[email protected] The voice of Niceville, Bluewater Bay and Valparaiso since 1992 (850) 678-1080 Police Blotter, TThhee BBaayy BBeeaaccoonn page A-6 8 Pages, 1 Section, 3 Inserts Wednesday, January 2, 2019 50¢
[email protected] The voice of Niceville, Bluewater Bay and Valparaiso since 1992 (850) 678-1080 Police Blotter The , p The BBaayy BBeeaaccoonn age A-4 8 Pages, 1 Section, 6 Inserts Wednesday, January 10, 2018 50¢ 5 seek Valp. mayoralty No contest for 2 commission seats Beacon Staff Patrick W. Palmer. appear on the ballot. The cur- Five candidates have quali- The five-day qualifying peri- rent holders of the two commis- fied to run in the March 13 elec- od to appear on the ballot for a sion posts are mayoral candi- tion for mayor of Valparaiso, the four-year term as mayor ended dates Strong and Browning. Heyward Strong Tom Browning Joe Morgan Brent Smith Patrick W. Palmer most to seek the post in recent Friday. Commanding attention, then, memory. Meantime, two people quali- is the five-way contest for the name will be on the ballot for city.” A 20-year Air Force veter- those changes and to look at They are the incumbent, fied for the two city commission mayoralty held for 53 years by the mayoral post. an, Browning moved back to where we are and where we are Heyward Strong, city commis- seats at stake in the election. Bruce Arnold until his death at Browning, 51, whose four- Valparaiso in 2010. He works in going. “ sioner Tom Browning, former Since there was no contest for 87 in February 2017.