The Roman Aqueduct, Caesarea. photo by Duby Tal, Albatross

Special Issue June, 2, 2005 The Embassy ofItalyinIsrael IN TABLE OF CONTENTS

1 Italy and Israel: a Longstanding Partnership with a Great Future Sandro De Bernardin, Ambassador of Italy in Israel 3 The Mediterranean Role of Italy A.B. Yehoshua THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL 6 The Relationship throughout History Simonetta Della Seta 8 The Holy Land through the Eyes of Italian Travellers Michele Piccirillo 11 Tracking Traces of Italy Eric Salerno 13 The Significant Presence of the Italian Jewish Community Sergio Della Pergola

The Trade Tower In Tel Aviv 15 The Story of Forty Italian Synagogues housing the Embassy David Cassuto of Italy in Israel PRESENT DAY 20 The Love for Italian Language PROJECT AND PRODUCTION Edoardo Crisafulli The Embassy of Italy in Israel 22 The Literary Embrace Lucio Izzo EDITORIAL COORDINATION 24 A Dynamic Economic Exchange Simonetta Della Seta Alessandro Cattaneo and Mauro Poli 26 The Attraction of Israeli Businesses to the Italian Market ADVERTISING COORDINATION Ronni Benatoff Alessandro Cattaneo 28 InvestInItaly, a New Reference Point for Israeli Investors GRAPHICS Massimo Caputi Enrico Attas 29 The Boost of Scientific Cooperation Guglielmo Castro

PHOTOGRAPHY 31 A Dialogue on Security Luca Franchetti Pardo and Alessandro Veltri Visions of the Land Archive Garo Nalbandian 34 Two Italian Archaeological Expeditions Ermanna Clemente di San Luca Albatross U. Nahon Museum A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL Embassy of Italy in Israel 39 The Consular Services The Embassy of Italy 42 The Italian Business Desk in Israel wishes to thank: Duby Tal ÐAlbatross 44 The Italian Cultural Institute Visions of the Land Archive 44 Learning Italian U. Nahon Museum The Schools of the Italian Cultural Institute The Italian Courses at Israeli Universities PRINTED IN ISRAEL 2005 The Dante Alighieri Society 45 Amitei Italia Association 46 Italian Hospitals 47 Other Institutions The U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art Olei Italia Beit Wizo Italia ITALY IN ISRAEL

Italy and Israel: a Longstanding Partnership with a Great Future

o be Ambassador of Italy in Israel is a nice experience. Not only because of the beauty of the country, its cultural charme, its religious appeal, the sympathy that Israelis generally show to Italians, the links that history has established between our two peoples, the awareness of the values they have in common, or the importance of political commitments shared by the two Governments. Indeed, beyond all these, other factors contribute to make my job particularly interesting. Economic links are already significant, but rely mainly on commercial relations: hence the prospect of fostering direct investments and industrial cooperation. Cultural curiosity is another field which deserves to be intensified, in order to allow the Israeli public to go beyond a “classical” (or folkloric) knowledge of Italy: hence the need for presenting more aspects of contemporary Italian culture and the Italian way of life. More and more Israelis are eager to learn Italian: hence the opportunity for increasing the number and quality of our language courses. Potential for synergy often appears with regard to scientific and technological cooperation: hence the commitment to facilitating contacts and joint projects. The Israeli community of Italian origin plays an impressive role in facilitating mutual understanding: hence the moral obligation of appreciating this role. Our relationship is based on solid ground. It is worthwhile mentioning that the dialogue between Judaism and Italy has existed continuously, for two thousand years, ever since the first Jewish community settled in before the Diaspora. Italians solidly supported Aliyah Bet, thus contributing to the birth of the State of Israel. As a matter of fact, when asked to indicate which country is “a real friend” of Israel in Europe, most Israelis mention Italy first (and many agree that the period of the Italian Presidency of the European Union allowed a breakthrough in their relationship). In the last few years Italy has been one of the most outspoken advocates of the security needs of Israel. The two Governments have been working closely in order to catalyse an effective response of the International Community against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. They significantly increased political consultations. They devoted particular efforts to counter a resurgence of anti-Semitism (in 2004, for example, Italy took over the Presidency of the International Task Force for the Awareness of the Shoah). They were active in bilateral cooperation in various fields, ranging from telecom to environment, from the judiciary to agriculture, from health to the fight against organised crime. The diversity of our relationship is related not only to the number of areas of common interest, but also to the number of levels concerned. It does not only apply to the governmental dimension, but also involves regional authorities, municipalities, private institutions, research centres, NGOs, and confessional groups. In other words, the two societies maintain an intense and fruitful dialogue. But old and well-established relationships need to be continuously nourished. Just like any friendship and even any marriage, they have to be kept alive and fresh under changing circumstances. The work of an Embassy is largely to detect new opportunities and to ensure that they are seized. As a matter of fact, both Italy and Israel are engaged in a process of significant change – particularly in reviewing some aspects of their economic structures (taxation, welfare, role of the State as entrepreneur) – in order to cope with the challenges of globalization. Both being modern economies, sound democracies and Mediterranean countries, they can fruitfully exchange experiences and look for new kinds of partnerships. There is also room for improvement in traditional fields, in tourism for instance: according to the latest statistics, 10 % of Israeli tourism is directed to Italy, whereas Italian tourists represent only 3 % of guests in Israel. My staff and I are strongly committed to updating and nourishing the longstanding partnership between Italy and Israel. Yes, we want to secure it a great future! I hope that this magazine will also make a contribution. It opens with some reflections by Avraham B. Yehoshua – whom I thank wholeheartedly – on his personal experience of Italy. The following pages deal with the many facets of the Italian presence in this country: a presence which has the Embassy as the core reference, but encompasses a larger system of entities. Those entities too are presented here: each one of them has a specific role and brings an important contribution to the overall and consistent picture of “Italy in Israel”. I wish to acknowledge the work of all those who contributed to this publication, particularly of Simonetta Della Seta, who, with the assistance of her staff in the Italian Cultural Institute, ensured the editorial coordination. The aim of this initiative is not only to contemplate the road we have already traveled together. I sincerely hope that, by spreading a better awareness of what Italy represents for Israel, it will also encourage the successful continuation of our work, hand in hand. Sandro De Bernardin, Ambassador of Italy to Israel ITALY IN ISRAEL The Role of Italy

by Abraham B. Yehoshua

In many ways, it is one of my it was different. And the same dreams. It became clear the first time I thing happened to us when we arrived visited . I have said it many times: in Italy. A completely different experience we have to create a Mediterranean Nalbandian Garo from the one we knew from synagogues. identity and the centre must be Sicily. At first sight, Italy was similar to Italy must be the driving force, since this France. The Italians were like the French is a thing that only Italy can do. To build but a little more gentle. And then we a Mediterranean identity, in which part discovered a new reality. First of all, the of Europe, and Sicily is situated at this continuous presence of Roman ruins. edge, part of North Africa, part of the In the beginning, it was something we Arab culture, of the Christian culture, did not know how to cope with. It of the Jewish culture, will gather to share resembled , but, of course, and develop a common heritage. went much beyond. Suddenly we could This is what we have to do. We are Abraham B. Yehoshua see the beauty emerging, in a certain Mediterranean and in this sense I see Italy gaining a crucial way, from chaos. The combination of old and modern, of role in the region, and in the peace process, by supporting the Roman ruins and the streets of today. Yehoshua Kenaz, it through the strengthening of a Mediterranean identity. By my dear friend, used to say that genius comes from the creating a Mediterranean Centre, a Mediterranean Italians: it’s the genius of art. The French have only Parliament. A Parliament of Mediterranean delegates active structured it. in Sicily. The right place for all of us. As there is the European Another interesting discovery was the decentralization Union in Brussels, there must be a Mediterranean Centre, of Italy. Mantua, Palermo, Bologna, ... every city is which will include European countries such as Spain and a kingdom to itself. Each one is competing in history, in Greece, but also Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, heritage, in beauty, in art. Each one is a system by itself. Lebanon, Syria, Turkey and, of course, Israel. This is the So that every time you meet a different Italy, a different cradle of humanity. I see this as Italy's role for this century. piece of the mosaic. I remember coming to and then The role of modern Italy, of European Italy. to , to , to Rome and to Syracuse. They are so In the past, the image of Italy was very often connected different from each other and every one has its special to religion, to Catholicism. I remember when I was a child nature, character, culture. Yes, especially in this modern and I would see the Italian flag in the of Jerusalem, world, where they cannot distinguish themselves by currency I would think of nuns. In my childhood, I saw Italy primarily or by economy, they compete by culture. Every town as a religious entity. Something very much connected to organises its own Festivals, has its special performances, monasteries, to churches, to priests and things like that. preserving its unique traditions. I like this very much, since My father worked at the Ministry of Religion; he was I believe that in the global world of today, the answer is in responsible for the Arab Division, and I have also worked the cultural autonomy and the cultural development of a for a while as assistant to the Director of the Christian certain region, a certain area, a certain tradition. All this is Department, Mr. Paolo Colbi. He was Italian, and he was extremely important in order to keep the specificity and the not the only one in that office. plurality of the human experience in this increasingly unified This was the sum of my knowledge of Italy. At that world. And this can be seen in Italy. time, Europe for us meant France. My father and mother And, again, Italy is close to us. It is a colour of Europe, spoke French to each other and we travelled to France to and it is also a Mediterranean experience. When I think study there. We knew the language and we loved France; about the success of my books in Italy, I cannot forget the we loved the French and we also loved the French presentation of my first novel in the Campidoglio. Writers, Catholicism. We discovered churches and we felt more Italian writers, had come to meet me. And this was special, attracted to the Catholic culture than to the Protestant one. this was not done in any other country. Usually local writers In England, or in Holland, I would never enter a church. In do not like to promote foreign ones. David Grossman had 2 ITALY IN ISRAEL Garo Nalbandian Garo

Tel Aviv by the

made a breakthrough with See Under: mentality because unfortunately I don’t Love and I really felt a kind of love from read the language. It could be that this

the Italian public. We were, of course, Nakbandian Garo success also comes from some sort of also speaking politically, on the peace magic. I was walking in the fish market side, which coincided with our literature. in Venice and there was a woman who However, it also corresponded with the was shopping. Suddenly she saw me mentality, with the family tradition and and started to say: “Oh, Yehoshua” and ideology and all this was creating took my book right out of her bag and something that made us more popular gave it to me to sign, while she repeated: in Italy than in other countries. Later, “Oh, such fortune … such fortune, a many other Israeli writers were translated thing like that”. So this was really into Italian – Amos Oz, Meir Shalev… Abraham B. Yehoshua with Simonetta Della Seta happening beyond my understanding. It’s always a certain writer who gives the public a new It hits not only a certain code. Sometimes a rumor about spice, a certain flavour from his country, something that is a book goes around and in this sense it has a life of its missing in the local dish. The readers become addicted own. Let us sum up by saying that Italians are also good somehow, and ask for more. readers. It could also be that there is some similarity between (Text recorded and edited by Simonetta Della Seta) the Italian soul and what I write. But how can I know? I cannot judge, I am not immersed enough in the Italian Abraham B. Yehoshua, writer. 3 The Italian Legacy in Israel Garo Nalbandian Garo

Hall of the Knights in Acre THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL The Relationship throughout History by Simonetta Della Seta

A very interesting exhibition on the People of the Sea a royal edict banned all religious congregations in the opened in Athens in 2003. Never before had so many Kingdom of . Giovanni Bosco from Piedmont (then beautiful objects – vases, jewels, utensils – produced ruled by the King of Sardinia) who had previously founded thousands of years ago, been gathered from all corners a seminary in the name of St. Francis of Sales (patron saint of the Mediterranean Sea and shown together. It was easy of the Salesians) for the education and training of boys, to see how many of these items had been found in Sicily transformed the order into a civil entity, enabling the or Sardinia, near Naples or . And how many others, Salesians to continue their activity and forging a strong almost identical, came from Jaffa or Ashkelon, from Dor bond with the Italian ruling powers. Over the years the or . The Italian Peninsula has always been connected Salesians spread to , Jaffa and Haifa, where they to the coast of the Promised Land, to the Land of Israel. still run schools, and to Jerusalem, where in the old quarter Trade and migration, religion and conquest, human of Musrara, Salesian nuns run a kindergarten. competition, chance, belief and power. All helped create Not far from there – in today’s Ha-Rav Kook Street – the history of a relationship, born long before the Romans, the Italian General Consulate in Jerusalem once stood, an as a result of geographical proximity and the natural expression of the historical, and in many ways natural link movement of mankind. between the Christian Holy Sites and the interests of Italy. We are aware of this strong link when we find the long Another piece of “Italiana” appears at the intersection of Roman aqueduct running for kilometres by the sea of HaNevi’im and Shivtei Yisrael Streets: the scallops, friezes Caesarea, to the north. And not far from there, if you dive and tower of the Italian Hospital – now part of the Ministry below the waters, you may swim into a Phoenician vessel of Education – mimic Florence’s Palazzo della Signoria. In sunk long ago into the sand. For these same reasons those who visit the old city of Acre hear of Venice and Amalfi, discover the remains of a Pisan port and a bastion from Genoa, from the Visions of the Land time of their golden republics. And those who are by chance invited into one of the Ottoman villas of Nazareth will be impressed by the frescoes of Venetian influence which decorate the ceilings. This Land is the site of many Holy Places, and has been the object of many conquests, a crucial reference for strategic expansion, a threshold to more Eastern territories, a dream and a home. A Land which has attracted pilgrims and warriors, poets and painters, politicians and architects. The Land where Ermete Pierotti, a young engineer from Modena, studied Bet Jimal (Bet Shemesh)– The Monastery and School of Agriculture and measured in the second half of the Nineteenth Century 1887, in the midst of Italy’s struggle to compete with France in order to draw one of its most detailed maps; where a for the protection of the Holy Sites in the Near East, the priest from Genoa, Antonio Belloni, created, in 1873, the Italian Missionary Society was established in Turin to help first community of Italian Salesians, at Beit Jimal in the the Italian Catholics in the Holy Land maintain the national Judean Lowlands – a community which, even today, character of their institutions. In the summer of 1912, two represents a true Italian corner of Israel. It is impossible to young brothers, both architects from Rome, Giulio and understand the Salesians of Beit Jimal and their unique Antonio Barluzzi, met with Professor Ernesto Schiapparelli, Italian character without knowing the history these priests a well-known Egyptologist and founder of the Italian perpetuate. Missionary Society, to discuss plans to build a 100-bed The connection between this Catholic order and the hospital in Jerusalem. The work, interrupted by the start Italian state is longstanding. It dates back to 1852, when of the First World War (during which many Italians were 6 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL Visions of the Land

Acre - General View of the Old City evacuated from Palestine) was completed only when in the divine unity of life and of the hope for the ultimate Jerusalem was captured by the British and the High brotherhood of all men… The history of the nations of Commissioner gave the Missionary Society the permission Europe in the last three hundred years amply illustrates the to inaugurate the hospital. The story of the Ospedale truth of this assertion, but I will restrict myself to the events Italiano in Nazareth is slightly different, since it was built in now transpiring in Italy. On the ruins of Christian Rome a 1884 by the Order of the Hospital of St. John regenerated Italian people is arising.” (Fatebenefratelli, in Italian). The Italian Hospital in Haifa was It is not a secret that some of the leaders of the Zionist inaugurated in 1933, its façade decorated according to movement were inspired by . One of the style of the time. them, Zeev Jabotinsky, the founder of Zionist Revisionism, Italian presence from the same period makes itself felt often stressed his admiration for one of the fathers of in Jerusalem from a strategic position high above street Risorgimento, . level. Every day, thousands of people cross the intersection The sympathy of many Italians for the Jewish people of Jerusalem's and Shlomzion HaMalka Street. has always crossed different political parties. During the Overhead, a winged lion carved from Carrara marble, the 1930s, a school for Jewish sailors functioned in symbol of the insurance company, Civitavecchia, near Rome, where Italians trained those who perches on the façade of a building completed in 1935 later became the first commanders of the Israeli Navy. After and designed by Italian architect Marcello Piacentini. At the Second World War, Italians supported in many ways that time, Italy could already count on many contacts with the migration to British Palestine of Jewish refugees from the of Palestine, and with the Zionist movement in Europe, a complex operation known as Aliyah Beth, which general. contributed to the birth of the Jewish State. The story has Back in the beginning of the Nineteenth Century, been told in her book Clandestini del mare by Ada Sereni, Benedetto Musolino, a young politician from who a leading protagonist of this initiative. Ada and her husband later joined Garibaldi’s army, had foretold the return of the Enzo Sereni – who was in the resistance against the Nazis Jews to the Promised Land. and died in Dachau in 1945 after trying to save Jews in A short time later, the Italian national movement – the occupied Italy– have become in many ways a symbol of Risorgimento – had not only attracted hundreds of this bond between Italy and Israel. ‘emancipated’ Italian Jews, but was an inspiration to the No doubt the long friendship between the two countries Jewish people, a metaphor of a nation deprived of its has also been reinforced by the presence in Israel of a very homeland – as described in Verdi’s Nabucco. significant Italian Jewish community, which makes itself In a parallel way, the Jews had looked at the felt in various aspects of life in the country, from the big Risorgimento as the most successful example of a revival cities to the kibbutz, from the universities to the hospitals, of a nation, with its culture, its language and its complete from industry to agriculture. independence from other states and powers. One of the The building on Hillel Street in Jerusalem, originally precursors of political Zionism, the German Moses Hess, part of a German Catholic school built in the 19th century, published his first important book in 1862 under the title now houses a synagogue built in 1701 in Conegliano Rome and Jerusalem. “A sentiment which I believed I had Veneto, near Venice, and an important Museum of Italian suppressed beyond recall is alive once again”, wrote Hess Jewish Art. in his book. “It is the thought of my nationality, which is inseparably connected with my ancestral heritage, with the Simonetta Della Seta, Director of the Italian Holy Land and the Eternal City, the birthplace of the belief Cultural Institute in Israel 7 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL The Holy Land through the Eyes of Italian Travellers

by Michele Piccirillo

It seems appropriate to start this essay, dedicated to by the of the Guardianship of the Holy Land; Italian travellers in the Holy Land, by remembering the very soon they started to welcome pilgrims, at first in the merchants from Amalfi who, ingenious and generous, founded guest rooms adjacent to the Mount Zion Monastery, until an institution, that in the Crusader era, would become a 1551, and later in the San Salvatore Monastery. In the 19th hospital for needy pilgrims, in the heart of Jerusalem, in front century it was replaced by the modern Casa Nova. of the Holy Sepulchre. The Bishop of Acre described the diverse populations Historian William of Tyre gives an account of it: “Among arriving in the Holy Land “that bloomed as a paradise”, the Westerners of those centuries (of Muslim occupation), attributing the merit to God Almighty: “He populated the (Holy) who tried for commercial reasons to reach those places, there Land with different categories of persons, of different tongues were also Italians, called Amalfitani, because of the city they and nationalities… especially Genoese, Venetians and Pisans”. came from (fuerunt viri de Italia, qui ab urbe quam incolunt Immediately afterwards he cites them as an ideal example to dicuntur Amalfitani)... (They were the ones who) built at a be emulated: “The Italians are dignified and sensible, wise stone’s throw from the gate of the Church of the Resurrection and peaceful, moderate in food, sober in wine. (They are) of the Lord, in front of it, a church in honor of the Holy and elegant and talkative in speech, cautious in decisions, diligent Glorious Mother of God and Eternal Virgin Mary, together and careful in providing a government for themselves, persistent with some buildings, that could offer a certain hospitality and and far-sighted for their future, they refuse to submit to others, comfort for both the monks and their guests. Since they were defend their freedom above all else, obey a captain chosen Latin people, both those who had built it and the clerics who among them, and lay down rights and rules for their community guarded it, from that day on – until this day – the place is which they thoroughly abide by. They are invaluable for the called Monastery of the Latins.” Holy Land, not only in battles, but also for maritime traffic, Bishop John of Vitry reports in his Historia Hierosolymitana commerce and the transportation of pilgrims and their seu Orientalis: “Later on, as the influx of pilgrims grew, since provisions. And since they are frugal in drinking and eating, the above monasteries were not sufficient to give hospitality they live longer than any other Western people in that region to all the wretched and the sick, the aforementioned abbot of the East”. and monks built in the same place, near the church, a hospital Clearly following a request from the people involved, who to serve the indigent and the sick and a chapel dedicated to wanted to emphasize Genoa’s part in the success of the First St. John the Beggar…” Crusade, King Baldwin I inscribed in gold letters over the arch This charitable, humanitarian institution survived the Latin of the apse above the choir altar in the of the Holy Kingdom of Jerusalem and was inherited in the 16th century Sepulcher: PRAEPOTENS GENUENSIUM PRAESIDIUM (THE VERY POWERFUL HELP OF THE GENOESE). The Map (6th century) Representing Jerusalem Writer Pilgrims Among the Genoese who decided to start out for the Holy Land in 1100, was also

Garo Nalbandian Garo the young Caffaro, son of Rustico of Caschifelone (today known as Catrofino di Pocevere, near Genoa), who had participated in the siege and conquest of the port of Arsuf, near Caesarea, on May the 9th 1101. Upon his return to Genoa, he started to write Annali Genovesi and a De Liberatione Civitatum Orientis, two masterpieces in which he describes the imaginary pilgrimage to Jerusalem of Godfrey of Bouillone and the miracle of the holy fire in the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, adding to this a list of the main cities of the Syrian-Palestinian coastline and their distance from Tortosa to Jerusalem. In both instances, the reliability of the first hand testimony is noted: “The


aforesaid miles are written by Caffaro’s calculation, because journeyed through Syria, Cilicia and Turkey to Mesopotamia, Caffaro, as a soldier, very often covered the distance between where he was notified of the storming of Acre in July 1291 Antioch and Jaffa by land, then travelled by sea, and reported and the killing of the Dominican and Franciscan friars of the that the miles were as he had calculated”. city. To his dismay, in the market of Baghdad, he found Also in 1100, an anonymous monk of Lido chronicled liturgical objects stolen during the pillage of Acre. the pilgrimage of Venetians, led by Bishop Enrico and Gian- Among the documents written by members of the Italian Michele, son of the Doge. The ships that had been driven Jewish community who visited the Land of Israel and wrote into deep sea “by the Venetian clergy and monks with their of their stay, are the letters of Elias of Ferrara of 1434; the itinerary of Rabbi Meshulam Ben Rabbi Menachem of Volterra of 1481; and the letters of Obadiah of Bertinoro, who arrived in 1487. Other pilgrims of the same era were Alessandro di Filippo Rinuccini (1473-74); Alessandro Ariosto (1475); Santo Brasca (1480). Another writer-pilgrim was the notary Nicola de Martoni from Carinola in Terra di Lavoro (the present-day

Visions of the Land Province of Caserta). His journey lasted a whole year, from 1394 to 1395. He was a subject of the Kingdom of Naples, which to him was “Our ”, and he was the first to report about the new undertaking of the Minor Friars of the Mount Zion Monastery – tourist guides for Western pilgrims. Descriptions of the Holy Land and Pilgrims’ Guides Written by Italian Franciscans Historical Franciscan sources record the name of Brother Egidio of Assisi, who, in 1215, went to the Holy Land. He was followed by Francis in 1219-1220, after the famous encounter in Damietta with the Sultan of Egypt, Malik El- Kamil, Salah El-Din’s grandson. Yet another famous pilgrim

Jerusalem – Museum of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum of Franciscan origins was the Blessed Pellegrino de domo Ancient Model of the Holy Sepulchre Falleronis of Arezzo, who went to the Holy Land in 1222: “Burning with the love of Christ and the desire of martyrdom, he went to Jerusalem to visit the very sacred places of the prayers”, moored at the Jaffa harbor, where they were greeted Redeemer, taking along but the Gospel”. by the Patriarch and Godfrey of Bouillone. Following the Holy Mass at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, “our people visited Since the beginnings of the Franciscan order – given the with deep and poignant devotion all the habitual Holy Places interest the Minor Friars had in the Holy Places – there has and the ones that pilgrims must look for, both in and out of also been Franciscan literary activity regarding the Holy Land: the city. They (also) made generous and unique donations. descriptions, guidebooks and maps were published, laying For this reason the Frankish clergy used to praise them, for the foundations for modern Palestinology. being openhanded towards the churches and distinguished From the period immediately before the fall of Acre we in their religiosity. Others glorified them mainly for the elegance can mention the work of Brother Fidenzo of Padua, Father of their uniform and for their dexterity in arms”. Superior of the Province of Syria, who, upon request from A manuscript at the Vatican Library describes the pilgrimage of Brother Belardo of Ascoli, who stayed in the Holy Land between 1112 and 1120, and left us a precious testimony of the state of the sanctuaries in the first years of the Crusaders’ occupation. Visions of the Land In 1137, Pietro Diacono, librarian monk of the Montecassino Abbey, who never came to the Holy Land, wrote Itinerarium de Locis Sanctis, which enjoyed remarkable circulation in Europe. This volume was emulated, two centuries later, by poet and humanist Francesco Petrarca of Arezzo, who – by means of a book he wrote – made up for the journey Diacano never made. In the Il Milione, written from dictation by Rustichello of , we can find the story of the arrival of Nicolò, Maffeo and Marco Polo at Acre, and of their journey to Jerusalem, in order to satisfy the Grand Khan’s wish to have some oil from the lamps burning over the Holy Sepulchre. Between 1288 and 1291, the last years of the Crusaders’ presence in the Holy Land, Brother Ricoldo Pennini of Montecroce, a Florentine from the Order of San Domenico, made his pilgrimage, which he recorded in his Liber Peregrinationis. After visiting the Holy Places, Brother Ricoldo Jerusalem – The Courtyard of St. Mary of the Latins (Redeemer Church) – Detail of a Capitol 9 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL

Francis, was bestowed to us by Medephar, Sultan of Babylon (Cairo). The Friars entered it while I was in Jerusalem”.

Visions of the Land Brother Niccolò underlines the fact that he stayed over 4 years in the Near East and mentions – as proof of authenticity – that he served at the Holy Sepulchre on March 25th, 1347, Palm Sunday. The deep and enduring knowledge of the Holy Land is quintessential in the Franciscan oeuvres; with time, this will become the object of great pride as well as the hermeneutical principle of a certain way of reading and interpreting the Scriptures, in addition to documenting a historical era. In the 15th century, the most significant work is Trattato di Terra Santa e dell'Oriente, written by Brother Francesco Suriano, and published in three additional editions Jerusalem – The Church of Flagellation from 1485 to 1524. He came often to the as a young and ingenious Gregorius X, wrote De Recuperatione Terrae Sanctae. Venetian merchant, and, later on, as a Minor Friar, served In it he narrates how, thanks to a safe-conduct granted by twice as Guardian of the Mount Zion Monastery and was the authority, he traveled freely through Muslim territory and therefore the Guardian of the Holy Land. He relates how, even rode with the triumphant army of Sultans Bibars and before becoming a monk at the age of 25, he had already Kalaun for several days, in order to ensure religious taken part in 16 journeys. He had been to Lepanto, , assistance to the Christian prisoners. Alexandria, Algiers, Tripoli and Gaza. In 1484 he went back This first period ends with the recently rediscovered to Italy and wrote a first account of his stay in the East. and published Descriptio Terrae Sanctae, written by Father Subsequently, in the 16th and 17th centuries, reports Giovanni Fidanzola from Perugia (1330), who was also Minister of the Overseas and Syrian Province. The only about the activities in the service of the Holy Land and of existing manuscript, kept at the Casanatense Library in the pilgrims, is found in works of great antique value. These Rome, is embellished by three drawings, one of which is were written in the Monastery of San Salvatore, which, a very meticulous plan of the Holy Sepulchre Basilica. from 1557, became the new seat of the Franciscan community, having been barred from Mount Zion in 1551. Literary activity became ever more important after the We shall mention only two such oeuvres, written by friars period of 1333 to 1342, when the Minor Friars obtained of Italian origin: the first realistic map of the city of Jerusalem, permanent residence in the Mount Zion Monastery, built carried out by Brother Antonino De Angelis from Lecce thanks to an agreement which also covered commercial (Rome 1578, engraving by Mario Cartaro); followed by the aspects (free seafaring around the Mediterranean). The first architectural survey of the Holy Land Sanctuaries, agreement was signed between the king of Naples, Roberto measured by Brother Bernardino Amico (Trattato delle d’Angiò, and Sancha of Majorca, as one party, and Muhammad en-Nasir, Sultan of Egypt, as the other. The Piante et Immagini dei Sacri Edificii di Terra Santa, Rome Mount Zion Monastery became a focal point for Western 1609, with engravings by Antonio Tempesta; second edition pilgrims coming to Jerusalem, and an operative base for Florence 1620, with engravings by Jacques Callot). The important missions of the , regarding the reunion leading spirit of this group of monks was Father of Christian churches. Very soon the Friars added guidance Gianfrancesco della Salandra, of Calabrian nationality, who services to the liturgical services they provided, as witnessed lived in the Holy Land for over three decades (1568-1601) by notary Nicola de Martoni from Carinola in 1394 and was extremely interested in the history of Jerusalem. (Pellegrinaggio ai Luoghi Santi), ten years after Florentine For over 13 years the Monastery hosted Father pilgrims Frescobaldi, Sigoli and Gucci. Francesco Quaresmi of Lodi, considered the founding The second period starts with the Libro d'Oltramare father of modern Palestinology. Here he wrote the Elucidatio by Brother Niccolò of Poggibonsi (1340-1350), a work Terrae Sanctae, the first encyclopedic work about the Holy which gained great success, written in the Sienese dialect, Land, published in two volumes in 1639 in Antwerp. This which has ever since been copied and reprinted repeatedly. cultural endeavor paved the way for the work of the brothers Brother Niccolò writes: “Here (in the Basilica of the Holy of the archeological confraternity of the Studium Biblicum Sepulcher) the Latins officiate, that is the Minor Friars of Franciscanum, established by the Guardianship of the Holy our people, Latin Christians; because in Jerusalem and in Land in the beginning of the 20th century, an institution in the entire Overseas (province) – that is Syria, Israel, Arabia which personalities such as Father Bellarmino Bagatti and and Egypt – there are no other clerics, priests or monks, Father Virgilio Corbo excelled. save for the Minor Friars, and they are called Latin Christians”. Upon entering the Bethlehem Basilica, he makes a point of reminding his readers: “The church of Michele Piccirillo, ofm, Archaeologist, Bethlehem, upheld today by the Minor Friars of Saint Studium Biblicum Francescanum 10 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL Tracking Traces of Italy by Eric Salerno The Ancient Residence of the Venetian Ambassador in Acre

Past and present. Two reference points. I latched on to them, was dedicated by Prince Umberto II when he visited them on my first visit. The winged Lion of San Marco that Jeusalem in 1928. A year later the Franciscan school was dominates the heart of Jerusalem from its place high on the opened and, like a magnet, attracted students of all religions front of the Assicurazioni Generali building was a symbol, in with its ecumenical policy. Jews and Muslims were treated my eyes, of the numerous ties between the Italic peninsula the same as Catholics and other Christians. and Palestine. Another symbol was kibbutz Netzer Sereni, Barluzzi, before arriving in the Holy Land, had worked, on the plain south of Tel Aviv that carries the name of an amongst other places, at the excavations at Castel Sant’Angelo Italian that arrived here in the Thirties of the last century to in Rome and with his brother Giulio, the engineer, in creating participate in the creation of a new entity and transform the the Zoo in the Villa Borghese. His attachment to Italian ancient dream of the Jews into a reality. A reality that today architecture is evident in the structure of the old Italian hospital still has vast cultural and historical connections to Italy. in the Musrara neighborhood in Jerusalem, with it’s looming Jerusalem expresses the most complex aspect of this bell tower, designed together with Giulio Barluzzi, after the land and also its most fascinating. Here, the strata, numerous Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. His love for Italian art is evident and intertwining, are deep and profound. Walking through in his choice of Duilio Cambellotti e Alberto Gerardi, of the the ancient and more modern streets, and delving into the Roman school, to decorate some of his churches. charged containers of memory, one finds traces of what we have in common, from the times of the Romans to those of modern Italy, from the era of the Hebrew tribes that chose to settle on the ridge where Jerusalem was founded up to the creation of the modern State of Israel. The major shareholders of the Assicurazioni Generali Visions of the Land were Jews of , when in the early 1930’s, Marcello Piacentini, the well-known Italian architect designed the building at the intersection of Jaffa Road and Shlomzion HaMalka. Their attachment to the city that Israel considers its capital went much further than sole financial and business considerations. Piacentini’s work, his style, brings us back to the Italy of that period. Another Italian architect, less renowned, has left behind an imprint on Jerusalem and many locations in the rest of the Holy Land that is larger and more complex. We are in debt to the Roman Antonio Barluzzi, for, amongst other things, the in , the Basilica of the Transfiguration on in the north of the country, and the magnificent building of the Terra Sancta just a few steps from the smaller house that is, today, the official residence of the Prime Ministers of Israel, in Jerusalem. When Barluzzi built it for his Franciscan brothers, it was called the College of Terra Santa and the change of name to Terra Sancta was ordered by the British Franciscan frairs who wanted to distance themselves and their Order from Fascist Italy when it entered the war on the side of Nazi Germany. The Generali building is a reference point for the local people much the same as the Lion of San Marco on the Generali building in Rome’s Piazza Venezia. Terra Sancta, used for some years by the Hebrew University, has been internalized by the inhabitants of Jerusalem to the extent that it was immortalized in one of Amoz Oz’s first books, My Michael. In the Nineties, the Madonnina on the cupola of Terra Sancta appeared in the opening scenes of a television serial about local courts. The statue of Mary, a copy of the one that is dear to the Milanese and that was donated by Jerusalem – Generali Building 11 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL Visions of the Land

Jerusalem – Basilica (Antonio Barluzzi) and Garden of Getshemane

In the midst of so many Christian and Muslim holy sites this heritage. Places and people. Past and present. Many and places of worship in Jerusalem, the most beautiful Jewish years ago, not far from Akko, I met Ada Sereni, the widow one is also of Italian origin. The splendid synagogue of of Enzo Sereni in an attempt to reconstruct the period in Conegliano Veneto was taken apart and rebuilt, piece by which they, both Italians, had participated in the founding of piece, in the heart of the new city. It is not a museum piece, kibbutz Givat Brenner years before Enzo died in Dachau. but the place where the Jews of Italian origin congregate to The Nazis captured him when he was parachuted into pray and also to maintain their ties to their past. Germany by the British. Ada, after the foundation of the State A virtual trek along the historical, archeological, mystical of Israel, was a secret agent, but before that, thanks to her and contemporary tracks of Italian presence takes us north. friends in the Christian Democrat party in Rome she was able San Giovanni d’Acri, Acre, as it is known in Israel, the great to organise the capture of a boat that had docked in Italy and Crusader port with its Venetian and Genoese quarters, is an transport its precious cargo of arms to Palestine. She passed important cultural tie that is constantly renewed thanks to away not many years ago in an old age home in Jerusalem. Italian and Israeli joint ventures to preserve and consolidate Another name comes to mind as one travels in the north, Jerusalem – Italian Hospital (now part of the Ministry of Education), Built by Barluzzi in Tuscan Renaissance Style that of an Arab- Israeli, Sharif Sharif, who studied art restoration in Italy. He dedicated much of his work to the city of Nazareth, where he became the Head of Antiquities and Conservation. He and his team of assistants have rediscovered, catalogued and restored the beautifully decorated fresco ceilings in the

Visions of the Land homes of the local nobility and the rich. They were opened to the public in 2000, in time for the Jubilee when Pope John Paul II visited the Holy Land, and are part of the tourist route in the Galilee that takes one through various Christian sites (and again we find examples of the work of Antonio Barluzzi), including the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth by the Italian architect Giovanni Muzio, ancient cities and Roman ruins like those of Caesarea on the Mediterranean coast, and Tiberias on the . Traces of men and women, living and recently passed away, that all left their Italic imprints in sand and stone, in hearts and minds.

Eric Salerno, Journalist And Writer, Middle East Correspondent for il Messaggero 12 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL The Significant Presence of the Italian Jewish Community by Sergio Della Pergola

Although not very sizeable, the Italian Jewish “miniature phenomenon”. It community in Israel – also popularly known as the grew because of its basic Italkim – has fulfilled and fulfills a significant role in organizational structure and

Israeli society and in the development of bilateral ideology which was able to Visions of the Land relations between Italy and Israel. The very definition attract the younger of the Italian group lends itself to different criteria, generation. Italian Zionists resulting in quite variable orders of magnitude. The were able, for example, to number of Italian citizens in Israel is currently estimated progress through the use at about 10,000, about half of them born in Italy. of Jewish summer The difference is due to the second and third recreation camps (i generations of people born in Israel, and to a number campeggi), which prepared of other Italian citizens born abroad who immigrated many youngsters for life in to Israel from third countries – mostly in the Eretz Yisrael. Mediterranean area. Another important presence in However, the formative Israel concerns Jews from Libya, who brought with stage of the Italian Jewish them many memories of Italian language and culture community in Israel and whose number amounted in 2003 to 18,000 occurred during the late Libyan-born and another 60,000 born in Israel to 1930s, stimulated by the Libyan-born parents. emerging antisemitic A summary of Italian immigration since the end legislation in Italy in 1938. This group, over a thousand Jerusalem – Museum of Italian Jewish Art. of shows major fluctuations over time. Restoring an Ancient Parokhet These variations mark important stages in the history strong, included a high of the Jewish community in Italy, on the one hand, percentage of academics and managers who were and of the State of Israel, on the other. bound to fulfill an important role at high intellectual and administrative levels in the future State of Israel. The grand total of about 8,600 immigrants only Among them, some distinguished families can be refers to people who were officially recorded as mentioned: Bachi, Raccà, Tedeschi, Cassuto, Artom, immigrants, for the most part Jews. These data do Toaff, Bonfiglioli, Ben Zimra, Nahon, Levi, Procaccia, not include the numerous tourists and temporary Ottolenghi, Jarach, Cividalli, Servadio, Monselise, residents – of whom many belong to Christian religious organizations – and who often actually Period N Definition belong to Israel’s permanent population. Excluded 1919-1934 329 Italian citizens are also the several tens of thousands of people 1935-1943 1,358 Italian residents who, during the post-World War II years, reached Palestine and Israel, often illegally, sailing from localities 1944-1948 (14 May) 779 Italian born near the Italian coast where they had found temporary Total British Mandate 2,466 shelter after the tragedy of the Shoah in Europe. 1948 (15 May)-1957 1,651 Italian residents The beginnings of a permanent Italian presence in Palestine go back to the 1920s and early 1930s. 1958-1967 725 “ Some young Italian Jewish activists or families – 1968-1977 2,022 “ such as Enzo and Ada Sereni from Rome, Alfonso 1978-1987 769 “ Pacifici from Florence, Dante Lattes from Trieste - moved to , following their dream 1988-1997 699 “ of joining the Zionist movement and possessing a 1998-2004 262 “ strong will to revive Jewish culture. In the early Total State of Israel 6,128 1930s, Italian Zionism had grown, even though it was still limited to a small group of people: the Zionist Grand Total 8,594 leader Chaim Weizmann would describe it as a 13 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL

Genazzani, Schreiber, De Angelis, Ravenna, The Italian community is distributed all over Sermoneta, Muggia, Sonnino, and many others. Israeli territory, although the most visible and better Moreover, the foundations were laid of a community organized presence appears in Jerusalem and in imbued with Italian language and culture, but also the metropolitan area of Greater Tel Aviv. The social firmly grounded in Jewish tradition. This group would profile of Italians in Israel primarily reflects the greatly facilitate the arrival and absorption of characteristics of Jews in Italy, namely a strong subsequent immigrants from Italy. concentration in the generally well-educated middle A second important immigration wave arrived classes of larger cities – especially Rome and Milan. Nonetheless, one notes a more than proportional presence of immigrants from medium size Italian communities characterized by a long Jewish tradition such as Florence, Leghorn, Trieste, Venice, Turin, Ferrara, and Padua. Immigration from the two major Italian Jewish communities has become preponderant over the last tens of years. A further phenomenon of cultural-religious interest concerns the increased presence of Jewish neophytes among the more recent immigrants, often coming from small Italian localities lacking an organised Jewish presence. Moreover, a growing number of Israelis who spent time in Italy for higher education or business have married Italian spouses, some of them non-Jewish, who now live dispersed in many Israeli cities and villages. Israeli society is quite heterogeneous and has had to undergo socioeconomic hardships inherent Visions of the Land Jerusalem – Italian Synagogue. Restoring the 18th Century Benches in rapid demographic growth and repeated moments over the period immediately after World War II and of security tensions. In this context, the Italian Israel’s Independence on May 15, 1948. During community surely belongs among the population those years of Spartan life, the contribution of Italian groups that have asked the least help from public immigrants to the Kibbutz movement was important authorities, have been helpful to others, and have in its various ideological streams, ranging from been able, more than other groups, to solve the religious to – at least during those years – more typical problems of immigrant absorption through rigorously Marxist. Some central figures included internal solidarity and the individual resources of Malchiel Savaldi, Berti Eckert, Giorgio Piperno, Eldad community members. Hadar (Melauri), and others. The community in Israel also fulfills a fundamental The third period of more intensive immigration role as testimony and ambassador of the esthetic, cultural and historical Italian tradition in a country followed the Six Day War of June 1967. After relief that maintains a relationship of instinctive friendship following military tension and danger, a new direction with Italy. Activities undertaken by the Association emerged in the relationship between Israel and the of Italian Jews in Jerusalem, by the Organization of Jewish Diaspora. While Israel’s centrality rose in the Italian Immigrants (Irgun Olei Italia), by the Association ideal perceptions of Jewish communities throughout Dante Alighieri, besides the various branches of the the world, Israel’s rapid economic growth made Istituto Italiano di Cultura and the various Israeli realization of such long-held ideals more accessible university departments, attract a wide, attentive, and widespread. and assiduous audience. But perhaps the most In the course of more recent years the frequency significant contribution of the Italian community to of Italian immigration has somewhat diminished, but the growth of Israeli society is its message that a there has been significant growth in the volume and creative synthesis is possible between Jewish and quality of cultural and social activities undertaken Western ideals and values. by the Italian Jewish community in Israel. Such increased activism and more prominent public image is a sure symptom of the successful integration of Sergio Della Pergola, Professor of Jewish the Italian community in the country and of its ability Population Studies, A. Harman Institute of to create a strong synthesis between the humanistic Contemporary Jewry, The Hebrew University values of the countries of origin and adoption. of Jerusalem 14 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL The Story of Forty Italian Synagogues by David Cassuto

With the exception of Babylonia Florence, Bologna, and Mantua—the (present-day Iraq), Italy has the longest list goes on. Thus, by the middle of the history of Jewish settlement of any twentieth century, the synagogues Diaspora country. Jews have lived there remaining in small towns, small cities, since the second century BCE. There and remote neighborhoods had no one are synagogues in Italy dating from to take care of them. antiquity (in Ostia Antica and near Then Dr. Umberto Nahon had an ), from the Middle Ages idea: to try to relocate the synagogues (Trani, Palermo, Syracuse, and Naples), that had lost their flocks to a place where from the Renaissance and Baroque they and their sacred contents were period, and from the modern age. needed. He decided to move them to After the emancipation of Italian Israel, where there would be plenty of Jewry, or, if we prefer, the time of the demand for them. unification of Italy, most of the tiny Jewish He contacted the local communities scattered throughout the governments, which regarded the “boot” moved to larger cities. The possibility of razing the ghetto area as synagogues—most of them dating from a golden opportunity to revitalize a worn- the ghetto period—were abandoned, out, obsolete part of the centre of town. and the sound of prayer was no longer Today’s highly developed awareness of heard in them. On rare occasions, conservation of the old urban fabric and people chose to hold a bar mitzvah historic buildings did not exist back then ceremony or wedding in their city of in the post–World War II era; many origin. Sometimes a group of Jews fig. 1 synagogues and churches were would gather for the High Holidays or neglected and abandoned. The Italian Passover and open an abandoned economy was in bad shape, and if synagogue. According to soldiers who anyone approached the official in charge served in the Austro-Hungarian Army of monuments and offered to move a in World War I, Jews from units camped synagogue to the land of the Jews, the near various towns would look for the offer was welcomed and considered key to the synagogue and often find it perfectly justifiable, since the city in the hands of the last Jewish woman “profited” from it. Many letters from those living there. Then they could open the days disparage the artistic value of those synagogue and pray in it until the army sacred objects and approve their withdrew and the synagogue again removal from the town by anyone who closed its gates. wanted them. In Judaism, sacred objects that Meanwhile, Jewish communities have become old and have fallen into from countless ethnic groups were disuse are supposed to be buried or arriving in Israel. Although few of them put in a special storeroom, and others came from the Italian Jewish tradition, are to be made in their stead. The same fig. 2 other Mediterranean, central European is true of synagogues whose and North African communities all welcomed the opportunity communities have left, never to return. Most of the synagogues to include some sacred item from Italy among their regenerating survived World War II unscathed because they were in towns treasures. with no Jewish community and therefore did not become These items, which included entire synagogues as well targets for hostile activity. The ones that were destroyed were as individual bimas and arks, were placed in various in the cities: Mantua, Padua, and Leghorn. In these three synagogues throughout Israel. Some of them were kept in cases, however, they were damaged by bombings and not the U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem. The by targeted attacks. fame of Italian Jewry thus spread throughout the country. The In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, many Italian Jewish community is one of the smallest communities synagogues were demolished because they were considered in Israel and was for decades almost unknown. (President obsolete remnants of the past. “Jewish cathedrals” were built Zalman Shazar once told me that when he saw an article on instead. This happened in most of the big cities: Rome, Italian Jewry in a Russian encyclopaedia, he was astonished 15 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL to discover that such a community existed; even the name of the writer of the article, Umberto Cassuto, looked strange to him. Only when he arrived in Palestine did he come to know and appreciate the uniqueness of this community and its history.) Suddenly, the community experienced glory, if only thanks to its artistically and historically impressive sacred objects. It should be noted that had the synagogues not been brought here after the war, most of them would presumably have been demolished, along with their contents, as occurred elsewhere. Some would have been turned into museums, concert halls, or lecture halls, and their liturgical function would have been lost forever. Although it is true that such items lose much of their charm and importance when removed from their functional, historical, architectural, and urban context, given the alternative, perhaps even people of refined taste would have chosen the present situation. Among the first people who, in 1948, developed the idea of bringing the synagogues to Israel were Rabbi Dr. S. Ascoli, fig. 3 Prof. S. Franco, and Alfonso Pacifici. The Italian Jewish community in Jerusalem desperately needed a suitable house of worship. The first person to take action in the matter was Federico Luzzatto, who proposed bringing the abandoned synagogue of Conegliano Veneto (figs. 1 and 2), built by his ancestors in 1701, to Jerusalem. He was one of the few people to have had the privilege of praying in the synagogue in its original location, which he did, just by chance, as a child. Dr. Angelo Fano, a native of Venice, together with the Jewish art expert Mordechai Narkiss, persuaded the Venice city council and the chief rabbi of the city, Elio Toaff—who together had authority in the matter—to relocate the property to Jerusalem. The Venice municipality issued a letter stating that it saw no artistic value in the synagogue furnishings and that there was no reason not to move the synagogue to Jerusalem. The city council made this decision after realizing that there was not a single Jew left in the town, and they would not be accused of anti-Semitism if the synagogue were fig. 4 dismantled. Three years later, the wooden parts arrived in and between the bima and the ark, because the congregation Jerusalem. The synagogue was erected on 27 Hillel Street in in Jerusalem was much larger than the one in Conegliano. Jerusalem, inside a late-nineteenth-century building being No niche could be created in the western wall to hold used by the Israeli Education Authority as a school. Previously the bima, because the women’s gallery was too low; the bima it had been the Schmidt Girls’ School, a German missionary was therefore placed in the middle of the room instead. It building abandoned during World War II when its principals should be noted that in Conegliano, too, when the synagogue and teachers were deported by the British Mandatory was first built, the bima was in the middle of the room, under authorities. The synagogue was put into the old college chapel, a skylight. Thus, we restored the synagogue to its original whose dimensions were surprisingly similar to those of the form. The pews and ark are older than the synagogue; they original synagogue. There was not enough money available were made in the mid-seventeenth century and apparently to restore the synagogue interior to its previous state, however, belonged to a synagogue that predated this one. and it took another forty years before it regained its original splendor. The dedication of the synagogue drew a large About a year later, the Conegliano synagogue’s twin— crowd, and Rabbi Aharon Dishon, who had led Jewish soldiers the synagogue of Vittorio Veneto (Ceneda)—was moved to in the Austrian army in the last prayer service in the synagogue the Israel Museum on condition that, despite its location, it at its original site (1918), took part. In 1991, the synagogue would continue to be used for prayer (fig. 5). was rededicated with a women’s gallery, as it was in Conegliano Construction of this synagogue began in 1701. It closely Veneto. To this day it serves the Italian Jewish community in resembles the Conegliano synagogue, the main difference Israel (figs. 3 and 4). being that a space precisely the size of the original area was The synagogue is typical of Baroque synagogues in the prepared for it in the Israel Museum, and so the reconstruction Veneto region. It has an ornate ark decorated in rich Baroque is absolutely identical to the original. In Vittorio Veneto, the style; a women’s gallery lining the interior on three sides (all women’s gallery lined the entire room; therefore the ark was but the side with the ark); an ornate, carved bima made of lower than that in Conegliano. The bima fitted into the niche walnut wood; and cherry wood paneling all around the room. under the women’s gallery, creating a bipolar layout with two Pews from Reggio, in the Emilia region, were added to the sets of pews facing the line from the bima to the ark. original pews from Conegliano, which stood along the walls Looking at the room, we can see that it is more organized 16 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL

ceiling (fig. 7) and was exposed to the sun and wind. Due to the poor conditions, the decision was made to move it to the synagogue in Yad Eliyahu. The Baroque bima (fig. 8) was taken to the same place at the same time (1956), and the two reside there in a place of honor to this day. Another ark brought over from Padua, this one dating from 1729, came from the Sephardic synagogue (fig. 9). The synagogue had already been completely abandoned by the early nineteenth century. The paint on the fig. 5 ceiling was peeling, the ceiling fig. 8 and better planned from start to finish than the more itself had become structurally weak, and the frescoes on the “temperamental” one from Conegliano, the design looks walls had faded. Only the ark and the bima retained their somewhat improvised. The interior of the Vittorio Veneto original beauty (fig. 10). These were taken to the Renanim synagogue is covered with painted wallpaper, whereas the synagogue in Heikhal Shlomo in Jerusalem. In its outline and walls of the Conegliano synagogue have stucco and colors, the Sephardic synagogue of Padua strongly resembles inscriptions. The paneling and pews also seem newer than the Scuola Grande, except that it is made of wood and, as I those from Conegliano. All this reinforces the assumption that mentioned, dates from 1729. the decoration and furniture in the Conegliano synagogue In Padua, the bima was next to the western wall and was originally came from an older synagogue and were moved to seven steps above the floor. Here, in Renanim, it was put in

fig. 6 fig. 7 fig. 9 fig. 10 the center of the room and lower than it was originally. The the synagogue on the Via del Siletto in the early eighteenth bipolar layout was not retained, but the two sacred objects century. Another impressive ark (from 1682), this one from lend grandeur to the beautiful synagogue. the Scuola Grande in Padua (fig. 6), is now in the central synagogue in the Yad Eliyahu area of Tel Aviv. Although similar Several arks came from Mantua. The first of them was in design to the one from Conegliano, it is made of different no longer in Mantua before being brought to Israel; it had materials. Instead of wood, this ark is made of multicolored been taken first to the town of Sermide and then, during marble, and has four black marble pillars, two on each side. World War II, to Bologna. It was dismantled, and the people The two central pillars frame the doors of the ark on the north in Bologna—who had no interest in it—chose to send it to and south, whereas the two end pillars bracket a side panel Israel. The ark from Sermide, built in 1543, is the oldest dated ark in Israel. It consists of a central ark with Renaissance that gradually slants toward the synagogue wall. The ark and features and a chair on either side, together forming a tripartite pillars rest on a pedestal. Above the pillars is a cornice under basilica façade: two arched “entrances” (the chairs) on the a tympanum made of very pale, flowered marble. In the center sides and a central “entrance,” i.e. the ark, in the middle. The of the tympanum are the tablets of the Ten Commandments two chairs are typical of the thrones of kings and noblemen in black marble, with the first words of each commandment. during the Renaissance; they were apparently used by the The Scuola Grande was demolished in World War II. After rabbi and the head of the congregation. The ornamentation the war, the ark was “suspended” from a new, lower, temporary of the two chairs may predate the ornamentation of the ark; 17 THE ITALIAN LEGACY IN ISRAEL

the columns also goes over the chairs. Before World War II, the ark stood in the lobby of the great synagogue of Mantua. During the war it was put in a storeroom and was thus spared when the synagogue was bombed. A small but impressive ark (fig. 12) was brought to Israel from the town of Soragna (before then it had been in the corridor of the modern synagogue of Soragna since 1856). The ark is apparently from the old synagogue; its design suggests a sixteenth-century origin. It is now in the Knesset (the Israeli parliament). Recently, the Knesset allocated a considerable sum of money to restore it. The interior of the Knesset synagogue has a simple design, as does fig. 11 the ark, but their noble simplicity makes perhaps a Jewish merchant who dealt them worthy of residing among the in old furniture brought the chairs from elected leaders of Israel. a wealthy person’s home to the The ark from the Italian-rite synagogue, and the ark was then crafted synagogue in Pesaro (fig. 13) has an to join them along the wall facing Zion. fig. 13 extremely simple design. It appears to The inscriptions on this ark are of four Sephardic synagogues in the Old be a lintel taken from one of the interesting. On the inside of its doors is City of Jerusalem (fig. 13). This synagogue doorways when the building a poetic paraphrase of the Ten synagogue had suffered severe damage was dismantled and adapted to its new Commandments, and dedications are in the War of Independence and had function in Israel. Its doors are from the inscribed on the chairs. The ark is ark of that synagogue. It served as an then been turned into a sheep pen before currently in the U. Nahon Museum of ark in the Or Etzion yeshiva in the South, returning to Jewish hands in 1967. It Italian Jewish Art in Jerusalem. but when those in charge of the welfare was then restored, but its contents had of sacred objects from Italy realized that disappeared. During the restoration, it it was not being maintained properly, it was decided that the ark would be was removed, with the consent of the brought here from Leghorn. yeshiva, treated at the Restoration According to a legend that was Institute of the Museum of Italian Jewish widespread in Leghorn, this ark had Art, and placed in the new Jerusalem been brought there by exiles from Spain City Hall building, where it serves the in the late fifteenth century; however, its seven thousand municipal officials. It style and contents are typical of the end dates from 1700, and even though it is of the Italian Renaissance. It should be an assemblage of unrelated parts, its noted that the dome with the shingles overall design is definitely convincing. is typical of Levantine synagogues in The inside of the doors is painted in a Italy and is reminiscent of the cathedral distinctive manner and has a unique dome of Santa Maria del Fiore in inscription. The decoration is typical of Florence. This reinforces the assumption the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that it belonged to Jews from the Levant, and is reminiscent of textiles from that who formed the first Jewish community period. The outside of the doors is also in Leghorn. fig. 12 painted in a manner reminiscent of In conclusion, I must briefly mention intarsia. Thus, a highly unusual item was the other forty arks that were brought Another ark from Mantua currently created. occupies a place of honor in the main over from Italy after the war. They are all study hall of the Ponevezh yeshiva. This The Leghorn ark from the late under the authority of the Museum of may be the most impressive ark brought sixteenth century Italian Jewish Art, and are part of the huge mosaic of cultures that have poured over from Italy (fig. 11). The old synagogue of Leghorn was into Israel since the establishment of the It consists of a central section with destroyed in World War II, but its two State. two serpentine columns on each side; arks miraculously survived. They were on top of the columns is a huge seashell- dismantled and put in the community shaped object containing a monumental storerooms. Later, the larger of the two David M. Cassuto, Dean of Torah crown. Here, too, on both sides was restored and put in the Marini Faculty of Architecture, Ariel of the ark are two breathtakingly beautiful Yeshiva in Leghorn. The other one was College, President of the chairs specifying the date of the ark taken to Israel and placed in the Eliyahu Italian Jewish Community in (1751) and its story. The cornice above Hanavi synagogue, part of a complex Jerusalem 18 Present Day

Tel Aviv – The Italian Week in the Azrieli Towers PRESENT DAY The Love for Italian Language

by Edoardo Crisafulli

The Italian language is extremely much alive in contemporary Italian popular all over the world. A survey life. Our traditional artistic creativity carried out by the La Sapienza has been successfully applied to University of Rome on behalf of the industrial design. Italian Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has entrepreneurship stimulates news revealed a surprising fact: Italian is businesses and companies in sectors amongst the most widely studied characterized by artistic inventiveness: languages in the world. Since the fashion, footwear, furniture, interior 1990s, students attending the design (tiles, marble, decorations etc.). language courses organized by the Italy is still perceived as the cradle of Italian Cultural Institutes (there are 93 the classical civilization and of the such institutions operating world-wide) Renaissance. And yet, our have increased steadily. Israelis, in contemporary achievements are particular, are fascinated by the Italian impressive, too: not only does Italy language. An ever-increasing number have a thriving economy, it may also of students enrol on our language courses in the Italian boost significant technological and scientific advances. Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and Haifa. It is not easy to keep The interests of the Israeli public are in keeping with up with the constant demand of new Italian language the trends we have just discussed. Israelis study the Italian courses. And yet we have managed to offer language language for a number of reasons. Many are eager to enrich courses in all the major Israeli localities: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, their cultural background. For this sector of the population, Haifa, Nazareth, Acre, and Beersheva. However, we are traditional motivations are still compelling: the sounds of not alone in promoting Italian in Israel: there are three cultural the Italian language are pleasant to hear because they have centres – located in Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth – which a musical quality; Italians, moreover, are extremely popular are part of a prestigious cultural network: the Society Dante in Israel (and Israelis, too, are well-liked by Italians): the Alighieri, which has its headquarters in Rome. The Nazareth Italian way of life and our concern for beauty and elegance centre of the Dante Alighieri proves that all communities are admired everywhere. Italy and Israel, moreover, are living in Israel are keen on getting acquainted with Italians close not only geographically but also in cultural terms. and their culture. Israelis belong to the Mediterranean civilization, to which The Italian Government, being aware of this amazing they have contributed significantly. And Italy too has always interest for the Italian language, has decided to sponsor played a very important role in the Mediterranean area: three Italian lecturers who deliver all kinds of courses (from Italy has been the meeting point for religious and cultural elementary to advanced) at three important academic exchanges since antiquity. One example will suffice: Rome institutions: the Tel Aviv University, the Haifa University, and is not only the see of the Roman : it is also the Ben Gurion University in Beersheva. the home of the most ancient Jewish community of the Why are foreigners under the spell of the Italian Diaspora. language? The survey mentioned above, which was In recent years, Israelis have become even more supervised by the famous linguist Tullio De Mauro, has sophisticated and demanding. Some Israelis enrol in Italian revealed another interesting fact: up until the end of the language courses because they love Italian cuisine – which, 1970s, the vast majority of foreigners were motivated by as a matter of fact, is one of the most diverse and creative cultural reasons. They felt an overwhelming attraction for in the world. Nowadays culture has a wider meaning that our cultural tradition: literature, art, music. Undoubtedly, in the past. This is why the Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Italians lead the way in these fields of intellectual endeavour. Aviv and Haifa has devised a whole new range of courses: But from the 1980s onwards new motivations have arisen: Italian language and cuisine, Italian language and wine although our artistic and literary heritage remains spellbinding, tasting, Italian for tourists visiting Italy, etc. Other Israelis are foreigners have come to realise that Italian contemporary more pragmatic, but equally determined to acquire a good life deserves attention in its own right. Most people know command of our language: an increasing number of students that our impressive heritage is not an archaic heirloom that would like to obtain an Italian degree. Italian universities, in has little bearing on present concerns; rather, it is still very fact, have an excellent academic reputation world-wide.


Thousands of Israeli professionals (architects, medical doctors, lawyers, veterinaries) hold higher degrees from Italian univesities. Incidentally, this explains the success of Amitei Italia, a new initiative launched by the Italian Embassy, under the auspices of the new Director, Dr. Simonetta Della Seta. Amitei Italia is an association of Israelis who studied at Italian universities or colleges of higher education. A number of Israelis study for specific examinations because they want to receive a certificate of proficiency in Italian. These examinations are administered by the Universities for Foreigners (Università per Stranieri) of Siena and Perugia, both of which have signed an agreement with the Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and Haifa. More recently, a new public of mature students has come to the fore: highly-educated and highly-skilled mature students choose to study Italian for professional reasons. This is unsurprising: commercial ties between Italy and Israel are excellent; many Israeli companies import a variety of goods from Italy. With these new students in mind, we have devised a new course in business and commercial Italian. It is a well-known fact that if one has a basic command of the The Italian Pavillon at the Jerusalem international Book Fair 2005 language spoken by his or her commercial counterpart, one is always one step ahead of the competition. Linguistic competence carries a considerable weight in all kinds of negotiations and dealings, both commercial and cultural. And it certainly helps to strengthen the ties Edoardo Crisafulli, Cultural Attaché, Italian between different peoples. Cultural Institute of Haifa PRESENT DAY The Literary Embrace

by Lucio Izzo

The warm interest in minimo have been Italy and the Italian language published. throughout Israel in recent Twentieth Century years is demonstrated by Visions of the Land novels take the lion’s share the constantly growing with Moravia and Morante number of Italian language (among the most translated courses and students at all authors with five books levels. This interest is also each), Bassani and shared by those who, not Malaparte, Buzzati and having the time and Gadda, Silone and Camilleri opportunity to study or up to Tabucchi (also one of deepen their knowledge of the most translated) and our language, wish to Baricco, without forgetting approach our literary Ammaniti and Maurensig, heritage, which is less Fallaci and Di Lascia, and famous in Israel than our finally, the Israeli public's fine arts, cinema and music most recent love, Erri De traditions. Luca, who was welcomed Therefore Italian like a real star during his institutions, primarily the visits to the country. Primo Ministry of Foreign Affairs Levi and Natalia Ginsburg and the Ministry for Cultural are also favourite writers,

Heritage, have devoted a The Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Mosaic by Enzo Cucchi (detail) according to the number of special effort in promoting books sold and translated programmes aimed at supporting the circulation of Italian (six for each author). The most translated writer, Italo books in Israel. Such a policy has resulted in about a Calvino, with ten books published in Hebrew shows the hundred and twenty Italian books translated into Hebrew interest that Calvino enjoys all over the world even today, and currently available to the public, compared with the an interest which does not seem to be weakened by the very small number of titles available up to the last decade. passing of time and testifies to the writer’s universal The publishers’ choices range mainly from the early qualities. Twentieth Century to contemporary literature, with the Finally, Italian theatre reveals its presence in Israel exception of classics such as Dante’s Divina Commedia, especially thanks to Pirandello, whose dramas, in particular Boccaccio’s Decameron and Petrarca’s Canzoniere. The Sei personaggi in cerca d’autore and Così è se vi pare, Nineteenth Century is also represented by the Hebrew are performed in translation. Eduardo De Filippo is the versions of two classic novels for children, Collodi’s other great playwright popular with the local public. His Pinocchio and De Amicis’ Cuore, and with Leopardi’s dramas are staged in Hebrew, but they are still Prose. Such a preference for the philosophical rather unpublished. than the poetical works of the great author from Recanati What are the reasons for such a preference towards is not surprising. In fact the few translated Twentieth Twentieth Century Italian literature? The psychological Century essays all belong to the historical philosophical proximity to the readers is undoubtedly one of the reasons, prose, such as Benedetto Croce’s Breviario di estetica since the dramatic force of the historical events in Italy and Storia d’Europa nel secolo decimonono and Gramsci’s during the last century can be easily understood and Quaderni dal carcere. On the other hand, among Umberto appreciated by the people of Israel, on whom that century Eco’s works, only the three novels and Il secondo diario 22 PRESENT DAY

Master Decorators from Noto (Sicily) Making a Flower Carpet in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem left dramatic and deep scars. On the other hand, the and by their frequent articles in Italian newspapers. The rediscovery of great classics (as proven by new editions reasons for this preference are clear: these writers are of Decameron and Divina Commedia) shows a new able to describe the complex reality of a unique country longing for universality, for an understanding of history and, at the same time, to create a universal literature of beyond the limitations of time, allowing for a better emotions and thoughts with the expressive force which understanding of the present and the possibility of planning belongs only to great literatures. the future. The challenge already launched by the Italian The literary embrace between the two countries is cultural institutions in promoting the translation of Italian becoming more and more intense, as also demonstrated literature has given excellent results; the number of by the success of the Italian Pavilion at the Jerusalem translated books has increased by about 36% in the last International Book Fair in 2005, which was the setting of few years. Israeli writers are welcomed in Italy in the many crowded debates and presentations by important same warm way, Italians showing a considerable interest Italian and Israeli writers. for a young literature, which nevertheless expresses the Such a trend is also witnessed by a short but importance of a cultural tradition. Hebrew language came impressive anthology of Italian contemporary poetry, to be used again in daily life, and not just for liturgy, authored by Franco Buffoni under the patronage of the towards the end of the Nineteenth Century thanks to Ministry for Cultural Heritage, translated both into Hebrew Eliezer Ben Yehuda’s commitment. The masterpieces it and Arabic, and published with parallel texts in two has produced in less than a century are numerous. different volumes. It is quite easy to identify among them more than Also important is the translation into Hebrew of a two hundred translated books, including the works of significant book, Towards Jerusalem, by Cardinal Carlo the great poet Bialik as well as the writers the Italian Maria Martini. These two steps have also been perceived public considers the essence of modern Israel: Amos as a message of friendship and intercultural dialogue. Oz, Meir Shalev and above all David Grossman and A.B. Yehoshua. Their popularity is proven by more than twenty- Lucio Izzo, Cultural Attaché, Italian five translations of Grossman’s and Yehoshua’s books Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv 23 PRESENT DAY A Dynamic Economic Exchange

by Alessandro Cattaneo and Mauro Poli

A continual strengthening of industrial and market and strategic collaboration with Israeli technological cooperation between Italy and Israel has companies are being increasingly considered by Italian taken place in recent years, parallel to a steady growth companies and by the Italian Government to be a in commercial contacts between the two countries. winning formula. The positive atmosphere and complementary In accordance with this policy, on January 1st 2005, characteristics of Italy and Israel are also reflected in the new Italian Business Desk was inaugurated in their improving economic relations. the Embassy premises, uniting the Commercial and A key factor is geographical and cultural proximity, Scientific Offices of the Embassy, the Italian Trade turning Italy into a natural bridge for Israel to the Commission and the Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce European market, a vital link for Israel's economy. and Industry. The two economies share a tendency towards The Desk is a unified reference point for innovation and flexibility, empowered by the prevalence businessmen and entrepreneurs from both countries of small and medium-sized companies, as well as the interested in the development of bilateral relations. excellent image of Italian design and Israeli technology. In addition, a very intense series of official visits It is important to note that access to the Israeli took place over the last few years, and had both

Israeli imports from Italy accounted for $1,572 millions in 2004.

0.0% artworks & antique-trade 0.1% animals & 1.2% vegetable animal products products 0.1% other products 0.0% fats & animal or vegetable oils

5.7% handicrafts articles 4.1% tobacco, drinks & food products 2.8% optical, photographic, medical & measurement appliances & instruments, etc. 1.3% minerals

6.3% cars, planes, ships 11.9% chemical products & related equipment

7.0% plastic & rubber

32.4% machinery & electrical equipment 0.7% skins, leathers, etc.

2.1% wood, charcoal, cork, etc.

2.5% paper, cardboards & by-products 5.9% textiles & clothing 0.6% shoes, hats, umbrellas, artificial flowers, etc. 4.2% stone articles, cement, 8.3% basic metals ceramics & glass

2.9% precious stones, trinkets, etc.


for Israeli tourists, which are estimated to account for at least 300.000 visitors per year, with 800.000 days of hotel reservations. Direct Italian investments in Israel are particularly significant in their industrial vision and their strategic impact. The insurance sector can be mentioned in this context, where Assicurazioni Generali owns the control share (63.8%) of Migdal. A field in which the industrial and technological cooperation between the two countries seems to be particularly significant is that of telecommunications. Telecom Italia achieved, through the Mednautilus consortium with Israeli partners, an extraordinary underwater 7000 km optical fibers cable which connects Catania, Crete, Athens, Istanbul and Haifa, with a possible extension to Alexandria in Egypt. Cyprus is also connected to Israel and to Italy through another cable (Lev) owned by Telecom Italia. It can be said that an important part of the communications between Israel and the rest of the world are via Italian infrastructure and technology. In addition, Telecom Italia has an important share in the capital of the Israeli international telephone operator 012 Golden Lines.

Haifa – Bell of Stella Maris Built in Agnone (Italy) We would also like to mention another fine example of Italian entrepreneurship in Israel. In 2001, in political and economic content. These visits, often Yerucham in the desert, the Italian-Israeli joint promoted by the Embassy in accordance with the other venture Cunial Antonio Israel launched the production Italian institutions in Israel, had a significant impact on of roofing tiles (the co-owner is Industrie Cotto bilateral economic cooperation, by bringing hundreds Possagno of Possagno, Treviso). The factory, using of Italian companies and research centres to Israel. entirely Italian technology, can produce up to 20 millions The results were not slow to follow. In 2004, the tiles per year. total sum of the interaction between Italy and Israel Many other large Italian firms are implementing reached $2.35 billion (without diamonds). Italy exported projects with advanced technological content in goods for a value of $1.572 billion, an increase of collaboration with Israeli partners, such as Finmeccanica 12.45% from the previous year. and FIAT Research Centre. In 2004 statistics confirmed our country's position Consequently, all conditions for a further rd as the 3 biggest exporter to Israel (after the US and strengthening of the special technological and industrial th Germany) and the 6 biggest importer, after US, relationship between Italy and Israel are present. Germany, UK, the Netherlands and Turkey. According to the vision of the Italian Government, Our share of the market was 4.93%, while the this will also benefit the overall economic stability of most important sectors of our exports remained the Middle-Eastern region. machinery and electrical equipment, chemical and plastic products, textiles, jewelry, handicraft articles and raw metals. The assistance and incentives provided by the Italian Business Desk cover all these fields, including the services sector. Opportunities for the banking and financial groups could, for instance, result from the Alessandro Cattaneo, First Secretary, reforms being implemented in the Israeli financial Economic and Commercial Affairs,The Embassy market. The tourism industry seems to be of particular of Italy in Israel and Mauro Poli, Trade interest as well: Italy is in fact a preferred destination Promotion Attaché 25 PRESENT DAY The New Attraction of Israeli Businesses to the Italian Market

by Ronni Benatoff

The Israeli economy has strong traditional links with the are successful in one country, it is often difficult to repeat US. For many years, interaction with the Italian economy their success in other countries, mainly due to the different has been limited both in scope and size. languages and the very diverse habits and customs. Israel has always seen the United States as its main For these businessmen, Italy represents a very important potential business partner. Whereas Europe, and Italy in opportunity. Italians are probably the Europeans with whom particular, were conceptually perceived as very interesting Israelis find a better understanding and a better capability places, with a history and strong traditions in many fields, of working together. A strong relationship with an Italian but primarily attractive for tourism, cultural relationships and partner can often facilitate penetration of European markets. as manufacturers of very high level products: mainly fashion, Several Israeli companies have made investments in furniture and general luxury goods. Italy over the last few years and most have proven very Over the last few years, this situation has dramatically successful, often becoming the European platform for these changed, though in my view, not sufficiently. companies. Europe is becoming increasingly important in the eyes Furthermore, I believe that in many areas, Italians and of the Israeli business community. The average Israeli is Israelis are complementary, especially in sectors where the quickly learning that doing business in Europe is very different introduction of innovative technologies is important. This and more complicated than in the US and that he often does not mean only in high tech sectors such as lacks the necessary understanding and tools needed to be telecommunications and software. Innovation and research successful. are vital in many fields nowadays as, for example, the Many Israelis have found difficulty expanding their environmental and machinery sectors. commercial relationships in Europe and that, even if they Israel is recognised worldwide as one of the most

Tel Aviv – The Italian Week in the Azrieli Towers

26 PRESENT DAY important sources of new technologies in many areas. The groups. Furthermore, every District has created special recent publication, by the well-known magazine Red financial tools (often in the form of VC) that invest in the new Herring,of the "One hundred most promising high tech local company and assist in its financial structure. companies in Europe and Israel," lists no less than twenty Just to give you an example, imagine an Israeli company Israeli companies. Less than 1% of the population produced which has patented a technology for welding metals with 20% of the most promising technological companies! It higher efficiency and lower costs than presently available. should be noted, however, that Israeli companies, after This technology could most probably have applications in having developed innovative technologies, often failed in the automotive industry and these applications need to be the phase of bringing these technologies to the market. developed. The Israeli company could approach one of the Development of the product and the applications from a Districts, be introduced to potential partners that are already specific technology are crucial steps, and technology is not active in producing and selling parts to Italian and other the only skill needed to succeed in this phase. Italians have European major car makers, be assisted in creating a joint proven to be extremely capable in understanding the market, venture company and receive financing for developing the its needs and the best approach to market strategy and applications and penetrating the market. can therefore be perfectly complementary when partnering Israeli companies. I believe that the opportunities described above are convincing enough by themselves. But if you also add an A very interesting opportunity offered by the Italian environment that is extremely friendly to Israel, the efforts central and regional authorities is the establishment of a made by the Italian Government to increase cooperation base in one of the many Technological Districts which are with Israel, geographical proximity and all the other well- established in areas where there are research centres and known benefits which Italy can offer, I am sure that Israeli several important business players in the field. These diverse companies will, before long, be substantially increasing their areas include, for example, Nanotech, Biotech, Telecom, presence in Italy. Mechatronics and many more. The District can assist the company that wants to create a base in various ways, such as clearing bureaucratic formalities, looking for local partners, and making Ronni Benatoff, President of the Italian-Israeli introductions to potential customers and other relevant Chamber of Commerce and Industry

“Brevetti Francesco Cremonesi S.p.A.” has been, for more than 50 years, a constant reference point in the Italian and European market for technological innovation in the milk cows breeding. The most characterising aspect of our product in the agricultural market is the supply of turn-key bovine breeding plants, with specially designed and often patented equipment, aimed at ensuring maximum efficiency in the management of the livestock, and therefore allowing the best economic results for the breeder and for the health of the animals. This is possible because we cover all phases of the production, starting from the initial design, up to the building of the equipment and the mounting of the structures, till the after-sale service. Included in the production are galvanized prefabricated structures, prefabricated free-stalls with "Mouflex" mattresses for the cows to rest, rigid-bars and cable scrapers for cleaning, feeding self-lockers. Liquitech srl, a company of the Cremonesi Group, is involved in manure treatment systems, making plans for such installations, with Eisele submergible mixers and pumps, umbilical systems to spread the manure in the fields and separators for manure. Last, but not least, Liquitech realizes biogas producing plants, using manure from livestock and bio-mass from agricultural products. The above described products are available also for the Israeli market through Cremonesi Israel Ltd, headed by Mr. Hofer Har-Gil. Cremonesi Israel Ltd., previously an agency and now part of the Cremonesi Group, for over 5 years has supplied Kibbutzim and Moshavim with milk-cows free-stalls which are the first of their kind in Israel and which have given significant results in the management of the stalls. Important plants for the production of biogas are currently being designed for kibbutzim and Government Agencies. Cremonesi Israel LTD is located in Kfar – Ogla, D.N. Effer 38880, tel +972 54 675978, fax +972 4 6365543 PRESENT DAY InvestInItaly, a New Reference Point for Israeli Investors

by Massimo Caputi Italy is taking considerable interest in Tel Aviv today. A country reporting to identifying concrete local opportunities, support in constantly on the lookout for investment opportunities beyond the start-up phase, and assistance in dealing with Public its own borders and with expertise in high technology sectors, Administration. Israel is an inevitable target for Italy. It is not by chance that the In particular, Sviluppo Italia manages the Location Agreement, recent decree on Italian competitiveness places exactly these a tool which cuts back on all the bureaucratic and administrative two points at the centre of Government action: the re-launch procedures, and guarantees investors the availability of of foreign direct investment in Italy, and support for R&D with infrastructure, fixed times, training support, and the dispersal some 1.8 billion Euro of funding. of financial incentives. For too many years Italy has lacked a real and encompassing policy in support of foreign investment. While other countries, This instrument is used in all sectors including such innovative looking down on us today in the direct investment stakes, were ones as ICT or the Life Sciences where Italy can convincingly creating dedicated promotion agencies, we continued to put offer a number of significant localized advantages. our trust in the generosity of investors. In the Life Sciences, Italy boasts internationally prestigious While Israel invests some 6 billion Euro abroad annually, research centers with a long tradition of applied medical research only a tiny part of that reaches Italy. It is not, however, impossible (Cardiovascular Diseases, Oncology, and Immunology) further to reverse that trend. standing out for its high productivity. The cost of highly qualified staff and researchers is much lower than amang our international Italy has already undertaken important reforms in this respect competitors. making the labor market more flexible, the tax regime more favorable, and company establishment and management more The most exciting opportunities in particular concern transparent and more flexible. Biotechnology for Healthcare and Clinical Trials where the costs Furthermore, today thanks to the efforts of Sviluppo Italia, are indeed competitive. the National Agency for Enterprise and Inward Investment Life Sciences, however, is but one example. Quality at an Development, and the ICE, the Italian Trade Commission, advantageous cost, a strong focus on technological innovation, foreign companies finally have a single port of call for investing in a neighboring and friendly country – these are the attractions or developing their business interests in Italy, just as in other that Italy offers Israeli entrepreneurs today. countries. InvestInItaly, the national organization for foreign investment promotion in Italy, was created in July 2004. It offers MASSIMO CAPUTI, CEO of Sviluppo Italia, the investors a series of free professional services to assist them National Agency for Enterprise and Inward in every phase of the process of localization: from preliminary Investment Development Italy: the quality solution to corporate challenges A large and sophisticated domestic market Market-oriented research Together with France and the UK, Italy is the second largest consumer Italy has over 200 institutional R&D centers and a widespread presence market in Europe with about 60million inhabitants and one of the eight of privately owned research centers, each providing technology transfer leading world economies with an estimated GDP of more than 1,000 services, competitive costs and high levels of interaction between local billion Euro. Ranking second worldwide as for mobile phone subscriptions and third businesses, universities and governmental bodies. Tapping into human in Europe as for number of Internet users, Italy has a domestic market talent and benefitting from local know-how Italian science and technological that is always extremely receptive to new products and services. parks are an ideal location solution to quickly turn ideas into innovative and successful products for the market. A gateway to Mediterranean and emerging markets Lying at the heart of the Mediterranean, Italy is the main thoroughfare A reformed business environment linking southern Europe to northern and central Europe by land, sea and Foreign investors can now benefit from three main recent reforms that air. Thanks to its strategic location, Italy sits at the center of an international now make it easier and more convenient to invest in Italy. The new market reaching out to a further 396 million consumers in other EU countries, 240 million in North Africa and the Middle East as well as the legislation offers businesses a more favourable tax system, a flexible emerging markets in Eastern Europe. labor market and a new corporate law that stands out among the most advanced in Europe. Skilled and creative workforce at competitive costs With a double-digit growth and almost 250,000 highly qualified university Financial tools to support your business venture graduates a year, Italy provides investors with qualified and highly Italy has high levels of financial incentives available for foreign investors productive staff at affordable costs. (capital investment grants, R&D subsidies, training programmes). According to the “Competitive Alternatives” study by KPMG, the costs of setting up an R&D center in Italy’s Biotecnology sector – comprising The new so-called Location Agreement guarantees investors, not only labor costs, public utilities and services, infrastructures and taxes – are the disbursement of incentives, but also the availability of infrastructure, extremely competitive with savings from 15% up to 50% in comparison industrial areas, implementation timeframe and support for R&D and with the UK, the USA, France and Germany for qualified personnel. training activities.

For more information: [email protected]

28 PRESENT DAY The Boost of Scientific Cooperation

by Guglielmo Castro

Scientists of the two countries have in various European programmes. been cooperating since the creation of Such cooperation was intensified the State of Israel. Direct contacts were when, in 1996, Israel joined the easily established, thanks to several European Fourth RTD Framework Italian Scientists of Jewish origin who Program (1994-1998). Italian-Israeli moved from Italy to Israel, including cooperation gained a significant boost the economist and statistician Prof. since the Inter-Government Agreement Riccardo Bachi, and Prof. Giulio on Industrial, Scientific and Raccah, who greatly contributed to the Technological Cooperation entered development of the field of physics in into force in October 2002. Since then, Israel. thirteen joint Italian-Israeli Meetings Italy's long tradition in science, have been organized in Israel – with established by its several Nobel Prizes a total number of more than two In Physics (G. Marconi, E. Fermi, E. hundred Italian participants and about Segrè, C. Rubbia, R. Giacconi), in eight hundred Israeli participants – on Chemistry (G. Natta) and in Medicine various topics: Environmental (C. Golgi, D. Bovet, S. E. Luria, R. Technologies; Artificial Intelligence; Dulbecco, R. Levi Montalcini) and the Cognitive Neuroscience; Materials international reputation gained by Israel Research; Molecular and Cellular as a pioneering country of scientific Biology; Agriculture; Digital Access to activities, also confirmed by the Scientific and Cultural Heritage; attribution, in 2004, of the Nobel Prize Neurosciences; Water Management; in Chemistry to Prof. A. Ciechanover Oncology; Industrial Design; and Prof. A. Hershko, made the Mechanical Engineering; and development of scientific relations Astrophysics. All Israeli universities between the two countries a natural have been involved in such consequence. cooperation activities, while, from the Italian side, professors and researchers Such relations were developed from more than thirty universities, have mainly through cooperation come to Israel to attend these Meetings. Agreements, signed between Universities and other institutions of the two countries: exchanges of professors In addition, in the framework of the Inter-Government and students, visiting scientists, and joint research projects. Agreement, and mostly as follow-up to the Italian-Israeli It is worthwhile mentioning the cooperation between the Meetings, other specific Agreements have been signed Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri of Milan and implemented. These include: and the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot: the ☛ an Agreement for Cooperation in the Field of Comitato Negri-Weizmann was created in Milan, fifteen Health and Medical Research was signed in October years ago; five joint research projects are presently 2002: notable activities have been initiated in cooperation developing. It is a tradition to organize a special concert with the Rambam Medical Center of Haifa; the main Italian Musica e Ricerca insieme per la Salute, every year at the counterparts are the ULSS 13 (13th Local Health-Social Teatro alla Scala, to support this cooperation. The concerts Trust) of the Region of Veneto and the Istituto Regina have seen the participation of many famous conductors, Elena of Rome; among them Riccardo Muti. A Conference Negri- ☛ a Memorandum of Understanding was signed, Weizmann, supported by the Embassy of Italy in Israel, in April 2003, between the Italian Ministry of Environment is planned to be held next fall, in Rehovot. and Tel Aviv University: the Italian Ministry of Environment The first formal Agreement on scientific cooperation, has allocated 1,500,000 Euro, for the implementation of between the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology a cooperation programme made by six joint research and the National Research Council of Italy, was signed projects in the field of environment; in 1990. Cooperation has been carried out through ☛ an Agreement was signed in June 2003, between exchanges of scientific personnel, joint research projects the University of Haifa (The Caesarea Rothschild Institute and the organization of seminars, symposia and meetings. for Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science) and Throughout the 1990s, institutions of the two countries the Istituto Trentino di Cultura (Centro per la Ricerca also started to cooperate by means of joint participation Scientifica e Tecnologica), to carry out a three-year joint 29 PRESENT DAY research project on Innovative Technologies for Human Development: the two institutions have jointly allocated about 1,200,000 Euro for the implementation of the project; ☛ a Joint Declaration of Intents in Agricultural Cooperation was signed in December 2003 by the Ministers of Agriculture of the two countries: various activities have already been carried out. In recent years, Italian-Israeli cooperation also gained a major boost in the context of the European RTD Framework Programmes: in the Fifth Framework Programme, Italian and Israeli institutions (universities, research centres and private companies) jointly participated in 276 research projects, 98 coordinated by an Italian or by an Israeli institution. This cooperation is presently developing in the context of the Sixth European Framework Programme. An overview of the main cooperation activities carried out in the last five years between Italy and Israel in the scientific and technological field, has been presented in the publication Italy – Israel: Five Years of Scientific and Technological Cooperation, edited by the Italian Embassy in Israel, in October 2004.

Guglielmo Castro, Scientific Attaché The Embassy of Italy in Israel

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[email protected] PRESENT DAY A Dialogue on Security

by Luca Franchetti Pardo and Alessandro Veltri

1. It goes without saying that Italy and Israel are two countries sharing a natural Mediterranean outlook as well as common democratic values. It might seem superfluous to stress their need to work together towards the identification of proper responses to the new challenges and threats – transformed into reality – at the very start of the new millennium. The fight against international terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction – that we need to prevent from falling into the hands of State and non- State entities – is at the top of our agenda. But when it comes to the Mediterranean Sea, we cannot fail to focus on the fight against illicit traffic, whether it concerns human beings, weapons or drugs; nor can we neglect environmental protection and military-civil cooperation in civil emergencies. Members of the italian Contingent’s Coastal Patrol Unit on Patrol in the Strait of Tiran 2. Italy and Israel’s interests – obviously in joint partnership with other countries of the region – to make organisational sphere, first and foremost in NATO, EU, and the Mediterranean an area of peace and prosperity, demand UN Forces, and/or via multilateral accords, with particular that these two countries develop a security dialogue, both consideration of the European principle of self-governance on a bilateral level and in the wider frame of the International in the context of crises management. It is in the same Forum. Starting from the bilateral level, one may recall that, context that certain areas are considered, from our national in June 2003, Italy and Israel signed a Memorandum of point of view, strategic interest areas, among them the Near Understanding, in order to cooperate in the military and and Middle East. defense sectors, using an appropriately judicial framework, Military missions have therefore become, in the eyes in the light of their common commitment to the stabilization of a growing number of countries, a necessary instrument of the Mediterranean region. In addition to the traditional in the process of establishing and preserving a lasting peace. sectors considered in this kind of agreement, the 2003 Regional conflicts (the Arab-Israeli and the present MOU also provided for cooperation in humanitarian activities crisis in the Middle East framework) determine the necessity and environmental matters. of establishing certain missions that, with different but On a multilateral level, the two countries take part in complementary measures, are working in synergy so as to important initiatives like the EU European Neighborhood guarantee security, stability, and peace. Policy and NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue. In both of them 4. The Missions that this article refers to are: UNTSO, our country has played an active role, supporting a full Israeli MFO, TIPH 2., Italy has been participating in all of these for involvement and taking advantage of the excellent relations a number of years. that we enjoy with all the regional partners. 3. The Italian commitment to regional stability is shown by its active participation in three peacekeeping operations. As is clearly indicated in the Strategic Concept of the Italian Chief of Staff, Admiral Di Paola, contributing to the resolution of international crises is an important part of the duties and missions of the Italian Armed Forces. This is also demonstrated by the visible Italian (a) UNTSO: is the oldest Peacekeeping Mission of the participation in the prevention and management of United Nations, established in accordance with resolution international crises, aimed at guaranteeing peace, security, 50 of the UN Security Council on May 29, 1948 and its stability and international legality, as well as the affirmation preceding modifications. The Mission deals with both the of fundamental human rights, in the spirit of the United implementation of the truce treaty, signed separately between Nations Charter. Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Syria in 1949, and control of the The involvement is always in the international ceasefire in the Suez Canal area and in the Golan Heights, 31 PRESENT DAY consequent to the Arab-Israeli war in foreseen by the Blue Helmets under the Peace Treaty. June 1967. The MFO was moved to Sinai on 25 April 1982 and UNTSO works in four out of the since then has been working for the control of the border five countries historically involved in between Egypt and Israel and from the Mediterranean Sea the Middle East conflict (Israel, Egypt, to Sharm-El-Sheikh in the Tiran Strait. Ever since its Syria and Lebanon), but its contacts establishment, the Peace Force has been responsible for involve a fifth country, Jordan. vigilance, control and monitoring over an area called Charlie Thanks to the Peace Accords Zone (in the vicinity of the Israeli border and along the East first signed between Israel and Egypt Coast of Sinai from the Mediterranean Sea to the Gulf of (1979), and then between Israel and Jordan (1994), as well Aqaba) and has, in this zone alone, more than thirty as the present situation of the military freeze between observation sites. Lebanon and Syria, UNTSO is a small-scale mission: currently The MFO was established with contingents from eleven composed of approximately 150 official observers coming different countries. The Italian contribution for the mission from 22 countries. includes a military contingent that, since 1982, has been UNTSO's staff was always able to form, at short notice, active in Sinai (Egypt) with about 77 soldiers of the Navy, the initial core of other operations of peacekeeping. The subdivided between the Squadron Staff and the crews of availability of military observers of UNTSO to relocate almost three naval units for coastal patrol, that form the 10th Naval immediately after the activation of a new operation on behalf Coast Group with a base in the Sharm el Sheikh Port. of the Security Council was a determinant factor of the Our contingent, also called the Coastal Patrol Unit success of these operations. (CPU) under the MFO's responsibility, has been assigned In the Middle East, groups of military observers of the task of patrolling the areas bordering with the Tiran UNTSO are currently associated with subsequent Strait, linking the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea, and peacekeeping forces located in the area: the United Nations guaranteeing freedom of navigation in the Gulf along the Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), located in the coastal strip and inside Ras Mohammed and Dahab (a total Golan Heights, and the United Nation Interim Force in of almost 47 miles), registering violations falling under article Lebanon (UNIFIL). 5 of the Camp David Treaty. A group of observers is stationed, usually in the Sinai, Since March 2004 the Mission's Chief is an Italian: to maintain the presence of the UN in the Peninsula. General D. Roberto Martinelli. Moreover, UNTSO keeps offices of its own in Beirut and (c) The TIPH 2 (Temporary International Presence in Damascus. Hebron) was created following the demand of the Israeli The mandate of the Mission assigned to it by the UN Government and the Palestinian Authority, following the Security Council, foresees the ensuring of the observation signature of the Interim Agreement on the West Bank and and maintenance of the ceasefire pending the achievement Gaza Strip on 28 September 1995. This Agreement provides of a peace accord, as well as assisting the involved parties for both the partial withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces in the supervision and observance of the Armistice Accords (IDF) from Hebron, as well as the transitory presence of of 1949. It is, therefore, a mandate not tied to a specific international observers. Historically, the Mission preceded territory or time frame, but rather tied up with the achievement the first TIPH, which was present in Hebron since August of peace in the Middle East. The mission has regional 1994, monitoring the security situation in the city. interests, is permanent, logistically self-governing and The countries participating in the mission were: Italy, disarmed. The Italian national contribution, in terms of military Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. On observers that have worked in the Middle East since 1958 21 January 1997 a new agreement was signed between (in accordance with Law 848, of 17 July 1957) is comprised the two parties regarding the TIPH 2, where the scope of of seven officials. the mission and the duration of its mandate (six months) (b) After the trilateral accords (USA-Israel-Egypt) of were announced. After this, a Memorandum of Camp David on 17 September 1978, confirmed by the Understanding was signed in Oslo on 30 January 1997 by Peace Treaty of 26 March 1979, Israel withdrew from the the six participating countries. TIPH 2 launched its operations Sinai Peninsula territory, occupied since the 1967 war, on in the relevant territory on February 1, 1997. the condition that the entire area would be thereafter The duties of the staff are primarily associated with disarmed and inspected by a Multinational Force, which guaranteeing, by its mere presence, a sense of security to should guarantee the implementation of the Treaty's principles the Palestinians living in Hebron, encouraging the economic by all contracting States. development of the city and supporting the promotion and However, various events have made it difficult to provide execution of projects launched by donating countries. All for the establishment of a complete UN Force: as a substitute, is done in full coordination with the Israeli and Palestinian Egypt and Israel as the contracting parties, and the United Authorities. States as the guaranteeing nation, concluded an Agreement The city of Hebron is the area of responsibility of the on 3 August 1981, establishing the Multinational Force and mission. The TIPH 2 is authorized to work both in the area Observers (MFO), with tasks analogous to the ones originally under Israeli control, and in the area under Palestinian 32 PRESENT DAY

objectively, diversified, it should be remembered that all missions work for the fundamental exigencies that are to guarantee peace, security, stability, and international legality. It is a true that today, soldiers, and the Military in general, adopt a holistic approach (global, integrated, interdisciplinary), with the aim of developing multidisciplinary, integrated and multinational fields, synergic operative capacities, suitable for executing a large number of missions, including humanitarian ones, and crises prevention and management procedures. It is true that, in the future, military operations will be The Italian Tiph Team in Hebron increasingly combined with other initiatives - political, diplomatic, economic, social, legal, and informative, and control. The staff of Mission cannot interfere in disputes or that this will require a measured, coordinated, and incidents, but may report via the appropriate channels and cooperative system. it has no military or police status and cannot initiate It also confirms that a State such as Israel, that has an independent inquiries. effective and calibrated military instrument can benefit from The reports compiled are transmitted to the Joint Israeli- the opportunities and advantages of an international military Palestinian Committees established under the Accords, presence for the common interest of peace. which are competent to follow them up in case of evidence It confirms that the protection of rights, through security, of violations of International Agreements or of universally is an international language and that dialogue may also be recognized human rights. In terms of national contribution, launched, guaranteed and conserved through military Italy appoints the Vice-Chief of the Mission, a Colonel from channels. the , and participates with a contingent of the Carabinieri, composed of 16 soldiers and an officier of the Luca Franchetti Pardo, First Counselor, Army. The Embassy of Italy in Israel Even if these facts and the duties of the missions are, Colonel Alessandro Veltri, Defense Attaché

Investimenti.Investment. Innovation.Innovazione. Intelligence Intelligence YourIl successo survival e la andcrescita growth della invostra the globalazienda economy dipende sempre depends di piu'on yourdalla possibilita' di cogliere le migliori capacityopportunita' to always di investimento maintain your e di competitivefinanziamento, edge. sopratutto AltioraVentures in mercati andemergenti RNA ricchi Finance di innovazione open for e nuove you theconoscenze. doors toAltioraVentures the financial ed RNAand technologicalFinance vi aprono markets le porte delof mercatoIsrael, hometecnologico to e onefinanziaro of dithe Israele, world's leader leadinginternazionale knowledge nell'innovazione economies. finanziaria By offeringe tecnologica. you Grazie a full alla spectrum loro provata of esperienzafinancial nellaand advisorygestione e services,promozione AltioraVenturesdi prodotti tecnologici and e finanziari RNA Finance innovativi, will ed alla maximize loro estesa your rete diinnovation partnership potentialInternazionali, and RNA Financemaximize ed AltioraVentures your competitive vi aiuteranno edgea restare in competitivi the global nel mercato markets. globale. RNA finance Ltd. AltioraVentures Tel: +972 9 7465836 Tel:4, Shenkar +972-9-9559600 Street Fax: +972 9 7465863 Fax:P.O. +972-9-9559700Box 12129 [email protected] [email protected] 46733 ISRAEL PRESENT DAY Two Italian Archaeological Expeditions

by Ermanna Clemente di San Luca

Italian archaeology is attaining ongoing Exodus. The hypothesis is based on previous finds, achievements in two important Israeli sites, thank also including geographical analysis of places described in to the support of Italian institutions. The first dig is in Biblical sources, research carried on in the field, and the Negev, in the area of Mount Karkom under the topographic considerations. supervision of Prof. . The second is in From these materials it can be deducted that many Bet Jimal, near the city of Bet Shemesh, under the of the routes taken by the fleeing Egypt were supervision of Prof. Andrzej Strus. The Archaeological Mission in Har Karkom For over 20 years the expedition, headed by Prof. Emmanuel Anati and promoted by the Camuno Centre of Prehistoric Studies with the sponsorship of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has been excavating an extensive territory in the Negev with the permission of the Israel Antiquities Authority. Significant rock art finds were discovered in the area, which shows evidence of a culture that dates back to 12,000 years ago. These graffiti cast light on the life, traditions, migrations and human relationships between peoples who inhabited the Peninsula of Sinai, Egypt, Arabia, Jordan and adjacent Eastern areas. By studying these signs and artefacts, we can reconstruct many aspects pertaining to the life of those who inhabited the area, from their military tactics, to the mining and trading of mineral resources. Various discoveries have been made at Har Karkom over the years. Besides the graffiti, two hundred Paleolithic sites brought us archaeological finds of an entirely new nature. The archaeological mission concentrated its efforts on studying the finds which could shed light on the behaviour of groups of hunters. In the Bronze Age, Har Karkom became a place of worship, a sacred mountain, a designated place for pilgrimage with altars and sanctuaries - so many, in fact, that we can draw the hypothesis that the site might be identified as the Biblical . An assumption on which Anati keeps on working is that there were routes from Egypt towards , passing through the Peninsula of Sinai, the Negev, Jordan and the not yet identified area known as the Land of Goshen, and that Har Karkom might have been one of the stops made in the Biblical journey of Har Karkom – Prehistorical Graffiti 34 PRESENT DAY Visions of the Land Visions of the Land

Har Karkom – Italian Archaeological Team at Work

ancient desert tracks followed in the Bronze and Iron Ages. The routes passed by trade stations and small inhabited centres. The research undertaken in 2004 aimed at gathering the evidences collected in previous years, compiling planimetric maps, and classifying and organising photos already taken, in order to create a written document accessible through the internet site and the press. In the course of 2005 the Rock Art of Har Karkom will be thoroughly investigated, and the inventory of these unique finds will be completed. Har Karkom – Prehistorical Anthropomorphic Sculptures

Khirbet Jiljil (Bet Jimal) Archaeological Excavations arcade supporting two arches divided the great hall at The excavations at Khirbet Jiljil led in 2003 by Prof. A. its centre. In previous times, a colonnade separated Strus and Dr. Sh. Gibson, under the auspices of the Salesian the hall from the vestibule: pilgrims passed through it Pontifical University of Rome, uncovered the structure of in order to reach the other two rooms. Later, a wall an ancient Christian monastery, dating possibly back to the seems to have replaced the colonnade. Byzantine time. One can assume that the large hall was an oratory for The structure was apparently made of an external wall pilgrims and the side rooms refectories. It is indeed in a side enclosing other buildings and courtyards over an area of room next to one of the refectories that an underground 40 square meters. entrance hall was found, leading to a series of caves. Under this entrance hall there is a room with a passageway to a Excavations carried out previously, and financed by the little man-high window, under which there are two stone Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, revealed other spaces, benches carved in the rock, with a vase (0.5 meter diameter leading to the assumption that the underground rooms, two and 25-30 litres capacity) standing on one of them. From halls and another hypogeum were formerly connected. all these elements, never found before in a monastery, one Regarding the two spaces paved with mosaics, they are can assume that this was a very important pilgrimage site. probably: Moreover, it seems that the underground room served 1) a west-east oriented vestibule, 10 meters long and religious rather than domestic purposes. The vase contained approximately 2.5 meters wide, with a geometric- neither oil nor wine, yet, if the underground room could be patterned mosaic all along its wall, and, at its western identified as one of those hypogea with small windows end, a Greek inscription (“Come in and Exult”) through which pilgrims used to look at the tombs of healer accompanied by symbolic elements such as a diamond, saints, one could infer that the vessel contained a liquid a cross, a little flower, a ringed cross and a red originating from contact with the tomb, therefore pilgrims pomegranate; would have drawn from it and taken it away. This is Prof. 2) a large room at the vestibule’s southern side (8 x 6.8 Strus’ hypothesis, endorsed by an inscription found at the meters) where presumably people were supposed to western end of the vestibule, referring to some words in enter after having visited the eastern part of the vestibule, one single passage of the Scriptures (Book of Tobias), where (see the above mentioned inscription). A three-column the protagonist, having healed the bride and her father, 35 PRESENT DAY Garo Nalbandian Garo

Excavations at Khirbet Jiljil (Bet Jimal) crosses the threshold exulting and praising God – the in the Holy Land. Works of consolidation and conservation passage, though, for lack of space, is not reported entirely of the structures belonging to the Hellenistic, Roman, in the finding. There are also four drawings flanking the Byzantine and Ummayad periods are planned for Summer letters, recalling the symbolism of the four Saints in the 2005. finding of the relics of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr. This new direction taken by the investigation could thus Ermanna Clemente di San Luca, shed light on a crucial issue in the study of Early Christianity Italian Cultural Institute Garo Nalbandian Garo

36 The President and General Manager General of SIMEST How SIMEST supports international collaboration between companies The new Venture Capital Fund for the Mediterranean and Italian-Israeli partnerships The President of SIMEST, Ruggero Manciati, has stated that competition on the global market is characterised by dynamics that lead to continuous pressure on companies and complex challenges, especially when it comes to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. “SIMEST has always played the role of a partner to companies in tackling these challenges, and acts as a merchant bank and global partner”. The extent of the action is organized in such a way that it is able to support Italian Companies in setting up their various international collaboration projects. We are able to help companies”, continues Mr Manciati, “with identifying good business opportunities. In this regard, one should remember that, by setting up two Business Matching Meetings in 2003, SIMEST made it possible for various Italian and Israeli Companies involved to set up entrepreneurial undertakings. SIMEST also supports Italian Companies in setting up projects from an organisational and technical/financial point of view. We then work with the investment capital created by Italian Companies, and this activity has recently been extended with the launching of Venture Capital Funds”. “The Venture Capital Funds made available by the Italian Government and managed by SIMEST, and especially the Mediterranean Fund”, stresses the General Manager, Massimo D’Aiuto, “are a way of providing a further strong incentive for the creation of collaboration between Italian Companies and companies in the area. These Funds are intended to support investments made by our Companies, and are available in addition to SIMEST’s traditional involvement in the capital stock of companies set up abroad. Joint SIMEST / Venture Capital Fund share”, continued Mr D’Aiuto, “of the capital for companies set up abroad may be as high as 49%. In just over a year, the Mediterranean Fund has played a part in 14 investments, setting aside more than Euro 17 million in all, which shows how well it has been accepted by Italian Companies, and especially by Small and medium-sized Enterprises, to whom a specific quota of the Fund is allocated”.

EQUITY CAPITAL PARTICIPATION AND SIMEST can subscribe up to 25% of the total equity of the participated foreign (non SUPPORT FOR ITALIAN SHAREHOLDINGS EU) company. SIMEST cannot hold the investment for more than 8 year; within that ABROAD period the Italian partner will acquire SIMEST shares at pre agreed conditions. SIMEST may provide financial support to Italian companies to underwrite shares of the equity in newly formed and existing foreign subsidiaries participated by SIMEST, including capital increases in companies already established. SIMEST moreover manages Venture Capital funds for the Ministry for Productive Activities, which are set aside for promoting investments abroad by Italian Companies in China, Russia and the Ukraine, the Mediterranean, Africa and Iraq, the Balkans and ex-Yugoslavian Republics.

FINANCING FOR PREFEASIBILITY AND It provides financial support for Italian firms, and their consortia and associations that FEASIBILITY STUDIES AND TECHNICAL undertake prefeasibility and feasibility studies or implement technical assistance ASSISTANCE programmes in non-EU countries.

SUPPORT FOR THE PARTICIPATION TO The program facilitates the participation of Italian companies in foreign tenders in INTERNATIONAL TENDERS non-EU countries.

FINANCING FOR MARKET It encourages the installation of permanent structures and related promotional activities DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES by Italian companies in non-EU countries.

EXPORT CREDITS SUPPORT It enables Italian exporters to offer foreign buyers/contractors deferred payment terms at fixed interest rates in line with those available from competitors according to OECD “Consensus” guidelines. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND SIMEST provides Italian companies seeking to expand abroad with technical PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS SERVICES assistance and advisory services, such as business scouting, matchmaking prefeasibility AND CONSULTING and feasibility studies and advice on financial, legal and corporate matters concerning investments projects abroad to which SIMEST may contribute equity capital. Garo Nalbandian to ItalianServices A Short Guide A Short in Israel The Library oftheItalianCulturalInstituteinTelThe Library Aviv A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL

The Consular Services PASSPORT Issuance of a new passport or a renewal of a passport. The following are the main services that the The pre-requisites are: Consular Section of the Italian Embassy ✔ Being an Italian citizen ✔ Presenting a valid identification document (25 Ha’Mered St., The Trade Tower Building, ✔ Receiving the consent of the spouse in case the 68125 Tel Aviv, Fax 03/5100235, applicant is a parent of minors. ✔ Receiving the consent of the parents in case the e-mail: [email protected]) provides for applicant is a minor. the Italian citizens permanent residents in Israel. ✔ Receiving a clearance from the competent police AIRE authorities in Italy (Questura) or from the Consulate of the place of permanent residence and, in addition, All Italian citizens permanently resident in Israel must from the authority that has issued the previous register at the AIRE (Anagrafe Italiani Residenti all’Estero) passport. whether at the Embassy or at the Consulate General in ✔ Providing 2 passport-size photos. Jerusalem. Loss of passport. In case of theft or loss of the passport, The Consulate General or the Consular Section shall the Italian citizen should refer immediately to the nearest register the Italian citizens at the AIRE of their municipality Police Station and file a complaint. Following that, he or she of origin. should arrive to the Embassy during office hours with a copy Any change in the personal data relating to the registration of the complaint, two passport-size photos, another document of identity or, if available, a photocopy of the passport. The should be promptly reported to the Consulate General or to Consular Section will issue a temporary travel document the Consular Section so that the registration shall be facilitating the return to Italy. continuously accurate and updated both in Israel and in Italy. NOTARIZED DEEDS Reporting on a new address. The Consular Section has a certain notarial authority Italian citizens registered at the AIRE should inform the under the Italian law, allowing it to legalise and authenticate certain documents and signatures, relating to Italian citizens Consular Section when moving to a new address. This may residing in the Consular Section’s district, so as to make be done simply by sending a fax or a letter to the following these documents and signatures valid under Italian law. address: PENSIONS The Consular Section, Italian Embassy 25 Ha’Mered St., The Trade Tower Building, 68125 Tel Aviv, Fax 03/5100235. The Embassy transfers funds of certain pensions recognized by the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance Registering birth, matrimony, divorce and death. including pensions of war, pensions of racial prosecution Births, marriages, divorces and deaths occurring in Israel and of former employees of public administration. The National must be reported promptly to the Consular Section by Institute of Social Pensions (INPS) transfers certain funds directly to Italian citizens whose eligibility has been previously presenting the applicable original certificate or a true proven. authenticated copy thereof, issued by the same authority that has issued the original certificate. VOTING ABROAD The original certificate or the true copy of the certificate Italian citizens residing abroad have the right to vote to elect members of the Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei should receive the “Apostille” issued by the Consular Deputati) and of the Senate (Senato) of the . Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They also have the right to vote when popular referenda for (The address of the Consular Department of the Ministry the abrogation or confirmation of existing laws is held. In of Foreign Affairs- 9 Yitzhak Rabin Ave., Kiriat Ha’leom the case of political elections, voters will elect 12 Deputies Jerusalem. Tel. 02/5303358) and 6 Senators for the Circoscrizione Estero. The Circoscrizione 39 A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL

Estero is subdivided into four geographical groups: A. Europe, In Jerusalem’s consular district, assistance to Italian B. South-America, C. Northern and Central America, D. Africa, citizens is provided by the Consulate General in Jerusalem: Asia, Oceania and Antarctica. Israel belongs to the latter Western Area: group. Voters will cast their votes for the candidates appearing Kaf tet BeNovember, 16 - Katamon; on the lists presented in their respective geographical group. Tel. 02-5618977; Fax 02-5671337 For each group one Deputy and one Senator will be elected. Eastern Area: The remaining seats will be distributed among the geographical Nablus Road, 60; groups in proportion to the number of residents. Tel: 02-5828138; Fax: 02-5322904 Who is eligible to vote. Italian citizens resident abroad aged 18 or more may vote to elect members of the Chamber The Consular Section of the Italian Embassy provides of Deputies; those aged 25 or more may vote to elect also a series of services for the non citizens residents in members of the Senate. Only electors listed in the Registers Israel, in different fields: of Electors are eligible to vote. The Registers of Electors will be compiled according to updated records based on local VISA AIREs and Consular data. The Schengen Visa. The Schengen system is a unified Who is eligible for candidature? The candidates visa system, in force in certain European countries, appearing on the electoral lists presented by each geographical including Italy. With Schengen visa, you may enter one group must be both resident and electors of that group. country and travel freely throughout the Schengen The process for casting votes. Italian citizens residing zone. The Schengen countries are: Austria, Belgium, abroad can cast their votes by post. Within 18 days previous Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, to the date of the elections, the Consular office will send to Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, all electors an Electoral Pack containing: the electoral certificate, Spain and Sweden (if one intends to visit only one the ballot paper or ballot papers and related envelope, a Schengen country, he must apply at the Embassy or larger, pre-stamped envelope containing the address of the Consulate of that particular country). Consular Office, the list of candidates and explanatory sheet Prerequisites. If Italy is the only or main destination on voting modalities, the text of Law 459/2001. Electors must of your journey, please pay attention to the following return the ballot papers to the Consular Office in the appropriate information: envelope not later than 10 days prior to the election date. ✔ Visa applications must be submitted to the Consular How are the elections held. The Italian Embassy has Section of the Embassy, and should include a stipulated an agreement with the Government of Israel in completed and signed official visa application form order to guarantee that the postal voting is exercised in accompanied by one passport-size photograph. conditions of equality, freedom and secrecy, without any ✔ Only permanent residents in Israel are entitled to prejudice whatsoever for electors employment rights and apply for a visa. any other rights. ✔ Foreigners applying for visas must visit the Embassy The option to vote in Italy. Italian citizens residing abroad in person in order to be interviewed on the reasons are not compelled to cast their vote by post. Law 459/2001 and circumstances of the visit. foresees that electors have the option to vote in Italy, if they ✔ Obtaining the visa is not a guaranteed right, and wish to do so, by traveling to the national territory and by each case is evaluated according to the specific voting for the candidates of the constituency in which they circumstances. are registered in Italy (with no reimbursement). Electors Applications must be accompanied by a valid wishing to return to Italy to cast their vote must notify the passport and all documents relevant for the competent Consular Office of their intention in writing by the anticipated journey. These documents, depending 31st of December of the year before the natural expiry of the on the type of visa requested or which the Consulate legislature or in the case of earlier dissolution of Parliament, deems it can issue, must necessarily state and/or within 10 days of the calling of the elections. The option shall prove: remain valid for a single election or referendum. ✔ The purpose of the visit (letter of invitation,


summons, participation in an organised trip, etc.); Western Area: ✔ Means of transport to be used to go and to return Kaf tet BeNovember, 16 - Katamon; (a return ticket by air or sea); Tel. 02-5618977; Fax 02-5671337 ✔ Means of support during the journey and stay (either in the form of cash in a convertible currency, Eastern Area: or credit cards or other means of payment i.e. Nablus Road, 60; traveller's cheques, etc.); Tel: 02-5828138; Fax: 02-5322904 ✔ Accommodation arrangements (hotel or similar accommodation bookings, documentation stating COMITES the availability of a rented or owned dwelling, letter of invitation, etc.) President: Avv. Beniamino Lazar The major types of entry visa issued by the Consulate P.O.Box 4203 - Jerusalem Section are the following: Tel.: 02-6252477 – Fax: 02-6245825 ✔ Working Visa For Self-Employees ✔ Working Visa For Employees e-mail: [email protected] ✔ Student Visa A COMITES (Committee of the Italians abroad) is ✔ Tourism Visa ✔ Business Visa instituted in every consular district with at least 3000 ✔ Sport Visa Italian citizens, by a decree of the Minister of Foreign ✔ Religious Visa Affairs, in coordination with the Minister for the Italians ✔ Family Reunion Visa in the world. ✔ Transit Visa CITIZENSHIP The Committee is the organ of representation of the The Italian Citizenship is regulated under Law no. 91 Italians in Israel in the relationships with the Italian dated 5 February 1992, and all its applicable regulations. diplomatic and consular authorities in Israel. The Law has entered into force on 16 August 1992.

To receive information concerning the Italian Citizenship, The COMITES, also through studies and researches, please schedule an appointment with the Consular contributes to characterize the requirements of social, Sections representatives. cultural and civil development of its own community Please make sure all relevant documents and certificates of reference, suggesting accordingly possible are available, including, without limitation: documents providing full details concerning your parents and contributions to the Embassy, aimed at the definition ancestors, an Italian certificate regarding the current of its program of activities in Israel. civil status, a foreign passport if exists, a certificate proving the acquisition of foreign citizenship and stating To such aim every Committee promotes, in collaboration the date of acquisition, and the exact reason, or section in the applicable law, justifying the acquisition. The old with the Italian diplomatic and consular authorities and Italian passport should also be presented, if available. the representatives of Regions and local autonomies, More information at the following website: initiatives relating to the social and cultural life of the Italian community residing in Israel. A particular attention is given to: participation of the youngsters to community’s activities; equal opportunities; social In Jerusalem’s consular district, assistance to Italian citizens is provided by the Consulate General in welfare and education; professional training; recreational Jerusalem: field, sport and leisure time. 41 A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL

COMMERCIAL AND SCIENTIFIC OFFICES OF Sportello Unico per le Imprese THE EMBASSY OF ITALY The Italian Business Desk The Ministry of Foreign Affairs attends to the political, economic, social and cultural relationships between Our new Italian Business Desk (Sportello Unico), Italy and foreign countries; it co-ordinates and tutelages which has began operating in the new premises at the Italian interests on the international level; it analyses, the 9th floor of the Trade Tower, HaMered 25, Tel defines and carries out the Italian foreign policy. The Aviv, encompasses four different offices: the Ministry also cares for the consistency of the Commercial and the Scientific Offices of the Embassy international activities initiated by local authorities with of Italy; the Italian Trade Commission (Trade the general goals of Italian foreign policy, including Promotion Section of the Embassy) and the Israel- that of a growing internationalisation of Italian Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry. companies. The Italian Business Desk is entrusted with the task of deepening and developing the commercial, industrial and scientific relations between Italy and Israel and to provide a complete set of consulting Italian Trade Commission (ICE) and support services to investors, researchers and 1) INFORMATION Through the SINCE (Italian business people from both countries. Information System for Foreign Trade), ICE provides instruments of analysis to Italian SMEs and institutional A number of public entities, both at a national users to support companies with their decision-making and a regional level, as well as private businesses, process. This information service is provided in different have already expressed their interest in collaborating ways and in various degrees of detail: statistical data; and joining in. Here is a short description of of the information on the general economy and specific organizations that will help us bringing together sectors; customs, tax, finance and currency regulations Italian and Israeli enterprises. or even ad hoc market researches are available. In Tel Aviv – Trade Tower, 9th floor Hamered 25 addition to these services, there is a constantly updated collection of over 600 publications dealing with Tel. 03-5161744 Fax 03-5161755 economic trends, country profiles, investment reports, e-mail: [email protected] country-risk analysis, monographic research and sectorial publications. 2) PROMOTION Through international fairs, missions of exporters, exhibitions, congresses, communications and other initiatives in the Public Promotional Programme, the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade increases business opportunities and supports companies in their entrance into different markets, improves the image of the 'Made in Italy' brand and promotes industrial co-operation and foreign investments in Italy. 3) MULTILATERAL CO-OPERATION The Italian Institute for Foreign Trade assists Italian companies in activities of international co-operation in order to facilitate access to financing by international organisations Sportello Unico, Italian Business Desk and to encourage joint-venture opportunities and industrial and technological partnerships with foreign companies. ICE also promotes industrial


cooperation through workshops and bilateral ✔ Providing knowledge and information services such meetings, financial and operative advice and as: publication of trade news, market analyses, specific seminars for companies operating in the business opportunities and so on services sector. ✔ Providing support and consultation to already 4) TRAINING SERVICES Training in the export sector established businesses in solving every problem is fundamental to maintain the competitiveness of that can rise in their daily activities products in the world markets. ICE activities are based ✔ Organising business, technology and industry on the following pillars: research, innovation, meetings, seminars, and events with delegations communication and quality control of training processes, from both countries agreements and programmes with Italian Regions and The Chamber assists its members in finding and fully local authorities for the training of foreigners, students exploiting the bilateral trade and investment and firms. opportunities they seek providing them with Information

Information Services provided by the Chamber:

Bi-weekly publication of business opportunities based on the analysis and comparison of the numerous Ivnestinitaly is the Italian Investment Promotion requests received, or on the basis of contacting potential Network.With headquarters in Rome, InvestInItaly relies partners on a fully integrated network of 18 Sviluppo Italia regional companies, 10 ICE international information ✔ Delivering information about exhibitions and desks and a pool of selected partners for business presentations development. ✔ International tenders (rules, requirements) InvestInItaly Head Office information delivery Via Calabria, 46 - 00187 Rome ✔ Market country analyses E-mail: [email protected] ✔ Background checks on companies Contact point in Israel: Italian Trade Commission (ICE) Assistance, Reference and Mediation Services:

✔ Assistance to existing business in logistic and day to day problems ISRAEL-ITALY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ✔ Assistance to visiting delegations, organisation of bilateral delegations and product presentations The Israel Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry ✔ Organisation of exhibitions, seminars, workshops was founded in 1955 as a non-profit association. In 1993 it was officially recognised by the Italian and social events Government. The Chamber is part of a world-wide ✔ Individual Consulting network of 68 bi-national Italian chambers and enjoys ✔ Information about bi-national agreements full collaboration with the local Chambers of Commerce ✔ Technology transfers and licensing in Italy. ✔ Trade-mark and patent protection The Chamber helps its members in developing and ✔ holding mutually beneficial business relations and in Advice on founding new branches and companies creating new business opportunities by: ✔ Incorporating members into the databases of the Italian Chambers in Italy and abroad and providing them with exposure to potential clients and opportunity to publicize their offerings


The Italian Cultural The Italian Cultural Institute organises: ✔ courses of Italian language of various levels Institute and duration Tel Aviv – Trade Tower, 25 HaMered St., ✔ examinations for the Certification of Knowledge of tel. 03-5161361, fax 03-5161330 Italian as Foreign Language in collaboration with the Universities of Perugia and Siena Haifa – 12 Meir St, ✔ refresher courses for teachers of Italian language tel. 04-8536091, fax 04-8523934 ✔ exhibitions of Italian artists or concerning Italian cultural topics The Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv and the ✔ conferences and round tables on the various Cultural Section of the Institute in Haifa are active in aspects of Italian cultural life Israel since 1960. The Cultural Agreement between the ✔ meetings with Italian writers two Countries was signed later in Rome in 1971 and ✔ concerts of Italian music or of Italians performers renewed last time in 2004. The Institute has the task ✔ retrospectives of Italian movies of promoting Italian culture and life in the Israeli society, ✔ projections of films and documentaries with particular attention to the language aspects: the knowledge of the language, indeed, constitutes the The Italian Cultural Institute in Israel provides best and immediate approach to the cultural life of our documentation and information on: country. ✔ Acting as Cultural Office of the Embassy of Italy in scholarships and research fellowships ✔ Israel, the Institute carries out the programmes foreseen courses of Italian language and culture in Italy ✔ by the agreements on the cultural cooperation and for Italian cultural events in Israel ✔ youth exchanges. cultural and scientific events in Italy ✔ enrollment to Italian universities Since many years the Institute has participated in ✔ Italian institutions all the most prestigious Israeli national events: the ✔ exchanges of Italian and Israeli professors and Festival of Israel, the Films Festivals of Jerusalem and researchers Haifa, the opera season of the New Israeli Opera, and ✔ grants for courses of Italian language in Italy. many more. The Library of the Institute in Israel –Tel Aviv and The Italian Cultural Institute has computerised services Haifa - houses 15,600 volumes. The books cover a of documentation in order to meet the requests of wide range of subjects from classic and modern Italian information and to provide advice to researchers and both literature to history, from cinema to foreign novels, from Italian and foreign cultural operators. An annual payment art to music, from theatre to Italian design. The Institute of 100 NIS is requested to become member of the Institute. also has a video library with numerous operas, classic films, documentary movies on art and history. Learning Italian The Schools of the Italian Cultural Institute In the field of Italian language, the Institute offers courses in many locations throughout Israel: Acre, Ararra Ashkelon, Beersheba, Haifa, Herzliya, Nazareth, Netanya, Or Yehuda, Ramat Gan, and Tel Aviv - Jaffa. In Jerusalem the courses are held by the affiliated Dante Alighieri Society. The Italian language courses cover all levels, starting from beginners and slowly working up to advanced levels - where the teaching of the Italian language is Staff of the Italian Cultural Institute in Tel Aviv combined with the reading of Italian literature, the study Director: Simonetta Della Seta 44 A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL

of Italian art and the screening of Italian films. In Two more branches of the Dante Alighieri Society addition, special courses are directed at students who operate in Israel, in Haifa and in Nazareth. The Dante wish to pursue an academic future in Italian Universities Alighieri in Nazareth organises courses of Italian and Academies. language. Since 2001 the Institute has also promoted Italian language and culture through the organisation of the Italian Language Week in the World, consisting of Jerusalem – Dante Alighieri Society various events: concerts, conferences, discussions, HaHavatzelet St. 9 Tel 02-6221110 workshops and book presentations. Nazareth – Dante Alighieri Society Tel Aviv – 205, Dizengoff St. Alsalam St. 4002/45 Tel/fax 04-6564969 Tel. 03-523.45.44 Fax. 03-522.38.86 Haifa – Dante Alighieri Society E-Mail: [email protected] P.O.Box 7261 c/o Beit Hana Hushi Naamat Haifa – 12, Meir St. Tel 04-8252221 Tel. 04-853.60.91 Fax. 04-852.39.34 E-Mail: [email protected] AMITEI ITALIA ASSOCIATION Amitei Italia is an association that endeavours to The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also gather all Israelis who have studied or lived in Italy for supports the work of three Italian lecturers who teach professional reasons. Italian language at three Israeli universities: Tel Aviv The association's main goal is to contribute to the University, Haifa University, Ben Gurion University exchange of information in the fields of scientific and (Beersheva). technological research between the two countries, to organise cultural and educational meetings and The Dante Alighieri Society conventions, and to involve all of its members in the activities promoted by Italian institutions in Israel. The Dante Alighieri Society for the promotion of To register, please fill in the application form on the Italian language and culture was founded in Jerusalem website of the Embassy of Italy: in 1951 by Italian immigrants, who believed that their culture had something important to contribute to Israeli or the Italian society. Cultural Institute: The organization runs Italian courses for beginners For further information: aimed at developing verbal skills. For the more [email protected] advanced, it offers courses in Italian syntax, which help those who have a particular interest in both classical and contemporary Italian literature and poetry. In addition, it offers specialised courses for those who intend to undertake a period of study at Italian universities.

Coupled with these activities are cultural events, which take place either in Hebrew or in Italian. Moreover, it organises lectures on Italian culture, screening of films in Italian, concerts, and excursions. Every spring, the Dannte Alighieri holds a festival, which focuses on and celebrates different cities and regions in Italy. The Dante Alighieri owns a well-stocked public library, which contains over 5,000 books in Italian.



HOLY FAMILY FATEBENEFRATELLI ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 9123 31091 HAIFA HOSPITAL-NAZARETH TEL. : 04-8514294 FAX: 04-8520704 E-mail: [email protected] ADDRESS: P.O.BOX 8 16100 NAZARETH The Italian Hospital in Haifa belongs to the Italian TEL. 04-6508900 FAX: 04-6576101 National Association ANSMI, a catholic and philanthropic E-mail: [email protected] association founded at the end of 19th Century by prof. The Hospital was founded in 1882 by Ernesto Schiaparelli. The goal was to support the work Fatebenefratelli of the order of the Austrian of missioners in the Holy Land and through out the Province. Italian presence appeared only in 1959. world. The Italian Hospital in Haifa was founded in The hospital is composed by two buildings, the first 1905. Until 1927 the Hospital was located in a building was built in the 1884 and the second in 1980. The belonging to the town council of Haifa, the doctors Region of Tuscany stipulated an agreement with the were Italian. Later it became a general hospital which hospital for medical care of children in Italy, training cares for all the northern population of the countries. professional stages and the exchange of experiences. In the 1950s the Hospital buoght radiation Thanks also to the financial support of the Region of Veneto, the hospital could establish an Emergency Unit equipment for the care of cancer and it founded an and an Intensive Unit. oncology unit. Today this unit is under the supervision FOUNDATION YEAR: 1882 of Rambam Universitary Hospital. The Region of Tuscany BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS: the structure is an stipulated an agreement with the hospital for the medical “L” shape and composed by 4 floors and 2 basement care of children in Italy, training professional stages levels and the exchange experiences. SPECIALISATIONS: Surgery, Urology, Ortophaedics, FOUNDATION YEAR: 1905 Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Neonatology, BUILDING CHARACTERISTICS: 3 floors, basement Diabetology, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Traumatology, level and 2 side buildings compose the complex and Geriatrics SPECIALISATIONS: Oncology- Surgery NUMBERS OF EMPLOYEES: 260 NUMBERS OF EMPLOYEES: 85 NUMBER OF BEDS: 109 NUMBER OF BEDS: 95 ACTIVITIES RESEARCH: Projects of clinical research COLLABORATION WITH ITALIAN OR FOREIGN in Hepatitis B and C CENTRES: Israel- Rambam Hospital of Haifa, Faculty COLLABORATION WITH ITALIAN OR FOREIGN of Medicine of La Sapienza University of Rome, Pediatric CENTRES: Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Rome, Faculty at Hospital Bambin Gesu’ in Rome, European Institute of Medicine of the at Tor Vergata University in Rome, European Oncology in Milan, Region of Tuscany, Meyer Hospital Institute of Oncology in Milan, Regions of Tuscany and Veneto, Hadassa Medical Centre in Jerusalem. in Pisa. ITALIAN MEDICAL PRESENCE: 8 Italian citizens ITALIAN MEDICAL PRESENCE: 8 sisters

Nazareth – Italian Hospital Haifa – Italian Hospital 46 A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL

In the past few years, thanks to extensive media Other Institutions coverage and hard work, the number of visitors has grown steadily. The museum’s opening hours were The U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish Art increased accordingly. The museum’s education division offers Housed in the heart of Jerusalem, the U. Nahon programmes, guides, and creative activities geared for Museum of Italian Jewish Art is one of Israel’s most all our visitors: elementary school children, high school precious possessions. students, young adults, immigrants, tourists, Arabs Founded in 1981, it was set up to collect, preserve and special tours for the blind. Museum brochures are and display objects pertaining to Jewish life in Italy available in the following languages: Arabic, English, from the Middle Ages through to the present. In addition French, Hebrew, Italian and Russian. to the permanent collection, a number of temporary The Museum of Italian Jewish Art operates the exhibits are held throughout the year covering a wide Centre for the Restoration of Wood and Textiles. The range of topics related to Italian Jewry, as well as centre specialises in the detailed restoration of objects conferences, concerts, festivals and guided tours. dating from the Italian Renaissance and Baroque The collection of arks and religious objects from periods. The specialists, trained in Italy and around the the Renaissance and Baroque periods was brought world, apply the same techniques practiced in from Italy to Israel in the 1960s by Dr. Umberto Nahon, workshops during the Renaissance period. The Institute through a joint initiative in collaboration with the Jewish for the Study of Italian Jewry initiates activities related communities of Italy in Israel. These rare items were to the study of Italian Jewish culture, including Italian found in desecrated synagogues that belonged to concerts, study days, and lectures covering many communities which had completely lost their members. issues. The Institute also houses a research library on They were kept in spaces adjacent to the synagogue Italian Jewry. until 1982, when the Museum was officially recognised Address: The U. Nahon Museum of Italian Jewish by the Ministry of Culture, Science and Sport and was Art is located in the centre of Jerusalem: opened to the public. 27 Hillel Street, Jerusalem 94581, Israel. Tel.: 02-6241-610 Fax: 02-6253-480 E-mail: [email protected] Museum and Synagogue opening hours: Sun, Tue, Wed: 9am-5pm Mon: 9am-2pm Thurs, Fri: 9am-1pm Closed on Shabbat and Jewish Holidays.

IRGUN OLEI ITALIA Association of Immigrants from Italy Jerusalem – Italian Synagogue and Museum of Italian Jewish Art The Association of Italian Immigrants is a volunteer organisation which deals with the absorption of Italian Jews in Israel, and cares for the many Italian Holocaust The Museum’s main attraction is the 18th century survivors. synagogue of Conegliano Veneto, located 60 kilometers from Venice. The synagogue, now located in downtown It has volunteer representatives around the country, Jerusalem, is considered to be the spiritual centre for in cities, kibbutzim and moshavim. Jews of Italian origin. Prayers are conducted according The Association maintains constant contact with to the Roman or Italian rite, one of the most ancient in the Jewish Agency offices in Italy and in Israel, and the Jewish world. with the Jewish Community in Italy. An Italian language 47 A SHORT GUIDE TO ITALIAN SERVICES IN ISRAEL library at Beth Italia in Jaffa, is open to the public. The Italian ladies meet for conferences, video Association maintains also close ties with the Italian screenings, bazaars, or any other simple gathering. Israel Chamber of Commerce and with the Italian Beth Wizo Italia is sponsored and directed by Embassy in Tel Aviv. It helps young students , a public forum composed by The Tel Aviv- Jaffa accompanies people who make alyah in their first steps, helps to find employment and a new home in Israel. City Council, the Wizo and Yedidei Beith Italia, an association of Italian ladies who have been taking The Association was founded as far as 1938, one of the founders was Enzo Sereni, but due to the limited part voluntarily in the direction of the institution number of immigrants, and different backgrounds, the since the beginning. Association had ups and downs during all these years. BEITH WIZO ITALIA Rh. Nahal Soreq 1 A group of volunteers decided to revive the activity Jaffa – Tel: 03-6827196 with a few social activities. An annual Indipendence Day picnic, a Sukkot gathering, folklore evenings in Hanuka' and Purim, a traditional Seder which brings together a large number of the community members. In addition, the tragic events of October 16, 1943 in The Embassy of Italy acknowledges Rome are commemorated at an annual ceremony at Yad Vashem. On Yom Hashoah, public readings of all the contribution of the following the names of the Italian victims of Shoah are held in companies, which supported its Jerusalem and Ramat Gan Italian synagogue. promotional activities IRGUN OLEI ITALIA P.O.B 56 – Herzlya 46100 Tel: 09 7717958 – Fax 09 7748907 e-mail: [email protected]

BEITH WIZO ITALIA Beith Wizo Italia , today a social centre, was created in 1958 as an after school programme, by the will and cooperation of a group of Italian ladies. The people living in the neighborhood take part in the different activities. A group of golden age ladies meet daily in their specific room, and a specialised teacher organises lectures, gym classes, special computer courses, English lessons, and various activities. From time to time they go to theatre or to field trips. The centre also organises a programme for children with gym lessons, ceramic courses, modern dance, basket ball, soccer (there are two soccer fields), jazz ballet lessons, piano, drama. In the evening groups of young couples meet, always with an instructor, listen to lectures, sometimes they have little dinner parties, dance, sing, and have fun all together. There is an open Italian library on the premises, where from time to time a group of