Shipley Parish Council

Chairman: Mr Jamie Coad, Vine Cottage, Road, , West , RH13 8QD. Tel: 07808 918847 Email: [email protected]

Clerk: Mrs Fiona McNeile, 17 Barrow Close, , , RH14 9SW Tel: 07481 803124 Email: [email protected]

The Minutes Of The Ordinary Council Meeting of Shipley Parish Council Held On Thursday 21st January 2016 at The Andrew Hall, Shipley at 7:30pm

Cllr Coad stated that item 018/16 would be closed to the press and public due to confidential staff matters.

001/16 Attendance and Apologies For Absence Those Present: P Baxter, W Beckett, J Coad (Chair), J Emrich, N King-Tours and L Lovett. Also Present: Cllr A Jupp, Cllr N Jupp, Kate Rowbottom, 1 member of the Public and Parish Clerk F McNeile. Apologies: Cllr G De Zoete (Family Commitment, Cllr G Lindsay (Away), Cllr P Sinton (PCC Meeting), Cllr T Hayes (Illness)

002/16 To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’ Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation. None received.

003/16 Approval Of The Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 7th December 2015 The minutes having previously been circulated were taken as read. Cllr Coad proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a correct record, this was unanimously AGREED.

004/16 Matters Arising from Item 003/16 (For information only)

189/15 The Clerk attended a Local Clerks Meeting on Tuesday 19th January. At this meeting Manny Singh from HDC reported that in the next three weeks a charter from HDC under ‘Q Code13’ would be released to Parish Councils. The Charter will set out how HDC propose to introduce the paperless planning system. HDC are hoping to have paperless planning in place by April. Parish Clerks were told that there is no funding available for a projector/laptop to ease the burden of the new system on Parish Councils.

The Clerk informed Council that the two new benches had been placed in the upper play area at Coolham Playing Fields for the time being. The new goal posts have not been installed due to poor weather. This will take place over the next month weather permitting.

195/15 The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council’s application for CIF funding of £4,000 for the Pavilion Restoration had been approved by the North Committee. The Clerk thanked Cllr A Jupp for supporting the application and Debbie Cannons for speaking about the fund raising that had taken place at the meeting. The Clerk reported that Cllr Lindsay had also donated a further £200 to the FOSP account for the pavilion and so the £7,000 target has been achieved. No further news has been received from the Tesco Groundworks Open Spaces Grant. The Clerk has been in communication with the Store Manager and will contact him directly regarding funding in September if further funding is required should any other parish projects arise.

The Clerk attended the AGM of Coolham Village Hall Management Committee and has forwarded the notes to Council members. Whilst three members stepped down from their roles in the committee, five new members joined and the new contacts for the Parish Council are Tania Barnes as Chair, Iain Gibbs as Treasurer and Bridgett Huggett as Secretary. Ann Roberts remains as Booking Secretary. The Parish Council were thanked by the committee for the new gate installation and for removing the brambles in the carpark area. The Clerk did enquire whether the management committee meetings could be held on a

Monday to accommodate Cllr Coad’s work hours but the meetings have been set on a Thursday evening due to committee members own commitments.

The Clerk confirmed that an email of support was issued to PC regarding the parking problems discussed.

199/15 The Clerk has written to the three suppliers who submitted tenders for the annual grounds maintenance work. Grasstex were delighted to be appointed the supplier for 2016 and the Clerk will be in contact with them in the next 6 weeks regarding first cuts in the Parish.

200/15 The Clerk confirmed that the precept request had been submitted to the Corporate Accountant at HDC.

201/15 The Clerk issued a list of Council meeting dates for 2016 as agreed at the last meeting. One change was made for the April meeting due to The Andrew Hall availability.

005/16 Report from the Police Following the meeting on 29th October 2015, the Clerk contacted Highways regarding speeding through Coolham crossroads. Highways emailed a response on 4th January stating that as this was a matter of enforcement they could not help any further and that the Council had been correct to take it up with the PCSO and suggested that a Village Speed Watch might be organised. This response was forwarded to PCSO Julie Green who confirmed today that she will investigate further.

7:48pm Cllr Emrich entered the room.

Cllr Coad stated that the last time the Council had the CID, figures were submitted and an investigation took place and more accurate figures were recorded. These results were not progressed further. Cllr Coad suggested that the Council write to the Police Commissioner and West Sussex County Council Chairman with concerns surrounding the speeding problems. Cllr A Jupp said that she would email Chris Stark and see if any further information could be ascertained. Cllr Rowbottom will ask her contact, Richard Davies if there are any processes to help the Council with this issue. A member of the public offered a battery operated speed monitoring device (which monitors up to 100mph) to assist with a parish speed watch. The Clerk to write letters to the Police, WSCC Chairman and email other clerks for advice.

The Clerk noted on the last police report that there had been a catalytic convertor stolen from a Mitsubishi Shogun parked in Road sometime between Monday 4 January and Monday 11 January. Cllr N Jupp added that a burglary had taken place last weekend at a property in Countryman Lane with over £30,000 of jewellery having been stolen.

006/16 Report from the County Councillor Cllr A Jupp referred to December minutes item 191/15 regarding Shipley School and Keep Clear markings. Cllr A Jupp has been in contact with the officer responsible for the work and she has said that she will contact the school and work to the school preferences.

Cllr A Jupp updated Council on S106 funds being held by WSCC. A policy and procedures have been drafted regarding S106 monies which is to be considered by the Cabinet Minister for Finance. This will be drawn into a report to be considered by a committee on 10th February. Papers will be published and the Cabinet member will release information in March.

The Andrew Hall committee will be meeting in the next few weeks and will update the Parish Council regarding its request for a projector screen and internet provision as soon as this meeting has taken place.

The presentation to Bob Phillips will take place on 27th January 2016 at County Hall and no Parish Council representation is required.

Cllr A Jupp has passed the query of the defibrillator installation at The Andrew Hall to a colleague and is waiting to hear back.

Cllr A Jupp reported that WSCC will be increasing rates by 2%. This is specifically to deal with Adult Care in the community as the County has one of the highest populations of older people in the country. Budgets have not been cut and it is likely that the general rates will increase by 1.75%.

007/16 Report from the District Councillors Cllr Rowbottom reported that HDC will be increasing Council Tax rates by 1.2% and the Police will be increasing their rates by 3.4%. Rises are required as the provisions given by Central government have reduced all round. Cllr A Jupp commented that all authorities will need to be self-sufficient. Cllr Rowbottom commented that in 4 years’ time, there will be no Central Government funding and district authorities will have to raise all monies themselves.

Cllr N Jupp has sent a note to the Clerk but wanted to congratulate the Parish Council on the Neighbourhood Planning Recruitment event.

008/16 Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations None.

009/16 Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman). A member of the public reported that there is a gentleman whose given address is 25 Church Close, Shipley who receives rent allowance payment from HDC but does not live at the address. Affinity Sutton are aware that he is not living at the address and that the ground floor flat has been empty for two years. Affinity Sutton are not worried about the empty property as the rent has been paid. Cllr Rowbottom will report the one bedroom ground floor flat to Andrew Smith, HDC Housing Manager. Cllr A Jupp reported that Affinity Sutton would not be responsible for Church Close in the near future.

It was reported that the overgrown shrubs in Church Close have not been cut back. The Clerk to investigate.

Parishioners are querying the long term plan for the maintenance of Shipley Windmill from a Parish Council/District Council perspective. Cllr Rowbottom confirmed that work is being carried out regarding the Windmill but it would help if a letter from the Parish Council was put forward to Dr Chris Lyons requesting an update.

Three parishioners are interested in donating commemorative bench seating to Coolham playing fields to remember loved ones. The Clerk to investigate bench types and inform the parishioners of the costs. This information will also be displayed on the PC website. Cllr A Jupp will put the Clerk in touch with the Chair of Station Road Gardens in Billingshurst who have installed similar benches.

7:56pm Cllr A Jupp left the room.

Debbie Cannons asked for a list of materials for the pavilion as she is in contact with companies who may be able to donate building materials for the project. Cllr Coad confirmed that he would email the requirements to Debbie.

A problem with cats in Church Close was reported. The cats have not been neutered and are fighting with other cats in the area. A parishioner has requested Parish Council assistance. Cllr Rowbottom will investigate how HDC may become involved. The Clerk to issue a polite notice requesting that the owners deal with the problem for the sake of neighbourhood relations.

010/16 Chairman’s Announcements

Following on from Byron Roberts AGM report, it has been requested again by Coolham Management Hall Committee that a Parish Council Member represents the Parish Council at their meetings. These normally take place on a Thursday at 8:15pm and last approx. 1 hour and are every 6 weeks or so. Cllr Coad asked members who would be able to represent the Council. Cllr Baxter and Cllr King-Tours agreed to attend quarterly and will attend any meetings requiring urgent attendance.

Cllr Coad updated members regarding the Defibrillator installation. The original site next to the BT phone box is unsuitable due to electrical issues and so investigations are taking place to see if it is possible to place the unit near the outside back door of The Andrew Hall. Feedback is due from the Conservation Officer at HDC. Training for the defibrillator will take place after the installation.

A letter concerning the devolution bid from East Sussex, West Sussex and Surrey County Councils has been received. Devolution will ultimately affect HDC and then PC’s. Cllr Coad asked if any members were available to attend the event on 11th March at the Hawth however, Cllr Rowbottom informed Council that this meeting had now been postponed.

Cllr Coad updated members on the HDC Update given a the recent Clerks Meeting –

 A new S106 Officer, Suzanne Shaw has now been recruited. There is a brand new database for the S106 funds which is currently being cross checked. In future, parishes with building development projects will have to be very specific in the use of S106 money and provide costs for parish needs to HDC. There will be tests and criteria that need to be met for S106. CIL is not in place yet but will be by the end of the year and there will be a specific team at HDC for CIL. HDC will be updating and releasing a new spreadsheet of S106 funds available to Parish Councils.

 Report from the Standards Committee. There is a trend for rising complaints against Councillors. These include members against members together with public complaints. There are two Parish Councils in particular with several complaints against them. The standards committee investigate the complaints and try to work to a 6 week deadline although this is not always easy to maintain. Following the May elections, HDC Councillors have received training in planning, engaging with constituents and how to be a good Councillor.

 Governance Review. A review of how HDC should be governed is currently taking place. There are two possible systems a) Cabinet System where 2-10 members of the Council are accountable for making decisions and running the Council or b) Committee system which is similar to a PC in that all members have to vote for a decision to be made. HDC has run on the Cabinet system since 2000 but this can cause problems as back bench members can feel disillusioned and uninvolved. HDC have combatted this by setting up Advisory Committees who the Decision Making Cabinet member consult before making a decision but they can choose to ignore the advisory committee. A report will be issued to Council to see how best to proceed and may be a hybrid of the two systems.

 HDC’s ‘Forward Plan’ will be on the cabinet agenda soon and there will be 15 items to discuss. It was suggested the PC members keep an eye on the HDC website to see if any of the items affect PC’s.

 The Director of Corporate Resources is leaving HDC for effectively the same role at WSCC. An appointment will be made by 28th January but may take 3-4 months for the new person to begin work.

 There are severe budget pressures at HDC. Financial predictions are:- 2016/17 Break Even 2017/18 Shortfall of £1m 2018/19 Shortfall of £2.5m 2019/20 Shortfall of £4.5m The main reason for the shortfalls is that HDC will no longer receive the New Homes Bonus which generated £4m per annum. Part of the HDC strategy to deal with shortfalls is to deliver services as cheaply as possible. Digitalisation is one of these areas. An example given was to pay rent via mobile phone to reduce administration time.

Cllr Coad informed members that there is a need for restoration of the Coolham War Memorial. The Clerk has met with a stone mason to discuss gold lettering problems and mortar deterioration and has been quoted approximately £1000 to restore the structure. Members resolved that the Clerk was authorised to investigate grants for these works.

Cllr Coad reported on the Clean for the Queen which is taking place to recognise the Queen’s 90th birthday. Cllr Coad suggested that the parish spring clean takes place in line with the campaign and that a clean-up date of 5th March is agreed. Council resolved that this date is used for the Spring Clean and the Council inform HDC to try and attract more volunteers. Cllr Beckett will work independently in Emms Lane, Trout Lane and Lackenhurst Lane. A member of the public queried why the parish clean-up campaigns take place in colder weather. Cllr Rowbottom explained that the parish clean up campaigns have to take place in the spring and autumn before the verges are cut and any litter is shredded.

Cllr Coad reported on the Light a Beacon for Queens Birthday Celebrations. Beacons will be lit across the country during the evening of 21st April. Cllr Coad enquired whether the Parish Council wanted to take part. There is a Parish Council meeting that evening. It was suggested that the Scouts may like to be involved. The Clerk to inform them of the event. Feedback will be given at the next Parish Council meeting.

011/16 Spearhill Solar Farm The Clerk has issued Council with minutes from the last meeting with Conergy regarding the installation of the Solar Farm. Installation will begin on 25th January. Cllr Coad asked members if they were happy to proceed with the Community Benefit agreement. The Clerk has taken legal advice (no charge) from Ian Davison, SALC legal advisor to see if a ‘legal stamp’ was needed for the solar farm agreement. The advice received was that for longer term contracts there are normally more extensive legal agreements in place. As this is a one off payment due on the commissioning date of the solar farm, Ian Davison did not see the need to put a more robust agreement in place. The Parish Council is entitled to exercise its power to receive gifts under Section 129 in the Local Government Act 1972 and so there are no complications with the agreement. Members resolved to accept the agreement (unanimous vote of 6 members) and the Clerk to confirm this information to Conergy.

012/16 Planning Applications DC/15/2663 Oaklands Park, Emms Lane, Brooks Green, Horsham – Change of use from agricultural to allow the siting of an additional three residential mobile homes for year round occupation on land adjoining existing caravan park, all necessary infrastructure After Consideration The Council Objected To The Application. The reasons for the objection were poor drainage systems, overdevelopment of this type of housing, insufficient road infrastructure and carriage way erosion. Votes 6 Objected DC/15/2664 Oaklands Park, Emms Lane, Brooks Green, Horsham – Variation on Condition 1 to previously approved application DC/14/2273 which restricted the number of caravans that could be sited in the caravan park to 2, to allow an additional five caravans to be sited in the existing caravan park After Consideration The Council Objected To The Application. The reasons for the objection were poor drainage systems, overdevelopment of this type of housing, insufficient road infrastructure and carriage way erosion. The Parish Council resolved that a letter should be written to Dr Chris Lyons, Head Of Planning at HDC to request that the planning authority consider the saturation of this type of housing in Brooks Green. Votes 6 Objected DC/15/2819 Brooks Green House, Trout Lane, Brooks Green – To stop up existing access and construct new access to drive to Brooks Green House After Consideration The Council Approved The Application Votes 6 Approved DC/15/2731 Land South Of Oakwood Farm, Hooklands Lane, Shipley – Permanent use of land for the siting of a residential mobile home in connection with equestrian use of land After Consideration The Council Approved The Application Votes 6 Approved DC/15/2341 Ivy Cottage, Shipley Road, – Erection of a conservatory After Consideration The Council Approved The Application with the provision that the conservatory is in line with the Shipley Parish Design Statement. Votes 6 Approved

013/16 Planning Decisions The Clerk issued an update of the latest planning application decisions from HDC for the Parish. The Clerk informed the Council that the Council had been consulted on 60 planning applications during 2015 which is an increase of 11 in comparison to 2014.

014/16 Neighbourhood Plan Cllr Coad congratulated the Clerk on the NHP Recruitment evening and presentation. Cllr Coad asked that Council review the event and consider the next stage to setting up the steering group. The Clerk confirmed that 17 residents had been contacted following the recruitment event and had been given a copy of the presentation from the evening. Within the 17 residents, there was good representation of each geographical area of the Parish. Members resolved that a meeting is held on 8th February to form the steering group and focus groups. 75% attendance of the volunteers will be required in order for the meeting to go ahead with 21st February being a ‘rain off’ date. The Parish Council should have 5 Councillors involved in the main steering group. The main steering group should include 10-12 members. Terms of reference will be written by the Clerk and Cllr Lovett so that there is a starting point for the group formation and they will considered by the PC on 29th February. The Clerk has Council permission to begin applying to Locality for funding (up to £8,000 maximum) for the NHP. Cllr Coad, Cllr Lovett, Cllr King-Tours expressed interest in being part of the steering group. Cllr Emrich is happy to join a focus group. The Clerk to enquire whether the two Village Halls will consider providing a hall for the NHP work free of charge or at a reduced rate. Cllr Emrich stated that if availability became a problem there may be a facility at Knepp that could be utilised.

Cllr N Jupp recommended researching the Thakeham and NHP which are fairly near to completion. AIRS are a good support network and are a very useful source of information. Cllr N Jupp suggested that having AIRS at the meeting together with Maggie Williams from HDC would be beneficial. Cllr N Jupp advised that the constitution of the steering group needs careful consideration with regards to voting rights. Ultimately, control is with the PC but this aspect of the steering group set up can be problematic and needs careful thought. Billingshurst PC have just written the specification for their NHP and will be paying a consultancy to do the work involved in putting together the NHP. The focus groups from Billingshurst PC will feed into the consultancy.

The Clerk will check the PC Financial Regulations on the tendering process for projects of a value of £20,000 upwards before contacting any consultancies.

8:36pm Cllr A Jupp entered the room.

015/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish Pavements – update from Councillors. The Clerk confirmed that all problems within the Parish raised at the last meeting had been reported. Regarding the Caravans in the Bridlepath along the A272 near Thornhill, WSCC stated that due to the fact the caravans are on private land, then it is up to the land owner to deal with the matter. The Clerk to write to D Durkin at Patmans Farm with the Parish Council concerns.

In addition, Cllr Hayes has reported to Love West Sussex regarding a large builder bag full of rubbish dumped on Countryman lane outside of Limehurst House, a large white bin bag full of household rubbish dumped in from of Pound Farm entrance and has also reported the pothole again on Countryman lane.

Cllr Beckett notified the Clerk of a mattress in Old House Lane which the Clerk duly reported together with fly tipping in the entrance to The Dragon Estate along Trout Lane. Cllr Beckett confirmed that the mattress has been removed.

The Clerk has reported blocked ditches along Trout Lane that are causing flooding and could cause ice hazards. The Clerk has been told that it is the landowner’s responsibility to clear the ditches. It was confirmed that the land owner is Mark Burrell. Cllr Emrich will forward the contact details to the Clerk for further communications regarding the problem.

Cllr Coad reported that the A272 footpath from Coolham towards is very overgrown. The Clerk to report.

Cllr Coad and Cllr Lovett also noted that the grids and gully’s are likely to collapse along the A272 from Patmans farm along to the Blue Idol. The Clerk to report.

Ditches between the two Dragon’s Green turn offs are flooding. The Clerk to write to Goffs Farm which is owned by David Livington and Durrance Cottage which is owned by John Covell from Sailors Copse travelling west to request that the ditches and culverts are investigated.

Cllr Emrich reported again on the danger of flooding on the A24 near the Hillhouse Farm entrance. The Clerk to report to Love West Sussex.

A member of the public reported on flooding in the Parish. There are areas in the Parish which flood regularly. Areas in Saucelands Lane and Sincox Lane are particularly problematic. Cllr Coad suggested that residents place a measuring stick in the areas that are of concern so that it is easy to see the depth of the water and then residents can make a judgement on whether to try and pass.

016/16 Budget Update The Clerk updated members on the Parish Council’s current financial status as at December 2015. It was noted that the financial status of the Parish Council has improved since the last budget review.

017/16 Payments

Payments January 2016 £

Chq Received since last meeting Nos Interest Instant Access 0.41 NHC Pavilion Restoration Grant 4000.00

Paid since last meeting Invoiced Services Three Parish Mobile Phone 35.30 DD Coolham Village Hall Hall Hire 22.00 001406 The Andrew Hall Hall Hire 20.00 001407 West Sussex Financial Services Staff Salaries - October 516.21 001408 WEL Medical Ltd Defib Cabinet 648.00 001409 WEL Medical Ltd Def Cabinet Sticker 42.00 001410 Mark Anthony Window Ltd Scout Hut Windows 1860.00 001411 HALC Conference 10.00 001412 Country Crafts Parish Maintenance 58.50 001413 Jim Hills (Billingshurst) Ltd Goal Posts (S106) 1257.96 001414 No Butts Bin Co Limited Picnic Benches (S106) 816.00 001415 Sussex Land Services Ltd Grounds Maintenance 324.00 001416 Mr P Baxter Councillor Expenses 26.30 001417 West Sussex Financial Services Staff Salaries - November 1522.20 001418 Clerk Expenses - November & December Mileage, Postage, Broadband, 303.56 001419 Shipley Church PC Donation 600.00 001420 Shipley Scouts PC Donation 250.00 001421

Funds Transferred since last meeting D/Acc. To C/Acc. 8,400.00

Balances on Accounts. Current Acc. 424.83 Deposit Acc. 5,501.93

Investment Acc. (NSI) 5,173.65 Includes Neighbourhood Plan Grant 2,500.00 Includes Operation Watershed 2014 550.00 Includes NHC Pavilion Restoration Grant 4,000.00

To Pay after this Meeting. Invoiced Services Three Parish Mobile 35.00 DD Chairman’s Allowance Precept Allowance (Inc £10 owed from 2014) 270.00 001422 Fine Print Neighbourhood Plan Leaflets 39.00 001423 Coolham Village Hall Village Hall Hire 22.00 001424 Coolham Village Hall Village Hall Hire 22.00 001425 BN5 & Thirteen Magazine Neighbourhood Plan Event Advert 132.00 001426 Council Election Charges 99.00 001427 West Sussex Financial Services Payroll Administration Fee 43.85 001428 West Sussex Financial Services Staff Salaries - December 521.38 001429 Coolham Village Hall Village Hall Hire 22.00 001430 Clerks Expenses - January Mileage, Postage, Broadband etc 109.92 001431

Immediate Transfer D/Acc to C/Acc. 1,200.00

During payment discussions, members discussed the historic payment of donations made to organisations in the Parish. It was decided that the Financial Regulations will be reviewed in May and during the May meeting the Council will consider the budget and the parameters for donations made by the Parish Council to local organisations.

Cllr Coad noted the difference in advertising costs between the local magazine, Thirteen8, in comparison to the leaflets which were printed and delivered by hand by Councillors. The cost to deliver leaflets was substantially less than the magazine. Cllr King-Tours also stated that it would be an idea to publicise the PC website address within the Church Parish magazine each month.

Transfer of money was proposed by Cllr Coad and seconded by Cllr King-Tours.

018/16 Staff Matters As there is not a PC meeting between the 29th February and 21st April, members resolved that if overtime hours are worked by the Clerk before 16th February then these hours are authorised as payment to the Clerk in the February payroll. Cllr Coad maintains records of the Clerk’s work hours.

019/16 Date of next meeting: Monday 29th February at Coolham Village Hall at 7:30pm

Subject to planning applications and a requirement for an extraordinary meeting.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 10.25pm.

Acronym Information

AIRS Action In Rural Sussex CIL Community Infrastructure Levy FB Facebook FOSP Friends Of Shipley Parish (Charity) HALC Horsham Association of Local Councils HDC Horsham District Council HDPF Horsham District Planning Framework HAMSVA Horsham And Mid Sussex Voluntary Association NALC National Association of Local Councils NHP Neighbourhood Plan PROW Public Rights Of Way

SHELA Strategic Housing Economic Land Assessment SLCC Society of Local Council Clerks SSALC Surrey & Sussex Association Of Local Councils TPO Tree Preservation Order TRO Traffic Regulation Order WSCC West Sussex County Council