International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

Influence of Changes in the Mechanical-Physical Properties of Fibers on Yarn Quality

Nuriddinova Rohila Pazlitdin qizi Department of “Technology of textile industry product”, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Namangan Uzbekistan

Abstract This article investigated and examined the change in the basic physical and mechanical properties of fibers and their degree of purification in the technological process of spinning. The laws of the influence of the degree of purification on the basic physic mechanical properties of fibrous materials in the process of opening, cleaning and were also studied. The basic purpose of this study determine the to optimizing the technological parameters of spinning process for normal yarns by using fiber which is estimated as the average quality by the Uster®. Short fiber was used to produce normal counts, i.e. Ne 30 normal yarns, spun on Zinser 72 Ring frame. Yarn produced by spinning processes from semi-finished products collected at different type technological parameters of spinning process shows variable yarn properties. The study of all these parameters plays important role to achieve better quality output of the spinning processes. Keywords: Quality, Neps, Think, Thick, Uniformity, Single yarn strength (RKM), Hairiness, Elongation.

1 Introduction:

Well carded is half spun” is a famous adage widely used among the spinning technologist around the world. Spinning is an important foundation of the entire textile industry. Carding is considered as the heart of the spinning process. The carding process has a major impact on the final product, that is, yarn, in terms of uniformity, imperfection, and cleanliness. Carding speed parameters must be optimized to achieve better product quality and productivity. Any rotating mechanism or parts of the carding affect the quality of the material produced. The speed parameter of the carding machine changes the behavior of the fiber in subsequent processes. Lewis Paul invented a hand-driven carding machine in 1748. made improvements in this machine and in 1775 took out a patent for a new carding engine. The carding machine has tremendously developed since its inception. Since 1965, production rate has been increased from about 5 kg/ h to about 180 kg/ h. The current-generation carding are highly sophisticated with many features such as autoleveler, neps monitoring, microprocessor-controlled operations, servomotor-controlled settings, integrated grinding systems (IGSs), triple licker-in, stationary flats, increased carding area and automatic waste collection, fluff extraction suction points, and maintenance-friendly machine design. These features of latest cards help to achieve higher production rate, quality sliver, and minimum machine downtime for maintenance operations.

Today, in order to achieve the best production and quality of the supplied material, the speed parameters of the carding machine, such as the speed of the liker-in, the speed of the cylinder, the speed of the flat tops and the speed of the delivery must be optimized. Variation of quality parameters in the carding sliver leads to failures in the subsequent process. Optimization means determination standards for the material produced with a particular quantity and speed. The speed of the liker-in affects the removal of clogging, and can also cause damage to the fiber; the frequency of rotation of the cylinder affects the individualization of the fibers; the speed of the flat top is responsible for cleaning and removing short

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8795 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

fibers and does not affect the uniformity of the product. The study of all these parameters play an important role in achieving the best quality in the production of carding product.

2 Procedure For Paper Submıssıon

Short fiber cotton samples collected from running materials by random sampling method. Cotton samples subjected to the Advance Fiber Information System(AFIS) testing. The properties of cotton sample observed are mentioned in Table 1.

The Table 1.shows the changes in qualitative indicator of fibers that was used for this research. Looking the table can be seen that in the process of opening and cleaning in the fibers increases the neps and short fiber. This can be explained in this way, during opening and cleaning process the fiber is exposed to the vices. This nepscreate the main problem in final yarn this will affect the increment in IPI value. This promotes researchers even more attention to this section of spinning process.

The short fiber cotton materials(Table 2.) processed thought blow room on the following countdown for opening, cleaning and then feed to card. Semi-finished product collected at from 3 different type technological parameters of the spinning process. Where technological equipment were used such as: on set Trutzschler TC-15 Cards productions 70 kg. The same cotton mixing processed from blow room to ring frame. The card sliver was processed through Trutzschler breaker draw frame TD-9 and finished draw frame TD-8. Then the single draw sliver processed through roving frame Zinser 5M and ring frame Zinser 72; normal running at 17000 rpm average spindle speed. Roving spun into Ne30 at a constant 20.15 TPI.

Table 1: Quality Parameters of Cotton Fiber in the Process of Transition (AFIS data)

Fi S 5 To be C S S % tal M r Ne F F Ne Fin at N p C( C( L p ene ur ep Co w) n) ( Cn ss ity IFC [%] C un % % n t [mt R nt t 0. 0. ) [C ex] ati [C [C 5i 5i [i nt/ o nt/ nt/ n n n g] g] g] ] Uster 5 10 4. 2. 13 17 0, 97 3.7 Statistics-2018 % 3 7 8 ,2 7 96 2 16 15 8. 4. 16 17 0, 5 4.7 0 1 7 3 .4 0 92 % 5 23 22 5. 19 16 0, 0 13 5.8 7 4 7 .7 2 89 % 3 23 21 6, 19 3 17 0, BDT 019/2300 19 5,7 7 8 4 ,3 , 2 9 2

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8796 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

3 24 23 6, 19 3 16 0, CL-P 19 5,4 9 1 3 ,3 , 7 9 3 3 СLEANOMAT 28 26 6, 20 3 16 0, 28 4,9 СL-U 9 1 8 ,4 , 9 92 5 BEFORE 34 32 6, 3 16 CARDING, SHUT 19 20 1 6 4 5 5 3 5 FEED AFTER 3 17 CARDING, TC- 57 54 3 7 19 1 5 4 2 15 CLEANING 83 83 84 83 EFFICIENTY, % 3 6, 18 4 18 0, TD-9 42 38 4 4,8 6 ,2 , 0 94 6 3 6, 18 4 18 0, TD-8 70 64 6 4,5 7 ,4 , 1 95 6 Table 2: Mixing Quality Parameters

MIXING PORLOQ-2 Length 29.32 mm Micronair value 4.7 Maturity ratio 90.0 Strength, G/tex 30.8 Rd,% 79.3 +b 8.8 Elongation,% 7.2 SFI, % 6.4

3 Process Parameters

Following tables shows spinning process parameters:

Tables 3: Shows 3 –type Different Spinning Process Parameters

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8797 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8798 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

4 Result And Dıscussıon

Тables 4: Comparative Study of Differences in quality parameters of yarn developed on 3 different parameters of the spinning process

1. Effect of type of technological parameters of spinning processes on yarn uniformity(U%)

Effect of type parameters on yarn uniformity(U%)

12 Type 1 11,8 11,6 11,4 Type 2 11,2 11 10,8 Type 3 Uniformity 10,6 10,4 10,2 10 1 2 3 Type of parameters

Fig. 1.Effect of type of technological parameters on yarn uniformity (U%)

From Fig. 1 it is observed that: There shows the dynamics of changes in the quality of yarn on the unevenness . As can be seen from the three different technological parameters given in the last third technological process the test results gave a positive effect. Slight change is observed in yarn unevenness. This can be explained in this way, from three different technological parameters in the last third in the process of carding, the density of the carding sliver was changed(increased) and this way the compensation of the working area of the carding machine was achieved. Since the new carding machines are increased in width, their working area is also increased. The delivery speed was also reduced by

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8799 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

increasing the density of the carding sliver but the kg of output product has not changed. The intensity of carding was improved by increasing the top Flat. Obviously, a decrease in the release rate and an increase in the speed of the top flats gave a positive result that was achieved by reducing the unevenness of the yarn.

2. Effect of type of technological parameters of spinning processes on IPI

Effect of type parameters on yarn IPI

500 Type 1 450 Type 2 400 350 300 250 Type 3 200 150 IPI parameters IPI 100 50 0 1 2 3 Type of parameters

Fig. 2.Effect of type parameters on yarn IPI

Imperfection includes thin-thick places and neps. The Graph 2 shows that increase in cylinder speed from 520mpm to 560 mpm, these is continuous decrease in the imperfection in the yarn. It is observed that neps percentage and thin-thick place in the yarn which results into decrease in imperfection index of the yarn. Operational layer of fiber on the cylinder surface of card increases due to increased delivery rate of the card. At higher carding cylinder speed, better action results in decrease in total yarn imperfection. A higher the speed of flats reported better Nep removal efficiency. Due to better Nep removal and short fiber efficiently the hairiness of the yarn is reduced. The speed of the doffer increased , the IPI of yarn increased due to poor collection of fiber from cylinder and generation of neps.

3. Effect of type of technological parameters on Hairiness

Effect of type technological parameters on Hairiness

6 TYPE 2 5,8 5,6 TYPE 3 1

5,4 TYPE 1 2 5,2 3

Hairiness 5 4,8 1 2 3 Effec of type of technological parameters

Fig. 3.Effect of type of technological parameters on Hairiness

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8800 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

The Fig. 3 depicts the effect of type of technological parameters on Yarn Hairiness Index. It observed that very less change in yarn hairiness index as in increase the speed of the card. As far as hairiness is concerned there is no significant change found in hairiness. The hairiness increases as cylinder speed increases due the high rupture of fiber and generation of short fiber in yarn. The fiber state-to-state separation is more when the cylinder speed is lower. The hairiness is optimum at the optimum delivery speed because the higher delivery speed breaks the fiber due to the fact that short fiber is increased and therefore the hairiness increase. Although in our experiment we increased the speed of cylinder and flat top but there is a way to reduce the speed of doffer. Hence, here also we can say the carding speed on the yarn hairiness index is not significant.

4. Effect of type of technological parameters on single yarn strength (RKM)

Effect of type of technological parameters on single yarn strenght (RKM ) 15,9 Type 3 15,8 15,7 15,6 15,5 15,4 Type 2 15,3 Type 1 15,2 15,1 15 Single Strenght Yarn RKM 14,9 1 2 3 Type of technological parameters

Fig. 4.Effect of type of technological parameters on single yarn strength (RKM)

The speed of liker-in was increased to achieve better cleaning of the material, waste and short fiber removal. Reduction in short fiber content RKM in yarn increases. The yarn RKM is increases with increasing in flat speed. As the flat speed increases, the cleaning efficiently of carding is also increases, due to an increase RKM value in the Yarn. On our example, we can also investigate that with increasing speed Liker-in and flat RKM indicator significantly increased.

5. Effect of type of technological parameters on yarn elongation

Effect of type of technological parameters on single yarn elongation

5,15 Type 3 5,1 5,05 5 4,95 Type 2 4,9 Type 1 4,85

Yarn elongationYarn 4,8 4,75 1 2 3 Type of technological parameters

Fig. 5.Effect of type of technological parameters on yarn elongation

ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST 8801 Copyright ⓒ 2020 SERSC

International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 8795-8803

The Fig. 5 depicts the effect of technological parameters on yarn elongation. It can be argued that increasing the speed of the cylinder, flat and liker-in improves the intensity of combing fibers in the process of carding, which affects their orientation as a result, the elongation increases at the break.

5 Conclusıon

Grown cotton fiber in the Republic of Uzbekistan has an inflated Micronaire index, but using high- tech modern equipment in the spinning industry makes it possible to produce high quality products. Therefore, demand of the recent era related to comfort can be satiable with enhanced quality yarn.

The use of new technology in the process in spinning production does not means that in the end we will get a quality product. In the transition period, where old equipment is used and new more advanced equipment is introduced, it requires consideration of optimizing the parameters of the parameters of the working parts of the machines. That was studied in our work.

Therefore, there is demand of modern technology for the sustainable growth and development of textile industry.


We are very grateful for the assistance of Mr. DSc. Professor G. K. Gofurov with solving some of the problems listed in this article.


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