Preliminary and Incomplete, Comments welcome First Draft January 2010 Copyright 2010-17. Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, Steve Zaffron. All rights reserved. Revised 16 May 2016 1 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL NOM WORKING PAPER NO. 10-061 BARBADOS GROUP WORKING PAPER NO. 10-01 SIMON SCHOOL OF BUSINESS WORKING PAPER NO. 10-07 INTEGRITY: A POSITIVE MODEL THAT INCORPORATES THE NORMATIVE PHENOMENA OF MORALITY, ETHICS, AND LEGALITY – ABRIDGED Werner H. Erhard Independent
[email protected] Michael C. Jensen Jesse Isidor Straus Professor of Business Administration Emeritus, Harvard Business School
[email protected] Steve Zaffron CEO, Vanto Group Senior Program Leader, Landmark Worldwide LLC
[email protected] 16 May 2016 NOTE: We are deeply indebted to Kari Granger for her assistance in creating this abridged version of our longer paper: Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen, and Steve Zaffron. Integrity: A Positive Model that Incorporates the Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics and Legality (March 23, 2008). Harvard Business School NOM Working Paper No. 06- 11; Barbados Group Working Paper No. 06-03; Simon School Working Paper No. FR 08-05. Available at SSRN: In creating this abridged version we drew from the full paper referenced above; however we have re-arranged the order of some sections and in some cases added or dropped headings or sub-headings and in some cases added new text. Some of the material presented in this course/paper is based on or derived from the consulting and program material of the Vanto Group, and from material presented in the Landmark Forum and other programs offered by Landmark Worldwide LLC.