The Captain Shreve Volume VIII Captain Sh reve High School, Shreveport, la., March 7, 1975 Number 6 Vanessa Gray, M1ke Line­ Dramatists bring 'Butterflies' ~k. Wayne Rigby and Jack Searcy have been named 1975 National Meri1 Finalists. to Captain Shreve in March according to Miss Inez Franz. senor counselor. The Captain Shreve Drama the directors as the technical co­ These four Captain Shreve ordmator. Club will present, "I Never Saw student~ will compete later in Another Butterfly," by Celeste The ~ad g1rl, Rara. will be the year for $1000 scholar­ played by Sharon Regan. Her Ra~nll ; on March 10-11 at 7:30 ships and four-year merit parents will be Mark Goldstein rp.m. m the school auditorium. scholarships against 14,000 and Carolyn Crenshaw. Raja's other finalists The National The ptay is based on actual aunt and brother, Pavel, will be l!vents ihat happened in the Merit Sdlolarship winners will pl-ayed by Melanie McDamel and be announced in April ghetto of Tenezin, Czechoslo­ Scott Goldsholl. Pattie Morrison vakia, during the years 1942· will play the part of lrca, Pavel's 1945. During this period over fiancee 15,000 Jewish children passed THE 1975-76 CAPTAI N SHREVE ENTERPRISE STAFF has been Irena, Rata's teacher, will be through Terezin and more than announced. Ed itor-i n-chief twill be Kathy Wolfe (seated). played by Pam Butterfield and Class to visit sea lab half were killed in the gas cham· Charlot1e Woodruff is going to bers After Terezin became liber­ be her ass1stant, Renka. Honza, Grand Terre Marine Lab will ated only about a hundred chil­ a friend of Rata, will be Joel be the destination of 16 Biology Enterprise staff named dren were still alive to return to Crook. Rob Dreyfuss will be the I students and four sponsors on their homes. Kathy Wolfe will serve as edi· editor, a relatively new position rabb1 and Helen James will be April 2-5. The main purpose of the trip will be to collect marine tor·ln<hief for the 1975-76 on the staff. She will be respon· ihe story was taken from the Erika, a neighbor. Captain Shreve Enterprise, news­ sible for organizing and building ""novel that was a collection of Mmor roles as the children of specimens for the school. paper adviser Mrs. Gaye Gannon up the newspaper exchange pro· poems, di-aries, letters, journals, Terezin are Ph llip Harper, Pat· tie Mornson, Scot1 Goldsholl, announced. As~isting her as as­ gram with other schools in the drawings and pictures from the The idea to go originated w!th sistant ed1tors will be Susie nation. In charge of advertising Raja and the children during the Joel Crook, Charlotte Woodruff, Stanley Powell, who went to the Thcmas and Allison Stage. Bar­ and its duties will be Sandre years 1942-1945. and He len James. lab last year. He later discussed bara Shanley is to be feature edi· Braswell, advertising manager. Managing 1he crews will be the idea with Biology teachers, tor for next year and Don Je rni· She will be ass1S'Ied by Tommy Wendy Bvchwald, a student costumes, Sharon Sweeney; busi· Mrs. Barbare Hamilton and Mrs. gan will collect and write news Mason. teacher from Centenary College, ness, Enola Thomas; publicity, Sharon Warfen, and they agreed stor1es concerning clubs and hap­ will direct the play w ith Bobby Becky Trahan; lights, Randy to take a group down. Saxun helping as the student penings in the s~hool as news As al"t editor, Drew Markham Falbaum and Mark Gilliam; and editor. Covering the world of will draw cartoons, puzzles and director. Karl Wendt w ill assist sound, Stuart Burris. Lectures on marine life, orien· sports is 'Sports editor, AI Kin­ other art work for the Enterprise. tation to the l'l'Wirine lab and col· nard, who will be aided by the Markham will also handle pic­ lecting specimens will be includ· Enterprise's photographer, Jon tures as picture editor. Lisa CODAC aids schools, ed on the trip. Mrs. Warren ex­ Wallace. Skamangas will serve as man­ pects "91udents to learn to classi­ Lisa Wallace will be exchange aging editor. fy the specimens they obtain by teaches drug control nets." She also plans for the CODAC (Community Organiza­ Although from the description group to make several steps. on tion for Drug Abuse Control) is of CODAC,it sounds like a chore the way down at historU:a Enterprise sponsor hates fish sights. going to be visiting elementary it is not. Most CODAC member! Miss Gaye Brotherton . non, however, took the problems schools for the next two weeks, e njoy talking to the kids and Located on an island of the oops, that's Mrs. J ohn Gannon, in hand and began talking with according to Bobby Horne, spon­ those that don't will usuallo'f Grand Isle, the lab canonly be is the Enterprise teacher of the Mr. Powell. Much needed filing sor and Joe Gant, advisor. drop ovt after the first week. reached by boat, which limits month t"'tis issue as the old staff cabinets were first supplied by The p1J11P0se of the CODAC CODAC not only helps the students' work 1o daytime hours. puts our last paper out. Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Dear upon re· program this year is to tell the children, but also the students Nights must be spent on the Gannon " the faculty adviser for quest. Later Mrs. Gannon secured students at the elementary teaching them. Sometimes the mainland. the Enterprise and she and Mrs. promises of a locked room and schools about drugs and medi­ e lementary students end up Hedges (business adviser) have a new camera. Just last week cines, rules concerning their use teaching the high school 'teach· Participants were chosen on been responsible for seeing to it the Enterprise bought th{! camera and misuse, why people use e rs' a thing or two. Through the basis of interest in marine that us staff members didn't get in time fo r the Chicago concert. both medicines and drugs, and talking w1th the students at the biology, adaptability to work too lazy. If the pictures af'en't quite what which should and should not be elementary schools, the older well within a group and willing­ Aside from the newspaper, they should be, blame the pho­ used . kids are not only made aware of The seventy CODAC members what students nowadays are ~ess to partic1pate in the expedi· she also teaches journalism and togra,:>her and not the camera. t1on. Eng lish HI. Mrs. Gannon just last Mrs. Gannon's future includes w ill be talking to Riverside, Uni­ taught, but also how much year graduated from Louisiana continuing to tea-ch, hopefully at verstty, Eden Gardens, and Ar­ more aware they a re of their Other sponsors to accompany Tech where she went after fin· Captain Shreve. If he does leave thur Circle e lementary schools environment. CODAC a Is o the eight boys and eight girls ishing at Saint Vincent's Acad· Captain Shreve many students every Wednesday for a six week teaches one how to deal with will be Dr. Lester Johnson, the emy here in Shreveport. Ob­ will lose a good tea-c.he r and a period which began on Febru· children at that age group. Caddo Parish Science supervisor, viously, th s is her first year to friend. If she stays, expect to ary 12 and will end on March 19. and Dave Gray from our school teach and she seems to enjoy The juniors and seniors from see the paper improve steadily. Students rally d istrict. it. Of course, some students can Captain Shreve, a long w ith the be rather trying at times, Drew student'S from the other Caddo On March 16, 100 students and Dennis. Parish High Schools, will be from Captain Shreve will travel Since Miss Brotherton became teaching the fourt-h grade to the to Northwestern State University Mrs. Gannon this past Decem· sixth grade at the elementary in Natchitoches for an academic ber, she has made her home schools, instead of talking to rally. south of Taylortown near Lake both the elementary and junior The students who will com· Bistineau. Even though she high schools as was done last pete in teams of three in subject travels the route to Captain year. areas listed by the university, Shreve every day, when she re· will. be judged accord'ng to cently went for a pleasure flight team effort and ability. The high· over the lake, her home was no­ Elections est scorer in a 5Q..minute test where to be seen. Be ing near the given at Northwestern will then lake, Johnny, her new husband, calendar • • • attend a state meet in Baton enjoys hunting and fishing. Th is, March 10 -13-Junlors sign up Rouge however, has made her "s1ck of for Executive office. Later 1n April, a special trip fish. I ha1e it." April 1-4-Campaign. to Grand Isle w'll be taken by Admittedly, the Enterprise has April 2-Campa1gn speeches. selected Slludents interested in TH E RECENT FIRE on second floor ropm for improvement. Over the MRS . GANNON, Enterprise ad· April 3-Cheerleader and AI marine biology. These students which started here in the boys' years little equipment has been viser, laughs at the antics of E. Gator tryouts. are selected on th basis of scho­ bathroom, caused damage estl. avaitable to the staffs. Mrs. Gan· staff members. April 4-Eiections. lastic ab'lity and interS'!.
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