Aircraft Conceptis Presented
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/OW5/_-7//)-_5°7 77 NASA Technical Memorandum 85777 NASA-TM-85777 19840014485 ¢1 DEVELOPMENTANDANALYSISOFA STOL SUPERSONICCRUISEFIGHTERCONCEPT SAMUEL M, DOLLYHIGH,WILLARD E,Foss,JR,, SHELBY J, MORRIS,JR,,KENNETH B, WALKLEY, E,E, SWANSON, AND A,WARNER ROBINS UOT TO I_F.I'A._'I,[ YRG..'_'i!LqJ llCO;_ MARCH1984 National Aeronautics and I.J,NGLEYRESEARCH,._-_'_rER Space Administration LIBRARY, NAqA Langley Research Center I-L\..'.:PIO;'_,VIRGIIqlA Hampton,Virginia23665 TABLEOF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY.................................. 1 PARTI -" INTRODUCTION........................... 2 PARTII - CONFIGURATIONDESCRIPTION.................... 4 PARTIII - PROPULSIONSYSTEM ....................... 14 PARTIV - MASSPROPERTIES......................... 16 PARTV - AERODYNAMICDESIGNANDANALYSIS ................. 20 PARTVI - CONFIGURATIONSIZING AND PERFORMANCEANALYSIS.......... 69 CONCLUDINGREMARKS............................ 82 SUMMARY - The applicationof advancedand emergingtechnologiesto a fighteraircraft conceptis presented. The concept,which is referredto as the twin-boomfighter - (TBF-1),relieson a two-dimensionalvectoring/reversingnozzleto provideSTOL performancewhile also achievingefficientlong range supersoniccruise. A key feature is that the propulsionpackageis placedso that the nozzlehinge line is near the aircraftcenter-of-gravityto allow largevectorangles and, thus, provide large valuesof directlift while minimizingthe momentsto be trimmed. The confi- gurationname is derivedfrom the long twin boomsextendingaft of the engineto the twin verticaltails which have a singlehorizontaltail mounted atop and betweenthem. Advancedtechnologiesutilizedwere an advancedengine (1985 state- of-the-art),superplasticformed/diffusionbondedtitaniumstructure,advanced controls/avionics/displays,supersonicwing design,and conformalweapons carriage. The integrationof advancedtechnologiesinto this concept indicatethat large gains in takeoffand landingperformance,maneuver,acceleration,supersonic cruise speed,and range can be achievedrelativeto current fighterconcepts. PART I. - INTRODUCTION s. M. Dollyhigh Increasednational interestis being expressedin efficient supersoniccruise military airplaneswith short takeoffand landing (STOL)performance. The National Aeronauticsand Space Administration,in keepingwith its charter to investigate innovativeconceptswith potentialperformancepayoffs,has undertakenresearch related to such a STOL supersoniccruiseconcept. Achievementof efficient super- sonic cruise in a fighteraircraftalso designedfor STOL capabilityrequires careful integrationof advanced technologies. Of particularimportanceis the manner in which the propulsionsystem is integrated. Conventionalconceptsoften employ auxiliary engines to achieve STOL performance. These engines and associated ducting tend to increasefuselagecross-sectionalarea to the pointwhere increases in wave drag preventefficientsupersoniccruise performance. ThruSt vectoringof the primary engines can also cause problemsby requiringoversizedcontrol su:rfaces to trim the large pitchingmoments associatedwith thrustvectoring. The Mach 2.0 fighterconcept presentedin this paper attemptsto overcomesome of these problems through innovativeairframe/propulsionsystem integration. The concept referredto as the twin boom fighter (TBF-1)relies on a two-dimensionalvectoring/reversingnozzle to achieve STOL performance. The propulsionpackage is placed near the aircraftcenter-of-gravityto allow large thrust vector angles and thus provide large valuesof direct lift while minimizing thrust-inducedmoments which must be trimmed aerodynamically.Further, the ihtro- ductionof thrust vectoringat the wing trailingedge has been shown to inducea supercirculation(or thrust inducedlift) on the wing (referenceI,I). Also, with the engines located forwardof the wing trailingedge, the incorporationof a system for blowing along the trailing-edgecontrol surfacesfor high lift and control at low speedswill be facilitated. Low-speedcontrol is probablythe limiting factor in obtainingminimum operationalfield length for this type of " configuration. Sufficientlow'speedcontrolmay permit the removai of the thrust reverserwith attendantweight and performancebenefits. Aerodynamicshapingof the twin boom fighterevolved from researchon twin fus_elagesupersonictransportconcepts (ref. I-2). Althoughthe TBF-I is not a pure multi-bodyconfiguration,it does reflect the earlier twin fuselageefforts; 2 It is also a highly blendedconcept in order to achieve the requiredvolumeand minimize drag. The development,design, and analysisof the twin boom fighterconcept are presented in this paper. The TBF-1 conceptwas sized for a typical supersonic mission of 500 n.mi. radiuswith all supersoniccruise at Mach 2.0. The most significantmission constraintsand/or requirementswere that the takeoff and landing ground roll not exceed 1,000 feet under standardconditions,and that the transonicaccelerationand maneuver performancebe comparablewith existingstate- of-the-artfighteraircraft. The TBF-1 configurationsized to these requirements is similar in size and weight to current transonic fighteraircraft. Detailsof the design development,aerodynamicdesign, propulsionsystemand integration,mass properties,sizing,and mission performanceare presented. The sensitivitiesof takeoff and landing field lengthand mission performanceto various parametersare also included. The configurationas reportedherein is intendedto serve as a baselineconcept for the assessmentof advancedtechnologiesfrom a systems standpoint. REFERENCES I-I. Capone, Francis J.: A Summaryof Experimental Research on Propulsive-Lift Concepts in the Langley 16-Foot Transonic Tunnel. AIAA Paper No. 75-1315, 1975. I-2. Maglieri, Domenic J.; and Dollyhigh,Samuel M.: We Have Just Begun to Create EfficientTransportAircraft. Astronauticsand Aeronautics,February1982, pp. 26-38. PARTII. - CONFIGURATIONDESCRIPTION E. E. Swanson The twin boom fighterconcept is a twin-enginesingle-pilotMach 2.0 super- sonic cruise configurationdesignedfor a payloadconsistingof two short range and four long range air-to-airmissiles. Figure II-1 is a general arrangementof the study concept designatedTBF-I. An inboardprofile is shown in figure II-2. Photographsof a displaymodel of the configurationare shown in figures II-3 and II-4. The wing planformis similarto an arrow wing with a trailing-edgecutout in the area occupiedby the nozzles. The highly swept glove region,which constitutes the leading edge of the wing, is shapedto utilize leading-edgethrust at supersoniccruise, as well as to locate the aerodynamiccenter longitudinallyclose to the aircraftcenter-of-gravityand nozzle hinge line at the takeoff condition. The highly camberedwing was designedfor minimum drag and favorablezero-lift pitchingmoment characteristicsat the Mach 2.0 cruise condition. The low-speed high-liftsystem consistsof one leading-edgeflap, two trailing-edgeflaps,and a flaperon. A substantialportionof the total fuel is carried in the wing as shown in figure II-2. One AIM-gL Sidewindershort range missile with its launch rail and support structureare mounted on each wing tip. The four advancedlong range missiles are semi-submergedand mounted on the wing lower surface. These missiles have retractedstabilizingand maneuveringfins that are deployedupon missile release. It was assumed that each missile would have weight and performance similar to the AIM-54A Phoenixsystem. The cockpit is on the aircraftcenterlinewith the ejectionseat, advanced side arm controller,and instrumentpedestalsimilar to the F-16. Forward looking radar and associatedequipmentare mounted in the nose section forwardof the cock- pit. This nose section and the cockpit area are highly blendedwith the inlet and propulsionpackage to provideminimum frontalarea. The remainingavionic,elec- trical, and environmentalcontrol systems are located aft of the pilot'smain bulk- head. The nose landing gear has a singlewheel, arrangementmounted on the forward face of the main bulkheadand retractsforwardinto a cavity beneath the avionics bay. The main landing gear has a singlewheel, single strut arrangementmounted on each boom and retractsaft into the boom. The two advancedtechnology,low-bypass-ratioturbofanenginesare slightly cantedand locatedaft of the pilot°sbulkhead. A common gearboxis positioned betweenthe enginesand drivenfrom each engineby a quill shaft. This gearbox providespower for hydraulicpumps,electricgenerators,engineaccessories,and input from the jet fuel starter. The enginenozzlesare locatedbetweenthe booms close to the aircraftcenter-of-gravityand are two-dimensional.Each nozzleis variableand vectorableand incorporatesa thrustreverserto providereduced takeoffand landingruns and to improvein-flightmaneuverability.Two-dimensional externalcompressioninletsare locatedon either side of the cockpit. Twin boomsare mountedat the junctionof the wing and enginenacelleand extendaft to the twin verticaltails. These long booms providevolumefor fuel and lengthto tailorthe configurationfor low wave drag. They also providea substantialmomentarm for the horizontaltail which is mountedatop the twin verticals. The booms have a shieldingeffecton the engineexhaust,and thus reducethe infraredsignature. The horizontaltail is hinged so that most of the tail area can rotatefor controlwhile the rectangularcenter sectionremainsfixed to providea structuraltie betweenthe twin verticaltails. A volumeutilizationdiagramfor the configurationis presentedin figure II-5. Total aircraftvolumeis 1,250 ft3, and, at a takeoffgrossweightof 47,000