Sizing up Little Sparta: Understanding UAE Military Effectiveness
Sizing Up Little Sparta UNDERSTANDING UAE MILITARY EFFECTIVENESS KENNETH M. POLLACK OCTOBER 2020 AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE Executive Summary n recent years, the armed forces of the United there, and they now benefit from having numerous I Arab Emirates (UAE) have earned the reputation combat veterans in their ranks. as the best in the Arab world. Former Secretary of Close behind the PG, and arguably even more for- Defense James Mattis went so far as to bestow on midable, is the UAE’s Joint Aviation Command (JAC), them the sobriquet “Little Sparta.” Two questions which controls most of its helicopters. Until recently, linger, however: How good are the Emirati armed the JAC was commanded by a former American mil- forces, and why are they more competent than other itary officer. It possesses some of the most advanced Arab militaries? American systems, and its pilots are impressive. The JAC has demonstrated first-rate capabilities, provid- Emirati Military Effectiveness. Taken as a whole, ing rotary-wing fire support, air mobility, combat the UAE’s military is unquestionably the most capa- search and rescue, and maritime patrol operations. ble among the Arab states, probably by a considerable The Emirati air force also has an outstanding rep- margin. The best Emirati units are the best in the Arab utation, but the validity of that reputation is harder world, and the overall average appears superior to to judge. Emirati pilots, weaponeers, targeteers, plan- that of other Arab armies. Indeed, the best and most ners, and logisticians are generally high caliber, pro- experienced Emirati soldiers, officers, and units are fessional, and well trained.
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