WEST COMMUNITY HEALTH AND CARE PARTNERSHIP COMMITTEE Tuesday, 16 February 2010 at 1:30 pm, Councillor Corridor, City Chambers


1. Apologies: Councillor J McFadden, Matt Forde, Amanda Taylor

2. Minute of last meeting on 16 December 2009 Paper No. 09/77


3. Financial and Capital Reports Paper No. 10/01 Reports of the Head of Finance

4. Public Partnership Forum: Progress Report Paper No. 10/02 Report of the Head of Planning and Health Improvement

5. Professional Executive/ Clinical and Care Governance Group Update Paper No. 10/03 Report of the Clinical Director


6. CHCP Development Plan Paper No. 10/04 Report of the Head of Planning and Health Improvement

7. Committee Development Day Paper No. 10/05 Report of the Senior Organisational Development Adviser To Follow

8. Housing/ Tenancy Sustainment Protocol Paper No. 10/06 Report of the Head of Planning & Health Improvement


9. Addictions: Fire & Rescue Paper No. 10/07 Report of the Head of Addictions

10. Equality Scheme Paper No. 10/08 Report of the Head of Planning and Health Improvement

11. Staff Partnership Forum: Update Paper No. 10/09 Report of the Head of Human Resources

12. Quarterly Absence Report Paper No. 10/10 Report of the Head of Human Resources

Papers circulated for information: None

GCHCPC(West)(M) 12/09 Paper No. 09/77 Minutes 6


West Glasgow Community Health Care Partnership (CHCP) Committee

Minutes of the Meeting held at 1.30pm on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 in the Councillors’ Corridor, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow


Jessica Murray, NHS Board (Vice Chair)

Councillor C Mason, Glasgow City Council Dr Barbara West, Professional Executive Group

Councillor Anne McTaggart, Glasgow City Council James Montgomery, Public Partnership Forum Marie Garrity, Staff Partnership Forum Evelyn MacIver, Public Partnership Forum Councillor Jean McFadden, Glasgow City Council Neil Hunter, CHCP Director Councillor Kenny McLean, Glasgow City Council


West Glasgow CHCP Strategic Management Team Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement Pam Fenton, Head of Health & Community Care Dr John Nugent, Clinical Director Valerie Smith, Business Support Manager Jeanne Middleton, Head of Finance Matt Forde, Head of Children’s Services Amanda Taylor, Joint Head of Learning Disability Willie Kelly, Head of Addiction Services Janice Turnbull, Senior Organisational Development Advisor Sheila Tennant, Prescribing & Clinical Pharmacy Lead Kirsty Goldie, Management Team Administrator (Minute Taker)

ACTION BY 1. APOLOGIES Bailie Hanzala Malik, Chair Cathy Holden, Professional Executive Group (PEG) Thelma Sneddon, Public Partnership Forum (PPF) Justine Murray, Head of Human Resources David McCrae, Head of Mental Health Chris Melling, Joint Head of Learning Disability

Chair welcomed members and advised that she would be chairing on behalf of Bailie Malik today.

2. MINUTE OF LAST MEETING ON TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER 2009 The Minutes of the last meeting held on Tuesday 20 October 2009 (Paper No. 09/61) were agreed as an accurate record.


3. Financial and Capital Reports (Paper No. 09/62) Jeanne Middleton, Head of Finance briefed Committee members of the financial performance and capital work progress of the West Glasgow CHCP for the period 1 April to 31 October 2009 for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (GG&C) budgets and 1 April to 23 October for Glasgow City Council (GCC) Social Work budgets and council homecare. Members discussed in detail the CHCP current budget pressures and the associated risk in terms of achieving a balanced position within financial year 09/10. The main pressure discussed in detail related to NHS GP Prescribing budgets. Neil Hunter, Director added all members of the Strategic Management Team (SMT) are responsible for achieving a balanced budget position within each of the respective service care groups. It was noted that the role of the Committee members is to scrutinise the financial performance of the CHCP and hold SMT to account overall financial performance of the CHCP.


4. Performance (Paper No. 09/63) Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement asked the Committee to note the submission to NHS GG&C Board for the Organisational Performance Review (OPR) held in November 2009 and advised that formal feedback is awaited. Mr de Souza also asked for comments on the performance of the CHCP during quarter 1 of 2009/10 against the corporate objectives and targets identified by GCC and NHS GG&C.

Councillor Kenny McLean asked for an update on Church Street and Mr Hunter stated the CHCP have committed to reviewing the Accommodation within the West, adding that plans are still being worked through, looking to enhance buildings with potential and move away from buildings with limitations. A report R de will be submitted to the Committee in Spring 2010 for members to scrutinise. Souza/ N Evelyn MacIver, PPF asked for further details on page 21 point 2 – increased % Hunter long term care recipients aged 65+ receiving intensive care at home (10 hours+). Pam Fenton, Head of Health & Community Care advised it is a home care service and information on this is hard to breakdown. Mr de Souza added R de Souza that levels will be confirmed next year. Chair, asked for a report on this as soon as it was available. Members had a detailed discussion on some of the indicators the CHCP is working to meet performance and/or exceed targets. Mr de Souza will take forward comments from Councillor McFadden regarding an additional column with target details.



5. Committee Dates for 2010 (Paper No. 09/64) Neil Hunter, Director report detailed dates for 2010 with the venues being discussed under the PPF (Paper No. 09/65). AGREED & NOTED

2 6. Public Partnership Forum: Progress Report (Paper No. 09/65) Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement asked the Committee to note the progress and service topics discussed at the PPF Executive Group meeting in November 2009 and the action being taken by CHCP officers. Members also agreed to receive a joint presentation on the revised draft Working Agreement. Members also agreed to officers making arrangements to identify alternative

venues in the community such as Centre for Health & Care, Whiteinch Centre, Drumchapel Health Centre and City Chambers. Chair confirmed for action to be taken to seek venues outwith the City Chambers and Mr de Souza will update at R de Souza the next meeting.


7. Professional Executive/ Clinical and Care Governance Group Update

(Paper No. 09/66) John Nugent, Clinical Director highlighted the key PEG issues identified at the last meeting which was held on 17 November 2009, in particular that 43 of the 45 practices in the West had signed up to the West Closer Working Proposal. With the GG&C SPARRA Closer Working Proposal due to report shortly


8. Alcohol Treatment and Care Services (Paper No. 09/67) Willie Kelly, Head of Addictions updated the Committee on the current work in improving alcohol treatment and care services and currently recruiting an additional resources for "alcohol" treatment and care specifically with the West Glasgow Addictions Team. Members and officers had a detailed discussion on the citywide programme, and partners working with schools and other organisations such as fire and rescue.

Members asked for further clarity on objectives to be achieved via the new investment and future, further progress reports to be made available. WK


9. Rehabilitation and Enablement Service: Engagement Process (Paper No. 09/68) Pam Fenton, Head of Health & Community Care set out a brief summary of the report highlighting the planning and implementation of the Rehabilitation and Enablement Service (RES) Framework which is to provide a faster access to services through a single point of contact within the CHCP. A discussion was had around carers, Scottish Ambulance Service/ patient transport and availability of resources and budgets.



10. Primary Care Framework: Update (Paper No. 09/69) Pam Fenton, Head of Health & Community Care provided a progress report for information to keep members up-to-date, which detailed the summary of the CHCP priorities and the development of an action plan and convening of Primary Care Planning & Development Group once feedback has been received. P Fenton Chair agreed for Ms Fenton to continue to provide updates to the Committee.


3 11. Prescribing & Pharmacy in West Glasgow CHCP (Paper No. 09/70) Sheila Tennant, Lead for Prescribing and Clinical Pharmacy informed the Committee of the current Prescribing Management issues and challenges within the CHCP highlighting the big challenge around managing the prescribing budget detailed within the report. Members had an indepth discussion regarding prescribing and drug budgets. Mr Hunter added this is one of the biggest budgets in the CHCP, and therefore comes with the highest risks.


12. Staff Partnership Forum (SPF): Progress Report (Report No. 09/71) Marie Garrity, Joint SPF Chair provided a summary of the key points discussed at the last SPF meeting on 12 November 2009.


13. Committee Development Update ( Verbal Update) Janice Turnbull, Senior Organisational Development Adviser provided a verbal update on 9 November 2009 development session highlighting the Committee’s scrutiny role on finance, which Ms Middleton provided a presentation on. Further Topics covered were during the session were Understanding the Organisational Performance Review Process by Mr De Souza and an Equalities session delivered by Bushra Iqbal of the West of Regional Equalities Commission. Ms Iqbal provided an overview of how other organisations structure their equalities work and suggested ways that this may aid us in our work in West Glasgow CHCP. The session also recapped and updated on previous work the group had done to enhance the way the Committee work as a group to ensure optimum performance as a Committee. It was agreed that as part of the ongoing Committee Development Work Ms Turnbull would monitor how the Committee operates including its functioning member behaviours and adherence to process within the meeting and provide feedback to individuals as required. Ms Turnbull reminded the Committee that the next development session will be on 9 March 2010 and invited members to contact her with suggestions for topics.


14. Scottish Children’s Reporter’s Administration SCRA (Report No. 09/72) Matt Forde, Head of Children Services provided an updated as requested by the Committee on the performance against timescales for assessment reports to the SCRA. Members endorsed the CHCP approach to work with partners to move towards earlier intervention and diversion in line with the “Getting it Right for Every Child” principles. Councillor Mason asked for a further update in 6 months. M Forde


15. Parenting Framework – Update on Progress (Report No. 09/73) Matt Forde, Head of Children Services provided an update on the parenting framework and emphasised staff are committed and support this work with the West team leading the way. Mr Forde added that a positive response has been received from our Education colleagues and Schools. Chair added she was pleased to hear close working relationship with Education. Councillor Mason and Mr Forde will discuss further outwith the meeting regarding handling of M Forde specialist services. Committee members endorsed the programme of work planned for 2010 and Chair requested further updates. M Forde


16. Employability (Report No. 09/74) Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement brought the report back to the Committee with an update and focus on the Bridging Service. Chinese Employability Services has been relaunched and the objective is to integrate this service with the Bridging Service. Councillor Kenny McLean queried figures and asked if there would be a further update. Mr de Souza added he would provide this at the next meeting. R de Souza Councillor Christopher Mason added at no stage has anyone offered employability to people with autism and would suggest education systems should address this. Mr de Souza advised this is discussed with under 18s group but That the issue of employability was equally important to all with care or support needs.


17. Housing & Homelessness (Report No. 09/75) Ray de Souza, Head of Planning & Health Improvement highlighted the priorities in relation to housing and homelessness within the West Glasgow CHCP and the areas of work being progressed by the Essential Connections Group (ECG). Committee members approved report being referred to the two local housing forums and the two local community planning partnership. Councillor McTaggart added that she was glad to see the ECG up and running to gain benefits from the housing forums.


18. Health & Safety Committee – Introduction and Update (Report No. 09/76) Valerie EM Smith, Business Support Manager updated on the new Health & Safety Committee which was set up in March 2009. Ms Smith advised to date four meetings have been held and the purpose is to analysis statistics from both Social Work and the NHS to make improvements where required along with ensuring that health and safety legislation is being diseminated appropriately across the CHCP and staff are attending training courses on relevant subject matters.


Mr Hunter felt that members would wish to acknowledge the quality of reports provided today and commended the officers for them particularly those which highlight a number of positive developments within the CHCP. Officers will continue to bring this breath of reports for endorsement. Chair thanked Mr Hunter for his comments and endorsed them.

The meeting ended at 4.10pm


Head of Finance FINANCE AND CAPITAL WORK REPORT Purpose of Report

The purpose of the report is to:

Inform Committee members of the financial performance and capital work progress of the West Glasgow Community Health & Care Partnership for the period 1 April to 31 December 2009 for NHS GGC budgets and 1 April to 18 December 2009 for GCC Social Work budgets.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the content of the report.


REVENUE POSITION 2009/10 1.1 The West Glasgow Community Health & Care Partnership revenue position reported for the period 1 April to 31 December 2009 highlights a Partnership overspend of £313,800 (0.30%), this represents an adverse movement of £233,900 on the previous reported overspend of £79,900 (0.10%).

1.2 The Partnerships NHS Health budget is reporting a net underspend of £40,300 (0.05%) and represents an adverse movement of £45,100 against the previous period reported underspend of £85,400 (0.14%).

1.3 The Partnerships Social Work budget is reporting a net overspend of £354,100 (1.51%) and represents an adverse movement of £188,800 against the previous reported overspend of £165,300 (0.91%) for the period 1 April to 18 December 2009.

1.4 The summary position is reported within the following table and the significant variances affecting the overall position reported above are highlighted within section 3 and 4 of this report. Additional detailed breakdown of individual costs at care group level reported in Annex 1 of this report.

West Glasgow Community Health & Care Partnership Finance Report for Period 1 April to 31 December 2009

Variance Annual YTD YTD % Previous Period Budget Budget Actuals Variance Variance Period Movement £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's £000's NHS 106,678.9 79,711.7 79,671.4 (40.3) -0.05% (85.4) 45.1 GCC Social Work 34,087.7 23,479.6 23,833.7 354.1 1.51% 165.3 188.8

Total Net Expenditure 140,766.6 103,191.3 103,505.1 313.8 0.30% 79.9 233.9

Members should note that GCC Social Work financial convention of reporting overspends as positive Variances + and underspends as negative variances (-) has been adopted for all financial tables within the report. 1


2.1 The Partnerships net revenue budget for 2009/10 at period 10 is £140.8 million. The budget allocation per service care group is detailed on Annex 1 of this report.

2.2 2009/10 Health Budget Period Budget Movements

2.2.1 The Annual Revised Budget has increased by a net £258k from the previous period reported.

2.2.2 The significant movements mainly relate to the following increases:

9 Specialist Doctors contract uplift - £116.3k 9 Children’s & Young Persons transfer from SE CHCP - £34.5k 9 Alcohol & Drug Prevention - £60.5k 9 Addiction Community Nursing - £40.3k 9 PHI project funds - £42k 9 Sexual Health BBV training - £10k

2.2.3 The significant movements mainly relate to the following decreases:

9 Energy Cost Savings achieved - £11.4k 9 Capital charges - £37.5k

2. 3 2009/10 Social Work Budget Period Movements

2.3.1 The Annual Revised Budget has decreased by £7.8k from the previous reported period.

2.3.2 The significant movements relate to the following decreases:

9 Transfer of HR staff to Shared Service Centre – £7.2k


3.1 Mental Health-Adult Community is reporting an underspend of £85,400.

3.1.1 The main overspends are reported within Riverside Resource Centre mainly in relation to supplies (£36,600).

3.1.2 It should be noted the main overspends have been partially offset against underspends reported within Adult MH Psychology pays (£109,600) due to a vacant post.

3.1.3 The current position continues to be monitored and a vacancy management control is in operation to ensure only essential posts are approved by the Head of Mental Health Services. 3.2 Learning Disabilities is reporting an underspend of £46,100 mainly due to in year nursing post vacancy slippage.


3.3 Health & Community Care is reporting overspend of £412,800. The main overspends reported are within Elderly Mental Health In-patient Services mainly in relation to nursing pays (£219,600), Elderly Community pays (£28,700) and Pharmacy and Supplies (£41,100). In addition there are overspends reported within District Nursing pays (£39,400) and pharmacy, travel and supplies (£21,700). Further overspends are reported within Nursing Aids – Equipu (£30,600) and Dietetics pays (£27,200).

3.3.1 It should be noted 2009/10 unachieved general savings (£90,900) and Resource Allocation Model transfer (£51,300) is reported within the overall position and work is ongoing to put plans in place to address the savings challenge and resource shift.

3.3.2 It should be noted the main overspends have been partially offset against underspends within Enhanced Homecare (£53,500), Marie Curie Nursing (£32,800), Older People Services pays (£14,600) and Senior Nursing pays (£15,600) mainly due to vacancy slippage within pays.

3.3.3 The current position is under review by the Head of Health & Community Care and RES Managers and forms part of the service redesign programme.

3.4 Children’s & Families is reporting an overspend of £5,500. It should be noted the main pressures reported are within Specialist Children Services (£62,300) and have been partially offset against underspends within Health Visitor (£37,000) and PACT vacancies (£93,100).

3.4.1 The Specialist Children Services pressures have mainly been incurred from January 2008 and the position is under review with East CHCP who hosts the service on behalf of all CHCPs.

3.4.2 In addition to the above reported position it should be noted 2009/10 Resource Allocation Model transfer (£77,900) is also reported within the overall position and work is underway to put service plans in place to address the resource shift to other Partners.

3.5 Planning & Health Improvement is £219,800 underspent mainly due to delays in recruitment and service development slippage within Health Improvement.

3.6 Prescribing is reporting an overspend of £176,100.

3.6.1 Members will be aware that CH(C)P Directors agreed a centrally agreed risk sharing arrangement in principle. Since the inception of CHCPs the overall prescribing budget has been in balance, therefore expenditure per CHCP has to date been reported as equal to budget.

3.6.2 In setting primary care prescribing budgets at the outset of the year provision was made for the repayment of funding to SGHD in respect of windfall savings anticipated from price reductions on specific drugs during 2009/10 as a consequence of the Government’s Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS).


3.6.3 The level of provision was established based on SGHD guidance and was justified on the basis of a reduction in reimbursement rates to pharmacists on account of drug price reductions.

3.6.4 An analysis of actual expenditure for the period to August confirms that while the prices of a range of drugs embraced by PPRS have in fact reduced, the level of expenditure on other drugs has increased beyond anticipated levels.

3.6.5 This has generated some debate between SGHD and Health Boards regarding what an appropriate level of repayment related to windfall savings should be. Until the outcome of this debate is known there remains the risk of an additional cost pressure of up to £2m to the Board in 2009/10. As a consequence, the agreed risk sharing arrangements for CHCPs has been applied.

The 2009/10 budget position will continue to be monitored closely.

3.7 Executive is £315,700 underspent mainly due to vacancy and property cost slippage.

3.8 Addictions is reporting an underspend of £22,300 within pays mainly due to nursing vacancy slippage.

3.9 Hosted Services/Other Services is reporting an overspend of £54,400 mainly due to essential Health Centre property maintenance repairs.


4.1 Mental Health Adult Community is reporting an underspend of £143,700 and relates mainly to employee costs (£108,710) and Homecare (£37,650).

4.2 Addictions is reporting an underspend of £37,200 and relates mainly to employee costs.

4.3 Learning Disabilities is reporting an overspend of £105,700. Within the reported position the Respite budget underspend (£18,780) partially compensates overspends within Transport (£92,400) and Employee costs (£46,420) - mainly in relation to Agency costs (£82,200) caused as a result of the delay in implementation of the Day Service reforms. The main cause of the delay is due to timescales for agreeing redundancies and training of Cordia staff transferred to the service which has resulted in double staff running costs. 4.3.1 It should be noted that the Head of Learning Disability has put recovery plans in place to address the overspends within transport services. At this stage significant work has been undertaken to reduce costs in line with budget. It is anticipated that the full year effect of local actions implemented will be realised within financial year 2010/11.


4.4 Health & Community Care is reporting an overall overspend of £100,030.

4.4.1 Employee Costs are reporting underspend of £55,580.

4.4.2 Homecare expenditure is overspent by £217,920 within this period. Homecare income is under recovered by £117,480 resulting in an overall net expenditure overspend of £335,400.

4.4.3 The Homecare budget continues to be monitored closely by the Head of Health & Community Care. Local actions are being led by the Head of H&CC coupled with city wide actions lead by the Social Work centre. The CHCP has received revised target hours from Social Work centre to bring this budget back into line and adherence to these targets will ensure a balanced position across the city for Homecare Services.

4.4.4 The CHCP has produced an action plan to mitigate overspends, however full recovery of the position maybe difficult due to the level of the overspend at this stage in the financial year. The main reason for the increase has been an increase in personal care hours per period across the city and an above allocation spend for public holiday cover. A review is being carried out to assess the impact of the changes in the Free Personal Care legislation on Cordia expenditure. In addition efforts will be focussed on maximising income recovery, and a distinct team has been set up to assist with this process.

4.4.5 In addition to the above overspends are reported within Premises – mainly Heat, Light and Power (£43,310) and Transport (£45,060).

4.4.4 The above overspends are partially offset by underspends within Direct Payments (£18,600) and Property Adaptations (£38,460).

4.4.5 Income is over recovered by £147,660 mainly within Residential Care Homes and Public Bodies income and excludes Homecare income under recovered position which is noted under section 4.4.2.

4.5 Children & Families is reporting an overspend of £392,500.

4.5.1 This is mainly due to significant overspends reported within Employee costs (£99,600) and is currently under review.

4.5.2 In addition overspends are reported within Purchase of Services (£144,800) and Direct assistance payments (£26,770). These overspends relate in part to increased use of packages of support to maintain children at home and prevent use of residential care in line with the Residential Homes strategy.

4.5.3 It should be noted that the Head of Children & Families has put recovery plans in place to address these overspends and a copy of the recovery plan was submitted to the Director of Social Work and West CHCP Director for review. The report highlighted the actions going forward to address the overspend position. At this stage current indications report a reduced cost position in line with the recovery plans submitted. The position is monitored routinely.

4.5.4 Also under review is the Transport overspend that mainly relates to transport service costs for under 12’s (£123,070).

4.5.5 The CHCP are currently reviewing the transport costs and as part of this review the CHCP established a Transport Strategy Project Group to review current processes and address the transport budget pressures. The project group findings have been fed into the systemwide CHCPs proposal developed with Cordia as part of the review of transport provision across the City. The partnership with Cordia should result in a more 5 efficient transport service with savings in staff time. Further financial analysis is required to identify any reductions in cost to date and to identify whether the current increased costs are due to increased demand for transport as a result of freeing up social workers time from escorting duties.

4.6 Other Services is reporting an underspend of £104,000 mainly within Employee costs (£29,820) and Purchase of Service – Flexi (£63,380) due to a reduction in approved client packages.

4.7 Support Services is reporting overspend of £70,000 and relates mainly to Employee Costs (£44,910). The position is currently under review.


5.1 It should be noted the CHCP continues to work on recovery and savings plans to address the current Health budget overspends and deliver on the required level of savings. At this stage work is ongoing and it is therefore anticipated that the CHCP will achieve a balanced budget position within the current financial year 2009/10.

5.2 However there are two main assumptions that are of particular significance in terms of potential financial risk within 2009/10 and could impact adversely on the CHCPs forecast balanced position. The main areas are highlighted below and include an assessment of potential risk:

¾ GP Prescribing Cost Growth - need to achieve savings and contain expenditure growth within overall envelope of £12m as noted under section 3 of this report;

¾ Pay Growth – AfC assimilations and appeals upheld.

5.3 The CHCP is currently working towards achieving a balanced budget in respect of CHCP Social Work Service budgets. It should be noted that local action plans are in place to reduce costs in accordance with the report to GCC Executive Committee of 17 April 2009 on Resource Redirection. The local action plans in place are monitored routinely to ensure the CHCP works towards achieving financial balance, however it should be noted full recovery within this financial year may be difficult due to the extent of the overspend position.

5.4 The following highlights the main actions currently being implemented within the CHCP to ensure achievement of cost reductions in conjunction with Social Work Leadership Team:

¾ Local Authority Care Homes: New Rotas – anticipated saving on agency staff and overtime forecast from October 2009/10, however delays in the implementation will impact on the delivery of savings within this financial year;

¾ Recruitment and Non-essential spend – The Service continues to have a freeze of these items;

¾ Transport – The Learning Disability team is looking to rationalise use of transport services which should help to reduce the reliance on LES taxi transport. Children’s & Families new Cordia transport service arrangements requires further financial analysis as noted under section 4.5.1. of this report.

6 ¾ Homecare – Cordia expenditure has been increasing period by period. Unless the current trend of spend is reversed the service will report a net overspend. As noted under section 4.4.2 of this report the CHCP has received revised target hours from Social Work centre to bring this budget back into line and adherence to these targets will ensure a balanced position across the city for Homecare Services. In addition efforts will be focussed on maximising income recovery, and a distinct team has been set up to assist with this process. However it should be noted full recovery within this financial year in relation to Homecare may be difficult due to the extent of the overspend position.

5.5 The Executive Directors of Finance for GCC & NHSGG&C will continue to closely monitor the financial position of the CHCP and oversee any actions required to address adverse variances.


6.1 Please note the progress to date of the individual “live” schemes funded for the West Glasgow CHCP as summarised below:

6.2 Drumchapel Integrated Children and Family Centre - £5.25m

6.2.1 Works continue to progress well and the external envelope is well advanced and the building is weather tight. Internal Partition systems and Mechanical & Electrical installs are all underway and finishing trades have started in the top floor.

6.2.2 The works remain within the approved contract sum and completion is expected during April 2010.

6.2.3 In addition a Project Plan is underway to manage all activities required to facilitate the service move and support the disposal of Knightswood Clinic. A programme showing the actions in relation to disposal has been produced and this indicates completion of the transaction is viable by July 2010.

Name Jeanne Middleton Title Head of Finance Date February 2010 Tel 0141 232 2114


Annexe 1 West Glasgow Community Health & Care Partnership Finance Report for Period Ending 31 December 2009

Variance Annual YTD YT D Previous Budget Budget Actuals Varia nce Period Movement Health Expenditure £000's £000' s £000 's £000 's £00 0's £00 0's Mental Health - Adult Community 3,226.6 2,443.6 2,358.2 (85.4) (93.4) 8.0 Addictions 713.5 448.5 426.2 (22.3) (28.3) 6.0 Learning Disabilities 325.3 243.8 197.7 (46.1) (39.3) (6.8) Health & Community Care 11,186.1 8,311.8 8,724.6 412.8 314.5 98.3 Children & Families 4,990.3 4,166.5 4,172.0 5.5 19.1 (13.6) Planning & Health Improvements 2,549.0 1,589.9 1,370.1 (219.8) (140.1) (79.7 ) Family Health Services (FHS) 42,440.531,757 .131,75 7.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 Prescribing 28,322.521,544 .521,72 0.6 176.1 0.0 176.1 Executive 1,440.8850 .753 5.0(315 .7) (132.6) (18 3.1) Other Services 1,701.81,189 .31,20 4.1 14.8 9.7 5.1

Hosted Services 9,782.57,166 .07,20 5.6 39.6 4.8 34.8 Net Expenditure £106,678 .9 £79,711.7 £79,671.4(40 .3) (85.4) 45.1

Variance Annual YTD YTD Previous Monthly Budget Budget Actuals Variance Month Movement

Social Work Expenditure (Period to 18 December '09) £000's £000's £000's £0 00's £000's £000's

Mental Health - Adult Community 823 .3 553 .5 409.8 (143 .7) (113 .5) (3 0.2)

Addictions 1,039.7 718.6 681.4 (37 .2) (30. 0) (7 .2)

Learning Disabilities 2,417.6 1,652.6 1,758.3 105.7 76.9 28.8

Health & Community Care 21,528.6 14,704.3 14,804.3 100.0 (3. 2) 103.2

Children & Families 4,348.4 3,219.1 3,611.6 392.5 258.2 134.3

Planning & Health Improvements 172.1 121.9 92.6 (29 .3) (17. 7) (11 .6)

Other Services 522.0 368.8 264.8 (104 .0) (61. 3) (42 .7)

Criminal Justice 1,526.2 930.5 930.5 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0)

Support Services 1,709.7 1,210.4 1,280.4 70.0 55.8 14.2

Net Expenditure £34,087.7 £23,479.6 £23,833.7 354.1 165.3 188.8


Variance Annual YTD YTD Previous Monthly Budget Budget Actuals Variance Month Movement Consolidated Expenditure £000's £000's £000's £0 00's £0 00's £ 000's Mental Health - Adult Community 4,049.9 2,997.1 2,768.0 (229.1) (206.9) (22.2) Addictions 1,753.21,1 67.1 1,107.6 (59.5) (58.3) (1.2) Learning Disabilities 2,742.91,89 6.41,9 56.0 59.6 37.6 22.0 Health & Community Care 32,714.723,01 6.123,5 28.9 512.8 311.3 201.5 Children & Families 9,338.77,38 5.67,7 83.6 398.0 277.3 120.7 Planning & Health Improvements 2,721 .11,71 1.81,4 62.7(2 49.1) (1 57.8) (91.3) Family Health Services (FHS) 42,440.531,75 7.131,7 57.3 0.2 0.2 0.0 Prescribing 28,322.5 21,544.5 21,720.6 176.1 0.0 176.1 Executive 1,440.885 0.7 535.0 (3 15.7) (1 32.6) (183.1) Other Services 2,223.81,55 8.11,4 68.9( 89.2) (51.6) (37.6) Hosted Services 9,782.57,16 6.07,2 05.6 39.6 4.8 34.8 Criminal Justice 1,526.293 0.59 30.5 (0.0) 0.0 (0.0) Support Services 1,709.71,21 0.41,2 80.4 70.0 55.8 14.2 Total Net Expenditure £140,766.6 £103,191.3 £103,505.1 313.8 79.9 233.9

Variance Annual Budget Actual Variance Previous Monthly Social Work Budget YTD YTD YTD Month Movement Heading £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £000's £000's Employee Costs 15,745.1 10,738.8 10,694.6 (44.1) (30.4) (13.7) Premises costs 1,000.9 727.0 789.6 62.6 49.4 13.2 Transport Costs 738.4 503.2 751.5 248.3 151.8 96.5 Supplies and Services 16,000.3 10,840.611,04 3.2 202.6 75.0 127.7 Third Party Co sts 529.6307. 6 301.2(6. 4) (5.2 ) (1 .2) Transfer Payments 1,455.3 1,270.5 1,186.9(83.6 ) (41.0) (42. 7) GROSS EXPENDITURE 35,469.5 24,387.6 24,767.1 379.4 199.6 179.8

INCOME (1,381.8))(908.0 (933.4) (25.4) (34.3) 8.9

NET EXPENDITURE 34,087.7 23,479.6 23,833.7 354.1 165.3 188.8

Mem bers should note that GCC Social Work financial convention of reporting overspends as positive variances + and underspends as negative variances (-) has been adopted for all financial tables within the report.

9 WEST GLASGOW CHCP COMMITTEE Paper No. 10/02 Head of Planning and Health Improvement


Purpose of Report

This report highlights the key topics and issues that have been considered by the Public Partnership Forum (PPF) Executive Group at its meetings on 7 January 2010 and February 2010.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the progress and service topics discussed at the PPF Executive Group meeting in the first two months of the year and the action being taken by CHCP officers. 2. Approve the CHCP/PPF Working Agreement. 3. Note the reduction in the size of the CHCPs’ Community Development and Engagement Team from 1 April 2010 and the potential impact on community engagement capacity and in this context, to agree to receive a further report at its next meeting.


1.1 There have been two Public Partnership Forum Executive Group meetings held since the last CHCP Committee meeting in December. However due to the inclement weather on 7 January 2010 many of scheduled agenda items had to be deferred to the meeting on 11 February 2010.

1.2 This report has been compiled with the PPF Executive Group representatives on the CHCP Committee and the substitutes.


Engagement on the CHCP Development Plan 2010-13 2.1 It was agreed at the Executive Group meeting in April 2009 that the Public Partnership Forum would gather opinions, priorities and comments from members of the public and community groups to inform and contribute to the CHCP Development Plan 2010 – 13.

2.2 The priorities for service improvement identified in a summary report are as follows: Communication and Information; GP’s and Primary Care; Health Improvement; Social Work Services; Community Care Services; Carers Services; Mental Health; Support to Community Groups and Voluntary Organisations Services.


2.3 The broad themes that have emerged from this engagement activity will be used to inform West Glasgow’s CHCP Development Plan for 2010-13. In addition, it is the expectation that the issues in the feedback report are taken into account by CHCP officers when considering the Action Plans for each service area. Feedback from engagement activity of a more operational nature will be channelled to the relevant Head of Service and Lead Officer to consider.

Organisational Development 2.4 The final organisational development session, which had to be rescheduled from October 2009, has been planned for 24 February 2010. This session is designed to promote an understanding of CHCP Finance and funding for the PPF.

Scheme of Establishment 2.5 A report is being submitted to the Joint Partnership Board proposing engagement of PPFs in reviewing the PPF and engagement aspects of the new Scheme of Establishment for CHCP’s, and a process for this.

Working Agreement 2.6 The Committee will be aware that CHCP Officers have been working with PPF members to review and revise the former Working Agreement between the CHCP and the FFP. A final version of the document is attached for members’ consideration. The Working Agreement will be under constant review and modified by mutual agreement in the light of experience and other developments. The version of the Agreement appended to this report is due to be signed off at the PPF Executive Group meeting on 11 February 2010. Although not anticipated, any substantive changes to the content will be brought to the attention of Committee members at the Committee meeting. On this basis, and in order to bring this matter to conclusion, it is proposed that Working Agreement is approved by the Committee.

Executive Group Meeting on 11 February 2010 2.7 The following items are due to be reported and discussed at the PPF Executive meeting on 11 February 2010.

• Podiatry Service update • Cancer Development Plan • GP Services: consultation time and length of time to get an appointment

Services Changes: Community Development and Engagement Team (CDET) 2.8 Glasgow City Council has decided that, as part of its budget and savings plan for 2010-2011, there should be a 50% reduction in Community Development and Engagement staff. This is likely to mean a loss of three or four posts per CHCP.

2.9 CDET staff support the PPF and a network of other community and service users groups in the area, many of whom are represented on the PPF. Community engagement and service user involvement will continue to be a priority for the CHCP. However, the future organisation and priorities of the service have still to be decided in the context of resources availability and capacity. It is likely that the

2 PPF would remain a priority, but support for many of the other groups may be affected. Outline proposals for the future shape and focus of the service will be presented to the CHCP Committee at its next meeting.


3.1 This report highlights some of the substantive topics of discussion at the last two meetings of the PPF Executive Group. Members of the group have continued to represent the CHCP and the PPF on a number of forums, including the two Local Community Planning Partnership Boards and community reference groups.

Ray de Souza Head of Planning and Health Improvement 4 February 2009 0141 211 3704

3 Appendix Paper No. 10/02 Working Agreement Between West Glasgow Public Partnership Forum And West Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership


This Working Agreement is a guidance document that describes the agreed working arrangements between the Public Partnership Forum (PPF) and the Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP). These arrangements are intended to maximise the effectiveness of the Public partnership Forum as the formal, primary, but not only, mechanism by which the Community Health and Care Partnership engages, communicates and maintains contact with the public.


The Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP) is responsible for delivering local health and social care services for the residents of West Glasgow. It is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people living and working in West Glasgow and tackling health inequalities. Appendix 1 contains the CHCP governance structures.


The Public Partnership Forum is a network of local groups and individuals. It is the main mechanism by which the CHCP engages and communicates with people in West Glasgow. Its primary function is to be a conduit for information and opinion sharing to involve the public and service users in decision making about local health and social care services. It will also have a role in influencing health services for residents of West Glasgow delivered outwith the West Glasgow CHCP boundary.


The PPF shall be a channel for developing effective communication between the CHCP and the public, facilitating engagement and dialogue with individuals, groups and communities. Building on existing public involvement mechanisms, the PPF shall establish and maintain an effective partnership with the CHCP to ensure that:

ƒ the views of the public (individuals, groups and voluntary sector organisations) on matters relating to local health and social care services are communicated to the CHCP;

ƒ information on local health and social care services is communicated to the public in the most effective way working with the CHCP’s Executive team;

ƒ support is provided to ensure the public is involved in the planning and decision making processes of the CHCP and of wider health and social care related services;

ƒ barriers that prevent equal access to services are broken down.

The relationship between the PPF and the CHCP shall be based on the following key principles: ƒ openness and honesty ƒ listening to and having respect for each others views and opinions ƒ giving and receiving feedback ƒ learning from each other The CHCP shall ensure that the PPF is:

ƒ involved at an early stage in its planning and decision making processes; ƒ is provided with relevant and timely information; ƒ supported in its development and that its input is valued and respected.

The Public Partnership Forum will respect the need for confidentiality when this is required.



The PPF shall:

♦ Inform local people about the range of local health and social care services.

♦ Engage local service users, carers and the public in discussion about how to improve services. This will inform plans of the Community Health and Care Partnership and help identify local priorities for service improvement.

♦ Support wider public involvement in planning and decision making about public services.

♦ Build on existing networks and develop new ones, especially among the harder to reach communities in the area

♦ Ensure that members who are representing groups or organisations communicate information to and from these groups.

♦ Support the Community Health and Care Partnership to meet the National Standards for Community Engagement as defined by Communities Scotland and the Scottish Executive.


ƒ the Community Health and Care Partnership will be made aware of the views of the public and service users on matters related to health and social care services;

ƒ the public will be informed about the range and location of health and social care services provided in West Glasgow;

ƒ the public will be participating in groups, meetings, consultations and events arranged by the Public Partnership Forum aimed at improving the delivery and quality of local health and social care services;

6 ƒ The Public Partnership Forum Executive will be able to represent the views of the Public Partnership Forum directly to the Community Health and Care Partnership through representation on the Community Health and Care Partnership Committee.


Membership of the Public Partnership Forum is open any person who lives, works or uses services in West Glasgow and also representatives or committee members of local groups or organisations operating within West Glasgow.

There shall be no time limit on PPF membership.


The Public Partnership Forum (PPF) shall be the primary mechanism by which the Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP) fosters two-way communication with representatives of the public. The PPF shall be made up of voluntary organisations, community groups and individuals interested in improving health and social care services.

The day to day running of the PPF shall be undertaken by the Public Partnership Forum Executive Committee.

The Public Partnership Forum Executive Committee shall consist of 26 members including no more than forty per cent (40%) representatives of local committees or projects and no more than fifteen per cent (15%) of individuals. The emphasis shall be on including those from local groups and organisations, service users, patients and carers and other interest groups (45%) minimum.

Forum members elected to the PPF Executive Committee shall be either: a) residents of West Glasgow;

7 b) users of services in West Glasgow. In this case they should not already be a member of a PPF Executive Committee in another part of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Area.

They shall serve for a period of up to two years and be eligible to stand for re-election at the end of that period. One third of members of the first elected Executive Committee shall stand down after one year at the Annual Open Meeting in April to allow for continuity and new members to be elected.

The PPF Executive Committee shall elect a Convenor and a Vice Convenor or Correspondence Secretary. The role of the Convenor shall be solely to facilitate the process of the meeting and to ensure that everyone is given the opportunity to be heard.

The PPF Executive Committee shall elect two representatives to the Community Health and Care Partnership Committee; they shall be one representative drawn from a community group and one representative drawn from a voluntary organisation. Both shall serve for a period of up to two years. The Executive may also nominate two deputies to the representatives to act as substitutes. The representatives and deputies shall all be accountable to and reflect the views of the PPF Executive Committee.

Community Representative

The community sector representative and substitute on the Community Health and Care Partnership will be elected from the ‘community’ and ‘individual’ categories of nominees by all 26 members of the Executive committee. The community representative and substitute will be elected for a two year period onto the Community Health and Care Partnership.

The elected community representative will be eligible to continue as a member of the Public Partnership Forum Executive for a 3 year period if their membership of the Executive comes to an end mid way through the two year period.

8 Voluntary Sector Representative

The voluntary sector representative and substitute on the Community Health and Care Partnership will be elected from the project representative categories of nominees by all 26 members of the Executive committee. The voluntary representative will be elected for a two year period on the Community Health and Care Partnership.

The elected voluntary representative and substitute will be eligible to continue as a member of the Public Partnership Forum Executive for a 3 year period if their membership of the Executive comes to an end mid way through the two year period.

The Executive Committee shall be allowed to co-opt, by mutual agreement of the current membership, up to four individuals in accordance with the eligibility criteria to enhance it’s capacity and meet its objectives, These co-opted members will be approved by the following Annual Meeting of the PPF.

The PPF Executive will aid: a) Communication and information flow between Public Partnership Forum members and the Community Health and Care Partnership b) Involvement and participation activity.

Specifically the PPF Executive Committee shall:

ƒ Maintain a database of Public Partnership Forum members details in accordance with Data Protection regulations ƒ Co-ordinate communication and information flow to and from Public Partnership Forum members ƒ Hold public events will be held throughout the year as appropriate to planning and consultation needs that arise. ƒ Monitor functioning of the working agreement between the Public Partnership Forum and Community Health and Care Partnership; ƒ Ensure that involvement and engagement activity is co-ordinated with existing involvement structures;

9 ƒ Promote networking between Public Partnership Forum member organisations, groups and individuals where there are areas of common interest; ƒ Strive to expand membership of the Public Partnership Forum and in particular establish strategies and mechanisms to involve ‘hard- to-reach groups’.

Public Partnership Forum Executive Committee Meetings: Conduct

♦ Agendas and papers which need to be discussed at meetings shall be sent out to members at least 7 days before.

♦ The agenda, papers and minutes of meetings shall be posted on the West Glasgow CHCP website. Members shall be expected to submit approved minutes of meetings to the groups/ organisations they represent and/or other sponsors at the first available meeting.

♦ Decisions shall be made by consensus. On the rare occasion that this is not possible and a decision requires to be made, decisions shall be made by a simple majority following a vote of hands. If there is no majority, discussion shall continue until a suitable compromise can be reached.

♦ The group quorum will be set at 6. If required, members not present can submit a written view on a matter in question in advance of the meeting.

♦ At least six meetings a year will be held. Meetings will be held at a suitable venue and time as agreed by the majority of members, to be scheduled between Community Health and Care Partnership meetings. A programme of dates for meetings will be compiled at the beginning of each calendar year and posted on the CHCP website.

♦ Committee members who miss three meetings in a row without submitting apologies will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

10 ♦ The PPF Executive Committee shall strive to be inclusive of Equalities in both its practice and membership.

♦ Committee members and officers will be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.

An Annual Open Meeting (AOM) shall be held in April of each year during which the Public Partnership Forum Executive Committee will be elected by the Public Partnership Forum. Nominations shall be submitted from the relevant parties one calendar month before the AOM.

Sub groups: Sub groups for a specific purpose will be agreed by a simple majority of those present at meetings. Subgroups shall be time-limited. Members for sub groups will be sought from the wider Public Partnership Forum through the database. Anyone who has expressed a particular interest will be contacted to see if they want to become part of the sub group. Sub groups shall be minuted and report to the Public Partnership Forum Executive Committee.

Expenses: Legitimate and reasonable expenses or assistance will be provided for travelling, approved attendance at relevant training events, conferences etc.

Accountability: The representatives and deputies elected to the Community Health and Care Partnership Committee will be accountable to PPF Executive Committee and through the Executive Committee to the Forum’s membership for the views/issues communicated to the Community Health and Care Partnership Committee. Individuals representing organisations or groups are accountable to those organisations or groups for the views expressed when taking part in involvement activities as part of the PPF Executive Committee.

Decision Making: Potentially there are three areas where decisions are likely to be made by the PPF Executive Committee on behalf of the Forum. These are: a) Decisions on the views/issues expressed and issues raised on behalf of the Public Partnership Forum to the Community Health

11 and Care Partnership Committee shall be reported to CHCP Committee for ratification or further full and frank discussion. b) Decisions on how the Public Partnership Forum will tackle requests for involvement in specific areas. c) Decisions relating to the functioning of the Working Agreement. Where decisions are not ratified the Chair of the Committee will ensure that there has been full and frank discussion; that the minute accurately reflects the recommendations of the PPF to the Committee and that the dissent of PPF representatives is noted.

Time commitment: The amount of time that Public Partnership Forum members commit to the Public Partnership Forum related activities is to a large extent up to the members themselves and will involve: ƒ Reading information provided; ƒ Disseminating information as appropriate; ƒ Attendance at meetings/events ƒ Arranging feedback

Code of conduct: In carrying out their roles within the Public Partnership Forum / Executive Committee members will seek to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc (Scotland) Act 2000 and the National Standards for Community Engagement.

Grievances: In the event of a Public Partnership Forum member wishing to make a complaint against another Public Partnership Forum / Executive Committee member, the following process shall apply:

1. The CHCP’s Head of Planning and Health Improvement shall delegate his/her Lead officer to arrange an informal discussion with the complainant and an Executive Committee member to try to resolve matters before resorting to the grievance procedures. 2. The Head of Planning and Health Improvement and a PPF Executive Committee member shall conduct a review and make a recommendation to the CHCP Director.

12 3. An Appeal by the complainant may be made to the to CHCP Director and CHCP Chair

Contact with the Media: No member of the Public Partnership Forum or the Executive Committee may contact the media or represent the Public Partnership Forum / Executive Committee without first consulting the Lead Officer who will in turn consult the CHCP’s Executive Officer (CHCP Head of Planning and Health Improvement) to the PPF/ Executive Committee.

Confidentiality: In raising issues relating to health or health care, Public Partnership Forum members will ensure that individual’s rights to confidentiality are maintained.

Conflict of Interest: It is the responsibility of all Public Partnership Forum/ Executive Committee members to declare a conflict of interest if they know or believe it to exist or if there is a possibility that others will perceive it to exist.

The nature of the conflict of interest could be: ƒ Financial ƒ Personal ƒ Associations

In dealing with or responding to a conflict of interest the overarching principle applied will be that ‘common sense will prevail’. When a conflict of interest has been declared, the person may not take part in discussion or voting on that issue and must leave the room for that part of the meeting.


The Community Health and Care Partnership shall ensure that the Public Partnership Forum / Executive Committee have the necessary support to develop and undertake its role and responsibilities. Such support will include:

Professional Support: The Head of Planning and Health Improvement shall be the CHCP’s Executive Officer to the Public

13 Partnership Forum / Executive Committee. He/she shall provide advice and support to members directly as the need arises or via an appointed Lead Officer. The Lead Officer shall facilitate the Forum/ Executive to operate effectively and efficiently on a day-to-day basis.

Personal Support: To remove barriers that prevent members from participate fully in approved CHCP/PPF business, the executive officer will ensure that support in the form of carers, creche facilities, translation, braille is provided. This will be agreed prior to the engagement and within budget.

Training & Development Support: The Executive Officer shall work with the Public Partnership Forum / Executive Committee to identify training and development needs.

Administrative Support: The Community Health and Care Partnership shall provide the PPF Executive Committee with administrative support (including information and facilities) to enable it to perform its function effectively. Support may also be accessed from the Scottish Health Council.


The Scottish Health Council will quality-assure the Patient Focus and Public Involvement activities of the Community Health and Care Partnership. Specifically the Scottish Health Council will ensure that the Community Health and Care Partnership is carrying out its statutory duties to involve the public and promote equality of opportunity through the work of the Public Partnership Forum and other public involvement mechanisms. To this end the Scottish Health Council will:

ƒ Monitor the development of the Public Partnership Forum ƒ Assess how well the Community Health and Care Partnership engages with the public through the Public Partnership Forum ƒ Provide advice and support to the Public Partnership Forum in identifying support needs to be met by the Community Health and Care Partnership



The Public Partnership Forum Executive will review the working Agreement on an annual basis. Any changes proposed to the Working Agreement must be agreed at the Annual Open Meeting of the Public Partnership Forum and subsequently by the Community Health and Care Partnership Committee.

______For PPF Executive Committee CHCP Chair CHCP Director


CHCP Executive Officer: ______

Appendix 1 (to follow)


Clinical Director


This report highlights activities and developments in the Professional Executive Group (PEG), including Clinical/Care Governance and Prescribing sub groups, since the last Committee meeting.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the issues raised by the Professional Executive Group and areas identified for further discussion and development. 2. Provide the Professional Executive Group with feedback on issues of importance for further consideration.


1.1. The CHCP Professional Executive Group exists to advise the CHCP Committee on matters of professional practice; clinical and professional leadership, contribute to and inform service planning, development and prioritisation. The PEG has key sub groups reporting to it and the major ones are included below.

1.2 This report provides an update on current issues, allowing the CHCP Committee to consider the issues currently being worked on by the PEG and in turn allowing the Committee to feed back areas for further consideration and development.


2.1 Update This report is based upon the last meeting, which took place on 26th January 2010 and was a joint PEG and Clinical and Care Governance meeting.

Key PEG issues:

2.2 Primary Care Framework Pam Fenton gave an overview of the latest iteration of the Framework and advised that a Primary Care Development Group would meet for the first time on 10th February 2010.

2.2.1 The purpose of this group would be to develop the local priorities within Primary Care for the West and a key challenge would be to ensure that there was adequate involvement of local general practitioners.


2.2.2 Priorities already identified for further work included;

• Better integration; joint working between GPs and the CHCP • Service Accommodation/Access • Models of clinical practice • Model of locality groups • Relationships between Primary /Secondary Care

2.2.3 The latest draft was out for consultation until the 12th February 2010. There was agreement that this was a useful exercise and would hopefully lead to improved involvement of local practitioners in the work of the CHCP.

2.3 48 Hour Access to GPs – national survey of patient experience Agreement was reached on how to support those practices that had not fared so well in the recent survey. Although West practices had performed very well in general it had been agreed that support would be offered to those that did not meet the highest levels of achievement – nine practices. It was noted that the survey was based on patient perception and did not necessarily reflect the efforts that practices had made to improve services within the year.

2.4 Glasgow City Low Vision Project The Lead Optometrist, Nicki McElvenney, gave an update on a new service for people with low vision requiring visual aids. As a result of joint working across Glasgow City CHCPs a new service was available, accessible via any optometrist (optician), and this was allowing patients to get faster access to services as well as freeing up clinic time at hospitals.

2.5 Health and Wellbeing Survey A senior Health Board researcher gave a preview of the results of a recent Health and Wellbeing Survey, which compared CHCPs and whilst West Glasgow compared favourably overall there was s slight concern that aggregating the results as it did across the CHCP might mask significant differences within the CHCP. The researcher agreed to advise of ways around this issue when the full report became available in a month or so. The full report should inform the CHCP Development Plan.


Key CCG Issues

3.1 Clinical and Care Governance Executive Group The CCG Executive group was working well and focusing on producing the Annual Clinical Governance Report.

3.2 Immunisation Errors The response to immunisation errors in the West CHCP last year had been praised by the Clinical Governance Forum and endorsed as an example of good practice worthy of inclusion in a forthcoming patient safety conference. The problems highlighted were common to all areas of the Board and the report was being circulated in other CHCPs.


3.3 Clinical Incidents Clinical incident reporting was noted to be developing following the introduction of a new web based reporting system, Datix. This will result in more useful reports that will be used to inform staff training.

3.4 Ombudsman Issues There was agreement on the need to re-enforce the advice that professionals had a duty to deal appropriately with concerns about under performance in other professionals and a reminder to this effect will be circulated shortly. This was in response to an issue that occurred out with the GG&C Board area.


Key Prescribing Issues

4.1 Prescribing Expenditure 200910 Prescribing (Gross Ingredient Cost) expenditure to October 2009 is £16.38million, 3.4% above allocation for the CHCP. The overall cost of an average item (prescription) has decreased by 4.45% compared to last year with a 3% increase in prescribing volume. The overall expenditure has reduced by 1.6% (£169k).

4.1.1 Prescriptions for stomach, nervous system and antibiotics have seen a decrease in overall expenditure. Diabetes spending has seen a significant increased cost. This area of prescribing is being reviewed for prescribing indicators in 2010/11 as well as the current indicator for Blood Glucose Monitoring. Respiratory has also increased costs but medication review clinics are now in place to ensure cost effectiveness in this area of prescribing.

4.1.2 Drug supply problems have caused 12 common drugs to increase in price. Fluoxetine (a common antidepressant) and omeprazole (a common stomach medicine). Supply issues are resolving now but did cost more from October to January.

4.1.3 The prescribing team of pharmacists and technicians working with practices have generated £190k on cost saving initiatives year to date. As well as prescribing efficiencies this includes savings from medication review and support with the medication reordering process in care homes.

4.1.4 In addition steps are being taken to throughout the Board to consider ways in which prescribing practice might be developed in respect of cost and quality in repeat prescribing, responsible for 70% of total prescribing cost.

4.2 Prescribing Indicators 2010/11 New prescribing indicators and areas for cost efficiencies are being finalised for 2010/11. The process to identify prescribing efficiencies becomes more challenging each year.

John Nugent Clinical Director 3rd February 2010 0141 211 0608


Head of Planning and Health Improvement


Purpose of Report

This report advises the Committee of the work in progress to develop the CHCP Plan for the next three years, 2010 to 2013.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the content of this report 2. Agree planning process and engagement process outlined in this report 3. Suggest additional community and stakeholder engagement arrangements and how they would wish to be involved in this process.


1.1 Previous reports to the CHCP Committee have highlighted the requirement for the CHCP to produce a development plan for the organisation which corresponds to the delivery of the objectives and targets of the two corporate organisations- NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and Glasgow City Council (GCC) - as well as addressing specific local needs and priorities agreed by the local community planning partners.

1.2 Previous plans that have been developed by CHCP include an initial Development Plan (2006/07) to establish the CHCP, a three-year Development Plan (2007/10), and subsequent annual Update Plans to the end of March 2010. All the Plans, which have identified the strategic direction and priorities for the CHCP, have been influenced and approved by the Committee as well as stakeholders.


2.1 The new three-year Plan will be an integrated document which sets out how the organisation will deliver primary care, community health and social care services in the context of NHSGGC and GCC corporate objectives. It is required to be submitted to the two corporate centres by 31 March 2010.

2.2 In order to support the development and consistency of Plans, NHSGGC has issued guidance. The Plans will be focussed on the delivery of agreed outcomes for specific client groups / service areas in the context of the imperative to

1 address issues such as the health inequalities gap, equalities, continuous performance improvement and efficiency, finance and workforce challenges.

2.3 Actions and priorities in the new CHCP Plan will also reflect an analysis of need in West Glasgow based on new information that has emerged from the recently published NHSGGCs’ Director of Public Health Report, the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation and the local Health and Wellbeing Survey. The views gathered through various engagement exercises organised by the Public Partnership Forum during the course of the year will be considered by CHCP Heads of Service as part of the planning process.

2.4 Work is currently underway by CHCP Heads of Service to consider the priorities for their respective service areas in the context of the anticipated savings challenges over the next three years and resource availability.

2.5 In view of the tight timescale for delivering a draft Plan to the two corporate centres (by 31 March) it is proposed that discussions with our community planning partners and other stakeholders (such as the PPF, The professional Executive Group and the Staff Partnership Forum) take place during the month of April. Accordingly, a schedule of meetings for community engagement is in the process of being arranged.

Ray de Souza Head of Planning and Health Improvement 6 February 2009 0141 211 3704


Senior Organisational Development Advisor


Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to gain approval for the proposed format and content of the next Committee development session to be held on 9th March 2010 and to give the Committee opportunity to consider format, frequency and dates for Committee development sessions in the financial year 2010/2011.

Recommendations The Committee is asked to:

1. Agree the suggested content for the March development session. 2. Consider the suggested dates for the development sessions for 2010/2011. 3. Provide suggestion for relevant areas for development in the forthcoming year.


1.1. The Committee approved the notion of holding a series of three development events annually at the April 2009 Committee meeting.

1.2. The Committee approved the notion of using development sessions to include, space and time out with Committee meetings to consider the following areas on an annual basis:

• Key Priorities/Planning Process and Group development • Finance and Group Development • Performance Review and Group Development • Equalities Training

1.3 The development session scheduled for July was cancelled as a result of low levels of availability amongst the group, mainly due to prioritised commitments and the summer holiday period. The November session went ahead with around two thirds of the group attending. The March session is about to take place.

1.4 The establishment of the Joint Partnership Board and Revised Scheme of Establishment will require the Committee to refocus their way of working so continued development of the Committee will be crucial.



2.1 It is suggested that the session to be held on Tuesday 9th March 2010 between 11am and 3pm (Venue To Be Confirmed) focus on the following areas:

• Group Development following on from the work done in March 2009 including: • Feedback on Committee Behaviours – Janice Turnbull • Development Plan Priorities – Ray De Souza. • Updates on Governance and Development issues: ƒ Performance Management - TBC ƒ Tomorrow’s Council – impact on services – Val Smith • Joint Partnership Board/Revised Scheme of Establishment – Neil Hunter/Janice Turnbull


3.1 Given the difficulty experienced by Committee members in attending the July Session it is suggested that Development Sessions for 2010/2011 take place in: • May 2010 (5th, 11th or 20th) • September 2010 (8th, 14th or 23rd) • January 2011 (11th, 19th or 27th)

3.2 Committee members are asked to consider if the 11am until 3pm time slot remains the most suitable and to suggest preferred cost neutral venues.


4.1 It is suggested that the annual cycle of sessions continues to cover albeit briefly the team development of the Committee and the Committee are asked to consider any particular areas of Team Development they may wish to focus on.

4.2 It is further suggested that the inclusion of finance, performance and planning as cyclical topics remain and that this year’s coverage of equality and diversity covers the CHCP’s commitment to Equality Impact Assessment and associated action plans.

4.3 The Committee are asked to suggest any other key topics they feel are of relevance.

Janice Turnbull Senior Organisational Development Advisor 8 February 2010 0141 211 3784

2 Item 6

Glasgow City Council 29th May 2009

Executive Committee

Report by Councillor Elaine McDougall, Executive Member for Housing

Contact: Steve Inch Ext: 76006

Housing & Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Action Plan

Purpose of Report:

To propose a Housing & Autism Action Plan to better meet the housing needs of people with ASD.


The Committee is asked to: - note the findings of the recent Housing & Autism Questionnaire; - agree the Housing & Autism Action Plan; - instruct the Executive Director of Development & Regeneration Services to report progress on implementation of the Action Plan to the Autism Working Group and to the Business and the Economy Policy Development Committee.

Ward No(s): None Citywide: x

Local member(s) advised: Yes No Consulted: Yes No

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Any Ordnance Survey mapping included within this Report is provided by Glasgow City Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to make available Council-held public domain information. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey Copyright for advice where they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping/map data for their own use. The OS web site can be found at " If accessing this Report via the Internet, please note that any mapping is for illustrative purposes only and is not true to any marked scale.

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1.1. At the Executive Committee meeting on 15 August 2008, the Executive Committee instructed the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to report back in 6 months on how the specific needs of families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder would be met.

1.2. Although there is some information on prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) within the general population, there is little information collated locally or nationally regarding the housing needs of people with ASD. However, locally there are anecdotal accounts of the housing issues faced by families with children with ASD. As there is no existing mechanism for assessing these needs, a survey questionnaire was developed and survey responses analysed which is why it is only now that this report is coming to Committee.

1.3. The Autism Working Group is established to take forward the ASD agenda through joint working, is chaired by Councillor Christopher Mason, and has been aware of progress in assessing the housing needs of families with children with ASD.

1.4. Work on Housing & ASD was remitted to a subgroup of the Working Group, which was established on 31 March 2008, is chaired by Councillor Graeme Hendry, and has representation from the Glasgow Autism Resource Centre, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations, Glasgow Housing Association, the Scottish Society for Autism, The National Autistic Society, Development & Regeneration Services (Glasgow City Council), and parents of children with ASD.


2.1. Members of the Housing & ASD Sub-Group agreed that the housing needs of families with children with ASD could be examined through a survey questionnaire targeted at families with school-age children with a diagnosis of ASD. In February 2009, 1274 survey forms were sent out with 282 survey returns which is a response rate of 22.1%.

2.2 Survey Findings

2.2.1 The questionnaire results provide a rich source of information on housing experiences and raise issues relating to housing provision, information and advice giving, housing and other support provision. The results highlight the general low levels of awareness of ASD and its implications for housing needs.

2.2.2 The survey results underline the significance families give to appropriate housing in enabling the development of children with ASD, and improving the quality of life for these individuals and for the wider family.

2.2.3 The respondents and their families live in all tenures and in every type of property across the city.

2.2.4 There is a high incidence of single adult households with children with ASD which is significantly higher in the rented sectors.

2.2.5 The majority of households have only one child with ASD but almost 80% of households have more than one child.

L:\Cmtserv\Committees\EXECUTIVE\MEETINGS\2009\29 May\Item 6.doc 2.2.6 The results underline the high priority given to friend and family networks in influencing the decision of where households locate. This is due to the high levels of support provided by these networks and is the most frequently given reason for why families live in their current accommodation.

2.2.7 Over a quarter of respondents indicate their current accommodation is the best of limited options, citing the lack of availability of larger houses and issues of housing affordability.

2.2.8 62% of respondents report their present home does not meet their needs with highest incidence in the rented sectors. The most frequently reported reasons for housing need are not enough bedrooms meaning siblings are sharing, rooms being too small, and lack of access to a safe and secure garden. Other reasons cited include housing affordability constraints coupled with caring/ working commitments creating a barrier to purchasing a more suitable property, access to funding for adaptations and in particular extensions, housing association allocation policies or housing staff not recognising housing need, and difficulties in living in proximity to neighbours with a particular focus on the need for improved soundproofing.

2.2.9 41% of respondents indicated their family’s housing needs would change significantly in the next 5 years. Due to the age profile of the children with ASD (average age of 10), most of the change involved the need for more space for the family enabling the children to fully develop and to foster independence.

2.2.10 Half of all respondents receive support from their family and friends with a quarter receiving support from Social Work Services or the Health Service. A fifth of all respondents stated they received no support at all. The importance of benefit payments to families was highlighted by the frequency of being mentioned under ‘other support’.

2.2.11 There were generally low levels of reported access to housing information and advice. Housing Associations were the most regularly quoted place where respondents get information and advice on housing, and this included households who currently rent socially and privately, and those who own.

2,3 Key Issues

2.3.1 In summary, the key housing issues highlighted by the questionnaire include: • Need for larger family houses and additional bedrooms so that children do not have to share • Requests for extensions to properties in all tenures for extra bedrooms and additional toilet facilities • Need for secure areas for play with garden fences and which are preferably not shared • Lack of awareness of Housing Association staff of ASD and the housing needs of families with children with ASD • Frequent reports that Housing Associations’ policies on medical points or allocations do not take into consideration the needs of these families • Neighbour perceptions of anti-social behaviour which might be improved by soundproofing in houses • Possible need for supported housing options in the future when children get older although due to the age of the children considered by the questionnaire, no numbers for anticipated need could be made • Reports of families who are living or who have lived with relations on a crisis or temporary basis

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2.3.2 The full findings of the questionnaire are available on the web at www.glasgow.gov.uk/en/Business/Housing/HousingStrategy/Latest_News


3/1 A Housing & ASD Action Plan has been developed from the results of the housing questionnaire and will form the basis of the work of the Housing & ASD Sub-Group.

3.2 The Housing & ASD Action plan is in Appendix 1. It is based on achieving 2 key outcomes:

• Improved Awareness of ASD and housing issues and problems relating to ASD • Improved Policy & Practice in Strategy Development, Housing Management and Housing Development which meets the needs of people with ASD

3.3 The Autism Working Group discussed and agreed the Action Plan at its meeting on 11 May 2009.

3.4 A key area of work is the finalisation and publication of Housing and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): A Practical Guide for Registered Social Landlords, which has been developed by the Group. Through the questionnaire, it has been highlighted that housing practitioners are often unaware of the particular housing issues and needs of households with members with ASD have and are therefore, unable to respond appropriately. The Guide will assist Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and other housing agencies in meeting the housing needs of households with members with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through examples of practical situations and solutions, and will provide the basis of tailored training to housing practitioners delivered by the Autism Resource Centre (ARC).

3.5 The Action Plan will be actioned through the Housing & ASD Sub-Group, and monitored through the Local Housing Strategy (LHS) Annual Monitoring Report and progress reported through the Annual ASD Report to Executive Committee.


4.1 The aspects of the Action Plan which involve revenue funded activities are not considered to require the allocation of specific additional resources. In relation to capital spending, the main requirements are to increase the provision of larger houses in the social rented sector through RSL and GHA new building, and to ensure that adequate funding is available for adaptations in both social and private housing. The Council already has targets to increase provision of larger social rented houses, and these will be reviewed to take account of ASD needs. This is one of a number of cost pressures on the social housing investment programme which are being monitored through the annual Strategic Housing Investment Plan. Adaptations in RSL properties are funded from the Development Funding Programme managed by the Council, while the GHA has its own budget for adaptations. Adaptations in private housing are funded from Private Sector Housing Grant. Ringfencing of this budget is being removed from 2010/11 onwards, and the Council itself will need to ensure that sufficient funding is available for this purpose. An interim policy on grants for house extensions was approved by the Executive Committee as part of the Statement of Assistance (S.72 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006) on 17 April 2009.

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Financial: No specific alteration is proposed to established capital and revenue budgets. On the capital side, there are financing issues which will need to be monitored.

Legal: Autism is a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995. As a public authority, Glasgow City Council is under a legal duty to act proactively on disability equality issues, complementing individual rights under the DDA.

Personnel: There are no implications for personnel.

Service Plan: The ASD Action Plan supports the DRS Policy Development & Implementation objective to develop, promote, and maintain a robust policy base and related action programmes.

Environmental: None

Development and Regeneration Services DW (098-09) 12 May 2009

L:\Cmtserv\Committees\EXECUTIVE\MEETINGS\2009\29 May\Item 6.doc Appendix 1 Housing & ASD Action Plan (May 2009) Outcomes • Improved Awareness of ASD and housing issues and problems relating to ASD • Improved Policy & Practice in Strategy Development, Housing Management and Housing Development which meets the needs of people with ASD

Action Lead Partners Deadline Ensure the housing needs of households with members with ASD are DRS Housing & ASD New LHS Consultative Draft: reflected in the Local Housing Strategy and other related strategies Sub-Group, GHP Summer 2009

Incorporate ASD needs including larger houses and adaptations in planning DRS Housing & ASD SHIP Nov. 2009, PSHG annual of housing investment at citywide and area level through the SHIP and the Sub-Group, GHA PSHG programme

Housing & ASD Questionnaire (School Children) Analysis to be completed DRS Housing & ASD End May 2009 and published on the web Sub-Group

Finalise and publish ‘Housing & ASD: A Practical Guide for Registered DRS Housing & ASD End July 2009 Social Landlords’ Sub-Group, RSLs, • Inform RSLs and LHOs of document’s availability LHOs • Inform of document’s availability to other agencies including Schools, Asylum Seeker & Refugee agencies • Publish document on the web

Housing staff to be identified and informed of tailored training on Housing & ARC CHCPs, RSLs, • First session (pilot) – 29th ASD and to include front-line and development staff (Housing Officers, LHOs, GHP April 2009 Policy Officers, Homelessness Partnership Officers). The training will be • 5 further session (last delivered through Essential Connection Forums in each CHCPs. Wednesday in May, June, Sept, Oct, November 2009)

Other key practitioners in the delivery of housing services and support to be Housing & SWS, CHCPs End October 2009 identified and offered training e.g. Occupation Therapists ASD Sub- Group

RSLs to be requested to review their allocation policies to ensure they ARC RSLs, GHA, LHOs End September 2009 assess needs of families with ASD particularly in relation to attracting medical points if appropriate, and reflecting the frequent need for children with ASD to have their own bedroom irrespective of age

RSLs to be requested to review their policies on the provision of secure ARC RSLs, GHA/ LHOs End September 2009 gardens and sound proofing for families with members with ASD

L:\Cmtserv\Committees\EXECUTIVE\MEETINGS\2009\29 May\Item 6.doc Monitor the implementation of the Statement of Assistance (s.72) of the DRS SWS April 2010 Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 specifically in relation to adaptations for owners and private tenants to ensure it meets the needs of families with members with ASD, and to be revised accordingly • The first S.72 Statement of Assistance approved by Executive Committee on 17 April 2009.

Ensure people with ASD are aware of how to access the information and RSLs, SFHA, GWSFHA End September 2009 advice available on the range of housing options available to households LHOs, GHP who wish to own and to rent (including Shared Equity Schemes), particularly through the Housing Options Guide

Identify levels of housing need through a scoping exercise into range of ARC DRS, RSLs, GHA End October 2009 housing provision required using the ARC’s database • Use results to feed into Housing Management Practice and Housing Development

Review NAS supported housing development in Glasgow for people with NAS, DRS Housing & ASD December 2009 ASD, and other forms of specialist provision in Glasgow and from across Sub-Group the country

ARC Autism Resource Centre CHCPs Community Health and Care Partnerships DRS Development & Regeneration Services, Glasgow City Council GHA Glasgow Housing Association GWSFHA Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum of Housing Associations GHP Glasgow Homelessness Partnership LHO Local Housing Organisation (Glasgow Housing Association) NAS National Autistic Society PSHG Private Sector Housing Grant RSLs Registered Social Landlords SFHA Scottish Federation of Housing Associations SHIP Strategic Housing Investment Programme SSA Scottish Society for Autism SWS Social Work Services, Glasgow City Council

Housing & ASD Sub-Group Chair: Councillor Graeme Hendry Administration: ARC Membership: ARC, DRS, GHA, GWSFHA, NAS, SFHA, SSA, parents.

L:\Cmtserv\Committees\EXECUTIVE\MEETINGS\2009\29 May\Item 6.doc WEST GLASGOW CHCP COMMITTEE Paper No. 10/06

Head of Planning and Health Improvement


Purpose of Report

This report updates the Committee on the progress being made by the CHCP and its partners to address housing and homelessness issues in West Glasgow.


The Committee is asked to;

1. Note the progress of the Essential Connections Group and Tenancy Sustainment Group 2. Endorse the action proposed in section 1.4 of the report to address the topic of Autism and housing 3 Endorse the Tenancy Sustainment Protocol and note the plans for its launch during February 2010.


1.1 Paper 09/75 to the Committee in December 2009 highlighted the work underway to set up a framework and structure for the CHCP and its housing provider partners to address the specific issues in relation to housing and homelessness in West Glasgow.

1.2 At last meeting, clarification was requested from officers on the availability of a Statement of Best Practice on the issue of autism. Autism is not one of the suite of 14 Statements of Best Practice. Glasgow City Council Executive Committee approved the report on Housing and Autism Spectrum Disorder on 29th May 2009. (Appendix 2) which included an Action Plan outlining a number of points, including:

o A programme of training to be delivered o Dissemination of good practice guidance o Ensuring relevant policy and practice documents are revised where necessary

1.3 The Autism report has not yet been considered by the Essential Connections Group or the City-wide Statements of Best Practice Group. It should be noted that the CHCP attempted to facilitate a training session for housing providers in November 2009 which had to be cancelled due to poor uptake. This has been a similar feature amongst other CHCPs, and the intention is to stage another training event during 2010 by working with housing providers to include in their respective annual training plans.

1.4 The CHCP proposes to include the Autism report referred to above on the agenda of a future Essential Connections Group and will invite representatives from the Autism Resource Centre to support the discussions. CHCP officers will also raise the topic at the next Statements of Best Practice

1 Group in order to identify the most appropriate ways to address the key issues in the report.


2.1 A work plan for the ECG has been developed and will be the subject of discussion and agreement at the February meeting. The work plan focuses on delivering the CHCP responsibilities for homelessness, implementing the strategic aims of the Homelessness Prevention Strategy, identifying social care housing investment priorities, and implementing training based on the Statements of Best Practice.

2.2 West Glasgow CHCP is working closely with colleagues in other CHCPs to develop a city-wide training plan as well as locally delivering training to housing providers and CHCP staff around key areas of the Statements of Best Practice.


3.1 The Tenancy Sustainment Group has a series of meetings planned for 2010. From the first meeting a number of issues have been raised by housing providers which have been taken forward by the appropriate care groups in the CHCP. Individual housing issues have been successfully resolved and positive relationships are being developed. The intention will be to sustain this enthusiasm and commitment.


4.1 The final version of the Tenancy Sustainment protocol (Appendix 1) has been produced following input from CHCP staff and partner agencies. It will be launched in February. The protocol will be subject to review and revision in the light of experience gained from its implementation. The CHCP will ensure that all CHCP staff and housing providers are made aware of the protocol during February. A process will be put in place to monitor the overall performance and outcomes of the protocol.


5.1 The imminent changes with the Glasgow Homelessness Partnership (GHP) will mean that the Council’s statutory duty to address homelessness will be delivered by CHCPs in conjunction with a transfer of responsibility for the management of the Community Casework Team (CCT). CHCP officers are currently in the process of working GHP colleagues to identifying the options for the future management of the CCT within the organisation.

5.2 CHCP officers are currently working with GHP and Glasgow Homelessness Network to organise a local (Homelessness) Shared Solutions workshop which will take place towards the end of March. The workshop, involving CHCP staff and stakeholders will be focussed on assessing our performance in addressing the impact of homelessness in West Glasgow and identifying the priorities and how we can work together to rise to the challenges over the next three years.


6.1 Further updates will be submitted to the Committee during 2010 in order to track and report on progress and ensure that relevant issues are brought to the attention of the Local Housing Forums (LHF) with the support of members who sit on the CHCP Committee as well as the LHF.

6.2 It is important to highlight that, to date, there has been a very positive response from housing providers as well as from CHCP operational to the actions taken. Every effort is being made to sustain this commitment and build on the work underway.

Ray de Souza Head of Planning and Health Improvement 0141 211 0370 5 February 2010



Enabling Tenancy Sustainment

Protocol For Joint Working Between West Glasgow CHCP and Local Housing Providers

1. Introduction

1.1 This protocol identifies the actions to be taken by West Glasgow CHCP and local housing providers / Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) to enable tenants or prospective tenants, who are vulnerable as a result of health and/or social problems to maintain their tenancy. It reflects the principles contained in Statement of Best Practice entitled Sustaining Tenancies and Preventing Homelessness, endorsed by a range of statutory and voluntary sector partners in Glasgow in 2008.

1.2 The protocol recognises that RSLs have a responsibility to minimise rent arrears, to do their best to avoid evicting tenants, but to ensure that their tenants do not suffer from anti-social behaviour by their neighbours.

2. Responsibilities of the agencies

2.1 The CHCP will ensure that local Housing providers/ RSLs are provided with up to date information on the contact details of all CHCP services, which will also be available via the CHCP website. This will include details of the frequency and source of support available. The information will be used by RSLs to contact the appropriate CHCP service / care team at the earliest possible opportunity (e.g. Addiction, Mental Health, Older people & Physical Disability, Learning Disability and Children and Family Services) in the event of a tenant requiring a health and /or social care support / intervention.

2.2 RSL’s will ensure that potentially vulnerable clients are identified at an early stage and where they consider that the tenants’ vulnerability might be addressed by additional support from one of the CHCP services, the housing manager will contact the appropriate CHCP service / care team by telephone to identify if the tenant is known to the CHCP and/or has a care manager, to discuss the issues involved and/or seek advice and follow this up if necessary by making a written referral which should be faxed to the service team leader (see 2.5, below). In urgent situations, initial contact may be by telephone, but to ensure confidentiality a written referral should be used.

2.3 In the case of rent arrears, RSLs will endeavour to engage the tenant in opportunities to gain advice and support from a Welfare Rights officer in order to maximise their income. For some RSL’s, this will be provided in-house whilst for others, tenants may need to be referred to a service.

2.4 RSLs will contact the appropriate CHCP service/ care team before any legal procedures to evict the tenant are enacted. The RSL will reserve the right to progress to eviction based on their responsibilities to neighbours and other tenants.

2.5 The RSL will use the referral form attached as Appendix A. “Housing Provider to CHCP– Request for Joint Discussion” This will be faxed to the designated

4 care teams’ fax number provided. This has been amended to meet local identified needs. The RSL will also include details of the tenants date of birth and any details of children known to be living in the property. In addition, if the RSL is aware of the tenants registered General Practitioner, this should also be included. The RSL will clearly identify any priority reasons for referral such as Child Protection issues which would require more urgent attention. The RSL will also confirm that the tenant is aware of the referral and has given consent to the setting up of a joint discussion.

2.6 A copy of this referral and the subsequent completed outcomes, will be sent to the general enquiries / CHCP Housing Lead Safe Fax number. This will be used to collate response to requests and monitor use of this protocol.

2.7 The CHCP care team leader / named contact will respond to the RSL within one working day having determined (from the CareFirst client database) whether the tenant is receiving care, support or treatment from his / her team, or is under another team within the CHCP or, alternatively, unknown to the CHCP. The recipient of the form will also identify if any priority issues are noted such as Child Protection they will ensure that the appropriate urgency is given to the response. If the tenant is,

• Known to the team, the CHCP team leader/ named contact will arrange a joint discussion, which is defined as a meeting held jointly between the tenant/prospective tenant, their landlord and an appropriate representative of the CHCP and other appropriate services. In all cases, tenants will be advised of their right to be accompanied by an independent advocate.

• Known to another care team within the CHCP, the CHCP team leader will provide the housing manager with the clients’ /tenants’ care managers’ name and contact details and ensure that the care manager is aware of the need for immediate action.

• Unknown to the service, a joint discussion will be held and the circumstances will be considered if appropriate as a referral to the CHCP.

2.8 RSLs will also use this form (Appendix A) to inform CHCPs in the following cases,

• Where anti-social behaviour is considered to be serious and persistent and has not been amenable to interventions to date and the perpetrator(s) are the carers of children or believed to be vulnerable adults.

• Where they are seeking to make a new let as a “probationary” Short Scottish Secure Tenancy (SSST) where the prospective tenancy has been previously evicted for anti-social behaviour or where a household member has been given an ASBO.

• When legal measures are required to be taken against a vulnerable tenant to evict or there is an intention to seek an ASBO, interim ASBO or where application for decree has been made.

In these circumstances, the CHCP will contact the RSL if a joint discussion is required based on the information supplied or by asking for supplementary information. The CHCP will invite the RSL to attend appropriate meetings to discuss any issues that may impact on the tenant’s ability to sustain the tenancy. The tenant will also be involved in this process.


3. Contacts

3.1 The table below notes the agreed point of contact for the Care Groups within the CHCP

Care Group Contact / Site Contact Details Mental Health Riverside Community Mental Health Centre Tel: Fax:

Arndale Community Mental Health Centre Tel: Fax:

Learning Disability Southbrae Resource Centre Tel: 0141 276 7200 Fax: 0141 276 7248

Older People and Physical OPPD Duty Disability Anniesland Social Work Tel: Centre Fax:

Children and Family Drumchapel Social Work Centre Tel: Fax:

Partick Social Work Office Tel: Church Street Fax:

Criminal Justice Tel: Fax:

Addiction Community Addiction Team Tel: Fax:

Social Work Standby

General Enquiries to West CHCP Headquarters Alan Gilmour Glasgow CHCP Modular Building Tel: 0141 211 0271 1055 Great Western Rd Fax: 0141 211 3971 Glasgow G12 OXH

3.2 Appendix B notes the main contact details for the RSLs operating in the West Glasgow CHCP area.

4. Monitoring and Review

4.1 The Tenancy Sustainment Group will receive summary reports on the use of the protocol. These will be reviewed to identify any actions taken and opportunities to share good practice as well as to identify any areas for improvement. This evaluation approach will be reported to the Essential Connections Group. 6 REFERRAL FORM


Organisations Name:


Client Name:

Client Address:

Tel Number:

Household Details:

(Names, D.O.B., Gender etc)

To include names / DOB of children

Identified Vulnerability

(e.g children/substance abuse/mental health needs/age etc)

Actions to date:

Including provision of or referrals to welfare rights for income maximisation where offered.

Risk Assessment: History of Violence Yes No


Alone Pair

Female Male

Office Not at Home


Support Issues: Timescales for support:

Tenancy Sustainment Issues:

Contacts: Housing Officer (Name/Tel):

Support Worker (Name/Tel):

Other Agency Involvement (Name/Tel):

Referring Officer: (Block Capitals) Signature:


Referring Officer Tel No:


Known to Initial Receiving Service

Referred onto another Care service in the CHCP

Joint Discussion Held

Tenancy Sustained

Support Offered

Please copy initial referral and subsequent completed outcomes to : Housing Lead, West Glasgow CHCP. Safe Fax : 0141 211 3971


Head of Addiction Services


Purpose of Report

To inform West Glasgow CHCP of the new partnership working arrangements between West Community Addiction Team and Strathclyde Fire and Rescue Services.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the contents of this report 2. Note the action being taken by the CHCP to improve the work between Strathclyde Fire and Rescue and the Addiction Service to increase the safety of vulnerable people because of their addiction. 3. Agree to receive further reports on the progress of this work.


1.1 It is apparent from the observations of the Fire and Rescue Service and the Addiction Service that consumption of alcohol and drug use are significant contributory factors to high levels of fire, fire crime and fire casualties in Glasgow. High-risk people in terms of fire are not just elderly people with alcohol problems who fall asleep with lighted cigarettes but it includes younger people being prescribed methadone but also use alcohol and other illicit drugs, young families with children who live in homes with high fire risks etc. It was therefore felt necessary by Fire and Rescue to initiate partnership working with the Addiction Service around Home Fire Safety Visits.

2. PARTNERSHIP WORK ACTIONS • We have established an Addiction Fire and Rescue Steering Group to oversee our work. • West Community Addiction Team have received fire awareness training from the Fire Service this consisted of two training events with twenty different addiction social care and nursing staff attending each event. • Currently the Addiction Team are conducting addiction awareness training in the evening across all watches in Knightswood and Yorkhill Stations. • We have drawn up fire and rescue posters to be displayed in all reception areas of the Addiction Service for service users. • We now almost have a signed off formal referral protocol between the Addiction Service and Fire and Rescue about how we should work together. • House Fire Safety Visit requests will become part of the revised addiction Single Shared Assessment.

1 • In the next week or two joint Home Fire Safety Visits should start happening.


3.1 The following key performance indicators for joint working have been proposed by Addiction and Fire and Rescue Staff through the Steering Group:

• Number of joint/single Home Fire Safety Visits offered • Number of referrals from Strathclyde Fire and Rescue to the Addiction Service • Number of Fire and Rescue staff provided with awareness training from the Addiction Team • Number of addiction staff provided with awareness training from Fire and Rescue • Decline in alcohol/drug related fire incidents in homes • Decline in alcohol/drug related casualties caused by house fires


4.1 It was agreed by the Steering Group that processes, procedures and outcomes would be initially evaluated in June 2010 with a full evaluation during December 2010.

Willie Kelly Head of Addiction Services 31 January 2010 0141 276 4330


Head of Planning and Health Improvement

NHSGGC Equality Scheme 2010-13

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to advise the Committee of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s (NHSGGC) new Equality Scheme 2010-13 and to highlight key areas of activity to be progressed by West Glasgow CHCP to work towards full compliance.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the content of the NHSGGC Equality Scheme 2010-13. 2. Note the key issues highlighted in this paper and the arrangements proposed by West Glasgow CHCP to progress towards full compliance.


1.1 Public sector organisations have a requirement to produce an annual monitoring report and to review and revise their Equality Schemes every three years. At its meeting in December 2009, NHSGGC Board reviewed the monitoring report for the Board’s 2006-09 Equality Scheme and approved the new Equality Scheme for 2010-13.

1.2 In reviewing progress against the 2006-09 Equality Scheme, the Board noted that the requirements of equalities legislation are being progressively embedded within the organisation. However, several areas were highlighted as requiring particular attention. These include:- • Identifying measurable outcomes to better demonstrate the impact of equality related activity. • Improve equality data collection and the use of it to plan and shape services. • Improve the numbers of staff participating in learning and education on equality and diversity as part of the ongoing effort to build capacity and capability within the workforce. • The need to ensure robust community engagement with equality groups and how the outputs from this have impacted on service plans and delivery.


2.1 At the core of the Equality Scheme is the goal of mainstreaming the promotion of equality and removing the potential for discrimination. It aims to do this by integrating a comprehensive and consistent model of inequalities sensitive practice into our services. The Equality Scheme includes an action plan setting out corporate and partnership (including CHCP) work streams to

1 be progressed for each of the ’10 goals for an inequalities sensitive Health Service’.

2.2 As well as meeting the legislative requirements with regard to tackling discrimination and removing barriers that hinder service access and experience for equality groups, the NHSGGC Equality Scheme aims to play a leading role in the effort to tackle health inequalities. Social class (or socio- economic status) has therefore been explicitly added to the equality groups covered by the Scheme. The equality groups covered by the Scheme are as follows:- • Disability • Gender (and gender reassignment) • Race • Sexual Orientation • Age • Social Class (or socio-economic status) • Faith


3.1 Work will commence to develop a local CHCP action plan to progress the work streams indentified within the NHSGGC Equality Scheme. This will build on existing work within the CHCP, including learning from Equality Impact Assessments undertaken for some operational services, staff training and development, procedures to address gender based violence, and roll-out of the Accessible Information Policy.

3.2 Organisational Development and promoting a culture of equality will be a key feature of the CHCP’s action plan. Particular consideration will therefore be given to how best to inform and engage CHCP staff on the implementation of the Equalities Scheme. This is likely to include a number of staff roadshows, as well as supporting access to structured training and awareness raising.

3.3 Consideration is being given to West Glasgow CHCP becoming an exemplar locality for the integration of the Equality Scheme with CHCP processes to develop and deliver the CHCP Development Plan 2010-13. This work would be supported by members of NHSGGC’s corporate inequalities team. While the Development Plan would be the focus of this work, it would provide an additional opportunity to facilitate the mainstreaming, throughout the CHCP, of approaches to promote Equality and address health inequalities.

3.4 It is the intention to provide regular updates to the Committee on progress towards implementing the Equality Scheme.

Ray de Souza Head of Planning & Health Improvement 0141 211 3704 3 February 2010

2 West Glasgow CHCP Committee Paper No. 10/09

Joint Chairs (Staff Side) – Staff Partnership Forum And Head of Human Resources


Purpose of Report:

The purpose of this report is to provide the CHCP Committee with a progress report on the work of the Staff Partnership Forum.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the contents of this report. 2. Receive progress reports at future meetings.


1.1 The SPF last met on 12 November and a summary of key points discussed is outlined below.


2.1 Finance An update was provided on savings plans and it was agreed that a specific session would be arranged with SPF reps late Feb / early March to look at these plans in more detail and to discuss the CHCP Development Planning process.

2.2 Draft Communications Strategy The revised paper was discussed and comments are invited from SPF reps in advance of draft strategy being updated.

2.3 Equalities Plan The Forum was briefed on the current CHCP Plan and the EQIAs that have taken place. A further briefing will take place on implementing the new scheme.

2.4 Service Redesign There were a number of items on this subject: • Update on Rehabilitation & Enablement Engagement sessions on draft service model. • Update on Primary Care Strategy and agreement for SPF input to the local Implementation Group.

1 • Inpatient Review: the Forum was briefed on the implications for West Glasgow and a request was made for information to further explain connections with the boardwide process. • Older People’s Mental Health Community Team: a proposal to establish distinct teams for West Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire was discussed; this involves staff who work in Clydebank becoming part of a West Dunbartonshire Team. • Sandyford: Archway On Call Nurse Arrangements: a proposal was discussed and approved to bring terms & conditions into line with the revised Agenda for Change arrangements. • Admin Review: the Forum was updated on the ongoing work to review duties of staff and services provided.

2.5 Workforce The key points discussed were: • PDPs and the need to make further progress on this. • Suicide Prevention Training; the CHCP is making good progress to achieving the target of 50% of staff being trained by Dec; 23 % are now trained. • Healthy Working Lives; the action plan for next 12 months has been developed from the health needs assessment questionnaire.

Justine Murray Marie Garrity Dorothy McErlean Head of Human Resources Joint Chair, SPF Joint Chair, SPF 4 February 2010 4 February 2010 4 February 2010 Tel 211 3809 337 6557 201 4665


Head of Human Resources and Business Support Manager


Purpose of Report:

The purpose of this report is to update the Committee on sickness absence statistics and action being taken to reduce absence in line with corporate targets.


The Committee is asked to:

1. Note the contents of this report. 2. Receive progress reports on Attendance Management on a quarterly basis and receive a progress report on Healthy Working Lives at next committee.


1.1 West CHCP continues in its programme of work to monitor and reduce sickness absence. This report covers the following:

- Absence report for Quarter - Comparative Data - Average Sickness Absence Percentage by Area Health and Social Work - Sickness Absence by Service - Reasons for Absence – Social Work - Actions


2.1 The NHS in Scotland has a national target of 4% of sickness absence across all services. Glasgow City Council has a target of 5.9% across all services. These compare to the average employer target rate of 3.5% as identified in the Annual Absence Survey of Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD 2008).

2.2 Following a review of absence management in the CHCP during 2007 / 08, a programme of work to improve monitoring, case management, and manager skills to manage absence has been underway.


3.1 Table 3.2 outlines the absence for health and social work staff for Quarter 3 (Health) and Periods 8 – 10 (Social Work). The average absence rate for Social Work staff was 7.84%, and for NHS staff was 5.37%.


3.2 Sickness Absence Trends – Health & Social Work Quarter 3 2009

West CHCP Absence Report - Quarter 3 2009/10


9.00 8.53 8.58

8.00 7.06 7.00

6.00 5.61 Absence 5.16 5.34 Target 5.00 %





0.00 Oct Nov Dec Oct Nov Dec

Quarter 3 Social Work Quarter 3 Health


4.1 Table 4.2 shows a comparison of absence percentages for health staff across Glasgow CHCPs, for Quarter 3.

4.2 CHCP Partnership Absence rates Quarter 3 for Health Staff

Division name H/count Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09

Glasgow North CHCP 693 8.41 9.41 8.24

Glasgow East CHCP 1094 5.30 5.73 5.69

Glasgow West CHCP 912 5.16 5.34 5.61

Glasgow South East CHCP 477 4.56 4.88 3.81

Glasgow South West CHCP 542 5.13 4.80 5.18



5.1 This is the average sickness absence within the CHCP, compared to other parts of the heath board and city council. Tables 5.2 and 5.3 shows absence rate for Dec 2009, along with the average for Oct to Dec 2009.

5.2 Comparisons with parent organisations

Comparison with parent organisations Dec-09 Average (Dec 09) West CHCP (Health) 5.61% 5.37% West CHCP (Social Work) 8.58% 7.84% NHS Acute 5.59% 5.76% NHS Greater Glasgow 5.70% 5.84% Glasgow City Council Social Work N/A 7.80%

5.3 Comparisons with other local employers

Comparisons with other Public Services Average (Oct -Dec Dec-09 09)

Strathclyde Police N/A 5.27%

Strathclyde Fire & Rescue N/A 5.90%


6.1 Table 6.2 shows the current sickness absence percentages for health and social work staff by service area. This information is still in development and the intention is to show each month where absence is rising or falling.


6.2 Sickness absence by service

Sickness Absence Rates Quarter 3: Oct – Dec 09 Oct 09 Nov 09 Dec 09 Service (%) (%) (%)

Health & Community Care (Health) 6.98 6.92 8.10

Health & Community Care (SW) 9.06 8.37 11.33

Visual Impairment (SW) 28.03 15.15 14.81

Children’s Services (Health) 2.26 3.78 3.86

Children’s Services (SW) 8.66 7.38 9.80

Criminal Justice (SW) 2.65 1.94 0.77

Addictions (Health) 12.17 9.40 5.80

Addictions (SW) 17.70 7.30 5.05

Learning Disabilities (Health) 27.74 33.29 27.04

Learning Disabilities (SW) 8.54 9.27 9.48

Mental Health (Health) 3.50 5.17 4.20

Mental Health (SW) 1.30 3.22 0.54

Planning & Health Improvement (Health) 0.51 0.42 0.00

Planning and Health Improvement (SW) 5.41 12.33 20.86

Business Support (Health) 4.13 0.85 0.54

Business Support (SW) 3.58 3.07 2.91 Hosted Services (Health) 5.41 4.95 4.2 Sandyford Primary Care Support 2.34 3.40 NA


7.1 Short & Long Term Analysis, Health staff, Quarter 3. The table below outlines the short and long term absence analysis for health staff. At present this information is not available for Social work staff absences.

Average Short Term Short Term Long Term Long Term Absence Rate Absent Staff Absence % Absent Staff Absence % 5.37% 14.55 1.85% 27.62 3.53%

7.2 Reasons for absence, social work staff, Quarter 3. The personnel information system for social work staff records this information. At present, health systems do not have the facility to do this. Table 7.2 outlines the reasons for absence for period 10, from 6th December 2009 to 2nd January 2010.

LTA Rate STA Rate

% % Muscoskeletal 13.43% 8.70% Psychological 24.34% 7.57% Cardiovascular 5.86% 1.59% Respiratory Tract 5.53% 50.70% Gynae/Genito-Urinary 5.05% 1.46% Nervous System 3.41% 6.64% Gastro-Intestinal 11.50% 15.22% Neoplasm 7.79% 0.00% Post-Op 7.64% 0.00% Skin 0.00% 0.53% Endocrine 0.89% 0.00% Miscellaneous 14.55% 7.57% Total 100.00% 100.00%


8.1 Monitoring Attendance management reports for health and social work staff are provided to CHCP Management Team on a quarterly basis and to Managers on a monthly basis. Absence statistics are standing agenda items at Staff Partnership Forum and Unison Liaison meetings.

8.1.1 For Social Work staff, there is an Absence Team in Social Work Centre who manages the absence for all CHCPs for Absences over 4 periods and long term. For Health staff, further monitoring via Heads of Service, whose direct reports require to produce an update on local action plans is being worked on to improve attendance.

8.2 Interventions • For Social Work staff, there has been the roll out of the central absence team as stated above. • For Health staff there have been targeted actions in services with higher rates, e.g. Inpatients, and to support return of employees with long term absences. • Managers have been trained and supported in implementation of formal absence management and capability processes; a case management approach with follow up training as required; e.g Ward Managers. • A Toolkit for Managers in Absence Management (Health Staff) is now being implemented.


Justine Murray Valerie Smith Head of HR Business Support Manager 05 February 2010 05 February 2010 0141 211 3809 0141 211 0251