City of Council Spaces for People Market Research Methodology & Sample Methodology

• Online self-completion survey of Edinburgh residents – Questionnaire adapted from CEC Spaces for People consultation (see appendix for details) – Survey programmed and hosted by Jump Research – Survey link distributed by online panel providers, Panelbase and Dynata – Full dataset achieved – with all respondents required to give an answer to each question (except those asking for open comments) • Fieldwork conducted between 4th and 15th March 2021 • Final sample size: n=583 – Delivers a dataset with a 95% confidence interval of no more than ±4.06% – This means there is a 95% probability that if the questions were asked to the whole Edinburgh adult population, answers would be within this range • Data weighted by age and gender to match Edinburgh People Survey 2019 profile • Responses received from all postcode areas within Edinburgh city boundaries • Research conducted in accordance with Market Research Society Code of Conduct Sample Profile

Gender Age 18-24 15%

25-44 40%

45-64 28% 48% 52% 65+ 17%

Number of vehicles available to household


+ 23% x 29%

Base: All (583) Forms of transport used most often during the pandemic

Walk 41% 33% 13%

Car 31% 20% 13%

Bus 19% 26% 19% • Two fifths of Edinburgh Cycle 4% 7% 9% residents said walking was the way they travelled around the Tram 2%3%5% city during the pandemic • Just under a third travelled Taxi/Private hire car 2%4% 9% most often by car, and a fifth by bus Motorcycle 1%

Wheelchair or mobility scooter 0.2%

None 1%

Most often 2nd most often 3rd most often

Q18 During the pandemic, what forms of transport have you most often used when travelling around Edinburgh? (including for short trips to the local shop etc, and leisure trips, as well as longer journeys around town) Base: All (583) Forms of transport used most often before the pandemic

Bus 40% 28% 14%

Car 28% 18% 13%

Walk 24% 31% 27% • Before the pandemic, bus was the most commonly used form Cycle 3%5% 7% of transport around Edinburgh • Walking was also particularly Motorcycle 1% common for getting around the city. Tram 1%5% 8%

Taxi/Private hire car 1% 8% 10%

Wheelchair or mobility scooter 0%

Other 1%

None 1%4% 18%

Most often 2nd most often 3rd most often

Q19 Thinking back before the pandemic, what forms of transport did you most often use when travelling around Edinburgh? (including for short trips to the local shop etc, and leisure trips, as well as longer journeys around town) Base: All (583) Forms of transport used 1st, 2nd or 3rd most often Most often 24% Walk 82% Walk 87% 41% Bus 40% Bus 82% 19% 64% Car 28% Car 59% 31% 64% 3% Cycle 4% Cycle 15% 20% 1% Before Tram 2% Tram 14% 10% 1% During Taxi/Private hire car 2% Taxi/Private hire car 19% 15% Motorcycle 1% Motorcycle 2% 1% Wheelchair or mobility… 0% Wheelchair or mobility scooter 0% • Comparison of pre and during pandemic modes of travel Other around the city clearly shows a shift away from bus usage, with Other 1% None 1% 0% walking the preferred mode for many 1% • At the total level, cycling significantly increased as a preferred method of transport during the pandemic • Car usage also shows an increase • significant at the 90% confidence limit.

Q18 During the pandemic, what forms of transport have you most often used when travelling around Edinburgh? (including for short trips to the local shop etc, and leisure trips, as well as longer journeys around town) Base: All (583) Q19 Thinking back before the pandemic, what forms of transport did you most often use when travelling around Edinburgh? (including for short trips to the local shop etc, and leisure trips, as well as longer journeys around town) Base: All (583) Familiarity with Spaces for People Schemes Familiarity with project types

Additional space for walking and/or cycling in 35% 31% 23% 11% shopping streets

Additional space for walking and/or cycling in the city 22% 37% 31% 11% centre • Respondents were most likely to have used the shopping streets, city Measures to provide more space and improve road 28% 30% 29% 13% centre and school schemes safety for parents and children near schools • Knowledge was lower for the quiet connections for cycling and specific New protected cycle lanes on main roads 24% 31% 33% 12% measures to provide more space to exercise. Measures to provide more space for people to 22% 25% 32% 21% exercise

New signed ‘quiet connections’ for cycling, with road 12% 24% 29% 35% closures to reduce traffic

I often use I occasionally use I am aware, but not used I am not aware

Q4 Please select the option which best describes your familiarity with each of the following types of project in Edinburgh Base: All (583) Familiarity with SfP interventions by area Central North East South West

Princes Street Portobello 48% Morningside Road 39% Fountainbridge East End Ferry Road 34% High Street 31% 41% Waverley 46% Braid Road 32% Bridge Silverknowes London Road 30% Road North 27% Dalry Road 33% George IV Bruntsfield Place 29% 46% Bridge Willowbrae Crewe Road Road 16% Braid Avenue 25% 19% St Johns Road, South 35% Corstorphine 27% Duddingston Old Dalkeith Road 21% Road 15% Tollcross 33% Links Gardens 18% Braidburn Terrace 18% Milton Road Dundee Street 23% 14% Cockburn Street West 27% Comiston Road Arboretum Place 18% 18% Seafield Queensferry High Raeburn Place, 14% 17% Stockbridge 25% Street Causewayside 17% Street Silverknowes 14% Parkway Buccleuch Street 16% Forrest Road 23% Hope Lane 13% Cammo Walk 16% Gilmerton Road 15% Victoria Street 20% Pennywell Road 12% Kings Place 12% Canaan Lane 14% Maybury Road 15% Potterow 14% 11% Stanley Parkway Whitehouse Loan 13% Street 8% Teviot Place 12% Woodburn Terrace 8% Unsure 9% Unsure 10% Unsure 10% Unsure 5% Unsure 9% None of None of these 27% None of these 18% None of these 7% 22% these None of these 17%

Q5b-f Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in AREA that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used SfP measures (470) Familiarity with SfP interventions by area

• Residents were more likely to be familiar with interventions in the city centre • Almost half of the sample were familiar with the SfP measures at East End, and George IV Bridge • Other commonly recognised schemes (by around 4 in 10 respondents) were at Fountainbridge and Morningside Road • In contrast, most of the schemes in North and East Edinburgh were familiar to more than a fifth of respondents. Transport type used on streets/roads with measures in place

73% 59% 50% 22%

12% 12% 2% 2%

• Almost three-quarters of those who had used a street/road with Spaces for People measures, did so on foot • Just under 6 in 10 had used a car • Significantly more common for over 65year olds (80%) and those living in West Edinburgh (73%) • Half had used buses on Spaces for People streets/roads • Males were more likely than females to have used buses (58% vs 43%) • 22% had cycled • More common in under 65yr age groups, and amongst those living in Central Edinburgh.

Q6 What forms of transport have you used on streets/roads with Spaces for People measures? Base: Those who have used any SfP (489) Overall Views on Existing Schemes Extent of support / opposition to measures

Projects to support walking and cycling to school, such as: more space for walking and cycling, restricting parking, closing 36% 29% 18% 7% 9% 1% • Other than ‘quiet streets near schools connections’ all measures were supported by more New protected cycle lanes on main roads 29% 30% 14% 13% 14% 1% than half of respondents • Strongest levels of Additional space for walking and/or cycling in shopping streets 30% 29% 17% 11% 12% 1% support were shown for retaining measures around Additional space for walking and/or cycling in the city centre 31% 30% 15% 13% 10% schools • Levels of opposition were lower, ranging Connecting existing walking/cycling routes used for leisure, by from 16% to 29% closing some roads to cars and/or providing protected space 27% 24% 18% 12% 17% 2% for walking and cycling on roads. • Strongest opposition was recorded for New signed ‘quiet connections’ for day to day cycling, with road measures involving 23% 22% 22% 14% 15% 6% closures to reduce traffic. road closures.

Strongly support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly oppose Don't know

Q7 How much do you support or oppose retaining the following types of measure as a means of achieving longer term Council objectives? Base: All (583) Overall support / opposition to measures

Total oppose Total support

Projects to support walking and cycling to school, such as: • Looking at the overall support more space for walking and cycling, restricting parking, 16% 65% vs oppose data, it is clear that closing streets near schools for all measures support significantly outweighs Additional space for walking and/or cycling in the city centre 23% 61% opposition • Those who had used each measure were more likely to support its retention New protected cycle lanes on main roads 27% 59% • Those with no household access to a car/van were significantly Additional space for walking and/or cycling in shopping more likely to support retention 23% 59% streets of all measures than those who had one or more cars Connecting existing walking/cycling routes used for leisure, by • Those who used a car on Spaces closing some roads to cars and/or providing protected space 29% 51% for People streets/roads were for walking and cycling on roads. significantly more likely to oppose all measures than those New signed ‘quiet connections’ for day to day cycling, with 29% 45% using other modes of transport. road closures to reduce traffic.

Q7 How much do you support or oppose retaining the following types of measure as a means of achieving longer term Council objectives? Base: All (583) Support / opposition by familiarity with each measure Additional space for walking/cycling in shopping Measures to provide more space for people to Projects supporting walking and cycling to school streets exercise Those who Those who Those who Those who Those who Those who had used had not had used had not had used had not streets with used streets streets with used streets streets with used streets this with this this with this this with this measure measure measure measure measure measure Retain 69% 61% Retain 62% 54% Retain 55% 47% Remove 15% 16% Remove 21% 26% Remove 29% 29% Neutral / unsure 16% 23% Neutral / unsure 17% 19% Neutral / unsure 16% 24% Base 339 244 Base 387 196 Base 273 310

New protected cycle lanes on main roads Additional space for walking/cycling in city centre New signed ‘quiet connections’ for cycling Those who Those who Those who Those who Those who Those who had used had not had used had not had used had not streets with used streets streets with used streets streets with used streets this with this this with this this with this measure measure measure measure measure measure Retain 62% 53% Retain 67% 54% Retain 57% 37% Remove 27% 26% Remove 20% 28% Remove 20% 33% Neutral / unsure 11% 21% Neutral / unsure 13% 18% Neutral / unsure 23% 30% Base 321 262 Base 342 241 Base 209 374 Q4 Please select the option which best describes your familiarity with each of the following types of project in Edinburgh Q7 How much do you support or oppose retaining the following types of measure as a means of achieving longer term Council objectives? Highlight denotes significant difference at 95% confidence level Comments: those who support retaining measures 72 respondents made comments relating to measures they would like to see remain in place, including suggested modifications

Comment No. of Comments Modification suggested Greater priority/right of way to pedestrians More continuous wide pavements Concerned about - design/safety 14 Remove cycle lane poles/bollards x 2 Safer cycling routes Avoid duplicating other measures Close road through Holyrood Park Have variable measures - traffic restriction linked to different time of day Supportive - in general/principle or implicit 12 More guarded roads More pedestrian space Retain measure subject to road user impact analysis Supportive - some/all measure(s) 9 Greater priority for pedestrians/walkers 4 Greater priority/right of way to pedestrians Remove cycle lane poles/bollards x 2 Unsightly barriers/road furniture 4 Street scaping needs improving Better traffic light measures to support both cars & cyclists Supportive - but concerned - about design/safety 3 Not sacrifice bus lane space Add North Bridge as priority cycle route Build more cycle paths Supportive - cycle lanes/paths 3 Have variable measures - traffic restriction linked to different time of day Split pavements for walking and cycling Concerned about - the environment/climate 2 More city centre pedestrian areas Concerned about - users ignoring the measures/highway code - cyclists 2 Ensure measures enforced/adhered to More signage Make protected lanes more robust to prevent damage/vandalism Other individual comments (made by one person only) 19 Introduce rules for cyclists Greater priority/right of way to pedestrians

Q13 If you wish to make a comment about measures you would like to remain in place, including suggested modifications, you may do so here. Comments: those who do not support removing measures

20 respondents made comments indicating they did not want to see measures removed

No. of Comment Modification suggested Comments Supportive - some/all measure(s) 10 Insufficient detail/meaning 2 Supportive - in general/principle or implicit 2 Other individual comments 6 Avoid reducing space for cyclists

Q20 If you wish to make a comment about measures you would like to see removed, you may do so here. Comments: those who do not support retaining measures

77 respondents made comments indicating they did not want to retain measures, and suggested modifications

No. of Comment Modification suggested Comments Negative/unhelpful comment 12 Insufficient detail/meaning 9 Focus on road repairs and maintenance Concerned about - traffic displacement & congestion 8 More parking restrictions Waste of time/money 6 Remove - some/all 5 Concerned about - design/safety 4 Concerned about - multiple issues 4 Insufficient consultation 4 Concerned about - users ignoring the measures/highway code - cyclists 3 Measures have no personal impact or not necessary 3 Road painted cycle lanes sufficient Unable to comment/say/decide 3 Concerned about - negative impact on local businesses 2 Concerned about - restricted access - to traffic in general 2 Concerned about - road/infrastructure maintenance 2 What can be done for the motorist? 2 Not have cycle lanes on pavements Other individual comments 8 Build in extra space

Q13 If you wish to make a comment about measures you would like to remain in place, including suggested modifications, you may do so here. Comments: those who support removing measures

66 respondents made comments indicating they wanted to see measures removed

No. of Comment Modification Comments Remove cycle lane poles/bollards x 3 Concerned about - design/safety 9 Bus stop boarders and cycle lane design needs rethinking - George IV bridge x 1 Remove - some/all 9 Waste of time/money 9 Fix potholes Concerned about - traffic displacement & congestion 5 Remove extended walkways Remove - specific - concerned about design/safety 5 Remove all protected cycle lanes Remove cycle lane poles/bollards Negative/unhelpful comment 3 Remove Lanark Road cycle lane between Gillespie crossroads & Longstone Remove - specific 3 Remove Silverknowes road restrictions Remove cycle lane poles/bollards Remove - specific - concerned about displaced 3 traffic/congestion Remove Links Garden road closure Concerned about - multiple issues 2 Concerned about - negative impact on local businesses 2 Remove - specific - restricted access 2 Consider disabled access requirements Other individual comments 14 Remove cycle lane poles/bollards

Q20 If you wish to make a comment about measures you would like to see removed, you may do so here. Benefits of retaining measures

Easier and safer for children and parents to walk or cycle to school 54%

Improvements for people walking (e.g. more space, less traffic) 47%

Improvements for people cycling (e.g. protected lanes, quiet links) 37%

More space and better links for walking/cycling/jogging etc for… 34% • Making active travel safer for Making things easier for people using wheelchairs or with… 33% children and parents, and improving spaces for pedestrians Easier and/or safer to cross the road 29% were the most widely recognised Lower traffic speeds 21% benefits of Spaces for People measures Reduced traffic congestion 20% • A range of other benefits for More space for street cafes etc 16% cycling, exercise, wheelchair users and pedestrians were also noted Making things easier for people with sight loss 13% • 10% respondents did not see any Increased number of people shopping locally 13% benefits of retaining Spaces for People measures More space to enable you to stop and chat 10% • Rising to 16% amongst those Other 1% who used cars on SfP streets/roads Unsure 1%

None of these 11%

Q8 What would you say are the most important benefits of retaining ‘Spaces for People’ measures in place? Please select up to 5 answers Base: All (583) Disadvantages of retaining measures

Traffic increases due to diversion caused by road closures 43% Increased traffic congestion 40% Harder for residents to park or receive deliveries 38% Inconvenience to car users from roads closed to motor traffic 36% Harder for businesses to receive deliveries 32% • Increased traffic and congestion Less car parking in shopping streets 23% were the most widely recognised Making things harder for people using wheelchairs or with… 20% disadvantages of retaining the measures Fewer people shopping locally 17% • A number of other issues relating to Making it harder/more dangerous to cross the road 16% parking, deliveries and general Making things harder for people with sight loss 15% inconvenience were also noted Harder/ more dangerous for parents and children travelling… 15% • With significantly more car users on SfP roads/streets Lower traffic speeds 12% highlighting these issues Less ability to stop and chat 9% • 7% of respondents could not see Negative impacts on people cycling 9% any disadvantages to retaining Negative impacts on people walking 9% Spaces for People measures Unsure 5% Other 1% None of these 7%

Q9 What would you say are the most important disadvantages of retaining ‘Spaces for People’ measures in place? Please select up to 5 answers Base: All (583) Views on Specific Existing Schemes • Respondents were asked to state whether they particularly wanted to see existing schemes retained or removed • Schemes were grouped by area (central, north, east, south and west) with a short description of the measure noted alongside the relevant street/road • Schools were presented in a separate list Schools

Familiar Retain Remove Familiar Retain Remove School with (total) (total) School with (total) (total) Bonaly Primary 5% 5% 5% Walk Primary 13% 7% 6% • Familiarity with Boroughmuir High School 18% 7% 6% Longstone Primary 5% 8% 6% the measures at Brunstane Primary 2% 7% 4% Lorne Primary 5% 5% 4% individual schools Bruntsfield Primary 10% 6% 5% Murrayburn Primary 4% 4% 5% was low, not Buckstone Primary 2% 4% 4% Parsons Green Primary 4% 7% 4% surprising given Carrick Knowe Primary 5% 5% 5% Pentland Primary 3% 5% 4% these are relevant Castleview Primary 2% 5% 4% Pirniehall Primary 6% 6% 4% only to specific Corstorphine Primary 13% 6% 5% Preston Street Primary 6% 5% 4% elements of the Craigentinny Primary 4% 5% 4% Prestonfield Primary 3% 4% 3% sample Craigour Park Primary 2% 3% 4% Rudolf Steiner School 3% 4% 4% • Views on removal Currie Primary 6% 6% 3% Sciennes Primary 6% 6% 4% / retention were Dalry Primary 10% 6% 4% South Morningside Primary 11% 6% 5% also expressed by Davidsons Mains Primary 7% 6% 4% St Catherine’s RC Primary 3% 5% 4% a minority St Francis/ Niddrie Mill Ferryhill Primary 3% 5% 4% Primary 4% 4% 4% • Almost half of the Granton Primary 7% 5% 3% St Georges School 6% 5% 3% sample said they Gylemuir Primary 3% 3% 4% St John Vianney RC Primary 2% 4% 4% were unsure Hermitage Park Primary 4% 5% 4% The Royal High School 9% 6% 5% which should be Holy Cross RC Primary 4% 4% 3% Victoria Primary 4% 4% 4% retained or James Gillespies Primary 8% 4% 4% Unsure 20% 46% 46% removed Juniper Green Primary 2% 6% 5% None 17% 34%

Q5a Can you select the schools with Spaces for People measures that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used schools measures (339) Q10a Please select any schools with Spaces for People measures already in place that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. All (583) Q12a Please select any schools with Spaces for People measures already in place that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures based on those most familiar with measures at each school Schools

School Retain Remove Base School Retain Remove Base Bonaly Primary 14% 14% 14 Primary 40% 11% 45 Boroughmuir High School 23% 16% 56 Longstone Primary 40% 0% 15 Brunstane Primary 44% 22% 9 Lorne Primary 38% 0% 16 Bruntsfield Primary 30% 18% 33 Murrayburn Primary 14% 14% 14 Buckstone Primary 0% 0% 6 Parsons Green Primary 15% 0% 13 Carrick Knowe Primary 31% 13% 16 Pentland Primary 20% 10% 10 Castleview Primary 50% 17% 6 Pirniehall Primary 29% 6% 17 Corstorphine Primary 30% 11% 44 Preston Street Primary 24% 6% 17 Craigentinny Primary 27% 13% 15 Prestonfield Primary 17% 8% 12 Craigour Park Primary 33% 0% 6 Rudolf Steiner School 0% 20% 10 Currie Primary 18% 6% 17 Sciennes Primary 35% 13% 23 Dalry Primary 34% 6% 32 South Morningside Primary 24% 18% 33 Davidsons Mains Primary 18% 23% 22 St Catherine’s RC Primary 50% 0% 8 St Francis/ Niddrie Mill Ferryhill Primary 0% 33% 9 Primary 9% 9% 11 Granton Primary 30% 17% 23 St Georges School 27% 13% 15 Gylemuir Primary 10% 30% 10 St John Vianney RC Primary 29% 14% 7 Hermitage Park Primary 67% 7% 15 The Royal High School 22% 22% 27 Holy Cross RC Primary 23% 8% 13 Victoria Primary 17% 17% 12 James Gillespies Primary 19% 23% 26 NOTE: Very small Juniper Green Primary 44% 33% 9 base sizes

Q10a Please select any schools with Spaces for People measures already in place that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Q12a Please select any schools with Spaces for People measures already in place that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Central Edinburgh Schemes Street Scheme Cockburn Street Pedestrian area with limited access for deliveries etc

Forrest Road Protected cycle lanes

George IV Bridge Protected cycle lanes

Potterow Protected cycle lanes

Princes Street East End Buses/taxis/cycles only on Princes Street from North Bridge to South St David St Raeburn Place - Stockbridge Extra pedestrian space

The Mound Protected cycle lanes

Teviot Place Protected cycle lanes

Tollcross Extra pedestrian space

Victoria Street Pedestrian area with limited access for deliveries etc

Waverley Bridge Pedestrian area with limited access for deliveries etc Central Edinburgh Familiar with Remove Retain

27% Cockburn Street 8% 23% Familiar with: Remove: Retain: None 5% None 38% None 22% 23% Forrest Road 12% 16% Unsure 7% Unsure 33% Unsure 19%

46% George IV Bridge 13% 26% • Almost half of respondents were 14% Potterow 9% 12% familiar with measures at Princes St, George IV Bridge and Waverley 48% Princes Street East End 12% 33% Bridge • These also attracted the highest 25% Raeburn Place, Stockbridge 12% 14% levels of support to retain post pandemic, along with measures at 12% Teviot Place 9% 14% Cockburn St and The Mound • Around 1 in 10 felt each scheme in 35% The Mound 12% 21% Central Edinburgh should be removed 33% Tollcross 11% 17% • At an overall level, 38% felt none of the Central Edinburgh measures 20% Victoria Street 10% 17% should be removed; and 22% felt none should be retained. 46% Waverley Bridge 12% 25%

Q5b Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in CENTRAL EDINBURGH that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used SfP measures (470) Q10b Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in CENTRAL EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12b Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in CENTRAL EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures, based on those most familiar with each measure Central Edinburgh Remove Retain

Princes Street East End (219) 16% 48%

Waverley Bridge 211) 16% 45%

Cockburn Street (129) 10% 44% • Amongst those most familiar with each measure in Central Victoria Street (91) 14% 40% Edinburgh, support for their retention was higher than amongst George IV Bridge (218) 18% 40% the sample as a whole • 5 of the 11 measures were Forrest Road (113) 20% 37% supported for retention by 40% or more of those familiar with the The Mound (171) 22% 37% measure • 2 in 10 wanted schemes on The Teviot Place (55) 15% 36% Mound, Forrest Road and Raeburn Place removed Tollcross (154) 16% 34%

Raeburn Place (121) 21% 34%

Potterow (66) 18% 30%

Q10b Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in CENTRAL EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () Q12b Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in CENTRAL EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. North Edinburgh Schemes Street Scheme

Arboretum Place Relocation of parking at West Gate to provide safer pedestrian and cycle access and crossing to Inverleith Park Crewe Road South Protected cycle lanes

Ferry Road Protected cycle lanes

Links Gardens Road closure in middle of Leith Links

Muirhouse Parkway Protected cycle lanes

Pennywell Road Protected cycle lanes

Silverknowes Road North Road closure from Silverknowes Parkway to Marine Drive to provide safer and easier walking and cycling connection to Silverknowes promenade. Due to reopen to buses shortly, with a 2-way protected cycleway. Silverknowes Parkway Protected cycle lanes North Edinburgh Familiar with Remove Retain Familiar with: Remove: Retain: 18% Arboretum Place 10% 14% None 22% None 34% None 26% Unsure 10% Unsure 37% Unsure 33% 19% Crewe Road South 10% 15% • Familiarity with measures in North Edinburgh was varied and 22% were not 34% Ferry Road 12% 22% familiar with any • Measures at Silverknowes Rd North Ferry Road recorded 18% Links Gardens 12% 12% greatest levels of familiarity • Just over a third of respondents thought none of the measures in North 11% Muirhouse Parkway 10% 11% Edinburgh should be removed, whilst just over a quarter thought none should be retained 12% Pennywell Road 9% 13% • Support to retain was highest for measures on Ferry Road, whilst those on Silverknowes Rd North were most likely 14% Silverknowes Parkway 10% 12% to be cited for removal • Several of the North Edinburgh measures were polarising – attracting similar 27% Silverknowes Road North 17% 14% numbers supporting and opposing their retention

Q5c Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in NORTH EDINBURGH that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used SfP measures (470) Q10c Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in NORTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12c Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in NORTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures, based on those most familiar with each measure North Edinburgh

Remove Retain

Muirhouse Parkway (49) 22% 41%

Ferry Road (160) 25% 39% • Amongst those familiar with the specific measures, support clearly outweighed Links Gardens (81) 26% 33% opposition for: • Muirhouse Parkway, Ferry Road and Arboretum Place Pennywell Road (52) 27% 33% • However, many of the measures in North Edinburgh attracted broadly Arboretum Place (87) 21% 32% similar proportions advocating retention and removal • Overall, the road closure at Crewe Road South (92) 26% 32% Silverknowes attracted the greatest level of opposition of the North Edinburgh measures. Silverknowes Road North (128) 34% 32%

Silverknowes Parkway (64) 25% 31%

Q10c Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in NORTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Q12c Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in NORTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () East Edinburgh Schemes Street Scheme

Duddingston Road Protected cycle lanes

Hope Lane Road closure reducing traffic on very narrow road that forms a walking/cycling connection to Portobello Kings Place Road closure and parking removal linking Portobello and Seafield promenades London Road Protected cycle lanes

Milton Road West Extra bus lanes and protected cycle lanes

Portobello High Street Extra pedestrian space

Seafield Street Protected cycle lanes joining off-road cycle paths

Stanley Street Road closure reducing traffic on very narrow road that forms a walking/cycling connection to Portobello Willowbrae Road Extra bus lanes and protected cycle lanes East Edinburgh Familiar with Remove Retain Familiar with: Remove: Retain: 15% Duddingston Road 10% 13% None 27% None 35% None 25% Unsure 10% Unsure 39% Unsure 35% 13% Hope Lane 10% 11%

• Over a quarter of the sample were not 12% Kings Place 11% 12% familiar with any of the measures in East Edinburgh 30% London Road 11% 17% • Familiarity was greatest for measures on key roads – Portobello High St and London Road 14% Milton Road West 12% 12% • Support for retention was also strongest for these two roads at 20% and 17% 31% Portobello High Street 10% 20% respectively • With support for others at around 10% 14% Seafield Street 9% 13% • Around 1 in 10 wanted to see removal of each of the East Edinburgh measures 8% Stanley Street 9% 9% • At the overall level, 35% felt none of the measures in East Edinburgh should be removed, whilst 25% wanted none 16% Willowbrae Road 10% 10% retained.

Q5d Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in EAST EDINBURGH that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used SfP measures (470) Q10d Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in EAST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12d Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in EAST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures, based on those most familiar with each measure East Edinburgh Remove Retain

Portobello High Street (138) 18% 45%

Stanley Street (30*) 17% 43% • Amongst those most familiar with Seafield Street (68) 19% 41% each measure in East Edinburgh, support was greater for retention than removal for 6 of the 9 measures London Road (139) 18% 37% • Opposition was strongest for Milton Rd West measures with just over a Duddingston Road (72) 26% 35% third wanting to see these removed, whilst a quarter supported keeping them in place Hope Lane (54) 20% 30% • And measures at Kings Place and Willowbrae Rd attracted similar levels Kings Place (51) 25% 27% of support and opposition.

Milton Road West (66) 35% 26%

Willowbrae Road (77) 26% 22%

Q10d Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in EAST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () Q12d Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in EAST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. South Edinburgh Schemes Street Scheme Braid Avenue Meadows to Greenbank quiet route. Selected road closures to create a quiet cycling and walking route connecting to Comiston Road Braid Road Road closure at Hermitage of Braid entrance. Note that it is proposed to reopen Braid Road southbound (ie out- of-city) Braidburn Terrace One-way road closure to create safer walking and cycling connection from Hermitage of Braid to Braidburn Valley. Bruntsfield Place Extra pedestrian space

Buccleuch St Protected cycle lanes

Caanan Lane Meadows to Greenbank quiet route. Selected road closures to create a quiet cycling and walking route connecting to Comiston Road Causewayside Protected cycle lanes

Comiston Road Protected cycle lanes

Gilmerton Road Protected cycle lanes

Morningside Road Extra pedestrian space

Old Dalkeith Road Protected cycle lanes

Whitehouse Loan Meadows to Greenbank quiet route. Selected road closures to create a quiet cycling and walking route connecting to Comiston Road Woodburn Terrace Meadows to Greenbank quiet route. Selected road closures to create a quiet cycling and walking route connecting to Comiston Road South Edinburgh Familiar with Remove Retain

25% Braid Avenue 12% 14% Familiar with: Remove: Retain: None 17% None 33% None 27% 32% Braid Road 16% 13% Unsure 9% Unsure 34% Unsure 29%

18% Braidburn Terrace 12% 13%

29% Bruntsfield Place 12% 19% • Several of the schemes in South Edinburgh were known by at least a 16% Buccleuch Street 8% 14% quarter of the sample • Morningside Rd, Braid Rd, 14% Canaan Lane 11% 12% Bruntsfield Pl, Braid Ave • At an overall level, similar number 17% Causewayside 9% 14% wanted to remove none of the 18% Comiston Road 12% 13% schemes as wanted to retain none • Levels of support for retention were 15% Gilmerton Road 9% 11% highest for measures at Morningside Rd and Bruntsfield Pl 39% Morningside Road 15% 20% at around a fifth of the sample • Schemes at Braid Rd (16%) and 21% Old Dalkeith Road 10% 15% Morningside Rd (15%) attracted the 13% Whitehouse Loan 11% 9% highest levels of opposition.

8% Woodburn Terrace 9% 8%

Q5e Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in SOUTH EDINBURGH that you are most familiar with? All who used SfP measures (470) Q10e Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in SOUTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12e Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in SOUTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures, based on those most familiar with each measure South Edinburgh Remove Retain

Morningside Road (189) 25% 41%

Woodburn Terrace (38*) 21% 37%

Causewayside (78) 19% 36%

Bruntsfield Place (138) 23% 36% • Amongst those most familiar with Buccleuch Street (71) 13% 35% the measures, the proportion who thought they should be retained was Comiston Road (88) 24% 35% higher than the proportion who thought they should be removed for Braidburn Terrace (81) 28% 35% most measures Braid Road (147) 33% 34% • Key exceptions were Braid Road and Whitehouse Loan where support and Canaan Lane (73) 15% 32% opposition to the measures was similar. Old Dalkeith Road (100) 22% 32%

Gilmerton Road (71) 21% 31%

Braid Avenue (115) 26% 31%

Whitehouse Loan (61) 25% 21%

Q10e Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in SOUTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () Q12e Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in SOUTH EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. West Edinburgh Schemes Street Scheme Cammo Walk Road closure allowing traffic-free access to Cammo Estate

Dalry Road Extra pedestrian space

Dundee Street Protected cycle lanes

Fountainbridge Protected cycle lanes

Maybury Road Pedestrian and cycle crossing allowing safer access to Cammo Walk

Queensferry High Street Extra pedestrian space

St Johns Road - Corstorphine Extra pedestrian space West Edinburgh Familiar with Remove Retain Familiar with: Remove: Retain: Cammo Walk 9% 13% 16% None 18% None 36% None 27% Unsure 9% Unsure 36% Unsure 25%

33% Dalry Road 13% 18% • Familiarity with schemes in West Edinburgh was greatest for those at 23% Dundee Street 10% 18% Fountainbridge, Dalry Road and St John’s Road, Corstorphine • At the overall level, just over a third did not want to see removal of any of the 41% Fountainbridge 13% 25% measures in West Edinburgh, whilst just over a quarter did not want any to be retained Maybury Road 11% 14% 15% • A quarter of respondents supported retention of the Fountainbridge measures, and around 2 in 10 for Dalry 17% Queensferry High Street 8% 16% Road and Dundee Street • Around 1 in 10 felt each of the schemes should be removed, with St John’s Road 27% St Johns Road, Corstorphine 14% 16% measures recording the highest levels of opposition at 14%.

Q5f Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in WEST EDINBURGH that you are most familiar with? Base: All who used SfP measures (470) Q10f Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in WEST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12f Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in WEST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Views on retaining / removing measures, based on those most familiar with each measure West Edinburgh

Remove Retain

Fountainbridge (187) 16% 43%

Dundee Street (110) 21% 42% • Data for those most familiar with the schemes, shows a greater level Queensferry High Street (71) 16% 42% of desire to see them retained than removed • The one exception is St John’s Road, Cammo Walk (77) 17% 40% Corstorphine where similar numbers want these measures retained as want them removed Dalry Road (155) 23% 40% post pandemic.

Maybury Road (71) 13% 38%

St Johns Road, Corstorphine (139) 33% 35%

Q10f Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in WEST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Q12f Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in WEST EDINBURGH that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () Views on Schemes Currently Being / Still To Be Installed Central Edinburgh New Schemes Street Scheme Bellevue Protected cycle lanes

Broughton St Roundabout Measures to help pedestrians and cyclists - to be designed

Broughton Street Extra pedestrian space and uphill cycle lane

Canonmills Protected cycle lanes

Chambers Street Temporary traffic lights at George IV Bridge Junction

Rodney Street Protected cycle lanes

South Bridge Buses/taxis/cycles only northbound on South Bridge and North Bridge – Extra pedestrian space on South Bridge (east side) & cycle lanes both ways. Central Edinburgh Remove Retain Remove: Retain: Bellevue 11% 12% None 36% None 29% Unsure 34% Unsure 26% Broughton Street 13% 20%

• At the overall level, 36% do not Broughton Street Roundabout 12% 20% think any of the measures in Central Edinburgh should be removed, and 29% do not think any Canonmills 13% 16% should be retained • In terms of individual schemes, levels of support are highest for Chambers Street 16% 16% those at South Bridge, Broughton St (and roundabout) • However, measures at South Bridge also attract higher levels of Rodney Street 10% 12% opposition than others.

South Bridge 18% 23%

Q14a Please select here any streets or roads in CENTRAL EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to stay in place following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q16a Please select here any streets or roads in CENTRAL EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 North Edinburgh New Schemes Street Scheme Seafield Rd at Fillyside Road - Crossing New pedestrian/cyclist crossing point

Silverknowes Road (North section) This road has been closed to all traffic since May 2020. It is due to re-open to buses, with cyclists in protected 2-way lane. Along with Silverknowes Rd S, it provides safer and easier walking and cycling connection to Silverknowes promenade. Silverknowes Road (South section) Protected cycle lanes and signed quiet route via Silverknowes Place. Along with Silverknowes Rd N, provides safer and easier walking and cycling connection to Silverknowes promenade. Starbank Road Extra pedestrian space

West Harbour Rd/West Shore Rd Measures to create a safer connection between Silverknowes Promenade and Lower Granton Promenade for cyclists and pedestrians North Edinburgh

Remove Retain Remove: Retain: None 38% None 29% Seafield Rd at Fillyside Road Crossing 10% 17% Unsure 39% Unsure 35%

• Almost 4 in 10 think none of the new Silverknowes Road (North section) 15% 20% measures in North Edinburgh should be removed compared with 1 in 3 who think none should be retained • Levels of support for retaining the Silverknowes Road (South section) 13% 18% individual measures are broadly consistent and outweigh the numbers who wish to see these removed • One exception is Starbank Road Starbank Road 11% 12% where levels of support and opposition are equal • High levels of uncertainty are recorded here.

West Harbour Rd/West Shore Rd 9% 17%

Q14b Please select here any streets or roads in NORTH EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to stay in place following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q16b Please select here any streets or roads in NORTH EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 East Edinburgh New Schemes Street Scheme Duddingston Road West Measures to help cyclists - to be designed

Eastfield Protected cycle lane from Portobello prom to Musselburgh (in partnership with East Lothian Council) Restalrig Road South (Smokey Brae) Extra pedestrian space and uphill cycle lane

Seaview Terrace Protected cycle lane from Portobello prom to Musselburgh (in partnership with East Lothian Council) East Edinburgh

Remove Retain Remove: Retain: Duddingston Road West 12% 15% None 39% None 29% Unsure 40% Unsure 40%

Eastfield 11% 18% • 4 in 10 do not want any of the new measures to be removed, while 3 in 10 do not want any retained • At the individual level, support is broadly consistent, as is opposition, Restalrig Road South (Smokey Brae) 14% 17% with no individual measure particularly favoured or rejected • High levels of uncertainty are recorded here.

Seaview Terrace 11% 16%

Q14c Please select here any streets or roads in EAST EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to stay in place following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q16c Please select here any streets or roads in EAST EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 South Edinburgh New Schemes Street Scheme Braid Hills Road/Drive Protected cycle lane

Craigmillar Park, Protected cycle lanes

Liberton Dr (West of Alnwickhill Rd) Protected cycle lane

Mayfield Gardens Protected cycle lanes

Mayfield Road Protected cycle lanes

Minto Street Protected cycle lanes South Edinburgh

Remove Retain Remove: Retain: Braid Hills Road/Drive 13% 18% None 38% None 29% Unsure 37% Unsure 37%

Craigmillar Park 15% 16% • Almost 1 in 4 thought none of the new measures in South Edinburgh should be removed, and 1 in 3 thought none should Liberton Dr (West of Alnwickhill Rd) 12% 16% be retained • Across the individual measures similar levels of support existed for retention, with Mayfield Gardens 13% 15% marginally fewer keen to see these removed • Minto Street and Craigmillar Park received equal levels of support / opposition Mayfield Road 14% 17% • At the overall level, a significant proportion of respondents were unsure whether new measures in South Edinburgh should be retained or removed. Minto Street 12% 13%

Q14d Please select here any streets or roads in SOUTH EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to stay in place following the pandemic. Q16d Please select here any streets or roads in SOUTH EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 West Edinburgh New Schemes

Street Scheme

A90 Queensferry Road Extra bus lanes and Protected cycle lanes Corstorphine High Street Extra pedestrian space Drum Brae North Protected cycle lanes Hillhouse Road Extra bus lanes and Protected cycle lanes Hillview Extra bus lanes and Protected cycle lanes Inglis Green Rd Protected cycle lanes Lanark Road Protected cycle lanes Longstone Road Protected cycle lanes Meadowplace Road Protected cycle lanes Meadowplace Road/Ladywell Road Cycle lanes and segregation Murrayburn Road (short section at Longstone) Protected cycle lanes Orchard Brae Uphill protected cycle lane Orchard Brae Roundabout Road markings to reduce vehicle speeds and improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists Queensferry Road Extra bus Lanes and Protected cycle lanes Slateford Road (A70) Protected cycle lanes West Edinburgh Remove Retain

A90 Queensferry Road 14% 14% Remove: Retain: None 37% None 28% Corstorphine High Street 13% 18% Unsure 33% Unsure 29% Drum Brae North 14% 12%

Hillhouse Road 11% 10%

Hillview 10% 9% • At the overall level, 37% do not think Inglis Green Rd 11% 10% any of the new measures should be removed, while 28% do not think any Lanark Road 11% 13% should be retained Longstone Road 11% 12% • Around 1 in 10 support each of the new measures staying in place, with Meadowplace Road 10% 12% the exception of Corstorphine High St Meadowplace Road/Ladywell Road 10% 11% which is supported by almost 2 in 10 • Levels of opposition are similar at Murrayburn Road (short section at Longstone) 10% 9% around 1 in 10. Orchard Brae 11% 10%

Orchard Brae Roundabout 12% 11%

Queensferry Road 14% 14%

Slateford Road (A70) 12% 13%

Q14e Please select here any streets or roads in WEST EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to stay in place following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q16e Please select here any streets or roads in WEST EDINBURGH with measures currently being installed, or due for installation, that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 Comments: those who support retaining new measures

15 respondents made comments relating to new measures they would like to see remain in place, including suggested modifications

No. of Comment Modification suggested Comments Supportive - some/all measure(s) 4 Supportive - in general/principle or implied 2 More pedestrian space Will the wider Niddrie road pavement include a cycle lane? Concerned about - design/safety 9 More signage What about electric vehicles

Q26 If you wish to make a comment about any of these new measures that you would like to stay in place you may do so here: . Comments: those who do not support removing measures

13 respondents made comments indicating they did not want to see new measures removed

No. of Comment Modification Comments Supportive - some/all measure(s) 5 Negative/unhelpful comment 2 Unable to comment/say/decide 2 Measures to protect pedestrians from cyclists welcome Other individual comments 4 What about ?

Q32 If you wish to make a comment about any of these new measures that you would like to be removed you may do so here. Comments: those who do not support retaining measures

38 respondents made comments indicating they did not want to retain new measures

No. of Comment Modification suggested Comments Remove - some/all 6 Negative/unhelpful comment 4 Waste of time/money 4 Concerned about - traffic displacement & congestion 3 Concerned about - design/safety 2 Concerned about - multiple issues 2 Concerned about - road/infrastructure maintenance 2 Cyclists should have to contribute financially 2 Insufficient consultation 2 Unable to comment/say/decide 2 Other individual comments 9 Turn Powderhall railway in to tram/train line not a cycle path

Q26 If you wish to make a comment about any of these new measures that you would like to stay in place you may do so here: . Comments: those who support removing new measures

40 respondents made comments indicating they wanted to see new measures removed

No. of Comment Modification suggested Comments Concerned about - multiple issues 7 Better planning & execution/implementation

Remove - some/all 7

Concerned about - design/safety 5

Concerned about - traffic displacement & congestion 5

Negative/unhelpful comment 3

Waste of time/money 3

Concerned about - road/infrastructure maintenance 2

Insufficient consultation 2

Other individual comments 6

Q32 If you wish to make a comment about any of these new measures that you would like to be removed you may do so here. Citywide Rankings Familiarity with schemes - citywide

Princes Street East End 48% Comiston Road 18% Waverley Bridge 46% Links Gardens 18% George IV Bridge 46% Arboretum Place 18% Fountainbridge 41% Queensferry High Street 17% Morningside Road 39% Causewayside 17% The Mound 35% Cammo Walk 16% Ferry Road 34% Buccleuch Street 16% Dalry Road 33% Willowbrae Road 16% Tollcross 33% Maybury Road 15% Braid Road 32% Gilmerton Road 15% Portobello High Street 31% Duddingston Road 15% London Road 30% Canaan Lane 14% Bruntsfield Place 29% Milton Road West 14% St Johns Road, Corstorphine 27% Seafield Street 14% Silverknowes Road North 27% Silverknowes Parkway 14% Cockburn Street 27% Potterow 14% Braid Avenue 25% Whitehouse Loan 13% Raeburn Place, Stockbridge 25% Hope Lane 13% Dundee Street 23% Kings Place 12% Forrest Road 23% Pennywell Road 12% Old Dalkeith Road 21% Teviot Place 12% Victoria Street 20% Muirhouse Parkway 11% Crewe Road South 19% Woodburn Terrace 8% Braidburn Terrace 18% Stanley Street 8%

Q5 Can you select the streets/roads with Spaces for People measures in AREA that you are most familiar with? Base: All (583) Retain / Remove – citywide (all respondents)

Princes Street East End -12% 33% Mayfield Road (n) -14% 17% George IV Bridge -13% 26% Restalrig Road South (Smokey Brae) (n) -14% 17% Waverley Bridge -12% 25% Queensferry High Street -8% 16% Fountainbridge -13% 25% Seaview Terrace (n) -11% 16% Cockburn Street -8% 23% Forrest Road -12% 16% South Bridge (n) -18% 23% Liberton Dr (West of Alnwickhill Rd) (n) -12% 16% Ferry Road -12% 22% Canonmills (n) -13% 16% The Mound -12% 21% St Johns Road, Corstorphine -14% 16% Portobello High Street -10% 20% Craigmillar Park (n) -15% 16% Broughton Street Roundabout (n) -12% 20% Chambers Street (n) -16% 16% Broughton Street (n) -13% 20% Old Dalkeith Road -10% 15% Silverknowes Road (North section) (n) -15% 20% Crewe Road South -10% 15% Morningside Road -15% 20% Duddingston Road West (n) -12% 15% Bruntsfield Place -12% 19% Mayfield Gardens (n) -13% 15% Dundee Street -10% 18% Buccleuch Street -8% 14% Eastfield (n) -11% 18% Causewayside -9% 14% Corstorphine High Street (n) -13% 18% Braid Hills Road/Drive (n) -13% 18% Teviot Place -9% 14% Silverknowes Road (South section) (n) -13% 18% Arboretum Place -10% 14% Dalry Road -13% 18% Maybury Road -11% 14% West Harbour Rd/West Shore Rd (n) -9% 17% Braid Avenue -12% 14% Seafield Rd at Fillyside Road Crossing (n) -10% 17% Raeburn Place, Stockbridge -12% 14% Victoria Street -10% 17% A90 Queensferry Road (n) -14% 14% London Road -11% 17% Queensferry Road (n) -14% 14% Tollcross -11% 17% Silverknowes Road North -17% 14%

Q10 / Q14 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place / currently being installed, or due for installation in AREA that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) (n) Denotes schemes not yet fully installed Q12 / Q16 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place / currently being installed, or due for installation in AREA that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 Retain / Remove – citywide (all respondents contd.)

Duddingston Road -10% 13% Gilmerton Road -9% 11%

Lanark Road (n) -11% 13% Meadowplace Road/Ladywell Road (n) -10% 11% Slateford Road (A70) (n) -12% 13% Hope Lane -10% 11% Minto Street (n) -12% 13%

Braidburn Terrace -12% 13% Muirhouse Parkway -10% 11% Comiston Road -12% 13% Orchard Brae Roundabout (n) -12% 11% Braid Road -16% 13%

Potterow -9% 12% Hillhouse Road (n) -11% 10%

Silverknowes Parkway -10% 12% Inglis Green Rd (n) -11% 10% Meadowplace Road (n) -10% 12% Orchard Brae (n) -11% 10% Rodney Street (n) -10% 12%

Longstone Road (n) -11% 12% Willowbrae Road -10% 10%

Starbank Road (n) -11% 12% Stanley Street -9% 9% Bellevue (n) -11% 12%

Canaan Lane -11% 12% Hillview (n) -10% 9% Murrayburn Road (short section at Kings Place -11% 12% -10% 9% Longstone) (n) Milton Road West -12% 12% Whitehouse Loan -11% 9% Links Gardens -12% 12%

Drum Brae North (n) -14% 12% Woodburn Terrace -9% 8%

Q10 / Q14 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place / currently being installed, or due for installation in AREA that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Base: All (583) Q12 / Q16 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place / currently being installed, or due for installation in AREA that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Base: 583 (n) Denotes schemes not yet fully installed Retain / Remove – citywide (those familiar with each existing scheme)

Princes Street East End (219) -16% 48% Buccleuch Street (71) -13% 35% Waverley Bridge 211) -16% 45% Comiston Road (88) -24% 35% Portobello High Street (138) -18% 45% Duddingston Road (72) -26% 35% Cockburn Street (129) -10% 44% Braidburn Terrace (81) -28% 35% Fountainbridge (187) -17% 43% St Johns Road, Corstorphine (139) -33% 35% Stanley Street (30*) -17% 43% Tollcross (154) -16% 34% Queensferry High Street (71) -13% 42% Raeburn Place (121) -21% 34% Dundee Street (110) -16% 42% Braid Road (147) -33% 34% Seafield Street (68) -19% 41% Links Gardens (81) -26% 33% Muirhouse Parkway (49) -22% 41% Pennywell Road (52) -27% 33% Morningside Road (189) -25% 41% Canaan Lane (73) -15% 32% Victoria Street (91) -14% 40% Arboretum Place (87) -21% 32% Cammo Walk (77) -16% 40% Old Dalkeith Road (100) -22% 32% George IV Bridge (218) -18% 40% Crewe Road South (92) -26% 32% Dalry Road (155) -21% 40% Silverknowes Road North (128) -34% 32% Ferry Road (160) -25% 39% Gilmerton Road (71) -21% 31% Maybury Road (71) -23% 38% Silverknowes Parkway (64) -25% 31% London Road (139) -18% 37% Braid Avenue (115) -26% 31% Forrest Road (113) -20% 37% Potterow (66) -18% 30% Woodburn Terrace (38*) -21% 37% Hope Lane (54) -20% 30% The Mound (171) -22% 37% Kings Place (51) -25% 27% Teviot Place (55) -15% 36% Milton Road West (66) -35% 26% Causewayside (78) -19% 36% Willowbrae Road (77) -26% 22% Bruntsfield Place (138) -23% 36% Whitehouse Loan (61) -25% 21% Q10 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in AREA that you would particularly like to remain following the pandemic. Q12 Please select any streets or roads with Spaces for People measures already in place in AREA that you would particularly like to be removed following the pandemic. Note: individual base sizes shown in () Key Observations • The Covid-19 pandemic changed the way residents currently move around Edinburgh – Shift away from using buses as the main mode of transport – Increase in cycling and car usage – Walking became the most often used mode of transport • Most Edinburgh residents were familiar with the different types of Spaces for People schemes in place across the city – Particularly those in the city centre and on key major thoroughfares • Levels of support were higher than levels of opposition for all types of existing Spaces for People scheme – Those familiar with each type of scheme were more positive towards retention than those unfamiliar with the schemes • Key benefits were identified as making active travel safer for children and parents, and improving spaces for pedestrians • The main perceived disadvantages related to increased traffic and congestion • Amongst those familiar with individual schemes, support for retention outweighed calls for removal in the majority of cases – Numbers familiar with individual school schemes were too low to draw any firm conclusions • In terms of new / recently installed measures, views were fairly evenly split, with a high proportion unsure – perhaps not surprising given the likely lack of familiarity with the detail of these measures – However, in each area between 3 and 4 in 10 did not want to see any of the new measures removed post pandemic; whilst between 2 and 3 in 10 did not want to see any retained. Contact: The Social Marketing Gateway Suite 106 109 Hope Street Glasgow G2 6LL

Email: Tel: 0141 387 7294 Mobile: Appendix – Sampling

• Sample was provided by working with two online panel partners: Dynata and Panelbase – both members of Market Research Society and ESOMAR, who run panels exclusively for research purposes. • Each has a sizeable panel of members of the public who have agreed to complete research surveys in exchange for a small financial reward. • Panel members are recruited using a variety of methods – including in-street interviewing, direct email invitations, online marketing channels across a diverse range of websites, online affiliate partners and networks • Sample selection for surveys is driven by the profile requirements of each individual survey – in this case, sample was selected based on specific EH postcodes – Systems automatically extract at random the panel members who meet all profiling requirements. – This process is subjected to quality assurance checks in order to verify that the correct sampling requirements and expectations are met before engaging in the mass deployment of survey invitations. • Where sample is drawn from different sources, as in this project, the panel companies use third-party digital fingerprint technology to prevent duplication. • Response rates are monitored daily and additional invitations sent if required. Appendix – Method

• Several changes required to be made to the consultation survey to make it suitable for market research: – The market research survey was programmed to ensure all questions were answered by all respondents, with no skipping questions allowed, in order to ensure a full complete dataset – Introductory and explanatory text was kept to a minimum – Questions were split by areas of the city to make more user friendly and enable the market research survey to be optimised for completion on all devices, including mobiles – Code lists and explanations of the measures were embedded into the main survey, as opposed to providing a separate factbank of streets and measures – At questions asking whether measures should be retained or removed for specific streets, the market research questionnaire did not have a code option ‘most or all’ – Respondents to the market research survey able to select as many or as few streets as they wished for measures to be retained / removed