~umb.· 127. 3721



Additional Land at Belfa,;;t taken far the Piirposes of the Additional Land taken far Post and Telegraph Purposes in the Hiirunui-Waitaki Railway. City of .

[ L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAl'VIATION. HEREAS it has been found desirable for the use, con­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities W venience, and enjoyment of the Hurunui-Waitaki I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of Ra.ilway to take further land at Belfast in addition to land every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in previously acquired for the purposes of the said railway : this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Now, therefore, I, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on me by Schedule hereto is hereby taken for post and telegraph sections thirty-four and two hundred and sixteen of the purposes; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and take effect on and after the twenty-third day of December, authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, do hereby one thousand nine hundred and forty. proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes above mentioned. SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 13 perches. SCHEDULE. Being Lot 1, D.P. 3629, and being part Town Section 412. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land :·­ Situated in the City of Christchurch (Canterbury R.D. ). A. R. P. In the Canterbury Land District ; as the same is more 0 0 12 · l Part Lot 3, D.P. 1098, of RS. 298; coloured particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109445, orange. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at 0 0 3 · 3 Part Lot 2, D.P. 1098, of RS. 298; coloured , and thereon edged red. blue. 0 0 12·7 Part Lot 97, D.P. 716, ofR.S. 373; coloured Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ sepia. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued 0 0 3·4 Part Lot 90, D.P. 716, ofR.S. 373; coloured under the Seal of that Dominion, this 4th day of sepia. December, 1940. 0 0 8 · 4 Part road ; coloured green. D. WILSON, 0 0 8 · 2 Part road ; coloured green. For the Minister of Public Works. Situated in Block III, Christchurch Survey District, Waimairi County. (S.O. 7277.) Gon SAVE THE KING! In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more (P.W. 20/432/3.) particularly delineated ·on the plan marked L.O. 6365, deposited in the office of the Minister of Railways at ,v ellington, and thereon coloured as a,bove mentioned. Land taken for a Public School in Block XIII, Huiroa Survey D·istrict, Stratford Coiinty. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued [L.S.] GAL'\VAY, Governor-General. .under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of A PROCLAMATION. December, 1940. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities D. G. SULLIVAN, Minister of Railways. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in Gon SAVE 'l'HE KING! this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, (L.O. 18357.J Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby A 3'9'22 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. HJ7 proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule In the Gisborne Land District ; as the same is more hereto is hereby taken for a public school and shall vest in particnlarly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 104300, the Education Board of the District of Taranaki as from the deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at date hereinafter mentioned; and I do also declare that this Wellington, and thereon coloured sepia. Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty· third Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ day of December, one thousand nine hnndred and forty. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of SCHEDULE. December, 1940. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : 3 roods R. l>EMPLE, Minister of Public Works. 7 ·6 perches. Being part Section 35, Manganui District, Block XIII, ·Gon SAVE THE KING! Huiroa Survey District. (S.O, 7897.) (P.W. 70/4/20/0,) In the Taranaki Land Distric~ ; as . the sam" is mck; A l'ROCLAMATION. coloured red. · N pursuance and exercise of the powers and, a1-1thorities 0 0 0·2 Part Lot 44, D.P. 368, being part of I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of Manawatu-Kukutauaki 2o No. 2 ·Bio.ck; every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in coloured blue. th.is behalf, J;, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Situated i.n B.lock XI, Mo.unt Robinson Survey District Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do here by (Borough of Shannon). (S.O. 20566.) proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the use,. convenience, and enjoy­ In the Wellington Land District ; as the same are more ment of a road ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation particularly delineated on tli.e plan marked P.W.D. 109384, shall take effect on and after the twenty-third day of deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at December, one thousand nine hundred and forty. Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ SCHEDULE. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of A:t:"P:JslO:l;:J;ll!A'.JiE area of the piece of I.and taken. : 2 acr<1s. I rood December, 1940. 2·5 perches. Being part Lot 26, D.P. 1325, being part Pukepapa D Block. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works, Situated in Block III, Survey District (Gisborne Gon SAVE THE KING! R.D.). (S.O. 1606, brown.) (P.W. 62/9/859/0.) DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE.

Land takenfot Road in Block VII, Heretaun!Ja Survey DiHtrict. Land taken for a Worker's Dwelling in Block XI, Mount Fyffe Survey Diatrict, Kaikoura County.

[L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. A PROCLAMATION. ·_N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of I.N pursuar_ice and ex~rcise o(_ the P?Wers and authoritJes ev~ry othe~ power and authority in anywise enabling me in vested m me by the.Public Works Act 1928 and of ev~ry other power arid authority in a1\ywi~e ~na;E,Ji~g me in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, this behaJf, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-Gen~ral of the Dominion of New Zealand, do I, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road ; and I do aJso hereby proclaim and declare that the land described id the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for a worker's dwelling and declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after shall vest in the Chairman, Councillors, and' Inhabitants of the twenty-third day of December, one thousand nine the County of Kaikoura, as from the date hereirilifter hundred and forty. .. mentioned ; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty-third dav of SCHEDULE. December, one thousand nine hundred and forty. " APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land taken :- A. R. P. Being SCHEDULE. 0 0 37 · 4 Part Block I, Puketapu Crown Grant APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land taken : J rood District ; coloured yellow. 4·8 perches. 2 0 36·7 Part Blocks I and 2, Puketapu Crown Being Lot 3, D.P. ll82, being part Section 3, Town of Grant District; coloured pink. Kaikoura Subdivision No. 3. Situated in Block VII, Heretaunga Survey District Situated in Block XI, Mount Fyffe Survey District. (Hawke's Bay R.D.). (S.0. 1992, red.) Tu the Marlborough Land District ; a~ the same is more In the Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D'. 105647, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 108984, deposited in the office of the Minister of Publfo Works at deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon edged red. Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Gi\i-en under the hand of His .Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued und'er the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th /lay of Dlmember, 1940. December, 1:940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. R. SEMPLE, Mfnilittfr (>i Public '\Vorks.

GOD SAVE THE K!NG ! Goo SAVE THE Kma ! (P.W. 62/5/845/0.) (P.W. 24/2922.)

Land taken for Road in Block Ill, Waiwera Survey District.

[i..s.J GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other I power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for road.


Approximate Coloured Areas of the Pieces I Being I Shown on Plan on Plan of Land taken.

A. R. P, 0 0 12 Part Allotment 253 P.W.D. 98'574 Yellow. o o n .. Part Allotment 15 .. Blue. 0 0 2If 0 I IO"l_ Part Allotment 110, D.P. 7552 Yellow. 1 3 38f 0 0 6 Part Allotments 110 and 110A, D.P. 7552 o o n Part Allotment 110A, D.P. 7552 0 I 6f 0 0 9 Part Allotment llOA, D.P. 7552 Yellow, edged yellow. 0 37 Part Lot 2, D.P. 8481, being part Allotments 110 and 110A Purple. (S.O. 29295.) 1 2 26} Part Allot'm.eriti 15 .. P.W.D. 108942 Blue. 0 0 38 (S.O. 3Hl19.)

Situated in the Parish of Waiwera, Block III, Waiwera Survey District (Auckland R.D.). In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the pl:ms marked and coloured as above mentioned and deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellingfori; Given under the hand of His Excellency thEi Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealahd, arid issued uridei the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of December, 1940. R. SE~iPLE, Minister of Public \Yorks.

GOD SAVE 'fHE KING ! (P.W. 70/2/5/0/3.) 3724 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Land taken for Road in Block XIV, Waipu Survey District, and Block Ill, Otamatea Survey District.

[L,S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance an\i exercise of :the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public· ,v ~rks Act, 1928, and of every other I power.and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare th&t the land described in the Schedule hereto is taken for a road; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty-third day of December, one thousand nine hundred and forty.


Approximate I . Aieas -0f the f Being Part Situated in Situated in Coloured Pieces ~f ~~nd Block Survey District of I Shown on Pfau on Plan taken. _ · . ------·--~---~------

A. R. P. 0 3 29 Lot 2, D.P. 18708, being part Allotment XIV Waipu P.W.D.108182 Blue. N.W. 78 1 3 15 Allotments N.W. 78, l\,L 78, 78n, S.E. 78, XIV Red. 87, 87B, 78E (D.P. 28061) . 0 0 7 Allotments 78E, 62 (D.P: 28061) XIV 0 0 39 Allotment S.E. 78 XIV Bi~e. 0 1 16 Allotment S.E. 78 XIV Yellow. 0 0 18 Allotment S.E. 78 XIV Blue. '1 0 251 Allotment 113 XIV Yellow. 0 1 32J (Blue. 0 2 161 Allotment 64 XIV 0 0 4J ~ Edged l blue. .2 l 9 Allotments 65 and 66 XIV Blue. 0 0 9 Allotment 66 XIV Purple. 0 0 IO Lot 2, D.P. 18792, being part Allotment 67B XIV Yellow. 0 0 8 Allotment 67B XIV Red. 0 0 2 Allotment 67 XIV Purple. 0 3 0 Allotment 67 XIV Blue. (Parish of Kaiwaka.) 0 0 3 Lot 1, D.P. 14999, being part Allotment 217, XIV Red. Suburbs ofKaiwaka (S.O. 29923.) 2 0 28 Lot 1, D.P. 27758, being part Allotments 217 'XIV P.W.D. 108183 Yellow. and 218, Suburbs of Kaiwaka 0 0 34 Lot 4, D.P. 18792, being part Allotments 218 XIV Blue. and 219, Suburbs of Kaiwaka 0 1 33 Lot 2, D.P. 27758, being part Allotment 219, JXIV Waipu Yellow. Suburbs of Kaiwaka '\_III Otamatea } 0 0 17') 0 0. 4 I' Allotment 176, Parish ofKaiwaka .. III Blue. 2 1 27J 0 1 23 Lot l, D.P. 17255, being part Allotments 155 III Yellow. and 157, Parish of Kaiwaka, and part Allotment 198, Village of Kaiwaka 0 0 7 Lot 1, D.P. 17255, being part Allotment 155, III Blue. Parish of Kaiwaka (S.O. 29925.) (Auckland R.D.)

In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 4th day of December, 1940. D. WILSON, Fol' the Minister of Public Works. Gan SAVE THE Krno ! (P.W. 70/1/5/0/4.)

Revoking a Proclamation ta,king l,and for a Worker's DwelUng one thousand nine hundred and forty, and published in the in Block X.I, . Mount Fyffe Sur,,ey District, Ka.ikoura New Zealand Gazette No. 116 of the fourteenth day of the County. same month, at page 3401, taking land for a worker's dwelling in Block XI, Mount Fyffe Survey District.

[L.S.) _·GALWAY, Governor-General. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A PROC.LAMATION. . General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued· under. the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of N pnrs11ance · and exercise of the· powers and authorities December, 1940. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works, this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby Gou SAVE THE K.rNo ! revoke the Proclamation dated the ninth day of November, (P.W. 24/2922.) DEC. 19.) THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3725

Land proclairned as Street in the City o.f Christchurch. Situated in Block IV, Onewhero Survey District (Auck­ land R.D.). (S.O. 31003.) [L.S.) GALWAY, Governor-General. In the North Auckland Land District; as the same A PROCLA11ATI0N. are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109112, deposited in the office of the Minister of N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by Public Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, and section five of the Housing Amendment Act, 1940, I, George Vere Arundell, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Domiuion of New General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Zealand, do hereby proclaim as street the land described in under the Seal of that Dominion, this 29th day of the Schedule hereto. November. 1940. D. WILSON, SCHEDULE. ]?or the Minister of Public W arks. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as street : GOD SAVE THE KING ! 1 acre 1 rood 35 perches. Being part Lot 1, D.P. 10904 (part Rural Section 161), City (P.W. 62/2/463/0.) of Christchurch (Canterbury R.D.). (S.O. 7143.) In the Canterbury Land District; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109013, Land proclairned as Road, and Road close,:/, in Block III, deposited in the office of the Jl;Iinister of Public Works at Waikohu Survey District, Waikohu County. ·wellington, and thereon coloured red.

Given m1der the hand of His Excellency the Governor- - [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of A PROCLAMATION. December, 1940. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion GoD SAVE THE KINa ! of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as road the land described (P.W. 51/2476.) in the First Schedule hereto ; and also do hereby proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule hereto.

Land proclairned as Street in the City o.f Dunedin. FIRST SCHEDULE. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. LAND PROCLAIMED AS ROAD. A PROCLAMATION. Approximate Areas of the N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by Pieces of IColoured I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, and section five of Land Being Shown on Plan on proclaimed Plan the Housing Amendment Act, 1940, I, George Vere Arundell, as Road. I Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as street the land described in the Schedule hereto. A. R. P. 0 3 39·2 Part Lot 26, D.P. P.W.D. 101866 Violet. 1325, being part SCHEDULE. Pukepapa D Block APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as street : (S.O. 1578, brown.) 2 acres 2 roods 21 ·38 perches. 0 0 21-4 i Part Lot 26, D.P. P.W.D. 104300 . Blue. Being part Sections 14 and 15. I 1325, being part Pukepapa D Block Situated in Block II, Upper Kaikorai Survey District (S.O. 1606, brown.) (City of Dunediu) (Otago R.D.). (S.0. 2306.) In the Otago Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 108522, deposited in SECOND SCHEDULE. the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured red. ROAD CLOSED. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ I Approximate I 1 General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Area of the 1 Adjoining or passing Coloured under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of Piece of Road] through Shown on Plan on December, 1940. closed. Plan R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. ------·---- I A. R. P. I I I GOD SAVE THE KING! 1 2 7 I Lots 26 and 29, D.P. P.W._D. 1018661 Green. (l'.W. 51/2582.) , 1325, being parts I Pukepapa D Block ! , (S.O. 1578, brown.) I Land prodairned as Street in the Tuakau Town District. All situated in Block III, Waikohu Survey District [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. (Gisborne R.D.). A PROCLAMATION. All in the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more N pursuance and exercise of the powers co.nferred by particularly deliueated on the plans marked and coloured as I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, George Vere above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of Public Works at Wellington. of New Zealand, do here by proclaim as street the land described in the Schedule hereto. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued SCHEDULE. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day_ of December, 1940. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as street:­ R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. A. R. P. GoD SAVE 1'HE KING! O 1 32·6}Being part Lot I, D.P. 13796, being part 0 0 23 · 7 Allotments 15 and 40, Tuakau Parish. (P. W. 70/4/20/0.) 3726 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. I27

POl't!ion 6f Road closed in Bl-OCk IX, Caml»'idge Survey District, SCHEDULE. Matarnata County. APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of road hereby stopped :- A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through {L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. 0 l 10·8 Railway land in Proclamation 93, being A PROCLMIATION. part Section 19, Eketahuna Settlement, and parts Lots 19A and 19B, D.P. 466, N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by being parts closed road, coloured green, I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, George Vere edged green. Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion 0 2 30·4 Parts Lots 19A and 19B, D.P. 466, bemg of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as closed the portion parts closed road ; coloured green. of road in Cambridge Survey Distric1' described in the Situated in Block VI, l\langaone Survey District. Schedule hereto. (S.O. 20548.) In the Wellington Land District; as the same are more SCHEDULE. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109069, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at APPROXIMATE a,rea of the piece of road dosed : l rood Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. 26·2 perches. Adjoining Section 13. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Situated in Block IX, Cambridge Survey District under the Seal of that Dominion, this 7th day of (Auckland R.D.). (S.O. 30598.) December, 194'0. In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more R. SEMPLE, Minister o:f' Pubfie Works. particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 107198, Gon SAVE THE Krna ! deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at vVellington, and thereon coloured green. (P.W. 70/10/31//L) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor. Stopping Government Road in Block IX, Wa'iuiera' Survey General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued District. umler the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of December, l"OifO: [L.S.] GALWAY, GovePnor-General. R. SEJlll:PLE, Minister of Public Works. A PROCLAMATION. Gon sAvE THE KING! N pursuance and exercise of the po)Vers and authorities I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of (P.W. 70/2/18/0.) every other power and authority in anywise enab\ing me in this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Allocating Railway Land to the Purposes of a Road in Block III, hereby proclaim as stopped the Government road described W aikohu Survey District. in the Schedule hereto, such road being no longer req11ired

SCHEDULE. GALWAY, Governor-General. fr..s. 1 APPROXIMATE area of the piece of road· hereby stopped : A PROCLAMATION. 3 roods 10·2 perches. . N. pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Adjoining part Allotment 84, Pukeatua Parish, on D.P. I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of 22419, and part Allotment 307, Pukeatua Parish. every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in Situated in Block IX, Waiwera Survey District (Auckland this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, R.D.). (S.O. 31345.) Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby In the North Auckland Land District; as the same is proclaim and declare that the land which is described in the more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. Schedule hereto (and which was taken for a further portion 109180, deposited iu the office of the Minister of Public of the Gisborne-Rotorua Railway, and is not now required Works at Wellington, aud thereon coloured green. for such purpose), shall, upon the publication hereof in the Given under the hand of His Excellency the Gover11or­ New Zealand Gazette, become road, and that such road shall General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued be maintained by the Main Highways Board in like manner under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of as other public highways are controlled and maintained by December, 1940. the said Board. R. SEMPLE,. Minister of Public Works, Gov SAVE THE KrNa ! SCHEDULE. (P.W. 62/86/2/3.) APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land dealt with :­ A. R. P. Crown Land set apart for a State Highway Depot in Block VI, 0 l 26·9}B . R il 1 d Town of Ji'rankton, 0 1, 2 .9 emg a way an • Situated in Block III, Waikohu Survey District (Gisborne [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. R.D:): (S.0, 1578, brown.) A PROCLAMATION. In the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 101866, I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at every other power and authority in anywise enabling .me in Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. this behalf, I, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described General of the Dominion of New Zealand; and issued in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for a State under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of highway depot; and I do also declare that this Proclamation December, 1940, shall take effect on and after the twenty-third day of R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. December, one thousand nine hundred and forty. Gon SAVE THE KING! SCHEDULE; (P.W. 70/4/20/0,) APPROXIMATE area 0£ tho piece of land set apart : 2 · roods ~-~------·---- 3·7 perches. Being Section 5, Block VI, Town of Frankton (Otago R.D.). Stopping Portions of Governrnent Road in Bloclc VI, Mg,ngaone (S.O. 9164.) Survey District. In the Otago Land District ; as the same is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. ·108935, [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Wotks at Wellington, and thereon edged red. A PROCLAMATION. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in December, 1940. this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as stopped the Government road described in the Gon SAVE THE KING! Schedule hereto, such road being no longer required. (P.W. 70/20/16/2.) DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3727

Crown Land set apart for a Pumice-pit in Block XI!, Tauhara FIRST SCHEDULE. Su,·vey District. OT.A.GO LAND DISTRICT. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. ALL that area containing by admeasnrement 2 roods 29 perches, more or less, being the piece of road closed by A PROCLAl'tf.ATION. Proclamation dated the 8th _day of October, 1940, and N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 10th October, I vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of 1940, at page 2595, and now known as Reserve 1533R, every other power and authority in anywise enabling me in situated in Block XVI, Town of Pembroke. As the same is this behalf, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. Governor-Genera.I of the Dominion of New Zealand, do 1/l73E, deposited in Head Office, Department of Lands and hereby proclaim and declare that the Crown land described Survey, at Wellington, and thereon bordered red. in the Schedule hereto is hereby set apart for a pumice-pit; and I also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the twenty-third day of December, one thousand SECOND SCHEDULE. nine hundred and forty. 0TAGO LAND DISTRICT.-WANAKA ISLANDS DOMAIN. ALL that area containing by admeasurement 300 acres, more SCHEDULE. or less, and known as Harwich Island, Lake Wanaka, bounded on all sides by Lake W anaka. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of Crown land set apart: Also all that area containing by admeasurement 290 acres, l acre I rood 16 perches. more or less, known as Crescent or Rabbit Island, Lake Being portion of Opepe Block, being a subdivision of Tauhara Wanaka, bounded on all sides by Lake Wanaka. Middle Block. Also all that area containing by admeasnrement 113 acres, Situated in Block XII, Tauhara Survey District (Auckland more or less, being an island in Stevenson's Arm, Lake R.D.). (S.0. 3Ill8.) Wanaka, bounded on all sides by Lake Wanaka. Also all that area containing by admeasurement 7 acres In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more 3 roods 10 perches, more or less, known as Ruby Island, in particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109298, Lake Wanaka, situate about two miles from Pembroke. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Also Section 1, Block XIII, Lower Wanaka Survey District: Wellington, and thereon coloured blue. Area, 100 acres, more or less. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Section 29, Block XIV, Lower Wanaka Survey District: General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Area, 11 acres 2 roods 17 perches, more or less. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of Sections 1 to 4, Block XIV, 1 to 4 and 8, Block XV, 1 to 6 December, 1940. and 8 to 14, Block XVI, 1 to 16, Block XVII, closed roads 1300R and 1324R, Town of Pembroke, and Section 31, R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. Block III, Lower W anaka Survey District : Area, 37 acres 0 roods 36 perches, more or less. GoD SA VE THE KING ! Sections u, 6, 32, and 33, Block IX, Town of Pembroke: (P.W. 62/86/3/24.) Area, l acre, more or less. Section 5, Block XV, Town of Pembroke: Area, 2 acre, 2 roods 28 perches, more or less. Crown Land set apart aB a Provisional State Fore8t. Section 6, Block XV, Town of Pembroke : Area, 1 acre 2 roods 24 perches, more or less. [ I,.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. Section 90, Block IX, Town of Pembroke : Area, 46 acres A PROCLAMATION. 0 roods 11 perches, more or less. Section 91, Block IX, Town of Pembroke: Area, 13 acre, Y virtue and in exercise of the powers and authorities 0 roods 12 perches, more or less. B conferred upon me by section eighteen of the l<'orests Sections 3 and 4, Block XLIX, Town of Pembroke: Act, 1921--22, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Area, 83 acres 2 roods 8 perches, more or less. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do Section 7, Block XVI, Town of Pembroke: Area, 1 rooci hereby set apart the Crown land described in the Schedule more or less. hereto as a provisional State forest. Sections 1 to 7, Block XIX, Town of Pembroke : Are! 3 acres 1 rood 25·4 perches, more or less. SCHEDULE. NoR1'u AUCKLAND LAND DrsTRICT.-AucKLAND FoREST- Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governo1, coNSERVATION REGION. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issue( under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of ALL that area in the North Auckland Land District, Hokianga December, 1940. County, containing by admeasurement 515 acres 2 roods, more or less, and being Sections 65 and 66, Block IX, D. WILSON, Mangamuka Survey District. As the same is more parti­ Fnr the Minister of Lands. cularly delineated on plan No. 5 /27, deposited in the Head GoD SAVE THE KmG ! Office of the State l<'orest Service at Wellington, and thereon edged red. (North Auckland plan S.O. 30887.) (L. and S. I/173.) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of Land set apart as Provi8ional State Forest declared to be December, 1940. subject to the Land Act, 1924. FRANK LANGSTONE. Commissioner of State Forests. [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. GOD SAVE THE KING! A PROCLAMATION. I N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Land set apart as an Addition to a P·ablic Domain. conferred upon me by section twenty of the Forests Act, 1921-22, I, George Vere Arundel!, Viscount Galway, [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting on the recommendation of the Minister of Lands, do hereby A PROCLAMATION. proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by sub­ hereto, being part of Provisional State Forest Reserve I section nine of section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, No. 1622, set apart by Proclamation dated the eleventh day George Vere Arundel!; Viscount Galway, Governor-General of October, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, and of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and gazetted on the fourteenth day of that month, is required for declare that from and after the date hereof the land comprised settlement purposes ; · and, in accordance with the provisions in the piece of closed road described in the First Schedule of the said Act, such land shall, from and after the dav of hereto, being land which is adjacent to the Wanaka Islands the gazetting hereof, cease to be provisional State fo~est, Domain described in the Second Schedule hereto, shall be and shall become subject to the provfoions of the Land Act, deemed to be added to the said W 11naka Islands Domain, 1~24, - . 3728 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

SCHEDULE. 2. The rate of interest payable from time to time shall not WESTLAND LAND DISTRICT. exceed the current bank overdraft rate of interest to best customers. ALL. that area containing 23 acres 3 roods 20 perches, more or 3. No moneys shall be borrowed nnder this authority at less, being portion of Reserve 1622 (provisional State forest), any time after the thirty-first day of March, one thousand sit.uated in Block VI, Kaniere Survey District, and bounded nine hnndred and forty -one. as . follows : On the north and north-east by the Kaniere 4. The total amount owing (including unpaid interest, if Lake Road; on the south and south-west by the right bank any) of moneys borrowed under this consent shall not, on of the Kaniere River ; on the west by a river-bank reserve the thirty-first day of March, one thousand nine hundred and and Section 3182, Block VI, Kaniere Survey District. As forty-one, exceed the sum of two thousand pounds (£2,000). the. same is more particularly delineated on plan marked L. and S. X/98 /105A, deposited in the Head Office, Depart­ C. A. JEFFERY, ment of Lands and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon Clerk of the Executive Council. bordered red. (T. 49/692.) Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of Consenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local Authorities December, 1940. and prescribing the Conditions thereof. D. WILSON, For the Minister of Lands. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. GoD SAVE THE KING! At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day ' (L. and S. X/98/105.) of December, 1940. Present: Land su~ject to the Ilousinr, Act, 1919, declared Crown Land THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. available for Reservation under the Land Act, 1924. HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in W the Schedule hereto are desirous of raising loans to [L.S.] GALWAY, Governor-General. be known in each case as "Rural Housing Loan, 1940," of A PROCLAMATION. the respective amounts stated opposite their names .in the N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority second column of the said Schedule from the State Advances I · , conferred upon me by subsection one of section eight Corporation of New Zealand (hereinafter referred to as " the of the Housing Amendment Act, 1940, I, George Vere Corporation ") for the purpose of enabling the said local authorities out of the respective loans so raised to make Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion advances to farmers under the Rural Housing Act, 1939 : of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare the land And whereas the said local authorities have respectively described in the Schedule hereto, being land subject to the complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loans Housihg Act, 1919, to be Crown land available for reservation Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called " the said Act "), and under the Land Act, 1924. it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor­ General in Council as required by the said Act, should be SCHEDULE. given to the raising of the said loans: HAWKB's BAv LAND DISTRICT. Now, therefore, His :b;xcellency the Governor-General of ALL that area containing by admeasurement 38·85 perches, the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advfoe more or less, situated in the Borough of Waipukurau, being and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, part Block 16, Waipukurau Crown Grant District, and being and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities all the land marked Reserve on Survey Office plan 1918, red. conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), Given under the hand of His Excellencv the Governor­ and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued behalf, doth hereby consent, to the raising by the respective under the Seal of that Dominion, this 13th day of local authorities mentioned in the first column of the said December, 1940. Schedule from the Corporation of the said loans up to the D. WILSON, respective amounts specified in the second column of the said For the Minister of Lands. Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- Gon RAVE THE. K_r---:a ! (1) Each local authority shall pay to the Corporation each half-year in reduction of the principal moneys advanced · (L. and S. 30/228/54.) by the Corporation to such local authority an amount equal to the sum of all the amounts which are expressed to be payable to that local authority during such half-year by the Consenting to the· ,Borrowing of Moneys by the King-country agreements entered into with the local authority by the Electric-power Board by way of Bank Overdraft. various farmers to whom the said local authority has advanced any of the loan-moneys. GALWAY, Governor-General. (2) The rate of interest that may be paid in respect of each ORDER IN COUNCIL. of the said loans or so much thereof as is for the time being raised and not repaid shall be three pounds (£3) per centum At. the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of per annum, payable half-yearly, the first such ~ayment to be December, 1940. made in each case not later than six months after the date of Present: the payment of the first instalment of the loan by the Corpora­ THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. tion to the local authority, such interest to be calculated on the daily-debtor balances in the. books of the Corporation. HEREAS the King - ccim1try · Electric-power Board (3) No amount payable as either interest or principal in W (hereinafter called " the said locaJ authority ") being respect of the said respective loans shall be paid out of loan­ d,esirous of borrowing moneys by way of bank overdraft moneys. under section seventy-one of the Electric-power Boards (4) No amount shall be payable for brokerage, under­ Act, 1925, has cpmplied with the provisions of the Local writing, or procuration fees in respect of the raising of the Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called said respective loans or any parts thereof.. " the said Act "), and it is expedient that the. precedent consent of the Governor-General· in Council as required by SCHEDULE. the said, Act should be given to the borrowing as aforesaid : First Column. Second Colmnn. Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Name of Local Authority. Amount of Loan. D()minion of Kew Zealand, acting by and with the advice £ and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, Cook County Council 10,000 ancl in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Eyre County Council 5,000 conferred onhim by section eleven of the said Act, as set Featherston County Council 10,000 ou.t in. section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, .1932 (No. 2), ]\fauriccville County Council 3,000 arid of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this Piako County Council 20,000 behalf, doth hereby consent to the borrowing of moneys by Waimate West County Council 10,000 the said local authority under the said section seventy. Wairarapa South County Council 10,000 one, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows:- C. A. JEFFERY, I. Such borrowing may be from time to time by way of Clerk of the Executive Council. bank overdraft, (T. 40/416/4.) DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3729

Consenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local A uthoritits and prescribing the Conditions thereof.

GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. Present: THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNOIL. HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective loans W stated opposite their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called "the said Act"), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor-General in Council, as required by the said Act, should be given to the raising of the said loans : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Goven10r-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent. of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other power~ ~nd authoritie~ enabling him in this heha'!, doth hereby consent to. the raising in New Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned m the first column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the second column of the said Schedule, up to the respective amounts specified in the third column of the said Schedule, and in giving such consent doth here by determine as follows :- ( 1) The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised shall be the respective terms (in years) stated in the fourth column of the said Schedule. (2) The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates per centum per annum stated in the fifth column of the said Schedule. (3) The said respective loans or any parts thereof, together with interest thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments extending over the respective terms as determined in (1) above. (4) The payment of such instalments shall be made in New Zealand, and no such instalment shall be paid out of loan. moneys. (5) The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any parts thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any amount raised. (6) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof.


Fourth First Column. Column. F-ifth Colurnn. Second Column. I Third Column. .1

1 Name of Local Authority, Name of Loan. Term of Rate of I Amount of Loan. i Loan Interest. (Years). I

£ £ s. d. Hospital Board Additions to Buildings Loan, No. 2, 1940 2,750 20 4 0 0 Tauranga Hospital Board Supplementary Building Loan, 1940 4,000 20 4 0 0 Glen Edeu Town Board Valley Road Bridge Loan, 1940 1,230 25 3 15 0 Wanganui Fire Board Building Additional Loan, 1940 2,000 30 4 0 0 ------(T. 40/416/6.) 0. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council.


Consenting to the Raising of Loans by certain Local Authorities and prescribing the CondUions thereof.

GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. Present: THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. HEREAS the several local authorities enumerated in the Schedule hereto, being desirous of raising the respective W loans stated opposite their names therein, have respectively complied with the provisions of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called "the said Act"), and it is expedient that the precedent consent of the Governor­ General in Council, as required by the said Act, should be given to the raising of the said loans : Now, therefore, His Excellency the Gflvernor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent to the ra,ising in Now Zealand by the respective local authorities mentioned in the First Column of the said Schedule of the respective loans set out in the Second Column of the said Schedule, up to the respective amounts specified in the Third Column of the said Schedule, and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- 1. The terms for which the said loans or any parts thereof may be raised shall be the respective terms (in years) stated in the Fourth Column of the said Schedule. 2. The rates of interest that may be paid in respect of the said loans or any parts thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding the respective rates per centum per annum stated in the Fifth Column of the said Schedule. 3. The said local authorities shall, before raising the said respective loans or any parts thereof, make provision for the repayment thereof by establishing sinking funds under the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, or under such other statutory enactment as may be applicable in any respective case, and shall thereafter make payments to such sinking funds at intervals of not more than one year, at a rate or rates per centum which shall be not less than the respective rates stated in the Sixth Column of the said Schedule, such payments to be made in respect of every part of the said respective loans for the time being so borrowed and not repaid, the first such payment in each respective case to be made not later than one year after the first day from which interest to the lender or lenders is computed on any loan or part thereof so raised. 4. No amount payable as either interest or sinking fund in respect of the said loans shall be paid out of loan-moneys. 5. 'l'he rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the raising of the said respective loans or any parts thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any amount raised. 6. The payment of interest and repayment of principal in respect of the said loans shall be made in New Zealand. 7. No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof. B 3730 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127


Pirst Column. Second Column. Third Column. 1Fourth Column, I Pifth Column. Su,;t,h Column. -- 1 Term of Loan Rate of Rate of Name of Local .Authority. Name of Loan.

Amount of Loan.. 1 (Year:.)_. __~!_rn_t._•_re_s_t.-+S-i_n!_,_in_g_F_u_n_d_.

£ £ s. d. £ s. d. Awatere County Council Awatere Water-supply Additional 7,000 35 4 0 0 1 10 0 Loan, 1940 Bluff Harbour Board Loan No. 10 (Water-supply), 1940 6,000 20 4 0 0 3 10 0

(T. 40/416/6.) C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Coui.rnil.

Consenting to the Raising of the Balance ( £180) of (h': Levels Consenting to the Rai:sing of Portion (£4,200) of a Loan of County Council's Loan of £2,000 and prescribing the £95,000 by the Mount .Eden Borough Council and pre­ Conditions thereof. scribing the Conditions there~f.

GALWAY, Governor-General. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day of At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day December, 1940. of December, 1940. Present: Present: THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. HEREAS by Order in Council made on the fourth day HEREAS by Order in Council made on the second day W of February, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, W of December, one thousand nine hundred and thirty, five (hereinafter called "the said Order in Council"), and consent was given to the raising by the Levels County Council subject to the determinations as to borrowing and repay­ (hereinafter called "the said local.authority") of a loan of ment therein set out, consent was given to the raising by the two thousand pounds (£2,000) known as "Fairview Water­ ]\fount Eden Borough Council (hereinafter called " the said supply District Loan, 1930" (hereinafter called "the said local authority") of the sum of forty thousand pounds loan "), of which the amount of one hundred and eighty (£40,000) (hereinafter called "the said loan") being portion pounds (£180) has not been borrowed : of a loan of ninety-five thousand pounds known as" Drainage And whereas by section nine of tho Local Authorities Loan, 1930" : Interest Reduction and Loans Conversion Amendment Act, And whereas the authoritv conferred. by the said Order 1934, the consent given by the said Order in Council was in Council has not been exercised to the extent of seventeen revoked in so far as the authority conferred thereby had not thousand six hundred pounds (£17,600) : been exercised, and it is not now 1",wful or competent for the And whereas the authority has lapsed in accordance with said local authority to borrow any moneys to which such the provisions of clause seven thereof and it is not now consent relates except in accordance with the provisions of lawful or competent for the said local authority to raise. an Order in Council under section eleven of the Local Govern­ any portion of the said loan except in accord.ance with the ment Loans Board Act, 1926: provisions of a further Order in Council that may be issued And whereas it is expedient to authorize the said local pursuant to section eleven of the Local Government Loans · authority to borrow on the conditions hereinafter mentioned Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called "the said Act"): the said balance of one hundred and eighty pounds (£180) And whereas it is expedient to authorize the said local (hereinttfter called " the said sum "), for the purpose of authoritv to raise a portion of the said loan amounting to arranging for the continuance of the water-supply to the four thousand two hundred pounds (£4,200) (hereinafter Fairview Water-supply District: ca1led "the said su'.m ") on the conditions hereinafter Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of mentioned: the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the Local and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Government Loans Board Act:1926, and by section nine of conferred on him by section eleven of the ·said Act, as set the Local Authorities Interest Reduction and Loans Con­ out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), version Amendment Act, 1934, and of all other powers and and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent behalf, doth hereby consent to the raising in New Zealand to the borrowing in New Zealand by the said local authority by the said local authority of the said sum up to the amount of the said sum or any part thereof for the purpose aforesaid, of four thousand two hundred pounds (£4,200), and in giving and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- (1) The term for which the said sum or any part thereof ( 1) The term for which the said sum or any part thereof may be borrowed shall be eighteen (18) years. may be raised shall not exceed twenty (20) years. (2) The rate of interest that may be paid in respect of the (2) The rate of interest that ma,y be paid in respect of the said sum or any part thereof shall be such as shall not produce said sum or any part thereof shall be such as shall not produce to the lender or lenders a rate exceeding four pounds (£4) to the lender or lenders a rate exceeding four pounds (£4) per centum per annum. per centum per annum. . (3) The said local authority shall, before raising the said (3) The said local authority shall, before raising the said sum. or any part thereof, make provision for the repayment sum or any part thereof, make provision for the repayment thereof by establishing a sinking fund under the Local Bodies' thereof by establishing a sinking fond under the Local Loans Act, 1926, or under such other st,atutory enactment as Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, or under such other statutory may be applicable, and shall make payments to such sinking enactment as may be applicable, and shall. thereafter make fund at intervals of not more than one year at a rate or rates payments to such sinking. fund at intervals of not more than per centum which shall be not less than four potmds two one ye_ar at a rate or rates per centum which shall be notless shillings (£4 2s.), such payments to be made in respect of than three pounds ten shillings (£3 10s.), such payments to every part of the said sum for the time being so borrowed and be made in respect of every part of the said sum fo,· the time not repaid, the first such payment to be made not later than being so borrowed and not repaid, the fi.rst such payment one year after the first day from which interest to the lender to be made not later than one year after the first day from or lenders is computed on the said sum or any part thereof which interest to the lender or lenders is computed on the so raised. said sum or any part thereof so raised. (4) The payment of interest and repayment of principal (4) The payment of interest and the repayment of principal in respect of the said sum shall be made in New Zealand. in respect of the said sum shall be made in New Zealand. (5) No amount payable as either interest or sinking fund (5) No amount payable as either interest or sinking fund in respect of the said sum shall be paid out of loan-money. in respect of the said sum shall he paid out of loan-moneys. (6) ·The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and (6) The rate payable for brokerage, underwriting, and procuration fees in respect of the borrowing of the said sum proeuration fees .in respect of the raising of the said sum or , or any part thereof shall not in the aggregate exceed one-half any part thereof shall not. in the aggregate exceed one-half per centum of any amount raised. per oentum of any amount raised. (7) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after (7) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after the expiration of two years from the date hereof. the expiration of two yearn from tho date hereof. · C. A. JEFFERY. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Clerk of the Executive Council. (T. 49/266.) (T. 49/208/7.) DEC. Hl.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3731

Consenting to the Raising of a Lonn of £25,000 by the Ghrist­ Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and church Oity Council and prescribing the Oond·itions authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the Local thereof. Government Loans Board Act, 1926, as set out in section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other powers and authorities ennhling him in this behalf, GALWAY, Governor-General. doth hereby vary .the determinations in respect of the said ORDER IN COUNCIL. loan by prescribing as follows :- At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day ( 1) In lieu of a rate of interest not cxceedi ng four pound,; of December, 1940. (£4) per centum per annum, as specified in clause two of the said Order in Council, the rate of interest that may be paid Present: in respect of the said loan shall be such as shall not produce '.!.'HE RIGII'r HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. to the lender or lenders a rate exceeding three pounds ten HEREAS the Christchurch City Council (hereinafter shillings (£3 IOs.) per centum per annum. W called " the said local authority ") being desirous (2) In lieu of provision being made for the repayment of of raising the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds (£25,000) the said loan by the establish111ent of a sinking fund, as by a loan to be known as " Housing Loan No. 2, 1940" specified in clause three of the said Order in Council, the said (hereim,fter called "the said Joan"), for the purpose of loan or any part thereof, together with interest thereon, sha!I purchasing land and erecting cottages thereon for aged be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instal­ persons, lrns complied with the provisions of the Local ments extending over the term of twenty-five (25) years. Government Loans Board Act, 1926 (hereinafter called " the said Act "), and it is expedient that the precedent consent C. A. JEFFERY, of the Governor-General in Council as required by the said Clerk of the Executive Connell. Act should be given to the raising of the said loan : (T. 49/164.) Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-Genernl of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Varying the Determinations in respect of the llaiwiUon Borough conferred on him by section eleven of the said Act, as set Council's Loan of £12,500. out in section twentycnine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby consent to the raising in New Zealand GALWAY, Governor-General. by the said .local authority of the said Joan for the said purpose up to the amount of twenty-five thousand pounds ORDER IN COUNCIL. (£25,000), and in giving such consent doth hereby determine as follows :- At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day ( l) The term for which the said loan or ,my part thereof of December, 1940. may be raised shall not exceed thirty (30) years. (2) The rate of interest that may be paid in respect of the Present: said loan or any part thereof shall be such as shall not pro­ THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. duce to the lender or lenders a rate or rates exceeding three pounds (£3) per centum per annum. T:VHEREAS by Order in Council made on the twenty­ (3) The sa.id loan or any part thereof, together with interest l eighth day of August, one thousand nine hundred thereon, shall be repaid by equal aggregate annual or half­ and forty, and subject to the determinations as to borrowing yearly instalments extending over the term as determined and repayment therein set out, consent was given to the in (I) above. raising in New Zealand by the Hamilton Borough Council (4) The p,;yment of such instalments shall be made in (hereinafter called "the said local authority") of the sum of New Zealand and no instalments shall be paid out of loan­ twelve thousand five hundred pounds (£12,500) by a loan moneys. to be known as "Aerodrome Loan, 1940" (hereinafter (5) No amount shall be payable for brokerage, under­ called " the said loan ") : writing, or procuration fees in respect of the raising of the And whereas the authority conferred by the said Order said loan or any part thereof. in Council has not yet been exercised and it is expedient (ti) No moneys shall be borrowed under this consent after to vary certain of the determinations aforesaid in respect of the expiration of two years from the date hereof. the said loan : C. A. ,JEFFERY, Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of Clerk of the Executive Council. the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said (T. 49/268/39.) Dominion, and in pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities conferred on him by section eleven of the Local Government Loans Board Act, 1926, as set out in Varying the Delerminul-ions in respect of the One Tree Hill section twenty-nine of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 2), and Borough Council's Loan of £30,000. of all other powers and authorities enabling him in this behalf, doth hereby vary certain of the determinations aforesaid in respect of the said loan by prescribing as follows:- GALWAY, Governor-General. {I) In lieu of a term of thirty (30) years, as specified in ORDER IN COUNCIL. clause one of the said Order in Council, the term for which At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day the said loan or any part thereof may be raised shall not of December, I9f0. exceed twenty-five (25) years. (2) In lieu of a rate of inte~est not exceeding four pounds Present: (£4) per centum per annum, as specified in clause two of the THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. said Order in Council, the rate of interest that may he paid ·wHEREAS by Order in Council made on the thirteenth in respect of the said Joan shall be such as shall not produce dav of November, one thousand nine hundred .and to the lender or lenders a rate exceeding three pounds ten forty, and "subject to the determinations as to borrowing and shillings (£3 1Os.) per centum per annum. repaym.ent therein set out, c·onscnt was given to the raising (3) In lieu of provision being made for the repayment of in New Zealand by the One Tree Hill Borough Council of a the said loan by the establishment of a sinking fund in respect loan of thirty thousand pounds (£30,000) to be known as thereof, as provided in clause three of the said Order in Council, "vVater-supply Loan, 1940" (hereinafter called "the said the said loan, together with interest thereon, shall he repaid loan"): by equal aggregate annual or half-yearly instalments extending And whereas the authority conferred by the said Order in over the term of twenty-five (25) years as specified in clause Council has not yet been exercised and it is expedient to one above. vary certain of the · determinations aforesaid in respect of the said loan : C. A. JEFFERY, Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of Clerk of the Executive Council. the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of. the said (T. 49/307/22.) 3732 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

IncreMing Borrowing-powers of Wanganui Fire Board. Consenting kJ Land being taken for a Public School in Hlock XIII, Huiroa Survey District, Stratford County.

GALWAY, Governor-General. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. of December, 1940. Present: THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL. Present: N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. I conferred by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of all HEREAS it is provided by section thirty-one of the other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His W Fire Brigades Act, 1926 (hereinafter called " the Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New said Act "), that the Governor-General in Council ma.y, on Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the the application of any Fire Board established under the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth herebv consent ]'ire Brigades Act, 1926, extend the powers of that Board to to the land described in the Schedule hereto being ·taken for borrow moneys in excess of the limits fixed by the said a public school. section: And whereas by Order in Council dated the twenty-first SCHEDULE. day of August, one thousand nine hundred and forty, and APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land permitted to be published in the Gazette on the twenty-ninth day of August, taken: 3 roods 7·6 porches. one thousand nine hundred and forty, at page 2238, the Being part Section 35, Manganui District. powers of the vVanganui Fire Board were extended, but not Situated in Block XIII, H uiroa Survey District. (R.O. so as to exceed the sum of thirty-three thousand pounds : 7897.) And whereas application has been made by the Wanganui In the Taranaki Land District ; as the same is more ]'ire Board for further extension of borrowing-powers and it is desirable to grant such request : particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109060, Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at the Dominion of New Zealand, in pursuance and exercise of Wellington, and thereon edged red. the powers and authorities vested in him by the said Act, C. A. JEFFERY, and acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Clerk of the Executive Council. Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby declare that the (P.W. 3l/I019.) powers of the said Board to borrow moneys in excess of the limits fixed by the said section thirty-one are hereby extended, lmt so as not to exceed the sum of thirty-four thousand Consenting to Land being taTcen for Pmtective W m-Tcs (the pounds : Provided that no moneys as aforesaid shall be Widening and the Improvement of the Bed of the Stream borrowed except subject to the provisions of the Fire Brigades called " Water of Leith ") in the City of Dunedin. Act, 1926, ·and its amendments. GALWAY, Governor-General. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL. (I.A. 76/3/43.) At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day of December, 1940, Present: Licensing Francis Oliver John Langton to use and occupy a Part of the Foreshore at Rawene, Hokianga Harbour, as THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN 00UNC1L. a Site for a Store. :N' pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities I conferred by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers in anywise enabling him in this behalf, His GALWAY, Governor-General. Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the ORDER IN COUNCIL. Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby consent At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day to the land described in the Schedule hereto being taken of December, 1940. for protective works (the widening and the improvement of Present: the bed of the stream called" Water of Leith"). THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. SCHEDULE. URSUANT to the Harbours Act, I923, His Excellency APPROXIMA'rE area of the piece of land permitted to be P the Governor-General, acting by and with the advice taken : 16·43 perches. and consent of the Executive Council, doth hereby license Being part Section 10. and permit Francis Oliver John Langton, of Rawene (herein­ Situated in Block XXXVI, Town of Dunedin (Otago R.D.). after called " the licensee," which term shall include hls executors, administrators, or assigns, unless the context (S.O. 9174.) requires a different construction), to use and occupy a part In the Otago Land District ; as the same is more of the foreshore below low-water mark at Rawene, Hokianga particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109271, Harbour, as shown on plan marked M.D. 6283, approved on deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at the fifth day of December, one thousand nine hundred and vVellington, and thereon coloured blue. twenty-six, and deposited in the office of the Marine C. A. JEFJ<':t

Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New SCHEDUU~. Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the APPROXHIATE are:1s of the pieces of road clcclt,red . to he Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby consent Government rottd :-~ to the Waipa County Council stopping the portions of road described in the Schedule hereto. A. R. P. Adjoining 0 l 10·8 Railway land in Proclamation 93, . being part Section 19, Eketahuna Settlement, SCHEDULE. and parts Lots 19A and 19JJ, D.P. 466, APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of road permitted to be being parts closed road ; coloured green, stopped:­ edged green. A. R. P. Adjoining or passing through 0 2 30·4 Parts Lots 19A and 19B, D.P. 466, being 1 0 26·5 Allotment 153 and part Allotment 215. parts closed road ; coloured green. . 0 0 7·1 Part Allotment 215. Situated in Block VI, ::\Iangaone Survey District. 0 1 2·5 Part Allotment 215. (S,.O. 20.548.) 0 3 1·3 Allotment 153. 0 0 23·4 Part Allotment 215. ln the '\Vellingt.on Land District. ; as the same al'e n1ore particularly delineated on the plttn marked P.W.D. 109069, Situated in Block XVI, Newcastle Survey District (Parish deposited .in the office of the Minister of Public Works at of Pukete) (Auckland RD. ). (S.O. 30266.) Wellingt,m, and thereon coloured as <1hove mentioned. In the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more C. A .•JEFFERY, particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109114, Clerk of the Executive Council. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at (P.W. 70/10/31, 0.) Wellington, and thereon coloured green. ------·---- C. A . .JEFFERY, The Eastern Side of Portion of the Blenheim-Nelson 11fain Clerk of the Executive Council. Highway exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of (P.W. 34/3762/1.) the Public !Yorks Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the Building-line.

Declaring Portion of Road in Block IX, TV aiwera Hurvey GALWAY, Governor-General. District, to be Government Road. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day GALWAY, Governor-General. of December, 1940. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Present: At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th clay of THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. December, 1940. I N purnuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the Present: Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. anywise enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting N pursunnce and exercise of the powers vested in. hi1n_ by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council I by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of a11 other powers of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following in i;,nywise enabling him in this behaJf, His Excellency the resolution passed by the !\fain Highways Board on the Gove~nor-Gen~ral of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting twentieth clay of November, one thousand nine hundred and by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council forty, viz. :- of th6 said Dominion, doth here by order and declare that the " The ]\fain Highways Board, being the local authority portion of roa.d described in the Schedule hereto shall, on having control of the No. 52 Blenheim-Nelson .Main and after the date of this Order in Council, become a Highway, by resolution declares that the provisions of Government road. section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not apply to the eastern side of SCHEDULE. the portion of the said highway fronting part Section 1, District of Suburban North, Block IX, Wakapuaka APPROXlilfATE aren of the piece of road declared to he Survey Dist,rict " ; Government road : 3 roods 10·2 perches. subject to the condition that no building or part of a building Adjoining pa,rt Allotment 84, Pukcatua Pa1~sh, on D.P. 22,il 9, and part Allotment 307, Pukeatua Pansh. shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the eastern side of the portion of the Blenheim-Nelson Main Highway · Situated in Block IX, Waiwera Survey District (Auckland (described in the Schedule hereto) within a distance of R.D.). (S.0. 31345.) thirty-three feet from the centre-line of the said portion of In the North Auckland Land District ; as the same is road. more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109180, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public SCHEDl:LE. vVorks at Wellington, and thereon coloured green. THE eastern side of all that portion of road, situated in the C. A . .JEF:F'ERY, Nelson Land District, known as the Blenheim-Nelson ]\fain Clerk of the Executive Council. Highway fronting part Section 1, District of Suburban North, Block IX, Wakapuaka Survey District. As the same (P.W. 62/8fl/2/3.) is more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109290, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works ttt Wellington, and thereon edged reel. Declaring Portions of Road in Block• VI, 11fangaone Survey C. A . .JEFFERY, District, to be Goi•ernment Road. Clerk of the Executive Council. (P.W. 51/2497.) GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. The Western Side of Portion of Beaver Road, in the Borough of Blenheim, exempted from the Provisions of Section 128 of the At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day Public TV orlcs Act, 1928, subject to a Condition as to the of December, .1940. Bnilding-line. Present: 1'rrn RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. GALWAY, Governor-General. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in him ORDER IN COUNCIL. I bv the Public Works Act, 1928, and of all other powers At the Government Bnildings at Wellington, this 18th day in any.wise ena,bling him in this behalf, His Rxcellency the of December, 1940. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand. acting Present: by and with tho advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby order and declare that THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. the port10ns of road described in the Schedule hereto shall, N pursuance and exerdse of the powers conferred by the on and after the date of this Order in Council, become I Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in Government road. anywise enabling him if.l this behalf, His Excellency the 3'734 .THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No .. 127

Governor:General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting The North-western and North-eastern 8ide.s uenerally of P(Rtion, bv and with the advice and consent of the Executive of Kcrilceri Foreshore Road, Bay of Islands County, exempted Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the from the Provisions of Section 128 of the Piibtic Works Acl, following resolution passed by the Blenheim Borough Council 1928, B'Ubject to a Condition as to the Building-line. on the twenty-third day of lVIay, one thousand nine hundred and forty, viz. :- GALWAY, Governor-General. " Resolved on the motion of Councillor J\ifitchell ORDER IN COUNCIL. seconded by Councillor Taylor that the Blenheim Borough At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day Council agrees to exempt that portion of Beaver Road, of December, 1940. tinted pink on the plan presented, and fronting Section 288, Town of Blenheim, from the provisions of the Public Present: Works Act, I928 " ; THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN 00.UNCIL. subject to the condition that no building or part of a building i\[ pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the western I the Public \Vorks Act,, 1928, and of every other power side of the portion of Beaver Road (described in the Schedule in anywise enabling him in this behalf; His h:xcellency the hereto) within a distance of thirty-three feet from the centre­ Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting line of the said portion of street. by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Bay of Islands County Council on SCHEDULE. the fourteenth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and forty, the portions of road affected by such resolution THE western side of all that portion of street, situated in being more particularly described in the Schedule hereto, the Marlborough Land District, Borough of Blenheim, known v-iz. :- as Beaver Road, fronting Lot 288 on the plan of the Town of Blenheim and being part Section 3, Omaka District. As " That the Bay of Islands County Council, being the local authority having control of the road knowri as the the same fa more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109657, deposited in the office of the Minister of Kerikeri Foreshore Road, by resolution declares that Public Works at WeUington, and thereon coloured pink. the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Works Act, 1928, shall not apply to the C. A. JEFFERY, portions of the said road, shown coloured purple· on Clerk of the Executive Council. plan P.W.D. 106570, fronting parts Sections 21, 23, and 24, Block XI, Kerikeri Survey District, and tha,t the (P.W. 51/632-.) seal be affixed to a copy of this resolution and issued ·• ; subject to the condition that no building or part of a buildh1g shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the north­ The Western tl.nd Nortih-eastern Sides of Portions of Roads, in western and north-eastern sides generally of the portions of the Gqunty of Waimea, exempted from the Provisions of Kcrikeri Foreshore Road (described in the Schedule hereto) Section 1.28 of the Public Works Act, 1928, suliject to a within a distance of sixty -six feet from the opposite sides of Condition as the Building-line. the said road.

GALWAY, Governor-General. SCHEDULE. ORDER IN COUNCIL. TnE north-western and north-eastern sides generally of all those portions of road in the North Auckland Land District, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of Bay of Islands County, known as Kerikeri Foreshore Road, December, 1940. fronting parts Sections 21, 23, and 24, Block Xl, Kerikeri Present: Survey District. As the same are more particularly delineated THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. on the plan marked P.W.D. 106670, depo,ited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon N p. u. rsuance and exercise of the powers confoLTod by the coloured purple. I Public W arks Act, I 928, and of every other power in C. A. JEFFERY, a,uywise ,ma,bUng him in this behalf, His Excellency the Clerk of the Executive Council. Goven1or.General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council (P.W. 51/2529.) of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Waimea County Council on the The South-western and Southern Sides of Portion of Aitken Place eighth day of November, one thousand nine hundred and and the North-western Side · of Portian of N eidpath Road, forty, viz. :- in the City of Dunedin, exempted from the Provisfons of " 'l'hat the \Vaimea County Council, being the local Section 128 of the Piiblic Works Act, 1928, subject to a authority having control of the ro1tds within the vYaimea Oorulitian as to the Biii/.ding-line. County, by resolution declares that the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public GALWAY, Governor-General. Works Act, 1928, shall not apply to the western side of ORDER IN COUNCIL. the road fronting the eastern boundary of part Section 16, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day Snburban South, Block IV, iVaimea Sur,·ey Drntrict, of December, 1940. and the. north-eastern side of the road passing t!:trough the ~aid section as s.hown on a plan prepared by lVIes~rs. Present: Hoult and von Sturmer, ma,rked A, R, and C, and THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. coloured pink thereon " ; N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by the su!,ject to the condition that no building or part of a building I Public Works Act, 1928, and of every other power in shall a.t any time be erected on the land fronting the western anywise enabling ;.him in this behalf, His Excellency the and north-eastem sides of the portions of roads (described Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zeafand, acting in the Schedule hereto) within a distance of thirty. three feet bv and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council from the centre-lines of the said portions of ro11cls. of the said Dominion, doth hereby approve of the following resolution passed by the Dunedin City Council on the twenty. third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty, viz.:- SCHEDULE. " That the Dunedin City Council, being the local THE western side of all that portion of road, situated iu the authority having control of the streets in the City of Neloon Land District, County of Waimea, fronting part Dunedin, by resoluti,m declares that the provisions of Section 16, District of Suburban South. Also the north­ section one hundred and twenty-eight of the Public Works eastern side of all that portion of road situated in the said Act, 1828, shall not apply to the undermentioned portions land district and county fronting the said part Section 16. of streets, viz. :- As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan " (a) The south-western and southern side of portion marked P.W.D. 109504., deposited in the office of the Minister of Aitken Place, abutting on Lot 73, D.P. 53, of Puhlic W arks at W eilington, and thereon coloured pink. Township of West Dunedin, and part Sec­ tion 94, Block VI, Town District ; and C. A. JEFFERY, " (b) The north-western side of portion of Neidpath Clerk of the Executive Council. Road, abutting on Lots 337, 3,38, 339, 340, (P.W. 51/2603.) 341, and 342, Deeds Plan 253, Glen Estate "; DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3735 subject to t.he condition that no building or part of a building and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, shall at any time be erected on the land fronting the sout,h­ doth hereby cancel the reservation for police purposes over western and southern sides of the portion of Aitken Place the land described in the Schedule hereto ; and doth hereby and the north-western side of the portion of Neidpath Road declare that the said land, being vested in the Crown, is (described in the Schedule hereto), within a distance of Crown land available for disposal under the Land Act, 1924. thirty-three feet from the centre-lines of the said portions of streets, SCHEDULE. NELSON LAND DISTRICT. SCHEDULE. SECTION 42, Village of Seddonville : Area, 32 perche,, THE south-western and southern sides of all that portion of more or less. (S.O. plan 4811.) street situated in the Otago Land District, City of Dunedin, known at Aitken Place, adjoining Lot 73, D,P. 53, Township C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. of West Dunedin, being part Section 94, Block VI, Town District, and Lot 1, D.P. 5349, being part of Section 94, (L, and S. 6/7/228.) Block VI, Town District, · Also the north-western side of all that portion of street situated in the said land district and city known as Neidpath Recreati,m Reserve in Otago Land District brought under Road, adjoining Lots 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, and part Part fl of the P1d1lic Reserves, Dornains, and N ati-onal Lot 342, Deeds Plan 253, Glen Estate, being also parts Parks Act, 1928, Sections 94 and 95, Block VI, Town District. As the same are more particularly delineated on the plan GALWAY, Governor-General. marked P.W.D. 109203, deposited in the office of the Minister ORDER IN COUNCIL. of Public \Vorks at \Vellington, and thereon coloured red, At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. C. A . .JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. Present: THE RIGHT HON, P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. (P.W. 51/2444.) y virtue of the powers and aut,horities vested in me by B the thirty-fourth section of the Public Reserves, Changing the Purpose of Portion of a. Reserve in Kriukapakapa Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, I, George Vere Parish, North Auckland Land Di8trict. Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, hy and with the advice and consent of the GAL\VAY, Governor-Genernl, Executive Council of the said Dominion, do herehv order and declare that the reserve for recreation in the Otago Land ORDER IN COUNCIL. District described in the Schedule hereto, shall be and the At the Government, Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of same is hereby brought under the operation of and declared December, 1940, to he subject to the provisions of Part TI of the said Act, and such reserve shall hereaft.er form part of the Taieri Present: Mouth Domain, and he managed, administered, and dealt THE RIGHT HON, P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. with ns a public domain hy the Taieri Mouth Domain Board, HEREAS the land described in the Schedule hereto W forms portion of a reserve duly set apart for a site SCHEDULE. for a landing-place: 01'AGO LAND DrsTRIC7'. And whereas it is expedient that tho purpose of the reserva­ tion over such land shall be changed to a reserve for a site ALL that area containing by admeasurement 17·17 poles, for a public pound : more or less, being Lot 1, Township of Knarston, D.P. 5240, Now, therefore, His Excellency the Governor-General of being subdivision of part of Section 2, Block XXIV, Waihola the Dominion of New Zealanrl, acting by and with the advice Survey District, bounded : Towards the north-east by and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, Section 11, 219·1 links; towards the south-east by a public and in exercise of the powers and authorities conferred upon road-line, 2ll ·2 links; and towards the north-west by Lot 2 him by subsection one (a) of section seven of the Public of the aforesaid township, 103· l links ; be all the aforesaid Reserves, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, doth linkages more or less. As the same is more particularly hereby declare that the purpose of that portion of the reserve delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 1 /797n, deposited described in the Schedule hereto is hereby changed from a in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, at reserve for a site for a landing-place to a reserve for a site for a Wellington, and thereon bordered red. pnhlic pound. C. A. JEFFERY, Clerk of the Executive Council. SCHEDULE. (L, and S. 1/797.) NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. ------~------ALL that area in the ,vaitemata Connty, situated in Block XI, Recreation Reserve in Canterbu,·y Land District brought under Kaipara Survey District, containing by admeasurcment Part II of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National 2 roods 25 perches, more or less, being part Allotment 1 ~!l, Parks Act, 1928, Kaukapakapa Parish, bounded: Towards the west, north-west, and east by public roads; towards the south-east generally GALWAY, Governor-General. by the Kaukapakapa River; and towards the south by other part Allotment 129, Kaukapakapa Parish. As the ORDER IN COUNCIL, sa,me is more particularly delineated on the plan marked At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day of L, and S. 16/2273B, deposited in the Head Office, Depart­ • December, 1940, ment of Lands and Survey, at ,vellington, and thereon Present: colour<>d yelk,w, THE RIGHT HoN, P. FRASER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL. (North Auckland plan S,O, 313,17s.) y virtue of the powers and authorities vested in me by C, A. JEFFERY, B the thirty-fourth section of the Public Reserves, Clerk of the ExecnHve Council, Domains, and National Parks Act, 1928, I, George Vere (L. and S. 16/2273.) Arundel!, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, do hereby Cancelling the Reservation over a Re8erve in Village of order and declare that the reserve for recreation in tho Canter­ Seddonville, N el.son Land District. bury Land District described in the Schedule hereto shall be and the same is hereby brought under the operation of and declared to be subject to the provisions of Part II of the said GALWAY, Governor-General. Act, and such reserve shall hereafter form part of the Pioneer ORDER IN COUNCIL. Park Domain, and be managed, administered, and dealt with as a public domain by the Pioneer Park Domain Board. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. SCHEDULE. Present: CANTERBURY LAND DISTRICT. THE RIGHT HON. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CoUNCIL, RESERVE 3592, Block XII, Tengawai Survey District: Area, N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities l acre, more or less. I conferred upon him by subsection one ( b) of section sevm1 of the Public Reserves, Domains, and National Parks C. A. JEFFERY, Act, 1928, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Clerk of the Executive Council, Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice (L. and S, 1/1088.) 3736 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 121

Setting apart Native Land as a Native Reservation. Imposing Levy on the Owners of Coal-mines situated within the Ohai Rescue-station Levy Area.

GALWAY, Governor-General. GALWAY, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day ORDER IN COUNCIL. of December, 1940. At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 10th day of Present: · December, 1940. THE RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. HEREAS by section six, subsection four, of the Coal­ Present: W mines Amendment Act, 1936, it is provided that THE: RIGHT HoN. P. FRASER PRESIDING IN CouNCIL. every rescue-station established in accordance with .section URSUANT to section five of the Native Purposes Act, six of the said Act shall be established in respect of an area P 1937, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by to be defined by the Minister of Mines by notice published in and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council, the Gazette : doth hereby set apart and reserve the Native freehold land And whereas by section six, subsection five, of the said Act, described in the Schedule hereto as a Native reservation for the it is provided that for the purpose of recouping the cost of common use of the owners thereof as a meeting-place, a the establishment and maintenance of any such rescue­ recreation-ground, and a place of burial. station the Governor-General, by Order in Council, may from time to time impose levies on the owners of coal-mines situated within the area defined in respect of such rescue. station, not exceeding in respect of any mine for any year a levy computed at the rate of one penny for every ton or SCHEDULE. part of a ton of marketable coal raised from the mine during Block. Area. Survey District.. the preceding year ended on the thiity-first day of December: lB 4D 2A 5 acres Matakaoa. And whereas the Minister of Mines, by notice appearing in the New Zealand Gazette of the twenty-ninth day of C. A. JEFPERY, February, one thousand nine hundred and forty, defined an Clerk of the Executive Council. area in respect of which a rescue-~tation might be established : And whereas the Minister of Mines is establishing a rescue­ station (hereinafter called " the. Ohai Rescue-station ") in respect of the coal-mining area defined in the said notice : liliposing Levy on the Onwers of Coal-mines situated within Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the powers the Grey Rescue-station Levy Area. and authorities conferred on him by the said section six, subsection five, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby, for the purpose of recouping the cost _of the GALWAY, Governor-General. establishment and maintenance of the Ohai Rescue-station, ORDER IN COUNCIL. impose on the owners of coal-mines situated within the area defined in the said notice in respect of each mine within At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 18th day the said area a levy computed at the rate of one penny for of December, 1940. every ton or part of a ton of marketable coal raised from the mine during the year ended on the thirty-first day of Present : December, one thousand nine hundred and forty. . THE RIGHT HON. P. PRASER PRESID1NG lN COUNCIL. C. A. JEFFERY, HEREAS by section six, subsection four, of the Coal­ Clerk of the Executive Council. W mines Amendment Act, 1936, it is provided that (!\fines N. 8/58/10.) every rescue-station established in accordance with section six of the said Act shall be established in .respect of an area Honorary Inspectors of Scenic Reserves appointed._ to be defined by the Minister of Mines by notice published in the Gazette : GALWAY, Governor-General. And whereas by section six, subsection five, of the said N pursuance and exercise of tho powers conferred by Act, it is provided that for the purpose of recouping the cost I section four of the Scenery Preservation Act, 1908, I, of the· establishinent and m«intenance of any such rescue­ George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General station the Governor-General, by Order in Council, may of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint from time to time impose levies on the owners of coal-mines situated witrun the area defined in respect of such rescue­ Brian Bary, station, not exceeding in respect of any mine for any year a Edward Augustine Batt, levy computed at t,he rate of one penny for every ton or Henry Richard William Baylis, part of a ton of marketable coal raised from the mine during Edmund Herbert de Jersey Clere, the preceding year ended on the thirty-first day of December: Arthur John Curtis, · And whereas the Minister of Mines, by notice appearing Vvilliam James Drake, in the New Zealand Gazette of the fourteenth day of October, George Finn, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, defined an Albert Percy Godber, area in respect of which a rescue-sfation might be established : Donald Grist, And whereas the Minister of Mines, by notice appearing Andrew Blayney Hamilton, in the New Zealand Gazette of the fifteenth day of Pebruar,', Ernst Peterson Hay, one thousand riine hundred and forty, amended the boundaries Varley Joseph Hellyar, · of such area : ,Julius Madsen, James Gordon Stuart Morrison, And whereas the Minister of Mines has established a rescue­ Leslie Moncrieffe Nutt, station (hereinafter called " the Grey Rescue-station ") in Ernest Scott Palliser, respect of the coal-mining area defined in the said notices : William Pilliet Pringle, Now, therefore, in ·pursuance and exercise of the powers Norman Henry Russell, arid: authorities conferred 01e him by the said section six, Herbert Willfam Shortt, s11bsection five, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Francis Selwyn Simcox, pominion of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice George Springhall, and consent of the Executive Council of the said Dominion, James Jackson Stevenson, do!h here by, for the purpose of recouping the cost of the Syvier James Stewart, establishment and maintenance of the Grey Rescue-station, William Alexander Sutherland, impose on the owners of coal-mines situated within the area Samuel James Thompson, defined in the said notices in respect of each mine within Alexander James Toogood, and the said area a levy computed at the rate of three-farthings Keitha Owen White for every ton or part of a ton of marketable coal raised from the mine during the year ending on the thirty-first day to be Honorary Inspectors under the said Act. of December,- one thousand nine hundred and forty. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor. General, this 17th day of December, 1940. C. A. JEFFERY, FRANK LANGSTONE, Clerk of the Executive Council. Minister in Charge of l:iceµery PreservatioJ!, (Mines N. 8/58/4.) (L. and S. 4/448.) · DEC. 19.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3737

Lands temporarily reserved in the North Auckland, Taranaki, and N elBon Land Districts.

GALWAY, Governor-General. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section three hundred and fifty-nine of the Land Act, 1924, I, George I Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, Governor-General of tho Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby temporarily reserve the lands in the North Auckland, Taranaki, and Nelson Land Districts described in the Schedule hereunder written for the purposes specified in the said Schedule.


---;::ality. . I . . Section. I Block.

NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT. A. R. P. Mangawai Parish Allotment 300 (formerly part Allotment I) II 0 0 Public school-site (Mangawai). llfangawai S.D.* III ,J Allotments 78 and 79 Maraetai Parish 5 2 16 Recreation. S.D. I I} TARANAKI LAND DISTRICT. Opaku S.D. •• I 36 XVI 4 2 30 Site for a roadman's cottage. NELSON LAND DISTRICT. Ngakawau S.D. 23 VI 0 0 29 Public buildings of the General Government.

* Survey District. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, this 13th day of December, 1940. FRANK LANGSTONE, Minister of Lands. (L. and S. 23/838.) ------Notice under the Regulations Act, 1936.

OTICE is hereby given in pursuance of the Regulations Act, 1936, of the making of regulations and orders N as under:-

Authority for Enactment. Short Title or Subject-matter. Serial Date of Price (Postage, Number. Enactment. I ld. extra). --~------The Margarine Act, 1908 The Margarine Regulations 1940 1940/315 10/12/40 3d. The Labour Legislation Emergency The Clothing Trade Labour Legislation Sus- 1940/316 18/12/40 ld. Regulations 1940 pension Order 1940, Amendment No. 1 The Labour Legislation Emergency The Clothing Trade Labour Legislation Sus- 1940/317 18/12/40 Id. Regulations 1940 pension Order 1940, No. 2, Amendment No. 1 Supply Control Emergency Regu- The Southland and Otago Silver-beech 1940/318 19/12/40 3d. lations 1939 Marketing Notice 1940

Copies can be purchased at the Government Printing and Stationery Office, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Prices for quantities supplied on application. Copies may be ordered by quoting serial number. E. V. PAUL, Government Printer.

Appointment of Members of the Maori: Council for the Matatua Member of Licensing Committee appointed. Maori DiBtrict. Department of Justice, Weilington, 18th December, 1940. GALWAY, Governor-General. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased H to appoint N pursuance and exercise of the power and authority I conferred upon me by section six of the Native Purposes Frederick William Wood, Esquire, Act, 1938, I, George Vere Arundell, Viscount Galway, to be a Member of the Licensing Committee for the district Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do of VVairarapa, vice H. T. Rees, deceased. hereby appoint H. G. R. MASON, Minister of Justice. Teihi Paerata Hawiki (Chairman), Albert Oliphant Stewart, Honorary Consul of Belgium at Christchurch appointed. Pii Tairua, Taute Erueti, Department of Internal Affairs, Iki Pouwhare, Wellington, 16th December, 1940. Te Roihe Pakiri, IS Excellency the Governor-General directs it to be Tarewa Kopae, and H notified that the appointment by the Consul-General Percival Arthur Wallwork (Official Member) of Belgium in New Zealand of to be members of the Maori Council for the Matatua Maori Sir Joseph Ward, Baronet, District. as Honorary Consul of Belgium at Christchurch for the Provincial Districts of Canterbury, Marlborough, Nelson, and As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Westland has been provisionally recognized. General of the Dominion of New Zealand, this 18th day of December, 1940. F. JONES, For the Minister of Internal Affairs. FRANK LANGSTONE, Native Minister. (I.A. 68/56.) C 3738 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Appointments to and Retirements from High Commissioner's EQUIPMENT BRANCH,--SECTION I. Staff, London. Appointment. Department of Internal Affairs, Frederick Arnold Davis is granted a temporary commission Wellington, 16th December, 1940. in the rank of Squadron Leader (Acting Wing Com­ mander). Dated 1st December, 1940. , ·· IS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has H been pleased to appoint and/or retire as the case ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. may be, in terms of section 9 of the High Commissioner's Act, Promotion. 1908, the following persons as officers in the office of the High Flying Officer Strachan Agnew Goldingham (temporary Commissioner in London as on and from the date or dates commission) to be Flight Lieutenant (temp.). Dated specified opposite the name of each respectively :- 1st December, 1940. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Name. Date of Date of ______I A_p_po_in_tm_e_n_t_. ~-Re_t_ire_m_e_nt_._

Alexander, D. 25/4/38 Appointments in the Royal Naval Reserve (New Zealand). Drake, Miss M. B. 24/4/39 Gandon, Miss K. J. 22/4/40 Navy Office, Plummer, Miss A.G. 22/1/40 Wellington, 12th December, 1940. Poole, Miss J. 8/5/39 IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased Puxty, Miss 0. 15/4/40 H to approve the following appointments in the Royal Mangez, Miss J. 16/6/38 Naval Reserve (New Zealand):- Manhire, S. C. 12/4/40 Lieutenant Alan Seton Winton, Royal Naval Reserve Manhire, Miss W. E. 13/5/40 (Retired), appointed to H.M.S. "Achilles," vice Chapman, McAllister, G. 1/2/39 29/2/40 to date 2nd December, 1940. Morris, N. A. 15/4/40 Lieutenant H. A. Dunnet, Royal Naval Reserve, appointed Reid, Miss N. E. 17/4/39 , 31/12/39 to H.M.S. " Muritai " additional, for fast minesweepers, to date 2nd December, 1940. Ienan George Thomson, appointed to H.M.S. " Philomel " 'F. JONES, additional, for H.M.S. "Monowai ;, as Second Electrician, For the Minister of Internal Affairs. to date 16th August, 1940, and to H.M.S. "Monowai" as Second Electrician, to date 30th August, 1940 (to Oil Fuel Retail Hours () Order 1940, Amendment No.1. serve under T. 124 Agreement), holding rank equivalent to, and to wear the uniform of a Temporary Sub­ Lieutenant (El), Royal Naval Reserve (New Zealand), URSUANT to the Oil Fuel Retail Hours Emergency serving under T. 124 Agreement. P Regulations 1940, I, Patrick Charles Webb, Minister of Labour, do hereby direct as follows:- · F. JONES, Minister of Defence. 1. This Order may be cited as the Oil Fuel Retail Hours (Timaru) Order 1940, Amendment No. 1. Formation of New Units, Changes in Designation, and 2. This Order shall come into force as from the date of Reorganization of Units of the Territorial Force. the gazetting thereof. 3. The Oil ]'uel Retail Hours (Timaru) Order is hereby Army Departm~nt, . amended by adding to clause 5 thereof the following :- Wellington, 13th December, 1940. f Amuri Motors, Limited. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased "Ninth week ·'"\_Morrison's Coal Co., Limited." H to approve, under section 6 (a), Defence Act, 1909, of the formation of new units, changes in designation, and Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of December, 1940. reorganization of units of the Territorial Force as set out P. C. WEBB, Minister of Labour. hereunder :- (a) The following new corps and units are formed. Date/I 1st November, 1940 :- Promotion, Confirmation, and Appointment of Officers of New Zealand Provost Corps. the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand Ordnance Corps.

Air Department, ARMY RESERVE. Wellington, 13th December, 1940. Headquarters, Army Reserve, Wellington. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleas~d Headquarters, 4th New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade H to 'approve of the following promotion, confirmation, (Motorized), Palmerston North. and appointment of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Headquarters, 7th New Zealand Infantry Brigade, Welling­ Force:- ton. EQUIPMENT BRANCH,-SECTION II. 3rd Battalion, The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Promotion and Confirmation. Ranfurly's Own), with headquarters at Auckland. 2nd Battalion, The Wellington Regiment (City of Welling­ Flying Officer William Stanley Simpson, M.B.E., to be ton's Own), with headquarters at Wellington. Acting Flight Lieutenant. Dated 1st March, 1940. 2nd Battalion, The Hawke's Bay Regiment, with head­ Acting Flight Lieutenant William Stanley Simpson, M.B.E., quarters at Dannevirke. is confirmed in the rank of Flight Lieutenant (temp.). 12th Field Regiment, New Zealand Artillery, with head­ Dated 1st June, 1940. quarters at Wellington, comprising:- ADMINISTRATIVE AND SPECIAL DUTIES BRANCH. The 37th Battery, with detachments at Wellington and Napier. Appointment. The 38th Battery, with headquarters at Auckland. Kenneth Eaton Davidson is granted a temporary com­ The 30th Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ord­ mission in the rank of Pilot Officer (on probation). Dated nance Corps (attached), with headquarters at 1st December, 1940. Wellington. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. 22nd Field Company, Corps of New Zealand Engineers, with headquarters at Auckland. 4th Signals Company, New Zealand Corps of Signals, with Promotions and Appointment of Officers of the Royal New detachments at Auckland and Wellington. Zealand Air Force. 5th Composite Company, New Zealand Army Service Corps, with headquarters at Auckland. Air Department, 5th Reserve Mechanical Transport Company, New Zealand Wellington, 13th December, 1940. Army Service Corps, with detachments at W anganui IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased and Napier. H to approve of the following appointment and pro­ 8th Field Ambulance, New Zealand Medical Corps, with motions of officers of the Royal New Zealand Air Force :- headquarters at Hamilton. 5th Field Hygiene Section, New Zealand Medical Corps, with GENERAL DUTIES BRANCH. headquarters at Wellington. 4th Motor Ambulance Convoy, New Zealand Medical ,Promotion. Corps, with headquarters at Wellington. Flying Officer Axel Neil Johnstone to be Flight Lieutenant 4th Provost Company, New Zealand Provost Corps, with (temp.). Dated 1st De9ember, 1940. headquarters at Wellington, DEc. 19.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3739

NORTHERN MILITARY DISTRICT. 3rd Reserve Mechanical Transport Company, New Zealand Northern District BMe. Army Service Corps, with headquarters at Christchurch. 3rd Field Hygiene Section, New Zealand Medical Corps, Northern Remount Depot, New Zealand Veterinary Corps, with headquarters at Dunedin. with headquarters at Hamilton. 3rd Motor Ambulance Convoy, New Zealand Medical Northern Veterinary Hospital, New Zealand Veterinary Corps, with headquarters at Christchurch. Corps, with headquarters at Hamilton. 3rd Provost Company, New Zealand Provost Corps, with headquarters at Christchurch. Northern Division. Headquarters, Northern Division, Auckland. Southern Field Force. 2nd Battalion, The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own), with headquarters at Auckland. Headquarters, Southern Field Force, Christchurch. Headquarters, 3rd New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, 1st Battalion, The New Zealand Scottish Regiment, with Christchurch. headquarters at Auckland. 1st Reserve Mechanical Transport Company, New Zealand 3rd Mobile Veterinary Section, New Zealand Veterinary Army Service Corps, with headquarters at Auckland. Corps, with headquarters at Christchurch. 1st l!'ield Hygiene Section, New Zealand Medical Corps, 25th Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance Corps with headquarters at Auckland. (attached 3rd Field Regiment, New Zealand Artillery), 1st Motor Ambulance Convoy, New Zealand Medical with headquarters at Christchurch. Corps, with headquarters at Auckland. Headquarters, 3rd New Zealand Infantry Brigade, 1st Provost Company, New Zealand Provost Corps, with Christchurch. headquarters at Auckland. 26th Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance Corps (attached 3rd New Zealand Infantry Brigade), with Northern Field Force. headquarters at Christchurch. Headquarters, Northern Field Force, Auckland. Fortress Troops. Headquarters, 1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, Hamilton. Headquarters, Southern Fortress Area, Christchurch. 1st Mo bile Veterinary Section, New Zealand Veterinary Corps, with headquarters at Hamilton. UNITS REDESIGNATED, · 21st Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance Corps (b) The existing designations of units of the New Zealand (attached 1st Field Regiment, New Zealand Artillery), Corps of Signals are abolished, and the following substituted. with headquarters at Auckland. Dated 1st November, 1940 :- Headquarters, 1st New Zealand Infantry Brigade, Auckland. 22nd Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance 1st Signals Company, with headquarters at Auckland. Corps (attached 1st Infantry Brigade), with headquarters 2nd Signals Company, with headquarters at Wellington. at Auckland. 3rd Signals Company, with headquarters at Christchurch. ( c) The existing Regiments of New Zealand Artillery are Fortress Troops. reorganized as follows, all existing designations being Headquarters, Northern Fortress Area, Auckland. abolished, and units redesignated as 110w shown. Dated 1st July, 1940 :- CENTRAL MILITARY DISTRICT. 1st Field Regiment, with headquarters at Auckland, Central District Base. comprising :- ("A" Troop (Auckland). Central Remount Depot, New Zealand Veterinary Corps, 1st Battery (AucklandH "B" Troop (Auckland). with headquarters at Wellington. l" C" Troop (Auckland). Central Veterinary Hospital, New Zealand Veterinary (" D" Troop (Onehunga). Corps, with headquarters at Wellington. 2nd Battery (Auckland){" E" Troop (Ponsonby). l" F" Troop (Auckland). Central Division. 2nd Field Regiment, with headquarters at Wellington, Headquarters, Central Division, Wellington. comprising :- 2nd Reserve Mechanical Transport Company, New ZeaJand Army Service Corps, with headquarters at Wellington. ("A" Troop (Wellington). 2nd Field Hygiene Section, New Zealand Medical Corps, 3rd Battery (Wellington)'\ "B" Troop (Wellington). with headquarters at Wellington. l" C" Troop (Wellington). 2nd Motor Ambulance Convoy, New Zealand Medical (" D" Troop (Napier). Corps, with headquarters at Wellington. 4th Battery (Napier) '\ "E" Troop (Napier). 2nd Provost Company, New Zealand Provost Corps, with l." F" Troop (Palmerston North). headquarters at Wellington. 3rd Field Regiment, with headquarters at Christchurch, comprising :- Central .Field Force. ("A" Troop (Christchurch). Headquarters, Central Field Force, Wellington. 5th Battery (ChristchurchH "B" Troop (Christchurch). Headquarters, 2nd New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, l" C" Troop (Christchurch). Hawera. (" D" Troop (Dunedin). 2nd Mobile Veterinary Section, New Zealand Veterinary 6th Battery (Dunedin) '\ "E" Troop (Dunedin). Corps, with headquarters at Hawera. l" F " Troop (Dunedin). 23rd Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance Corps 8th Medium Regiment (headquarters not formed), compris­ (attached 2nd Field Regiment, New Zealand Artillery), ing independent Batteries as under :- with headquarters at Wellington. . kl d f"A"Troop(NarrowNeck). Headquarters, 2nd New Zealand Infantry Brigade, 7th Medmm Battery (Aue an ) L" B" Troop (Hamilton). Wellington. 24th Light Aid Detachment, New Zealand Ordnance Corps . . f" C" Troop (Petone). 8th Medium Battery (Wellmgton) D "Troop (Wellington). (attached 2nd New Zealand Infantry Brigade), with L" headquarters at Wellington. 9th Heavy Regiment, with headquarters at Devonport, comprising :- Fortress Troops. 9th Heavy Battery (l\fotutapu). Headquarters, Central Fortress Area, 1Vellington. 10th Heavy Battery (North Head). 11th Heavy Battery (Takapuna). SOUTHERN MILITARY DISTRICT. 12th Anti-aircraft Battery (Auckland). Southern District Base. 10th Heavy Regiment, with headquarters at Seatoun, Southern Remount Depot, New Zealand Veterinary Corps, comprising :- with headquarters at Christchurch. 13th Heavy Battery (Palmer Head). Southern Veterinary Hospital, New Zealand Veterinary 14th Heavy Battery (Fort Dorset). Corps, with headquarters at Christchurch. 15th Heavy Battery (Gordon Point). 16th Anti.aircraft Battery (Wellington). Southern Division. 11th Heavy Regiment, with headquarters at Godley Head, Headquarters, Southern Division, Christchurch. comprising :- 2nd Battalion, New Zealand Scottish Regiment, with 17th Heavy Battery (Godley Head). headquarters at Christchurch. 2nd Battalion, The Canterbury Regiment, with headquarters 18th Heavy Battery (Battery Point). at Christchurch. F. JONES, Minister of Defence, 3740 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Appointments, Promotwns, Transfers, and Resignations of j No. 6 (MARLBOROUGH) SQUADRON MOUNTED RIFLES. Officers of the New Zealand j}filitary Forces. Major C. St. G. M. C. Parsons, from the Nelson-Marlborough Mounted Rifles, to be Major, with seniority from 15th Army Department, August, 1937. Dated 1st September, 1940. Wellington, 13th December, 1940. Lieutenant G. R. Western, from the Reserve of Officers, Supplementary List, to be Captain (temp.). Dated 1st H IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to September, 1940. approve of the following appointments, promotions, Captain (temp.) A. L. Kennington, from the Nelson­ transfers, and resignations of officers in the New Zealand Marlborough Mounted Rifles, to be Lieutenant. Dated Military Forces :- 1st September, 1940. STAFF. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.). Dated 2nd Lieutenant A. B. Watt, 2nd N.Z. Expeditionary Force, 1st September, 1940 :- is appointed TranspOI"t Officer, Waiouru Military Camp (temp.). Dated 14th November, 1940. Jack Ward Bennett. Russell Roberts Laidlaw. Frank Vesey Hamilton Robinson. N.Z. TEMPORARY STAFF. Thomas Stordy Maskew. Lieutenant G. P. Leane, M.C., to be Captain. Dated 26th November, 1940. No. 7 (NELSON) SQUADRON MOUNTED RIFLES. 2nd Lieutenant E. King to be Lieutenant, and is granted John Malcolm Lorimer (late Indian Army) to be Major. the acting rank of Captain. Dated 2nd October, 1940. Dated 1st September, 1940. With reference to the notice published in the New Zealand William George Murray (late The Manawatu Mounted Gazette No. ll8, dated 21st November, 1940, relative to the Rifles) to be Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 1st November, appointment of Gavin George Wallace, for "to be 2nd 1940. Lieutenant," substitute " to be Lieutenant." 2nd Lieutenant William Drummond Griffith (Retired List) to be Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 2nd November, 1940. Lieutenant D. W. Curham, J\,LC., relinquishes the appoint­ Lieutenant L. S. :;\,fax, from the Reserve of Officers, The ment of Company Commander, 11th Company, National Nelson-Marlborough Mounted Rifles, to be Lieutenant. Military Reserve, Wanganui, is appointed Assistant Area Dated 3rd November, 1940. Officer, Area 6, Wanganui, and is granted the temporary George Edward Boys to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.). Dated rank of Captain while so employed. Dated 22nd Novem­ 4th November, 1940. • ber, 1940. 2nd Lieutenant S. C. Hav to be Lieutenant. Dated 22nd No. 8 (ELLESMERE) SQUADRON MOUNTED RIFLES. November, 1940. • Captain Clement Harold Sykes (late British Army) to be John Wesley Loper (ex Royal N.Z. Artillery) to be Lieu­ Major. Dated 1st September, 1940. tenant, and is appointed Instructor, Artillery Training Edward Joseph Richmond Webb Jekyll to be 2nd Lieu­ Regiment, Mobilization Camp, Papakura. Dated 29th tenant (temp.). Dated 1st September, 1940. November, 1940. Bernard Waghorn to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.). Dated 1st September, 1940. THE .AUCKLAND (EAST COAST) MOUNTED RIFLES. No. 9 (TAIERI) SQUADRON MOUNTED RIFLES. 2nd Lieutenant G. B. Murray, Retired List, to be Lieu­ Colonel G. R. Mitchell, D.S.O., V.D., from the Reserve of tenant (temp.) Dated 20th November, 1940. Officers, to be Colonel, with pay and allowances of a The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.). Dated Major. Dated 2nd September, 1940. 1st November, 1940 :- Captain J. A. Aitcheson, from the Reserve of Officers, The Grenville William Richard Hinton Purchase. Otago Mounted Rifles, to be Captain. Dated 2nd Edward George Dodd. September, 1940. Charles Eric Rayner. Lieutenant J. A. Gow, from the Reserve of Officers, Supple­ Robert William Wayne. mentary List, to be Lieutenant. Dated 2nd September, Herbert Cecil Ross. 1940. Gilbert Reginald Murray. Lieutenant A. W. Green, from the Otago Mounted Rifles, William Arthur Donovan. to be Lieutenant. Dated 2nd September, 1940. John William Morice. Charles Sonntag to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.). Dated Alexander Robert Todd. 2nd September, 1940. Walter John Sisam. George Colin Sloan to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.). Dated Samuel Bradlev Allen. 2nd September, 1940. William James· Parkinson. THE 0TAGO MOUNTED RIFLES. Harold Peter Brasting. Alexander Charles Cunningham. Lieutenant A. W. Green is transferred to No. 9 (Taieri) Squadron Mounted Rifles. Dated 2nd September, 1940. THE NELSON-MARLBOROUGH MOUNTED RIFLES. N.Z. ARTILLERY. Captain W. N. Masefield, from the Nelson, Marlborough, Frederick Fieldsend (late Royal N.Z. Artillery), to be and West Coast Regiment, to be Captain, with seniority Lieutenant (temp.) and is posted to the 9th Heavy from 18th November, 1939. Dated 1st October, 1940. Regiment. Dated 31st October, 1940. Captain W. N. Masefield is granted the temporary rank of Major. Dated 7th October, 1940. CORPS OF N.Z. ENGINEERS. 2nd Lieutenant K. K. Gascoigne, from the Nelson, Marl­ The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.), and borough, and West Coast Regiment, to be 2nd Lieutenant, are posted to the 1st Field Company :-- with seniority from 9th September, 1940. Dated 1st October, 1940. Albert Veart. Dated 31st October, 1940. Kenneth Rosewarne Stemson. Dated 1st November, The undermentioned are transferred to No. 6 (Marlborough) 1940. Squadron Mounted Rifles. Dated 1st September, 1940 :- Reginald George Howell. Dated 1st November, 1940. Major C. St. G. l\L C. Parsons. Captain (temp.) A. L. Kennington. THE .AUCKLAND REGIMEN'£ (COUNTESS OF RANFURLY'S OWN). Lieutenant J. N. Thomson, 1st Battalion, is granted the THE NORTH .AUCKLAND MOUNTED RIFLES. temporary rank of Captain. Dated 2nd November, The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.). 1940. Dated 29th October, 1940 :- Lieutenant C. A. Rowe, from the Reserve of Officers, to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is posted to the 1st Battalion, John Ronald Green. with seniority from 1st October, 1940. Dated 22nd Angus John Mackintosh. November, 1940. Robert Dennis Speer. Reginald Thomas Hookham (late Lieutenant, Regiment of Richard Steuart Benner. N.Z. Artillery), to be Lieutenant (temp.), and is posted Ronald Foster Hayes. to the 1st Battalion, with seniority from !st October, Rex Percy Bundle. 1940, next below Lieutenant (temp.) C. A. Rowe. Dated Basil Duff Hewett. 22nd November, 1940. William Hoare Reynolds. Lawrence Eliot Anderson. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.), and Norman Josiah Lovelock. are posted to the 3rd Cadet Battalion :- Maurice Ivo Rountree. William l\facLurg Smyth. Dated 30th September, 1940. Colin Grah~m MacDiartnid. William Mitchell. Dated 7th October, 1940. Joseph George Whiteman. Andrew Archibald Smyth. Dated 14th October, 1940, DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE.

THE HAURAKI REGIMENT. 2nd Lieutenant E. Reid, from the Reserve of Officers. Charles Houlton Gordon Snow to be 2nd Lieutenant Supplementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, and is posted to tho 16th Company (Blonheim and Picton.) (temp.), and is posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 1st Dated 3rd September, 1940. October, 1940. Major John William Dick McKnight (Retired List), to be THE NORTH AUCKLAND REGIMENT. Captain, and is posted to the 17th Company (Grey. mouth and Westport). Dated 2nd September, 1940. Carlos Alexander Reed to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and Lieutenant W. B. Hutton, from the Reserve of Offiq,:,~, is posted to the 1st Cadet Battalion. Dated 11th The Nelson, Marlborough, and West Coast Regim\iinl, November, 1940. to be Lieutenant, and is posted to the 17th Company (Greymouth and Westport). Dated 2nd September, THE ,vAIKA~·o REGIMENT. 1940. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.), and Albert Holden (late Imperial Army and Royal Afo Force); are posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 24th November, to be Lieutenant, and is posted to the 17th Company 1940:- (Greymouth and Westport). Dated 2nd September, 1940. Allan Peter Spittal. Allan John Fairmaid (late N.Z. Garrison Artillery), to be Maurice Maui Ormsby. 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and is posted to the 17th Donald Hugh Stewart. Company (Greymouth and Westport); Dated 2nd September, 1940. THE WELLINGTON REGIMENT (CITY OF WELLINGTON'S OwN). I van James Hills to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), and is N.Z. ARMY SERVICE CORPS. posted to the 3rd Cadet Battalion. Dated 4th November, Captain (temp. Major) J. D. Swan, relinquishes command 1940. of the 1st Composite Company, and the temporary rank of Major, aud is transferred to the Reserve· (!!f THE WELLINGTON 'IVEST COAST REGIMENT. Officers, Class I (b), Area 1. Dated 8th November,l,91il, 2nd Lieutenant ;\;I. J. Bay, 1st Cadet Battalion, is seconded N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS. to the Fiji Defence Force. Dated 1st December, 1940. Major (temp. Lieutenant-Colonel) M. B. M. Tweed, l\LR.O.S. Eng., L.R.O.P. Lond., to be Lieutenant-Colonel... Dated THE TARANAKI REGIMENT. 1st October, 1940. Lieutenant (temp.) 0. R. F. Tilley, 1st Battalion, is granted Major W. J. Hope-Robertson, M.B., Ch.B., F.R.A.C.S., the temporary rank of Captain. Dated 18th October, seconded to the Royal N.Z. Air Force, is appointed 1940. Consultant Specialist to the Royal N.Z. Air Force, is granted the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and remains THE NELSON, MARLBOROUGH, AND \VEST COAST REGIMENT. seconded. Dated 18th November, 1940. Lieutenant E. N. S. D'Arcy, M.B., Oh.B., attached to the The undermentioned cease to be attached to, and are 1st Battalion, The Hauraki Regiment, to be Captain. transferred to the Nelson-Marlborough Mounted Rifles. Dated 1st August, 1940. Dated 1st October, 1940 :- Captain W. N. Masefield. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. 2nd Lieutenant K. K. Gascoigne. The Rev. William Edward Ryan to be Chaplain, 4tii The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants (temp.), and Class (Roman Catholic), Area 4. Dated 22nd Novembeit, are posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 21st November, 1940. 1940:- N.Z. ARMY NURSING SERVICE. Douglas Gordon Russell. Edward Goodman. The notice published in the New Zealand Gazette No. 118, dated 21st November, 1940, relative to the appointment of THE N.Z. SCOTTISH REGIMENT. Sister (Miss) Patricia Ellen Donovan, is hereby cancelled and the following substituted :- Andrew Alexander Lornie to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), " Miss Patricia Ellen Donovan to be Staff Nurse and and is posted to the Auckland Detachment. Dated 1st is granted the temporary rank of Sister. Dated 17th November, 1940. October, 1940." Staff Nurse (Miss) H. M. Whyte resigns her appointment. NATIONAL MILITARY RESERVE. Dated 20th November, 1940. Arthur William McNeish (late Indian Army), to be F. JONES, Minister of Defence. Lieutenant, and is posted to the 1st Battalion. Dated 11th October, 1940. ------· ------Meredith St. George Corbett Johnston (late Indian Army), The Defence Emergency RegulaJ;ions 1939, Amendment No. to be Lieutenant, and is posted to the 1st Battalion. Appointment of Authorized Officers. Dated 1st November, 1940. Captain R. S. D. Harman (Retired List), to be Lieutenant, Office of the Minister of Defence, and is posted to the 3rd Battalion. Dated 11th Wellington, 16th December, 1940. October, 1940. N pursuance and exercise of the power and .authority, Captain Llewellyn John Morris (late Indian Army) to be I conferred on me by the Defence Emergency Regul1ttions. Lieutenant, and is posted to the 3rd Battalion. Dated 1939, Amendment No. 1, I, Frederick Jones, Minister of 11th October, 1940. Defence, do hereby appoint the officers who for the time Lieutenant A. Mc!. Brosnan (Retired List), to be Lieu­ being hold the appointments named in the Schedule hereunder, tenant, and is posted to the 3rd Battalion. Dated 11th to be authorized officers for the purpose of the Defence October, 1940. Emergency Regulations 1939, and amendments. Lieutenant H. Edgar (Retired List), to be 2nd Lieutenant, and is posted to the 3rd Battalion. Dated 11th October, SCHEDULE. 1940. Lieutenant R. T. Carlyon, from the Reserve of Officers, THE Officer Commanding Northern Military District, Auck­ Supplementary List, to be Lieutenant, and is posted to land. the 15th Company (Nelson). Dated 19th August, 1940. The Officer Commanding Central Military District, W ellingt~J!._ Stanley Charles Davies (late Imperial Army), to be Lieu­ The Officer Commanding Southern Military District, Chl:isV tenant, and is posted to the 15th Company (Nelson). church. ' Dated 19th August, 1940. The Area Officer No. I A~ea, Auckland. Walter Raleigh Grace (late The Nelson, Marlborough, The Area Officer No. 2 Area, Paeroa. and West Coast Regiment), to be 2nd Lieutenant (temp.), The Area Officer No. 3 Area, Whangarei. and is posted to the 15th Company (Nelson). Dated The Area Officer No. 4 Area, Hamilton. 19th August, 1940. The Area Officer No. 5 Area, Wellington, 2nd Lieutenant G. Mitchell, l\LM., from the Reserve of The Area Officer No. 6 Area, Wanganui. Officers, Supplementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, The Area Officer No. 7 Area, Napier. aud is posted to the 16th Company (Blenheim and The Area Officer No. 8 Area, New Plymouth. Picton). Dated 1st September, 1940. The Area Officer No. 9 Area, Nelson. 2nd Lieutenant F. B. Lloyd, from the Reserve of Officers, The Area Officer No. 10 Area, Christchurch. Supplementary List, to be 2nd Lieutenant, and is The Area Officer No. 11 Area, Dunedin. posted to the 16th Company (Blenheim and Picton). The Area Officer No. 12 Area, . Dated 2nd September, 1940. F. JONES, Minister of Defence. THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 121

.[ll>i!mli,er, af the Moawhango Rabbit Board appointed.­ Hutt Valley Milk Delivery Scheme 1940 approved . (Notice No. Ag. 3800.) Office of the Minister of Supply, Wellington, 18th December, 1940. Office of the Minister of Agriculture, PURSUANT to Regulation 3 of the Delivery Emergency Wellington, 16th December, 1940. Regulations 1940, the Minister of Supply, being satisfied that all the vendors of milk (otherwise than by sale IS Exce.. llency the Governor-General has been pleased over the counter) in the district specified in the scheme H.. to appoint, in terms of section 56 of the Rabbit referred to in the Schedule hereto are parties to the scheme _,t11,S;mce Act, 1928,- or have been given an opportunity of becoming parties Thomas Coleman Lowry thereto, doth hereby approve the said scheme. tp ]?e a member of the Moawhango Rabbit Board established SCHEDULE. ill:l.der the said Act, vice Ralph Henry Watt Lowry. HUTT VALLEY MILK DELIVERY SCHEME 1940. W. LEE MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture. 1. For the purposes of the scheme- " The commodity " means milk, and includes cream : " The district " means Petone Borough, Lower Hutt Deputy Registrar of Marriages, &c., appointed. Borough, and portion of the Hutt County, as delineated by the demarcation of zones on the plan : " The plan " means the plan of the district deposited for Registrar-Generars ., Office, the purposes of the scheme in the Head Office of the Wellington, 13th December, 1940. Transport Department at Wellington under No. 1180. 2. The scheme shall. come into operation on the day TN. . pu.r.suance and exercise of the power and authority following the date of the publication in the Gazette of notice ~ conferred on me by the Marriage Act, 1908, and the of tho approval of the scheme by the Minister of Supply. ittths and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, I, Gilbert Graham 3. The persons entitled to deliver the commodity in the Hodgkins, Deputy Registrar-General, do hereby appoint district and the extent to which they are so entitled are as William Morrison. Preston· Rennie follows:- to he the Deputy of the Registrar of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the District of Stratford. Name and Address. I Extent of Delivery. G. G. HODGKINS, Deputy Registrar-General. August Bros., Whites Line In the zone numbered 1 on the East, Lower Hutt plan. August, G., Main Road, In the zone numbered 2 on the Deputy Registrar of Marriages, &c., appointed. Taita plan. Bentley, C. E., 77 William In the zone numbered 3 on the Street, Pct,one plan. Registrar-General's Office, Bentley, J.E., Rex Dairy, In the zone numbered 4 on the Wellington, 11th December, 1940. Taita plan. Bradley,J. 0., Waiwhetu, In the. zone numbered 5 on the N . pnr.su.anc. e and exercise of the power and authority I conf,:,rred on me by the Marriage Act, 1908, and the Lower Hutt plan. ilirths and Deaths Registration Act, 1924, I, Gilbert Graham Bynam, C. L., Gracefield In the zone numbered 6 on the Hodgkins, Deputy Registrar-General, do hereby appoint Road, Lower Hutt plan. Cairns, D., Brunswick In the zone numbered 7 on the Allen Thomas Millar Street, Lower Hutt plan. Vo be th() Deputy of the Registrar of Marriages and of Births Caley, E., 1 Manchester In the zone numbered 8 on the 11-n

Notice under the Enemy Trading Emergency Regulations 1939.-Declaration of Enemy Traders.

DANIEL GILES SULLIVAN, the Minister of Industries and I • Commerce, being satisfied that the persons, firms, and companies mentioned in the First Schedule hereto are carrying on business extensively or to a substantial extent for the benefit or under the control of alien enemies resident out of New Zealand, do hereby, in pursuance of Regulation 3 of the Enemy Trading Emergency Regulations 1939, declare the said persons, firms, or companies to be Enemy Traders for the purpose of the said regulations. Further, the Schedule appearing in the Notice dated the 11th day of October and published as a supplement to New Zealand Gazette No. 106 of 17th October, 1940, and Notice dated the 6th day of November and published in Gazette No. 116 of the 14th November, 1940, is hereby amended by deleting the names and addresses set out in the Second Schedule hereto and by making the amendments set out in the Third Schedule Dated at Wellington, this 11th day of December, 1940. D. G. SULLIVAN, Minister of Industries and Commerce.

FIRST SCHEDULE. Name. Address. .ARGENTINA. " Cadefina " S.A., Cia. Argentina de Fis­ Reconquista 336, Buenos Aires. calizaciones y Mandatos Comercial Ascensores Italianos Stigler San Martin 195, Buenos Aires. Ltda., Cia. Cordes, Robert Aguilar 2306, Buenos Aires. Herder, F., A.S. Calle Viamonte 750, Buenos Aires. Linificio e Canapifio Nazionale S.A. Diagonal Norte 825, and Ave. R.S. Pena 825, Buenos Aires. Mertig, Roberto Serrano 1818, and Callao 45-61, Buenos Aires. Motores Diesel l\fodaag Sendling, Soc. de Peru 707, Buenos Aires. Resp. Ltda. Nass, Augusto Alsina 531, Buenos Aires. Olivetti Argentina, S.A. Comercial e Calle Florida 677, Buenos Aires. Industrial Roediger, Rodolfo Peru 707, Buenos Aires. "S.A.T.I.", S.A. Tabacchi Italiani Alberti 40, Buenos Aires. Schoeller-Bleckmann Aceros, Soc. de Defonsa 324, Buenos Aires. Resp. Ltda.

BOLIVIA. Ferrostaal A.G. (Essen) Surcursal de la Paz, Y anococha 368, Ed. Terrazas, Casilla 514, La Paz. Vivienda Propia, S.A. La Paz.

BRAZIL. Billington, Reidar Rua Min Godoy 628, Sao Paulo. Fink, Carlos & Cia. Rua do Born Jesus 227, Caixa Postal 478, Pernambuco. Horn, Karl Pensao Jensen, Ave. 7 de Septembro 276, and Rua Portugal 27, Bahia. Impressora Paranaense, Max Schrappe.. Rua Commendador Araujo 731-747, Cu- ritvba. Marschner, Francisco Ave."Amazonas 308, Bello Horizonte, Minas Geraes. Meyer, Alwin Rua Mayrink Veiga 4, Rio de Janeiro. Moeller, Guilhermo .. Rua do Carma 9, Caixa Postal 2039, Sao Paulo, and at Rio de Janeiro. Napp, Scherer & Cia. Ltda. Caixa Postal 31, Carasinbo, and Caixa Postal 168, Rio Grande do Sul. Nebiolo, S.A. Rua Buenos Aires 263, Rio de Janeiro, and at Sao Paulo. Raabe & Cia. Ltda. Galeria Municipal 109-111, Porto Alegre, and at Rio de Janeiro. Raacke, C. H. Ave. Graca Aranha 40, Caixa Postal 261, Rio de Janeiro. Representacoes Union Ltda. Rua 1 de Marco ll8, Caixa Postal 590, Rio de Janeiro. Will, Frederico (Agencia Will: Deutsche Rua da Alfandega 69, Rio de Janeiro. Buchhandlung)

BULGARIA. Assicurazione Generale Insurance Co. Rue Leghe, Sofia. Danisi, A. Europe Bldg., Alaben St, Sofia. Danisi, Roberto Europe Bldg., Alaben St., Sofia. Rennione Adriatica Insurance Co. Phoenix Bldg., Dondoukoff, Sofia, THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. .[No. 127

Nttme. Address. CHILE. Baehr & :Mueller Ltda. Santa Domingo 1025, Casilla 1941, Santiago. Calderon, Emilio San Ignacio 1295, Santiago. Cordero, l\ianuel J. . . Catedral 1404-12, Casilla, 1716, Santiago. li}lten y Schaale Ltda. Errazuriz 845, Casilla 338, Punta Arenas. Galemiri, Abraham .. Bandera 575, Casilla 1303, Santiago. Gerhard & Cia. Ltda. Catedral 1404-12, Casilla 1716, Santiago. "La Reina de las :Medias "-Carlos Ahumada 360, Santiago. Saffer- :Mueschen, Walter B. Nueva York 80, Santiago. Oberpaur, Casa R. Estado-Huerfanos, Casilla 2007, Santiago and at Valparaiso. Oestemer, Franz P. Arturo Prat 1120, Santiago. Pichaida, Georg Bandera 575, Casilla 1303, Santiago. Saffer, Carlos, " La Reina de las :Medias " Ahumada 360, Santiago.

CHINA. American Far Eastern Syndicate, Inc ... Shanghai. Chang Zui Pao 3, Edward Ezra Road, Shanghai. Far Eastern Clock & Watch Co. 537, Nanking Road, Shanghai. Fukusei & Co. Tsingtao. Kawasaki, S. & Co. . . 668, Szechuen Road, Shanghai. :MuJler, Hans H. 321, Hamilton House, Kiangse Road, Shanghai. Nicolis G., S.A. Italiana 91, Rue de France, Tientsin. Pacific Clock & Watch Co. 537, Nanking Road, Shanghai. Sino Foreign Trade Chefoo. Takata & Co., Ltd. Shanghai and all branches in China. Takata & Co., Ltd. :Mukden and Hsinking (:Manchuria). Tirinnanzi, Dr. D. 93, Canton Road, Shanghai. Zui Chong & Co. 3, Edward Ezra Road, Shanghai,

COLOMBIA. Gast, Hans Otto Ed. Banco Aleman Antioqueno, Oficina 312, P.O. Box 1247, Bogota. Kausel, Enrique & Cia Ed. Banco de la Republica, P.O. Box 341, :Medellin, and at Bogota. Luth & Liebisch Carrera 8, 15-88, Bogota. Pardo, C. & Cia., Ltda. Carrera 8, 15-88, Bogota. Reger, Carlos & Cia. Barrancabermeja. Reuther, J. H. & Cia., Ltda, S. en C., P.O. Box 513, Barranquilla, and at Bogota. Almacen " Todo Electrico " Skowronski, Martin .. Calle 12, 6-29, Cali. Wiese & Starck, " Empresa Hanseatica" P.O. Box 132, Barranquilla.

CUBA. Evertz, Guillermo Ave. de Belgica 568, Apartado 1669, Havana.

EQUADOR. Brachetti, Theo. Casilla 860, Quito, and Casilla 53, Guayaquil.

GUATEMALA. Paetau, :Max & Co. . . Ninth Ave. South, 10c, Apartado 49 Guatemala City.

HUNGARY. Bohler Testverek es Tarsa Liszt Ferenc-ter. 9, Budapest. "Italia" Tengerhajozasi r. t. Thokoly-utca 2, Budapest, and all branches in Hungary. Koniglich U ngarische - Donau - See - :Maria Valeria-utca, Budapest V. schiffahrts A.G. :Magyar Haj ozasi r.t .. (Ungarische Szell Kalman-ter. 21, Budapest. Schiffahrts A.G.) (Owners of s.s. " Szent Gellert ") Schimmel es Tarsa r.t. Vertes-ucca 6-8, Budapest XIV.

IRAQ. Ferrostahl A.G. Bab-al-agha, Bagdad.

JAPAN, Bergmann, Gabrielle J. P.O. Box 88, Chuo-Kobe. Braei;ter, :M. P.O. Box 88, Chuo-Kobe. Eckart, Dorothee c/o Siemens - Schuckert Denki, K.K., 2, :Marnnouchi 3-chome, Kojimachi-ku, '.l'okyo. Kawasaki, S. & Co. Kobe. Takata & Co., Ltd. Y aesu Bldg., 6, llfarunouchi 2-chome, Kojimachi-ku, Tokyo, and all branches in Japan. DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. ,.37:!5

Name. Address. KWANTUNG LEASED TERRI'fORY. Fukusei & Co. Dairen. Siuo Foreign Trade Dairen. Takata & Co., Ltd. Dairen.

LIBERIA. Parker, P. C. Monrovia.

MEXICO. Baldi, Dr. Franco c/o Carlo Erba, S.A., Barcelona 27, Mexico D.F. Bona, A. & Co. Apartado 967, Mexico D.F. Drogueria del Refugio Cinco de Febrero l, Mexico City. Erba, Carlo, S.A. Barcelona 27, Mexico D.F. Estambres y Lanas, S.A. Boleo 57, Apartado 952, Mexico City. Gicsemann, Ad. & Co. La Violetta, Correo Argovia, Chiapas. La Sirena, S.A. 16 de Septiembre 71, ;\,fexico D.F. Laboratorios Codex Corner of Calles Nardo and Fresno, Mexico City. Moeller, Eitel Fritz Apartado 1813, Mexico City. Pabst, F. W. Zaragoza 24, Mexico City. Wuelfrath, Arturo Calle de Durango 138, Apartado 2069, Mexico D.F.

MOROCCO. Spanish Zone. Trujillo Zafra, Jose e Rijos (Owners of Ave. 18 de Julio, Ceuta. s.s." Jose Trujillo" and s.s." Caranza")

PERU. Alhrecht, Rotmann & Cia., S.A. Carabaya 587, Casilla 1778, Lima. Dahme & Cia Casilla 162, Lima.

PORTUGAL. Agencia de Representacoes Agricolas, Rua ,Jose Falcao 185, Oporto. Ltda. Amara, Jose Vieira .. Rua de Republica 180, and Rua Direita do Monte, Figueira da Foz. Bastos, Joao Burnay Rua de Mocambique 30, Lisbon. Colombo, E., Ltda. . . Rua dos Sapateiros 219, Lisbon. Conserveira do Sul de Angola, Ltda. Rua dos Fanqueiros 257, Lisbon. Da Silva, Joaquim Correa Pinto Rua de S. Juliao 50, Lisbon. Daehnhardt, Hans Wilhelm Rua

PORTUGUESE EAS1' AFRICA. Agricola de N ametoria Ltda., Soc. Angoche Is.

PORTUGUESE ,VEST AFRICA. Conserveira do Sul de Angola, Ltda. Porto Alexandre, Angola.

ROUMANIA. Compero, S.A.R. Bucharest. Compero-Pebegaz, S.A.R. Bucharest. Ferrari, Giovanni Battista Constanza. Gattorno, S.A.R. Calca Grivitei 128, Bucharest, and at Constanza. Italia, S.A.R. Bucharest. Sarpim, S.A. Ca.lea Victoriei 53-55, Bucharest.

SALVADOR. Giessler, Frederico Apartado 72, San Salvador. D THE NEW ZEALAND GAZEWTE. (No, 1217

Name. Address. SPAIN. Carey, Hermanos & Cia Tarragona. Drnrnen, S.A. Rue de l'Universite 17, Barcelona. Euwens, Joseph Rue de l'Universite 17, Barcelona. General de Lanas, S.A., Cia. Ayala 10, Mildrid. Gonzalez, Fernando Vizcaino .. Almeria. Heine, George Rue de l'Universite 17, Barcelona. Hielscher, Adolf San August.in 2, and Seba.stian Herrara 8, Madrid. L.A.T.I. (Linea Aerea Transcontinental Seville. Italiana) La Electrica Industrial, S.A. . . S. Isidro 56, Tarrasa. Lowe, F. Tarragona. .. Mallet, Wilhelm F. (formerly'' PahaI1la," Calle Alarcon 7, Madrid. S.A.) Muller de Goupille, J. Tarragona. Reali, Hija de Camilo .. De la Reina 7, Grao-Valencia. Rheinmetall Aceros y Metales, S.A. Valencia 372, Barcelona. Schtnidt, It. . . . . Tarragona. Schmidt, Herman Rue de l'Universite 17, Barcelona. Stabile, Nicolas Serreria 9, Grao-Valencia. Vini.cola, Iberica, S.A. T~rragona. _ Zenker, Pitbld Seba,stian Elcano 3, and :Mitriana Pineda 5, Madrid.

CANARY fSLANDS, Deposito de Carbones de Tenerife, S.A. Las Palmas and all branches in Canary IslMds.

FERNANDO Po AND SPANISH GUINEA. Drumen, S.A. Fernando Po and all branches in Spanish Guinea.

SWEDEN. Durkopp A/B. Gothenburg, Sweden. Fiat Svenska A/B. Nybrokajefl 7, Stockholm.

SWITZERLAND. Bohler, Gehr. & Co., A.G. Bahnhofatrasse 45, Zurich. Boy, A.G ... Bahnhofstrasse 57c, Zurich. "Chepha," A.G. Flier Chemische und Lausanne. Pharmaceutische Unternehmuhgen Commissia, S.A. Rue de la 'four de !'Ile l; Geneva. Piam,;ntschleiferei Voge!i & Wirz, A,G. Gurzelenstrasse 7, Biel, Berne, Diamantwerkzeuge, 4,.G. Gurzelenstrasse 7, Biel, Berne. Duerkoppwerke, 4.G. Albisstrasse 28, Zurich. Kahl, Siegfried Hermann Bvd. du Theatre 12, Genevi,, Kristallglas, A,G, (formerly A, Pfeiffer Feuerthalen, nr. Soh,.ffhin)sen. & Cp.) Langbein Pfanhauser Wer!te A,G,, Schaffhauserstrasse 228, Zurich, Sghweizeriscrhe Filiale der Maf, S.A. Agno, Tessin. Miuima:s:, A .. G, Muhlebachst.rasse 28, Zurich. l\foje, Heinrich 'l'odistrasse 16, Zurich. Pfister, Car,! Wohlen. Plesch, Arpad Ave. Vict.or-Ruffy 2, Lausanne, Produits Cirio, S.A. Geneva. Sacaf (S.A. pour le comn1i,rce des Auto­ Route de Lyon JOO, Geneva, and· all mo biles Fiat en Suisse) branches in Switzerland. Schenker & Co, A.G. Buchs, St. Gallen. Themis Finanz-Gcsellschaft Bahnhofstrasse 23, i!ug.

TrrAILAND. Martin, Dr. W. H. P.O. Box 98, Bangkok.

TcmKEY. Fiat Otomobil Sirketi Istanbul Subesi Taksim, Koatebek S., Istanbul. Zeckser, Heinrich 4hen-Munih Han, Galata, lstaµlm!.

URUGUAY. Ahlig, Curt .. Venezuela 1278, Casilla 545, Mo:litevidoo. Standard Cartonex Ltda. Venezuela 1278, Monte.video. ·

YUGOSLAVIA, Banca Dalmata di Sconto, S.A. Zara, Dalmatia, and all branches in Ytigoslavia. "Italia" Trg. Tomislava 13, Zagreb, and all branches in Yugoslavia. '' Minhuax '' Hatzova UI. 25, Zagreb. Schimmel & Co., D.Z.Q.Z. Celje, Tuic. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3-741

SECOND SCHEDULE. Name. Address. BRAZIL. Lundgren, Alberto & Cia., Ltda. Rua do Imperador 511, Recife, Pernambuco, and all branches in Brazil. Lundgren, Arthur & Cia., Ltda. Flores de Abreu 148, Sao Paulo, and all branches in Brazil. Lundgren & Cia., Ltda. Praca Capistrano de Abreu 74-76, Ceara. Lundgren, Irmaos, Ltda. Ave, Marechal Floriano ll8, Rio de Janeiro and all branches in Brazil. Martinelli, S.A. Av. Rio Branco 26, Rio ~de Janeiro, and all branches in Brazil. Paulista, Cia. de Tecidos Paulista and Rio Tinto. Pernambuco Powder Factory, S.A. Ave. Marquez de Olinda 104, Recife, Pernambuco.

CosTA RICA. Feoli & Co., S.A. San Jose. Feoli, N. y Hijos San Jose.

PORTUGAL. Stichaner, Martin Jr. Praca Duque da Terceira 24, Lisbon.

SALVADOR. Quimica Sobering, S..A. San Salvador.

THAILAND. Commissionaria di Esportazione e di Bangkok. Importazione, Soc.

THIRD SCHEDULE. ARGENTINA. In relation to Chingotto, Julio Raul, for Genral Uriburu 618 and Ave. Teniente, P.O. Box 878, Buenos Aires, substitute P.O. Box 878, Buenos Aires and Ave. Teniente General Uriburu 618, Lanus, Provincia de Buenos Aires. ,, In relation to " Kores " Soc. de Resp. Ltda. for Calle Bolivar Compar 25, Buenos Aires, substitute Calle Bolivar 825, Buenos Aires.

CHILE. In relation to Wagner, Chadwick y Cia., Ltda., for Agustinas 925, Op. 401, sub­ stitute Agustinas 975, Of. 401.

CHINA. In relation to Bohler Bros. & Co., Ltd., add "and all branches in China." In relation to Kunst and Albers, Mukden,. for (Manchuria), substitute "and all branches in Manchuria."

CUBA. In relation to Von Uslar, Armin, for Obispo 258, Havana, substitute Calle 14 entre, Aves. 5a and 7a, Reparto Miramar, Havana.

GUATEMALA. For Viliardi F., substitute Vialardi F.

JAPAN. In relation to Barth, J., for Takiyamacho Building, substitute Takiyama Bldg., 6 Ginza-Nishi, 6-chome.

SWEDEN. For Osram Electraverken A/B, Stockholm, substitute Osram Elektraverken A/B, Stockholm, and all branches in Sweden.

SWITZERLAND. In relation to Merz & Co., Chemische Fabrik, for Zurich; substitute " and Froehli­ chstrasse 28, Zurich."

TURKEY. In relation to Sadikoglu, Asian ve l\fahdumu insert (owners of s.s. "Sakarya" and s.s. " Galatasaray ").

YUGOSLAVIA. In relation to Import A.D., for. Kralja M::ilana, 6, subatitute Kolarceva 1. Register of .Licenses issued under the Land Agents Act, 1921-22.

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 18th December, 1940. EREWITH is published for general information, in accordance with the Land Agents Act, 1921-22, a supplementary list of persons licensed to carry on business as land-agents as on the H · 30th day of November, 1940. W. E. PARRY, Minister oflnternal Affairs. REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22. NOTE.-The Register is arranged· alphabetically under the names of holders of licenses; but when an individual holds a license on behalf of a firm or registered company the name of such firm or company, and not the name of the holder of the license, is placed in its alphabetical order. In the case of a firm or company the name of which consists of the Christian name or names (or initials) and surname or surnames of some person or persons, the index letter is the first letter of the first surname, Further, where an individual holder of a license trades under a particular name, the trade-name appears in its alphabetical order.

Name ofFirm(ifany) of. which Licensee I Date License Court by which No.of I N rune or" Licensee. is a Member, or Registered Company Names of Partners of Firm. Registered Office. granted. I License ~ant.ed. ~lcense. I on whose behalf License is held. I ------·------~ 16062 Anderson, Harold Stanley 228 St. Andrews Road, Epsom, Auckland 6/11/40 Auckland. 16698. Blackburn, Charles Peel Street, Gisborne .. 8/11/40 Gisborne. 16064 Brosnan, Robert Bruce Campbell's Buildings, Vulcan Lane, Auckland 29/11/40 Auckle,nd. 15978. *Parris, Adolphus .. Farmers · Land and Business 41 Queen Street, Auckland 1/4/40 Auckland. Agency 16602 tHobin, John Merven J. M. Hobin, Limited 1 Thackeray Street, Napier 1/4/10 Napier. 16127 Holloway, Frank .. Frank Holloway and Co., Ltd. 118 Spey Street, Invercargill 7 /10 / 40 Invercargill. 16605 Rolls, Norman Roy Munroe Street, Napier .. 5/11/40 Napier. Skelton, Dermott Hall 9/10/40 Auckland. 16060 Skelton and l\facCarthy 204 Pacific Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland 16063 I Tricklebank, Sidney Sidney Tricklebank, Ltd. 606 Dilworth Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland 6/11/40 Auckland. 16061 Whitehead, Arthur 4 Swanson Street, Auckland 6/11/40 J Auckland.

------·--~------·------~------* ';rransferred from William George West on behalf of The Farmers Land Agency on the 13th November, 1940. t Transferred from Samuel Paviour-Smith on behalf of J.M. Hobin, Limited, on the 20th November, l\J40. DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3749

Notice of Intuition to take Land in the Borough of Gisborne for Housing Purposes.

OTIOE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the PL1b!ic Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of the N Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes: And notice is hereby further given that the plans of the land so reqnirnd to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Gisbome >tnd are them open fur inspection : mid that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to tho taking of such fand, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the fil'st publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at vVellington.


Approximate Areas of the Shown Pieces of Land Being required to be on Plan taken.

A. R. P. 0 0 36·4 Part Lot 2 (D.P. 1444), part Subdivision C, No. 6 Block P.W.D. 108680. (S.O. 4118, blue.) 0 0 20 Lot 2 (D.P. 2788), part Section 140, Gisborne Suburban P.W.D. 1086Hl. 0 0 24· 14 Lot 2 (D.P. 2768), part Section 133, Gisbome Suburban (S.O. 4ll9, blue.) 0 1 0 Lot 53 (D.P. 2068), part Matawhero B or 5 Block . . P.W.D. 108682. (S.O. 4120, blue.) 0 0 18 Lot 4 (D.P. 2503), part Section 53A, Town of Gisbomc P.W.D. 108683. (S.O. 4121, blue.) 0 0 31·1 Lot 4 (D.P. 1676), part Subdivision D, Whataupoko No. 6 Illock P.W.D. 108684. (S.O. 4122, blue.) 0 0 27·3 Lot I (D.P. 1875), part Kaiti 207 Block . . P.W.D. 108685. (S.O. 4123, blne.) 0 I 25·1 Lot 27 and part Lot 26 (D.P. 2141), part of Whataupoko No. 4 Block P.W.D. 108686. (S.0. 4124, blue.) 0 0 37·3 Lot 56 (D.P. 1644), part Kaiti 334 Block P.W.D. 108687. (S.O. 4128, blne.) 0 0 26·68 Lot 2 (D.P. 2406), part Subdivision C, Whataupoko No. 6 Block P.W.D. 108688. (S.O. 4129, blno.) 0 2 0 Lots 6 and 7 (D.P. 1638), part Waikanae No. 6 Block P.W.D. 108680. (S.0. 4130, blue.) 0 0 Lot 105 (D.P. 209), part Subdivision B, Whataupoko No. 6 Block P.W.D. 108690. (S.O. 4131, blue.) 3 33·78 Lot4 (D.P. 1731), part Kaiti 220,221, and 222; Lot 6 (D.P. 2023), part Kaiti 218 and2I9; P.W.D. 109741. and Lot I (D.P. 2727), part Kaiti 221 (S.O. 4151, blue.)

All situated in the Borough of Gisborne (Gisborne R.D.). In the Gis.borne Land District ; as the samA are more particularly delineated on the pl:ms marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon edged rod. As witness my hand c1t Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Pnblic Works. (P.W. 24/1258/75.)

Notice of Intention to take Land in the Borough of Waipukurau for HoU8ing Purposes.

OTICE is hereby given that 1_·t is proposed, un__ d_ er-th_ e__ p_ro__ v_i_sion_s of_ th_ e Public Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of the N Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take the land described in_ the Schedn!e_ hereto for housing purposes : And notice is hereby further giv'e1i that the plans of the land so required to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Waipukurau and are there open for inspection; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said fand should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington..


Approximate Areas of the

Pieces of Land 1 lleing Situated ju Shown on Plan r@quired to be I taken. --- - _, ---··~--- -·------·------~------~------

A. R. P. 0 I 37·3 Lot 2, D .P. 2334, part Block 16, Waipuknrau Crown Grant District Borough of Waipu­ P.W.D. 108704. (S.O. 1977, red.) kuran 0 0 39·81 Lot 14, D.P. 4278, p,crt Block 16, Waipnkurau Crown Grant District Ditto P.W.D. 108708. 0 1 0·45 Lot 19, D.P. {278, part Block 16, Waipukurau Crown Grant District · (S.O. 1981, red.) (Hawke's Bay R.D.)

In the Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the lVIinister of Pnblic Works at Wellington, and thereon edged red. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1940. R. SEJ\IIPLE, l\llinister of Public Works. (P.W. 24/1258/74/6.) 3750 THE NEW ZEALAND. GAZETTE. [No. 127

Notice of Intention to take Land in Blocks XV and XVI, Heretaunga Survey District, and in the Borough of Hastings, for Housing Purposes.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of the N Statutes Amendment Act, HJ36, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes : And notice is hereby further given that the plans of the land so required to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Hastings and are there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty dltys from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington.


Approximate Areas of the Pieces of Land Being Situated in Shown On Plan required to be taken.

A. R. P. l O 0 Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, D.P. 3400, being part Subdivision D, Block XV, Heretaunga P.W.D. 108691. Herefaunga Block Survey District (S.O. 1982, red.) 2 0 21·7 Parts Lots 8 and 9, D.P. 3005, being part Subdivision D, Block XVI, Heretaunga P.W.D. 108692. Heretaunga Block Survey District (S.O. 1983, red.) 0 0 23·75 Lot 1, D.P. 4593, being part Heretaunga Block .. Borough of Hastings P.W.D. 108607. (S.O. 1970, red.) 0 0 27•6 Lot 4, D.P. 4215, being part Heretaunga Block P.W.D. 108698. (S.O. 1971, red.) 0 1 0 Lot 8, D.P. 1912, being part Subdivision E, Heretarmga P.W.D. 108699. Block (S.O. 1972, red.) 0 2 0 Lot 104, Block 9, D.P. 362, being part Heretauhga Block P.W.D. 108707. (S.O. 1980, red.) 0 1 31·8 Lots 228 and 229, Block 8, D.P. 362, being part Heretaunga Block (S.O. 1980, red.) (Hawke's Bay R.D.) In tho Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public VVorks at Wellington, and thereori edged red. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th. day of Decemb!)r, 1940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 24/1258/74/2.)

Notice of Intention totak• Land in the Borough of Wairoa for Housing Purposes.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of the N Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes : And notice is hereby further given that the plans of the 1",nd so required to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Wairoa and are there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to tho Minister of Public Works at Wellington.


Appro11hnate Areas of the Colo1ired on Pieces of Land Being Situated in Shown on Plan Plan required to be taken.

A. R. P. 0 I 0 Lot 3, D.P. 3226, part Orangitirohia numbers 1 and Borough of P.W.D. 108701 .. Edged red. 2 Blocks Wairoa (S.O. 1974, red.) 0 1 7•6 Lot 24, D.P. 3609, part Orangitirohia number 6 P.W.D. 108702 .. Block (S.O. 1975, red.) 0 1 24 Lots 6 and 7, D.P. 3180, part Suburban Section 1, P.W.D, 108703 .. Class 2, Township of'Olyde · (S.O. 1976, red.) (Hawke's Bay R.D.)

In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the same are more particularly dE

Notice of Intention to take Land for a Quarry and an Easement over Land for the Purposes of a Right of Way in Blocks X and XI, Cambridge Survey District.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, to take the land described N in the First Schedule hereto for a quarry, and an easement over the land described in the Second Schedule hereto vesting in His Majesty the King full and free liberty, right, license, and authority in perpetuity to construct and use a right of way, with the right for His Majesty's servants, agents, and workmen from time to time and at all times hereafter to go, pass, and repass with or without horses or other animals or vehicles over the said land and to maintain, repair, and keep open the said right of way for the purpose of providing access to the said quarry, such right of way being appurtenant to the land described in the Third Schedule hereto : And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land which is required to be taken and over which an easement is required to be taken is deposited in the post-office at Cambridge and is there open for inspection ; and that all persons 11ffected by the taking of the land described in the First Schedule hereto or by the taking of the said easement should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land or to the taking of such easement, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington.


Approximate Areas Situated Situated in of the Pieces of Being Survey District Shown on Coloured Land required in Plan on Plan to be taken. Block of

A. R. P. 45 3 30\ Part Lot 1 of Section 13 .. X Cambridge P.W.D.109834 Red,edgedred. 17 0 OJ 0 l 12 Part Hinuera No. 2 Block XI Yellow. 1 0 0 Part Lot], D.P. 16465, being part Section 12 X (Auckland R.D.) (S.O. 31230.)


Approximate Areas of the Pieces of Situated Situated in Land over which Being in Survey District Shown on Coloured an Easement is Block Plan on Plan required to be of taken. I A. R. P. 0 0 2 Part Hinuera No. 2 Block X Cambridge .. I P.W.D. 109834 Yellow. 1 3 12\ Part Lot 1 of Section 13 X Red. 0 0 30J (Auckland R.D.) (S.O. :Jl230.) I .. I ------·---·------THIRD SCHEDULE.

Approximate I Areas of the Pieces Situated Situated in I Coloured on of Land to which Being in Survey District I Shown on Plan Plan Right of Way is Block I of I. Appurtenant. ------~------~----~------

A. R. P. 1 0 0 Part Lot 1, D.P. 16465, being part Section 12 X Cain bridge P.W.D. 109834 Yellow. 16 1 0\ Part land on D.P. 13726, being part Section 1 XI Sepia. I 3 OJ 0 I 12\ Part Hinuera No. 2 Block JXI\ Yellow. 1 l 16J \XJ 4.5 3 301 Part Lot 1 of Section 13 X Red, edged red. 17 0 OJ (Auckland R.D.) (S.O. 31230.) ------All in the Auckland Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked and coloured as above mentioned, and depositPd in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 61/118.)

Notice of Intention to take Land in Block II, Arowhenna SCHEDULE. Survey District, for a Native School. APPROXIMATE areas of tho pieces of land required to be taken:- A. R. P. Being l O O Section 9, Arowhenua Village, part Native OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the Reserve 881 ; edged orange. N provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, to execute 0 0 Section 10, Arowhenua Village, part Native a certain public work-to wit, the construction of a Native Reserve 881 ; edged blue. school-and for the purposes of such public work the land descrihed in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken : Situated in Block II, Arowhenua Survey District. And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land (Canterbury R.D.) so required to be taken is deposited in the post-office at In the Canterbury Land District ; as the same are more Temnka and is there open for inspection ; and that all particularly delinettted on the plan marked P.W.D. 109421, persons affected by the execution of the said public work or deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well­ Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. grounded objections to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, As witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th day of and send such writing, within forty days from the first December, 1940. publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. Wellington, (P.W. 31/1061.) 3752 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Notice of Intention to take Land in the Borough of Dannevirke for Housing Purposes.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of the N Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes : And notice is hereby further given that the plans of the land so required to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Dannevirke and are there open for inspection; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington.

SCHEDULE. App;~xima;- I . Areas of the I Being Coloured on Pieces of Land Plan required t') De .,,.. ~ '" I .. ~"" '"" taken. ------~----·------~

A. R, P,·

0 l 4 Lot 6, D.P. 2059, part Suburban Section 34, Danne-1 Borough of If P.W.D. 108700 .. .Edged red. virke I Dannevirke (S.O. 1973, red.) 0 0 38·77 Lot 5, D.P. 3899, part Suburban Section 9, Danne- Ditto [ P.W.D. 108705 virke (S.O. 1978, red.) 0 0 28·8 Lot 7, D.P. 14'!4, part Section 53, Town of Danne­ P.W.D. 108706 , , virke (S.O. 1979, red.) (Hawke's Bay R.D.)

In the Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked and coloured as above mentioned, and deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. As witness my hand at Wellington, this !'7th day of December, 1940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 24/125S/74/5.)

Notice of Intention to take Land in Block lV, Te 1vlata8urvey District, Havelock North Town District, for Housing Purposes.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section 32 of. N the Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take the land described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes: And notice is hereby further given that the plans of the land so required to be taken are deposited in the post-office at Havelock North and are there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the taking of the said land shonld, if they have any well-grounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington.

SCHEDULE. ------~------~------Approximate Areas of the Situated 1 Situated in Survey Piec_es of Land Being 1 Shown on Plan required to be in Block District of taken. I

A. R. P. 0 1 0·4 Lot 2, D.P. 6123, being part Havelock Suburban Section 15 IV Te Mata P.W.D. 108694. (S.O. 1985, red.) 0 0 34.3 Lot 2, D.P. 2936, being part Rlock 9, Te Mata Crown IV P.W.D. 108695. Grant District (S.O. 1986, red.) 0 0 31·5 Lot 13, D.P. 2441, being part Havelock Suburban Section 8 IV P.W.D. 108696. (S.O. 1969, red.) (Hawke's Bay R.D.)

In the Hawke's Bay Land District ; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plans marked as above mentioned, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public 1Vorks at Wellington, and thereon edged red. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1940. R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works, (P.W. 24/1258/74/3.)

Not-ice of Intention to take Land in Block III, Maruanui SCHEDULE. Siirvey T)i8f.rict, for a P1lmice-pit. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land required to be taken : 3 acres 1 rood 5 perches. Being part Wharetoto No. 9 Block. OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the Situated in Block III, l\iiaruanui Survey District N provisions of the Puhlic Works Act, 1928, to take (Auckland R. D.). (S.O. 31120.) the land described in the Schedule hereto for a pumice-pit: In the Auckland Land District ; as the same is more And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 109299, required to be taken is deposited in the post-office at deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Rangitaiki and is there open. for inspection ; and that all Wellington, and thereon coloured yellow. persons affected by the taking of the said land should, if As witness my hand at Wellingtoil, this 16th day of they have any well-gl'ounded objections to the taking of December, 1940. such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. (P.W. 62/86/3/24.) DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3753

Notice of Intention to take Land in Block VIII, Heretaunga Declaring Area to be a Closely Populated Locality for the Survey District, for Housing Purposes. Purposes of the Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, 1936, Section 3.

OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, under the N terms of section 3 of the Motor-vehicles Amendment N provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, and section I Act, 1936, the Minister of Transport does hereby declare 32 of the Statutes Amendment Act, 1936, to take t,he laud the area described in the Schedule hereto to be a closely described in the Schedule hereto for housing purposes : populated localit,y for the purposes of the said section to the And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land intent that a person driving any motor-vehicle on any road, so required to be taken is deposited in the post-office at street, or other place to which the public have access therein, N a,pier and is there open for inspection ; and that all persons shall be subject to the maximum speed-limit of thirty miles affected by the taking of the said land should, if they ha vc an hour fixed by the said section. any well.arounded objections to the taking of such land, set forth tht same in writing, and send such writing, within SCHEDULE. forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. SITUATED within Whakatane County- All that area at Ohope Beach bounded to the north by the sea ; bounded to the east by a line commencing at the SCHEDULE. intersection of the southern boundary of Pohutakawa APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land required !,o be taken : Avenue and the western boundary of the Old Ohope Road (to Opotiki via Wainui) and proceeding in a north­ I rood 20 perches. Being part Suburban Section 14, Awatoto, being Lot 2, easterly direction across Pohutakawa Avenue and along the said boundary of the aforementioned Old Ohope D.P. 4696. Road to the Waterfront Reserve and thence in con­ Situated in Block VIII, Heretaungo, Survey District tinuation of the same line to the sea ; bounded to the (Hawke's Bay R.D.). (S.0. 1984, red.) south by a line commencing at the aforementioned In the Hawke's Bay Land Dis~rict ; as the same is more intersection of the southern boundary of Pohutakawa particularly delineated on the plan marked P.v'.'.D. 108693, Avenue and the western boundary of the Old Ohope deposited in the office of the Minister of Puhhc Works at Road, proceeding thence in a westerly and north-westerly Wellington, and thereon edged red. direction along the southern boundary of Pohutakawa Avenue to its intersection with the sonth-eastern As witness mv hand at Wellington, this 17th day of boundary of Ohope Hill Road; thence across the last­ December, 1940. mentioned road and proceeding in a north-westerly R. SEMPLE, Minister of Pnblic Works. direction along the south-western boundary of the right­ of-way fronting the Ohope Beach and terminating at (P.W. 24/1258/74/1.) the north-western end of the said boundary of the right­ of-way ; and bonnded to the west by a right line from the north-western end of the south-western boundary Notice of Intentfon to take Land in Block VII, J![ata 8·urvey of the aforementioned right-of-way to the sea ; the District, for Road. bonndaries of the whole area being indicated by a green border on the plan marked TT. 1654, and deposited in the office of the Transport Department at Wellington. OTICE is hereby given that it is proposed, nnder the Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of December, 1940. N provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, to execute a certain public work-to wit, the construction of a road­ R. SEMPLE, Minister of Transport. and for the purposes of such public work the land described (TT. 9/15/69.) in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken : And notice is hereby further given that the plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in the Post-office at Waipiro and is Oil Fuel Retail Hours (Wellington) Order No. 2, 1940. there open for inspection ; and that all persons affected by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of the said land should, if they have any well-grounded objections PURSUANT to the Oil Fuel Retail Hours Emergency to the execution of the said public work or t-o the taking Regulations 1940, and pursuant to a requisition in of such land, set forth the same in writing, and send Sllch writing received in that behalf, I, Patrick Charles Webb, writing, within forty days from the first publication of this Minister of Labour, do hereby direct as follows :- notice, t,o the Minister of Public Works at Wellington. 1. This Order mav be cited as the Oil Fuel Retail Hours (Wellington) Order No. 2, 1940. 2. This Order shall come into force on the 23rd day of December, 1940. SCHEDULE. 3. This Order shall apply to all establishments engaged in APPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land required to be the sale by retail of oil fuel and situate in the area comprising taken:- the City of Wellington, the Boroughs of Petone, Lower Hutt, A. R. P. Being Upper Hutt, and Eastbourne, the Town District of Johnson­ 0 1 6·9 Part Ahi a te Atua A 6 Block ; coloured ville, the Makara County, and that part of the Hutt County orange. south of a line drawn between the trig. station named "Rimutaka" (situated in Block XVI, Akatarawa Survey 3 Parts Pahiitaua A lA Block ; colonred g ~ f: :: l District) and the trig. station named" Paekakariki" (situated 0 0 4·8lj yellow. in Section 53, W ainui District, Block III, Packakariki Snrvey O O 15·89 Part Akuaku A 12B Block; coloured District) and produced to the sea. sepia. 4. On and after the coming into force of this Order all 6 3 31 Road-line through and adjoining Ahl such establishments except as hereinafter provided shall be a te Atua A 2A 2, A 2B, A 3, A 4, A 5, closed for the whole of every Sunday and for the whole of A 6, A 7, and Totaranui A 1 Blocks; every Good Friday, Anzac Day, and Christmas Day, and coloured pink. shall on every Friday and Saturday be opened for the sale 0 2 8 32{Road-line through and adjoining Almaku of oil fuel at not earlier than 7.30 a.m. and shall remain open 2 : 20 A 12B a1;d Pahiitaua A IA Blocks ; till not later than 8 p.m., and shall be closed at all other 0 0 coloured v10let. times on the said respective days, and on every other day Situated in Block VII, Mata Survey District (Gisborne of the week he opened for the sale of oil fuel not earlier than R.D.). (S.O. 4096, blue.) 7.30 a.m. and shall remain open till not later than 6 p.m., and shall be closed at all other times on the said respective In the Gisborne Land District; as the same are more days : Provided that on the day immediately preceding particularly delineated on the pfa,n marked P.W.D. 108116, Good Friday, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day respec­ deposited in the office of the l\'hmster of Public _Works at tively, all such establishments shall be closed at not later Wellington, and thereon coloured as above ment10ned. than midnight in lieu of the hour hereinbefore prescribed. Ail witness my hand at Wellington, this 17th day of 5. In evei·y successive week commencing upon the coming December, 1940. into force of this Order one of the establishments hereinafter named shall, in the weekly rotation hereinafter set out, but R. SEMPLE, Minister of Public Works. commencing from the fourth week (Howell Motors, Limited), (P.'\V. 70/4/24/0.) he opened for the sale of oil fuel on every Sunday from E '11IfE NEW ZEALAND · GAZETTE. [No. ,127

7.30 a.m. till 9 p.m. and on every other day of the week shall south-west of Calliope Wharf Extension; thence in a south­ remain open till 9. p.m. in lieu of the hours specified in clause 4 easterly direction for a rlistance of approximately 26f c~a~ns 'hereof:- to a point 90 ft. south of the seaward end of the Tra111mg Order of Rotation. Name of Establishments. Pier; thence in an easterly direction to the seaward end of First week Baigent Motors, Limited, Uppe~ Hutt.. the Pacific Cable Company's Wharf; thence along the Second week E. R. Menzies, Heretaunga Servwe Stat10n, western side of that wharf and across Queen's. Parade along Trentham. the southern boundary of parts Allotment 24A of Section 2, 'Third week Upper Hutt Petrol Supplies,. Limited, Parish of Takapuna (Cs. T. 599/312 and 599/313) along the Upper Hutt. western boundarv of part Allotment 24A (C.T. 599/313), Fourth week Howell Motors, Limited, Main Road, along the south~rn, western, and northern boundaries of Trentham. Lot 4 on D.P. 19244 (C.T. 467 /135), along the western side Fifth week E. Gething, Premier Motors, Upper Hutt. of Spring Street, along the southern side of Alexandra Street, across Wharf Street, along the western side of Wharf Street, 6. The. establishment of E. Gething, Premier Motors, along the southern side of Calliope Road, along the eastern Upper Hutt, and the establishment of E. R. Mer:zies, He.re­ boundaries of parts Lot, 66 on D.P. 1055 (Cs. T. 402/228 and taunga Service Station, Trentham, shall, notw,thstandmg 402/229), along the southern boundaries of part Lot 66 on the foregoing provisions of this Order, and in addition to D.P. 1066 (C.T. 402/229), Lot 67 (C.T. 85/112), part Lot 68 the times hereinbefore specified, be opened for the sale of (C.T. 174/230), Lot 3 on D.P. 21210, being parts Lots 69 and oil fuel on every day from midnight till 7.30 a.m. and from 70 (C.T. 727 /123), Lot 71 (C.T. 93/230), part Lot 72 (C.T. 9 p.m. till midnight. . 119/171). part Lot 73 (C.T. 100/264), part Lots 74 and 75 7. In alternate weeks as hereinafter set out commencmg (C.T. 238/193), part Lot 75 (C.T. 228/296) parts Lot 76 upon the coming into force of this Order the establ!s~ments (Cs. T. 166/269 and 224/106), part Lot 77 (C.T. 144/8); hereinafter named shall be exempt from the prov1s10ns of thence along the top of the cliff and through Lots 78 ( C. T. this Order :- 83/17), 79 (C.T. 81/194), 80 (C.T. 98/223), 81 (C.T. 97/250), . Order of Rotation. Name of Establishments . parts 82 (Cs. T. 166/43 and 166/44), 83 and part 84 (C.T. First week A. E. Newrick, Brandon Street, Jol!nson­ 128/32), 85 and part 84 (C.T. 128/33), 86 (C.T. 130/139), ville. 87 and 88 (C.T. 119/173),1 89 (C.T. 130/140), 90 and part 91 Second week A. Woodman, Main Road, Tawa Flat. (C.T. 131/62), part 92 and part 91 (C.T. 133/60), part 92 8. Nothing in this Order shall apply to C. E. Fisher's (C.T. 133/183), part 93 and part 92 (C.T. 133/184), all on · V.I.C. Service Station, High Street,· Lower Hutt, or to C. C. D.P. 1055, to the point of commencement. As the same is ·wmiams, Wainui-o-mata. more particularly delineated on a plan deposited in the 9. The establishment of Emergency Petrol Service, Limite~, office of the Naval Secretary, Navy Office, Wellington, and ,Jervois Quay, Wellington, shall be opened for the sale o:' oil marked N.A. 13/1/15, No. l, and thereon coloured red. fuel during the whole of every Sunday, and on every Friday and Saturday shall be opened for the s:i,le ~f o_il fuel from midnight till 7 ,30 a.m. and from 8 p.m. till m1dmght, and on SECOND SCHEDULE. every other day of the week. shall be opened for the sale ?f oil fuel from midnight till 7 .30 a.m. and from 6 p.m. till PROHIBITED ARioA AT KAURI POINT, AUCKLAND. ·midnight. . ALL that area in the Korth Auckland Land District bounded to. Nothing in this Order shall apply to the establishment by a line commencing at a point on the northern foreshore · of- Grey Cabs, Limited, 35 Dixon Street, Wellington, or to of Soldier's Bay at the south-western corner of Lot l on , the establishment of Wellington Co-operative Taxi Owner D.P. 21217, and proceeding thence in a southerly and south­ Drivers' Association, Limited, Tory Street, Wellington, in easterly direction approximately parallel to and about respect of tho supply of oil foel to the s_hareholders of the 600 ft. distance from the foreshore of the Waitemata Harbour said reSpective companies. . to a point south-east of Kanri Point; thence by a right .Jine 11. Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contamed I in a north-westerly direction towards and through part may on receipt of a request signed by a majorityof the Allotment 164, Parish of Takapuna. (C.T. 211/85), across members of the Petrol Section Committee of the Wellington the road forming the north-western boundary of part Allot­ Branch of the New Zealand Retail Motor Trade Association ment 164 aforesaid; thence along the south-eastern and (Inc.) direct, in respect of any particular :"~ek, that in . the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 163, Parish of Taka­ evening of one day in that week the establisnments reqmred puna, for a distance of about .22 chains, across the road to observe the hours of closing specified in clause 4 hereof forming tho north-eastern boundary of Allotment 163, may remain open t.ill such· later. hour on that day as m.ay through Allotment 160, Parish of Takapuna (C.T. 106/269), 'be specified by me in such direction, provided that notice to Domain Road, across Domain Road and thence along the of such direction shall be published not later than five days south-eastern and south-western boundaries of part Allot­ prior t,o such day in a daily newspaper circulating in the ment 158, Parish of Takapuna (C.T. 571/63), and the western Wellington district. boundaries of Lots 53 (C.T. 640/52), 52, ,51 (C.T. 571/68), 12. The Oil Fuel Retail Hours (Wellington) Order 1940, 50, 49, and part 48 (C.T. 640/52), on D.P. 11207, being parts is hereby revoked as from the date of the coming into force Allotment 158, Parish of Takapuna, western boundaries of bf this Order. part 48 (C.T. 571/65), part Allotment 158, Parish of Taka­ ,Dated at Wellington, this 18th day of Decemb~r. 1940. puna (C.T. 234/167), D.P. 9561, to Balmain Road; thence across Balmain Road, across Soldier's Bay, and thence in a P. C. WEBB, Minister of Labour. westerly direction along the northern foreshore of Soldier's Bay to the point of commencement. As the same is more particularly delineated on a. plan deposited in the office· of the Naval Secretary, Navy Office, -Wellington, and marked Declaring Prohibited Areas under the Naval Doclcyard N.A. 13/1/15, No. 2, and thereon coloured red. Emergency Regulations 1940. D. A. BINGLEY, Commartder, R.N., Captain in Charge, H.M. Naval Base, Auckland . .I)URSUANT to Regulation 12 of the Naval Dockyard :T Emergency Regulations 1940, and with the approval of the Naval Board, I, the undersigned, being the Captain in Charae within the meaning of the said regulations, do herebv declare that the area specified in the First Schedule Note on Change in Method of Publication. heret; being an area adjoining the Naval Dockyard and the area specified in the Second Schedule hereto bein!s an area adjoining the Naval Armament Depot are prohibited areas and that during the period from the 9th day of December, A S a measure of economy in paper it· has been, decided 1940, until further declaration by me, no person is permitted after January, 1941. to publish in the Gazette. the to approach or enter the said proh\bited areas. first two pages only of the monthly meteorological statis.tics and to eliminate the detailed rainfall records. An exception Dated at Auckland, this 9th day of December, 1940. will be the inclusion of the 1940 rainfall .data in the Gazette in March, 1941. The monthly rainfall records for January, 1941, onwards FIRST SCHEDULE. will be included in an annual publication of the Meteoro­ . PROHIBITED AREA AT DEVONPORT, AUCKLAND. logical Office, and anyone who de_sires to have detailed information on rainfall more promptly than by the medium ALL that area in the North Auckland' Land District bounded of this annual publication should communicate with the by a line commencing at a point on the Stanley Bay foreshore at the south-western boundary of part Lot 93 on D.P. 1055 Director, Thfeteorological Office, P.O. Box 722, Wellington (C.T. 133/184), and proceeding thence in a southerly direction C.l. for a c!istanee of approximately I 7t chains to a point 105 ft. l\!. A. F. BARNETT, Director. DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3755

Government M eteorologwal Observatory.

ETEOROLOGICAL Observations at Kelburn, Wellington, for the Month of November, 1940. Observations ta.ken at M 9a.m. Altitude of Observatory, 415 ft. .. ,..,.,...,.,.,., ...... 1 Wind; g -- ~ .. In Screen. Beaufort A.nemo. ~~ .. 0 I Scale. meter. o,g .. ... ! I Pa .9 " 8 Date. 1-~--- I ~ At 9 a.m. Maxi- I Mini- I "0 " "' -11" .... i~ mum. mum. I 8 "' . "' a.,!l .s g I "8 I i ~~ ls ,Humid- ~~ tl(J·Q, I ,, .. "S " Q,>(¢:)·• Dry. Wet. ! " ;~ """' I tty. Dry. / Dry. ·1 ~' !Pa Ji... ! I ;ii I P1 !,:, I 1020·3 57·6 51·2 62 64·2 44·8 38·2 E 2 130 ITrace 11·9 bz 2 1009·0 54·2 50·3 75 59.9 47·8 44·8 N 5 I 184 II 1·0 0 :1 995·3 54.5 53·7 94 56·5 49·5 47·1 N 1 176 , 87 O·O odr 4 995·2 49·0 48•7 98 57·8 47·1 46·6 s 5 149 18 O·O or 5 1002·4 58·0 53·8 75 61·4 46·8 42·0 NNW 3 224 1 7.9 C 6 996·7 57·6 51·6 64 59·4 50·1 47·8 NW 5 338 .. 10·5 ojp 7 991·4 55·0 49.7 66 56·5 47·3 43·9 NNW 4 307 39 4·0 ojp 8 989·2 47·6 44.7 79 r,o-o 42·1 41·7 .s 7 307 44 0·5 I op 9 1008·4 48·0 43·9 69 54·8 44·1 42·6 s 5 452 .. 8·3 C 10 1007 ·5 54·3 50·2 73 62·6 42·0 37·2 N 3 114 2 2·8 0 II 1004·9 62·0 57.7 76 66·1 50·1 49·9 NW 2 137 .. 9·8 C 12 1013·6 65·0 59.5 70 72·2 51·4 46·8 NW 1 82 .. 11 ·3 b 13 1015·5 62·6 58·0 74 66·1 53·4 51·2 WNW 3 125 .. 6·6 C 14 1010· 7 59·3 56·5 83 63·3 55·4 52·4 NNW 5 270 Trace 3·7 0 15 1009·4 62·6 53·8 53 67·5 47·5 41·7 NW 3 278 66 10·6 b 16 1014·0 58·1 54·1 76 61·5 45·8 43·6 N 4 93 .. 10·3 C 17 1006·7 57·9 53·2 72 62·9 49·8 47·6 NNE 1 162 70 0·9 0 18 997·6 50·3 50·0 98 59·6 48·0 48·8 SSE 3 I52 5 1·4 or 19 996·9 58·9 52·3 61 61·5 48·7 46·3 NNW 5 139 23 11·3 be 20 997·3 46·2 45·0 91 53.5 43·1 41·8 .s 3 300 2 0·9 air 21 1005·3 52·8 46·7 59 56·7 44·3 43·7 s 4 346 6 4·7 C 22 1006·0 49·4 48·8 96 57·0 43·5 37·9 s 2 106 12 2·0 od' 23 1010·0 47·8 47·2 95 52·7 46·3 43·8 s 3 57 4 0·1 or 24 1018·4 49·8 47·6 84 58·4 45·0 42·5 s 2 209 .. 6·9 0 25 1024·0 58·4 53·0 68 66·8 46·1 41·8 s 2 111 .. 11·3 b 26 1024·2 64·4 56·7 50 69·1 47·6 42·0 NW 1 64 Trace 14·0 b 27 1026·2 53·5 52·2 91 62·8 51·0 45·4 SSE 3 122 .. 7·7 0 28 1025·9 57·7 54·4 80 69·8 50·2 45·3 Calm .. 95 .. 9·2 0 29 1022·8 60·5 57·1 80 64·9 54·1 52·0 NW 6 150 .. 4·0 OU 1019·5 64·9 58·8 67 68·4 55·1 52·9 NNE 4 363 1 9·4 C 30 ------1~---- Means, &c ... 1008·8 55·9 52·0 76 61·5 47·9 45·0 .. 3·21 191 391 183·0 .. -----~------· Mean earth temperature at I ft., 59·2°; and at 3 ft., 57·1°. Number of raiu days, 16. Total rainfall, 31 per cent .. above normal. Sunshine, 42 per cent. of the possible. Two days without any bright sunshine -recorded. Mean dew­ point at 9 a.m., 48· 1 ° ; mean vapour pressure, 0·336 in.

DIRECTION OF WIND. Gale(force Forces N. N.E. E. S.E. s. s.w. w. N.W. Calm. 8 or more). 4 to 7. 12 7 If I 10 t Sf NOTE.-A thunderstorm, accompanied by heavy rain and: some hail, was experienced on the evening of the 15th. Lightning was also observed on the night of the 7th. On the afternoon and evening of the 8th frequent, hail-showers occurred. Snow was unusually low down on the ranges after this cold spell. NOTES ON THE \VEATHER FOR NOVEMBER, 1940. General Notes.-November was cool and rather unseasonable, but the weather considerably improved towards· the end of the month, Showers caused some delays in shearing operations but on the whole the 1 rain was welcomed by farmers, especially on the east coast of the where falls were just sufficient to bring relief to the cereal crops at a critical time. Most types of crops promise good harvests and haymaking has started earlier than usual.­ The feed position is most satisfactory and stock are well advanced and healthy. Rainfall.-The total for the month was unusually excessive in central Hawke's Bay, chiefly as the result of torrential rain on the 3rd. A surplus was recorded over the rest of the with-the exception of the south-western portfom of the Auckland ,Province. Rainfall was lighter than usual over the major part of the South Island, but moderate excesses occurred in North Otago and about the southern sounds region. There was a good deal of thunderstorm activity throughout' the month, the main displays being just after the middle of the month. Temperatures.-Mean temperatures were below normal in mauy cases by 1° or 2°, but several days were very hot. Snow fell on the southern ranges on several occasions and hail was of fairly widespread occurrence. Temperatures were, however, on a much warmer level during the last part of the month. Sunshine.-The duration of bright sunshine was under average in the Central Districts, but was considerably above over the northern half of the North Island as well as in Westland, Otago, and Southland, Weather Sequence.-An extensive depression approaching during the 2nd caused a deterioration from the prevailing anti-cyclonic conditions and later brought light rain to most districts. One low-pressure centre which deepened over Hawke's­ Bay was responsible for very heavy rain in that region as well as for numerous south-westerly gales in central and n0rtliern districts. There was an improvement on the 5th before a new and deep depression advanced from the west. On this depression, a cyclonic centre developed off New Plymouth and moved across the North Island on the 7th. While in the far south conditions remained fine, elsewhere it was unsettled with rain at times and with snow on the ranges. Gales were experienced and there were thunderstorms accompanied by hail-showers. Although conditions had improved generally by the 9th, another fairly extensive disturbance gave scattered but mainly_ light rain on the 10th and 11th, but under the influence of an anticyclone located to the north, the weather soon became fine and warm again. On the 13th a depression began to cross the South Island, steady rain developing in Westland. Scattered moderate falls later occurred over the rest of the South Island and scattered showers fell in western areas of the North Island. The southern and eastern coasts of the latter had thunderstorms with brief torrential downpours on the evening of the 15th. The 16th was fine, but a depression-near Lord·llowe Island was developing into a cyclone which was the cause ofwide­ spread heavy rain setting in over the North Island on the 17th. With pressure low to the south-east and high to the west; southcwestedy winds prevailed from the 19th to the 23rd. Conditions were cold and· changeable and all districts had showery intervals, and Canterbury and Otago, in particular, received much-needed rain. At this period further snow- fell on the• ranges an


~ I 0 Air Temperatures In Degrees (Fahronhei t). Rainfall in Inches. ,Q ·" Abeolute Maximum and I Most in a £." ,Means of I Day. Bright Mean Minimum I Sunw Station. ~---1 No. "'.:s~ of Difference Total of Difference shine


[NoTE.-Late returns for stations appear at end of table.]

Total Fall, [ Days with ---;otaJ Fall, I' Days with Station. Points n.1 Station. (loJ~nl.::ch.) Rain. I(100 to Inch.) I -""' n. _ 1

NORTH ISLAND. NORTH ISLAND-continued. (A) NORTH AUCKLAND. (B) NORTH-EAST---continuPd. Cape Maria van Diemen (Incomplete) Waiota.pu 696 14 Parengarenga 382 13 Kaingaroa. Plains 821 16 Mangonui 437 12 Murupara 691 12 Rangitihi Koranga Valley, Matawai 649 16 Kaeo .. 582 15 Wairapukao 843 16 Kaitaia 366 16 Mokai .. 627 16 Fairburns 625 16 Rotokawa 688 13 Herekino 613 14 Taupo .. 506 15 Cape Brett 231 12 Waimihia 776 12 Russell .. 321 10 Runanga Camp .. 632 15 Broadwood 629 16 Rangiahua, Hokianga Harbour 568 18 Kohnkohu 479 16 Kawakawa 384 14 (0) NORTH-WEST. Kaikohe 439 17 Wekaweka Paerata (Wesley College) 286 16 Puhipuhi Plantation, Whakapara 372 12 Waiuku (" Pukeone ") 429 20 Waimatenui 818 16 Onewhero 293 12 Ruatangata 383 16 19 '' Wharerimu,'' Onewhero 500 18 Whangarei . . . . 319 State Farm, Te Kauwhata 255 17 l\fains Avenue, Whangarei 287 16 "," Ka.awa 394 16 Whatoro 806 19 Ngaruawahia 463 15 Mangarata 230 10 Hamilton 286 14 Wairna Falls (power-station) Cambridge 345 16 Moko Hinau Lighthouse 228 7 Raglan .. 441 17 Dargaville 377 17 Roto-o-rangi, Cambridge .. 400 15 Paparoa 307 13 Horahora Rapids, Churchill 445 15 Matakohe 244 17 TeAwamutu 462 15 Mangawai Kawhia 461 17 Tinopai . . . . Arapuni Dam, Puketarua 511 14 Nagle Cove, Great Barrier 222 13 Waikeria, Te Awamutu .. 431 II Little Barrier Island 407 15 Otorohanga 460 13 Kaipara Heads .. 206 14 "Rangitoto," Otorohanga 699 16 Warkworth 361 12 Te Kuiti 462 13 Cuvier Island 246 13 Paekaka, Paemako 626 16 Mahurangi Heads 299 11 Tapuwae 688 14 Helensville Mokauiti 629 13 Rocky Bay, Waiheke 257 19 Mahoenui Henderson 421 18 Te Matai, Aria Huia, Manukau .. 528 17 Awakino Manukau Heads 288 11 Mangatoi, Mokau Mohakatino 1003 17 (B) NORTH-EAST. Ohura .. 794 16 Taumarunui 560 10 Tairua 455 14 Ha.utu .. 567 10 Thames 278 12 Waitara 452 14 Turna, Thames 315 16 Tangarakau 655 14 Kerepeehi 299 9 Owhango 817 Paeroa 287 19 Raurimu 883 17 Belle Vue Farm, Mangaiti 250 14 Tongariro Hatchery, Tokaanu 587 16 Springdale, Waitoa 358 17 Lepperton 775 15 Katikati 594 18 Waterworks, Mangorei 782 14 Morrinsville 351 14 Rangipo 858 15 Rukuhanga, Cape Runaway 588 13 Whangamomona Matarau, Cape Runaway 1227 17 Purangi 816 15 Maraehako, Opotiki 673 12 Inglewood 841 15 Matamata Riversdale, Inglewood 882 16 Kaimai 915 16 Tariki Hydro 808 15 Whakatane 517 16 Opotiki .• 648 15 Huntress Creek, Opotiki 633 15 Lake Rotoma 1068 11 (D) SOUTH-EAST. Edgecombe 592 16 Ruatoki 663 12 Katoa .. 961 13 Mamaku (new site) 425 13 Mamaku, State Forest Service 749 16 Wairoro, Kaharoa 723 12 Pakihiroa 1110 15 Lichfield 468 15 Ruangarehu Station, 407 14 Sophia Street, Rotorua 528 17 Mangatarata Station, Tokomaru Bay 421 15 Rotorua Golf Links 443 13 Tokomaru Bay .. 441 15 Tokoroa 542 13 Owhena, Tokomaru Bay .. 853 17 Upper Atiamuri .. 487 16 325 13 Marumoko, Motu 1118 13 Te-Hau-o-te-atua, Wairata, Opotiki 967 13 Toromiro, Whakarau 664 15 Ma.tawa.i 933 15 Otoko .. 620 13 37:5&, THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

New Zealand Rainfall for November, l 940~oontinued. New Zealand Rainfall for November, 1940-continued.

Station. I TotalPoints Fall, IDa:k'.:. with Station. I T~n!.all, !Days.with I (100 to Inch.) 1n. (100 to Inch). Raw. 1

NORTH, ISLAND-continued. NORTH ISLAND-continued. ( D) SOUTH-EAST-continued. (D) SOUTH-EAST-continued. 'fe Karaka 524 17 Orongorongo 1359 21 ,1:'uha, Poverty Bay 513 10 , Wairarapa 516 18 ~astwoodhill 572 15 Pukeatua 836 11 Glemoy Station (Maungaorangi) 452 8 Glenburn,, Hinal<\ua 496 15 Ormond 514 12 Lagoon Hill, Martinborough 737 13 Tamra, Gisborne, 787 19 Te Awaite, Martinborough 490 12 , 324 5 Tora Station 426 14 "Erepeti," 670 18 Rough Hill 704 13 "Enfield," Hangaroa 590 13 Cape Palliser 527 12 Gisborne Signal-station 387 13 Baring Head 329 9 Hopuruahine 889 13 Parik,anapa Homestead 768 15 Waik,atea, Ruakituri 590 11 Lake House, Waikaremoana 841 17 (E) SOUTH-WEST, , Waikaremoana 615 17 Mangapurua Valley, Wanganui River' 611 17 Puninga Station, 809 15 Cape Egmont 489 15 Tarewa 868 15 Stratford 1007 16 Mangaone Valley, Tangitere 733 12 Ohakune 666 15 Kakariki, 542 13 Raetihi 667 17 Wairoa 324 11 Riverlea, Taranaki , 692 18 Maungaharuru Opunake 508 19 382 11 Pipiriki 580 12 PutOllino, W airoa 465 10 Mangaohane Station, Taihape 882 16 Tutira Homestead, 436 14 Hautapu, Hihitahi' Portland Island 720 13 Hawera 576 13 '' Te Wairere," Puketitiri Ohawe, Hawera 339 10 lfedgeley, Eskdale, 432 13 "Hiwira," Raketapauma 576 16 Omatua, RiBBington 633 10 Kakaramea ,Hydfcr 370 12 )Vhanawhana Waitahinga,; Kai Iwi 815 16 Sherendon 599 12 Patea .. 449 17 UaU1Doana 439 13 Waverley Te Mata, HavelookNorth 528 15 Okoia .. 470 15 Glencoe Station 500 13 Hunterville 599 15 foukawa 803 15 Dalvey, Turakina 386 14 Anawai, Maraetotara 994 14 Komako, Ashhurst' 967 15 Tauroa, Tuki Tuki Valley Waitatapia, Bulls" 319 12 Mokopeka 694 15 Feil.ling 578 12 Gwavas, Tikokino 719 14 Flock,House, Bulls 346 12 Pukehou, Te Autec Glell'Oroua Te Kura Settlement, Otane 710 13 Kairanga 322 13 Waimarama 410 14 " Atawhai," Palmerston North 521 14 Blackburn 567 16 Turi1Jea Waterworks 500 15 Waipawa 572 14 Foxton 301 9 Rangitapu 364 12 Arapeti 583 Waipukurau 616 13 Mangahao (lower dam) 674 Mount Vernon 580 14 Mangahao (upper dam) 824 18 Arameana Mangaore 405 15 Tou11ere 703 14 Weraroa 379 13 Takapau 525 15 Otaki 326 13 Jlfotaotaria 543 11 Para;p;iraumu 344 14, ~' Rua Roa," Darmevirke 708 15 Plimmerton 447 15 Dannevirke 619 14 Trentham 547 15 Waipuna, Woodville. 653 15 Lower Hutt 485 16 Saddle Road, Woodville 673 17 Waiwetu 517 16 Pine,Grove, Weber, 610 14 Wairmiomata 912 19 Woodbank, Herbenville 573 12 Karori Reservoir 398 16 l\1angamaire .. 628 16 Seatoun (Beacon Hill) 317 15 )llastry, Eketahuna, 522 10 Brooklyn Rel\ervoit· 373 17, ll)ketahuna 726 19 j?utara 930 17 'fawataia, Eketalinna 565 13 SOUTH ISLAND. Annedale, Tinui 628 13 Te Karaka, Whakataki 559 11 (F) WEST COAST. :Pagshot, Masterton 566 17 .Farewell Spit 478 10 Castlepoint .. 546 11 Kaihoka 684 13, " The Terrace," Tinui 586 13 Collingwood 625 13 llfarangai 617 16 Kahurangi Point 651 14 Bush. Grove, Masterton 641 17 Bainham 702' 16, Llandaff, Masterton 525 15 Tarak-0he 597 10' Eri:ngl}, Masterton, 643 11 Takaka (Power Board) 805 8 Wa~wa, Masterton 481 8 Asbest,os Cottage, Pokororo 551 15 Grey:town 440 17 Karamea 529 15 Featherston 630 17 Corbyvale 764 13 "Wa.ipoto," Tauherenikau 489 16 Cobb:River 360 7 Snm:mit 911 16 Millerton 722 17 " Bannockburn," Masterton 550 17 Twynnam, Station,creek Martinborough 432 8 Westport (Public Works Department) 498 14' Shooting Box, Martinborougb 650 14 Gowan 273 16 Waiorongomai, Featherston 721 13 Lake Roto-iti 243 15 Te Hopai, Featherston 649 ll Murchison 225 15 DEC. 19.] THE ·NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3759

New Zealand Rainfall for Noveml;er, 1940-continned. New Zealand Rainfall for November,.1940-oontinue,1.

Totai Fall, Days with Total Fall, Days wlth- Station. Points Station. I (100 to Inch). Rain. I' (lOl::!nl;':ch). Rain. ' ' SOUTH ISLAND-continued. SOUTH fSLAND-continued. (F) WFJST CoAs·r-continued. (H) CANTERRURY-contin?Jed. Tiroroa 853 17 Tiromoana Flock Hill 215 11 Reefton 323 13 Amberley 102 11 Rewanui 1216 15 Glenthorne, Lake Coleridge 252 10 Harper River Greymouth 746 16 160 11 Kaimata, Arnold River 983 15 Loburn 139 9 Westland Plantation 790 16 Mount Torlesse .. 261 13 Lake Kanieri Oxford .. 256 9 Otira .. 1:.,00 13 "Midlands," Oxford Ross 1021 Simois Creek 158 12 Double Hill Gunn's, Wataroa 1643 IO 255 11 Hari Hari 1240 12 Lake Coleridge Homestead 152 10 Five-mile Beach, Okarito .. 1063 13 Bayfields 295 12 Karangarua 1140 II Coalgate 214 14 Okuru .. 1546 16 Paparna Prison .. 171 8 Haast Pass 1039 15 Hororata 248 13 Hollyford 1071 16 Mt. Potts, l',fount Somers 306 9 Homer 1892 18 Mount Possession Puysegur Point .. 811 20 Evandale, Mount Somers .. 286 14 Methven 279 13 Staveley 369 14 (G) NELSON AND MARLBOROUGH. Springburn 232 9 Stephens Island 345 13 Mount Somers 300 13 Waiua, D'Urvillelsland Rhodes' Convalescent Home 196 7 Hamilton Bay Godley Head Waitata Bay 388 11 Allandale The Brothers 204 12 Otahuna, Tai 'l'apu 228 8 Motueka 328 10 "Brockworth," Little Akaloa 169 10 Manaroa 431 12 Puaha .. 275 6 Yncyca Bay Okuti, Little River Whangamoa 733 12 Akaroa .. "Harakeke," Central Moutere 254 4 Magnet Bay, Little River 124 8 Mapua .. •316 II Akaroa Lighthouse II5 7 Atawhai 296 9 Rakaia .. 299 10 Havelock 394 9 Southbridge 250 7 Linkwater 365 11 Winchmore 266 10 Maitai Valley, Nelson 607 14 Peel Forest 418 12 Opouri Valley, Flat, Creek 495 11 Orari Gorge 373 12 Picton .. Seafield 316 Ocean Bay 438 12 Braemar 138 7 Stanley Brook .. 366 13 Lynnford, Hinds 296 12 Wakefield 305 1.5 Geraldine 243 10 Marshlands, Blenheim 212 13 Horwell Downs, Fairlie 280 14 Spring Creek, Blenheim 203 8 Bedeshurst, Fairlie "'Sevenoaks,'' Renwicktown Lambrook Station, Fairlie 233 8 Fairhall, Omaka, Blenheim 249 10 Orari Estate 209 10 Blenheim 206 11 Bush 339 13 Erina, Blenheim .. 232 9 Glenlyon, Lake Ohau 248 9 Hartley Hills, Hillersden .. Waratah, Albury 347 12 Ugbrooke 222 6 Pleasant Point 214 7 Seddon .. 264 7 Seadown 152 11 "Wai-iti," Seddon 318 7 Cave 259 10 Avondale Station,. Blenheim 316 10 Smithfield 164 7 The Branch, Wairau Valley 265 10 Timaru Reservoir 154 9 Cape Campbell .. 368 IO Foxdown Station, Maungati 234 11 Ward 365 10 Downs, Hakataramea 241 9 Duntroon, Jordan Waibaorunga, Waikora 247 10 Upcot, Awatere .. 224 12 Glen-Cary Station, Hakataramea 191 7 "Ellerton," Kekerangu 383 10 Grange Road, Hapuku 418 13 (I) 0TAGO AND ScrnTHLANU, Mounsd,de, Kaikoura Kaikoura West 350 12 Makarora 264 5 Benmore Station, Cloarburn 146 6 Maungawera (H) CANTFlRBURY. Hawea Flat 145 3 Whalesback Station, Waiau 427 8 Lake Waitaki 159 7 "Emscote," Stag and Spey 353 14 Wanaka 149 Keinton Combe .. 4 Luggate 142 6 Woodchester 286 13 Otiake .. 143 8 Highfield, Waiau 275 11 Tarras .. 187 6 Waiau.. 231 10 Duntroon 200 13 Hawks wood 308 13 Glenorchy 358 Riverside Farm, Amuri 284 11 12 Steward Settlement, Oamaru 127 8 Culverden 184 12 Arrowtown 139 10 Balmoral No. 1 176 12 Blackstone Hill .. 262 11 Gore Bay 157 13 Frankton, Lake Wakatipu 211 11 Arthurs Pass 806 14 Naseby 320 10 Waikari 200 12 Naseby Plantation Macdonald Downs 212 17 Ripponvale, Cromwell 84 5 WekaPass 154 7 Oamaru 261 11 Mount White Station, Cass 148 7 Waipiata 169 7 Waipara Clyde .. 145 , Cr11igieburn 107 9 6 Moa Creek 119 9 3760 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

New Zealand RainfailfO'l' November, 1940-continued. New Zealand Rainfall for November, 1940---continued.

. Tota\ Fall, ·1 Days with Station. To:l?t!'ll, I Days with Station. I (100 to Inch.) , Rain. I(lOOP:~t;;ch). &in. ------~------'--I ------SOUTH ISLAND-eontinued. ISLANDS. (I) 0TAGO _AND SoUTHLAND,----{lll1Uinued. Chatham Islands Galloway 97 11 Kermadec Islands 255 12 Patearoa 193 11 Niue Island Eamscleugh . 176 7 Radio-Rarotonga 290 12 Kingston 280 4 Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands 269 5 Te Awa, Hillgrove 242 8 Aitutaki Island, Cook Islands Moeraki Lighthouse 206 10 Mangaia, Cook Islands Paerau 235 8 Atiu, Cook Islands Robertslee, Middlemarcb .. Manke, Cook Islands TeAnau 349 9 Danger Island .. Bushy Park, Palmerston South 231 12 Penrhyn Island .. Castle Hill Station, Athol Manihiki Island .. Nokomai 375 9 Roxburgh 233 12 Roxburgh East •. 233 12 Rae's Junction .. 324 13 Deep Stream 217 13 Blue Mountains, Beaumont 209 13 Wilden Settlement, Heriot 307 15 Sawyer's Bay 478 13 Monowai (Sunnyside) 362 12 Fish Hatchery, Portobello 448 13 Cape Saunders .. 231 12 LATE RETURNS. Ross Creek, Woodhaugh 468 14 Mangonui, October, 1940 431 7 Taiaroa Heads .. 325 12 Kawakawa, October, 1940 341 12 Wendon 215 11 Weka Weka, October, 1940 888 12 Burnside Warkworth, October, 1940 392 8 Pumping-station, Musselburgb 323 13 Mamaku (new site), October, 1940 639 7 Dipton 276 5 'rahora, October, 1940 804 15 Lawrence 260 11 Pukehou, October, 1940 .. 147 5 Tapanui 356 14 Eastry, October, 1940 269 7 Milton .• 310 10 Martinborough, October, 1940 187 6 Otautau 233 14 Twynham, October, 1940 590 11 Winton 251 14 Hari Hari, August, 1940 .. 697 12 Clinton 160 11 September, 1940 839 7 Pebbly Hills Pla~tation .219 12 ,, October, 1940 ,1105 20 Balclutha 186 13 Karangarua, October, 1940 1459 15 Redan, Wyndham 318 11 Harakeke, October, 1940 202 3 Riverton 600 22 Tapanui, October, 1940 .. 230 13 Roslin Estate, Woodlands 243 10 Pitcairn Island, October, 1940 770 19 " Femhill," Mokoreta 369 14 Chatham Island, August, 1940 135 19 Kapnka Septemher, 1940 .. 139 21 Nugget Point 245 14 ,, C>ctober, 1940 252 17 Owaka 266 12 Rarotonga-Radio, October, 1940 330 15 Centre Island 248 16 Kermadecs, August, 1940 503 19 Tahakopa 355 19 September, 1940 281 11 Quarry Hills, Waikawa 336 13 ,, October, 1940 328 16 "Dun-Ian," Waimahaka 259 11 Avarua, October, 1940 383 5 Awarua-Radio 186 15 Mangaia, September, 1940 79 4 Flagstaff, Bluff .. 199 15 ,, October, 1940 .. 150 6 Bluff Reservoir .. 185 14 Manke, October, 1940 472 10 Dog Island 240 14 Penryn Island, July, 1940 823 9 Waipapapa Point 313 11 August, 1940 1147 21 Half-moon Bay, Stewart Island 354 15 September, 1940 572 14



.<\JN.Z.)43, 796,273 3 3 £(N.Z.)43, 796,273 3 3

* Expressed in New Zealand currency. Proportion of reserve (No. 7 less No. 5) to notes and other demand liabilities 29 · 233 per cent. W. R. EGGERS, Chief Accou11tant, DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3761

Minister's Decisions under Customs Acts.

Customs Department, Wellington, 13th December, 1940. T is hereby notifted for public information that the Hon. the Minister of Customs has decided to interpret the Customs I Acts in relation to the undermentioned articles as follows :- N oT:ms.-( a) "Not elsewhere included" appears as n.e.i.; "other kinds" as o.k.; ' 1 articles and materials suited for, and :to be used solely in, the fabrication or repair of goods within New Zealand" as a. and rn.s. (b) Articles marked thus t are revised decisions. (c) The rates of duty payable on goods set out hereunder have not been shown except in the case of goods classed under Tariff items 416, 448, and 449 (2L and of goods admitted (under the provisions of section 11 of the Customs .Amendment Act, 1927) at a rate of duty lower than that provided for in the First Schedule to the Customs Acts Amendment Act, 1934. Where goods are admitted under the provisions of section 11 aforesaid, the reduced rate is marked with an asterisk. (d) Steam-engines, gas-engines, oil-engines, and electric or other motors ar(~ not, unless otherwise indicated, to be regarded as parts of the machines with which they are imported. (e) Surtax as provided for in section 5 of the Customs Acts .AJr:,nendment Act, 19301 or primage duty as provided for in section 4 of the Customs Acts Amendment Act. 1931., as the case may be, is payable in addition to the duties set out hereunder. -----~------,------Rate of Duty. ! Classified Record. Goods. under Tariff British Item No. Preferential General Tariff. Tariff. I ------~-----'------I Anmsthetics, viz.:- 60-4/317/8 " Cyclonal " Sodium (Pharmaceutical Specialties (May & Baker), 100 Ltd., England) Animal glands or tissues, preparations made from, viz. :- 60-4/287 /72 " Gestyl" Organon (Organon Laboratories Ltd., London) 120 (l) 60-4/287/72 " Perandren " Ointment, " Ciba " (Society of Chemical Industry, 120 (1) Basle, Switzerland) Antiseptics, viz. :- 60-4/294/28 " Thiazamide M & B 760 " (Pharmaceutical Specialties (May & 100 Baker) Ltd., England) A. and m.s., viz. :- Chemicals, &c., used in manufactures, viz.,­ Oils, emulsifiable, or soluble, viz.- Soluble oils for wool-batching, &c., viz.­ 60-9/5/57 " Texol B" 448 Free Free. Tanners', curriers', and fellmongers' materials, viz.- Tanning extracts, tanners' bates, and other chemical sub­ stances, &c., viz.- 60-9/5/78 ,, Loropol '' 448 Free Free. 60-9/5/78 Waterproofing agent (Victorian Chemical Co. Pty., Ltd., 448 Free Free: Australia) 'Weaving, dyeing, and cleaning of textiles, materials used in connection with, viz.- 60-9/5/78 Sulphonated Castor Oil " V23 " (Victorian Chemical Co. Pty., 448 Free Free. Ltd., Australia) 60-2/336 Tubes, empty collapsible, of textile with inner sleeve of grease­ 448 Free Free. proof paper, including caps of any material and closing clips of metal, for holding toilet preparations, &c. Articles n.e.i., viz. :­ Rubber goods, viz.,- 60-3/484/6 Rubber dough (compounded sheet rubber) for use in the manu­ 449 (l) facture of battery boxes Chemicals, &c., for use as culture media, microscopic stainR, in­ dicators, &c., viz. :- 60-4/317/38 '' U rease '' tablets 107 60-4/317/8 u Uropac," for use in X-ray examinations 107 Chemicals, drugs, druggists' sundries, &c., n.e.i., viz. :­ 60-4/317/8 " So!useptasine " Ointment 121 (l) Machinery, &c., and appliances, viz. :- Food-chopping, mincing, and similar, viz.,- t60-2/396/IO " Alexander " fruit or vegetable juice extractor 351 (7) (NOTE.-Cancels decision in l\-LO. 40.) t60-2/396/IO " Health Mine " fruit or vegetable juice extractor 351 (7) (NoTE.-Cancels decision in M.O. 37.) Manufacturing, industrial, &c., viz.,- Air compressing appliances, viz.- I 60-2/29/23 Spr!ngs, valve, suction and delivery, for multi-port valves of 352 air compressors 60-2/429/8 Air conditioner, "Frigidaire," model SC-81 . . . . 352 (NoTE.-The electric motor is to be separately classified under T.I. 338 (l) (a), the fan under T.I. 351 (4). and the cahinet under T .I. 327.) Valves, cocks, and taps, viz.- t60-3/222/34 " Chace " automatic control valves for regulating the flow 352 of water to washing machines (NoTE.-Cancels decision in JIII.O. 48.) N.e.i., other kinds, viz.,- Gas-making appliances, viz.- tB0-2/107/18 Producer gas units suited for use on motor-vehicles, stationary 353 (6) (b) engines, &c. (NoTE.-Cancels decision in M.O. 44.) Metal, manufactured articles of, n.e.i., &c., viz. :- tB0-13/25/14 Film-driers consisting essentially of a metal cabinet heated by 356 (!) (b) electric elements and having an exhaust fan driven by an electric motor (NoTE.-The electric motor is to be separately classified under T.I. 338 (l) (a), and the fan under T.I. 351 (4).) (NOTE. -- Caneels decision on "Filrn-drier, Ensign" on page 285 of the Tariff-book.) Tires, and tubing, rubber, viz. :- t60-ll/37 /3 y\Tire rings for beads of cycle tires ...... 205 (5) (NOTE.-Cancels decision on page 336 of the Tariff-book.) Vitamins, vitamin concentrateR, &.c., viz. :- 60-4/427/44 High Potency Vitamin D tablets (Glaxo Laboratories, Ltrl., 12','.(3) England)

Minister's Order No. 60.J E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs. F 3762 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Decisions of the Bureau of Industry under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936.

Bureau of Industry, P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. OTICE is hereby given that, pursuant to the authority conferred on the Bureau of Industry under Part III of the Industrial N Efficiency Act, 1936, the following decisions in respect of applications for licenses have been made. G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary.

Applicant and Location. Nature of Application. Decision~ Date.

Wholesale Sale of Fish. C. Franks, Gisborue .. (i) For a license to take fish for sale by means I Declined .. . · 15 Nov., 1940. of trawling in Poverty Bay waters and (ii) for a license to sell by wholesale the fish caught, at premises in Peel Street, Gis borne

Retail Sale of Fish. R. Dwyer, Dunedin For a license to sell cooked fish .by retail at Declined .. 5 Nov., 1940. premises at 173 Rattray Street, Dunedin W. Riley, Napier For a license to hawk fish around Tolaga Bay, Declined .. 5 Nov., 1940. Tokomaru Bay, Napier, and Hastings

Industrial Fishing.

W. J. Bourdon, Haumoana, I To take fish for sale around Napier by means of II Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Hawke's Bay the vessel "Comet" using hand-lines, long- .. I lines, and set-nets

Retail Sale of Motor-spirits. Richmond and Hutt, Ltd., For permission to take over one petrol pump Declined .. 5 Nov., 1940. Willow bridge from S. J. Richmond at carrier's premises at Willow bridge K. Stirling, Ltd., Hastings For permission to take over one petrol pump Declined .. 2 Dee., 1940. from L. T. Haycock at premises at Else­ thorpe Shorters Parking Station, Ltd., For permission to install two additional pumps, Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Auckland making a total of four, at the applicant com­ pany's premises in Shortland Street Morrison and Crawford, Ltd., For a license to resell motor-spirits in drum lots Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Auckland from the depot of the Atlantic Union Oil Co., Ltd., Auckland A. G. Orsborue (trading as J. For a license to resell motor-spirits in drum lots Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Sharpe and Co.) Petone from depot of the Texas Co. (Aust.), Ltd., Waiwhetu Fletcher Construction Co., Ltd., For a license to resell motor-spirits in drum lots Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Auckland The Takamatua Co-op. Cheese For licenses to (i) resell motor-spirit from a Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Factory Co., Ltd. pump proposed to be installed at the com­ pany's factory, and (ii) resell motor-spirits in drum lots direct from the depot of the Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., Christchurch J. R. Hooper, Eureka .. For a license to resell motor-spirit from one Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. pump installed on the applicant's premises Mell's Co-op. Dairy Factory Co., For a license to resell motor-spirits from one Declined .. 2 Dec., 1940. Ltd., Mokoia pump proposed to be installed at the com- pany's factory . B. Murphy, Pongaroa .. For a license to resell motor-spirits in drum lots Declined .. 9 Dec., 1940. from the depot of the Vacuum Oil Co. Pty., Ltd., Dannevirke Golden Bay Co-op. Dairy Factory For a license to resell motor-spirits in drum lots Declined .. 9 Dec., 1940. Co., Ltd., Takaka to the company's clients

Manufacture for Sale of Soap and/or Soap-powder. Ados Ch e mi c a 1 Co., Ltd., For a license to commence to carry on the above Declined .. 18 Nov., 1940. W ellingtou industry to the extent of manufacturing saponaceous dairy cleansers Foley Bros. (N.Z.), Ltd., For a license to commence to carry on the above Declined .. 18 Nov., 1940. Wellington industry to the extent of manufacturing a pumice cleanser Messrs. Fried and Holzer (Techni- For a license to commence to carry on the above Declined .. 18 Nov., 1940. Chemical Co.), Wellington · industry to the extent of preparing a hand emollient paste Middows Bros., and Taylor Ltd., For a license to commence to carry on the above Declined .. 9 Dec., 1940. Wellington industry to the extent of manufacturing toilet and bath soaps S. Burgess, Auckland .. For a license to continue to carry on the above Granted .. 9 Dee., 1940. industry to the extent of manufacturing a bath and household cleanser C.O. Products, Ltd., Wellington For a license to continue to carry on the above Granted .. 9 Dec., 1940. industry to the extent of manufacturing a soap paste DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3763

Applicant and Location. Nature of Application. Decision. Date.

Manufacture for Sale of Footwear. A. Hayden, Auckland .. For a license to commence to carry on the above Declined . . 18 Nov., 1940. industry to the extent of manufacturing slippers, sandals, and one-bar ward shoes by the stuck-on process W. J. Campbell and C. W. Cargill, For a license to commence to carry on the Declined . . 2 Dec., 1940. Auckland above industry to the extent of manufactu. ring women's cemented-sole sandals and slippers and men's light slippers W. E. Clare, Auckland For a license to continue to carry on the above Granted on condition 9 Dec., 1940. industry to the extent of manufacturing that all the appli- men's, boys', girls', and youths' boots and cant's sales be con- shoes, sandals, and slippers by the machine fined to his own sewn, fairstitch, welted, and rivetted or shop screwed processes F. E. Callaghan and Sons, Te For a license to continue to carry on the above Granted on condition 9 Dec., 1940. Aroha industry to the extent of manufacturing that all the appli- men's and youths' footwear, for sale in his cant's sales be con- own shop, by the rivetted or screwed process fined to his own shop F. Crocker, Auckland For a license to commence to carry on the Granted . . 16 Dec., 1940. above industry to the extent of manufactu­ ring men's boots by the machine-sewn, fair. stitch, and rivetted or screwed processes for sale in his own shop

Manufacture for Sale of Radio-receiving Sets. A. and W. McCarthy, Ltd., I For a license to manufacture a limited number I Declined .. . . 116 Dec., 1940. Dunedin of radio-receiving sets

Manufacture of Cement. Wilson's (N.Z.) Portland Cement, For a license to continue to carry on the manu­ Granted 16 Dec., 1940. Ltd., Auckland facture of cement Milburn Lime and Cement Co., For a license to continue to carry on the manu­ Granted 16 Dec., 1940. Ltd., Dunedin facture of cement Golden Bay Cement Co., Ltd., For a license to continue to carry on the manu­ Granted 16 Dec., 1940. Wellington facture of cement

Variations made to Previous Licensing Decisions. Fisheries Industries. H.P. Evans, Hamilton Previously declined an application to take fish Now granted for set. 5 Nov., 1940. for sale nets, drag . nets, long lines and hand lines A. Campbell, Riverton Previously declined an application to take fish Now granted for drag- 5 Nov., 1940. for sale nets J. Timms, Kaikoura .. Previously granted an application to take fish Decision reversed and 5 Nov., 1940. for sale by means of trawl nets, long lines, application now de- and hand lines clined J. Watson, Paraparaumu Beach Previously granted a license to take fish for sale Decision reversed and 5 Nov., 1940. by means of set-nets, drag-nets, long lines and application now de- hand lines clined L. Thorburn, Thames .. Previously granted a license to take fish for Decision reversed and 5 Nov., 1940. sale by means of set-nets, long lines, and application now de- hand lines clined Mrs. J. W. Hemmingson, Shannon Granted a license to sell fish by retail in 1939 .. Decision reversed and 5 Nov., 1940. application now de- clined L. A. Morgan, Auckland Granted a license to sell fish by retail in 1939 .. Decision reversed and .5 Nov., 1940. application now de- clined R. A. Beange, Thames Granted a license to sell fish by retail in 1939 .. Decision reversed and 5 Nov., 1940. application now de- clined K. I. Rihara .. Previously declined an application for a license Now granted for long 2 Dec., 1940. to take fish for sale lines and hand lines J. Smith, Manawatu Heads Previously declined and application for a license Now granted for set- 2 Dec., 1940. to take fish for sale nets, drag . nets, long lines, and hand lines F. Rakiraki, Kaka Point Previously granted an application for a license Decision reversed and 2 Dec., 1940. to take fish for sale application now de. clined C. P. and G. G. Lowndes, Previously granted an application for a license Decision reversed and 2 Dec., 1940. Wellington to take fish for sale application-now de- clined F. Watemburg, Kawhia Previously granted an application for a license Decision reversed and 9 Dec., 1940. to take fish for sale application now de- clined W. T. King, Waihi Previously declined an application for a license Now granted for long 9 Dec., 1940. to take fish for sale lines and hand lines 3764 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Notice to Persons affected by an Application for a License Any person who considers he will be materially affected under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. by the decisions of the Bureau of Industry on these applications, and who wishes to make representations Fish Retailing. accordingly, must furnish them in writing not later than N application has been received from A. E. Amey, the 2nd January, 1941. A Pukerua Bay, for a license to commence to carry on G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. the business of fish retailing at premises situated on the Main Road at Johnsonville. Bureau of Industry, P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. Any person who considers he will be materially affected by the decision of the Bmeau of Industry on this application, and who wishes to make representations accordingly, must Notice to Persons affected by an Application for a License furnish them in writing not later than the 2nd January, under Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. 1941. G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. Bureau of Industry, P.O. Box 3025, Wellington. Taking of Fish for Sale. N application has been received from A. E. Evans, Waihi, A for a license to take fish for sale around Waihi by Notice to Person.~ affected by Applications for Licenses under means of the fishing-vessel " Dora," using long lines and Part III of the Industrial Efficiency Act, 1936. hand lines. Any person who coMiders he will be materially affected Fisheries Industries. by the decision of the Bureau of Industry on this application, PPLICATIONS have been received from W. C. Timothy, and who wishes to make representations accordingly, must A Wainui, Banks Peninsula, for a license to take fish furnish them in writing not later than the 2nd January, for sale around Banks Peninsula by means of the fishing­ 1941. vessel a Ikarere," using long lines, hand lines, drag-nets, and set-nets, and for a license to retail his catches by means of G. L. O'HALLORAN, Secretary. hawking in the Banks Peninsula District. Bureau of Industry, P.O. Box 3025, Wellington.

Licenses issued to Manufacturing Retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33.

Customs Department, Wellington, 11th December, 1940. T is hereby notified for public information that licenses to act as manufacturing I retailers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, have been issued to the under­ mentioned persons, firms, and companies carrying on business at the places stated opposite the names of each respectively. E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs.

Name of Person, Firm, Place or Places at which or Company. Business is carried on.

Barr's New Plymouth. Bramley, R. R., and Co. Auckland. Fenton, Beth Wellington. Fish, T. I., and Co. . . Christchurch. Hansen, 0 .. . Wellington. Hays, Ltd... : Christchurch. Hunter, Geo. C., and Sons Hamilton. Hutton, T. W., Ltd... Auckland. ,Jackson, Joseph and Son, Ltd. Trentham. Johnson (Auck.) Ltd. Auckland. Little Tailor Shop, The Auckland. Lulu Frocks Auckland. McGruers (Wanganui), Ltd. Wanganui. Mason and Co. Wellington. Monat, J. H. Lower Hutt. Musgrove, F. E. Blenheim, Christchurch. Ruby Lane Gowns Wellington. Simmons Upholstery Co. Wellington. Southward Manufacturing Co. Wellington. Spence, Louis J., Ltd. Christchurch. Stone, H., and Son Warkworth. Vanity Fair Christchurch. Wellington Glove Co. Wellington. Wensley, G. R. Blenheim. Wheatcroft, l\'L P. Wellington. Whiting, Ashton Wellington. Windsor Clothing Plimmerton. The licenses as manufacturing retailers issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and companies have been cancelled :- Atkins, Herbert Auckland. Aldridge, H. and Co. Auckland. Bailey, Madam (Florence Bailey, trading Christchurch. as) Bolot, David Auckland. Bramley and Gow Auckland. Cinema Supply Co., Ltd. Wellington. Dcntice, C. L., and Co. Wellington. Frandi, I. G. Lower Hutt. Hoey, Robt. Whangarei. Hutton, T. W. Auckland. Huxtable, A. M., and Co. Dunedin. Jones, B. Auckland. Kestrel Model Aero Co. Auckland. Levitt, Alexander Auckland. Meyer, S. J., and Son Carterton. Moyes, Jas. Auckland. Peterson, F. E. Auckland. Radio Features, Ltd. Wellington. Simmons, C. W. Wellington. Stringer, R. A. Blenheim and Christchurch. Thorpe, M. E. Wanganui. Wright, A. 0. Lower Hutt. Yvonne des Jardines and Sheila McGlynn Wanganui. DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3765

Licenses issued to Wholesalers under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-3,t Customs Department, Wellington, 11th December, 1940. T is hereby notified for public information tha,t licenses to act as wholesalers I under the Sales Tax Act, 1932-33, have been issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and companies carrying on business at the place stated opposite the names of each respectively. E. D. GOOD, Comptroller of Customs.

Name of Person, Firm, Place or Places at which or Company. Business Is carried on.

A. Arista! Products (from 1st November, Auckland. 1940) B. Belcher, J. (from 1st November, 1940) Lower Hutt, Wellington. Birch, W. H. and Co., Ltd. (from 1st Tuatapere. November, 1940) Blackwood, G. T. M. (from 1st November Lower Hutt. 1940) Bolot, David (from 1st December, 1940) Auckland. Brookfield Engineering, Ltd. (from 1st Auckland. February, 1940) 0. Carter and Watt (from 1st September, Auckland. 1940) Cinema Supply Co., Ltd. (from 1st Wellington. December, 1940) Clement, F. W. (from 1st August, 1940) Auckland. F. Feek, W. (from 1st November, 1938) Auckland. G. Gilseal, Ltd. (from 1st December, 1940) Auckland. Grey and Menzies, Ltd. Whangarei, Kaitaia. Grounds, J. S. and Co. (from 28th Christchurch. November, 1940) H. Harris, J., and Co. (from 20th November, Wanganui. 1940) Hosking, T. W. (from 1st October, 1940) Auckland. Houghtons Steel Products Pty. (from 1st Wellington. April, 1940) Hume Pipe Co. (Aust.), Ltd. (from 26th Waipukurau, Kaikoura, . November, 1940) Hume Steel, Ltd. (from 26th November, Arapuni, Washdyke. 1940) Hurricane Wire Netting Co., Ltd. (from Petone. 1st October, 1940) I. Imperial Chemical Industries (N.Z.), Ltd. Wellington, Auckland. (from 1st September, 1940)

J. Jollands Ltd. (including Whitley's Plastic Wellington. Play) (from 1st June, 1940) K. Kiwi Bacon Co., Ltd. (from 1st November, Auckland, Hamilton, Palmerston 1940) North, Wellington, Longburn.

L. Lannam, 0. E. (from 1st November, 1940) Auckland. M. Marple, R. N. (from 1st October, 1940) .. Wellington. Metal Furnishings, Ltd. (from 1st Auckland, Wellington. November, 1940) l\fore and Sons, Ltd. (from 1st October, Riverton. 1940) N. N.Z. Forest Products, Ltd. (from 1st Auckland. September, 1940) P. Plummer and Co., Ltd. (from 1st Auckland. November, 1940) Process Art Studios (from 1st October, Auckland. 1940) R. Regina Cosmetics Products Co. (from 1st Wellington. November, 1940) .3766 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Na01e of Person, Firm, Place or Places at which or Company. Business is carried on.

s. Shackleford and Company (from 20th Auckland. November, 1940) Southland Silver Beech Co., Ltd. Invercargill, Longwood, Riverton. (including the Otautau Timber Co., Ltd.) ' Stewarts and Lloyds of N.Z., Ltd. (from Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington, 1st October, 1940) Dunedin, Invercargill. T. Techni-Chemical Products Co., Ltd.) from Wellington. 1st October, 1940) u. Uddstrom, C. G. A. (from 1st November, Cobden. 1940) w. Whitleys Plastic Play (see Jollands Ltd.) The licenses as wholesalers issued to the undermentioned persons, firms, and companies have been cancelled :- Birch and Co. Tuatapere. Bruce Woollen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Napier. The Brunner Mond and Co. (A'asia.) Pty., Wellington, Auckland. Ltd. Bryant Bros. Tinline Valley, Marlborough. Davies, G. F. Wellington. Existing Forests Timber Milling Co., Ltd. Auckland, Tauranga. Foote Bros. Auckland. Forder and Elliott, Ltd. Auckland. Houghtons Steel Products, Ltd. Wellington. Johnston, T. E. Christchurch. Jollands Ltd. Wellington. Mitchell and Vela Auckland. Plummer Hat Co., Ltd., The Auckland. Smith, H. G. Petone. Smith, Sydney Frederick Wellington. Southland Silver Beech Co., Ltd. (con­ Invercargill, Longwood, Riverton. sisting of More and Sons, Ltd., and the Otautau Timber Co., Ltd.) Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Invercargill. Turner, T. H. Christchurch. Upton, A. E. and Co., Ltd. Auckland.

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Ameoomento.-Election to administer Estates.

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Tr.ustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in respect N of the several estates of the persons deceased whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) a.re hereunder set forth :-

Date Stamp Office Name. Occupation. Residence. Date I Election Testare or I No.j I of Death. filed. I Intestate. concerned. I 1 Aitcheson, James .. Retired farmer .. Waikouaiti . . 14/11/40 12/12/40 Intestate I Dunedin. 2 Bone, Frederick Joseph .. Retired labourer Christchurch .. 14/11/40 12/12/40 Testate , Christchurch. 3 Caldwell, James Charles Railway employee Timaru . . 21/11/40 12/12/40 Edward 4 Cosgrove, Bernard John .. Labourer .. Gisborne .. 19/10/40 12/12/40 Intestate Gisborne. 5 Daly, Catherine . . . . Married woman .. Auckland .. 17/11/40 12/12/40 Testate Auckland. 6 Ewen, John Joseph .. Carpenter .. Onerahi .. 19/11/40 12/12/40 Intestate 7 Gibson, Grace Mary .. Married woman .. Reefton .. .23/10/40 12/12/40 Testate Hokltika. 8 Hunter, George . . . . Farmer .. Masterton .. 1/10/40 12/12/40 Intestate Wellington. 9 Keaney, Mary Christina .. Widow.. .. Thames .. 21/10/40 12/12/40 Auckland. 10 Leech, Ivy Hiller .. Auckland .. 3/11/40 2/12/40 Testate" 11 Partridge, Arthur John .. F;;m l~bourer : : Christchurch .. 22/10/40 12/12/40 Chri;tchurch. 12 Pepperell, Francis Evans .. Retired railway Palmerston North 15/7/40 12/12/40 Wellington. employee 13 Pye, Archibald .. Hawker Auckland .. 24/10/40 12/12/40 Intestate Auckland. 14 Riordan, Patrick Farmer Glannagaul, Rath­ 24/5/38 12/12/40 Wellington. cormac, County Cork, Eire 15 Urquhart, Mary .. Spinster .. Ashburton .. 24/10/40 12/12/40 Testate Christchurch. 16 Veitch, Andrew .. Labourer .. Gisborne .. 18/11/40 12/12/40 Gisborne. 17 Wallen, Ethel Mary Married woman .. Dunedin 14/7/24 12/12/40 Int~~tate Dunedin. 18 Williams, Elizabeth Widow.. .. Hastings 29/9/40 12/12/40 Testate Napier.

Public Trust Office, Wellington, 15th December, 1940. E. O. HALES, Public Trustee. DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3767

Stocks of Flour, Wheat, and Oats.

CENSUS of stocks of flour, wheat, and oats in the Dominion was taken as at the 30th November, 1940, when the A following quantities were returned: Flour, 17,774 tons; wheat, 2,653,697 bushels (including 2,400,263 bushels of milling-wheat); and 589,660 bushels of oats. Returns were received covering all stocks owned or stored by millers, merchants, and farmers throughout the Dominion, with a few unimportant exceptions which would not appreciably affect the totals given. ------~·- --- Wheat. Oat,,. ' I In Grain. In Stack -- (estimated), Flour. Milling. In - Stack Total Other all In Grain. (esti- For For (N.Z.) than mated). Wheat. Tuscan (N.Z.) (N.Z.) Aus· Other Milling. Thresh• Chair• or Long• Hunter's I Velvet or I trallan. and Ing. Ing. berry. Varleties. Pearl. unspecified.I I ! . I

STOOKS BY DISTRIOTS. Tons. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Bushels. Tons. North Auckland, 6,046 30,867 10,127 5,440 382,442 132,672 33,770 7 595,325 76,343 15 411 Auckland, Gis- borne, Hawke's Bay, and Taranaki Wellington 1,232 71,053 4,989 1,042 2,697 12,663 24,137 ll6,58l 40,139 252 Marlborough, Nelson, 259 11,235 76 15,233 7,837 34,381 26,308 1,300 645 and Westland Canterbury • • 17,748 901,269 208,025 70,302 31,825 144,438 176 1,356,035 232,401 23,206 5,966 Otago and Southland 2,489I 399,920 74,557 15,227 13,333 5,269 38,014 5,055 551,375 178,457 11,491 12,756 --1 ------Totals ,~ '77411,414,344 1297, 774 107,244 398,472 182,429 1248,196 5,238 [2,653,6971 553,648 36,012 20,030 I ------STOOKS ~ BY MILLERS, MERCHANTS, AND F ABMERS.

Millers 14,876 1,261,341 255,114 1100,839 396,972 147,122 39,867 1,666 2,202,921 76,944 ._. _ _ 15 1 1 Merchants 2,815 141,224 40,s81 I 6,161 1,500 33,753 1s2,115 2,093 414,333 337,o9o .. 1 10 Farmers •• 83 5,77911,779 I 238 .. 1,554 25,614 I 1,479 36,443 139,614 36,012,19,945 Totals 11,7741,414,344 ,291,774 :107,244 /98,472 182,429 248,1961 5,238 2,653,697 553,648 36,012\20,030 1

STOOKS OWNED BY MILLERS, MERCHANTS, AND FARMERS. Millers 14,89611,394,681 1295,389 1105,141 [396,972 . 165,606 34,920 1,666 [2,394,375 5 Merchants 1 2,795 13,894 606 1,86511,500 15,184 18 0,275 I 213,331 320,19978,00W . 111. 7 0 Farmers •• 83 5,769 l, 779 238 . . 1,639 33,001 3,56~ 1 45,991 155,390 35,91219,945 ----l------I Totals, 30/11/40 5,238 2,653,697 553,648 36,012 20,03 17,77411,414,344/297,774 107,24~/398,47::_ 182,429 24 8,1961 0 Corresponding figures, 13,4811898,224 144,979 66,259 740,8121 43,024 18 9,582 3,525 2,086,405 717,289 59,049 43, 79 9_ 30/11/39 -- -- Census and Statiiitics Department, J. W. BUTCHER, Government Statistician. Wellington, 19th December, 1940.

Public Service Superannuation Fund.-Election of Members of Notice of Adoption under Part IX of the Native Land Act, 1931. the Board. Ikaroa District Native Land Court Office, OTICE is hereby given that an election will be held on Wellington, 13th December, 1940. N Monday, the 3rd day of March, 1941, for the purpose T is hereby notified that an order of adoption as set out of electing, as members of the Public Service Superannuation I in the Schedule hereunder has been made by the Native Board, two representatives of the contributors who belong Land Court under the provisions of the Native Land Act, to the Post and Telegraph Department, one representative 1931. of the contributors who belong to the Police Force, and three P. H. DUDSON, Registrar. representatives of the contributors who belong to other departments of the Public Service. SCHEDULE. The said election will be held at the office of the Public ADOPTING parent : Butler te Koeti Turanga. Service Superannuation Board, Government Life Insurance Adopted child: Ivy Rebecca Koeti McColl, now named Ivy Building, Customhouse Quay, Wellington C. I. Rebecca te Koeti Turanga. A separate ballot will be taken of the contributors who belong to the Post and Telegraph Department, of the con­ tributors who belong to the Police Force, and of the contri­ Whalcaatu tangohanga Tamaiti Whangai i raro i Wahi IX butors who belong to other departments of the Public o te Ture Whenua Maori, 1931. Service. Nominations will be received by the Returning Officer, in the Tari Kooti Whenua Maori, Ikaroa, form prescribed by Regulation 44 under the Public Service Poneke, 13 o Tihema, 1940. Superannuation Act, 1927, until Friday, the 31st day of E whakaaturanga tenei kia mohiotia ai kua hangaia January, 1941, at 4.30 o'clock p.m. The voting-lists will be H e te Kooti Whenua Maori i raro i nga tikanga o te closed on the same date. Ture Whenua Maori, 1931, tetahi ota whakamana i te The poll will close at 5 o'clock p.m. on the 3rd March, tangohanga o tetahi tamaiti whangai, e whakaaturia nei e 1941. Ballot-papers, if posted, must be posted to the te Kupu Apiti i raro nei. Returning Officer, not later than 5 o'clock p.m. on 3rd March, 1941, and must reach him not later than 5 o'clock p.m. on TE TATIHANA, Kai-rehita. the fifteenth day thereafter. Ballot-pa-pers, if delivered to the Returning Officer, must be so delivered in a sealed envelope KUPU APITI. not later than 5 o'clock p.m. on the 3rd March, 1941. TE matua whangai : Butler te Koeti Turanga. Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of December, 1940. Tamaiti whangai: Ivy Rebecca Koeti McColl, ko Ivy M. P. FINNIGAN, Returning Officer. Rebecca te Koeti Turanga tona ingoa i naianei. 3768 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

Supplementary Teachers' Register and Supplememary GTaded Officiating Ministers for 1940.-Notice No. 37. List of Primary. Secondary, and Technical School Teachers, 1940. Registrar-General's Office, Wellington, 17th December, 1940. Education Department, URSUANT to the provisions of the Marriage Act, 1908, Wellington 16th December, 1940. P the following names of officiating ministers within the ," HE following list of teachers is issued under the authority meaning of the said Act are published for general infor­ T of the Minister of Education in accordance with the mation:- requirements of the Education Amendment Act, 1924. The The Church of the Province of New Zealand, commonly called list contains the names of~ the Church of England. , '(Ii) T~achers added to the Teachers' Register: The Reverend Peter Henley Blakiston. ' (Ii) Teachers already in the Teac]iers' Register- The Reverend William Nevill Drake. (1) Now graded, but not previously graded: The Reverend Titau Naera Rakete. The Right Reverend Bishop Percival William Stephenson, (2) Whose grading has been altered as the result of M.A.,D.D. correction in marks or change in certifi­ The Reverend Neville Cecil Knox Titchener. cate: The Reverend John Cecil Julius Wilson. (3} Who are now graded under an additional division. The Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. The Reverend Frederick Roy Belmer, M.A. ,. C. E. BEEBY, Director of Education. The Reverend William Smith Brettell. Date of The Reverend Herbert Davies, M.A. Grading or The Reverend Howard Johnston. Name. Corti- Grading. Certificate The Reverend George Hunter McNeur. ftcate. or Promotion. The Reverend Basil Nottage, B.A. ---~- The Reverend Alan Douglas Robertson, B.A. The Reverend John Russell Shaw. Alexander, Robert Ritchie, B.A. B P. 187 1/11/40 Barrell, Valerie Mary, M.A. .. .. Tech. DI, 9/12/40 Associated Churches of Christ in New Zealand . CI Mr. Allan Burton l\ifoDiarmid. {Tech. D 21/11/40 Blyde, Nola Maud .• .. .. II, CI Brethren. LSec. D II/12/40 Browning, Ailsa Lilian Preece, B Tech. DI, 3/12/40 Mr. Donald Gillies. B.A. CII Budden, Ernest Danks .. C P. 151 .. 10/12/40 G. G. HODGKINS, Deputy Registrar-General. Butchers, John Barnard .. C Sec. D .. 22/11/40 Caskie, Mrs. Ann Lindsay .. C P. 182 .. 1/1/40 Cook; Estelle Chrissie Margaret, 1Tech. D 31/10/40 CROWN LANDS NOTICES. , B.A. B I, CI LSec. D II/12/40 Daly, Patrick Collett .. D P. 140 27/11/40 CoRBIGENDUM. Dickson, James Edmund Beere .. Tech.DU, 9/12/40 CI Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 18th December, 1940. Fowler, Leslie Allan .. C P. 205 .. 18/10/40 Grey, Alexander .. .. C Sec. D .. 12/12/40 OTICE is hereby given that the notice published at Guy, George, B.A., B.Sc. .. B Sec. B .. 11/12/40 N page 3711 of New Zealand Gazette No. 125 of 12th Harvey, George Gardiner, M.A. B P. 190 .. 1/1/40 December, 1940, headed " Village Land in Auckland Land Hebblethwaite, Constance 0 Tech.DII, 28/11/40 District for Selection on Renewable Lease," was published Mabel C II in error and is hereby cancelled. Kelly; Gerald Peter, B.A. .. B Sec. C .. 26/11/40 THOS. POUND, Assistant Under-Secretary. 1Tech. D 10/12/40 McLennan, Williamina Mary .. ~ II, CI LSec. D 13/12/40 Town Land in Auckland Land District for Sekction on 1Tech. D 10/12/40 Renewable Lease. Martyn, Margaret Florence .. .. ~ II, CIV LSec. D 12/12/40 Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Midgley, Redginald Dare, B.A. .. Tech.DI, 28/11/40 Auckland, 18th December, 1940. CI OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section O'Connor, Margaret Elizabeth C Tech. D 28/11/40 N is open for selection on renewable lease under the II, CIII Land Act, 1924; and applications will be received at the Paul, Francis Howard Beare, B P. 79 .. 1/1/40 Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, up to M.A. 11 o'clock a.m. on Monday, 20th January, 1941. Penny, Thomas MacGibbon, B Sec. C .. 4/12/40 Applicants should appear personally for examination at B.A. I the Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland, on Pettit, Hazel Mary, M.A. .. B Tech, DI, 3/12/40 Wednesday, 22nd January, 1941, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but CII if any applicant is unable to attend he may be examined by Scott, Thomas Henry .. C Sec. D .. 22/11/40 any other Land Board or by any Commissioner of Crown Smith, Mrs. Grace Murray .. C P. 190 .. 1/1/40 Sotheran, Thomas Trevorah Lands . C P. 215 .. 22/11/40 The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the Swinton, David Eric, M.A. .. A Sec. C .. 11/12/40 Taylor, John Warren .. C P. 215 examination of applicants, and the successful applicant is .. 5/12/40 required to pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit Thornley, Mrs. Dorothy Bertha B P. 190 .. 1/1/40 Solloway, M.Sc. comprising the first half-year's rent, broken-period rent, and lease fee. Tritt, Frederick Norman .. B Sec. D .. 5/12/40 SCHEDULE. AuorrLAND LAND DI6TRIOT.-TowN LAND. Notice to Mariners No. 53 of 1940. Cambridge Borough.-Town of Cambridge We8t. LoT 7 on D.P. 7440, part Sections 537 and 538: Area,, I rood Marine Department, 16 perches. Capital value,. £20; half-yearly rent, 10s. Wellington, N.Z., 18th December, 1940. This section has frontage to Moore Street, Cambridge West. The land is level and all in grass a,nd is situated two miles CAUTION WITH REGARD TO LIGHTS. from Cambridge Post-office and half a mile from Leamington ARINERS · are hereby advised that, at any time School. Water and electricity are available to the section. M without further notice, all lights on the New Zealand Any further information required may, be obtained from coast are liable to be extinguished or altered and foo- signals the undersigned. discontinued. 0 K. M. GRAHAM, L. B. CAIVJ:P:BELL, Secretary. Commissioner of Crown Lands. (M/ONS/21.) (H.O. 26/22513; D.O. 22/6658.) DEC. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3769

Land in Gisborne Land District for Lease by Public Aiiction. Applicants should appear personally for examination at the District Lands and Survey Office, Nelson, on Thursday, District Lands and Survey Office, 16th January, 1941, at 10 o'clock a.m., hut if any applicant is Gishorne, 18th December, 1940. unable to attend he may he examined by ai1y other Land OTICE is hereby given that the undormentioned section Board or hy any Commissioner of Crown Lands. Applicants N will be offered for lease hy public auction at the are required to produce documentary evidence of their District Lands and Survey Offiee, Gisborne, on Monday, farming experience and financial position. 27th January, 1941, at 2.:m o'clod, p.m., under the provisions The hallot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the of the Land Act, l!l24. examination of applicants, and the successful applicant is required to pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit comprising the first ha!f~year's rent, broken-period rent, lease SCHEDULE. fee. deposit in reduction of weighting for improvements, GrsBOR::S.E LAND DrnTRICT.-FrnsT-OLASS LAND. and proportionate part of insurance on the buildings, NoTJ,.-~This section is offered in terms of section 153 of Oook Ooiinty.-Hangaroa Suri:ey Di.strict. the Land Act, 1924, which provides that no right to any SECTION lA, Block XV: Area, 10 acres. Upset annual mineral under the surface shall pertain to the lessee, whose renta.l, £:?. rights shall be to the surface soil ody. Weightml with £67 (p,;yahle in Pash) for improvements, con1prising feUing and grmmin~, r0ad fencing, and half-share boundary fencing. This section is situated near Village, about 2l, SCH.EDULE. chains off the present Gisborne-N'apier Highway. Access is NELSON LAND DrsTRICT.-FrnsT-CLAss LAND. by way of the old highway which is formed hut not metalled. Land comprises easy hill country mostly ploughablc and is Murchison Oounty.-~Lyell Surney D£strict.-Westland Alining in good pasture. It is ring-fenced and is well watered. Distn:ct. Any further particulars required may be o bfained from SECTION 53, Square 138, Block XV : Area, 24 acres O roods the undersigned. 28 perches. Capital value, £40; half-yearly rent, 16s- H. L. PRiiifROSE, Weighted with £113 for improvements, comprising dwelling Commissioner of Crown Lands. and cow-byre (both in poor condition), hay-shed, pig-sty, 35 chains road fencing, 35 chains subdivisional fencing, (H.O. 6/7/223; D.O. 8/153.) 12 acres clearing and stumping, and 20 acres grassing. This sum is payable in cash, or, after payment of a deposit of £13, Village Land in Gi8borne Land District for 8eledion on the balance may be repaid over a period of five years by Renewable Lease. half-yearly instalments of principal and interest (5 per cent.) combined, amounting to £11 ll s. per half-year. District Lands and Survey Office, Situated on the main Ruller Gorge road four miles from Gisborne, 18th December, 1940. Kewton Flat Post-office, three miles from Newton Flat School, twenty-eight miles und thirty-six miles from Tnangalma NOTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section and Glcnhope Railwa.y-st:-1tions ret-1pe0tively, and eight is open for selection on renewable lease under the miles from Murchison Dairy Factory and Saleyarrls. The Land Act, 1924; and applications will be received at the area is flat,, about half being in clear paddocks, the remainder District Lands and Survey Office, Gisborne, up to 4 o'clock having some fern and blackberry with little timber. Soil p.m. on Wednesday, 12th February, 1941. is fair loam resting on gravel formation. Pastures are worn Applicants should appear personally for examination at and top-dressing is required. The section is watered by the the District Lands and Survey Office, Gisborne, on Friday, Buller River and is suitable for dairying in a small way hy 14th February, 1941, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., but if any applicant someone with outside employment. is unable to attend he may be examined by any other Land Board or by any Commissioner of Crown Lands. Any further particulars required may be obta.ined from The ballot will be held immediately upon conclusion of the the undersigned. examination of applicants, and the successful applicant is P. R. WILKINSON, required to pay immediately at conclusion of ballot a deposit Commissioner of Crown Lands. comprising the first half-year's rent, broken-period rent, lease fee, and amount of weighting for improvements. (H.O. 36/1214; D.O. 1/305.)

SCHEDULE. GrsBORNE LAND DrsTRTCT.-V!LLAGE LAND. Waikohii Gounty.-llfotii Village. BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. SECTION I, Block V: Area, 1 acre. Capit.al value, £20; half-yearly rent, I0s. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. Weighted with £3 (payable in cash) for improvements, comprising road-boundary fencing and felling and grassing. This section which is situated in King Street, adjoining the store~site, comprises flat land in rushes and rough pasture. OTICE is hereby given that ALEXANDER WILLIAM JOHN The section is somewhat damp but when developed should N REID, of Cambridge, Lorry-driver, was this day be very suitable for the running of a house cow. Tt is ring­ adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of fenced, but fences on eastern and southern boundaries are in creditors to he holden at the Courthouse, Cambridge, on poor order; a new fence has recently been erected on western Thursday, the 19th day of December, 1940, at 11 o'clock boundary. a.m. Special condition.-The successful applicant is required, Dated at Hamilton, this 12th day of December, 1940. before the lease is issued, to arrange with tho adjoining V. R. CROWHURST, owners for half-value of the boundary fencing. Official Assignee. Any further information required may be obtained from ----·· ------·- the undersigned. In Bankruptcy. H. L. PRIMROSE, Commissioner of Crown Lands. (H.O. 9/3334; D.O. XIV/98.) OTICE is hereby given that a dividend in respect of N the undermentioned estate has been declared on all Land Pn Nelson Land District for Selection on Renewable Lease. proved and accepted elaims :- Timbers, Leonard Matthew, of Ellerslic, formerly of District Lands and Survev Office, Te Kuiti, .iVlusic-shop Proprietor-First and final Nelson, 18th December, 1940. dividend of 8d. in the pound. OTICE is hereby given that the undermentioned section N is open for selection on renewa hie lease under the V. R. CROWHURST, Land Act, 1924 ; and applications will be received at the Official Assignee. District Lands and Survey Office, Nelson, up to 11 o'clock . Government Buildings, Knox Street, Hamilton, 16th a.m. on Tuesday, 14th January, 194!. December, 1940. G 37'70 TfIE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

In Eii,nl&uplcy.~In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. In Bankruptcy. .· OTICE is hereby given that ERNEST ARTHUR PACEY, OTICE is hereby given that dividends are now payable N of Hawera, Builder and Contractor, was this day N in the undermentioned estates ; promissory notes (if adfudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of any) to be p~oduced for endorsement prior to receipt of creditors to be holden at my office on Wednesday, the 18th dividend :- . day of December, 1940, at 9.30 o'clock a.m. Feehly, Michael Patdck, late of Arrowtown, Farmer, Dated at I{awera, this 10th day of December, 1940. deceascd-l!"irst and final dividend of ls. lO!d. in the A. R. C. CLAltIDGE, pound. Official Assignee. Lumsden, Campbell McPherson, of Kaiwera, Sawmiller­ First dividend, on preferential claims for wages only, of 3s. 3d. in the pound, In Banlcruptcy.~In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. A. E. DOBBIE, Official Assignee, . OTICE is hereby given that Emo NORMAN CHARD, N of Opuuake, Labourer, was this day adjudged ...,...... --====---==------··------·______bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Monday, the 30th day of Decem, her, 1940, at 11 o'clock a.m. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. Dated at Hawera, this 13th day of December, 1940.

A. R C. CLARIDGE, PPLICATION having been made to me to register a Official Assignee. A re-entry by Hrs MAJESTY THE KrNG as lessor under Memorandum of Lease No. l 5456, of all that parcel of la.ml containing thirty-seven and :tl.ine-tentbs perehes, more or !es~, In Ban]cruptcy.-ln tn:e Supreme Court of New Zeafand. being Subdivision 15 (fifteen) of Section 1 (one) of the Ohawe Town Belt, and being part of the land in eertificate of title, OTICE is hereby given that BERNARDT ALFRED w AHL­ Vol. 111, folio 53, ·of the Taranaki Registry, of which N BERG, of 29 Colombo Street, Wellington, Labourer, EDWARD AUGUSTINE MULLIGAN, of Ohawe, Labourer, was this day adjudged b,mkrupt ; and I heteb:y summon a is the registered lessee, I hereby give notice that I will register meeting of creditors to be holden at my offioo on Monday, such re-entry as requested at the expiration of one month the. 23rd day of December, 1940, at 10.30 o'dock a.m. from the date of the Gazette containing this notice. Dated at Wellington, this 13th day of December, 1940. Dated at the Land Registry Office at New Plymouth, this 11th day of December, 1940. S. TANSLEY, Official Assignee. W. E. BROWN, District Land Registrar.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Gou.rt of New Zeak1nd. .OTICE is hereby given that the land hereinafter N described will be brought nnder the provisions of the OTICE is hereby given that ALFRED HENRY M:rLEs, Land Transfer Act, 1915, nnless caveat be lodged forbidding N of Paraparaiimu, Contractor, was this day adjudged the same within one calendar month from the date of bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors tff be publication of the New Zeakind Gazette containing this holden at my office on Monday, the 30th day of December, notice:- 1940, at 10.30 o'clock a.m. 5427, ARTHUR ERNEST PARKIN, 6,J8 perches, being Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of December, 1940. part of Section 12, Hutt District, and being part of Lot 1, on plan No. 12072, Occupied by Applicant. S. TANSLEY, Official Assignee. 5428. EVELYN MARY TAYLOR, 1·92 perches, beif,g part of Sections 12 and 13, Hutt District, and heillg --~---~----~ ·--- ·---··-·----- part of Lot 2, on plan No, I2072. Occupied by Applicant. In Bankruptcy,-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. Diagrams may be inspected at this office. Dated this 17th December, 1940, at the Land Registry OTICE is hereby given that ROBERT ALEXANDER MARTIN, Office, Wellington. N of Island Bay, Wellington, Driver, was this day adjudged bankrupt ; and I hereby summon a meeting of J, CARADUS, District Land Regi1itrar. creditors to be holden at my office on Monday, the 30th day of December, 1940, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. Dated at Wellington, this 18th day of December, 1940. PPLICATION having been made to me for a new A certificate of title in the name of FREDERICK S. TANSLEY, PEAKE, of Dunedm, Retired Commercial Traveller, for Official Assignee. 23 perches, more or less, being part Sect.ions 8 and 9, Block XXXII, To,'vn of Dunedin, and being all the land comprised and described in certificate of title, Vol. 129, folio 25, Otago In lfankruptcy. Registry, and evirlence having been lodged of the loss of the said certificate of title, I hereby give notice that it is my 01'IC'E: is hereby given that dividends are now payable ntention to issue such new certificate of title at the expiration N tn the undermentioned estates on all proved claims ; of fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing this promissory notes (if any) must be produced for endorsement notice. prior to the receipt of dividend :- Dated at the Land Registry Office, Dunedin, the 12th Deceni her, 1940, Ed;wards,. Georg-0 Henry Albert, of Christchurch, Builder­ li'irsi dividend of 6d. in the pound. G. lI. SEDDON, District Land Registrar. Gibb, John Walker, of Christchurch, Pictnre-dealer­ Second dividend of ls,. 9d. in the pound, making a total to date of 3s. 3d, in tho pound. Regnault, Franz, of Christchurch, Farmer-Third and final dividend of ls. Sfd. in the pound, making a total ADVERTISEMENTS. . . of 4'!, 8,id, in the ioound, , Par1'in, A. A., andSons, ©fGhris4;church, Wood-merchants­ COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6). Second and final dividend of 5!d, in the pound, making a total of 2s. 2!d. in the pound. Stade, J11,ck Pattick, of Hawkeswood, Labourer-Third NOTICE is hereby given that the name of the under­ and final dividend of ls. in the pound, making a total mentioned cnmpan.y has been struck off the Register of 10s. in the ponnd, and the company cliss6lved :- ThompS01J.; ~bert, of Christ'Ohurch, Sheet-metal Worker­ Stainton and Company, Li111ited, 1918/1. First and final dividend of ls. 4!d. in the pound. Da.ted at the office of tlae Assistallt Registrar of Companie.a G. W. BROWN, at New Plymouth, this 12th day of December, 1940. Official Assignee. W. E. BROWN, Christchurch, 13th December, 11)40, Assistant Registrar of Companie,/. D~c. 19.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 37'71

. THE COl\XPAN:lES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (3 ,:\ND 4). SCALEBUOYS (NEW ZEALAND), LTD. IN VoouN'!IARY LIQUIDATION. N OTICE is hereby given that at tho expiration of three OTICl~ is hereby given that all persons or companies months frmn this date the names of the under­ N hftving claims ftgainst the.company are required to send mentioned companies will, unless cause is shown to the full particulars thereof to me, on or befo1·e the 15th day of contrary, be struck off the Register and the companies Jftnuary, 1941, otherwise they may be exclnded from par­ dissolved :- ' Mcipation in the distribution of the sissets of the comp;iny. Dominion Underwriting and Prospecting Company, Dftted ftt Auckland, this 10th day of December, .IMO. Limited. 1935/60. N. A. DUTHIE, Arthur G. Wsisher, Limited. 1930/217. Liqµ,idator. Given under my hand at Wellington, this 18th day of National Mutual Life Chambers, 41 Shortfand Street, December, 1940. Auckland, C. 1. H. B. WALTON, 641 Assistant Registrar of Companies. W AIREWA COUNTY COUNCIL. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1933, SECTION 282 (6). N OTIOE OF INTENTION TO TA,KE LA,ND.

In the matter of the Public Works Act, 1928, sections 22 N OTICE is hereby given that the names of the under­ and 23. mentioned companies have been struck off the Register OTICE is hereby given thftt the Wairewa Coun,ty and the companies dissolved :- N Council, in pursuance and in exercise of the power Pneumatic Rubber Heels, Limited. 1925/52. conferred upon it by the Public Works Act, 1928, sections 22 South Wellington Loa11 Company, Limited. 1934/70. and 23, proposes to take the following land, nftmely,- Nevar-Tiar Pneumatic Heels, Limited. 1923/127. All that pftrcel of ]ftnd situate in the Wairewft County Given under my h,w,d at Wellington, this 18th day of being pftrt Rural Section 5009, Block XVI, in the Ellesmere December, 1940. Survey District, part of the land comprised in certificate of H.B. WALTON, title, Vol. 268, folio 249, containing one acre two roods Assistant Registrar of Companies. thirty perches ( 1 ftcre 2 roods 30 perches), the sftid parcel of !ftnd being more pMticularly shown and described in the plan hereinftfter mentioned and therein coloured pink, for the ESTATE OF JOHN DAVID ENGELBRECHT. purposes of a public roftd ; And notice is hereby given that a plan showing the parcel of lftnd required and intcnd,ed to be taken, and the names of the owners and occupiers of such lands, so far "" they can be ascertained, is deposited at the In the matter of the Administration Act, 1908, and its office of the Wairewft County Council, Little River, where amendments, and in the matter of the Estate of JOHN the same remains open for public inspection daily (without DAVID ENGELBRECHT, formerly of Christchurch in the fee) during office h.ours. Provincial District of Canterbury, Farmer, but now And. notice is hereby further given thftt all persons affected deceased. by the execution of the said public work or by the taking of OTIC]] is hereLy given that a fourth dividend of 2d. tl;e saJi;l la:n.d sh,i,L), it they hstve a.ny well-grounded objection N in the pound is available on all ordinary claims proved to the tftking of such lftnd, or any part thereof, or to the and admitted against the above estate. execution of such work, set forth in writing such objection, and send such writing within forty dftys from the 12th day Dated at Timftru, this 9th dfty of December, 1940. of December, 1940 (being the date of the first publication of ALEX.BELL, this notice), ftddressed to the Chairman of the W airewft District Public Trustee for Timftru. County Council at the offi-0e of the said Council ftt Little River. Dated this 11th day of December, 1940. NATIONAL DISCOUNTS, LIMITED. A. C. RENNER, Clerk to the Wairewa Couiaty Council. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, sind in the Hftrper, Pftscoe, Bucha11an, and· UJ?ham, Solicitors, matter of NATIONAL DISCOUNTS, LIMITED, Christchurch, N.Z. 642 OTICE is hereby given, pursuant to section 33.8 of the N above Act, that National Discounts, Limited, intends PERPETUAL S:ALES, LIMITED. to ceftse to h"ve " place of business in New Zeftfand "" from the 31st day of March, 1941. IN VOLUNTARY LIQUII)ATION, Dated. this 27th day of November, 1940. · Notice of Voluntary Winding-up Resolution. NATIONAL DISCOUNTS, LIMI'I;ED, 592 by its solicitor-S. W.W. Tong. OTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary generftl N meeting of the ftbove company, duly convened and held on the 10th day of December, 1940, the following STEWARTS AND LLOYDS, LIMITED. special resolution was duly passed :- (Incorpornted in Scotland.) Resolved as a speciftl resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily. Dftted this 11th dfty of December, 1940. In the mfttter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter H. M. NEWTON, of STEWARTS AND LLOYDS, LIMITED. 643 Liquidator. URSUANT to section 33 of the Compftnies Act, 1933, P Stewftrts and Lloyds, Limited, hereby give notice of its intention to cease to have a plftce of business in New '!;HE COR;PORATION OF UNDERWRITERS (N.Z.), Zeftland after the expiration

NEW PLYMOUTH DAILY TRANSPORT, LTD. allotted shares of twelve shillings and, sixpence each,' instead of the original capital of ten thousand pounds divided into IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. ten thousand shares of one pound each. At the time of the registration of this minute the sum of twelve shillings and 11fember's Voluntary Winding Up. sixpence is to be deemed paid up on each of the above­ In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the mentioned allotted shares numbering two thousand three matter of NEW PLYMOUTH DAILY TRANSPORT, LTD. hundred and seventeen. N OTICE is hereby given that on the 9th day of December, Dated at Christchurch, this 11th day of December, 1940. 1940, the above-mentioned company, by an entry in W.R. OLLIVER, its minute-book, made by virtue of section 300 of the Solicitor for the a bovenamed, the General Companies Act, 1933, in lieu of a special resolution, the 648 Tobacco Company, Limited. following resolution was passed as a special resolution :- ( l) That the company be wound up voluntarily as a member's winding up. MEDICAL REGISTRATION. (2) That Mr. VAL. KIRK, of Argus House, High Street, Auckfo,nd, Public Accountant, be, and is hereby appointed liquidator of the company. JACK DILWORTH MATTHEWS, M.B., Ch.B. (N.Z.), All persons and firms having claims against the above .I , 1940, now residing in Auckland, hereby give notice that company are requested to lodge same with the liquidator I.intend applying on the 6th January next to have my name before the 9th January, 1941. placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zea­ VAL. KIRK, F.l'.A.N.Z., land; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualifi­ Liquidator. cation in the office of the Department of Health at Auckland. Argus House, High Street, Auckland, C. 1, 12th December, Dated at Auckland, this 6th day of December, 1940. 1940. 644 JACK DILWORTH MATTHEWS. Anzac Street, Takapuna. 649 BKGG AND COMPANY, LDIITED.


· NOTICE is hereby given that, by an entry in its minute- EUNICE JANET McLEAN, 1\11.B., Ch.B., 1940, now book, the above-named company on the 10th day of I , residing in Wellingt,on, hereby give notice that I intend December, 1940, passed a resolution for voluntary winding applying on the 12th January next to have my name placed up, and appointed Mr. I-lE:,-RY EvANS, of 49 Quarry Street, on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zeahmd ; Musselhurgh, Dunedin, liquidator for the purposes of such and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification winding up. in the office of the Department of Health at Wellington. All creditors having claims against the company are required to forward their claims to me not later than 20th Dated at Wellington, this 12th day of December, 1940. January, 1941, when, upon thei, being found to be in order, they will be paid in full. EUNICE JANET McLEAN. HENRY EVANS, Public Hospital. 650 Liquidator. 49 Quarry Street, Mussclburgh, Dunedin, 12th December, MEDICAL REGISTRATION. 1940. 646 I WILLIAM LUMLEY HUGHLINGS JACKSON, j\f.B., UNITED TOBACCO CORPORATION (TAURANGA), I , Ch.B., University of New Zealand, 1941, now residing LIMITED. in Auckland, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 13th January next to have my name placed on the IN LIQUIDATION. J\fedical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the Notice of Return to Fully-paid Preference Shareholders. office of the Department of Health at Auckland. Name of company: United Tobacco Corporation (Tau- Dated at Auckland, this 13th day of December, 1940. ranga), Limited (in Liquidation). WILLIAM LUMLEY HUGHLINGS JACKSON. Address of registered office : Auckland. Registry of Supreme Court : Auckland. Auckland Hospital. 651 Amount per share : 8d. (second and final payment on fully paid preference shares only.) ·when payable: 23rd December, 1940. MEDICAL REGISTRATION. Where payable : Liquidator's Office, Law Court Building, High Street, Auckland. HUGH ALEXANDER ALLEN STEVELY, 1I.B., A. W. WATTERS, I , Ch.B., University of New Zealand, 1940, now re­ Liquidator. siding in Dunedin, hereby give notice that I intend applying Law Court Building, High Street, Auckland. 647 on the 13th Janua1•y next to have my name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand ; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the In the.Supreme Court of New Zealand, office of the Department of Health 11t Dunedin. Canterbury District. Dated at Dunedin, this.J.3th day of December, 1940. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter of THE GENERAL TOBACCO COMPANY, LIMITED, HUGH ALEXANDER ALLEN STEVELY. a public company duly incorporated in New ilealand. First Church of Otago, Dunedin. 652 LEASE take notice that l, the undersigned, have this P day registered with the Registrar of Companies at MEDICAL REGISTRATION. Christchurch a sealed Order of the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Canterbury District, such Order of the Supreme Court approving the reduction of capital proposed to be NORMA BEATRICE BENSON, M.B., Ch.B., 1940, effected by the General Tobacco Company, Limited. That I , now residing in Wellington, hereby give notice that a minute duly incorporated in the above-mentioned Supreme I intend applying on the 16th January next to have my Court Order has also this day been registered with the name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of Registrar of Companies at Christchurch, such minute reading New Zealand; and that I have deposited the evidence of as.follows :- my qualification in the office· of the Department of Health at Wellington. The capital of the General Tobacco Company, Limited, henceforth is nine thousand one hundred and thirty-one Dated at Wellington, this 16th day of December, 1940. pounds two shillings and sixpence divided into seven thou­ NORMA BEATRICE BENSON. sand six hundred and eighty-three unallotted shares of one po\md each and two thousand three hundred and seventeen Epuni Street, Lower Hutt. 653 DEC. 19.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3773


MICHAEL NOEL OLIVER, M.B., Ch.B., University IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATlON. I , of New Zealand, 1940, now residing in Wellington, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 18th ,January In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the next to have may name placed on the Medical Register of matter of the DUNEDIN AMALGAMATED CONSTRUCTION the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited COMPANY, LIMITED. the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Depart­ OTICE is hereby given that ou the 6th December, 1940, ment of Health at Wellington. N the following resolution was passed, viz. :- Dated at Wellington, thls 17th day of December, 1940. Resolved as a special resolution, in terms of section MICHAEL NOEL OLIVER. 300 of the Companies Act, 1933, that the company be Public Hospital, Wellington. 658 wound up voluntarily and that J\,lr. E. R. GRACE, of ------~----~--- -~--- Dunedin, Public Accountant, be and is hereby appointed liquidator of the company. MEDICAL REGISTRA'rION. Dated at Dmiedin, this 11th day of December, 1940. E. R. GRACE, 654 Liquidator. DOUGLAS ALEXANDER GORDON, M.B., Ch.B., I , University of N.Z., 1941, now residing in l\fatamata, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 16th ,Jarnrnry CITY DISCOUNTS, LIMITED. next to have my name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the IN LIQUIDA1'ION. evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department of Health at Auckland. OTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of share­ Dated at Auckland, this 16th day of December, 1940. N holders of the above company is called for Tuesday, the 14th day of ,January, 1941, at 3 p.m., at tbe Jockey DOUGLAS ALEXANDER GORDON. Club's Buildings, Wanganui, for the purpose of receiving the Broadway, l\fatamata. 660 liquidator's account of the winding up of the company. Dated this 10th day of December, 1940. C. W. H. HJ~IGHTON, MEDICAL REGISTRATION. 655 Liquidator.

SELWYN KERRY B URCHER, ~I.R., Ch.B., Uni vorsity THE CAMBRIDGE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LIMITED. I «. af New Zealand, 1941, now residing in Auckland, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 13th ,January IN VOLUNTARY LIQEIDATION. next to have my name placed on the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the evirletice of my qualification iu the office of the Department matter of THE CAMBRIDGE INVESTMENT COMPANY, of Health at Auckland. LIMITED (in Liquidation). Dated at Auckland, this 13th Jay of D~cember, 1940. OTICE is hereby given that. by a special resolution N passed by the above company on the 10th December, SELWYN KERRY BUIWHER. 1940, it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily, Auckland Public Hospital. 661 and that WILSON RozrnRE GARRARD, of Cambridge, Solicitor, be appointed the liquidator. Dated at Cambridge, this 13th day of December, 1940. MEDICAL REGISTRATION. W. R. GARRARD, 656 Liquidator.

LOUIS PERCY SIMMONS, M.B., Ch.B., University KORO!vIIKO SALEYARDS CO., LTD. I , of N.Z., 1940, now residing in Whangarei, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the 13th January IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. next to have my name ph,ccrl on the J\IIedical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of the Department NOTlC~ is hereby given that by special resolution passed of Health at Whangarei. by the company on the 2nd day of December, 1940, Dated at Whangarei, this 13th day of December, 1940. it was resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily. ' R. WANDEN, LOUIS PERCY SIMMONS. 657 Liquidator. 19 Mill Road, Whangarei. 662 8. R. BURNS AND COMPANY, LIMITED. MEDICAL REGISTRATION. IN LIQUIDATION.

CHRISTABEL MARY SPENCJc1-SALES, J\LB., Ch.B., Nolice of Winding-up Order. I , University of New Zeala.nd, 1940, now residing in Name of company: 8. R. Burns and Company, Limited. Dunedin, hereby give notice that I intend applying on the Address of registered office : 24 -Water Street, Dunedin. 17th January next to have my name placed on the Medical Registry of Supreme Court : Dunedin. Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and that I have Number of matter: Petition 3/90. deposited the evidence of my qualification in the office of Date of order : 13th December, 1940. the Department of Health at Wellington. Date of presentation of petition : 28th November, 1940. Dated at Wellington, this 17th day of December, 1940. J. J\I. ADAM, CHRISTABEL MARY SPENCE-SALES. 6GJ Oliicial Assignee and Proviflional Liquidator. 3A Albany Flats, Albany Street, Dunedin. 663 S. R. BURNS AND COJ\IPANY, LIMITED.


WALTER RUTHVEN LANG, l'iLB., Ch.B., University Notice of lf.irst Meetings. I , of N .z., 1941, now residing in Auckland, here by give Name of company: S. R. Burns and Company, Limited. notice that I intend applying on the 16th ,January next to Address of registered office : 24 Water Street, Dunedin. have my name placer! on the Medical Register of the Dominion Registry of Supreme Court : Dunedin. of New Zealand; and that I have deposited the evidence Number of matter: Petition 3/90. of my qualification in the office of the Department of Health Creditors: 30th ,January, 1941, at 11.30 a.m., at my at Auckland. office, Supreme Court Building, Dunedin. Dated at Auckland, this 16th day of December, 1940. Contributories: :30th January, 1941, at 10 a.m., at my office, Supreme Court Building, Dunedin. WALTER RUTHVEN LANG. J.M. ADAM, 31 Upland Road, Remuera, Auckland, S.E. 2. 668 665 Official Assignee and Provisional Liquidator. 3774 THE. NEW ZEAL!ND GAZETTE. [No. 127


HEREBY certify that the Board for the Waipa Drainage District, by resolution passed on the 15th day of November, I 1940, and confirmed on the 29th day of November, 1940, resolved under the povisions of subsection 2 of section 9 of the Lo~al Authorities Inter?st Reduc~ion and Loans Conv~rsion A~t, _1932-33,. and section 35 of the Local Legislation Act, 1940, to I.Bi?Ue new securities 1n convers10n of the underment.1oned existing. securities. LOANS TO BE CONVERTED. Rate of Interest. I Name. Amount. D~tG of Maturity. I Origi~l~-1 · Existing~

£ Drainage Loan, £5;000 (part) 1,000* 12th September, 1957. Drainage Loan, £5,000 (part) 1,000* 12th September, 1957. Drainage Loan, £5,000 (part) 1,000* 12th March, 1957. Drainage Loan, £5,000 (part) 2,000* 12th March, 1958.

* Less principa~ repaid to date of conversion. Dated the 30th day of November, 1940. R. T. DAVIS, 659 Chairman.

In the Supreme Con.rt of New Zealand, [No. C. 560. MANAW ATU COUNTY COUNCIL. Canterbury Judicial District (Christchurch Registry). RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the matter of 0PITONUI CONSOLIDATED GOLD-MINING N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in COMPANX, LIMITED. .I that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and OTICE is hereby given that a petition for th.e winding­ the Rural Housing Act, 1939, and its amendments, the J'lfana­ N up of the above-named company by the Supreme Court watu County Council hereby resolves as follows :- was on the 17th day of December, 1940, presented to the " That, for the purpose of providing interest and other said Court by Charles Fahner and Company, Limited, of charges on a loan of ten thousand pounds (£10,000), Auckland, Merchant, and that the said petition is directed authorized to be raised by tho Manawatu County Council to be heard before the Court sitting at Christchurch on the under the above-mentioned Acts, for the purpose of 10th day of February, 1941, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon; making advances to farmers for the erection of dwellings and any creditor or contributory of the said company desirous within the County ofJ'lfanawatu, under the Rural Housing to support or oppose the making of an order on the said Act, 1939, the said l\fanawatu County Council hereby petition may appear at the time of hearing in per.son or by makes and levies a special rate of one-fifteenth of a his counsel for that purpose ; and a copy of the petition will penny (l/15d.) in the pound upon the rateable value be furnished to any creditor or contributory of the said (being the unimproved value) of all rateable property company requiring the same by the undersigned on payment in the County of }Ianawatu ; and that such special rate of the regulated charge for the same. shall be an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan, D,nd be payable half-yearly on the first day T. N. HOL1\1DEN, of August and the first day of February in each and Solicitor for the petitioner. every year during the currency of such loan, beiµg. a The. petitioner's address for service is at the office of period of twenty-five (25) years, or until the loan is fully Messie11rs Wynn, W'illiams, Brown, and Gresson, Solicitors, paid off." Pyne's Buildings, 136 Manchester Street, Christchurch. I hereby certify tha,t the above resolution was passed at NoTE.-Any person who intends to appear on the hearing a properly constituted meeting of the Manawatu. County of the said petition must serve on or send by post to the Council held on Tuesday the 10th day of December, l.940. abovenamed, notice in writing of his intention so to do. W. E. BARBER, The notice must state the name, address, and description of 669 Chai,:maµ. the person, or, if a firm, the name, address, and description of the firm, and an address for service within three :miles of the office of the Supreme Court at Christchurch, and must be signed by the person or firl)'.l, or his or their solicitor (if NEW ZEALAND TIMBER LANDS (ENGLAND), any), and must be served, or, if posted, must be sent by post LIMITED. in sufficient time to reach the above-named petitioner's address for service not later than 11 o'clock in the forenoon OTICE is hereby given that it is the intention of the of t,he 8th day of February, 1941. ~N above company to cease to have a place of business 666 in New Zealand. Agents- NEW ZEALAND TIMBER LANDS. LIMITED, A. L. STEDMAN, Secretary. THE GENERAL OUTDOOR ADVERTISING COMPANY, LIMITED. P.O. Box 1733, Auckland C.l. 670


OTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of shareholders In the matter of the Companies Act, 1933, and in the N of the above-named company held on the 16th day matter of BooTH, MACDONALD, AND CoMPANY, LIMITED. of December, 1940, the following special resolution was OTICE is hereby given that an order of the Supreme passed:- N Court dated the 12th day of December, 1940, con­ " That the company be wound up voluntarily." firming the reduction of capital of the a hove-named company from £186,893 15s. to £142,762 lOs. and the minute approved Dated this 16th day of December, 1940. by the Court showing with respect to the capital of the C. F. LANGTON, company as altered the several particulars required by the 667 Liquidator. above statute, were registered by the Registrar of 00J!1lpanies DEO. 19.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 3775 on the 17th day of December, 1940. The said minute is in ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. the words and figures following :- NEW " The capital of Booth, Macdonald, and Company, TROUT-FISHING AND SPORT IN MAORILAND. Limited, was, by virtue of a certain special resolution By Captain G. D. HAMILTON. Demy 8vo., 450 pp., and with the sanction of an order of the Supreme Court with illustrations. Cloth boards, 10s. 6d. ; postage, of New Zealand dated the 12th day of December, 1940, 6d. reduced from its former capital of £186,893 1.5s. divided EQUIVALENTS IN SHILLINGS AND PENCE OF into 176,525 preference shares of £1 each and 82,950 DECIMALS OF £1. Rising by one-thousandths from ordinary shares of 2s. 6d., each to £142,762 10s. divided £0·001 to £1. Neatly mounted on covered board, into 176,525 preference shares of 15s. each and 82,950 folding in centre. Useful in every office. Price, ls. ; ordinary shares of 2s. 6d., each. At the time of the postage, ld. registration of this minute the sum of 15s. per share has been paid upon each of the 176,163 preference shares TABLES showing Amounts payable under the Land and Income Tax Act; GRADUATED INCOME-TAX TABLES­ which have been issued, the balance of 362 preference shares being unallotted and the sum of 2s. 6d., per share COMPANIES, Price, 3s. 6d.; postage, 2d. INDIVIDUALS, has been paid upon es,ch of the 82,850 ordinary shares Price 3s. 6d.; postage, 4d. which have been issued the balance of 100 ordinary AWARDS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AGREEMENTS, shares being unallotted." .ETC., MADE UNDER THE INDUSTRIAL 00NCILIA'fI0N AND ARBITRATION AcT, NEW ZEALAND. Vols. i, ii, iii, v, Dated the 17th day of December, 1940. vi, vii, xv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, xxiv, LIVINGSTONE AND HENSLEY, xxxi, xxxvi, are ant of print. Vol. iv (1903), 671 Solicitors for the company. quarter cloth, 2s. 6d.; postage 8d. Vol. viii (1907), quarter cloth, 3s. 6d. ; postage, ls. 3d. Vols. ix, x, xi, xii, xiii, xiv, for years 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, GLENDOWIE GOLF CLUB, LIMITED. 1912, 1913, cloth boards, 7s. 6d., quarter cloth, 5s.; postage, ls. 3d. Vol. xix (1918), cloth boards, IN VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. £1, postage ls. 3d. Vol. xx (1919), cloth boards, £1, quarter cloth, 15s. postage ls. 3d. Vols. xxv, xxvA, OTICE is hereby given that at an extraordinary general xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, xxix, xxx, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxiv, N meeting of the above-named company, duly con­ xxxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, and xxxix for years 1924-, vened and held on the llth dav of December, 1940, the 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1932, 1933, following special resolution was d;tly passed :- 1934, I93.5, 1937, 1938, 1939, cloth boards only, £1 12s 6d.; postage extra. Vol. xl now appearing, in " That the company be wound up voluntarily and that signature form. Subscription to signatures, £1 ls. per ERNEST EDWARD NALDER, of 24 Lorne Street, Auckland, annum ; postage free. be, and is hereby appointed Liquidator." CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND Dated this 16th day of December, 1940. INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COURT OF ERNEST NALDER, ARBITRATION, under the Industrial Concili«tion 672 Liquidator. and Arbitration Acts. Compiled by JoHN H. SALMON. This cligest deals with all the cases from the inception of the Act till the 31st December, 1914, and thns embraces Vols. i to xv (inclusive) of the NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Book of Awards. ( Out of' print.) Consolidated Digest from 1st ,January, 1915, to 31st December, 1928; THE NEW ZEALAND COMPANY'S NATIVE RESERVES. Vols. xvi to xxviii (inclusive) of Book of Awards. By R. L. JELLICOE. Cloth bound. Price, 6s.; postage, 3d. Compiled by E. B. TAYLOR. Board covers, 5s.; post­ age, 3d. Supplementary Digests bound in paper THE FRENCH AT AKAROA. By T. LINDSAY RurcK, covers: No. 1, 1929, 6d.; No. 2, 1930, ls. 6d.; F.R.HIST.S. Price, I2s. 6d; postage, 7d. No. 3, 1931, ls. 6d.; No. 4, 1932, ls. 6d.; No. 5, 1933, ls. 6d. ; No. 6, 1934, ls. 6d. ; No. 7, 1935, ls. 6d.; No. 8, 1936, ls. 6d.; No. 9, 1937, ls. 6d.; HISTORICAL RECORDS OF NEW ZEALAND. By No. 10, 1938, ls. 6d., postage, Id. extra. No. 11, 1939, ROBERT McNAB. Cloth boards, Vol. II only. Price, ls. 6d., postage, ld. extra. 1940, in the press. 10s. 6d. ; postage, 7d. CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF WORKERS' COM­ PENSATION CASES. Compiled by JOHN H. . By JAMES COWAN. Vols. I SALMON. This digest deals with all cases under and II. Price, two volumes, £2 ; one volume, £1 ls. ; the Act up till the 31st December, 1914. Price: postage, 7 d. per vol. Paper covers, ls. 6d. ; postage, 2d. DIGEST AND REPORTS OF DECISIONS OF THE COURT OF ARBITRATION, under the Workers' NEW ZEALAND'S FIRST WAR. By T. LINDSAY BuroK. Compensation Act, 1922. Years 1925, 1927-28; paper Price, I5s. ; postage, 7d. covers, 5s. each. Years 1926, 1929, 1930 ; paper covers, 2s. 6d. each; postage, 2d. Years 1931, 1932, ROYALTY IN NEW ZEALAND. DESCRIPTIVE NARRA­ 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938; cloth, 2s. 6d.; TIVE OF THE VISIT OF THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES THE postage, 2d. Year 1939, 2s. 6d., postage, 2d. extra. DUKE AND DUCHESS OF CORNWALL AND YORK. (1902.) 1940 in the press. Royal 4to, Price, 10s. ; postage, ls. 2d. MINING AND ENGINEERING AND MINERS' GUIDE. By H. A. GORDON, Assoc. M.I.C.E., Inspecting Engineer. Copiously illustrated. (1894.) TURNBULL LIBRARY BULLETINS. Royal 8vo. Cloth, 10s. ; postage, 7 d. MINING HANDBOOK OF NEW ZEALAND. No. 1.-LIRT OF BOOKS, Gratis. With maps and illustrations. Demy 8vo. Quarter No. 2.-ZIMMERMAN's THIRD VOYAGE OF CAPTAIN CooK, cloth, 3s. 6d. ; postage 7 d. 1776-1780. Price-Paper, 2s. 6d. ; cloth, 3s. 6d. Postage, 2d. REPORT OF THE MONETARY COMMITTEE, 1934. No, 3.-JOURNAL KEPT IN NEW ZEALAND IN 1820 BY ENSIGN McRAE, IN PHAMPHLET FORM, Cloth, 3s. 6d. ; paper, 2s. 6d. Postage, 2d. each. Price, 2s. Postage, 2d.

TONGARIRO NATIONAL PARK. BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS OF BY JAMES COWAN, F.R.G.S. NEW ZEALAND. HIS publication contains 156 pages of letterpress, By G. v. HUDSON, F.E.S., F.N.Z.INST. T to.,.ether with 39 full-page illustrations, and gives an account 0of its Topography, Geology, Alpine, and Volcanic Comprising 450 pages, including letterpress, index, and F,eatures, History and Maori Folk-lore. sixty-two plates. Bound in half-morocco. Price : 3s. 6d., plus 4d. postage. Price, £6 8s. per volume. Postage, ls. 2d. extra. 3776 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 127

STATUTORY REGULATIONS. LAND---continued. PAGE Housing Act, Crown Land declared under 3728 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT OF IMPROVED SERVIC~J. Housing Purposes, Notice of Intention to take for 3749 Native Reservation, Setting apart Native Land as 3736 NDER the Regulations Act, 1936, statutory regulations Native School, Notice of Intention to take for 3751 U of general legislative force are no longer to be Post and Telegraph Purposes, Additional Land published in the New Zealand Gazette, but will be supplied taken for . . 3721 under any one or more of the following arrangementn :- Protective Works, Consenting to Land being taken for .. 3732 ( l) All regulations serially as issued (punched for filing) Protective Works, Taken for 3722 subscription 30s. per annum in advance. Provisional State Forest, Crown Land set apart as 3727 (2) Annual volume (including index) bound ir, buckram, Provisional State Forest, Land set npart as declared 25s. to be subject to the Land Act . . 3727 (3) Serially as issued and annual bound volume, as in (1) Public Domain, Set apart as an Addition to 3727 and (2) above, on combined subscription basis, Public School, Consenting to Land being taken for 3732 42s. per annum in advance. Pu hlic School Purposes, Taken for 3721 (4) Separate regulations as issued. Pumice-pit, Crown Land set apart for 3727 ( 5) Loose-leaf binder for filing serial issues, 6s. 6d.; postage Pumice-pit, Notice of Intention to take for 3752 free. Railway Purposes, Additional Land taken for 3721 The price of each regulation will be printed thereon facili­ Recreation Reserve brought under Part II of the tating the purchase of extra copies. Public Reserves, Domains, a.nd National Parks Orders on the subscription basis should be placed now with Act 3735 the Government Printer, Wellington, or at the Chief Post Reserve, Cancelling the Reservation over 3735 Offices a.t. A 11ckhnd. f:hrist.ehurch, or Dunedin. Reserve, Changing the Purpose of Portion of 3735 Right of Way, Notice of Intention to take Land HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY LEGISLATION, 1939. for a Quarry and an Easement over Land for the Purposes of .. 3751 To 22nd November, 1939. (200 pages, limp cloth.) Road, Allocating Railway Land to the Purposes of 3726 Road, Consenting to Stopping Portions of . . 3732 Road, Land taken for the Use, Convenience, and INCLUDES legislation issued under the Public Safety Con­ Enjoyment of 3722 servation Act, 1932, and the Emergency Regulations Act, Road, Portion of, closed 3726 1939, as well as the Acts themselves. Road proclaimed and closed 3725 Price per copy : 3s. 6d. Postage, 4d. extra. Road Purposes, Notice of Intention to take for 3753 Road Purposes, Taken for 3722 Roads, Declaring Portions of . . 3733 NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. State Highway Depot, Crown Land set apart for .. 3726 Streets proclaimed 3725 EW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS are now Temporarily reserved.. 3737 N also available at Chief Post-offices at Worker's Dwelling, Revoking a Proclamation taking Land for . . 3724 AUCKLAND, CHRISTCHURCH, AND DUNEDIN. Worker's Dwelling, Taken for 3723 LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES 3370 ELECTRICAL WIRING REGULATIONS, 1935. MISCELLANEOUS­ 2s. 6d., post free.] Coal-mines, Imposing Levy on the Owners of 3736 Customs Act: Minister's Decisions under 3761 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY REGULATIONS, 1935. Enemy 'rrading Emergency Regulations, Declara~ 3s., post free.] tion of Enemy Traders under 3743 Fire Board, Increasing Borrowing-powers of 3732 Flour, Wheat, and Oats, Stocks of 3767 Industrial Efficiencv Act, Notices to Persons affected REPORT OF THE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE, 1932. by Applications f'or Licenses under .. 3764 Industrial Efficiency Act, Decisions of the Bureau I N p A M P H L E T F O R M. of Industry under . . 3762 Land Agents Act, Register of Licenses issued under 3748 75 pages and cover. Loans, Consenting to raising, &c. 3728 Price, 9d. Postage, 2d. Maori Council, Appointment of Members of 3737 Meteorological Returns for November, 1940 3755 Method of Publication, Note on Change in 3754 LOCAL AUTHORITIES HANDBOOK. Milk Delivery Scheme approved 3742 Motor-vehicles Amendment Act, declaring Area to No. 14, 1937-38. be a Closely Populated Locality 3753 Native Land Act, Notice of Adoption under 3767 Price, 7s. 6d. Postage, 6d. Naval Dockyard Emergency Regulations, Declaring Prohibited Areas under 3754 Officiating Ministers for 1940 . . 3768 Oil Fuel Retail Hours Order 3738, 3753 Public Service Superannuation Fund Board, Election CONTENTS. of Members of 3767 Public Trustee, Election to administer Estates 3766 PAGE Regulations under the Regulations Act . . . . 3737 ADVERTISEMENTS 3770 Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Weekly Statement APPOINTMENTS, ETC. 3737 of Assets and Liabilities . . 3760 Sales Tax Act, Licenses issued to Manufacturing BANKRUPTCY NOTICES 3769 Retailers under 3764 CROWN LANDS NOTICES 3768 Sales Tax Act, Licenses issued to Wholesalers under 3765 DEFENCE NOTICES 3738 Scenic Reserves, Honorary Inspectors appointed . . 3736 Supplementary Teachers' Register and Supple- LAND- mentary Graded List of Primary, Secondary, Foreshore, Licensing Use and Occupation of 3732 and Technical School Teachers 3768 Government Roads stopped 3726 Highways, &c., exempted from the Provisions of SHIPPING- Section 128 of the Public Works Act . . . . 3733 Notice to Mariners •. 3768

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