. The Captain Shreve

Volume VIII Captain Sh reve High School, Shreveport, la., March 7, 1975 Number 6

Vanessa Gray, M1ke Line­ Dramatists bring 'Butterflies' ~k. Wayne Rigby and Jack Searcy have been named 1975 National Meri1 Finalists. to Captain Shreve in March according to Miss Inez Franz. senor counselor. The Captain Shreve Drama the directors as the technical co­ These four Captain Shreve ordmator. Club will present, "I Never Saw student~ will compete later in Another Butterfly," by Celeste The ~ad g1rl, Rara. will be the year for $1000 scholar­ played by Sharon Regan. Her Ra~nll ; on March 10-11 at 7:30 ships and four-year merit parents will be Mark Goldstein rp.m. m the school auditorium. scholarships against 14,000 and Carolyn Crenshaw. Raja's other finalists The National The ptay is based on actual aunt and brother, Pavel, will be l!vents ihat happened in the Merit Sdlolarship winners will pl-ayed by Melanie McDamel and be announced in April ghetto of Tenezin, Czechoslo­ Scott Goldsholl. Pattie Morrison vakia, during the years 1942· will play the part of lrca, Pavel's 1945. During this period over fiancee 15,000 Jewish children passed THE 1975-76 CAPTAI N SHREVE ENTERPRISE STAFF has been Irena, Rata's teacher, will be through Terezin and more than announced. Ed itor-i n-chief twill be Kathy Wolfe (seated). played by Pam Butterfield and Class to visit sea lab half were killed in the gas cham· Charlot1e Woodruff is going to bers After Terezin became liber­ be her ass1stant, Renka. Honza, Grand Terre Marine Lab will ated only about a hundred chil­ a friend of Rata, will be Joel be the destination of 16 Biology Enterprise staff named dren were still alive to return to Crook. Rob Dreyfuss will be the I students and four sponsors on their homes. Kathy Wolfe will serve as edi· editor, a relatively new position rabb1 and Helen James will be April 2-5. The main purpose of the trip will be to collect marine tor·ln

t. 0 N f.1 I L E L I N p J u R Mr. and Mrs. Mark Foster Mr. and Mrs. Gene Korn /IN. and /

Club news • • • LOG now accepting applications; - ' Stage band earns superior rating

LOG s·taff sponsor Greg Cofer these ideas, the group watched The theme chosen for Student recently announced that applica­ Gone With The Wind to help Council Week is: "J.f it is to be­ tions for next year's staff are them get a better understanding it is up to me; a license to lead." now being 'taken and told of up­ of life styles during the Civil Astra Club members aided the coming activities that the p-resent War. Christian Service Program by staff will participa·te in. In a Spanish Club meeting serving food at the annual Poor .Cofer said that there wi II be on March 4, officers presented Man's Supper held at Conven­ six sophomore and six junior a skit, and requirements for of­ tion H'all last week. They have openings on the yearbook staff ficer candidacy were explained. also visited !fhe ,t;hildren at Shrine CAPTAIN SHREVE H-OME ECONOMICS TEACHER Mrs. lela next year. He added that any A-ccording to Mrs. Judy Horne, Hospi·tal on a mont hly basis. Mitchell (far left) and Theresa Darby (far right), Shreve FHA interes·ted studen.t should see Spanish Club sponsor, the sign­ Future plans will be d iscussed president and recently-elected treasurer of District II FHA, him for an application as soon up period wi'll be April 22-28 at the next meeting to be held present a brush and comb JSet to a Mexican girl during their as possible. and the election is to be helc at 4 p.m . on March 13. visit to ·Shriner's :Hospital on February 25. Cofer stated tha

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There are over 300 d1fferent positions in our starting l1ne-up. each as challenging and d1ff1cult as any sport you play. On the Army team. you pick the job. Our expert coaches will soon have you tra1ned and ready to leave for your guar­ anteed enlistment cho1ce. whether it's in NEED AUTO INSURANCE? Europe. P anama. Hawa11 or even back is the beginning home 1n the U .S .A . Call Tell your Army R epresentative you want place for every a contract w1th the Army team. He'll start you at $341+ a month. Corporate Insurance . 10 new thing for the Today's Army 222-7885 wants you on the team young man! after school. March 7, 197.5 Page Five Baseball team's lineup for 75 As the beginning of spring Mike Lewis should prove a of great speed and strong ­ draws nearer it brings w1th it steady fielder and batter. Stone tmg. Paul Noble wtll find action the start of h1gh school base­ should be .a great help at second in left f1eld after a strong ball. base after playmg shortstop last 1un1or year. Glenn Cox, who The Gator baseball has seven season. Flowers will resume his came from Minden H1gh School, returni~ lettermen from the 7 4 cath1ng dut1es after a fine ~opho­ should aid the outfield along season which posted an overall more year Rounding out the in­ w1th Todd Thoma, Sam Lees, T. record of 11 wins, 9 losses. field w1ll be Kenny Philibert and C Pullen and Rodney Bell. These lettermen include Max Frank Butler at th1rd. Other in­ i.evistion also added 9 avenport, Frank FIOIWers, Mike fielders include Robert Marshall, that all the teams in district lewis, Paul Noble, Kenny Phili­ Mark Hightower, Fred Wiggins, 2-AAAA have improved and bert, Ronnie Stone and Robert Miles Peroyea and Barry Case. should provide for a much closer McMillan. The outfield will be composed race for the top position. • Lefthander Max Davenport was the leading last sea­ son with a 4 win, 3 loss record, according to head coach Albert Baseball schedule leviston. Davenport s h o u I d prove to be the Gators' leading March pitcher this season. Coach levis­ 3 Monday Mindert Home ton also expects a lot of help 4 Tuesday Nacogdoches Away from Bill Sessions, David 7 Friday Huntington Home Boston, Robert McMillan, Bill 10 Morrdi'Jy Nacogdoches Home Bancroft, Lamar Hancock, Brei 12 Wednesday Huntington Away Hammett and Dave Vanderkuy. 14 Friday Southwood Ho me 18 Tuesday (Open) Away The irtfield shows great prom­ Kenny Philebert warms up on the hurdles. ise with returning starters Mike 20 Thursday *-Bossier Home ~ewis, Ronnie Stone and Frank 24 Monrfay *Green Oaks Away Flowers. Senior 26, 27, 28, 29 Bossier Tourney Bossier Gator Relays to feature April 1 Tuesday *Airline Home Juniors begin 3 Thursday Parkway Home in April track season 8 Tuesday *Natchitoches Away 10 Thursrfay *Bossier Away The Gator tracksters, coached .four-man teams compete in softball season 26, 27, 28, 29 Bossie r Tourney Bossier by Tommy Powell, will host the the relay races and the distances annual Gator Relays on April 4, of the races range from 440 Since spring is in the air girls in the Captain Shreve Stadium. yards to one mile. Each man on are getting energetic and want­ Marshall, Lee Many of the area schools will a team runs the same distance as ing to participate in a spring enter in the competition. Accord­ the other three. After he has run spirit, softball. Ing to Coach Powell, Minden the required distance, he hands fred Wiggins will coach the lead golf team High and Natchitoches Central a baton, or small hollow wooden girls in the junior c ass which wtll be the major competition for or me-tal cylinder, to a teammate. led by returning lettermen, have organized the·r own team. the Gators. The athletes pass the baton to Jack Marshall and Ricky Lee, the They call themselves ~he Sunkist Bryan Leviston and Larry each other within a 20-yard zone Gator golfers got their season Oranges and 1heir colors are Thomas w1ll run the 100-yard in their own lane while running underway in 1-he middle of Feb­ orange and white. dash. Thomas will also run the at full speed. The fou-rth man, or ruary. The team, undefeated at Members of the team are 220-yard dash. The 440-yard anchor man on each team fin­ this point, has beaten Byrd, Marianne Davidson, De b r a dash will be in the hands of ishes the race. The Gator relay 296-31 4; Jesuit, 304-310; and .$pinks, Charolette lies, Beth Patrick Green Runners making team is expected to rank very Northwood, 31 7-330. Reglin, Nancy Floyd, Kathy up the relay portion of the *rack high this year in District. Wo: Fe, Cindy Goodman, Sand ra In order to obtain the tota l squad are Keith Hightower, The distance team will con­ Braswell, Barbara Shanley, Eliza­ team score, the top four out of Dav:d Linacre, Bubba Smith, Sist of Jim King, Scott McCle an, beth Voorhees, Tammy Caffery five individual scores are added Clark Hinton, Marvin Henry, AI Kinnard, Donald Francis, and K'm Purdy. together. Jimmie Thomas, Larry Jordan, Steve Hooper, and Benny Van Practices have a lready started Leviston, Thomas, and Green. Osdell. and they plan to have a w MAX RAY DAVENPORT take~ Seniors Marshall and Lee, The 880-yard dash, this year season. batting practice. backed by junior Glynn Williams will be handled by David Linacre and Wayne Johnson and sopho­ and Gregg Johnson. more Jim Travis will be com­ Tennis players !Hurdles this year will be run pet ng tn the Southwood Tourna­ by Gregg Steglich, David /lk.­ ment at Meadowlake Golf Course top in contests Kenzie, and Tim Harrington. In on March 14. Most of the hurdle races, 10 hurdles, or Shreveport teams, a Tyler team Winnmg with a score of 11-1 0 fence like barriers, are placed on and a Monroe team will be com­ in the longview Round Robin the track. The runners ji.Hl'l'P over peting in that tournament. Ac­ Tournament, the Gator tennis the hu.rdles during ttle race. The cord ing to Coach Bobby Horne, team defeated 'Byrd, St. Vin­ hurdles may stand every 10 the major competition in that cent's, Jesui1, Longview, and yards, 20 yards or 40 yards, de­ tournament and -throughout the Sherman. A few days Ieier, once pending on the length of the season will come from Byrd, again in longv1ew, the tennis race. The two kinds of hurdle Southwood, and Jesuit. team defeated longview 12-6. races are called high, when feb. 22-23, the team went to hurdles are 3 or 3! feet h;gh and Last year the Golf team won Garland, Texas, and competed low, where the barriers are 2! TOP FIVE MEMBERS of the Gator golf team include, left to the Regionals, therefore this against some 47 different feet. right, Jack Marshall, Glenn Williams, Wayne Johnston, Ricky year they will host the Regional schools. They tied longview for The high-jumping will be in Lee and Jim 'rravis. competi1ion sometime in Apri l. first place. lynn Jones placed the hands of Kevin Collins who first tn the girls' A singles and holds the school record in the Valerie Harrison took first in the event. Collins has been having McDaniel takes cDnsDiatiDn in !Durney girls' B singles. Robin Baker knee trouble lately, but he does reached the quarter finals of this After wmnmg consolation in ment, Kris fu1genzi and Alison old gator fan beat Amy Ehren­ not plan on letting that stop him match to complete the placing the New York International In­ Maca tee. reich from Buffalo for consolaa­ from jumping. which brought them to a tie door Jun1or Tennis Classic and While not playing o r practic­ tion, fifth place in the tourna­ Ricky Adams, Randy Tadlock, for .first. ing, Kay stayed w ith a family Kenny Philibert and John Can­ the University of Pennsylvania ment, and a gold clock radio. Olhe1" scheduled matches will in Port Washington. She was non will be pole vaulting this Tournament, Kay NlcOaniel is Kay said that she really en­ be played against Southfield, shewn New York City in a black joyed the tournaments-"especi­ year for the Gators. Adams is now ranked in the top 20 of the Booker T. Washington, Bossier, 18-year-olds m the nation. limousine and 1aken out to eat ally meeting all the new peo­ suffering w;lh a tendon injury Neville and also a tournament continuously. Kay remarked, " I he received during practice and The New York International ple and new faces." in Tyler, Texas. Indoor Junior Tenn1s Dassie was on y spent a total of $20 the may not be competing in the held in Port Washington, New whole week and a half I was Gater Relays. ·York, from February 15-17. gone." Tearn enters meet Other field events will include There were only about fifty 18- After placing fifth in the New Mark Duncan throwing the dis­ year-old players invited to the York Tournament, the energetic The Captain Shreve Swim cus, Eric Mayeux in the ~hot-outt, • tournament. girl went to Philadelphia to play team will be competing 1n their and larry Brazzel and Mark Roberts throwing the javelin. When Kay arrived by plane, in the University of Pennsy~v a ni a annual State next month. In she began her wining s-treak on Tournament to which anly 24 Baton Rouge on April 18. ,The February 15. The Capta1n Shreve players attended. The players finals wtll be on the 19th. sen1or received a default in the practiced with the boys' tennis Sophomore Mat Oilman. senior Track schedule first round and in the second team frcm the University ot Norman Conway, junior Kim Godfrey, and freshman Bonnie round beat seventh seeded, o r Pennsylvania until the competi­ March ranked, Karen Dennison from tion began on the 21st of Feb. Nathan wtll be fighting for the Washington, D.C., 6-1, 6-3. Kay was seeded fourth in this state title against the top teams 7 Booker T. Washington Next the blond-haired g1rl lost tournament. In the first round of in the state. Relays 14 Byrd Relays to Zenda Liess, second seeded in play she beat a girl from Dela­ Accordmg to Conway, the the tournament, last year's na­ ware, 6-0, 6-0. After the first Gators main col1"petition will be 18 NSC Relays tional champion, and the tourna­ round Kay's luck changed; she prov1ded by Tara High School. 21 Airline Relays ment winner The score of the lost to Dana Gilbert. Coached by John Pennington 25 Fair Park Relays match was 6-4 7-5. On Sunday, Kay entered th e of East R1dge, the Gator swim­ April mers have been working out A though Kay los-t, she went feed-in consolafon. She firs.t 1 Parkway Relays • on to win conso1ntion and fifth beat the Australian, Lee Ann hard lately, swimming as much as 6,000 to 8,400 yards at one 4 Gator Relays place in the tournament with vic­ Harrison, and then the third 8 Southwood Relays tries over the sixth and eighth seeded Cindy Benson, 6-1, 6-4. KAY PRACTICES for one of her practice after working out with 1eeded players in the tourna- In the final round, the 17-year- many nationwide tournaments. weights for about 30 minutes. Page Six March 7, 1975 Chicago plays old fav :rites By Drew Markham Baml Chicago hits the stage. No wanm-·up groups, no comedi­ ans. Just solid Chicago. And the audience ate it vp, as they wi.t­ nessed one of the most spec­ tacular lighting arrangements imaginable. lt'so a shame these photos aren't in color so that you too cou ld see the mixtures of blues and reds, the amber, green and magneta and a'll the other colors of fhe spectrum. So much for the lighting. Now for the music. Unbeliev­ able. I stood amongst a crowd of over 6,600, within touching dis­ tan-ce of some of the hugest and loudes·t speakers I've ever seen or heard. Even now I'm only AN ·OVERALL VIEW OF "CHICAGO" with Danny Seraphine barely able to hear the tele, phone when it rings. on drums. ~eter Setera sings and plays during "I'm a Man" Well, the group was friendly enough. I jumped up on stage and shook Jimmy Pan kow's hand. They went through every hit song they ever recorded, i!nd the audience wanted more. I hope that you enjoy looking ilt these pictures as much as I did taking them.

ROBERT LAMM AND TERRY KATH during "We Love You, Haryy Truman".

Jimmy Pankow, showman of the Lee Loughnane on trumpet group, yells to the audience. Doobie Brothers next! Terry Kath during "25 or 6 to 4",


/i special word of caution to Gregory:

Walter Parazaider on sax ]3eware of dark haLls

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