!i , 22nd April,1971 (Vaisakha 2, 1893) SERIES I No.4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ,GOVERNMENT OF , DAMAN AND DIU

GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Notification AND DIU OSDImWS/ 41/67 -III Special Department In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, read with the Memorandum G()vernment of , Ministry of External Affairs letter No .. F.7(1l)/62-Goa dated the 25th July, 1963, SPL-EST-8065(1) the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased In continuation of this Department's Memoran­ to make the following rules' relating to the re­ .dum of even number dated 30th June, 1970, published cruitment to the Class II posts in the Directorate of in Government Gazette, Series T, No. 15, dated 9th Education tinder the Government of Goa, Daman and July, 1970, the following Notification from the Go­ Diu. vernment of India, Cabinet Secretariat, is hereby published for the information of the All India Ser­ 1. Short title. - These rules may be called Goa . vice Officers. Government, fDireciorate of Education, Class II posts Recruitment Rules, 1971. S. R. Saward, Deputy Secretary (Appointments). Panaji, 1st April, 1971. 2. Application. - These rrules sha;H apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule to these rules. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 3. Number. classification and scale of pay. - The CABINET SECRETARIAT number of posts, classification of the said posts· Department of Personnel and the sclrles of pay attached thereto shall be· as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Sche­ New Delhi-I, the 10th March, 1971 dule. 29 Phalguna, 1892 Notification 4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other qualifications. :""The method of recruitment of the 9/32/70~IS(III) saJid posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters G. S. R. - In exercise of the powers conferred by connected therewith shall be as specified in columns 'sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All-India Servi­ 5 to 13 of the aforesaid Schedule. ·-ces Act, 1951 (610f 1951), the Central Government, Provided that, after consultation with the Governments of the Sta­ tes concerned, hereby makes the following rules (a) the maximum age limit specified in the further to amend the All India Services (Conduct). Schedule in respect of direct recruitment Rules, 1968, namely: may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and. 1. (1) These rules may be caUed the All India Ser­ Scheduled Tribes and other special cate­ . vices (Conduct) (Amendment) Rules, 1971. gories in accordance with the orders issued. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their by the Goverument from time to time; publication in the Official Gazette. and (b) nO mMe candidate, who has more than one 2. In rule 19 of the All India Services (Conduct) wife living and no female candidate, who Rules, 1968, has ma;rried a person having already a wife (i) for the marginal heading 'Bigamous Marria­ living, shall be eligible for appointment, . ges' the marginaJ heading 'Restriction regarding unless the Government, after having been marriage' shall be substituted; satisfied that there are s'Pecial grounds for doing so, exempts any such candidate from (ii) after sub-rule (2) the following sub-rule shall the operaJtion of this rule. . i be added, namely: "(3) A member of the service who has married 5. These rules will come into effect from the date or marries a person other than of Indian of the Notification and will relate to appoint­ Nationality shaH foI'thwith intimate the ments to the various posts made on or after this fact to the Government". date. 'Sd/- K. N. Srivastava G. BALAKRISHNAN, -Chief Secretary Deputy Secretary to the Government of India Panaji, 6th March, 1971. r'

SCHEDULE C'-' ,; t 0> Whether age and edu- Method of recruitment cational quali- whether by direct In case of recruitment. by If a DPC Circumstances Whether fications pres- ·Period recruitment or by promotion/deputation/ l;c Age exists, in which I" Nama of the No. ot Classi­ Selection Educational and other cribed for of proba. promotion or by transfer, grades from what is U. P. S. C. post posts fication Scale ot Pay Post or non­ for direct qualifications required the direct lion, if deputation/transfer, which promotion/depu- ~){, recruits fol' direct recruits its com- is to be con- Selection Post recruitments any and percentage of the tation/transfer posItion sul~ed in will apply in vacancies to be filled is to be made makmg re­ the case of by _various methods cruitment , promotees "- 1 2 3 • 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Libradan 1 General Rs. 350-25- Selection 30 years and Essential: Age: No Two By promotion failing Promotion; Class II As req'uired (Central Cenrtral -575. below. (Re- Qualifi~ years which by direct Depart- under the Library) i) Degree of, a .recog­ cations: L'ibrM'ian/Arssistant Li­ Service laxable for recfubtment. brarian 'in the scale mental Union Pu- Clruss II Govt. :ser- iI1ised University or Yes Promo- blic Ser- Non-Gazet- vanes) equiva1ent. of Rs. 210-425 having tion vice Com- ted ii) Degree in Library three years service Commit- miss ion in SCience of a recog- the grade under tee. (Exemp- nised University Ins­ the EducllItion De­ tion from titution or equiva­ partment. Consulta­ lent. tion) Re­ iii) Abowt 2 years expe­ gulartions, rience in a respon­ .195B. sible capacity in a Library of standing. (QuaIificaJtions relaxable at CommLs.sion's dIs­ cretion in case· of can­ didates otherwise well qualified) .

2. Librarian, 1 General Rs, 400-25- Not 35 years and Essential: Not - do- By dIrect recruitment. Not applicable Not -do- Governw Cenrtral -500-30- Applicable below. (Re­ Applicable . mentArts i) Degree of a Tecog­ Appl!­ Service -BOO. laxable for cable & Science Class II Govt. ser­ nised University or College, Gazetted. van,ts) equivalent. Daman. ii) Degree in Library SCience from a re­ cognised University/ /Institution, or equi­ valent. iii) About 3 years expe­ rience in a respon~ sible capacity jn a Library of standing. (Qualifications relaxable at Commission's dis­ -cretion in case of can­ 'didates otherwise well qualified) .

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'~ l3ImD APRIL 1971 (VAISAKHA 2,1893) 31 ------~ finance (Revenue) Departmenr (4 of 1964) and all other powers enabling him m that behalf the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman Notification and Diu hereby inakes as follows the Eighth amend­ ment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax Rules, Fin (Rev) /20-3/part/2/68 1964 as last amended as per Government of Goa, In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 22 Daman and Diu Finance Department Notification ·of the Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Act, 1964, No. Fin(Rev)/2-36/1/2464/69 dated 19th July, 1969. the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes as follows, the Fourteenth Amendment to the 1. Amendment to Rule 15(5A): Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Rules, 1964, as' In sub-rule (5A) of Rule 15 of the Goa, Daman and last amended as per Goa, Daman and Diu Govern­ Diu Sales Tax Rules, 1964, hereinafter called the ment Notification No. Fin(Rev)/2-35/Part/1/68 principal rules, the existing clause (a) shall be subs­ dated 4-2-1971:- tituted by the following clauses (a) and (aa), For the existing Rule 49 of the Goa, Daman and namely: Diu Excise Duty Rules, 1964 the following shall be (a) Where a blank or duly completed decla­ ..substituted, namely: ration in form S. T. XI/XII is lost, whether 49. Permanent Staff:- such loss occurs while it is in the custody (1) In each distillery and brewery there shall of the purchasing dealer or in transit to' the selling dealer, the 'Purchasing dealer be a permanent staff whose salary shall be shall: . credited by its owner into the Government Treasury. The Commissioner of Excise (i) immediately report the fact to his shall decide the number and the rank of the assessing author·ity and take such staff to be posted at each brewery and dis­ other steps to issue public notice of the tillery but the rank of such staff would in loss, destruction or theft as the said no case be higher than that of an Excise authority may direct; Inspector. (li) and shall furnish in respect of each (2) The distillery or brewery shall provide such form so lost an indemnity bond quarters for the staff posted therein, with to his assessing authority for such sum such accommodation as the Commissioner as the same authority may, having may approve. If suitable quarters are not regard to the circumstances of the available in the distillery or brewery, the case, fix. . owner thereof shall rent in the neigh­ Such indemnity bond shall be fur­ bourhood necessary quarters for the accom­ nished by the selling dealer to his modation of the same staff. assessing authority if a duly completed Ii form of declaration received by him (3) If accommodation as required under sub­ -rule (2) cannot be provided for reasons from the purchasing dealer is lost, beyond the control of the owner of the dis­ whether such loss occurs while it is i tillery or brewery he shall make an alterna­ in his custody or while it is in transit tive arrangement as may be required by the to his assessing authority. r Commissioner. (00) Where a declaration in form S. T. XI/XII L furnished by a purchasing dealer is lost i By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu. while it is in the custody of the selling dealer or is in transit to the assesll,ing .Puran Singh, Finance Secretary. authority of the selling dealer, the selling Panaji, 6th April, 1971. dealer after complying with the provisions of clause (a) may demand from the pur­ chasing dealer a duplicate form for every " Notification such declaration form so lost.

Fin(Rev)/246/AR/Part/66 The purchasing dealer who issues any duplicate' form to .the. Ilellin~ dealer, s?all give the following The following draft of an amendment which is declaratIOn m red mk, duly Signed by him across the proposed to be made to the Goa, Daman and Diu page of each of the three portions on the duplicate . Sales Tax Rules, 1964 is hereby published for general of the declaration form: information. Notice is hereby given that the said draft will be taken into consideration by the Govern­ "I hereby declare that this is the duplicate of ment on the expi.. y of fifteen days from the date of the declaration form S. T.xI/XII No...... publ'ication of this Notification in the Government signed on ...... and issued to Gazette. All objections and suggestions regarding ...... who has his principal the draft amendment may be sent to the Under place of business at ...... and who holds Secretary to the Government of Goa Daman and registration certificate No ...... " Diu, in the Finance Department, Secr~tariat, Panaji, before the expiry of fifteen days from the date of 2. Amendment to Rule 22: the publication of this Notification in the Govern­ In the proviso to Rule 22 to the principal rules ment Gazette so that they may be taken into consi­ the word and figure "Rs. 2/-" shall be substituted deration at the time of finalization of the proposed by the word and figure "Rs'. 5/-" . . amendment. By order and in the name of the Adrninistrator DRAFT AMENDMENT of Goa, Daman and Diu. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 36 Puran Singh, Finance Secretary. -of the Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax Act, 1964 Panaji, 15th April, 1971. 38 . SERIES I No.4

Revenue Department to in the annexed list and those who may, in future, be admitted as Mahajans, and it is 'transmitted by consanguinity line and to the adoptives taken in ORDER accordance with the law and with obs'ervance of RDjEND/251/&8·71 religious ceremony, from generation, to their male descendents only after attaining the age of eighteen Sanction is hereby accorded in terms of arti­ (18) years. cle 20 of the "Regulamento das Mazanias" approved by the Diploma Legislativo No. 1898 dated 29-5-1959, Art. 5. All the Mahajans are bound in duty: to the regulations' of the of "Shree Shantadurga Shankavalesvary" of Gotona, Velinga, . (1) To hold gratis the offices of management and , comprising twenty articles with the administration for which they may be elected Or ap­ respective list of Mahajans duly signed by the Direc­ pointed and they shall try their best for the welfare tor of Civil Administration Services, which are pu­ and maintenance of the worship and progress of blished below. the Devalaya. However, no Mahajan who is not domi­ ciled in Goa shall be entitled to be elected for such By order and in the name of the Administrator posts. of Goa, Daman and Diu. CHAPTER ITI V. Sardessai, Under Secretary (Revenue). Funds l income and expenses Panaji, 13th April, 1971. Art. 6. The Fundsof the Devalaya consist of: (1) The rural and house properties presently held Bye·laws of the Devalaya of Shree Shantadurga and those which may come to belong to it; (2) The building of the Devalaya; Sankhavalesvary of Gotona, Velinga, Ponda Taluka (3) The Objects of gold, silver and other metals; (4) CHAPTER I The religious utensils; (5) The miscellaneous articles and utensils; Institution (6) The balance in cash. Article 1. The Devalaya 6f Shree Shantadurga Clause 1. All such assets, movable and immova­ Sankhavalesvary and its filials, originally established bles, will be listed with due individuation in the in­ in the village of Sancoale, was shifted more than four ventory book of the Devalaya. centuries ago, from there to Gotona of Velinga, on the place where presently is found. Art. 7. The income consists of: Art. 2. The filials of the said Devalaya are: (1) Income from the properties; 1) Shree Gram-Purush; (2) Interests on loans and/or deposits in the Bank; . 2) ShJ:'ee Dandapani; (3) Set prices of the religious acts; 3) Shree Adisinha Purush (Gotra Vatsa) ; (4) Product of oblations and donations; 4) Shree Anant Sinha-Purush (Gotra Vatsa) (5) Any income from eventual proceedings. with temple at Acar of Priol; 5) Shree Rama-Purush (Gotra Vatsa); Art. 8. The expenses consist of: 6) Shree Mandle-Purush (Bharadwaja Gotra) (1) Maintenance and cleanliness of the buildings; without a l')pecial temple; , (2) Taxes payable to.the Government; 7) Shree Govind Purush (Bharadwaja Gotra) (3) Remuneration to the servants; with temple at Agapur of Kavale; (4) Costs of the worship; 8)ShJ:'ee Shetrapal, without a special temple; (5) Annual pension of Rs. 20/- payable to the De- . 9) ·Shree Sankhalio, without a special temple. valaya of Xri of Kerim of Ponda; (6) Any other eventual expenses allowed in the Art. 3. The General Body of Mahajans of the Deva" budget or otherwise. . laya is composed of the male descendents of the following 8 groups and those professing the same Clause 1. The income and the expenses will be religion irrespeotive of class, caste or sect, who may, known from the respective budget. in future, be admitted as Mahajans by the Managing Committee of the Devalaya. 'CHAPTER IV 1) Vatsa: Porobo Dessai, Sinai (Codcodo), Po­ Worship and Festivities diar, Naik, Zamb, Kamat Sankhoalkar,etc. 2) Kashyapa: Art. 9. The festivities and other ceremonies which: 3) Bharadwaja: Porobo (Alvencar), Sinai (Sir- are celebrated in the Devalaya are: doncar), Puranic, etc. 'Worship 4) Kaush or Kaushik: Kamat (Sankhoalkar); 5) Atti: Every morning there should be the prayer and 6) Kaundinya: Podiar; ceremonies of abhishek, puja, naivedya and artis and 7) Vashishta: other ceremonies according to the religious precepts 8) Shankha: Pingle, Gutsa, Nayak, Sinai, Po­ and practice observed from the remote past in praise diar, etc. of Xri Shantadurga Sankhavalesvary, in the princi­ pal Devalaya; and in the other affiliated adjoining CHAPTER IT temples, abhishek, naivaidya and artis according to Righi' and duties of the members the traditional ceremonies. The ceremonies of the morning should be over by midday and of the night Art. 4. The right of Mahajanship is hereditary and upto twenty one hours, but they may be extended perpetual for the families of the Mailajans referred , for longer periods on feast days. 22Nl) 4l'RIL 19"/1 (VAI.8AKHA 2,1893) 39

Festivities iii) Tritya - 3rd day - of the private ins­ In the Devalaya of Xri Shantadurga Sankhavnles­ titution of Subraya Narayan Sinai, S from Bombay, I vary there will be the following festivities and cere­ iv) Chathurti - 4th day - of the private monies: institution of Govind Manjinath Kamat, 1) In the month of Chaitra: from Bombay, v) Panchami - 5th day - of the private a) Varshapratipada-Procession of Palankim institution of Venktesh Ramachandra (instituted by Gopal Damodar Sinai Codcodo, Prabhu Hajmadikar, from Bicholim); vi) Shashthi - 6th day -of the private b)Shudh Panchami -Procession of Palanquim . institution of Kashinath Damodar Naik, (instituted by Voikunt Bhiku Sinai, from from Madgaon, Kumta) ; vii) Saptami - 7th day -of the private ins­ c) Purnima - Procession of Palankim (insti­ titution of Narsinh Damodar Naik, tuted by Balkri&hna Jenardana Kamat San­ from Madgaon, khavalkar, from Panaji); viii) Ashtami - 8th day - of private insti­ d) Vadya Panchami - Procession of Palankim tution of Venktesh Manjinath Sinai, (instituted by Jiotoma Narayan Sinai Sirdon­ from Bombay, kar, from Panelim). ix) Navami - 9th day - of the private ins­ 2) In the month of Vaishak: titution of Jiotoma Narayan Sinai Sir­ donkar, from Panelim, a) Akshaya Tritya - Procession ofPalankim x) Vijayadashimi - 10th day-of the pri­ (inst1tuted by Indirabai Srinivassa Sinai Sir­ vate institution of Jeganath Pundalik doncar, from Panelim); Sinai Sirdonkar, from Ribandar. b) Shudh Panchami - Procession of Palankim (instituted by Narshinva Hari Puranik, from b) Shudhya-Panchami: - Procession of Palan­ Bhakshkal) ; kim (instituted by Nagappa Subraya Bhat c) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim Demenekar, from Gotona of Velinga). (instituted by Visnum Vasudeva Kamat Tar­ c) Vadya-Panchami: - Proce;:sion of Palan­ kar, from Panaji). kim (instituted by Datta Ranu Naik, from· Cansaulim) . 3) In the month of Jeshtha: a) Shudya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim 8) In the month of Kartika: (instituted by Janardana Baba Kamat San­ a) Sudhya Panchami - Proce:;sion of Palan­ khavalkar, from Panaji); kim instituted by Govind Naik Pan­ ~ b) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim velkar, from Ribandar; (instituted by the said Janardana Baba b) Shudya-Chaturdashi - Kalo, feast inst1tu­ Kamat Sankhavalkar). ted by Krishna Trivikram Kamat Sankha­ I valkar, from Panaji; I 4) In the month of Ashadha: c) Vadya-Chathurthi - Procession of Palan­ a) Shudha-Panchami- Proce;:sion .of Pa!ankim kim (instituted by Lakshimibai Narayan (instituted by Jeganath Pundalik Sinai Sir­ Sinai Sirdonkar, from Ribandar). donkar, from Panelim) ; - b) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim 9) In the month of Margashirsha: (instituted by Balkrishna Jenardana Kamat a) Shudya-Panchami - Procession of Palan­ Sankhavalkar, from Panaji. kim (instituted by Panduranga Porobo Al­ 5) In the month of Shravana: venkar andVenktesh Porobo Alvenkar in memory of their fa;ther Ramachondra Porobo a) Nag-Panchami - Heast and Procession of Alvenkar; Pa!ankim (iI\stituted by Bogvanta Babaya b) Shudya-Astami - Proce:;sion of Palankim Naik, from Madgaon) ; _ (instituted by Narayan Babi Sinai Sirdon­ b) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim kar, from Ribandar); (instituted by Panduranga Madhav Kamat c) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim Zambo). (in&tituted by Baburao Venktesh Porobo -6) In the month of Bhadrapad: Desai, from Hanovar). a) Shudha-Panchami: - Procession of Palan­ 10) In the month of Pausha: kim (instituted by Ikshimibai Chintu Kesh­ a) Shudya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim kamat, from Shahapur) ; (instituted by Narayan Krisna Naik, from b) Vadya-Panchami: - Procession of Palankim Goa Velha). instituted- by Shankar Ra,machandra Naik, from Mardol). 11) In the month of Magha: 7) In the month of Ashvin: a) Shudya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim (instituted by Yeswant Rama Kamat San­ a) Feast of Navaratra: khavalkar, from Panaji); i) Pratipada - 1st day - of the private b) Rathotsava-On the sixth day of the first institution of Zaiu, alias Padmavati fortnight - feaslt of the private institu­ Voicunta Camotim Sankhavalkar, from tion of Narayan Babi Sinai Sirdonkar, from Panaji, Ribandar; ii) Dwitya - 2nd day - of the private c) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim institution _of Ramakrishna Rangappa (instituted by Shridhar Padmanabha Bhat Sinai Falmar, from Bombay, (Sinai), from Mardol.' 40 SERIEfJ 1 No...

12) In the month of Falguna: prescribe, and also to institute festivities and make a) Shudya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim donations to the Devalaya. (instituted by Gangabai Kadam, from Bombay; Art. 14. In all the religious and festive acts, b) Vadya-Panchami - Procession of Palankim w~ether cele~rated by the Mahajans or instituted by (instituted by Sagoon Vithal Kamat Sankha­ prIvate partIes, the Mahajans and servants, in valkar, from Taleigaon). general, shall execute their respective duties. Art. 10. A Mahajan and/or any other person who . ~t. 15. The Swamis of Hindu Mallis, who may desires to perform or cause to perform any religious VISIt the Devalaya, shall be received with divine acts, shall pay, besides the respective expenses, the honours and veneration. following fees: . Art. 16. Anyreligious problems which may arise a) Abhishek Rs. 0.50 ill the Devalaya, shall be superiorly resolved by b) Abhishek neivedya Rs. 1.25 Shree Swami of Par·tagale, when consulted about. c) Ekadashni Rs. 0.50 them by the Mahajans. d) Laghurudra Rs. 5.50 e) Maharudra Rs. 75.00 ~rt. 17. The Mahajans do not renounce the right f) .Navachandi (simple) Rs. 15.00 WhICh by any way they may have or may for the g) Navachandi (Sahapalvi) Rs. 25.00 immovable properties, rights" shares\ active debts h) Navachandi (Havandwara) Rs. 50.00 etc. which shall be deemed as integral part of th~· i) Shantchandi Rs. 85.00 funds of the Devalaya. j) Shantchandi Hawandwara Rs.425.00 k) Kumkumarchan ashotottar Rs. 1.00 Art. 18. The Mahajans, are bound by laws and regulatiOns in force and whiciI may be enacted in the 1) Kumkumarchan Sahastra Rs. 0.75 m) Brahamin-Suhashini Rs. 3.75 future and undertake to contribute towards the acts. n) Othi Bharan Rs. 2.25 of beneficence, in terms of the governing law as applicable to the subject matter. 0) Tulabhar Rs. 1.00 p) Rangapuja Rs. 75.00 Art: 19. It is vested on the General Body of the q) Nandadip, per month Rs. 10.00 MahaJans the power to resolve the matters' inherent Clau.."€ 1. The fees referred to in the present ar­ to the worship, resolutions whereof are not specially ticle shall be shared between the Devalaya and the vested on the Managing Committee, as well as to pujari or pujaris who officiate ,the respective acts as amend and alter the present Bye-laws in accordance and in the manner established in the law. per the rules which will opportunately be framed by the Committee with approval of the General Body of Art. 20. In cases for which no provision is made Mahajans. in ,these presents, the customs followed from the CHAPTER V antiquity and which are not inconsistent with the· Servants and their duties legal provisions, shall be observed. Art. 11. The servants of the Devalaya are: List of Mah.jans the Temple Shri Shantadurgo a) Bhat-pujari. Shankh.valeshvori of Gotona-Velinga-Ponda b) Abhisheki and Puranik. c) Katkar. 1) Sridhara Janardan Kamat Shankhwalker from d) Vazantris. Panaji, 2) Giotama Morgo Kamat Shankhwalker e) Bhavinas and Kalavantas. from Panaji, 3) Guiri Ramchandra Kamat Shankh­ f) Diutekar, Hi!amatdar, etc. walker from Panaji, 4) Ramchandra Guiri Kamat , g) Goldsmiths, blacksmiths, carpenter, khambis, Shankhwalker from Panaji, 5) Bicu Srinivassa barber and dhoBi. Kamat Shankhwalker from Panaji, 6) Dormo Morgo K3:mat Shankhwalker from Panaji, 7) Shantaram Art. 12. The servants referred to in the preceding CrIsna K:;mat Shankhwalker from Panaji, 8) Trivi­ article are subordinate to the general body of the crama CrIsna. Kamat Shankhwalker from Panaji, 9) Mahajans and to the Managing Committee and they Prabhacar CrIsna Kamat Shankhwalker from Panaji are bound to fulfil the duties of their posts according 10) Jairam Crisna Kamat ShankhwaJker from Pa~ to the rules of the Devalaya. naji, 11) Damodar Raia KamatShankhwalker from Panaji, 12) Balcrisna Ramchandra Nayak from Pa­ Clause 1. Besides the services normally done, each naji, 13) Gopal Ramchandra Nayak from Panaji, one of the servants is bound in duty to render occa­ 14) Esvanta Rama Kamat Shankhwalker from Ta­ sional services of their competency, according to the leigaon, 15) Jayant Esvanta Kamat Shankhwalker customs followed upto the date. from Taleigaon, 16) Dilip Esvanta Kamat Shankh­ walker from Taleigaon, 17) Vassanta Esvanta Ka­ Clause 2. The salaries and other provents of the mat Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 18) Ani! Es­ servants shall be discriminally mentioned in the vanta Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 19) Suresh annual budget. CHAPTER VI Y. Kamat Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 20) Pra­ kash Y. Kamat Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 21) Art. 13. All Hindus irrespective of class, caste or Raghunath S. K. Shankhwalker from Panaji, 22) sect shall have free access to the temple to render Sadananda Vithal Kamat Shankhwalker from Panaji, worship and also to perform the religious ceremonies 23) Suresh Anant Kamat Shankhwalker from Vasco and rites as may be permissible under the prevailing da Gama, 24) Soiru Venctesh Kamat Shankhwalker usage and customs of the Devalaya or as may be from Panaji, 25) Prabhacar Venctesh Kamat Shankh­ permitted by the Managing Committee subject to walker from Panaji, 26) Balcrisna Govinda Sinai such conditions, if any, as the said Committee may Shankhwalker from Panaji, 27) Venctesh Bal- ~, f,2ND APRIL 1971 (VAISAKHA 2, 1893) ,;~ crisna Sinai Shankhwalker from Panaji, 28) Go­ Datta Nayak Sukerkar from Margaon, 101) Cris.. vinda Balcrisna Sinai Shankhwalker from Panaji, nanata Datta Nayak Sukerkar from Margaon, 102) JT 29) Naraina Balcrisna Sinai Shankwalker from Pa­ Yithal Padbanaba Nayak-from Margaon 103) Nara­ ( naji, 30) Dattaram Podiar from Siroda, 31) Naren­ hari Vithal Nayak from Margaon, 104) Damodar dra Shantaram Podiar from , 32) Suren­ Vithal Nayak from Margaon, 105) Cris!lla Vithal dra Shantaram Podiar from Margao, 33) Vinaeca Nayak from Margaon, 106) Vaman Vithal Nayak r L Raia Podiar from Paroda, 34) Visnanata Raia from Margaon, 107) Ramchandra Bagvanta Nayak f PodiaI' from Paroda, 35) Vijayakant Raia PodiaI' from Margaon, 108) Vassudeva Narcinva Nayak from Paroda,36) Govinda Vinaeca PodiaI' from Cun­ from Margaon, ,109) Ananta Narcinva Nayak from colim, 37) Naraina Govinda PodiaI' from Cuncolim; Margaon, 110) Mohandas Narcinva Nayak. from :, 38) Vassudeva Govinda PodiaI' from Cuncolim, 39) Margaon, 111) Srinivassa Damodar Nayak from \ Crisna Sheshguiri PodiaI' from Paroda, 40) Mucunda Margaon, 112) Crisna Naraina Nayak from Mar­ Sheshguiri PodiaI' from Paroda, 41) Jenu Shesh­ gaon, 113) Bagvant Crisna Nayak from Margaon, ) guiri PodiaI' from Paroda, 42) Rama Crisna Podiar 114) Pundalik Visnum Nayak from Margaon, 115) " ~ from Paroda; 43) Vassudeva Crisna PodiaI' from Purshottam Damum Nayak Dalal from Margaon, Paroda, 44) Gopal Sinai Khadkade from Bicholim, 116) Dinanata Damum Nayak Dalal from Margaon, pt *~ 45) Ragunath Gopal Sinai Khadkade from Bicholim, B7) Subraia Caxinata Nayak from Margaon, 118) 46) Dattaram Sinai Khadkade from Bicholim, 47) Damodar Caxinata Nayak from Margaon, 119) Sri­ It" Mucunda Sinai Khadkade from Bicholim, 48) Pra­ dhar Caxinata Nayak from Margaon, 120) Narcinva ,:,1,: cash Sinai Khadkade from Bicholim, 49) Baburao (jaxinata Nayak from Margaon, '121) Ananta Srini­ Ii, .Ganesh Khadkade from Bicholim, 50) Mohan Babu­ yassa Nayak from Margaon, 122) Upendra Crisna. ,·1 rao Khadkade from Bicholim, 51) Ani! Baburao Nayak from Margaon, 123) Venctooh Ramachandra Khadkade from Bicholim, 52) Sajjan Baburao Khad­ Porob Alvencar from Margao, ;1.24) Venctesh Putu kade from Bicholim, 53) Sadananda Vassudeva Porob Alvencar from Varca, 125) G9pal Vimc1:eEth Khadkade from Bicholim, 54) Ramnath Vithal Khad­ Porob Alvencar from Varca,' 126) Putu Venctesh kade from Bicholim, 55) Vinaeca Sinai Khadkade Porob Alvencar from Varca, 127) Dattaram Upen­ from Bicholim, 56) Damodar Vinaeca Sinai Khad­ dra Sinai Cuncalcar from Mardol, 128) Fondu Upen­ kade from Bicholim, 57) Sricrisna Vinaeca Khad­ dra Sinai Cuncalcar from Mardol, 129) Mucunda .kade from Bicholim, 58) Suresh Vinaeca Khadkade Padbanaba Bhat from Mardol, 13D) Visnum Mu­ from Bicholim, 59). Sripada Damodar Khadkade cunda Bhat from Mardol, 131) Crisna Mucunda Bhat from Bic;IlOlim, 60) Sagoon Vithal Kamat Shankh­ from Mardol, 132) Naraina Mucunda Bhat from walker from Taleigaon, 61) Vithal Venctesh Kamat Maidol, 133) Ramakant Mucunda Bhat from Mardol, Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 62) Sadananda Sa­ 134) Manohar Mucunda Bhat from Mardol, 135) goon Kamat Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 63) Gu­ Rama Padbanaba Bhat from Mardol, 136) Hari rudas Sagoon Kamat Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, Rama Bhat from Mardol, 137) Anant Rama Bhat 64) Vallabh Sagoon Kamat Shankhwalker from Ta­ from Mardol, 138) Padbanaba Sridhar Bhat from leigaon, 65) Ravindra Sagoon Kamat Shankhwalker Mardol, 139) Prabhacar Sridhar Bhat from Mardol, from Taleigaon, 66) Panduranga Pundalik Kamat 140) Madava Sridhar Bhat from Mardol, 141) Guno Shankhwalker from Taleigaon, 67) Maruti Jaga­ Santu PodiaI' from Paroda, 142) Gajanan Santu Po­ nath Sinai Sirdoncar from Ribandar, 68) Vinaeca diaI' from Paroda, 143.) Naraina Santu Podiar from Jagannath Sinai Sirdoncar from Ribandar, 69) Sa­ Paroda, 144) Upendra Madava Kamat Shankhwal­ dananda Jagannath Sinai Sirdoncar from Ribandar, ker from Mapusa, 145) Vis'Vanata Upendra Kamat 70) Visnum Govinda NayakPanvelcar from Riban­ Shankhwalker from Mapusa, 146) Sitakanta CriSll1a­ dar, 71) Govinda Visnum Nayak Panvelcar from nata Bandcar from Reis Magos, 147) Anand Datta Ribandar, 72) Narcinda Vi&num Nayak Panvelcar Nayak from Margaon, 148) Vithal Datta Nayak from Ribandar, 73) Ullas Visnum Nayak Panve:lcar from Margaon, 149) Balagi Datta Nayakfrom Mar­ from Ribandar, 74) Dilip Visnum Nayak Panvelcar gaon, 150) Prakash Datta Nayak from Margaon, from Ribandar, 75) Purshottam Vithal Nayak Pan­ 151) Atchut Visnum Naik from Margaon, 152) Tri­ velcar from Riban

The Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty (Amendment) Bil), 1971 The Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker (Third Amendment) Bill, 1971 (Bill No.9' of 1971) (Bill No. 12 of 1971) A Bill further to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Act, 1964. A Bill further to amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the Speaker and Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Deputy Speaker Act, 1964 (No.4, of 1965). Goa, Daman and Diu in the 'L'wel1!ty-second year of the Republic of India as follows: - Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Goa, 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act Daman and Diu in the Twenty-Second Year of the· may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Republic of India as follows: (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1970. 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and (2) It shall come into force on such date as the Allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker Government may, by notification in the Official (Third Amendment) Act, 1911. Gazette, appoint. 2. It Shall 'come into force at once . . 2. Amendment of Schedule. - In the Schedule to the Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Act, 1964,for 3. Amendment of Section 5. - In section 5 of the entry (1) in part A,. the following entry shall be Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the substituted, namely:- Speaker and Deputy Speaker Act, 1964 after the words "such conveyance aNowance", the words "with " (1) Foreign liquor other Rs. 12/- per proof or without the motor car amenities" shall be inserted. than milk punch, litre." wines and beer Statement of Obiects and Reasons Ours is the only Deputy Speaker in the entire Financial Memorandum coun'-o.ry who has not been drawing any conveyance­ allowance nO.r has been provided with a Goyernment . No financial commitment is involved in this' Bill; motor car. When the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker (Second Amendment) Bill, 1970 was discussed in the' Statement of Objects and Reasons Legislative Assembly sufficient attention was not paid to the wording of Clause 3 of the said Bill, with The object of this Bill is to raise the Excise Duty the result that, for aJil practical purposes, the posi­ on foreign liquor other than milk punch, wines and tion in respect of conveyance allowance and motor beer from Rs. 9/- to Rs. 12/- per proof litre. car amenities remains the same as it was before the said Bill was passed into law. Hence ,the need of the· The reason to increase the excise duty on the said present Bill. liquor is to raise additional resources for the Fourth Five Year Plan Development Schemes and one of Financial Memorandum the fields in which it can be done is in respect of the said liquor as the duty thereon is quite low Clause 2 of the Bill seeks to amend Section 5 or compared to the rates of such duty in the adjoining the Goa, Daman and Diu Salaries and Allowances States and there is room for increase thereof. of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker Act, 1964, with a view to providing the Deputy Speaker with such motor car amenities as are provided for a Minister. Panaji. D. B. BANDODI{AR If the Bill is passed into law, a car with driver wi!] 19th March, 1971 Chief Minister have to be placed at the disposal of the Deputy Speaker. In addition to this, he will get conveyance allowance of Rs. 100/- per month, if he uses Govern­ ment car. Assembly Hall, O. P. GARG Panaji, Secretary to the Legislative Assembly The non-recurring and recurring expenditure that will be incurred, for giving the above facility will be 14th April, 1971. of Goa, Daman and Diu Rs. 22,000/- -for purchase of a car and Rs. 5000/­ towards payment of salary of chaffeur and cost of repairs. .

LA/A/749/71 Panaji, D. B. BANDODRAR The following Bill which was introduced in the . 1st April, 1971 Chief Minister Legislative Assembly of Goa, Daman and Diu on 12th April, 1971 is hereby published for general Assembly Hall, O. P. GARG information in pursuance of the provisions of Rule 127 of the Rules of . Procedure and Conduct Panaji, Secretary to thE;! Legislative Assembly of Business of Legislative Assembly, 14th April, 1971. . of _G.oa, Daman and Diu

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