TSA’s Cookey-Gam to play volleyball with USC Aiken B1 TUESDAY, APRIL 24, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Governor takes ‘emergency’ hiring action for S.C. prisons PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM Chuck Costner has been shearing sheep at Old McCaskill’s Farm for 20 years. His work led to the opening BY MEG KINNARD in Bishopville, about 40 miles of the farm each spring for people to watch. Right: his wife, Candy, holds one sheep’s worth of wool. Associated Press east of Columbia. One by one, Stirling said three dorms at the maximum-security COLUMBIA — South Car- prison erupted into fights, Have you any wool? olina's governor announced communication aided by in- Monday he's taking "emer- mates with cellphones. gency" action in hopes of Once officers were finally making state prisons safer able to regain control, seven Sheep shearer sheds light on following last week’s deadly inmates lay dead, slashed rioting. with homemade knives and Gov. Henry McMaster is- beaten. Twenty-two others sued an executive order were injured. State police are daily farm life at Old McCaskill’s waiving state procurement still investigating the deaths, regulations and the Cor- BY KAYLA ROBINS and professional sheep shear- for hiring by rections De-
[email protected] er, has been making the trip to the Depart- ‘We believe this partment has Old McCaskill’s Farm each ment of Cor- asked an out- spring for the last 20 years to rections. De- executive order gives side group to He has been shearing sheep alleviate the family’s about 30 claring an do a thorough since 1986 (for the public.