!i Panaji, 22nd April,1971 (Vaisakha 2, 1893) SERIES I No.4 OFFICIAL GAZETTE ,GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Notification AND DIU OSDImWS/ 41/67 -III Special Department In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution, read with the Memorandum G()vernment of India, Ministry of External Affairs letter No .. F.7(1l)/62-Goa dated the 25th July, 1963, SPL-EST-8065(1) the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased In continuation of this Department's Memoran­ to make the following rules' relating to the re­ .dum of even number dated 30th June, 1970, published cruitment to the Class II posts in the Directorate of in Government Gazette, Series T, No. 15, dated 9th Education tinder the Government of Goa, Daman and July, 1970, the following Notification from the Go­ Diu. vernment of India, Cabinet Secretariat, is hereby published for the information of the All India Ser­ 1. Short title. - These rules may be called Goa . vice Officers. Government, fDireciorate of Education, Class II posts Recruitment Rules, 1971. S. R. Saward, Deputy Secretary (Appointments). Panaji, 1st April, 1971. 2. Application. - These rrules sha;H apply to the posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule to these rules. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA 3. Number. classification and scale of pay. - The CABINET SECRETARIAT number of posts, classification of the said posts· Department of Personnel and the sclrles of pay attached thereto shall be· as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said Sche­ New Delhi-I, the 10th March, 1971 dule. 29 Phalguna, 1892 Notification 4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other qualifications. :""The method of recruitment of the 9/32/70~IS(III) saJid posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters G. S. R. - In exercise of the powers conferred by connected therewith shall be as specified in columns 'sub-section (1) of section 3 of the All-India Servi­ 5 to 13 of the aforesaid Schedule. ·-ces Act, 1951 (610f 1951), the Central Government, Provided that, after consultation with the Governments of the Sta­ tes concerned, hereby makes the following rules (a) the maximum age limit specified in the further to amend the All India Services (Conduct). Schedule in respect of direct recruitment Rules, 1968, namely: may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and. 1. (1) These rules may be caUed the All India Ser­ Scheduled Tribes and other special cate­ . vices (Conduct) (Amendment) Rules, 1971. gories in accordance with the orders issued. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their by the Goverument from time to time; publication in the Official Gazette. and (b) nO mMe candidate, who has more than one 2. In rule 19 of the All India Services (Conduct) wife living and no female candidate, who Rules, 1968, has ma;rried a person having already a wife (i) for the marginal heading 'Bigamous Marria­ living, shall be eligible for appointment, . ges' the marginaJ heading 'Restriction regarding unless the Government, after having been marriage' shall be substituted; satisfied that there are s'Pecial grounds for doing so, exempts any such candidate from (ii) after sub-rule (2) the following sub-rule shall the operaJtion of this rule. i be added, namely: "(3) A member of the service who has married 5. These rules will come into effect from the date or marries a person other than of Indian of the Notification and will relate to appoint­ Nationality shaH foI'thwith intimate the ments to the various posts made on or after this fact to the Government". date. 'Sd/- K. N. Srivastava G. BALAKRISHNAN, -Chief Secretary Deputy Secretary to the Government of India Panaji, 6th March, 1971. r' SCHEDULE C'-' ,; t 0> Whether age and edu- Method of recruitment cational quali- whether by direct In case of recruitment. by If a DPC Circumstances Whether fications pres- ·Period recruitment or by promotion/deputation/ l;c Age exists, in which I" Nama of the No. ot Classi­ Selection Educational and other cribed for of proba. promotion or by transfer, grades from what is U. P. S. C. post posts fication Scale ot Pay Post or non­ for direct qualifications required the direct lion, if deputation/transfer, which promotion/depu- ~){, recruits fol' direct recruits its com- is to be con- Selection Post recruitments any and percentage of the tation/transfer posItion sul~ed in will apply in vacancies to be filled is to be made makmg re­ the case of by _various methods cruitment , promotees "- 1 2 3 • 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. Libradan 1 General Rs. 350-25- Selection 30 years and Essential: Age: No Two By promotion failing Promotion; Class II As req'uired (Central Cenrtral -575. below. (Re- Qualifi~ years which by direct Depart- under the Library) i) Degree of, a .recog­ cations: L'ibrM'ian/Arssistant Li­ Service laxable for recfubtment. brarian 'in the scale mental Union Pu- Clruss II Govt. :ser- iI1ised University or Yes Promo- blic Ser- Non-Gazet- vanes) equiva1ent. of Rs. 210-425 having tion vice Com- ted ii) Degree in Library three years service Commit- miss ion in SCience of a recog- the grade under tee. (Exemp- nised University Ins­ the EducllItion De­ tion from titution or equiva­ partment. Consulta­ lent. tion) Re­ iii) Abowt 2 years expe­ gulartions, rience in a respon­ .195B. sible capacity in a Library of standing. (QuaIificaJtions relaxable at CommLs.sion's dIs­ cretion in case· of can­ didates otherwise well qualified) . 2. Librarian, 1 General Rs, 400-25- Not 35 years and Essential: Not - do- By dIrect recruitment. Not applicable Not -do- Governw Cenrtral -500-30- Applicable below. (Re­ Applicable . mentArts i) Degree of a Tecog­ Appl!­ Service -BOO. laxable for cable & Science Class II Govt. ser­ nised University or College, Gazetted. van,ts) equivalent. Daman. ii) Degree in Library SCience from a re­ cognised University/ /Institution, or equi­ valent. iii) About 3 years expe­ rience in a respon~ sible capacity jn a Library of standing. (Qualifications relaxable at Commission's dis­ -cretion in case of can­ 'didates otherwise well qualified) . .. '\' t, , tel ! ~ ~ .... f •~ I~ '~ l3ImD APRIL 1971 (VAISAKHA 2,1893) 31 --------------------------------~ finance (Revenue) Departmenr (4 of 1964) and all other powers enabling him m that behalf the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman Notification and Diu hereby inakes as follows the Eighth amend­ ment to the Goa, Daman and Diu Sales Tax Rules, Fin (Rev) /20-3/part/2/68 1964 as last amended as per Government of Goa, In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 22 Daman and Diu Finance Department Notification ·of the Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Act, 1964, No. Fin(Rev)/2-36/1/2464/69 dated 19th July, 1969. the Government of Goa, Daman and Diu hereby makes as follows, the Fourteenth Amendment to the 1. Amendment to Rule 15(5A): Goa, Daman and Diu Excise Duty Rules, 1964, as' In sub-rule (5A) of Rule 15 of the Goa, Daman and last amended as per Goa, Daman and Diu Govern­ Diu Sales Tax Rules, 1964, hereinafter called the ment Notification No. Fin(Rev)/2-35/Part/1/68 principal rules, the existing clause (a) shall be subs­ dated 4-2-1971:- tituted by the following clauses (a) and (aa), For the existing Rule 49 of the Goa, Daman and namely: Diu Excise Duty Rules, 1964 the following shall be (a) Where a blank or duly completed decla­ ..substituted, namely: ration in form S. T. XI/XII is lost, whether 49. Permanent Staff:- such loss occurs while it is in the custody (1) In each distillery and brewery there shall of the purchasing dealer or in transit to' the selling dealer, the 'Purchasing dealer be a permanent staff whose salary shall be shall: . credited by its owner into the Government Treasury. The Commissioner of Excise (i) immediately report the fact to his shall decide the number and the rank of the assessing author·ity and take such staff to be posted at each brewery and dis­ other steps to issue public notice of the tillery but the rank of such staff would in loss, destruction or theft as the said no case be higher than that of an Excise authority may direct; Inspector. (li) and shall furnish in respect of each (2) The distillery or brewery shall provide such form so lost an indemnity bond quarters for the staff posted therein, with to his assessing authority for such sum such accommodation as the Commissioner as the same authority may, having may approve. If suitable quarters are not regard to the circumstances of the available in the distillery or brewery, the case, fix. owner thereof shall rent in the neigh­ Such indemnity bond shall be fur­ bourhood necessary quarters for the accom­ nished by the selling dealer to his modation of the same staff. assessing authority if a duly completed Ii form of declaration received by him (3) If accommodation as required under sub­ -rule (2) cannot be provided for reasons from the purchasing dealer is lost, beyond the control of the owner of the dis­ whether such loss occurs while it is i tillery or brewery he shall make an alterna­ in his custody or while it is in transit tive arrangement as may be required by the to his assessing authority. r Commissioner. (00) Where a declaration in form S. T. XI/XII L furnished by a purchasing dealer is lost i By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman and Diu. while it is in the custody of the selling dealer or is in transit to the assesll,ing .Puran Singh, Finance Secretary.
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