Cl)e Palestine #a?ette׳

NO. 1433 THURSDAY, 23RD AUGUST, 1945 967 CONTENTS Page DRAFT RULES PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION Jewish Community (Amendment) Rîrles, 1945, under the Religious Communities ־ ־ -. - Organisation). Ordinance -969) GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ ־ - Drawing by Lot of Tickets of the Bearer Bonds (Third Issue) 971 ־ ׳ War Supply Board — Member appointed - - -972 ־ ־ - 'Appointments, etc. - - - - 972 Prohibition from Transmission by Post of Embarrassing Postal Packets - - 972 Use of Abbreviated Registered Telegraphic Addresses in Telegrams addressed to Egypt 972 Palestine Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books lost - - - 973 ־ . . - Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - 973 ־ ־ • - • : - Citation Orders - 973 RETURNS

־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summarys - • - - 974 Summary of Receipts and Payments for the Year ended 31st March, 1945, of the Local . ־ ־ - ־ - Council of Jericho - .''''975 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 31st March, 1945, of the Local Council of Jericho 976 ־ ־ NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, A BANKRUPTCY, COMPANY, ETC. 977 ־ - - - ־ ־ CORRIGENDUM - 979 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Order No. 4G of 1945, under the Palestine Orders in Council, 1922-1939, converting certain Land from the Category termed "Metrouke" into the Category termed "Mîri" - 901 Rishon-le-Zion (Demolition of Dangerous Buildings) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941 - - ... 902 Notices under thé Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Detailed Schemes * within the Tel Aviv Town Planning Area and the Lydda District Regional ־ - — - - Planning Area - 604 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Parcella­ tion Schemes within the Tel Aviv, Jaffa and Hertseliya Town Planning Areas - 905 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1036, regarding the Deposit of Modifica­ tions of a Detailed Scheme and a Parcellation Scheme, within the Tel Aviv and Hertseliya Town Planning Areas, respectively - - - - 806 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Detailed Schemes within the Benei Beraq Town Planning Area and the Lydda District ־ • - ־ - Regional Planning Area 906 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Parcellation Schemes within the PetahTiqva, Benei Beraq and Hertseliya Town Plan­ ־ ־ - ־ ־ ־ ning Areas - 907 Notice under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of a Detailed Scheme within the Haifa Town Planning Area - - ; - . 909 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the• Deposit of Parcella­ tion Schemes within the Hadéra Town Planning Area and the Haifa District Regional Planning Area - - - - -.. - 910 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force .Detailed Schemes within the Haifa Town Planning Area - - 912 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, granting Authority to put into Force Parcellation Schemes within the Haifa District Regional Planning Area «• - 913



CONTENTS. "Page {Continued) '

Notices of Requisition of Lands by Competent Authorities, under the Defence Regula­ tions, 1939 ------914 ־ Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting Permits to publish Newspapers 917 -Open General Licence, under the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939, authorising the . Importation into Palestine of certain Goods - - 917 Notices under the Import, Export and Customs Powers• (Defence) Ordinance,. 1939, regarding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods ׳ imported contrary to the Licensing of Import's Order, 1939, and of Goods intended to be exported contrary to the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940 - ' - 918 Notification of Commencement of Settlement in respect of Lands of Jenin, under the. ׳ ׳- Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - 919 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in Tuba (Arab el Heib) and Mansurat el Kheit Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 919 Food Control (Restriction of Movement) (Amendment) Order, 1945, under the Food~ Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 920 Food Control (Mills) (Percentage of Flour. Extraction) (Amendment) Order, 1945, ־ under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - 920 Food Control (Wheaten Flour) (Revocation) Order, 1945, under the Food Control Ordin­ •־ - ance, 1942 - •• - - 921 Food Control (Commodity Linking) (Amendment No. 2) Rules, 1945, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - - - - - 921 -Food Control (Rationing) (Amendment) Rules, 1945, under the Food Control Ordinance, ' 921 ־-־'־. - - ־ - 1942 Order under the Defence Regulations, 1939, revoking certain Orders with regard to the ־ ־" • Sale of Respirators - - %- - 922 Defence (Control of Prices of Standing Timber) (Revocation) Order, 1945, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - - - - - 922 •Defence (Control of Chemicals) (Amendment No. 5) Order, 1945, under the Defence ־ - - ־ - Regulations, 1939 Defence (Control of High Speed Steel) (Revocation) Order, 1945, under the Defence x - 923 ־ % - - - Regulations, 1939 ׳ ,Defence (Control of Chemicals) (Maximum Prices of Sodium Sulphide) Notice, 1-945 ״ ' - under the Defence (Control of Chemicals) Order, 1943 .- 924 Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) (Maximum Prices - of Mild Steel Bars and Mild Steel Sheets) Notice, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) Order,, 1944 - - 924 Defence (Letting of Private Vehicles on Hire) (Amendment) Regulations, 1945, under ־ - the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 - 925 Notice under the Rent Restrictions (Dwelling-Houses) Ordinance, 1940, nominating certain Persons to be eligible to act as Chairman or Member of a Rents Tribunal in , ־ - ׳ - - - District 926 Notice under the Emergency Regulations, 1936, prohibiting the Publication of a Book 926 \ 11 a-nef ra¿* TTTTÎ! P.A1\'R1$ÍTT"N'K Cí\7MrT,T'F. Wn láSS ftôci

23rd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1433. 971



(THIRD ISSUE). First Drawing. On the 22nd August, 1945, at the Rex Cinema, Jerusalem, the following numbers were drawn by . • ' ׳••••; —:l0t (a) the ticket first drawn 220812

(b) the ticket next drawn 253374

(c) the ticket next drawn 348541

(d) the four tickets next drawn 234532 251624 271741 400028

(e) the eighty tickets next drawn 200408 259557 308627 370800 417174 471532 200944 265803 319466 376607 417698 472429 201226 269426 327299 381284 425262 473937 203709 270155 328240 382665 428655 474174 201485 272999 328445 389233 436301 477457 204861 273303 334208 390744 437395 483411 213764 . 276432 339118 391644 441126 483620 223230 278628 341732 393181 445110 489103 223314 279684 344371 398180 416362 489417 227337 280814 316437 400055 446579 480091 230938 294521 350360 405293 447011 243549 301409 357037 407204 450552 217489 304719 357835 413154 451977 219861 308625 359434 416389 470264

Government of Palestine Bearer Bonds, Third Issue, 1945, which bear corresponding numbers will be redeemed at the undermentioned prices if surrendered to the Accountant-General for cancellation after 6th September, 1945. Pounds (a) the bond corresponding to the ticket first drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of ...... 5,000

(&) the bond corresponding to the ticket next drawn shall be redeemed for

the sum of ...... ; ...... 1,000 (c) the bond corresponding to the ticket next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of ...... 500 (d) the four bonds corresponding respectively to the four tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of ...... 250 each (c) the eighty bonds corresponding respectively to the eighty tickets next drawn shall be redeemed for the sum of ...... 100 each

G. D. PATON 22nd August, 1945. 'Acting Director of Bond Issues. 972 23rd August, 1945

NOTICE. The Officer Administering the Government has appointed MAJOR H. 0. BIGGS, Controller of Light Industries, to be a member of the War Supply Board with effect from the 25th June, 1945, in succession to MR. J. L. FLETCHER, T.D. (C/189/44) .

APPOINTMENTS, ETC. The acting appointment of MR. I. LI. PHIL­ APPOINTMENTS. LIPS, Acting Deputy District Commissioner, District Administration, Lydda District, as The Officer Administering the Government District Commissioner, Lydda District, publish­ has appointed: — ed in Palestine Gazette No. 1430 of the 9th August, 1945, ceased With effect from the 20th MR. W. R. MCGEAGH, District Commissioner, August, 1945. Gaza District, to be District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, with effect from the 8th The acting appointment of MR. J. GAVISON, August, 1945. ; Deputy Administrator General, as Adminis­ MR. N. I. MINDEL, Assistant Commissioner, trator General, published in Palestine Gazette Department of Migration, to be Deputy Com­ No. 1430 of the 9th August, 1945, 'ceased with missioner, with the effect from the 1st June, effect from the 18th August, 1945. ,The acting appointment of MR. J. BELIAVSKY ׳••׳•• .1945 MR. N. O. LASH. O.B.E., Deputy Superin­ Accountant, Palestine Railways, as Senior Ac­ tendent of Police, Police Force, to be Superin­ countant, published in Palestine Gazette No. tendent of Police, with effect from the 15th 1426 of the 26th July, 1945, ceased with effect August, 1943, and to remain seconded to the from the 6th August, 1945. Arab Legion, Trans-Jordan. The acting appointment of SHAFIQ EFF. ,k, District Administration׳MR. L. D. COOKE, to be Divisional Controller, MUSALLAM, Cle Office of the Food Controller, with effect from Jerusalem District, as District Officer, Ramal- the 16th July, 1945. lah, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1426 of the 26th July, 1945, ceased with effect from the 12th August, 1945. MR. R. C. H. GKEIG, Deputy District Com­ missioner, District Administration. Lydda Dis­ trict, to act as District Commissioner, Lydda TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT. District, with effect from the 20th August, 1945, The appointment of MR. P. H. WT-NTTFR, until further order. Senior Architect, Department of Public Works, terminated with effect from the 28th April, THE EARL OF OXFORD AND ASQUITH, Assistant 1945. District Commissioner, District Administra­ tion, Gaza District, to act as Distrfct Commis­ sioner, Gaza District, with effect from the 8th NOTICES. . • August, 1945, until further order. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. ABDULLAH EFF. KARDUS, O.B.E., District \.'. I Officer, District Administration, Galilee Dis­ EMBARRASSING POSTAL PACKETS. trict, to act as Assistant District Commissioner on Special Duty, with effect from the 1st It is observed that members cf the public August, 1945, until further order. continue to post postal articles of s'zes less than the minimum prescribed by the regulations of MR. T. SERAPHIM, Clerk, District Adminis­ the Post Office. tration, Galilee District, to act as District Officer, Beisan, with effect from the 1st August, 2. The attention of senders of postal, articles is, therefore, again invited to the Post Office 1945, until further order. y Rules which require that postal articles must MR. D. C. BARAMKI, Inspector, Department be made up in such a form as not to be likely of Antiquities, to act as Departmental Assis­ to embarrass the officers of the Post. Office in tant, in addition to his substantive duties, with dealing with the article during its transmission effect from the 20th August, 1945, until further through the post. order. 3. Postal packets which consist of open or MR. J. TAUBER, Postal Clerk, Telegraphist closed envelopes, cards, or folded slips of a and Telephonist, Grade 1, Department of Posts size less than 10 cms. x 7 cms., are regarded as and Telegraphs, to act as Postmaster, with embarrassing postal packets and are prohibited effect from the 10th August, 1945, until further from transmission by post. order. 4. Articles posted in contravention of this MR. A. KHAYAT,, Clerk; District Administra­ notice will, if prepaid at the rate of postage tion, Lydda District, to act as District Officer for printed papers, be treated as undeliverablc (Finance), with effect^from the 1st August, 1945, and dealt with accordingly. If prepaid at the until further order. letter rate of postage they will be returned to senders. ^ TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. 7th August, 1945.

The acting appointment of MR. R. C. H. II. GREIG, •Deputy District Commissioner, District USE OF ABBREVIATED REGISTERED TELEGRAPHIC Administration, Lydda District, as District Commissioner, Lydda District, published in ADDRESSES IN TELEGRAMS ADDRESSED TO EGYPT.. Palestine Gazette No. 1424 of the 12th July, The use of registered abbreviated telegraphic 1945, ceased with effect from the 4th August, addresses is now permitted both in the address 1945. and signature of telegrams to Egypt. 23rd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1433. 973

: 2. The full name and address of the sender CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. must be written on the reverse of the telegram I. form. • IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. •14th August,• 1945. Probate File No. 297/45. III. PALESTINE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT In the matter of the succession to Mr. Sa­ BOOKS LOST. muel Nitke of Tel Aviv, deceased.

Office Number Name of Depositor Petitioner: Mrs. Lisa Socher Nitke, repre­ sented by Mr. Jacob Hagler, advocate, of 37, Allenby !load B.O., 607 Miss Tova Horpateki Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv. Ter Aviv Ramallah 102 Mr. George Ziadeh Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Lisa Socher Nitke of Tel Aviv has applied to the As the books are valueless to any person other District Court of Tel Aviv for an order de-* than their owners, the finders are hereby re­ daring the succession to her father Mr. Samuel quested to return them to the Postmaster Ge­ Nitke, deceased, and that the said application neral (Savings Bank), General Post Office, Je­ will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv rusalem. on the 5th day of September, 1945, at 8.30 a.m. All persons claiming any interest must ap­ PALESTINE CURRENCY BOARD. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Payment of the value of the following mutilated currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Court Order will be made as to the Court seems ־ .Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect right of these notes should communicate with .the Currency Dated this 18th day of August, 1945. Officer, Jerusalem. .: Z. HARAKABI Number Value Name of Claimant (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. of Note II. E.895852/ 500 Mils Mr. Abraham Sheinin, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. F.010Q78 , Jerusalem. Pr. File No. 317/45. F.066999/ 500 Mils The Workers' Bank Ltd., In the matter of Abraham Yitzhak Leon of P.O.B. 27,• Tel Aviv. E.622744 • Tel Aviv, deceased. . ' E.793685/, 500 Mils C.985826 Petitioner: Malka Dorf of Tel Aviv. E.640749/ 500 Mils F.035947 Barclays Bank (D.C. & O.), Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Malka F.550273/ 500 Mils Jerusalem. Dorf has applied to the District Court of Tel F.577445 Aviv for an order declaring the succession to F.017759/ 500 Mils Mr. Abraham Yitzhak Leon, deceased, and that D.444828 the said application will be heard at the Dis­ E.234651 500 Mils Adel Eff. Mousa Hawash, c/o Aumaia Restaurant, trict Court of Tel Aviv on the 5th day of Sep­ , Jerusalem. tember, 1945, at 9 a.m. A.769174 500 Mils Mr. Josef Meshulach, 44, All persons claiming any interest must ap­ Shenkin Street, Tel Aviv. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Mr. Isaac Pesach, P.O.B. F.433086 500 Mils order will be made as to the Court seems right. 296, Tel Aviv. E.671661 500 Mils Rev. John . A. Paterson, Dated this 18th day of August, 1945. 45, Kingsway, Haifa. E.527168 500 Mils Said Eff. Yonsef Shawkan, Z. HARAKABI P.O.B. 735, Haifa. (Gaz/18/40) Registfar, District Court, Tel Aviv. E.258949 500 Mils Ribhi Eff. Wafa, P.O.B. 13, Jaffa. ¿1.103437. LP.l III. Q.703386 LP.l Ahmad Eff. Yamani, c/o Tewfik Abu Laban, Jaffa. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Q 286637 LP.l Said Eff. Abul Afieh, Jaffa. Prob. File No. 321/45. C.365848 LP.l Officer i/c Officers Mess, R.A.F. Station, Petah In the matter of Ita Malka Sztrauch of Tel Tiqva. Aviv, deceased. N.323172 LP.l Mr. Sasson Cohen, 58, Petitioner: Stefan (Shmuel Yacov) Sztrauch. Ibn Pakudah Street, Shapira Quarter, Te! Let all persons take notice that Stefan ,(Shmu­ Aviv. el Yacov) Sztrauch has applied to the District Rajab Eff. Ali Usta, Acre.. S.023346 LP.l Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the M.243748 LP.l Mohamad Eff. Shaaban Ahmad Ali, Porter, succession to Ita Malka Sztrauch, deceased, and G.P.O., Jerusalem. that the said application will be heard at the K.926900 LP.l Taher _ Eff. Mohd. El District Court of Tel Aviv on the 5th day of Badri, Gaza Bus Co. September, 1945, at 9 a.m. Ltd., Gaza. All persons claiming any interest must appear A. 757675 LP.5 LP.5 at the said place and time, otherwise such order 1X411912 Mr. Theodore Gouaneh, C. 793694 LP.5 will be made as to the Court seems right. Souk El Dair, Jaffa. D. 401057 LP.5 Dated this 17th day of August* 1945. B. 501196 LP.5 Z. HARAKABI 23rd July. 1945. A. L. PETERS (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. 974 .THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1433. 23rd August, 1945

CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION. thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. I. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Dated this 17th day of August, 1945. • Probate No. 314/45. . S. AZOURI In the'matter of Pinchas Szwarc of Tel Aviv, Acting Registrar, deceased. (Gaz/39/40) District Court, Jerusalem: Petitioner: Menia Rechla Szwarc. II. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. In virtue of an order cf the District Court Pr. 315/45. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby In the matter of liana Osnat Lipshitz, minor. cite all and all manner of persons to appsar in the said Court in ten days from the date of Petitioner: Wilhelm Lipshitz, represented by publication hereof, and'show cause, if any they E. Livay, G. Minkowitch and B. Rapoport, ad• have, .why an order of administration of all vocates of Tel Aviv. and singular movable property, rights, credits In virtue of an order of the District Court and miri immovable property of Pinchas of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here• Szwarc should not be granted unto Zvi Schle- by cite all and all manner of persons to ap• singer, as, in default thereof, the Court will pear in thisCourt within ten days from the date proceed to grant the same accordingly. of publication hereof, and show cause, if any Dated this 18th day of August, 1945. they have, why Wilhelm Lipshitz, the father of the above minor, should not be appointed as her Z. HARAKABI guardian, as, in default thereof, the Court will (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. proceed to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 18th day of August, 1945. II. ' Z. HARAKABI IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. •:. . Probate.No. 316/45• In the matter of Yehezkel Yaakobovitz of QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES Tel Avivy deceased. SUMMARY. In virtue of an •order of the District Court Summary for week ending 18th August, 1945. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 1. Quarantine Restrictions. cite all and all manner of persons to appear in The following restrictions are at present in force :- the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and credits of the late Yehezkel Yaakobovitz should Plague Arrivals from Suez by air, not be granted unto Mr. Ariel! Frenkel, as, in land and sea routes 17.2.45 default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant Plague Arrivals from Port Said by the same *1accordingly. air, sea and land routes 18.2.45 Plague Arrivals from Isruailia by Dated this 18th day of August, 1945. air, sea and land routes 4.5.45 Plague Arrivals from Malta by air Z. HARAKABI and sea routes 9.7.45 (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Plague Arrivals from Algiers by land, sea and air routes 9.8.45 Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. air. routes x 9.9.36 I. .... Cholera Arrivals from Cawnpore by air routes 16.7.45 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM.' Cholera Arrivals from Delhi by- Guardianship (Appl.) No. 150/45. air routes 30.7.45 Smallpox In the matter of the appointment of a guard• Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes ian over the four minors: Rafael Emanueloff, 19.2.38 Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay by Emanuel Emanueloff, Haim Emanueloff and air routes 9.9.40 Rahel Emanueloff, children of Mr. Nathaniel Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by land Emanueloff, late of the city of Jerusalem, and air routes 1.7.42 deceased. Smallpox Arrivals from Delhi by Petitioner: Mrs: Jaffa Emanueloff, wHow, air routes 19.5.45 Smallpox Arrivals from Cawnpore of Jerusalem, Old Bet Israel Quarter, Beer by air routes 19:5.45 Sheva Street, represented by Dr. Josef Frank Smallpox Arrivals from Allahabbad and Dr. Alfred ,Wiener, advocates, 1, Ben Ye• by air routes 19.5.45 huda Street, Jerusalem. Typhus Arrivals from Turkey by air sea and land routes 27.7.45 In virtue of an order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here• 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine, by cite all and all manner of persons to appear reported in accordance with the International Sanitary in the said Court in ten days from the date of Convention, Article 1. publication hereof, and show cause, if any thev have, why an order appointing Mrs. Jaffa Date Place Plague Emanueloff guardian over Rafael Emanueloff, notified Emanuel Emanueloff, Haim Emanueloff and Rahel Emanueloff should not be granted unto Tel Aviv 1 ' 16.8.45 Mrs. Jaffa Emanueloff of Old Bet-Israel Quart• er, Beer Sheva Street, Jerusalem, as, in default LOCAL COUNCIL OF JERICHO.


Approved Actual Over the Approved Actual • Under'the RECEIPTS PAYMENTS Estimates Receipts Estimates Estimates Payments Estimates

P. £P.Mils £P.-Mils £P. £P.Mils • £P.Mils£ ׳ *

1. Rates, Licences and Taxes 701 1,161.996 460.996 1. General Administration 183 162.085 20.915

2. Fees of Office, Receipts for Specific 2. Health Services 151 139.055 11.945 Services • ; 580 937.061 357.061 3. Safety Services 88 33.360 54.640 3. Revenue from Council's Property 57 62.000 5.000 4. Public Works Recurrent 125 81.470 43.530 4. Interest 18.010 18.010 5. Water Supply 211 18.180 192.820

6. Miscellaneous 103 87.575 15.425

7. Public Works Extraordinary 450 39.230 410.770

.1,838 2,179.067 841.067 1,311 560.955 750.045

Advances 0.250

Deposits , — . 0.350 Advances 0.250 Balance on 1st April, 1944:— £P.Mils Balance at 31st March, 1945: — £ P.Mils Gash in hand 57.917 Cash in hand 308.469 At Arab Bank, Jerusalem 1,807.558 1,865.475 At Arab Bank, Jerusalem 3,175.468 3,483.937

Total 4,045.142 Total 4,045.142

H-. M. SARADIEH SABRI KHALAF Accountant. President, Local Council of Jericho.

Under my direction an •examination has been made of the above accounts with the books and vouchers relating• thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Report dated the 6th July, 1945. ' R. F. PINDER 6tb July, 1945. Municipal Auditor. LOCAL COUNCIL OF JERICHO.



£P.Mils £P.Mils Cash: — Deposits —.350 In hand 308.469 Surplus Fund 3,483.587 At Arab Bank, Jerusalem 3,175.468 3,483.937

Total 3,483.937 Total 3,483.937

H. M. SABAD1EH SABEI KIIALAF Accountant. President, Local Council of Jericho, Under my direction an examination has been made of the above account's with the books and vouchers relating thereto. I hereby certify it to be correctly stated in accordance therewith, subject to the remarks contained in my covering Beport dated the 6th July, 1915. E. F. FINDER 6th July, 1945. Municipal Auditor.





£P.Mils £P.Mils Arrears brought forward to 1st April, 1944 182.930 Adjustments 9.065 Assessments 1944/45 1,169.310 1,361.305 Collections 1944/45 841.815 841.815 Arrears at 31st March, 1945 519.490

H. M. SARADIEH , SABRI KHALAF Accountant. President, Local Council of Jericho. In so far as it is possible to ascertain from the subsidiary records, the Local Council has: no commitments or outstanding debts. ־ :•>.'•' R. F. PIN DEE •'.'־••''' ;,' v ' Municipal Auditor. r . ׳ .6th July, 1945 23rd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1433. 977

COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Number of Matter : 14/39. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE Trustee's Name:.•' Mr. Shalom Proshansky. SOCIETIES. Address: 62, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. Description : Certified Accountant. The 'particulars given below correspond with Date of Release : 14th August, 1945. the following headings: — J. G A VISON• 1. Name of Society. Acting Administrator General. 2. Registered, Office. (Gaz/33/40) Official Receiver. 3. Date of Registration. 4. Class of Society. COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 1. "Shelev" Haco-operativ Hame-uhad le H0- NOTICE OF INTENDED DIVIDEND. vala Limited. , 2. Tel Aviv. Name of Company : Niaro Co. Ltd. in liquid­ 3. 1st August, 1945. ation. 4. Copartnership of labour (Transport society). Address of Registered Office: 62, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. District Court of: Tel Aviv. 1. "Hahaklai" Ra'anana Aguda Shitufit Lim• Number of Matter: 273/43. ited. ; / ,Last Day of Receiving Proofs: 14th Sep­ 2. Ra'anana: tember, 1945. 3. 3rd August, 1945. Name of Liquidators : S. ,Proshansky and E. 4. * General agricultural society. Haas. Address: 62, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. 1. Co-operativ Le-Avodot'Etz "'Atzei Oren" bi Yerushalayim Limited. • N. ZOUTA 2. Jerusalem. (Gaz/33/40) Liquidator. 3. 6th August, 1945. v4. Copartnership of labour. NOTICES. The following notices are published at the risk of the 1. "Elektron" Co-operativ le-Handasa, Hash- advertisers and their publication does not imply any mal ve-Radio be Tel Aviv Limited. ' certificate as to correctness or authority. ״ .Tel Aviv. I .2 3. 6th August, 1945. 4. Copartnership of labour. HOTZAAT ITON HAARETZ, LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of 1. Co-operativ Ovdei Hamaspena be-Haifa the Directors of the abovenamed company of Limited. the 2nd April, 1943, it was resolved that the 2. Haifa. joint signature of any two of the following 3. 6th August, 1945. persons shall be binding on the company in all 4. Copartnership of labour. . respects: Dr. Siegfried Moses 1. Co-operativ le Ta'asiyat Na'alayim "Sha'al" Mr. Mowscha Goldmann be Tel Aviv Limited. Dr. Felix Schnebalg •c 2. Tel Aviv Mr. Zalman Shevelov 3. 6th August, 1945. Mrs. Rachel Glickson 4. Copartnership of labour. III.

1. "Shaked" Aguda Shitufit Leshikun ,Atzmi HAARETZ PRESS LIMITED. be Tel Aviv Limited. ; Notice is hereby given that at a > meeting of 2. Tel Aviv. the Directors of the abovenamed company of 3. 7th August, 1945. the 2nd April, 1943, it was resolved that the 4. Housing society. joint signature of,any two of the following persons shall be binding on the company in all ! 1. "Tréi-'Asar" Aguda Shitufit Le-Shikun Lim• respects: ited. . Dr. Siegfried Moses 2. Tel Aviv. Mr. Mowscha Goldmann Dr. Felix Schnebalg ','•'...־ .7th August, 1945 .3 4. Housing society. Mr. Zalman Shevelov Mrs. Rachel Glickson 1. Kupat Tagmulim shel Ovdei Hamigdaniyot III. bi Yerushalayim Aguda Shitufit Limited. 2. Jerusalem. THE FIRST JERUSALEM DIAMOND CUTTING ',). 9th August, 1945. FACTORY, LTD. 4. Saving and provident fund society. At an extraordinary general meeting of tha abovementioned company, duly convened and 14th August, 1945. held at its registered office on the 23rd day of May, 1945, the following resolution was duly BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. passed as a special resolution, viz: NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEE. That the company be wound up volunta­ Debtor's Name : Moshe Klein. rily and that Dr. Wolfgang Fokschaner of Address: 2, S'heinkin Street, Tel Aviv. Jerusalem and Mr. Mendel Morgenstein of Description : Hatter. j Tel Aviv be appointed joint liquidators for Court : District Court of Tel Aviv. the purposes of such winding up. 978 23rd August, 1945

IV. of the abovenamed deceased are required with­ KlRYATH BlALIK COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. in one month of the publication hereof in the j Gazette to give notice in writing to Dr. M. Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of | Smoira, Building, Jaffa the Committee of Management of the above I Road, Jerusalem, the administrator appointed society held on the 9th of August, 1945, the fol­ | by order of the District Court, Jerusalem, dated lowing members were elected to the Executive I the 17th day of July, 1945, in Administration Committee: | (Appl.) No.. 127/45, of their names, addresses Herbert Karliner and descriptions, and particulars of their Fritz Hirschmann claims, and that the administrator will distrib­ Jehu da Rosenthal, ; I ute any of the assets of the estate in Palestine and that at the meeting of the Executive Com­ which may come into his hands, without regard mittee of the above society, held on the 9th of to the claims of any person which are not August, 1945, it was resolved that the secretary received before the expiration of the said of the society, Mr. Shlomo Anbi, shall be au­ month. thorised to sign on behalf of the society together DR. M. SMOIRA, Advocate, with any , of the aforementioned members of Administrator of the Estate. the Executive Committee. VIII. The joint signature of any two of the four UNAC UNITED APPARATUS COMPANY. persons mentioned in this notice shall bind the society. | Notice is hereby given that the sole signature Previous notices published in the Palestine of Mr. Ladislav Freund is required and suf­ Gazette are hei'eby cancelled. ficient in order to bind the abovenamed firm in all its affairs. V. IX. THE HAIFA ASSOCIATION OF KASHER SAUSAGE SYNTAR LTD. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. FACTORIES IN PALESTINE LIMITED IN , VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. Notice is hereby given that meetings of the members and creditors of the company shall be Notice is hereby given that at the extra­ held at the office of the undersigned liquidator ordinary general meeting of the Haifa Associ­ at 22, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv, on 24th Septem­ ation of Kasher Sausage Factories in Palestine ber, 1945, at 12 hours and 12.15 hours, respec- Limited duly held on the 29th July, 1945, it | tively, in order to hear the report of the liqui­ was resolved: — dator, according to sections 206(2) and 207 of 1. To wind-up the company voluntaria j the Companies Ordinance. .. 1 2. To appoint Dr. Hans Karger, Palafric- I Dr. R. PRAGER, Advocate, Building, Haifa, liquidator of the com­ j Liquidator. pany for the purposes of such winding up. ׳ •x ־ . • All claims should be submitted to the liquid­ I ator within 21 days. j SANIFIX LIMITED. DE. HANS KARGER At the annual general meeting of the com­ 2nd August, 1945. Liquidator. pany, held on the 23rd July, 1945, at the com­ pany's office, it was resolved : — VI. 1. To re-appoint Mr. Sam Mazza as sole di­ NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. rector of the company. In the matter of the succession to Gottliebin 2. It was resolved that the sole signature of Anna. Wolfer, deceased. Mr. Sam Mazza on behalf of the company on all kinds of contracts, bills, cheques, and any Notice is hereby given that all persons in other documents shall be binding upon the Palestine having any claim against the estate company in all its business and operations. of the abovenamed deceased are required with­ in one month of the publication hereof in the It was further resolved that Mr. Adalbert Gazette to give notice in, writing to Dr. M. Aschkenasy be entitled to sign on behalf of the Smoira, Assicurazioni Generali Building, Jaffa company on all kinds of cheques and corres­ Road, Jerusalem, the administrator appointed pondence, and his sole signature thereon shall by order of the District Court, Jerusalem, be binding upon the company. dated the 16th July, 1945, in Administration (Appl.) No. 126/45, of their names, addresses XI. . , and descriptions, and particulars of their HAMEYATZER LIMITED. claims, and that the administrator will dis­ Notice is hereby given that at the annual tribute any of the assets of the estate in Pal­ general meeting of the company held on the estine which niay come into his hands, without 7th August, 1945, Mr. Mordechai Sapirstein regard to the claims of any person which are was elected sole director. not received before the expiration of the said month. XII. FIMEX (MIDDLE EAST) LTD. T ' . DR. M. SMOIRA, Advocate, • Administrator of the Estate. List of persons authorised to sign on behalf | of the company : ' .VII . • ׳'־. • | Managing Directors: NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. j Mr. R. Darr In the matter of the succession to Theodor | Mr. M. Reinhardt Wolfer, deceased. I Directors: Notice is hereby given that all persons in Dr. E. Nebenzahl Palestine having any claims against the estate l Mr. H. S'chinagel • •%׳

23rd August, 1945 •THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1433. 979

Managers: •'Applications accompanied by remittance (Cash, Postal Mr. G. Daniel or Money Orders only) should be made to the Govern­ Mr. A. Landau ment Printer, P.O.B. .293, Jerusalem.

Any document shall be binding upon the com­ ' ADVERTISEMENTS . pany if it is signed on behalf of the company by The following are the authorised publication rsttes for any one Managing Director or by any two notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette — other persons, each of whom is either a member £P.Mils of the Board of Directors or a person appointed , For every J of a column or part thereof . ! 938 by the Directors as Manager. Exceeding \ and not exceeding \ column 1.875 XIII. Exceeding \ and not exceeding § column 2.813 JERUSALEM DISCOUNT LTD. Exceeding § and not exceeding 1 column 3.750

On the 1st August, 1945, Mr. Julius Fisher All notices and advertisements must be prepaid. and Mrs. Milka Fisher have been elected di­ It is notified for general information that ^ notices rectors of the company. intended for publication in the Palestine Gazette should On the 14th August, 1945, the Board of Direct­ b-i addressed, together with the appropriate publication ors of the company resolved that the signatures fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, •׳-•־ ' - ' .0f the directors of the company Mr. Julius Jerusalem Fisher and. Mrs. Milka Fisher jointly or sever­ Notices of registration of Companies, Cooperative ally shall bind the company for all purposes Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted and in every respect. • for publication unless submitted through the appropriate .xiv. Registrar .־ •׳'••;••

RURAL AND SUBURBAN SETTLEMENT Co. "RASSCO", Orders with regard to the administration of the estate LTD.' . of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the. Companies Ordinance, or in accordance Notice is ,hereby given that: with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and •(a) Mr. Jacob Hamburg has been appointed notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the •Secretary of the company. ־ • .Court or Registrar (b) The joint signatures of any two of the Notices of dissolution, of partnerships will not be Directors, whose' names were published in accepted unless signed by the partners named therein tire Palestine Gazette No. 1325 of 23rd - • ׳ - .or by their legal representatives March, 1.944, or the signature of any one of them jointly with that of Mr. Jacob The signature or representative character of a, signa­ Hamburg or Mr. Martin Stern, shall bind tory must be verified by a declaration made by an ׳ •׳ v. . : . ,--׳:• ..־.-. :...־: . ,-.advocate ־ .the company (c) Save as hereinbefore provided all previous A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by notices are hereby cancelled. all the partners or by their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pur­ CORRIGENDUM. suance of .the terms of the partnership to which it Palestine Gazette No. 1432 of the 16th August, relates. 1945, Supplement No. 2. Insert the heading The following notices and advertisements will be "SCHEDULE" at the top of page 886. /published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or .' NOTICE. authority:-

SUBSCRIPTION EATES. Notices from Liquidators of Companies etc. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Di­ The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current, rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from prices, through all booksellers and newsagents in Companies or Cooperative Societies. • Palestine or from the Government Printing and Sta­ tionery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or rates are as follows: — Cooperative •Society, other than a notice published by " Half-yearly Yearly Order of the Court or of the Registrar, will be. inserted P.Mils XP.Mils unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate£ '.'•־'. that to the best of his knowledge the statement made !li­ Palestine 1.800 3.000 the notice or advertisement is true. Abroad 2.625 4.500