CLIENTS PEOPLE PERFORMANCE EC-CHCH FILE FIER f. 1 70% n DOCUMENT No The Chief Executive 545 154 - 010ZI Environment Canterbury PO Box 345 13 JUN 2008 18 6 Christchurch IF 12 June 2008 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed an application for a bore permit, a water permit to take and use water and a change of conditions for CRC991994 and CRC011548, lodged on behalf of Onstream Dairies Limited. Enclosed is a cheque for $3150.00. Could a receipt please be provided for the cheque, to be sent to Onstream Dairies Limited, C/- Brendon Caird, 1026 Seadown Road, RD 3, Timaru Yours sincerely, Melissa Anthony Environmental Scientist GH D Lim ited Level 141 Sophia Street Timaru PO Box 503 Tiniaru 7940 New Zealand T 64 3 684 4133 F 64 3 688 0407 W Form 9: Application for Resource Consents under Section 88 of the Resource Management Act 1991 Applicant: Onstream Dairies Limited C/- Brendon Caird Consultant: GHD Limited c/- Melissa Anthony Level 4, Spicer House PO Box 13 486 Christchurch Phone: (03) 3645506,027 2161672 Fax: (03) 3778575 Email:
[email protected] The consultant is to be the main point of contact for this application. The names and addresses of the owner and occupier (other than the applicant) of any land to which this application relates are as follows: Land owned by applicant Application refers to: Legal Description: Lot 1 DP 668 and Lot 1 DP 850 Totara Valley Road, Pleasant Point Applications Sought: 1. Bore permit to install a bore 2. Water permit to take and use water.