,_ teenth. O Chapman, Charles W., r. e. s. Cherry av. 1st h. sa. of e. Fifteenth. o C'hapman, Florence, Mliss, r. 335 Cedar av. C ^I Chapman, Guy L., clerk L. B. Hdw. Co., r. 222 Falcon av. > Chapman, John tY., r. 1357 Linden av. cc Chapman, Louise, Mis., r. 1451 Appleton. vU Chapman, May A., ?Miss, r. 1056 Magnolia av. .Ii Chapman, Thomas C., r. 1056 Magnolia av. -. Chapman, WVm. A., photographer, 115 American av., r. rear 132 America;, ~,; a:) av. U (Chapple, A. G.. Mrs., m!llnery, 235 PIne av., r. 129 w. Third. _ , Chapple, Alfred G., picture framer, r. 129 w. Third. W~C Chapple, Charles R., sec'y Long Beach Paper & Paint Co., r. 347 Nine- teenth. Charles. Clara. Miss (Charles & shela), r. s. s. e. Fifth Ist h. e. of Junipero av. Chlarles, Herbert B., driver Charles & Shea, r. e. s. Kinta av. 2nd hI. . of e. Fourth. Charles. John C., carpenter, r. 237 c. Fourth. Charles &-Shala W'. fharlEs and E. Sheia), groceries, n. e. cor. e. Fourth and Junipero av. Charlton, E. P.. & Co., E. B. Thayer, mgr., 5, 10 and 16c store, 24 Pil, av. Chane, Arnna A.. Mrrs.. r- ._ t'efjar ar . Chase, Frank, MIrs., furnished rooms, 236 Locust av., r. same. Chase, Fred C., piano tuner, 240 Pine av., r. 439 e. Fifth. Chase, Laurelle L., BMIss, sec'y Filltmoure School of blusic and teacher C )piano,1 r. 528 Cedar av. Chase, Louis W%..clerk Salt Lake Transfer Co., r. 336 Pine av. Cha:elaln Frank W., plumlber, r. s. w. cor. Anaheim and Vine av. Chatten. WValter R. (Garrity & Chatten). r. 149 Pine av. Chauchon. BMadame, vocal teacher, r. rear 417 e. First. Chauchon, Theresa, Bliss, r. rear 417 e. First. Cheatham, Charles E., clerk, r. 598 Rose av. p t = Cheesman, Luzerne B., employee Soft Water Laundry r. 545 e. Stano iJd Chene, Cyrus E., musician, r. D. s. Lemon 2nd h. e. of Walnut av. Chene, Hazel A., BMiss, r. n. s. Lemon 2nd h. e. of Walnut ar. 2C Cheney, A'rnmilla A., Mrs., r. 503 w. Third. r Cherosky, Julian L., plumber, r. 529 e. Stanwood, - Cherovsky. Anton, shoemaker. S0 'Pne- v- r, t. e.* Fourteenth -2!! Z W h. e. of Linden av,. .. Cherovsky, Anton, Jr., r. a. a. e. Fourteenth 2nd b.. e, of Inden av. Z b. Cherovs-y, Marcella, Mbiss r. s. s. Fourteenthb nd b. e. of Lnden av. - * Cherrington, Edward E., carpenter, r. 437 w, Seventh. cs Chester, Charles W.,, carrenter, r. w. s. Jumiperoj1 a. 2nd s. of e. Seventh.

Henry J. Pauly Co. The ose Leaf Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card index Systm. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 2'3-.5 .VNeU-igh St., Los Angeles - f.-.-- REA7E--SRATE _ *N 1 CO I.SURANCER f ?.C RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS o7 AMERICAN A.VE.NUIE 1OM$ P5HON.E S-S EXCHANGES

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 47 (A hicago Cleaning & Pressing Co., M. Feldman, prop., 19 American av. I- h ecago Home, M. L. McGuigan, prop., furnrshed rooms, 313 w. Second. ; - hiclsey, Marian, bliss, nurse,-r. 101 w. Third. oo }icott, Eadie, Mrs., r. 127 American av. cn hld, Psion, r. 1342 e. Ocean av. hilders, Elenor, Miss, domestic, w. s. Cherry av. 1st h. n. of Hill. hlders, Lula, Miss, cook, w. s. Cherry av. 1st h. n. of Hill. hilds John G., driver L. B. Bakery Co., r. 526 Pine av. Wt ilds, Nora, Mrs., r. 245 Linden av isholm, Aexander ., teamster, r. n. w. cor. Catalina and Vine av. . hittenden, Homer T., r. rear 715 w. Third. ox ' f hittenden, R. H., Dr., (Palmer & Chittenden) r. 620 w. Third. o hitwood, Charles J., machinist Pioneer Automobile Co., r. 608 New l York. .. hrisman, J. C., r. 218 Pine av. 0 hrisman, Wm. V., carpenter, r. 773 Cerritos av. o m C. hr;tcnson, Anna, Miss, bookkeeper Hoover & Smith, r. Hotel Del Mar. . V 1ristensen, Artie M., Irs., r. e. s. American av. 1st h. n. of Twentieth. ° Christensen, Niels, mining, r. 524 Pacific av. V., hristian Association Building, 121-123 Locust av. 2 hristian, Emma, Mrs., r. 625 w. Second. < Christlan, Mamie, clerk PaciftC Tel. Co., r. 62 w. Second. ( hristie, R. R., pres. L. B. Asbestos Mining Co., r, 115 w. Second. b. hristian Science Reading Room, 307 Cedar av. > christy, T. J., clerk Salt Lake R. R., r. Seventh, iTerminal Island. > > Chubbic, Benjamin, carpenter, r. 1048 Bishop. a hubbic, Edith G., Miss, r. 1048 Bishop. . OC hubbie, Erwin J., r.-1048 Bishop. Z (0* .uibblc, Ehei $., Missi, r. 1i04 B;;houp. Ctuhblc, J. Fred (Dolley & Chubbic), r. 1048 Bishop., hubbic, R. C. bicycles and repairs, 125 w. Sacond, r. 221w Elm av. > huchon, Theresa, Miss, clerk E. T. Randall, r. 417-e. First. r' hurch, Francis M., r. 1428 Pine av. ~hurch of God, The, Rev. 0. T. Roberts, pastor, 21, Elm av. .* z- hurchill, Andrew, J., electrician, r. 1046 Jessie av. -,. tr hurchill, Charles W., r. 1105 Alamitos av. " a w e t urchill, Florence E., Miss, r. 443 w. Ocean av. = F hurchill, Jay E., r. wv. s. Garfield av. 1st h. s. of e. Fourth. e · itizens Savings Bank, D. M. Cate, pres.; W. L. Campbell, 1st vlce- = 5t;I pres.; W. W. Lowe, 2ud vice-pres.; Frank M.eCutcheon, 3rd vice- ¢ > : pres.: C. 1 Huntington, cashier; WV. B. Julia,,, asst. cashier; n. : M' . w. cor. Pine and First. . ;= g ity Dye Works, Malcom & Son. proprs.. 236 Pine av. * .Y .. ity Garage, McKenzie & Bellows, proprs., 212 Locust av. a c- ity Hall, w. ceond and Pacific Wv. E ty Jail, K, ietnd iand Xatefie av. e ^

.ity Livery, )relli-icFailyen Co., propra., 127 w. First. O- Lr iy Meat Market, Jaqrcs Broe, proprS., 114-116 Pine av. _ G ity Market Building, Walkinshaw & Sedgwick, mgrs., s. e. cor. Seventh = and Olive av. -.. , _, lty National Bank Building, .n. w. cor. American av and Second. ~. ; : PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIC HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO.. ;bett -rUt1 0/t '4 tDil ;W- Carries a Seled Line of Toilet Soape: Facial Preparations, Fine lmportedfar.J Domestic Perfumes,_Etc. s'TANDARoD R U G CcoM PAN¥Y 1.36 PINE AVENU'E J.L. ItOIER, NIGR. -'3pesalS. r oDehrwy. CortHe: LiEcorSDrugs. Sundris, Toikt Aries, Cigars, oda Wster,&. HOVE 100S SUNS-E !1581 ; iS LOXG HEA'.CH DIRECLTORY

City National Bank, The, B. 3!. Scheurer, pres.; A. RIL Price, J. rc plurFlevy. vIce-prs.: 2pd vice-pres.; B. F. Tucker, cashier: nw., c r. Amerlcan av and e. Second. 'ity Paint Shop (J. C. Stark, F. Haskel, H. Barnesberger). 410 Locust av. LU City Pund. J.'X. W-aters. pound master, z34 e. Fourth. _ C1ity Shoe Shop, James Alger. prop., 109 e. Second. City Transfer Van & Stcrage Co, Codd & M3eldrim, proprs., 131 w. See-nd. It y W-od lWorking Co. (3. Drew, Ge.erge McfLeod), office and ,rm fixt-res renr 19e6 Pin'e ar. Clir. Verdia 31. Miss. beekkeeper Cooper Hdw. Co., r. 108 e. Seventh. _Cant-.n. Daid P. WCianton Reakly Co.), r. 1204 Elm av. .an: .n. Joseph 31. (Clanton Realty Co.). r. 620 Cerritos av. Q Cetlan:on Realty Co. (D. P. and J. M.), real estate, 227 e. Second. |O I Clanton. R3Y. machinist, r. 620 Cerritos av. tt'lapnham. Fanny. Mrs. prop. The WVilsonla, 109 e. Third. r. same. ..'app. a;er 1:_ enugirer. r. n. e. eor. Eiiot and Coronado av. W 'Clark.A. C.. Mrs.. prop. The Woodman, 10854 e. Third, r. same. Cla.:. Allen. htlper Salt Lake P.y. r. Third Terminal Island. n SClark. Anna. Miss. r. 537 Cedar av. CrJi'. Arthur C- shouting galiery on the Pike, r. 10S e. Third. Clark. C. Augusta, 31rs., r. 1420 e. First. g ,_-ilark. C. W.. carznter. r. 6S7T w, Fifth. CrkCr- ha'qe' G. 'arpl-ter. r. na. . e. Sevcnth 2nd h. e. of Ce~rrli: a". ... 0.. C"!°'-. FLo'd. erpIoCyee Soft WVater Laundry C, r. 533 w. Third. ,tari. Floyd T_ student. r. n s. e. Seventh 2nd h. e. of Cerritos av. ' Clark. Frank B.. r. 245 e. Seventh. CIark. F. W'. . b ookkeieper First Nat'l Bank. r. 427 American av. T,,; wtC-,.lge o.r n.. teamster. r. 1538 Appleton. 0 iCm. uG~-r~g 7W_ r. .44 Daly aV. Clark. Harry P.. machinist. r. 125 w. Fourth, (j 3 "lark Lbe: A_ aEs, r. 14-u e. First. i- lari. Janes F'_ carpenter, r. 53;0 Daisy UL. av. * ' iClark.James B_ Mrs.. r. s. e. cor. American av. ana Twenty-First. Z fClark V'_ ,.gr-eeeries. n. cor. Ellot and Loma av., r. s. x. c r. O"Xa Lama av. and Eliot. Ciark. Joseph T_ driver city sweeper. r. 9n- Ov av Clark. L A-x painter. r. 149 Pine av. Clark. Lawence G., mgr. Carlson Tailoring Co.. r. 136 e. Fifth. ) "lark. !Tua F . rs..- drezss maker. r. 530 Daisy av...... ,aa.,. ,rl'--r WH.Hr. oij, r. 1S=3 e. Seventh. Clark. 1Mary E.. Mrs., r. Third. Terminal Island. Clarks V,. H.. laborer S. C. Lumber C'o., r. Third. Terminal Island. ia-rk WelLs. r. 209 Daisy av. CIrk, mi-. L_. chiropractic. r. 330 Lime av. O Clau-. Wild.' tisS r. s22 Chestnut :a, C) JC-'-o.IildreCl MiSs, teacher Atlantic Avenue School, r. t02Linden C.lat'. c. I-, section foreman Salt Lake Ry. r. Fifth, Terminal Is- -J land. Cby'.. 3 U' '.!- i. . i h-. ', Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS" Yv .T TODAY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG BEACH rHE-ARDWAA!E-BE-AS -CAN-BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


layton, Clarence G., bicycle repairer Hopping Bros., r. s, s. Sixteenth

layton, Stella, Miss, r. Fifth, Terminal Island. leag, Abraham, janitor City Hall, r. 903 e. Eleventh. leland, Robert G., r. n. w. cor. Huerta av. and Hechizur av. leland, Robert W., Rev., asst. pastor First Presbyterian Church, r. n. w. cor. Huerta av. and Hechizur av. _ lem, David (Pioneer Grocery Co.), r. 211 Pine av. lement, Annie, Mrs., r. 126 e. Second. lemmer. E. W. (Downs &'Clemmer). r. 934 Pacific av. lemmer, Merriam, waiter Favorite Cafe, r. 131 Pine av. T leveland, C. Hlerbert (Rex Feed Barn), r. 221 American av. leveland, Edgar H., undertaker and embalmer, 221 American av., Home Phone 724, Pacific 1541, r. same. lewett Bros, ( J. F. and J. C.), proprs. L. B. Steam Laundry, 227 Olive. av. Clewett, Chester C., r. n. w. cor. Wralnut av. and Hill. [lewett, Howard S., student, r. n. w. cor. WValnut av. and Hill. Clewett, J. C.(L. B. Steam Laundry), r. n. c. cor. Seventh and Orange. Clewett, J. F. (L. B. Steam Laundry), r. 426 Lime av. LClewett, Ruth, Mrs., teacher Alamitos School, r. 426 Lime av. cliiff, Wm., laborer Inner State Lumber Co., r. 1047 e. Third. Cllfford, Charles, carpenter, r. 109 e. First. G rCline, John V., broom maker, r. rear 437 w. Seventh. [C-line, O. R., r. 556 Chestnut av. Cinton, Charlotte J3., Miss. r. 445 Elm av. A Clinton, Henry, r. w. s. Elm av. 2nd h. s. of Hill. Clinton, Libbie, Mrs., r. 445 Elm av. r ii1ion,1 MiaSuie, Miss, ste:ongrapster Roy IN. Carr Co., r. 4i5 Elm av. Clinton. Ncd, printer The Daily Telegram, r, 415 Elm ar. [Clinton, Robert H., foreman L. B. Gas Co., r. n. s. Anaheim 2nd h. e. of E Orange. Clopton, Hnggatt, colonel U. S. A., retired, r. 1069 American av. Clopton, Lois M., Miss, student, r. 1069 American av. Clor, A. J., tel. operator, r. 414 e. Third. O !Cloud, Elva E, Mrs., r. 40 Magnolia av. Clough, Kate L., Mrs., r. 346 Atlantic av. Clover, Bella, Mrs., r. 126 w. Fifth. Clure, Charles, r. 820 Amerlean av. o Clyde, The, J. A. Overholtzer, prop., 224 e. First. Coale, Ellis P., carpenter, r. 911 e. Seventh.4 1 Coates, R E., Mrs., r. 135 w. Third. b Cobb, H. H., cigars and tobacco, 113 w. Ocean av., r. 211 Pine av. Cobb, Harry, r. 229 w. Anaheim. Cobb, Harry H., groceries, n,.e. or., American av, and Arabella, r. same. Cobb, John L., protographer Penny Arcade, r. 130 American av. 0 02 Cobb, Lester S., r. 135 American av. ah Coburn, Wm. H., r. 1318 Pine ai. ' '-0 'Cochran, George I.. sec'y L. B. Bath House and Amusement Co. and I sec'y Seaside Waier Co., V. Los Angeles. 2 Cochran, Relda, Mrs., prop. The MacDonald, 135 e. First and The Leola, , 432 American ar, r. 135 e. First. A. B., CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY.

.OQTE!LJULAN Excellently situated near the Ocean, facing Pacific _____.'\ ______Park. Special Rate by the Week. : : Mrs. L C. Hf n, Prop, ...AMEICAN PLAN. 5RA;,-: A2.0.0 to $2o- per DM, sgle Meets so C5st., 45 Cedr.Ave. ELEPHONE HOlE 36 J. A. Wetsenborn H. C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investigateour high grade City and Ranch Psoperty. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. 50 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Codd, Wm. R. (City Van & Storage Co.), r. 833 e. Second. Coffee, Jesse M., r. 1041 Pacific av. Coffin, Hattie, Mrs., r. lt Wrainut av. Coffman, Winm. P., printer, r. 1030 Daisy av. Cohen, J. Barrett, r. 730 w. First. Cokingham, J., r. 855 Hazard av. Colbert, John, groceries and fruit, 402 Pine av.. r. 523 Locust av. Colby, A. B., Miss, clerk E. A. Richey, r. Morgan av. and Seaside Blvd. Colby, Bessle J., Miss, r. 38 Alboni Place. . Colby, G. I. (Colby & Porter), r. Morgan av. and Seaside Blvd.. Colby, Jesse J., real estate, r. 38 Alboni Place. 0 Colby, Jesse J., Jr., r. 38 Alboni Place. Colby, Margaret M., Miss, r. 38 Alboni Place. _rs Colby, S. F., r. The Krosnest. * Colby & Porter (G. L Colby, D. M. Porter), confectionery, The Pike. r GrColden, Thomas G., machine hand Inter StPte Doclr & Lumber Co., r. 455 Gavnlota av. _C v Coldwell. Elmer, cement contractor. r. 236 e. Sixth. Coldwell, Harold D., laborer, r. 236 e. Sixth. O5 O~Cole, A. F.. r. 218 Pino av. Cole, Anna R, Mrs., packer Cal. Choc. & Candy Co., r. 830 e.Fifth. Cole, B. W., r. 629 Pacific av. 0 Cole, Charles, teamster, r. a. w. cor. Anaheim and California av. Cole, Eben N., gas fitter Inner Harbor Gac & Elec. Co., r. 939 c. Sixth. Cole, Ena L., Mrs., r. 1035 Atlantic av. FeFred B., eement flnL-h-r. r e. s Rose Povrk av. 1St h n. of P. VC) Seventh. Cole, Lester E., pressman Foote Printing Co., r. 236 e. Pacific av. Cole, Llewellyn A., ditchman Inner Harbor Gas & Elec. C., r. 830 e. Fifth. a. Cole, Luella R., Miss, cashier W, F. Pascoe, r. 911 e. Seventh. Coleman, Henry P., real estate, n. e. cor. American av. and e. First., r. 537 Cerritos av. Coleman, James O., r. 334 w. Sixth. Coleman, Joseph, real estate, 131 e. First, r. n. wv. cor. Burnett and (fl Orange av. Collaro, Pasqual, laborer, r. 1123 Myrtle av. Collins, Arthur B. (Royal Cafe), r. n. w. cor. Euclid av. and Anser. Collins, Arthur R., asst. cashier First Nat'l Rank, r. 65 Atlantic av Collins, Charles H., groceries, 1157 Pine av., r. same.. Collins, David, Rev,Rev.,r. 876 Loma Vista Drive. _ _ Collins, David N., carpenter, r. 410 Elm av. O q< Collins, E. R., spiritual healer and medium, 231 Pine av. r. same. 0_ r Collins, Helen J, Mrs., r. e. s: Newport av. ist h. s, of Eliot. Collins, J. D., Mrs., r. The Cynthia. Collins, John R., orderman S. C. Lumber Co., r. Railroad av. Terminal Island. Collins. S., vice-pres. Long Beach Drug Co., r. The Cynthia. Collins, Will H., clerk H. E. Smith, r. s. s. Colorado 2nd h. e of Hermosa at. Collins, Win. G.. carpenter, r. 920 Atlantic av. Collins & Still (A. B. Collins, L. W. Still), proprs. Royal Cafe, 30 Pine *-· ~ ~ av.

J. A McCasli, Pes. P.S..Bner, VicePr - G.R. Cbpple, Sec r. PHONES: ome 373, Sunset 3al2. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Dealers In Plate and Window Glas. Wall Parer, a Oilints, and- Varnisht ~4~RFI.UE, PINE A LONG BEACH, CAL. Zbe VtruIefst 14 PINE A rE. m!m;l ~.ugh~l~ -Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Oar Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 61

Colonial Amusement & Building Co., O. L. McDonald, pres. and mgr., J. E. Lutz, vice-pres. and.treas., Chas. Lambrecht, sec'y., foot of Locutt av, av. Colonial, The, Mrs,- S. E. Woy, prop., furnished rooms, 237 Cedar Colonial Underwriters, Roy N. Carr & Co., agts., 107 American av. Colton, G. R., Mrs.: r. 325 e. Second. Columbia, The, Mrs. Helen de Viron, prop., furnished rooms, 231 Pine av. Columbine Apartments, E. E. Black, prop., furnished rooms, r. 106 Mag- nolia av. Colvin, Clara E., Miss, r. 126% w. Fifth. Colvin, E. M., Mrs., r. 126% w. Fifth. Combes, Charles E.; r. 431 St. Louis av. Commander, Samuel IL, prop. Pier Fishing & Tackle Co., r. Cosmopoli- ln< tan Club. av. Commercial Union Assurance Co., H. W. Johnson, agt., 147 American Commercial Union of London, George W. Smith & Co., agts04 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Commons, Deary O., student, r. 904 Atlantic av. 9= i 4 Commons. Henry C., carpenter, r. 904 Atlantic av. Compton, Charles G., real estate, r. 443 w. Seventh. Comstock, Helen M., Mrs., r. 15391 . First. O0 ) : t Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. > MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE M Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, P..ific 2192

Cone, Florence L., Miss, r. 431 e. Ninth. Coney, J. C., prop. The Wave-Crest, 523 Seaside Blvd., r. same. Coney, .Raymond L., cashier S. P. Freight, r. Wave-Crest, 523 Seaside Blvd. Conger, Ernest, electrician, r. 523 w. Second. Conger, L. N., Miss, r. 42 Elm av. Conger, L. T. W., Mrs., r. 42 Elm av. Conkle, Noah F., r. 1035 Locust-av. Conkliln, Gilbert R., building contractor. r. 85 Lime av. Conn, Arthur, r. w,. . Atlantic av. 1st h. n. of Willow. Conn, Mary, Mrs., r. w. v. Atlantic av. Ist h. n. of Willow. Conn., Sidney, carpenter, r. e. s. Linden av. 1st h. n. of Willow. Connecticut Ins. Co. of Hartford, .George W. Smith & Co., agts., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Conner, L. R., electriceia, r. rear 337 olive av. Conner, Robert IL, advertising mgr. The Pacific Monthly, r. 113S Cedar. Connett. Albert B., painter, r. n. L Densmore 2nd h. w. of Garfield av. Connor, John O., clerk Post Office, r. 901 Hamllton. Connor, Thomns, motorman P. E. Ry., r. 226 e. Fifth. Conover, Alpheus A, r. S29 Pine av. Conover. Nettie, Miss, r. 82 Pine sv. CO. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT, MUSIC rADl N1 TAILORING GO. CARLSONIV HIGH CLASS TAILORS M.A. CLARK, Pn.pr. L G. CLARK, r..s,,. Home Phone 798 120 Pine Ave, Young-Parmley Inv. Co. HomeSUnSt4,; REAL ESTATE :: INVESTNMENTS J. W'.Y0lig, Jr. A. L. iuP.H---, L~NG BEACHC'armHry. BANK BLD,


i Conrad, Albert, clerk Wolff & Adams Drug Co., r. 19 Chestnut av. Cnonrad, Fr.inces, AMiss, teacher Atlantic Avenue School,-r. 123 Loeut av. t., Conrad, Mary E., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 19 Chestnut av. Conrad, Sarah J., Mrs., r. 632 Elm av. Considine, Anna M., Miss, r. 820 e. Sixth. O Contarlni, B.,.musielan. r. 5S Atlantic a.v. Continental Casualty Co., Sunset Real Estate & Land Co. agts.. 2Il First. Z Contreras, Ralph, cleaner Sunset Dyve Works. r. 338 e. First. Conway, Anna, Mirs., hnluok r vE r* nth AnInex. r. same. ,~ Conway, E. P., mgr, Fairchild-Gilmore-Wilton Co., r. 1616 e. Ocean an. LL COO Conway, Ellen G., Miss, r. The Cynthia Annex. Conway. James H.. r. 523 Pine av. ; t'z Cook, Alonzo G., Dr., r. s. e. cor. e. Seventh and Orange av. Cook, Arthur, r. 149 Pine av. Cook, Benjamin F., r. 519 w. Seventh. QU ' Cook, Bertha I., Miss, r. 130 w. Third. i Cook. Charles B.. r. 1008 e. Seventh. Cook, Earl, clerk Post Office, r. 5S Densrmore. Cook, Franklin L., carpenter, r. w. s. Werner near Orange av. · Cook, H. A. B., r. 1230 Jess-e av. Cook, J. Haydeh, r. 256 e. First. -,,4[ Cook. James R,, r. 352 Linden ar. Cook, John A., dentist 405-406 L. B. Bank Bld-r r. 1451 Elm av. Cook, Lena, Miss, r. i008 e. Sevelth. I Cook. LiHa ... ''rs.. r. -_e . Cook, Ralph C., meat cutter Olive IMeat Market, r. 121 Olive av. 1 [e1 Cook, Sylvester, furnished rooms, 422 e. Third. r. same. Cook, Thomas A., carpenter, r. 945 e. Sixth. Cook, WVm. D. (Cook & Inman), r. 121 w. Third. Cook, WVm. J., Dr.. r. 44 Esperanza av. _v) Cook, Win. M., asst. cashier N-atlI Bank of L. B., r. 821 Daisy av Cook & Inman (WVm. D. Cookl H. H. Inman), real estate, 105 w. Third Q= W Cooley, Fern, Miss. operator Pacific Tel. & TeL Co.. r. Ocean Front -4 iTerminalPv Island. ~"l.L Cooley. Granville. fruit peddler, r. 1141 Obispo av. a f fiCooley. J. C., laborer National Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Cooley, Joseph. r. 1141 Oblspo av. Cooley, L. J., r. 611 w. Third. Cooley, Maxwell ,3., r. 611 w. Third. Cootnbs, Charlotte E.. Mrs.. r. 1751 Railway. ta, Ccbs. eCombs,*lieert W,.. r. 1616 e. 'cean aiv. Coonmhs, Katherine lK.dcd.r. Mr.,*. , 1 e. Oc- .- Coombs, Orv::lle E., cslier Los Angeles Retir.-d. r. 1751 Raiiway. Coon. Katherine E. Miss, r. 457 Gavlota ar. Coon. 3ilford R., carpenter, r. 457 Gavlots av. Coons, Bert J, prop. Iowa Steam Dye V3rkr, r. 214 e. First. nn0ns, Ed E.. carpentcr, r. s.. Fier av. ;irJ h. n. of e. Tenth. Coons, Jane B., MArs.. r. 214 e. First. Cooper. Annetta, Mliss, piano teacher, r. 253 Daisy av. Cooper, Dale G., mgr. Cooper Hdw. Co, r. 392 e. State.

lr. n :CRACCKEX, Manager E. . SOTZMAX: Sec. and Trea-. HARBOR LU.MBER CO. OFFICE A.D YARD: Cor. O.-ean and tGldetr avs. Fnll Line of BUr.DxLyG XATEtIALS and Mill Work. Tel. Home 5uSanse2t.42. Long Beac LC'.- s.v.. &D. B. Ear- IH A R T IH O RL IN IBoughtt, Sold, ex- thorn, Tel. H1one - -- changed or rented. 661. Pacific 441. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE' STORE Tuning and re- Res. 713 Pine ave.] 240 PINEi AVE. pairillg a special- Pholnle Pacific 4j BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 2816 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 53

Cooper Hdw. Co., Dale 0. Cooper, mgr., hardware, 309 Pine av. 0 C'oper, John H., Dr., r. 253 Dlsy v 9 ro(.per, Joseph D., fruit peddler, r, 1370 jFssie av. Cooper, L. V., Mrs., dressmaker, r. l20 lAimetricn av. Cooper, L. Y., r. 503 e. Ocean av. I, Cooper, Martha M., Mrs., r. 1119 Elm av. _ Cooper, Winm. M., r. 715 Chestnut av. Coppin, Charles, r. s. e. cor. Stale and Alamitos av. _ Coppoli, Ferrucclo, musician, r. 27 Hermosa av. Corbin, James, r. 241 Palmers Court. Corbrey, Thomas J., r. 72 Atlantie av. Cordell, George, Mrs., r. w. s. Pico av. 1st h. n. of State. Cordell, Rose, Miss, student, r. w. s. Pico av. 1st h. n. of State. , Corl, Winm. J., r. 60 Linden av. Cornwell, Charles, r. 922 Cedar av. . Corona, James, teamster, r. 910 Lime av. Coseboon, C. W., rancher, r. s. e. cor. Vine av. and Willow. Cnseboon. Claude. clerk Nat'l Bank of L. B., r. Hynes Station. 0 1 Coseboon, Pearl. Miss. r. s. e. cor. Vine av. and Willow. . Cosmopolitan Club, E. H. Van Sittert, sec'y, 433 Pine av. Cosmopolitan Club Bldg., 433 Pine av. Cosper, W. R., gen. mgr. Home Bond & Bldg. Assn., r. 416 e. Third. Long Beach Brick Works RICHARD cLOYNES Proprietor p i BEST QUALITY BUILDING BRICK. PHGOES: Ofilc~, Ioi I, Wlorks, Hlnme 200

Cost, August, mgr. Model Market, r. 229 w. Pacific av. Cotton, S. K., plumber, r. n. w. cor. Vista and Loma av. Cotton, S. M., Mrs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. W Cottrill, John, r. e.. Ls.rut av. 1st h. s. of Eliot. - Couch, Henry, laborer L, R. Gas Co.. r. L. B. Tent City.. , Coughran, A B., Mrs., furnished rooms, 336 Pine av., r. same. Coughran Block, s. e. cor. Pine av. and First. Coughran, Charles E., r. n. e. cor. e. Seventh and Orange av. s| Coughran, Douglas D, student, r. n. e. cor. e. Seventh and Orange av. Coughran Hall, 112% e. First. Counts, Claudius A., mgr, job dept, The Daily Telegrani, r. 344 Chestnut c

Counts. E. B., clerk Pacific Fish Market, r. 130 Locust av. . Coutits, E. B., MUi., cook Salt Lake Resta.rant. r. 130 Locust av. Counts, John E, officee 209 Pine av., r. 627 Elm av. Courtney, Wm. T., tarpenter, r. w. &.Olive av. lst b. n. of Twentieth. - Covell, Charles S., cigarmaker, r. w. a. Atlantic av. 1st h. s. of Twenty- First. Covell, Horace L., r. e. s. Obispo av. Ist h. n. of Anaheim. Cover, Charles, clerk L. L. Chambers, r. 217 Linden amv. Cover, Charles A.. real estate, 340 Pine av., r. 124 w. Fourth.


Electrical Wiriag, lat r and Fixtfres. Phmeu Hmr30, Suast ss5. fectricaI iupphz & fixture Co. 120-t22 E. First Street,Lo Beach, Cat. FRED HINZE Phones: Home 394, Pacific 3116 California Chocolate S( Candy Co. Aii uur good, are made from the purest materials and will be i)and heaiihfui as well as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth and AlamitoS ave., Long Beach, Cal.

54 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY __ Covert, A. T., with Townsend-Dayman Inv. Co., and notary public, r. P 235 w. Fifth. Covert, E. L., & Co. (E. L. Covert, S. S. Irwin, D. W. Roe), real estate and ins., 207 Pine av. A Covert, E. Lynn (E. L. Covert & Co.), and notary, r. 121 e. Stanwood av. Covert, Elizabeth S., Mrs., r. 545 e. Third. Covert, G. WV., Dr., r. 132 e. Third. Covert. Joseph N. (Pier Lunch Room), r. 2812 E. First: T Cowan, Charles L. (Cowan-Wiseman Co.), r. Del Mar Hotel. Cowan, John L., r. 321 Maine. Cowan, Marvell W., clerk A. E. Wollbrink & Co., r. 114 e. Seventh. E Cowan, WVm. E., r. 257 e. Stanwood. Cowan, Winm.G., groceries, 101 American av., r. 518 Locust av. Cowan-Wiseman Co. (C. L. Cowan, NV. E. Wiseman), real estate, rmn. I Bixby Bldg. N Coward, C. W., r. 617 e. Ocean av. Coward, Percy H., r. 103 Golde!. Cowell, Alta, Miss, saleslady The Mercantile Co.. r. 441 Linden av. Cowell, F. P., Mrs., r. 441 Linden av, T Cowgill, H. B., driver L. B. Steam Laundry, r. 345 e; Oceanav. Cowgill, Ru:h, Miss, r. 345 e. Ocean av. Cowley, H. T., r. 928 American av. $ Cox, A. L.. r. 112 Magnolia av, Cox, Adelaide S., Mrs., r. 655 Forttne, Copyrights Cox, Eugene J., painter, r. 905 e. Fifth. Trademarks Cox, H. Lee, att. and notary, 501 and 635 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. Lalils 905 Magnolia av, Cox, Henry R., foreman City Livery Stable, r. 228 Magnolia av. Cox, Ison B1., r. 954 Pine av. Cox, James E., r. 457 w. Second. Cox, James G., r. 535 e. Third. Cox, Kenyon, r. 55 Fortuna. Cox, Louis, laborer Nat'l Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Cox, V. H., real estate, r. 327 Linden av. UA Cox, Wm. cabinet maker, r. w. s. Pacific av. near Eleventh. Cox, Winm. J., r. 905 Magnolia av. Cozby. Norman B., foreman Foote Printing Co., r. 643 w.-Thlrd. Crabtree, Edmund, r. 1565 e. Second. Craig, Andrew (F. W: Stearns & Co.), r. 419 Daisy av. Craig, Arthur N., stenographer San Pedro Lumber Co., r. 953 Chestnut av. Craig, Daniel, prop. The Glenwood, 127 American av, r. same. Craig, Erntst. r. e. s. Oblspo av. 1st h. n, of State. Craig, Frank S., automobiles, r. 521 Chestnut av. l Cralg. Grace. Mis, clerk S. A. Sehilling Co., r. 127 American av. Craig, J. D, gardener, r.'e. a. Obispo av. Ist h. n. of State. Craig.- M. A., Mr., r. $26 Pine av. O AMER Craig, Robert J, building contractor, r. 953 Chestnut av. Craig, W. M., r. ,52 Paclfie av. 'Craig, Wm. h., prop. Elite Barber SRltp, r, 824 e. Fiftth ROyCramer, George, boat builder Fellows Marine Con. Co., r. Railroad av. and Third, Terminal Island. Crandall, Dell G., oil well driller, r. 1013 Myrtle av.

REAL ESTATE N. CARR CO. INSURANCE RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS CAN AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES S. Townsend, Pres.' C. F. Van de Water, Vice Pres. B. P. Dayman, Secy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A General Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Phone!. Home 86, Sunret 691 125 EAST FIRST STREET


Crandall, Gardner 'L., building contractor, r. 448 w. Fourth. ~o Crandall,-Katherlne, Mrs., r. 242 Chestnut av. Crane, Ella A., Miss, r. 226 w. Third. o Crane, Frederick S., r. 753 Pacific av. (o Crane, J. K., produce peddler, r. rear 222 Linden av. 0 Crane, Mabel, Miss, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 211 Linden av. Cranmer, George W., boat builder Fellows Yacht & Marine Con. Co., _ r. Glen Burnie Hotel, Terminal Island. W Cranston, Esther L., Mrs., . 1263 Bishop. Cranston, John R., carpenter, r. 1290 Florlida. Craven, Benjamin, bricklayer, r. 741 Atlantic av. o Craven, Charles W., Dr., r. '532 w. First. Craven, Osa L., clerk W. M. Craven, r. 811 e. Ninth. mH I Craven, Wm. M., confectionery and ice cream, on the Pike, r. 936 Wash- )0 J ington. 0 . Crawe, G. C., asst. chief L. B. Fire Dept., r. 553 Pacific av. . o0 _ Craivford, Annie, Miss, nurse, r, 123 American av. 3: Crawford, Hattie E. B., Miss, magnetic healer, r. 614 Pine av. O Crayton, F. L., pres. Crayton Mig. Cv., r. 109 w. Ocean av. e 0 Crayton Mfg. Co. (Inc.), F. L. Crayton, pres.; F. G. Butler, sec'y-treas. : -z mfrs. Perfection Acetylene Generator, rm. 1, 109 w. Oceanl av. * Creason, James C., lather, r. a. a. e. Seventh 1st h. w. of Obi!-op av. L Crce, J. ~W., building contractor. r. 538 Cerritos av. Iroe, James P. (L. E. Cree & Co.), r. 1250 Bishop. Cree, L. E.. & Co. (L· E. and James P.), feed and fuel and poultry sup- > plies, 123 e. Second. a > Cree, Lewis .L (L. ELCree & Cu.), r. 12ZO0 ishp. n Cree, Lole T., Miss, stenographer, r. 1250 Bishop. Z Cree. Ruth E., Miss, r. 1250 Bishop. Cree, Samuel P., collector, r. 1250 Bishop. o Creeth, Ernitt R, m/r. Train & Williams, r. C22 Elm av. > Creighton, Winm., r. 1500 Orange av. r Crescent B.lkery, J. C. Reynolds, prop., 140 e. Second. Crtscmnt Oil Co, A. H. Smith, prop., res. phone Home 556, Pacific 2807 r. s. e. ccr. Alamitos av. and Fifth. Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co., C. J. Lehman, pres. anid gen, mgr.; Win. Bayley, sexcy; Harbor Front, East San Pedro. c Creswell, Herbert W., r. n. S. e. Fourth 1st h. w. of Grand av. s o 0- Crew, Alexander (C. C. Lord & Co.), r. 417 Magnolia av. a 5a Crew, John S., r. 902 Linden av. : ' Crissman, Augusta E. Mrs., r. 524 W. Sixth. "0 n ft Crisman, Jennie, birs., nurse, r. 54 Lime av. " C, Crssnuan, Mary A, Miss, artist, r. 524 w. Sixth. _ Crittenden, Annie, Mrs., r. sit e. Eightih. ' Crlttenden, George I (Cuittendeii Wholtale Produce Co.). r. 24 Lsndaen .

Crlttenden, Mary L, Mrs. (Crittenden Wholesle Produce Co.), r. 246 ESC Linden av. Crittenden Wholesale Produce Co. (G. . . anul L L. Crittenden), 38S- s P_4r 34e Loeust av. , Crocker, W., Mrs., r. 231 Pine av.

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. IEN. MbcALISTE.R, MXanacl, Pe ? om o,, E tEbe tIcltizster fluesic ¢ompan Dealers in Sheet Music and Musical instruments, Pictures, Franies, Mouldingst Etc. ELECTRO PLATING i 6 EAST THItBSTRiEET 0 MALCOr E A. ArAL COM I J)t~lt YI' y~j~ ~ T,/W ( n S Pkaom H... 741. Pacific 1rl CITY DYE WORKS 2,36"°" PIN*-.j,7 AI.ENArrrE1 Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garmaents a SpeciaZiy


Crockett, Oscar S., circulating mgr, The Daily Telegram, r. 722 Cedar av. Crockett. Robert. cellector The Daily Telegram, r. 722 Cedar a-. Cronen, Eugene P., real estate, 114 w. First, r. 1103 e. First. Cronin. . Bradley, MIrs.. real estate, r. 410 Elm av. Cronk, Charles WV.,r. 1043 Elm av. Cronk, Elizabeth, Mrs., r. 730 Magnolia av. Cronk, Frank J., salesman The 3Mercantile Co., r. 1043 Elm av. Cronk, 'Mary, 3Mrs., r. 1077 Atlantic av. Crose, Shelton L, building contractor, r. 105a Elm av. Crose, WVm. H., carpenter, r. 1135 Locust av. Cross, Benjamin, sealer California Fish Co., r. San Pedro. ~1r Cross, D. AV., butter and eggs, r. 754 Olive av. Cross, Frank P., prop. The AMagnolia, 112 Mlagnolia av., r. same. Cross, Win. F., laborer, r. tw. s. Ohio av. lst h. . of State. C4 Crouch, Arthur, building contractor, r. 833 e. First. Crouch, Frank W., r. 509 e. Twenty-first. Crouchi. Mfyrtie. Miss, r. 833 e. First. c' Crouse, Rebecca. Mrs.. r. 705 w. First. CO Crowe, Frank A., r. 33S w. Tenth. m ::: Crowe, Thomas, barber J. S. Lemas-ers. r. 58 Elm av. Croel!., S. M., tailor Carnsan Tailoring Co., r. 131 w, Ocean av. j . Crownover. Xeil. carriage and sign painting, 310 e. Fourth, r. 341 Lime av. i Cruy, Sherman, F., r. n. s. Anser 1st h. e. of Redondo av. *·s a Crummer, L. Orlen, rancher, r. s. e. cor. FifteentB and Gundry av. Crump. T. W., grocer, 917 Seaside Blvd., r. same. Culbe-tson, W. D., clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 1609 Cedar av. Ctallef, D. A., iaborer, r. 539 e. Fifth. 2 Cuirass, Jane, Mrs., r. 245 e. Fourth. - Cuivr, Harry W'., trouble man Edison Elec. Co., r. 334 e.. Ninth. Cumiming, ID. W., Mrs., r. 253 w. Pacific av. Cummings, Anna, 'Mrs., r. 130 w. First. WL '~~ Cummings, Eliaheth, Mrs., r. s. s. Daynman ist h. e. of American av. k Cummings, a. Irene. 1Miss, stenographer, r. 130 w. First. Cunningham, Arthur E., real estate, r. 1765 Pine av. 23 Cunningham, David W.. t 915 e. Ocean av. Cunningham, Elizabeth '!rs., r. 540 Descanso av. - q Cunningham, Ira A., agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. C.., r. 1119 Jessie av. " Cunningham, James, r. 341 Maine. Cur, A. L, r. 316 Elm av. Currens, Frank S., printer Long Beach Pre-s, r. G23 Pacific av. It Curry, F. M.. Mirs., r. n. w. cor. Daisy av. and Third. Curry; M. E., Mrs., r. 221 e. Fourth. 0 Curtis, A E. (Elec. Supply & Fixture Co.), r. 535 e. Second. Curtis, Clinton J. vies-pr -s,and geSn. rgr J -o,,e!e.^ Dt-k & T&r- nr,.il C.. r-. 5 _;:.cjan a'. Curtis, George L (Elee. Supply & Fixture Co.), r. 145 Eim a. Curtis. Grace 3M_ liss, r. 501 Almond av: Curtis, James C., r. 1038 Jessie av. Curtis, James P., r. 441 e. Ninth. Curtis, R. D., Mfrs., r. 535 e. Second. Curtis, Stephen B., r. 1222 Linden av. Curtis, Velma, Mrs., teacher Daisy Avenue School, r. 1470 e. Second.


Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


Curtis, Walter M., r. 324 Magnolia av. Curtis, Lewris E., Rev., r: 336 w. Sixth. L Curtis, MarJorie, E., Miss, teacher Daisy Avenue School, r. 333 w. Sixth. Cushman, Edmond B., r. 231 Magnolia av. Cuthbert, Georgia, Miss, r. 220 e. Anaheim. Cuthbert, W. L., Dr., r. 220 e. Anaheim. Cynthia, The, J. 3J. Stubenbord, mgr., furnished apartments in suites of _ four rooms (steam heated), 123-129 e. Ocean av. Cynthia Annex, The, furnished apartments in suites of four, three and two rooms and also single roms (steam heated), 115-121 e. Ocean av. 'Wr Czerny, Dora, Mrs., r. 14 Bonita av. E D E Daborn, W. A., ship joiner Fulton Marine Con. Co., r. Ocean Front, Ter- inal Island. Dailey, Frank A., r. 944 Park Circle. Daily Telegram, The Frank C. Roberts, editor; ..3. Penny, bus. mgr. 112 e. First. Daisy Avenue School, Melvin Neel, prin.,- n. w. cor. Daisy av. and w. Sixth. ; Zbe Cvntbia 11 ntbia Rlnnex Most modern aotariment hosse ial Solth-. New two-story brick bnilding adjoining ern Califoruia.' Contains 24 fourroom 1j tle 'thti, cott:ntttI suitest oi iout, Apartments, all elegantly furnished. All i threald two rooms, as well as single steam heated during wlnter months. i looms. ALL STEAM HEATED. EAST OCEAN AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S Dallas, Duncan, r. 439 Chestnut av. Dalrymple, J. W., r. 2°4 w. Fourth. Dalrymple, Mary, Miss, r. 234 w. Fourth. Daly, Daisy, Miss, r. 125 w. Third. 0 Daly, James H., student, r. 739 Chestnut av. _- Daly, John E., att. and notary, 534-535 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. 739 IT Chestnut av. Damon, Mattie M., Mrs r. rear 516 w. Second. m Damron, George, employee Southern Cal. Lumber Co., r. Railroad av. * Terminal Island. u Daniel, Frank, Jr., shoemaker E. P. Daniel, r. 240 American av. Daniel, Prosper EB,shoemaker, 138 Pine av., r. 240 American av. . Daniels, Elizabeth E., Miss, r. 420 e. Eighth.l C) Daniels, Sarah ., Miss, r. 420 e, Eighth. > Darby, F. J.,-Mrs.. r. 337 e. Fitst. m Darby, Gertrude, iss., r. 337 e. First. Darby, J. D., clerk, r. 955 California av. Darby J. Howell, dentist, r, 337 e. First. m Darby, L 1R., Mrs., r. i92 e. Fourth. Z Darby, Larry, r. 337 e. First. C " Darby, The, Harry Wata, prop., furnished rooms, 106 Amlerican av. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Electric Company. The purest gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue. M.C. Waurn".. GOLDEN STATE IJN .

Wthe Ilt th~e11t l n.tI f.11 tlnaUite. oerlgbrh Grade Cit. rand ascnlPropty. EXCRAŽNL a fil'iiCiAL, 'C vtPa lC grtXh Cal. 68_ Lox BEACH DRECTOR O Darby Livery & Bamrdinj Sabbks,l JT. . oster. irrop/ Phonr Heomrf -l 124 Amnercan ar. Dargat. Albert, r. -2 .Jesilc-av. D:arling, Julia A- Mrs. r. s. - State Ut lj. .e. hflornmap'v. *._ii Darrow. Frank E., r. 725 laagnoliaarv Dary, Thomras J_ latthar. r. .e. 'Elm ar. 1st h. m. of Htll. rC,) ,,~ Daugherty. Charles .J r. 4Z1 Seaside 'Bitvi. Daugherty. Earl S. bo ikkeeper First at'l /Bank, T. 4Xl Seaside B · iDtughe.rry. ,.. Mr domestic, 507 ,. Amnaheim. O$ 9 Davidson, Charles, meter reader Edison I lee. C., r. he Norwdnd _- Da' tin.4 ::tLrcq, D. . ;pluThbr 2ifax Morladio, r. -i. 2i' tl,, 2nd h. s. of Coloraio. _ C) Davidson. Lnlu, mrs. r*-S98 Washington. Davidson. R. Floyd. janitor L. B. BaLth onse , z. e. cer.eev, SLaxt , River-side Drive.

O Davies. Horazin A. Ahousenova- r,. 120 -e Zanwood. Davies, WVilsan E r rear 42 Chestnut av. Da :es. Abrahamn G_ driver DavYi .T!nse~-r Cao..r1 :e.ecnd. S~rE Davis, Abrabha:z E vlce--pr : ; SGouth= al. !lourning Ca., r 9f: ,

Davis & Co. B. PF Davis. Mres-. ] - B se'ey-±reas. Treal rFent. investments. Home Phone 1323. 122 e. First. '90 Davis, Benjamin F. (Davis & Co.). 1 1049 e./ Qeean av. d Davis,. Charles. laborer, r.-1= Cal!lfor- .av.

| S - r ' Tc~-Pvi:.4eS D_=n xa T.r~wa+_-# CmY-. _g ~ Davis, Delia B1_ Miss. = I-2I Chestnut 'iv. E IDa-:s. Delphine. Miss, employee Model Laundry, .Rivera Hotel Davis. Edgar. r. 1s.S. SIxteenth Ist h. -V: of Amaheim. Davis, Egiar F. (Davis X&Co.). Tr10i59 e. mit- P Davis. Eleanor. Miss. wvaitress The 'Pacefie Delicitessen. r. Iz7 Amerlincr av. DaviS. F. B real estate, r. n. e. eor. State and Brown av-. ) _ tDavis.GANrg` G.. real estate, r. 1111 Lnden.av ' . ',~,z i;-rani 1T carpenter. r. s. Twenty-Firsb tpp. EEl'n av t3< u.w , EHar-".e% r- machinist. r. n. e. cor.Taavis.and. %'-umx':. ·tnO Davis. J :EV'rert. . 1049 e Ocean ar. Davis. Jcseph B., r. ts. s. Golden eiv. tt h. -of State_ jivis. Keate L. Nrs., teacher Pine Avrenue-Siehool. T.,213 w. Sixth. IavS. L.. Mrs.. employee 3Todel Laundry, T-Rtivier.a HoteL Davis. May Miss. . *r s.. event

_Datn N Fe. ..M, ine r. trr r Oe",-w -a. j i.--is fl7.ille. cemet fibisbehr r. ra.a PAwenYrtiRst ;opEhnM ax avs. P. R.. Mrs._ r. 211 Chestnut ev_ jDavis 'Transfer & Storage Co., Roy 1H.rumnnel., -op., 130 e Second. ,,*' . i-l:m.5. sttden"t`L r. e. s. Pieo av. 2nd i.n. of State. DavLk, Vere. Mss, r. 149: e_ v. i_ IQ. I . barmgNm wW e T.r 3 e._-Second rD.aswilson . 'r.42 Chesmut &V. 'v\is, in-. i., r 925 e. Seventh. Davis W'm M:, meat cutter, r. e, s. PICe-v.'na-h,-.' or-%-Statc

' Ra ' r rr ' 1 1C' t - iiie i~i l~lCiZ iJn i and-1 -=y S4 C OZI Un'EOIA LE S -A, 4 4hoko GOLDFIELDS o-f NAsEr-)A I\' CONIVECTION' WPITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE 139 JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phonea:PINE Home 25,AVENUE Sunset 23 ::: ::. Prescriptions Filled Right :: ::


Davis, Wm. M., laborer, r. 1034 e. Fourth. Davis, Zena, Miss, presser City Dye Works, r. The Riviera. Davis, Wilbur L., sign writer rear 125 Locust av., r. 617 e. First. Dawley, Edna L., Miss, bookkeeper r. 1135 Magnolia av. Dawley, Etha I., Miss, teacher, r. 1135 Magnolia av. Dawley, Ivan B., pressman, Foote Printing Co., r. 1135 Magnolia av. Dawley, L. D., building contractor, r. 1135 Magnolia av. Dawson, Nonie, plasterer, r. 1846 e. First. Dawsop, R. W., r. 445 Pacific av. Day, A. E., Mrs., r. 1156 Lime av. Day, A. T., hostler Salt Lake Ry., r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Day, Charles O., salesman The Mercantile Co., r. 1780 Appleton.' Day, Clarence L,, editor & mgr. Long Beach Press, r. 516 w. Sixth. Day, Clark B., collector Long Beach Press, r. 735 Chestnut av. Day, Christina, Mrs., barber, 137 w. Ocean av., r. 164 Locust av. Day, Clark B., bookkeeper, r. 121, e. First. Day, Ellen, Mrs., r, .45 e. Ninth. Day, Eralest W., foreman Long Beach Press, r. 345 e. Ninth. Day, John W., insurance and notary, r. 1777 Railway. Day, Margaret, Mrs., r. 820 American fav. Dayman, B. P., sec'y Townsend-Dayman lnv. Co., r. 803 Daisy av. ' D-ayman, Evelyn IL, Miss, student, r. 103 Daisy av. (akfoarb -rug tautpahu >. R. S. OAKFORD, Manager

Both Phones No. 204 Pine Ave. and Secoud Stree

Deacon, Mary, Miss, teacher Pine Avenue School. r. 332 w. Eighth. . Z Deal, Danlel A., inspector P. E. Ry., r. w. s. Coronado av. 3rd h. n. o e. Fourth. * Dean, Fred J., groceries, s. w. cor. Anahkeim and Walnut av., r. same, Deane, L. Earl, student. r. s. w. cor. e. Seventh and Temple aY.. Deane, L. Maria, pastor Bethel Friends Church, r. s. w. cor. e. Seventh and Temple av. O Deane, Wm. H., r. s. w. cor. e. Seventh and Temple av. Deatrick, Ethel, Miss, clerk R. IL Deatrrek, r. 443 Olive av. Deatrick, Robert H., grocer, 455 Olive av., r. 443 Olive.av. De Avireii, Abby music, teacher, r. 12 Pt.lffie av. De Avirette, Stella, Mrs., music teacher. r. 312 Pacific av. Deck, John W., carpenter. r. s, s. e. Fourth 1st h. e. of Ximeno avr. Decker, Celeatia, Mrs., r. 921 Chestnut air. De Clercq, Frank A, carpenter, r. w. a. Orange av. 1st h. n. of e. Anaheim. De Courdres, Thomasu i, salesman Townsend-Dayman Inv. Co., r. 904 American av. De Coux, Frederick R., r. $20 Olive av. Deemer, Frank, r. 1145 e. Third. Deering, Emma, Miss, stenographer, r. 108 Chestnut av. Deering, Ralph, Mrs, r. 108 Chestnut av.



Det:;rc,, E. .M., Mrs., r. 1038 Seaside Blvd. PJ-2; II De la Beare, Clementine, Miss, teacher languages, r. 231 Pine av. w De Lancey, Ida, Mrs., nurse, r. 945 e. De Lap, F.ifth. Cecil RL, barber Trussell & Swearingen, r. n. s. cor. Fiftcc.nth and Gundry av. SQf _ De Lap, Glen A., driver Olive Market, r. n. w. cor. Gundry av. andl e f j$_Seventcenth. De Lap, Samuel J., watchman, r. n. w. cor. Gundry av. and S.venteoen-h O VDe Lapp, Winm. E., carpenter, r. ". s. Cherry av. 2nd h. n. -f Tenth. ~F ... De Le Rey, James F., watchman L. B. Bath House, r. 1119 C(alifornia pi Dolgarna, Jennie, Miss, hairdresser, r. 112 Magnolia av. Delker, Julia W., Miss, stenographer J. G. Lybarger i& Co., r. 248 Cedar ' °1w- av. Del MAar Cafeteria, L. H. Applegate, prop., 15 American av. 4_E . Del Mar Hotel, NV. V. Bartow, prop., n. w. cor. American an;' _0 i ocean. .DelmonicoBaking Co., W. H. Bath. mgr.. 351-53 Pacific av. De Lyon, Charles, painting contractor, r. 1254 Orange av. De Meulle, Bernard, r. 1203 e. Third. De Mfeulle. Charls. isluuiudr Harbor Iron Werks, r. t20 e. Third. De Mleulle, Floralne, Miss, dressmaker. r. ii42 e- Third. De Mieuiie, Joseph, pres. Harbor Iron Works, r. 453 Pacific av. Demont, Fred. laborer California Fisa, Co., r- San Pedro. De IMoranville, Louis P., driver XIodei Laundry; r. 1549 Locust av. ' Dempsey.. Anna B.. Mrs.. piano teacher, r. 332 w. Third. Denholm, Samuel, r. 53 Cedar av. Dcnin. Tr Car:lopj DioDIto & Monk). r-r i&ws ...... Dnio & Monk (E. C. Denio, Carl MBonk), attorneys, 307-309 L. B. Bank Bldg. Den!son, Alce. lMi;s, r. 1018 e. Fourth. Denison. Elva, r .1018 e. Fourth. Denison, John G.. r. 340 Magnolia av. t3jj_ Denning, G. Harry. carpenter. r. n. s. Burnett Ist h. w. of American La Denning, John n. H., student, r. 229 w. Sixth. Denning, Wm. C., real estate, r. 229 w. Sixth. Dennis, Hamilton KI. mason, r. 819 e. Sl-tt. Dennison. LouIse, Mrs., r. 947 Cedar av. Dlensmore. Darlot, r. n. e. cor. Kenyon av. and Signal Hill Drive. Densmore. Fred A., r. 725 Daisy av. DejiLor, Wim. A., r. 121 e. Third. Depew, E. W., r. 120 Chestnut av. Dopperman. Carrie. 3Miss, r. 125 LT.nden _. IlllH Depperman, H. H.. r. 125 Linden av. )erby, George M., music teacher. r. 41 Magnlia as. Dersng, Bernice, iMiss, stenographer, r. 831 w. Third. Dering. Eliz2abeth S., Mrs.., r. a31 w. Third. O I Derrick,l S. P.. Irs., r R05e. Fourth. % ES Derrick. T. F.. photographer, 31' Pine av, r. Sg e. Fourth. Derrington, John H., blacksmith. r, AS8 Chestnut av. rrington, Morgan M., r. 850 Chestnut av. de Ruiz, Albert, draftsman City Engineer, r. 805 New York Desmond, Charles R., city electrician, r. Cynthia Annex. Desmnond. Walter J., salesmnan Davis & C;mDany. r. 1023 e. First. r, 5. L., tiEtt city, 2I1 Seaside Blvd.. r. Los Angeles.

FRED HISZE PffDKES! om . r, ! California Chocolate & Candy Co. All of our geods are made from the Purest Materials and will be found bealthful as well as delicious. Cor. E. Slx;i aud Alamit Ave., Lorg &acl. Cal. sHome 83:' MalnMl4-t I HOOVER & SMITH a Specialty FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY. AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS ; : : : LONG BEACH, CAL. 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : 61 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Lumber Co., r. Four h 0 Deubler, Edward G., employee Southern California Terminal Island. (The Palms), r. 537 e. Ocean av. Deuval, Carrie, Mrs. * Mrs., r. 714 e. Fifth. Devin, Amanda B., r. same. H;len, Mrs., prop. The Columbia, 231 Pine av., de Viron, av. De Voc, Marion, Miss, r. 237 Cedar laborer, r. 1250 Jessie arv. De Voe, Stephen, av. M. E., Miss. nurse, r. 426% Daisy Dewves, Locust av. Addie N., Mrs., mgr. Viavi Co., r. 346 Dewey, Ir3n Works, r. 826 Chester Dewey, Edwin P., sec'y and treas. Harbor Place, Knoll Park. Amanda M., Mrs., r. 510 e. Sixteenth. De Witt, r..21i Locust av. Dc Witte, Barta. bliss, operator Home TeL, Co., De Witt, Margaret, Miss, r. 510 e. Sixteenth. e. Sixteenth. De Witt, Mary A., Miss, nurse, r. 510 Witt, Nettle L., Mrs., r. 821 Locust av. De Steam Laundry, r. 821 Lo- De Witt, Paul F., laundryman Long Beach cust av. r, 232 w. Fifth. DicltInson, W. G., Mrs., Los Angeles. Dickinson, Wm. R. (Dickinson & Warson), r. M it! GOOD MERCHIANDISE CHEAP

5See n or a i, > lIwomosutl'b~' '.ai- !<,jU¶- Ca o Warlt uchara e s ter5iC w-R1[aA i The Fifth Streetr ppers. :_ ,Rlurc.Stur.e. day's_

Warson), druggists, 39-41 e Dickins3n & Warson (W. R. Dickinson, S. A. Pine av. e. Third, r. rear 445 Pine av. Dickman, Herman, bicycles and repairs, 112 2nd b. s. of Rhea. Dickson, Jasper C.;. W. . Atlanitc av. c Room, , h .. 'c, . av. Dietrich, Edward, prop, Palac.t Lunci Diffenderfer. G. W., r. 654 Elm av. Diffenderfer, Laura M., Miss, r. 654 Elm a-r.- Dignam, M. M., Mrs., r. 126 w. Seventh. [ Nat'I Bank, r. 231 w. Dillenbach, Helen C., Miss, stenographer First !ix Fourth. Dilley, Washington. T., r. 61 CerritEoS a. Diliman, -ra 3., carpenter r. 1400 e. Fourth. Dillon, John, r. 109 w. Oceai av. W. S., r. w. s. Loma av. 2nd h. s. of State. Dillyn, av. Dimmicek, Laura J. G, Mrs., r. 239 w. Pacific Dimmitt, E., Miss, r. 3S2 w. Eighth. Dimmitt, Luctt.nr M!P, r. 32 w. Eighth- r. 903 Cedar av. Dinsmoor, Winfield L., real estate, 136 e. First, H., Mrs., r. 525 e. First. Disbrow, F. av. Dlven,Myron H., furniture, L. A., r. 1118 Atlantic MUSIC COMPANY. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT LONG BEACH TIKENT CITY - COLOTEG- FOIL - HOUSEI-uiC C- FURNISHR HOUSt WNTS Sanitary Cookini aud LLghting. wilt Shower RHtiatid Roofs, Screen Doos and Windows, Gas for Double WEST OFIBOTi-L VIRGINIA. AT FOOT OF GOLDEN AVL., TEREE BLOCKS Toilets. PHONES: Main 1642&Home 1259 W. H. REIDER. Prop. Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 _ _ 62 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY _ J Dixon, Thomas, carpenter, r. n. e. cor. Seventh and Cerritos av. .4 Duatle, Elwood. pitop. Novelty Repair Shop, r. 1071 e. Third. Dobins, Harry, carpenter, r. 1067 e. Fourth. W Doble. Emma F.. Mrs., r. 620 w. Eighth. :Z . < Doble, John L., rancher, r. s. e. cor. Walnut air and Spring. Doble, Mary E.. Mrs', r. s. e. cor. Walrut av. and Spring. Dozid, Adams, master mariner (retired), r. 635 w. First. Ddd, Andrew, conductor P. E. Ry., r. 4021 American av. ;t 0a Dodd. Inez, Miss, r. 635 w. First. Q J Dodds. Lillian A., Miss, teacher Alamitos School, r. 923 e, Ocean av. Dodge, Herbert 'W., clerk Atwater & Carl, r. 1428 Appleton. Dodge, Howard L., mgr, Wheeler & Wilson and Singer Sewing alachllnt QQC Store, 344 Pine av., r. w. s. Esperanza Ist h. n. of Tenth. Dodge, Karl L.. r. n. s. Hill 2nd h. w. of Walnut av. :" IZ1. Dodge, Laura I., Miss, teacher Alamltos Schoo!, r. 035 Eliot. D dge, Phineas L., r. 747 Ohio av. ;t Dodge, Rufus W.. r. 1418 Appleton. Dodge. Willis tC., engineer Carve's Boat WVrks., r. 340 e. Third. Dcdsworth, A. A.. Mrs., r. 451 w. Ocean av. Dndswvorth, Charles VW.,black.smith, ni. w. cor. Heyle av. and Anaheim, r. same. t -1l*1 Dodsworth, R. M., physillal, r. 451 w. Ocean av. Dolestal, Anna F., Miss, ironer L. B. Steam Laundry, r. 409 e, Seconl. Dolecstal, Chris' na, Mlbss, Ironer T,.B., Stea ' u...ndr, r.- 15-r -c, ond Dolfey. I.eland F. (Do:ley & Chubbi0c. r- o02e. SEtbh. T., tbllcy & Chubble (T,. F. Douiey, I. aIl P. Chubbic), proprs. Peoples .Market, 127 Locust av. Dol-ff, F., teamster Nat'l Lumber Co., r. Ocean Fr'ont, Terminal is;lnmi. Damir.g. H. L,., carpenter, r. 556 Chestnut av. Domning, Rosa P., Miss. r. 556 Chestnut av. Donallson, H. W. (Wooster, Donaldson & Woods). r. 902 Atlantic av. Donnell, Mary B., Mrs., r. 53 Linden av. Donnell, T. C., physician. 144 Chestnut av., r. same. Donnelly, H. L., dept. mgr. S. A. Schilling Co. r. 126 e. First. Donnevan. James E., Rev., r. 1331 Pine a"r. Dorlittle, E: .V., laborer Nat'i Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Ti.rninat Island. Dioiittle, Harry A., laborer Nat'l Lumber Co., r. Seventh and Railroad d I.' av., Terminal Island. ev Doolittle, Josephine. Mrs.. r. 491 ioe -v. r M Doolittle. ,Milton. local agt. , 4 Pine av., r. 243 w. Pia- Ifie av. D1)ran, Clifford C.. (Doran & Helpe), r. 10f Chestnut vr. = M Doran. Laura, Miss, r. 109 Cesitnut av. .D.ran, Nellie, Miss, r. log Chestnut av. _: Cj Doran, Phillip, laborer. r. 1145 Lime av.1 '-U Doran, Win. C.. attorney. r. 109 Chestnut irV. Doran & Helps 'I ' (C. C. Doran, A. C. Helps), real estate, loans antd in- Jr-) surance, 1114, w. Fist. Dorff, M.1.Mrs., r. 937 e. First. N. Dnrman. Ivory R., r. 1089g Bay View Drive. I- 0 -~ Dorrio., Charles R, gardener, r. h. w. cor. state and lowa avr Dnrsett, Omar E. (Kempley & Darsett}, r, 33 Atlattlc av. HenryI 1.Pauly . Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 2I3-S -jW.gi S .,Losng REAL ESTATE INSURANCE [ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 EXCHANGES - LONG BEACH' DIRECTORY 63

Dorsey, Mary, Miss, r. Hotel Del Mar. . C. Dobtch, G. O., Mrs.,' housekeeper The Mun, 349 e. Ocean av., r. same. Dcsch, Guy O., janitor The Mun, 349 e. Ocean av., r. same. oo Doster, Carrie,. Mrs., hairdresser Sanitas Baths, r. Hotel Del Mar. · Dotson, Edward F. (Edwin W. Smith & Co.), r. n. s. Helena av. bet. Garfield av. and Obispo av. e Dougan, Andrew. laborer, r. 745 e. Seventh. Doughty, Charles N., r. Hotel Del Mar. Douglas, Alexander, r. n. s. New York 2nd h. w. of California av. ,Douglas, Brucr E., r. 1244 Elm av. [Douglas, John A., r. s. e. cor. American av. and Twenty-first. [Douglas, Joseph C., teller First Nat'l Bank, r. 23 Esperanza av. o 4 D )uglas, Lucie, Mrs., Christian Science praciltioner, r. 1244 Elm av. m , IDovey, James H., cement contractor, r. 1129 e. Third. * : Dower, WlVn., r. 327 w. Sixth. o iDowner, John H.. carpenter Salt Lake Ry., r. w. s. Euclid av. 2nd h. s. m of e. Eighth. 3 [Downs, Frank H. (Downs & Clemmer), r, 1255 American av. OC z jDowns, George, r. 124 e. Ninth. ) Downs, Wilbur F., student, r. 1255 American av. CA Downs & C. emmer), F. H. Downst, E. W. Clemmer), real estate, 221 Pine *c < aV. - DIylp Part, inetructar £fMjcsatc Skating Rink, r. cor. Seaside Blvd. and " Santa Barbarar. . . . . -. > D)yle, C. F., Mrs., r. 130 Pacific av. Doyie, iClyde 'i., student, r. 611 Linden av, > Doyle, Ivah, Mrs., r. 437 e. Ocean av. m OQ Doyle. Thomas, horseshoer, J. G. Hunt, r. 611 Linden av. Z Drachman. Myra, Miss, teacher Daisy Avenue School. r. 635 Eliot . Drake, Albert C., clerk Finney & Young, r. 1247 e. Ocean av. . Drake, Charles R., pres. L. B. Bath House and Amusement Co. and pres. 0 Seaside Water Co., r. 2633 Hoover, Los Angeles. r Drake, Chester, starcher Model Laundry, r. 644 w. Fifth. r Drake, Cyrus C., real estate, r. 1037 Bay View Drive. ,lrake, George H., carpenter, r. 127 e. Fifth. o c a Drake. H. E., waiter Royal Cafe, r, 1037 Bay View Drive. C ~ ~, Drake, Isaac N., r. 353 Daisy av. ac Dntke, Jean G., auditor L. B. Bath House and Amusement Co. aud aud- o a T Itor Seaside Water Co., r. 256 Cedar av. a °,. 5 Drake, Robert A., r. 1249 e. First: o , 9 -=p Drake, Walter V., carpenter, r. w. s. Pasadena av. Istb. n. of Twentieth. O. 0 rd Draper, George J., prop. Michigan Meat Market, r. 1719 e. Fourth. O , m,F Dreger, Gottfrld, . s. 8. e, Serventeenth Ist h. e. of Catliorilha aV,. - r Dressbach, Joseph, r. 226 e_'Third. o Drew, Clara B., Miss, te-hler, r. 811 Pine av. 6 1 Drew, Jesse (City Wood Working Co.), r. Ramona Apartmnents. : a :$ Drew, Roy F., r. 205 Daisy aiv. r Driscoll, John F., driver Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 545 Cherry av. : ° rg . Driskill. Jesse, r. 614 Locust av, Drummond, C. A., pumper Union Oil Co., r. East San Pedro. - a Drummond,. S. A., barber, r. 40i Pine av. " 0, Drummond, Irm, A, r. 115 F t. = SI.


_ . _ , _ v _ Cbe tU (0t01t14 pine Eye. Carriesa Select Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations, Fine Importedand Domestic Perfumes, Etc. STANDARD DR U G COMIPANY 136 PINE AVENUE J.L. HOVER, IGR. Prescrrptlon a Specialty. Fee Deliv-ry Complte LinccorDrugs. Sundries, ToiletArtfcIs, Cigrs, Sodr Vter,&c. HOME 1008. SUNSEL 158E |54 LONG BEACE DIRECTORY

Dubose, Edgar L., real estate, 209 e. Second, r. 155T e. First. Ducker, Peter E, supt. new- dredge, r. 247 Dafsyr Lv.- Cudderart Clarence 8, prop. Duddera's, 23 Pine av., r. 343 e. Seventh. Dudcferar, G. W., confectioner, r.341 e. Second. u dderar's. Clarence B. Ducderar, prop., ice cream and confectionery. W Z~~~23P;ne aV. Dudley Apartments, Mrs. A. P. Center, prop., Surf Line Place. Dudley, Inez, Miss, cornetist, r. e. s. Ohio av. 2nd h. n- of e. Seventh. Dudley, J. rE, carpenter Natl Lumber Co., r. Ocean Fr.nr, 'T-ermtnat k- land. Dudley, raldo, Rev., r. e. s. Ohio av. 2nd h. n. of e. Seventh. Duesler, H. M., bMrs., r. 233 American av. Duff, . M., r. 1240 Jessie av. Duffey, C. G., photo gallery, on the Pike, r. Los Angeles. J~tY ! Duffield. Wm N., driver Model Laundry, r. n, w. eor. w. Fourth and Daisy av. O)V Du Laney, H. H.. r. 244. e. Third. f Ei Du Lancy., Sohn M., r. ±t4, e. Th-.l. _of_ t D.x Laney, R. M., Mis%, embroidery teacher, r. 244, e. Third. Dunbar, . Ebert, r. 1213 Elm av. (3) / Dunbar, I RE...Mrs., r. 1213 Elm av. Dunbar, W. B.. meat market, 404 e. First, r. 78 Linden av. -_ f tDuncan, Calvin C., carpenter, r. 770 Cerritos av. ' , Duncane, Ee --. Mrs., drem.s- kcr, r w. . KRennebec av. 2nd hI. .,: O j Eliot. Duncan, Hiram W%.,r. 119 American av. Dncn, Le%, etudent, r. ?77 Cerr.tos av. QZ Duncan, 3M.E., -Mrs., r. 52 Ehn av. < Duncan, Mary E., Mrs., r. 427 e. Fifth. 0l i Dundee, The, Mrs. N. E. Dunn, prop., s. ( cor. American av. and Second. _0 . Dunham, A. G., Mrs., r. 526 e. Ninth. .X| [ Dunham, Grace K. Miss, r. 638 Pine av. LLi Dunham, James A., presser City Dye Works, r: 319 e. Ocean av. UrLns Ddinham, Orville M., r. 638 Pine av. Dunkle. Elizabeth, Miss, furnished rooms, r. 531 w. Ocean av. 0 Dunlap- E7t-. th'- M r, !021 e OCcctn a'.!. iJa t Dunn, Albert M., The Dundee. _,m,, g C^.n"..e .. r.. r T, e. Tenth. Tlunn C'harlex S.. r S47 a. 'ranthb Dunn. Elizabeth. Mrs.. r. 745 Elm av. Dunn. Irvin L, pres. and mgr. San Pedro Salt Co., r. 846 Main. Dunn, L. L, r. 11 e.- Third. Dunn, J S., r. gi4 31aine. 'Dunn, Nellie El, Mrs, prop. The Dundee, r. same. Dunn. Orton C. r. 1013 Daisy- av. Dtnr-, WV Henrlr rr. Slt e. Stxih- ) Dunning, Walter, ., fireman E}dison Etece. Co., r. 130 w. Third. Duplantic, W. EL, r. The Cynthia. Dupuy, Ben F., clvil engineer, 515 L. B. Bank BIdg., r.2037 e. Ocean av- Dugbette, T IH tile setter, r. 12T w. Third. i urbin, lam..es D., teamster X1t5i Bht.;o. Dnrham. Fred. r- 721_ a Third. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS" BUY IT TODAY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG BEACH THE HARDVVWARE BEARS CAN BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Durham, Fred L., feie cream maker, r. 723 -. Third.

Durham, R. A., Mrs, r. 322 American av. Durham, Shiloh W., r. s.. . cor. Burnett. and Walnut av. Dutra, Joseph C., r. 120 Golden. v Dwight. L.- II., office 121 e. Ocean av., r. 118 Pine av. Dwincll, Ernest I., barber, 118 w. Second, r. 323 e. Second. Dwyer, Estella, Mrs., irancr L. B. Steam Laundry, r. 1164 e, First. r E Eames, George W., painter, r. 1153 Lime Ave. Earhardt, Gustus A., engineer and architect, 410-411 L. B. Bank Bldg., r. 821 Elm av. Earl Apartments, David G. Earl, prop., foot Gf Atlantic av. Earl, David G., prop. Eari Apirt; aeta, foot of Atlantic av. r. same. Earley, George B., r. 1501 e. Ocean av. Earley, Leonaril, 1'. 227 w. Third. Earnfst, Georgia, Mrs., r. 507%, e. SIxth. Earnist, Lawrence, student, r. 507% e. Sfxth. East San Pedro Cate, Mrs. Marie Rice, prop, opp. Salt Lake Depot, East San Pedro. G East Yan Pedro Staiion, S. P. L. A. & S. L. ,; ., G. C. ell, at., East San Pedro. n R!eri Bath .. W!VerW--cb R Ra prgn!.. font of anita av. on Beach. - Easterbrooks, Stephen F, bookkeeper The Cash Store Co., r. 373 Huer- ta av. Eastman Building, S-aside Blvd. and Pier Place. Eastman, E. A., shell store and prop. The Eastman Seaside Blvd. and Pier Plice. Eastman, Harriet 1., Mr.,rs., r Seaside Blvd. foot of American av. Eastman, The, E. A. Eastman, prop., Mrs.; N. S. Steele, mgr., furnished rooms. S ea-ifde lyvd. and Pier Place. Eastwood, Albert E., employee L. B. Mlltlng Co., r. 1105 Elm av. ' - Easvtwood, G. L., grocer, 900 e. Seventh, r. 1001 e. Fifth. Eaton, Edna A., Miss, r. rear 2115 Railway. Fatmn, Frankc eleik Nat'l Lumber Co., r. Terminal Iland. . Eaton, James B., teamster, r. 1055 e. Fourth. to Eaton; Mgry 1. Mrs.. r. rear 2116 Railway:. Eaton. Miron L., eweler, rear 2115 Raliway. r sanie..- Eaton, Wm. H., carpenter, r. 939 Linden ar. -' Ebetl Club House, a. s. w. Ocean av. cor. Ocean Place. - Eoerle, Clara M._ ils, r. 326 Dasy av. Eberle. Jodle L'-Yt. r. 326 DaIsy a * - Ebrite, E. N. (Niational Theotorium), r. same. Ebrite, J. IL (Nat'l eThetoriun), t. same. Ebrite. J H. & Son (J. H. & E. M.), proprs. Nat'l Theatorlum, Beach a Front a. of Salt lake Depot. * - Eckles, Winm. H., plumber, r.'764 Cerritos aT. _ Ecomomy Grocery, The, George S. Ramsey, prop., 1600 Anaheim. Eddy, 31. H., piano tuner, r. e. Fourth near Obispo av. Eddya Mmrjaret A, Mrs., r. 135 Crescent av. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLEriT MUSIC COMPAPIY; HOTEL JULLA2 Excellently situated near the Oecan. facing Pacifi Park. Special Rate b the Wek. : : Mrs. LC Hofa p.ARCM PLA-i. IRATES: t.zLote $2iW Owr DHr, Si3sk Mets So cidr 4S ct Ave. A. TELEPHONE HOME 3C GOLDEN STATE I.VESTMETVT CO. 144 PINE AF1'CE 1I Q 1-*fk' t5. .=,T+Lzt:e4 O: ;-_ixratb! C~t= atur lhiu4ft_ pi t Eroe- I

iddy Matillda. Mr r.- $9ETrta a r. *sr \¢4 iz~on M- s Fs-c- ~k ft5fi:~ z .';U- NIpar. L-re3:a , teher Arvrtnrsc ,&.n rsam _15,c0 = T-1ifo \) - >C Eiga. IL J_ M!rs r. 11;Z5 F- FID-h M S ) Fa. -Manbha _ r. e- s- Dakart xz-. t rL r. . (c:trL- E47i 'Wm r. e. s. D.-kc T--t - s< v-fiSta ~ 1---=x~!w.? i0ti7 X~.'I~~I-. ,\_n-N,, ~ =. IZ~EZ2Ca DS.*r. ve~Tua, .- *r @r rV iv.,J :S. TsZ.~i~~~&Ef4 ia .L ;-- h. n. of Anaheim. Sidgunn. Tho:nsa J_ r. 4i1 selmqn& -r: Edisnn Gas & Electric Ca The-,*Erir -mi-tSn df-t r 3 _ Pine av. and ~ Sce %Imp. imins. P. P s'iorekeeper Eiffrn em 07,Yn-= IyeE hr E tar.L 1; sr[,,, oAk-e3 t'harl,Ft'-i =t-rz .W-S 8~i~T: -X P-- ?-S M-L&e. . M ulr r ,^>38>, s t1,tllllatPisF r.13sa 4\(tL erltcM-Ihe PIS zkv--'E1::+~LF < .-Pq\lphsyesv QArsS'ot: im

va 4-w-essS.t~tst~v~k,4IZA0t P_ . ,~---~ ~· 0LIZP;tletQ11 4C t:*JlU _maJ;yVen~t' arno. ¢Sre-rr. )i si

_ ii$4t >vxst~oi~4 Oak. btezlyr, r. aov ar.

I. ,!,,$,v,~ ,~, ' litilid l Ich. l.d .S ;~~~fJ> SAt?,}Q ,Mr. 1^ $e. tvFUrth. ' c> Xl~ 0;tiruhwi; .,tb lii^, *, li re .vcffi.$ 5E~artri ,,,, , vagt H>4 Fi~~f-w .s?· tt-~ FsFd4->

_ ~c~-L~d~~L, kluV114t";A. fll1M) ; Itler We!ll' ~lra4 . *_s C I, sCY>^ >@st i~j-- i9\YSb;XrhL sil9=tl~l; f> /aiRi~c:9:h >' t9 2 JQ$?~ bllI1eZEMrtMX; <;csrii. h -n.> S~~~~~~~~w)z 'nZnnt b"UMTI. reanF-f Ic3i.aiL S~t=r--- e.· \,s11!t .8xn; Lv ws.t.a *t.}gt i7)hru- r ,h~'h.^> rst- > tlaiinl gf ,*v

. .,i1,44k.Z4"h EL -* t't'e tss

=E· =A-atkP'- -- 7 Y X"~Xs 3Eyrl.'X rJ\N~i!9,S Ct I1;· W-w. XiCk_&o Ltn~L ~~l:i. ~~~~~~~-;- wE;X>q ~I:Y~ ~,SSvi; · vur>,,*. itb

- ...... wE'-·1~5*st',lbS~, '-i b-e tbuoUgist 14 PINE AViE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 67

klund, August, tailor, r. w. s. Ohio av. 1st h. s. of e. Seventh. lbert, Lee, foreman Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co., r. East San Pedro. Elder, A. B., Miss., dressmaker, r. 236 Chestnut av. Eldridge, James W., r. 635 American av. ~Eldridge, Millie I., Miss, r. 635 American av. tlectric Garage, B. J. Martin & Co., proprs., 122 American av. D Electrical Supply & Fixture Co. (=. L. Curtis, A. A. Towne, A. E. Cur- tis, E. A. Wilson), 120 e. First. .Eleventh Street School, Forrest Whittaker, prin., Alamitos and e. Eleventh. ~Elftman, Edna M., Miss, operator Home Tel. & Tel. Co., r. 327 Magnol- lia aV. Etftman, Martha, Miss. stenographer, Los Angeles Dock & Terminai n Co., r. 327 Magnolia av. - Elftman, Martin M., r. 327 Magnolia av. Elaot Street Meat Market and Grocery, Wm. I. McCaslin, prpr,, 211 Yinta av,,> Elite Barber Shop, W. E. ,Craig, propr., 825 E. Fourth street. Elliott, Chas. Wr., r. 12i0 Lime av. Ellliott, ,Tames W., real estate, 210 E. First street, r. 505 E. Fifth _, Ftret, , _ W~2 iLong Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. = MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE trr Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Hone 783, Pacific 2192 W _ , ttn rs , .. ,10 M gi l aMI Elliott, Jennie, Miss, nurse, r. 106 Magnolia av. U) Elliott, O. A., Rev., r. 339 Golden av. Elliott. Paul C., student, r. 339 Golden av. . Ellis, B. H., clerk, S. A. Schilling & Co., r. 1S45 Bermuda. Ellis, Bcrtha A., Miss, teacher, Alamitos School, r. 3z4 Cedar ave. Ellis, Edwiard, r. 233 E. Second street. Elis,. ofra-nk B., r. 835 Walnut av. ,:-s Crether,cre Wv., r. n. -."mwn.tt. 1st h. w. of Walnut av. E;iis, Haitie, Mrs. r. reaf 24; '. Seccnd 2treet. Ellis. Herbert, clerk, r. 1845 Bermuda. Ellis, Herbert E., r. w. s. Cherry av.,.2d h. n. of Fifteenth street. Ellis, J. R, foreman, P. M. Ry., r 511 B. Sixth street. Ellis. Victoria, Miss, librarian public library, r. The Kennebec Apart- ments. Ellsworth, Chester, propr.. The Pasadena. 220 Elm av., r. same. Elm Street Nursery, B. H. Sharpless, propr., s. e. cor. Sixteenth and Elm av. reI Elmore, J. B., propr.,.The Elmore, 132 Chestnut av., r. same. Ein.,re, IRat.-, T., ,crpeint~.r.r. *. . .. Seventh, ed h. e. of Temple av. fElmovr* The, J B .Elmore. propr. furnished roams, 132 Chestnut .av. El Paso Lunch Room, A. Marengo, propr., Under the Auditorium.

IT PAYS TO BUY Or THE ,BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. rADDlJ ,1KTAILORING CO. CAfRIXLSlON HIGH CLASS TAILORS -"-.c -,r;. ,- . Ctf.C.rK. ,. Home Phone 798 120 Pine Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. oS REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMiENTS J. W. Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parmley. Suite 400i-23-4 LONG BEaCH BA' X BLD,.


Elsey. Herman. rancher, r. s. e. cor. Willow and Cherry av. Elsey. James K., carpenter, r. s. e. cor. Junlpero av. and E. Fif:h. Elsey, R. J., real estate, r. 1059 Atlantic av. Elston, Charles 'N., r. 635 Pacific av. Elton, A. Winnifred, .Miss, r. 1054 E. Ocian av. E!:ton, Murray S., r. 1054 E. Ocean a. O Elvidge, Lillie, Airs., r. 235 Locust av. ; Elvidge, Thomas, asst. mngr. Long Beach Bath House and Amuse- ement Co., r. 235 Locust av. A Ely, Blanche, Miss, r. 19 12th Place. Ely. Dosha. .Sss,l stU.dft r. 19 C :u.:.. Ely. Ernest 3., electrician. r. 19 12th Place. CEly Mortimer J., 19 12!h Place. E ". "Ely. Roscoe C., r. 219 Locust av. Ely, S. M., Mrs., propr., Old Kentucky Home, r. same. ·*_1 Emerich, Vola, Mrs.. r. 452 Locust at, Qi P merscn, Edwrd E.. propr.. Seaside Photo Gallery, r. 2225 Pa-a- ;;) * dena av. L4 Emery, Clark M., draftsman, r. 435 Locust av. Elieier-, M abel6, Moo, r 261 F- Fourh- E-mery, MInerva O., Mrs. teacher Alamntos School, r. 435 Locust av. 7Z _ Emery. N. F r. 1456 Acrican= av. Emery. S. B., Mlrs., r. 261 E. Fourth. EmeJy, Sadis EF, Miss, r. 261 E. FourtL. Emery, Wm. F., r. 261 E. FnvjLh :Z Emsley, Wm. S., painter, r. w. s. Cherry av., 1st h. n. of Anaheim. Ena, Daisy U., Miss, r. 405 Scaside Blvd. Ena, John, r. 405 Seaside Blvd. Ena, Maria K., Mrs. r. 405 Seaside Blvd. ~, E.Ena. Thomas F., r. 40; Seia.die Blvd. Endsley, Samuel V., r. 233 W. Seventh. Enevoldsen. Roy, sealer, California Fish Co. r. San Pedro. Enge!, J. G., mill supt, ~National Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Ter- -mea! Is!n d' England, Francis F., gardener, P. ERy., r. 908 Lime avr. England, Laura, Miss, r. 225 Magnolia av. English American Underwriters, Wheeler -&Wheeler, agentS. 33 Pine av. O3 English, Winm. A., driver, r. o01 State. Engstrand, Pearl, Mrs. clerk. R, F _. *Fr,ri t 'W. Firt. Ensc, Hlenry L., r. 1i05 American rv- _ = Eno, Atimee M., Miss, teacher, Atlantic Avenue School r. 537 E. _ ean ar. Eno, Daniel A, r. 1221 Linden ar. EAo, L,Lr. 319 Enm av. It Ena. Myr A., M1l., r. 1221 Lindezi av. Eno, Rufus A., real estate, r. 319 Elm ar. Enos, Lon M., driver. People's Ice Co., r. 1243 E. Fourth, Enos, Mur-doch A., plasterer, r. w. a. Temple a., 1st h. n- of Anaheim. Ensley, S. U.. r. 2.3 .. S-c:.cnth. Epperson. Albert T, (Epperson & Co.), r. 31 W. Fifth. EpitrSon, Hlarr 1., dentist, 207-20o Long Beach BUS& Bldg. r Dd Mar Hotel.

W. B. McCRACKE , narcr Z.-A CGOETZ3ML, See and T'ri-. HARBOR LU IBIER CO. OFFICE AXD YARD: Cor. Ocen c ---- ad'CAldwarv. ¥P;:W _. -.vr ...^;-* Xf -.TERRiL4. and Mill Work., Tctcaiinst;r f E3t-ti-C'C V. D. H. A R T H O R N ' Boghtsold, rnTel.changed orrented. t. Pacific 1.i PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Tuning and re- Tes.Pine pairing a speciat- 240 PINE AVE. t::: on.Pacific #i BRANCH STORE 646 PineAve., Phone Pacific 2816 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 69

pperson & Co., (A. T. Epperson, F. J. Beckman), groceries and 0 meats, 743 American av. Erickson, Charles J., r, 1060 Pine av. rwin, Arthur C., cement worker, r. w. s. Atlantic av., 1st h. n. of E. State. I Erwin, Clara. Mliss, student, r. 738 Cedar av. S vrwin,Otto Ray, r. 635 American av. Erwin, Robert R., mining, r. 7U3 Cedar av. Erwin, Wm. E., with Strong & Folsom, r. e. s. Tingling av., 2d h. s. of Fourth.. Eshnaur, Amelia, Mrs., r. Railroad av., Terminal lsland. Eshnaur. Roy. machinist. r. Railroad av.. Terminal Island. Eshnaur. W. H., engineer, Salt Lake R. R., r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. . Espey, Charles E., r. 926 Locust av. Espey, Scott W., carpenter, r. n. e. cor. Eliot and Ojai av. Z Esplanelde Apartments, on the-Pike. E:,slnger, Irene, Miss, student, r. w. s. Cherny av., 1st h. n. of Hill. 0 Ester, Wesley S., r. 833 Main. Ethridge. Edward M., carpentcr, x. n. w. cor. California av. and E. I Nineteenth. lEuhank, Sarah A., Mrs., r. 350 Short. I Long Beach Brick Works : I RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor 5i '

lIEST QUALITY BUILDING BRICK. PHONES: Office, lnome 651, Works, Home 2D00

Evans, A., gas fitter, Edison Electric Co., r. 36 Chestnut av. Evans, Abble. Miss, bookkeeper, Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 513 , ; - olde....--.- . Evans, Alice, Ms., dressmaker, r. 714 Walnut av. Evans, Bessie, Mis., clerk, S. A. Schilling Co., r. 352 Cedar av. Evans, Homer, boat builder, Fulton Marine Con's Co, r. 313 Golden. Evans, J. H., lin. man Edison Electric Co., r. rear 236 Locust av. Evans, James A., collector Edison Electric Co., r. 313 Golden. Evans, J. O., Mra., r. if. -E Fourth.. Evans, Joseph R, r. 445 E. Frsti. Evans, Leonard E;, clelrk. Long Beacli Hardware Co, r. T14 Walnut av.a I. Evans, Lulu, Mism, cashier. S. ,. Schilling Co., r. 352 Cedar ay. FF Evans, Mary A., Mrs., r. 313 Golden. Evans, Waltet- H., r. S50 Orange av. Evans, Wm. J., r. 343 Amercean avr. Evarts, Rolla R., r., 13T W. Fifth. Evens, Wm. H., notions, 442 Pine av., r. same. Everett, James W., r. rear 132 W. Fifth. Evershed, G. H., propr. St. George Apartments, r. same. Eves, Harry M., bookkeeper Alamitos Beach Water Co., r. 226 W. Sixth.


! E,¢etriel WTirif, Meters nd Fitstare. Phau HRw 30, Sust IS6 Electrical uppIt &8fixture Co. 120-122 E. First Stretr, Lon Bc, Col. FREDS nTSZP. -=f.5-U- .,so -_ Califomia Chocolate & Candy Co.

A.^. eea;_= ^ f:: , Li ,^

rwir Mftab--'I- Miss r S.4 W.Fzt-s ED

P EPvfeh CDrge~rMirk rm= 3az s_e Z- N-Sk:. -

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Iz~f la tem-:t J- Mrs- Tr, .- ZE ; F-w<1s-s ~E~e' ss1~~ L 3S n ~-5 ~~~~F~r Ilus ST-ECr~P, _-·=LteR3, _6 f-;~ .~. l~~~~~~~tC~~!AIs - b.

_n _ f-a Fgrs,-, "- s S i;>. Zsr. ~~, 3,. ;.,a~ ~-~·-6 f(~ i~' f·CM ·Ir X.5Ds_, g ;3 E _. ,. Z z 34~~~Sb& MIa w, - m Bag-.X _U = F>enqs~;? n=r. ;fm; sgir*i; ~; ~f3 txrost . _ Ns > 0 z FAMER, JCAWJE : 1}51 -e X Jb- iur4 cPFa r. G sSeaS :r .i r -- -

i FrtvQ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aa~1., Ti> Far~e~t fIe·uftl~le rs~' 2_> - rz~t i+

NOI-ARYUZ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--PI.Mi.t-ItC , 3 ~-S~ Exr, " -i;-;;w{s -

RO rzAws_N. -O _Fj2~. 1 .-. : <~~~~~:~i:_ s,_--, l_ r,,,s xe -)~ A~~fA pAF - b S:E¢rw U t- p;e S. Townsend, Pres. C F. Van de Water, Vice Pres. B. P. Dayman, Secy. THE- TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A General Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and ... .. - .. Large Tracts in Mexico I ronen nHome 8t,Sunset 6se 125 EAST FIRST STREET LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 71

'aulkner, Thomas A., salesman United Syndicates Co., Ltd., r. The Rivera. !aulstick, Charles, real estate, r. 725 Orange av. ft ?aulstick, Charles R., brickmaker, r. 725 Orange av. a 3t 'aulstick, Henry D., brickmakel: r. 725 Orange av. aulstick, J. Frederick. brickmaker, r. 725 Orange av. 'aust, Harry, agent, Butters & Paul Investment Co., r. 108 E. First. " (O i'aust. Jessie, Mrs., maid, 356 nralnut av. .avorite Cafe, C. W. Feetham, propr., 110 Pine av. y, Clinton, r. 818 Elm av. ay, Emma L., Mrs., r. 818 Elm av. y, J. F., steamfitter. r. 330 E. Four:h. &ar;q, Agncs, Miss, operator, Home Tel. Co.. r. 130 Pacific av. _ 7, eax, James H., laborer..Inter State Dock and Lumber Co., r. Columbia and Linden. .errar, Mary J., Mrs., propr., Fancy Bakery. r. 930 Pacitic av. eru, Julin· H.. mgr. Great American Importing Tca Co., r. The .Munn. ethtam, Caroline, Mrs. r. 249 E. Third. ietham, Clarence WV., propr., The Favorite Cafe, 110 Pine av., r. 249 O(Q E. Third. lst. Martin, baker, LTng Beach Bakina Co.;r. 1530 Pacific av. ldman, Max, propr. Chicago Cleaning & Pressing Co., r. 2234 Atlan- tic av. -50:>n Idschau, Christine, AMrs.. r. 1004 American av. Idschau, John, r. 1004 American av. low, Frnest F.. groceries, 229 Pine av., r. 548 W. Fifth. Ilows. Fred H., r. 1409 E. Second. tagD !lows, Joseph (Fellows Yacht and Marine Constructfion Co.), r. Bay L Front. Terminal Island. P-ows, MAerrill E., pharmacist, Oakford Drug Co., r. e.. ecor. Ellot and Kennebec av. g grg: nIltws Yacht and Marine Construction Co.. (Joseph Fellows), Bay _ Front, Terminal Island. .. . s. C., phystelan, 524 Elm. a..^, r. .same. _ham, David W., window trimmer, The Mercantile Co., r. 845 Mag- nolia av. er, H. L., Mrs., r. 227L, American av. ton, Ed';ard If., r. 525 Nebra--!t. ay. r, S. A., clerk, r. 407 Chrystal Court. us Calvin, r. 1400 E. First. uson, Harry, electrician, r. 1400 E. First. -go p"a sn, J. X., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. a': on, Jennie C.. Mrs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Mael, 3., Miss, clerk, S. A. Sehilling Co.. r. 418 W. Third. usen, P. H., mining, r. IIz 'W. Flrat. S raS a bee, Herman, r. 1910 American av. MZ==r~ ebee, Olive, Miss, r. 1910 American av. el, Samuel, r. n. a. Crescent, 1st h. e. of Walnut av. ' :; 3 a'~° Joseph, musician, r. 238 W. Sixth. trnman, Clarence, student, r. Of5 Main. erman, I. L., grading contractor and blacksmith, r. t05 Main. ct p,.

1. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. MecALISTER, Managet PHOSE, HOME 146 t ;be Mclcalioter flusf c (ompan ealers in Sheet Music and Musical :nstruments, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, Etc. I CTRO PLATING 108 EAST THIRD STREET Crs x rr nwre~ 1S AILCOj E.A. MALCO.I CIDYE7flTJJ~~~~TY W 0R( KSI(1' PkoweI: Homr 74 1. Pacific 1611 236 PINE AVENUE Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty


Fetterman, Samuel S., grading c'ntractor, Few, r. 536; w. Seventh. Clarence L., carpentEr, r. 1075 Crescent av. Fickett, Edward, bench hand. Long Rtach Sash & Ocean av. Door Co., r. 315 Fidelity Realty Co., (L. E. Noble), real estate, 208 E. First. Fidelity Savings & Loan Association. Roy N. Carr & Co., agents. American av. 107 Fidelity¢ & 'asual'y Co. of N. Y., Wnm. M. GalbralthK, agent, 221 Pine Fidelity & Casualty Co. av. of New York, J, R. Mason & Co., agents, 209 {0 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Fidelity & Oasualty r Co. of Nezw York, W. W. Lowe & Co., agents, fr Pine av. 16 Field, Clyde, D., blacksmith, a.. s. Hill, 2d h. wv. of Atlantic av.. r. e. s. Atlantic av., 2d h. n. of Hill Feld, Frederick T, clerk, F. S. Brennan, r. 120 Field, Mabel F., Miss, Daisy av. operator, Home Telephone Co., r. 120 Daisy L. I Fifth Street Pharmacy. av. C.. A. Mccarty, propr., a. w. car. Pine a-;. _ r • Fifth. anl Filer, Edward F., r. 247 Locust av. Fillmore School of Music, Thos. H. Fillmore, director, 627 First Natl. Bank B'ldg. 6 . FliEch, George A., r. 730 W. Fourth. q6) Fineher, Claudia M., Mr=., r. 40 Lime av. Fingado, August. carpenter, r. 344 E. Second. Finley, S. E., Mrs.. r. 37 Lime av. O c Finley, WVm. H., rancher, r. s. w. cor. Walnut av. and State rFInlayso,. Donald ,, sailenman, The Cash Store Co., r. 292 E. Stcund. Finnell, Eril V., Miss, r. 822 Elm av. Finnell, Louisa, r. 822 Elm av. Flnney. Elmer S., (Finney & Young), r. 637 Atlantic av. Flnney & Young (E. S. Finney, W. H. Young), furniture and carpets. 09~O 127 e. Second. . E . Fintel F. -1. (tPaeific Grocery), r. 442 Plne av. 4- 'Fintel & 1iEdride (F. H. Fintel, IW. '¥. McBride), proprs. Pacific corly, 355 c.h-C av. Gro- Fire Associatlon of Philadelphla E.-L.. Covert & Co., agts., 207 03 Firemans Ins. Pine av. Co. of Newark, N.J., Wheeler & Wheeler, agts., av. 33 Pine Firhard, Carl, real estate. 147 Americean _Flrs t Ohureh, Bec.Z. tv.-' r~ nme. Lewis 8Ith,-D. D.--tvir, s.- v,-.c.,. Lw- cust av. and e. Fourth. First Brethren Church. Rev. B. F. Mastexom, pastor, n. e. cor. Wal- nut av. and Bishop. FirstChristian Church. Rev. Edwin W. Thornton, pastor, 5. w. Cr AmoPrican av. an3d Fourth. Clmt Church of Christ, Scientist, n. w. cor. w. CFrsthureh Third and Cedar av. of the Na-zrene. p:R . -,' .t, n. s e- Sev- _inmmm oenth bet. American and Locust avs. First Congregational Church, . w. cor. Cediar av. and w. 'Thra. First Methodist Episcopal Church, Rev. W. A. Belts, pastor, e. e cr. Pine av. and e. Filfth. First National - Bank Bldg., n. w. cor. Pine av. and First. First Presbyterian Church, Rev. Josiah Sibley, pasto, n. w. cor. LoCtlt av. and e. Sixth. NEW AND SECOND HAN.DB Icrcws RENTING, REPAIRING, SUyDRIES CALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY FIRE VULCANIgI1i.VG OF EVERY DESCRIPTION F. S. JONES, Maxaer SUns-, aix 1330 r . 223 EASr SECOxD StRET LOG BEACg E. H. CLEVELAND, FuneralDirector and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant

Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


First National Bank of Long Beach, H. S. McKee, pres.; C. J. Walker, C. G. Greene. F. A. Howe, S. Townsend, John Carroll, vice-pres.; · W'. A. Kennedy, cashier, A. R. Collins, asst. cashier, n. w. cor. Pine av. and First. Fish, Benjamin F., r. 1550 Elm av. Fish, Lizzie S., Mrs., r. last h. n. s. Heller e. of Rose av. Fish, W. Elmer (Fish & McBridle), r. 1550 Elm av. I;sh & McBride ( W. E. Fish, E. C. McBride), real estate, 256 e. Second. Fisher, Albert E., foreman Inner Harbor Gas & Elec. Co., r. 128 Golden. Fisher, Benjamin, carpenter, r. 1833 Florida. Fisher, Edward T., teacher, r. e. a. American av. 3rd h. s. of Twenty- first. Fisher, Frederick, artist, r. Del Mar Hotel. Fisher, Robert ., curio store, on the Pike, r. 100 Maine, - Fiske, Henry C., r. s. e. cor. e. Seventh and Walnut av. Fiske,.Henry C., Jr., r. s. e. cor. e. Seventh and Walnut av. Fitch, Edwin L., Rev., pastor M. E. Churchii (Sueth), r. 310 Linden av. Fitch. George W., painter, r. 430% Cedar av. Fitch, Myrtle, Miss, r. 430%j Cedar av. F.tz Glbbnns, K. E.. sec'y. and treas. Star Lumber & Mill Co., r. Ramona . pFrtments. Fixen, A. H., r. Brighton Bcach, Terminal Island. G Zbe ¢ ntbia j ¢ntbia Ennex M..t modiern aIpartment house In Sonth- Newa wostory brick bnilding adjolt ng A rnlCallforuia. Contains 2 Vjur roout th Cynthla, containing seites of fear, Apartments, all elegantly furnished. All three and two rooms, as well as single steam heated during-winter months. lonm. ALL STEABi HEATED. EAST OCEAN AVENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S Fixen, B. M., Mrs.;-r. Brighton Beach, ferminai Island. Fixen, W. F.. r. Brighton Beach, Terminal Island, Z Flack. Herman. building contractor, r. 312 Daisy av. Z Flack, Samuel A. carpenter P. E. Ry., r. w. a. Redondo av. 2nd h. n. of O d Anaheim. on Flaugher, Augusty, Mrs., r. 833 Maine. ~ Fleming, Harry J,. janitor Y. M. C. A., r. 134 Locust av. ' Fleming. S, D., r. 11 Locust *v. Fiietcher, A B.,- n.hline hand Southern CzaL Lumr [r Co, r. Railroad av. Terminal Island. Fletcher, Abble, Mrs., r. Ralroad aV., Terminal Island. m Fletcher, Elizabeth- H,, Mrs., r. 420 Cedar av. Fletcher, Mary B.. Mrsr, r. 232 Chestnut av. W F!lekinger, G. W., carpenter. r. 320 e. Elghtbl. t . > Flickinger, Laura, Miss, r. 24 Magnolia av. Flickinger. Mary M, Miss, r. 24 Magnolia av. Flint, Geo. C., vJce-pres. Snaw-Flint Co. and see'y Alamitos Land Co. < and sec'y latumltos Beach Water Co., r. 235 e. Oceaur r- . Flint, Wmn. W., r. 1544 e. Fourth. Z Florentitie, Walter, gas fittef Inner Harbor Gas & Elec. Co., r. Walutt C av. and Anaheim. m

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Eiectric Company. The puresi gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue. J. A. Welsentborn BI.C. W3u41-, GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the c:ty do not fail to, investigate our Higfh Grale City and Ranch Property. EXCHAN(:ES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone £:, Lont' Beachl, C;l. 74 LONG BEACH- DIRECTORY O0 Flud.', John n., -, 55 Tindpn Flowers, Wm. pv B., r. s. s. Anaheim 1st h. w. of Cherry av. Flukes, Effle AM.,Miss, teacher Pine Avenue School, r. 1215 e. Ocean Flynn, Denlo S., r. av. n. w. cor. e. Eleventh and St. Louis av. t*P-,,,, Folger, Charles J., r. 328 Elm av. Folger, 'Margaret, MIrs.. domestic L. B. Hospital I.~ Asso., r. same. Folger, Rudolph, panitor L. B. Hospital Ass'n., Folsom, r. Same. Leslie IV. (Strong & Folsam), r. 137 Ocean Foote, Anson ,V., carpenter, Way. r, e. s. Stanley av. 2nd h. n. of e. Seventh. h. s. of Colorado. Foote, Frank A., r. 13, Pacific av. .Foote, Graham M., teller L. B. Savings Bank, r. 225 w. Eighth. Foote, J. A, Mrs. (Park View Hotel), r. same. > _i Foote, J. A., Mrs., & Co. (AMrs., J. A. Foote, Stuart McPeake), proprs. Park View Hotel, 130 Pacific av. o ~ PcFotc,Mar, MI, r. 319 e. Ocean av. Foote, Merrill, student, r. 225 w. Eighth. Foote Printing Co., Harry Barndollar, pres.; F. C. Foote, sec'y and mgr., printers and binders, basement First Nat't Lank Bldg. *Foot, Rtsluorn L., r. 10IZ Atlantic av. ~,y Foote, Robert E., Mrs., r. 319 e. Ocean Forbush, av. Viola, Mrs., r. 225 W. Pacific av. Force, Gertrude, Miss, stenographer Young-Parmncy Inv. Co., av. r. 234 Eln Ic~* Force, Lizzie. Miss, ironpr L. B. Steam Laundry, r. 234 Elm *_ Force, Russel av. VW..dentist with Dr. P. Vm. Xtller, r. 52 Omni Ford, Esther. Elm av. MIlss, sasilady The Cash Store Co., r. cor. Pennsylvania and Jessie av. Ford, Stephen L., lather, r. s. e. cor. McKinley av. and e. Tenth. Fuoreman, Ed.. r. rear 543 American av. Foreman. Onrtrrude E., Mics, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 309 e. Third. &10z 5 Foreman, Katherine, Miss, clerk S. A. Schitlng Co., r. 309 c. Third. 4)_ Forney. Susie, Mliss, r. I212 e. Second. _-m Forrar, Wim., r. 128 Locust av. Forsyth, John l., optician, 216 Pine av., r. 235 w. Twelfth. Fossett, Laura, Mrs., r. 351 Mlagnolia av. P_Foster, Charles F., r. 429 Orange av. Foster, Frank E., confectionery, n. end of PIer, r. 511 w. Second. Foster, Fred A., r. 120 w. Fifth. Foster, George A., painter J. A. Venard, r. 340%' e.'First. Foster, Harlow E., carpenter, r. e. x. Ohio av. 4th h. s. of e. Tenth. Foster, Harold D., civil engineer, r. 1504 Locust av, _ Foster, j. R., prop. Darby Livery & Foster, Julia Boarding Stables, r. 402 e. First.. L, MIrs., nurse,-r. 1075 California av, Foster, Loretta At., Mrs., r. 34 Locust av. Foster, " Lourena P., Mrs., r. 913 Daisy av. Foster, Orrin, r. 1504 Locust av. Poster, Osa C., musician, r. 252 Chestm!t av. Foster, Robert M., r. s3 C¢edar av, Foster, Wm. A.. vice-pres Harbor Iron Works. % _ Fourth Street r. Victorville, Cal. Nursery, Mlrs. Jennie H. Lenton, prop., 915 Foust, Harry e. Fourth. · AM.,gas maker L. B. Gas Co., r. 490 Alrmond av.

The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVA-DA.- IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE Phones.PINE SAVENUE JACKSON'SJACKSO~N'S *DRUGDRUG STORE Phones: Home 25, Sunset 23 :: :: : :Prescriptions filled Right *m.0 .*-.0 0*


Fourth Street School, F. K. Van Forenll, prln., s. s. e. Fourth bet. Ter- mino and Ximeno av. .Fowlcr. E. P., r. flallroad av. Terilinal Island. Fowler, Elmer P., Jr., r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Fowler, E. W., r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Foyle, Mary H.. Mrs.. r. 549 w. Third. Foyle, Robert W., r. 549 w. Third. Frace, Frank, carpenter, r. s. s. Esther Ist h. e- of Amerfcan av, Frame, Jamer E., bricklayer, r. e. s. Lime av. 3rd h. n. of Hill. France, Thomas B., building contractor, r. s. s. Nineteenth ist h. w. of Atlantic av. Francis, Elmer, clerk Howe & Friderick, r. C11 e. First. Francisco, Albert N., r. 1787 e. Fourth. Frank, Edward L., m!inng. r. s. w. cor Palm and Temple av. * V Frank, Elizabeth, Miss, r. 503 w. Second. rFrank, Katherine, Miss, milliner, r. 503 W. Second. . X< *Frank, M., Mrs., prop. Salt Lake Kitchen, r, 503 w, Second. Frank, Wendell M., r. 345 Chestnut av. Frank, W!l! 1VA.,carpenter, r. 232 e. First. Frank, Ti., pol,:ceiman, r. 1i2 w. Third. Franklin Fire ins. Co., Roy N. Carr & Co., agts., 107 American av. - Franklin, George, r. 226 Locust av. rA :4 % (a kfanri Irag (tompany -4 It. S. OAKFORD, Mbanager "Z~Drf~i~U'I ~Brui SIotrt Both Phones No. 2D0 Pine Avre. anl Sonad Stree! ZX M. Franklin, V:. H., laborer, r. 320 Lime av. Fran.ks. John, sealerr:n. Fish Co., r. East San Pedro. i n Franklin, Anna, Mrs., r. n. w. car. Temple av. and e. Seventh. Frankum, Aura, Miss, operator Pac. Tel. Co., r. n. w. cor. Temple av. and e. Seventh. I'rantz, J. I., r. 245 e. Stanwood. Frary, Lfuli, p,- MrPs, r. 503 w. Vihlrd. Fraser, A. B, repairer, r. rear 226 e. Third. Frascr, John L., building eontractor, r. 533 Nineteenth. Frasler, F. M., prop. White House-Bakery Annex, 252 L. First. r. 256 e. First. Frazier, Betsy W., Mrs., r. 1039 e. Fourth. Frazier, Henry A., reporter, r. n. s. Heller 2nd h. e. of Rose av. I"razier, Herbert L., student, r. 1228 e. Third. Vlazler, J. M., r. 336 Pine av. Frazir. Leah E. Miss, r. 1228 e. Third: Prazier, Paul V., student, r. 1228 e. Third. Frazier, Win. C., r. 1228 e. Third. l're.tenburg, Gertrude, Mr., r. 227 w. Pacific av. Frederick, Joseph H, prop. Rc: Saddle LtYery, phones: Pac. 298t, Home 1704, r. 432 Atlantic av.



F--en, fnlrge 4. forW-man J. L) KnPert F. 1,hl. Attnntio ,v V01 " Freeby, Joseph C., carpenter, r. 1156 Orange av. ~ o Freeck. Wm. J.. blacksmith J. L. Fetterman, r. 605 Main. _b1 Freed, Ripl.y, clerk Southern Cai, Lumber Co., r. Glen Burnie lIot.!, 12 ~Terminal Island. Ik Freeland, E. H., lMiss, r. 919 e. Seventh. _ o8 ~Freeland, Ml. E., Miss, r. 919 e. Seventh. Freeman, Ernest M., physician, 204-206 lirst Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. 131)6 O It e. Seventh. Freeman. John H., gardener. r. Monterey av. near Summit. Freeman, Alary, Miss, clerk McCutchen's Book Store, r. 131 Pinlle av. Freeman, W. H., Mirs., prop. The Stafford, r. samc. Fremont, E. Benton, Miss, r. 2200 e. Second. French, Chester D., student, r. 427 e. Stanwood. _ l French, Clara, lliss, stenographer 0. W. Smith & CQ.. r. 946 Pine av. French, Claude, lather, r. e .s, Rose Park av. 2nd h. s. of e. Fourth. French, Frank D., r. 427 e. StariwoU_. S) ..- French, Myra H., Miss, r. 345 Ninteerth. all Frey, Edward S. cement workIer r. 709 Campbeq av. Fi,'!erick_. CGutave A. (Ho-we a& ,lderi;f ), r. 095 c. F!rct. Friends Church, Rev. A. F. Mitchell, pastor, a. e. cor. Elm av and e. Fourth. Fries. Ge.n-ge, clerk S. P. Freight Office, r. e. s. Lime av. Ist h. n, of Nineteenth. Fries, Georgo A.. warehouseman S. P. Freight, r. e. s. Lime av. Ist h. n ot Nineteenth. l"i Frisbie, MAilton H., r. 523 e. Fifth. Frisbie, Zalda E., tMiss, r. 523 e. Fifth. Fritz. Fred B., salesman Newell & Slater C6., r. 409 w. Slxth. : Frost, Charles, r. fi. s. Colorado 2nd h. e. or LomaaUv. I + Frost, Mahlon T,, r. 215 Atlantic av. Fry. Atham C., -a.-her i., a.. .r an a-.lt h. et. of Siat~. Fry. Frank. ranehe r. -%W.. eer. O..an Smmi-....} Rn -n 1 Fry, Nellie H., AMrs., r. 836 Atlantic av, Pry, Otis, sec'y Home Mill & Lumber Co, r. 836 Atlantic av. Fryer, Mlaude, Miss, teacher Alamitos Heights School, r. 437 e. ocean av. Fryer, W. E.. clerk Hoover & Smith, r. 239 w. Seventh. Fuentes, Thomas. foreman Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co., r. er- / a i'b) minal Island. %ir |- Fullager, Howard, repajrman,,R. C. ibhubble. r. 53 e. Tenth. tlh Fullager, Thomas, carpenter, r. 533 e. Tenth. Fullager, Win. carpenter, r. 533 e. Tenth. Fuller, Anna L, Heiss, r. 543 e. First,,-. - - k Fuller, George M., r. 1033 Pacific av. : Fuller. Virginia P., Mrs., r. 220 Linden av. e, n, Fullerton, M. MAl.,MArs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Fullman, Susie, Miss, r. 655 e. Anaheim. Fuler,. .. A rthur. r. -t; s-. ,_ee. c I Fulmer, G. WV., painter, r. rear 221 e, Fifth. ~ l! Fulmer. V. S., r. 516 w. Second U,_ Fulton, Albert H., clerk G. 1. Estwood r. . . Ioa av. st h of State. Fulton. Charles F., vice-pres. and gen. mgr. F]lton Mlarine ('n r. Railroad av,, Terminal Island.

vRED HINZE .Hos - 4.... California Chocolate & CandyCo. All ot our goods are made from the Pust Materials and will hbfod eitfl well asdei Cor. E. Sixth and Alattlos AelrT'0y Bea.. Ca- 1I4-41 aBmen83 HOOVER & SMITH NE TOO30LS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 5-119 E. SECOND ST. LONG BEACH, CAL. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY '7 j lton. John. painter, r. e. s. Iowa av. 1st h. n. of State. O Iton Atfrine Con, Co., A. J. AMitchell, pres.; C. E. Fulton, vice-pres. and gen. mgr.; Frank Burns, sec'y and treas., Bay Front, Terminal fe

Iton, Warten D., ice cream and curic store, the Pike, r. 225 e. Fourth. Iton, Warren R., painter, r. e. s. Iowa av. 1st h .n. of State. Iwider, Wm. I., building contrator.,r 1739 Railway. nk, B. F., student, r, 545ehtFi. nk, Drew J., r. 92' Auirltr.v' . nk, John, r. w. s. Pasadena a Z54th h. s. of Hill. . nk, P.s, tiss, r:r. - .- firt-1rst3rid h. e. of Amcrican av. rst. Herman, pit fi Cty dArage, r. 325 Elm av. fJams AV., clerk Leming Grocery Co., r. 1354 Appleton. ( O2 ge, Luther L., florist, r. e. . Walnut av. let h. n. of Burnett. Iner, Eleanor, Miss, teacher, r. 335 w. Fifth. O inor, Prank 1., r. 33r w. Fifth. W, iner. Joseph F.. r. 335 w. Fifth. s a WOOD MERCIIANDISE CHEAP i

Cs chacterlze m ent of wanted he Fifth Strmet merchandise in to. or. :: ::day's paper .

latner, Marie, Miss. stenographer, r. 335 w. Fifth. l laines, The, I. R. Rattray, prop., furnished rooms, 125 w. Third. * i Iftines, Thomas W., real estate, r. 1327 Linden av. lalbraith, Emma, Miss, r. 1419 Appleton. Falbraith, J. E., Mrs., asst. Dr. L. A. Perce, r. 445 Locust av. ialbraith, John .,'r. 445 Locust a. albraith, Joseph, r. s. tent of Mathanns av. albraith, R. , Mrs., r. 124 e. Sixth. albraith, Wmin. M., real-estate & ins. and notary, 221 Pine av., r. 330 L A Dayman. , taler, . A. (galer & Son), r. 26 e. Fourth. F ;a Er. Winm. (Galer & Son), r. 926 e. Fourth. * i aler & Bon (Win. and W. A.), Job printers, 229 e. Second. f. allagher, P, vice-pres. People's Ice & Cold Storage Co., r. 940 e. Fourth. aillemore, John R, agt. First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. e. s. Locust av. hibt. Tenth and Eleventh.' aiiiiher, Leitha, dis*.i, eacher Jl~ein;thStreet Sehoo., r. 1153 ElmE v allo, Giuseppe, musician, r. 525 Elm av. ,alloway, Alice, Miss, r. 118 Magnolia av. ,aloway, Arthur C., bookkeeper Edisorr Elec. Co., r. 742 American av. I

. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BEACH TENT CITY URNISHO, ISSTNTSu- - CO l 0 HO-UCKlUt- G oubte Roofs, Scr.ea Dowaiud oin S2,: Gas forCookisg aud LlgiitawwithijShrer Bah aad sawtry Toilets AT.FOOT OF i;LOtD. AVF., THREE BLOCKS WESt-OF HOT.EL VIRGINIA. '. U. RElDERD prop _ PHONES: Main 162, Hoowe-125 Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 78 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

_~ " Gallovay, John stationary engineer, r. 1021 Myrtle av. u Galvin, James, laborer, nr s. e. cor. Alamitos av. and Center. ; ' CGalvin, John watchman, r. s. e. car. Aiamitos av. and Center. 4L U Gamble, Samuel, r: v. s. WValnut av. 2nd h. n. of Fifteenth. *.; Gamble, Stephe.. D., i. °02 w. Second. C Gammon, Lee, r. 424 Lime av. Gano, George, laborer, r. 119 e. Sixth. I3 Garber, C. Charles, prop. Penn Print Shop, 1867 Bermuda, r. same. S O Garber, rWinnie, AMiss, clerk F. W. Johnson, r. 1081 e. Third. t3 _^J Gard, MAary, AMiss, r. 814 American av. Gard, W. II., r. 814 American av. 0Ce04: Gardena Creamery, H. G. Faublon, mgr., 127 w. Third.. W Gardner, Agnes, Mrs. (The Henderson), 149 1ine av., r. same. Gardner, Bryan, barber and cigars, 249 Inr. av., r. 145 e. Second. ib* Gardner. E. Mllss. r. 1163 Orange av. > Gard.%r, Sherlman, Uarveniter, r. iix6 Orange av. tQ Gardner, Win. E., clerk The Cash Store, r. 116 w. Ninth. Garfleld, Elva R., Miss. r. 454 Chestnut av. ;t[4 Garfleld, Esther I., Aliss, r. 454 Chestnut av. ;E G;&-rfletd, I. E., Mrs., r. 454 Chestnut av. Garland. Henry, teamster, r. 1031 -B'onita av. Ii, Garner, Frank, motorman P. E. Ry., r. 402% American av. Grner. Wm. E., cir. mgr. L. B. Press, r. 416 Cherry av. Garrets:n, John H.. clerk H. A. Berryman, r. 821 e. Fifth 1{ Garrett. A. D.. AMrs. r. 324 Court Drive. =iI Garrison. Georgia L, Miss. teacher Pine Avenue School, r. 1238 Amel- Cl1 ican av. Garrison, Martha E., Mrs., r. 1238 American av. Garrison, Myrtle, Aliss, r. 1238 American av. Garrirson. ¥trgmnla E., Miss, teacher Burnett School, r. 1238 American av. Garrity, Chris (Garrity & Chatten), r. The Henderson. Garrity & Chatten (C. Garrity, W., R. Chatten), lunch counter, on the 2Pi-e. Garth, Edward, rancher, r. w. s. Vine av. 1st h. n. of Anaheim. Gartzmann, 3Marion, Miss, r. 347 Cedar av. Gartzmann, Pauline. Miss, r. 347 Cedar oav. Gartzmann, Reeve, r. 347 Cedar av. Garvin. Charles A_ r. 1024 Lime av. Garwood. Da.vid C., driver Meek Baking Co., r. 927 Pine av. - Garwoed. Isaac, repairer L. B. Auto Co., r. 445 Mlagnolia av. Garwood, L. B., Mrs.: prop. The Martonian, 32S1 Pine av., r. same. O1Garwood, L. M., Miss, clerk C. C. Lard & Co.. r. 328s Pine av. -' Gascoigne, Wm., plumber Wnt. B. McKinley, r. 414 Pacific av. _ Cakili, Denton L.. cement contractor. r. 420 e. Ninth. ;Z Gastrich. J. WVm., prin, Burnett School., r. 1967 Atlantic av. r Gates, A. 51., Mrs., r. cor. Parker and Santa Cruz av. 5t U Gates. C. W., r. cor. Parker and Sants Crz a.- a Gates, Walter S.. r. "13 v. Sixth. Gauldin, Charles A, horseshoer Kempley & Dorsett, r. 246 Golden. Gauldln. Richard, blacksmith. r. 246 Golden. ' Gau:tir. Frank L.. student, r. s. s. Vista 2nd h. w. of Loma av. Gautier, MAadeline H., Mirs., r. s. s. Vista 2nd h. w. of ormna av. Gaves, iVm.H., baker Fancy Bakery, r. 1106 e. Seventh,

Henry J. Pauly Co. The Loose Leaf House Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labbr Saving Filing. 2,3-$5 iArjigh,St., ZL& Angeles REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS EXCHANGES 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HJOME PHONE 38 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY is

Gavigan, John (Gavigan Realty Co.). r. Los Angeles. Gavigan Rcalty Co. (J. Gavigan, T. F. Sullivan), real estate and ins., 215 Pine av. uiay. Jams M-., !.ab-rer, r. e. N.Sewport av, 3rd h- n. of e. Tenth- Gaylord, G. H., asst, cashier S:ate Bank of L. B., r. 44 Alamitos av. Gear, Theresa, Miss, r. 636 Chestnut av. Gebaurer, E. W., r. The Kennebec Apartments. Geen, Thomas J., machinist, r. 1071 Bay View Drive. W 0 Geer, Lucius B., r. e. s. Redondo av. 2nd h. n. of e. Tenth. Gelssinger, Bert, gasfitter inner Harbor Gas & Elec. Co., r. 41 Chestnut av. :XI .arntry J. D. (Star Realty C.P.), ind notary. r. 251 American av. o Gerard, H. H., pi.nter Impperial Carriage Wks., r. 636 e. Fourth. Gerklins, Henr;- P., lineman P. E. Ry., r. 621 American av. German Alliance Ins. Co. of N. Y., I_ L. Covert & Co., ag:s., 207 Pine av. Cn A German, Amelia, Miss, r. 143 w. Ocean av. Co. of NT. Y., W. W Lowe & Co,., agts.. t6 Pine av.' o Gt.,atn American Ins. O W German Lutheran Church, Rev. A. M. Wyneken, pastor, 516 e. Tenth. Gerrard, Alexander, Rev., r. 1059 Lime av. Gelly, John, r. e. s, American av. 2nd h. s. of Hill. (Gvinn, Fred, horqe clipper. r. 4021 American av. . ; A Gibboney, Edwin B., r. w. s. Cherry av. 1st h. s. of e. Tenth. Gibbons, Martha, Mrs., r. s. s. State 1st h. w of Daisy av. : MM G:bbone. Mary. Miss, r. s. S. State 1st h. w. of Daisy av. rr Gibbs, Thomas J. S., laborer L. B. Gas Co., r. 409 e. Third. Gibbs, WVm. F., r. 1430 e. First. Gibson, Beryl, Miss; operator Home Tel. Co., r. cor. Atlantic av. and Rhea. ifi % Glbson, Martha M., Mrs., r. 449 Bonlta av.. Gibson, W. W, (Gibson & Seltz), r. 115, w. First. > G:bson & Seitz (W. W. Gibson, C. C. Sellz), grccrlez, 145-147 w. First, Phones: Pac. 861, Home 129. GUddings, J. WV.(The Monmouth), r. 203 e. Second. r Gifford. Maude, ?Alls, _tndlnt. r. 428 w. Fifth. Gilbert, Gertrude, Miss, house sec'y Y..W . C. A., r. same. Gilbert, Mary, Miss, r. 431 w. Third. o Gilbert, Martin V., r. 1009 Cedar av. a M Giles. Ephriam M., r. 527 Pennsylvania. ' ° Giits, Wmn. H., tdty goods, 3.02 Pine av., r. 1019,Chestnut av. g "-n Gilhuly, George, Mrs., r. 223 Golden. --- 5 Gill, Ada, Miss, chambermaid Hotel 'avoy, r. 712 Heller. Gill, Leila, Miss, r. 130 PaeifiCe av. "o - Gill, Mlattle, Mrs., r. 527 Locust av. % ciII, R. Foster, foreman L. B. Water Co., r. 839 e. Fifth. P P Gill. Retta A., Mrs., r. 236 Lilnden av. t'. G(itlespie, E M., Miss, r. 535 Locust av. . a Gillespie, Edward, carpenter, r. 621 e. Ninth. - Gillett, George C., r. n. a. Catalina 1st h. e. of Cherry av. .. ot::. :::iis r., Mer. W. HowMp r. 806 Pacific av. i" ' Gilliland, George 0., carpenter L. B. Sash & Door Co., r. 1336 Jessie av. ai a 1ill:tand, Hugh, carpenter, r. e. s. Dakota av. 2nd h. n. of e. Fourth. ' . Gi!iltand, T. W., carpenter, r. 1046 aLindenv . av.-, Gilliun, Lura, Miss. r. 437 e. Orean

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE 'IG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. Zbe Dtug6ft 14 pine EUe. Carries a Select Line of Toilet Soaps, Facial Preparations, Fine Imported and Domestic Perfumnes, Etc. STANDARD DR U G COC)IPANY 1386 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, MGR. Prescription · Specialty. Fre Delivery. Complete Lineof Drugs. Sundries, TolArletAnkle.s Ciia Soda Water,&c. HO.ME 1008 SUNSE'I IS81 80 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

flllogly, Wm., r. 226 Magnolia av. Gillons, Cooper, cement worker, r. 530 Elm av. Gillons, V. E., horseshoeing, 320 e. Fourth, r. 530 Elm av. Gilson, George I,., barber KneIpp Bros., r, 2119 Elm av. Glson, .M. E., Mrs., i: 231 Pahners CourIt. sLUs Girard Fire Ins. Co., The, Guorge ~W. Smith & Co., ag:s., 404 First Nat I Bank Bldg. Girton, WVm. E., employee Home Mill & Lumber Co., r. 233 w. Anaheim. Glasgow, W. V., Mrs., housekeeper The Cynthia, r-. same. Glass, Catherine M., Mrs., r. 220 w. Sixth. Glass. Katherine. Miss, dressmaker, r. 220 w., Sixth, Glass, Mary E., Miss, dressmaker, r. 220 w. Sixth. Glass, Roseila C., Miss, r. 219 w. Sixth. >. Glen Burnie Hotel (Cora I. Kirkwnnd, 7-. D, Anderson), eor, Third and Railroad av.. Terminal Island. Glendenning, James P., r. n. e. cor. e. Sixth and Termino av. 0 Glenn. B. P., agt. S. P. L. A. & S. L. R. R., r. cor. Alamitos av and e First to V Glenn, C. Harry, linotpye opr. The Daily Telegram, r. 315 e. First. W Glenn, E. E., painter, r. 1C38 Seaside Blvd. _aaW: Glenn, F. M., barber, r.'103S Seaside Blvd. Glenn, L. F., r. 1038 Seaside Blvd. Glenn, 5M.J.. Mrs., palnter. r. 103S Seaside Blvd, Uf Ct Glenn. W. H., r. 1038 Seaside Blvd. WLU Glens Falls Ins. Co., J. R. Mason & Co., agts., 209 L. B. Bank Bldg. D . G!enw.od. The. Danie C.ranig, prop., furnished rooms, 127 American av. OQ0. Glidden, George C., carpenter, r. Fifth, Terminal Island. _O X Glines, Albert S. painter, r. e. s. Loma av. Ist hI. s. of e. Tenth. Glines, Wm. I., operator.P. E. power plant, r. n. s. Burnett Ist h. ,,. f Z> 7 American av. Globe Ins. Co. of N. Y.. Wmn. IM. Galbraith, ngt., 221 Pine av. _ Globe Realty Co. (L. V. Shuman, N. H. Stiger, Joseph Maltby), real 0 1 estate, 225 e. Second. Glover, Edwin M., operator Edison Elee. CD., r. 1348' Locust av. _Cd,,rd. Ber-ha H.. Mrs. ¢'brtstla, Science p...."'-- - 77C or,,t0 nut av. Z Goddard, Edwin W., Christian Science practitioner. r. 330 Chestnut av. 0fO Goding. Oscar WV.,Pac. Ccast Shell Co., r. 126 e. Seventh. Goetz, J. J.. Miss, teacher Alamitos School, r. 1128 Bishop. Goetzman, E. A. (Harbor Lumber Ca.), r. 525 w. Sixth. Goetzman, Edna, Miss, bookkeeper, r. 525 w. sixth. Goetznlan, Harriet, Mrs., r. 743 w. Third. entemnani, WVll{{ J., carpenter, r. 525 Maine. 0 Going, L. B.. Mrs., r. Hotel Del 'Mar. Golden Statc Inv. Co. (J.A. Welsenborl, I C-. Wautghopy. rteal tate, 144 Pine av. Golladay, George W., r. 109 w. Ocean av. 0 Gollum, Fred IV., teller Citizens Savings Bank, r. 428 w. Seventh. O_ Gongaware, Flora W., Miss, dressmaker, r. 1305 e -Siventh. · Gongaware, Gorgla, Miss, student, r. 1305 e. Second. O Gongaware, Ws'm.,r. 1305 e. Second. ... lt-r '_ rcaZ, V,. w. Third. Good, John WV.,barber Palm Barber Shop, r. 621 Pine av. Goodell, John W., clerk J. J. Hennessey, r. 11S Plne atF. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS' BUY IT TODAY_ THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LTONG BEACH TH E HARDWARE BEARS CAN BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Cooden, Robert B, Rev., rector St. Liuke's Episcopal Church, r. 756 Daisy av. / Goodhue, A. M., pres. State Bank of L. B. and mgr. San Pedro Lumber Co.. r. 534 Chestnut av. Goodman, George, r. 108%, e. Third. ;uudrich, H. r., teller State Bank of L. B., r. Cosmopolitan Club. 0 Goodrich, Kate R., Miss, nurse, r. 500 Junipero av. Goodrich, Rachel C., Miss, nurse, r. 500 Junipero av. Goodwin, Minnie H., Mrs., r. 343 Linden av. Goodyear, Willis H., r. last h. s. s. Summit Road w. of Temple av. Goold. Horace A.. tlinner, r. 233 e. Sixteenth. I Gordanier, Irving, r. 320 Linden av. Gulrdon, Stella, Miss, r. 245 Linden av. Cnllhen. Anna, Miss, r. 417 w. Fourth. GoUldl, C. W., Mrs., r. 350 e. Fifth, E. Gould, Nelson, groceries, 543 American av., r. 541 American av. Gourd, John R., r. s. w. cor. Shaw av. and Colorado. Graftf, Fred, barber Palace Barber Shop, r. 31 Pine aV. Graham, Edward, teamster Pioneer Truck Co., r. n. e. cor. Newport av. and e. Tenth. zrahuanl, Fannie B., Mrs., r. 505 Chestnut av. Gqrahnm, James D., supervising prin. L, B. Schools, r. 1123 Cedar av. G Graham, Katherine P., Miss, r. 505 Chestnut av. Graham, Lnllie H., Miss, r. 505 Chestnut av. Graham, Mary T., _Miss, r, 605 Chestnut av. Graham, Robert H., teamster Pioneer Truck Co., r. n. e. cor. Newport A av. and e. Tenth. Graham, Samucl T., boat builder Western Boat & Engin Wks.,V r. 537 w. Seventh. Graham, Winm. H., r. 505 Chestnut av. Graham, Wm. H., teamster, r. n. e. cor. Newport av. and e. Tenth. Grand Rapids Horseshoeing Shop, C. G. Whitsell, prop., 814 e. Fourth. Grant, B. Elolse, Miss, student, r. 405 Falcon av. Grant, ielevilie A., engineer, r. 405 Falcon av. Grant, E. ;i, a;eey Palos Verdes Co. and sec'y Jotham Bixby Co, r. 0 South Pasadena. Grar;, George G., clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 305 Dafisy av. Grant. Glen F., machinist Pioneer Automobile Co., r. 1127 Loma Vist Drive. O Graves, Anna, Miw, wratress, r. 1106 e. Second. Graves, ClarenceE., r. 106 e. Becond. Graves, Ell, r. 47e e - xtbh Gaeves, Etta, Miss, imploycc Soft Water Tlundry Co. r. 1106 e. Second. Graves, Frank M.. collector L. G. Water Co, r. 630 Linden av. Graves, Hasel, MIs, r. 1S36 e. Seventh. Oraves, John W., building contractor, r. s. s. Nineteenth Ist h. e. of * Pdzsadena av. - 1 Graves, Lewis G. (Tribune Job Office), r. 1636 e. Seventh. Graves, Pearl V.. meat cutter, r. 605 Atlantic av. Graves, Solon D., prop. Central Meat Market, r. 605 Atlantic av. G;-vm, V. R, meat cutter entral Meat ir arkei, r. ;GU ACt . , Graves, W. H., fisherman, r. 728 Pine av. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPAN. HOTEL AtJ1LjAN Excellently situatednear the Ocean, facing Pacific -- _ \ Park. Special Rates by the Week. :

RATES: $..00 $2so tsi DPe SKtC Nts 50e Cast, 45 C er Av. - TELEPHONE HONE . J~...._,~ W/ci,,v,"~~cubo~ EH.C Watugilop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE- While in the city do not fail to intestlrateour high gradu City and Ranch Pxoperty: EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Honme Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. 82 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Graves, W'm. B., r. 119 e. Third. Gray, Albert L., lineman Edison Elec. Co., r. 1247 Loma Vista Drive. Gray, Alice A., Mrs., r. 441 w. Fourth. 0Gray MBlanche, Mrs., r. 211 Linden av. Gry, E. F., chiropractic, 303 Pacific av., r. same. Gray, E. J., vulcanizing wks, 324 e. Fourth, r. 33S e. Fourth. Gray, Frank, r. 323 Cedar av. Gray. James, baker Fancy Bakery, r. 130 wr. Third. Gray, Jessie F., Miss, r. 803 Pacific av. Gray, John, supt. Southern Cal. Lumber Co., r. San Pedro. Gray. John F.. clerk. S. A. Schilling Co.. r. 537 e. First. Gray, Louise, Mrs., Christian Science practitioner, r. I`23 Cedar av. _Z1rY1 Gray, Vasa V., sign painter, r. 537 e. First. G-raybbl, Reuben, r. 1021 Daisy av. Graydon, Alpxmnder.'mining, :r 844 Cedar av. Great American Imp. Tea Co., John H. Feers, mgr., 220 Pine av. Greble, Edwin, r. 30 Linden av. Green. Asa G.. r. n. s. Eliot opp, Belmont, U)1 ~Green. F. H., zaiichine hal:d L. B. Sash & Door Co., r. 86O5 .iange av. _o^ Green, J. E., r. 1545 Pine-av. Green .James H., r. 2237 Pasadena av. O_ Green, Luther, r .Hotel Del IMar. 0r:3 Green. Nell L. Miss. Christian Seience praeCtltionner, 5247 'i--t X-a'il Bank Bldg., r. 2237 Pasadena av. Qrean, Stephen. r 736 Park Circle. Green, Thomas M., bookkeeper First Nat'l Bank, r. Hotel Del .Mar. Greenall, C. D., 619 Linden av. Green, C. G., vice-pres. First Nat'! Bank, r. Los Angeles. Green, Francis H.. machine hand L. R, Sash & Door Co., r. 865 Orange ~-~ ~av. Greenleaf, E. C.. painter. r. 970 Hamilton. Greenleaf, Emma M., ?Mrs., r. e. s. Tingling av. 1st h. n..of Eliot. GC.-nleaf J. T.,-. 63 Lime av. 1. _ Greenleaf, Marcus S., Nat'l Lumber Co., r. 513 w. First. Ci) Greenlee, lVW.n.D.. r. 537 Cerritosav. Greenwood, Julia T., 'Mrs., r. 413 e. Fifth. Gree.r- F H, eolleeiir eoIMis,,n lElec.. C .' 7? inden a%. Greff, Fred barber, r. 226 Locust av. Greg, J. L., Miss, r. 120 Chestnut av. Gregerson, Luecy, Miss, r. 327 Magnolia av. Gregg, Harry M. (Travers & Gregg), r. 121 w. Eighth. Gregory. Mardilla. Mrs., r. 455 w. Ninth. Gregory, Percy T., salesman L. B. Milling Co., r. 111 Atlantic av Gregory, Thomas, r. 1273 e. Seeond. 'Gr'cr.Fred F., paper hanger, r. 115S Locust av. [X Greifsinger, Prank C.. musician, r. 340 Lime av. Greive, Ansehu. supervisor P. E. Ry_ r. 744 Chestnut av. Groham, Arthur E, physician, 301-302 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., hrs. 10-11 a .m, 2-4 and 7-8 p. m., Phones; -Home 900, Pac. 399, r. s. e. cor. Bishop and Junipero av. *- ~Gresswell, Clara, Miss, r. 1126 Pine av. Gresswe!l, Ella, Miss, clerk Brown Bros., r. 1126 Pine av'.

;. A. cC.astll, Ires. P. S. Berry, Vice-Pr.s. C.R. Chapple, Sc:'y. PHOSES: Home 3,3 Sunset 3021. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Dealer. In P;atc and Window Gla5. , Wall Parer, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. PLYE'24- _AIV-ENUrsE, 'LOXG BEACH, CAL. on v ttebe ZtUt(iir't 14 PINE.4AE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 83

Gresswell, Fred K., sign writer, r. 1126 Pine av. Grey, J. Lucy, Miss, bakery and delicatessen, 130 Chestnut av., r. same. Grey. Minnie H. ,Mrs.. r. 1549 Locust av.

Griffin, Anna, Mrs., r. s. e. cor. Mahaskoa and Jessie av. Griffin, Cecil L., lumber surveyor, r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Griffin, R., agt. Diamond Boat Line, r. s. e. car. Mahaska and Jessie av. Griffling, Walter C., confectionery ri. end of Pier, r. 109 e. Ocean ar. Griffith, Mabel, iMiss, teacher Atlantic Avenue Schonil, r. 243 Atlantic av. Griffith, Mamie M., Miss, atttendant Majestic Skating Rink, r. 17 Chest- Itut wv. _ Griffth, P. R., Mrs., prop. Primrose Lodge, 131 Chestnut av., r. same. Griffiths, Anges, Miss, r. 935 Cedar av. Griggs. Bert,nst florsl . Signal 9Il111 Florald Co., r. v;. Q. Cherry av, h, n. of Hill. Griggs, N. B., Miss, r. 56 American av. Grill, The, J. W. Wood, prop., restaurant, 113 w. First. Grimes, W, J., electrieian P- FL Ry.. r. q, s. Willows -v. f American aR. Grinell, Ernest L., barber 118 w. Seecnd, r, 323 e. Secnd. r Grinnell, Stephen L., plasterer, r, n. w. cor. California av. and New York. Grogan, James E., r. 711 Elm av. Grout, Edgar, r. 130 w. Third. Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. > MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE ; Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 W IN

Groves, A. H., r. Hotel Del Mar. Growell. Frank, yardman Hoyal Cafe, r. 109 w. Ocean av. Grube, Aaron C., confectionery, cigars and curios, 2 Pine av., r. 8 Pine av. Gruenke, Ferdinand, r. 1051 Myrtle av. Gruenie, Guatatv, ceilent worker, r. 910. Myrtle av, Gruildy, Gordon M., student, r. 905 Chestnut arv. Grundy, Mabel, Miss, student, r. 905 Chestnut av. Grundy, May,,-Miss, student, r. 905 Chestnut av. Grundy, Mm., r. 905 .Chestnut av., Gruss, John C.,- teamster, r.. w. s. Linden av. 1st h. a. of e. State. Gschwend, Karoline J., Miss, private kindergarten, r. 277 Junipero ar. Guardian Fire Ins. Co., J. Mason & Co., agts., 209 L. B. Bank Bldg. Gubser, Samuel, r. rear 609 w. First. C.udtner, G. W., blacksmith W'. . Gillons, r. 535 e Second. Gue, Dell M.. r. n. e. cor Pasadena av. ansd Rhea. Guenther, Charles, laborer, r. s. State 2nd h. e. 0f American =v.. Guenther, Ella, Miss, operator Pac. Tel. Co., r. s. s. e. State 2nd h. e. of American av. Guenther, Gustave, tailor F. B. Silverwood, r. 233 Pacific av. 'tlenther, Wxm. j., ,r. . e.e State 2nd ht a. of American av.

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. TAILORING GO. HIGH CLASS TAILORS M.A. CLARK, Popr. L G. CLARIC, M, srr. Home Ph9fn 798 120 Pine Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. ".tvt- t· RVx, Irl, r.."_Sm,.EA Z mmtlv;-9ass:;Zl

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k. 111 rlslat C~v~i5,. S-~s 3srtAX b=ru i rrz _ * ~IPf !;rS /itUldr, ;;L r.{.g as irsr Firtll * t4tti, r. a 4a~ ^^'P' S ~~~ wi f'.:Etr,&rt qitX. sS6Ai~iZiL~·i~h Ct . }so~~l~itdl/fh' ~tS5 1s·~-f.ii x _ x

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, - ;; 4I 1 1 i. ..2~4 A\4k ,-I 34h- _ie- n>* 'I ttrnCP 3.lt ,-4t6 >~?~~;~~~p~c ·

' s n*ci1*"I 'Bit 'f r or ^ ...... 4' " 1kisX...... ,S,<,i_- v.& D.. H.r- H A R T H O R N S Bought, sold ex- lthril. Tel. Ilome changed or rented. m,,'. Pacific 441. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Tuning and re- Re. 713 Pine ave. 2 PIN A . pairing a special- BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 2816 tr. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 85 Hall. Ida B., Mrs., r. n. s. Twentieth 2nd h. e. of American av. 0 -H;alll.alles A., r. 1239 e. SeCtuii. -' Hall. Laura M., Miss, r. 754 Locust av. all,Mattie, Miss, employee Soft W'ater L.aundry Co.. r. 639 w. Fsurth. Hall. Reason A., real estate, r. 830 Chestnut av.. . :Hall, WVarren K., carpenter, r. 125 w. Eiglith. -Hail, Win. G., r.- 222 e. Fifth. Hallack, John W., laborer, r. rear 517 e. Third. Haller, Martin, r. 1907 e. Seventh. .Halloran, Win. S., conductor P. E. Ry., r. 130 w. First. .Hallstran, Sarah M., Miss, r. 119 w. Slxth. ='Ha!se. Ar!hur, laboret r. 1752 Pine at_ Hal.s, Gporge, carpenter, r, 1752 Pine av. Halsey, John B., r. 246 Locust av. Halsey, R. H., fruit stand, on the Pike, r. 246' Locust av. 0 C iHalsey, Robert J., r. 246 Locust av. . Halter, B. B., salesman Young-Parmley Inv. Ca., r.314 Elm av. Halttrman, George H., compositor Foote Printing Co., r. w s. Raymond 0 av. Ist h. s. of Anaheim. 7Ham, Abraham, r1 s. e. cor. Termino av. and e. Tenth. * Hnam Annn, Miss, r. ,. e. eor. Termino a,. and e. Ten!h i - Ha, Mlary, Miss, student, r. s. e. cor. Termino av. and e. Tenth. -\Long Beach Brick Works RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor * k .:ES'OHTAtYI' BItlsDLNG BRICL PONES: Ofce, Home s651s,Wor;s;llomeZ ; tV

Hamble, Earl B., carpenter, r. 1752 Pine av. Hamnble, Frank U., building. contractor, r. 17652 Pine av. Ha;tmble, Medora V.,. MIss, stenographer, r. 1752 Pine av. Hambie, Phillip, r. w. a. Brawn av. ist h. s. of State. RHamnble, Phillip ., student, r. 1762 Pine av. ., Hamblin, Clara, Mrs., r. 735 Orange av. I ahambinr IHenry C., r. g2 Mfagnplfa av. Hamblin, L. P., Mrs., nurse, r. 32 Magnolia av. Hamnbly, EIUabetit, r r. 4U53 Locust av. lta-r---u, Sua'sh, 11~., i . rear 445 Elm aW.- Hamilton, Ada. ., Mrs r. 121 e. Stanwood. , Hamilton. D. V, Mrs., nurse, r. 4261, Daisy av. ' lanmiltoh, Ev& M., Mjr*, prop 'The ]'etropOle. 258 e. Eighth, r. same. Hamilton, if -.., r.. 12 Bonita av. Hamilton, Mathilda, Mrs., r. 143 w. First. ,Hamilton, George W. (Ocean Front Real Estate Co.), r. 402 e. Third. Harmman, A. F., physlcIan. 201-202 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., fPhunes Office, 722; Pac. 722; res. Home 182, Pac. 1423, r. 554 Cedar av. ;Hamman, Elmer E. real estate, r. 605 Magnolia av. : Hanimer, Guy W., r. 1039 Hellman, lHatmmer, Hazel, Miss, waitress El Paso Lunch Room, r. 1039 e. Eighth.


Eltctri¢t Wirngr, Motors md Fixres. Pkhr Huw 30, Suned ISsI Electricat -Supptel & itxture (to. 12022 &. First Stre., Lag.JBe, CI4. FRED HINZE phos-s: Htome3. Pacific IIi, California Chocolate b Candy Co. All ourg oods are made front the purest materials ad will be f -nnd'fh -z r as di-u. Cor. E. Sixth ;nd Alamits are., Long Bercb Cal.


P Harimiltu, Chalfant S, drf si-aA, i. e. OV . t-ammrtt, Laurd 1., {'1_ii, siwudei .r. ii5 e. Ocean av: LRtmmiit. Samuei S~ r. 165 e. Ocean av. Hammond, Charles S. transfer. r. s s.- Sate 1st h -W. of Lime av. Hammond. Elizabeth C. irs. r. 329 Elm av. Hlammond, Genevieve. liss, clerk Ler-"s BEoks Store r. 50; Arrn.ritan av . T Hammond, R:lland, prop. Pasadena qMlla. 50 AmerIcan av_ r. sam-. Hampton, Amos, p-ainter, r. 36 Atlantic av. Hamson, May E..,Mils miqtiner 3Mrs. L Si--pson. r. 4, Amrtnr, \. Hanaman, A. V., carpen:er. r. 1030 American a'. Hancock, Charles L, r. e. -. Rose Park av. 3r3 hL. . of e. Fonrth.

Hancock, 3M. E, iMrs. r. 1163 Appleton, N Hand, Harry O r. rear 616 w. Thirdi Hand. John WV. (Ocean Fron: Real Bstate C-, r-. 543 Lo(-ux av. Hand. Phillh H., r. rear 616 w. Th'ird Haning, 3fary, iiss, cljrii. .. as Cat ,, r . i-,t av. · T Hanks, Winm. G., r. w. s. BroE. av. 1st h. a. of Anaheim. Hannah, Emma E Mrs_ r. 654 Pacifie ar. S Hanna, TM., Mrs., r. "22 Pacfic ar. Honnon T. R Nft- r 4t2 - Co _r ' rir anan, Ca"L.'c -:le M .., -A .-r ,.. ...?--o.!~.re 4 c. 531 Ehn av. Copvrights Hantllan, J. P., tile setter, r. 531 E1m av. Tradclua.trl Hanlgutt. :Gc;rgE. rmaahini-t gor.,- Se: , .r, C., --a, w S - Labels Hanover Ins. Co. of N. Y. Ge.nrger. Smith & Co.. agts. 404 First .Nad'l j?ank Bldg. Hansard. John W.- teamster_r -. . . a. A eelm rd .f Obfsp-' arV Hansar.d, Wim., teamster. r. n. *. .Anahim 3rd 7h w. f Obisp av Hansen, Andrew H. salesman The 31ercanUie Ca, r. 1030 e. First.

Hansen. C. W.. IMrs. demonstrator. ' N541a Elm atV. Hansen . Ehrliqtlra r. ' a. irs O Hansen, Ermine, sirtel pher. r. - a e. Fi-t ¢e Hansen, Gerald, student, r. V6t2e. Frst. Hansen., en metrrhan. . :2air.-4 P2ne, ar-, r. S4Uw d r Hanst n, Lucile 3t. 3Mss. sstady .The Cash S-ore Co, r. 5- w -n >.G, Hans n. WXalter . gr;cerles. - e. Se-,d. L s . .e zxh : d-- of Orange a,. lansllhaw, Fred W., carpenter. r . s. Drewn u./. =- --_ 0f I-_ " Ha;ns n. Albert M, r 136 r Hnsnn gTarrN-. .ma.h.=..a . _ t - - .- Tnth _0 mHanson,Nicholas. r. r 130 . Fw_ tr n' ?. Hanson, Thore, teamster. r. 1I11ill eSecnd- lanson. Wm v1._rv nl'lk Xkol C _ r. -4 Pine ai . t Harbor Iron Works, Joseph De Meutb, pros.; W. A Fos'er. vice-pr -, -=i_ Edvwin P. Dewey, ec'y ad trcgs. ,enerll machina e v. 3 Olive av. _Harbor " Lumber Co. (W B McCrscken, E - Gtxman), eor. w oera nv. and Golden. llard. ('. 'T.. r Hotel t.el liar. tllarri-tl-t, Jo eler, r. s. Attseim 2td . v - f CherrY av.

INSURANCE ROY N. ROYNARDDCARR CO. REITALS NOTARY PUBLIC Ro.4:ALeS. 1,7 AMERICAN AI'E. pHOE E o EXCHANGEJ rlOtO.1 HO.MI~' ·L ~ XHA~ Secy. C. TowriUclnd, Pres. C. F. Van de Water, Vice Pres. B. P. Daymats, THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. i ' INCORPORATED General Real Estate and ilvestment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and LA Large Tracts in Mexico Phone2 Home 86, Sunset 69i 125 EAST FIRST STREET


[Hardesty, Adison, r. 1624 e. First. _C? iHardestY. Bertie, Miss, nurse, r. 1624 e. First. C [Harding, Junic H., Mrs., r. 1037 Elm av. tHardy, A. L., r. Hotel Del Mar. c EHardy Lew, letter carrier, r. 1455 Locust av. HIardy, Parlkcr, rancher, r. 537 w. Eleventh. :Hlare, Rhoda M., Mrs., r. 325 w. Third. -Hlrer, Jasper, teamster, r. n. e. cor. Vermont and Termino av. i argadine, Allie M., Mrs., r. 44 American av. Q Harg!s, Charles J.. building contractor, r. 353 e, Fourth. iHagis, Faley, clerk Poor & Morse Hdw. Co., r. 353 e. Fourth. [Harkey, S, H., brick contractor, r. 1.30 W. Third. g [Harkness, Edward, r. 1704 e. Fourth. r.Harmer, Jane M., Miss, b;uh1e-Pr L. B.E. tel Co,. r. 12° Locust av. n EHarmer. Jennie. Miss. stenographer; r. 123 Locust av. O{ iHarmon, Emma F. Mrs., r. 427 W. Fourth. [Harnett, Anne H., Miss, student, r. wv s. Atlantic av. 2nd h. n. of Twenty- L 3 t second. 'Harnett, Edward H., chainman City Engineer, r. w. s. Atlantic aV. ^nd h. n. of Twenty-second. : Harnett, E. Thomas, sec'y and mgr. L. B. hMilling Co., r. 519 Cedar av. 2. < Harnett, Ernest, r. w. 's. Atlantic av. 2nd h. n. of Twenty-second. Harnctt, Helen M., MiAs, stenogr2phcr L B. Milling Co., r. w. s. Atlantic" av. 2nd h. n. of Twenty-second. > Harnett, Jane E., Miss, teacher High School, r. w. s. Atlantic av. 2nd h. > n. of Twenty-second. Harnett, Josephine, Miss, teacher Atlantic Avenue School, r. w. s. t- t m lantic av. 2nd h. n. of Twenty-second. Z M IHarnett, Norah B., Mis., teacher Burnett Schbol, r. w. s. Atlantic av. 2nd h. n. of Twenty-second. Harwver, E. G., barber C. A. Leavitt, r. 338 e. Fourth. () Harover, W. H., policeman, r. 338 e. Fourth. r Harper, Elizabeth B., Mrs.. r. 220 Linden av. :Ial,tr, James O.. r. 186Z e. Fourth. - -. Harper, ?Mitchell, r. 319 e. Ocean av. _ Hiarper. Wm.. r. n. w. cor. Coronado av. and e. Eighth. _ n 5 Harper, Winm. E.; r. 126 e. Fifth. [Harper, WVm. S., r. w. s. Atlantic av. ist Ih. s. Ef Hill. Harriman, George W., laborer, r. s. t. cor. Temple av. and Marilquita. _ s_ Harriman, L. G., Dr, office, 510 First Navt Bank Bidg., r. $221e. Ocean _i~ ' / E

liarrin, Archibald 8., meat cutter, r. 345 Elm av. . .*a . Harrington, Ethel, Mrs., r. 233 Pacific av. C M. arrington, Roy, r. 149 Pine av. tdo -_- Harris. Arthur, solicitor L. B. Lumber Co., r. 1864 e. Second. °- _ Harris, Arthur M., carpenter, r. 344 e. Fifth. S , Harris, Bcssle, Mrs., r. 126 Locust aY. s Harris, Charles S., r. 1636 e. Fourth. ' g ' Harris, Elwin D., letter carrier, r. 245 Obispo av, , ..= r Harris, Eudolpha. Miss, r. 530 Cerritos av. M Harris, Frank' B., r. 327 w. Eighth.

A B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. Zbe IcRUllister fMuMtc Conmaln Dealers in Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, Etc. CTRO PLATlNG iO EAST THIRD STREIET ff * XZ efZ wg~~~~~~~pbmmNo 7n -Pzcifw611 IfdWlfWAWO .-A-(LCO.11 IlT Y DYE("I~ TY DY WORKS v Jrt236-PINVE W AVYENUE Clenrs and Dyers Ladics' and Gcnts' Fine Garments a Specia7!t


HIaris. HIe-ter A, 3trs,r. 341 e F.lst Earris. J. D A_ r. 437 - Thrir :_~-~,s . J_ r. Hotel Di 3war- H.arr. James '-' r. IOZ8 AZIaicD ar. to)..r. James . ecarprxnter. r 439 e F'I'. !rtrri.% Lenrnarl PR. foreman I B L=- , - _. .... , f;arr~}E i22- ! M I-rs r. ; "T Harris, 3li: C, p-atcrer. r 245 ObL-, p.- H rrk, Richar3, hostler Birchwood ]ive i P-- - l-es. r :.,$" · ^b Cerrit:' ar. 7_ P.eI .E.la'-borer. r - _ =_ -- .t. , = ~~H-i =. S-4=rai Lr _ stt-et r~5iT ,Tn; t• -~-~-~.~ T.te. ML--- r. S!,, e %.t~. a.-r-i,; |.V.- r. e. _ Ameican ar -st IL M. ofr. e~lt_ Raxi=. Edwar.d. r. 2"s w. S-zrx' 1:j H arrion, Edward. Jr- stencg'apher ' - SA- C, .r- w, Six,-,. H ols-nJehn F_ driver City D-Ev Worim r- T-M Mfz= Sarxzis o Luu R. MLXs. r. 721 e. Sev__-,!

f i mirm Vi-ai er -, maq'er .Model Iamn.y. :- =1 ;i Hars-hLervo. to A. r-T 14n5 M :a -- 1 ambbersser, John: W9 r- 31agnata a.-- a i-n-t~ec, Lziu. MiLss, r. 345 31ag L a1r t t1 Ehbewer ff -L S-Hirr S3; w, ~tri cm 'L S1 ; :r, aaJ 2Mics r3 `Cam'is; !1 ~! t =3 ~ WS- -e- r. *r W-k Z. ~~ 2 ~2iri E. J_ MIrs_ r. >pr~ Fzatxt7 T-Xrrf ta9r2 ILI=, Grt, , att. a=d no:ary: - ,; i5-ZN1i3iL ] R. r. 1045S L,-

_.; 8_ ~~~ttr.:. }: r. I IL i-sP ax eC_t ib d *- >h Liia , .1 E~ ttn er. G Eiftlt :d :>a CICtD Tr tS~.Sp Ulrr31- r. 4< w_ Sex Se ir >Lw L rE itaccr Sltrei 1 _r, 3t.v! t VVEW Tiis uar,, L R-s F*zii'ter "t L- te Ir.1r- Ommm F-.MtL A : 2 t .* ar, Him. rei ,kr Ihst Qttoe r. RtFt

l atnhom. 0 M. (tarths:qtj.,>M'* 1S >s:te 5Es. r .i3

_~~~~~~~~1av., ino iHarthiumi , & &J~~~.r-~J~=~wzli~iEi~ 1 ~~ _I Ws*,os 2 '.fgg QOi$ ww~ii Flr *> %a r; }i~' Qrn Iworx~r toS Pin; s' -1141rht;um, ThvaC;S rst. ,V- kxw sJs qLt-a B i v ffI e im VV-^>; r, It34 kfi., w~ntvtx,.rtur 1uwk t. It-Avt T Xs azzL z it . Z-.5,, { Fuu# 4 V

x d wa~ s>V~a :rs dk'yaE#,tB 3; aa^ ss VL}51STtiE IAA U-FORIVIA R Ri31E4 t-(,IP.-A 11M ITiMNiVQZIN' tP£X-Ep OSSES av



Fits for College and Business. Fine Buildings. Fourteen Masters. Fully eqtippCed Chemical and Physical Laboratories. Ten-Acre Campus laid out for all kinds of athletic sporti. Cement Tennis Courts. Quar- ter-mile track. Two Gymnasiums. Gallery Track. Shower Baths. Indoor Rifle Range. Sind for illustrated Catalogue. Principal, GRENVILLE C. EMERY, Litt. D. Late Master in the Boston Latin School. Com, Col. RICHARD P. KELLY, Ph. BL Cornell University.


wi~edl '"

AN - E Tp A X _ 1 j- I

* N A _ I L-i.X~ C,. 'd !-. re.. 53~ ~LAK4E, E. H. CLEVELAN D, Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 -AMERICAN AVENUE


Hartman, Oluff B., shell polisher Eastman Shell Store, r. Lime av. bet. .Seventeenith and Eighteenth. Hartvig, Max, prop. The Leader, r. 227 w. Pacific av. Harvey, Edwin B., physician, 219-221 L. B. Bank Bldg., r. 522 Cedar nv. Harvey, Effie, 'Miss, r. 522 Cedar av. Harvey, Ephraim O., laborer, r. e. s. Dakota av. 1st h. s. of e. Seventh. Harvey, Jesse B., engineer Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 1124 Gladys Court. 0 II.rvey, Leroy C., engineer Star Lumber & Mill C., r. o s. Dakota av. 1st h. s. of e. Seventh. Harvey, Nettie, Mrs., prop. Pomona House, 120 Chestnut, av., r. same. Harwood, Ftred, barber PaIace Barber Shop. r. 532 w. Fifth. Haskell, Frank A. (City Paint Shop), r. 422 Locust av. IIaskell, Frank L., nmotormarr P. E. y.,r . 228 ., Sixth.. Has.e.l., Loring B., vice-pres. Home Bond & Building Ass'n. r. 420 Lo- cust av. Haskins, Andrew, foreman P. E, Ry., r. 333 e. Fiftl. Haskins, Ratph, clerk L. B. Paper & Paint Co., r. V-entura av., Seaside Park. Has!ett, Eaton L, agt. Aetna Life Ins. Co., r. 632 Elm av. HIaslett, S. J., Mrs., teacher private, r. 632 Elm av. IHasictt, ,yi. <,iiclrrk, i':. 1 ti.;Eco.nd. c Hasty, Henry, gas fitter Edison Elec. Co., r. 445 Locust av. Zbe` Cqntbia j ntbia Etnnex A Mo.st molern apartment house In Sonth. i New two-story brick bnilding adjoining t-f Calir.uili. C '4, four.r.roomurflia theCunthia. containinz suites ot fnnr: Apartments, al elegantly furnished. All three'and two rooms, as well as single tetam heated during winter months. rome. AL, STEAM HEATED. EAST OCEAN AVENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S Has'y, Wim.. with. Home Tel, Co., r. 445 Locust-&v. Hatch, Bruct C., -c L- B . Sash '&lsnr Co.. r-R21-Cedar av. Hatch, Ira S., real estate, r. 835 Elm av. jM Hatch. P. E=. vice-nrce. Thes'-t'l Bank of L. B-,and 1st vice-pres. L. B. 0 Savings ]Ban;,-. 43 w. ';t:h. ' HIaucks, Jesse, clerk Jackson's Drug Store, r. cor. Hill and American. Hiauk, Anna L, Mirs., r. 1247 Loma Vista Drive. Hauk, Bessle. 'iss, x. 22iDajy av. T Hauk, Deo. A je-Areler- and-lnlidary, 129 v. Ocean av., r. 223 D] ayL,. - Hauk, Janet. MIs,_ r. 223D.aisy.av. Hiaui, W. 4 jeweleil QD.. . laik, r. 2uk Day er. r m Hauschildet.Jolm. baker Fancy Bikery, r. W2CAmerican av. a ' iaux, Harry-., clerk- IJBaker. r. a. W. cor. Hill and AiuerIcaA A. - Haven, Charles W., barber Palace Barber ShopA r. 325 Court Drive.'. Haviland, Martha, Mrs., r. 445 Bonita iav. U1 iHawes, I. N, Miss, r. 615 e. Ocean avt t Hawk, Lillie, Aiiar (Hawk & Adkison), r. 428 e. First. ' - Hawk & Adkison (Lillie Hawk. Mrs. F. A. Adkison), groceries, 428 e. m First. Hawkins, C. B, teamster, r. 455 Almond av. .c - Hawkins,' Carl ,V.,student, r. 622 Atlantic av. m TJ IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO., When you want the gas turned on call the Edis'n. ecftric. Compan. :The purest Pgs in the city. Home Phone 33.;- Sunl- set Phone 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue._. A. We, efenbor 'H. C. Waanhop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to inve:tirate our High Grade City and Ranch Propertr. EXCHANGES A SPECIALT'Y. HomePhone 638i LongBeacbh, Cal 90 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 0 Iiawkinsa,sans, gar"dcn.r-- =. swso a_-., 2d h. n- of e. Fourth. Hawkins, Jesse, laborer, r. 544 Daisy av. Hawkins, L. Besse, Mfrs., r. 851 Cedar av e tllHawkins, Myrtle B., Miss, employee Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 455 Al- mend av. P= Hawkins, O. T., blacksmith, J. G. Hunt, r. 825 Olive av. Hawkins, Susie, M!rs., clerk, C. C. Lord & Co., r. 544 Daisy aiV. Hawkins. Willie B., employee Infier Harbor Laundry, r. 455 Almond av. U W Hawkins,ffHawkins, SuVm.Wm. L.,Lfr., constable. cosalerkC oo-·2D~~S.Lr o, t 227 Pine av., r. 622 Atlantic av. Hawley. Austin S.. Mrs., r. s. e. car. Atlantic and e. Sixteenth. 2' rZ~i~itHawnrth,Alistus W17..machinist, 545 r, FIfthit Haworth, Alvob, driver Long Beach Ste-ram Laundry, r. 1010 Coronadco av. C o ~Hays, Charles P., r- 1267 Pacitfic av Hayes, E. C., Mrs., r. 995 American av. Hayes, Jeremiah P,, expressman, r, 943 e. .ifth. Hayes, Margaret, Miss, r. 905 American av, Hayes, Victor W., civil engineer, r. 905 American av. Hayes, Wm. V., surveyor. r. 905 American av. Hayman, Alile A., Miss, stenographer, V. W'. Lowe & Co., r. 232 w. Sixth. H-yne, Emnst rt 162q e. Sectd. Hazard, Amelia J.. Mrs., e. w. s. Gladys -v. ;d h. a. of c. Tenth. Hazeltine. Clark S., r. 423 e. Seventh. Head, J. R., r. 800 Orange av. Head, Katherine, Miss. student, r. 800 Orange a. : Head. Leonard D.. arch!tect. r. RfA Orange av. 45 <: Head, Leonard W., r. 800 Orange av. · Ima Heagy, H. V., night watch, S. P., L A. & Salt Lake R. R., r. Ocean Front, wlE Terminal Island. Heagy, Nettie, Miss, operator, Home Telephone Co, r. 346 Locust av. Heald's Long Beach Business College. V. E. Nielson, principal, s. w. cor. American av. and First. Hiza:01 6 Lonil audit Conii~jvatoey r. , Mijatr_ '-!clzan mane-g-r. Ek w%.cur. Azwrkitva av. amd-- Healey, C. T., civil engineer, r. 227 e. Ocean av. Healy. Frank A. rancher. r. 630 Chestnut aV- Heard, Henry L.; groceries, 402 Almond av., _ 1020, Alliance av. Heard, Lola Mf., Miss, clerk, H. L. Heard, r. 1020 Alliance av. a tJ Hearne, Edith L, Miss, student, r. 702 Park Circle. H1artwell, C. D.. prus. Union hnvestmezjt Cinnpaiy, r. Huntington Beach. Heartwell, Charles L., r. 505 Cedar av. Heartweli, J. B., r. 407 Cedar av. Heartwell, James F., asst. cashier Citizeas' Savings Bank, r. 417 Cedar av. fleath, Elizabeth, Mtiss, r. 437 AtilitIc &.v. Heath, Fred, mining, r. 422 Elm av. Hebard, Geo. E., propr. Hebard's Dancing Academy, r. 129 e. Second. Hebard's Dancing Academy, Geo. E. Hebard, propr., Majestic Hall on the Pike. Hecht, Mary. .Mrs., music teacher, r. 831 Coronado av; Hecht, )/iaron, teamster, r. 831 Coronado av. Hecht, Wim., r. 831 Coronado av. Heeker, Bella S, Airs., r. T143w. First. Hede.,avrk, Alma C., Miss, nurs.6iiLing Beach Hospiial Ass'n, r. an:e. Hedger, Heiman B.. propr. Home Transfer Co, r- 217 Elm av. Hedrick, Carrie, Miss, r. 1535 e. Second.

The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phones:i39 PINE Home 25,AVENUE Sunset 23 :: :: :: Prescriptions tiDed Right . :: ::


Hedrick, Margaret. Mrs.. r. 1535 e. Second. Heers, Christopher F., r. 135 American av. Hegel, Robert, gardener, r. s. s. e. Tenth, opp. Brownie Drive. Hegeman, Harriette, Mrs., r. 306 Cedar av. Heidel, Blanche, Miss, milliner, S. A. Schilling Co., r. 625 W. First. Helm, Harmoll NM.,carpenter, r. 1422 Lemon. Helm, Louise A., r. 654 Cedar av. Heinke, Herman, r. e. s. Termino av., Ist h. s. of Anaheim. Heiser, Andrew, r. 240 Chpstnut av. Heiser, Henry C., ealidy maker, r. 955 e. Sixth. Heisler, Albert, r. 219 w. Seventh. 22eltman, Avi A.. Mrs.. r. 343 Pine av. * H-eJtmann, J. 13., r. 129 w. Ocean av. Heller. Anna, Miss, r. 707 Cedar av. Heller, Posa, Mrs., r. 707 Cedar av. Helm, Scott, Mrs., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Helps, Arthur C., (Doran & Helps), r. The Munholland. Helvie. Camilla M., Miss, student, r. 1209 e. Seventh. Hetvle, Moler, carpenter, r. 1209 e, Seventh. Helwig, H. C., groceries, 8 American av.,'r. 513 e. Sixth. Hemphill, Earl D., repairman, P. E. Ry., r. 524 e. Fourteenth. Hcrirphll, Elma M., Miss,! ti,tent, r. 544 e. Fourteenth, uDakforb Drugq Qampanyg R. S. OAKFORD, Manager m _

loth Phones No. 204 Pine Ave. and Second Street

Heinph.!!, Ernet M;. rpntirman. P. E. RY., r. 524 e. Fourteenth. Hemphill, Marcus D., r. 524 e. Fourteenth. HIemphill, Samuel K., (Ocean Front Real Estate Co.), r. 547 Elm av. HemnphIlL Zeneo L. Ilneman, P. . Ry., r. 524 e. Fourteenth. Hemry Bros., (R. A. and J. W.), groceries, s. e. cor. 'lwentieth and Paia- dena av. Hemry, James W., (Hemry Bros.), r. s.a Nineteenth, 2d h. e. of Pasa- dena av. Hemry, Kate B., Mrs. r. a. s. Nineteenth, 2d h. e. of Pasadena av. Hemry, Rezien A, (Hemry Bros.), r. s. v. Nineteenth, 2d h. e. of Piaa- dena wv. Henders.on Block, 149-163 Pine av. F Henderson, Don A., pres. Star Lumber and Mill Co., r. 2233 e. First, Henderson, Effie, Miss, r. 130 Pacific av. Henderson, Lewli, r. ,25 . Twentieth. - Henderson, The, Mrs. A. Y. Shea, Mrs. Agnes Gardner, proprs., furnished rooms, 149 Pine av. Hendrickson, Carl D., (Electric Garage), r. 955 American av. Hendricksiui, L. C., Mrs., r. 127 e. Third. Henley, Johnl R, r. 1249 Bishop. Henn, AlvJen, electrician, r. 727 Linden av.



Henn,lVm. F., carpenter, r. 727 Linden av. Hcnnevsey, . J.,. cigars and iubacto, 113 W. Ocean av., r. 'ne Cynthia. Henning, Sadie L., Mrs.. r. 946 Lime av. Hennings, C. M., Mrs., r. 628 v. Second. Hennings, Henrietta, Miss, milliner, r. 628 w. Second. S:: Hennings, Herman, r. 628 wv. Second. C Henningsen, Anna, ,Miss,housekeeper. 2555 e av-vn- Henry, Charles T., r. 1039 Hellman. O 1 Henry,~ John H., carpenter, r. 451 v. Second. ) ,** Hennr, Joseph B., r. s. wv.cort Bennett av. and Anser. Hensley, Helena C.. 'Mrs.. r. xv. s. Oba!spa.;.d I.- .ef A'nfheim. Hepner, Charles, r. 109 e. First. ·i * . Herdman, Everett E., civil engineer, r. 2067 e. First. r ltHerdman, John F., real estate, 115 e. Ocean av., r. 1310 e. Seventh. _ Herdman, Orrie W., student, r. 2057 e. First. Herendeen, Albert N., driver, Harbor Transfer Co., r. 229 Palme's Court. = I Herman, Alma. Mliss, r. 520 Daisy av. _1 ... Herman. Charles E, grocer, 827 e. Fourth, r. 3'6 Atlantic av. Herman. Fr.,-Id W. strdent. r. 620 D-;sy av. =ii . iH-rman: , Henry C., r. 5"0 Daisy av. Hermann, Arthur J., physician, 754 Linden av_ r, same_ Hermnandez, Jose A., plasterer, r. 1426 Elm a,. = . tHel;rH. H., r. 446 w. Sixth. Hrrin,c Arthur, meatcutter, Stuart's Meat Market, r. ,45 Elm av. I*H'-ring, John H., r. 2055 e. Ocean av. . Hersey, Herbert W., (Tribune Job office'), r. 0-o1azard av. HRersey, M. J., Miss, r 8$50 Hazard av. ess, Agnes B., cMiss,clerk, Post Office, r. 535 Golden. }, H.ess, Benjamnin F., carlpenter, r. n. wv. car. Poinsettia ad. and e. Seventh. _.i H$ess, Charles F., rancher, r. n. e. cor. Crescent and Dakota av. 1 / Hess. Enrl E., driver, r. n. wv.cor. Poinsettia. and e Seventh. t 11es1.- .tU.'-":h'.. .r. rL, -23.,r. ;.. Cryecent and Dakota av. IRess. J. C. r. v. a. Linden av., Ist h. n'eof Vttw.ill Hess. Logan, r 11S Pine av. Hess, Neal G.. telegraph operator, S. P. 3 . &-S LZ L , r. n.. cor. r-4 B=ia av. and e. :seventh. Hess, Ottilia B., ,trs., r. 535 Golden. Hess, Violet H., Miss, student, r. n. w eox ; ?paolttias *,d e_. Seventh. H-{')lezer, e G., tal3mAn. -tonat Lumber Ca7 r- S Pef Heston, Ssrnh ., Mra, r. 730 Magnolia Tv. I nurlin, Jeanette, MUs. music teacher, r, 1Iot-i IDa Mlar. flf HexHweston, C. eC, cashier S. P. L A. & gait LAlre jtF, r 'cean Front. 2- R:1 Tit-in.lal Itlad. HeRwig, Wngn S., carp.ntier, r. 4-3 Fifth: Hewish, W. A. driver, Soft Water Launa- Co., r. 125 w..hird. Hewitt. John, proer. Hewitt's Reok Store, r. 1e6 -. Te1: '~c g t lHewltt, Rose A- Mis.-, r. 2067 e. First. HewItt's Bock Store, John H1witt, Prept-' b'ook a. tntoah n, '' z , Pine a~; _bj lvnts Piwa omneste,ol. etrs, rtrf W. cor. Riverside Drive and w. Third C,/ X Hexahedron Mining & Mtiling-ri 5,,j. .t)i4 -ec, -514 Leng BeCh

Hiatt, Levi J., Dr,, r. s. v. cor, 8tate 'ad Temple wv. Hibbard, Clinton X i, t w.W cot., Grft&d Av. ndii;Aer.

FREbD lX2FE PZ SS- oi|eCi California Chocolate & Candy CO. All of oindeiRT ajnaaatotsatie efTosithe fltkW a ihs1ead.wudionA* Iv - Cb,t. Siati and Allmtues Ai*., le>eYa^?&,VlT. Ata'n 471 Home S.T -H1OOVER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.


Hibbard. E. A.. r. w. s. Milra Mar av.. tst h. s. of Anser. iligg;ns, Clarence F., (Higgins Investment Co.), r. 1245 Loma Vista Drive. Higgins Investment Co., (W. F. and C. F.), real esta'e, 216 Pine av. Higgins, James D., gas fitter, Long Beach Gas Ci., r. 434 Walnut av. Higgins, Lafayette S., carpenter, r. 434 Walnut av. Higgins, Lafx¥ette, Jr., helper, Long Beach Gas Co., r. 434 Walnut av. Higgins, Lena, Miss, teacher, Daisy Avenue School, r. 929 Pacific av. Higgins, Oscar S., r. 104T Pacific as. Higgins, Pearl T., Miss, teacher, Alamitos School ,r. 1047 Pacific av.y Higgins, Richard, r.r27 PacifiR av. Higgins. Wnm. T., (Hilggins Investment Co.), r. 1047 Pacific av. High School, David Burchare, principal, American av. and e. Eighth. Hight, J. P., (Hight & Hight), and notary, r. 2037 Railway. Hight, James P., (Hight & Hight), r. 310 Olive av. Hight, Percy, attorney, 403-404 L.ong Beach Bank Bldg., r, n. s. Rallway, ~0 1st h, e, of Wasem. Hight & Hight. (James P. and J. P.), real estate, 137 w. Ocean av. i Phones Home 735. Main 702. 0 (D Higley, Clinton A., r. s. w. cor. State and Oblsp av. v Iligley. Henry H., r. 621 Chestnut aYv. GOOD MERCHIANDISE CHEAP wteof

Iliconmparableval-_ See our advertise- 11cs chatacterize _ ment of wanted I c Thle Fifth Stnret merchandise in to. Store. :::day's papers. :: - i 0&iSm6UEssn mE{DRwS&WIJER -

Hilb'sh, F. M., _MArs., r. 123 e. Fourth. [, Hildebrand, FredTW., r. 529 e. Third. . 5 Hilkey, Charles E., r. 437 Almond av. t HIilkey, James-A., r. 4S7 Almond av. Hill, Addie 2M., Miss, r. n. w. cor. Orange av. and Grant. Hill, Ciarence, r, 12S% e. Third. Hill, ClayhorelKteamster, r. s e. cor. Atlantkic av. and Pennsylvania. Hill, Cora D, Miss, r. 533 W. Sixth. E Hill, Eloise, Mrs. (Stewart & Co.); r. 227 e. Third. I Hill, Jacob J., teacher, r. 1172 e. First. l Hill. James A. P.- teamster, r. 1172 e. Ffirt, Hill John F., r. 533 w. Sixth. t Hill, John F., r. 5333 w. Sixth. s Hill, Lee, carpenter, r. 227 e. Third..L

Iill., Milton M., r. n. w. cor. Orange av; and Grant. Hill, O. D., clerk, E. 1F Fellows, r. 538 Main. Hill, Robert EH., meatcutter A. Moaosco, r. rear 1140 Pacific w Hill, Vance E., salesman, The Cash Store Co., r. s. w..cor. Newport av. and e, Eighth- Iillary, Alfred A., clerk, F. S. Lanning, r. 1411 e. seventh. 1..

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC. COMPANY. LONG- BEACH TENT CITY- FURHESMD-_ HO'uSu - !=TS - COWIZtZ - V0O .* MSKKEUPG Double Roofs, Screen Dooeau4 Wiodow, C;as forCooking and Ligwtif, with Sbower Bath and Sanitary Toilets. ATFOOT OF COLDEN AVE., THR BLOCKS WEST OP HOTE.L VIRG.IXIIA. W . REIDER, Prqp. PHONES: Mails 1, Home 125 Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 _, __ 94 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Co j CL, :E Hillary, Sarah, Miss, dressmaker, r. 454 Linden av. _. U Hillary, Thomas, Janitor, Atlantic School, r. 454 Linden av. Hilliard. Mary A., Mirs., teaoher, Pine Avenue School, r. 1236 Bishop. Q U H1lligas, Blanche, 'Miss, r. 624 Elm av. Hilllgas, Elmer E., r. 624 Elm av. -.g Hills, Leonard B., r. 6111z E. First. Hll 3i Wni. H,, r. 611w e. First. It LQZO Hilton, August H., r. 1452 e. First.- e 0 Hlnckley, M3arle, Miss. clerk, S. A. Schilling Co.. r. 352 Cedar a-. fs -t Hineks, Harvey W.. civil engineer, r. 528 w. Eighth. Hincics, ,Mary A., Mrs., 52S w. Eighth. Hindmarsh, T. Ai,?Mrs., r. 451 Elm ave. (4 Hingley, 'Mary E., Mlrs., r. e. s. Tingling av. 1st Ir. s. of e. Fourth. Hingley Ray H., r. e. s.Tingling av. 1st h. s. of e. Fourth. .4 - Hinman. John W., plumber. T. J..Warner, r. 430 Pine a:. Hinshaw, Wm. E., (Wilmington Realty Co.), r. 667 Seaside til Blvd. Hinton, Blevins T., street cleaner, r. s. e. cor. w. Six:h and Riverside 1-. x Drive. CA2041 Hinton. Charl C'. fseed store,. r. e. co n.. .-..S.he a ide Darn;. H;nton, Earl W., r. s. e. cor. w. Sixth and Riverside Drive. Hinze, Fred, (California Chocolate atnd Candy Co.), r. 611 E. Seventh. Hinze & Weber, (Fred Hinze. F. X. Weber), proprs. California Chocolate ar.. Candy Co., s. e. cor. Sixth and Alamitos av. Hippie, W. B., machine shop. East San Pedro. r. San Pedro. Hirsch, George F., postmaster. r.. 1071 e. First. u, Hilsch, Ruby M., Miss, r. 1071 e. First. Hitchcock, James E., bench hand, Long Beach Sash anti Door C.., r. SO, Hazard. Hitchings, Roscoe W., furnished rooms, 338 Elm av, r. same. Hoag Emelem W., r. S;04 American av. Hoag, Joseph T.. carpenter. P. ?.;. ELoti ny. a Hobble, George C., real estate, r. 130 Pacific av. 1 Hobbie. Georgia E., Miss, r. 130 Pacific av. Hobhble, Raymand S., r. 130 Pacific av. Hoblitt, Frederick, Mrs., r. 845 Magnolia *v. Hobson, Fred E., meat cutter, J. M. Hobeon, r. 539 w. Second. 011 Hobson, H. R., r. Vine. Hobson, J. M., meat market, 5317 w Second, r. 539 w. Second. W" Hockett, Eldon E., plumber, Win. B. McKinley, r. s. . Lemon. 4tn h. e. o. a'alnut av. CAu Hockett, John A, r. 647 Linden av. = 13 H'ekfng, George Edward, r. 121 e. Seventh. Hodel. Ann., Miss, bookkeepel-, F. 930 Locust av. Hodgdon. Marie, Miss, nurse, r. 248 Cedar av. Hodge, Joseph, chef Palace Cate, r. 253 Pine oav. Hodges. L C., Mrs. r 258 e.a 'r. , 9Z Hodson. E. B., engineer Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 617 e. First. .: C.) C Hoffmaa. Archie, pressman, Long t3ach Preas,'r. 2121 e. First. Hoffman. Arthur M1.,r. Hotel Julian. _ _j H-fflman. Calvin L., foreman, The Daily Telegram, r- 2121 e. First. Hlotfman. Cara K., Miss, r. Hotel Julian. a4 Hoffman, D. W., nr Hotel Jullan. Hoffman, E. C., Mrs., ropr Hntel Julian, 45 Cedar av. rM _nme.

Henry J. Pauly Co. The Loose Leaf House Blank Bnoks and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 213-15 Arew igh Sjt.,Les4ng s 70Y N. CARR CO. RNSTRANCINSURANCERENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS EXCHANGES 07 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 95 Hoffman. George H.. clerk, W. A. Edgerton, r. n. s. State, Ist h. w. of C I Orange 'av. i S Hoffman, Joseph, machine hand, Long Beach Sash and Door Co., r. 1164 co e. First. Hofgarden, Hans, (Mira Mar Nursery), r. n. e. cor. Termino av. and e. Tenth. [ofgarden & Falkenhayn, (Hans 3Iofgarden, Arthur Falkenhayn), proprs. Co Mira Mar Nursery, n. e. cor. e. Tenth and Termino av. oge, C. H., & Co., (C. H. Hoge, S. B. Edwards), real estate, 125 e. Ocean av. Ce Hoge, Charles H., (C. H. Hoge & Co.), r. 435 American av. ' st loislngton, .lbert R., collector, Inner HaIrbr Gas & Electric Co., r. 10641 . Chestnut av. Hosington, Olivia M., Miss, r. 106, Chestnut av. Holsington, Wm. V., r. 1064 Chestnut av. Holbrook, George, r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. 0 -Holbrook, James M., blacksmith, Southern California Lumber Co., r. O " Railroad av., Terminal Island. Ra Holcombe, Theron H., r. s. w. cor. Tingling av. and Hechizur av. Holden, David, r. 136j Pine av. IHo.* n, J. M., ph:yic!an, 319-321 LTong Beach Bank Bldg., r. 915 Amer- ican av. Holder, John M., feed and fuel and seeds, 122 e. Third, r. 636 Linden av. H )ldrege, Ella, Mrs., r. 518 w. Second. Holiness Church. n. e. cor. Atlantic av. ahtd Fourth. Holloday, Alvin C., dentist, 401 and 435 First Nat. Bank Bldg., r. The Munholland. 1 Holland, Bertha, Miss, r. 433 Orange av. 1 OQQ --Holland, Ehlos T., r. 433 oange av. Z (O Holland, John A., electrician, r. 625 Almond av. > Holland, Wm. B., r. e. s. Pasadena av., Ist h. s. of Hill. 3 Holland, Wm. L., (L. S. Barnes & Co.), r. 625 Almond av. ) !Hollenbeak. C. M.. Mrs.. r. 707 w, Ocean av. > I Hollnasay R.sisa A.. Miss. r. 1413 Atlantic av. Holloway,. Charles A., building contractor, r. 2275 E. Fourth. Holloway, Clayton L., Rev. r. 1413 Atlantic av. I Z tlollGway, Mlirlam, 3Miss, student, r. 1413 Atlantic av. Holloway, W. H., plumbing, 209 e. Second, r. 1134 e. Tenth. Holmberg, CI. C.. clerk, Atwater & Carl, r. 228 Elm av.. : ~ = Holmes, Ai, hostler ]ay View Livery Stable, r. 234 e. Fourth. 5(.. Holmnes, Albert O., r. 556 Locunst av. s , Holmes, Arthur H., r.'w.a. Ohio av.. Ist h. s. of e. Tenth. o Ns Holmes, Charles 1Y.. r. 1815 F. Fourth. g d ; Holmes, Dura, Mrs. embroidery stamping, r. 236 Magnolia av. .- -, - [Hloilme F. L. & Son, (F. L. and L -), Tarytown on the Pike. Holmes, Frank L., (F. L. Holmes & Son), r. 809 w. Third. o a Holmes, George, carpenter, r. 236 Magnolia av. 3 _ : i Holmes, Jennie M., Miss, r. The Wave-Cirezt. - - Holmes, Leon L., (F. L. Holmes & Son), r. 809 wv.Third. 4 Holmes, M1.J., Mr., r. Tqhe Wave-Crest. =3, Holmes. Nathaniel, architect, r. 236 Magnolia av. C: Holmes, O. Fred, letter carrier, r. 244 e. First. C= Hilmes, Robert S., r, 236 AMagntiio av. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BiG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO, ~4 h~be DUW(ooit 14 pine Rve. Carriesa Select Line of Toilet Soaps, Facial Preparations, Fine Imported and Domestic Perfuumes, Etc. STANDARD D RUG COM PANY 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, MIGR. Prescription a Spcltlty. Fre: Delivcry. Complete Licof Drugs. Sundries Toilekt Articles, Cigrs, Soda TWter,&c. HOME 1008 SUNSE'i 15381 96 LONG BEACH- DIRECTORY.

Holmes, S. C., r. 120 Chestnut a;. LU ifHlmes. Thomas G0., -. 236 Magnolia av. Holroyd, Ivy B., Miss, r. 633 e. Third. Holroyd, Mabel R., Miss, r. 633 e. Third. Holroyd, Samuel, painter, r. 633 e. Third. Holstad, Byron D., captain Steamer Fashion, r. 343 Pine av. IHolt, WV.H.. wholesale fruit and produce, City 3tairket Bid_.. r. :? Lime av. Holton, George WV.,(Rex. Feed Earn), r. 534 Locust. Holton, Jesse S., buokkeeper First Natbrnal Bank, r. 534 Locust av Holton, Lola, ,Miss, teacher Pine Avenue School, r. 2_40 e. First. Holton, M. Edith. Miss, r, 534 Ltcust av. Holton & Cleveland (G. W. Holton, C. H. Cleveland), proprs. Rtx Fted

> .> Barn. 32S e. Fifth. Ce C 1t N


Horsch, E. Ilenr;, real estate, room 6, 11 Pife av., r. 55G Magnolia a-; . Horsley, John F., rancher, r. n. w. cor. Walnut av. and Willow. Horton, George W., gardener, r. 524 w. Fourth. Hortmn, Herbert W., carpenter, r. 718 Walnut av. Horton, Ralph D., reporter, Foote Printing Co., r. 613 w. Third. Hoskins, Alson I., r. e. s. Cherry av. 1st h. s. of e. Fifteenth. Hoskins, Bertram A. (Long.Beach Plumbing 'o.), r, 676 Cerritos av, 0 Hoskins, Homer A., laborer, r. s. s. e. Fifteenth, opp. Stanton Place. H skins, Leon U., rancher, r. s. s. e. Fifteenth, opp. Stanton Place. Hotel Del Mar, W. V. Bartow, propr., n. w. cor. e. Ocean av. and Amer- ican dv. IV Hotel Julian, Mrs. E. C. Hoffman, propr., 45 Cedar av. Hotel Park View, Mrs. J. A. Foote & Co., proprs., 130 Pacific av. Hotel Riviera, Dr. M. A. Shutr. propr., cor. Chestnut av. and w. Second. Hotel Savoy, G. R. and F. W. Browning, proprs., 142-144 Pacific av. E Hotel Virginia, D. 1M.Linnard. manager, w. OceaHn av., cor. Magnolia. Houchln, Vie, Aliss. operator, Pacific Tel. Co., r. 905 Pine av. Houck, Susai, Mhls., r. 126 w. Fifth. Hough, John J., foreman, county roads, r. 627 Orange av. llvughi, Saille B., ,Miss, student, r. 627 Orange &v.. House, E. II., real estate, 132 w. Fifth. House, Grace, Miss, operator, Home Tel. Co., r. 135 e. First. Hjuse, Harry C., ; 1O09 Cedar av. House, Levina C., Mrs., r. 43 Linden av. House, Mildred B., Miss. r. 1069 Cedar av. Houser, W. D., employee Artificial Stone and Brick Co., r. 121 w. Third. Houseworth, George F., bookkeeper, National Bank of Long Beach, r. A 420 e. Seventh. Houseworth, Mary, Mrs., r. 440 w. Ninth. Houseworth, Ruth, Miss, r. 420 e. Seventh. Houx. Henry F., clerk, r.., w, cor, American av. and Hill. Houx, Jesse W., clerk, Jackson's Drug Store, r. s. w. cor. American av. and Hill. Hover, James L, manager Standard Drug Co., r. 134 e. First. Hovey, . '., conductor, P. E, By., r. The Cynthia Annex. Hovey, Guy C., photographer, 26 Pine av., r. Los Angeles. 0 Hovey, Thomas C., mngr., Majestic Skating Rink, r. cor. Seaside Blvd. and Santa Barbara. Howard, Delmar B., musiefan, r. 1642 Appleton. Iloward, Edward L, wholesale butcher, r. s. w. cor. State and Pacific av. S ' 0 Howard, Ella C., Miss, r. 341 Paclfic av. Howard, J. B, (Howard & Moore), r. 109 e. Third. N Howard. Ludfa E., Mrs, r. 1146 Magnolia av. Howard, Tilda, Miss, studenit, r. s. w. cer. State and Pacific ar. 11, ward, Vernia, . s. w. cor. State and Pacific av. a 1Slward & Moore; (J. B. Howard, L. E. Moare), real estate, 217 Pine av. II Ax dle, Charles, clerk, Farmers' Supply House, r. i. e. cor. Temple av.y. and Eliot. l a I1 vwdle. Gertrude M., Miss, r. n. e. cor. Temple av. and Eliot. Ilo(wdle, John T., r. n. e. cor. Temple av. and Eliot. C. Il . (Charles, , cement contractor, r. 2250 Pasadena av. ,')We. Charles ,,, carpenterr, r. 446 Lime av. C Howe. Charles 31., r. 535 Chestnut av. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY.

HOTIEL tJULAN Excelltenly situated near the Ocean, facing Pacific - Park. Special Rata by te Week. : : Mrs. &' C. Ho-fLa -\\.AJWICAN ?LAML MATES: $2.00 teo S250 er Day, Sfaltr'afr 50 Cast 45 C IFAve. tELEPHONE HOXE 3c J. A. Welsenborl H. C Wahr.., GOLDEN STA TE INVESTMENT CO. 14f Pi*JE AV ENUE While lit lle city do not fall to in;estiteourhigh gade City -and Ranch xorpetn.; ECC ;bE A SPECIALTY. Hom '-V-~Jt:RAI CI. -~.'K: 98 r~LO$G ]Ea~CHK DmECTIOIm.

t IHowe. Cornelia, Miss, operator Home Tel. Co,_ r. 446 Lime av. 1'45' _ i Ill.owe, Ethel If, MIss, student, r- S05 Pine ar. jk..s'z j [ Howe, Frank A., vice pres. First NNationai Bank, r. 535 Chestnut av ~,~ 0]'i j[Ifonae Fred. glazer. Long Teah Saebh! and_Door C._ r. 9_22° HB.-. H ' we, G-rore, v^c--p ;LngBz-r&..h SaE . andD· BI ,Co.,r I. -- ...... Howv CSeerg0e W.. groe~r.i. f_ 1'.._.-t.x.· SO 2 .. Howe, H. Walter, Jr, clerk, Andhor Grocer., r. i7a Locust. Howe, Harry emrnpleeeV., ,--g Beach eith MEDuse, r. 1735 Loc,s. HIowe, Jane A., Mrs., r. :936 IPrk Circle. ITH.Ve, Ju!l-- M'-- A e S-- Howe, Lzucius aE.(CHiwe & Friderick). - 33 e. 'Ocean av. 0 Howe, Rena, C. 3fis. teanber. .- 05 Pine ax- Howe. Victor HL f_. building contractor. r. 936 Pairk Circle- ," r s~ llHowe. V. H., building coniraear, r. a _ 2 evada, Ist h. .- ,f A-..e:- kicmL ar. eHow r5 r~ & Frodle, (L. P. SFwir ideVkktt = ,, V r 'rs:.-.'. Howeli,- kranK T.. e,, r. w. s. lemPlae xr%, lt t- n. or e. Yourt-L Howell, Hugh, r. 11n6 e. First.

rU HoHowell,t .. Jr,r- e.:,r. ___ _. o HHowland, Stanley F., princIpal Pine _Arenue School. i. 449 Pine aT. HowV ley, 3. J. sae-nn Yne -ley - est x-. Co T. T.he-Ea=r.. C) Hoxvorth, George, r. n- w-. Ecor, Wlnt av. and tHellnanm o0~ Hoxworth, Ira B- Ila:borer. Inv t,_nr ite- Tmr "a_ ?_ aa- R 113snn l.t h wV.of WValnut ar. Hubbell arrie. Mrs., bokkeeper, E_ W.-Smitho o, v. FiLt. ~ lnHubbell, Emerson B., cement wkc-,t r,. w. -bispo av-, d h. n. ,f \na- m r l helm. r al l FHubbel, 'Mattie J.. Mrs, r. rear 13t.4 L"art ar. Hubbell, Samuel (Anchor Grocerr), r. St Atlantic av. Hubbell. Samuel B., lerk Dleicsono ir. x. 5 Walnut av. _3~_ ubbeii, Siarah Mr. rn [Y Huckans,5 Fannie. Mrs r. e- P Pic *v I .la. f e. Seventh. Huddlestun, Sarah., .-cooxk, _.-S. ~ o _._mA-r.lti' e Third lHudkins, Freal D_ cler_, r. liSO Erp] a.t- UC) Hudkins, Jame W., teamster, r. 1i* jpe~ea sAv Hudkins, Oliver. raneher M_- ..- t. tHudson, Mary. Nlm r. rear UL M21 Hu saon. Oscar, clerk r. 2.5 NagOUaAsT, uff, Dl. Eyman, r. 532 Linden av. iHufft, E. Gertrude. Mi*s propr. )oers T'/ j. rY h1'S Bh.,hP- ~ _ Hiut. Mlelvln B.. physician, 4-,. L}g Beak Bak c8idg- r,,5

First.M It,= Win. F..Pm. princieaL AIamlto Schqoo r. II3 Third luffman, Edwin 'V, bookkeeper later S e DEk .umber Co.. r. 421 Eipetrniza a&. lI,;ff .n.1.J. l., moro:cr.. P. E. R._ r. I41. F be.. lltLnian.Tman -- '~pl-e, r. · l iuflninnn. Bteven H., r. ns 15 . llughtrl, Agnes N. M i ns , e.. --*_ r. 3121 w. Sc'nd

J A M(eftlin. Pie. P. S. Beirt,Vipep _. C ILp- PHONES: Vose3LS.u.3tg. LONG BEACH PAPER &-PAINT CO. Iktusltr iit P:g. ,lod W do.w tla W tSi Pal , Pa i- I. OG BECH. t L. ;Lt t'rryp. A'V~k~'U. "Lo~te stoc=BEACH. Zbe Mrug(t(t 14 PINE AVE. J;* 5 i. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONTG BEACH DIRECTORY /99

Hughes, Charles E., foreman, P. E. Ry., r. n. w. cor. American av. and e. Fourteenth. - Hughes, David, r. 630 Locust av. Hughes, George W., pres. Signal Hill Improvement Co., r. Signal Hill. C Hughes, Hortense, Miss, student, r. 1238 American av. Hughes, Ida D., Mrs., r. 714 e. Fifth. Hughes, J. W., buggy washer City Livery, r. 127 w. First. Hughes, Joseph, salesman, Bartlett Music Co., r. 805 Olive av. Hughes, Matthew, porter, r. 432 Magnolia av. Hughes, May. Miss, r. 806 Chestnut av. Hughes, Millard, horse trainer, r. 519 e. First. Hughes, Oscar G., groceries, 345 w. Eighth, r. 806 Chestnut av. Hughes, Thomas K., pres. Long Beach Grocery Co., r. 807 w. Third. Hughes, Willis R., vice-pres. Signal Halill Improvement Co., r. Luella av., O Signal Hill. Hulbert, Frank C., r. 801 Ohio av. Hulbert, Luella, Miss, r. w. s. Euclid av., ist-h. s. of c. Eighth. Hulbert, Martin S., letter carrier, r. 527 Bonito av. > Hubcrt2, P!!nr.on S,, r. ... Eule!!d Rv 1st h, s. of e. Eighth. Hulce, Sarah A., Mrs., r. 1407 Bishop. _ Hulce, Vernon W., transfer, r. I40T BI!shop. - Hulett, Ilah B., Mn., r. n. s e. Anaheim, 1st h. e. of Redondo av. Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. : MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE Authorizcd A -ntsoef St Lake Route' Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192

Hulin. Ed. r. 1121 Daisy av. ) Hull, George G., carpenter, r. l157 Chestnut av. Hullinger, Lucy W., Mrs, piano teacher, r. 423 Melrose Court. Humphrey, A. G, helper, Fulton Con's-Co., Terminal Island, r. same. Humphrey, Charles 0, r. 936 Cedar av. Humphrey, F3 FP..MrL.. r. 2r1 w. Pacific aTv Humphrey, Fred G., forem , National Lumber Co. r. Rallroad v, Ter- minal Island. Humphrey, , B., Mrm. r. The Cynthia. Humphreys, -A V., vice-pres. Home Mill & Lumber Co, r. 1415 LInden Humphreys, Fred V, r. 1415 Linden av. Humphries, Lucy, -Misse, hairdressing and manicuring. 29 American a., r. same. Hunsaker,. Lawrence J., mchine hand, Long Beach Sash and Door Co. r. 1038 e.-Second, Hunsaker, Sarah B., Mrs., r. 126 e. Nlinth. Hunt, Almira Ei, Mrs, r. 4320 St. Louis av. _ Hunt, John ., general blacksmith and wagon maker, s. e. cor. American av.-and Fourth, r. 825 Olive av. Hunter~,arvey B, r. 249 talnhe. Hunter, John A., r. 249 Maine.

IT PAYS TO- BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. rA.-1>CSON TAILORING' GO. HIGH CLASS TAILORS CLARK, Minqfr. Home'Phone 798 120 Ping Ave. M.A.CLARK.P-.-----. --. r. - L. G. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. .me"#,Sunset4Zl REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS J. W. Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parmley. Snite 4001-2-34, LONG BEACH BANK BLDt.

100 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY__ Hunt,.r Jsneph: r. 447 w. Third. 2 Hunter, Melvin S., employee L. B. Brick Co., r. 1045 Myrtle av. Huntington, Charles E., cashier Citizens' Savings Bank, r. 429 w. Third. M Huntley, Wm. J., painter, r. 329 Pacific av. Hurd, Cylde C., r. The Krosnest. :S Hurd, O. S.. r. The Krosnest. tdC Hurley, C. C., with Long Beach Press, r. 66 Lime av. Hurst, Amy A., Mrs., r. 940 Nebraska av. Hustler Feed Store, The, Walkinshaw & Sedgwick, propr., feed and fuel, 812 E. Seventh. 0 Huston, Fannie. Miss. domestic, 504 Cedar av. Huiuhings, .E30 Joseph, plasterer, r. 410 Elm av. Hutchinson, Luella R., Miss, teacher, Alamitos School, r. 435 American ay. a,: Hutchinson, H. Roberta, Miss, stenographer, r. 232 Daisy av. Hutchisnn, J. O., Mrs., propr., The !!lson, 319 e. Ocean ., . same. QQq. Hnuthisnn, John, r. w. s. Larut av., let h. n. of Railway. ' Iq Hutchison, John E., r. w. s. Larut av., 1st h. n, of Railway. Hutchison, Margaret, Miss, r. w. s. Larut av. 1st h. n. of Railway. Hutchison, Mary H. Miss, r. w. s. Larut av., Ist h. n. of Railway. Hutchison, Robert S., employee San Pedro Lumber Co. r. 232 Dalyv av. Hutchison, Wm, W., real estate, 131 e, First, r. a. w. cor. Densmore antl 0 Coronado av. Z Hutton, Charles N., (Hutton & Shippey), r. 412 w. Fourth. Hutton, Henry, r. 231 w. Pacific av. Huttoh, John W., r. 231 w. Pacific av. HIutton, Maine, jiss, r. 231 w. Pacific av. Hutton & Shippey, (Chas. N. Hutton, M. H. Shippey), real estate, 8 Pine av. Hyde, Albert M., collector, Alamitos Water Co., r. 1136 e. Flrst. Hyde, E. H., Mrs., chiropodist, r. 618 w. Sixth. Q Hyde, Henry W., r. 332 w. Third. .;t Hyde, John W., bench hand, Star LUmber and Mill Co., r. cor. e. Third gz ar.d A!a.- os av. Hyde, W. F., r. v26 Locust av. W- .W,c,) Hyder, J. Tint., r. 243 Locust av. Ix 11 Ideal Bskery, A. Wilkins, propr., 224 Pine aT. Ideal Garment Cleaning Co.. (C. Leyman, Ia M.f B. Lyman), 240 e. a01. Second. Ideal Grocery, The, I. H. .and M. L. Baker, proprs., 437 Pine av. °~X I Illinois House-, D. H. Tucker. propr, urgl rheom, 145 Locust av. o wl iman, Clara C., Mrs., r. 548 w. Sixth. Imlay, Finley H., laborer, r. n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and Myrtle av.- Imperial Carrlge Wvorks, ieo. D. Johnson, propr., 630 e. Fourth C Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hall, n. w. cor- American av. and e Second. Infante, Isbell.'mason, r. 722 w. Second. 9Z Ingmlre, . P., agent, Union Oil Cbo of Cal., r. East San Pedro. I:;;ram, Alexander, r. 1237 e. Third. Ingram, Lillian, Miss, telegraph operator, r. 1237 e. Third. Ingram, Maud, Miss, r. 1237 e. Third. Inman, Clare, Mrs., r. Daisy av. and w. Sixth.

_ W. B. MccRACKEN, Manager . A. GOETZ MAN. Secsaad TreaS HARBOR LUMBER CO. 'OFFICE AND YARD: Cor. Ocean Pad Golde= as. Full LIneof BUILDING NATERIALS and Mill Work. Tel. BeHem Sunset ?= l - Beac-b, Cal. V&Dar -HA R T H O R N' S ught, sold, e. ttwrit, Tel. Ho-----c - i changed orrented. ,I!. Pacific 441. PIANO AND SEWING' MACHINE STORE Tuning and re- %,Rcs.713Pine ae. 2 01 PINE AVE. pairing a special- 1,11.,le Pac.fc 4M ty.PIN BRANCH STORE 646 PineAve., Phone Pacific 2816 ty. :: LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 101 ltirnan, Guy A., real estate and Insurance, 502 Long Beach Bank Bld,, r. 0 435 wv.Fourth. O Inman, Harry H., (Cook & Inman), r. n. s. Anaheim, 1st h. w. of Re- dondo nv. , Inner Harbor Gas & Electric Co., W. B. Redburn, fres.; F. w. S'aarns. secy.; t2eo. H. Marshall, manager, 316 Pine av. Inner Harb:r Land Co., (Inc.), A. M. Goodhue, pres.; John Daly, v ice- pres., B. H. Paul, secy.; G. H. Gaylord, treas.; 108 e. First. Inner Harbor Laundry Co., WV.J. Shrode & Son, proprs., Anaheim ald Daisy av. Inskee;.. Cassius fM., painter, r. 320 American av. Insurance Co., The., 6; North America, 'Walker-Williamfr Realty Co., Agents, 227 Pine av. International Correspondence Schools of Scranton, Pa., C. T. Bright, rep- M resentatfve.. room 20--11 Pine av. tnt.r Stte Dock & Lumber Co., (Inc.), J. H. tobitxsol, Supt., cor. Sec- - ond and Alamitos av. Iowa Steam Dye Works, B. J. Coons, propr., 214 e. First. O Iredell, Charles F., r. 637 w. Ocean av. w Ireland, A. C., pharmacist, Oakford Drug Co., r. 834 e. Ocean av. b Irvin, A, M., Miss. r. 543,j w. Fourth. Irvin, Harry, carpenter, r. rear 134 Locust av. WfI Irvine, MiltoR B.,' office 227 Pine av., r. 1455 e. Second. Long Beach Brick Works RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor

IlF:T OUALITY BUILDING BRICK. PHONES: Ofiee, Home651., orks, Home 200

Irvine, Milton H., chairman, city engineer, r. 1455 e. Second. Irvine, Norman L., r. 16b te. ietrId. Irvine. Ruby M., Miss, r. 1ii5 e. Second. i Irwin, F. P., machinIst, r. 711 e. Third. ' Irwin, Silas ., (E. L, Covert & Co.), r, 1230 Jeule av. Irwin, Walter A., are trimmer, Edison Electric Co., r. 514 Elm aY. Isaacs, G, Webber, commercial traveler, r. 1165 Pacific av. Isaacs, J. Webbe, merhaut iitorF, 13 Pine -=, r. 115 ]Pacific av.. Isgrtgg. Elisabeth D., Miss, r. n.'e. cor. Carrollton ar. anrd Junlpero av. 9srael, R. 3., dry goodsa 305 Pine av., r. 227 Linden av. i lunker, -Charles A., r. wv. . Euclid av., isf h. .-of Vsta. i . Ivy, DOra Misa. asst. libirlaii, Puble Library, r. 253 Magnolia av. Izenour, Madge, Miss, nurse, LDong Beach Hospital .41s'k, t.same. J 1 Jackson, Andrew, real -state, 112S e. First, r. same. Jackson, Charles L., electrician, r. s. e. cor. Grange av. aii .Z1I. Jackson, Cordelia M., Mrs., r. 222 e. Anaheim. Jackson, E. H., propr., Jackson's Drug- Store,F r 222 e. Anaheim. Jackson, E,, & Company, (E. & J. H. Jackson), bakery, 2566 e. Eighth.


Electrirk Wirvig, Motors uxi Fixtre. Phe Hoe 30, SUMset 15F lElectrical' Siuppi & fixture Co. t120-22 E. FPst Streat, LOW h k&,tA7. FRED HINZE Phones: Home 3)4, Pacific 311( California Chocolate b Candy Co. All our goods are made from the purest materials and will be fnnd healthful as well as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos are., Long Ieach, Cal.

102 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY F? Jackson, Emmet L., plumber, r. 1048 Atlantic av. Jackson, Everet, (E. Jackson & Co.). r. 1425 Elm av. Jackson. Florencae .; M!ss, r. 445 Cedar a-v Jackson, Hiram W., r. 445 Cedar av. Jackson, John H., (E. Jackson & Co.), r. 1425 Elm av. Jackson Park Land Co., J. F. Avery, pres., Geo. T. Marston, secy.; qi!9 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Jackson. Rowland H., asst, city clerk, r. 225 c. Tenth. Jackson's Drug Store, E. H. Jackson. propr,, Phones, Pacific 23; Ho:ne 2; la9 P;ne av. l-- Jacobs, Emidio F., musician, r. rear 335 Linden av. E Jacobs, George WV., painter. r. 52 Elm av. James, E. A., Mrs., propr. The McCullough, 118 Pine av., r. same. N8 James, George G., r. 118 Pine av. James. Homer C.. operator, Edlimo, Electric Co.. r, 790 Lomna Vista Drive. James, Ivadelle, Miss, r. 790 Loma Vista Drive. James, Joseph, r. 1221 Appleton. James, Orlando G., r. 118 Pine av. James, Robert, r. .18SPine nar. James, S. P., laborer, Long Beach Gas Co., r. 790 Loma VIsta Drive. Janes. Ida, Miss, employee, Model Laundry, r. 448 w. Eighth. Janes, Maria, Miss. r409r. w. Spennd. Janssen, Haddo, r. 850 Pacific av. Japanese House Cleaning Co. and Employment Office, Noah . Ogawxn, prapr., z23z Amierican av. Copyrights Japanese ToGo House Cleaning Co. and Emptoyment Office, James Trademarks Nakagawa, propr., 216 Elm av. Labels Jappay, Oscar V., r. 431 Olive av. Jaques Bros. .(L. H. and H. A.), propr., City Mcat Market, 114-116 Ch tj Pine av. ; Jaques, Harry A., (Jaques Bros), r. 403 w. Sixth. Jaques, Jane, Mrs., r. 727 Pine av.. uLL W Jaques, Louis H., (Jaques Bros.), r. 311 Pine. C CP Jaques, Louis H., solfcitor City Meat Martet, r. 311 Pine av. Jnques, Pluma 3.. Miss., r. 311 Pine av. Jaque, ThumasP ., fruits aind vegetablea, 114-116 Pine av, r. 838 Pa- w> XcC cfic av. UO-f Jaqulh, Nelson B., r. 329 e. Eightl.n f (~ Jarvis B, (C. C. Lord & Co.), r. Pandena, Cal. = i Jeffers, W. A. Mrs., delicaies. 405 w.'Seeond.. r. 915 Chestnut ar. jun1 ~ Jeffers. Wim. A., bakery, r. 915 Chestnut &ar. Jefferson Fire Ins. Co. of PhiL, George W. Smith & eo., agents, 404 First H* Nati.1 Bank Bldg Jennett, D. H., r. 524 Cerritos av. ,-O, Jea.ng, Cruss B., teamster, Crescent Oil Co., r. 1447 Elm av. V . Jennings, Archibald B, meat market, 648 Pine a&., r. 1070 Pine av. ~' t! rJennings, Jasper N., engineer, r. 211 Magnolia av. Jennison, Charles H., real estate, r. s. e. cor. E. Fourth and Ximeno av- _U .! 3 Jensen, Lena. Mrs., r. 1616 Atlantic av. i Jensen, Mark, r. 71 Lime av. Jensen, Oscar, boat buildrr. Fellow_ *ychtand Marine Construction Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. bU.?)I Jensen, Warren C., asst. Long Beach Veterinary Hospital, r. 1616 Atllan- tic Ave.

DROY NOTR AnREAL ESTATE OYN.CARR ORENTALSINSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 107 AMERICAN AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES ,. Townsend. Pres. C. P. Van de Water, Vice Pres. B. P. Dayman, Secy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATEl A General Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Phoneu Home 86, Sunset 91 Large Tracts in Mexico 125 EAST FIRST STREET

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 103 Jerman, Sarah M., osteopathic physician, 1098 Pine av., r. same. M Jirman, WVm. L., physician, 1098 Pine av., r same. essen, Arnoid H., aaehlnir.lst;. & P.. -. rag,_ r. 105 W. Second. O Jewell, A. C., Mrs., r. 224 Magnolia av. Jewell, Charles A., clerk, Post Office, r. 253 Elm av. JewcIl, Edna, Miss. r. 224 Magnolia av, Jewell, Emily R., Mrs., r. 253 Elm av. Je&well, Flora M., Miss., r. 221 MagnetIla arv. Jewell, Fred H., building contractor. r. 1030 Newport ar. Jewell, George, hosemar:, Long Beaclr Fire Dep.,, r. Engine House. Jewell, Richard L., Janitor, r. 238 Golden. ' c i) Jewett, James H., Mrs., r. 343 Chestinut av. Al Jewett, P. S., teamster, r. 429 w. Eighth. m J!lls11n, Charles M.. carpenter, r. w. s. Pasadena av., 4th h. s. of Hill. _ C) .' JiiiisoA. N. Stanley, arcfhitect, r. w. s. Pine av., 2d h. n. of Slxteenth. 2 . (- John, Edw;in M., clerk, San Pedro Lumber Co., r. 243 Atlantilc av. John, John, r. 33T Locust av. 2 Johnson, A. F., driver, Star Livery & Transfer Co., r. 440 W. Second. ° z J Jhns n, Albert, clerk School Boardt r. 3-5 w. Fourth. - ., i Johnson. Andrew A., blaeksmith, r. 421 Chestnut av. : Johnson, Anna M., Miss, milllner, r. 1413 Elm a. . Johnson, Annie L., Mrs., r. n. e. Arabella 1st h. e. of American, av. C Johnson, Anton, r. 925 Elm av. Johnson, Arfilur 13., r;,v., pastor Alamitos Park M. E. Church, r. s. w. cor. Eliot and Wasem av. > Johnson, Charles E., carpenter, r. 429 e. Third. a Johnson, Charles N (Johnson-Shields Auto Co.), r. 109 e. Third. R OQ Johnson, Clara, Miss, r. e .s. Temple av. Ist h. n. of Helena. Z Johnson, Clarence B., carpenter, r. e0 e. SevAnth. Johnson, E. 3'., Mrs., delicacies, 440 w. Second. Johnson. Edward, carpenter, r. 337 w. Third. 0 Johnson, Edwin i., ;unitk ,'a. 2 ank _f TLoru Beaeh, r. 813 Cedar av. Johnson, Elff, r. n. w. cor. Chestnut av. and Sixteenth. Johnson, Emma B., Mrs., r. e. s. Temple av. Ist h. n. of Helena Johnson, Emma L, Miss, r. 225 W. Fourth.' o ! Johnson, Flora, Miss, cook, 505 w. Ocean av. ni=r Johnson, Francis ., r. 46 Pine av. ° ; Johnson, FtankLR. ag. N. . Lfe Ins. Co., r. 1348 Rallway. * i Johnson, Fred A.. mining engcticr r. a42 e. Fourth. D Johnson, Fred W. baker. 344 Pe av., r. 211 Magnolia ar. , Johnson, George D, prop. Imperial Carriage Wks., r. 519 American av. j Johnson, teorme D.; carraige painter, r, 464 . Nint. aNinth. Johnson. H. C, H., Mrs., hristian Sc:ence praetittoner, r. 323 Cedar av a= Johnson, Harrison W., real estate and ins., 147 American aY,, r. 234 w. td ° Fourth. ¢* *a Johnson, Henry M., r. e. s. Vine av. 1st h. p. of State. Johnson, Lawrence, r. 434 w. Second. 5, :o Johnson, Leithan J., carpenter, r. 832 e. Sixth. g .B 5 Johnson. Leon F., rancher, r. e. a. Vine av. Ist h. n. of State. I o m 3 Johnson, Louis' porter r. rear 711 Media. Johnson, Minnie, Miss, r. a. w. cor. e. Tenth and Olive a¥v. ;- -'

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. E X. McALISTER., Maner PNoE, NOME 14 Tbe Mc tister MIusic Compan bDelersin Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Pictures, Frames, Mouldings, Etc. ELECTRO PLATlIG t"s EAST THIRD STREET SINO MALCOM E. A. MALCOM Phones: Home 74 I. Pacific 1611 CITY DYE WORKSo236 PINE AVENUE Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty


Johnson, Olive, Miss, domestic, 641 Cedar av. Johnson, Peter, r. 925 Elm av. Johnson, Peter, Jr., r. s. w. cor. e. Seventeenth and Olive av. Johnson, Rielard M., laborer, r. w. s. Euclid av. 2nd h. ,. o, Anialheiit. Johnson-Shields Auto Co. (C. N. Johnson, W. F. Shields), Phones, Home 885, Paclfic 2231, 230 Pacific av. Johnson, Susan, Mrs., r. 1234 Locust av. 4Johnson, Ulysses, laborer, r. 1Z34 Locust av. 1Q0 Johnson, Vera, Miss, r. e. s. Vine av. 1st h. n. of State. * 4 Johnson, IV. J., Mrs., furnished rooms, 154 Locust av., r. same. Johnson, rnm. J., pressman, r. 154 Locust av. Johnson, WVm. N., carpenter, r. 1473 Elm av. Johnston, James, r. 615 Cherry av. ~"'1 Johnston, S. Dell, pastor United Presbyterian Church, r. 620 e. Fifth. Q iJohnston, Sophia, Miss, r. 311 Walnut. Johnstone, Mary E., Miss, r. 1868 e. Seventh. jta Joins, Henry, cement worker, r. w. s. Ajai av. 2nd h. s. of Eliot. Jolley, Ella M., Miss, student, r. 233 e, Tenth. OJolley, Oscar J., r. 233 e. Tenth. 3JA;Iy, Paris C., d;lr¥ei, r. s. s. Anlahim znd h. w. of Cherry av. Cts \ Jones, Albert, r. 1227 e. Third. Jones, Anna M., Miss, r. 707 w. Ocean av. Jones, Charles, pile driver, r. 329 Court Drive. k ~ Jones, Charles C., porter, r. 946 Lime av. * _} ;} Jones. Clara, Miss, r. 430 e. Sixteenth. Jones, David, stationary engineer, r. 250% e. Second. Jones, Edward M., repairer L. B. Auto Co., r. 149 Pine av. Jones, Elizabeth A., Miss, student, r. 430 e. Sixteenth. Jones, Etta, Miss, r. 434 e. Fourth. To-:C, Ezr=, cement contractor, r. 30: Alalmltos ai. Jones, Frank 8., mgr. Cal. Rubber Co., r. rear 248 Elm av. Q Jones, George G.. r. 113 e. First. 2 "< Jone-, Hazel N., Miss, clerk C. B. lDudderar, r. w. a. Pasadena av. 3rd h. _c n. of Willows. Jones, Hugh, r. 225 w. Seventh. Jones, Ida, Mrs., furnished rooms, 250% e. Second, r. same. 02 Jones, Ida M. Miss. employee Model Laundry, r. 448 w. Eighth. C)Iones, John E., employee City Water Co., r. a. w. cor. Eliot and Temple av. Jones, John Phillip, teamster, r. 1028 Atlantic av. Jones, Jonah, real estate, r. a. e. cor. Orange av. and HilL Jones, Lorlng KI, 'tarrytown, r. 745 w. Ocean av. Jones, Martha, Mrs., r. 905 Atlantic av, 0 Jones. Mary E., Miss, teacher Heald's L. B. Business Collelge, r. 225 W. sefellill. O Jones. Mary EL, Mrso, r. 129 2Magnolia.ay. Jones, Minnie C., Miss, r. s. w. cor. e. Fourteenth and Orange aY.. Jones, Nellie M., Miss, collector ,. B. Press, r. 1025 Appleton. Jones, Nora, Mrs., r. 935 YWashington. Jones, Norman L. (L. 11. Realty Co.), r. 509 Pine av. Jottes, Oliver H,, conductor P. E. Ry., r. 427 Melrose Court. Jones, Otha M., r. 253 Pine av. Jones, Paul F.. r. s. e. cor. Orange av. and Hill.



Jones, R. Thomas, repairer L. B. Auto Co., r. 345 Atlantic av. Jones, Robert B., driver, r. e. s. Walnut av. 2nd h. s. of Fifteenth. Jones, S. J., Mrs.. artist, r. 434 e. First. Jones, Samuel S., mechanic, r. 225 e. Saventh. Jones, Sarah D., Mrs., r. 253 Pine av. Jones, Selma, Miss, printer The Daily Telegram, r. 635 Pacific av. J3nes, Thomas-N., Inborer P. F,. Ry., r. 448 w. Eighth. . Jones, TiryWH., r w. s. Pasadena av. 2rd h.n. of Willow. Jones W. Harriman, physician and City Health Officer, rooms 1 to 5, 131 Pine av., r. 2555 e. Ocean av. w Jones, Wsm., meat cutter, City Meat Market, k. 130 vw. First. Jones, Win. M., employee P. E. Ry., r. 430 e. Sixteenth. Jordan, Charles R., brass molder, r. 241 e. Fifth. Jordan, ElizabethL A.. Mrs., r. 1420 e. Fourth. Inrdan,· armtr W.. r. n. e. cor. e. Seventh and Walnut. Jordan, Jennie, Mrs., .r. 236 Elm av. Jordan, Tyler C., sec'y L. B. and Ariz. Mining Co., r. n. e. cor. Seventh and Walnut av. Jorgensen, Jennie, Miss, dressmaker, 135 e. Ocean av., r. same. Jorgeson, Joseph, ordiealnan .,Cal. LumbaP Co., r Fourth, Terminal Is- land. Josleyn, Wm. H., teamster, r. 1027 Lewis. tbe' .Cntbia /| ¢ntbia Rnnex Bost modern apartment house in South- II Nw two-story brick building adjoining A ern Califoruia. Contains 24 four.room the Cynthia, containing suites of four, Apartme.;:s, all elegantly furnished. All three and two rooms. a *1itl as single steam heated'during winter months. I soms. ALL STEAM HEATED. EAST OCEAN AVENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S Joy, Edith, Miss, r. 537 Elm av. Joy, Walter i, cornice ulnking and f..ac and tile r.tin 3240 Plne . Z av., r. 535 Elm av. Joyce, Wmn. It, vlee-pres. L. B. Milling C.o, r, Los Angeles. Judson, Maude, Mrs., teacher Daisy Avenue School, r. 654 Atlantic av.y . Judson, V. D, r. 758 Cerritos av. Julian, Ediird. r, r4Z Cedar av. O Julian. Hotel Mrs. E. C. Hoffman, prop., 45 Cedar av.y Julian, M. 8, Mrs, r 543 Cedar av. Julian, Will B., ast, cashier Citizens Savings Bank, r. 438 w. FourtUh,L Junod, Flora, MIss,r. *25 a. Ninth. Junod, Gusatve L, furnished rooms, 42e0 Pacific av., r. 325 e. Ninth. - - Junod, Minnie, Miss, clerk. r. 325 e, Ninth. Jutson, Herbert (McCutchen's Book Store), r. 117 w. Fifth.

Kading. Adam G., salesman Cal. Chocolate & Candy Co., r. S. e. cor. m Jessie av. and Hill. Kading, Louis G., Jr., teacher Heald's L. B. Business College, r. e. . Lime av. 1st h. e. of Hill. tl tm IT PAYS TO BUIV OF THE ,aGHOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want 'the gas tured on call the Edison Electric Company. The pures s in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. -Corner Second-Street. and Pine Avenue. J. A. Weisenborn H. C. Waugihjp GOLDEN STATE INV ESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investigate our High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXClhAN(GES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone t, Long Bech, Cal., 106 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Kading, Louis G., r. s. e. cor. Jessie av. and Hill. Kain Bros. (L. R. and G. H.), groceries, 134 w. Second. frt RKain, George H. (Kain Bros.), r. 225 Chestnut av. Q Kain, L. R., Mlrs., clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 321 w. Second. Kain, Leavitte R. (Kain Bros.), r. 321 w. Second. .- i e., 1V S. :: s.E. er. E!nden n-r anr e .h Kanagy, Alice, Miss. r. 427 Chestnt; av. Kane, Ellen, Mrs.. clerk Fancy Bakery, r. 134 Locust av. Kaithne, Gertrude A., Miss, teacher St. AInthony School, r. Los Angeles. Kanoff, hMeritt A. (Anchor Grocery), and pr~p. White House BEaktr;. L. 33 Elm av. Kanoff & Hubbell (M. A. Kanoff, S. Hubbell, prop. Anchor Grocery, I401 e. First. :O Kanouse, Lucy H., Mrs.. r. 27 Hermosa av. U 0 Kanqw, Frank, art store, on the Pike, r. 349 e. Third. Kapp, Geo. F., sec'y L. B. Roller Co., r. 628 Pine av. O Kaulfman. Thomas, cook Royal Cafe, r. 109 w. Ocean av. Kavanaugh, Duke. Mrs.% r. t122 Lime av: Keagy, James A., clerk Edison Gas & Elec. Co., r. 310 e. Third. lr_= Kean, J. Ml., mgr. The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., r. The Riviera. Kean, P. J., collector Edlion Eie. Co., r. The Riviera Keath, Edgar V, r. 130 Pacific av . Keays, Mark, r. 807 w. Third. 4.,;) Keener, Calvin S., carpenter, r. 1277 Bishop. w C Keeney, Louis, night watchman First Nat'l Bank, r. 137 Pine av. Keintz, Elizabeth, Miss, r. 125 w. Third. Keipp Bros, (V, L. and M. E.), proprs. Up-to-date Barber Shp., 110 e. _PEW First. Keipp, A. Edward (Keipp Brs.), r. 121 Linden av. !t -Keipp, Vern L. (Keipp Bros.). r. 1336 Elm av. Keiser, Leander E., plasterer, r. 310 Esperanza av. 4lw Keith, David, r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. h, Keith, Fanny L., Mrs., r. 543 Melrose Court. v _ Keith, J. AV, Mrs., r. 426 Daisy av. VKeithley, Arthur W., employee L. B. Brick Co., r. 850 Orange av. 0t /) Kelleher, Michael, civil engineer, r. 619 w. Second. bom 4 Kellenberger, Emma, Mrs., r. 1064 e. Fourth. Kellenberger. Harrison. r. 1064 e. Fourth. tKeller, Carl, r. 344 Magnolia av. Keller, Clara IM., Mrs., r. s.. Vi.ew 2nid hi. . of Atlantic av. Keller, Joseph, hostler City Livery, r. 137 Pine av. o;ocl) Keller. Josle A., Mrs.. r. w. s. Temple 2nd h, a. of e. Seventh. 0 Keller, P. W., dentist, 38 Pine av., r. 327 e. Ocean av Keller, lWn. H., confetetiier- e. s. Redondo av-. 2nd h. s. of Anaheim, r. n. s. Anaheim opp. Brownie Drive. Kelley, Abraham W., driver, r.-628 Daisy av. Kelley.YMartha, 'Mrs., clerk The Whitehouse Bakery, r. 522 e. First. Kelley, Walter, teamster, r. 536 Golden av. Keliey. Winford W.. r. 628 Daisy av. KetIogg, Charles E. (L. B. Realty Co.), r. t13 w. Fourth. Kellogg, John E.. groceries, 537 American av., r. same. Kellogg, Smith WY., r. n. w. cor. e. Seventh and Garfield ar. The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE' ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE DRUG S 3JACKSON'SPINE AVENUE 3JAMXSON'S DRUG3U S STORE Phones:.Home 25, Sunset 23 ::· - :: :: Prescriptions Filled Right :: : ::


Kellum, Mary W., Mrs., r. w. s. Pasadena av. 2nd h s of Hill Kellum, W J.. groceries. postmaster Burnett P. 0O.and agt. Wells Fargo Express, w. s. California av. opp. Burnett, r. same. Kelly, Bert H., bookkeeper San Pedro Lumber Co., r. 902 Appleton. Kelly, Clayton M., rancher, r. n. w. cor. Walnut av. and Burnett. Keliy, Jnemwe R., teamster, r. 61f9 Pine av. Kelly, Lillie F., Miss, r. rear 335 Linden av. Kelly, Louis J., carpenter, r. 305 Chestnut av. Kelly, Mariha, Mrs. r. 522 e. First. Kelly, Miriam O., Mrs., r. n. w. cor. Walnut av. and Burnett. Kelsea, Fred M., carpenter, r. 122 w. Stanwood. Kelso, Otis A., architect, r. s. s. e. Seventh 2nd h. e. of Rose av. * Kelso, Ottis, nurse, 746 Chestnut av. Kelsy, Charles, Mrs., r. 120 Chesinui aV. Kempley, John F. (Kempley & Dorsett), r. 344 Golden. Kempley & Dorsett (J. F. Kempley, O. E. Dorsett), horseshoers and blacksmiths, 125 e. Fourth. Kendall, idgswr 1. attorney. r. 706 Pacific av. Kendall, Edward, r. 250 e. Sixth., Kendall, Evangeline, Miss, student, r. 253 Magnolia av. Kendall, J. M., building contractor, r. 825 e. Eighth. Kendall Lillian V. Miss, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 253 Magnolia av. '®altfnri'rug urzmpaunm R. S. OAXFORD, Hanager M "1fttlbihfs Uw l*a" -th Fiipunec Zo. 2C4t Pine Ave. and Second Stret a

Kendall, Sydney C., Mrs., r. 253 Magnolia av. Kendig, B. F., r. 515 Daisy av. Kendig, Kate, Mrs., r. 1910 e. Second. Kendig, Wm.., anitor Daisy Avenue School, r. 1910 e. Second. Keniston, Arthur H., r. 127 e. Tenth. Kennard, Frank-F., r. 253 Magnolia av. Kennebec Apartments, The, H. W. Spratt, mgr., 134 w. First. Kennebec Building, s. e. cor. Pacific av. and First. Kennedy. Alexander, r. 359 e. Seventeenth. Kennedy, Bert (Kennedy Br-.), r. Cucamonga, Cal. Kennedy Bros. (Keith and Bert), grocers, 1084 Atlantic av. Kennedy, Edmund A., r. e. s. Winnee Place 1st h. n. of Eliot. Kennedy, Edward L, prop. Penny Arcade, r. 453 Chestnut av. Kennedy, John P., supt. con. work, r. e. s. Winnepeg Place 1st h. n. of Elilot. Kennedy, Jessie J., Mrs., r. 832 Daisy a. Kennedy. Keith (Kennedy Bros.), r. 539 e. Stanwood av. Kennedy, Leon A., clerk Kain. Bros., r. s. w. cor. Sixteenth and Locust. Kenneldy, Lisle J.,r. 453 Cheslnut avr. Kennedy, Silas E., r. 329 w. Fifth. Kennedy, W. A., cashier First Nat'l Bank, r. 545 Maine.


Kenner, John H., r. 421 Atlantic av. Kenlney, Hattie A., Miss, r. 347 w. Ter.th. a Kenney, Orcial, Mrs.. modiste, 33 American av., r. same. _i! o Kent, John E., clerk L. B. Grocery Co., r. 492 Almond av. Keintley, John, r. 905 w. Third. I=tlt-Xcnyon, re*.wstri- C., *. 2133 e. First. Kenyon, Mlerton L., salesman Naples Con. Co., r. 417 e. First. Kerr, Cally, r. 540 Descanso av. Kerr, J. M., recelving teller First 'tijt Bank . 4i4 w. Seventh. Kerr, Roscoo, clerk, r. s. s. e. Seventh 2nd h. w. . Kerr, of Temple av. Roscoe R., cleric S. A. Schilling, Co., r. 328 Kersting, lm. Elm av. A., r. e. s. Linden av. 2nd h. n. of Willow . I Kervin, George. muslelan, r. :!0 Keshishian, v:. .oh!r M. G., prop. The O. K. Shoe Shop, Kessler, r. 648 w. Fourth. John F., musieian, r. 56 Lime av. E .. Ketcherside, H. V., sec'y apd gen. mgr, L, B. Water Co., r. 1137 C.Furth. _4f0 Ketterlng. Roy P., baker A. J. Swingle. r. 129 a, Reonnd. ,,e ... Keyser, Chas. F., electrician Elec. Suppply & Kidwell, Fixture Co., r. 135 Elm av. Anna M., Miss, student, r. 't07 i. Ocean Kidwell. av, Eliza M.. Mrs.. r. 707 w. Ocean vn. Kiff, 0. Frank, postmaster Term*nal Island P. O., Island Bath House, and mgr. Terminal r. Ocean Front at Pier, 'Termina! lqland. Kiger, Richard, r. 1245 Bishop. 4Q II Knight, Mary T., Mrs., r. 120 Chestnut av, Si))ti gKilborne, Ira B., Rev., r. 137 w. Sixth. K. Killam. James A., machinist B. & -11k R. Garage, r. cor. Daisy and w. Setrnd Kilpatrick, Frank, student. r. 427 e. Stanwood. 1itZ Kiman, Lillie L., Miss, clerk Past Office, r. 1325 Appleton. Kimball Florence, Miss, teacher High SchcoL. r. 521 e. Ocean aY. KEhinbaL Imneene A. Mr., r. ZG; wu Fai. Kimball, P. L., Dr., r. 130 Pacific av. rt. Kimball. R. F., r. Atlantic av. near e. Fourth. Kimble, IBlanche, Miss, r. 545 Pacific av. Klmble, EL J, Mrs.; r. 545 Pacific av. Kimmel, Ray C., letter carrier, r. 145 e. Second. Klider, Adella Stimson, Mrs. scalp slechilst, 416 L. B Bank Bldg., samne. r. King, Alice. Miss, r. 135 e. Fifth. King, Charles CharlesC., r. Orange av. be Anaheim and Jupiter. King, Charles E., clerk, r. 227 Anmerican ar. King, I4a M., Mrs., r. 2C1 w. Fourth. King. Joseph. laborer San Pedro Lumber Co.. r. 222 Atlantic av. King, Ma E, Miss, clerk Southern CaL King, Music Co., r. 231 e. 'ourte..... Mary C, Mrs., r. 347 w. Third. ' King. Rebecea J., Mrs., r. 60i American av King, Robert E., electrician. r. 252 Chestnut King, Robert av, V., clerk, H. E. Smith, r. 127 e. First. King, Ruby M. Miss. r. 221 wv. f'ourthr. _ Kilng, Thomas, cement worker, r, 324 Magnolia axv, King, 'rem., clerk W. F. Pascoe, r. 328 Pine av. C;: 'King, Walter V., music teacher, King, r. n. * eor. e. Tenth and Orange a¢. WIm. F., electrician, r. 625 Cerritos av.. Kingeade, Ida, Miss, r. 720 American ar.

FRED HIIZE PEOXES: HNow 3W, Pacific "Itb California Chocolate & Candy-Co. All of onrgoods a.e n4 fromthePurest lMaterialsai wil beforaed hegfit.l as well asdeliido- Cor. E. Sixth and Alamiton Avre.I,Wgles, Cal . tail471 Rome t3 HOOVER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115- 119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : - : LONG BEACH, CAL.


Kingade. Russell, r. 720 American av. 0 Kingeande, Waltcr, r. 720 American av. Kingdon, Isaac M., r. 1210 e.'Fourth. Kingman, Emmerette. Mrs.. r. 331 Atlantic av. Kingore, Charlotte B.-, Miss, violin teacher, 234% e, Pacific av.. r. same. l le KIngore, H. rant, prop. L. B. Mus Co., r. 223 % e. Pacific av. ' Kinman, Ada, Miss, collector F'oote Printing Co., r. 1325 Appleton. {Kinman, Jessie, Missr r. 1325 Appleton. Kitnman, Lillie, 'Miss, clerk. r. 1326 Appleton. HKinman, Lloyd, r. 1325 Appleton. . 3Kinman, Olive A., Mrs., r. 1325 Appleton. .. . IKinnear, Frank D., laborer, r. 432 St. Louis av. _ ='nnear, Certrude, Miss, r. 433 St. Loui, av. Kinnear, Lydia J., Mrs.. r. 432 St. Louis ai. w Kintzley, Eugene S., carpenter, r. 743 w. Third. t Kintzley, Joseph A., carpenter, r. 427 w. Eleventh. Z tKinzie. Agnes, Mrs., millinery, 208 Pine av., r. 222 w. Sixth. Kinzie, Charles, biuiding contracter, r. 2"3 w. SI..i (. Kirby, Ralph, laundryman L. B. Path House, r. 345 e. Third. Kirby, W. B., blacksmith Imperial Carriage Wks., r. 632%j e. Fourth. [GOOD MERCHANDISE CHEMAP ,

Incomparable val- un-See our advertise. _ u e s characterize ermn t of wanted The Fi~th Strct merchandise in to- " i ^ Stu.. - :: : fday's pape r. ::

uF105a.Su& 5s uii- - - - Kirk, Abel D., r. 453 Linden av. 0 [ Kirkendall, Samuel W., r. 624 W. Fifth. Kirkpatrick, Alma C., rancher, r. n. w. cor. Walnut av. and Crescent. Kirkpatrick, zEwin L., student, r. 217 e. Sixth. Kirkpatrick, Evallne, Mrs, r. 135 w. Second. Kirkpatrick, Jcsse A., carpenter, r. 21? e. Sixilh. Kirkpatrick, Leland K. carpenter, r. 1314 Appleton. Kirkpatrick, M. P., photographer S. V. Bacon, r. 857 Pine av. { { Kirks. James W., r. I10 e, Seventb. a Kirkwood, Anna B., Miss, clerk The Leader, r. 453 w. Seventh. I F Kirkwood, Charles T.: r. 453 w. Seventh. Kirkwood, Cora L. (Glen Burnie Hotel), r. Third and Railroad, Terminal Jsland.- Kirsher, Casper,. r. 526 Elm at', Kitchin, Frances , Mip, prop. The Louise, 305 w. Send, r.r- eme.. Kiltching.Roy E-, operator Edison Gis t7ks., r. 790 Loma Vista Drive. Kitto, Samuel (Star Livery & Transfer Co.), r. 232 Atlantic av. Klages, Henry, r. D33 ;s, Eighth. Klaproth, Alice, Mrs., employee The Mercantile Co., r. 134 e. First. iapruoth, Henry L, letter cerrier. r. 134-e. First. Klecker, Earl W.. miner, r. 76, Orange av. .

A. B. CHAIE PIANOS ARE BEST-DARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BEACH TENT CITY MumS"t -'ii0usw - COMPL.Tt - VOl . _owtsKnG Double RoofvsjreSe Doot aud Windows, Gas for Coolg ad ghti, with Shower Bith and Sanitary / Toiets AT FOOT O CGOLDE ATVE, THBREE BLOCKS WgST OPHOTEG VIRGC1rA. U.Hl. MIX, PropHR10Pw Pzo0XXDEim 1*4 eu Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 114) . LONG BEACH DIRECTORY h-"4CO _i s 4U Klecker, Frank, r. 769 Orange av. Klein. Louis G.. cement contractor, r. n. e. cor. e. Seventh and Loma av. _5, ' , UM Kline, Perry A., batber 138 e. Second, r. 755 Cerritos av. Klein, Sophia L.. Miss, dressmaker, r. 445 e. Fourth. KlHne, Edward, painter, r. s. a. Mahasks 1tst h. . of Orange av. ".$ Kling. David C., mining, r. 1055 Magnolia av. KIussman, George. machinist I., 1, Atto Co, r. 543% American av. Knaak, Louis F., r. 611 w. Fifth. ;e ^ Knapp. Ida. Mrs.. r. s. . Twenty-first 3rd h. e. of American av. t, t Knigh', Clara L., Mrs., r. 337 Cedar av. Knight, Frank A., attorniey and.notary 507-510 First Nat'l Bank Bldg, r. n. w. cor. Grand av, and Livingston Drive. ~ct,.4 .3 Knight, J. A., r. 222. e. Fourtht. Qtrr Knlgih Mae L.. Mfis, r. 337 Cedati av. 4a· Z Knight, Rosanna, Mrs., r. n. s. e. Fifth 2nd h. e. of Junipero av. Q ci Knock, Jol;n H., r. 443 w. Fifth. 42 Knsll Park, bet. Park Circle and Main. Cq E Knott, George, mining, r. s. v e.on.Wnut and WIFlav:. ;P_ Knott, Samuel G., mining, r. s. wv. cor. Walnut and Willow. 11U Knowles, Antoinette, Miss, teacher, High School, . 429 e. Eighth. Knowles, Frank A., policeman, r. w. s. Temple av. 4th h. n. of RailwVay Knox, Charles H., r. 127 wr. Third. Knox. John L., r. 115, . Fourth, Knox, John S., r. 521 e. Ocean av. Knox, Martha, Mrs., r. 415 w. Fourth. Knox. Owen L., employee Home Bldg. Co., r. 1555 Linden av. Knox. Rodney W., r. 153 Linden av, Kolb, Louis P., electrician, r. 1424 Linden av. Kolb, Louis, Jr., r. 1424 Linden av. Kolb, Mary L., Miss. r! 1424 ,inden "-';. hioller. Arehie F., r. 347 Golden. Koons, Fred L., lather, r. w. s. Dakota av. Ist h. a. of State.. o Koons, Gywnn W.., r. 309 e. Ocean av. Kopjias, Herman. r. n. s. e. Fifth lst h. w. of Walnut yv. Koppas, John, carpenter, r. 858 California av. Koumrauyan. H. B,. shoemaker, 131 w. Second, r. arme. Krames, Wm. A., carpenter, r. 1l,4 Bishop. ow) Kraus. WMabel, Miss, student, r. 919 Paciflc av. CJ Kreider, Leah, Mlrs., r. Hotel Julian. 0-4 Krtck, John (Krick & Thomas), r, 4.1 e. Secornd Krick & Thoimas (John Krick, J. C. Thomas), confectionery, 155 AInerl- CC! can ar. F- Kring, Eugene, carpenter. r. 1205 Allamitos av. Krff, Walter B.. clerk Wim. Frank, r. 125 w. Third. 2 M Krosnest. The, Mrs. C. L Van Eaton, prop. furniihed apartments, cor. Pacific av. and w. Third. Kruger. Samuel, r. rear 748 Alamitos av. mu8 1 U Kuebler, John (Beach & Kuebler), r. 1334 Appleton. Kuhry, A. R. carpenter, r. 136 Elm av, 9_ WiW Kunkle. Amelia Ml.,Miss, r. 627 Locust ar. Kunkle, Fannie, Miss, r. 54 Lime av. Kunkle. Loulse, Miss, r. 627 Locust av. Kunkle, Martha J., Mlrs, r. 54 Lime ar. I Henry J. Pauly Co. The Loose Leaf House Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devics and Card lndex System, Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 2r3z$SNew.t'igkh St., Los.Anegtti REAL ESTATE N. CARR CO. NSURANTCE ROY LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC EXCHANGES 38 07 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 111 unkle, Mary W., Mrs., r. 627 Locust av. . unkle, Michael, laborer, r. 1011 Hellman. r. e. s. Olive av. 1st h. s. of Hill. o Kunkle, Wm. C., laborer, e. First. untz, Agnes, Miss, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 130 }iurtz, John r., r. 482 Eliot. Kutz, Fred B.. policeman, r. 1225 Pine av. ! 'L ; Lacev. Gerge H., Carpet cleaner, r. 401 Crystal Court. e. Seventh. . La Chapelle, Katherine, operator Home Tei. Co., r. s80 1 C i La Clair, J. H., confectionery, the Pike, r. 438 Pine av. La Clair, Mary C., Mrs., prop. tlhe More, 402 e. First, r. same. an: r. 126 Elm av. La Gross, H. A., chiropodist, 201 First Nat'i Bank Bldg., r. 126 ° A La Gross, H. A., Mme., toule. parlors, 201 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., O P. Elm av. . Lacy, Charles Y., r. 547 w. Ocean av. r. 1167 Jessie Q 3 9 Ladico, Theodore, teacher Heald's L. D. Business College, - eF Ladner, Albert E., carpenter, r. n. e. cor. Hill and Lime av. Lafferty, F. F., r. 951 Locust av. I Lagman. Octave. architect, r. 1234 Atlantic av. Lake, Lepha, Miss, r. 1119 Elm av. T.ake, Mar,, Mrs., r. 1119 Elm av. Lake, Siarah A., Mrs., r. 1464 Lemon. Lake, Stephen, r. 1119 Elm av. Atlantic av. a Lake, W'm. B., carpenter, r. 2244 OQ Lako, JOhn. laborer, S. Cal. Lumber Co., r. Railroad av,, Terminal Is- rn land. 513 w. Fou*h. > Lamb, Gertrude A., Miss, mgr. Western Union Tel. Co., r. Lamb, lone, Mrs., r. 513 w. Fourth, 0 Lamb, James, r. 453 w. Sixth. Lamb, John A., r. 453 w. Sixth. r Lamb, Marian, Miss, r. 453 w. Sixth. Edward, r. n. s. e. Fourth 4th h. e. of Junlpero av. Lambert, 7 p Frank, r. n. s. e. Fourth 4th h. e. of Junlper o av.v0 Lamnbert. av. r. -. On, m Lambert, Maigaret, Mrs., prop. Three Gables, 30-32 Chestnut same. Lambert, Marshal E., carpenter. r. 1239 e. Seventh. -W Lambert. Mary E. Mrs., r. 519 Cedar av. : Amelia, ML, nurse L. B. Hospital As'n, r. same. Lainmbrecht, r. 23R =. o ·9m L.anibreeht, Charles A,, scey Colonhil Amusement & Bldg. Co.,

Lambrecht, Emma, Miss,, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 629 Olive av. i Laimbrecht, Ida, Miss. waitress, r. 629 Olive av. Lambrecht, Louis, r. 629 Olive av. 437 Magnolia ar. : Lamkin, Marion, Mrs., r. 'a c n Lamont, James W., driver L B. Fire Dept., r. Engine House. OSai av. Lamont, aron B., ss, teacher, r. s. w. cor. Colorado and & Lamont. Robert. r. s. w. cor- Colorado and OJaS av. l andleru Bert A- window trimmer, r. 745 Elm av. p Lane, Charles L, r. n. s. Elot 2nd h. w. of Loma av. Lane, Charles S, painting contractor, r. 200 e. Anaheim. MUSIC CO. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE WiQHOUSE-BARTLETT -Drut;istt 14 Ditne-.W Carries a Select Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations, Fine Imported and 1 Domestic Perfumes, Etc. STANDARD D R 15 G co IP Ia 1.6 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, MGR. Prescription r Speishl;y. Free Delivery. Complete Lisneof Drugse Sundrks Tollet Arikkes, Cars, 11OME 1008 SUNSET8 131 Soda str,&. /112 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

0 W a LLne. Earl M., carpenter, r. 905 Pine av., LWJtLane, Elijah B., produce, r. 506 Locus. av. I one, Frank, r. n. e. cor. Santiago av. and e. Fourth. LLne. Frank, r. 1275 Bishop. > _ Lane, ~ H. S.. foremron S. Cal. Lumber Co.. r. Ocean Front, Termninal Is- LU lard. MO-l .ane, Jennie A., Mise, :. 837 Chetenut wv. Lane, Josiah, r. 837 Chestnut av. Lane. Mary. Miss. r. 2.1$ Paiefic av- Lang, WVm. A., Dr., r. 1603 e. Ocean av. _H~Langstaff, George. laborer, r. 936 Bishop. Langston, John C., real estate, 121 w. Ocean av., r. 131 w. Ocean av. Lanning. Frank S., groceries 555 American av., r. 1410 Loma Vista Drive. >.- _ T-nehere, Emma, Mrs., r. 1248 lracifie av. 0' aI.anphere, Georgia, Mtlss, . 1248 Facific av. Lapham, J. H., pres. Cal. Fish Co,, r. Los Angeles. OH ~Laraway, George H., r. 1046 Bay View Drive. 0f F 1 Largent. E.ta. Miss, dressmaker. r. 1014 Atlantic av. W j Larragoity, Muanuel, laborer, r. 1187 Crescent av. , Larson, H_ AL boat builder Railroad av. w. of First, East San Pedro, r. same. Larson, Della, Mfls, doitttihl, r. i441 e. Ninth. () I Larssn, Peter L., r. 520 Almond av. ,l tLana Guy, employee A. F. White, r. n. w. cor. American av. and State. L L I Lau. Fred A., mgr. L. B. Baking Co., r. 738 Pine av. O Laubens:eln. Edgar E., r. 106 American av. I Laughlin, Grace, Miss, teacher Terminal Island School, r. 718 Oeean Front, Terminal Island. Laushilin, Setwart, principal Terminal Island School, r. Ocean Front, Z Terminal Island. Laurence. Fred, ba-rber, 249 e. second, r. 250% e. ecuuid. L.,-ictmita, Dominick, r. n. e. cor. Anaheim and Lavars, Newport av. Harry 31., laborer, r. w. s. Newport av. 1st h. s. of Colorado. Law, Andrew H., groceries, 3.7 Daisy av, r. same. 0 1 Law. Herbert IL. .ureman L, B. Dairy C., r, 7. Ime av. Lawrence, Charles M., employee L. B. BLth House, r. rear 635 pine av. Lawrence. Edna M., Miss. clerk C. C. Ldrd & Ca., r. _OI 0Lawrence. 27 Main. Jvrnme ear-entfr, r. e. S. St LoUis I [it h, n. of e. Fourth. Lawrence. L. A.. Mrs., clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 130 e. First. Lawson. Alexander C., attorney, r. 114- American. aV. Laws'n, Henry M., r. Riviera Hotel. Lawson, Isla G., Miss, r. 1145 American av, 0tJ Lassne, NenCa B., Miss, r. 1220 e. Fourth. O_~Layton, Corbin F., gardener, r. w. . Vine av. near Willow. Layton, Lola Miss. seamstress, r. 523 e. Second. Laytn, Ralph DI. clerk, r. 963 e. Fifth. Layton. W:. ., carpenter, r. 523 e. Second. Lazenby, Alice A., osteopathic physician, 449 Pine av., r. 1356 Linden. 0 ~~Lazenby, Erroll E, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 1356 Lazenby, Linden av. George W.. real estate, pensen =L. and otary 451 Pin a.. 0 r. 1356 Linden av. Lazenby, R. W., prop. The Butler, 109 w. Ocean avy r. same. Leachman. Alonzo, asst. eollector Inner Harbor Gas & Ele. Co. r w . Elm ah. 2nd h. n. of Twenty-first. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS" BUY IT TODAY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG BEACH -- ijit Rev- aba- .. fiee the... Wtonde¢rful ftin¢e


Beatty - ld --


Ask any Salt Lake Route agent for rates anSgoth informa- tion, oraddrm- E.W. :GiLLEsT, .s-5f_ E. W. -GILLETT, TmfficCManager, LOS,CAL.ANG;GE;ELES, Sunset Pfione 3673 THE BUTLER HOUSE- R. W. LAZENBY, Proprietor 'FIRST-GLASS ROOMING-HOUSE UnderweW Management

Located 109 Ocean Ave. - pp. PacficiElcctria Depot All cars stop in front of House. Rooms by Day, week or Month.



BATHING -__ .-- e .D ,. '11Ths boo -is the cater of all the a' - - - SpedcalRates by Week or Montb --



Leader, The, Max Hartvig, prop., dry goods, 242-244 Pine av. Leamling, George A.,, carpenter, r. 1251 Bishop. L Leavers, George R. B., draftsman City Engineer, r. 805 New York. Leavitt, Charles A., barber, 127 w. Second, r. 321 Golden. Leavitt, Harvey C., printer The Daily Telegram, r. s. w. cor. e. Seventh and Junipero. Leavitt, Henry S., carpenter, r. s. w. cor. c. Seventh and Juntpero. Lcdv:edge. Anna. Miss, furnished rodms, 1456 e. Ocean av., r, same. Lee, Charles M., r. 426% Daisy av. Lee. Ella, Mrs. r. 426% Daisy av. Lee, Florence E., Miss, r. w. s. Park av. 3rd h. s. of e. Tenth. w Lee, Frederick L., r. 947 Cedar av. Lce. Hartld L., plasterer, r. w. E. Rose Park av. 2rd h. s. of c. Tenth. Lee, Harry M., tailor, r. 903 e. Ninth. Lee, Mary C., Miss, masseuse, r, 135 American av. Lee. Peter S., r. 442 Rhea. Lee, lobcrt I.L, clcrk A. E, w.a!brhrnk & Co., r 137 Pine av. Lee, Win. H., r. 533 w. Sixth. Lee. WVm. R., plasterer, r. w. s. Rose Park av. 3rd h. s. of e. Tenth. Leedom, Thomas, foreman S. Cal. Tour. Co., r. 727 e. Fourth. Leedom, Wm. T., foreman S. Cal. Tour. Co., r. 727 e. Fourth. Lehman, C. J., pres. and mgr. Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co., r. Los Angeles. Lehman, Ida M., Miss, r. 2055 e. Ocean av. Lehman, William, r. 218 Pine av. Lehr, Mary H., Miss, linotypist The Daily Telegram, r. 1093 Pine av. Leigh, John S., r. 519 w. Sixth. Leighton, Charles H., laborer, r, 433 w. Eighth. Leighton. Fldn3 M.. Miss. student. r. 327 w. Ocean av. S Leightoif, Frederick E., r. 953 Pacific av. Leighton, H. W., r. 327 w. Ocean av. Leighton, Levi F.. cuahier L. B. Gas Co., r. .53 Pacific av. Leltner, Paul P, r. w. s. Alalmltos av,. 2nd h. . of Curtis. L&eMasters, J. D, Mrs, dressmaker, r. 424 Pine av. Le Maters Joseph S. harber, 15 Pacific asx. r. 424 Pine av. Le Masters, Roy B., baker Delmonico Baking Co. r. 424 Pine av. Leamng, Ashbury T. (Leming Grocery Co), r. 11 e. Fourth. 0" Lemnlg, EUijah (Lemint Grocery Co.), r. 1168 e. Fourth. Lening Grocery Co. (Elijah and Ashbury T. Leming), 1168 . Fourth. Leting. HarrV. clerk. Jamcs Wallacee, r. 1M e. S O2onn4 Lemmenes, R. D., Mrs, millinery, 219 Pine av, r. 545 Pacific av. LemmaMo, . E, carpenter, r. 744 Washington Place. Lenihan, Harry, r. 1021 iaden av. :h Lnt, Sa L., vic.-pre. Soft Water Laundry Co. r. $46 Pacific av. Lenton, Jennie IH, Mrs, prop. Fourth Street Nursery, r. 915 e. Fourth. Lens, Charles F., r. 1544 e. First. Leola, The, KR Cochran, prop, furnished rooms, 432 American av. -"j Lera .Marhfon. laborer, r. "ar 211 American av. *,C Le Roy, C. Edwin, prop. Le Roy's Book Store, r. 1119 Locust av. CC Le Roy's Book Store, C. E. Le Roy, prop., books stationery and picture 9 framing, 126 Pine av. A. I. CHASE PIANO0 ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY.

HO MTbL~ JItUUL N 0 .Extellen sitrated near the Ocean, facing Paif Park. Specal Rate by te Week. : : : m. L C HoNO&%s P AMERICAN PLAcr. _COWa Ave. RATES: 2.40 te 52 sO peryos, orae Md sO5 Coss EPIOI: OOy ~S~r~n J. A. Wefsenborn - · . C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE - While In the city do not fall to inretfteoar high de City and Raich Poperty. EXCRANGFS A SPECIALtY. Home Phonne 63, Long Beach, Cat. 114 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

> * Lester, Boyd J., shoemaker cor. Locust av. and Second. [*f'4 .d~'~Y'Letton,N. W., Mrs., r. 256 Atlantic av. [I.kd[~m i[[Letts, C. C., r. 106 Magnolia av. Levereau, Ector A., cigars and tobacco; 112 w. First. r. 115 w. First. b_~ * [Leverich. Ellen, Mrs., r. 1637 e. Second. Lewey, Charles A., sail maker, Bay Front, Terminal Island, r. Brighton -**. Beach, Terminal Isla&d. Lewis, A. A., Mrs., r. 16 Waite Drive. Lewis Building, 134-144 Pacific av, Lewis, Carl C., employee I. A. McCrary, r. 844 Daisy av. Lewis, Charles, employee Ward's Laundry, r. 1112 Gladys Court. Lewis, Dorothy, Miss, musician, r. w. s. Rose Park av, Ist h. as. of e. Tenth. 8Ors 5 Lewis. Edward T., jFweler and otician, 1t1 Pine av., r. 4i35 w. Fourth. Lewis, Fay, Miss, bookkeeper Inner Harbor Laundry, r. n. e. cur. Cherry Wrr. 5 av. and Anaheim. uLewis, Frances, W., Miss, r. 356 Walnut av. Lewis, Frank, waiter, r. rear 55 Linden av. Lcewis, Frank, Mz., dressmaking, r. o6S e. Sixth. . 5 ~ Lewis, Frank N., teamster, r. 936 Linden av. U Lewis, Grant K., Rev., r. 1175 t. Ocean. av. Lewis, I. AuFusta, Mrs., r. 923 e. First, Q _ vwLe.wis erk, .-e9 .e. First. Lewis, Hlenry C., r. 129 w. Sixth. Lewis, John B., r. n. a. Anahelm Ist h. e. of Cherry av. Lewis, Lillian R., Miss, r. 1112 Gladys Court. Lewis, Joshua R., laborer, r. 1112 Gladys Court. Iewls., 1yra, Miss. r. 435 w. Fourth. rs- Lewis, Ortie, Mrs., r. w, s. Rose Park v. 1st h. s. of e. Tenth. Lewi- itance C., salesman F. W. Stearns & Ce., r. 33W Cedar &r ~, ~ ELu-I, llubl C., Mi1, r. 43a w. Fourth. •, ILews. Warren J., student, r. 1046 e. Fourth. *~K1Leyman, M. B., Mrs. (Ideal Garment Cleaning Co.), r. 240 e. Seond. Lexington, The, L. J. Taylor, prop.,,furnishe3 rooms, 245 e. Firt. Libby, Gertrude, Miss, clerk Post OflMc r. a. a. State lst h e. of Temple. Cn Libby, Lucy A., Mi,M t rnished rmshedro l w. TlMrd. Leldler, Joseph F., Jeweler and watchmkeF, $7 Pine ay. r. 46% MNag- nrol sav. Llen, A. T., r. 447 w. Second. Lightburn, John F. r, 21 Paefic ar. , _~ Litghtle, Rsamond, Mrs., r. 4 -Dmaisy asy. . -1 'illey, A. L., laborer S. CaL. Lumber Co., r. 816 e. Fourth. Lilly, Daisy I, Mrs., 215 Atlantic av. . M L~incoln, Paul R., student, r. 1546 Locust av, C ncoln, Tlhomds W., r. 1S6 Locust av. M.ndildred, Mf.M, r. l2g3 Locust av. In y, A. 1 Dr., with Chandler & Martin, r. 324 wr. Third. _, E Lindley, Chase, machinist Western Boat & Engine Wks., r. same. Lindley, O.], r. 124 e. Fifth. Lindsay, Ara, ., Mrs., nurse, r. 1565 Appleton,. Lindsay, Arkiley B, ranchei. r- . a. Agusta av. 1st h. e. of Orange av. Lindsay, George A. prop. L. ' Nursery, r. 719 Locust. .. Lindsay, Thomas, nurseryman, r. a. Agusta-av. isth. e. of Orange av.

A. ]MCasli, P". P. W Rerry, Vio.Pr .. cR. CbapR , Secy. PHONlSs: NsAe37 SBesc 3,. 'LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Deal"M 0Platean W dowCL 5,Wal;Paperr-,lPai, ilsa T 1r :M iNAIVgU, Li(OXC faCl, CAL. -be iU(t6zt 14 PINE A VE. - Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutety protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 115 __ Lindsey, Gerald J., lumberman, r. 340 Magnolia av. Lindsey, L. C., r. 1207 Lime av. Lindskog, Fred, r. 246% Magnolia av. Lingren, Albert O., plumber Winm. B. McKinley, r. s. e. cor. Esperanza av. and Eleventh. C Linn, E. EL, Mrs., clerk R. R. Staples, r. e. s. Coronado av. bet. Eliot and D1 Fourth. Linn, Helen, Miss, stUdce. r. 1140 Elm av. Linn, Hugh, student, r. 1140 Elm av. Linn, Kate A., Mrs., r. 1140 Elm av. Llnneman, Carl, painter, r. 1016 Atlantic av. Linnemant, Charles, palnter, r. 1016 AtlantIc av. Linneman, Hisku', r. 1016 Atlantic av. 0 Linstrand, Emil, electrician B & R Garage, r. 122 American av. Lfnstruth, John, r. 329 Locust av. Linton, Ella, Miss, prop. The Ella Linton Home, r. 1756 Pine aY. Linton Ella Home, The, Mrs. Ella Linton, prop, 1756 Pine av. Llppitt, Lydia, Miss, forelady Soft WVater Laundry Co. r. 121 e. Third. Littell, David, r. 837 Pacific av. Little, Ella }L, Mrs., r. 238 Magnolia av. - Litzaw, Josephine, Miss, teacher Fourth Street School, r. 1053 Linden av, , Lltzaw, Kate, Mrs., i. 1053 Linden av. Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. = MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE Authorized eants of Salt Like Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 m z _ i I____ m Cm,4 Liverpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., W. W. Lowe & Co., agts., 16 Pmne C4 ar. Llewelyn, Haltold.- r. 121 Lime av. Llewellyn. . E,painter, r. 1221 Lime av. Llewellyn, Maud, Mis, r. 1221 Lime av. Lloyd. Wm. H. macitist Harbor Iron Wks. r. 604 w. Second. Lloyds Plate Class Ib. Co, Wheeler & Wheeler, agts., B Pine av. "O Loehrid Grace,- Mh teacher Atlantic Avenue School. r. 421 Paelfi

Loehridge, Harvey H. (Metcalf & Lochridge), r. 421 Paciec av. O' Lochridge, M. Edna, Mi, r. 421 Pacific -v. Lochrdge, Sara A, Mr., r. 421 Pacile aV. 0 Lochridge, Wn-. VE, plinter, r. e. a. Ohio av. 5th h. n. of e. Seventh. Locke, J. F., MYr, r. cor: Maiposa and Seaside Blvd. Locke, K. A., r. cor. Mariposa and Seaside Blvd. Lockhart, Homer, r. 455 w. Ninth. tti Lockwood, Eugene, r. 402 e. Third. _r Lodge, George. 11, ReV, r. 1855 e. Second. Logan, Samuel, sealer Cal. Fish Cu., Y. Sn Pedro. Lohse, i C, watcbmaker H. C., Thompson, r. 154 Locust ar. m01 London & Lancashire Fire In. Co., W. W. Lowe & Co., agta 16 Pine aY. __ IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE--ARTLETT MUSIC CO. ro l·

CARLS-O-NCARL SON TAILORINGHIGH CLASS TAILORS CO. M.LCLaRI,pew. LoC ,CMir0~.MmJ Ho!PhAlt79 · 120N P Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Hosm"4Sst4231 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTlMENTS J$W. Yonntg, Jr. A. L. Parmi:y. Suite 400i.2-34, LOGt4 BEACH BANK BLD(


Long Beach Asbestos Mining Co., R. R. Christie, pres.; J. L. Probst, sec'y; office and factory, Riverside Drive cor. Seventh. , Long Beach Auto Co., WV.M. Vprney, prop., r. 134 Pacific av. Q Long Beach Awning & Tent Mfg, Co., (S. T. Moore, M. B. Orcutt) 1i4 e. Third. '$ Long Beach Baking Co., (Inc.), Fred Lau, mgr., 728 Pine av. Pine av. and First. Io,.Lonng Beach Bath House, (Long Beach Bith House & Amusemunt Cu.), 71z I Beach Front. Long Beach Bath House Bowling Alley (Long Beach Bath House & Amusement Co.), Beach Front. .jQ~ Long Beach BathiHouue & Amusement Co., Chas. R. Drake, pres.; H. -. Carter, vee-pres,'; Geo, 1. Cochran, sec'y; W. C. Pattersin, ___o treas.; Jean G. Drake auditor; office, Beach Front. · Long Beach Brick Co. (Inc.), E. G. Thomas, prti.; L. P. Muskat, see'y w0 Lz. and treas.; 406 American av. Long Beach Brick Works, Richard Loynes, prop., office, Masonic Temple, yard, Fourieenth and Chestnut av. Long Beach Coffee Co., T. E. Allen, plop., 223 Pine av. r p V Long Beach Commercial Co., wholesale flour and smoked meats, 342- 344 Locust av. Z Long Beach,Curlo Store, Arthur W. Smith, prop., 143 w. Ocean av. L~l Long Beach Dairy Co., H. N. Williams. mgr., 223 Pine av. Long Beach Dcug Co., S. G. Stannard, pres.; S. S. Collins, vice-pres.; J. R. Pickerill, see'y and treas.: n. w. cor. Ocean and Pine av. Z Long Beach Dye Works, J. L. Shuey, prop., 338 Pine av. Long Beach Feed & Fuel Co. (G. C. Willhoit, Frank Nottingoham, Eugene Turner), Phones, Pac. 2571, Home 252, 801 e. Second. tot1 Long Beach Fire Devartment. ., .. fhr".h. cwiecf,-i eedaqrtaerF, cor. Third and Paciflc ay, :F> Long Beach Gas Co., H. M. Dobblnr, pres.; Thaddeus Lowe, gen. mgr. kU C. J. McPherson, sec'y; Wm. M. Steele, asit. mgr., 2, Pine av. Long Beach Grocery Co., (Inc.), Thomas K. Hughes, pres.; Leon Trous- dale, se'y and mar. 40-! rw. eond. Long each Hardware Ce, E. J. Baldwin, pres.; F. A. Barnes, gen. iygr., 133 American avr. Long Beech Home Tel. A Tel. Co. Charles X Austin, migr., 227 e. lFirst. Long Beach Hospital Ass'n, 8i .Townsend, pres.; D. F. Cate, sea'y; office, Linden ay, and e. Tenth. Long Beach Hotel Co. Chas. R. Drake, pres.; J. B. Heartwcll, Ist vice- r ~ tpres.; J. M. Parsell, 2nd vice-pres.; Harry Bartdv.llar, scy; A-. P. CCoodhue, trees.; office, Beach Front. Long Beach Livery table, Nils Wagberg, prop., e. Fourth and Olive av. Long Beach Lumber Co, A. B. Snow, mgr., 905 e. Third. Long Beach Milling Ce C. J. Walker, prs.; W. L Joy. rc-p.c-; T. Harnett, sec'y and mar.; P. E. Hatch, treas.; 1058 Appleton. Long Beach Music Co., H. Grant Kingore, prop., musical nldse, pictures, and picture framing, art goods, 37 Pine av. Long Beach Nursery, G. A. Lindsay, prop., 71 Locust aV, Long Beach Ostrich Co, American av. and Fifteenth. Long Beach Paper & Paint Co.. J. A- MeCasrin pres.; P. S. Berry, vice- pres.; C. R. Chapple, sse'y; paints and oils, wall paper and var- nuahes, 241 Pine av.

W. U. McCRAClKEN, Marsar . A. GOETgMAN, Sec. sadTrea HARBOR LUMBER CO. OF1FICE AND TARD: Cor. Oceas ait Gem ar

Pall Line of VILVNG MA rEJUALS auld Milil Wadt-, T-'L H'*---SiS%*Wa Lon Bcra0r, CAL N ' Boui; -sold, e .V. & D. . arH A R T H 0 I S a edorrenled. thuorn, Tel. NoEWi _ an e- AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Ting 661. Pacfic 441. PIANO pairing a special- IRcs. 113 Pine ae. 240 P R AVE 2816 PhonePaclfic 40I BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 117 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Linden av. Perculator Co., J. R. Simmons, mgr., 427 Long Beach Second. O Plumbing Co. (J. D. Therieau, B. A. Hoskhls), 411 e. Long Beach First. Pre., C. L. Day, editor and mgr., 124 e. Long Beach real estate and ins., Long Beach Riiy Co. (C. P. Kellogg, N. L. Jones), Pine av. ' 12 L. S. Barnes, Recreation Co., C. E. W. Moore, pres. and mgr.; Long Beach Chandler, scc'y; office, vice-pres,; A. M. Goodhue, tres.; R. W. B'ach Front. F. RelneBi, ¥le.- Long Beach Rotllr Coastr C, J. E. Lut'i r.s.; H. treas.; Con. F. KapP. s~ec'y; on the Pike. pres. and Howe, vice- 8ash A Door Co, W. M. Brown, pres.; Geo. Long Beach n. e. cor. Appleton pres.; B. C. Hatch, sec'y; P. E. Hatch, treas.; av. , and Bonita vicc-pres.. Savings Bank, Geo, H, Bixby, pres.; P. F. Hatch, Long Boach L. B. Bank i F. C. Yeomans, 2nd vice-pres.; J. W. Tucker, cashier, Bldg., 17 e. First, - Long Beach Steam Laundry, Clewett Bros. prop., 227 Olive avI,I House. Long Beach Tent City. Wm. H. ReIder, prop,, w. of Bath & Bldg. Co..), toor of Locust Long Beach Theatre (Colonlal Amusement av. Stewart, pres.; H. B. Beach Transfer and Warehouse Co., H. B. Long - Ludford, vice-pres.; F. S. Thomas, sec'y; 8 Belmont Court. B. Byles, Prop., n. e. cor. Long Beach Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Austin e. Anaheim and Atlantic av. Long Beach Brick Works RICHARD LOYNESPropridtor '.

01c, Rome QJ, Works, Rome uX BFST QtiATlTl uUIINGS 5BRIlOg, PEIGNES:

V. Kctcherside, sec'y Long eaoch Water C.s, Edwin F. Hahn, Preg,; H. and gen. mgr., 137 w. First. C. Jordan seey, room ., 11 Pine Long Beach & Ariso MIntng Co.- T 1137 PFacil ' .. Long, Frank FP, student, r. George W, gardener, r. 31D Maine. Long, Co., W. T. Andrews, Prem.; Long Honm Conasolantd Mlinn & Milling Long ieach BankL Bld&. W. J. Desmond, se'y and treax, 514 - Miss teacher, private, rv 1a w. Fourth. Long, Laura V., r a e lfi student, r. !17 c av. rZ Long, Louise, Mis, r. 524 e. Third. Long. Lulu, Miss cashier. Long Beach Bath House, H. 0, Mrs. r. 154 Locust av. Long, av. Long, Noah ., real estate, r. 1137 Pacific (Long & Baker) and notary, r. 644 Chestnut -tv. Leng, Stephan .14 t Wilmont, student, r. 315 Maine. Long, attorneys, 406-408 First [ Il Long A Slker, .(S. G. Long, Frederick Baker), Natt Bank Bldg. Lont, fM.A., Mrs. r. 242 Elm av. LooGir, C, A, r. 1060 Lime av. av. Loomis, T. .., clerk Gibson & Seftz, r. 52 Chestnut MUSIC CO. OLDE REST-.-,ETRONGEST-BARTLET¥ rumeH emg, SIn £S;1 Eledt"nal g, tioter.,d Fistoet dlectrical Suppl & fixture ¢o. sit1U E. FiriiI Suga, Low Beet. Cd. FRED HINZE Phoues: HomeL394, Pacific 316, California Chocolate b Candy .Co. All our goods are made frot the purest materials and will be found hbelthful as well as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth lnd Afflitos avr, Lotg Bedch, Cal.


P Loomis, W. H., real estate, r. 535 e. Second. Loomis, Wayne, teamster, r. 1060 Lime av. Loop, Frank E., r. 2323 Atlaritic av. Loop, John W., cement worker, r. 1104 Myrtle av. Loop. Lydia M.. Mrs. r. 2323 Atlantic av. Loper, A. ILR.,Mrs. dressmaker, r. 718 P. Ftrst. Loper, Albert R.. stationary engineer, r. 718 e. First. Lopel, Amos C., teams:er, r. 472 Golden. g Lopeh, J. W., engineer Asbestos Yks, r. 619 e. First. Lopez, Rafael, cement worker, r. e. s. Poinsettia av., 2nd h. s. of Anaheim E Lopp, Winm. R., cabinet maker City Wood Woiking Co., r. 1104 Brawn av. E Lord, A. B., teamster, r. 326 Olive av.. Lord, C. C.., & Co., (C. C. Lord, 1I. Jarvis, A. F. Crew), books, stationery and curios and Mfgs. Avalon Shell Jewelry, 21 Pine av. Lord, Charls C., (C. C. Lord & Co.), r. 39 Mermaid Place. ;N Lord, Henry S., clerk C. C. Lord & Co., r. 121 e. Eighth. Loree, Warren, teacher high erhjoel, r. 1235 e. Sixth, Lorraine, Elizabeth. Mrs. r. 224 e. Pacificr. v.. Lorraine, Fennel,MIsis piano teacher, r. 234 e. Pacific av. Lorraine, Maiy, Miss nurse. Drs. Holden & Sellery, r. 234 e. Pacific av. Lorry, Frank, r. 219 Kinta av. Los Angeles Dock i Terminal Co., C. J. Curtis, vice-pres. and gen'l mgr., 210-212 Long Beach lBank Bldg.. Los Angeles Examiner, C. C.. Carney, agt., Ocean av. w. end talt TAke depot. Copyr#rghts Los Angeles Express, C. W. Hansen, agt., 114 w. First. Trademarks Los Angeles Herald, J. H. Edwards, att.. 23 Locust ar. L,5dabels Los Angeles Times, Milton Doollttle, agt., 4 Pine av.. Las Cerrltoa Improvement Co., Ole. H. Bixby Pres., G. A. Mshllnwtech- U')C~er, sec'y., 22 Pacific av.. ,." Losee, Grace, Miss r.: 40u Chestnut av. _J Looee, Harry J., tel.. operator Salt Lake By., r. 408 Chestnut avs. PF I * Losee. J. P.. r. 403 Chestnut as. r (o Lothrop, Elizabeth, Mrs. r. 1132 e. Third. Z Lotsha, .. NE, Mrs. r. 119 w Stnrood. 4 _ iLots,Fank, sheilpolisher C. C. Lord & Co., r. e. a Laut iv. between . - f Eliot "ad Fourth. --- Louden, E. J clerkc . P. L. A. & ailt Lake R. IL, r. a .P-edro Lough, Oscar W., teamster, Sann Pedro Lumber Co., r. 747 e. Fourth. Louwhran, Kate. Miss r. 732 WAshington Ps. -- Loughrey, Maryr Mrs. r, 1494 Lemon. Louise, The Miss Frances E. Kitchin, Prop., fur. tonms, 306 w. Second. O : Love, Rufus, r. 115 w. First. Loveless, Walter, baker, A. 3. Swlngle, r. 1041 e. Thlrd. Lovell. Black, 218 Pine ar. - *+nct Lovell- Lucy E, Miss r. 145 w. Fifth. VP$ LovellJ Thonms, r. 145 r. Fifth. rY Lovenguth, Virgnia, Mrs. r. 621 Magnoli av. _Ec Lovitt, Charles A., barber, r. 321 Golden. !jW Lowe, Black, 18-20 Pine av. o Lowe, C. C. Mrs. (Alamitos Nursery), r. s. e. cor. Julnipero av. and <~~~s Eliot. ' ILowe, Charles C., (Alamltos Nursery), r. p. e. cor. Junlpero aw. and

SANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 1o7 AIERICAN AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES S. Townsehd, Pres. C. P. Van de Water, Vice Pres. I. P. Dayman, Secy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN.INVESTMENT CO. ' INCORPORATED A General Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice-Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Phone! Home 56, Sse 69 - - 12S EAST FIRST STREET


Lowe, Herbert N., (Alamitos Nursery), r. s. e. cor. Junipero av. -and . Eliot. Lowe, Joseph H., carpenter, r. 1027 Jessie av. Loeo, Julia H., Mrs. r, a. e. cor. Junipero av. and Eliot. Lowe, Thaddeus, gen'l mgr. Long Beach Gas Co., r. Pasadena, Cal.. Lowe, W. W., (W. W. Lowe & Co.), and notary and vice-pres. Citizens' Savings Baink, r. 1$~ Pine av. n Lowe, W. W., & Co., (W, W. Lowe, J. E. Shrewsbury, W. F. Stevens), : real estate and insurance, 16 Pine av. WE Lowenthal, Eugene, r_ 735 American av. S Lower, Dorotby V., Miss r 440 Chestnut av. . Lower, Win. A., r. 440 Chestnut av. Q Lowry, Jacob S., r. 725 Cedar av. J a Lowry, Sauud S. Mr. (Lowry & Co.). r. w. s. Coronado av., 1st b. n. of e. o ' Fourth. Lowry & Co., (M. S. Lowry, N. W. Whipple), employment ageney and 5t mg real- estate, 138 Pacific av. Loy, Edgar M., r. 354 Cedar agv, Loy. Sophia M., Mrs. r. 354 Cedar av. Loyd, Edward A,- r, li1i Lin;den atV. o a Loyd, Roan H., r. 1471 Linden av. Loynas, Richard, Prop. Long Beach Brick Wks., r. 243 Chestnut av. < Lucas, Alfred a., hardware, 254 c. First, r. 480 e. Stanwood av. _ Lucas, B. B., Miss operator Western Union Tel. Co., r. 513 w. Pourth. Lucas, E. A., cigar stand, south end of Pier, r. 805 Pacific av. r _ Lucas, Simons E., confectioner, south end Pier, r. 805 Pacific av. > Lucas, Wilbur E., groceries, 347 e. First, r. same. Luchsinger, Mabel, Miss r. 2135 Elm av.. M Luchsinger, Sebastian, r. 2135 Elm av. cuekenbach, W. B., clerk Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co., r. San > Padro. Ludden, Myriie , k;:: r. !3! w. Anaheimn. Luddy, Hannalh, Mrs. r. 1239 e. Seventh. r Ludfer, Harty L,, ice=prcn- Longt Reach Transfer & Warehouse Co., r. s. e. cor. Newport av. and e. Eighth. Luher, John, Pop. Star Dairy, r. e. a. Pico ay., 3rd hb n. of Stare. . WM Luna, Pteft, hborer, r. . e. cor. State and Gundry av FD a u'~ OLuaBduist,Chae_ EB. (Pace & Lundquist), r. r. a. Seventh, Kt . C. of * -

Lupher, Charles'P.; mining, r. 706 W. Second. Lupher, EhyL], Ms r.w0 w. Second. . .o Lurlrie- B Btot sa D rHont. T erina Zalnd. s Luse, Clar M., Mrs...i'. . w. cor. ?FrlPns mv. aMd Twenty-firt. -- Lusk, Wmn. F., Rev. pastor Central M.E. church, r. 303 e. Ninth. Luttrell, Wmn. H., Isemaa P. E. Ry., r. 625 American av. Lutz, Jacob E., prSs. and mngr. Long Beach Roller Coaster Co., r. 616 w. 3 3 . Third. - 4 Lybarger. Clayton, with C. Ly. vbarger & C .r. 2 c. FIrt. . Lybhatr, J. 0., & Co, '(J. G. Lybaiger), real estate and investme-tst i g ° 220 e. First. Lybar¥r, Jay , (J. 0. Lybarger & Co.), r. s. . Damon, Ist b. e. of Am .anca v.-

A.,IL CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST--BARTLET? MUSIC COMPANY. E. X c -AL1I*TZ*,Ws...]H- PrOLF,10HOMI 1t4 'be .I-Mcllster fIunc. Compan- DesaershrSheet-Music ad-Muicsl In tuPments, Picm " Frames, MouMlnlgs, tc. ELE~MTSop~l-mo _TEASth ThIRD SREET1 CITYDYE INO JfALCOM E. A. MALCOM WORKS 2 PAse:w Homre741. Pacific 1611 - - I236 3 PINE AVENUE weaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty 120 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Lybarger, Raymond, real estate, r. w. s. Redondo av., Tenth. Ist h. w. of e. Lycan, Lyman, painter r. s. e cor. Lyen, Walnut and e. Fourth. John B., physician, 1440 e. Fourth, r. same. Lyen, Lennie, r. 1440 e. Fourth. Lyen, Philip M., driver Peoples' Ice Co., r. n. s. e. Seventh, 3rd Temple av, h. e. of Lyman, Bertus E., painter, r. 1116 e. First. Lyman, Carrie, Miss r. n. e. cor. e. Eighth Lyman, Charles and Euclid av. H., r. n, e. cor. e. Eighth and Eu:ttid Lyrean. Erward M., r. 54. ay, Lyman, w. Sixtlh. George P., r. 814 American av. Lyman, Gertrude, Miss S r. n. e. cor. e. Eighth and Euclid av. Lyman. Henrv A., r. n. e. cor. . Eighth tt Lynch, aid Euiclid av. Wmn. H., building contractor. r. 724 w Fourth. Lynn, Carrie C., Mrs. music teacher, Xynn, r. 438 Pacific av. James, clerk Charles R. Norris, r. 140 _ r Lynn, Pine av. James R., clerk, r. 240 American av. O¢' Lynn, The Wiese Sisters, Props., furnished rooms, 137 Pine av. Lynn,l The*a Mae. Mlis numtwle teachcr. r. 43g Lynne, E. Paelfieiav A., Mrs. prop. The Roma, 47 Elm av. r. same. Lynne, Edward O., advertising ngr. Long LYon, D. N., bookkeeper Beach Press, r. 47 Elm av. Ctayton Mfg. Co., r. 109 w. Ocean av. SLt ~ Lyons, Ella, Mrs. r. 630 Pine av. Lyons, Julia F., Mlss violin teacher, 126 Lyons, Marshall e. First, r. same. J., r. w. a. Obispo av., 1st h. n. of State. Lyons, Mary, Miss r. e. s. Dakota Lyster, av., 1st h. a of State. Byron J., mining, r. w. a. California av. Lytle, D. J., Mrs. Ironer opp. Burnett. Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 148 Elm av. Lytle, S. J., Mrs. r. 214 Atlantic av..

Maas. Henry R. plumbter, r . . Deesnmor. 1t, ii e. of Temple av. __ Y[MaeArthur. Alan 0, r. w. s. Walnut - O YMacCashland, Mary E, Mra. av., 3d h. n. of Flfteenth. MacDermed, (Nebraska Realty Co.), r. 2 ., First Jamne, r. 251 Linden av. _MaeDonld, The,, Mmr MacDonald, Georia, R Cochrane, p:op., furnished rooms, Yacdonald, Mrs. Mgr. Carr Co., r. The Eastman.IU e. First Georgia, Mrs. Mgr. Carr Co. r. The Eastman MacdoMnald, Harriette, Mrs. r. 665 Descanso, av. Macdonald, Harry B.., mail, carrier. r. 514 MacDonald,*D. Almond ar. S., Miss r 522 Magnolia av. MacDonald. IdaL Miss, music techer, r. 205 Linden av. MacDonald, W. J., office 401 Long Beach Mace, L. Stowell, Bank Bldg., r. 541 w. Fifth. r. w. a. Walnut ay., 1st h. n. of Willow. Mack, C. A. Mrs. r. 22$ MagneHia Mack, Charles, av. (Murray & Mack,) r. l0C American av. Mack. Noah E., ast Janitor Nat'i Bank of Long Beach, r. 812 Cedar av. 34acLean, Lachtan, r, 1047 Myrtle av.. Macy. Alma, Missteacher Alamlitf Heights school, r. 117 .e. Fourteenth. Macy-, Cyrms, huxter, r. 117 e. Fourteenth. Macy, Edward, r. a. s.-Anahelm, 2nd b. e. of Cherry av. .NEW AND SECOND HAND D:CyCgEs RENTING, REPAIIJNG, SUIDUES CALIFORNIA RUBBER TIRE VULCANIZING COMPANY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION - r. J. ..r^,,., .~ sno,. MIA 1J0 lJ3 EAST SECOtD STEEETSLOArG-,ACNI E. H. CLEVELAND, Funerai Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick . Lady Assistant Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


laddock, Charles, plasterer, r. 213 Locust av. Maduex, Annie, Mrs. r. 666 Obispo av. Maganety, Wm. A., grocer, 745 e. First, r. 1105 e. Third. L Magill, Aaron; r. n. e. cor. e. First and Crond av. Magnolia, The F. P. Cross, Prop., furnished rooms, 112 Magnolia av. Main, E. C.. Mrs. r. 434 e. Fourth. Majestic Rink, (Long Beach Bath House & Amusement Co.), Beach Front. 0 tMajor. Lutis L., Miss r. 324 Magnolia av. Malcom. Cnharie, i. 341 Magn.eolia ay. Malcom, Elmer A., (City Dye Works), f. w. s. Tingling av., !Si Ih. s. of e. Fourth. W Malcomn, John, (City Dye Works), r. 639 w. Fourth. Malcom, Leola, Miss student, r. 639 w. Fourth. Maleom & Son, (Sohn and E. A.), Props. City Dye Works. 2336 Pine av. Malkim, J. R., Prop. Tally-Ho Stables, r. 413 Elm av. E Mallett, Wailace D., engineer Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 800 w. Second. Mallett, Wm., r. 917 Vine av. Mallory. Albert E. (Mallory Bros.), r. F37 w. Eleventh. Mallory Baking Co., Charles P. Mallory, Prop., 407 e. Second. Mallory, BeatrIce ., Miss student, r. 5377 w. Eleventh. Mallory Bros, (Charles P., Albert E, Wm. N., .Charles P.., Jr.), grocers, G Ube Tntbia |/ ¢Cntbia Rtnnex Most modern apartment house in Sonth- |New two-story brick building adjoining ern allfornia. i Contains 24 four-room the Cynthia, containing suites Aypartments, of fon, A all ehgantly furnished. All three and two riom.s, as well as single steam heated daring winter months. 1 ooms. ALL STEAM HEATED. EAST OC!AN AVENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM

Phono, Home, 401, 401-403 e. Second. S Mallory, Charle- P., Propr Mallory Baking Co., (Mallory Bros.), r. 537 w. Eleventh. 'Z Mallory, W'm. N. (Mallory Bros.). 537 W. Eleventh. Malone, Augustus C, (Malone & Stigner). r. 126 e. First. Malone. Della, Miss Prop. Press apartments, r. same. ,g - f~ MalO3ne &*Stigner. (.L C. Malone, D. R Stigner), real estate, 124wi c. First. o Maloney, Louise M. Mrs. r. 960 e. Second. Malott, James, carpenter, r. 630 w. Fourth. etr Maltby, B. T., dentist, 201 and 231 First Natal Bank Bldg., Phone, ot- fice, Home 722, res. phone, 593, r. 625 Locust av. Maltby, Lstus D, r. 2118 e. First. Maltby, Joseph L., (Globe Realty Co.), r. 2118 e. First. M L Miaitby, Ray, r. 2118 e. First. 'althouse. Elijah, paintle. r. w. s. Hermosa av, 2nd h. n. of Lemon. Malthouse, Mamle, Miss clerk Eastmna Shell Store, r. w. s. Hermosa a r av., 2nd h. n. of Lemon. Malthouse, W. J., glazer Long Beach Sash and Door Co., r. 645S Linden avenue. M 0< Manchester Assurance Co. United States Trust Co. agts., 225, e. irst.

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BiG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. .1 When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Electric Company. The purest gas ii the city[' Home Phone 33. Sun- set-Phone 733. Comer Second Street and Pine Avenue. ... J. A. Weisenborn I1. C. Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE While in the city do not fail toInrestigateour AVENUE igh Grade Cit and Ranc Property. EXCHANGE A --..... 9SPECIALT~. Iome Phone .122LNBEC__ 638 Long Beach, C.l. .1122 LONG BEACH DIRECTORYIETR

Mander, Fannie E., Mrs. clerk Wm. H. Giles, r. rear 1445 Pine av. Mandez, Jesus, laborer, r. 1110 Myrtle C% Mandez, av. Stella, Miss r. s. e. cor. Termino av. Mandez, and Anaheim. Tony, r. s. e. cor. Termino av. and U. Manhart, Jacob Anaheim. UW W., carpenter, r. s. e. cor. State and Alamitos Mankin, David E., foreman ay. San Pedro Lumber Co., r. 634 Descanso Manley, Ida M., Miss av. employee Inner Harbor Laundry, rn 661 Manley, Roy O., driver Walnut av. Soft Water Laundry, r. 754 Olive av. Mann, Homer S., gasmakctr Long Baeih Gas Co., r. n. a. Colorado, 1st h. w. of Cherry av. M/tnn, Jay R., helpor Long Beaehi Gas Co., r. n. a. Colorado, lst h. w. of Cherry av. O Mann, P. C., barber, r. 513 Elm av. Manning, C. IL, engineer, r. 332 Manning, Pine av. 0 Wm., laborer California Fish 'Co.. Mantel, r. San Pedro. Edward J., machinist, r. 130 w. Third. Mapes, Charles W., motorman P. E. Ry., r. 802 Alamitos lapson, Orville, gasmaker av. Inner lkarbor Gas & Electric Co., r. Anaheim -'I and S. P. R. B. track. Mapson. Robert, = C IanmaksrInner Harbor Gas & Electric Co., r, Anaheim and S. P. rI. R. track. March, Charles W., r. 421 e. Third. Marchant. Samuel A. r, a. s.-Hechizur am., opp. Huerta Marengo, Ambrose, av. . Prop. El Paso Lunch Room, r. rear Marine, Rufus 120 Pacific av. H.. with Irving Miller.& Co., r. 1148 Mark, Pacific av.. M. W, grocer, 804 e. Anaheim, r. same, Marmion, Howard, clerk W. H. Marmlon, r. 1059 Pacific av. Marmlon, Wm. H., Teas and Coffees, 408 Pine av., r. 1059 Pacific avr. bE)4 Marquis, Frank, teamster, r. e. ' I Wm s. Pico av., 1st h. n. of State. - = Marquis, Belle V., Miss r. 2115 Railway, Marrack, Gertrude A, Miss pianist Theatorium, to Marsh, r. 1126 Pine av. B. F.. Janitor. r 1225 CalifornIa. av. Marsh, LB.W. I. 7.i2 e. Eighth. Marsh, Ella Whipple, physician, 1149 Cedar av, r. same. Marsh, George M., r. 1185 Crescent av. Marsh, t.L Clarence, r. 540 Cedar av. 0qj WtnMarsh, Henry L., carpenter, r. 1222 e. Third. -Marsh, John -M. Rev..r. 1149 Cedar av. Mash, I . Mrs Prop. The Old HIomestead, 41 Cihel ut aiv., r. sain Marsh, Mary, Miss r. 41 Chestnut av. Marshall, Arthur H., bookkeeper Z - Peoples' Ice & Cold torage Co.., 499 Rose ay. r. Marshall, D. (·bU A. real estate, 255 e. First, i. 28 e. First. Iarshall, George H., Mgr. Inner Harbor Gas & electrie Co., r. S;O e. Marshall, Harry B.B, r. 1022 e. First. Marshail, L. B, Mrs. r. 1022 e. First. 3frshall, L`wi 31., arebitev Home Bond avenue. & Buildng Assi'n, r. 'ii Cedar Marshall, Myrtle, Miss r. 121 w. Third. Marston, Ed., Agt. Butters & Paul Investment Co, r Hotel P'v!era. Mariens, George, foreman Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co., r. East -Maartefis, Peter, r. e. S. Loma ar., 2nd h. a of Anaheim. The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NE RADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROLITE 39 PINE AVENUE JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phonu: Home 25, Sunset 23 ,. :: :i Pmr crptions Filled Ri t :: :: ::


Martin, Anna, Miss, r. 235 Linden av.. Martin, Anna, Mrs. furnished rooms, 218 Pine av., r. same. Martin, Anna, Mrs. r. 226 w.. iFifth. Martin, Alletta B., Mrs. r. 48 Kennebec av. Martin. B. J., & Co., (B, J. Martin, Carl Hendrickson), Props. Electric Garage, 122 American av. Martin, Benjamin. J.. (Electric Garage), r. 745 Pacific av.. Martin, E. H., (E. H. Martin & Co.), r. 933 e. Ocean av: Martin, ] H., & Co., (E. H. Martin), real estate anat rentaIs, 215 e. Ocean &V. Martin, E. J., foreman Pac. Elec. Ry.., r. 430 Locust. Martin, Edith, Miss student, r. 249 Cherry av. Martin, Ethcl, Miss teacher, r. 249 Cherry av. Martin, Frank H., commereawl traVeler, r. 311 e. Ocean a. Martin, Fred, teamster Pioneer Truck Co., r 7654 Cerrltos av. Martin,. George, foreman Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co., r. East San Pedro. MIrtin, 3ennilt L., Miss r, 235 Linden av. Martin, Lucia Julian, Mrs. teacher of elocution, r. 245 Elm av. Martin, M. S., r. 131 Pine av. Martin, Melinda, Mrs. r. 249 Cherry av. '_ Martin, Oliver A., plaster contractor, r. 1507 Bishop. (akfuarl uDrugampaunyg R. S. OAKORD, Marsa r

Both Phom No. ain Pi" Ave. and Seand SttmM

Martin, Robert H., r. 10t Locust av. Martin, Roy H., teamster Pioneer Truck Co. r. 764 Cerritos av. 0 Martin, Sailu,{L. r:F a. Sixth. Martin, W. H., r. 424 e. First. Martin, Wm., r. l7C W. Fourth. Martn Wm. B.restaurant. . econ, r. 142 Locust a. Martin, Wm. ., earpenter, r. n2 e. Third.u Martindale. Lloyd, r. 451 Elperana av. Martidrab, j aryF M.sWm, r. 13 Locust iv. diarines, johii B.. teamitei,tr. %. *B wn ax 1st h. U. of Anaheim. Martinovich, M. BS. woodworker Str Lumber and MiI Co., r. 131 Pine. Martolnian, The, M rs. . B. Garwtud, pro. furnished un. 339% Pine avenue. Marvin, George F., collector Long Beach Hardware Co, r. 221 w. Sixth. Marrin, &A4- Ms r. 22 w. Sixth. - Maslcn, Frank ., elerk Boob & Co., r. '23 Pacific av. Mason, A. H., r. 547 e. Tenth. Mason, Alfred N., r. a. w. cor. Loma av. and e. Fourth . " Mason, Arthur, agt. Filn .on..nograph and fruits, 24S-260 e. Second. r. same, Mason, Arthur H., r. s. Anse-r -opp. Coronaido av.


NEWELL MATHEWS CQ. .al_... WA(ONS :: -CARRIAGES : IMLEMEN 200.204 N_ LOS ANGELES ST. .LOS ANGELES, C&L- Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Home W; Sunset 411 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS 3W.%Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parmley Snite400-1-2 34 LONG BEACH BANI BUILDING


Mason City, *V. H. Stanley, Piop., furnished rooms. 135 w. Second, 93 Mason, Edith, Miss student, r. 1001 e. Fifth. C Mason, Elizabeth, Mrs. r. w. s. Newport av., 2nd h. s. of Colorado. Mason, Florence A., Miss r. 825 e. Seventh.. Mason, H. C., Mrs. r. 825 e. Seventh. -a Mason, Harry, chicken ranch, r. w. s. Loma av., 3rd h. n. of Anaheim ao Mason, J. R. & Co., (J. R. Mason), real estate, loans and insurance and agents Long Beach Bank Bldg., 209 Long Beach Bank Bldg, QO II 1 Mason, John, r. n. s. Colorado, 3rd h. e. of Loma av. t4II Mason, John R., (J. R. lMason & Co.), r. 735 American av. Mason, John tV., r. w. s. Winnepeg Place, 1st h. n. of Eliot. Mason, Priscilla L., aIrs. r. s. s. Anser, opp. Coronado av.. ... Masonic Temple, 230 Pine av. _=, Mas:t.a, Sarah J., Mrs. r. c. cor. Anser and Coronado av. BMasters, John, wagon maker J. G., Hunt. r.. Centralia. . BlMasterson, Benjamin F., Rev. pastor First Brethren church, r. 455 Es- poranza av. _R# Masterson. Malvin T, lath'r, r 45- Fsperanza av . Masterson, Modena, Miss, r. 455 Esperanza. Mathews, Horace, porter Palace Barber Shop. r. 420 w. Fourth. .Mathewson, Bert, carpenter. r. 2$9 Eliot. Mathewson, Eunice, Mrs. nurse, r. e. s. Ohio av.. 1st h. n. of e.. Fourth. @Mathis. Frederick G., r. s. w. cor. Eleventh and E-peranZa. "U" Matson, George 1., Sec'y Jackson Park Land Co., r. 644 w. First.' Matson, Ruth, Miss r. 644 w. First. I) hMatsukl.q Ko., bamboo furniture, w. s. California av.., opp. Burnett, r

sanle. Matthews, Collins, employee P. E. Ry., r. 800 w. Second. ]. 35"t:hteva. Jessla. MiA. narse. r. r0 w. -Secend. @ ||itd Matthews, M. A., Mirs. Prop. Romntmnp n._rtn_-tr, S d,. Bu¥. e. of -lI- Xinlden av., r. same. ^ 1 | 3'ftiinror, Cattrrle, !iA r- 116 .Munoleol sv_ ntMattson, Carrie, Miss bookkeeper, r. w. s. Oa airv, 1st h. n. of Eliot. tMattistn, John O., bookkeeper Long Beach Milling Co., r. 137 Temple av. Mattiscn. Wi,.. r. w. a. Ojal av. 1st h. n. of Eliot. iatnx, Jcbn O.. r. n. e. cor. American. av. and Willow. Maxsson. Chat-l!e F., r. 131 onlita ir. M:a-xwl. *,. t., carpenter, r. 211 Pine av. May, Lucas L., ,-at estate, r. 753 Olive av. May. N. Emmett, (Mlnton-Mla Co.). seey and mgr. Unlted Syndlcctts _[ Ceo., r. 326 wv. Sixtil. ITay,M -s m. A. Fi., clerk Santa Fe.- y.U r. 10 .atlanutc ar. u 1 .M:ylherry. Edward L., architectural engineer, r. 1230 e. Ocean iv. Mayers, Lewis D., r. 518 w. Sixth. Ma-es,. Winm. E, r. Sf0 Hazard av. S nyho ¢.Arthur F_ r.w. i .&arpat;i 3essie &v. e,_'~ Mlna,yi ,rnn. emlrs, r. 2151 Aertian rW. 9_ t NlMa2e, The, E. C. Wright, prop., secoxxd hand goods, 226 e. Second. Q I 2CA¢MeAdowG,L. , Mrs., music teacher. r. 124 . First-

, lj M)h'cAiiiter, E. N,, mgr, The cAlister Music Co, r. 327 Locust av. McAitter Music Co., Tht E. S. McAtlster, mgnr. pamos and musical mdse- 108 e. Third. MAlatcr, in'm.P, Wlth E. HN.Martin & C., r. n Atlantic av.

FRED HIXSZE. PHON-ES: 394, padfic 311 California Chocolate & Candy Co.

- !t tr C-Oria*-Oe 2sr.'. ave snx rill befoan'iLueathfui sa#eiL eaidoa Cer. LE.SOth a.d Aismtee Arc, Loug 5eacLC ai Main 41 . Home 3 HOOVER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : L:ONG BEACH, CAL.


MeBeth, A. T., carpenter, r. e. s. Coronado av. Znd h. n. of Anahc!m. 0 McBrlde, Dick A., machinist, r. 847 Paeifle av. Ot iIcBride, U. A., Mrs., r. 120 Chestnut av. McBride, E. C., (Fish & TMcBride). ,McBride, James E., r. e. s. Elm av. 3rd h. of Arabella. 3 McBride, Richard, repairer L; B. Auto Co.. r. 847 Pacific av. 1McBride, W. W., (Pacific Grocery), r. 847 Pacific' av. IcBurnie, Melvin, -onductor P. E. Ry., r. 4 0 21% American av.. McCabe, Edna L., Miss, r. 411 Pacific av. McCabe, John A., U. S. Revenue agt., r. 419 Pacific anv. MIcCaln, Nelson, r. 537 e. Fifth. McCallister, Alexander P., r. 1103 e. Fifth. McCallister, Elijaih, r. 1111 c. Fifth. MlcCallister, Wim. Frank. carpenter, r. 1103 e. Fifth. McCEartney, Alien, messenger nWestern Union 'Tel. Cm,., r. ,21v;. Fourth. ! t._ MeCartney, Carrie, Miss, r. 527 w. Fourth. McCartney, Hale% prop. The Bertha, 735 American av., r. same. ?.McCartrney. Jrnni, Miss. r. 527 w. Fourth. 9 McCarty, George A., prop. Fifth Street Pharmacy, r. 51;$ w. Flith. MeCary, Maude V., Mrs., collector, Home Tel. Co., r. 225G Atlantic. av GOOD MERCHANDISE CHEAP c u'

Incomparable sva- See our advertise.- u es charactrize me n t of wanted I The Fifth Street merchandise in to. 3

McCailln, !s.c LT. ntnitor Elieenth S.reet School, r. s. s. e- Fifth 2nd h. e. of Junipero av. :tIa McCaslin, Jam A, pres. Long Beach Paper & Paint Co., r. 602 Orange Zv. a McCaatuit, Wi. I., (Eliot. Street Meat Market & Grocery), r. 211 Kil;nta * - a3., r. sanme. MecCaught, Mae. Miss, dressmaker 119 e. ocean av. r. sanme. b3cCelland. John 3M.. r. . e. car. Derntsere and Granai av. . 3McClal, IL FB Mrs.. drespmaker, r. 521 American ar. a McClelland, Charles T., driver Wells Fargo & Co, express, r. 1629 e. Vourth. McClelland Fred S, carpenter, r. 434 Watlnut av, MeClintock, Anita, Miss, nurse, r. 125 w. 3rd. MIcClintock, Ava, Miss, clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 256 e. First. . MeClintock, G. H, r. 434 Locust av. MlcClintlck, Louisa, Mrs., r. 1C63 Hellman. McClure, Andrew, r. 1630 e. Seventh. ... McClure, John, laborer Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. 1630 e. Sev- enth. lMcClure, Robert C., barber 231 e. Seaorn, r. 1630 e. Seventh. .. McClure. S. R, r. 416 w. Fourtrh. : A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BEACH TENT CITY nU m >mm - MOWM - TWts* - COrWmu - FOR '- MOWEnm Doablellmfs, Screm Doon and Wisdows, Gas for Cokinug and Lightir, with ShOwer Bat and Sasltary Toiets. AT FOOT OF GOLDE"1 &VE., TiTREE BLOCKS WEST OF HOTEL VIRGINIA- W. B. REIDER, Prop. P/OES.: Mals 12 Houe 129' Soft Water Laundry Compan6 ! ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 73. 126 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

(f) j 1 McCollum, C. Roy, r. a. a. Fortuna bet. Ojai and Obispo av. Rr McCollum, Isaac, r. 227 e. Ninth. .4 r McCollum, John A., r. s. s. Fortuna bet. Ojal and Obispo av. McConnell, O. K., r. a. e. cor. Rose av. and e. Telth. .. : McCannell, Mathew, driver Bay View Transfer Co., r. 108 w. First. McConnell, Samuel H.., rancher, r. 413 e. First. le , z McConnell, Wm., refreshments, on the Pike, r. 517 w. Second. McCord, C., Mrs., prop. The Arlington, 202 e. First, r. same. E. 0 McCord, Clayton, policeman, r. 202 e. First. McCormick, T. J., Ars., r. rear 440 w. Second, McCourtney, Walter, carpenter, r. 963 e. Fifth, McCown, C. F., r. 528 e. Third. Mrs., r. 1541 Bizhop. t! McCoy, C. M. 00u C1 McCoy, John, r. n. s. e. Fourth opp. Kinta ar, ti i McCoy, Ralph L.. r. 1il4 Bishop. McCracken, Janes S. R., employee Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. s. e. Flth 2nd h. w. of Walnut av. McCracken, W. B., (Harbor Lumber Co.), r. 525 w. Stith. MeCrary, AlexanmTir, laborer, r. C28 Pacific av. QUCa Q AfcCrary, Emma, Mrs, r. s. a. State opp. Olive av. McCrary, Isaac A., (McCrary a Parkinson), r. 628 Pacific av. McCrary, James A., rancher r. a. s. State opp. Olive av. McCrary, Maude, Miss, operator Home Tel. Co, r. 1.269 Atlantic av. MeCrary, V. D., machinist, r. 628 Pacific av. McCrary & Parkinson (L A. McCrary, G. H. Parkinson), housemover, 628 Pacific av. McCrary, Stewart D., salesrman The Cash Store Co., r. 313 Chestnut av. McCrillis, John W., teaming Contractor, 956 e. Sixth. r. same. e--Crndle, Gtorge, teamster, r. a. w, cor. Iowa -av. and Twentieth. MeCrindle, Wm. r. e. w. cor. Iowa av. and Twintieth. McCuiston Arthur, student, r n. c. cor. Cauroliton av- and Junipero av. McCultah, Frd'W. asat P. M., r. 205 w. Fourth. McCulloch, Kenneth, r. 1116 Pacific av.' 2 McCulloug, Blancheh Mis, r. lto3 Anerican aY. McCulloudh, Black, 118 Pine vy. McCullough, Edward . prop The Buitte, 131 vw. Ocem av., r. same. McCulouib, Hugh, bicyclc e and repair, 539 Ajm*caun v., r. 10S Amer- a av. AMeCullougt Juam, baker FAney Bak ry, r, 31i w. Second MeCullougli, .e, Mrs I. A. Jamei, propr, fulmnsled rooms, 118 Pine ar. as McCullough, Wrni., r. 1063 American av, wus McCullough. W. RP r. 131 w. Oceii av. I- McCurdy, George F, plumber, r. a. w. cor. Densmore and Temple av McCurdy, Howard, plumber, r. a. w. cor: Densmore and Temple av. McCatchan, H. H., principal, Atlantic Avenue School, r. 617 w. Ninth. z McCutchen, Frank, vice-pres. Citixensa Savings Bank, r. 31T w. Third. 0 McCutcl:en's Book Store, (Frank McCutchen, I. Jutgon). books and stationery, 14S-148 Pine av. * - toB MeTanlel, Aubrey T., conductor, P. E. Ry., r. 249 e. Fifth McIeniela, Clintnr, 35 A'micrican av. = J W) McDermont, A, r. 1855 e. First. McDermont, Lloyd, student, r. 1855 e. First. McDermott, Pearl, cook Valdenir Cafe, r. 136 Loeust av. Henry J. Pauly Co. Th Lose L House Blank Books and Loose. Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing., .rj-rs AeAJiWg, Sf., TisA4nge/s REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ?OY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS EXCHANGES 07 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 I·1IEl i ,? LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 127 CA Il C oni IleDonald, Delbert L., meat cutter J. W. Wallbrink, r. 357 e. Seventeenth . cDonald, J. C., building contractor,, w. s. Coronado av. 3rd h. s. of e. Eighth. o IcDonald, Martha, Mrs., rr.654 Pacific av. ( icDonald, . L., pres. and mgr. Colonial Amusement & Bldg. Co., r. 0 130 Pacific av. IcDonald. Randall W., r. 633 American av. icDonald, Wm. W., r. 500 Junipero av. ,ateD-nnell, A. W., real estate, r. 1603 Pincne . 0a: icDowell, Mauid C., Miss, student, r. s. a. Mahaska 1st h. e. of Lemon av. UeDowell, Jane A., Mrs., r. 829 Elm av oi ca eDowell, Ruben R. teamster, r. s. a. Mahaska lst h. e. of Lemon av. o 1 fleDowell, Wm., teamster, r. s. m.. Ma!aska, lst h. e. of Lemon av. m NicDuff, Esther, Miss, r. 1422 Locust av. IicDuff, Pomona, Miss, stenographer U. S. Trust Co, r 1422 Locust av O cDuff; Wm G., carpenter, r. 1422 Locust av. - m BcElhaney, Edward, plumber E W. Smith Co., r. 240 e. Fourth. i 3McElroy, Ellen, Miss, r. 934 e. Ocean'av. tcElry., J;suplt W., caretnrlet-, r. 50 Limrna w,. Q lcElvaln,Litla. Mrs., baker E. Jackson & Cn,, r. 114 e. Seventh. r ieFadden. James. r. 505 e. Fourth. ' lcFadyen, Edgar, sec'y Orelli-McFadyen Co., r. 237 e. Ninth. icFaFrFlane, Ethel S.; Miss. r. 505 w, Fourth. IcFarFlane, Wm., r. 505 w. Fourth. cFarlin, Myrtle J., Miss, r. e. s. Stanley av. 1st h. n. of Densmore. U IcFarlln, Robert W., r. e .s. Stanley av. 1st h. n. of Densmore. > cGary, John F. (M. H. Wells & Co.), r. 429 Magnolia av. OQ McCarvin, John W., r. 742 California. Z McGee, Agnes, Miss, maid, 1465 u. UGc~ a&V. -> ecGee. Robert M,, real estate, 13S e. Fourth, r. 1834 e. Fourth. MtcGlnnis, Otis, r'y and treas. S. Cal. Tour. Co., r. 6l Walnut av. McGinnis, W. Frank, foreman Crescent Wharf Co, r. n. s. Eliot 3rd h. >r e. of Ojaf. McGinnis, Walter I., building cothirCetor, r. 449 Temptl av. McGrew, Cherls T, laborer Salt Lake My., r. 06 Aose av. , " MciGrew, Charles T., carpenter, r. 1303 e. Fir s-. McGrew, Mine V,-laborer, r. 164 PePacific av: McGrew, Wm. P., carpenter, r. 1546 Appleton. P = MeGulgan, Melville I., prop. Chicago Home, 313 w. Second., r. rame. 5Mcintyre, , A-, -,ianter. r. lt ,Alamitos av. r P McIntyre, Margaret, Mrs., r. 437 Magnolia av. MIcJune. Benjamin F., confectioner, r. 235 Magnolia& av. McKee, Alexander, r. 3T California av. McKee, Carre, Mrs., r. 1506 Atlantic av. o * McKee, . ., pres. First Nat'l Bank, r. Monrovia, Cal. o McKee, Nette, Mkz, r. 937 Callfornh ay. · -- , McKee, Stella, Miss, r. 16% Pine aV. 'a ,, : o McKenney, Augusta, Mrs., r. 1372 Bishop. o O, : e IMcKenzie, FreemaU A. (City Garage), r. Earl Apartments. 3 Mc:!eFene, YKennth., stablemnn r. so5 w. Ocean av. - 3= C McKenzie & Bellows (F. A; McKenzie, C. B. Bellows), proprs. City --i Garag, 212 Locust av.

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. ,rbe 1lru00.t t4 ine EVW-S R ^--tCzarre a Select Line of Toilet SoapsF w/|~~X;J< . Facial Preparatiors,Fine Imported and Qr Domestic Perumes, Etc. STANDARD DRU G COMPAN 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, P-esrlp!io· MGR. Speeiahly. Free Deliverry. Cornlcte Lineot OME D s. dSundries,ToletAnkles, Cgars Soda 1008 SUNSE'1 1i581 ater,&c. 128 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

McKim, Alice J., Mrs., McKinley, r. 610 w. Fifth. 'lU Sidney S., plumber WVm. B. McKinley, McKinley, r. 439% w. Second. Wm. B,, plumber, 441 Pine av., r. McKinley, James, 445 w. Second. sealer Cal. Fish Co., r. San Pedro. MeKune. B. F., r. 235 Magnolia av. McKune, Theresa, Mrs., confectionery, n. end of Pier, r. 235 Magnolia av. McKusick, Flora, Mrs., r. 654 Atlantic McKusick. av. Mabel. Miss, r, 654 Atlant'c av. McLain, Anna, Mrs., r. 1132 e. Third. MLcLaughlin, M. C., Mrs., r. w. cor. Tile M-cLaughlhn, and Florida. Wim., employee L. B. Laundry, ida. r. n. w. eor. Tile and Flor- McLean, Alexander A., r. 431 Locust av. MeLeman, Neil, dry goods, 43 American av., r. 456 w. Seventh. McLTend, George O. (City Wood Working Co.), r. 45 Linden av. 0 McMahan, Beniamin M., carpenter, o r. s. c. cor. e. Eighth and Coranado. McMahan, Lester L carpenter, r. w. MtManahan, s. Coronado av. 2nd h. s. of e. Eighth. o Ella, Miss, r. 44, Locust av. cMfeMastcr, S. G., bookkeeper S. Cal. Lumber Co., r. Los Angeles. McMillan, J. A., Mrs., r. 438% McMillan, Cedar av John C, mining, r. 1040 Magnolia McMillan, av. Mae, Miss, dressmaker, r. '18 e. Third. LU McMillan, Wm., l: 1355 e. Second. McMillan i- John C., policeman, r. 935 Washington. McMullen, Larain, r.-w. s. Gladys av. Ist h. n. of e. Seventh. McMurdo, Albert, r. s. w. con. e. Anaheim and Dakota av. McNally, John J. (Sea Coast Shell Co.), r. Fourth, Terminal McNiel, Island. George W., r. 746 Atlantic av. MeNlell, Estella M.. Miss, ironer Soft Water Laundry Co.,


Mead, Wm. H., salesman Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. 1066 e. Fourth. Meader, Curtis C., r. 1009 American av. L Meander, Joshua R., 'employee Crittenden Produce Co., r. 1020 Chestnut av. Meader, Lydia E., Miss, r. 1009 American av. JMeader, May, Miss, cashier The Mercantile Co,, r. 1009 American av, 1Means, Sidney W., clerk S. A. Schilling Co., r. 303 Daisy av. Measor, Albert R., laborer, r. 416 Olive av. li'eeitiin, Okruff G., teller Nat'l Bank of I. B., r. 139 w. Sixth. Mee, George T., carpenter, r. 1160 Pacific av. r Meek Baking Co., Richardson & Son, sole agt., 322 Pine av. Meek. Earl, prop. Bell Transfer Co., r. 828 Olive av,. Meek. Joseph G. ,carpenter, r. w. s. Tingling av. 1st h. n, of Eliot

Anaheim. M;ehesy, E. Morris, r. 107 e. Ocean av. Mleler. Andrew J., upholster H. S. Callahan iFurniture Co. r. n. s. Amer- ican, av. Ist h. n .of Twentieth. Meier, Frank L, r, Railroad av., Terminal Island. Meier, Henry. J., groceries, 601 w. Fifth, r. 607 Maine. Meiler, Mary A., Mrs., r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Meter, Rena, Miss, clerk H. J. Meier, r. 609 Maine. Melchert, George, real estate, r. 635 Elm av. ?Melendez, Elihue, laborer, r. 1228 e. First. Meldrin, J. Harry, (City Transfer Van & Storage Co.), r. 119 Olive av. Melnotte, Richard, barber, 147 American av., r. 132 American av. Mendell, Charles L., r. 342 Tingling av. Mendenhall, Arthur, bookkeeper California Wholcale HIay & Storage Ca., . 9.3 e, F- rth. Sh', Mendenhall, Daniel G., r. 127 w. Anaheim. Mendenhall, Frank S., gasfitter L. B. Gas Co., r. 14561 Locust ay. Mendenril. Marxarei. ,. Mrs., r. 536 Linden av. Mlendes, Peter, r. 'w e. cor. Termino av. and Anaheim. Menzel, AUgl-t, r. 4S7% Chestnut av. Menel, Mer, r. 4Z7_Chestnut_thu-ne a.;ff Mensel, Frank, caipenter, r. 243% Che tnut aY. Menael, Johnna. Mrs, r. 245% Chestnut av. Mera Ctiloe, -hTe, C. J. Walker, pres. C. A. Buffm, see'y and gen. mgr.; dept. store, 127-129 Pine av. Mercereau Bros., J. Frank Mercerelm mgr, prorp. Ideal Shoe Parlors, 238 Pine av. Mercereau, J. Frank, mgr Ideal Shoe Parior, r. 321 c. First. Merchant, lavid N., Dr., r. 930 Cedar av. . Merchant, ]stella ., Mis, student, r. 329 e. Seventh. a blerchat, Laura A, MrFi r. 329 e Seventh o a MercelntW and Manufacturems' As'n, W F. Pascoe, pre.; W. Cliford Smith.. ie~ey; Carl Monk, attorney; rms. 21-23, 11 Pine av. ' ± Merchants' Sheriff Night Patrol, W. W. Proctor, prin, 621 American av. C Mxercd!th, Lls^ee, -rs., employee $SftWater Laundry Co. r. IL 5. Pennsylvania av. 1st h. e. ot Atlantic Yv,. Merigold, Charles H., office 33 Pine av. r. 325 w. Tenth. Merigold, Lillian V., Mrs., musician. r. 326 w. Tenth. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST--BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY.

HOTIM JOLM - 4Eceleniil ""casiaed nar i Ocean, f&*b Piefic Park. Speda. Rate by the W k. : : )mks. LC.CHuafr., Pro. .AIIZnAI FLAN . 45 CodaA: RiTES. s. w per Bae, Sgle5 Basi s So CO 45 Cew Ave 1E10tmlOXEisbi3§ J. A. Weisenborn B. C Wanulboe, GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE . While in the city do not fail . to investigate or high trade City and Rahch Poiperty. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. I -, - .au LONG BEACH DIRECTORY LONGBEAC DIRCTOR Merickel, Watson' D., r. 725 e. Ocean av. Merkle, Frank, meat cutter Michigan Meat Market ,r. 968 e. Seventh. Merriam, De Witt C., r. 1330 e. Ocean av. IJ·f Merrick, Amelia, Mrs., r. 337 Rhea. Merrick, Stella M., Miss, r. 337 Rhea. r·. Wo Merrick, Wm. R., r. 337 Rhea. Merrill, E. F., Mrs., r. 316 Elm av. errill, Samuei, r. 527 Cedar av. Merritt,' AMinne, Mrs., furnished rooms, 112 e. Second, r. same. Merryman. Marian, Miss, teacher St. Anthony School, r. 112TBlshop. Mersereau, R. C., r. 527 e. Ocean av. Merts, Robert L., painter, r. 112 Magnolia av. C Merwin, Edwin A, physical director Y. M. C. A., r. e. s. Hermosa bet. e. Fourth and Bishop. Merwin, Frank, machinist,, r Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Merwin, Wm., chief engineer Gov. dredge. r. Ocean Front, Terminal Is- land. O- Mesecar, George E., cashier Pac. Electrlc Ry., r. 443 Pine av. Mesecar. George E.. Mrs., saleslady The Mercantile Co., r. 449 Pine av. Meserve, Elmo R., (Signal Hill Floral Co.), r. s. w. Cherry av. Ist h. n. 0 of Hill. Messick, Milton, laborer, r. 433 w. Eighth.. 0 Meslck,, Sallie, Miss. r. 955 e. Sixth. Messenger, Crawford, r. w. s. Chestnut av', 2d. h. s. of State. U Metcalf, Benjamin, F., massage, 346 e. First, r. same. Metcalf, Harry WP., (Metcalf & Lochridge), 1272 e. Second. LU Metcalf, Irvin J., r. 1044 Locust av. Metcalf, Win. A., r. 1272 c..Second. Metcalf . .J & Lochridge, (H. W. Metcalf, H. H. Lochridge), archltects, 614- 615 First Natl. Bank Bldg.. Phone Home 742. Methodist Episcopal Chureh d(nuth), Rev, Edwin L. Flitch, pastor, n. c. car. Linden w. and c. Third. Metropole Building, s. w. cor. American av. and Eighth. Metropole, The, Mrs. E. M. Hamilton, propr., furnished roomsj 258 e. 0 FAEhth. Metroolitan Lfg Ins. Co., A. 'Robeson, asst. inbuSger, 434 First Nati C,) Bank Bldg. Mets, Newton J., barber, r. 229 w. Sixth. :C Metz, Phebe L., Miss,'r. 22 w. Sixth. Metzger, Lucy M., Mit, r. 52t Paciie av. J Meyer, George H., (Meyer' Dept. Store Co.), r. 444 Chestnut av. Meyer, Henry M., shooting gallery. r. 245 e. 8ixth. Meyer. Herman , Mrs, r. 504 Cherry av. -o Meyer, John, r. 432 Pine av. Meyer, Mary, doniestic, 1200 e. Ocean av. I W Meyer, Mary L.. Miss r. 504 Cherry av. -0. Meyers, RElumJane. Mrs., . 245 e. Sixth. Meyers, : Harry E., motorman, P. E. By., r. n. w. cor. Redondo av. ant1 Michigan Fire and Marine Ins. Co., John M. Edgar, agent, 232 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Michigan Meat Market, G.3. Draper, propr., 40S American av. Michelson, 0* Oiof A., bricklayer, r. 120 e. Sixth. S. HMckelson, Walter, bricklayer, r. 120 e. Sixth.

A. McCasin, Pre. P. S Berry, Vice-Pm. C.. Ciaypp, ,Se'y. PHONES: ou~e373, Stet3. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Dcalers In Platesnd Windowr Gia, Wali Paper,Pauits, Oils ad Vambishel 31 PINE AVEKUE, IOXNG sEACH, CAL. 1C.Nke tZrf ( i44PINEAVE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 131

Middough, Charles E., laborer, r. 247 Lime av. Middough, Myrle, Miss, cashier, S. A. Schilling Co., r. 247 Lime av. Middough, Valentine, window trimmer, S. A. Schilling Co., r. 241 Lime av. Middough, Wm., clerk, Wolff & Adams Drug Co., r. 247 Lime av. CD Mier, Mary A., Miss, t. 953 Pine av. 60 Mier, Minnie L., Miss., employee Inper Harbor Laundry, r. 953 Pine av. Mikado House Cleaning Co. and Employment Office, Francis Yoshide, mngr., 213% Elm av. Miles, Duke, sign writer, 121 w. First. r; 118 Pine av. Miles, Laura C., Miss, r. 1229 e. Fourth. Miles, Nellie V., Miss, milliner, r. 1229 e. Fourth. Miles, S. P., r. 124 c. SeYenZth, Miles, Wm. H., r. 1229 e. Fourth. 0 Miles, Win. P., r. 1229 e. Fourth. Millar. Edward R.; teller, First Natl.Bank, r. 14 Ontario, Seaside Park. Millard, Jane, Mrs, r. 930 E. Sixth. Millard, M. F.1 employee, P. E. Ry. freight house, r. 630 e. Sixth. Millard, Nordacat F., employee Pac. Elec. freight house, r. 930 e. Sixth. Miller, Albert H., r. 309 Cherry av. -- Miller, Barr B., groceries, 347 Short, r. same. I. Miller, Belle, Mrs., r, Fifth, Terminal Island. P. i P) Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. j MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE t Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 t Mp Miller. Clara, Mifm, teacher, r. 11110 P. Second. Mil e, E. A~ S.. canfectioner, r. 525 e. Fifth. 0 Miller, E. H., Mrs, housekeeper, The Roselle, Seaside 21id.. ct of L!n- 1 den av. Millar, E. i, eschbw clerk Citizens Eavings Bank, r. 1256 e. Ocean av. Miller, iarrd 10, musdein, l. II9 e. Ocean av. · Miller, Ernmst L, r. 1114 Elm av. Miller, Ernest O., paying teller, First National Bank. r. 427 Americau av. Miller, Florence, Mine, house keeper. 417 w. Seventh. Miiimr, Florence M, Mis r. 519 Daisy av. Miller, Frank M., clerk, W. C. Bowers & Son, r. 1S00 e. Furth. Miller. George, sheet metal worker, iW. BJoy, r. rear 135 w. Third. Miller, George A., horseshoer, H. T. Yount, r. 244 e-Third. liller, George L., carpenter, 1314 Elm av. Miller, Henry G., painter. Nell Cr3wnover. r. 342 Lime av. C' Miller, Irving, (Irving Miller & Co.), r. 17 Chestnut av. Miller, Irving & Co., (Irving Miller), real estate and-investments 1256 w. Ocean av. [1J tMiller, J. P., & Co., (J. P. Miller), real estate, 1238 e. Second. m Miller, James A., (Cbhandler & Miller), and secy. Chamber of Commerce, r- 103s Manolia av. Miller, Jennie, Miss, dressmaker, r. 411 w. Fourth.

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. CA1RLSON TAILORING GO. CARLSON HIGH CLASS TAILORS . A.CLAc,P,r. L G. CLuAR, Msr. Hone Phone 798 120 Pn. Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Aome44cnmset,2 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMIENTS J. W. Younn, Jr. A. L. Parmley. Suite 400.1-234, LONG BEACH BANK BLDG.


~ Miller, James P., (J. P. Miller & Co.), r. s.e. cor. e. Tenth and Poin- settia av. Miller, John B., r. 419 w. Fifth. Miller, Joseph, r. n. s. Rhea, 3d h. e. of Pasadena av. Miller, Julia, Mrs., r. 213 Locust av. ,9 Miller, L. A., manager, Nntional Lumber Co., r. Terminal island. O Miller, Lorenzo D., r. 539 Daisy av. Miller, Lottie M., Miss. millinery, 214 Pine av., r. 213 Locust avr. Miller, M. R., Mrs., r. 10 American av. Miller, Myra Kingman, Mrs., society editor. The Daily Telegram, r. 2'4 C V c. Third. < Miller, Orin A., r; 6523 w. Eighth. Miller,l Willard Er, r. 10.mericanav. PAi4 Miller, Wim, mining, r. 224 w. Fourth. {5i Miller, Wm. R., merchant tailor, 128 e. First. r. 221 Atln~tc av. Mller,i2 Zeiva EL, Miss, cashier, E. F. Fellows, r. 1910 e. Second, O rh Millerd, Hamrry L., r. 342 Tlngling a. Millhiser, Clarence W., carpenter. r.II54 e. Third. * Millhouse, Harry, teamster, Star Lumber and Mi:: Co,, r. rear 33S e. First Milligan, Louis, laborer, r. 930 Lime av. JiN lls, Luther, cement worker, r. w. s. Ojai av., 2d. h. s. of Eliot. Z Mill, Bion E., clerk, John Colbert, r. s. w. cor. w. Seventeenth and 'Z Chestnut av. Mills, E. Louise, Miss, teacher, Atlantic Avenue School. r. 437 e. 1-9 .Ocea a. . Mills, Eugene A., cashier, Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co., r. Ocean M,lls, Fred B., r. 1508 Appleton. Mk- e lMils,?Georre 'B, city garbage collector, r. n. e. cor, e. Fourteenth and

Mills, Nita, Miss, teacher, Atlantic Avenue School, r. 437 e. Ocean av. - Millsip, C.harles, r. 1425 e. Seventh. *~ I 1Millsap, Otis, clerk,J3. L. Taylor, r. 1I49 Pailway. MltI!-ai-g, M. F., Mrs, r. 1052 e, Fifth. W I Milner, Ivy, Mis, operator, Home Tele. Co., r. 445 w. Ocean av. Miner, Ada M, Mis, teacher. High School. r. 06 Pacific av, , X~ Mine, lHarve L., r. b52 Locust av. Minor, Jerry r. 4 6-Dais av. Q X Mflnter, Ciarles, Mrs., r. 400 Rhea. O nter, Henry C., r, S33 e. State, O YMinter, Leo F., r. 400 Rhea. Minter, Wm. S., electriclan. r. 336 e. State. M4nton--May Co, (N. Emmete May), real estate and insurance, 14 Pa- ? C cific ar. Minra Mar Nursery, (Hofgarden & Falkenhayn), n. e. cor. e. Tenth and Termino av. Miranda, Besenta, Mrs. H3 Appleton. Misner. Bert. barber. Stag Barber Shop. r. 1128 e. Sixth. Mission Grocery, Mrs. Genevieve Barnes, propr., 132 wn. Third. Missouri. The, Mrs. .Y.V. Ne amao prepr, fur"fihci -ioms, i4r2Q American av. Mitchell, A. F, Rev., pastor, Friends Church, r. 653, Lime av. Mitchell, A. L, florist, Alamitos Nursery, r. 127 e. First. Mitchell, Charles ., forcman, Barber Asphalt Co, r. U41 Locut av.,

W. B. MCCRACKE, masuw L A. GO3ZT `I,,SC. sad Treas H-ARBOR LUMiBER CiO. omCZ ~a Y*ARD Cot. oe ad" 'Gdoidesw.q. - F1a Liseof UILDING SAiWAt a Miltt wor*. TaTOL suaga va X-aw JLmakn. cal. L.V.&. B. arl[H A R T H O R N' Sninhtht raIld.c Iltorn, Tel. ome_ changed orrented. and re- hl. Piclfic *,t. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Tuning a special- Rcs. 13 Pine ave. 40 PINE AVE. pairing .PhonePacific BRANCH STORE 646 PineAve., Phone Pacific 2816 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 133

Mitchell, A. J., pres. Fulton Marine Construction Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. 2Mitchell, sernsece, Miss, stenographer, Long Beach ute-Hotus-& Amusement Co., r. 653 Lime av. Mitchell, Charles R, osteopathic phy.ielan, 309-310 First Natl. Bank Bldg., r. 326 w. Fifth.. Mitchell, Clarence E., employee, Long Beach Milling Co.. r. 114 Ccrri- tos av. . mlitchell, E. H., r. 218 Pine av. Mitchell, Eiizatbetlh W., Mi,, stenographer,State Bank of Long Beach, r. 541 Locust av. Mitchell, Frances W., Miss, stenographer, F. A. Knight, r. 653 Lime av. Mitchell, Fred. teamster, Long Beach Milling Co., r. 936 e. Fourth. Mitchell, Helen G., Miss, r. 541 Locust av. g Mitchell, Jesse J., r. n. e. cor. e. Eighth and RedondO &v. Mitchell, Marguerite, Miss, clerk, Long Beach Hospital Ass'n, r. same. IMitchell. Morton. teamster, Long Beach Milling Co., r. 936 e. Fourth. Mitcehell. Oliver C. (T!leO Front Grccery). r. 419 Lime av. O Mitchell, Robert H., city sewer foreman, r. 829 Chestlnut av. . Mitchtll, Ruth, Miss. ironer, Long lach Steam Laundry, r. 829 Chest- nut av. Mitchell, T. J., painter, 340% e. First. Mitchell, Thomas, master mariner, retired, r. 1553 Locust-av. 0Q Mlttelstedt Fred, laborer, Ci:y, r. 437 Lime av. . Long Beach Brick Works. RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor


av, Mocklc, . H., supt. Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co, r. 735 Cedar Model Laundry, Ii B. Moraln, pres.; ]EL D. Vl; secy.; 644 v Fifth. Model Market, The, A. Cost, manager, meats and fruits, 145 Pine av.. Modern oiiffei_ ur-Ps, isM E. (3crtrude Huff, propr, 401-410 First Natl. 2d. h. n. of e. Moffitt, ilt-on D., cement fitlsheTr, r. e. s. Redondo av.. Tent _.. togle, Mary ., Mr., dressmaker, r. e. a. Dakota ar, 2£d b. .L f e. Sev, h Mohrenstecher, George A., -secy. Bixby Land Co., and secy. Los Cerg Ipseroveaent Co., Ait notary, r, IRSt e. Ocean av. 0 Moist, Charle, collector, Palcfic Tel. Co., r. 329 e. Ninth. Moist, Nloy, Miss, operator, Pacftic Tel. Co., r. 329 e. Ninth. Mot;-J. W., plasterer, r. 329-e. Ninth. Mojonier, A-iigut. r. 846 -Amerlctn av. Mollard, Richard, painter, Imperial Carriage W'hks., r. s. e. cor. Locust aV. an4 PBrnett. Moilha...en; A,; r, 10f1 Chestnut av. .I Monckton, Alplionso, r. 1242 Anierlean av. Monk, Carl, (Dento & Monk), and notary, r. 30S Hermosa av. Monroe, John I,, bricklayer, r. 1228 Atlantic av.

OLDW;-u.RIET .STRONGEST-. ARTLETT MUIIC CO. tlectrical ;uppl &afixture C¢o J10-122 E. li Sit, L DiAC FIRED HINZE Phones: Home394, Pacific 3116 California Chocolate (a Candy All our goods are made from the purest materials Co. mad will be fJund healthful as well as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos ave., Long Beach, Cal.

134 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Monmouth, P The, (Mrs. Giddings, Miss Wiley), furnished Second. rooms, 203 e. Montague, Alice, Miss. stenographer, Montague, r. 1144 Locust av. Andre,;.r. 1144 Locust av. Montgomery, A Cranston P., civil engineer, r. 329 e. Tenth. Montgomery, Herbert L., r. 329 e. Tenth. Montgomery, James W,, r. w. s. Lime av., 1st h:s. of State. Montgomery, Jennie, Miss. employee, Soft Water Laundry, r. w. s. Lime T av., 1st h. s.of State. Montgomery. S. Ruth, Miss, r. 1050 Pine av. Montgomery. W, H. R,, r. 329 e. Montgomery, Tenth. Wallace S., attorney, 1050 Pine Moody; Bruce, av. E r. s. w. cor. e. Eleventh and Cherry a:. Moody, C. J.. painter, r. 223 Atlantic Moody, av. Edith, Miss, nurse, r. 253 Magnolia av. Mwoody, IFred driver, Ctty- Dye t,'forig, r. 253 Magnolia av. Moody, Jackson D., r. 1045 e. Third. Moody, Sybil, Mrs., r. w. s. Ohio av. Mooney, 1st h. n. of e. Seventh. Charles E.. painter, r. 611 w. Fourth, T iMoore. Alice E., Miss, clerk, r. 108 e. Moore, Alice Seventh. 'W.. Mits., r. n. w. cor. Elm av. and Twenty Moore, First. S Anna C., Miss, teacher, r. 629 Linden av. Moore, Charles, hostler, Star Livery & Transfer Co., r. 149 Pine av. Moore, Charles D., carpenter, r. 1140 Moore, Gladys Court. Charles E. W., manager, Tarrytown Theatre, Copyrifhts r. 20 Chestnut av. Moore, Charles M., r. 108 e. Seventh. Trademarks Moore, Eugene B., r. 461 Labets w. Sixth. Moore, Eugene W., carpenter, r. 806 e. Fourth. Moore. Fannie E., Mrs., r. 423 w. Seventh. ___ Moore, Frances E., Miss. r. 423 ; w. Seventh. YlMoore, Frank D., r. 616 Magnolla av. __ Mooure. Fred IB. driver, Long Reach Duitry Co., r. 739 e. First. Moore, Fred S., (Moore gssJ Printing Co.), r. Brooks Apartments. LU Moore, Georgia, Miss, r. 334 w. Fifth. 0V M*oore. crace G., Miss stenographer, 4 City Clerk, r. 213 Elm av. !Z Moore, .LJ, Mrs, r. 213 Elm av. Moore. H. S. propr.. Olive Meat Marlet. r. 116 Olive av. ,g Moore. Harry DI, cerk, AC City Nail. Bank, -. 437 Atlantic ,v. M onre. Barry H., asst. eecy.. Y. M. oO C. A. r. satme. 1 -Moore.Hetie B,. Mln. nurse, r. 423 W. Seventh. _ : Moore, Huldah Y.. Mis. student, r. n34 Loma Vista Drive. . Modre, Isaac R., carpenter, r. s e. e. Anahelm and Vine av. t ocre, James. r. 629 Linden av. _* PD Moore, Janies L D., plumber. r. w. s. Lnrut av., Ist h. s. of Eliot. Moore, Jane , Mrs., r. 227 e. Sixth. Moore. John B., carpenter, r. w. s. Iowa av., Ist h. n. of * Moore, John Q*, Twentieth. engineer. Union Ol Co. of Calif, Seventh aJ t<: r. Terminal Island. and Rallroad. ZIJA .E Moo-e, }Jonn it, carpenter, r. s. s. Colorado lst h. .v. of Cherry av.. 3Moore, John W,* teamster, r. 1134 . Fourth. aoore, John Iy, r. 323 Short. _Moore, L. S., Mrs. r. 229 w, Eighth. E Moore, Leslie E., (Howard & Moore), r. 812 Maine. a Moore,. Lester H. r. 227 e. Sixth. Moore, Lewis P, Mrs., r. n, e. cor. e. Seventh and Walnut av.

ROY No CARR CO .INSURA NOTARY PUBLIC 107 AMERICAN AVE, RELTANS PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES B. P. Dayman. Secy Q. Townsend. Pre. C. F. Van de Water, Vist Pres. INVESTMENT CO. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMANINCORPORATED Acreage in California and A General Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Tracts in Mexico Large 12S EAST FIRST STREET Phone! Home s6, Sunst 691


Moore, Lottle, Miss, student, r. 213 Elm av. Moore, M. E., Mrs., r. 236 Chestnut av. 0o Mary H., Miss. student. r. 743 Locust av. Moore, t Moore Mary J.. Mrs.. r. n. w. cor. State and Loma av. e. Fourth. Maude V., Miss. teacher, Alamitos School. r. 530 Moore, w. Fifth. Moore, Nellie, Miss, teacher. Alamltos School. r. 344 Moore, Olive M, Miss, r n. w. cor. Elm av. and Twenty First. __ Oliver M., barber. V. G, Osburn, r, 564 Dayman. Moore, 38 Lo- Moore Printing Co., (F. S. Moore, J. H. Sleeper), job printing, Cast aV. m Moore, S. A., Mrs., r. 324 w. Fifth. h Moore, S. Brown, r. 420 Nebraska av. av. x:M Sidney L., barber, 3. A. Carnahan, r. 727 Cerritos Moore, Co.); r. 601 Wal- Moore. Sldney T., (Long Beach Awning & Tent Mfg. nut av, x Moore, Wellington S., r. 743 Locust av. r. s. s. Colorado, 1st h. w. of Cherry av. Moore, Wm., 629 Linden av. Moore. Wm., clerk, Long Beach Paper & Paint Co., r. Moore, Wm. E., carpenter, r. 934 Loma Vista Drlve, t r. 1054 e. Fifth. Moorhead, Frances E., Miss, apartments, 402 e. Mora. The, Mrs. Mary C. La Clair, propr., furnished First. Richard D.. r. 727 Loma Vista Drive. Morain. w. Ocean av., r. Morden. Elizabeth, Miss, propr., The Van Dykle, 443 same. Mrs.. r. 433 w. Ocean av. Morden, Ellen A.. a Morehead, Agnes, Mrs., r. 242 Chestnut av. Morchead, F. E.. Miss, propr., Dn-nison Vil!a, r. l04 e. Fifh. O Mcrehouse, Charles H., r. 275 Junipero av. Z Moreno. Franl. cement worker. r. 718 w. Serfid. > Fred. cemefirtt Wo.er, r. 1. WSecond.. Moreno, of e. Tenth. Elmer 3., carpenter, r. w. s. Obispo av., 1st h. n. Morey, r. w. s. Obispo > Morey. Wm. P., pres. Southern California Touring Co.. av, Ist h. n. of e. Tenth, Alfred Y., teamster, r. 827 e. Ninth. Morgan, av. a : s F Morgan, C. M., Mrs., stenographer. George A. Hart. f. 824 Lime Charles C. priater, r. 125 w. Foarteentb,. * : Morgan, av. o =- . Morgan, . Ayvera rancher.. r. m a State, 2d h. e. of Obispo Morgan,Inoe, r. n. . Stae. 2 h. e. of Obispo v. Eatelle, Mis, r.9M Chestnut av. Morgan, " c Morgan Jennie Ri, Miss, r. 17% e. First. A* 50Cg Morgan, Jese 3., r, WLI-e -lL4,/ Moran. John L. r. 5S1 Descanso av. Morgan, Joseeh H.. r. 824 Lime av. Morgan, L. Burt, pres. Model Laundry. r. 1145 e. Fourth. X dgx Atlantic Avenue School,n r. 702 e. ° Morgan, Lulu MI Mrs., teacher, : L Seventhb. Morgan, Mary. Mrs.. r. 332 Mamnotia av. 8 ; Morgan, Matte, Miss, stenographer. r. 237 Magnolia ar. r . Morgan, Raymond. spainter. r. 400 Rhea. 3 S ( s C organ, Sarah A., Mrs., r. 1S08 Bisho0. *. Morgan, Wmn. C., student. r. 2S7 Magnolia av. *. ' , Morgan, Wmin. T., r. 237 Magnolia av. * c

MUSIC COMPA . A. IL CHASE PIANO ARE ST-BARTLETT PHO,~,, IHOME 14W P 14 E- N.. MALISTER, Masser 'tbe ctlctiStetr lfusic (ompant Tlding,Etc. tndMu-sical Instum ents, Pctures, Frames, Mo DCe erniSBe4Mnlia STRE ELECTRO. PLATINGI T'R SPkINOr O fM S. A.NALCO 15 CITY 741. PINOfCOta.C DYE CITYWORKSPhWDYE v ~^236PINE AVENUE

Cleanersand Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty1


Morice, L., Miss. r. 537 Pacific av. Morice, M., Miss. r. 537 Pacifie Uv. Morley, Alfred H., driver, Joe M. Ho:dcr, r. 509 e. Sixth. Morney, James G., musician, r. 329 Magnolia av. MCorley, May L., Miss, musician, r. 32:. Magiolia av. •• iMorlock, Charles, Mrs., r. 1058 Pine av. Morlock, }aax, plumber, 205 e. Second, r. e. a. Hermosa av., 1st h. n. of Bishop. Morlock,'Roxie L., Miss, r. 1058 Pine av. Morosco, Anthony, meats, fruits and vegetables, 301 Pine ay., r. 01 r;. -®~ ~ Third.w Morrell, James R., stock-keeper S. A. Schilling Co., r. w.' s. Elm av, 2d h. s. of Arabella. Morrell, Lorrine, Mrs., r. 835 Pine av. Morrell, Peter B., teamster, r s.a. Willow, 1st h. e, of American w . av. Morris, Chaiies H., r. 4zy Ocean av- orris, Damsy I., Miss, teacher, Atlantic Avenue School, r. 437 e. Ocean av.

Moses, Charlcs; wood itrner, Southern Call.f Lumber Co., r. Railroad v. _ 0 _ Terminal Island. - 0 ~ lMosher, Evan, secy. Masonic Temple As'n, office Zd floor MNaonil Tem- ple, r. 110 Magnolia av. Mosher, Katherine, Miss, teacher, r. 1109 Magnolia av. Moss, Mareetius, engineer, California Fish Co., r. Terminal Island. Moss, Robert K., labore, Cal=frnia Fish Co., r. Terminal Island. Moss, Ruby, Miss, employee, California Fish Co., r. Frith, Terminal Island. t YMoe, Wn. C., r. n... eor. Elm ar..and Twenty First. Mott, Sullivan, blaclksmith, r. 1445Plie av. Moyer, Clarence, carpenter, r. 525 w. Third. Moyer, Ruth 1., Mrs., r. 1666 e. Seventh. Moyer, S. J., Mrs., r. 231 e. Seventh. Mueller, Fred, r. n. s. State, 3d b, e. of Callforni-av:a Mugge, Gcorge 3I, r. Z46 Chestnut av. Muir, Mary, Mrs., r. 646 Pine av. Mullen, George, steward, .Cosmopolitan Club, r. same..

,E1W AND SECOND HIND tCrCCLES REtIFNGr, REPAIMNG, SUlNDIOES 'imCALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY ------TIRE VULCANIZING OF EVERY.-DESCRIPTION- -. ____^-- _ S sagtjnHg 133 213 EA3nsrSECOND STrEETr,LWi REACH E. H. CLEVELAND, Funertl Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use ol Sick Lady Assilstsit Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


'Mullen, Mary E., Mrs., r. 829 Elm av. Mlullendore, George W., r. 1037 Pine av. 'Muller, A. E., laborer, Southern California Lumber Co. L Mullett, W. H., r. 437 Pacific av. Mullford, Harry H.. r. 851 Cedar av. Mullford, Josephine Paddock, Mrs., r. 851 Cedar av. Mun, The, Munholland & Son, proprs., furnished rooms, s. W. cor. Ocean av. and Elm. Mundell, Sarah J., Mrs., r. w. s. California av., opp. Burnett. Munholland, John G., (Munholland & Son), and notary, r. 3, The Mun- holland. Munholland, John H., (Munholland & Son), r. 1, The Munholland. Munholland, The, Munholland & Son, proprs, furnished apartments, s. w. cor. Ocean av. and Elm. Munholland & Son, (J. H. and J. G.), real estate and Insurance, 9 Pine aWV. Munsie, Ada W., Miss,, employee Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 644 Daisy av. MAunsie, Nellie, Miss, employee Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 544 Daisy av. Munson, Harry S., groceries 12i Locust av. r. t315 e. Fit. Munson, Ida, Miss, asst, librarian Public Library, r. 324 Cedar av. Munson, Pearl P., Miss, r. 1329 e. First. . G tbe ynthia 110Intbia Runnex A Most modern apartment honse in Sonth- New two*story brick bnilding adjoining ern California. Contains 24 four-room the Cynthia, containing suites of fonr, Apartments, all elegantly furnished. All three and two rooms, as well as single steam heated during winter monthi. oir. . ALL STPEAM HEATED. EAST OCEAN A.VE14ltUK, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM

Murphey, Charles B., city plumbing inspector, r. 440iOw. Ninth. Miurphy, Frank D., r. ;./ . cer. C,!t.ifrn!a av. and New York. Murphy, Frank J., plumber, r. 718 Locust av.' Murphy, George A., patternnmaker, Harbor Iron Works, r. 1524 Bishop. r-urphy Harness Co., (iM. B. Hurphy), 130 e. First. O Murphy, L. E., Hrs, restaurant, 132 e. Second, r. same. on Murphy, M. B., (Murphy Harne" Co.), r. 15V3 Loeuat av. _ Murphy, Olive A, Miss, siudent, r. 1524 Bishop. Mlurphy, S; IL, employee, Edison Gas Co., r. s. e. cor. Junipero av. and t Densmore. Murphy, Thomas, r. 12t 2 Myrtle av. Murphy, Wm. P., with Bllnn Lumbar Co, r. The Munholland. Miurray. Alexander B. (Murray & Mack), r. a. e. cor. Redondo av. and e. w 3 Fourth. r Murray, Sadie, Miss, r. 246 e. Fourth. Murray & Mack, (A. H. Murray, Charles Mack), house and sln paint- t era, 29 Locust av. Murta, Sarah, Mrs., r. 1245 RailwaY. . MBusgrove, James T., real estate. r. 1005 e. Seventh. Muskat, Karl, violin teacher, Fillmore School of Music, r. Los Angeles. Co Muskat, Louis P., secy.-treas. IXng Beach Brick Co., r. s. w. cor. e. Seventh and Xilelno av.

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-SARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Elecfric Company. The.purest gasin the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. Corner Second Street-and Pine Avenue. i. A. *eeiiinbori B. C W/tighop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE WhIle in the city dnot aiii to inistlte our igh Grade City ad nc Proerty. E1CItANGES A SPECIALTY. .omePhone63Lo.Ieachi,,Cnlal...... I I i_ 138 LONG BEACH DIRECTORYIC

0 Musselman, Alice G.. Miss. student. i. 1107 American av. Musselmah, Edward, r. 1107 Americai av. Mussen, John E., r. 529 Wahnut av. 04 Mussetter, Anna M.. Miss, student, r. 1556 Pinl .v, Mussetter, Basil L., carpenter, r. 1556' Pine av, etu Mussetter, Le Roy, r. 1556 Pine av. Mussette, Rtaymond P., carpenter. r. 1556 Pine av. Mutch, John B., plumbing. 719 e. First. r. 1221 e. First. Mutch, Margaret, Mrs., r. 636 Locust av. 0 itutual Buildiiig & Loan As/'n., J. B. Heartwell, pres.; E. H. Van Sit- kj tert, secy.; 16 Pine av. Myers, C. K., buiiqing coritractor, r. 1132 Pacific av. Myers, D'ella M., Mirs., r. 1308 bilshio. Myers, Esther M., Mrs., r. 1132 Pacific av. My6%, &e.oiie, r. 728 Cedir airk Myers, GPrace, Miss., r. 1132 Pacific av. kyers, resse,r. 128 Cedar av. Myers, M H, (Bishop & Myers). r. 245 e.:txh. 0 Myers, Mary M., Miss, r. 728 CedaFr av. Myran, Albert G., r. p. *. cor. bhio av, ahd Dlnsmdre. Myres, Adolpih F, chickeii riicih, r. 5i7 Cherry av, N la'*aii, Vml Ciemond, student, r. n. w. c6r Riverside Drive and W. Third. %aadeau,Joseph .F., r. n. w. cor. .Riverside Wrive and W. Third. Nafttger, Etta K.,. Miss, r. 94 Pine arv. Nafds, Oren B., labore-; iF. .w . Euclid avr, 4tb h. a. of Anaheim. N^gel; L2ouisa, M .4. v e &v. -- Cl ¢akagawa, aimer; ptpr.; ;Japanese Togo bouse Cleaning Cd. and Em- -i - ployment Office, r, 216 Elm av. Napier, Edward E. master mirinetr, r. 35 Pine av. Nardteci, Anie&os, muician r. 527 lm avt. Nashb, Joseph, foreman Crescent Wharf aid WUarous___Co.. r. San Vi0- Pedro: boZ..) o lian Morris, r. St Linden cv. Ndional Bank of Long-Iie; Th4, Jotbim Blxby, pre; P. I. Hatch, ·z_· vice-pre.; . E Nortin;, casier; Win. Co6k an A. V. Biadford, . cshbke, . e. cor. Pine av. and First. National Fire Ins. Co,. Walker-Williamis Reolty C;, ienji; 2iT Pine av. National Lumber C'o, I. A. ellel,inmir, main offiSe, Los Angelei; yds. Q Bay front. Terminal filand; Long Beach oiei, 0S Firsrt Natl. Bank Bldg. . - National Pantorlum, Fefd E. Smith, propr., irsixig Cil; asement irsit Nati. Bank Blg, National Surety Co, of N. Y., Wheeler & Wheeler igents, S3 pine av. National Union Ins. Co. of Pittsburg, George W. Smith & Co. agents, 404 First Natl. Bank Bidg. Nebraska Realty Co, (Mrs. Mary E McCashland), real- estate, 251 Pine av. Ncdrow, Josfah L, carpenter. r. 917 e. Seventh. Nedror, Victor, employee, -Calfornfi Chocolate and Candy Co, r. 911 e. Seventh.

-ri1~ - p TDiDIRgfC' a'id most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA - IN cONNERTioN WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE AVENUJ JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phones:3,NE Home 25, Sunset Z3 :: :: :: PresriptioM" m ,,bt. . "R


Neece, Adam M., r. 1025 Chestnut av. Neece, G. J., r. Santa Cruz av. bet. Morgan and Parker. Nccc, GF.W. agt. Reo. Autos, r. 1067 Elmn av. Neece, Hattie-G.; Miss, r. 506 Cherry av. ' ' i Neece, Thomas M., r. 1025 Chestnut a- Needham, George W., r. 653 Cedar air. . av. 1st h. n. Needham, Oscar, (Rogers & Needham), r. w. s. Redondo of Anaheit, ' r- n. e. cor. Railway and Neel, Melvln, principal, Daisy Avenue School, aiv. Cherry Mar Hotel, Heel, Ross E., dentist, 501 Long Deach ESank Bldg., r. Del Phon Honie 1139. N'e e D-,ic-VW., plasterer, r. 121 a. Ti.rd. 0 Neff, Sllas C., r. s. w. cor. Clher i av.and State. V., itenographer, 'r. 1712 Heller. Neibel, Caryl .er. Neibel, Charles L., r. 1112 Heller. r. 171t ller, Neibel, Etta, Miss, teacher, B:4ein¥r S-Zeq..chool, 84 Atlantic avr Nelson, Albert, foreman, Harbor Iron Works, r. Miss, domestic, 345 e. Third. Nelson, Bertha, r. Ameri- - Nlelson, Emma H., Miss, chief operator, PacItfic Tel. Co., can a. usland. icon, Fred A., clerk. Phil Real, r. Rallroqad av., Termital lllg-a .rt nm m wakfrB - ; R. S OASroD, Ma2ger

Both Phones No p *20

Co., r. 40 .. Nelson, James M., clerk, The Poor Morse Hardware Second. Nelson, YeM,i- . r, 6" Lidcl iv. Nelson, Lawrencie r. 524' PIl*cE *V." h iL . 103% e. Tl ird Nelson, Louis, cigars and tobacco, 130 Pine atS r. same. Nelso,, , Mrs., d.-icacks, 3U American i?., mYis, miller, The NCib Stor Cm., r. Sg Lndef air. Nelson, Mildred; seer.; 'C Nelson f(avig'ation Co., G, W. lughes, pre'*: H. S. C'alnhn;, L. Heartwell, treas.; . Pine av. Nelson, Pulins, Mrs, r. 52L'Linden v.I Nelson, _ter, r. 2 American ai,. , Nelson, , Mrs.. r. 41 1?ine av. i Nelson, re.- delicacies, 124 w. Second, r. 14 w. First. Nelson, Walter G., teamster, r. 528 Lipden av. Nelson, Wnm., r. 746 Chesfnut av. s. w. cor. Hill and Cherry av. Nelso! , M T, r. av., r. same. Neumanyer, M v, Mrs., propr., TheMissourtf, 402% American Nevins, Win., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island.- Co., aents, 404 New IHampshtW Fire Ins. Co., Gcorge W. Sinlth First Ba nk Bidgt.

NEWELL MATHEWS CO. Dea in... WAGON5 : :: .CARRAO :: {MPE MENTS ANGELES, CA. 202o--N. LOSA"6ELS ST. LOS Young-Parmley Inv. Co. HoueP;sut4V REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS J. W. Young, Jr. A. L. Parmley Suite400-1-234 LONG BEACH BANX BUILDING |


New York Plate Glass Ins. Co., Walker-Williams Realty Co., agents,

New York Underwriters Agency, Walker-milliams Realty Co., agents, a 227 Pine av. f ;Z ¢ NewX Zealand Ins. Co., Walker-Wil lams Rcalty Co., agents. 227 Pine av. 104 Newbegin, Frank, conductor, P. E. Ry., r. 129 e. Second. a Newbery, F. E., & Co., (St. Louis), P. Y. Butler, supt., contracting electrical engineers, 33 Pine. O ~ Newcomb, George A., city building inspector, r. w. s. Tingling av. 3d II l h. n. of Eliot. Newcomb, Lara H., Miss, student, r. w, s. Tingling av., 3d h. n. of Eliot. Newell, J. M., Mrs.. r. 537 Cedar av. Newell, John P., (Newell & Slater Co.), r. Newell & Slater Co., (J. P. Newell), clothing, hats and men's furnish- _,~ Ings, 152 Pine. 4- Newerf,.John B., r. n. s. Eliot, Ist h: e. of Campbell av. Newkirk, Frank M., timekeeper, r. 844 e. Sccond. N vewkirk, M. Lemuel, clerk, Salt Lake Ry., r. 844 e. Second. Newkirk, Mary E., Miss, bookkeeper, The Daily Telegram, r. 844 e. Second. Newkirk, Samuel, clerk, Salt Lake Ry., r. 844 e. Second. Newrkirk, Samuel T., laborer, Salt Lake Ry., r. 844 e. Second. Newland, Alexander P., r. 517 Nebraska av. Newland, Fred W., bicycle repairer, r. 438 Linden av. Newman, Al. T.. r. s. w. c. iPiasadena av. and Arabella. * w Newman, Bell, Mrs., r. 540 Nebraska av { Newman,~ .' ,s. H., Ir., r. s. w. cor. Grand av. end Vista. l1± Newsom, B. W. physician. 137 Cedar av., r. v. s. Dawson av., ist h, s. I. ~ of Tecnth. ii 'Newton, Daniel K., r. 116C Atlantic av. VC Newton, Ellsworth G., real estate, r. 741 Pine av. no" I Newton, Emily, Mrs, r. 1304 e. Second. _ Newton, Ida, Mrs.,r,r1137 Elm aiv, N.?;on, ESeiden J. jeweler, 214 Pine aYi, r. 1070 Chestnut av-, -Niagara-Flre-;-C. C, Best Realty Co., agents, 102 Locust av., Long Beach lank Bldg. Nibel, George L. carpenter, r. n. w. cor. Eliot and Temple-ay. Nichols, Amos P., (tnham & Nicholk). r. 22 Huertt av. Nichols, Elizabeth Wadsworth, Mrs., Christian Science practitioner, r. 1344 American av. lNiehols Ella, Mr's., r. 310 e. Fifth. Nichols, G., Mrs., (Nichols, J. & a.), r. 721 Chestnut av. Nichols, Horace J., clerk, Pioneer Grocery Co. r. 1235 Appleton. Nichols, Hubert- W., clerk, E.F. F. Ieios, r. 1235 Appleton, Nlichols, J. & ., (J. and G.), groceries, 213 Pine av, . q : Nichols,' Joseph, (Nichols, J. & G.), r. 721 Chestnut av. o Nichols, Orin, r. 43 Linden av. I J1,) Nichols, Ralph F., laborer, Long Beach Lumber Co., r. 350 e. Fifth. V I Nichols, W. T., r. 805 e. Ocean av. O0% I lNicholson, Agnes, Miss. r. 812 Olive av. Nicholson, Edwin, chauffeur, Southern California Touring Co, r. 812 Olivo av. Nicholson, Geo. O., doctor of optometry, 33 Pine av., r. Z27 w. Third. Nicholson, Joseph M, carpenter, r. $12 Olive av. '

limpD mHLZE PHONES: oNr39PE fick3iib California Chocolate & Candy Co. 4Ai-of ourgood an uadefrsiomthe Prest la:erualsa4 will be fo lealthIful as well as dukida .E. Siath adtAsso v.,ltaBea, Cal. hain 471 - Homt S32 HOOVER & SNIITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.


Nicholson, Robert, dishwasher. Salt Lake Kitchen, r. 211 e. Fourth. O Nicol, F. T.. r. 1161 Linden av. Nlcoi, .Tames, r. 546 Elm av. Nicol, Mary, Mrs., r. 1161 Linden av. Niebel, Talma C., Mrs., furnished rooms. 142 Locust av.. r. samte. Niebles, Angelo, Mrs., r. w. s. Brown av., 1st h. n. of Anaheim. · Nielsen, Johanna, Miss, r. 651 Locust av. Nielson, Katrina. MIss, r. 1249 M.yrtCe av. Nielsen. N. C., (N. C. Nielsen & Son) r. 651 Locust av. Nielsen. N. C., & Son, (N. C. and N. H.), men's furnishings and sboes, 250 Pine av. Nielseni, N. H., (N. C. Nielsen & Son), r, 651 Locust av. Nielson, Niel C., carpenter, r. 1249 Myrtle ar.. Nielson, V. E, principal Heald's Long Beach Business College, r. 256 6 e. First. Nietfeld. Fritz, propr., ITnique Dye Works, r. rear 147 American av. 0 Nikolich, Vicko, ice cream peddler, r..343 e. First. Niles, I. T., Mrs., r. 1021 e. Ocean av. O Nisbett, Norman S.. teacher of languages, r. n. s. Livingston Drive, 2d h. w. of Grand av.


lncomxrpahla To1- see our advertise- t e s characterize mea t o wanted te Th.e FIth Street merchandlse in to- Store. :: day'ss pa .

NisbE Herrth E.iE phDt"AnherA r 517l w. Fourth. : Noack, Josle, Mis, r. 1326 Pine atv. Noaek, L. E.;-Mx r, i 352-e. Ocean ar. Noble, John, r. rear 226 e. Fifth. Noble, Lloyd E.. (Fidelity Realty Co.), r. Central Fire {Stafion. W Noble, -Mary, Mss, teacher Eleventh street School,.r. 902 Linden av. ~ P Noble, Paul E., bookkeeper, r. 114 Lme av C Noble, Wm. EL, accountant, r. 114 Lime av. i5 Nogel, Ella. Miss, r. 654 Elmt aRv 2j Nolan, Elijah F., r. 732 Washington Place. i ' Nolan, Jewel I, clerk, r. 644 Pine av. [ Nolan, Lewis, r. 732 Washington. * Nolan, Pearl, Mia stenographer, Percy Hlght, r. 644 Pine av. ! c Nolan Thomas J., r. 644 Pine av. Norcross, Clinton, clerk, Long Beach Milling Co., r. 243 e. First. . Nordin, Magnus, tailor, r. 949 Pine av. Norek, John W., driver, People's Ice Co., r. rear 66 Atlantic av. Norfieett, Webster F., carpentfr. r. n. w. cor. Filer av. and e. Tenth. Norls, Samuel F, lather, r. 2315 Atnntic av. Nors, Samuel IL r. a. e. cor. State and Atlantic av. Norman, Frank P, mgnr. Fraternal Medical As#n, r. 731 e. First


- ONG BEACH- TENT CITY uIkDmm . SZ . sM.- C Nm-C- L WMHOUmm Doabhe Roofs, Scaree Doos ad W-idows, G-rafr CuFlG a.ld LIghtlg, with Sbhawrr lRatk asd Sanitary fodiets. ATFOOT OF GOLDELI AVE,.THREE ltOCES WEST OP HOTPL VIRGINIA. W. IL RtIDR,;Prop. PHONES: Mcin 16(4, Bome 15 Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 a - -I I 14 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY I Norris, Charles R., second hand goods, 245 Pine av., r. 231 Pine av. Norris, Oliver P., clerk, Post Office r. s. e. cor. Rose av. and Heller. Nors, Karen, Miss, nurse, Long Beach Hospital Ass'n, r. same. Pe North Pacific Steamship Co., Herbert Browne, Agt., south end of Pier. ~s North British & Mercantile Ins, Co., E. L. Covert & Co.,-agents, i20 Pine av. Northern Assurance Co. of London, George W. Smith & Co., ageznts. 404 First Nat. 13ank Bldg. Northrup, Clarence D., bookkeeper, Long Beach Sash and Door Co., r. e. a. Larut, bet. Eliot and Fourth. Northrup, Elmer electrician, Electrical Supply & Fixture -Co., r. e. s. '. Larut av., 1st h. n. of Eliot. N.rthrop, Emma, Miss, r. 130 Pacific av. Northrup, Franklin H., r. 1114 e. Second. c o Northwestern National Ins. Co., George WV.Smith & Co.. agents, 404 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Norton, E. E, cashier National Bank of Long Beach, r. 1615 .Ameri- can av. O Norton T. R., laborer, National Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Norwood. The. Mrs. A. M. Wood, propr., furnished rooms, 38 Pine av. Nottingham, Frank, (Long Beach Feed and Fuel Co.). r. 101G Bishop. Novel'y Repair Shop. Elwood Doane, propr., 1.071 e. Third. Nowell. Samuel. laborer. r. 1077 California av. Nowlln, H. D., (Nowlln & Payne), r. Los Angeles. Nowliln & Payne, (H. D. Nowlin, B. E Payne), agents Naples Realty, 10 e.' Ocean av. Noyes, Wm., laborei, i. U4U C0alitornias ay. XNgart. Mary P., Mrs, anltore,* Biurnrett Sehoo, r. 2107 American 5v. WNull,'Lydia A., Mr3 r. it5 Pacidie av. Nunn, Abbie, Mrs. r. i35 e. Fifth. NpoW- Jacob, fruit rje er, r. 524 e. Thl.: ,

-- -- 0otsesCleme t , lr, ational Ltnber Co, r. Ocean Front, Ter- O·kfwr Dnu,'C,' . o.Oord, manager, 201 Ptne av. oaf , R. a minsger Oksiford Drir ~Co, r, OC 'Ioeusat av. Obr,,' Oscar, master mariner, r. 22 .e. Eglhth. OhermaleF, Charles. groceries; f2 (Golden a., r. same. 21 OCBrien, Besse, Mis, stenographer and booikeeper, r. $52 Pine av. :'Brien, Efe, Mrs, r. 446 W. Sixth. ' O'Brien, Esele J. M41ss, f ilner, r. a. w. cor. Olj1 av. ad Maquita, CErlen, Ha'y J., r. 64 Obispo a. - g o O'Brlan, Harry L., painter and paper hanger, r. 427 e. Second. O'Brien, Joseph F., r. C66 Obispo av. sXQ 0 O'Brien, Joseph F., Jr., r. $S6 Obispo av. vt O'Brien, Lulu ., Miss, r. a . c.or. Oa1 av. and Ulrqult. -- Q'Bien. Thomas. S., helper, Wm. 13 McK3iey, r. 66 O1bpo*v EWiii O'Brien, W. Y., Mrs., r. 53 PIne rv. O'Brien, Wmi., plaster contractor, r. S. W. cor. Ojal as. ad ulta. Oeean Beach House, Ms. C. E. Ward, propr,. furlnished; ro" ,'1 e. Ocean a . J.Henr~y Pilrly GoThe LoPsue Cjf House Blink Books and Loose Lea Ledgers. Devices and !ndeeS]em.rd Yawrman-Erbe Co.s Labor Saving Filing. ' '-1 ' ighSf.,gein REAL ESTATE INSURANCERENTALS ROY N. CARR CO. LOANS NOTARY PUBLIC EXCHANGES PHONE 38 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME 143 LONG 1EACH DIRECTORY W. Ham- c. Estate Co., (S. K. Hemphill, . W.I.Hand, G. Ocean Front Real 0 lin), 123 e. Ocean av. Ocean Viewr Cemetery, Dominguez Station. O'Connor, John, clerk, Post Office, r. 901 Hamilton. Lumber Co., r. Fifth, Ter- O Oden, Masonl laborer, Southern California mlnal Island. . e Amercan av., 1st h. s. of e. State. Officer James R., transfer. r. e. s. to Japanese House Cleaning Co. and Employment Ogawa. Noah I.. propr. a Oltmee, 232% American av. e. Ocean av., r. same. Oo Ogden, Emma L-, Miss, furnished rooms; 331 Ogden, Joseph R_, painter, r. 702 e. Seventh. r. 335 e. Seventh. Ogden, Lucy, Miss. IM carpenter, 1306 e. Ocean av. Ogden, Thomac. av. and e. Seventeenth. Ogdeti, Wki. L., teamstcr, r. e. s. cor. Atlantic milliner, r. 633 e. First; Ogilvle, Gladys F.. Miss, m obhn. segaler, California Fish Co., r. San.Pedro. Ogilvie, & Co.. agents, 404 First Nat. ' Ohio e~rriians ,na Co:, Georgre W. Smith Bank Bld:. Park. 0 Ohl, Elizabeth, Mri, i. San Diego av., Seaside u C., r. San Diego av., Seaside Park. Il Ohl, L. F W OxKelly, Bartley. solicitor, r. 103t e. Foirth. .. nainter. r., 940 e. Fifth.- O'Kelley, Win. repairing, 348 e. First. - o. K. Shoe Shop, Id. 0. Kehishifan, propr,, shoe boarding house, 41 Chestnut av. > Old Homestead,.7Mrs. L C. Marsh, propt., av. Mrs S M. Ely. propr. 219-22i Locust OId Kentucky Home. niwrfT v. . - S., rancher,'i. n. s. Catalina, Ist h. e. of Oldroyd, Thomas a Oleson, Carrie E.. Miss, student, r. 1145 Picific av. Z O'eson, E3; M !S,et"frpher. r. 1145 Pacflc av. carpenter, r. 1145 Pacifie av., Oieson, Frank. Lumber C.. r. Fith Ter- Olive, Charles, saw Southernefier, Calf!qrnia minat Island. . More. propr, 119 Olve ai. Olive Meat Market, H; S. r. Mir-Mara r. av, st h. s. of 'Aner. Oliver, A. W., r. Sa. Oliver Atmadas, Mrs, r. 430 Magnolia r.. 101._ F...- Oliver. W-Iuuldin S"- nErSatt ett h. s. Fifteenth . o Olsen, Carte, Miss. r. w. . Ce av 1st L M Olse1 Lars; r. r. K Cherry avth. IL ot Fifteenth. clerk, Oakford Drug Co., r. 328% Pine av. Olson, LloYd T. E , Oltmann., A _na,Mrs, ri. 311 e. Third. 6 r. 403% American av. r.iI Oltmar Walter, lineman. TP-.l., Beach H ware Co., r. Opttz, Frank F, cornice maker, Long W. B. Joy. r. 455 Bonita av.i OpDts, Frank 0, sheet metal wprker, Marine Con- -" -,, Oppermac, Henrt WmL, boat builder, Fellows Yacht and to r. Terminal lsiand. truction- Co, 5 Oprech. Bertha Miss. r. 2125 Elm av. ai. e Opredht, Ida, Miss, r. 2135 Elm a&. 5 Oprecht, Magdalina, Mrs. r. 1235 Elmian av. . Orchard, John T, . 352 Pacific a r. 601 Walnut ar. m ~o Orcutt. Etheil V. Miss..daiLci[ academy, ... Third. - Co. r 8 Erert C., i, ioi Walnut -ai. & Ten t Mf. Co.), r. o Orcutt,Oreutt, N. , rt (Long Beach Awni Wuniut av. T PAYS TO BIG HOUS ,- P be I)ti:Uogt--t4 tineE Ve. atlIs da Select Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations, Fine Importedand nDomstic Phrfumes, Etc. STANDARD D RUG COMPANY 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, MGR. Prescription · Specialty. Free Delivery. Comprlete Line ol Drugs. Sundries, Toltn Artiles, Citars, Sods Water,&c. PrHpsOM__E__1008 SUNSE' 1581 144 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Orelli, Abraham T., vice-pres. Orelli-McFayden Co., r. 115 e. Third. I..LJ Orelli, Augustine J., pres. Orelli-McFadyen Co., r. 115 e. Third. Oreili, Mary, Miss, r. 115 e. Third. Orelli-McFadyen Company, A. J. Orelli, pres.; A. T. Oreili, vice-pres.; >U XEdgar McFadyen, secy.; proprs. City Livery, 127 w. First, and WLI Undertaking, 115 e. Third. _ Orelli, Rose, Miss, stenographer, J. R. Mason & Co., r. 115 e. Third. Orient Insurance Co., Wheeler & Wheeler, agents, 33 Pine av. Original Shoup Place, The, A. L. Shoup, prop., restaurant, 144 Pa- clfic av. Ornamental Stone and Brick Co, S. G. Stone, pres.; A, M. Goodhue, see.; 0. P. Thorn, gen'l manager, n. w. cor. Alamitos av. and e. Fourth. >Is O'Rourke, Robert A., policeman, r. 11(9 Elm av. Orr, James W., driver, Salt Lake Transfer, r. n, w. cor. Second and Locust. O @.'buran. W ,.-. 1, ; ior, r. s. OGtsger.uvi,. av. and Hill. (T Osborn, Elizabeth C., Mrs., r. 624 w. Sixth. Osborn, Elizabeth R., Dr.. r. w. }. Kennebec av,, 2d h. s. of Eliot. _W CK Osborn. Garnett, hostler, Darby Livery and Boarding Stable, r. 429 e. W First. CrC1 Osborn, M. E., Mrs., (The Tourist Grocery), r. 426 e. First. Osborn, MarS M. Miss, r. w. s. Kelsebee av. 2d h. s. of Eliot. ILU 9X Osborn, Robert E., r. 511 Magnolia av. )Osborn, Walter G., barber, 200 e. First, r. 815 w. Third. Oborne, Bertram, student, r. n. e. cor. Carrollton av. and Junipero av. >.. | Osborne, Jessie, Mrs., r. 126 w. Fourth. Osburn, Win. R., engineer Inter State Dock- Lumber Co., r. a. e. Z i eor. Gtualge and Hill. * Osgood, L D., r. 920 Elm av, t o Osgood, Mary, Miss, r. 416 w. Fourth, Osmer, J. J. Tent City, r. 59 Yentura av,., Seaside Park. Oster, Ella. MIss, r. 830 Olive av. Oster,Este.lla, Misf._lg Olr v ovar.- _ 0-iOstir Harry, r. i30 Olive av. Oster. Uartin, brkliJt1yer, r. 836 Olive av. Osterhoudt Luclnda E., Mrs., furnished rooms, 20 American av., r. same. Ostrander, George C., plasterer, r. 1422 e. Second. u rt C. F., eleetrician, Electrical Zupipy & Fixture Co.. r. 3z7 Lime ,-. Ott, I. L.. mgr., Home Bond & Building Co. Lumber Yard, r. 1211 Ap- pleton. Oudkirk, Walter W., clerk, Farmers' SuDDly House, r. 555 American' ar. Ot] Outhwalte, Helen A., Mrs., r. 856 Orange av. .0 ~ Outland. Cornelius. r. 421 e. Fifth. Outland, D. Z., Miss, r. 237 e. Fourth. Ouriind, Win. J., teamster. r. s. s. Theresa av., Ist .I. e. of Temple av. Ov.e1t110, juha B., r. 435 Locust av. Overholtzer, Isaac S., r. 386 Junlpero av, _0 Overholtzer, J. A., propr.. The Clyde, 224 e. First, r. same. Overman, Frank. tailor, The Mercantile Co., r. 218 Linden av. 0 Overman, Wm. J, r. 915 e. Seventh, Owen, Albert G, freight clerk, Pac. Ele-. RY.. r. 435 Linden av. _j Owen, John W., engineer, Salt Lake R. I, r. Railroad v., bet. Seventh and Ninth, Terminal Island. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS"' BUY IT TODAY THE -LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG. BEACH TIE. HARDWARE BEARS CAN BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Owen, L. B., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 421 e. Fourth. Owcens, Alfret HR., cllueet-:;r, }ltcr State Dock and Lumber Co., r. 935 American av. Owens, Clarence, (Pacific Fish Co.), r. rear 326 American av. Owen, Harry L.. machinist. r. 211 w. Sixth. Owens, W'., Gage, chauffeur, Southern California Touring Co., r. 421 e. Foalrth.

Pace, John A., (Pace & Lundguist), r. s. s. e. Seventh, 1st h. e of Ohio av. Pace & Lundguist, (John A. Pace and Charles E. Lundgulst), s. e. cor. e. Seventh and Ohio av. Pacific Delicatessen, The, George A Richards, propr., 11t Pacific av. E PaciP.e Electric Raitway, car tmrnu and freiSht depot, J. W. Anderson, agent, n. e. cor. American av. and e. Fifth. Pacific Electric Railway Co., J. W. Anderson, ticket agent, passenger depot, s. w, cor. Ocean av. and Pine av. Pacific Fish Co., (Volk, Blair & Owens), 36 Pine av. I Pacific Grocery, Fintel & McBride, proprs.. 355 Pacific av. Pacific Novelty Bazar, Wm. H. Evens, prop., notions, 442 Pine av. Pacific Park, bet. Pacific and Cedar av's, w. Ocean av. and w. Second. Pacific Real Estate Co. (H. Palmer, C. H Brunn), real estate, 420 Pine av. Pacific T'elephone & Telegraph Co., The, J. M. Rean, manager. 133 w. First A Pacife Wall Paper Co.. C. Winierboiham. propr.. wall naer: brushes and burlaps, 116 w. First. Packer, Lydia, Mrs,, r, 1355 Linden av. Packer, Ray T., carpenter, r. 1013 Elm av. Packman, Henry, carpenter, r. 367 e. Fourth. Paddock, Lucius J., carpenter, r. 309 Falcon av. Pagew, ,., _ -C£ 61 w. t - -:tt Padgett, Glenn C., carpenter, r. a, Burnett, 1st h. . of Californi av. PadrieX WnL F., earpknter, r. M1 w. Pfftb Page, Lewis W, elgarr and tobacco, 112 Pine v., r. 111 w. Flfth Page Marlon. meat cutter, r. 419 Elm av, Page, Hmrah J, Mrs, , 54S w. Fifth. V Paline, Arthur E., reporter, Long BeachPress, r. s.e. cor. GrancI ag. and Eliot. J Paine, Cornelius D, real estate and notary, 13 e. First, r. 1250 e. t Ocean av. Paine, Elbridge M., r. 421 e. Anahelm. ' Paine, Elijah C, r. 1364 e. First. Paine, Lewis A., deputy city clerk, r. 1060 Elm av. b Paine, Matt;eiI., Miss, teacher, 3igh School, r. 1364 e. First, . a Paine, Rhoda, Mrs.. dressmaker, r. 421 e. Anaheim. Paine, Viola E., Miss, r. 421 e. Anahelm. e r_ Palace Barber Shop, Jas. W. Stephens, propr., 31 Pine av. Palace Billiard Parlor. Adair & Pearce, proprs., north end of Pier. Palace Cafte , RL. Bisby. propr., 126-128 Pine ar. Palace Lunch Room, Edward Dietrich, propr., on the Pike. Palace of Plccures, on the Pike. A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST--BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. _HOT L nJUUn N Exceutly sitated near tke Ocn, fci Paciffi ______Park. SpeWiaLRates bytkth Waeek. Wrs L .C ob, Proe. .*A*CA LM I AtES: $2.00 It S2 so per Dy. Sb2 ous SO Cm" 45 C9dw-Av. rTELEgPONSE )IOE 3J J. A. Welfsnbor H. C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT GO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investigateour high grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGES A SPECIALT'Y. Home Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. 146 LONCG BEACH DIRECTORY

P*alace of Sweets, Charles M. Rasmussen, propr., confectionery, 137 w. Ocean av. - " Palatine Ins. Co. of London, George %W.Smith & Co., agents, 404 First Natl. Bank Bldg. 31-+ !Palm Barber Shop, P. A. Kline, propr, 138 e. Second. Palmer, Alta, Miss, r. 905 e. Ocean av. Palmer, Benjamin D., r. 1429 e. Flirst. Palmer, Edward E., r. 50 Alamitos av. Palmer, ff ]F.t, c:hror, diit, r. 349 e. First. Palmer, Grove M., plumber, r. 337 Elm av. Palmer, Harry, Capt., (Pacific Real Estate Co.), r, 1125 Ameridan av, 11O Palmer, Harry R. printer, r. 429 w. Second. _ Palmer, Ida R., Mrs, r. 429 w. Second. Palmer, Jennie hi., Miss, r. 429 w. Second. · w< · ll Palmer, John G., r. 429 w. Second. Palmer, LucIus B., (Palmer & Chittenden), attorney and notary and ()U ,..~ pension, r. 905, e. Ocean av, - _' Palmer, Percy E.,'electriclan, r. 429 w. Second. *j ~ Palmer, Ruth A., Miss, r. 429 w. Second.- Palmer & Chittenden, (L. B. Palmer, Dr. R. H. Chittenden), real estate, (mm) 133 e. Ocean'av. * Palmer & Rosenberg, (F. B..Palmer, D. E. Rosenberg), real estate, 133 e. O w 0 Second., '_JO Palmerlee, Forrest F,, teller, Cltizens' Savings Bank, r. 427 e. Fifth. >_ Palmerlee, Frank D, propr. Royal Dairy, r. 428 Orange av. ( Palms, The, Mrs. H. C. Cole, Mrs. C. Deuvaul, furnished rooms, 537 e. Ocean av. (0 Palos Verdes Company, Jotham Bixby, pres,; E. N. Grant, secy.; Geo. H. rtU Bilxby, general manager, 22 Pacific av. ,_,, Parberry, Mrs. r. 15263e. S-cond. Warish, Charles, conductor, P. F. By., r . w. co. e. Tenth and Esper- f i anse av. rPalmer. P. EL (Palmer & Roamberg), r. 1322 , SecondL Parish, Frank A., (Parish Real Estate Co.), r. . w. cor. e. Tenth and Parish, Frank X. r. . a.LWalnut v. 24 h a. of Seventeenth. · n ~Palmer, Forest ., real estate, r. 726- e. Fourth. Parish, James A., r. 1059 California av, Pariah, John ., real estate and. notary, r. s0 Walnut aV. Elm Pr Th tre, Mrs, lr.wer. Soft Water Lamidry Co., r. w. a. Coronado * at., Ist h. n. of Anu.eim. Pnarih., I.=cInlra, :irs. e... w cor. e. Tenth and 1.r.:zweArm aa. Pari.zh Heal E.state Co., (F. A. and U. D. Parish). Yval Lswt, Z1 Ie Sec-

Q 40 Pariah, Susha G., Mi s, matron, Long Beach Hospita Aasn., r. amae. .c:% 1 Parish, Thomas W., cement worker, r. w. a. Coronado av., 1st h. . of Parish, U. Dinsmore, (Parish Real Estate Co.), r. n. tor. e. Tenth and 8tanley av. Park Ephraim R., carpenter, r. e. R. American av., 1t h. n. of Arabella. ParlView Cafeteria, Wm. Bosutow, propr.. 130% Pacific av. Pnrk View Hotel, Mrs. J. A. Foote & Co., prrs., 180 Pacific air, Parke, N. E. carpenter, r. 918 e. First. · · Parker, Andrew J., r. a. w. cor. e. Fourteenth znd Orange av. Parkor, Elisabeth, Mr, r. i!1 ,oldc

A.&YcCasils, re. P.S B 3gyr,y.P -.u.eC a Sec'r. PHONE&- Home X37,SWset3 i ' LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Deslerm Is Plate sad Wisdow Gls , Wal Pler, Pais, Oils sa" Vauime.s, W-o}0c B"OCa, CAL. ,be 3)rUgO[ t ' 14 PINE AVE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Our Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 147

Parker, Emma. MrS., r. 1845 Bermuda. Parker, Florence S., Miss, r. 416 Chestnut av. Parker, Frank A., office 33 Pine av., r. 416 Chestnut av. Parker, Frank T., r. 73 Cedar av.

Parker, George N., salesman, F. . Stearnms & Co., r. 125 w. Third. Parker, H. Butler, collection clerk, First National Bank, r. 711 Magno- CD lia av. Parker, J. D., r. 73 Cedar av,. Parker, J. K., r. 1231 Loma Vista Drive. Parker, Jesse L., carpenter, r. 1360 Jessie av. Parker. John R.; principal, Alamitos Heights School, r. s. s. Hechlzur . av., opp. Hoerta av. Parker, Lorenzo D., r. 541 w. Eleventh. Parker, Roland J., r. 711 w. First. Parker. Wm. V., carpenter, r. 1360 Jessie av. 'arkerson, Addison, r. a.s. Burnett aV., 1st h. e. of Orange av, Parkins, Frank M., moulder, r. 705 Locust av. Parkinson, Guy H., (MecCrary & Parkinson), r. 642 Pacific iv. Parks, Lavina, Mrs., r. 112 e. Second. Parks, W. I., Mrs., bookkeeper, S. A. Schilling Co., r. 1411 Bishop. _ Parks, Warren H., cement finisher, r. 1411 Bishop. -3 W Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. > MOVING, PACKiNG fid STORAGE Authorizad Agentt!of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192.,_

Parlin, E. t., r.- 32 Linden av. t Pa yriYtA. Lymn._ (YunIg-Parmey Investment Co.) r, 332 Magnao- U 4 11: av. Pannrmley,:RAmel ., r. 3 Magnola. av. Parrent, Lou -]f1., driver, r. 6GS'oGe av. Parrent, LucInda, Mrs., r. 138 AppieWe. Parrent, RL N, Mrs, music teacher, r. a e. cor. Rome av. ad Heller. Parrent, Ro N., driver, r. a. e. cor. Rome av. and Heller. Parrent, Sarah D, Mrs.. r. RoDe av. _S Parrott. Frank> W, r. s. a. Stanwood, 3dih. w. of Atlantic av. Parseil, Iulius M., F. Te Strand Ap--artments. Parslcy, Alfred, r. 131 Bonito av. Parson, A.L, garneder, r. a Obiapo ar. lit h. n. of State. Parsons BCrd eLn . r.t e. Als. mitos av, Iat h. s. of Curtis. Pron Clrenee 8., teamster, rr. w. a. Alamitos av, 1st h. s. of Curtis. Parsons, Sumers H., carpenter, r' w. . Atamitos av., slt h.. a of Curtis. Partrfdge, Delbert A., meat market. Pasadena av. and Rhea, r. a. a..Ana- helm, 2d h. w. of Cherry av. __ Partridge, Margaret .. Mrs, r. a. a. Anaheim, zd h. w. of C'uer- a- TV. Partridge, Raymond B., meat cutter, r. s. s. Anaheim, 2d h, wr. of Cherry ay. Partrldge, Win. H, as fitter, Edison Electric Co., r. a. s. Anaheim, 2d h. W. of Cherry ay.



Pasadena, The. Chester Ellsworth, propr., £urnished rooms, 220 Elm av. O asadena Villa, Rolland Hammond, propr., furnisheil rooms, GO Amerl- can aV. Paschall, J. A.. r. 1163 e. First. Pascoe, Wm. F., groceries, 328 Pine av.. r. 727 Chestnut anr.. , Patchion, Fay Roy, photographer, r. 420 Almond av. ' Pateman, E. L. Mrs., r, 120 Chestnut avn t Paton, Mary L., Mrs.. r. 238 Magnolia av. Pattee, RamBaymond, Dr., r. 437 Magnolia av. .. Patterson, Charles P.. r. 413 e. Fifth. Z Patterson, Ella J., Miss, student, r. w. s. California av., 1st h. s. of '

W. uINCAC 9, Ma . e P. A. GOtT A, Se.. Tres HARBOR LUMBER CO. 011CR AM1D YARD: Car. oC -Rd Golde 2ra FlllLieof ]gllLDIMG IATUSrALS and Mi Weeork. ~I~d.Ullb8·PY1 ~ RM0 14COLI S.V. &D.B.Har- ~H A R T H OR N' S ght, sold, ex- thorn, Tel. nome - -_ changed or rented. 661. Pacific 441. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE rtuaning ndd re. Phone Pacific 4022 2 0 PINE AVE. pairg a spciaL BRANCH STORE 646 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific 2816 t LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 149 Peavey, A. E., Miss., r. 437 Chestnut av. Peck, Adriana F., Mrs.,, r. f47 w. Ocean av. Pcck, Earl C.. r. 573 w Fourth. Peck, Edith, Miss. saleslady The Mercantile Co., r. 537 w. Fourth. Peck, Gertrude, Miss, employee Model Laundry, r. 411½ w. Fourth. Peck, H. C., r. 143 w. First. Peck. JohrnL F.. pres. Peck & Anderson Realty Inv. Co., r. Kennebec Apartments. Peck, Lou, Miss, employee Model Laundry, r. 411w w. Fourth. Peck, Milton B., carpenter, r. 537 w. Fourth. Peck, Nettle, Miss, employee Model laundiy, r. 4111 w. Fourth. Peck & Andeison Reaity & Inv. Co.. John H..F. Peck.lpres.; John A. Anderson, vice-pres.; Mae Su'Uvan, sec'y; real estate, 501-502 L B. Bank Bldg. Peckham, F. J., Mrs.. r. 413 e. First. Pedlar, Harry, r. s. s. Lemon 2nd h. w. of Hermosa iv. . Pedlar, H. A,, real estate, 211,e. Second, r. 349 e. Third. Pegram, E. J., Mrs.. r. 813 e. Fifth. Pendleton, Fanny B., Miss, r. a. S. New York 3rd h. e. of Atlantie av. Pendleton, Mary E., Mrs., r. s. a. New York 3rd h. e. of Atlantic av. 6b Pendleton, Matthew R., teacher, r. n. e. cor. Densomre and Xlmeno av. Pendleton, Susie P., Miss, cashier Favorite Cate, r. s. s. New York 3rd ; h. e. of Atlantic av. Penn Print Shop, C. Charles Garber, prop., 1867 Bermuda. Long Beach Brick Works i RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor l P.T nUAitTY BI3ICDING BRICK PHONES: Olke, Ifome b651,Works, ome0

Pennsylvania C asmualtC-Oy rge-W. Smlth -& C., agta. 404 First NatlBank B ldg. Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co., W. W. Lowe & Co., a., 16 Pine av. Penny Arcade, E. L. Kennedy, prop., n. end of Pier. Penny, James J, buw. mar. The Daily Teleram, r. 623 Atlantlc av. Peoples Church of California, The, Dr. W. IL Price. pastor, Psychological Temple. Peoples, Clement E, carpenter, r. e. a. Cherry av. 3rd h. n. tofe. Tcnth Peoples, Clement B., Jr., student, r. e. as.Cherry av. 3rd h. n. of e. Tenth. * People IeL & Cold Storage Co,, W. N. Seaman, pres.. P. Gallagher, vfca-prem; W. L Beach. sec'y; eor. Alamitos sv, and e. Third. Peoples Market (Dolley & Chubblc), meat market, 127 Locust av. Peoples Mutual Life Ins. Co., R. Lee Wilson, agt., 211 e. Second. Per*-,Lu'sI A., physt!lan. rms. 1-5, 11 Pine av., r. 413 Pacific av.. F. Perkins,. M., Mr, r. 409 w. Fourth. Perkins, MI. H., Mrs., ; is.,l. ra.mage ,nd manicuring, r. 325 w. Fourth. Perrigo, F. C., carpenter, r. 1033 Seaside Blvd. Perry, Anna L., 3Mss, r. 249 e. Fifth. Perry, Georgia A, Mrs., r. n. a. New York 3rd h. w. of Atlantic av. M Perry, . E., Mrs., r. 423 e.Tenth.


Ed tlrgrIers rt.ssad rfwe PbHKw 30, Sxu ISt15 Electrical iupplD & ltxture Co. tI12 L. FJrs Str4t, Low BA4$, CL FRED HINZE Phoues: Bome 394, Paciffc3UII California Chocolate (b Candy C6. All our goods are made from the purest materials and will be f3und healthful as well as delicious, Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos ave., Long Beach, Cal. P160 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY' 9P Perry, Lillian, Miss, r, ni. s. New York 3rd h. e. of Atlantic av. Perry, Obie W., helper L. B. Gas Co., r. 211 e. Fourth. Perry, Thomas F., painting contractor, r. s. w. car. e. Fourteenth and A Heyle av. Perry, W. L., r. 249 e. Fifth. Perry, W:. WF.,buitrltlx: contractor, r. 71f e. Fourth Perry, Wm.. painter, r. n. a. New York 3rd h. e. of Atlantic av. Peters, Alvira B., Miss, r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. .Pcters, Floyd, machinist, r. w. s. Gladys av. Ist h. s. of e. Eleventh. Peters. Fred E., laborer S. Call Lumber Co., r. Railroad av. Terminal Is- land. E Peters, Owen D., driver Peoples Ice Co., r. w. s. Obispo av. Ist h. n. of e. Seventh. Peters, Marguerite 1., Mrs., r. 412 e. First. lt 'retr, S. H., carcentcr, r. w. a. Tnmpi av.t 2fti h. is. of e. Seventh. Peters, Thomas EM,carpenter, r. w. v. Junipero av. 3rd h. s. of e. Seventh. Peterson, Charles, real estate, r. 629 Pine kv. Petcrson, Claude R., r. e. s. Pasadena av. 2nd h. s. of Rhea. Peterson, P. M., real estate, r. 629 Pine av. T Petrie, Amos S., r. 750 Cedar av. 'Petrie, Edmund S., clerk LeRoy's Book Store, r. 750 Cedar av. S Pett, John A., (York & Pett), r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Pettes, Fred W., r. 1412 Appleton. Pettinglill, V. H., shoemaker. 241 Palmers Court, r. same. Pettit, F. A., Mrs., r. rear 120 e. Stanwaod. Copyrighta Pettit Wm .. cmpEi- . . rtC Wk&., r. n. e, cor. Fourteenih and Trnzaemarks Chesinut av. Labers ' Pfaffle. Arthur C., dentist, r, n. s. e, Second bet. 'Paloma and Obispo av. Pfafie, Francis I, clerk L. B. Grocery Co., r. n. a se. Second bet. Paloma ._ C/ and Obispo av. - &ZJ uffle. MLarie, MrrM, r. a. s e. Second bet Paluim and Gbial ay.

Phelon, Win. R., gas fitter, r. 221 w.-Third. ( C Phelps Ffnk, reda estate r. 442% Americuan a Phelps, I-mram, r. -06 Pacific av. Phmix Ins C. of rekIyne, Boy N. Carr & Co., at i American av. .a Philadelpha Underwriters, George W. Smith & Co., U., 4,04 First S Nat'l Bank Bldg, _3 X iPhillips, 'Aaron M. (Phillips & Wright), r. 737 e. Eighth. Phillips, Alonso, r. 1054 e. Ocean aw. min % Phillips, C. D., cigar store e. end P. ! Ry. r. 147 Waite icdve. o, Phillilps, Delle NM, M11s, student, r. e. s. Blm av. 5th b. . of Hill Phillips, M 2., Mrw. . 422 e. Third. ____ Phillips, Fred. policeman, r. 343 Pine av,. Phillips, Harriet F, Miss,. clerk P. O. r. e .SE.lm av. 5th h. a. of Hill. e PhSiiips, James B., baker A. J. Swingle, r. 427 Elm av. Phillips, John W,, r. 806 Maine. _L~ Phillips, Julius, tailor, r. 434 w. Sixth. EE Phlillfps, L. M., Mrs. r. 530 e. Fourth. :W Phillips, Leon A., clerk. r. 737 e. Eighth. f Phillips, Lucy H., Mi, piano teacher, r. wa. Atlantic ar.b t b. s of Willow. Phillips. Mary A, Mrs., r. w. t Atlantic av. 1st h. a or Wllow. '. P Phillips, Permella, Mrs., r. e. s. Elm av. 6th h. s. of HIll.

ROY N. CAIR C REAL ESTALTE gE-r.S .NOTARY PUIBI;CIliSNOTARY CO. IO07AXERICGA AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCANGES S. To*nsend, Pes. C . Van de Water, Vice Pes. B. P. Dayman, Secy THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A Gederal Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Phowe?. Home 86, Suset t6l91 Largt 125 EAST FIRST STREET


Phillis,. Ptena, Miss, r. 434 w. Sixth. a J Phillips, Wim., r. 715 e. Seventh. Phillips & Wright (A. M. Phillips, R. A. Wright), new and second-hand goods, 124-128 w. Third. C ( Philpot, Mnra E., 'Miss, r. 447 Pacific av. 0 Phipps. Urkali l.. butlttdln contractor, r, wv. . D9ann av. .of3rd h. . e. Fourth. , Phoenix Ins. Co., of Hartford, J. R. Mason & Co., agts., 209 L. B. Bank -- Bldg. Pickens, John L., r. 330 Cedar av. ~ _ Plckerill, J. R., See'y and treas. L. B. Drug Co,, r. Kennebec APartments. o Pickering, James W., blacksmith, r. 1556 Pine av. i Pickett, Daiid, teamster, r. 1334 e. Seventh. m _ Pickett. Jennie S., Mrs., employee Ianer Harbor Laundry, r. 1334 e. Soventhi. Picklcs. Sarah, Mrs., r.331 Locust av:. r Pier Block, foot of Locust av. v m Pier Fishing Tackle Co., S. IR Commander, prop., s. end of Pier. 0 . Pier Fish Market, branch Pacific Fish Market, s. end of Pier. ( Pier Lunch Room (3. N. Covert and Carl Ransdall), a. end of Pier. : E-4 Pierce, Anna R., Mrs., r. 661 Pacifid av. Pierce. Francis. Mrs., r- 620 w. Fourth. i Pierce, John H., r. 4563 Locust av. Pierce, T, Lawrence, salesman Star Furniture Store, r. 811 Pine av. Piferce WeltOr L.,, lbrer, w. . r. .TrmSno ay. aYnd e, EIghth. E Pierpoint, Annie L MsI r. w. a. Paclfic av. 2d h. a. of State.> Plerpoint, B. E. Mrs. r. 247 Golden. >

Pierpoint, Grace 1. Mis r. 247 Golden. m Pierpoint, Louis J. laborer, r. w. s. Pacific av. 2d h. a. of State. > Pierso iJesse . carpenter, r. 1327 w. Fourth Pierso, e=4lit. e,techer h!! -1shooL r. 521 e. Ocean v. Plerson,--sle-fireman dredger, r. 127 w. Fourth. Piester, Erwing W. groceries and meats nw. cor.o. Anab"ei and Amer- Ican aV; r. same. Pletert, Glen clerkt . W. Plester, r. nw, eor. Anaheim and Atlantic av. °" Pike, Anna S. i-teolathic physician, ts7 ea Ocean av. r. same.. Pike, Chaitlt H., r- 10I_2 Lime av. . i s Plke.,Montgomery bnd agent Home BIond & Building Aisn. i. 32 Locus t. Pike. Win. Robert osteopathic physiclan, 237 e. Ocean av. r. same. . = Ptclher, Lulu, Miss, r. 402 e. First. . PlUlkington, Leonard E. carpenter, r. 10 e. First. 1 Pillsbury, Henry L. r. 1I Cedar av. 2 . Pillsbury. Rose V., Mrs. real estate, 14 Paclfic av., r. 0 Rnlmi ar. . o o Pine Avesue~ Schooe BStanley F.RoWland principal, aw. cor. Pine av. and- e. Sixth. Pine Hotel, Mit -M. C. .Wildman prop furnished rooms, 211 Pine av. Pinkerton W. -IH, . .3 Elmnav . . a Pintzlau, P. Mr r. 623 Pine av. [ ro to Pioneer Automnoble Co. (1, D. Rand & Son) rear 14$ Pine av. Pioneer Grocery Co. (David Clem, C. A. Wright J. R. Williams) gro- Z - C[ certkse20 Pine a*v. a

A. I CH0ASE PIANOS ARE BEST-1ARTLrrT MUSIC COMPANY. kWX preAYTRA%ag . PEOsZ, HoME 14% - be 0Iclltister iusic (Company Declersi SheetMusic nd Musia latrm ents, Picture, Frames, Moumliu, Etc. ELCTU-PiATIii Ar HiNR.D SE. CINO ALCO CITY DYE E.A. JALCON WORKS 236PneH 'PLNE 741.Paf AVENUE' 1611 Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty

152 Lf>LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Pioneer Truck Co. Wr. M. Thomas prop. 503 e. Seventh. Pirtle Albert C. r. .61 Alamltos av. Pirtle Eula Miss r. 61 Alamitos av. Pirtle Ira inspector P. E. Ry. r. 59 PiStle Alamitos a'. Osa Inspector P. E. Ry. r. 53 Alamrnitos Pirtle Robert employe P. E. Ry. r. Pitclhic, 442 e. Fourth. Charlotte Mrs. r. 1235 e. Ocean av. Pitman, Albert S. r. ne. cor. e. Fourteenth and Cherry av. ___ Pftmaon, Charlotte Mrs. r. ne. cor. Fourteenth and Cherry av. CkJ__Pittillo, Charles H., mason, Ornamental Stone and Brick Co., r, Alamitos av. 741 Plain, Nancy M. Mrs. r. 632 Almond av. Plantico Emil L. cement contractor 225.e. First, r. sw. cor. Alamltos and Anaheim. Plumber, Frank W. teamster A. F. WhCtI, r. nwv. cor. American State. av. and Plummer, Francis S. nurse r. 38 Pine av. Plymouth Congregational Church Rev. Chester P. Dorland pastor s. s. e. Fourth e. of Locust av. Polhill, Herbert sign painter, r. e. s. Rose av. lt h. a. of e. Tenth. Poling, Arthur O. laborer, r. n. s. Twentieth 2d h. e: of American av. C~ Poling, George W. plasterer, r. n. a. Poling, Twentieth 2d h. e. of American av. Samuel K. plasterer, r. n. s. Twentieth 2d h. /_ Q Poling, e. of American av. Win. E. plasterer, r. n. s. Twentieth 2d h. e. of American *Z) Z av. Polkinghorn, John T. r. n. a. e. Seventh 1st h. e. of g PurFoltiaghorai , Verai Mira Mar av. M. Miss student, r. n. a. /ar:c Bidv. bet. inioma and 5_}j PoliciQuito. Polkinahorn. Wmin. ., r n. Park Blvd. bet. Ptloma and Quito. ·- Z ~Pollard, Janet M. Miss r. 253 e. Ocean av. '~ c[ Pollard Lou A. MIss r. 263 e. Ocean av. _ Pollard, Samuel emplove .LB. Brick Co.. r. 1046 Myrtlea ar. 0 Pollard, T. J. propr. Bel L wL.levue . n-a-r ,. % Poliley, Ella O. IMr.r r. 160 e. Second. Polley, Yabel A. osteopatheic physician 204-206 Long Beach Bank Bldg. r. 150 e. Second. :- . Potlock, John engineer, r. 441 Lime av. _ ' ~PollockS Serena Mrs. r. 441 Lime ar. _- !IPolsue, Edwin C., r. 1909 Q_ e. Fourth. Pomona House, Mrs., Nellie Harveyr, prop, 14 Chestnut Poor, J. Sv. Robert (The Poor & Morse Hardware Co.) r. .73 Poor & Morse Hardware Pine av. Co., The(J. Robert Poor, Herbert C. Morse), hardware, 136-118. e. First. Pope, Emily, Miss, r. 1470 e. First. Pope, Henry, r. 1470 e. First. Porteous Arthur L. gas foreman Edison Electric Co, r. 36 Porteous. Chestnut av. O Mnrgaret MLis cashier Long Beach Prec=, r. ;2Ce. ;itisu . Porter, Benjamin P. r. e. s. Redondo Porter, Charles av. 2d h. n. of e. Tenth. S. physician and propt. Porter Sanitarium cor. Glen- dale av. and Sunrise bldv. r. same. Porter, Claude A, janitor The Mercantile; Porter, D. r. iT37 --F:t. M. (Colby & Porter) r. Morgan iv. and Seaside Blvd. Porter, George W. r. n.-e. e State and Pasadena Porter, av. Ida, Miss, clerk W. F. Pascoe, r. 639 Pacltc av. Porter, James E. r. 2022 e. First.

NEW AND SECOND HAND BICYCLES RENTING, RIEPAlIING SUONDES CALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY TIRE VULCANIZING OF EYERY DESCRIPIJON _.3J J E , eqr ssf es13 -]r. s.-JOjnPsl hr S$WAs IJ1330 113 dAST SECOND SrTICg, LOG BECHt E. H. CLEVELAND, FuneralDirector and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


Porter, Ralph B. wire chief Pacific Tel. Co., r. 141 v.: Third. Porter, Samuel I. machinist, r. 425 Cerritos av. Porter Sanitarium Dr. C. S.. Porter propr. cor. Glendale and Sunrise blvd. Porter, Winm. r. 733 w.- Second. Porterfield, A. R. seey United States Trust Co.; r. 607 e. Ocean av. Porterfield, Daisy Miss r. 607 e. Ocean av.. Porterfield, E. F. Mrs. r. 607 e. Ocean av. Portcrfield; Edna Miss r. 607 e. Ocean av. Porterfield, W. B. r. 607 e. Ocean av. w Porterfield;, W. L. i. 607 e. Ocean av. Post Office George F. Hirsch postmaster, Fred W. McCullah asst., s. e. cor. Second and American myv. Post Office Building s. . cor. American av. and Secona. Postal Telegraph-Cable Co. J. W. Anderson manager, s. w. cor. Ocean av_ and Pine av.E Potere, Charles r. 119 Olive av. Potter, Rena Mrs. r. 426 e. Tenth, Potts, Daniel, pastor Second Baptist Church r. Los Angeles. Pound, G. T. r. 1118 Myrtle-av. Pound, S. J. Mrs. r. fiil Myrtle av. G V;be ¢ ntbia Cj¢ntblia tniex A Moet modern apartmcnt housein Sontb- II New two-storybrick building adjoining ern Califonila. Contains 24 four.ro-m 1 the Cynthia, containing suites of fonr, Aplnme(in alei.*,,;;'f. i±h.d_AA il thrse and two rooms, as well as single statm heated daring winter months -leoms A"S TI AMX 3;A2'. AST- OCEAN AVENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM

Powell, Amos W. agent Metropolita, Life Ins. Co, r. i. .aLemon 1st S h. wn. of-Herumou a v.

Powell, Buritt C. carpenter, r. 818 Elm av. Powell, Bert , teamster A. P. White. r. iL w. eor. Am* v. 1anr om State. ii Powell, David (Powell & Brasrion) r. 14: . First. Powell, Dai iaM. blaekamlth. r. 41 e. Sfxth. r Powell, Guy R. bookkeeper National Bank of Long Beacb, r. I13T e. ° Fir-t. . Pweill,-Hary -R. barber, r. 1437 e. First. Powell, Lee C. teller National Bank of Long Beach, r. 364 Walnut Ma 5 Powell, Ralph E bookkeeper, r. 1437 e. First, 2 Powell, Sherry window trimmer S. A. Schilling Co., r. R35 American av. Powell. Wesley C, lineman Edison Elec. Co., r. 325 American av. Z . Powell & Brayton, (D. Powell, WV.L. Brayton) real estate, 356 Pine av. SI Powers, ha;rii et W. les. . 1047 Che',tnt I.. Powers, Mildred Miss r. e. s. Redondo av. 1st h. n. of e. Tenth. Powers,- Stcphev, . r, 628 Magnolia av. (A Prats,Alee M. Miss student, r. n. s. e. Tenth 2d h. e. of Orange av. 'Z y, .- --.i teacher urnemtt school, r. 821 Atlantic av. C Pray, Joseph . r. 821 Atanti av. m m

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUiE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. Wbhen you want the gas tumned on call the Edison Elecktic Company -The purest.gs in.the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. Comrr Second Street and Pine Avenue. J. A. Weisenborn HI C. Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While Ir. the city do not fall to investirate our High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGESA SPECIALTY. Home Phone 63, Long Beach, Cl. 154 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Pray, Roland B. sign writer 6 Belmont Court, r. 33 Elm av. Prescott, J. C. r. 437 w. Fifth. ~q~ Prescott, 0. W. r. 437 w. Fifth. Preshaw. R. G. (Best Realty Co) r. 112 Locust av. *_P=Press Apartments, Miss Della Maloneprop., furnished rooms, 126 e. First. .~,, ~ Press Printing Co. (Long Beach Press) job printing, 124 e. First. Preston, Julius M., novelties, on the Beach, r. 137 Elm av. Preston, Stanley r. 1267 Bishop. Price, M. A. Mrs. r. 746 e. Third. Price, Howard plumber, r. 214 Atlantic av. Price, 3. S. driver Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 430 Lime av. Price Jossie M. Mrs. clerk W. F. Pascoe, r. n. s,. Twentieth 4th h. e. of 0 AxA&r;ltertea itV. b40~Price. Olivtr W. driver Model Laundry. r. n. s. e. Tenth 2d h. e. of . Fperanzaav. Price, T'lJlI.n.as iM. carpenter, r. 622 Atlantic av. Price, W. R. Dr. pres. Guerrero Development Co. and vice pres. City 14.. Nationel Bank, 230 e. Second, r.1205 e. Fourth. Pridharm, George (Pridham & W'ainwright) r. 338 Chestnut av. (i W Pridhaln & Wainwright (George Pridham, W. G. Wainwright) gro- ceric;s. 18 Pacific av. Primee. I). i. r. 232 w. Fifth. Primrose Lodge Mrs. P. R. Griffith propr. furnished rooms, 137 Chest- Pringle, Perry, barber, r. w. s. Temple av. 4th h. n. of e. Seventh. ___ 14 Prittie Drug Co. Dr. W. H. Prittle promr.. 14T e. Ocean av. Prittie, Ymn. H. Dr. propr. Prittle Drug Co. r. 147 e. Ocean av. Pro't:, 3. 1.. Mrsi. clerk S. A. Schilling Co, r. 115 v. Second. Probst, J. L. secy. Long Beach Asbestos Mining Co., r. 115S-w. Second. Probet Paul A. clerk Jackson's Pharmacy, r. 3433 Pine av. Proctor, Iertha D. Mrs. teacher, r. 721 Park Circle. * Proctor, Ida M. Miss r. i21 American av, J Proctor, )Jelr. 721 Park Circle. Proctor, Walter W. principal Merchant's Sheriff Night Patrol, r. 621 Ameriktvn av. b.= FProctor, Wituleld S. laborer Long Beach Lumber Co. r, 721 Park Circle. Prosfse, John R csrfefter, r. n. w. cor. California av. and 'Mahaska. Protector Underwriters, George W. Smith & C6., ats., 404 First Na- _tional Bank lBldg. Protector Underwriters Minton-llay Co. agents, 14 Paclfic av. ProvfMence-W'ashington Ins. Co. Roy N. Carr & Co. agents, 107 Amer- C Ifean ar. Privdento Life and Trust Co. of Wm. M. Galbraith agent, "21I Pine uv. Prudential Lire Ins. Co. of N. J J. B. Mason & Co. agents, 209 Long Beach Bank Bld;. *Pruitt. Jaek hostler Star Livery & Transfer Co. r. 140 Pine ar, pichological Temple Auditorium 230 e. Second. Public Library Miss Victoria Ellis librarian, 2d floor City Hall. ]Puente Oil Co. J. C. Allen agent, Crescent wharf East San Pedra, jG P'usgh, Alphonso A. r. e. s. Orange iv. Ist h. n of State. Pugh, Earl C. brakeman Salt Lake Ry., r. 226 e. Third. he DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTEi JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phones:t39 PINE Home 25,AVENUE Sunset 23 :: :: " Prescriptions Filled Right :: :: ::


Pugh, George W. painting contractor, r. 714 Lime av. Pugh, John J. painter, r. 226 e. Third. Purcell, Sarah Mrs. r. 238 w. Sixth. Purstey, James C. second vice pres. City National Bank, r.. 1129 Amer- iean av. Putnam, Ethel W. Miss music teacher, r. 1411 Elm av. Putnam,, John M. driver Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 1237 c. First. Putnam, Mary A. Miss r. 1512 e. First. Putnam, Mary, A.. Mrs., r. 423 Pacific av. Putnam, Sarah Mrs. r. 151Z e. First. Putnam, Ulmer J. carplenter, r. 1411 Elm av. " Pynchon, Martin V. B. r. 635 w. Fifth. Q. 0 Quam, Lee laundry, 1203 Crescent av. r. same. 1 Queal, George W.. r. n. a.. Theresa av... 1st h. w. of Garfield. Queen. H. J. r. The Roselie. Queen, Ins. Co. Percy W. York agent, 306 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Queen Ins. Co. of America Doran & Helps agents, 114Y2 w. First. , _ Questa, The, Mrs, M. R. Schermerhorn, mgr., furnished rooms, 129 e. Second. (akftra Brug QJmmrntya 'Emnullosr" i- _ bloth Phoase No. 2 Piae've.ad Second Street

Quintance, Charles F., pop. Burro Studio, Pier Bloek, r -une. _ Quinn, Vernon T. carpenter, r. n. ,&Anaheim 1st h. w. of Walnut. Qulstenberg, W. r. 154 Locust av.

Raabe, Sophia S. H, Mrs. r. 73 Cedar av. Race, W.-W. Mrs. r. 855 Pine av. Racket The J. E. Callisprop. crockery and notions, 206 Pine av. Radcliffe, C. l. groceries Railroad av. opposite Salt Lake Depot East Swa Pedro, r. same. Ragland, M. F.. rs. 120 Chestnut av. Ragos, Edward D. clerk W. G.. C-wa., r. '21 Eml av. Ragos, Emil Julius merchant, r. 618 Locust av. Ragos, Herman clerk W. G. Cowan, r. 162 Elm av. . . . Raines, Head laborer Calferni i Fish Co. r. San Pedro. Ralph, Edwin cement contractor, r.. w. s Roswell av. Bet. Anser and SL.

Ralph, u8n S., Mrs., r. w. s. R. wel! bet Anser and St. Louis. Rmlaie, WV. propr. The American, 56 American av. r. same.


WAnfliNrrrrr rr ::- CARRIAGES :: IMPLEMENTS 200o.2o N. LOS ANGELES ST. LOS ANOGELES, CAL. Young-Parmley Inv. Co.i Hom; Snset 4231 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS J. W. Young, Jr. A. L. Parmlc,, Suite400-1-2 34 LOnG BEACH BANK BUILDING


Ramona Apartments Mrs, M. A. Matthews propr., Seaside Blvd. e. of Linden av. Ramsaur, F. E. Mrs. r. 440 w. Fifth, Ramnsaur,, Wm. H. r. 440 w. Fifth. Ramsey, George S. propr. Economy Grocery, 1600 Anaheim, r. same. ' 'k R5 msey, HIattie Mrs. r. 1121 California av. [o{Ramsey, Murray bprter Kneipp Bros., r. 145 Waite Drive. _ I C Ramsey, Venetia Miss r. w. s. Kinta av. 3d h. a. of e. Fourth. O j( Rand, Edwin D. (E. D. Rand & Son) r, 523 e. First [[ ,i Rand, Edwin D. Jr. (E. D. Rand & Son) r. 523 e. First. Rand, E. D. & Son (E. D.. and E. D. Jr.) proprs. Pioneer Automobile CV ^, rear 146 Pine ar. .. lRand, Maurice W. carpenter and contractor 351 e. Fifth, r. 503 Elm a. S I Rnd,"arell, Elwin T. curio. store 117 e. Occant av, r. Scaido Dil. ootL ut 4* tAmerican av. Randall, James B. rancher, r. n. e. cor. Hill and Almond av, Randall, Jennie Mrs. r. 1062 Lime ay. ' Randall, Jennie G. Mrs. r. 109 e. First. Randall, Lyle M1.r. 606 Pacilic av. Randolph, Jessie Miss r. 1147 Myrtle av. Randolph. Josephine Mis r. 1147 Myrtle ay. Randolph, Louise Mrs. r. 1147 Myrtle av. Randolph, Richard porter SchiUing's Dept. Store, r. 1147 Myrtle av. * ii § Rankin, Elizabeth r. 1104 e. Ocean av. Rankln, Leonard G. r. 418 Pine av. 'Rankin. Sainv! T. ea*renter, r. 43' Eliot. _ tj Re nkin, Win. r. 1104 e. Ocean av. Ranney, Mary EL Mrs. r. n. w. cor. Rose av. and e. Tenth. Ranncy, M. L. r. n. w. cor. Rose av. and e. Tenth, tR dell, Carl (Pier Lunch Room) r. 118 Pine av. R-nsomen*d lber-Lre. m .- lra7I*- s.of-Clefadf Ransome, The Mrs. J. Shirley propr. furnishe4 reeme. 229 Li= av. Rapp, Alfred driver W F. Pasco. r. w. cor. w. Seventh and Pacifies Av. Rapp, Benjamin M, (George W. Smith & Cao) r. 1227 Pine a., Rapp, Theodore r. s. w. cr, . S,eventeenth andPalefic av. Rash, 'Wm. L. laborer, r. w. r. Pacific av. 4th h. a. of State.-. RP.mUsen, Charles 3M. flopr. aiamee of Sweets, r. Bixby Bldg. Rasmussen, Oelene Miss r. e. . Chestnut av. lot h. a of State. Rasmussen, Raumus r. a w. cor. State and Magnoli av. Rathbone, Fannie f. MZa r. 426 e. Ti.th, r ithbune, Thonumas W. r. 426 e. Tenth. Rlatliff, Samuel G., laborer Long Beach Water Co., r. 1069 Appleton. Rattray, Peter r. 24 Chestnut iv. f ji aitray. Raymond P., prop. The Gaines, 125 w. Third.. r. 532 w. Eikhth. Raitray, Robert A. collector Edison Elec Co., r. 24 Chestnut av. W> Ijv )Rau, Jessie L. Miss teacher high school, r. 135 e. Seventh . Oo l Ravenscroft, It G. (B. & i Garage) r. 113T Elm av. O fl3uRavenscroft, Harry O, clerk A. 0. Lucas, r. 245 e. Seventh. )Rawson, Herbert .Lr. w. a. Obispo ar. sd b. a of Anahel, --- l'y, Edw--d G. salesman Chittenden Produce Co, r. 144 Amerlcan av. Ray, Mabel Miss r. 337 Cedar ar. Ray, Walter S. propr. East Side Bath House, r. 646 AmerleAn av.

Calfornia Chocolate & Candy Co. All ofOtr gad ar mads frac ibe Pure Mag'sai will be fo ltful a well delikdo Cor rn Sfzt a" Aleeitem, ,_Fmg a - -- lome&s32 HOOVER & SMIITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 157 Raynor, ,F. I. conductor P. E. Ry., r. 129 e, Second. 0 ltaymond. Win. M., real estate, r. 727 Atlantic av. O Rea, Henry 0. rngtnecer Long Beach Milling Co., r. 1045 e. Third. Read, Ada MLss r. 1539 e. First. IRcad, Beatrice E.. Miss r. 111 hieiit. Ritead. Frederick W. real c-tate, r. 711 Medio. IReading, R. W. masseur and mgr. Sanitas Baths, The Cynthla Annex. RRal, Phil groceries cor. Railroad av. and First Terminal Island, r. same. Reardon. James A. Rev. pastor St. Anthony Church, r. 820 e. Sixth. Reavis, Ola MIiss teacher Atlantic avenue sohool,, r. 17 Elm av., Reckers Luse hostler Darby Livery and Boarding Stables, r. 124 Amer- > lean aYv. Rector, Frank L. painting contractor, r. 125 Daisy av. Ieledburn. Gcemre NW., see'y and treas.. Home Bond & Building Ass'n., r. ) n. e. cor. Cedar av. and Fourteenth, Redburn, Walter B., Pres. Home Bond & Building Ass'n, and pres. In- Z ner Harbor Gas & Elec. Co., r. 237 e. Sixth. ' Redd, H. N. cook Favorite Cafe. r. 108t e. Third. O Redden, Monroe (Sunset Real Estate & Land Co) r. n. e. cor. Chestnut and Twelfth. GOOD tMERCHANDISE CHFAP n

Incompartable ve&- n_ See car a4vetrties 1 ne0 characterie v- me a t of ranted t The Fifth Street merchandibe inol Store. day's papers. ::

Redmayne; V. G. Mrs r. 10f Elm &iv - -_ Reduer, T. R. real estate, r. 49 Chestnut ,vr. Reece, John A, r. U20 Locust av. Reed, Besse D. Miss clerk I b Fisher, r. 21% w. Ocean av. t Reed Brothers (Charles & James) building ,ontractors, 47 Linden a.a g Reed, Charle/ (Reed Brow.) r. 84T Linden av. I Reed, eorge r. 1162 Mresnolla av. Reed, J. W. real estate, r. 736 Cerritos av. Reed, James (Reed Bros.) r. 327 Linden av. Reed, Park . r. 1152 Magnolia av. It Reed, Riley W. (Californa Wholeale Hay and Storage Co.) r. 1054 Maine. ! ~ Reed A Yetter (R. W. Reed Wmin. Vetter) proprs. California Wholesale '_ &Ray&4 torage Co., 320 e. Fourth. . Z Reeder, Meeta B. Mrs. r. s. w. cor. e. First and "-a- av.. Reel, Uiitord driver L zg Beeh Dairy r. 916 Pacific av. Reel, Edgar 1. r. 64C Pacific av. 1.. Reel, Harry C. driver Long Beach Dairy, r. 916 Paciftc av. Rees. David W. r. itt e. Ocean av. Reese, A. F. teanister National Lumber Co. r. Railroad av. and Fifth . Terminal Iland. A. BSCHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG IBEACH TENT CITY RuoIum . MOUSE - TITS - COOL" - TOI; HnijSKK G DoweiRU Scmam Dorse asd Windows, Oa&foria~uW Lihti , with Shower Bath aldSuaitary W IT Toes. AT FOOT Or GOLDEN AVE. TURiZE BiO4-'5KS rorIIOTLS YIRTWlA. iU Rkt ,lZOt g. - PRORIs: lain 4l2nlowe SW Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 158 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

R Iteel Joseph B. laborer, r. 916 Pacific av. Reese, Robert r. 546 Descanso av. CL.Y Reeve, Jennie A. Mrs. r, 306 Cedar av. U Reguert,, Jessie Miss r. 431 Locust av. I R ehue, Mary. Mro., r. 385 Huerta av. CIO U ea Rehm. Walter A. teller National Bank of Long Beach, r. 1S5i 6. Ocean 6q~ av. 't La Reid, Charles M. carpenter, r. 712 Walnut av. C! O Reid,l Christopher H. carpenter. r. 1130 Atlantic av. . Ried, Frank G. teacher high school, r. 121 Lnewu mv O Reid, Julia M. Miss clerk Post Office, r. 330 w. Second. ~e~ /g 1~Reid, Mary, Mrs., r. 330 w. Second. [J~ ii~ I, eid,'Raymond, tillerman Long Beach Fire Dept., r, engine house; ,,,}4 Reid, Ruby Miss student, r. 1130 Atlantine (I-. Reider, Wmin. H. real estate and propr. Long Beach Tent City, toot of :1) Golden av., West of Bath House, r. same. Reigart, Jessie B. Miss stenographer National Bank of Long Beach, r. _f, ~ 431 Locust av. Ca i Relnoehl. H. F. vice pres. and treas. Long Beach Roller Coaster Co., r. 118 e. Eighth. Reints, Wmn. W. r. 1146 Locust av. k, Reis. Clara M Mrs. bookkeeper. r. 1239 e. Third. Rlds, Gertrude A. Miss r. 1239 e. Third. Reis, John r. 1239 e. Third. Reiser, Ehrenreith shoemaker City Shoe Shop, r. 616 Orange av. Relser, Frank C. r. 6tl Orange av. Reitz. Frank W. agent National Lumber Co. otnlea 506 First Nati. Bank BIdg., r w. a..Tingiirg av. id h. n. of Eliot. P.cmfic, Mses A. fruit peddler, r. Z10 Alunltos av. Renner John r. 926 Alamnito ar. Renoe, Otto laborer, r. w. a. Euclid av. lat i. a. of Anaheimn * Repoleplog*e, J. L. r. 46oElm--ay. Rctlesdorf, Augsta Ms, r. 104 e. Fourth Reush, Charles laborer, r. S46 Olive av. Reumh, Guy F. meat cutter, r. 513 e. Second. Reush, Harryl teamnster, r. 346 Olive av, @Rex Feed arn Holton & Cleveland feed, fuel and boardinlg stablo. 328-30 a. Fifth. t}ex iidl-de Livery J,. . Frederick propr., 328 e. Fifth. Reynold, Frank salesman Southern California Lumber Co., r. Railroad Dow av. Terminal Island. Reynolds, Alice M. Miss r. 143Z Linden av. a Reynolds, Andrew W. mining, r. 810 Obispo av. _ cn_ Reynolds, Elodle M. Miss r. 319 w. Third. a Reynolds, Fay C. Miss r. 1432 Linden av. RXynollds, Juin C. propr. Crescent Bakery 140 e. Second, r. same. .jo a Reynolds, Mahlon D. r. 1432 Linden av. W Reynolds, Reuben, real estate, r. 501 Pine avy. * Reynolds, Lena F. Mrs. r. 345 e. Third. · *,). Reynolds, Walter C. r. l12 Cedar av. Reynolds, Wm. F. laborer. r. 1356 Bishop, i c ua I Rbhea, A. R. Mrs. r. 545 e. Third. , Rhea, Edith Miss stenographer, r. 746 Pine av. Rhea, J. William carpenter, r, .221 Elm av.

Henry J. Pauly Co. Te Loose Lcif House Blank Books and Loose Leaf Leders. Devices and Card Index-Sysem. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor.Saving Filing. 21.'$_N',.ikS,$ f srgt/s REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 107 AMERICAN AVENUE .HOME PHONE 38 EXCHANGES


Rhea, James I. laborer Harbor Lumber Co., r. 745 Pine av. lRhea, Nellie, Miss, dressmaker, r. 221 Elm av. (A( Rhoades, Georgia Miss student, r. 231 w. PacJfi av. Rhodes, C. M. poolroom Railroad av. bet. First and Third,, r. cor. Rail- road av. and Fifth Terminal Island. Rhone, C. 2F.Miss r. Ocean Front Terminal Island. Rice, Edward r. opp. Salt Lake Depot East San Pedro. Rtie, Ellis S., r. 535 Magnolia av. Rice, Harry H. plumber, r. 837 Daisy av. Rice, M. A. Mrs. r. cor. Seaside and Santa Barbara. ; 3 Rice, Marie, Mrs., piop. East San Pedro Cafe, r. same. Rice, Stsinley L,, candy maker, Krick &.Thomas. r. 637 e. Third. Rice, Stephen E., r. 837 Daisy av. Rice, Sylvester M., real estate, rmn. 7-18 Pine av., r. 521 e. Second. Rice, Tena M., Mi~e, milliner. r. i3. Magnolia av. 0 in Rice Thankful S., Mrs., r. n. e. cor. OJal av. and Railway. t1. Rice, Thomas S., r. Cosmopolitan Club. 2L -o(D Rice, Wm. F.. r. 143 dedar av. Rich, Allen, r. 624 w. Second. o '4_ Rich, Hazen B., carpet layer, H.; S. Callahan Furniture Co., r. 223 Kinta av. MnC Rich, Melvine Jr., 1426 e. Seventh. Richards, Alfred C., r. a, w. cnr. Atlantic a0. and Rhea. Z m Richards, Campbell, engineer, Steamboat, r. rear 109 Chestnut av. Richards, E. UL, Mrs., r. 220 w. Fourth. Richards, Frank B., r. 620 w. Sixth. Richards, Edna, Miss, r..6Z0 w. Sixth-. Richads, George A, prop. The Pacific Delicatessen. r. 136 Golden. Richards, Harry U., r. 620 w. Sixth. Richardson, A. O., bench hand Long Beehli Sash & Door Co., r. 127 .American av. Richardson, Amanda 3j, Ms., r. n. a. Densmore 1st h. w. of Garfield av. Richbardon, blniel, r. lat h. -, a. Wilton av.--e. of Termno av. Rlkhardson, Frank, engraver, 118 Pine av., r. "ame. Richardson, George N., clerk The Ark, r. 237 Paclific av. Richardson, James (Richardson & Son), r. n. w. cor. Railway and Tem- ple av. Richardson, John F,, (Richardson & eon),r n w cor. Railway and Tern- pie av- Richailson, Newcll R., r. 1326 Appleton. Richardson, T. S., r. 132 Appleton. Richardson, Wm. L., laborer, r. w. s. Gladys av. 2nd h. n. of e. Seventh. Richardson & Son, (James and John), agts. Meek Baking Co., 322 Pine av. Richereek, Myrrtby Miss, clerk E. E. Neal, r. 243 e. Second. Richey. E. A, confectionery, on the Pike, r. 132 Chestnut ar. Richey, Thomas C, r. 1537 e. Firsi. Richey, Margaret R., Miss, r. 1537 e. First. Richhart, Henrietta, Mrs., r. n. s. Anaheim 2nd h. e. of Loma av. Richhart, Boy A, groceres, n. w. cor. Anaheim and Obispo av., r. n. . Anaheim 2nd h. e. of Loma av. Richter, Charles E., boat builder, Fulton Marine Con. Co., r. San Pedro. Richard, Chrstine, Mrs, r, 27 Alboni Zaz.- IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG0 HOUSE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. S Ube )rugIftst 1 p4ne 1ae. Cariesa Select Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations, Fine Imported and Domestic Perfuines, Etc. iSTANDARDD DRU G COMP A NX 136 PINE AVENUE J.L. HOVNER, MGR.- Prescription a Specilty. Free Delivery. Co te Lineoi DSrus. Sundries, Toil;S Articles, Cigars, Soda Water,&c. HOME 1008 SUNSEli 1581 160 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY C) PJRickell, John C., carpenter. r. 1117 e. First. t;Li Rickell, Mabel A., Miss, stenographer Wm. Bickley, r. 1117 e. First. Rickles, Els!e, Miss, teacher Pine Avenue School r. 335 Pacific av. PReketts, Thomas Z., laborer, r. s. e. cor. Pasadena av. and Twentyfirst Rickey, Bessie, Miss, operator, Home Tel. Co., r. 1437 e. First. LUJ Rickey. Dennis, driver Shamrock Transfer Co., r. 854 California av. Rddell, Elizabeth, Miss, asst. librarian Public Library, r. 341 American Riddell, Etta, Mrs., r. 129 w. Fifth. Riddell, George H., r. 341 American av. Riddick, James R, (J. B. P.iddick & Co.), r. 343 e. First, HaaassRiddie, W. R , Mrs., r. 1010 e. ocean av. Ridenour, Henry E., r. w. s. Obispo av. 1st h. n. of e- Seventh. Ž1 Ridenour, IHenry J., building contractor, r. w. a. Obispo av. 1st h. n. of c. Seventh. C [ Ridenour, J. M. clerk J. G. NieboLe, r. 27 Che.tauL ae. _-NW- tildenour, Lawrence, clerk R. A. Richhart, r. w. s. Obispo av. Ist h. n. o ~1 ~~.ofe. Seventh. ·] Ridley, A. J., stationary engineer, r. 448 w, Third. HLL Riehl, John, r. n. w. cor. Rose av. and s. FWith, $GY Riehl, Wm., teamster, r. n. w. cor. Rose av. and c Fifth Rife George W., carpenter, r. s. e. cor. Coronada av. and e. Fourteenth. Rife, H. E., Mrs., furnished rooms, 324 w. Third r. same _) I Rife. J L., carpenter, r. 923 Alttditos av. (Ljj I Ridgen, John H., r. s. a. e. Seventh. near Orange av. Riggins, Mary E., Mrs., r. e. s. Perkins, av. 2nd h s. of Hill. 0~O Riggins, Nellie, Mrs., r. 219.Linden av. =__ >- Riggs, C. E. tester Pacific Tel. Co., r. engine house. 'R!ggs, Charles H., clerk Eliot Street Gr-eery, r. i40 Descanso av. Z Riggs, Edi.th E.. Misa, stenographer Walker-Williams Realty Co., and notary, r. 219 Linden av. Rggs, .,Edward J*., meter tester Edison Elec. Co., r. 415 e. Ocean av. Rfnggs, Frank W.. driver L. a LaundFy, r. 9i- Loma Visit Drive. Rlng In,JBoh _latnter, r. . or - Ringhe, Nohben P, clert W. iC.Bowrer &eof r. 420fDweenen ay. R ,RigSarah B , Mr.s, r. 112 e. Seventh. Riley, Charles, cornice maker L Idw.w.. Co, r. Si Magnolla av. Rlley, David . paperer h er, r. 44 Mgnolia a. RleFn, ary T., Miss. teacher Pine Avenuc Pihnav,r. , a35 re. r av. Riley, Paul W, musician. r. 446 Magnolia av. _3 R fRlnabarger,George H, cement worker-r. rear 65s3 Lime av. Ring, Eltzabe:h, Miss, r. 165 Jesie aYv. RingheiLs. Ivan, student, r. n. e. cor. e. Fifth and Termino-sra JRnghelm. Jrnnie, Mrs., r. n. e. cur. C. .-F.h an;' Termiino ayv. Ringhelm, Noah A, student, r".n. e. cor. e. F2fth, and Termino a n. Ringhelm, Sarah K., Miss, r. n. e. eur e. Fifth and Terminn ay RWile-y, Mary, Miss, dressmaker, r. 435 American av. Sub c~ Ritger, Phililp J, r. 10 EOlm3 av. Rittinger, A. J, crockery and glassware, 30 FiPne av, r. I05 e. Third. E Dittman, Agries A, Miss, r. Brighton Beach. Rivers Lena, Miss. nurse, r. 41-5 e. Ocean av. O Riviera Curio Shop, Mrs, M. A. Schuts, prop, 41 r. Scnd. Riviera Realty Co. (Dr. M. A. lSchuti), r. 332 w. 8eclnd - t I Riviere. The (Hotel), Dr M. A. Schits, prop, COr. Chesntqpt si. and Second Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH-PRESS' _-= _- BUY IT TODAY- -THE- LE-tADIzSNG DAILY PAPER OF L-OG BEACH THE' HARDWARE BEARS CAN BEi SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Robbins, Edith A., Mrs., r. rear 214 Linden av.

Robbins, John L., barber Kneipp Bros., r. 2317 Atlantic av. Rober, Lizzie, Mrs., r. 331 w. Fourth. Roberds, Alfred E., transfer, r. 843 w. Second. Rvbcr:o, Czr!c, Mrs., csiployee Model Lau:nry, r. i43 w. Seeond. Roborts, Charles L., loan office, 113 e. First, r. same. Roberts, Edward M., r. e. s. Termino av. 2nd h. n. of Anaheim. Roberts. Frank C., editor The Daily Telegram, r. 529 w. Eighth. Roberts, Ira, r. n. s. State 1st e. of California av. w Roberts, John. r. 445 e. Fourth. r Roberts, John H., r. 375 e. Sixteenth. Roberts, K. W., Mrs., r. n. e. cor. Locust av. and e. Fourteenth. Roberts, Katherine, Mrs.. operator Hoime Tel. Co., r. 256 e First Roberts, Lawrence N. r. 250 e. 'irst. B Roberts, Martha R., Miss, r. 375 e. Sixteenth, Roberts, Mary E., Mrs., r. 333 Maine. Roberts. Otto L., jewel mfr., 931 e. First, r. same. Rnberts, Rebecca, Mrs., r. 48 Kennebee av. Roberts, P.cule L, jewe! mfr, r. 9931 e. First. Roberts, Sibyl E., Miss, r. 37fi e. Sixteenth.

Roberts, Thomas S. ,Dr., r. 375 e. Sixteenth. Roberts, Walter H., shell polisher Eastman Shell Store, r. n. e. cor. Lo- cust av. and e. Fourteenth. Roberts, Wm. C., carpenter, r. 1265 Appleton. Roberts, Wm. R., r. 1530 Bishop. A Robertson, Elmer D.,' blackmit:h ad ho'hoer, n. * State bet. Amer- ican av. and Locust av., r. $25 w. Seeoftd. Robertson, George W., carpenter, r. 1064 Hellman. Robertson, Hugh X, janitor High School, r. 1735 e. Sixteenth. S Robertson. Martha E, Mrs., r rear 3C Chestnut av. Robeson, Almon, asst. mr. Metropolitan Life In, Co., r. Terminal ID- land. Robeson, Carter, confectionery, Rallroad a&v. and Tldrd, Terminal Is- t. land, r. sane. Robie, R. , salesman Nat' Lumber Co., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Is land. ' Robinett, Henry, helper Max Morlock, r. rear 748 Alamitos av. I t Robins, Albert, fisherman, r. 12i e. Sixth. Robins, John, laborer, r. 121 e. Sixth. h Robinson, Alvin, 3ma., r. 1512 Linden av. M Robinson, Clyde L., botkleeper S. A. Schilling Co., r. 429 AtlAntic aV. Robinson, . A., Mrs., r. 442 e. Fourth. .bhwnon, = V- M r. 2tt' e. Seventh.S 2 Robinson, Frank W, student, r. 925 Locust ay. t R Ca Robinson, Hailie M., Miss, r. 1512 Linden av. Robinson, J,Wesley, evangelist. r. 925 Locust av. t. i Robinson, James H., supt. Inter State Dock & Lumber Co.. r. 429 At-

Roblnsn, Jeanvtte, Miss, r. 4 AtlantldV9 L s. 1' Robinson, Jesse, W, r. a r. eor. VJxt& and Lonna &T. ki Robinson, Linda, Miss, saleladGy The Mecauntlie Cop, r. 25C Atlantic av. A. B. CHASE PJIANOS ARE BE&T--BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY.

H OTRI JUUA^N . Excenkct& stLI eDstar the 0coax, fadfa Pacific *_-_ Park. Speial Ratr byithe Wek. Mrs. L C Hoffl- *.$ . AMI.CAN FLAIN C'T.I: A .o t $2se Pr Day, sibfe hs Ca" 45 CewAvU TELEPHOtE HOMIE 3# 3. A. Wefsenborn H. C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investligateour high grade City and Ranch Ptoperty. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 638, Lolfg Beach, Cal. i --- 162 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Robinson, Lloyd B., machinist City Garage, r. 1630 e. Seventh. Robinson, Major J., Inventor; r. 542 Locust aY. IL~~I Robinson, Murry, teamster L B. Milling Co., r. 936 e. Fourth. Robinson, Walter H., student, r. 429 Atlantic av. Robinson, Wm. H., engineer. r, 735 American av. Robison, Emma L., Miss, r. e. s. Wisconsin av. 1st h. s. of Eliot. Robison, Rebecca, Miss, r. e. s. Visconsin av. 1Ist h. s. of Eliot Rockwell, John, r 133 Cedar av. Rockwell, M. C., osteopathic, 403 Pacific av., r. same. Roddick, J. R., pharmacist Prittie Drug Co, r. 147 e. Ocean av. Rodger James G., teacher, r. 144 Eliot. O - Rodger, Theodora A., Miss, student, r. 144 Eliot. Rodgers, Anna K., Mrs.i r. 143_ e. Third. Rodgers, Maud, Mrs., pastry cook, r. 523 e. Third. Roe, Dnniel W., (E. E. Covort & Co,). r. 123S Elmn ayv Roe, 0. Mortimer, r. 2149 e. First, Roe, Wm. S., r. 1220 e. Fourth. Roehr, Magnos, baker, r. 327 w. Eighth. OF Rogers, Alfred G., clerk W. F. Pascoe, r. 838 Olive av. Rogers, Francis L., physlclan, 405-407 L, B. Bank Bldg., r. 1604 Appol- ton. Rogers, Frank H., starcher Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 1713 Locust av. 0 Rogers, James W., tiansfer. r. 637 Paelfic av, Rogers, Jefferson G., pastor Nazarene Church, r. 1340 Appleton. Rogers, Jesse R, plasterer, r. 118 Atlantic av.. Rogers, Jaunita, Mrs., teacher, r. n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and California av. Rogers, Lew H., baker, r. 1340 Appleton. Rogerw, Marlon S, (Rogers & Needham), r. a . e. Seventh 2nd h @ Ohio av. e. of Rogers, Minnie, Heald, Mrs, r. 1120 Chestnut av. Rogeres Robert E. salesman F. 1t Silverwod, r. 1050 Alamnitos av. Rogers, Win. H., r. S08 e. Twenty-first, Rogers & Nedbiim, (Marion L Rogers, Oscar Needham), grocerles. s. w. cor. Anaheim ant RedoQdo ar. Rohrer. Frederick, bookkeeper First Nat'l Bank r. 521 e. Ocean av. e3) Rohrer, Helen, Miss, r. 521 e. Ocean av. Rohrer, M. A, M]r prop. The Breake, 21 e. Oeqat ar., r. same. 0-0 Rohrer, Mrjlorle, Miss. r. 521 e. Ocean av. Rotllie, Antoine E., clerk P. O. r.. 66 Alaitus av. Rtlhi Paul-' C, r. 755 Alamitos av. RolUer, Uranlet Mrs, r. 756 Alaintos av. Roma, The, Mrs. . A. Lynne. propD. furnishead romni, 47 Elm ay. Romers AbelinoM., teamster, r. a. w. cor. e. Seventeenth and California. Romero, Antonia, Miss, r. s. e. cor. Atlantic ar. and Twenty-first. Romero, Maura, Miss, r. a. e. cor. Atlantic av. and Twenty-first. Romero, Modesto H., r. a. e. cor. Atlantic av. and a. Twenty-first. ,vl,,.,~v, mUmeso R., r. a. e. cor. Atlantic av. and Twenty-first. Romlnger, J. A. (American Real Estate Co.), r. 151 Locust av. Root. Hiram B, r. e.-. Elm av. 2rd h. n. of Twrenty-fiist _ c Rork. Eva L., Miss clerk A. J, Ritlnger, r. 23-a-, . Secon. Roscoe, Samuel, driver A. Morosco, r. 541% Paclllc. Rose, Claude R., carpenter, r. e. a. Coronado-ar. las-k.o-n-o e.--eventh. REs., Homer S, r. 129 e. Fifth. Rose, Mary,Mrs., r. 142 Elmav.

A. XWul Pra. _ni. &.kehy, a · C. Chapide,cstcr. 10o312: hn.V33 ainet n.. LONG BEACH PAPER-& PAINT CO.. M6 PiRE AVX*U]R, -tric BACj, CAL. Cbe JtuoQiQt 14 PINE AVE. 4Xf ^~ Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Oar Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 163

Rose, Matilda, Miss. bookkeeper Model Laundry, r. 1126 e. Fifth. Roselle, The, Mrs.,. S. C. Stubblefleld, prop., furnished rooms, Seaside Blvd., foot of Linden av. Rosenberg, David E. (falmier & Rosenberg), r. 1236 e. Second. C Rosenxber. Sollie L., engineer, r. 1236 e. Second. & Rosenberg, Wm., r. n. s. New York, 4th h. c. of Atlantic av. Roses, Frank, teamster, r. w. s. Brawn av. llst h. n. of Anaheim. Rosgen, J. Avery, linotype operator LTong Beach Press, r. 626 Oran.ge av. Ross, Arthur, chainman City Engineer, r. 624 Magnolia Rv. noss, Charlca A., mgr. Inner Harbor Laundry Co., r. s. w. cor. Anaheim and Daisy av. Ross, Charles F., asst. mgr. The Mercantile Co., r. 929 Cedar wn . Ross, George, foreman Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co., r. Long Beach. C Ross, James M., commercial traveler, r. 821 e. Ocean av. Rose, .. aggiei Mrs,, r. 117s9 resceni av. Ross, S. R. clerk S. P. L. A. & S. L. By., r. Terminal Island. Ross, Win., r. 2226 American av. Rotbrock. A. B. (Rothrock-Taylor Inv. Co.), r. 617 Orange av. Rothrock, Claude, student, r. 617 Orange av. Rothrock. Raylmitnd 1L, motorman P. E. Ry., r. 61r, American av. Rothrock-Taylor Inv. Co., (W. H. Taylor, A. B. Rothrock, W. A. Tucker), real estate, 107 e, Ocean av. tW Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. > MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE il Authorized Agents of Sl tL out 'Phones. Home 783, Pacific 2192 M Roundsm. CeQeA,. Nr, r. rear 221 w. Fourth. . Rounds, Charles K, employee FP. ] My, y. rear , Fourth Row*, Dsavi L, r. U4 e. Eighth.tC Rowett, Charles R. r. 1020 Loust av. Rowett, Richard R. T. r 1020 Locust av. Rowland, Jerry, r. w. a. Loma av. l*tI. A. of Eliot. Rowland, The, V. H. Rowland, prop, furnlshed apartmentm, 2 Elm av. Kcow VoI'ei'aand, t.. (Sta* Realty C o.),and preP. The Rol*wind,. 251 Elm ay. Rowe, Amy J. C. oeteopathWc physician, 222-334 First-Natl Bank Bldg., Phones: office Home 868, res. Home 415, r. 352 Llnden 'rv. Reyl Cafe, 0Colln & Stilt prop., 5r inel vT.

and e. Tenth. Royal Exchange Assurance Co., E. L Covert & Co., agtz, 207 Pine av. Royal Ins. Co., J.R. Mason & Co., afs, 2S Dank. Bidn ,. Royal Ina. Co., Walker-Wlliamn,-Co., ag. 227 PFine av. Royce, George IL, capenier, r. av w. cor. i. Tentr and Walnut a. Royer, Henry Clay, ptlysieant office Los Angeles, r. Seventh, Terminal bland. Rosell, Clarence E., weler, r. 24 e. Frt. rlo&ll,; Poelre, r 0 e. 1First?

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. S TAILORING GO. CARLSN HIGH CLASS TAILORS A.LMPL r r. tL. C.LS a up.. Home Phone 798 120 PinC Ave, Young-Parmley Inv. Co. HoaneO-ns.;= REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS 3. W. Yonng, Jr. A. L. Parmley. Suitec400.1-234, LONG BEACH BANK BLDG


Rozell, Wilber W., j:eweler, r. 924 e. First. Rozen, Anton, tailor, 605 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. same. Rubenstein, H. Z.. commercial traveler, r. The Krosnest, Rucker, M. S. (Rucker & -Ewart), r. 236 Cedar av. Rucker & Ewart (M. S. Rucker, A. S. Ewart), real estate, 142 Pine av. Ruggs, Josiah T., r. 238 Golden. O Rulzs, Frank, laborer, r. n. w. cor. e: Tenth and Vine ar. Rumple, A. T., Mrs., r. 225 e. Fourth. Rumsey, Wm., r. 491 Rose av. . ) 1 - Runions, Henry A., groceries, 733 w. Second r. same. Runnels, Henry L.. meat cutter, r. 131 e. Fourth. Runnion, Isaac B. B., r. 1204 e. Third. f Rupel, R. D. O., dairy and bakery, 139 American av., r. same. Rush, A. D., Mrs., r. 142 Locust awn !" tRursl, G. F., eatr cuiter Stewart's Meat Market, r. 513 e. Second. __ 1. Rushton, Harry R., painting contractor, r. 513 Elm av. j,& ji Rusling, W. A., clerk Ideal Shoe Parlor, r. 321 e. First. Russel, Albert L., shoemaker, 430 Pine av., r. 1545 Locust av. Russel. Carrie E.. Miss, r. 1710 Locust av. Russel, Chauncey S., cementLocust finisher, r. 1710 av. ' 4* Russel, Edward U., r. 1710 Locust av, Sq Russel, George D., r. w. s. Walnut av. near Anaheim. Z Russel, George E., machinist, r. 331 Olive av. Mbo Russel. Grace M., Miss, r. 1140 Pacific av. ' Russel, Jason N., r. 435 Elm av. Russel, John, r. 230 Short. Russel, John W., agt. Steamer Music. r. 230 Short, . Russell, Mary, Miss, r. w. a. Walnut av. near Anaheim. Russell, Mary, Mrs., furnished rooms, 211 e. Fourth, r, same. Russell, Ross M., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. 04gins Ruthledge, lna D., Miss, pianist, r. 237 Cedar av. -? . 4[vRyanm,Anna, tMis, lseri r. $45 Pine ar. . Ryan, Annie A., Miss, ast. Dr, F.. D. Bishop, r. 237 Cedar av. Ryan,Y ry Mr, dishwsher Favorite Cafe, r. 108a e. Third. *eU) Ryan, Michael, horseshoer W ]. Gillons, r. e. s. Pasadena av. tab h .s. of HIIlL Ryan, Milchel J., waiter, r. 3332 Maine. Ryder. Hattie, L,, Mrs., r. 249 e. Third. Ryder. John A. barber Knc!pj, Drh4, e-. 449 Pine ay. Ryder,O Rhoda, Miss, r. 249 e. Third,

v· l L~Sabin, Ethel, Miss, employee Soft Water Laundry Co., r. 123 Locust av. Sackett, Howard. clerk Phil. Rel, . c Front Terminai island. 8ackett, Theodore N., r. 941 e. Sixth. Saint, Clalborn A., (W. M. Saint & Son), r. 122 e. Fifth. Saint, W. M. & Son, (W. M. Saint and C. A.). real estate, 352 Pine av. Saint, Walter M, (W. M. Saint & Son), and Prop. Star Furniture Co, r. 122 e. Fifth. Saint, Zella, Miss r. 122 e. Fifth. Sains, A. .. cement worker, r. w. s. Temple av. th. h. n. ot e. Seventh. Salomon, WI. H, meat cutter A. Moroscoe, r. 434 St. Louis aT. Salsig, Edwin C., shoemaker n. w. cor. Heyle air. and Anaheim, r. same.

W. B. MCCRACKENL, Manager G0GOK-i , S.. asnd Vr-6 HARBOR LrUMBER CO. OFFICX AND TARD: Cdr.Ocmasa Cdiw. t - si) iMWeeof 3UWLDlG AiNWALSr siiii Ws- * TWee m.d15s1S.1 Lut1 3ea1C" I. v.AD.. ar.I IH A R T H O R N ' SInought, sol, e- thorn, Tel. lome dhargedorrented. ebl. Pacific *i. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Tuning and re- R-s.713 Pie ae. piring a specl- Phone Pacific 4022240 PINE AVE. s BRANCH STORE 646 PineAve., Phone Pacific 2816 .. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 165

Salt Lake Kitchen, Mrs. M. Frank, Prop., Beach.Fu-ni . ofSaltf Laka depot. Salt Lake Transfer Co., a. B. Brewer, Prop., 1234 w. Ocean av. Salvation Army Quarters, 212 Pine av. Salyer, Daniel C., Mgr, The Bartlett Music Co., r. Los Angeles. Salzman, Annie, Mrs. r. 548 Cedar anv. : i Sammis, Edward P., mining, r. 331 Atlantic av. Samples, Eva, Mrs. boarding house Ocean Front, between First and Second, Terminal Island. Samples, J. H., r. Ocean Front, between First and Second, Terminal Is. Sampson, Wm. L, bookkeeper, r. 1064 Cedar av. Sampson, Wm. R., bookkeeper National Lumber Co., r. 543 1v. Fourth. Sanborn, Eben, r. 411 e. Sixth. Sanborn. Ethel, Miss r. 411 e. Sixth. Sanchez, Celena, Mrs. r. 1314 American av. Sanders, Elilabeth, Miss r. n. e. cor. Grand av. and Vista; Sanders. Francis M., city editor The Daily Telegram, r. n. e. cor, Grand f av. and Vista. . Sanders, Walter 3M., studeut, r. n. e. cor. Grand av. and Vsta. t Sanderson, Abble A., Mrs. r. 1'3 American av. Sanford, Frank B., r. 419 w. Fifth. i Sanford, George D., building contractor, r. 419 w. Fifth. Sanford, Thomas H., cement worker, r. w. as Atlantic av., 1st ii. n. of East State. Long Beach Brick Works RICHARD LOYNYES, Proprdor


Satford, RAph C., r. S41 Maine. Sanitas Bath, I. W. Reading, Mgr, Medical Baths and Massage, 119 = e. Ocean av. San Pedro and Long Beach Line Steamer Music, J. W. RUtell, Agt., south tnd of Pler. San Pedro Canninx Co., C. C. Aiies, piys.e. and Treas., 3. A. Yeolansw, See. Fish Canning, Bay Front, Terminal Island. San Pedro Copper Works, Clarence Anderson, Prop., East San Pedro. San Pedro, Lea Angeloa & Salt Lake R. R. 1R P. Glenn, Agt, Passenger Station, s. w. cor. Ocean av. and Pine av. Freight station cor. Aiamitos av. and e. First. San Pedro Lumber Co. A. 3M. Goodhue, mgr., 902 Appleton. 1 San Vreiru Saui Co.. I. L. Dunn,D , "-. a - en'! ... C.C .(Wa..er, ee_. ,.- Main office, 227 Pine av., Works, 2% mile a. of Anaheim. San Pedro Water Co., Chas. R. Drake, Pres.; H. V. Carter. Vice-pres.: Ceo. L Cochran, See.; W. C. Patterson, Treas.; Jean G. Drake, auditor. Beach Front. San Sou, France, Miss operator Home TeL Co., r. 52 w. Second. San 8ouci, Fred C, r. 5i3 w. Second. San Souci, Fred C., Jr. r. 523 w. Second.

OLDEST.LRGET--RONGEST--ARTLETT MUSIC CO. . .- Wam *t, _S 151 ;sl~ ItXfn* PI,_ 51t .fectrfcat1 itS a bat Xlture Q. lnl-2 C. F&#JStrd, 4 stoatI - FRED EINZE PhelVs: Rome 39, Pacific311 California Cbhocolate lb Candy Co. All our goods are made from the purest materials and will be found healthful as well as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth and Alan;tos ave., Long Beach, Cal. a --- lob LONG BEACH DIRECTORY - Schlldknecht, George, bookkeeper Long Beach ]3aking Co., r. 738 Pine P avenuc; Schilling, Charles R., r. 654 Chestnut av, Schilling, Flora, Miss r. 326 American av, A Schilling, Marcus W., student, r. 654 Chestnut av. Schilling, Pauline E., Miss student, r. 654 Chestnut av. Schilling, Robert R., clerk, r. 6!4 Chestnut av, 8chill-ng, Sidney A., Mgr. S. A. Schilling Co., r. 1213 Cedar av. T Schilling, 8, A. Co., S. A. Schilling, Mgr., Dept. Store, s. e, cor. w. First and Pacific av. iSchlllingWilliam H., r. 947 Atlantic av. E Schilling, Winm., bookkeeper San Pedro Salt Co., r. 326 American av. Schilnerer, Clara, Miss clerk F. J. Sehinnerer, r. 1553 Linden av. Schinnercr, F. J., books and stationery, 9 Pine av., r, a. e. eor. Lime av. and Tiwepiffejtz. N Schinncrer, Louis A., with F. J. Schinnerer, r. 1563 Linder av. Schisler, Mildred, Miss stenographer Guy A. Inman, r. Clearwater. Sch!iesmayer, Andrew L., mining, r. 1108 Magnolia av. Schliesmayer. Conrad. minlng. r. 110S Magnolia asv. T Schliesmayer, Conrtd W., mining, r. 1108 Magnolia av. Schlobohm, Frank M., r. w. s. Orange av., 2nd h. n. of Hill Schmale, Earl J., teamster,. r. s. a. Twenty-first, opp, Elm av. 8. Schneider, George F., carpenter, r. 1706 e. Fourth. Schneider, Joseph F., laborer, r. 1706 e. Fourth. Copyights Schofield, Robert, r. e. a. Loma, between Second and Anser. Tradearts Schooley,-Milton L., produce peddler, r. 1872 e. Seventh. Xbels Schooley, Nathan R., r. . a. Seventh, 2nd h. e. of Cherry av, Schovll, Ja,:-es D., r. 1177 Crescent av. Sehrlver, Fletcher F., r. 452 w. Eighth. gchrrstar, H. M K.E,oflce 127 e. Ocean av., r. 1200 e. Ocean av. Schuekert,Lucy, MI, r. s. a Twenty-firat, 3rdt e. of America av. Sehulte, Cordeli E, Mrm r. n. e. cor. e. Tenth and VZpreanxa mav .4 Schultc, Fod W., cement worker, r. a. e.,cor. e Tenth and ESpcramza av. Schulte, Leona, YM r. n. e. eor. e. Tenth and Eeperum a&v. Schulse, Theodore O., r. 460 w. Sixth. - 0 Schumm, (Gorge 1., carpenter, r. 1041 a. Fifth. Schur,; J. G. Mrs. r. 254 Magnolia av. Schuster, John W, r. 430 Locust at. Schuts, Dr,,-Sanitarium, Dr. M. A. Schuts, Prop., 323 w. Second. Schutz, M. A, Dr., Prop. Schutz Sanitarlum and Prop. The Riviera Hotel, r, Hotel Riliera, Schuty, M. A., Mrs. Prop. Rivlera Curio Store, r. The Ri;iera. Schweizer. Frederick, carpenter, r, 618 w. Sixth, a Schweizer. Joseph B.. sheet metal worker W. B. Jay, r. 618 w. Sixth. .5. Schweiaer, Wm. B., fruit dealer, r. 618 w. Sixth. CitS Scofield, Jennie, Mrs. r. 54 Lime av. o Scoggkn. Jacob L., r. 1574 Bishop. Scott, Charles W., clerk Pace & Lundquist, r. e-. - DMkotaav.2nd IL s. of e. Seventh. Scott, Daviid , shoe repalrtr, r. s. e.iFftb,F 1st h. w of Walnut av. Scott, Emily, Mis r. 237 Dalay av. v ~ 9. Scott, Eoela , Miss r. 1263 e. Ocean av. Scott, Evelyn, Mis r. a. a. Fifth, let h. w. of Walnut avt.

REAL ESTATE N. CARt CO. INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC RENTALS _1foy ADLERIC LOANS AN AVE. PIHOGN MqAE 3O EXCHANGES S. Townsend, Pres. tC F. Vau de Water, Vc Prem. . P. Dayman, Se y THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. ICORPORATED A General Reil Estate and Investment tsusinass. Very Choice Acreage in California sad Large Tracts in Mexico Phaone Home 86, Sunset 691 125 EAST FIRST STREET


- Scott, Fannie J, Miss r. s.e. cor. Orange av. and Seventeenth. Scott, G. Willard, building contractor, r. 211 e. Ninth. C. -n Scott, George, cement worker, r. s. w. cor. Fifteenth and Walnut av. Scott, George L., driver Peoples' Ice Co., r. rear 416 Olive av. E.I3 Scott, Henry C., carpenter, r. 234 e. Fourth. Scott, James A., groceries, s. e. cor. Orange av. and Seventeenth, r. same Scott, Josephine, Miss dressmaker, r. 517 w. Second. Scott, Martha J., Mrs r. as . cor. Orange av. and Seventeenth. Scott, Mary, Mrs. r. 237. Daisy av. Scott, May, Miss domnestie, 905 American av. M4 Scott, Milton B., sarpenter, 3-34 c. Fourth. a', !i (Al Scott, Narcissa, Miss r. s. e. cor. Orange av. and Seventeenth. Scott, Robin A., (Star Livery & Transfer Co.), r. 1263,e. Ocean av. C .4 0 Scott, Sarah J. Mrs. r. 129t e. Ocean av. Scott, Smith S., architect, r. 1512 e. First.. 0. :; . Scott, Wal4o S., r. s. s. Catallna, 2nd h. w. of Temple av. O; E ( Scott, Walter, r. 825 Locust av. Scotten, Anna M., Miss, r. 249 e. Fifth. Scotten. M_ B., Zrj. r. 2i49 e. Fifth. Cr e+ Scottish Usilon & National Fire Ins. Co., W. 'W. Lowe & Co, Agts., 16 Pino av. Scouten, E. N., Mrs. r. Seaside Blvd. and Alpine. Scribner, Emma, Mrs. r. 1064 Gladys Court. 0 . Scribner, Emma M., Miss r. 1064 GladYs Court. Sea, Wm. L., painter, r. 1402 Bishop. U I Scabhor lriAi Marine Ins. Co., Roy N. Carr & Co., .>s., 107 American avenue. Sea Coast Shell Co., (J. J. McNal:y, F. M. Yan Marter), MIgs. of Crushed Clam Shells, Terminal Island. Seader, Dean C. W., empltoyee Salt Lake R. It, r w. . Temple av., 1st X.:U . oft e Seventh. I.. Seader, Mary A, Mrs. r. w. a. Temple av., 1st h n. of e. Seventh. Sealy, Maria, M r. 611 w. Fourth. Seaman, W. N., Pres. reoples' Ice & Colhl Stbrage Co., r. Los Angeles. Searby, Chamcy L., r. w. . Ornge av., Ist b. n of HIlL Searby, Ethfl M, Mims r. w. a. Orange av., lst h. n. of Hlll. Searby, Joseph H., groceries, n. w. cor. Orange av, and Hill, r. r. a. Orange av., 1st h n.a. of ,il. Sears, Edward 3., . 1155 American av. Seashore Realty Co., (C. Snlder), real estate, 24 e. First. to a Seaside Sho;rtband School, Miss Anna . Wood, Prop.,'41$ Elm av. ,-,"0 Mr,*0=C Seaside Water Co., Chas. -k EDra ke, rs.; H. v. Cart"er Vice-Pre.; an -, Geo. T. Cochran, See.; W. C. Patterson, Treas.; Jean . Drake, auditor. ]Beach Front. ~. W. Seaton, Hirama J., (Seaton & Tucker Printing Co.), V. 23 e-, rt,, Seaton-Tuckor Printing Co., (H. J. Seaton, J. W. Tucker, Jr.), printers and engravers, 2f1 e. Second. Sear, James W., (Seay & Chbatee). r. a. e. cor. Walnut av and Anaheim. ~o' Eg~ *S Seay & Chaee, (J. W. Seay, E. G. Chaffee). feed and fuel, 711 e. Fourth. I CPf., s Seeond UBap ._- Church, ReV. Daniel Potts, pastor, a. e. cor. Atlantic at. u2 5.LbmWn I~ and e. Tenth. H N a &7a

A. .LCHASE PIANOS -ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. -" - -- te-AUsMT, aRwON,ausg NOMK su 'be- flcRllftetr Mlusic Companm Dealets i Sheet Masic ad Musil Ilutruments, Picture, Frames, Mounings, Ee. ELIECtO PLATlRO t EA T HImD SlrET 1CO MALCOM E. A. ALCOIN CITY DYE :WORKS Ho , __ _236P PINE AVENUE Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty


Second Street Mission, r. 413 e. Second. Seicurity Ins. Co. of New Haven Conn., George W. Smith & Co., Agts, 404 First Nat'l Bank. Bldg. P edgwick, Fred (Tle Hustler Feed Store), r. 831 Alamitos ay. See, Udoxa, Mrs. r. n. e. cor. Densmore and Temple av. Seely, Charles A., r. n. s. Colorado between Termnno and Reowell avs. Seely, George W., r, n. s. Colorado between Termino and Roswell avs. Seitz, C. C.. (Gibson & Seitz), r. 115 w. First. Selby, Frank M., r. 621 Magnolla av. *0 Selby, Georgia, Miss r. The Kennebec apartments. Selin, Wm., r. Foot of Bonita av. and the Beach. Sellers, C., Mrs. r. Pier Biock, foot or Locust av. Sellery, A. C. physician, 301 and 319-321 Long Beach Bank Bldg., r. 429 w. SIxth. Semler, August, r. 646 Daisy av.' Semler, George, foreman Crescent Wharf and Warehouse Co., r. 646 Daisy av. Senter, John H., carpenter, r. 223 e. Sixth. Sercve, F. M., floor Mgr. S. A. Schilling Co, r. 125 w. Third. 'mrl~ Settles, James F., r. 423 Bonito av. 'b t Seventh Day Adventists Church. n. e. eor. e. Anaheim and Dattota av. Seward, Arthur H., r. 133 Cerritos ay. tzk Seward, Arthur L., r. 133 Cerritos av. _',. :t Seward, Dena M., Miss r. 726 e. Sixth. Seward, Laura E., Miss student, r. 133 Cerritos as. Seward, John, employe Salt WoWrkt. r. 725 e. Sixth. 4- ~ Seward.g Edxar T, car!enter, r. 725 e. Sixth. Seward, Raymond 8., student, r. 133 Cerritos ar,. Seward, S. L, Mrs. furnished rooms, 17 Chestnut aV, r. 133 Cerrtito aw. Seybert, C. W., r. 621 Elm, av. d 0w Seybert, 36yna, Mis r. t11Ehlm ay. - 'm ~.oybert, W. W. r. 827 e. Eghth 8er., H. M., pop corn on The Pike, r. 72 Linden av. Shackleton. James, carpenter, r. 426 w. Tenth. Shaefer, H. 1, clerk Dlcklmon & Warson, r. 2 Chestnut sv. 0O Shafer, James N., r. 1029 Ame'~can av. Shar*,W'm. th.,r. 1029 Amocrican av. SIhaer, Albert E, advr. solicitor The Daily Telegram, r. 332 w, Third. Shaffer, Benjamin, shoemaker, 817 Locust av, r. same. Shaffer, Carrie, Mrr, r. W:7 e. First. Shakfter, Elizabeth, Mrs. r. 239 Maine. Shaffer, James W., carpenter, r.-l19 Locust av. O Shallenberger, Harry M., barber, r. 1211 Pine av. Shallenberger, Smith, policemanr 1 . .. ! t.. ¥.e. : Shamp. Elay, Mrs. r. rear 748 Alamitos av. Shankland, Clam R., Mis stenographer Exchange Natl Bnk, r. $03 American av. Shankle. John, laborer, r. 1062 Atlantie av. Shamnklin Robert M., real estate, r. 123 American-av, Shannon, A. L, clerk Crescent Wharf and' Warehouse C,, r Seventh Terminal Island. Sharp, Romer J, r, 43g Pacific av.


Sharp, John P., barber, Parlor Barber Shop, r. 825 e. Eighth. Sharp, Josiah, real estate, r. 438 Pacific anv. Sharpless,, B. H., prop. Elm Street Nursery, r. 1670 Elm av. Sharpless, Viola E., Miss r. 440 e. Twenty-first. Sharpless, Wm., shoemaker 111 w. Third, r. s. s. Earl, 1st h. w. of Pasa- dena av. Sharpless. W'm., nurseryman, r. 440 e. Twenty-first. _ Shaul, Marion J.. r. n. w. cor. Huerta av. and Hechliur av. Shaw, Clark H., ass't city engineer, r. 427 e. Fourth. Shaw-Flint Co., F. E. Shaw, Pres.; Geo. C. Flint, Viee-Pres.; I. B. Taylor, sec'y; real estate, 145 w. Ocean av. btiaw, Frank B., iabtur;r, . Glady~ Court, between Stanwood and W Anaheim. -Shaw, Frank E., Pres. Shaz.r'ltnt Co., r. 70l Eulm av. Shaw, Hattie A., Mrs. r. n. s. New York, 2nd h. w. of California av. Shaw, Hervey E, city engineer, r. 427 e. Fourth. Shaw, John A.. driver Model Laundry, r. 603 w. First. Shaw, Louise R., Mrs. r. s. e. cor. Junipero av. and e. Seventh. Shea, A. G., Mrs. (The Henderson), 149 pine av., r. saime. Sheahban, Patrick H., chef Royal cate, r. 1035 e. Fourth. G tbe Q(Tntbia l; tntbia~ nnex A Most mniodern apartment houe in Shci- .c-w '.-o.-tory brick bulldig a djoining crslCiforuia. Contains Z fonr.roor the Cynthia, contaiinlg suites of tour, Apurtnentsa Iigiant lynraihed. All 1 thre and twro rooms, as well as sile steam heated durtrwinter mouhsw. oums. ALL STEAMH EATED. EAST OCEA AV#ENUE. OPPOSITE THE AUDIToRiUM

2Shearer, areoe, plasterer, i. 14i Temple av. S Shearer, Ida, Miss r. 141 Temple av. Shearer, Joht V., plasterer, r. 141 Temple aV. Sheehy, John W., confectionery, 146 Pacific av., r. 1819 e. Second. o Shlcl, Elizabeth. Miss (Charles & Shela), r. e. s. Slnta av, 2nd h. . of O e. Fourth. On Shellenbert, R. G., baggageman S. P, L. A. & 1 L. .. . 0 e. First.- Shelton, Bernardl, physicion, 504-507 Long Beach Bank Bldg.. r. 403 e. First . m Shenot, Sophie, Mrs. r. 330 Lime av. 5 Shepard Frank, stone mmson- r. 1423 Linden av.- Sherborne, Ruth. Miss operator Pacific Tel. Co, r. 603 Walnut av. -'3 Sherborne. Wim. R. r. 603 WValnut av. C) Sherman, iarrison, r. 445 Pine av. - = Sherman. L. G. Mrs. r. 906 Obispo av. t R Sherman, Lillian G;, Miss r. 106 Obispo av. to Sherman, Richard C., electrician Electrical Supply & Fixture Co., r. 1 0 Oblpoav,. m Sherwood,, Robert, r. 114 Lime a. Shields, Lula ., Mrs. Prop. St. Jobhns Apartments, 449 Pine ar., r. same C Shields, Wmin. F., (Johnson-Shlelds Auto Co.), r. 705 Pine aV. tm

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Electric Company. The purest gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733.. CArner Second Street and Pine Avenue. J. A. Wetsenbora IN, C. Watglhop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investigate oar High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGES A SPECIAL'TY. Home Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. 170 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

0R) Shields, Wm. H., groceries, 423 e. Second, r. n. a. Vista, between Quincy Ww~ ~ and Prospect avs/. Shild, Thomas, fruit peddler, r. e. s. Loma av. 1st h. s. of Anaheim.- C) Shilling, John A., r. rear 134 Locust av. *rt Sbhippey, Eveanna D., Miss r. 1135 ehestnut av. Shippey, Martin H., (Hutton & Shippey), r. 1135 Chestnut av. Shirk, James, rancher, r. n. e. cor. Crescent and Cherry av. Shirk, M. M., Mrs. r. 329 e. Tenth. Shively, Clara, Mrs. r. 813 e, Fourth. O _ Shively, Gertrude, Miss, r. 645 .0range av. -1-_ Shively, J., Mrs. Prop. The Ransome, 29 Lime av., r. same. Shively, Jacob, r. 6546 Orange av. Shively, John M. r. 1219 e. Second. Shively, Joseph. carpenter, r. 29 Lime av, WJC-. ShivelF, Lucy, liss housekeeper, The Wilson, r. same, Shears, Albert, carpenter, r. 825 Atlantic av. tO Shoenberger, Engwey, clerk Wells Fargo & Co. Express, r. 621 e. Third. Shoenberger, George, harness and saddlery, 228 e. Second, r, 521 e. Third

Short, F. 1L, r. Cosmopoiitan Club. Short, John T., Mgr. The Ark, r. 737 w. First. Shoup, Almon L, Prop, The Original--Shoup Plae.e-r. Hotel Stavoy. ^.,- Shoup's Tavern, Wm. T. FaheY, Mgr., s. e. cor. Pacific av. and w. Second Pt _ Showalter, Frank, electrician P. E. Ry., r. 127 American av. 4) (Shbrewsbury, Joseph E., (W. W. Lowe & Co.), and, Chief L. B, Fire Dept., r. 215 w. Fourth. Shrimplin, Tesie, Mfs, r. 51 w. Ffrst Shrode, Besie, .Mfss r. 651 Linden av. Shrode, Francis M., fireman Alamitos Beach Water Co, r. 104 'e. Second. Shrode, John, (Inner Harbor Laundry Co.) r. 688 JAmeav_ - 8hrode, -ark; eiiloyee Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 651 Linden av. Shrode, W. J., (Taer Harbor Laund Co.),r . 51 Lfndei avr. ; Sbrode, W. J. & Son, (W. J. and John), Prop. Inner Harbor Lundr S4 , Co., Anahelm and Das av. = Shubuhrb, Henry A., r 4, PIne aV., IWU) Shuey, Christian E, cement worker, r. 584 w. Eleventh. Shueyr Jacob A., prez-cr LoIn Beach Dye Wkl., r. 524 W. EleVenth. Shuey, John L., Prop. Long Beach Dye Works, SI Pine rv., r. 634 _ - * rw. Eleventh. -- - chuilebothan, John, clerk poet oCffce,, r. w. a Esperan &v,, 4th h. n. C^ of e. Tenth, O0 Shuman, F4win, r. rear 968 e. Seventh. Shuman, Louis W., (Globe Realty Co.), r. 25 Hermosa, avr Shutt, H. F., coe'viunery, Harbor Front East San Pedro, r. same. SBhwartlng, Hugo, r. A. r. Linden av. and e. State. [ Sibley, Josiah, Rev. pastor First Presbyterian Chureb, r. 621 Locust av. Sidow.Wm, r. 80 w. Second. Signal Hill, one mile north and east of city limits. Signal Hill Cemetery, n. w. cor. Willow and Orange at. Signal Hill Gravel Co., G. . Hughes, Pre; W. L. Hughe", Vi.-Pres.; C. IL Whlte, ee.; 6 Pine &,. The DIRECT aid most -COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN COIWNECTION WITH THE SAL _LAKE- RUTE JACKSON'SJACKSOYS DRUG STORE Ph~ones:39 PINE Home 25,AVENUE Sunset 23 :: :: :: Prscriptions Filld Right :: :: ::

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 171 h. n. of Hill. Hill Floral Co., (E. R. Meserve), w. s. Cirry av., Is. Signal W. R. Hughes, Vice- Signal Hill I*nprovement Co., G. W. Hughes, Pik.; Pres.; J. W. Tucker, Secy.; 6 Pine av. pres.; A. L. Panmley, signal Hill Land & Hotel Cor, Dr. L. A: Perce, Secy.; 400 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Silberberg, Herman, r. 120 Chestnut av. tn Silvers, Edwin W., r. 546 w. Sixth. Silvers, Julhi F., gardener, r. 546 w. Sixth. Silvers, Manning ER, gardener, r. 544 w. Sixth. - Silverthorn, John B., motrmnan P. rB,.% r. 129 LInden av, clothing, men's fur- Sllverwd,- F. B., Palmer Campen, mgr., hats, 124 Pine av. nbaSling, av. n. of Spring. Silvey, James, teamstel; r. last house on e. a. Cherry John, milker, r. last house e . . Cherry- a' n. of Sprintg Silvey, Atlantic av. Mary A., Mrs., r. n. s. New York 4th h. w. or Simco, r. same. Simington, Aldrew M., delicacies, 328 e. First, Simmons, Charles I., r. 427 Linden av. r. 1124 American av. Simmons, Del., insurance, Co., r. 427 I.nden av. Simmons, ;roFexr R., Mgr. Long Beach Peculator E. ., Mrs. r. 521 American av. . m Simms, Steam Laundry, r. 735 Wash- 0 Simms, Era, Miss employee Long Beach Ington Place, . (iakfoir{ Iru~t uiaftq rLgS.Jakfp OA OJriD,nyMan" -an oAtomiSw', a 7 g fmBothP' o.6NoM p.pius k*asSecondm Strfe z

Simms, James A. laborer, r. 521 zAierl-an av. Plae, r. same. Simms, Mattle A., Mrs. roerles, 711 Wasaeto Simms, W. ., r. 6r0 Pine av. and Orange av. Simon, mat.,,ph wrapher. r. a. cor. Anaheim Jessie, r. 267 e. Stanwood. Simonds, avr. Simpson, Alex. S., r. n. w. cor. Wilton and Loma h. a- of Densmore. Simpson Caroline-, Mrs, r. w-. Ohio av 2nd Pacific a. Simpson, Ciarles L,., carpenter, r. 224 e. Locust av. Simpson, Eleior . Mras. piano teacher, r. 543 Simpson. Frank B., r. W. a Ohio av, 2nd h a. of Densmnee. V. Simpnon, (feorge W., 6OHwell driller, r. 140 Pine Simpson, George W, r. 427 A. Melrose Court. Fourth and Grand av. Simpson, Gertrude, Mlss teacher, r. n. e. cor. e. ii.- Cr. Wilton nd Lonma avs.Vn Simpson, Jessie A., Miss udenIt. &AA Lllian, Mrs. millinery, 140 Pine av, r. same. Simpson. t R. B., gun and lock smith, 130 e. Second, r. some. Simpson, av. Wn. A., r. n. e. cor. e. Fourth and Grand Simpson, Gladys ar. Simw, John E, eletrlsn, r. e. e. cor. Colorado and Sinclair, Ada F., Mrs. r, 17 Pine av. r. S" w. seeond. Singer,-L, Parepa, Mism music teacher public schools,



Singer, J. L., Mrs. r. 305 w. Second. Singer, Murra,, r. 135 e. Ocean av. Singer Sewing Machine Co., D. H, Harthorn, Mgr., 240 Pine av. Sipes, Nettie, Miss r. 253 w. Pacific av. Sirick, 'EI¢ : I e Meta, Miss domestic, 848 Elm avenue. Sisa, A. W., r. 1536 e. Second. Sisco, Abel, teamster, r. e. s. Glen av., 1st h. s. of c. Seventh. Sisco, Emor C., £|o= t r. Anaheim e. of Walnut. S3sco, Wm. M., painter, r. Anaheim e. of Wainut. Sisco, Stephen S., hostier Long B1each Livcry, r. 1348 Myrtle av. Slsco, Joseph, foreman Gulf Atlantic & Pacific Co., r. 1350 Myrtle av. SJoberg, C. B., shoemaker, r. s. s. Pennsylvania, Skinner, 3rd h. e. of Atlantic av. George A., City Attorney, Attorney and Notary, 18 Pine lu 1 414 Elm tv. av., f. si i Skinner, Georgina, Miss r. 414 Elm av, Skinner, Reglnald B., r. 414 Elm av. Slack, George E., r. s. w. cor. Grant and Alamitos Blvd. Slack, Wm. F., r. s. w. cor. Grant and Alamitos Blvd. Slater, Edward P., r. 1574 Appleton. Slater, Wm. V. J., salesman Newell & Slater Co., r. 2412 Park Blvd. Slaton, John, driver, r. 1531 e. Fourth. Slaton, Maud Ai |i M., Miss r. s. v. cor tdon.dn1 av and e. Scct..h. Slaton, Otho, r. s. w. cor. Redondo av. and e. Seventh. Slaton, Wm. L., r. s. w. cor. Redondo av. and e. Seventh. Sleeper. John H,, (Moore Printing Co.), r. vw. a. Kennebec, Eliot. Ist h. a. of Slingerland, John, restaurant, 131 Locust av., r. 329 Locust Sload, Harriet, av. Miss teacher Pine Avenue school, r. 902 Linden av. Sloan, Henry P., real estate, r. 10 American av. Sloan, James H., r. s. s. Twenty-first, Ist h. e. of American av. Sloan, Joan M., Mrs., r. 474 W nemav. Sloan, IL, r. Earl near Elm Sloan, av. Winnie J., Miss stenographer Geo. A. Skinner, r. 4T4 Wasem Smle, A. Reginald, av. to .: clerk Prldham & Wtlnwright, r. 232 Atlantic av. Smale, Ebenezer, employee Alamitos Water Co., r. Smale, 232 Atlantic av. 6I ..44 Gcrald N., driver W. B. Dunbar, r. 232 Atlantic av. Small, BenJamin F., r. 851 Pacific av. Smart, Helen.f Mrs. P, 922 Magnolia a. Smee, Anna W., Mrs. r. 453 Almond av. Smee, Blanch M., Miss employee Long Beach Laundryr, Sncc, r. 453 Almond av. Generva, Miss, ironer Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. avenue. 453 Almond Smiley, Thomas C. painter. r. 1132 Myrtle av. Smit, John J., groceries, 1854 e. Fourth, r. same. 8mlth. A. H_ Prop. Crescent Oil Co., r. 1131 California. Smith, A. J., master mariner, r. 109 w. Ocean av. 3mith, A. & Son, (Abram and F. H.), building contractors, can av. 738 Ameri- Smith, Abram, (A. Smith & Son), r. 738 American av. Smith, Arsdba, Mrs. r. 640 Locust at. I Smith, Arthur W., Prop Long Beach Curio Store, r. 142 Smith, Bert, w. Ocean av. driver Wells Fargo & Co. Express, r. S. w. cor. e. Eleventh I and Cherry av,

!D - . HINZe N _ _ O'Nf 'oje303r California Chocolate & CandyPHONES: Pacifc:3116 AU of ar Co. _.---- -.e_ -- wrotCaio iilu stlt a f..i itA.l el arsldicBw.a. Cor. . S'tlk adAloiitos Ave., o Back,, CaL, ain 4 He=ol*32 HOO'ER & SMITH lINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 15-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL. JLONG I31IACI DIRECTORY 173

Smlth, Blanche L, Miss r. 445 w. Sixth. 0 mith, Fred W., (Hoover & Smith), r, 443 American av. mltlh,.Carlos B., building contractor, r. n. w. cor. E:m av. and Hill. F _ Smith, Charles, laborer, r. 1360 Appleton. Smith. Christian E., real estate and collections, r. 939 Pacific av. N Smith, Clarence A., musliian, r. 73R American av. 11 mith, Clyde W.. clerk Hoover & Smith, r. 443 American av. Smith, Courtney 1.. r. n. s. Theresa av., Ist h. w. of Obispo a y. ISmith. Daniel F., Rev. r. 452 w. Seventh. iSmith, David B., clerk Pioneer Grocery Co., r, 21 Golden. iSmith, E. A., Mrs. Prop Tha Belmont, 130 w. First, r. same. Smith, E. L. J., r. 534 Cedar av. Smith, Edith, Miss, 1725 Heller. bSlilih, Ed1!U- 1B., Mlrs, student, r- s.R Magnolia av. Smith, Edwin W.,.r. 728 Loma Vista Drive. 0 Smith, Edwin W., (Edwin W. Smith Co.), r. e. s. Gavlota av., 2nd h. s. of Bishop. Smith, Edwin W. Co., (E. W. Smith, A. H. Wil!e, E. F. Dotson), plumb- O ing and sheet metal work, rear 124 e. First. t Smith, Elmer A., plumber Max Morlock, r. 740 Linden av.


Incomparable val- See car advertilse. u e s clharacterize mene t of wanted The Fifth 5 ~t merclandise i to- 4 S- :: iday's p.aporu :

Smith, Ehriaom; k. 1154 Lime av. i Smith, Flornce C., Mr r. 511 w. qThir.d. [ i Smith, Florence V., Mrs. palmist, Pier Block. toot of Locust a., r. same. Smith, Fance, Chayney, Miss r. 311 American av. q } _t 'Smith, Flanl, ,helper B. & L. Garage, a. 122 American av. t Smith, Fmnk H, (A, Smith & Son), r. 334 e. NInth. Smith, Fred, r. 191 Piie av. 1 [1 Smith. Fred B., Prop. National Pantorlum, r. rear 330 Chestnut ar. I Smith, Frederick E., insurance, r. 113T e. Ocean av. , I Smith, George, machinist. B. & Garage.. r. 122 American av. ' [ Smith, George H., chicken ranch, r. s. . Hill, 1st h. e. of Orange av. Smith, George 3., r. 445 w. Sixth. Smith. George W., r. 939 Pacific av. . _ Smith, George W., (George ;' . & C .)'.Ith111 e. Ocean av. Smith, George W. & Co.), (G. W. Smith, B. M. Rapp), fire Insurance 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. .. Smith. Gilbert C., Prop. Smith Novelty Store, r. 311 e. Ocean ar. Smith, Grace R., Miss, r. 1252 Pacific av. Smith, H. , osteopathic physician, 204-306 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. 939 Pacific v.

A.! CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BEACH T'ENT CITY PUIISH3 HOIJSZ-IZNS - COIIKL? - FOM. -HOWKE-C NO Dosie Rtifi, sra DoomramS Wind.s, Gas forCoeoiug sid LIghtiuC wits Sowere Bathl asd Sasitar Toilets. AT FOOT OF GOLDEI AVE., T1HREE BLOCKS :ST£ OFGHOTET- IRGINIA- W. U. k3im>DE Pfit. PHONES: Maim 164, nowme15 Soft Water Laundry Companyi ANAHEIM AND DAISY 'I PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 174 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

h OSmith, H. A., Mrs., prop. Southern Home,. 62 Lime,av. r. same, Smitth, Harley E., druggist, 14 Pine av., r. 630 Magnolia av. Smith, Helen M, Miss, r. 329 Cedar av. U(.w Smith. Hiram .R., r. 143 w. First. . 8mith, Howard, district agt. The Edison Gas & Elec. Co., r. 71I w. First C Smith, J. Lewis, Rev., pastor First Baptist Church, r. 203 e. Ninth. Smith, James E., r. 923 e. Ocean av. .43 co LZ Smith, James IL, (Penn Oil Delivery), r. 1069 California av. M o Smith, James T., machinist, r. l11 e. Fourth, Cs -..j Smith, Jennie A, Mrs., r. 453 Gavlota av. I:, Smith, Jessle B-. Mr.,, r. 237 American av. O Q: Smith, John F., r. 838 Magnolia av. LQ g Smith, John V., bench hand L B. Sashb & Door Co., r. 1416 e. Second. . < Smith, John V., driver, r. 1726.Heller. I. 9 Smith, John W., carpenter, r. 1142 Atlantic av. Smith, Joseph P., electrician P. E. Ry., r. 740 Linden av. f,J Smith, L. Hazelwood (Haaelwood-Smith Bros.), r. 63e Chestnut av. kq grSmith, Lena, Miss, r. w. s. Lime av. Znd h. s; of Stanwood av. Smith, Lena B., Mrs., r. 126 w. Fifth. {2 Smith, Leopold H., r. s. e. cor e. Seventh- and Temple av. _,, Smith, Lizzie, Mrs., r. 446w Locust av. Smith, M. M., Miss, r. 311 American av. Smith, Mlabe C., Miss, stenographer L. B. Savings Bank, r. 838 Magnoli av. Smlth, Margaret, Miss. r. 381 w. Eighth, Smith, Margaret .A,-Mrk. 740 Lfnderr av . Smith, Margaret B. Mrs, r. 421 Elm av. Smith, Martha O, Mrsr r, 2143 e. First, 8mith, Maude E., Mls, clerk C. B. Dudderar, r. s. w. Caor, VLra.i and Fitrs. Smith, Maud J., Miss student, r. 728 Lomn Vista Drive. . SnitbSm,ith yrtle, Miss, r. 73t American av. Smith, Nels 8, r. 35 Atlantic av. S.mih Novelty Store, G. C. Smith, prop, Japane and Chinee goods aa euok, 137 w. Ocenmav. Smi-, Ot-s T., teamster, r. 836 Olive av. Smith, P. Hrst (Haselwood-Smith Bros.), r. f2 Daisy av. Smith, Ray F., clerk P. 0., r. 83S Magnolia av. Smith, Ruth L, Miss, teacher Alamlto. School, r. 214S e. Firt, Smith Samuel T. B., r. rear 130 Ch utiut av. J. Siailih, Sherman W. (Cs. Brass Works), r. East an Pedro. SSmith, Susan, Mrs., r. a. e. cot. Curtis and alifornia asv. B Smiith Susanna E., Mrs.. (Tate-& Smith), r. 650 Pine aV. * . Smith, Susle. Miss, r. 111 California av,' Smi1t, W. Ctiff"o, CCy Merchants & Manufacturers Arc n, r. $10 e. t-'~ P Fourth. SZmith, W. Elwood, salesman, Boob & Co_ r. 11-34 Jse a. n, Smit, W'. Scott, r. 329 Cedar av.- j *v " fSmith, Warren, r. 441 ;w.-Tenth ga' C.), * Smith. Wm., r. 336 Pine av. 0 Smith Wm. H., carpenter, r. 716 w. Ocean av. Smith, Win. H., teamster, r.w. as. Lime av. 2nd hsa. of Stanwood av. PwItbh, Zoe, Mrs., saleslady The Mercantile Co., r. 8 American av, Siithman, Edward, r. s. . cor. e. Eighth and Obispo av,

:/Henry J. Pauly Co. ,TheLose' LeaI House Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgens. Devices and Card Index System. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 73~ - NA5 slj.. r ZrAxgerts ROY N. CARR CO. INREAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 07 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 EXCHANGES LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 115

mith & Calklns (S. W. Smith, R. R. Calkins), prop. Cal. Brass Wks., East San Pedro. mithson, Sater, employee Model Laundry, r. 337 Maine. o ni Partinhia C.. Mrs, r. 1071 e. First. nlder, Charles E. (Seashore Realty Co), r. 243 e. First. ider, Laura, Miss, dressmaker, r. 218 Magnolia av. nider, Walter, r. 604 Chestnut av. . nodgrass Collection Agency, R. L. Snodgrass, prop., 507-508 First Nat'l t Bank Bldg. . nodgrass, Rufus L, prop. Snodgrass Collection Agency, and attorney, E 6507-508 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., r. 517 e. Third. 4 ) nort, John N., r. 228 Golden. o s Snorrauss, Cora, Mrs. operator Home Tel. Co.. r. 411 w. Second. M s ow, Albert B, mgr. L. B. Lumber Co., r. 1864 e. Second. Snow, Arthur E.. r. 1884 e. Second. Q) W novw, C. E, laborer L. B. Lumber Co., r. 1021 Jessle av. iM now, Harry, A. bookkeeper L. B. Lumber Co., r. 1164 e. Second. [nyder, Elizabeth, Mfis, r. 114 Cheetnut av. Snyder, Francis A.. mail clerk, r. 126 e. Fifth. o . Snyder, Jonathan, r. 440 w. Sixth. Snyder, Walter, r. 604 Chestnut av. ' Soft Water Laundry Co., Llewellyn Bixby, pres.; S. L. Lent, vice-pres.: Geo. P. Bek, Jr., sec'y; P. E. Hatch, treas.; cor. w. Anaheim and - Daisy. Daberg.r. G.. merchant tailor, 40 Pine a vr, r. e. Fourth. °3 sons of Veterans Hall, 21. Pine , > Sorkness, Gustat, lunch stand cor. Pine av. and e. Ocean av. Sorkness, Lillian, Miss, r. 39 American av. m Sorkiness William B-r r. 39 American av. Soule, John, r. 130 w. Tlird. CSout ctooht C-lub Bay Front, Terminal Island. geleM yards, Bay Front, TermTlal Island. > Southern California Lumber Co., John Gray, supt.; Main offiLe. Los An- r. ISouthern California IMusic Co., M. N. Ward, mr., 10 r. Fifth. Southrn _Calforndia Tourinnj Co_ W. P. Morey. pres.; A. H. Davies, vice- *s; Otils Ucdiulk -secy and tress.; Automobiles and garage, t 25 e. Fourth. a Southern Home, Mrs. H. A. Smith. P op, boarding house, 62 Lime av. Southern Pacific Cm, a. . guy, *St PaUnCger iepot, cor. . Pacifiec . ov. and 1w. Second; Freight Ikpot, S. e eor. Atlante ar. and e. , iO5: second. ; ; o-3 SouthwrTth, Ed. r L. r. 1262 e. Fourth. s0[ Southworth, George 31. D ., . 190 e. Seventh. e M Spangler, EX, Mrs., dressmaker, r. 146 w. Fourtrh. . Spangler, Fern -Mss, operator Pae. TeL Co, r. ta4 Pacifei av. M . Spangler, M1.R., Mrs. r. 117 w. th. ° _C Sparks, John F, r. Belmont Heights. : :r Spates, Mabel G., Mrs., r. biS Lebrakm -.. .' W _, Spear, Reuben C., mining, r. 736 American av-.° ..° Speanr, Alice; Mrs, cook, r. s. e. Lime av, and Twentr-first. 9 a i Spear, L. Z, Miss, r. w. e.'Amerlean av. 1st h. s. of State. Pr Spears, Will J, home cooking, r. w. a. American av. 1st h. s of State _- , Speer, Mae, Miss teacher Pine Avenue School, r. 923 Alamtos av. ; c- IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BI HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. -bg '-Mugofi t14 VOK 1Me.. Cdrries a Select Line of Toilet Soaps, Facial Preparations,Fine Imported and Domestic Perfumes, Etc. STANDARD D RU G CO NIPA-N 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. IIOVER, MGR. Prscripton a Specialtt. Free Delir. Compe Ln Dru Sundries, Tolet Articles,Cgrr, Soda Water,& HOME 1008 SUNSE_ 1581 176 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY ~Cl Speer, A H., dentist, 301-335 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., hrs. 8:30 to 12; 1 t LU 5; Phones, Home 900, Pac. 399; r. 228 wv. Eighth. Speer, R. B., conductor P. E. Ry., r. 349 Linden av. Spencer, Anna C., Mrs., r. 827 Pacific av. Spencer, Charles C., sexton M. E. Church r. 908 California av. Spencer, Francis M., fruit peddler, r. 1416 Elm av. LU Spencer, Frank E., salesman, r. 961 e. Fifth. Spencer, Otis L., cigars and tobacco, wholesale and retail, 141 Pine av. r. 546 Locust av. Spencer, Wm. B., city asphalt inspector, r. 827 Pacific Spettigue, av. Margaret, Mrs., r. e. s. American av. 4th h. s. of Twenty-firtl Spicer, Arthur E., laborerl; r. s. w. cor. Termino av. and e. Eighth. Spicer E. C., Mrs., r. 429 e. First. Spicer, G. M, attorney and notary, 431-432 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Phone Home 1575, r. The lennebee Apartments. Snillars, Myrtle, Miss, cashier S. A. Schilling Co., r. 418 w. Tlhrd. o0 I Spuuner, Edmund D., real estate. 112 e. Third. r. 1410 Loma Vista Drive. Q Spradlln_. e"nnie. ldrs.. dressmaker, r. = e. Third. VQ U Sprague, Bessie L., Miss, stenographer, J. E. Daly r. 522 Magnolia av. HW Spratt, Henry W., mgr. The Kennebec Apartments, r. same. _IY: Spring, Wim. O., electrical contractor, r. 1661 e. First. -) P Springer, Charles A., laborer, r. 121 Olive av. Sprlnger, Herbert H., r. 635 Cedar av, LJ C> Springer, Howard E., student. r. 635 Cedar av. 3lUJ Springet. 3. B., laborer, r. 1739 Locust av. Sprin0field Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Roy i ican av. N. Carr & Co,, agts., 107 Amer- - i >- S8pringfield Fire & Marine Ins, Co., Walker-Wllliam s Realty Co., agis., 227 Pine av. 1-1 Z Springfield, M1.L., Mrs., nurse. r. 32 Magnolia av. Snrinklle Harold T.. . 509 Daisy av. 'Sprinkle, Percy D., r 509 Daisy av Sprinkle Rachel A, Mrs., r. 509 Daisy av. Sprol. O. A., r. 418 Lime av. Sproul, Charles H., fruit peddler, r. e. s. Dawst av. 1st h. s. of e. Tenth. I. Sproul Myrtle, Mis, r.e. a. Dawson aY. lst hi s of e. Tenth. Sproul, Susannab, Mrs., r. e. s. Dawson av. 1st h. a. of e. Tenth. Sprungr, James E., secy Y. M. C.A, . 123 Atlantic av. S quler, Arthur E clerk Wmn H. Giles, r. 426I Daisy av. [ lS $quUSp &r 3L, m.,rs.,r. 170O ElXm av. Suitre G. W., r. 1170 Elm av. Squire, Junle, Miss, r. 1104 Gladys Court. Squire, Lydia L., Mrs., r. 453 Pacific av. Squire. M. A., Mrs., r. n. s. Hill 2nd h. e. of Orange av, Squire, T. JZ laborer, r. 1104 Gladys Court Squire, Wm florist L. L, Gage, r. n. s. Hill 2nd h. . of Orange av. Sluielt, Clementlne, Miss, r. w. s. Loma av. 1st h. s. of Anaheim. ;,tuiers, Orrinda, Mrs., r. w. s. Loma av. 1st h. a. of Anaheim. Srite, Charles, r. ISO Elm av. _0 3Fr;;t, Liibuern, r. Si Cerritos av. Srite, ffarien, prop. Eaulboo Terrace, 130 Elm av., r. same. OSrteu, lValter W., r. 130 Elm av. Stacey, 1 Charles E, foreman Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Co. r Ocean Front,. Terminal Island. tacey, Estella, Miss, r. 1239 Alamitos av. Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS" BUY tT TODAY THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OF LONG BEA4H THE HARDWARE BEARS CAN BE- SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Stacy, Josephine, Mrs., r. 1239 Alamitos av.

Stafford, The, Mrs. W. H. Freeman, prop., furnished rooms, 131 Pine av. Stag Barber Shop, E. J. Steinke, prop., 130 Pine av. Stailey, Ethel, Miss, r. 527 Linden av. Stailey, John W., editor, r. 527 Linden av. Stalcup, John O., machinist, Hippie, East San Pedro, r. Railroad av., Terminal Island. Stanbaugh Vina, Mrs., r. n. w. cor. e. tenth and LmUna av. Standard Drug Co., J. L. Hoover, mgr., 136 Pine av. Standen. John A., carpenter, r. 1257 Bishop. St. Andrews B. The Sea, (Episcopal Church), s. e. cor. e. Fourth and Junipero av. Standring, J. T., real estate, r. 61 Atlantic av. Standring, " S., r. 61 Atlantic av. Etanfcld. Ross L., painter, r, w. s. Elm av. 2nd h. n. of Hill, Stant2rd, James O., cement contractor, r. 1146 Lime av. S:anley, Frede;eck J., bookkeeper, r. 1217 e.. Fourth. Sanle-, J. t{., oreman, r. i 33 .. T-;nth. Stanley, James S., machinist, r. rear 426 Atlantic av. Stanley, Samuel C:.. r. e. s. Dakota av. 2nd h. n. of e. Anaheim. Stanley, 'W. Harry, prop. Mason City, 135 w. Second. furnished rooms, G r. same. Stannard, S. Grant, pres. Long Beach Drug Co, r. The Krosnest. Stansifer, Clarence C., r. 721 Pine av,- Stansifer, Julia, Mrs., .r. 725 Pine av. Stanslter Wm. H., clggp maker 0. I Speneer, r. 215 Pine av. St. Anthony (Catholic), Church, Rev. James A. Reardon, pastor, s. e. cor. Olive av, and Sixth. St. Anthony School, a. e. cor. Olive av. and Sixth. - Stanton, Norman C., driver Salt Lake Transfer; r. $33 Elm av. Stap;e, r , c-- t 21^eryL on tha Pike, r. 113 wr. Thrd. Star Dairy, John Luler, prop., e. s. Pico av. 3rd h. a o£ State, r. same. Star Furniture Co., W. . Saint, prop, 360-352 Pine av. Star Livery Transfer Ce, (L A. Scott, Samnu Kitto), Phones, Home .403 13,1C. IAS'Amedet gv. _N . '1 Star Lumber & Mill Ce, D. A,. Henderson , pres; K.E. FIts Gibbonl 4 sey and tres; a Wrrcor. Tbid and Alamitos av.. Star Realty Co. (J. D. Gentry, V. H. Rowland), real estate, 251 Amerlcan ft - avt. . * Starck John 4 candy maker Cal, Choc. ACandy Co. r . e. cor. Jssifwe *·av. sd Hill. Stark Joeeph f . (Ciiy Paint Shop), r. 3'35 PnAeic av. S:arX, Russel 1 boolkkeeper First Nat'l Bank, r. 335 Pacific v.r ,C Stark, Wim. A, r. 721 w. Third. - -a St:arkey. -Georse W., carpenter, r. W. a. St. Louis av. 4th h i;. of . Fourth. Starks, Millard F., janitor, Baptist Church, r. w. s..Poinsettia av. 1st h. , a. of e. Tenth. Starr, EFward J., migr.. u. Trmt CIo. - r 51 Atlantic av. Starr, Benson, vocal teacher Fillmore School of Music, r. Pasadena, C California.


HOTmL JULIAN Excelfntly ituated*u te 0", & -__ -__,____Park. Special Rtta b the W k, . : -

· - \ RA~MtES. 92-. I&nSwpr boy. S:le Na SO C:s 4S COdt Ave. . TELEHOELo aXf sU J. A. Welsenborn H. C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to lnvesttiateour highgrade City and Ranch Ptoperty. EXCHANGES A 1 SPECIALTY. Home Phone 638. Long Beach, Cal. 178 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

I . Starr, W. S., r. 230 e. Third. Starrett, Lonnie K., employee Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 328 1% Pine av. State Bank of Long Beach, A. M. Goodhue, pres; Harry Barndollar, vice- pres.; W. J. Morrison, cashier, G. H. Gaylord. asst. cashier; s. V7. cor. Pine av. and First. State Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Wheeler & Wheeler, agts., 33 Pine av. S. Staudacher, John, r. 1544 e. First. Stauffer, Eugenie, Miss, r. 429 e. Ocean av. St. Clair, Louie, cook, r. 129 Elm av. Steadman, Jean S., physician, n. e. cor. Carrollton av. and Junipero av r same. Steadman, Wealthy, Miss, r. a. s. Fortuna bet. Ojaf and Obispo av. Steadman, Willis, E,, r. n. e. cor. Carrollton av. and Junlpro av. S Stearns, Anna L., Miss, milliner, r. 1062 Chestnut av. CLL Stearns, Cameron, student, r. s. w. cor. Loma Vista Drive and Anaheim. U Stearns, Clair T.. carpenter, r. 1062 Chestnut av. Stearns, F. W., & Co., (F. W. Stcarns, A. Craig), real estate and ins., 129o-1! e. Fir.st Stearns, Frank W., (F. W. Stearns & Co.), r. s. w. cor. Loma Vista Drive W and Anaheim. U H Stearns, George, L., r. 114 Chestnut av. Stearns, Grace D., Miss, stenographer F. W. Stearns & Co., r. 1062 Chest- 0 nut av. 0 Stearns, Harry A., gas fitter, r. n. s. Curtis 2nd h. w. of Orange av. P-4 Stearns, Mary, Mrs., r. 1062 Chestnut av. Searns, Mary L., Miss, r. s. e. cor. Vista and Mira Mar av. Stearns; Wm. A., carpenter, r. s. e. cor Vista and Mira Mar av. Stebblns, Charles L, relish dealer, r. 339 Short. W Stebbins, E. M, Mrs., r. Fifth, Terminal Island. WL)Ez~ Steck, Bert, boat builder, Fellows Yacht & Marine Con. Co, r. Bay Front XW Terminal Island. Steele, Hiram H., carpenter, r. 1075 Atlantie av. Steele, N. S, Mrs., mgr. The Eastman, Seaside Blvd. and Pier Plaice, r. cn same.. W teele, Wm. M., asat. mgr. L. B. Gas Co, r. 707 w. Ocean as. Steen, L Daniel, laborer, r. 1067 e. Fourfth. Steen, John B. carpenter. r. 225 e. Fecond. go Steen. Victor, brick maker, r. 226 E. S.cond. Steers, Sarah E. MIrs. r. 54 Pine av. :U Stein, Anna, Miss, r. 1047 Atlantic av. CE)Stein, Fred, laborer. r. 1047 Aitiah£tic av. b- Stein, George W., real estate, r. 616 Almond av. 03C Steinke, Edward J, prop. Stag Barber Shop 130 Pine av., r. 412 Almond ar. Stelzer, Henry, gardener. r. e. a. Atlantic av. 3re h,h, of e. State. Stephens, B. A., Jr, r. Santa Crux ar. bet. Morgan and Parker. Stephens, Eva L., Miss, domestic. 386 Junipero av. Stephens, James W.; prop. Palace Barber Shop, 31 Pine av., r. 114 Chest- nut av. Stephens, John H., r. 661 Orange av. Stephens, Nellie E., Miss, teacher, r. 205 w. Fourth. Stephens, Timothy A, r. e.. or. Junipero av. and e. Seventh. :: StArling, E. J, Mrs, r. 237 Tocust av.' S. Stetter. George B., real estate, 219 Locust a., r. same.

d A. McCasli, pr.. P. S. Baery, Vice-Pr, C. Cha"e Secy. PHONES: HomeS3.m sunset-3 LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Deales Is Plate and Window Glas, Wall Paer,Pants, Oils and Varnishes. PIE AVEKUre, * &LONGBEACH, CAL. -be Ut 14 PINE AVE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Oar Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 179

Stevens, Amy M., Miss, r. 330 Short. Stevens, Bert, meat cutter Stuart's Meat Market, r. 136 Elm av. Stevens, Charles F., Mrs., r. w. s. Lime av. 1st h. s. of e. Seventeenth. Stevens, Charlotte, Mrs., r. 330 Short. Stevens, Claudine, Miss, r. 345 Cedar av. Stevens, Edward, painter, r. lO21 Pacific av. Stevens, Ernest A., draftsman P, E. Ry., r. 332 e. Third. CD Stevens, Frank' W., r. s. e. cor. Eliot and Wisconsin av. Stevens, George L., assayer, r. 330 Short. Stevens, Henrietta, Mrs.. r. 812 California av. Stevens, John, poultry supplies, r. 1209 Crescent av. Stevens, John H., engineer, r. 1209 Crescent av. Stevens, Lestsr H.. r. s. e. cor. WiLton and Termino av. Steven's, Lou M., bMts.-r. 345 Cedar av. Stevens, Louise A., btrs., r. 600 w. First. 3 Stevens, Martha J., Mrs.. r. 332 e. Third. Stevel, May M., Mrs., r. n. w. cor. Myrtle av. and Mahaska. Stevens. MYrtle, Miss, bookkeeper W. L. Stevens & Son, r. 346 Cedar av. Stevelis, Raymond B.. plumber, r. 1056 Pine av. Stevens, Robert E,. brick mason, r. e. s. Elm av. Ist h. n. of Arabello. 3 Stevens, S: W., r. 29 Lime av. I W _% Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. -3 MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE mi Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 tm - - . W i Stevens. Spencer R. (W. L. Stevens & Son). r. cor. e. Fourth and Rose av. Sre¥%ii, Vol6a, Mb;s, r. 215 Ced'.r av, Stevens, W. L. & 8on (W. L. and S. RI), hardware and paints, 153 Pine -a.. 44 CI) Stevens, W. S, r. Chestnut av. bet. Sixth and Seventh. Stevens, Wesler L. (W. L. Stevens & Son), r. 341 Cedar av. StevenS, 'Winifred, MiS, r. t46 Cedar av. Stevens, Win. T. (W.W. Lowe & Co.), anA notary, r. 701 e. Third. Stevenson, EMe, Miss, teacier High School, r. 429 w. Third. V Stevenson, Elmer A., driver Inner Harbor uudry, r. 645 e. Sixth. Stevenson, Henry H., r. 221 e. $ftth. 0 -Sttcvenszo Robert C. r. 634 e. Fifth Steward, Charles A., fruit peddler, r. s. e. cor. Eleventh aid Glady3 vr. Steward, John, r. e. s. Gladys av, 2nd . as. of e. Eleventh. Stewart tlock, 221 e. Third. Stewart Charles W. (Stewart & Co.), r. Los Angeles _, Stewart, Frances B, Bliss, r. 546 w. Second. Stewart, 0 H. B., pres. L. B. Transfer & Warehouse Co., r. Cosmopolitan m Sicwart Hall. 221 e. Third. Stewart, Harrlt-t, Mrs, r. 8$2 Lime av. Stewart, John 11. Drop. Anaheim Feed Yard, r. 1314 American aV. IT PAY& TO BUY OF iAt.'. BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO.

rCA1Dl *N!~TAILORING GO. CARLSONM HIGH CLASS TAILORS MA.CLARK,IPr. L G CAMRK, _asN. Hom Phone 198 120 Pine Ave. Young-Parmtey Inv. Co. Rome WSut4t1 REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS J,-W. Yonng, Jr. A. I. Parmley. shite 40i-2-3-4, LONG BEACH BAhK BI.DA 1841 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY i Stewart, Joseph B., r. 902 e. First. 9 Stewart, Lorena L., Miss, teacher Seaside School, r. 1314 American av. Stewart, M. E., Mrs. r. 1163 Appleton. Stewart S. A., Mrs., r.-344 w. Third. Stewart, Martin V., r. 5646 w. Second. , Stewart, Vinton, Miss, r. 344 w. Third. Stewart, W. I., clerk S. Ca. Lumber Co., r. Hotel Glen Buroie, Terminal Island. Stewart, Watson, r. 724 Loma Vista Drive. Z ^ Stewart, Wilda, Mrs., r. 324 Magnolia av. Stewavrrt, Wmin, clerk, r. 344 w. Third. Stewart & Co., (C. W. Stewait, Mrs. -. !ill), real estate, 223 e. Thlrd,. I St George Apartments, G. H. Evershed, prop., 343 Pine av. Stidger, Harry D., real estate, 631 w. Ocean av. Stldgner, Nathan H. (Globe Realty Co.) r. 631 w. Ocean av, Stiff, Lawrence, employee L. B. Bath House, r. 322 Anterican av. 0 Stiff, Oscar R., laborer, r. s. s. Pennsylvania av. 4th h, e, ot Atlantic av. Stigner, David B. (Malone & Stigner), r. 1328 e. Second. CU Still, Bessle ., Miss, r. w. a. Knta av. 2nd h. s. of e. Fourth. Still, Joseph, carpenter, r. w. s. Kinta av. 2nd h. a. of e. Fourth. i Still, Leonard W. (Royal Cafe), r. 1420 Orange av. Still, Marcy, Mrs- r rear lfRS e. )ourtb. Still, Samuel A., prop. Alamiton bakery, 18550 e. Fourth, r. rear. _._ Fifth and Locust av. SUIwei, Sara-h Wardt, iMrs., r. 345 e. Ocean av. St. John's Apartments, Mrs. Lula. E Shieldo, Prop., 449 Pine ave. tz St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Rev. Robert B. Gooden, rector, n. w. cor e. -ow fifth.and Locust av. _ >[I~ St. Myers, James F. foreman Artificial Stone a tick C-, r. 952 c. Second, Stock; Walter Pi teamster, r.s. w. cor. Anaheim and Mahanna av. , Stocker, Frank C. r. rear 611 e. First. Stocking, C. D. boat builder Fulton Marine Con's Co, r. Ban Pedro. OtL [ , stolen W.P,. arpenter M. . Ran4, r, i46 Elm ay . S tsr, . _ 0ll aD.- M Issteac;, Stoker, Geo, C, r. 27? w. Fourth.r. rk 2T WW. -F6 -- - :' Stoi,-mmai l Mss. teacher. r. 1109 Maq iv. E""' I% Stone, Edna Mis music teacher, r. 104 e. Oear av. Stone, Gsant-8: (Stone & Tr"), r, lUpnip , CaL -toe, CGee E.e student, r. "- -cem *v. - onue, resaie Miss dressmaker, r. 130 w. Frt. Stone, I,. G. real estate and loans 23 Piner av, r. 13 e. Flrit. Stone, S. G. pres. Ornamental, Stone and Brick Co, Stone, Sordine A. r. 23t w. Anhenlm. r. 104-e. Ocean av. Stone & Tru= (C. ,S Stoie, iL C. Truax) yCA estate *i4 0-i-i Storye, Arche N. letter carrier, r. Cedar*84 ar. Story, Charles D. r. 854 Cedar av. M,ouCy, vernon, r. 854 Cedar av. Stout, Catherine Mrs. r. 23 Lime av. : Stout, Mabel E. Mrs. r. 2t Lime av. Stout, Sarah A. Mrs. r. 110 w. Seventh. Stovell, Mlnta Mrw. r. 710 e. First. Stover, John S. laborer, r. t4C e. Sevent. Stover, Wilfred r. '1 e. Seventh. Stowell, Hasel Mis r. 22 e. Thlrd-

,w;·a~~~ Iczinrolu A. G IE MAXi - an.s T:ea -.HARBOR oLUM.BER CO. -OIFICE- DYAD: Cor. OGua d Gol asw :3 lie of-BUIlD1XG-G.A7AL9 a" Mill Work T Tei, cmtlL-Smrt~rC io~i is~Cz i, V.&D.. Bar A R T H O R N ' S Bought, old, e l, Bhorn = -- '---a- el orrented. 1. Paclc 44t. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE fTsing and re- es.13 Pine ave. 240 PI E E pairing a special- BRANCH STORE 646 PineAvc., Phone PaificS;2861 ... LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 181

t. Paul Fire & Marine Ins, Co. Butters & Paul Investment Co. agents, O 108 e. First. i. Paul Fire & Marine In. Co. L. Hazelwood Smith agent, 636 Chestnut av. trand Apartments, The Mrs. Ada Butters propr. Seaside Blvd. foot of s Linden av. trassheim, Jacob r. s. s. e. Seventeenth 2d h. w. of California. trathearn, Robert building contractor, r. 831 Walnut av. tratton, Anna E., Mrs., r. 220 Linden, a. tratton, Anna, Miss, domestic, w. s. Obispo av. 1:. h. 1. of State. tratton, . S. Mrs. r. e. s. Pasadena av. 2d h. n. of Nineteenth. tratton, Florence H. 3Mi}s student, r. e.. Pasadena 24 h. n. of e. Nine- - teenth. trletton. Wm. r. 334 e. Eighth. trlckier, Ellis S. laborer Inter State Dock and Lumber Co., r. 1623 e. Seeond, Z 'tringer, Farny Mrs. r, 403 Crystii Court stringer,Harry N., r. 533 w. Fourth. trom, Hugo V. transfer, r. 1338 e. First;. tropg, Edwin N. teller National Bank of Long Beach, r. w. m. Gary 1st ^ h. a. of Willow. [trong, Frank B, (Strong & Folscxm) r. :h Daisy av. trong, J. Frank carpenter, r. 429 Elm av. Long Beach Brick Works F RICHARD LOYNES, PropriWtor B:STQUAXITY BIDIN BRICK.1 pHONEStOSce,,s~~~* Mom68,rl=,WOIZ ti

Strog, John P. real estate r. 2S DerJy iv. Fosolon), real t St & rowlnr (Frank EL-Strong, L W. 'estate, 0 troup, Dora Mrs. operator Home Tel. Co., r. Hotel Rivleta. Stroup, T. - clerk OakLord Drug Co., r. The Riviera. Stuart, Harry . prupr. tuarts Meat Market, r. 329 e. FitU Stoath: tne3 o v irat Stuart, James kt M. r. 141T Elm a. Stuart's Meat Market H. C. Stuart propr., 109 American av. 3 Stubblefiel,-- smsS. e C. Mrs. propr. The Roselle Seaside Blvd. foot otf Lndc - Stubbs, Jacob'r. 237 c Fo utiI. Stubenbord John J. manager The Cynthla and real estate 122 e. Ocean,

Studebaker, Margaret Miss r. 243 e. First. Studebaker, -Violet Miss clerk C. C. Lord & Co., r. 243 e. First. Studler, M'iry-MIss clerk Palace of Sweets, r. 329 Elm av. Stults, Nadlao RI.Ml-r. 14"4 Applefon. Stults, hL-L bucjng eontrector. r. 1464 Appleton. Stults, Albert . bhborer, r, a. a. Curtis 1st b W.. of Orange a.

o*£1a.;'t'i-- f . tE _ - . - - i o.ei--ssu lco ?icCtrical Ruppi & fixture ¢o. 42.-1r2 L. Ial UlSS LW SeaCL FRED HINZ7F Phones: Eome 394, Pacfic31l . To California Chocolate S Candy Co. Ge Alt our goods are made from the purest materials and wil be found bealthful as well as deliious. Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitosave., Long Beach, Cal.


P Sturgess, Sadie B. Mrs. r. 627 Orange av. Sugg, James F. driver Peoples' Ice and Cold S:orage Co., r. 820 e. Fifth: Sullivan, George, horse clipper, r. 432 Atlantic av. Sulivan, George. washer City Livery, r. 402% American Vr. tA Sullivan, I. M. expressman, r. 947 e. Sixth. Sullivan, Mae Miss secy Peck & Anderson Realty Investment Co., r. same. UT Sullivan, Mamie F. Mrs. ladies' furnishings 324 Pine av., r. same. T Sullivan, T. B. r. 243 e. First. Sullivan, T. Frank (Gavigan Realty Co.) r. Hotel Del Mar. Suliian. }.R., gardcncr, Signal Iltl, r. same. E Summerville, Vine Mrs. r. e. s. Dakota av. 4th h. n. of e. Anaheim. Sutmney, John Dr. r. 1255 App;lton. Sun Ins. Co. of London W. W. Lowe & Co. agents, 16 Pine av. Sun Parlor, south end of Pier. Sunny Side Cemetery n. s. Willow bet. Orange and California avs. Sunset Dye Works, Jose Valdez, prop., .; 338 e. First. SunsQet Rl Estatc &-Laud Co. (W. C. Tmkham, M. Redden) real estate T 201 e. First. Superior lee Cream and Soda Works. Peoples' Ice and Cold Storage Co. Mnrs cor. Alamitos av. and Third. - Surf View Apartments Mrs. Nellie M. WVormley propr. Se3sidc Blvd. foot of Atlantic av. .Sutcliffe t Joseph (Sutcllfrf & Pfennig) r. 327 Chestnut av. Sutcllffe & Pfennig (J. Sutcliffe, WV. R. Pfennig) jewelers and opticians epyigb1ts 122 Pine avr. Trsaidmarks Suter, Clara S. Miss shell jeweler, r. 1031 ge Seventh. Llabels Suter, Essle Miss shell jeweler, r. 1031 e. Seventh, Suter, John W. r. 1031 e. Seventh. t Sttro, George cook, r. 136 Elm av. Z Sutton, Able teamster, r. 252 e. Stanwood. '$ _1Suuton. Alice, Mrs, r. 360 WValnut av. LLU I1J Sutton, Nellie, Mrs. dressmaker, r. 428 w. Sixth. Z) BSutton, Rena Miss r. 428 w. Sixth. 4 Z Saver. Joseph L., r. 169 e. Sbxth. Svea Ins. Co. of Sweden Winm. H. Galbraith agent, 221 Pine ar. _ i kSwank,Edward C. r. 127 w. Seventh. 8i; V- 8wartley, George H. paperhanger, r. 410 e. Second. 0_ m ^ Swattout, Mary Mrs. r. 924 e. Sixth. •. t,,• Swarts, Sylvester H. r. 100i e. Fokikth. f-~ :s1 R~Swearingen, Mclton T. (Trusseil Swearifnen) r. 343 Pine a:. " Swvcct, R. C. iumber surveyor, r. Ninth bet. Railroad av. and Ocean Front Terminal Island. Swcet, Win. r. Ninth bet. Railroad and Ocean Front Terminal Island. M , ri...C.r *...... :, dentist 303-304 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Phone Home 303, r. 'S3 w. Sixth. Sweeten, Marshall I., carpenter, r. 408 e. State. = Sweetland, Arthur H., repairer Long Beach Auto Co., r. 2 Mr.im ,a. _- -E W:e!:,n,' Saistauei r. i31V American av. j: Sweninen, Wmin. student, r. 1310 American av. _! Zj Swickard, WN.R. Rev. r. n. s. Florida lst h e. oi cherry av. i Swim, Caroline R. Mrs. r. w. s. Kinta av. 3d b. s. of e. Fourth. - Swingle. Adda E Miss r. . w. cor. Coronado av. and e. Eighth. Swingle, Andrew J. bakery 410 American aIv,'r. 1571 Appleton. ""OY'A O--' .... -REAL ESTATE O·YNoCARR CO. INSURANCE RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 107 AMERICAN AYE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES . Townsend. Pres. C. F. Van e Water, Vic.Pres. P. P. Payma,. Secy THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED General Real Estate and Investment Business; Very Choice Acreage in California asr.d Large Tracts in Mexico Pbone. Home So, Sunset 691 125 EAST FIRST STREET


wingle, Martha A. Miss nurse, r. s. w. cor. Coronado av. and e. Eighth. ' Swingle, Milo E. r. s. w. cor, Coronado av. and e. Eighth. r Swinney, James W. teamster, r. e. s. Gladys av. 1st h. n. of e. Eleventh. oo Swlnton, Wa!ter P. bookkeeper, r. last h. s. S. Heller e. of Rose av. o Switzer, Howard clerk National Bank of Long Beach, r. 1021 c. Ocean

Sykes,av. Cora Miss r. 237 Locust av. Symington, Addle J., Mrs., r. 928 American av. Symonds, Ethel Miss mangle girl Long Beach Laundry, r. 730 e. Fourth. Symonds, Henry watchmaker and jeweler 125 w. Ocean av., r. 730 e. * Fourth. o

Taber, Lois Miss r. 1009 American av. Tabernacle, The n. e. cor. Locust av. and Third. . _ T'ngsirt, Vilson S., r. 1334 e. Second. ' . 3 Talbert, James r. 1211 Appleton. 0 l'albot, Emma M. Mrs. r. s. w. cor Anaheim and Vine av. tA -* Talbopt, Louis, employee Long Beach Dairy Co., r. 934 e. Sixth. . F Talbot, Ralph S. r. 1247 e. Third. Talbott, E. DMrs. r. 229 w. Fifth. lo Talley, Charles E. harnessmaker, n. s. State bet. American and Locust I avs., r. 1748 Pine av_. Talley, George A. r. 17.48 Pine av. W Talley, Maria Mrs. r. 1748 Pine av. > Talliuadge, Aletta Miss student, r. w. s. Cherry av. 1st h. s. of Center. m Tally-Ho Stables J. R. Malkin propr., 337 e. Fourth. Z v Tandy, John H. housemover, r, 1028 e. Tenth. > Tandy, John H. housemover, r. 1028 e. Tenth. ' Tanner, ]. R., Mrs, attendant Dr. W. L. Woodruff, r. 137 Cedar av. Tanner, lHarriet, Mrs., r. 421 Walnut av. > Taut, Julia E. Mrs. 1028 Hellman. 1 Tant, Mark E. electrician P.. E Co., 1082 Hellman. Tant, Samuel J. r. 1032 Hellman. E Tartytowi Theatre (Long Beach Recreation Co) On The Pike. i e M Tate, Ella R. Mrs, (Tate & Smith) r. 650 Pine Re. / "...so Tate, Thomas J. carpenter, r. 650 Pine av. aa 0 ' Tate & msith (MYr. .Tate, Mrs. S. R. Smith) furnished rooms, 650 Pine av, Taylor, Albert M. r. s. e. cor. Em tv. and Hill. o Taylor, Charles F., r. n. . e. Fifth 2nd h. w. of Wafiaut av. i Taylor, Charles H. r. n. a. e. Fifth 2d h. w. of Walnut av. . C -o - Taylor, Charit J. E street superintendent. r. 80i Chestnut a. r. 36 Atlantic av. Taylor, Chesley singer Theatorium, C - Taylor, Claude W. engineer San Pedro Salt Co., r. 109 e. Third. Mc Taylor, Cora M. Miss r. n. . e. Fifth 2d h. w. of Walnut av. °4 Tay!or, David G. attorney 516 Long Beach Bank Bldg., r. 440 Chestnut

Taylor, EKB. Mrs. secy. Shaw-Flint Co. and Notary, r. The Kennebec , gW.rC Apartments. -_ , Z = Taylor, Frances, Miss, r. 221 Cedar av. "' en

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. E-. . _AISTEIt, Manage PHONE, ROME 16 bhe fI)clltsoter tMusic ¢ompany Dealers in Sheet Music and Musicad latments, Pictures, Frames, Moutldiwr, Etc. ELEc-tCh PLATINfG -te EAST THIRD STREET INO MALCOM E. A. ALCOA Phonu:He., 741. Pac'ifi.c I6 CITY DYE WORKSv r236PtEH1. PIKE AVENi Cleaners and Dyers · Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Speciatl


Taylor, Ellen D. Mrs. bookkeeper Heald's Long Beach Business College r. Los Angeles. Taylor, George H. building cotractor, r. 1026 Myrtle av. Taylor J. B. driver Long Beach Fire Dept., r. Engine House. Taylor, James P. groceries, fruits, pastry and confectionery, 27 Pine ., r, 654 Loncust av. Taylor, Josept L, groceries 1306 e.-iourth, r. 501 Almond av. Taylor, Lawrence J. propr. The Lexingtcn 243 e. First, r. same. Taylor, Mabel E. Miss clerk street superin:endent, r. 805 Chestnut av, · 0 . Taylor; Margaret B., Mrs., r. s. e. cor. Elm and Hill. Taylor, Aury, Miss, r. 221 Cedar av. Taylor, Minnie B. Mrs. r. 405 Chcstnut av. Taylor, Nelson bootblack on Beach s. of Salt Lake DepotL Taylor, Ncra. E. Miss r. 805 Chestnut av. Taylor Robert B. Mrs, r. 1.55 e. Second. Taylo'hl; obert U., r. 1095 Cedar av. .0t° Taylor, Roy policeman, r. Ocean Front Terminal Island. Taylor, T. Mrs. r. 402 e. First. 25' Taylor, V. J. clerk Pridham & Wainwright, r. 339 izain~e ·-'raylt, .:.t -Ci.(1,-Lthrck-Tiayior Investment Co) r. 617 Orange ax. 1uTcague, Enma Miss piano player, r. s. w,. cor. e. Seventh and Glen av. Teague, John R. carpenter, r. #. w. cor. e. Seventh and Glen &v. Tedford, Harry piano teacher, r. 538 w. Sixth. '•3-)C I~ Tedford, Jennie Mrs. r. 538 w. Sixth. Teel, Clayton chauffeur Southern California Touring Co, r, n. e. cor. Seventh and Cherry av. Teel, CQutmliey A. architect, r. 753 Washington Place. Teel, J. Elford driver Michigan Meat Market, r. 753 Washington Place. Teel, James A. grading contractor, r. 753 Washington Place. Teel John B. r. n. e. cor. Seventh and Cherry av, q4C Teemley, Rol!ln R r, 1254 ,e. First, Telrmt,, John F. mining, r, 631 . Fith. k Telfer, Riobert W. stelographer, r. 531 w. Fifth. Tennant, A. W. mhning, r. 203 e. pSecond, Tennant, FrankR clerk Post Offee, r. 27 Daishe av. mm. 2 Tenney, V. ba.ber, r.5 17 Raway. Termlnnall land Bath Houre. p o.. Ci, manager, Ocean Front and Per-erminal Ulan& - termine' l Island carpelnterfoad av. bet. Sventh - ,N'1ih Terminal

Termnal iland 'Post Oldice F.n O. F pOestmster. Rall ntv. near First. Terminal Island. Terminal sland School Stewart Laughlin principal, }Raroa. av. Ter- ' mfil Iland. -- atTerry, M . euldMiss r. 66 Locst ar, Ob ~~...... b,.on teanmiter Sin Pedro Lumber Co., r. 2I7 e.Sta:wood, Terry, Morris bulllng contractor, r. t27 Cbetnut ay. Terry, Thomas H. r.'566 Locust av.. Teutonia Fire Ins. Co. W. L. Campbell & Co. agents, 143 Pine av. Tewsler; James, carpenter, r. 423 e. Fir-t. Tg~rnm, Lars ioreman California Fish Co., r. San Pedro. Thasling, M. X. building contractor, r. 424 AtAifntic ar. Thatcher, Amela L. Mrs r. 531 Descano av. Thayer, Charles N..conductor P. E. Ry. r. 1805 Lecust av.

gNEAND SECOND HAND BICYCLES JETIXGREPAIING, SUoNDIES CALIFORNIA RUBBER COM-PANY TIRE VULCANIZIiNO OF EVERY DESCRIPtION F. S."OnaSaJINM Sut, ' M 1330 sr *3 EArseco sret r, lGc MBIACH E. H. CLEVELAND, Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 185 Thayer, D. P. foreman Inner Harbor Gas & Electric Co., r. 428 w. Fifth. Thayer. E. B. manager E. P. Charlton & Co., r. 854 Cedar av. Thayer, Theodoela, Mrs. 1 1209 e. Seventh. , Trieatll, Kate Mrs. r. 235 Magnolia av. Theatorium, National J. H. Ebrite & Son proprs. Beach Front south of Salt Lake Depot. Theobald, Della Miss r. 1019. Lewis. . Theobald, Margaret Mrs. r. 1019 Lewis. Theobald, Victor H. agt. L. A. Times, r. 1004 Elm av. Therieau, Joseph D. (Long Beach Plumbing Co) r. w. s. Temple 1st h. w a. of Tenth. v V Thiessen, Geary cement worker, r. 1424 e. Seventh. Thodo, Frtdcrick W. Mrs. r. S14 Cedar av. - Thoe',Myrtle I. Miss r. 814 Cedar av. Thom, Mary Mrs. r. 855 Pine av. E Thomas, A. H. teamster Pioneer Truck Co., r. 454 St. Louis av. Thomas, A. L. chief clerk Pac. Elec. Freight Depot. r. 323 e. Fifth.- Thomas, Alta A. Miss employee Long Beach Laundry Co., r. s. s. Dens- more 1st h. e. of Junipero av. Thomas, Arthur W. teamster, r. 3. e. cor. e. Seventeenth and Lime av. Thomas, Charles r. 1121 California av. G bhe ¢Cntbia it ¢ntbia-Rnnex A 4lost modern apartment house in South- New two-story brick bnilding adjoining ern California. Contains 24 four-room the Cynthia, containing suites of four, Apartmnents, alelegantlyfnrnished. All three and two room, as w l as sifle stam heasted duria winter moat. looms. ALL STEAM HEATED. EAST OCEAN AVtiNUE, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM

Thomas, Ernest G. pres. Long Beach BricksCo., r. 1436 e. Fourth. Thomas, Frank A. carpenter, r. 28 Waite Drive. Thom, Frank. L. ewer contractor, r. a. w. cor. Eteventh and Obipo Z Thomas, Frederick . secy Long Beach Transer & Warehouse CO., r. U21 4

Tiiout,iuu c F. r. e. .a hio ar. id i. a ot ensmore. Thomas-'James C. (zrick & Thomas) r. 212 Dasy&v.a Thoma, Jor.lih 0. employee FalehlM tilmor. Wilton Co. r. 814 Bonito 0

Thomas, Joshua E. teamster, r. a. e. cor. Seventeenth and Lime av. Thomas, Josiah W., r. 1021 e. First. Thoms ]lawson F. tinner, r. n. a. e. Fifth 2 h-. ae of Junipero av ' Thomas, Margaret Mrs. r. e. S. American av. 4th h. s. of Twentyfirst. > Thoms, Maud Miss employee Long Beach LaudrY Co., r. . Dens- m more 1st h. e. of Junipero av. ; t Thomas, May Miss adJutant Salvation Army. r. 1052 Elm ar. Thomas, ;elson H. r. S. a. Densmore 1st h. e. of Junipero av. Thomas, Owen D. carpenter, r. a. e. cor. Eishteenth and Alamitog a. Thomas, Perry gardener 1465 e. Ocean av. C Thomas, U. 0. carpenter, r. 1108 Atlantic aT. t MT

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MsIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Eteric Co~mpany. The purest gs in the city. Home Phone'33. Sun- '.set-Phone 733. Corner- Second Street and Pine Avenue. 3. A. Weisenborn H C. Waugh: GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE Whllie in the city do not fail to investlgate our High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGE8 SPECIALTY. Home Phone 63, tong Beach, Cal. 183; LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Thomas, WValter r. 837 Chestnut ar. Thomas, Van. helper Long Leach Bath House and Amuse.ent Co.", Los Angeles. iThomas, Wm. M. (Pioneer Truck Co. and aroceries) 503 e. Seventhj same. Thompson, A. Belle 'Miss r. 706 Locust av. Thompson, Chaties R. mrining, r. 7O- L '-- - ' Thompson, Charles R. clerk C. H. Bohannon, r. 339 Golden. Thompson, Ellen M. Miss r. 452 w. Seventh. O X Thompson. Ethel C. Miss r. 33S Golden. Thompson, George A. laborer, r. w. s- .ose Park av. 2d h. s. of e. Tenth Thompson. Grace E. Miss dressmaker, r. 330 e. Tenth. 1 Thompson, Herman C. Jeweler and optician i1 Pine av., r. -32 Maine. - O Thompson, Ira F. carpenter. r. w. s. Llme ar. lst h. s. of Seventeenth' biG ~ Thom,2son, Isaac painter, r. 275 WisConsin av._ Thompson. J. Howard driver Wells Fargo & Co. Express. r. 338 Golden. zThrfitnpnun, John C. r. 55S , -w. Thompson John F. r. 248 Cedar av. Tlioitinn It. S. .I:r i'r.30 f. *tl _CI Thompson, Martha A. MiLs r 53.; El,. avr Thompson, Matthew B. r. 1220 e_ Oea/n ar' [ hompsonr, Minervia Miss r. w.. t. oe Pana-e :a.Zd h.:. of e. Tenth. Thoi xl-on, Nellie J3, M3lss, teacher Pine Avenue School. r. 210 Magnoll

ThonO,,n, Oscar confectionery City I.afiet 'l!.g, r. 126 Mytle av. JThompson, 43i~ Thomas 13. real estate, r, 254 Loust av. * _; T 10omaPson Wi' r. Ellot cor. Wasemn zv, V.. . &ijeo. in amn.T- a T J) TThoms, 3. T. r. 123 Wx Third. _T"Orr, H. r-. eU..3%yee .o, crtiasCo.; . T3.7 = nThird. 'Th rn (1 iverr P., .g-. g. AirtificWi Stone& Hrick Co3, -. 627 w. Third ~1 i~rr~T,"n5o,-'^'r~, a.E. X-"-...'"Pi~--~ L 4--~..-v~.~4~, ) r. .l~-=i~. Mo. hon.b1) W (Thornbt,be ow WNwcgorn ' Co. .25" e. First. fQt Tmibra WrodW V-rl=rtitv C". W5. )3. ' . OboT row) iranu- __ e w7 aff .vr g,4-o'n - - -Msf- Tho;;*ames m ; ie. 'ItIteH. sa.tS. Wa te CC,, S. Sum- [ 'Thmit Road Ist h. w. o Ten;Ae' :.a _ 4To rev4a M*rs. drossmaiker - - =1 -w.c 3St. _Th.orrlicL . !sarer . osmc-seohl Paz Tel Co. 7.-Z w S.h. 4 |Tnre, Irjng 13 dnr_ RDS i;maui dr . Trse, First. 3Thornton. 3amet B. a. 12i0 e'. eco~na. Thorp. Ciarryce 1. r. 11,se. E rh. O YwThorpe. BZth Mrs. r. wr. . lPeken* As- lst h n. d 'wert3eth. Thrpsh. %Thr. I116 O.ra-ge -'.F | Thr Marie,hssn, osteoTmthis 3-den, 3-S3703 Long Buach }k Bldg.

i . 9 1,%':s.'.Pirgt ,

4!ThM1. B '\rM m7atning, r ZXF Ot'lve -tV. Thrash. olas saksirA Thb serc3ae a {51'a a. Pour"

Te DInM__ CT, .E too the GOLDFIELDS of EVs7A .Nr WcrNj'S0ABEW S Ns 11 'TIRTS ROU'TE JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phones:39 PINE Home 25,AVENUE Sunset 23 :: .::: Prescriptions Filled Risht " :: ::


hree Gables, Mrs. Margaret Lambert propr. furnished rooms, 30-32 Chestnut a., Thurman, Martha A. 'Mrs. r. 937 Linden av. I'rhurs'on, MI., Mrs., r. 14F Walt Drive. C 'riwart, Cooper, Mrs., ironer L. B. Steam Laundry, r. De Soto. Thwing, Vallace, r. s. s. Seventeenth ist h. e. of American av. ribbetts, Henry B.. engineer P. E. Ry., r. s. s. Willow Ist h. w. of Atlan- tic av. Tirhenor, Adelaide, Mrs., r. 852 e. Ocean av. Tift, Pansy, Miss, student, r. s. e. cor. e. Eleventh and Garfield av. 'tif/t Wm. F., landscape gardener, r. s. e. cor. e .Eleventh and Garfield av. 1Tison, Johll H., carpenter, r. 1078 Atlantic av. Timm, Albert C., carpenter, r. w. s. Coronado av. 2nd h. n. of e. Fourth. 0 iTincher, Eugene E., student, r. 1536 e. First. 'rmc..ch, --,e W., clerk L. B. Grocery Co., r. 1536 e. Flrst, Tineher, Rollin. clerk E. F. Fellows, r. 130 w. Third. Tincher, Wm. W., chainman City Enginecr, r. 156 e, First, Tinkham, Earl H., machinist, r. 829 Cedar av. _ TInkham Horace W., employee Salt Lake Ry., r. 829 Cedar av. Tinkham, R. H.. clerk S. P. L. A. & S. L. Ry., r. 829 Cedar av. 4 Tinkhan., W. C., (Sunset Real Estate & Land Co.), r. 829 Cedar av.

(!, tkfndi . wakfor Drug umpayg ."I R. S. OAKIORD, Manager S

Doth Pho." No. 204 Pine Ave. and Second Street _ N Tinklepaugh, Freeman L., r. 1613 Appleton. z Tipion, George P., Dr., r. a.s. cut Orange av. andi Burnett av. Tipton, Lena A, Miss, r. a. e. cor Orange av. and Burnett av. Tipton,.Mfattie, Miss, r. 216 Pacifie a,. Tiptan, Rachcl. Mrs,, r, n. Railway opp. Lindero av. Tisner.t, Aug.t. E., .tudent, r. 1t7I Btshop. Tisnerat. Edward, r. I71 Bishop. T[tceombe Catherine. Mrs. r. 05 e. Eighth. Tobin, Clarence S., messenger PP. E. Ry., r. s. e. eor. Gaviota a-nd e, Ff1th. Tubha, Harr W'., rural letter carrier, r. a. e. eor. Gavlota and e. Fifth. Tobin, Mary 1., Mrs.. empli-Yee Model Lauldryt r. s. e. cor. Gavlota and e. Fifth. Tockler, Joseph, engine foreman Salt Lake Ry., r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. Todd, George W., carpenter. r. 1077 Orange av. , Todd, JosephW M., witl T. M. Todd & Co., r. 622 Pacific av. : Todd, Mar,_a!!, wa.chmn ?_': T.nka RY.. r. 211 e. Ocean av.- Todd, T. M, (T. M. Todd & Co.), r. 622 Pacific av. ;Todd, T. M. & Co., (T. M. Todd), real estate and loans, 125 e. Ocean av. *Todd, Timothy L., carpenter, r. 706 American av. ;Tolbard, W'm. S, Mrs., 421 . Ninth.


T18 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Toledo Stock & Grain Co., A. L. Wroolsey, mgr., 308 First Nat'l Bldg. Bank e IIl e RToler,Wmn. H., r. 344 e. First. |-e Tolle, Allie, Mrs., r. 1239 e. Second. Tomlinson, Henry R., night cashier Royal Cafe, r. 109 w. Ocean av. Qk Tomkins, Ray C., sales clerk Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. 403 Ap- pleton, Toobey, Henry' D., teamster, r. 760 Loma Torrance, Vista Drive. Roy K., carpenter, r. 938 e. Sixth. t3~ .I·· Torrey, Louie E., teamster, r. 1509 Atlantei av. Totten, Jessie E., Mrs., r. 1Q65 e. Ocean av, Tourist Grocery, The, Anglin & Osborn, prop., groceries, 426 Turist, The, Mrs., Minnie e. First. Tuttle, prop., furnished rooms, 409 _ Tours of The World e. Second. Co., Geo. M. Comparet, mgr., n. end Auditorium. _0.0 Tower, Emily, Miss, teacher Atlantic Avenue Sclbool, r. 1106 Jessie av. .. ~ Tower, M. J., Mrs., r. 1106 Jessie av. ILjf Towns, Amoc A., (Fl]Ec. Supply &.Fixture Co-), r. w. s. Burnett-.ar bet. e. e.Boiit and St. Louis. _~ ~Towne, Ellen I., Miss, r. 1127 e. Ocean av. Towne, Louis A., r. 1127 e. Ocean av. Towne, Merton A., r. 429 e. First. Towne. Nellie E., Mrs., r. 429 e. First. Townley, Cornelia, Miss, r. 412 w. Fourth. TowIls, Joseph M, gardener, r. 963 e. Fifth. Towns, Maud V., Miss, teacher, ._ r. H03 e. Fifth. Towns, S. A., Mrs. r. 242% Chestnut av. Townsend Building, 125-139 e. First. Townsnd-Dayman Inv. Co, S. Townsend, pres.; C. F. Van de Water, vice-pres.; B. P. Dayman, sec'y; V. IL Townsend, asit. sec'y; real , w C2~~tate, 125 e. First, Townsend, Elizabeth, Miss, Townsend, r. 245 e. Seventh. George PF r. . w. cor. Gary and Signal Towned, Stphen, Hill Drive. pres. Townsend-Di SanInv. Co., anl vle-pre. Flrst Nat'l Bank, r. 504 Cedar av. Townsend, Thomas . real tate, 11 L. B. Bank Bldg, r. 24 Locst Townsend, V. 1, aust. seey av Townsend-Dlyman lny. Co., r. 564 Cedar sv. TraWin A WilHlti (Los Angeles). . IL Creeth. mrr*.a.rehl.it - 2t First Nat'l Bank Beldrg Q Tr2eauer, Pearl 7., Miss, teacher Heal'ds L, I Bus. but ar. College. r. 103. Chest- Trauser ,. H, carpenter. t. 1026 Chestnut t¥,. Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford, Wheeler Travere. & Wheeler, ats., JJ Plne av. Daniel E (Travers & Gregg), r. 214 e. Seventh. Travers & Gregg (D. E. Travers, H. L. Gre), blillirds and 34 Pine ays. clgas, si * ^ Tredway, Carll H., r. 1248 e. Fourth. : ~ Tremaine, E. D., Mrs., r. s. w. Tremble, Callie, cor. e. Eighth and Redondo av. Mrs., assistant Dr. J. W_ Wi. 5 -=Mav.- e ll Trew, Mell A., cement worker, r. 327 Golden. O Trible, Isaac L, carpenter, r. 617 Trible, e. Fourth. Verna K, Miss, saleslady The Cash Tribune Job Store Co., r. 517 e. Fourth. Office (L. G. Graves, H. W. Hersey), Job prntingr, C. A. Court. 126 -. i. Trlpp, H. I, Dr., treae. New Baptlst College, r. S34 w. Ocean av. 7R2D UPHO: POS oe*am.3fpadSc316 California Chocolate & Candy Co. Aloof our ods arc made ro t Prst Materias wil be lealtful as well as dllcio Cot.I. Lxth and Alamitos Ave,-Z seacs,4 Cqa IlaRome in HOOV3ER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-1 19 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.


Tritch, Bart H., lather, r. 1029 e. Seventh. 0 ritch, Joseph G., plasterer, r. 1029 e. Seventh. Irltch. Mont. V. lather, r. 1029 e. Seventh. Trostel, Oliver C., machine hand Inier State Dock & Lumber Coe. r. gS 1053 Linden av. o Trotter, David W., r. 316 Elm av. Trotter, Eizabeth J, Mrs., r. 412 w. Ninth, ETrousdale, Leon, seecy and mgr. L. B. Grocery Co., r. 1106 Pine av. ITrowbrldge, Will S., Rev., r. 131 Falcon av. . Truax, Ralph C. (Stone & Truax), r. 323 American av. > Trude, Fred, student, r. 121 Locust av. Trude, Hattie S., Mrs., r. 832 Daisy av. ITrudeau, Rose, Miss, r. e. s. St. Louis av. Gth h. n. of e. Fonrth. ITrueblood, Joshua K., r. 636 e. Fifth. ITruesdell, Alonzo, r. 1034 e. Second. Truesdell, Walter K., laborer Inter State Dock & Lumber Co., r. 10314 - Zecond.. Truett, Percy. r. 116 W. First. .0 O Trujillo, 'Joseph M., laborer, r. rear 330 Lime av. : Truji11o, Laura, Miss, r. rear 330 Lime av.


Incomparable val- See ourf advelr" _ u es characterize m en t ofwanted i The Fifth Stree merchasdise is to- Store. day's papers.

ITrujillo, Patroeino, laborer, r. 109S Jessie av. E Trelsron;le.z Mim, r. 94 Cedar ar. TrunnelI Be -M. oooeiitw Pac. Tel C, r. ::: A:tmito av- Trunnei K M. Mrm, r. H$ Alantos iv. Truftqi My: min Tw eeper Davh Traser Co., r. 933 Alamitos av. TrmnndaL Ray IL prop. Davis Tranrfr Co. r. P3t Almilto av. i Trusell, Joseph D. (Trussell & Swearingen) r. 10a Eitu aT. itI Trusge- & -weardngen (J.r D Tnsell X1. T. Swearingen) brrb 121 IB1 -W. Fir t. . .- Tryner, James P. fnsurahce ert, r. 805 Pine av. . i $ Tryner, Nell.e . . Srs.,t04A Pine av. Tucker, E F.eashier City Natlonal Bak, r. 50: e. Second. Tucker, Bessie Mis r. $11 e. First. Tucker, Charles r. 1406 e. Second. Tucker, Charles H. reporter Tfie Daly Teleram, r. 626 e.Fifth. Tucker, D. H. propr. Illinois House 145 Locust av. r. sa3e. iT'oker. a ry8 r. 633% American av. Tucker, Henry r. 611 e. First. Tucker, James W. euihier Long Beaech Savings Bank, r. 522 Linden aw. - Tucker; James*W. Jr, (Seaton-Tucker Printing Co.) r. 522 Linden a v. ' Tucker, Lilly Mis student, r. 1405 e. Second.


Draubflkee 7 I -gase.ad-Wiid.WS.. otorCeeidu*ga LfghIag, withire Sirt ai% d S Mitary Tudi At-FOOT or CoLD, ( AWTNFE:.ST BUlOC&S OPfOTlSL VIRGUGIn. IT. 8 r'x£OrS: Yabn stZ Bunse 5 Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 i910) LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

~' 'C Tucker, Margery C. Miss r. 522 Linden av., JQ Tucker, Nellie Miss r. 611 e. First. ~',3 Tucker, Swain L. shoemaker 104 c. Fourth. r. same. Tucker NV. A. (Rothriek-Tayicr xlvetuiilesit Co.) ulid notary, r. s. w. cor. e. Sixteenth and Pine av. 'tQ co Tulles, Emmett E. rancher, r. s. s. Burnett av. near Orange av. (,. Tulles. Irma. Mliss, i. 537 Elm av. Itt a Tulles, Lee r. s. s. Burnett av. near Orange av. *ng Tunmore. Maggie Mrs. r. 457 w. Ocean av. Turner,; Emma 1. Mrs. r. 424 w. Fourth. Turner, Eugene (Long Beach. Feed and Fuel Co.) r. 801 Alamitos av. C TQrn:r T.T C... 545 Linden av. ' 1 Tuthill, 13 C., designer Western Brt & Engine Works, r 2211 e. First. r-4 Tutt. Edward S., r. Daisy av. n. of v. Third. ~,) b, ITuttle, Edgar A. music teacher, r. 409 e. Second. l: S r Tuttle, Ml!nic Mrs. prpr. The Tourist 409 e. Second, r. same. C)J Twombly, James C. city inspector of sewers, r, 645 Pine ar. Twironibly, J:tnmes I.. barber Palace Barber Shop, r. 645 Pine av. ¢fla Tyrholm, Lilla, Miss, Captain Salvation Army, r. 1052 Elm av.

.- U Ulyate, Henry H. laborer. r. n.. Zaferia Ist h. e. of Loma av. UaLderwood, Inez Miss r. n. s. Anaheim 4th h. w. of Obispo av. V . Undenvood, John, r, n. s. Anaheim, 4th h. v. of Obispo av. Unger, Eliza E. Mrs. r. 646 Daisy av. Union Assurance Society E. L. Covert & Co. agents 207 Pine av, Untfn Chapel, Railroad av. Terminal Island. Union Investment Company C. D. Heartwell pres. John M. Edgar siey., real es ate and i-SzutasiC ,je First Natl. Bank Bldg. Union Labor Hall 116 e. First. Union Oil Co. of Calif. E. P. Jngmire agt., East San Pedro. Unique Dye Works Fritz Nietfeld propr.. rear 147 American av. United Presbyterin Church, Rev. SI Dell Johnstn pastor. a. e, cor. At- lantie nV, and Fifth. i-~E Ci'nited States Casualty Co. George W. Small & Co. agents, 404 First 0·• ~ SNat,- Bank Bldg. United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. J. R. Mason & Co., agents, 2a0 tC. ~ , Long Beach Bank Bldg. Irtetadt Stacsr Trust mo.E. T. Starr mannager, A. I. Porterfield secy., .C t~. real esWri'e and insurance 225 e. irst, _ I PUnited Syndicate* Company (Ltd.) N. Emmett May sec'y and manager, real estate and syndicating 14 Pacific av. i;X Up-To-Dat:e Barber Shop Kneipp Bro. proprs,, 110I. First. f-lp: Upton, Gertrude Miss teacher high school, r. 352 Cedar av. Z Urton, Martin R. grading contractor, r. 814 Atlantic av. Ursey¥, Henry foreman Crescent Wharf and Warehousc Co., r. Redondo, U . Uttr.. Mab. ;, bookkeeper, r. 232 w. Sixth.

s Vail, Emma R. Miss r. 455 Atlantic av. IVail, Herman D. sec'y Model Laundry. r. 1126 e. Fifth.

Henry J. Pauly Co. The Loose Leaf House Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System. Yawman-Erbe Co.'s Labor Saving Filing. 2z3-i5Nw, High Sti ,LosAgele ROY N. CARR CO. INSURANCEARENTRAL NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 EXCHANGES LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 191

Vail. Julia E. Mrs. r. 455 Atlantic av. Appleton. Valdey, A. M.re. ironer Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 963 Valdez, Albert, *holesale fruit, r. 963 Appleton. .av. Ut Valdez, Edward teamstcr, r. . s.S. haeim 2d h. w. ot Wallnut Valdez, Jose propr. Sunset Dyd Works, r. 342 e. First. av. Valdez, Joseph J. teamster, r. n. s. Anaheim 2d h. w. of Walnut Vale, Grace Miss r. 1029 Magnolia av. _! Vale, L E. real estate 1106 Pacific av., r. same. Vale, Mabel M., Miss, stenographer, r. 1106 Pacific av. Vale, Nellie L. Miss r. 1106 Pacific av. ' Vale, Robert A, r. 1029 Magnolia av. (f Vale, Uriah machinist, r. 1760 Pacific av. o C., r. 1221 Pacific av. M Valentine, Edwin av 2d h. n. of Vallejo, Enrique J. electrician S. P. Co., r. e. s. Elm Twenty-first, .) Vallette. Abby Mrs. r. 325 w.Tenth. _ m v Valtnttt, Heanr, F. r.325 wr, Tenth, Vallon, Alfred barber, r. 411 w. Fourth, r" Q Z O C. J. Miss r. 614 Pine av. , Van Alstine. , ,Fe Van Buren, Charles laborer, r. 537 California av. Van Buskirk, VWarren bookkeeper, r. 1243 e. First. Wm. laborer, r. 1019 Hellman. c' Van Cura. Co., _ Van Dame, C. E. bookkeeper lJong Beach Bath House & Amusement r. 133 w. Fifth. > Terminal Is- > Van Decar, H. S. barber Railroad av. bet. First and Third lan Park av. Van Vecar, Wm. B., carpenter, r. s. e. cor. e Fourth and Rose M a Van de Doss, Susan Mrs. r. 130 -aelfie aIv. Z Van Der Meide, Philip carpenter, r.-829 w. Ocean av. M. Miss student, r. s, w. cor. Anser and Euclid av. Van Deventer, Ada av. Van Deventer, B. F. carpenter, r. s. w. cor. Anser and Euclid iEuclid ar. Van Deventer, Cecil B. machinist, r. s. w. cor. Anser anu Euclid av. r Van Deventer, Louie machinist. r. s. w. cor. Anser and Marlon F. machinist, r. s. .w. cor. Anser and Euclid a¥. Van Deventer, Investment Cot Van de- Water, Charles F. rice-pre. Townsend-Dayman -r. 405-sr. Tenth, ° Vandewater, L IR Rev. r. 131 w. Fifth. c---m -- 443 w. Ocean F . - 5 Van Dyke, The Miss Elizabeth Morden furnished rooms, w. Third, ,s . S ra, Etovn, . . M,'., prolp. The Kroynest ear, Pacific ay. and r. sale.tt t P; Francis K, principal Forrth Street School, r 453 St Louis. - Van Forsen, and B v m Van Hove, 3. L. electrician P. E. Ry., r. Olive av. bet. Nineteenth M Twentieth. * . ' Anaheim and Brawn av. Van Hyning, Frank r. s. w .cor. _: C ._ Van Hyning, Henry r. e. s Cherry av. 24 h. n. of e, Tenth. s5= CT Van Kuren. Helen. Mrs. r. 1805 e. Oe an av. ... Term 4 Van Marter, Frank M. (Sea Coast Shell Co.) r. £tiiva- Island. 3l MoE Van Norden, Joiln 3. r. 1030 e. First. = C* Vann, Paul E. pharmacist, r. Hotel Riviera. Van Ornam, Abbie Miss r. 948 Lime arv. Van Ornam, Ferres B. r. 948 Lime av. ,, MUSIC CO. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE- BARTLETT f be 3DtUOftt 14 pine SVe. Carries a Select Line of Toilet Soaps, Facial Preparations, Fine Imported apd Domestic Perfumes, Etc. STANDARD D R UG COI.PAN 136 PINE AVENUE J. L PrescrPtlon HOVER, MGR. a Speesizh. Free De_. Copke Lineof HOiME Sunsdries, Tolet Anrticle, Ctrs, f00e SUNSET 1581 Soda Vmsr,&t LONG BEACH DIRECTORY /) Van Ornam, Grace Miss r. 948 Lime av. LU 'Van Ornam, Oscar r. 948 Lime av. Van Patten, J. N., boakkeeper Edison Elec. Co, r. 549 w. Vatk Scoten, Matthew L. tinsmith, Third. Van Sittirt, r. 1032 Jessie av. Edward H. xec'y Mutual Building & Loan Ass'n, LU politan Club. r. Cosmo- i Van Tress, Emily V. Mrs. r. 229 Van Velsor, Atlantic av. Mary C, Mrs. r. 326 e. Third. Van Winkle, Walter S. student, Van Winkle, r. 932 Cedar av. W. D. clerk Fffih Street Pharmacy, Varncy, r. 932 Cedar av. Elme FP. ~tudcnt, r. 729 Varney, Pacific av Frank L. repairer Long Beach Varney, HerjberF-t Auto Co, r. 14&7 Elm av. E. eatpnte, . 3Sv Bishop. > Varney, Nathan Varney, H. r. 729 Pacific av. Wm. M., Prop. Long Beach Auto. VaugFan, Co., r. 20 w. Seventh. O Bertha J., Miss, r. 430 Daisy Vaughan, Leonard av. 0. r. 430 Daisy av. i ViV-aughan, 'ary 1., Mrs., r. 430 Daisy Vaughn, C. laborer, av. r. rear 246 Locust av. 1jjI Vaughn, Emily L. 04< Vaughn, Mrs. r. 1041 Myrtle av. Josephine Miss student, r. 1041 -) \ Q Vaughn, Lucy Myrtle av. waitress, r. 120 Magnolia. av. Veeder, Charles E. carpenter, r. 414 Linden av. tS * Venable, E. Venable, A. Mrs. r. 416 Linden av. Eliza J. Mrs. r. 344 Short. Pl.I'' Venable, Elizabeth, Miss, cashier The Mercantile Co., r. Venable, Marie Miss cashier 416' Linden av. The Cash Store Co., r. Venable, Oleetta Miss 416 Linden av. dressmaker r. 44 Ahort. Veni.able, Zilla Miss r. Venard. 344 Short. J. A. house and sfgn painter Veon, Clarissa Tribune Court, r. 135 Anterican J. Mr r. 527 Cerritos av. a. O Vessella, Marco director Veselila's Jf Italian Band, r. Hotel ' 1"ester, A. L. Missr. 318 American Del Mar. Vette, Wn.(Calforla av. Wholesale Hay and Storage la -lCo.. TThe, Mr Addle N. Co.) r. W-ilmin- Vlckers, George Dewey,. n. D. plasterer, r. n. w. cor,. Aerican. Sionocust- V cker Jrseph IL briclayer, vw.sim-'wentfeZth. r. . a. TWentieth 4th ih e. of Anmiedc Villers, Jine Mrs r. s. e. cor. e. Eighteenth av. Vincent, Ralph, teamster, and lowr av. Vincent Wallace r. 4i3 Daisy &v. 8, teamster, r. 626 Vinten, James, laborer w. Fourth, Southern Calltornia Lmbr. Co., Terminal Islan& .Railroif av- Vinzant, James laborer, r. e. a. OhJo av. 3d h. a. of Virgn, Clarence L. carpenter, e. Tenth. Vlnal. r. s.a. e. Forth lat h. e. of Lom av. Edwrin P, carpenter, r. a e. Fourth Virag. Hoi, ce P. motorman lat b. e. of Loma aV. Virginia. p. E. Ry, r. 130 w. Fourth. The D. M. Linnard mnanager, w. Charles Oceart av. Cor. Magnolia. OVlsle,T., laborer, r. e. a. Ohio at. Vivian, Emily Mrx. 4th h. h. of e. Seventh. _ () r. 238 Atlantic llv. ~ Vivian. Wm. A. teskher high schnr, Vobbe, FP 233 AtlftTe avi. John cabinet maker 4 Belmont Court. Vobbe Marart Miss r 721 e. Seventh- 0Vo'k oh, operator Pacific Tel. Co. ' , W. M. Instruetor Long r. 721 e. Seventh. Reach Batth Houxe r. M3 W. Vogeley, E H. r. 341 Chestnut av, Subscribe for "THE LONG BEA'CH PRESS" BUY IT TODAY" THE LEADING DAILY PAPER OJP' LONG BEACH THE HARDWARE BEARS CAN BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE.


Voigt, Dora Miss r. 1103 Linden av. Voigt, E. Herman. building contractor, r. 1103 Linden av. Voigt, Herman student,' r. 1103 Linden av. Volk, Blair & Owens (F. S. Volk, C. L. Blair, Clarence Owens) propr. Pacific Fish Market 36 Pine av. Volk, Frank S. (Pacific Fish Co.) r. 111 e. Second. Volk, Josie Mrs. real estate and employment agency 111e. Second, r. 0 same. Volk. MayJa Miss music teacher, r. 111 e. Second. Volk, Thcmas E, painter, r, 217%/ Elm av. Von Heine, Richard-journalist, r. 135 e. First. V Von Moher, A. S. washer Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 345 Elm av. Vuorleh-, D. A. Miaf-r. 127 c. Th!rd. Vore, Thomas L. rancher, r..s. e. cor. Agusta av. and Orange av. Vore, Vernon, W. plurober, r. s. e. cor. Agusta av. and Orange av. Vosburgh, Edgar hostler Bay View Livery. Stable, r. 234 e. Fouri Vose, G. W. Mrs. millinet Mrs. P. D. Lemnirenee, r, 653 w. Fifth. Vose, George W. r. 635 w. Fifth. Vosseller Isaac confectionery north end of Pier, r. 434 Pine av. Vroman, Walter B. gardener, s. w. cor. Hill and Cherry av. ' W .G WXachtel, Morritz waiter Royal Cafe, r. 109 w. Ocean av. lVack, Eliza Mrs. r. w. s. Pacific av. 4th h. s. of State. Wade, Benjamin F. student, r. 803 Magnola av. Wade, Charles H. r. 803 Magnol a av. Wad, Elsie R, Mi- , teseher, r. S03 Magnolia aVr. Wade, Jean L. Miss student, r. 803 Magnolia av. Wade, R. D. see. California Fish Co. r. Los Angelek Wadsworth, Edward W. bookkeepe Win. B. McKinley, r. 1344 American

lWadswcrth, Isabel Mrs. r. 127 Amerca av. Waberg, Nils propr Long Beach Livery Stable, r. 1029 Myrtle sa.. *Phone Born -12;8. Wagner .E. G. Mirs. (The Ardmore) r. 417 e. Ocean a. Wa&iter,r Henry, r. . e. cor. Loma av. and e. ighth. lWagoner, Ros engineer, r. 2244 Paadena av. Wahitrom,. John A. lineman Paific. TeL Co.. r. 226 Locust av. WalnwrlIbi, Wsfl. G. (Pridlham &; Wawriht) r. n. a. e. Fourth list . w. -of Grand av. Waite; -A.i rcr psterer. r. 942 IMInde, av. to Waite, Claude N. ,machinist. r. 326 Olive aV. Waite, Earl S. building contractor r. 902 Linden av. WVaite, Evelyn Miss teacher Eleventh street school, r. 1135 Jessie sW. Waite, Frederick H. r. 13 Jessie av. XWait, Ida L C. Miss milliner, r. 1135 Jessie a. Waite, Joseph, rancher, r. w. s. Cherry av. near Spring. Waite, Mabel in. Miss stenographer r. 1135 Jessie avr t Walt;, Margaret A. Mtis teoehor Pine av. school r. 902 Linden av. Waite, Verne B. troubleman Inner Harbor Gas & Electric Co, r. S43 -Olive avt. r . Walde, C. F. carpenter, r. 520 Disy av


ExCelt situated e te Ocean, fac Pacif HOT L .U IAN Park. Specal Rafd by t Week. : :

IATES: $2.00 f $2to pr Dir, State eil S3 Cn(s I -0Cod A,.a ITELEPHONE NOIE 30 J. A. Weisenborn N., C Waugliop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE ' While in the city do not fall to Investifateour high grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 63$, Long Beach, Cal. 1 4 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Waldic, Alexander teamster, r. 1103 Lime av. f&J'.f~ ~Waldron, Edwin J. gardener, r. 525 w.-Fifth. Waldron, John, gardener, r. 544 w. Sixth. k.sWOJ Waldron, Thomas H. salesmran The Cashl Store Co., r. w. s. Hermosa av. 2d h. n. of Bishop. Walker, Alice Miss clerk Delmonico Baking Co., r. 221 w. Fourth. :. Walker, Allen C. funeral director 120-122 w. First, r. 911 e. First. Walker, Anna Mrs. r. 611 w. Ocean av. Walker Charles J, (Walker-Williams Realty Co.), and vice-pres. Firht Natl. Bank, r. 408 Cedar av. Walker, Frances Miss r. 1164 e. First. U Walker, FrankUn E. clerk Post Office, r. 1010 e. Third. W'alker, George H. building contractor, r. 241 Elm av. r i Walker, Howard W. clerk Post Office, r. 1114 e. Fourth. Walker, Israel architect, r. 1030 Elm av. r Walker, James R. r. 959 e. Fifth. Walker, Lena E., Miss, waitress. r. 959 e. Fifth. 0retWalker. Lucinda Miss r. 1755 Bermuda. •=a Walker, Mary A. Miss r. 349 Walnut av. Walker, Robert B. salesman S. A. Schilling Co., r. 738 Cedar av. Walker, Smart r. 349 Walnut av. Walker, Wm. R. r. 1110 e. Fourth. o Walker-Williams Ralty Co (Inc.) (C. J. Walker, Thos. W. Williams) _A Walker-Williams Realty Co, (Inc.) (C. J. Walker, Thos. W. Williams) --k 1 real estate and Insurance 227 Pine av. Walkinshaw, David. (The Hustler Feed Store) r. 937 Alamltos av. Walkinshaw & Sedgwick (D. W. Walkinshaw, Fred Sedgwick) proprs. _C :WrvThe Hustler Feed Store 812 e. Seventh, City Market Bldg. Wall, E. Winifred Miss r. 47 Lime av. Wall, Francis J., clerk Post Office, r. 47 Lime av. Wall, Frank E. advertiser S. A. Schilling Co., r. 445 e. First. Wall, Genevria E. Mrs. r. n. e. cor. Densmore and Grand av. I _1 Wall,. Theodore driver City Transfer Co.. r. 93/ a. Sixth. W K4 Wall. Thomas r. 47 Lime av. Wallt Violet M. Miss r. 4T Lime av. ·~Wallace, A. J, J.res. Exchange Nat'l Bank, r. Los Angeles. Wsllact, lFlnor, Mles, r. 421 CbhtnuE av. Wallace. Glen A, broker, r. 421 Chestnut av. H Wallace, . W., hardware. 7T5 American av., r. same. Wallace, Jaime-z, electric en~-ieer P. r. 'y., r. e. s. Lime av. 1st h. n,? of Twentieth. Wall"e, Jlnep,., laborer . Cal. Lumber Co., r. -eurth, T'dininal Island Wallace, James RL, groceries, 222 Falcon av. r. 11S e. Secondl, Wallace M. T., clerk H. S. Callahan Furniture Co., r. 137 w. Tihrd. i Wallace, Margaret A., r. 317 w. Third. Wallace, Wm., Capt. r. 1311 e. First. Wallace, Wokf H., cashier Exchange Nat'l Bank, r. 1431 Linden av. Walley, Chester, motorman P. E, Ry.. r. 402l% American av. CmmeWalley, Louise, Miss, student, r. 1301 e. Seventh. Walp, Bert J., ta!lar, Newell & S-later Co., r. $06 Paeific av. Walrod, J. C., waiter, r. 130 w. Third. Walsh, Matthew, supt. San Pedro Transfer Co., r. Railroed 'av., Ter- minal Island. Walter, Julius, r. 343 e. Ninth.

A. acCaslli,Prs. P. S. BILcry, Vlce.Pre CL Cjhapple, e'y. PHONES: Home 373, SJauIet 3l,. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. blfers In Piate and WiidowGla-, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils and Vaibes. t,IneJ AV NUE, .#xGtG BasC. , CAL. - , lbe tUgtut 14 PINE AVE. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Oar Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 195

Walters, Annie, Mrs., r. 230 e. Third. Walters Conrad E., r. 640 Elm av. Walters. Georgia M., Miss, stenographer Long & Baker, r. 230 e. Third. Walters, 1. D., conductor P. E. Ry., r. 130 w. First. Walters, J. W., carpenter,-r. 618 e. Eighth. Walters, Vere L., sign painter Duke biles, r. 1817 e. Fourth. Walters. Winm. B., painting contradtor, r. 1817 e. Fourth. Walton, Amos, r. 451 Almond av. Walton, Annelow, cement worker, r. n. s. State 1st h. e. of Obispo at. Walton, Charles S.; r. 1028 Blshpp. WValton, James T., cabinet maker, r. n.w. cor. Salt Lake and Lemon av. Walton, Luther T., cabinet maker, r. n. w. car. Salt Lake and Lemon av.

Ward, Caroline, Mrs., r. 1153 Lime av. Ward, Clayton E. r- 619 e. Ocean av. Ward, E. S., r. 619 e. Ocean av. lVard, 1., 9, Mrs.. r. 619 e. Ocean av. Ward, Ellis F., r. n. w. car. Bishop and Walnut aiv. Ward, Ernest MX, mgr. Ward's Hand Laundry, r. s. e. car. e. Tenth and Orange- av. Ward. George C:, lather, r. n. w. cor. Atlantie av. and Twenty-first. 3 Warde, Georg;e W., window trimmer The Cash Store Co., r. 735 Amer- lcan av. Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phons: Home 783, Pacific 2192

Ward. H. P, prop. Ward's Laundry, r. 605 Orange av. _ Ward, Harry L, bicycles and repairs n. H.Helena av. 1st h. w. of Gar- -:-Ield, r, mea. Ward, J, FE, office 221 Pine ar., r. 24 w. Pacific a v. Ward, Joseph E.. r. tf* w. Third. Ward, Josephine, Miss, r. a. w. cor. At"htlie av. aid Twenty-first. Ward, Justus P., engineer Ward's Hand Laundry, r. 341 Short. Ward, Lawrence, r. n. w. cor. Atlantic av. and Twenty-first. Wtal Mabel G, Mizs, saleslady The Mercantile Co., r. n. w. car. Allan- Liu av. and Txentry-first. Ward, Merril N, mgr. S. Cal. Musle Co, r. 519 w, Ocean av. Ward, Neittie, Miss, teacher Heald'a L. B. Bus. College, r. 1153 Lime av. lWard's Hand Laundry, Henry R. Ward, prop., e. w, -r. Sixth auti River- aide Drive. Wardner, Frank, r. 45 Atlantic av. 'ardner, Frank A., Jr., r. 45 Atlantic av. Wardner. Jennie E., Mss, r.'45i6 Atlantic av. Wardner, Mary A., Miss, r. 45 Atlantic av. Ware, Corinne, Mrs., mgr. The Atlantic, .4. Atlantic av. Wares, Jilmeg M. r. 252 Elm av. Wa ne, Lawrence O., student, r. 350 e. Fifth.

IT PAYS TO BUY OIF THE BIG HOU$Et-ARTLETT MUSIC CO. rADI DrbKI TAILORING CO. HI-GH CLASS TAILORS A.CLAlUEt,Perw L.C..CLAER,rhw,. HomePhonm 98 120 Pae Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Hoe "o Slse.t423l REAL ESTATE :: INVESTAiENTS . W..Young, Jr, A. ,. Parmter. Site40i-34, LONG BEACH BASK BeLD.


Warne, T. G., prop. Birchwood Lvery & Boarding Stable, r. 350 e. Fifth. WarnerS Plumbing Co., T. J. Warner, mngr., Phone Home 399, 430 Pine av.

WAran er, Sarah V.. Mfrs., r. 35t.i Anasteim. Warner, Thomar J. (WCarer P-nu3bihg Ca.), Home PhFnone 110, r. 655 e. Anaheim. WWarnock, Sa-rah, M3rs, nurse, r. 20 Short' %WarrenArthur ., r. n. w. cor. Azabeim and Mabaska av. _Warren, Edwardl Spaulding, music studio, 627 .rs-t x2at'1Bank Bldg., 7I r. Pasadena, CaL Wa'rren, Luther W, r. 220 Elm as. Warren's-t Mandolin and guitar Schon. Edward S. Warren, director, 94irt .Nat' Bank Stirg Werent; ,., .-- I" , .. ,.- , , tsr. a Seven:h. Wasern, Adam, r. ni. w. cor. Railway and Wasem av. , 'Wasern, Ber.l-ha L.. Miss teacher. r. n. w. or. Railway and Wasem av. 01ase--. A.- .*-. C-~iz-- lway and Wa.m av. Wasen, Sophla, MmI, r. 1429 e_First Wasson. James A, g&- tter. r. 1:9 Locust aU. IWata, BarryS: prop. Te Darby, lo; American av._ r. same. Waterman. C. 0. Dhysician,, 38 Pine ar, r. 307 Earl. 1 Waterman, John G, carpenter, r. 103S e. Second. W1 atkins, Dessle, 3ss, r. 1004 e. Tenth. -M Watkin_, Chmrle 0., POnr 1434. 4CARiys Cot- ;.* Uratkins,W Leroy, myr. Brnsawick BiUliard Parlor, r. w. s. Mahaska bet. Tenth and Eleentth Vatkln, leroy, (ra., bookkeeper. The D)ally Telegram, r. w. . MIa- hslka bet. Tenth "n4EeWventh. W '%-W'tk* W - n P! - 4 -v { jf wa.tkln, W. H., r res -makr. .s cbll co. r. 211 Pine av. W-tkins*, Wn.U, Wop. Branswickl IiaMrd Parlor, r. 1004 e- Tenth. D . Wtt.oa. Cardi P. i. r.-t A ,. AMah&n F ) Watmos, Sdward r. rear n C tt ar. i ara,, 3_ ,_L,} . ~ t22 C -k.

w taovts, Wn. P, hortU]'hrltary 41 Cbhant-tr- a v. w ;lteftJaw ., . ,%ly 1va qtAe & Pound Master, LU{a} ttgn, Hn , r.l(l a !-:

t1it8t ^tie-Crost '~)W X · ' ~-,sa'r.. ~yh; tamiabe sa.u 121 Seaside Blvd. vSter, Awn,*A UM '*ftfac '444 Oftsmat ar I tWiaS-b nt 'T. V Mmk r- ti. v- hth- iri;,. Jalohh (13eat lRealtyh C+ .ana niotary. r S28 Pine ar. iVWu`anile,a thfbee loeph(BeotErgt I', W4pthvr vle*r sttite IStaatI a s-. Ce. i.t )sicgemth and z 133hRoe Elm av..av. r. a. C Whibq: *Oreot an Tt'romeilno ?o aa te~thera- .ehn r. iklte F'. I . ei&, Ahte , M rY. 1*a .s Ueveta b w. HectAro~e&aaa_ ~~er.i~h~~ 'ud~~b~.a oo!1~xaSvs7 *as Ter- rmlndr Ttlea .'-c;~"~ "-~~~'~ '~` '-~~-' -- ~ - ~GOC--r-5 tWr ~i Nciiitiblltii -*f 1C.A CarSjiXSac ra $relr ARiBMOR LKl}-lR C Ik)FIJ t k? W1CAkDA Co e.^oca Cio "a Jhifittiiio t dt 40A jl.611inr· W~ti~bh IN41,600*1MOMMOM IUllt B-ch,e C21L S.V &D. .arH A R T H O R N ' S .ugt,od,ex- thorn, Tel. Hom' changed orrented. mi. Pacilc 441. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Tuning a4 ret- le..713 Plie ave. Ar PN A pairing a special- Phone Pacific 42 240 PINE AVE. BRANCH STORE 646 PineAve., Phone Pacific 2816 It : : : LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 197

Weaver, Ira D.,'laborer, r. 1027 e. Seventh. O Weaver, Samuel G, carpenter, r. 239' e. Second. 61 Webb, Ellen M., brs., r. 1030 Ocean av. Webb. Eva L, Miss, pliano teacher, r. 835 w. Third. C Webb, Julius A., foreman L. B. Water Co., r. w. a. Newport av. Ist h. s. of Anaelm. Webb, N. M., Mrs., r. w.. Elm av. 4th h. n. of Twenty-first. Webb, Tiberas 8., r. 525 w. Third. Webb, W. P., r. 1030 e. Ocean av. ' 3 Webb, Wm. J., r. 83.5 w. Third: Webber, Ida, Miss, r. n. o. cor. State and Brown av. lWebber, W. T., r. 316 Cedar av. Weber Cora, Miss, r. 315 w. Sixth. Weber, E. C., Mrs., i. a15 w. blx-h i Weber, Edward, gardener, r. n. w. cor. Short and Ransom av. 0 Weber, Elsie, Miss. r. 315 w. Sixth. Wchcr Fr&r:.k !',-(Cl. C .n..& Candy Co.). r. 460 Alamltce av, Weber, George W., (Geo. W. Weber & Sonp). r. 70,9 e. Third. ' 0O Weber, Geo. W. & Son (Geo. W. and Romain C.), jewelers, 128 w. Sec- end. -' ' - Weber, Romain C., (Geo. W. Weber & Son), r. 709 e. Third., Webster, Charles P., r. 336 e. Ninth. Webster, George H., painter, r. 621 Linden av. Long Beach Brick. Works RICHARD LOYNES,'Proprieoor '


Webster, George J., r. 420 Orange av. WYebster, M. L,; r. 1057 e. Third. Webiter- Nellie M i s. r. U4 w. First Weekes, Jame P, whoesiale butcher. r. nL. w. cor. Brawnz av. ani Ana- beim. [ iS Weldler, Edward, lineman Paclfic Tel Co., r. 719 Medlo. Weightmun, Herbert J, clerk A. J. Lucas, r. 209 Elm av.

WVellenman, Mary, Mrs., r. 939 Alamitos av. WVetlcnmntu, Mlile, Miss, r. 939 Alamltos av. WeIlman, Elizabeth, Mrs., r. 518 w. Sixth. Weiner, M. C., Mrs., (The Ardmore), r. 417 c. Oce"n av. Weimer, Mary, Mrs., r. 43 Bonito av. %Weimer,Pearl, Mib, employee Sort Water Laundry Co, r. 432 Bonlto

Weinberg, Isaae, real estate, r. 454 w. Sixth. Weinrebe, Anna, Miss, r. 10338 Pacile av. VWelnribe,_ Herman, r. 1032 Pacifle av. We:isaom, J. A, (Golden State lanv. Co.), . 1110 Eln av Welch'E-lari V., plumber Wm. B. McKinley, r. 109 e. Third. Welc, Emma. Mrs., dressmaker, r. 145 American v.y OLDEr--TLARGEST-- TRONgEST--ARTLETT MUSIC CO.

Elrttiwr.' E5,Jiif,l ~ m Pitgis Hnww 30, Ses 15st lIectrIca.I upph~ & Ytxture Co. t20122 E. irst -SJt, L.a s.b, CL FRED HINZE Phones: Home 394, Pacific 311 California Chocolate Sb Candy Co. Atl our goods are made from theptrest materials and will be fotund healthful as wetll as delicious. Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos ave., Long Beach, Cal. 1' 1iS LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

W'elch. John G., r. 405 Chestnut av. P Welch, Margaret, Miss. r. 137 w. Third. Weldon, Millidge S., foreman L. B. Brick Wks., r. h. e. cor. Fourteentl] and Chestnut av. A Wellborne, .4lmeda S.,. Mrs., librarian L. B., Public Schools, r. 411 e Eighth. Wellborn. Mildred, Miss, student, r. 411 e. Eighth. : WVells Fargo & Co. Express, F. J. Ballinger, agt., 429 Pine av. T Wells, Florence H., Mrs., r. 216 Magnolia av. Wells G. W., Mrs., r. w. Ocean av. and Golden. - Wells, George W.. real estate, 221 Pine av., r. 805 w. Ocean av. 'v'ei;s, M. H., & Co. (,IM. II. ,lltt J. F. McCarr), cal ..c E Pike. .Wells, Maud E., Miss, r. 27 Daisy av. r Wells Maud L. V., Mrs., r. 112 Magnolia av. N Wells, Myron H. (M. H. Wells & Co.). r. Daisy av. and Seaside Blvd. Wells, Phoebe A., Mrs., r. 27 Daisy av. .WiVells, W. W., Mrs., r. 2115 Railway. Wells, Wm. G., salesman Young-Parmley Inv. Co., r. 27 Daisy av. T Welsh, Joseph, chauffeur, f100 e. Ocean av. Welsh, Prudence, Miss, r. 345 e. Ocean av. ; Welsh. Wm., The Ballee, 345 e. Ocean av., r. same. · S Welton, Felicla'A., Mrs.,, r. 1666 e. Seventh. Wertheimer Rose, Miss, r. 531 w. Ocean av. Wertz, H. M., photographer. 115 w. First. r. 645 Atlantic av. Wesner, M. Homer, clerk Nat'l Bank of L. B., r. 1044 Cedar av. Trademarks West, Anson, salesman, r. 740 Alamitos av. .Labels West llla iL, Miss, r. 5666 Chestnut av. West, H. M., Mrs., r. 16 Magnolia av. West, J. Homer, clerk Gibson & Seitx,-r. 613 w. Fifth. West, James D., r. 655 Chestnut av. West, Margaret Mrs., r. rear 933 Alamltoa av. We West, Phineas 8K, atrdener, r. 740 Alamitos ay. Westchester Fire Ins. Co. of New York, W. W. Lowe Co., agt 16 Pine av. Western Boat & Engine Wks., H. S. Carver, mgr.. Riverside Drive a of Third. Western Union Telegrph Co., Miss 0. A. Lamb, mr., 11 e. First. Westgate, Charles A., r. 843 Cedar av. Weston, Albert. driver E. F. Fellows, r. 542 Pine arv. Westol, Baijiche M., otuteopthie physician, 654 Pine av. r. same. Wcstphai, H. F., r. 735 American av. t S Westp!alia The Mrs., M. J. Blaisdell, prop, furnished rooms, 130 w. Third. Wetherell, Frank D., r. 2151 American av. WVet:en;iall, Charles, tailor, r. 105 American av. Weyhman, Charles S., r. 1280 e. Fourth, M' Wcrymar. Philip. r. 345 e. Ocean av. Wheaton, Thomas, florist Signal Hill Floral Co., r. w. s. Cherry av. 1st h. n. of Hill Wheeler, Cora B., Miss, nurse, r. 253 Elm av. W ;R= Wheeler, Ell2abeth A., Mrs, r. rear 635 Pine av. Wheeler, Emily Miss, r. 624 Cedar av. Wheeler, Frank, machinist, r. 71S Pine av.

--- REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS - 107 AMERICAN AVE. PHONE HOME.38 EXCHANGES S. Townsend, Pres. C. F. Van de Water, Vit Frt B. P. Dayman, Secy THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A General Resl Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and Phone!. Home , Sunset 691 Tracts in Mexico 25 EAST FIRST STREET


Wheeler, Grace, Miss, milliner S. A. Schilling Co., r. 106 Chestnut av. c Wheeler, Hurry q,, laborer, r. 715 Cerritos av. Wheeler, John A., r. 451 Elm av. Wheeler, Orv-lle J. (Wheeler & Wheeler), r. 252 Chestnut av. ( Wheeler, Sheldon H. (Wheeler & Wheeler), r. 611 w. Ocean av.a Wheeler, Walter L., laborer r. 715 Cerritos av. Wheeler & Wheeler (S. H. and O. 1.), real estate and ins., 33 Pine av. Wheeler A Wilson and Singer Sewing Machine Store, H. L. Dodge, mgr., W -Phones: Home 740, Pacific 282; 344 Pine av. Q Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, D. H. Harthornl, mgr., 240 Pine av. O Wheelock, Irene E., Miss, clerk L. B. Savings Bank, r. 727 American a', * ) Wheelock, J. W., Mrs., r. w. s. Crescent av. opp. w. Second. o Wheelock, Mary E., Mrs.. r. 727 American av. _ M Whetter, John, carpenter, r. 232 Atlantic av. t) C Whlgam, J. O., carpenter, r. Riverside av. Seaside Parl. 0 Whipple. Martha W., Miss. (Lowry & Co.), r. 219 w. Sixth. 0 : Whitaker Agnes, Mlrs., teacher Daisy Avenue Schonl, r. 828 Magnolia av. i 3: Whitaker, Forresat, prin. Eleventh Street School, r. 828 Magnolia av. o , Whitaker, S. D., r. 211 Pine av. - C White, A. FP., fuel & Feed, n. vW.cor. Amerclan av. and State, r. same. _ - White, Abble F., Miss, r. 1315 Appleton. __ White, Clay H., sec'y Signal Hill Gravel Co. r. 727 Park Circle. < White, Etta Mh., Miss, r. 409 w. Third. White. Frank A., painter, r. 645 w. Ocean av.. White, George E., r. 126 Elm av. _ White, George W., r. . s. Lemon 3rd h. w. of Hermosa av. > WVhite. Gladys M., Miss, r. 614 Cedar av.. ' White, Hester. Miss, ironer Soft Water Laundry, r. 911 Pine av. On White House Bakery & Delicatessen, 3M. A. Ranoff, prop., 57 Elm av. Z White Hbuse Bakery Annex, F. M. Frasier. prop., 252 e. First. > White, Jessie P., Miss teacher, r. n. w. cor. American av. and State. White, John T, r. 127 w. Seventh. White, Malvina D., Mii., r. 122 Elm av. %hite. Mary ,_Mr., r- w. a. Pacific av. 3rd h, sr. ot State. Whlte, -Maryr G, Mrs., r. 14 Cedar av. White, May, Miss employee Inner Harbor Laundry, r. 639 Olive av. 3 ° E. White,-Mildred F., Mis, r. n. w. cor, American av. and State. . r. White, Ora, student, r. 639 Olive av. - #, hlite, Ralph, clerk W. W. Hansen, r. 1.030 e. Fourth. . Is _ WVhite, Robert L. r. 639 Olive av. ' m 0.. White Sewing Machines, armers Supply House, agts., 11T-119 w. First g White, Veda I., Mls, r. 614 C.edar av. ;a White, Walter C., r. 32S W. Eighth. V I,, White, Wm. B.. painting contractor, r. 645 W. Ocean av. P .D =.-Q White, Wm.-W., painter, r. w. as.Pacific av. 3rd h. s. of State. I. ° Whited, Geo. B, bill poster n. e. cor. Locust av. and Third r. Los An- - . au geles. = = ,.· Whiteman, W. H., Mrs, r. Ocean Front, Terminal Island. t , 3 Whiteside, Annetta M., M.Iss, r. 1125 e. Fifth. i 4 a Whiteside, EFra, It. drivcr Inter State Dock & Imbr. Co. r. 1125 e. Fifth. : Whiteside, James r. 438 Cedar av. . Whiting. Lucus M. Rev. r. a.-w. coe. Alamito av.. and cew- York. :ga Whitman, Elsie MiS, teacher high school, r. 251 w. Pacific av. ' p

i . CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. e. W. MCiSTER, ilger PIONE, HOblE 14?6 Zbe WIcetister MIlusic Companw Dealers in Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Pictures, -Frames, Mouldins, Etc. ELECrTb PLATING J" EAFT THIRD STREET Wr ,v,y,. y-.i,^F-itzII X s m x ;Pt_~~~t~~ ~ ^X_' s<*>.7sy~prrr~Arr~r. Pii . TC., Orawge =r I sqtU

t {-viffri ,3 Q ~~~~~~~~~~rfLgdscmtardt r WLA-t.zetubmW. VtflecoXS sivalp IL -- 2l2 --~-" M.I Afanstler4 engtrrar. s. m -r

Cy,:ln- j3Wr rrmlr.r- rsu;: _ S ¢ im 42 1 gXef h. nt ofcivilf engma r

Tv-1-artyer.- Eihnrym.6 r_ rs,e. r.mLem I*;unie.

;~ f ltne tf:a:X~,s-Whittier Azas=-r,excrzrs AL. A, !. C'r-. S-h. ^-. i-,-hxmaicrlyltfinL- -en3si;L--PArdd'5trt. Em- COLc=M3iri 9f~lF3=eL~E 'Ta;==~ trexv. %s E F~~tne-, Sfanstle&T Gglfer; r. s. vmilw, E== sb. .r .

F- ~~'" xn:^g~ >2wrp w.: ciPrr flgineer. r. ttr;- ,wzesrf , t ~~nnxkern, ca*4:rie· ,tC; esar.- crlr 3rt:r 9'ns.is. _gitien. FTC,.Q, Torroia ( Wdoix 1, M"rT.-.3*, r. _ rnd .=

vZieBatteryr, r! tl4:*I z ' 4 _*SiRb , P gzs~et~t~nttlt~l M r. NIn3.2 *st b~~~~Strnr t~t"Xt' Ir.X, ,^Xb Inf12 -- S§~c \KuF~ rital at.¢;i3:krtc .. ;-r - 'v7'B~irox~ll RLI, tilI-s~ ~anv y - w>l kkituer, AraS "Nokr n:w '4 i - f;*'

t.#Atb";¢$ 6>4u s;1,; r. il~ C gIE,, {tfisissria tXe s. ~; i~bj,-*,,t);rv.X~E~v s,3 ui~St-i~ Ft~t,**

_~f L ,$s~hi5}i;t i' 4uiW *hLir,, w< ~~Sp Yr2eS ~ + > a>trsare zp

L TII~ TL-- XhzrbM: iw -- · Owgf:.roenl1tRi3Jw--v Fp~Re`s~ ~i~-l, ~t-,t,,mr. a~;s>Wer 5b ' iti(fiE3Lht Ll_~i~-LtAb e. _- ;- D-·I ta~r..

~~~~'ln .TfI rratort vTAY pz>^, ~tlC*j~rs·_.-!'

-~~~~~~-i-7t8}' r.- tt T,;ii .r, -s, +3 t9<.s, .tl, ,, i ,>,;+,. z . |xe; iX ffi >i;} i] t;>X51 W£ 8 ,z'y5~. ,.F aa~r~ SIRJ ET~t Xi STi '=·;;ss- thgt,..ois> - _

I -Tllrl~acc-rE_ So ~ - O r. 12.titz SttL;Fj%*Lt) ttitLt-Zit>h~ .~-S *- _ e '3-'s- -

_~~~~ ~c- _ t$ t9>- , _5 +''. rt&e iitw~t-ti'ti Ct1}f XJIt Ii _' - ' tg

, - J in- -

$;,st, ;Sb-! i~ <,ji ^ t_ No

_ -_ E. H. CLEVELAND, Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lstdy Assistant

Phones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE


Wiltknson, J, C. Mrs. r. 205 Linden av. Willard, Charles A. real estate, r. 1140 Pacific. Wille, August H. (Edwin WV.Smith Co.) r. n. s. Densmore 1st h. w. of Obispo av. Wille, W. Dean plumber E. W. Smith Co., r. n. s. Densm)re 1st h. w. of Obispo av. Wiliette, L. E. Mrs. r. 452 Locust av. Willey Alice Mrs. r. 625 Cedar av. Williamsa Thomas W. (Walker-Williams Realty Co.) and notary, r. 629 Atlantic av. Williamsr Ada Mrs. r. The Cynthia. Williams, Alfred, machinist Long Beath Auto Co., r. 723 w. Third. Williams, Alita Miss r. 223 e. First. Williams. Alonzo R., r. s: w. cor. Hill and Pa'.adena av. Williams, Augusta Miss, r. 307 Cherry av. VWillams. Dwvid P. mining, r. 122 Lime av. Williams, Elizabeth Miss r. 307 Cherry av. WVilliams, Ellen Mrs. r. e. s. Ohio av. 1st h. n. of e. Seventh. Williams, Ethelyn Miss r. 620' Linden av. Williams, Florence Miss r. 307 Cherry av. Williams, George A. r. 307 Cherry av. Williatns, George W. restaurant 204 e. First, r. same.

Zbe .C, ntbia ¢ntbia lnnex Nlost modern apartment house lit South- ! New two-story brick bniilding aAol'ai, erls Califoriua. Contains )4 fourroom the Cythia, contalning suites o o Alpartments, all eltgantlytfurnished. All three and two room., as well as singic steam heated during winter months. zooms. ALL STEAM HEATED. EAST OGEAN AVENUE, OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S Wilams, Grace M. MiDss with Home Tel Co., r. 1021-e. Ocean av. Williams, Howard N. manager Long Beach Dairy Co., r. 665 Orange av. Williams, Hugh H.; r. 225 w. Seventh. Wiiliams, 3, G. confectionery on the Pike, r. 108s e. Third. O Williams, James R. (Pioneer Grocery Co. r. S30 Pacific av. tn Williams, Jczc B. meat cutter J. H. Allen. r. 858 Hazard. M Wliitamn. John gardener, r. 858 Hazard arv. Williams, John H. carpenter, r. 814 Pacilo aV. m G NWilliams, !,tde miaSS r. 30T7 (herry av. _ Willlams, Mar)- Mrs. r. 1226 Myrtle av. Willanms, Thomas E. plumber, r. 334 e. Eighth. r Willialis, WalVter A. shoemaker, 252 e. Second, r. 230 e. Second. Willlam. Winm. H. furnished room"s 121 w- Third, r. amei. _ C) Williamsburg City Ir.s. Co. of N. Y., George W. Smith & Co. agents, 404 >Z First Natl! Bank Bldg. m , Wlllamson, Fred G. student, r. 53g Dalsy av. 3> b ,W!!!..son,JoseDh M. letter carrier, r. 53 Dalsy av. r, Willis, Jessie Miss clerk Palace ot Swie:l, 2.±24 e. Pacfic iav. m WllI, Sg.E. pastry cook Palace of Sweets Cafeteria, r. 224 e. Pacific a. Willison, Wnm. teamster. r. s. w. ,or. ]Dihop and Gavlota av. c Willits, Leota Miss stenographer R, H. Young & Co., r. 335 PacifL av.Y

IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. When you want the gas turned on call the Edison Electric Company. The purest gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set Phone 733. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue. J. A. Weisenborn H. C. Waughiop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fall to investigate our High Grade City and Ranch Property. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Hrome Phone 638, Long Beach, CQi. 202 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

0SZ Willy. Fred, teamster, r. 927 Pine av. Willy, Walter laborer, r. 927 Pine av. Wilmes, Helen M. Miss nurse Long Beach Hospital Ass'n, r. same. Wilmington Dock Co. W. E. Hinshaw secy.. room 7, 11 Pine ar. Wilmington Realty Co. (B. F. Bond, W. E. Hinshaw) real estate room %7 11 Pine av. Wilson, Addle Mrs. r. 601 Pacific av. Wilson, Annie, Mrs. r. Riverside Drive s. of w. Third. Wilson, Bessie C, Miss r. 456 Cedar av. Wilson, Bessie M. Miss r. 905 Atlantic av. 0 L Vilson,W C Clemmn Mrs. r. 1043 c. Fifth. Wilson, Charles J. shingler, r. 815 e. Seeond. i Wilson, E, A. (Eleetr!eal Supply'& Fixture Co.) r. Santa Monica., Cal. Wilson, Edgar A. bookkeeper, r. 1043 e. Fifth. $0 Wilson, Edward J. meat cutter Model Market, r. s. w. cor. w. Th.ird'an. _1~ Riverside Drrve. ' =• •JEE! Wilson. Ella P. Miss saleslady The Cash Store Co., r. 246 e. Fourth. i Wilson, Emma Miss stenographer Catliorni. Chocolate and Cauldy Co.` r. 1544 American av. Wilson. Etta L. Miss, clerk National Bank of Long Beach, r. 734 VT'! Pacific av, Wilson, Frank T., motorman P. E. Ry., r. s. w. cor. Atlantic and Penn-: sylvania. iiflson, George E. carpenter, r. 315 e. Second. _I_ Wilson, George H. Mrs. r. n. w. cor, Riverside Drive and w. Third. Wilson. Gcertrude MLi r, 601 lPacific gy, ,.:i ` Wilson, Harry r.S21 e. First. Wilson, Harry stationary engineer, r. 743 e. First. Wilson, Harry M. foreman, r. 336 Magnolia av. #*_N!i" Wilson, Horace D. employe Long Beach Steam Laundry, r. 435 Liime &av Wilson. Hugh C. captain Long Beach Fire Dept. r, 456 Cedar ayv Wilson. James A. (J. A. Wilson & Son) r. 734 Pacific av. Wilson, James A. & Son (J. A. and'T. A.) groceries 648 Pine av. Wilson, James H. meat cutter Central Meat Market, r. 112 w. Thuid. t) _ Wilson Jehu, r. 51 -e. Frlnt. Wilson, John E. musician, r. 432 Americania. Wilson,. eonard G, r. 520 Cedar &v. tnv Wilson, Lewis, r. 211 e. Fourth. W. ' Wilson. EI.E B. Mrs. r, 62 Lime ar. Wilson M. H. real estate, r. it Ced-r grv. Wls,,., Mbel i. Miss r. 34 Facirie -;v. Wilson. Mildred Mlss musician, r. 735 w. Third Wilson, Oscar B. real estate, r. 1544 American av. Wilson, R, Clark building contractor, r, . s. Lemonp 2d h. e. ofWalnut a-. Wilson, IL Lee real estate * Pine av., r. 121 Locust av. Wilsob, Ruth W. Mrs, r. 955 American a¥, Wilson, T. Howard r. 22 Golden. Wibson, The Mrs. J. G. Hutchinson propr. furnished rooms and apart- ments 319 e. Ocean ar. Wilson, Thomas A. (J. A. Wilson & Son) r. $68Lomna yisi. Drive. WilWI,., W. W. clerk Long Beach Sash and Door Co., r. n. .- e. iev- enteenth 1st h. e. of Atlantic av. Wilson, Wm. H. laborer, r. 215 e. secod. L The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE JACKSON'S DRUG STORE i PINE AVENUE Phones: Home 25, SUnst 23 :Presciptlomnrille Right- " '


Wilson, Wm. P. r. 1846 e. First. T;ilsonla, The Mrs. Fanny Cl.Ipham propr. furnished rooms 109 e. Third. Wilt, Oliver r. 745 Pine av. Winb*urn, Robert L. r. 421 Magnolia av. Windell, James M. r. 1415 e. Seventh. Windell, May Miss bookkeeper, r. 1415 e. Seventh. Windermere, The S. D. Morrison propr. furnished rooms 135 e. Ocean av. Winder, 'Vm. A., r. w. s. Elm av. 6th h. n. of Twenty-first. Windham,-Charles H. real estate, r. 435 Cedar av. WfineInger, Sarah A., Mrs. r. 409 e. Anaheim. WiVnfield, Elizabeth Miss saleslady S. A. Sehilling Co., r. 47 Chestnut av. Wingard, Ada M. Miss r. 923 American av. Wingarn, Edward L, r, 92s Ame-rican av. Wingaid, Marigaret A. Mrs. r. 85 Lime av. 0 Winterbotham, Edwin C., prop. Pacific Paper Store, r. 221 e. Stanwood. Winters. Harry carpenter, r. 421 e. Fifth. 7irtz, Mathia- r. 729 Elm av. Wise, Harry J. r. n. w. cor. Cherry and Catalina. Wise, James, r. n. w, cor. Cherry av. and Catalina. Wise, John A. engineer, r. n. w. cor. Cherry av. and Catalina. WNise, John S. ealesman The Cash Store Co., r. 803 Newport av. Wiseman Winm. E. (Cowan-Wiseman Co.) r. 745 Cedar av. (akfra BIrug olhmpanyuj iR S. OAKOORD, Manager

Both Phai lo. 2i Pie Ave. and Second Street

Wis, Wmin. Herbert minager The Cash Store Co., r. 519 Cedar ar. Witbi*I. Geoge r. 1046 e-.Fourth. Wltibam, Floyd A. raicher, r. a. ;ecor. a. Eighteenth and Iowa av,. ,i--t, - rttU-Lplumber, r--45 K uebec..av. l tt ]mer E, building couraetor, r, 1t01 ltiso p WVtte,-Olcr.ig, plumber, r, 45 Kenmeheb- a. ' ' Wobhl1Wpd,: tto A. clerk Cooper Hardware Co., r. w. s. American v. 1st -l s-o. Hm. l-;btti afte ;M. r. 121 e. Third Wrolcott, Lucy EF Miss, vocal teacher, r. 1422 Elm aY. . Wolcott, iirua G. 3rs. r, 2219 Pasadena av. WVolcott lSarh A Miss, teacher, r. 1422 Elm av. Wo!lcott, Wi. H Rev, r. 1422 Elm ar. Wolf .L A. Mrs. r. 1143 Locust av. Wolfe, Abuer S. baker Fancy Baker,y. r. 223 w. Sixth. Wolfe, Fred B. shingler, r. e. s. Lime a,. Ist Lb. . of Twentyfirat. Wolfe, MJ. Mrs. r. n. e. cor. State and Lemon av. W'olfe, S. M. Mr;, r. 9Z0 Hamilton. Wolff. Caroline Mrs., r. 454 Magno- av. WofIW-T.C. bookkeeper National Bank of Long Beach, r. 454 w. Third. W f._ W. J.(: Wolff & Adams Drug Ca.) r, 454 Magnolia av. OLe.-~T_4.ARGES_4TRONnEST--4ARTL!E MUSIC CO. NEWELL MATHEWS CO. Deaers in... WAGONS :: CARRIRAGES - :: IMPLEMENTS 200-204 N. LOS ANGELES ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Ho.e6Sse4231PHONES, REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS . W. Yonn, Jr. A. L. Parmley Suite400-1-2 34 LONG BEACH BANK BUILDIN(;


Wolff & Adams Drug Co. (WI. J. Wolff, L. G. Adams) 47-49 American av. WVolfrey, Charles H. carpenter r. s. e. cor. California av. and State. Wollbrinck, A. E. & Co. (A. E. and J. H.) groceries and meats 120 w. _ w: Second. CZ 11. Wollbrinck, Arthur E. (A. E. Wollbrinck & Co.) r. 930 Maine. I SM %ollbrinck, Ben H. clerk A. E. Wollbrinck & Co., r. 930 Maine. C 'iLl .ollbrinck.Gust clerk A. E. NWoolbrinek & Co., r. 930 Miaine. ollbrillnek, J. Henry (A. E. Woolbrinck & Co.) r. 930 Maine. Wollbrlnck. J. W. meats and vegetables 412 Pine av., r. 536 w. Fifth. 3.. 7'Wollbrinck, WVm.. meat cutter A. E. Woolbrinck & Co.. r. 930 Maine. WVolverton, Frank C. teamster, r. Ninth and Railroad av. Terminal Island. WSman's Iat Shop, Mrs. E. A. Adams propr. 41iT Long Beach Bank Bldg. _ TVonacott, Lillian Mrs. r. 1118 Myrtle av. -,,1 %"'Wioodi, A.M. Mrs. propr. T'he Norwood 38 Pine av.. r. same. ..||; Wood, Allie J., marker Long Beach Stearm Laundry, r. 226 e. Fifth. i, il Wood, A. Maud Mrs, dressmaker, r. 126 e. First. Wood, Anna M. Miss propr Seaside Shorthand School, r. 416 Elm av. Wood. Ef'lith 'M., Miss, 1. i21 Cedar av. Wood. Emily. Miss, r. 561 Orange av. Mrood, rmintly, Mra., r 145 w. Fourth. () VW'ood. I'. A.. ,lIrg., r. 416 Elm av. w I Wood, Frank L., phyrlciar, 329-331 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., phones: Hota. 127; Pacific, 1481, r. 852 Orange av., res. phone, Home, 615 li · rat:!c," 1482. Wood, Grace, Miss, ass't librarian public library, r. 427 Cedar av. Wood. Janifs, r. 128 Locust av. Wood, James W., physician. 38 Pine av., r. 126 Cedar ay, f Wood, James W., Prop. The Grill, 113 w. First, r. 137 Pine av. Wood, Jesse M., r. w. s. Esperansa av., 3rd h. n. of Tenth. Wood. Lill!an, Miss, r. 430 Locust av. 'Wood, Resella, Miss, mangle girl Long Beach Steam laundry, r. rear 226 e. Fifth. Wood, Samuel I, r. Seaside Blvd. Wood, T. D, r. 12 e. Firil Wood, Wayland W.,. r. 28 Hermosa av. Wood, Wm.. sealer California Fish Co. r. San Pedro. VWood, Wm. E., teamster, r. e. a. Walnut av., 2nd h, a. of Anshe!m. Woodard, Alfred J., cement worker, r. w. s. Tingling av., 3rd h. a. of e. Fourth. 'Woo&ar,, Leiia A., Miss, student, r. w. a. Tingling av., 3rd h. s. of e. Fourth. 'Woodard, Mabel F., Mlsi, r. w. s. Tingling av, 3rd h. a. of e. Fourth. Woodley, Wm, boat builder Fulton Marine Con. Co., r. Rallrod- av. : Qe \. Terminal island. 1 0 8 1 * oodman, The, Mrs. A. C. Clark, Prop., furnished rooms, r. '/ uv~1e. -$1 Third. E WVlWoodruff, Ernest O.. r. 1545 Locust av. Woodruff. 1. O., woodworker, Thornborrow Woodsorking Co., r. 119 e. Second. Woodrnff, . L., physician 137 Cedar av. r. same. Woeds, David F., r. c, Tiingling av., Ist h. s. off. e. Fourth. %VWoods, George F., (Vooster, Donaldson & :.Woods), r. 645 Olive av.

FRED HINZE PBONES. Bome3Y ,:dfiilto California Chocolate & Candy Co. All ofourgood are made from tcPnrerst and will be fowld beMasalshtll t asl well - ; .- Cor.E.Sixth and AhlitoAYe, 7Beack, Cai.-. Main 47t R-mWu3 HOOVER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SECOND ST. : : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 205 __ Woods, Harriet, Mrs., nurse, r. 1311 e. First. Woods, Ira P., engineer L. B. Brick Co. r. 815 e. Nln'h. 0 Woods, Pansy, Miss, teacher, r. 1311 e. First. Woodward A., Miss, r. 603 w. First. Woodward, T. F., Mrs., r. 20 Chestnut av. C.ro Voodvewr h Clarence J., soda dispenser Dickinson & WVarson, r. 236 Linmten av. Woodwor:h; Fred M., clerk, r. 236 Linden av. O Woodworth, Jerome B., r. 236 Linden av. _ Woodwor.h, John K., r. 326 e. First. Woody, S. Margareth, Mrs., bookkeeper Inner Harbor Gas & Electric C3., r. 426 Atlantic av. pow Woolsey, A. L., Migar. Toledo ,t:ock & Grain C.. r. The Krosnest. 'Wooster, Donaldson & Woods, (J. B. Wooster, H. VW.Donaldson, G. F. (OC Woods), real estate, 103 e. Ocean av. 0, WVooster, J. B., (Wooster, Donaldson & Woods). r. Los Angeles. Worden, Emma, Mrs. furnished rooms, 407 Pine av, r. same. Work, Laura, Mrs. r. 305 w. Second. Workman, James T., r. 653 Linden av. No:'kmnan, Mary E., Miss r. 653 Linden ave. I" GOOD MIERCIHANDISE CHEAP raot

Incomparable val- See our advertise- u es characterize m e n t of wanted The Fifth Stree merchandise in to- Store. day'spapers. * C3 ' 'awl~. sat W & I - ' .mm Worley, Annie M., Miss r. 1071 e. Third. Worley, Lidlia, Miss r. 1034 Bishop. WVortnley, David N. itudent, r. 143w. First. XWormley, Nellie M., Mrs. Prop. The Yale, 143 w. First, and Prop. Surf View, apitrtments. r. 143 w, First. at Wormnley, W. I., r. 143 w. First. L 1;Xl3 Worthen, E. O., carpenter, r. 1109 e. Third. Wrotkyns, Websaer; r. 1040 e. Ocean av. W'oy, S. E, Mrs. Prop. The Colonal, 237 Cedar av., r. same. WriFh; , A. M., Re. r 4ll e. FirMh. Wright, Alfred, mining r,. 108 Bay View Drive. Wright, Alm!ra L, Mrs. r. 423 Almond av. Wright, C. A., (Pioneer Grocery Co.), r. 130 w. Third. Wr;ght, Edward C., Prop. The Maze, r. 336 Lime av. Wright. Ethel H., Miss ass't Dr. A. F. Hamman, r. 124 e. Sixth. Wnright, Francis R., r. 124 e. Sixth. I 1Hei et WVright, Frank D., r. w. a. Orange av., 4th h. n. of e. Anaheim. ,WVght, Frank B., musician. r. 1415 Appleton. 2 'Wright, Harriet E. Mrs. artist, r. lBay View Drive. .. 15 Wright-, Hiiy S., agrcer 404 American av., r. w. a. Orange av., 4th h. n, of e. Anaheim.

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST--ARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. ]-LONG BEACH TENT CITY - - CONlIKt - rVO. H-OUSKSIcPIc UttWlM4, - HOUSM ?U4TS c Doblet ools, Sare Dooros - ;., -- a fof CoI ao gtig with Show Bath and Samitary ToetW ATr FOOTOF4.GOLDEN AVE., THIEE BksjC&S *E.T-OFHOTEL VIRGINiA. W. IL IEID-pRn.Prop. PHOXNES: Main It, fowe 1$5 Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 206 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

~~ '^) lVWr:ght, J. W. & Co., J. W. -Wright, Mgr., structural engineers, 506 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. WWright, James A., r. 621 e. Eighth. ,. , Wright, James E., groceries and meats, East San Pedro, r. same. } . WrJsley, Mary S., r. 1027 e. Flrst. rO A'rurster, 2Ming X, Mtss nurse, r. 429 w. Oiean av. Wylie, Jesse A., laborer, r. W. cor. e. Fourth and Nebraska av. r Wbvly,V Annie M., Miss r. 927 e. Seventh. ;W:leken. Arthur, M., Rev. paistor German Lutheran church, r. 520 e. Tenth.

Y X Yale, Charles, r. The Krosnest. Yale, The Mrs. W. M. Wormley, Prop., furnished rooms, 143 w. First Yates, 1. E., Mrs. r. 405 Locust av.. -- l Tdr, Charles, r. .i4i e. Second. Ydren, John, student r, !349 e. Second. Yeak-il, Levl J, r.. i- Temple av.. 2nd I st of e. Tenth. - --Yeomns,,Francis C.,d nd vice-pre.a. Uin Beach Savings Bank, r, 57 range arv. Yeomr)i -ames A, sea, San Pedro C palng Co., r. cor. EZ Place and :]• ~ Monterey &V. :eomaR_,Ruth A, MUi. student, r. 178 Orange-av. --.Yeuie elfe-, Miss lttdenf; r. 41-5 wr. Tenth. Yett, HarJr D., r. 15 wr. Tenth. Yocum, Jacob W..r. 2118 e. Pourth. YToder Elizabeth, Miss teacher Alamitr- school, r. Th:tinm. av. Carroll _-' Park. ·F3p Yoder, Geurge ,v clerk Ftancy Bkery? r. 010 Pacific ARV _St 1 York, Ethel. MJi employee SoBt Water Laundry Co., r. e. s. Loma 1w Os t Yav.6th h. a. of State. ~f ~t York, Percy W., Insurance and eolkections08 -LILol g'Biac& Bkanl Bldg., _-a~ '' r. 230 w. Eighth., ZYork, I. C., (York & Pett), r. Ocean Fro.t. ermnnnal Iland. o ' York, Waldo M., r. Ocpan Front, Terminal Island. Q York & Pett, (R. C. York, J. A. Pett), machnistsr, Baly Frt, Term..!"a! 1 Island. C ,) ~Yoshid3a Francis, Mgr. Mikado House CJeanJnr Co..nau _-lmp}yent office, r. 2z1: Elm av. * Young. Abby, Mrs. r. 237 Cedar av. sC M- Young, David A. r. 1245 Pine av. Young, Frank. r. S.55 Elm av.

Henry J. Pauly Co. The L-oos t--e-Hosse Blank Books and Loose Leaf Ledgers. Devices and Card Index System. Yswman-Erbe Co.'s Labor-Savin Piling. z-s Vew'/igh Si.; L Agge/lis REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC . LOANS EXCHANGES 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 207

Boat & Engine Works, r. 1053 Young. Edward W., machinist Western A a Bay View Drive. E iJ Yuung, Friusk RE, r. 216 e. Tihhil. * Young. Goorge '., city marshal. r. 627 Locust av. Young, J. B., chef C6smopolitan club, r. same. 3 Young John S., r. 1053 tRay Vietw Drive. Young, Joseph W., Jr, (Young-Parmley Investment Co.), r. 541 v. Fifth. Young. Mattie J., Mrs. r. 530 Daisy av. Young Mpen's ChHistlan Association, James E. Sprunger, Sec., 121 Locust avenue. Young Men's Christian Association Gymnasium, 121 Locust av. Young, Nellle, Mrs. nurse, r. n. e. cor. e. Seventh and Temple av. Young-Parmlsy investrent Co., (J. W, Young, A. L. Parmlcy), real esta'e, 401-403 Long Beach Bank Bldg. 04 Young R. H. & Co., (R. H. Young,) real estate and investments, 202- o 6 203 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Young, Robert H., (R. H. Young & Co.). r. 822 Daisy av. Young, Stella. Mrs. milliner The Cash Store Co., r. 343 Pine av. Or Young, Wm. H., (Finney & YTung), r. 422 Linden av. Miss Mary P. Campbell, Sec., Young Women's Christian Association n _ 123 Locust av. Young Women's Christian Association Club House, Riverside Drive and w. Third.' Youngmark, Louis, fish dealer, r. 345 Dais, av. YVount, lHn-.-' -,hrn-eener and carriage maker, 734 e. Third, r. 725 e. -ThIrd. Yribane, Cadet. winery, r. n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and Alamitos av. Yribane, John, r. s. w. cor. Temple av. and Anaheim. Z m Z rnsr Zabler, Fred W, collector San Pedro Lumber Co, r. w. a. Dakota av., 1st b. s. of Summit Road Zech, H. A,; r. 119 Magnolla &v S a C!C~ Zech. Lilan, Miss r. 119 Magnolia av. Zetel, Bernard, tailor Wm. Zetel r. 345 Short. Zetel Wn. ladie' tailor, 12 Pacific av., r. 345 Short. * a-Ea Zfegler, E]dith .. Miss r, 104 Locust av. 5a Ziegler, E. Ruth, Miss r. 1024 Locust av. Zlegler, John A. N., FRev. pastor Trinity EnsglSh Lutheran church, r. 1024 Locust av. 7legler, Mary A., Mrs. r. 408 Cedar av. Zlegler, Ray, timekeeper Fairthild-;tilmore-Wilton Co., r. 41 Chestatu. avenue. g l,r-b Zielke, Anna, Miss r. s. s. Seventh, 1st h. w. of Rose av. Zrelke, Jacob, r. s. s. Seventh, Ist h. w. of Rose av. Z .4v s . s. a. Seventh, 1st h. w. of Rose av. Zielke, Jacob J., r. ' ana Ziellt, Helen, Miss teacher A!-inlto- srhool, r, 45 Cerritos av. Zleratbh A9pg utus C., foreman P. E. Ry., r. 712 e. First. - --- 'ii Zfet$rBees. Miss clerk S. A, Schilling C.,, r. 123 e. Ocean av. Zimmer, Charles, fuel and feed n. i. Anaheim, 2nd h. e. of Cherry av., r. same. IT PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUsIC CO, . Zbe DrU00tsZt t4 pine Sve. Camrwisa Seled Line of Toilet Soaps, FacialPreparations,Fine Imported and Domestic Perfumes, Etc. STANDARD D R U G COMNlPANY 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. IIOVER, MGR. Prescription a Specialty. Free Delivery. Complete Lineof Drugs. Sundries, Toll.t Articles, Cigars, Soda Water,&c. HOME 1008 SUNSlI 1581 I40 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Zimmer Joseph, r. n. s. Anabelm, 2nd h. e. of Cherry av. L[] Zimmer. Rose M., Miss r. n. s. Anaheim, 2nd h. e. of Cherry av. Zhinmermnn. E. L., solicitor, r. 225 Locust av. >~lD Zimmerman, Elsie A., Mis tcacher Healds Long Beach Business Col- lege, r. Los Angeles. ZiZnfl. 1Dacy G., miner, r. .20 e. Fifth. w| Zintl, Joseph M.. miner. r. 520 e. Fifth. Zook. J.,If. r. 341 American av. Zorn, ,iMary, Mrs. r. 356 Walnut av.

O !I The

U t Press Printing Co. i has facilities for doing everything

LO~L- Job Printing

and guarantees satisfaction as to work O and promptness in delivery Both Phones 431 Press Building 0 -I Subscribe for "THE LONG BEACH PRESS" BUY IT TODAY THE LEAnDING DAILY PAPER -OF LONG BEACH THE. HARDWARE BEARS CAN BE SEEN AT 133 AMERICAN AVE. 209 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 209

- - - Classified L Business Directory 0 W ADVERTISING AGENCIES. Bickley, Wm., 114 E. First E, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Farmers Supply House, 117-119 IV, First. APARTMENTS AND FURNISHED ROOMS. Alessandro, The, 435 American av. Alford, The, 135 American av. Alpha Flats, 234-236 E. Pacific av. G American, The, 56 American av. Arlington, The, 202 E. First. Atlantic, The, 426 Atlantic av. Baker, -Lula, Mrs., 10S W. First. A BRttler. The, 109 W. Ocean av. Butte, The, 131 W. Ocean av. Bamboo Terrace, 130 Elm av. Bates, Laura B., Mrs., 105 American av. S Beach, John D., 317 American av. Bell, RObert, 326 W. econa. ; , Bellevue Lodge, 253 1E Ocean av. Relmont, The, 130 W. First. . Berkeley, The, 115 W. First. Bertha, The, 735 American av. Bishop, A. F., 418 W. Third. , , Brooks Aprftmeint, I4 E. F t. BUrgoyne, The, 335 E. Ocean.av. - Butler, The, 131 WY.Ocean av. California Ocean View, 437 E. Ocean av. o Candler, H. E., Mrs., 253 Pine av. . -' . Caswell, A. A., Mrs., 136w Pine av. Chase, Frank, Mis., 236 Locnst av. ' Chicago Home, 313 W. Second. Clyde, The, 224 E. First. . . Colonial, The, 237 Cedar av. . . Columbia, The, 231 Pine av. . Ci6uimblne Apartments, 106 Magnolia av. Ceook, Sylvester, 422 E Third. e Coughran, A: B., Mrs., 336 Pine av. .

A. B. CHASE PIANOS ARE 8EST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LN Exallently situated near the Ocean, facingPacidic by th Week. -- C - Park. special Rates

AITES- $2.00U* $5i per DdJy, Sngle stlt 50 Casdt. 45 Cdw Ave. TELEPHONE HOME 36 J. A. Welsenborn H. C Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While In tthe city do not fall to investigate our high grade City and Ranch Ptoperty. SPECIALTY. EXCHANGES A Honte Phone 639, Long Beacbh, Cal. 210t) LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Cynthia Annex, The, 115-121 E. Ocean av. Cynthia, The, 123-129 E. Ocean av. Darby, The, 106 American av. Dadley Apartments, Surf Line Place. Dandee, The, s, e. cor. American av. and-Second. Dunkle. El1iabeth, Mlss; 531 W. Ocean av. Earl Apartments, foot of Atlantic av. Eastman, The, Seaside Blvd. and Pier Place. Elmore, The, 132 Chestnut av. Esplanade Apartments, on the Pike. Gaines, The, 125 W. Third. Gienwood, The, T27 American av. Hall, Emma J., Miss, 127 E. First. Henderson, The, 149 Pine av. [•1* Hutchings, R. W., 338 Elm av. Ir .` Illinois House, 145 Locust av. _ - Jones, Ida, Mrs., 250x EM. Johnson. ccond. W. J., Mrs., 154 Locust at. Junod, Gustave L, 420w Pacific av. 3r 5 Kennebec Apartments, The, 134 _ W. First. Krosnest, The, cor. Pacific av. and W. Third. wLedwge,Anna, Miss, 145 E. Ocean av. Leola, The, 432 American av. o, The, 243 E. First. _: idLbby, Lucy A., Miss, 221 W. Third. Louise. The, 305 W, Second. C) 0Lynn, The, 137 Pine ar. MacDonald, The, 135 E. First, Th, , 112 Magnolia aV. Martin, Anna, Mrs:, 218 Pine av. e 3f[armfonfan, The, 328% Pine ar.' -~1[, _ IMason City, 125 W. Second. The, 118 -lne av. X Tcrrit', Minife, Mirg., 112 li. Second. - etropole, The, 25S E. lightl. (if) sb~Iotl. The, 402% American av. onmontb, The. 20 Seeond. fors, 'The, 462 E. First. _Mui% , The, s. w. cor. Ocean av. and Elm. holaindu, The. N. w. eor. Ocean av. and imn. _ __ gNfebel, Talma C., Mrs., 142 Locust av. Norwood, The, 38 Pinea r. Ocean Beach House,, 41t E. OQn ar. _0 "'>E~Oden, E. L., Miss, 331 E. cnOri Ocean av. Old Kentucky Home, 219-221 Locust at. : Osterhoudt, L. B., Mrs., 20 American av. Palms, The. 537 ]. O(ean at. sP'saadena, The, 220 Elm at. Pasadena Villa. 50 American at. Pine Hotel, 211 Pine ar. Pomona House, 120 Chestnut ar. Press Apartments, 126 . First .Primrose Lodge. 137 Chestnut A._ ~ u. ay, - m .S c~,V P .C3 ~ ptScy A. McCaulim, preg, r. S., BerrF, ¥c.a-Pn.r PHORig;: RomUe M3C'umet 3Ih.. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Desiets [aEPlate 2U PINR &mNUE, aud Wtsdow Ca Ws11 Parer, PCabr., il. vara=&s 4 XONG BuaCA, CAL. be Mrugoftt 14 PINE AYE. /,_g~f _Fills_ Prescriptions Correctly. Our Ckhck System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 211

Questa, The, 129 E: Second. Ramona Apartments, Seaside blvd., e. of Linden av. Ransome, The, 29 Lime av. Rife, R. E., Mrs., 324 W. Third, Roma -The, 47 Elm av. . Roselle, The, Seaside blvd., foot of Linden av. Rowland,'The, 52 Elm av. Russell, Mary, Mrs., 211 E. Fourth. Seward, S. L., Mrs., 17 Chestnut av. Stafford, The, 131 Pine av. St. George Apartments, 243 Pine av. St. John's Apartments, 449 Pine av. Strand Apartments, Seaside blvd., foot of Linden av. Surf. View Apartments, Seaside blvd., foot of Atlantic av. Tate & Smith, 650 Pine av. Three Gables, 30-32 Chestnut ay. 'Tourist, The, 409 E. Second. vall Dyke, The, 443 W. Ocean av. Wave-Crest, The, 52}I Seaside blvd. Westphalia. The. 130 W. Third. - Williams, Wm. H., 121 W. Third. Wilson, The, 319 E. Ocean av. O Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 t

Wilonia, The, 109 'E. Third. Wfidemere, The, 136 E. Ocean &v. VtG-mT,'The, 10SL E-.ThI WordenrEmma, Mmr, 407 Pine av. Yale, The. 143 W. First ' :.'" r ARCHITEC . ' ' ' Chalmers, $. W., 310 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Jltlion, N. Stalaey, ww. . Plne av.. 2nd h. n. of Sixteenth. Metcalf & Loebhridge, 614-615 First National Bank Bldg. Train & WiRlliamsr, 631 First National Bank Bldg. ART GOOD.L LeRoy's Book Store, 125 Pine av. t * Long Beach Music & Art Co., 37 Pine yav. _- -. - ARTIFICIAL STONE. m Ornamental Stone and Brick Co., n. w. cou. Alaiitoa av. and E. Fourth. .~--r-.. - ARTISTT& -Alexuder, Maxwell, 359 E. First

IT PAY TO-BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-- ARTLETT MUSIC CO. -r---- 1 TAILORING GO. HIGH CLASS TAILORS M.A.CAtUK,', t.r L G. CiUA(r, i.. Homa Phone 798 120 PFne Ave. Young-Parmley Inv. Co. HomeI4 Snset43L REAL ESTATE :: INVEST IE1NTS J. W. Yonng, Jr. A. L. rarmley. Suite 400-14-34, LONG BEACH BANK ITA,:i


t Burton, Frances H., Mrs., 424 First National Bank Bldg. : Fisher, Frederick, Hotel' Del Mar. : Jones, S. J., Mrs., 434 E. First. ASBESTOS, MANUFACTURERS OF. ," Long Beach Asbestos Mining Co., Riverside Drive and Seventh. ATTORNEYS. fri 4 Barker, S. F., 414 Long Beach Bank Bldg. . Barker, S. G., 414 Long Beach 'Bank Bldg., Z Cox, H. Lee. 501 and 535 First National Bank Bldg. Daly, John E., 534-535 First National Bank Bldg. Denlo & Monk, 307-309 Long Beach Bank Bldg. Hart, George A.. 30.5-306 Long Beach Bank Bldg. · Hight, Percy, 403404 Long Beach Bank Bldg. ' Knight, F. A.; 507-510 First National Bank Bldg. l Lawsoij, Alexander C., 1145 American av. t) W Long & Baker, 406-408 First National Bank Bldg. r Skinner, Gen. A., room 8, I8 Pine av. Snodgrass, R. L., 507-508 First National Bank Bldg. Spicer, G. M.. 4214.32 Flrst National Bank Bldg. _ Taylor, David G., 516 Long Beach Bank Building. ~Z i Tayor G. 51ATTORNEYS-PATENT. Townsend, James R., 430 'Bradburg Block, Los Angeles.

'Z AUTOMOBILES AND GARAGES. _ B., & R, Garage. 122 American av. City Garage, 212 Locust av. Electric Garage, 122 Anmerican av. Johnson4Shelds Auto Co., 230 Pacific av. Long Beach Auto Co., 134 Pacific a¥. Ploneer- Autiomobile Co., rear 146 Pine av. C O Southern California Touring Co., 325 . Fourth. BAKERIES. Alamitos Bakery, 1850 E. Fourth. Crescent Bakery, 140 E. Second. e I Delmonico Baking Co., 351 Pacific av. Fancy Bakery, 241 Pine ar. Grey, Y. Lney, Miss, 130 Chestnut av. O _W Ideal Bakery, 224 Pine av. Jackson, E. & Co., 256 E. Eighth. - td Johnson, Fred W., 344 Pine av. Long Beach Baking Co., 728 Pine av. Mallory Baking Co., 407 E. Second. Richardson &J Son, 322 Pine av. Swingle, A. J., 410 American av. Whitehouse Bakery and Delicatessen, 57 Elm av. BANKS. . Citizena Savings Bank, n. w. cor. Pine ay. and First City Nationial Bank, The, n. w. cor. American av. and E. Second. Exchange National Bank, s. e. cor. Pine av. and E. Third. First National Bank, of Long Beach, n. w. cor. Pine aivr and First.

W. B. MlcCRACKIEN, Manage F A. .GOETZZMAI, Sec* tad [r. HARBOR LUNMBER CO. OFFrSER AsDv-YA]i cer.occau aI Cofdme aws. Fall Line of BUILDING NATENIALS ;ad Mill W9~rlc, Tel. HG=ZZ6' sxasa= LowroBackA cal. S.V. & D.. -H A R T H O R N ' Sl ought, totaex- thorn, Tel. Hom cianited ortrentcd. Wc. Pacific 441. PIANO AND SEWING MACHINE STORE Toning and re- ReL. 713 Phine av. 240 PINE3 A . pairing a special- PhtoaePacific 4022{ tp . I BRANCH STORE 6.46 Pine Ave., Phone Pacific Z816 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 21 Long Beach Savings Bank, Long Beach Bank Bldg., 17 E. First. National Bank of Long Beach, The, r]lnen. e. cor. av. and. First. State Bank of Long Beach, s. w. cor. Pine av. and First. BARBERS. Belvel, W. S., 243 Pine av. Bieghler, Harry, Palace Billiard Parlor, n. end of .Pier. 'Carnanan, 3. A., 321 E. Second. Day, Christina, Mrs., 137 W. Ocean av. n Mlite Barb-er Shop, 825 R. Foar. '. Gardner, Bryan, 249 Pine av. Grineli, E. L., 118 W. 'Second. , Laurence, Fred, 249 E. Second. ' Lovitt, C. A., 127 W. Second. LeMasters, Joseph S., 150 Pacific av. McClure,.R. C., 231 E. Second. " Melnotte, Richard. 147 American av. : Osburn, W. G., 200 E. FlrsLt. ' ' 0 Palace Barber Shop, 31 Pine av. ' Palm Barber Shop, 138 E. Second. , " Ramsey, George S., 1600 E. Anaheim. Stag Barber Shop, 130 Pine av. Trussell & Swearingen, 121 W. First. .

Long Beach Brick Works i RICHARD LOYNES, Proprietor


UptTo-late Barber Shop, 110 W. First:. Van De Car, H. S. (Terminal Island) Railroad av., bt. First and Third. _ BATH HOUSES. - ; East Side Bath House, toot of Bonita on Beach.- Lon Beach Bath House, Beach Front. Trrminal Islttld Bath House, Ocean Front and Pier, Terminal Island. BATHS-MEDICAL Sanltas Baths, 119 E. Ocean av. . BICYCLES AND REPAIRS. Bryden. William, 152 Locast av. . California Rubber Co., 113 E. Second. Chubbic, R. C., 125 W. Second. Dickman. Herman, 112 E. Third. Farmers Supply House, 117-1119 W. First Hoppilg- Bros., 239 Pine aV. · cCu'llongb, Hugh, 539 American av. ._ Ward, Harry L., n. . Helena ay., 1st h. w. of Garfield.


L1QlrlaM"Eirk,-aiiI 'Itrifrma,r, M~ofwsRotor$ enand Flxl~rteeFixturesPke' Htr 30, Somt 1551 :tectrical Supp1l & fixture Co. 1k2.- E. Fati Stn-t, Lo 31d- FRE D HINZE Phdiie: Home 394, Pacific 311 California Chocolate & Candy Co. All our goods are made from the pnrcet materials and will be fuild healthful as weli as delicious Cor. E. Sixth and Alamitos ave., Long Beach, Cal.


P BILL POSTERS. Whited, Geo. B.. n. e. cor. Locust av. and Third. BILLIARD HALLS. ABrunnwck: illiard Parlor, 137 W. Ocean av. Edson, Louis, on the Pike. Palace Billiard Parlor, n. end of Pier. T Rhodes, C. M., Railroad av. bet. First and Third, Terminal Island. Travers & Gregg, 34 Pine av. BLACKSMITHS AND HORSESHOERS. .E- Dodsworth, Charles W., n. w. cor. Heyle av. and Anaheim. Fetterman, I. L., 745 W. Sixth. Field Clyde D., s. a. Hill, 2nd h. w. of Atlantic av. Gillons, W. E., 530 Elm av. Grand Rapids Horseshoeing Shop, 814 E. Fourth. Fl~.:t, J. G., s. e. cor. Anterican as.'and E. Fourth. Imperial Carriage Works, 630 E. Fourth. Kempley & Dorsett, 125 E. Fourth. Robertson, Elmer D., w.'S. Stata be'. American and Locust avi. V* t*, XAI&. ., sn -. Tua BOARDING HOUSES. Ardmore, The, 417 E. Ocean av. Breakers, Thel 521 E. Ocecn av. Copyrfghts Old Homestead. 41 Chestnut av., Trademarks Samrples, Eva, Mrs, Ocean Front bet. First and Second, Terminal Island labels Southern Home, 62 Lime av. BOAT- BUILDERS: w Banning Ship Yards, Mormon Island. opp. Bay Front, Terminal Island. j Fellows Yacht and Marine Cnstruction Co., Bay Front, Terminal Island rT*i Leason, Al., Eat Sin Pedro. western-Boatx & Engie Wbrk, RIverseide DrIve, a.'ot- W Thid [. - BOOKS AND iTATIONitRY. ; HoLfewttwla Book Store, 1i7 Pfiil -v. LeRoy's Book Store, 125 P ine ay. Lord, C. C. & Co.. 21 Pine av. McCutchen's Book Stbre, 14-14&-Pine av. Schinnerer, F. J., 9 Pine ar.

.' . BOOKBINDERS. m Foote Printing.Co., Basement FiLrt National Bank'Bldg. BOWLING ALLES. Z Long Beach Bath House Bowling Alley, Beach Front. BRICK MANUFACTURERS ; o ng Beach Brick Co., office 406 Atmerican ar. . - Long Beach Brick Works, omee Masonic Temple. i= BROKERS-INVESTMENT. Butters & Paul Investment Co, 108l . FIrst Townsend-Dayman Investamnt Co, 125 l?, Fhrst

ESTATE ROY N.*· CARR-- Y N COREAL-INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC LOAN, 107 AMERICAN AVE. PHONE HOME 38 EXCHANGES S. 'owned,' Pre;. C F. Van de Water, V¥i rm s. P. Dayman, Secy T-HE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN INVESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A GeneralReal Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California and Large Tracts in Mexico Pboaet Home 86, Sunst L e Tracts in Mexico 125 EAST FIRST STREET

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 21S BROKERS-STOCK. £ f Toledo Stock & Grain Co., 308 FirV.t National Bank Bldg. c BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS. ux Fidelity Savings & Loan Association, 10T Americ3n av. Mutual Building & L.oan Assoclation. 16 Pite av. BUSINESS COLLEGES. Heald's Business College, s. w. cor. Americarn av. and First. ). CANDY MANUFACTURERS. . California Chocolate and Candy Co., a. e. cor. Sixth and Alamitos av. CANNING COMPANIES. California Fish Co., Harior Front, E..t qan Pedro o San Pedro Canning Co., Bay Front, Terminhl Island. M CAFiPENTERS AND JOBBERS. -.3 Renham & Nichols, 426 PIne av. City Wood Working Co., rear of 126 Pine av. ' VYsbbe, _hn, 4 Belmont Court. : CARPET CLEANING. Lacey, George H., 401 Crystal Court. ' CARPETS. :; ; Callahan, H. S., Furniture Co., 22S-230 Pine av. i : Finney & Young, 127 E. Second.. CARRIAGE WORKS. " ' : Imperial Carriage Works, 630 E Fourth. :- ' Yount, H.F., 734 Third. . ' CARRIAGES. r Farmners Supply ouse. 117-119 W. FirLt Newll &-Mathews, 200-204 North Lo Angeles St., 1 Angeles ;I"Rg CATERERS. 2L Daddras, 23 Pine . ji, VW. CHIROPODISTL ' C Y-f Blsop, E. A., 211 Pine ay. , , , ' . LaGross, H. A., 201 First Nlitional Bank Bldg. -. o CllROPRACTICS. .. I' Clark, WI. U, 330 Ulme ,a. , - Gray, F.a, 33., Pacific avy, : I r : Palmker, G. W., 34s-E. FirstL ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO-RETAIL Zs Brown Henry P., 119 W. Ocean av. ' Cobb, H, H., 11 W. Ocean a.., = Gardner, Bryan, 214 Plne a. A. . CHASE PIANOSO'RE BEST-BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. .ILXcAL1STX,:Manger JPnoIr,, HNOE U% be tMctitster Mustc Company. Dealers in Sheet Music and Musical Instruments, Picture, Frames, Mouldins, Etc. =gCrtO-PLTXG . HID Ph ons: Homn 741. Pacific 1611 ___'____ '__ '______236 PINE A VENUE Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garmzn.ts a Specialty


Grube, A. C., 2 Pine av. Hennessey, J. J., 113 W. Ocean av. Holmes, F. L. & Son, on the Pike. Levereau, E. A., 112 W. First. Nelson, Louis, 130 Pine av. Page, L. W., 112 Pine av. Spencer, O. L., 141 Pine av. Stepliets, Jas. W., 3! Pine av. 14) Travers & Gregg. 34 Pine av. CIGARS AND TOBACCQ--WHOLESALE. Holmes, F. L. & Son, on the Pike. Spencer, O. L., 141 Pine av. >.. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS. Spencer, O. L., 141 Pine av. CIVIL ENGINEERS. Dupay, Ben. F., 515 Long Beach Bank Bldg. CIVIL ENGINEERS. O ~ Hayes, Victor W.. 905 Amerlcan v. CLEANING AND DYEING. 1%%mn> Bauman, Joseph, 428 Pine av. * .5 Chicago Cleaning and Pressing Co,, 19 American av. City Dye Works, 236 Pine av. Ideal Garment Cleaning Co., 240 E. Secona. Iowa Steam Dye Works, 214 E. First. Long Beach Dye Works, 338 Pine av. Sunset Dye Works, 338 E. First. O d Unique Dye Works, rear 147 American av. CLOTHING. Mercantile Co., The, 127-129 Pine av. Newell & Slater Co., 152 Pine av. 2: Silverwood, F. B., 124 Pine ay, COLLECTION AGENCIES. 4__ Snodgravs Collection Agency. 507.508 First National Bank Bldg. .York, Percy W., 306 Long Beach- Bank Bldg. CONFECTIONERS. IIy 'Bradbeer, Edward, 224 E, Second. Craven, W. M., on the' Pike. Dudderar's, 23 Pine av. O Griffing, Walter C., n. end of Pier. Grube, A. C., 2 Pine av. Keller, Wm. H., e. s. Redondo av., 2nd h. s. of A naheim. Krick & Thomas, 155 American av. MIcCune, Tiheresi, Mrs., n. end of Pier. Palace of Sweets, 137 W. Ocean ar. Rb-ca, Carter, Riilroad and 'Third, Terminal Island. Sheehy, J. W., 146 Pacific av. Shutt, H. F., Harbor Front, Eaat San Pedro. _ _ NEW AOD SECOND HAND BICYCLES itmNTriH, REPAIlxNG, SUNDRIES CALIFORNIA RUBBER COMPANY TIRE VULCANIZING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ] s, JONES.Mlo S"us X4 1330 113 EA(Sr SECONO STREELr. 6NC,IEACIf Main 4n Bome8on HOOVER & SMITH FINE TOOLS, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-11 9 F. SECOND ST. : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY Z't Clark, Lula E., Mrs., 530 Daisy av. 0 Conrad, Mary E., Mrs., 19 Chestnut av. C Cooper, L. V., Mrs., 130 American av. Duncan, Eve B., Mrs., w. s. Kennebec av. 2nd h. s. of Eliot. Durham, L. E., Mrs., 239 e. Second. Elder, A. B., Miss, 236 Chestnut av. Ia · Evans, Allce, Mrs., 714 Walnut av. Gongaware, Flora W., Miss, 1305 e. Second. Hillary, Sarah, Miss, 454 Linden av, Jorgensen, Jennie, Miss, 135 e. Ocean av. > Kenney, Oreel, Mrs., 33 American av Klein, Sophia L., Miss, 445 e. Fourth. Laigetut ta, Mitss,in14 Atlantic av. c Le Masters, J. S., Mrs., 424 Pine av. Lewis, Frank, Mrs., 609 e. Sixth. O Loper, A. R., Mrs., 718 e. First i ; Z Mceaughn. Mae, Miss, 119 e. Ocean av. McClain, H. E., Mrs., r. 521 American av. O ( MeMillan, Mae, Miss, 418 e. Third. U Miller, Jennie, Miss, 416 w. Fourth. , GOOD- MERCHANDISE CHEAP

lucomparable va1- See oer adrertist- V E ues charateri e ment of wanted The Fifth Stree merchandise In to- Store. :: .: ^ o day's paperm ::

Mole, Mary , Mrs., e. s. Dakota aY. 2nd h. s. of e. Seventh. O-eneL. B., Mra, 421 e. Fourth, * . 'Paine, Rhods, Mrs., 42Sl:e.- Aiheim. J ,i Bhea, Nellie, MIss, 221- im &t S, , -Upler; Mr, Mis, 4365'Aerin av. ' 8cales, N. V., Mii., 45 Lc6dist ayv. seoq-7 -Mif 517 w. 8econd. ' . Sngmlr,iA Miss,I11 MSagoll Svv- -Is Spangler, Ella, Mrs., 145 w. Fourth. , Sprsdling Jennie, Mrs., 523 e. Third. J-; Stone, Jesaie, Miss, 130 w. First. Sutton. Nellie, Mrs., 4238 . Sixth. .* : Thompion, Grace, Miss, 330 e. Tenth. $L 'h oa, EvaS Mrs., 211 .'Slxth.b. >sable. Oleetta, Mrs, 344 Short. elHch7 ima, Mrs., l48tAmerican av. WVood,4%t Maud, Mrs., 126 e. FlrU IST5 DRUGGIST8 .t Dicnlson-&T WVaraon, 38-41 Pine av. Fi!t SftIe t Pharmay,- a w. cor. Pine at. and Fifth,

A.' . CHA*S PIANOS ARE EST--BARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. LONG BELAClH TENT CITY 'vmnsw- HOam - tNTS- COrs.Cot - yea- - OUSmutC- DeahIe ~ , dS. Ds~ awd wlor a f6aCooadieand LL4t ih,_Sh.wra lt, and Saainir Diets. A YTFOoT OF GOLDEr AaTE.EE BYOCS WST Or OTIL YlRGflllA. W. ]. REIDF2, Prop. Soft Water Laundry Company ANAHEIM AND DAISY PHONES: Pacific 4721 Home 733 222 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY -c Jackson's Drug Store, 139 Pine av. Long Beach Drag Co., n. w. cor. Pine av. and Ocean av. Oakford Drug Co, 201 Pine av. 4 Prittle Drug Co., 147 e. Ocean av. Z1 .< aSrmith, H. E., 14 Pine av. cm t Standard Drug Co., 136 Pine av. t U Wolff & Adams Drug Co., 47.49 American av. IQ Z DRY GOODS. ^zS Cash Store Co., The, 3,-34- Pine av. Fifth Street Store, cor. Broadway and Fifth, Los Angeles. Giles, Wm. H., 302 Pine av. ¢I W Israel, H. J., 305 Pine av. Leader, The, 242-244 Pine av. ) i 31cMeLeman, Neil, 43 American av. Mercintiie Co., The, 127-129 Pine Schilling, av. S. A. Co, s. e. cor. w. First and Pacfic av DYE WORK. g "3 City Dye Works, 236 Pine av. ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER COMPANIES. =,l,-l - r. E;actriG Co., The s. e. cor. Pine Inner Harbor av. and e. Second. Gas PauJ Electric Co., The 316 Pine av. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Lowty & CO., ;3 l'cei:ic a'v. .l;k. Josie, .i'l C.rs..e. 1Fecodl. lin.m.ease Elilloyment Orice, k::2 1-2 American av. Jclpanese Eri,uloymnent (Olbee, t6} Enm av. Japanese Employment Ofime, 213 1-2 Elm av. ENGINEERS AND DRAFTSMEN. Earbardt, O. A., 410-411 L. B. Bank Bldg. Wright, J. w. & Co., 606 Fist Natl Bank Bld. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Paeiftc Electrlc Express, L w. cotr. Amerlca av. and Fifth. Wells Fargo & Co. Express, 429 Pine arv. FISH DEALERS. t~I * Erich, G. M., Railroad av, opt. 8gat Lank D.._ , .t , iaG rtu' u Pacific Fish Co., 36 Pine av. ,9 Pier Fish Market, a end of Pier. _~p dn P~FISHING TACKLE. 1z Pier Fishing Tackle Co., s. end of Pier. U8 FLORISTL Alamltos Nursery, 10 Pine ar. - . G-Cage, Lut~li i%, e. a. Walnut av. 1st h. n. of Or Signal Bornett. Hill Floral Co., w. a. Cherry av. 1st h. n. of HRlL FOUNDRILS. Harbor Iron Works, 237 Olive *i.

Henry 3. Pauly Co. The Loose Leaf House Blank Books and Loosles-Ldgers. Devices-and Card Index Yawman-Erbe System, Co.'s L ab-Saving Filing. 2JJ-15 NAwHigA S$f.,is~Axgd¢s REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ROY N. CARR CO. RENTALS NOTARY PUBLIC LOANS '-1 107 AMERICAN AVENUE HOME PHONE 38. EXCHANGES

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 2,, (A C FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, W Colbert, John, 402 Pine av. . oo Jaques, T. E., 114-116 Pine av. . . .I M Model Market, The, 145 Pine av. 00 (xt3 Morosco, Anthony, 301 Pine av. W Nichols, J. & G., 213 Pine av. I I Rickey, A. E., 406 Pine av. 0 ·~~~~ FUEL & FEED. a: 00 i. Anaheim Feed Yard, 321 e. Anaheim. eh a,. 8 California Wholesale Hay & Storage Co., 820 e. Fourth. os Casebeer, C. F., 634 e. Anaheim. CDP g Cree, L. E. & Co., 123 e. Second. BB Holder, J-e M., 122 e. Third. 0 $0~ Hastler Feed Store, 812 e. Seventh. i o Long Beach 'Feed & Fuel Co., 801 e. Second. M Z (7 Rex Feed Barn. 328 e. Fifth. :,I Seay & Chaffee, 718 e. Fourth. 0~ White, A. P., n. w. cor. American av. and State. W _ Zimmer, Charles, n. s. Anaheim 2nd h. e. of Cherry av. FURNISHED ROOMS. See Apartments and Furnished rooms.

FURNITURE. -. I Cullahan, I. S.. Furniture Co., 228-230 Pine av. av. Cash Store, The, 327-341 Pine =, OQ Fliney & Young, 127 e. Second. . . , I Z Phillips & Wright, 124-128 w. Third. >n Star Furniture Co., 350:352 Pine av. GAS COMFANIES. Edison Ga & Electric Co, The a. e. cor. Pine av. and e. Second. Inner Harbor Gas & Electric Co., 316 Pine av. Long Beach Gan Co, 2G Pine av. GAS MA'HINES. Crarton Mtfg. Co., rwi 1,109 w. Ocean a. GLASS AND GLAZING Long S*ch Piaper & Paint Co., 248 Pfne av. Long Bewch Sash & Door Co., n. e. cor. -Appleton and Bonito av. , GROCERIES-RETAIL Abbey, A. ,. 120 Cerrito av. s.,., ~ Alger, H. ., 236 e. Frs , , Anchor Grocery, 400 e. Flirt. Atwater & Carl, 14S e. Third. I BauketGroeery, 310 Pine av. Bi-by,Charles-F., 115 w. Fifth. a -: Blaekbrn, John, a. w. cor. Hill and Atlantic a.. -'r 4 . B'ie Front-Grocery, 403 Lime av. - SgeCt-O Bohannon, Charles. IL, n. e. cor. American av. and Anrshelm-

IT PAYS TOBUY O. THE SIG HOUSE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. II -Ibe -_rtrut0 ist 14 1ine, Re- Carriesa Select Line of Toilet S.apsv FacialPreparations, Fine Imported and . ^_ ~ wu~~ IDomestic Perfnmes, Etc. STANDARD D R U G C P A N Y 136 PINE AVENUE J. L. HOVER, MGR. Prescrtptiq · Specialty. Free Delivery. CompIte Uneo DrUat. Sundrkies. Toilt Articles, Clps, Soda Water,&c. 4HOfEMsOB SUNSS; 1;81 224 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY ECn Bond B!ack, . c. cor. Bishop and Falcon av. Bowers, W. C. & Son, 156 Locust av. LUJ Brennan, Fred S., 541 w. Second. Cate, GeOrge F., 124 w. Eighth. Champion, F. N., 525 e. Second. WI Charles & Shela, n. e. cor. e. Fourth and JunlperQ av. Clark, Joe W., n. w. cor Eliot and Loma av. Cobb, Harry H., n. e. cor. American av. and Arabella. Collbert, John, 402 Pine av. Collins, Charles H, 11U57 Pine av. Cowan, W. G., 101 American av. Cramp, T. W., 917 Seaside Blvd. Dean, Fred J., s. w. cor. Anaheim and Walnut av. >Ih >.* Deatrick R. H., 455 Olive av. Eastwood, G. L., 900 e. Seventh. Edgerton, W. A., 1001 Alamitos av. 0O ,EliotStreet Grocery, 211 Kinta av. O -l Eppersonii & Co., 743 American av. _ 'v E;.. C.,,'.. &o***e iW.- . GGibson & Seitz, 145-147 w. First. W Gould, Nelson, 543. American av. a-) 1 HanEen, W. W., 226 e. Second. ) H-~Harshbarger Win. A., 637 w. Third. *J fIleard,H: Henry L., 402 Almond av, IJJD Helwlg, H. C., S American. S. oX Hemry Bros., a. e. cr;. Twentieth and Pasadena av. Herman, C. E., 827 e. Fourth. >' , · Howe, George W., 802 Pine av. Howe & Friderclk, 711 e. First. _lZ Hawk & Adklson, 428 e. First. Hughes, Oscar G., 345 w. Elith. Ideal Grocery, The, 437 Pine av. -J "ain Bros; 134 w. Second. Kellbg, John E., 537 American ay. Q [ K~ellum, W.w ., w. a Casiforniaa. opp. Burnett jf-i- i;Kennedy Bros., 1084+Alntle av. Z '-- Laning, Frank 8., 6 AmeCan at. -v Law, Andrew H., 327 Daisy av. Leming Grocery Co., 1168 e. Fourti Long Beahe Grocery Co., 402 w. Second. H Lucas, Wilbur. 347 e. FlrtL Magaprtsry, Wm. A., 745 e. First Mallory Bros, 401 e. Second. 0 Msark, M. WV., 804 e. Anaheim. MIjer, Henry J., 601 w. Fifth. Miller, Barr B., 347 Short. Mission Grocery, 132 w. Third. Munlson, H. S., 127 Locust ay. Nichols, J. & G., 213 Pine av. O Obermaler, Charles, 26 Golden. Pace & Lundquist, a. e. cor. e. Seventh and Ohio-t., 0 Pacifie Groeeiy, 355 Pacifie av. Pascoe, W. F, 328 Pine av. Prester, Erving W., n w. eor. e. Anaheim and Atlantic vr.


-LONG BEACH DIRECTORY ZZ Pridham & Wainwright, 18 Pacific av.. Radcliffe, C. L., Ralrload av. opp. Salt Lake Depot, Rast San Pedro. Ramsey, George S., 1600 e. Anaheim. Real, Phil, cor. Railroad and First, Terminal Island. Rickhart, Roy'A., n. w. cor. Anaheim and Obispo avy. Rickey, A. E, 406 Pine av. Rogers a Needham, a. w- cor. Anaheim and Redondo av. . Runions, Henry A., 733 w. Second. Scott, James A., s. e. cor. Orange av. and Seventeenth. Searby, Joseph HI.. niwr. cor. Orange av. and Hill. Shields. W. H., 423 e. Second. Simms, Mattle A., Mrs., 713 Washington Place. Smit, John J., 1854 e. Fourth. Taylor, James P., 27 Pine av. Taylor, Jospeh L, 1306 e. Fourth. Thomas, W. M., 503 e. Seventh. . 'Iourist Grocery, The, 426 e. First. Wallace, James R., 222 Falcom av. Wilson, James A. & Son. 648 Pine av. Wollbrinck, A E. & Co., 120 w. Second. Wright, H. S., 404 American av. Wright, J. E., East San Pedro. .; GUNS AND AMMUNITION. Hoover 8Smith, 115-119 e. Second. GYMNASIUMS. Young Men's Christian Ass'n, 121 Locust av. HAIRDRElIERI Humphries, Lucy, Miss, 29 H.American Sar. ' HARDWARI ' Cooper Hardware Co.. 309 Pine av . *r6"O A4mlth, 116t-1 e. Sei ' Ltng- Beach Hardware Co, 133l Ameriean ar 1a s. A.,L 264 irst Poor & MorserHardware Co., The, 136438 e. F r t. stevept W. & s.o , 163 Pine a. Wallace, J. W., 765 Ameeau ar , HARN£E3 AN SADDLERY. Murphy Harness Co., 130 e. First. . C Sboenberger, George, 228 e. Second. t C Talley, Charles 1., S.. .te bet. American and Locust ar. C HATS. 6 Boob & Co., 1W-I Pine av. Newell & Slater Co., 152 Pine a. NfIlibib-,N. C. a Son, 208 Pine- av.. , 8Uv"rvodTF./ R, 124+Pine ar.


HOTEL EeLoIAN iaia ' e Ik tr aPaefie J-,L - Park. SpecIa Ra b-the Wk. : : : s.L C ..HhoL,. I- \ 'AIIC3 n VIt4ES: St.L ft S2s5 par Doy, Ssi 1 50 Cat. 45$CaC3 Ave. . TELEPoEIO *E gxrii~~~:;~~I .3lr Ipso#~0#a iatyslc~ J. A. Weisenborn B.IH. Waughop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not f il to Investigate our high grade City and' Randh Ptopeity. EXCHANGES A SPECIALTY. Home Phone 638, Long Beach, Cal. 22i LONG BEACH DIRECTORY HAY AND GRAIN. Anaheim Feed Yard, 321 e. Anaheim; California Wholesale Hay & Storage Co., 820 e. Fourth. Casebeer, C. F., 634 e. Anaheim. Long Beach Feed & .Fuel Co., 801 e. Second. White, A. F., n. w. cor. American av. and State. HEATING APPARATUS. Joy, W. B., 340 Pine ar. HOSPITALS-ANIMALS. O Long Beach Veterinary Hospital, n. e. cor. e. Anaheim and Atlantic av- U HOTELS Campbell, W. L., & Co., 143 Pine av. Cart, Roy N., & Co. 107 American av. Covert, E. L/, & Co., 207 Pine ar. Doran & Hels, 114 1-2 w. First. Oaibraith, Wmin. M., 221 Pine av. Gavigan Realty Co., 215 Pine av. Johnson, H. W., 147 American av. Long Beach Realty Co., 12 Pine av. Lowe, W. W., & Co., 16 Pine ar. Mason, J. IL, & Co., 209 L. . Bank Bldg.

A. McCatlna, Pre PR. Berry, Y4 Pres.-- . ....F.....= . Horn k. Kuuaet 3M. LONG BEACH PAPER & PAINT CO. Dealers In Plate and Vrianrd Glas, WtII Paper, llAliriL Oiis a. Yt"n ;s. 't~PINE AVE:;E, lONG BEACH, CAL. Ebe truQu0 tt 14 PINE AVe. Fills Prescriptions Correctly. Oar Check System absolutely protects you from all mistakes. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 227 Minton-May Co., 14 Pacific av. Smith, George W., & Co., 404 First Nat'.Bank Bldg. Stearns, F. W., & Co., 129-131 e. First. Union Tnv! Co., 232 First Nat'! Bank Bldg. U. S. Trust Co., 225 e. First. Walker-Williams Realty Co., 227 Pine av. Wheeler & Wheeler, 33 Pine av. Wilhoit & Beacom, 406 American av, York, Percy W., 306 L. B. Bank Bldg. INSURANCE AGENTS-LIFE, , Galbraith, Wm. M., 221 Pine av. Maewn, .J. R.. & Co.. 209 L. B. Badk Bldg. Wilson, R. Lee, 211 e. Second. INSURANCE AGENTS- PLATE GLASS. Walker-Williams Realty Co., 227 Pine av. INSURANCE COMPANIES-ACCIDENT. Continental Casualty Co.. 201 e. First, Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York, 221 Pine av. Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York, 209 L. B. Bank Bldg. P" r Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York, 16 Pine av. Travelers Ins. Co. of Hartford, 33 Pine. av. (A C Long Beach Transfer & Warehouse Co. > AMOVING, PACKING and STORAGE t Authorized Agents of Salt Lake Route Phones: Home 783, Pacific 2192 t 1

INSURANCE COMPANIES-FIRE. Aachen & Munich Ins. Co., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Aetna Fire Ins. -Co., 227 Pine av Agricultural It. Co. of N. Y., 221 Pine av. Agricultural Ins. Co. of N. Y, 215 Pine av. American In. Co. of Newark, N. J., 20 L. B.Bank Bldg. Atlas Filr Ins. Co. 16 Pine a. -Boston-Ins. Co. of Boston, 404 First Natl Bank Bld . Callionla Ins. Co, 10 Anerican V. California Fire Ins. Co., 225 e. First. Cc!onkf! Underwiter, 107 American av. Commercial Union Assurance Co., 147 American av. Commercial Union of London, 404 Flrst Natl Bank Bld;. Connecticut Ins. Co. of Hartford, 404 First Natl Bank Bld. Englsh-American Underwriters, 33 Pine a Fire Association of Phb. 207 Pine av. FPlremans Ins Co. of Newark, N- J,, 33 Pine iv. Franklin In. Co. 107 American av. German Alllance' ln Co. of N. Y., 207 Pine av. _ German-American IEs. Co. of N. Y., 16 Pine av. Girard Fire lnT Co. of Pha., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Glens Fhlls ni.VCo., 20 L. B. Bank Bldg.

IT _PAYSTO BUV OF THE BIG HOUSE--BARTLETT MUSIC CO. %rARLCON~iTAILORING GO. CARLXSONJ£dIo HIGH CLAS TAILORS ILA.CLuAPrcr. L G. CLARK,r a.,. 'Home Phon 798 120 Pne Ave Young-Parmley Inv. Co. Nom&it.Sn4231 REAL ESTATE :: I-NVE STMN IENTS J. W.yYon.tr. A. Xi.piiijy. St;t.C ;:-la-4, TL(,- IN. A :' DC


i Globe Ins. Co. of N. Y., 221 Pine av. Guardian Fire Ins. Co., 209 L. B. Bank Bldg. Hanover Ins. Co., of N. Y., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Hartford Fire Ins, Co., 306 L. B. Bank Bldg. Home Ins. Co. of N. Y., 209 L. B. Bank Bldg. Insurance, The, of North America, 227 Pine av. Jefferson Fire Ins. Co. of Pha., 404 First NVat.' Bunk Bldg. Llevrpool & London & Globe Ins. Co., 16 Pine av. I.al London & Lancaster Fire Ins. Co., 16 Pine av. .tr Manchester Assurance Co., 225 e. First. Z e Michigan Fire & Ibiarine Ins. Co., 232 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ~[ ~ National Fire Ins. Co., 227 Pine av. National Union Ins. Co. of Pittsburgh, -404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Qz _[ New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. 5m New York Underwriters Agency, 227 Pine av. t New Zealand Ins. Co., 227 Pine av. · -. Niagara Fire Ins. Co., 112 Locust av. Niagara Ins. Co. of N. Y., 209 L. B, Bank Bldg. North Britllsh & Mercantile Ins. Co., 207 Pine av. Northern Assurance Co. of London, 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. · Northwestern National Ins. Co., 404 First Nati Bank Bldg. Ohio German Ins. Co., 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. · ". _Orient Fire Ins. Co., 33 Pine av. Palatine Ins. Co. of London, 404 First Natl Bank Bldg. _ I ~ Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co., 16 Pine av. Phenix Ins. Co. of Brooklyn, 107 Anierican av. ['I{ Philadelphia Underwriters, 404 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phoenix Ins. Co. of Hartford, 109 L. B. Bank Bldg. Protector Underwriters, 404 First Nat' Bank Bldg. Protector Underwriters, 14 Pacific av. Providen re-WashingtonIns. Co, 107 American av. Queen Ins. Co., 306 L. B. Bank Bldg- Queen Inr Co. of America, 114-2 . First.

[ Ral InO Co. 22T P'in av. Royal Ins. Co, 209 dL -B2nk Bldg. -eotish Union & Natsnal Fre Ins. Co. 16 Pine av. imbAord F-rae& Marine In , Co1007 An rin av. sit.dr Int Ce. of C.w,,aens 4t0 Co4,0 Firstaak ati.BlkBlt. ~~irg qld Fire MrineA I Co, !0T7 Am eank iV. WSphigfield Fre & Marine Ins, Co., 227 Pine ah. r Statee In. Co., of Liverpool, 33 Pnne ay St. Paul Fir e MarsieIn s. Co., o10 e. Firt *= C j St. Paul Fire ; Marine Ins. Co, 636 Chestiut av. un Ins. Co. of Lodou, 1s Pine av. '4,, 8grm Ins. Co. of Sweden, 221 Pine av. Teutonia Fire Ins. Co., 143 Pine av. Union Assurance Societi, 207 Pine av. United States Casualty Co., 404 First Natl Bank Bidg O Westchester Fire Ins. Co. of New York, 16 Pne, v.- tF ~ Williamsburg City Ins. Co. ot N. Y., 404 First Nitl.'Ban-B-t-. -s~ * INSURANCE COMPANIE"4IFE. Metropolitan Life Ins Co, 434 First Nat'l Ban Bld& Peole. Nutul tife-Ins. Co., 21- e. Second,.

%T. B. McCRACKEX, 1n -aeY- A. GozSrzlA, Se urdA HARBOR. LUtBRlE Co.- - oyrrucg .atyD :D, do. ~Oiaka~'CG avl a rai WlVIV--tVSt U14DIXG AA TERIALS and Will Wotk Tet, Belft 3K now XM LOW 3sKhq cal S To.lxted, PW. F. . Van de Water, V10 Pte l P. Dayman, Secy. THE TOWNSEND-DAYMAN IN VESTMENT CO. INCORPORATED A Ceneral Real Estate and Investment Business. Very Choice Acreage in California ard -Wone! Hom~ aLarge Tracts in Mexico Pbone'. Homic 86, Sunset 691 125 EAST FIRST STREET _i LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 251 C MASAGE. Metcalf, B. F., 346 E. First. ' M J 1_i- . ; , e, Co I J~ Sanitas Baths, 119 E. Ocean av. ., . ,I ~ A . Sargisson, M. S., Mrs., 329 Pacific av. 0 3 MEAT MARKETS. ! 0, Alamitos Meat Market, 852 E. Seventh. . , GL · Oa Alderson, Edward. 43T Pine av. . , 0 Bonnie Brae Market, 301 Pine av. , . j * t"4 3s Brown, Charles E, 1854 E. Fourth. , ' . Central Meat Market, 130 W. Secold. , City Meat Market, 114-116 Pine av. LnTrn Dunbar, W. B.. 404 E First., , 0% Eliot Street Meat Market, 211 Kinta av. 0.(I _ M Epperson & Co., 743 American av. v O"' Hobson, J. M., 537 W. Second. 0 4.Vem Jennings, A. B., 648 Pine av. a' v' (A"I Long Beach Grocery Co., 402 W. Second. xI:'. ZP) Michigan Meat Market, 408 American av. :> Model Market, The, 145 Pine av. Partrldgo D A., e. s. Pasadena av., 2nd h. n. of Rhea. Piester, Erving W., n. w. cor. E. Anaheim and Atlantic av. 0'. i'"i People's Market, 127 Locust av. I ( Olive Meat Market, 119 Olive av. z Samples, Eva, Mrs., RaUroad av., Terminal Island. .4· .Rb. C Stuart's Meat Market, 109 American av. I L·- Wollbrinck, A. 1. & Co., 120 W. Second. Wollbrinck, J. W., 412 Pine av. . t OR

vWright, J. E, East San Pedro. -3.4 MEDICAL, COMPANIE. ' .r Vlavi Co., The, 346 Locusti-av. Af. ,5Ž MEN'S FURIISHINGS. ,' l. Boob & Co, 16-17 Pine a. li ::· Nowell & Slater Co., 152 Pine av. - Nielven, N. C. & Son, 250 Plie at. " Silverwood, F. 8, 124 Pine. v. MILLINERY,. ~-F:' Chappel, A. G., Mrs., 2t5 Pine av. Klnule, Agnes, Mra, 208 Pine av. Lermmenes, R. D., Mrs., 219'Pine av. 4·' .. Miller, Lottie M1., Mis, 214 Plne'av. 11 nimpson, illian Mrs., 140 Pine at. WVomn'Ns Hat Shop, 417 L. B. Bank Bldg .1~ MILLING COMPANIES. . t 4 I 7 . 1 - I Long Beach Milling Co., 1058 Appleton. 1~~

MINING COMPANIES - - f Badger Mining and Miing. C., 414 L. .D Bank Bldg._ c

A.S. CHASE PIANOS ARE BEST--ARTLETT MUSIC COMPANY. C.NK.MA, LISTERMasger PHONE, HOME 140 be fccl-1-ttter MIusic Companw Dealter in Sheet Music andMuslcall Instuments, P re Frames, Mouldingp, Etc. EIECTiO PLATING .SR EAST THIRd STIVET INO MALCON E.A. ALCOM ° CITY DYE1_1_1______WORKS 236ph.u PiNE74. A VENUEacic 161, Cleaners and Dyers Ladies' and Gents' Fine Garments a Specialty 233 LONGf BEACH DIRECTORY Hexahedron Mining & M/1:ling Co., 514 L. B. Bank Bldg. Long Beach and Arizona Mining Co., 11 Pine av. Long lorn Consolidated Mlning & Milling Co., 514 L. B. Bank Bldg. C') MOULDINGS. Long Beach Sash and Door Co., a. e. cor. Appleton and Bonito avs. MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Long Beach Mtuilc Co., 37 Pine av. .*3.McAllster Music Co., The, 10S E. Third. NEWSPAPER AGENCIES. Los-Angele Examsner, Ocear iav. and Salt Lake Depot. Los Angeles Express, 14 W. First. Los Angeles Herald, 23 Locust av. , t ~Los Angeles Times, 4 Pine av. and 251 American av. NEWSPAPER5 AND PUBLICATION& -i. Daily Telegram, The, 112 E. First. Long Beach Press, 124 E. Flrst. NOTARIES. Bateman, Albert J., 129-131 E. First. Blount, E. T.. 40 Locust av. Bord. B. F,. room 7, 11 Pine av. r* b ~' Campbell, George E., 143 Pine av. O- Carlin, Charlotte, Miss, 125 B. First. N~q Carr. Roy N., 107 American av. Covert, A. T., 125 E. First. Covert, . L, 207 Pine av. lm-. Cox, H. Lee, 501 and 535 Flrst Natl Bank Bldg. O o Cronen,E, P 114 W. FIrst. r - D aly, John E., 5b5635 First Nat' Bank Bldg. Day, 3. W, 177 Raiway. [,qh Denfo, E. C, :307400 I. B. -BankMdl Ga brlath.t W In. n, Pine ,a. GZentry ,.J. 1, 251 Americn av. :#S 1 0c Hart, George'A, 304 LB. Ban BaldC BHight, J. P.; 137 W. Ocean av. : night, P, A., 5-510 First Natl Bank Btd Lazieny, G. W, 451 Pine av. Long, Stephen (I., 406-40 First1 Nat'l Bank Bldg. Lowe, W. W., 16 Pine ay. MIQuigg, F. R., . e. eor. Pine and F. Third. Mohrensteeber, George, 22 Pacific my. Monk, Carl, 3071309 L B. Bank Bld& OMnholland, J. G., 9 Pine av; Paine, C. D.. 133 . First. Palmer, L. B., 133 E. Ocean av. Parish, Joh G., 890 Walnut av. Riddlck, J. B., 343 E. First. Riggs. Edlth E., Miss,-2't Pine av. Skinner, Geo. A., room 8, 1I Pine ay. Spicer, G. M., 431-432 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Stevens, W. F, 16 Pine av. __ xNE ADo SECOoD HAND BICYCLES rint, REPAIRING, SUNDRIES CALIFORNIA RU.BBER -COMP-ANP Y - TIRErVULCANIZNG OF RVEiRY DESCRIPTION F.S. JONIEsa s$wet, Ala 13350 113 "Sr S55C666STINIEZI1.6-iG JWAC ,, H. CLEVELAND, Funera! Director and Embalmer Ambulance for Use of Sick Lady Assistant iones: Home 724, Sunset 1541 221 AMERICAN AVENUE

LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 233 rlor, E. B., Mrs., 145 W. Ocean av. icker, W. A., 107 E. Ocean av. alker, C. J., 227 Pine av...... * - ;. f I L pyre, John; 112 Locust av. Illams, Thos. W., 227 Pine av. .,:.- -_ -, . --. "-. · , : ,. )-ifl t·-. I. NOTIONS. : cific Novelty Bazar, 442 Pine av. i ·'. .I 0O icket, The, 206 Pine ay. ? NURSERIES. &mitosNursery, s. e. cor. Junipero av. and Eilot. W m Street Nursery, a. w. cor. E. Sixteenth and Elm av. )rth Street Nursery, 915 E. Fourth. ong- Beach Nursery, 719 Locust -av. ira Mar Nursery, n. e. cor. Tenth and Termino av. E NURSES. alley, Lillian, Mrs., 331 Daisy av. . ; - ' :1'' . aird, Mary L., M4rs., 1030 Jessie av. 4 - uckley, Sarah, Miss, 109 E. First. asceden, Dellia, Miss, 1245 Pacific av. ,_ Ifelsey, Marian, Miss, 101 W. Third. ·· Mbe 'ntbiar elntbia Innex otmodern apartment hosc tSouth. II Newtwotory brck bnilding adjoirifn A Califorla. Contals 21 fgpr-room I the Cyath, containlng sites of font, rmeutst,allelrgantly ranslhed. AL threeandtworoom,,tsZle as well as eme hated durin wiAter moath, ,P sz ALTSTE&M H EA TED. EAST OCEAN AV£Nb£f OPPOSITE THE AUDITORIUM S rawford, An.le, Miss' i35 American ar. inran, Jendnie, Mr , 71 Lindm a,. z e Lancey. Ida, MY., 94i5 . Fifth. .M ewres, . ,, Mi, 426w Daisy av. ' 0 Illott, Jennie, Miss, 106 Magoli a. - ... on 40 oater, Julia L, Mrs, OaliCai- omai a?,. 'I oodrich, Kate R., Miss. 500. ar. *·aIWo Famblln, L. P., Mrs., 32 Magnolia av. W Iamlton, D. IL, Mrs., 2 6 I Disy av. iaidesty, BerUte, MIs, 1624 . First. * a 0 5 S.. ol-didon, Marie, Miss, 248 Cedar av. * ' - M foover, Julia, Mrs, 326 W. Second. n .4 Jndsay, Ora K, Mrs., 155 Appleton. gatthews, Jessie, Mrs., 800 W. Second. N ir an bIathetwson, Eunice, Mrs., e. s. Ohio av. 1st h. n. of E. Fourth. M ,U aeCiltock, AnLta, M!s, 126 W. Third. Z n berrltt, Minnie, Mrs., 111 W. Fifth. -fddy, Edith, Miso. 253 Magnolia at. m~ (A1 Yfoore, Hettle B;, Mis, 423 W- Seventh. Rivers, IL Miss, 445 E. Ocean av. C Srlllngleld. . L%, Mrs., 32 Magnolia av. m T PAYS TO BUY OF THE BIG HOUSE-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. . - When-you wnt the gas turned on call the Edison Electric 3ompany. The purest gas in the city. Home Phone 33. Sun- set-Pho"- 7-3. Corner Second Street and Pine Avenue. 3, A. Wcisenborn B. C. Waugliop GOLDEN STATE INVESTMENT CO. 144 PINE AVENUE While in the city do not fail to investisate our High Grade Citv and Rarichl PreFepz-' EXCiACN.GEAS A St~ECiAL'f. Hnone PhoLe t , Le; Beac'h, Ctl. , i I II _ _ 234 LONG BEACH DIRECTORY _I_ ____ 0 Swingle, Martha A., Miss, s. w. cor. Coronado av. and E. Eighth. bo Swingle, Martha A., Miss, s. w.cor. Coronado av. and k. Eighth. *i Warnock, Sarah, Mrs., 230 Short. Wheeler, Cora B., Miss, 253 Elm av. Wooa,, Harriet, Mrs., 1311 E. First. (J Wurster,-Mina K., Miss, 429 W. Ocean av. U Young, Nellie, Mrs., n. e. cor. E. Seventh and Temple av. OIL COMPANIES. Crescent Oil Co., s. e. cor. Alamitos av. and Fifth. 0 Puenta Oil Co. of Calif., East San Pedro. OPTICIANS. For.ith, John M., 216 Pies av. Lewis, E. T., 121 Pine av. Nicholson, Geo. O., 33 Pine av. Sutcliffe & Pfennig, 122 Pine av. °=aO ET Thompson, H. C., 11 Pine av. 0 ORIENTAL GOODS. AMana, Gamil & Bro., Auditorium Bldg. 12 u OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Bown & Bown, 211-214 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. German, Sarah M., 1098 Pine av. Lazenby, Alice A., 449 Pine av. Mitchell C. R., 309-310 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Pike, Anna S., 237 e. Ocean av. gm Pike, Winm. R..-237 e. Ocean av. Poliey, iMabel A.,' 204-205 L. B. Bank Bldg. Rockwell, -M. C., 403 Pacific av, Rowse, Amy J. C., 332-334 First Natl Bank Bldg. Smith, H. R., S04-30 First Natl Bank Bldg. Thorsen, Marie, 302-303 L. B. Bank Bldg. Weston, Blanche-M,, 548 Pine av. PAINTERS-BOAT. ,,4.) IFBrtndae, C. A., Bay Front, Terminal Island. 0O PAINTERS-CARRIAGE. Crownorer, Neil, 310 e. Fourth. Imperial Carriage Works, 630 e. Fourth. PAINTERS-SIGN. City Paint Shop, 410 Locust av. Crownover, Neil, 310 e. Fourth. Dawes, W'lbur L., rear 125 Locust av. Miles, Duke, 121 w. Fifst. Murray & Mack. 29 Locust av. Pray, R. B., 6 Belmont Court. Venard. J. A., Tribune Court. PAINTS 4 OILS. Farmers' Supply House, 117 -119 w. First. Long Beach Hardware Co, 133 American av.

I-i The DIRECT and most COMFORTABLE ROUTE to the GiOLDFIELDS of NEVADA IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALT LAKE ROUTE 3 PINE AVENUE JACKSON'S DRUG STORE Phones: Home 25, Sunset 23 :: :: :: Prescriptio Filled Right :: : I_ LONG BEACH DIRECTORY 235 Long Beach Paper & Paint Co., 248 Pine av. Stevens, W. L, & Son, 153 Pine av. PAVING COMPANIES. Fiarchild-8ilmore-Wilton, Co., cor. Appleton and Alamltos av. PENSION AGENTS, Lazenby, George W., 451 Pine av. Palmer, Lucius B., 133 e. Ocean av. PHONOGRAPHS. Masnn; Arthnr. 24R-250 e. second. PHOTOGRAPHir-S. 4P. Bacon, Shirley' V., 119 e. Ocean av. O Buro Studio, Pier Block, toot of Locust av. Chapman. Wm. A., 115 American av. Detrrck, T. F.. 315 Pine av. Duffey, C. G., on the Pike. Emerson, Edward, on the Pike. Hovey, Guy C., 26 Pine av. (eakfnab iRD. agempany aR t. s. OAKFORD, M)anager -ftinoobirs o ~H Bfoti Pioea. No. 4 Pine Ave. and Second Street Nixon, Herbert E.. 521 Locust av. mX Wert, H. 31, 115 w. First. PHYSICIANI Arwine, Jamnes T, s. w. cor. Eleventh and Walnut av. Ball, 8eymourE, uooms-13, 11 Pine av. Bates, H., O., rooms 9-13, 11 Pine av. Bell, David R., room 17, 131 Pine aw. Bishop; Frank D., 207-210 First Natl Bank Bldg. Bowman, A. D., room 1, Masonic Temple. Cbhttenden, R. H., 626 w. Third. Dounel T.' C.. 144 Chesinnu av. Felt, g C., 3t Elm- av. Freem' a, E. M., 204-.206 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. ;resihtm, Arthur E., 301-02 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. . t Hammnan, A. P., 201-202 FIrst Natl Bank Bldg. Ha rytey E. IR, 219-221 L. B. Bank Bldg. Hermann,-A. J., 754 Lindel arv. J4oldun & Sellery, 301 and 319-321 L. B. Bank Bldg. Huff, Melvin B., 504-507 L. B. Bank Bldg. Jertnau, Win. L, 1098 Eine av. . Jow. VW. Harriman, rooms 1-5, 131 PFine av. Lyep, John B. 1440 e Fourth. t LDESTLARaESTSTRONGEST-BARTLETT MUSIC CO. NIWELL MATIIHEWS CO. Dealers in... WAXIONS :: CARRIAaES :: IMPLEMENTS LOS ANGELES, CAL. · 20-2040 N. LOS ANGELES ST. Yciag -Parmley Inv. Co. Hoe;o8tt REAL ESTATE :: INVESTMENTS 3. W. Yc irig, 3r. A. L.Prinuley Shitre.1.23 LONG BEACH BANK BUILDING 23t LONG BEACH DIRECTORY

Marsh, EDlla Whipple, 1149 Cedar ay. g9t Newsom, B. W., 137 Cedar av. af2 ~Perce, Lewis A., rooms 1l-,.11 'Pie av. Porter, C. S., cor. Glendale av. and Sunnysiue blvd. Rogers, F. L., i05-407 L. B. Bank Bldg. t Schutz, M. A., ;125 w. Second. l o Shelton, Bernard, b04-507 L. B. Bank Bldg. Steadman, Jean S.. n. e. cor. Carrolton av. and Junipero ar. 01 ~Waterman, C. O., 38 Pine av. Wood, Frank L., 329-331 First NatlfBank Bldg. " Wood, J. W., 38 Pine av. r-: Woodruff, W. LI, 137 Cedar av. PIANO TUNERS. _* t Chase, Fred C., 240 Pine av. Eddy, M. H., e. Fourth ncar 0[,o, G. Hinds, Ira B., 427 Pine av.

Sb I.' PI^NOGS. Bartlett Music Co, The, 427 Pine av. Harthorns' Piano and Sewing Mathine Store, 240 Pine av. a Ij Long Beach Music Co., 37 Pine av. McAtister Music Co., The, 108 e. Third. Southern California Music Co., 1q9 W. Fifth. ' PICTURE FRAMES. Chappel, A. G., Mrs., 129 w. Third. [ LeRoy's Book Store, 125 Pine av. ; ~ Long Beach Music & Art Co,, 37 Pine a. hD4rq McAlifser Music Co., The 1098 e Third.

" Art T ,@tePLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Art Theater, Oa the Pike. Long Beach Thester, foot of Loesat ar. Palace of Pictures, on the Pike. Tarrytown Theater, on the Pike. Tbeatorlum, National, Beach Frt,; . ot Salt Lke Deot Tour, of the World Coa. L e. Adothotum- Bld.. C:2 ) PLANlNl MILLS. B i Honie Mlll & Lumber Co., n. or. Americ vanv d Anaheini. Interstate Dock and Lumber Co., Seomd and Alamtos ar. ~ National Lumber Co.. Bay Front Termnal Ild. Southern Callfonia Lumber Co, Bay Frotl, Terml iland. Star Lumber and Mill Ca, a. w tiit-av. rd and PLUMBING.I " t f. 'H, ,c'vay, W. H., 209 e. Second. . 0 t, c f isach Plumblng Co, 411 e. 4econd. '-%',,* ', Wm./B., 441 Pine av. *t , .TMax, 293 e. Second. C h, 3 b e. Fsio*.C f, s.E'. 1l din W. Co, rear 124 P avrs '/J,,f lumbIng Co., Home, Phone W, 430 Pine ay.

-FRXD ]!Iq&,,~ PHONES: Homee3, P"dfc31n California Chocolate & Candy Co. All o.1,c' ptare made from te Pumrec~in~iUuI~i~irdy Malet aimi be f.4 bteahlmcfurwreIatgtti,,b.. Co.LCl Main 41t Home t32 HOOVER & SMITH lo FINE TOOl.S, CUTLERY AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS a Specialty 115-119 E. SICOND ST, : : : : : : LONG BEACH, CAL.


_ _-- --- POULTRY SUPPLIES. Cree, L. E. & Co., 123 c. Second. Holder, Joe b., 122 e. Third. / o PRINTERS--D0B. Daily Telegrs n, The. 112 e. First. o3w Foote Printin 'Co., basement First Nat'l Bank Bldg. I t_< - Galer & Son, 229 e. Second. Moore Printktg Co., 38 Locust av. A. Penn Print ' hop, rear 1267 Bermuda. Press Printint Co, 124 e. First. Seaton-Tucke) Printing Co., 221 e. Qecond. . . Tribune Job (fRce, 125 Y. M. C. A. Court. : ' I PRODUCE-WHOLF.8ALE. Berryman, H. A., City Market Building. Cittenden Wholesale Produce Co., 338-340 Locust av. Hblt W. I., City Market Balldiug. Valdes, Alber, 963 Appleton.


lncomparabl~e Sl. See our advertise- ies Characteri merat of wanfAl The Fifth strco merchandis in to. 9romee :: : day'spapers. ::

RAILROADS. _iLa V.ea Tonopah R. R. Co., office.396 Pa. El. Bldg.. LoI Augeles. -E eetric Ralway, a. W. cor. Ocean av. and Pine aW. Smn pedro, Lm Ai*stea Gait Lake R. R. . w. cbr. Ocean a. and Pitne a 15; Bmthern C).I PaecIR. R., cor. W. Pacflc av. and w. Second. REAL ESTATE. Ai-mrk axl .edEsVtte Co., 2658 e. First. Avery, John, 4 Plet av&.: .. I Barker & Ca y, 221 Pine av. Barn&,- L 8S. Co., 109 e. Ocean av. Best Realty ('o.,-ID2 -custav. ' Bewley, georie,-2r e. Second. Bewley, W. }L, 8 Pine av. n '1 Big FPor Innvstment Co., The, 245 e. First. B1hby, JitLbai W., 145 w. Ocean av. Baat, Geori o H., 40 Locust av. . Bron, Jobn HI, a. w. cor. Anahelm and Redondo av. 4 - :i.tlw, P. O, room 1, 109 w. Ocean av. Ratters & -i - Investment Co., 108 a. Firet.

A. IL CHAtI: PIANOS ARE BEST--BARTLETT MU8IlC COMPANY. -1- -· - - 7IONG BEACH TENT CITY -_uuaum - Iaou - HOW.M- COw1 m.-. tO - .OuSaU!CG D: sX]oofbs,t -me Dokors and Windows Gas for Ceoki and Lktiws, wit Sbbower Bath and Sanitary tetIw T Fo O07 GOLDN JAVE., THtREE BLOCKS WEST OF IO'tL VIGINIA. 'Wi[NBt[ELI, Pop. PHONES: Mala 142, Homew S IERCE,~: , S"~ ....- 's ~:?'o .... J.J. 5.MOTTEL .- --' : '- SUCCeSSORSTO A;C. IBALKER ' *' ':.". :FUJNERAL DIRECTORS '-AVEN~UE~.. BOTH PHONES. ,r e--_ 1Farme: iers


..QI* I. National P s- tz Bank

W_ ,2i .Long Beach --- h

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