3Luneller Calls Teachiug Lhere Inadaequated1 Ste~Phenson Takesi Ga,,.,For Year Urges Greater Non=Researeh E Phpkasis a Respected Teacher· Has Launched A
RCH 14,, gas Amm ·Ibridge Arlh smaramp-AN -M w'Rommop, If NEWSPAPEK O F THE UNDERrwRAD)UATCS OF TME MAIBSSACHUSETS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYS ____ I __ __ _ __ VOL~. LXXVIBII NEO. 11 CAM~lBRIIDGE, MBASSACHUSETTS, TUESDAY~, MARCHR6 18, 1958 5 CENTSB _ _ _ _ _ _ L_ I __ I I __ _ ___ YV "Inscommngngerediby PRCReport- 3luneller Calls Teachiug lHere InadaequateD1 Ste~phenson Takesi Ga,,.,for Year Urges Greater Non=Researeh E phpkasis A respected teacher· has launched a. vigor~ous at~tack ag~ainst the entilre teaching syrstem at the In- st~itute. Hanls Mueller, Professor of Physics and a member of-J the Departm~ent for~ over thirty~year~s, stlressed to a Burton House audience, Sunday,· his dissatisfaction w5ith qluizzes, subjec~t -iatter,~poor- instruction, over-size classes, and over·emphasis of 1·esearch nrather thzan teaching. Pr~ofessor- Mueller spoke at the mnonthlyg Bur·ton House Egg~headi Seminar before an infornal audi- ence of near-ly a hundred residents. Despite his criticism~s, lie wsas genial thrhoughout, punctuating: his remaraks -N~ith freqeuenlt anecdlotes wrhich brought continuous 1;-aughter- from his audience 11 ME=$r~L&JfgE Prof~essor MIueller· pointed out that lear~ning shouldl be fun w-hich, he said, Ilotf-h is it diefinitely is not her~e. He deplo2,ed Foilked in Holdup~t Attempt the emphasis on cluizzes, r~emarking-F that a. couirse must be taken as a In East,Campus xvhole andi that giviing cuizzes at in- Monda Aforniong~k terv-als -is a-nalogious to stepping a An East; Carnpus resident vvas nea-H·y robbed by an armedec hoodlun- at 1:15; mov~ie at; fifteen m~inute interv-als and a~nm.
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