otham Blxby, President. E. E. Norton, Cashier. ' E. Hatch, First Vice-president. W. M. Cook, Ass't Cashier. io. H. Bixby, Second Vice-president A. V. Bradford. Ass'l Cashier The National Bank of Long Beach N. E. CORNER PINE AVE. AND FIRST STREET Oldest Bank in Long Beach ___1 11 I.apitai Stock, - - _ _ - - $150,000 Furplus and Profits, - - - - $100,000 G; - - ,"h--- L··`-· II r ':'- M -_= A; E" 1 37 Long Beach Bank Building. Hone of Tne National Rtank of Long Beach and The Long Beach Savings Bank &Trust Company. DIRECTORS !o!haniBixty. Geo. H. Bixby. tP. E. Hatch. : %V.. I man. T. L. Deg Ct.udres. C. P. Patter . A. Graves. Fred H. Bixby. p C. DCn!'i. 3. H. Thornburg. William Schiiiiul;. ;. C' YVoamans. George Summers. Geo. C. etIt. :harles R. Drake. I- =1 Our Advertisers ,DV.r.lSTISiM.ITTS '. thl d;Feltolry rprenrenit th energy- and push of the community and it is a pleasure for the publishers to havO thle opportunity to malc the public neqWtlrited with thlet kthrougllh our eolumtnst-. Ih.h- pd- vertisers are the people who accomplish the wonders in business here and make the city what it Is. They recognize and support all the public necessitiles aid !rn, +.~t-dult iW improve and serve a community of thisimagnitude. They are not the drones and sponges- who never support anythhlig, but seek fatiber to gain by others' hard work and money. When you patronize those adver- tising you patronize men-and firms who will patronize you in the ame broad-manhner yonn tronfzaithedr. lu t_ti tii5ther cie.; tthe--- dronva and sponges. figure to keep all they make and never pat- ronlze anone if -it is possible-there are a ftw * these peopie here and they are C-ea;tr0y nwt gSno Long Beach eitiens, DIRECTORY RESIDEN!T AND CLASSIFIED BUSINESS OF 3_REATER LONG BEACH CALIFORNIA antaining a Recotd of All Business Houses and Private Citizens, a List of All Trades and Professions, City and County Officials, Courts, Churches, Public and Private Schools,andL Secret and Benevoient Societies. 1908 SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION, PRICE $3.5;0 Entered According to Act of Conuges, in the Year-1907, by the THURSTON DtRECtORY AND PUBLISHING GO;,-P and Long Beach, Cal., in q Ofike f the Lmra.l* of Coare, at Vahbigton, D. C. COPYRIGHT SECURED Camplofd Ad PububBd by THURSTON DIRECTORY AND-PUBLISHING-CO. DIRECTOROIY. PULS1IIES PASADENA AND LONG BEACH TABLE OF CONTENTS Board of Edcation ................................................ 5 Board of Health ................................................... 4 Chamber of Commerce ........................................... Churches .......................................................... City Officials ................................. ..................... Class!fied Business Directory ..................................... Clubs . Halls .............................................................. Gntroiluctior .................................................. I Physclianx .......... v Public Librarsie ......................... ........ 6 Schools ..................................................... Sei.l ......................................................eies Title Page ............ .. .................................... d'1 MAR 19 isa INTRODUCTION Co.'s Dirsctory of Long Beach, is offered the product of more than four months' painstaking la6or. In its publication The Thurston Directory & Publishing Co. has endeavored to re-ch a higher standard of excellence than has ever hewn obtained in previous lssues. This book which is presented to you is the result of a careful house-to-house canvass by experienced men, not only of every house, oftice, store and shop within the ceiy limits, but of those also in the out-lying districts as well. The Information herein contained Is of the utmost importance to the public Extensive and expensive prepara- tions are necessary for the issuance of a directorr like this and a thorough knowledge of every locality within the limits of our city by experienced and careful canvassers. Many new people and industries are locating in this city, old in- stitutions are enlarging and real estate has continued to increase -in' value. That this book will be found to.- from m!talw;m would 'tE too much to claim or expect,. but the publishers are Justified in asserting that they have spared neither time nor money to avoid all inaccuracies -and deielenelea. Very respectfully, THURSTON DIRECTORY & PUBLISHING CO., Compilers and Publishers. 12923 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION LOS ANGELES COUNTY OFFICIALS Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Supreme Court-Charles G. Keys. Recorder-Charies L. Logan. Auditor-Herbert G. Dow. Treasurer.--John N. Hunt. Assessor-E. W1. Hopkins. Sheriff-Wim. H Hammel. District Attorney-John D. Frederickg. Sureyor-Ivcry B. ;'oble. Corcner-=R.jy S. f anterman. Tax and License Collector-Wm. O. Welch. Public Administrator-Prank Brryon. .u-perintcndent of Schools--Mark Keppel. First City Officials Under Newt Charter Ercted Dec. 3 , 1907, to uta offticJrn. 1, 190G Mayor-C. H. Wiiidham. City Clerk--C. 0. Boynton. City Treasurer--]EL Barndollar. City Attorney-Stephen G. Long. Auditor-tra S. Hatch. Tax and License Collector-Charles Maleoir. Po:ico Judge--A. C. Lawson, CITY COUNCIL- Firtt Ward-Chs T., McGrtw. Sbcond Ward--. H. Robinson. 'Third Ward-H. S. Callahan. Fourth Ward-F. W. Stearns, Fifth Ward-B. P. Dayman. Sixth Ward-C. A. Lewey. Seventh Ward-. HBoar,.- Board of Trastees-F. H. Downs, preaident; R. 8, Oakf3rd, Geo, S. Betn- re.n, S 1. LenLt G, A. Mohrensteeher. City Clerk and Asaetor-Fred P, Baldwin, City Attorncy-G-:erg A. Skinner, Recorder-J. J. Hart. Tr+t-r'r.--.. L. Heartwell. Er-r~c;r--arn-ey F. Shaw. 5tret sperdntendent-C IJ r zz Marshal; and Tax Collfetor-George Wg. Young. Health Officer-Dr. %V. Harnxman Johes. U3uilding Insnector-E. W. Oliver. Plumbing Inspector-Charles B. Murphy. Electrician--Ct. It. Desnsond. LONG BEACH DIRECTORY v Auditina and Finance Commite_--C. -. Mohrenateher, S. L. Lent, R. S. Oakfcnrd. Ordinance and Judiciary Committee-R. S. Oakford, G. A. Mlohren- iteeher. G. S. Benson. Public Works CommitteSo-. L. Lent, G. S. Benson, G. A. Mohren- si(echer. Police and Saistary Committe--G. S. Benson S. L. Lent, G. A. Moh- ren. eecher. Board of School Trustee-- -H. L Enloe, president; Wm. Schilling Sr., 1. C Teomans, Albert Johnson, clerk. Supervisln3 Principal of Schools-Jamer D. Graham. Library Trustees-Rev. Charles Pease, president; Webster Wotkyns, ec'y; Mrs. Jennle A. Reeve, Mrs. Wm. H. Schilling, Mrs. Ada- lalde Tichenor, Miss Victoria Ellis libfarian. laide Tichenor; Miss Victoria Ellis labrarian. Fire Department-J. E. Shrewsbury, chief: G. C. Craw, assistant. Head- quarters cor. Third and Pacific av. Justice of the Peace--. S. Brayton. 227 Plne.av. Constable--Wm. L Hawkins, 227 Pine avenue. City Haill-West Second and Pacific av. City Jail-West Second and Pacific av. City Pound--J. N. Walters, poundmaster, 2234 Fast Fourth. Public Library-second floor City Hall, Armory N. 0. C. Co. H-221 East Third. Post Office-George F. Herch, post. master, YTed W. McCoullah, aest., s. a- rnr Ro-nnd sn Ame..4 ,.. .n.v Chamber. of Commtrc--Dr. L. A. Prc-, pres.; C. A. Buffum, 1st vice- pres.; C. H. WIndham. 2d vice-pres.; 3. A. Miller. sec'y; Frank Mc Cutcheon, treas.; 137 e- First. CEMKETERIES. Occan View Cemetery, Dominguex Station. Signal Hill Cemetery, n. w. cor. Willow and Orange av. Sunny Side Cemetery, n. s. Willow bet, Orange and California av. CITY PARKS. Bixby, bet. Junipero and Cherry avs., e. Ocean av. and Railway. Knoll Park, bet. Park Circle and Main. Pacific Park, bet. Pacifft- and Deiar vi, w. COcean a. ad.a w szcogne BLOCK8 AND BUILDINGS. Bartow Block, s. w. cor. American ar, and-e. First. Berkeley Block, 113-121 w. First. Bixby Building, n. e. cor. w. O. n andPacific avL Bixby & Heartwl-l1Blc,k nv -w. 'eor, Pine and Ocean ave. 'Cam-pbellBlock, 1-Phine a. Christian Assoctlion Building. 121-122 Lonust av. City Market Building. a e. cor. Seventh and OliVe av. City National Bank Bldg, n. w. cor. American av. and Second. Cosmnopoitan- Club Building., 43 Pine av., Coughran Block, s, e. coar. Pine av. and First. Eastman Bidg.. SIeside Blvd& and Pier Place. First National Bank Bldg., n. w. cor._-Pne av. and Ffist. Henderson Block, 149-53- Pine av. Horne Block, n. w. cor. American av. and First tenacbcc; Thiidhn;-,s-- . cn;r. Pac^i.fic v and Pst Lewls BuIdfing., 134-t4 Pacific av. Long Beach Bank Bldg., n. e. cor. Pine av. and First, Lovcll Block, 2t1 Pine ar, 7Lowe Block. lS-20 Pine av- ..asenlc Temple, 230 Pine av. VI LONG BEACH DIRECTORY McCullough Block, 118 Pine av. BMetropole Building, s. w. cor. American av. and Eighth. Pier Block, foot of Locust av. Post Office Building, s. e. cor. American av. and Second. Psychological Temple, 230 e. Second. S:alffrd Building, 121 Pinte av. Stewart Block, 221 e. Third. Townsend Building, 125-139 c. First. HALLS. American Avellue Hall, 111 American av. Armory Hall. 221 e. Third. Auditorium n. end of Pier. Castle Hall. 11 Pine av. Coughran Hall, 112~ e. First. Independeclt Order of Odd Fellows Hall, n.| w. cor. American av. Second. and Masonic Temple, 230 Pino av. Sons of Veterans Hall, 244 Pine av. Stewart Hall, 221 e. Third. Sun Parlor, s. end nf Plet Union Labor Hall. 116 e. First. SCHOOLS, Alamitos, '. F. iuff, principal, n. w. cor. Juniper, av. Alamitos and e. Fourth. Heights J. .. Parker. orincinai. e. sa Trma, a ., .-. _.. Atianle Avenue. H. H. McCute-han, pitncipal, Atlantic Burnett, av. and e. Fltih. J. Winm. Gastrich, principal, n. w. cor. Hill and Atlantic Daisy Avenue, av. Melvin Neel, principal, n. w. cor. Daisy av. and w. Sixth. Eleventh Street, Forrest Whitaker, principal, Alamitos av. and e. enth. Elev- Fourth Street. F-'K. Van Forsen, principal. s. e.- Pourth bet. t'rmino and Ximcno av. High School, David Burcham, principal, American av. and e. Pine Avenue, Stanley Eigth. F. Howland, principal, B., W. cor. Plne ar- and Sixth.. e. T.-rnM;ai isiand, Stewart Laughlln, principal.
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