Aircraft Conceptis Presented
/OW5/_-7//)-_5°7 77 NASA Technical Memorandum 85777 NASA-TM-85777 19840014485 ¢1 DEVELOPMENTANDANALYSISOFA STOL SUPERSONICCRUISEFIGHTERCONCEPT SAMUEL M, DOLLYHIGH,WILLARD E,Foss,JR,, SHELBY J, MORRIS,JR,,KENNETH B, WALKLEY, E,E, SWANSON, AND A,WARNER ROBINS UOT TO I_F.I'A._'I,[ YRG..'_'i!LqJ llCO;_ MARCH1984 National Aeronautics and I.J,NGLEYRESEARCH,._-_'_rER Space Administration LIBRARY, NAqA Langley Research Center I-L\..'.:PIO;'_,VIRGIIqlA Hampton,Virginia23665 TABLEOF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY.................................. 1 PARTI -" INTRODUCTION........................... 2 PARTII - CONFIGURATIONDESCRIPTION.................... 4 PARTIII - PROPULSIONSYSTEM ....................... 14 PARTIV - MASSPROPERTIES......................... 16 PARTV - AERODYNAMICDESIGNANDANALYSIS ................. 20 PARTVI - CONFIGURATIONSIZING AND PERFORMANCEANALYSIS.......... 69 CONCLUDINGREMARKS............................ 82 SUMMARY - The applicationof advancedand emergingtechnologiesto a fighteraircraft conceptis presented. The concept,which is referredto as the twin-boomfighter - (TBF-1),relieson a two-dimensionalvectoring/reversingnozzleto provideSTOL performancewhile also achievingefficientlong range supersoniccruise. A key feature is that the propulsionpackageis placedso that the nozzlehinge line is near the aircraftcenter-of-gravityto allow largevectorangles and, thus, provide large valuesof directlift while minimizingthe momentsto be trimmed. The confi- gurationname is derivedfrom the long twin boomsextendingaft of the engineto the twin verticaltails
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