Goa, 7th May, 1970 (Vaisakha 17, 1892)

All correspondence referr1ng to &nnQuncement!!; and su bacription ot GovE;:'rnment Ge.zette must be e.ddre!lsed to its Administration ottice. Literary publicatiolUl will be advertiaed tree ot charge provided two copiea are offer6d. A.II 3 series \ (As 3 aeries)! as. -\.0/­ R!I. 24/­ Eta. 115'­ I Series Rs. 20/­ Re. 12/ R.!I. 9/­ Toda a correspond~ncta r~lativ!'J. a anUnClOg e A. ass1- ~yseries Ra. 16/­ as. 10/ lliI. 8/· natura do Boletim OjWial deve ser dirigida. !l Admmis­ IU'Series B.s, 20/- as. 12/- Rl!. gj- lracao de. Impren..q .,. Naciorml. Al3 publicac3es liter8.r1M de que 8e receberem dois exemplar~!O anunciam-se Postage i8 to be added when deH"erea Oil ma4l'~ gratuitamente. Acre-see 0 porte quando T6metido pelo corr.iO

I. ' - .------YERNMENT AZEllE B~DLETIM OFICIAL -= GOVERNMENT OF INDIA sion under tbe Family Pension Scheme for Central Government Employees, 1964, Li­ beralised Pension Rules, 1950, C. S. Rs. or MINISTRY OF FINANCE the C. C. S. (Extraordinary Pension) Rules, the amount of pension including Department of Expenditure ad hoc increase Or temporary increase or both which the beneficiary may be in re­ ceipt on 1-3-70 is less tban Rs. 40/- p. m. Office Memorandum the same shall be raised 'to Rs. 40/- p. m. (inclusive of ad hoc or temporary increase F.2<~(

No. 1-25-67-GAD, published in the Government Ga­ Para 1-The following are the filial Temples affi­ zette no. 4 Series I dated 25-4-68. liated to the said main Temple. In ANNEXURE I, 1 - The Temple of Shri "" in the Bazar area. In Paper II, 2 - The Temple of Shri "Naran Dev" at ArIa. Substitute "The Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue Code, 1968" for "Regulamento de Con- . Art. 2 - The Body of Mahazans shall be consti­ tribuicao Predial." tuted of Hindu Community by the male descendents In Paper ill, of the 12 "Vangades" with the age of more than 21 years and who pay the fee of rupees eleven (11) Add "The Untouchability (Offences) Act or more and other hailing from India professing 1955" to the existing entries, after the Goa, the same religion, irrespective of class or sect. Daman and Diu Mamlatdars' Courts Act 1966. Art. 3- The twelve Vangades who will be'here­ IN ANNEXURE: II, after termed as Mahazans shall perform their spe­ In Paper 3, cific traditional dutks assigued to them as they Add "The Untouchability (Offences) Act have been doing hitherto. 1955" after the words "The Indian Arms Act Art. 4 - The right of Mahazan of the Temple is and Rules." hereditary, inalianable and imprescriptable, trans­ In Paper 4, mitting to generation of male descendents in direct Substitute "The Goa, Daman and Diu Land line and to adoptives taken in legal terms. Revenue Code 1968" for "Regulamento de Con­ Para 1-The fee of rupee one shall have to be tribuicao Predial." paid by such desc.endent of Mahazans for registering In Paper 5, his name. Substitute "The Goa, Daman and Diu Muni­ Art. '5 - Mahazans of Managing Committee shall cipalities Act 1968" for "Provisions regarding be responsible to carry out the duties and work the Municipalities from Reforma Administra­ relating to the temple without any gratification. tiva Ultramarina de Goa." Art. 6 - All the members are bound in duty- K. N. Srivastava 1 - To contribute according to their possibilities Chief Secretary to beneficiate the Temple and to increase its Panaji, 23rd April, 1970. funds. 2 - To pay the subscription that may be opened by the General Body for any necessary ... expenses. Revenue Department Art. 7 - All the Mahazans of the Temple enjoy equal rights and privileges. OR,DER Art. 8 - Mahazans or non-Mahazans can celebrate any worship and festivities, temporary or annually RD/EKD/42/~9/70 by giving donations or keeping funds to/with the Sanction is hereby accorded to the regulations Managing Committee. of the of "Shri Shantadurga" (Santeri) of Kerim of Ponda Taluka, comprising 34 sections Art. 9 - The actual Mahazans are those who are with the respective list of Mahajanssigued by the indicated in the list appended to this draft and the Director of Civil Administration Services. others who have to be enrolled subsequently as Mahazans on payment of a contribution of minimum By order and in the name of the Administrator rupees eleven (Rupees ten as subscription and rupee of Goa, Daman and Diu. one towards entrance) or more per head.

V. Sardessai, Under Secretary (Revenue). 'CHAPTER II Panaji, 20th April, 1970. Assets of the Temple Art. 10 - The Assets of the Temple comprise of;­ Bye·laws of the Temple of Shri «Shantadurga» ISanteriJ A -Immovable properties: of Kerim of Ponda 1 - The building of the main Temple of Shri "Shantadurga" with its one extension CHAPTER I (Agraxala) and buildings of affiliated Temples. Institution of the Temple and its Mahazans 2 - Predio Rustico "Loharbhat" em Santodem. Article 1 - In the ward Santodem, Kerim village 3 - Predio Rustico denominado Palmar em of Ponda Taluka there ,exists the old Hindu Temple of Shri "Shantadurga"(Santeri) which is the main Santodem (Gurau vado). Temple. Thearea of the,land surrounding the Temple 4 - Predio Rustico Palmar Shri Deus Nomoz and its one extension (Agraxala) is 1800 sq. m. em Santodem (Gurauvado). 7TH MAY, 1970 (V'AIBAKHA 17, 1892) 85

5 - Predio Rustico Deus Nomoz em Santodem. CHAPTER ill .~ 6 - Predio Rustico Deuli Gorbhat em San- Receipts and Expenditure todem. 7 - Predio Rustico Loharbhat em Santodem. Art. 12 - The receipts consist of:- 8 - Predio Rustico Diutibhat em Santodem. 1 - Income derived from immovable properties. 9 - Predio Rustico dois Diguis em Santodem. 2 - Interest on funds of the Temple. 10 - Predio Rw;tico Marangana em Santodem. 3 - Gifts and donations in cash. 11-Predio um Ped de Pimpol de eulto publico 4 - Amount received from Communidade of em Santodem. Kerim. 12 - Predio Varzea dois diguis de Varik em 5 - Charges fixed for various religious acts. Santodem. 6 - Offers given by Mahazans and Devotees. , 13 - Predio Varzea um digue de Bhavin em 7 - The cash amount and other articles offered Santodem. by Mahazans and devotees to the Temple of 14 - Predio Rustico Palmar Babil Pir sito em Shri Shantadurga, Shri Betal and Shri Na­ Saklowado em Querim. ran Devon the occasion of three "Zatras" in the month of Kartik and Margashirsha. 1:5 - Predio Rustieo terreno inculto com um edificio do Templo do mesmo Deus Betal 8 - The proceeds of the auctioned articles on com um Cambo em Santodem. various festivities. 16 - Predio Rustico Holiacho Tolo em Santo­ 9 - Subscriptions and entrance fees paid by demo Mahazans. 17 - Predio Varzea dois Diguis em Santodem. 10 - Eventual receipts. 18 - Predio Calam no predio Mol na area de 11 - Amount collected by way of fines. 50X50=2500 m'. Art. 13 - The Expenditure consists of:- 19-Predio Rustico Varzea Boiraobhat com valado em Aria. 1 _ Maintenance and clean.liness of the Temples 20 - Predio Varzea Cormolem Tolem Poiquim and its buildings. ~ em Cormolem. 2 _ Festivities and religious performances of 21- Predio Rustico Borodo com um edificio do Temples. Templo de Shri Deus Naran Dev e um Ped 3 _ Predial Tax and any other taxes. de Tulos em Aria. 4 _ Towards management and salaries of the 22 - Predio Arecal N arandevacho Dando sito servants. em Cormol.em de Kerim. 5 _ Towards modifications, supervision and the 23 - Predio Va.rzea Cormolem Tolem POiquim construction of the Tempie buildings. .. --{ Colomb Loharxet. 6 - Eventual expenses. 24 - Predio varzea Cormolem Tolem POiquim Mahar xet. CHAPTER IV 25 - Predio Rustico Harijanaehi Race em Aria. Worship and Festivities 26 - Predio Rustico Deus Nomoz em Santodem. Art. 14 _ The daily worship consists in celehrating 27 - Predio Rustico Agarthican, Purso Naran the act of "Puja" in all the three Temples with for­ Varik babat em Santodem. malities and ritual precepts and also with rules which are customary at present. B - Movable Properties: 1 - The principal act of Puja (Mabaneivedya) 1-Golden ornaments of the Deity. shall be done daily at mid-day by the res­ 2 - Silver and Brass images. pective "Pujari" in all the three Temples. 3 - Religious Utensils. 2 - Celebrating of Naubat only on the occasions 4 - The objects of other metals. of f~tivities. 5 - The miscellaneous articles and utensils. 3 - To ascend permanent lights called "Laman­ diva" . All the above immovable and movable assets will be listed in the Inv

h) Avartan ...... 0-50 sara", arti, Kirtan etc.. in the Temple of Shri Be­ i) Laghu ...... 15-00 tal. Teil Abhishek to Shri Betal on Chathurthi. j) Maha Vishnu ...... 150-00 In the month of Kartik: - In the Temple of k) N a vachandi (sim pIe) ...... 30-00 Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, I) Navachandi sahapallavi ...... 80-00 Puran, arti etc., "Zyot" of three litres oil in all 200-00 the three temples throughout the month. In the m) Navachandi Hawandwara .. . Temple of Shri Narandev "Tulshi vivah", Pa­ n) Nandadip per day ...... 3-00 lanki, Neivedya, Arti etc., on Shudha Ekadashi. 0) Gandha puja ...... : ...... 50-00 "Kala-Zatra" in the Temple of Narandev, Pa­ p) Each Gurucharitra saptah ...... 15-00 lanki etc. on Duwadashi. 'feil Abhishek to Shri q) Toil Nahan ...... 2-50 Betal on Chathurdasi. r) Tulabar - Twenty five paise for In the month of ldargashirsha: - In the Temple Treasury ...... Temple of Shri Shantadurga "Zatra" on Shukla Panchami, Naukavihar (donated by Smt. Mo­ Para 1-The Managing Committee is empov{ered grubai), Kala, on Shasthi "Ratha" of Shri Shan­ to make suitable alteraLons in the rates aforesaId tadurga in the morning, Samradna and Arti in mentioned as and when deem fit. the Temple of Shri Narandev, procession of Ratha in the evening, Arti and then Samapti. In Art. 16 - Out of the proceeds collected thrcugh the Temple of Shri Betal "Kala" on Vadya Tri­ various religious performances by the Mahazans and tiya. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all the three devotees cited in under Article no. 15, Four per cent temples throughout the month. will go to Temple Treasury. The descri~ion with re­ In the month of Paush: - In the Temple of gard to proceeds, by way ·cf cash or kmd, WIll rest Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, with Managing Committee. Puran, Arti etc. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all the three temples throughout the month. In the Art. 17 - The following religious festivities will Temple of Shri Betal "Kalat" on the day of be celebrated:- Amavashya. In the month of Chaitra: - In the Temple of In the month of Magha: - In the Temple of Shri Shantadurga "Palanki" on Shukla Pan­ Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, chami, "Puran", Arti etc. In the Temple of Na­ Puran, Arti etc. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all randev "reading of Varshafal" on the day of the three temples throughout the month. Gudipadwa, Arti, Abhishek Neivedya etc. Cele­ bration of Ramjanm]l in the Temple of Naran­ In the month of Phalgun: - In the Temple of dey. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all the three Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, Temples thrcughout the month. On the day of Puran Arti, etc. "Zyot of three litres oil in all Varshapratipada "Te:il Abhishek to Shri "Betal". the three temples throughout the month. "Holj­ kessava" on Vadya Pratipada. Palanki and Ran­ In the month of Vnishak: - In the Temple of gapanchami on Vadya Panchami in the Temple Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, of Shri Shantadurga and in the Temple of Puran, arti etc. "Zyc-t" of three litres oil in all Shri BetaL the thre temples throughout the month. CHAPTER V In the Imonth of Jhesta: - In the Temple of Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, Servants and their Duties Puran, Arti etc. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all the three temples throughout the mcnth. Art. 18 - The servant staff of the Temple are: - 1 - Bhat Pujari. In the month of Ashnd: - In the Temple of Shri Shantadurga Pa.lanki on Shukla Panchami, Art. 19 - The servant staff referred to in the Puran, Arti etc. "Zyot" of three litres oil in all above Article are subordinate to the General Body the three temples throughout the month. In the and to the Managing Committee and they are bound Temple of Shri Nara.ndev "Puran and Arti on to fulfil faithfully the duties of their posts. shudha Ekadashi". 1-It is the duty of the priest (Pujari) to collect In the month of Shravan: - In the Temple of flowers and tulsis in the morning, cleaning up the Shri Shantadurga Palanki on the day of "Na­ Temple and Devara,·· oiling and lighting of brass gapanchami" Puran; Arti "Samradna" etc. lamps placed in the Garbhagraha, dictate the puja "Zyot" of three litres oil in all the three temples in vedic terms, to make abhisheks, to realize other throughout the month. abhisheks of the members and devotees at their cost, In the month of Bhadrapad: - In the Temple at mid-day Arti and Neivedya and at night DeopartL of Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Pan­ To place the image in Palanki and Ratha and to chami, Puran, Arti etc., "Zyot" of three litres accompany it in its traject during procession, to stay oil in all the three temples thrcughout the in the temple during the respective time table, to month. maintain in his possession the objects and cloths of daily use of the image and to perfom other acts. In the rmonth of A;~hvin: - In the Temple of The salary of the priest (Pujari) and staff is to be Shri Shantadurga Palanki on Shukla Panchami, fixed by the Managing Committee. Puran, Arti etc. "Zyot" of three litres {,il in all the three temples throughout the month. "Nav­ Art. 20 - The servant/s of the temple must per­ ratra" from Pratinada., Palanki on Vijayada.shmi form his/their duties carefully and with trust under­ (Simolanghan). On the day of Ekadashi "Da- the supervision of the Managing Committee. 7TH MAY, 1910 (VAISAKHA 11, 1892)------87 Para 1-The priest on duty, shall have to bear Art. 25 - The priest shall not solemnize any the sole responsibility of protecting and keeping worship without a prior collection of the respective intact all the precious and valuable articles such as fees as prescribed in Article 15 by passing a receipt of Gold, Silver and other Jewellery put on the Deity over the signature of the Secretary of the Managing in the daily use or at. the time of festivities. Committee of the Temple. Para 2 - Besides dle Pujari, there wi!! be more Para 1 - The religious duties or any other reli­ servants if necessary according to the needs of the gious performances shall be performed through the services. priest of the Temple.

CHAPTER VI Para 2 - Proceeds of worships not shown in the Article 15 will also be distributed at Four per cent The Penal Disposition to the Temple Treasury.

Art. 21- Every Mahazan/s should behave pro­ Art. 26 - The Temple is subject to the prevailing perly and decently. The Mahazan/s who behave/ laws and regulations and to those which may be behaves unmannerly, rudely or scedly in the area enacted by the Government in future. of the Temple, The Managing Committee have right to impose a fine minimum rupee one to maximum At. 27 - Other laws applicable to the Temple shall rupees five. be as per "Regulamento dag Mazanias". Para 1-The amount of fine as indicated above, is to be immediately credited to the Temple funds. Art. 28 - The right is rEserved for those Hindus In case of Failure, the Managing Committee will belonging to any cast or creed to perform the reli­ issue him a notice in the first place to the effect giOUS duties, any festivities according to his/their for the payment of the imposed fine, \vithin a pres­ religious way in the Temple but he/they shall not cribe limit of seven days failing which the Maha-an be entitled to interfere in the day today administra­ will cease to enjoy hhl rights till he makes good the tion or have any say in internal management of the payment. Temple.

Art. 22 - The following are the punishment pres­ Art. 29 - The Twelve Vangades (who will termed cribed for those servants who will not performing as Mahazans) hereafter shall perform their tradi­ his/their duties in the right manner Or desobeying tional duties and will be subject to control and gui­ the orders of the General Body or Managing Commit­ dance of the General Body and the Managing Com­ tee in relation to the Temple administration. mittee. If in case the traditional duties are not per­ formed by anyone of these Vangades then it will Para 1-The serva.nt;s who do not comply with naturally be cpened to the Managing Committee of his/their duties, he/they shall be punished by the the Temple to appoint the temporary servant for the Managing Committee with a warning for the first sake of maintaining the routine services. time, with suspension for the second time and for the third time his/their services shall be terminated Art. 30 - There being incurred any extraordinary by the Managing Committee with prior consent of expenses which the Treasury of the Temple cannot ( General Body of the Temple who should decide the afford or there being a deficit in fue ordinary expen­ i issue even in an ordinary session. ses, under resolution of the Managing Committee a Para 2 - The Managing Committee shall not subscription among the Mahazans shall he opened. punish the servant;s for omission or any of his/ Art. 31 - In cases for which no provision is made their faults unless he/they is/are being heard in these regulations, the customs followed from the by the General Body of Mahazans. antiquity and which are not inconsistent with the Para 3 -The temporary appointments of the subs­ legal provisions shall be observed. titute servant/s will be made by the Managing Com­ mittee for which a sanetion shall have to be accorded Art. 32 - It is prohibited for any person to enter by the General Body. ' inside any Temple with covered feet, when drunk or an attitude or gesture of arranging conflicts or quar- Para 4 - The Managing Committee if found rels. . essential have the right to appoint a temporary servant/so Art. 33 - Besides the sessions of the Body of Ma­ hazans prescribed under the law of the Government Art. 23 - The servant;s who will be absenting there shall be two extraordinary sessions one in the himself/themselves without prior permission of the month of Bhadrapad and the other in the month of Managing Committee (Jr substituting himself/them­ Kartik which shall take place at 10 a. m. regardless selves for performing his/their duties shall be of prior convocation, in order that therein may be punished five rupees by the Managing Committee. dealt With any matter of interest to the Temple. Art. 34 - The above Bye-Laws shall come into CHAPTER vrr force three days after its pUblication in the Govern­ General Provisions ment Gazette. Art. 24 - The salaries of the servant!s and other Copy of the List (Catalogo) of Mahazans of the expenses of the Temple shall be regulated in accor­ Temple Shri Shantadurga (Santeri) of Kerim: dance with respective, estimates drawn up by the 1 - Pandarinath Manguesh Kerkar. Managing Committee 0:1 the Temple duly formulated 2-Manohar Ladu Kerkar. and approved by the Government. 3 - Laximikant Venktesh Dessai.

-- -=rc:-=------~------,­ .-~----.-- -- SERIES 1 No. 6

4 - Pralhad J aganath Shirvant. 7'5 - Sripati Venktesh Dessai. 5 - Bhalchandra Laxaman Dessai. 76 - Sonu Bablo Gaude. 6 - Shridhar Dattu Kerkar. 77 - Gopinath Anta Gaude. 7 - Pushpashil Krishna Kerkar. 78 - Anand Shankar Kerkar. 8 - Prabhakar Bhasksa Dhamaskar. 79 - Dhaku Sukdu Kerkar. 9 - Fotu Mukund Jalmi. 80 - Sagoon Dharma Gaude. 10 - Kashinath Monu Gaudo. 81 - Anant Ganesh Satarkar. 11-Raghunath Dattaram Kerkar. 82 - Putu Vassudeva Xete Raikar. 12-Raghoba Raghu Varik. 83 - Shanu Saju Gaude. 13 - Madhav Ramchandra Shikerkar. 84 - Arvind J. Kerkar. 14 - Babal Krishna Shikerkar. 85 - Babal Babuso Satarkar. 1'5 - Vishnu Govinda Bhat Upadhye. 86 - Balcrishna Ramchandra Keni. 16 - Krishna Ram Shenvi Kerkar. 87 - Vishnu Ramchandra Keni. 17 - Savio Babani Kerkar. 88 - Dr. Savio Ramchandra Keni. 18 - Krishna Dattu Kerkar. 89 - Vassu Krishna Gaude. 20 - Ramnath Babuso Satarkar. 90 - Ramesh Dharma Sawant. 21 - Madhu Govinda Gaude. 91- Keshav Shivram Shindhe. 22 - Ramesh Anant Kerkar. 92- Raghuvir Babu Kerkar. 23 - Kamalakant Laxaman Mahale. 93 - J anardan Krishna Kerkar. 24 - J anardhan Mang:uesh Shrivant 94 - Shamba Sukdu Gad. 25 - Digambar Narsinha Rathval. ,g5 - Ganpat Gopinath Ekawado. 26 - Dinanath Bhaskar Dhamaskar. 96 - Gurudas Shankar Varik. 27 - Ratnakant Krishna Kerkar. 97 - Govinda Khapu Naik. 28 - Babuli Vishnu 8atarkar. 98 - ROhidas Hari Kerkar. 29 - Balcrishna Govinda Upadhye. 99-Kantu Jaga Kerkar. 30 - Laximikant Govinda Upadhye. 100 - Govinda ]{ayu Xete Tilvi. 31-Suresh Dattaram Kerkar. 101- Yeshwant Ramchandra Xete Tilvi. 32 - Narshinha Govinda Dessai. 102 - Gangadhar Pandari Kerkar. 33 - Panduranga Govinda Jathar. 103 - Liladhar Purshottam Kerkar. 34 - Dattatraya Keshav Upadhye. 104 - Gajanan Pandari Kerkar. . 35 - Madhukar Purshottam J athar. 105 - Vassant Krishna Dhamaskar. 36 - Narayan Babal .Jan. 106 - Narayan Babi Kerkar. 37 -Ramakant Gopal Naik. 107 - Ramakant Rama Naik. 38 - Shanu Duclo Naik. 108 - Shashikant Premanand Kerkar. 39 - Ladu Dharma Gaude. 109 - Bhiku Vithal Kerkar. 40 - Jagannath Anant Gaude. 110 - Vassudev Saji Kerkar. 41 - Antu Dhacto Ge.ude. 111-Sadanand Saji Kerkar. 42 - Surya Laxaman Gaude. 112 - Shantaram Jago Kerkar. 43 - Nilu Sukdo Gaude. 113- Krishna Jago Kerkar. 44 - Krishnadas Panduranga Gobre. 114 - Vassant Saji Kerkar. 45 - Ganesh Kapyo Claude. 115 - Anand Sitaram Kerkar. 46 - Krishna Gopi Gaude 116 - Mohan Shamba Kerkar. 47 - Bomyo Putu Naik. 117 - Babuso Ganesh Naik. 48 - Vassudeva Datta Shikerkar. 118 - Panduranga Babi J almi. 49 - Pandu Sagoon Claude. 119 - Rohidas Harichandra Chi:bado. 50 - Shankar Dhakto Gaude. 120 - Motiram Aqui Kerkar. 51- Pandari Dhakto Gaude. 121-Tukaram Surya Varik. 52 - Raghunath Duclo Naik. 122 - Sada Naguesh Gurau. 53 - Keshav Shankar Naik. 123 - Nonu Lumo Kunkalkar. M - Uttam Saju Naik. 124 - Anant Shankar Gaude. 55 - Guno Ram Gaude. 125 - Panduranga Bhikaro Gurau. 56 - Ganesh Babai Gaude. 126 - Narayan Putu Gad Kerkar. 57 - Santu Ram Gaude. 127 - Anand Babani Kerkar. 68 - Anant Govinda Gaude. 128 - Atmaram Putu Gad Kerkar. 59 - Raghu Fondu Gaude. 129 - Mahadev Raghu Gaude. 60 - Laxaman Balu Claude. 130 - Kashinath Babu Gurau. 61 - Ram Raghu Gaude. 131 - Gopinath Sadashiv Kerkar. 62 - Babuso Demu Gaude. 132 - Mahablu Dattu Sawant. 63 - Babuso Laxaman Gaude. 133 - Bhicaro Dudu Varik. 64-Vaman Anant Claude. 134-Namdev Mukund Naik. 65 - Babuso Pandu Gaude. 135 - Vishnu Yesso Varik. 66 - Gopal Pandu Gaude. 136 - Shankar Pandu Gad. 67 - Babuso Shamba Gaude. 137 - Ramnath Surya Naik. 68 - Katu Krishna Gaude. 138 - Narayan Hari Varik. 6,g - Narayan Manguesh Gaude. 139-Tulshidas Dattaram Varik. 70 - J anu Ram Gaude. 140-Chandrakant V. Kerkar. ,71 - Vishnu Mahadev Gaude. 72 - Mahadev Sukdu Kerkar. Directorate of Civil Administration, at Panaji, 73 - Babno Shanu Varik. 14th April, 1970.-The Collector and D. C. A. - D. N. 74 - Balkrishna Dattatray Jan. Barua. 7TH MAY, 1970 (VAISAKHA 17, 1892) 89

labour and Information Department and four and a half times the dia­ meter for furnaces with diameter over 18". ORDER (iii) In Regulation 592 after clause (d) the LC/24/m/69 following clauses shall be inserted The following Notification from the Government namely:- of India, Ministry of Industrial Development, Inter­ (e) Where furnace flue is made up of nal Trade and Company Affairs· (Department of· corrugated and plain section, they Industrial Development), Central Boilers Board, New shall be connected by fusion butt­ Delhi, is hereby republished for the information of -welded circular seams. all concerned. (f) Plain furnaces not fitted with stif­ fening ring shall not exceed 24" By order and in the name of the Administrator external diameter. The length of , of Goa, Daman and Diu. such furnaces shall not exceed six V. R. Vaze, Under Secretary, Industries & Labour times the external diameter for fur­ Department. naces with diameter up to 18" and four and a half times the diame­ Panaji, 28th April, 1970. ter for furnaces with diameter over 18".

Notification Sd/- BJ:r9(18J /67-EEI S. C. DEY Dated 28th February, 1970 Secretary, Central Boiler Board. The following draft of certain Regulations further to amend the Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950, which • the Central Boilers Board proposes to make in exer­ cise of the powers eonferred by Section 28 of the Mormugao Port Trust Indian Boilers Act, 1923 (5 of 1923) is published, as required by Sub-section (1) of Section 31 of the Notification said Act, for information of all persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given that MPT/3-GA(8J/70 the said draft will be taken into consideration three In exercise of the powers conferred under Chapter months from the date of publication of this notifi­ VI of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963 and with the cation in the Official Gazette. prior sanction of the Central Government as required under Section 52 of the said Act, the following rates Any objections or suggestions which may be re­ are added to the Schedule of Harbour and Railway ceived from any pe:rson with respect to the said Rates, published in the Bulletin Official No. 21, draft within the pe:riod so specified will be consi­ Series I, dated 31c5-1962 as amended from time to dered by the Central Boilers Board. Such objections time: - or suggestions should be addressed to the Secretary, Central Boilers Board, Ministry of Industrial Deve­ SECTION «J» lopment, Internal Trade & Company Affairs (Deptt. Rates for treatment of public at the Port Trust Hospital of Industrial Development), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi. Fees for hospitalization: DRAFT REGULATIONS Item No. J.1 General Wards 1. These Regulations may be called the Indian Rs. 10 per day Boiler (Amendment) Regulations, 1960. J.2 Special Wards without air­ Rs. 15 per day conditioning 2. In Indian Boiler Regulations, 1950, J.2(a) Plus Doctor's charges Rs. 10 per day J.3 Speciill Wards with aircon­ Rs.25 per day (i) in Regulation 546 for clause (g) the ditioriing following clause shall be· substituted, J.3(a) namely:- plus Doctor's charges Rs. 10 per day "Where furnace flue is made up of Note (1).-The cha:r;:ges in the general wards are inclusive of accommodation, ordinary medicines available at the Hos­ corrugated and plain section, they shall pital, normal nursing services, medical 'attendance, patho­ be conn~cted by fusion butt-welded cir­ logical and other routine investigations 'but do not include cular se~Lms". charges for diet, X"Ray and surg,ical operations. (ii) In RegUlation 546 after clause (h) the Note (2). -The charges for special wards are 'inclusive of accommodation, ordinary medicines available :in the hos~ following clause shall be inserted namely:- pital, ordinary nursing and routine pathological eXamina­ "(k) Plain furnaces not fitted with sti­ tions. Diet, X-Ray, spec1al pathological invest1gations, sur­ gical operations and special nursing will be charged for ffening ring shall not exceed 24" separately. external diameter. The length of such furnaces shall not exceed six Note (3).-In both types of accommodation specdalJ. me­ dicines not ordinarily stocked ifn the hospital has to be times the external diameter for procured 'from the outside sources for treatment and paid furnilces with diameter upto 18" for by the patient. 90 SERIES I No. 6

Fees far confinement: Item No. Item No. J.17 Haemoglobine determination Rs. 3-00 (Shali) J.4 Normal labour (conducted by Rs. 50-00 J.18 Erythrocite sodimentation rate Rs. 5-00 Midwife) J.19 Blood clotting and bleeding time Rs. 5-00 Rs. 100-00 J.4(a) Normal labour (conducted by J .20 Coagulation time Rs. 8-00 a Doctor on request, if avail­ able) J .21 Investigation of other parasites Rs. 5-00 J.5 Abnormal labour involving Rs. 200-00 J .22 Bacteriological examination of Rs. 7"50 Major Operations pus smears J.23 Cell count in pus Rs. 7·50 Fees for operations: J.24 Microscopic examination of Rs. 7-50 faeces J.6 Minor operations Rs. 25-00 to Rs. 50-00 J .25 Occult blood test Rs. 6-00 J.7 Major operations Rs. 200-00 J.26 Qualitative test of urine Rs. 10-00 J .27 Quantitative test of urine Rs. 25-00 X-Ray Charges: J.28 Antibiogramme Rs. 15-00 J.8 One exposure upto 12"X 15" Rs. 20-00 J.Z9 Determination of Colesteri- Rs. 1'5-00 per plate nemaa. J.8(a) One exposure above 15" per Rs. 30-00 J.30 Widal's reaction Rs. 15-00 plate J.31 Wassermen's reaction Rs. 20-00 J.9 Two exposures on one plate Rs. 30-00 J.32 Khan's reaction Rs. 15-00 upto 12"X15" per plate J.33 Treponema Pallidum Rs. 1'5-00 J.9(a) Two exposures on one plate Rs. 40-00 above 15" per plate Pathological and Laboratory Investiga- tions: Note. - Additional charge of Rs. 10.00 shall be levied for Special the use of agents such,as Barnum and other opaque media. J.34 Glocose Telerance test Rs. 30-00 Special investigations: J.35 Bacteriological examination of Rs. 15-00 J .10 Electrocardiograph Rs. 20-00 faeces J.36 Determination of billirubinemia Rs. 15-00 Pathological and Laboratory investi- J.37 Examination of gastric juice Rs. 35-00 gations: J.38 Blood cultures Rs. 30-00 (if got done by outsiders not admitted J.39 Urine cultures Rs. 20-00 as patients) JAO Tissue Sections Rs. 30-00 JAl Spinal Fluid Rs. 30-00 Routine: JA2 Acid or alcaline phosfatase Rs. 20-00 J.ll Blood Urea Rs. 15-00 By order, J.12 Blood Sugar Rs. 15-00 J.13 Blood cell count (complete) Rs. 15-00 Shivakumar Dhindaw J.14 RBC count Rs. 5-00 Secretary J.l·5 WBC total count Rs. 5-00 J.16 WBC differential count Rs. 5-00 Mormugao, 20th April, 1970.

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