A+~ ", I;, !!. ..t IInfrastructure AUS(~:;an G~':~nmcn( Australia Assessment Framework TEMPLATES AND CHECKLISTS Template for Stage 1: Problem Identification and Prioritisation Overview Document control details PROJECT NAME Bunbury Outer Ring Road PROPONENT Main Roads WA VERSION DATE COMPLETED 1011112017 CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS VERSION Prepared by NAME Colin Taylor JOB TITLE Manager Project ORGANISATION Main Roads WA Programming CONTACT (08)93236412 Mobile 0417 957 955 Email DETAILS
[email protected] DATE 1411112017 Approved by NAME Maurice Cammack JOB TITLE Director Budget and ORGANISATI Main Roads WA Investment Planning ON CONTACT (08)93234238 Mobile 0427 088 789 Email DETAILS
[email protected] DATE 1411112017 ~Q~ I InfrastI:ucture Assessment ,"""n.o Go,.,o""n! AustralIa Framework TEMPLATES AND CHECKLISTS Template for Stage 1: Problem Identification and Prioritisation (continued) TABLE OF CONTENTS TEMPLATE FOR STAGE 1: PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION AND PRIORITISATION 1 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Background to Initiative Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Problem/opportunity description 5 2.1 Nationally significant problem/opportunity statement 5 2.2 Problem/opportunity location 9 2.3 Problem/opportunity root causes and forecast time period 13 2.4 Information about the problem and opportunity 23 3. Stakeholder impact 28 4. Problem/opportunity alignment with relevant government policy objectives, strategies and other problems/opportunities/programs 30 5. Confidentiality 34 APPENDIX A - PROPOSED INITIATIVE 35 APPENDIX B - Location of traffic monitoring points 36 REFERENCES 37 2 ~~ I Infrastt:.ucture Assessment Austr.lll'~G~\trn"""1 AustralIa Framework TEMPLATES AND CHECKLISTS Template for Stage 1: Problem Identification and Prioritisation (continued) 1. Introduction Bunbury, the second largest city in Western Australia, is located around 170km south of Perth on the coast.