An Analysis of Selected Junior High School Geography Textbooks in Relation to Their Treatment of Certain Basic Geographic Concepts
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This dissertation has been 63—2532 microfilmed exactly as received McFARREN, George Allen, 1930- AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOKS IN RELATION TO THEIR TREATMENT OF CERTAIN BASIC GEOGRAPHIC CONCEPTS. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1962 Geography University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY TEXTBOOKS IN RELATION TO THEIR TREATlffiNT OF CERTAIN BASIC GEOGRAPHIC CONCEPTS DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By George Allen MeFarren, B. A., M. Ed. The Ohio State University 1962 Approved by Department of Education ACraJOWLEDGMEMTS In making this study, the .writer is indebted to many people, and to all he is greatly appreciative. To the nublishers who supplied the textbooks used in this study and to the administrative staffs of the school systems contacted, the uriter expresses his g ra titu d e . To rry ad^viser, Dr, Robert E, Jewett, I wish to express my snecial thanlcs for his endless coun-el, encouragement, and aid during my three years at The Ohio State University, A snecial expression of gratitude is extended to the two members of the reading committee of this dissertation. Dr, Fred A, Carlson and Dr. Hugh Laughlin. Their aid and suggestions have been greatly appreciated. To my mother and father, whose sacrifices, encouragement, and help have made higher education possible, I am forever thankful and appreciative. Also to my "second parents," Harold and Ruth, I wish to express my gratitude for their help and encouragement. To my wife, Jean, without whose endless encouragement, under standing, and aid this degree would never have been realized, I express my infinite gratitude. Lastly, I am indebted to our son, James, who has been deprived of many hours of play with Mother and Dad v tiile th is d is s e r ta tio n was being completed. i i COîlTENTS Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS v±i Chapter I . INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem .................................................... i; The M e th o d ..................... S Definition of Terms ................................................................. 7 Assumptions Underlying the Study....................................... 7 A Review of Related Subjects ........................................... 8 Organization of the Study .......................................... 10 II. THE NATURE OF GEGORAPHY......................................................................12 Geography: Definition and Delim itation; Characteristics of the Field of Geography ...................... 17 The Function of Geography .........................................................26 The Nature of Geography at the Junior High School Level ....................................................................................... 28 I II . MAPS AND Map READING IN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY................................................................................................31 The Nature o f Maps .......................................................................... 32 The Function of I'feps .................................. 35 Types of Maps ..................................................................38 Characteristics of Maps ............................................................. UO Geography and Maps .......................................................................... Sh Conclusion ........................................................................................... 57 IV. GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS AND THE REGIONAL APPROACH....................... 60 The Nature and Scope of the "Region" in Junior High School Geography ..................... 6 l The Nature and Scope of the Regional Method .... 6It Types or Categories of Regions .................................................67 Characteristics of Regions ......................................................... 69 Geographic Regions and the Regional Method as a Part o f Junior High School Geography .......................72 i i i CONTENTS (Gontd.) Page Chapter V. POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY...............................................................................77 The Nature and Scope of Political Geography .......................79 Geopolitics and Political Geography ......................... 82 Approaches to the Study of Political Geography , , . ..........................................................................3U Characteristics and Features of the Political Unit •*••••••••••••••••• 91 Political Geography at the Junior High School Level .................................................................................. 99 VI. URBAN GEOGRAPHY.................................................... 98 The Nature and Scope o f Urban Geography ............................... 99 Definition and Classification of Cities and Urban Areas ....................................................................102 The Nature of C ities ....................................................................107 Conclusion; Urban Geography as One Aspect of Junior High School Geography. ..................................] 21 VII. CONSERVATION............................................................................................... 121; The Nature and Scope of C onservation ................................. 129 A Brief Historical Sketch of Conservation in the United States ....................................................................131 Responsibility for Conservation .............................................. 136 The Role of Education in Conservation ................................. 137 Conservation Principles and Objectives for Education ..................... 139 Resource Management, ................................................................. I46 Geography and C on servation .......................................................lii9 C on clu sion ......................................................................................... l9 l VIII. TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS ON THE TOPIC OF THE NATURE OF GEOGRAPHY..............................................................................................l9U Concept O n e . .....................................................................................l96 Concept Two ......................................................................................... 19? Concept Three .....................................................................................16? Concept Four ........................: ........................................................ I 69 Concept F iv e .......................... I 86 Concept S ix ......................................................................................... 188 iv CONTENTS (Contd.) Page Chapter Concept Seven. ....................................................................188 Concept Eight................................................................................. 202 Concept N in e .....................................................................................203 Conclusion ....................................................... 20U IX. TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS ON TŒ TOPIC OF MAPS AND'MAP READING.....................................................................................206 Concept One.........................................................................................208 Concept Two. ................................................................... 210 Concept Three .....................................................................................212 Concept F o u r .....................................................................................212 Concept F i v e .................. 213 Concept S i x ........................................... 219 Concept Seven. ..........................' ................................. 220 Concept E ight. ............. ...................... 222 Concept N in e .....................................................................................230 Concept Ten.........................................................................................231 C on clu sion ........................................................... 233 X. TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS ON THE TOPIC OF GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS Aid THE REGIONAL APPROACH ........................................... 23$ Concept One. ........................................................................237 Concept Two ..................... 2lt2 Concept Three ........................................................................2l).6 Concept F o u r .....................................................................................2l;9 Concept F i v e ................................................................................. 2$1 Concept S ix .........................................................................................2$$ Concept Seven ..................... 2$6 Concept Eight.....................................................................................2$6 C on clu sion ...................................... 2$8 XI. TEXTBOOK ANALYSIS ON THE TOPIC OF POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY ....... ............................................................. , 2$9 Concept One......................................................................................... 261 Concept Two ......................................................................................... 26U Concept Three