Geological Society of Africa Newsletter Volume 10 - Issue 1 (March, 2020) Special issue - CAG28 Second announcement Most conferences and meetings around the world were canceled due to coronavirus, but GSAf is optimistic that by October 2020 the situation will be under control Deadline of abstract submission and early bird registration: June 22 th , 2020 Registration fee could be paid from May 31 to July 31 (depend on coronavirus situation) Stories inside the issue CAG28 is approaching - English version of the second announcement - French version of the second announcement Edited by Tamer Abu-Alam Editor of the GSAf Newsletter Guest Editor Youssef Driouch GSAf Vice President for Northern Africa Geological Society of Africa – Newsletter Volume 10 – Issue 1 March 2020 © Geological Society of Africa Temporary contact:
[email protected] Dear colleagues, We hope you are doing well, taking care of yourself and your families during these difficult times we are going through. Despite these exceptional conditions, we remain optimistic about the organization of CAG28 next October. Below are the English and French versions of the CAG28 second announcement. A rich and diversified scientific program is proposed to the African and worldwide geology community. 19 themes; more than 32 sessions with their dedicated lectures, 6 plenary talks, 7 workshops, courses and roundtables, 10 field trips covering all Moroccan geological domains spanning from the Precambrian to the Quaternary and a rich cultural program. Please consult these documents, register yourself and submit your abstract directly by filling the following forms: Registration form: w/viewform Abstract submission form: For more information please visit the CAG28 website here: The French version of the website is under construction to be released as soon as possible.