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Fomidle MRS. O'loughun KILUNG OF NUT tBESS BUN .. AVEBAOB d a il y UIBCULATION tor the Month o( S^tenOm* UISO hMreaalng clradi^eH aa4 •-•A,-v;,W tmdglit; .F rid ^ :-thMtiQsr, jncohably 5,449 f<dlowed ’fcy ;K dn/te Hendwxs ol the Audit Bureau I Conn. State V: ...........1W n ^ g ^ AO V': ^ .. ; AA ' of 'Orculations. ^r-r'tl^^xrV't > >*a- (dassifled Advertising on ^ g e 12.) SOUTH MANCHESTER, GONN^ THURSDAY, OeTOSlit':^^^^ " P R tC E T H i^ E yOL. XLV., NO. 20. W O^ER FALLS 175'FEEX WOODSURGES m WATER, SWIMS ASHORE Sydney, N. S. W .," Oct. 23.— (AP.)—^While working bn the great new Sydney harbor bridge, BUSINESS AID said to Be the world’s largest arch^ Bridge, a workman named Kelly today fell 175 feet into the FOm iDLE harbor. ! H R ® BY COP He hurtled down feet first and as he struck the water a colunm of spray 20 feet high shot into President's ReBef Director the air. Kelly swam ashore not Attempts to Hold Up Bristol To Immediately mpch the worse for his experi­ ence and is now wondering Loses Uttle Time to Start whether he estaBlished a high Druggist While Policeman Commission to Make Thor­ plunge record. Machinery in Motion to ♦ Was in Store—Was Ex- ough Investigation of Help Those Unemployed. Soldier in U. S. Army. Washington, Oct. 23 — (AP) —^^Act to give away wheat purchased State’s Prison—Expresses HUB MAYOR WANTS Chairman Legge fhe Fed-(in staBili^tion operations, eral Farm Board would be glad to i The only-way the wheat could Be Confidence in Prison Board Bristol, Oct. 23.—(AP.)—Edmond make Itq holdings of wheat availaBle j turned. oveFi the unemployed. Washington, Oct. 23—(AP) — A AIRPORT FOR an R. Theriault, 22, died in the Bristol as food for ,the'„unemployed If^Cpn- thereforer^wiE^ through- additional call to American industry' to co­ gress wcfuld repiaBe the m on^ used; 'iWth^tyfrom Congress which and Warden — Directors operate in the alleviation of sufEer- hospital today of Bullet wounds By the' Grain StaBilization Corpora^ meets in December. m i’ ing among unemployed this winter which he received last night in a tion for its purchase. Legge’s ,statement came in the pistol duel with a policeman during Such a step, he said, would help, midst of a series of conferences, on Demand That C hargb was sounded today By Colonel Curley Visits President About in reducing the wheat surplus in the employment situation Between Arthur Woods, President Hoover’s a drug store robbery. this count^.. V- President Hoover, Col. Arthur relief director, after a conference at The youth, his head covered By a Legge explained, however, that •Woods, government relief director, Made by Ex-Chaplain Be the White House. i Plan to Provide Work for Black hood, with two slits for his the Farm Board had. no authority and other members of the Hoover Colonel Woods who arrived here | eyes, was shot By Patrolman Ed­ under the Agricultural Marketing Cabinet committee. last night to^take charge of setting j Shown False or Tme. up a relief organization, conferred | the Idle. ward O’Connor as he fied from the for on hour with the President, Sec- \ store after demanding and receiving retary Lament, Secretary Hurley, j from John F. Rock the contents of Hartford. ^Oct. 23.—(AP)^imine- and Under-Secretary Mills of the Ii Washington, Oct. 23.—(AP.)— the cash register, . which included diate appointment of’ a commissi^ 1 After calling upon President Hoover Treasury. $17 in cash and two checks fpr of “disinterested and unprejudiced After” the conference Woods indi- | today Mayor James J. Chirley of Bos- small amoimts. Four, Bullets fired By cated a formal request to industry' j ton, expressed confidence that the O’Connor entered the robber’s aB­ citizens to make a thorough Inves- to cooperate in giving as many joBs | government would turn over Gover­ domen, while a fifth went wild. tiga'tiBn” publicly, of conditions' at ns possiBle would be made soon nors Island to the city of Boston, to OF Q U E P MADE PUBUC Automatic Jams toe State prison in Wethersfield,'in permit construction of the large air­ The nrst Step Theriault’s automatic jammed compliance with toe appeal-of -the ' The conferees said the first defin­ port planned there. The mayor told the President if after he had fired two shots at the prison directors, ^was promised, By . ite step v/ould be to set up an organ­ patrolman. Both Bullets went wild. Governor Trumbull this moniftig, , ization for Woods and then to oBtain governmental red tape could be cut Vicioria CaBed Ex-Kaiser|THRivR AlITflS HIT and the city allowed to go forward O’Connor was in., the store chat­ Expressing “aBsolute Confidence information on where joBs can be ting with Rock when the roBBer en­ found. with its proposed construction, it in toe prison Board and in toe-war­ They said they woifid draft men would' mean the expenditure of ap­ tered. Theriault covered Both men “Hol-Heade(C Conceited HARTFORD TRUCK proximately $18,000,000. Five hun­ with his automatic and ordered. den” toe governor annoxmeed,- In qualified for the work from all over his office at the State Capitol,.tost the coimtry and if possiBle would dred men woiild be employed the Rock to opeq the register. and Wrong Headed Man, oBtain those men who worked with first of December, the mayor said, While Rock was complying with he wiU get in touch with men he has Colonel Woods in his rmemployment an additional 500 in January and the order the patrolman remarked Adolf Hitler, German National Socialist leader, man of mystery and in mind, today, appoint them forth­ relief work under President Hard­ another 500 aBout May 1. The work to the Bandit: “You know there’s sudden power, is shown, upper left, to a recent portrait. Upper right, t)evoid of An Feeling.” Triple Crash in Fog at Wind­ with ,and ask that toe proBe'staft ing. would take aBout two years. another cop outside.” The youth re­ Hitler as seen By the famous cartoonist, Heine, for Das TageBuch of Ber­ as soon as possible. Colonel Woods said thus far in­ ' Needs New Airport plied: “I don’t care if there is, he’ll lin. Lower picture shows Hitler surrounded By admirers, after his par­ Directors’ Letter . dustry was doing its part But he The city seeks Governors Island get it too.” ty’s recent sweeping victories to the German elections. London, Oct. 23.—(AP)—Letters | sor— One Man is Badly The communication from toe expected more cooperation in the for a 440 acre airport extending out Policeman Fires of toe late Queen Victoria deacrib- ' general campaign. into the ocean. It formerly control­ Hurt m Acddent. prisom directors, drsfft'ed at a meet­ “I not only expect industry to do led the Island under ah Aqt of Con­ As the youth Began Backing to­ ing her grandson, Kaiser Wilhelm | ing in.Wethersfield yesterday eifter- its part,” he said, “But I see that it gress passed in 1902, But the Island ward the door, O’Connor ducked Be­ n , as “such a hotheaded, conceited i noon, and then delivered to-^’(3dv- hind- a show case. Theriault fired emor Trumbull, declares that ‘-^mali­ is already doing so.” was taken Back By the government anfi v ^ o ^ e a d e d ^ Windsor, Oct. 2 3 .-(A P )-A large Headquarters for the administra­ during the World War. Mayor Cur­ two shots at the patrolman and cious, 7 irresponsible and i^ofant'*’ tor of employment relief will Be set ley contended Congressiohal action then fled, But O’Connor’s Bullets i alongside of toe main charges concerning conditions At the up in the Commerce Department. was not necessary since the 1902 act dropped him near the front of the ^ ^ , I highway near Hayden, this morning prison,'had compelled toe plea for a MemBers of the President’s Cabinet store. compiled from confidential royal i ® “ disinterested investigation, ‘Act in'A had never Been repealed. European Power proved a stumBling block for three unemployment committee of seven Papers showing he had been dis- sources including toe archives of spirit of defense <* But ratoelr' In a After conferring with the Presi­ autqmobUes and in ’onp.of toe . three spirit of challenge to our planned to lend every effort to get dent, Mayor Chirley went to see Sec­ Windsor Castle I the organization fimctioning within (Continued On Page 2.) ’ .yictorla! Also';sald that- Gkidstoher acefdehto''Giw. of the CUhton ’It we ate,.guUty .of toe. charts retary Hurley who has jurisdiction By'MELTON'BRONNER i^upoh gcttihg it"by aqy which nhye been Brought, wA ^omq the shortest time possiBle. £h^ occup3dng toe role of primA Hotel, Springfield, was Badly Injured. After the White House confer­ over the island. He was accompan­ ‘ hand. ~ minister, "will ruin toe country if instantly be removed from iffite. if, ied By Wimarn P. Long, chairman of -Seventeen years ago Adolf Hitler Ther%is some little parallel- Be­ he can,” toe documents, disclose, He was treated By Dr. William H. on toe other hand, it should trans­ ence, Colonel Woods returned to the the Boston parks commission, and tween toe two men. Mussolini’s Commerce Department, conferred swung his legs from a ladder apd iqhe volume, edit* ^ to toe pire that these charges, insinuations Thomas JphMon of Boston. NAVYBOARDDRAHS father was a village klnpk^ra^ p t- with Secretary Lamont, and Began dabbled paint on houses to little yil- ^ w ie ___ an and.intiendoes are foimd to he false, to org^anize his headquarters’ per­ lages to Austria.
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