\ /■ The weather Rain tapering off to periods of drizzle by this afternoon. High temperatures in the middle 70s iiaitrijpalpr i£ 24 C. Clearing tonight. Lows around 60. Tuesday mostly sunny with highs in the low 80s. Probabili­ ty of rain lowering to 20 percent tonight and 10 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 percent Tuesday. Gentle variable winds Home delivered copy 15 cents. becoming northerly tonight and continuing Tuesday. National weather forecast map on page Vol. XCVII, No. 243 — Manchester, Conn., Monday, July 17, 1978 Newsstand copy 20 cents Garter succeeds

Louis, y well )ubt if in trade talks movie By HELEN THOMAS total agreement. Blumenthal who said Carter made an •s epic DPI While House Reporter “The president was very strong, “exceedingly forceful and strong id it as very firm,” Strauss told reporters BONN, West Germany (UPl) — presentation” of his ideas. Hess.” after the morning session of the Robert Strauss, U.S. special Carter went before the group today cholar seven-nation meeting. He also representative for trade with a promise to his summit critics described the president’s perfor­ negotiations, said President Carter that ‘‘there will be energy mance as “tenacious and very per­ achieved all of his objectives on suasive.” legislation” in the United States and trade at the economic summit con­ he went on the offensive to present A similar glowing report came ference today and that “we have the administration’s plans for more from Treasury Secretary Michael liberal trade rules. The schedule is proceeding well "and 1 think the communique will Hijack sanctions support the U.S. position ...,” Blumenthal said. He said it would be a “strong communique” and that “the discussion was lively and sub­ approved at Bonnstantive and it came out with a very meaningful result.” Carter and six other leaders of BONN, West Germany (UPI) — Although the pledge will mention The seven nations meeting at the no-other countries by name, the major industrial nations discussed summit in Bonn have agreed to sever sources said it obviously will be trade and terrorism before breaking for lunch today on the final day of a all civil air relations with any nation aimed at such countries as Algeria that harbors aircraft hijackers, a and Libya, which have harbored air summit conference aimed at President Carter and host Chancellor for the Treasury Michael Blumenthal; worldwide economic recovery. Carter administration official said hijakers in the past. Helmut Schmidt (3rd and 4th left) prepare Secretary of State Cyrus Vance is second today. In 1977, for instance. Red Army At a working lunch hosted by Walter Scheel, the West German for start of the two-day Seven Nation left; and Italian Prime Minister Giulio An- Such a move would effectively cut terrorists liijacked a Japanese air­ president, told the summiteers that dreotti is at right. (UPI photo) all airline connections between all of liner to Algeria, which kept the plane Economie Summit. At left is U.S. Secretary “drastic adjustments are necessary the seven and any country granting and a $6 million ransom and gave lest short-sighted protectionism will sanctuary to hijackers. sanctuary to the hijackers. preserve unprofitable jobs at the The chiefs of government of the The pledge parallels the proposals expense of profitable ones and thus United States, Canada, Britain, outlined in a bill introduced by Sen. ultimately ruin the whole global divi­ GOP lacks candidate France, West Germany, Italy and Abraham A. Ribieoff, D-Conn., the sion of labor.” Japan will announce the new policy sources said. But the Carter ad­ Carter, clearly elated by the late today at the end of the summit ministration prefers a multilateral prospect of the successful summit , meetings that began Sunday. declaration. The sources said the adminstration result he had predicted, leaves for American administration sources Washington tonight to fulfill the to oppose Sen. Barry said the seven will pledge to sever all would have preferred for the pledge pledges he made in Bonn. to have been adopted by the U.N. civil air relations with any other na­ During Carter’s emotional visit to In the Third Senatorial District, tion that harbors or gives asylum to General Assembly, but that it By GREG PEARSON nominate Mrs. Clarke will be held Berlin Saturday, East Germany which includes all of East Hirtford aircraft hijackers or refuses to realized it could never put together a Herald Reporter tonight at East Hartford’s Raymond ordered a slowdown of traffic and part of Manchester, Esther Library. return the hijacked aircraft or any of With the Foi]rth Senatorial District Garke, a member of the East Hart­ The Fourth Senatorial District con­ the hostages aboard that aircraft. —See Page Ten —.See Page Two convention scheduled tonight, the ford Town Council, is expected to be vention will start at 8 o’clock in the Republican Party still is searching unchallenged for the party’s nomina­ Hearing Room in Manchester’s for a candidate to challenge incum­ tion. Municipal Building. bent State Sen. David Barry of The Third District seat now is held The district includes part of Manchester. by Sen. George Hannon, but he was Manchester and several surrounding Brooks assumes duty Republican conventions will be defeated in a primary by Marcella towns. held tonight for two state senate dis­ Fahey, who will be the Democratic As of noon today, the Republicans tricts that include Manchester and nominee. surrounding towns. The Republican convention to —See Page Ten as detective captain Joseph Brooks today began his first The promotion of Brooks was said. Six employees killed day on duty as a captain in the effective Sunday. He previously His wife, Donna, and their two Manchester Police Department. served as a lieutenant and ad­ children, Michael, 15, and Sherri, 13, Brooks this morning received his ministrative officer. attended this morning’s ceremony in captain’s pin and words of praise He said that he may make some the chief’s office. from Chief Robert Lqnnan. changes in the detective division, but Lannan also praised the work of Lt. in restaurant robbery “This is an important point for the any changes will be made only after John Krinjak, who had filled in as ac­ department,” Lannan said at a brief he has had time to study the existing ting captain of the detective division OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) - Six AI had been shot once in the head. long and went back into the promotion ceremony. , “In my setup the division. since Sartor’s retirement. restaurant employees, including four Miss Horst had also been shot in the restaurant. He discovered the bodies absence, he, along with Capt. Brooks said that he also plans to Krinjak and Lt. Robert Guliano teen-agers, were herded into a back abdomen. stacked atop each other in the (Henry) Minor, will be one of the enroll in school again this fall to take were the other two top candidates to freezer room and methodically shot Police said several weapons had freezer room and called police. prime men in the department,” the additional law enforcement courses. fill the captain of detectives position. to death in a robbery of a steakhouse been used during the shootings. ’They The five men were dead at the chief said. He does not expect the schooling to Both will remain at the top of the along a busy Oklahoma interstate ■were still-unsure about the caliber of scene, but the female worker was Brooks was named Friday to take interfere with his new position on the promotion list for a year. This could highway Sunday night. the weapons. found alive in the middle of the stack the position of captain of detectives. force. be important if the department ' Police said the b^ies of two men, “We believe there was more than of bodies. She was rushed to a nearby The position was vacated when “This department is extremely un­ decides to fill the now vacant deputy three teen-aged boys and a 16-year- one suspect,” Police Sgt. Tom Mun- hospital, but died a few hours later Joseph Sartor retired at the end of derstanding because of the emphasis chief slot, a move that might vacate old girl were found stacked on top of dy said. without regaining consciousness. January. Minor is patrol captain. they do put on education,” Brooks a captain’s position. each other in the 200-square-foot John W right, 20, a form er Police said she had been shot twice— freezer room by Sirloin Stockade’s employee who recently quit and once in the head assistant manager, Michael J. (3lick, moved to Little Rock, Ark., said, Page Nine 25. “It’s a shame. They are all kids going Click arrived at the restaurant to school. Man, it’s the most horrible about 11 p.m. Sunday to take the thing I’ve ever heard of.” young girl home. The restaurant had A police spokesman said the Just closed for the night. workers apparently had just closed Inside today “This is the worst mass killing I for the night and turned the lights out Area towns ...... 8,9 can remember in 18 years on the when the assailant or assailants Classified ...... 17, 18 force,” said Police Chief Tom entered through a back door. Comics ...... 19 Heggy. The six were taken to the 200- East Hartford ...... 7, 8 The victims were identified as square-foot freezer room at the back Editorial ...... 4 Louis Zacarias, an assistant and methodically-shot with a pistol— Entertainment ...... 15 manager, about 40; Isaac E. each body falling on top of the one cut Family ...... 16 Features ...... 20 Freeman, 56, a custodian; David down before. Lindsay, a cook, 17; Anthony Teu, 17; Manchester ...... 2, 3, 5 Police said the assistant manager Obituaries ...... 10 David SaIzman, 16; and Terri M. waiting outside in his car eventually Sports ...... 11, 12, 13 Horst, 16. began to wonder what was taking so Young accepts rebuke from President Carter

PARIS (UPI) — U.N. Ambassador said in Geneva where he is on U.N. these days, maybe a year from now Andrew Young, appearing glum and business. “The overstatement was or so, it might be nice to go back and dispirited, said in an interview there.” recall some of the scandalous published today he “accepted” Later he added, "I didn’t overstate headlines. I think you will find that a President Carter’s rebuke for saying the number of people. It was a casual lot of them were pretty accurate and there were “hundreds, even statement which perhaps should not at the time serv^ some purpose.” thousands’’ of U.S. political have been made ... and I’m reluctant prisoners. to discuss It now. But I assure you He added that in connection with that I’ll come back to the question of Soviet dissident trials, “a critique of But Young, denied he had what is a political prisoner In the the Soviet Union becomes stronger - overstated the number and he United-States.” when given from the perspective of defended most of his controversial Asked if he was hurt by criticism of having faced up to U.S. weaknesses statements as right in the long run. his remarks. Young said, “It hurts and imperfections.” Young was asked by a,reporter only because I am anxious over the Reporter Jonathan Power wrote from the International Herald possibility of having hurt my country that he found Young “dispirited and Manchester Police Chief Robert Lannan, Donna, and his daughter and son, Sherri and Ti’lbune^ how he took President or President Carter. gloomy. He talked extraordinarily Carter’s Rebuke of his remark to a “But I still believe that most of the slowly and carefully picked out every left, presents a captain’s pin to Joseph Michael, also attended this morning’s promo­ : Paris about the prisoners. things that I have been criticized for word as if he were shopping in a Brooks, who was recently promoted to cap­ tion ceremony. (Herald photo by Chastain) "I accMted the rebuke.” Young were right and in the long run one of delicatessen.” tain of the detective division. Brooks's wife. r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn.. Mon., July 17, 1978- PAGE THREE >AGE TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., July 17, 1978 School board Rules are spelled out meets tonight r Playground^ Municipal labor unrest for energy facilities mmmamaair Manchester’s Board of Education flares in two cities will meet tonight and conduct three PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - ’The processing and storage of petroleum, Winners in various events spon­ items in executive session, including State Coastal Resources Manage­ Olsen said. sored by the Manchester Recreation an interview with a candidate for the ment Council has spelled out ’The Legislature would have the Department held at the town vice principal’s position at proposed rules for eompanies authority to overrule decisions on playgrounds are as follows: NEW YORK (UPI) - Officials Tuesday to approve binding arbitra­ counted on court orders to end a Manchester High School. seeking to build new energy facilities nuclear plants or oil refineries if they tion in their pay dispute. Saturday Dr. James Kennedy, superinten­ in Rhode Island. were projects of the state Depart­ Bow ith firefighters' strike in Louisville, Ky., the Memphis Police Association dent of schools, has scheduled a press . The regulations would mandate ment of Economic Development, he Soccer loiirnunicnt and to force prison guards and rejected the latest wage offer by a 9- conference for 10 a.m. ’Tuesday ht detailed data on the long-term social, said. Champions —Steve Gerich. Roger “essential” civil servants back to to-1 margin. which he is expected to name the health and economic impacts of any The report calls for diversified Greenwood, Mike Ahn, Mike Roy, work in Philadelphia. But municipal Police union President David high school’s new vice principal. The new energy-related facilities. energy resources and small-scale Miles McCurry, Joe Pereira. Brian labor unrest fla r^ again in two other Baker said no job action was position is held now by Laurence The requirements, released Sun­ generators that “can be placed on Stein, Glen Bolduc, Tim Marineau, major cities. planned, although there was con­ Leonard, who is retiring. ^ day in a ^ p a g e council report, will line relatively quickly.” Ron Pinney, Alex Santoro, Jeff San­ In Memphis, Tenn., police and fire siderable strike sentiment among the The board will meet at 7:30 at 45 N. be debated at information workshops I offers no opinion on the two 1,150- toro, Tom Kennison, Pat Carroll, Pat union officials tried to cap a growing group's 1,100 members. Tne feeling School St. It also will conduct an ad­ Tuesday, Wednesday and ’Thursday megawatt nuclear power plants McCann. strike sentiment among their was matched by their colleagues in ministrative review of a special . nights. A public hearing is scheduled Narragansett Electric Co. has Runner-up champions —David members and New York City cops the city's fire department. education case and expects to makca for September. proposed for abandoned Navy land in Ramsey, Neill Ramsey, Jay Hall, talked of a "ticket blitz” and "blue- Fire union President Kuhron flu” sickout ac tion to press contract decision on a recently conducted ■ The proposals must then be passed Charlestown. Eddie Dupont, Tim Grady, Matt Huddleston scrapped a vote tally on a Hearings, all at 7:30 p.m., are Paggioli, Mark Paggioli, Chris demands. new contract Saturday. He blamed grievance hearing. by the full council and signed into law All of the matters will be con­ scheduled for ’Tuesday in room 313 of Maneri, Mike Koblect, Matt Gagnon, “Show them no more Mr. Nice the raucous conditions of the vote, by Gov. J. Joseph Garrahy. ducted in an executive session, which the Statehouse; Wednesday in the Jim Hall, Glen Ferguson, Ricky Guy,” Sam DeMilia, president of the but observers said the feeling - “What we have tried to do is excludes attendance by the press or Norman D. Watkins Auditorium of Knight, Robbie Knight, Peter Call, New York Patrolmen's Benevolent seemed to be against ratification. recognize that the presence and loca­ public. the University of Rhode Island’s Bay Rich Bohadick, John Paggioli, Ken Association, charged his troops in The firemen, who struck last week tion of these projects goes to the very warning the city's crisis-weary core of our whole society and way of Campus in Narragansett, and Modean. but obeyed a court order to return to Thursday in Newport City Hall. citzenry their police were at the work, will take up the proposal again life,” said Stephen Olsen, coor­ Buckley boiling point. this week. dinator of the University of Rhode Bike rodeo "Let them know we're there.” Bolt kills Island’s Coastal Resources Center, In New York 8-to 10-year-olds —Mike Thompson Strike fever even hit tiny Clarkton, which helped to prepare the rules. f About town ) (first), Alan Myers, (second), Eric Mo., where the entire non-elected New York's police officers, soccer player "As the energy crunch comes on, Wolfgang (third). fighting for higher wages and better city work force — all seven of them — The gang^s all at Martin playground this is going to be absolutely 12-to 14-year-olds —Byran Buonano walked off the job in a pay and per­ work schedules, staged two WINOOSKI, Vt. (UPI) - A boU of critical,” he said. Members of Hose and Ladder Co. 1 Pay day at Camp Drum (first), Sharon Hart (second), Mike sonality dispute with the mayor. demonstrations Friday and had Thumbs up, smiles and a wave are signs of the town’s playgrounds. These youngsters at­ lightening struck an athletic field at Olsen said the council will consider of the Town Fire Department will Laprise (third). planned to blitz the city with a flurry National Guardsmen stood in for a good time by all the kids who attend tend the Martin School playground. (Herald St. Michaels College Sunday, killing ■ whether a facility is needed, what have a drill Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. at SP5 James Houlberg of 93 North St. com­ Headquarters and Headquarters Co., 1st Bat­ Louisville's 600 firefighters, who of traffic tickets today. will happen to it after it’s no longer Manchester’s summer activity program at photo by Chastain) one amateur soccer player and In­ fire headquarters. pletes financial records needed to pay talion, 169th Infantry. In civilian life, he is Martin struck four days ago in a pay dispute. But at the last moment, the union juring another, police said. needed, and what mix of facilities called off the action, settling for Connecticut Army National Guardsmen who employed with Eastern Roofing, (CTARNG Bike roilco But no major weekend fires were Officials said Richard Roberts, 24, should be built,” he said. The council Tlie Manchester Italian-American having off-duty officers hand out recently completed active duty at Fort photo) 10- to 12-year-olds —Robbie reported in the city of 400,000, Ken­ of Essex Junction, was pronouncied . will have the final word on all shore Society will meet tonight at 8 at the "s.ifety pamphlets” on defenses Drum, N.Y. Houlberg serves with Sheinblum (first), John Prior and tucky's largest. dead on arrival at a local hospital projects involving drilling, electrical Italian-American Club on Eldridge Fire union representatives were against mugging— an indirect way of Clayton Craddock (tied second), following the freak accident. Brad­ ■generating and the transfer. Street. ordered into Jefferson Circuit Court reminding people now much they Janice Remillard (third), Shawn MCC graduates ford Cook, 28, also of Essex Junction, Kennedy (fourth). early today to show why they should need police. was treated and released. Hiilu-lioop contesi not be held in contempt for ignoring a In Cleveland Hajkowski, Linda Halliday, Paul R. Roman, Paul J. Ronan, Patricia Accordng to police, a Vermont They replaced worn-out pipes court order to end the walkout. The following students from the Lauren Carlson (first), Cris That thought also was on the minds Manchester area graduated from Hendrickson, David A. Holt, Lynne Rosella, Diane L. Scarito, Jeanette Amateur Soccer Association game on Carlson (second), Janice Remillard In Philadelphia of Cleveland residents who were left Ann Huntington, Audrey M. Hurley, M. Shapiro, J^jjie W. Snerman, Ran­ the north campus was interupted by a SURRY, N.H. (UPI) - The Surry traveled halfway across the state to Manchester Community College: Village Water Co. couldn’t afford Manchester to pick up pipe. O thers' (third). In Philadelphia. Common Pleas virtually unprotected Friday by a Bruce A. Johnkoski, Diane Johnson, dy H. Silmon,' violent thunderstorm and the bolt of Andover outside help to replace its worn-out went to Boston for equipment. Bike'rodeo President Judge Edward Bradley, strike by police upset at the firing of .William A. Mills. Janet M. Kaluza. Also, Joseph S. Sinnamon, Gary W. lightning struck the pavement near pipes. So its 17 customers did it Before the work began, the tiny 8-to 10-year-olds —Jeff Bloking Sunday ordered prison guards and 13 fellow officers. Bolton Also, Jam es King, Jacqueline Smith, Walter R. Snow, Charles Cook and Roberts as they headed for themselves, and celebrated the end com pany’s custom ers filled up (first), Brian Kennedy (second), workers in the offices of the county The 19-hour strike ended before Walter E. Behrmann, Michelle S. Kivney, Dianne Kolreg, Susan M. Sorden, Donald H. Sorensen, Donald their cars. of the job with a community bathtubs, sinks and buckets with Steven Remillard (third), Tim sheriff and court clerk back on the nightfall Friday, but visions of what Boyd, Kerry A. Churchill, Laura L. Krolewicz, Mark C. Leavitt, Connie Spencer, Ruthann M. Sternberg, ’The storm was one in a series that barbecue. water, since service was shut down McConnell (fourth). job. might have been were enough to Edwards, Arlene Fiano, Thomas Mae LeMaire, Gerald S. Lewis, Carol E. Suver, William A, Sweet, danced across Vermont Sunday, The tiny utility’s 40-year-old temporarily. Honorable mention —John By early today none of the guards shake up most citizens. Civilian Harris, Christina F. Mortensen, Diane A. Lindsay, Ellen M. Listro, Paul D, Taft. causing brief power outages and copper piping from its spring-fed The digging began with replace­ Marchei, Mary Prior, Dan Senkow, had shown up. Police have been patrols had been set up and some Dolores A. Mulcahy, Dana T. Robin­ Barbara Lurie. Also, Robert Thomas, Joan resulting in several traffic accidents. well began deteriorating recently ment of about 400 feet of pipe last Lauren Carlson, Peter McConnell, keeping watch over the prisons since storeowners reportedly began son, Susan A. Rudeen, Thoralyn Also, Diane W. Marut, Barbara J. Thompson, Richard F. 'Thorpe, and had to be replaced with plastic fall. Working in a humid drizzle, 10 T- Terry McConnell, Tracy Bloking, the strike began early Friday, stockpiling arms. Spiess. Mayo, Aldo Mazzadra Jr., Richard C. Edward W. Tierney, Scott T. Turner, pipe. shirted men put in more than 1,000 Amy Marchei, Todd Clemens. crippling most city operations and "Just thank God it's over,” sighed Coventry McEvitt, David P. Mikan, Joanna James B. Tuttle, Thomas J. Werzyn, “It cost US to dig it ourselves additional feet of pipe this past Watidcll leaving garbage piled on streets. Councilwoman Barbara Pringle. "I Monique S. Cloutier, Janet R. Minuk, Virginia Molleur, Ellen M. Addie J, Wheeler, Carrie Lou Winter, Bus plunges weekend to finish up. think party time would have hit Cook, David T. Gorke, Michael L. Montineri, Rosemary L. Moynihan, Ann T. Velazco. around $1,400,” Water Commissioner Cnrronia Wiliam Bigelow said today. Those who couldn’t dig supplied The back-to-work order did not (Friday night) and all hell would Hall, Sherrill, Kotowski, Laurie Charles R. Norwood. Also, Victoria S. Violette, Kathleen into river; Ray Brooks (first), Leon Bilodeau “It probably would have cost many food and drink to the work crews, in­ (second), Jim Voiland (third). affect the other 20,000 members of have broken loose" Massey, Glenn P. Miller, Barbara J. Also, Brian F. O’Connor, Wilhelm A. Walsh, H. Rudi Wittke, Stanley G. more thousands of dollars to contract cluding a 3-year-old who manned a PhyKieuI fitness District Councils 33 and 47 of the In Missouri Myles, Alan Olsen. H, Osterman, Priscilla G. Peggins, Wojcoski, Susan M. Wojnarowski, 59 killed it out,” he said. “We knew we snack wagon. The job ended with a 8-to 10-year-olds —Steve Wickam American Federation of State, Coun­ Also, Joseph M. Ruder, LuAnn Jacques, Pelletier, Ronald Pelletier, David R. Yaworski, Donald Young. And in the Missouri bootheel com­ couldn’t afford it.” community barbecue Saturday night. ty and Municipal employees who Murphy, Wendy Sobczak, Donna M. Gary "T. Perrelli, Jonathan S. South Windsor (first), Kevin Kennedy (second). Sue munity of Clarkton — population 2,- CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) — A crowded The company’s three com­ The only hired help came from a Desetel (third). struck. The injunction did limit 300 — all seven non-elected city Stevens, Ellen Evans Whiting.. Phillips, Linda M. Pontillo, Susie R. Yasmi S. Caraminas, Joan E. bus swerved while trying to pass a Clapp, Karen A. Cohan, Arlene Jane missioners — all of whom have full­ contractor with a backhoe, whose 10-to 12-year-olds —Eric Gauvin picketing, however. employees say they've had enough of East Hartford Reynolds, Patricia M, Rice. trailer-truck on a narrow bridge Cyr, Gary F. DeGiacomo, James time jobs and not much experience crew did the heavy digging. (first), Miite Oliver (second), Alan The major stumbling block in the the penny-pinching curmudgeonly Anna Marie Alieva, Sandra M. Donna Romano, Edmund J. Rose, today and plunged into the Nile dispute has been the city's announced Anderson, Deborah T. Armour, Ralph A. Rossi, Richard Rurka, Dowling, Mark Dubiel, Margot A. with water projects — planned the “They got a big kick out of it Tully and Tim Chevalier (tied third). ways of Mayor Tommy Battles. River, killing at least 59 people. job themselves, hired the equipment because there were so many people 12- to 14-year-olds —Chris Gauvin plan to lay off about 3,500 city Bad enough he wants to cut their Susan A. Ballard, Richard S. Barnes, Paula J. Sanders, Verona D. Schiller, Duclos, Claire K. Eigenbrod. Also. Police said the driver and one workers to pay for a contract recent­ L inda M. B arn iak , D ebra L. Michael G, Sharkevich, Martin F. Michael C. Felcher, William Gar­ and got state approval. hustling around,” Bigelow said. (first), Ray Brookes (second), Kevin salaries, they say. but now he won't passenger survived. Healy (third). ly awarded police. Beaulieu, Richard R. Bessette, Silvia, Eileen M. Sott, Mary Stark, diner, Michael W. Hayes, Armand Several water company customers The job is now done except for even spend $100 to repair the sewer The bus was on a shuttle run minor landscaping. In Memphis systern they had been working over­ Zbigniew B. Biernacki, Linda Also, Elizabeth Timmerman, Johnson, James R. Keefe, Sharon between A1 Tahrir (Liberation) Memphis police union officials time to keep in operation. They Bilodeau. Maria E. Vanderberg, Mario P. LaCaprucia, Kathy Ann London, Square hi tbe heart W Cairo and the planned to ask the City Council struck Friday. Also, Thomas A. Blake, Susan K. Vicki, Gary Wagner, Rebecca L. Michael A, Martocci, Janet B. Great Pyramids of Giza. The acci­ Blazinski, Catherine Blondin, Steve White, Raymond P. Witkowski, Marc Matteson, Scott Montie. dent occurred about 100 yards from Also, Joyce L, Mugford, Jeffrey M. Borrmann, Roger Leo Boucher, F. Young, John E. Zadrozny, the plush Meridien hotel. O'Connell, Andrew H. Olinis, Gary William Boy, Michael D. Breen, Maryann R. Zawilinski. A passenger who got off the bus a Mary A. Britton, Denise Bryan, Ted Ellinglon Olmstead, Susan V. Parker, Carol A, few minutes before the accident New battles expected W. Burrows. Sharon L. Bahler, Daniel Berry, Petrie, Diane S. Rupinski, Karen A. said: “I saw the bus speeding to the Also, Keith D. Burton, Barbara A. Rosanne Copsey, Edward L. DeCarli, Sladyk, Nancy Smith, Sandra M. entrance of the bridge. Then it Caffegan, John A. Carriero II, Joan Ann Duell, Douglas A. Durdan, Smith. swerved right, as te driver apparent­ over abortion, energy Natalie M. Chirico, Brian J. Clott, Ann E. Garland, Edith MacDonough, Also, Eileen M. Templeton, ly attempted to bypass a trailer- Theresa A. D'Attilio, Susan A. Davis, Donald Wells, Marie E. Williamson. KathiAnn Tevlin. truck which was slightly ahead of Joanne Del Ciampo, Dennis R. Hebron Tolland pregnncy. But it contains a provision him. ’Then the bus all of a sudden WASHINGTON (UPI) - New DeLaire, Philip DelGiudice III. Marilyn G. Allain, Susan G. Morin, Karin F. Bagley, Mark Benedix, allowing companies to bar abortions went over the right side of the bridge battles in old wars — abortion and Also, Paul G. DeSormiers, Nor- Linda M. Reed, Anne R. Reichelt. Ann M. Bock, Jeffrey D. Colella, from such medical plans, and fell in the river.” energy — are anticipated in the mand J. Dionne, Anita Mari Domler, Maneli ester Barbara R. Domian, Patricia Ann guaranteeing another in an annual The driver, identified as Ali Abdel House this week, and the Senate Michael A. Fasciglione, Paul J. Constance L. Albert, Scott J. Hills, Charles D. Morgan, Genevieve series of abortion battles between the Rahman, jumped out and was leadership seeks to get action on its Fleury, Darrell R. Foster, Donna M. Alemany, Julia C. Annulli, Ralph J. M. Phelps, Richard W. Surdell, full calendar of bills despite two one- House and Senate in conference com­ arrested y police shortly afterwards. Freeman, Frank L., Garvis, Steven Barber Jr., Bruce D. Bayles, Gail A. David S. Ulm. The only other survivor, identified as man filibusters. mittee. Bean, Debra L. Beauchamp, Marie M. Glazman, Ann J. Goode. Vernon Sobhi Attallah, 30, swam to safety Freshman Sen. Harrison Schmitt, The Senate bill contains no such Beaulier, Arlene A. Berube, Concetta . Joseph P, Aiello, Richard Ameika, provision. Also, Carol Ann Guerrette, John F. and was hospitalized for shock. R-N.M., is delaying Senate debate Bilanceri. Sheila Mae Anderson, Jane M. An­ Prime Minister Mamdouh Salem because of his opposition to a con­ drews, Patricia August, Jane M. Also, Jean F. Blessing, Carla M. and Interior Minister Nabawi Ismail ference committee report on a bill Aylward, Brenda A. Baker, James Boone, Valerie J. Boroch, Richard A. rushed to the site of the accident to which would force industries to Baker, William C. Baldwin, Dawn M, Boucher, John Bousfield, Marie supervise rescue work. Salem switch from oil to coal. Brahaney, Francis E. Brogie, Mary Batchelor. Senate leaders had hoped for quick ordered $1,200 in relief aid paid to the T. Buckley, Dennis R. Burke, Earl J. Also, Joan Berman, Peter W. family of each victim. Aboard the MS Koln action on the bill, the first portion of Bushey. Berriault, Nicholas J. Byrne Jr., Officials sent two cranes to the President Carter's five-part energy Also, Marian B. Camp, William D. Irm a F. C arter, Barbara Ann scene to pull the bus out of the water, Rosalynn Carter (left) and Loki Schmidt island in the river, and the restored ruins of package, which has been stalled for Cardin, Kent A. Carlson, Mary Ann Chamberlin, James M. Davis, Henry an operation that took about four cruise down the Rhein river Sunday passing Gutenfelts (upper left). (UPI photo) 15 months, in time for the economic Carroll, Shirley A. Casterline, Nancy R. Dekker, Susan H. Fisk, Debra E. hours. the old toll CRS^le Pfalz, which sits on an summit in Bonn. A. Chabot, Gary S. Christensen, Galett, Scott M. Gayton. Schmitt held the floor to prevent Cyntjiia Conway, Francis L. Also, Linda W. Gebel, Ronald A. that, but agreed to allow a vote Copeland, William J. Csatary. Gebel, James George, Robert B. Tuesday in return for Democratic Also, Marlene D’Addario, Elio Gibbs, Gene G. Goehring, Michael Leader Robert Byrd's promise not to D’AppolIonio, Patricia A. Darby, Hannington, Kathleen Heim, Nancy keep the Senate in session all Holgate Dean, Kent J. Demers, Mark J. Helm, Peter A, Nhatow, James A. i S f weekend. E. Dion, Michael Donachie, David M. Houlberg. Hiiack But Sen. Mike Gravel, D-Alaska, Duff, Robert E. Dulka, 'Teresa M. Also, Daniel G. Kowalchik, Robert threatened other pending legislation Enderlin. ‘ S. Kozlowski, Eleanor S. Krowka, TUES. ONLY! through use of the Senate's unlimited Also, Bruce R. Fitting, Mary L. Noreen Ann Krowka, Peter W. Ladd, (Conlinued from Page One) • debate rules to prevent consideration Foran, Philip E. Forzley, James A. Debra A. Lively, John W. Lockwood, of a bill that would set aside 124 majority there for such sharp sanc­ Frascaralli, Antonia M. Frese, Lois John C. Lypch, Joanne E, May, Janet million acres in his state for national tions. - W. Giller, Pauline M, Gioielli, Lee Miller. The parks, wildlife refuges and The Common Market countries Marion Ann Giuca, Barbara Glass, Also, Nancy Moody, Sandra wilderness areas. also have stood together on antfc Phyllis Gonsalves. Musick, Wayne Newcomb, Nancy If he can be persuaded or forced to terrorist action in the United Also, Jon B. Graham, Judy Ann M. Ann North, Roland J. Perry, Gary C, allow normal Senate procedures, Nations. ’The Dutch, members of th^ Guilbeault, Emil M. Haberern Jr., Pfeifer, Toni M. Pike, Verna L. Pit­ hoicest Meats In Town] Byrd scheduled action this week on Common Market but notparticipantp David T. Haddock, Mary Elizabeth man, Lee A. Porter, William Purnell. amendments to the Endangered at the economic summit, however, Hanley, Barbara Hill, Curtiss G. Also, Richard M. Rahmlow, Ingrid Species Act that would set up a oppose extradition of persons to Howard, Wayne A.' Huot, Donna H. Reichl, Cynthia L. Reska, Bar­ Molly Ingram is a woman in her her.That way, Molly can be assured of mechanism for resolving disputes ■Lean Ctntsr Cut bara Revellese, Wesley A. -Rodean, countries which have the death such as thi! current one between the Jackwin, Phyllis E. Jassie. penalty. ; eighties, and occasionally she forgets to pay continued electric ser\ice. Also, Diane B. Johnson, Ronald L. Ruth A. Salb, Leopold B. Sans, PORK CHOPS *1.1 snail darter and a Tennessee Valley An ambitious French plan to de^ . lb. her electric bill. If you know' someone who is elderly, Jurgins, Janice M. Kaminski, Mary Elaine M. Small, Dean Stockwell, Authority dam, and on a foreign with terrorism proposes a judicial But Mrs. Ingram had the foresight a little ill, or someone with a reading or language military aid bill that includes a E. Kelly, Edward D. Krach, Joann Douglas B. Stoyer. M. Langlois, Paul W. LaPine, Clara zone in Europe which would insube proposal to lift the controversial Also, Charles Thompson, Franks while ago to take adi’antage of “Third-Party difficult^', write for information on D. Laster, Frances S. Lavigne, any terrorist would be tried or Country Stylo arms embargo againSt Turkey. R. Trager, Paul L. Trottier, Jeffrey Wayne C. l«hman. M. Twerdy, Margaret R. Verdon, extradited under the same laws no * 1 . 2 9 Notificatioh'offered by Northeast Utilities. “Third-Rarr\' Notification" to; June Fiondella, The House was resuming debate on Zacharias Yacob, Robert J. Zukas. matter in which country he or she is PORK SPARE RIBS .lb. a $4.5 billion Energy Department Also, Stephanie Letendre, Suzanne arrested. This sen’ice guarantees that a copy of Northeast Utilities, PO. Box 1953, Hartford, R. Lieber, Bill C. Lodge, Meg Lucas, research and development authoriza­ European justice and police Molly Ingrams final electric notice will auto­ Connecticut 06144- Michael V. Ludlow, Joan L. tion, and on a $.2 billion authorization ministers are doing some practical Lupacchino, Theresa M. Lupacchino, Courts get lights I m j M r t o d matically be forwarded to her daughter in So, if Molly Ingram ever forgets to pay for the same department's work in the field of terrorism. ; regulatory, power marketing and Eric A. nfonn, Sharon L. Marks, • 2 . 4 9 Hartford. If Mrs. Ingram again overlooks paying her bill, she's got concerned people to help Laurie A. McBrierty. Light has returned to the For example, West Germany management programs. It also courts at Manchester’s Robertson makes its anti-terrorist expertise BOILEDHAH this bill, her daughter will be able to remind her. Her daughter. And her electric company. scheduled debate on a bill setting Also, Sandra A. McCabe, Ellen B. McGovern, Martin G. McLain, Ruth ® month’s absence freely available to other coilntH e^ procedures for coal slurry pipelines electrical line knocked out German police participated in the to gain federal eminent domain ' L. Miller, Karen K. Monty, Kimberly S. Morrison, Norma W. Mullen, the lights at the two courts about one vain hunt for Aldo Moro’s kidnanodrs rights to cross railroad property. The Learning Indian sign language in Italy. . r William G. Nemeroff, Jane NORTHEAST UTIUTIES other controversial bill coming up for testingtest/n^ to determine what S'”"® the Every hand movement has a meaning all its own in Indian Newkirkm Richard R. Nicola. The West Germans have'a com­ Doing everything in our power to serve you. House passage would overturn a problem was and finally hired a con puter center in Wiesbaden which sign language, which Donna Blanchard as the Indian is Also, Gregory P. Nolin, Ann M. Supreme Court ruling that com­ tr^tor to replace the line. HIGHLAND PARK MARKET ThcConriKUCui Light anj BwtrConipinv/TTx’ HjntwJElcctiv,’ Light O-mpansAyjMtrn Misuchuwrv Elect rvCcmpitn/HulfjlfUiifiFbwtTCotTtrbny Norwood, Roderick A. Norwood, keeps the names of all knoifn panies with medical benefit plans did demonstrating to Terry McConnell, 10, of 83 Dartmouth Rd. The work was started Friday mor­ terrorists on file and makes such tti- Nonhrui L'tiiiimSmvtOxnpani/Nonhrui Nuckai Lnrrvt Cumpurr not have to include pregnanj women Mark J. Obermeier, Joanne M. The demonstration was part of a special activity presented to O’Bright, Kathleen A. O’Connell, ning and was completed by the eSd of formation available to other coun­ in them, even though men in some tries. I ; 317 Highland Street children recently at the Martin School playground. Miss Dennis M. O’Neil, Dorothy Ostuni, the work day, Ernest Tureck park cases can get leave or insurance for superintendent, said. ^ * Britain alw has aided the DutchSin Blanchard is a staff member of the Manchester Recreation Arthur Ott, Sharon N. Pain. *■ vasectomies. actions against Moluccan terror!:^ Manchester • 040-4277 ■nie legislation would outlawwlis- Department, which sponsors the summer playground Also, Michael A. Raimondij Jill Richaidson, David J. Roback, ^ndy and also sent experts to Somalia lo crimination in health plans bhsed on programs. (Herald photo by Chastain) help combat hijackers. ;

iVt'. :.s MANCIIKSiKR KVENING HERAU). Mundifater, Conn.. Miin.. July 17. 1978— PAGE FIVK RAGE FOUR - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Mamlipsi, r. Conn.. Mon.. July 17, 1W8 niversary gift this year for ma Bombeck’’ of M A C C news However, volunteers to her husband. The Pattens, Manchester, Mrs. Patten Open forum ] visit these partlents to who will be celebrating recently sent us a letter of About town iJlaurliPHlfr Sim itugH fralii provide these needs are their 30th wedding anniver­ intent that not only had us By JEAN SCOTT sorely Inadequate. celebrated our good for­ Manchester — A City ot Village Charm sary on July 31, will Manchester WATES will have a Friday at 8:30 p.m., Wednesday at 10 the Emanuel Outreach Center, 64 Please give some celebrate 11 days early by tune but laughing over her Division of priceless literary descrip­ business session, which is open to a.m. and Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at 102 Church St. All men and women in the Founded Oct. 1, 1881 Stoughton Sprrinl Ministries thought as to how you giving a gigantic might become involved in tions. members only, Tuesday at the Italian Norman St. For more information, neighborhood are invited. Member. Audit Bureau ot Circulation Member. United Preaa International Life enrichment goes “Birthday Party” for all American Club. Weighing in will be call 646-9235. AA contact is available convalescent home the children in-the Inter- Although Mrs. Patten Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square. geneology beyond the normal spec­ ministry. Call the Project suffers from several pain­ from 7 to 8 p.m. 24 hours daily by calling 646-2355. The Bible study and Prayer Group Manchester, Conn, 06040, Telephone (203) 643-2711. trum of health, social, and faith Day Camp. of Second Congregational Church will Service Office a t 646-4114. Mrs. Patten, who has a ful and crippling ailments, To the editor. recreational needs to in- her style and spirit remain The local chapter of Parents A neighborhood coffee hour will meet Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Raymond F. Robinson. Editor-Publisher Harold E. Turkington. Managing Editor They are ready to assist in great deal of difficulty get­ Recently I read a book, "The ' elude the philosophy that matching patients with lively and ready to take on Anonymous will meet Tuesday at 7 take place Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at church parlor. -all individuals, regardless ting out these days, has p.m. in Manchester. For more infor­ Opinion ------History of Ancient Windsor,” by volunteer visitors. You planned the whole party all comers. A bad week ,of age, physical, or mental might be surprised to learn with hip arthritis brought mation, call toll free 1-800-842-2288. Henry Stiles. In it was the geneology including party favors for disahilities, can live an how little time and effort it her cookie making to a halt of the Stoughton family. every child and candles on enriched life by having a but she was already up to The housing board of Emanuel My mother, Winfred Stoughton takes to make a real the cake by phone.“We’re community respond to 804 which she has baked in Lutheran Church will meet tonight at Barbre, now 87 years old, born in difference in another per­ not much on silver Record could be better 'their needs. son’s life! new foil roasting pans 7:30 at the church. Coventry, Conn., came to California MACC attempts to candlesticks” she said. Birthday parly “We would rather see which we can either use for It was a sobering report on when she was 16 with her father Lu­ provide just such caring to cooking or to store craft Alcoholics Anonymous will meet But when half of all fatal ac­ cian Stoughton who was born in ■'the community of Mrs. Elinor Patten, these youngsters have a tonight at 8:30 at 102 Norman St. The The first suspension bridge was reputedly a footbridge highway safety President items. crossing the Indus River, described by Chinese monk cidents involve drivers who Windsor in 1852. Lucian’s father was ‘Manchester. More whom you’ve met in real birthday party with all group will also meet Tuesday and Carter has submitted to previous MACC columns, Mrs. Patten — we salute Fa Hsien in 399 AD. Henry and his grandfather was Har­ ' specifically, the Division of the trimmings.” Congress. The statistics for had been drinking and when has planned an unusual an­ Our nominee for the "Ir- you. surveys continue to reveal a ding, Special Ministries is in- 1977 contain little to crow .volved in this effort to the large number of drivers and I have the Revolutionary War about. Almost 47,000 people record of Hardings father Shem, .aging residents of lost their lives on American passengers don't use seat which had a lot of information. Manchester. CIRCULAR WEEK highways last year, millions belts, the record has con­ I would like to hear from anyone , The sharply reduced siderable room for improve­ M e. birth rate and impact zero NOW UNDER WAY more were injured and the cost who could give me some personal in­ population growth, set of highway accidents if figured ment. formation of the Stoughtons. My alongside an expanding life Pick up your HE^DS OF GOVERNMENTS participating In the Bonn economic summit are (left to right): Prime Minister James mother did not know anything about at $43 billion. Oh, well. Attorney General Callaghan of Britain, President Valery Glscard d’Estalng of France, Prime Minister Glullo Andreotti of Italy, expectancy, means an in­ copy of our her family and 1 now feel as if I did new circular Despite that terrible toll, it Griffin Bell always said the Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada, Prime Minister Takeo Fukuda of Japan, President Carter and creased focus on planning Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of West Germany. Leading agenda items at the conference Include reducing oil have some relatives in New England. for and with our older pop- Pre-lnventonr at your nearby could have been worse. best way to inspect a prison Imports, stabilizing the dollar, aiding developing nations, liberalizing trade and stimulating the West German and 1 did not have any trouble tracing her Caldor... Japanese economies. 'ulation. Life styles have NOW THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 22nd Highway fatalities were worse system is from the inside out. mother’s family, the Newells in . changed. and save! K'5 before the national 55 mph Coventry back to 1634. Thank you. Older citizens no longer Sincerely yours, tend to live in an "extended ^7 speed limit was imposed. The Contour 36-Position Lounger Adelaide Barbre Porter family” home. Rather, Westinghouse White House estimates that Almanac j Briefly noted older family members (Mrs. Charles G. Porter) 6000 BTU • II riiii'riiimsinFfiRftrr W often live alone and feel factor alone prevented Our Reg. 13.97 171 E. 23rd St. isolated. This has not only 9.44 Air Conditioners fatalities from soaring to 77,- By United PresB International ceded to the United States by Spain. Costa Mosa. Calif. stretch-out in comfort! Two-tone Short people may be getting the According to Department of injured the elderly, but has 000 in 1977. Today is Monday, July 17, the 198th In 1936, the Spanish Civil War PVC Vinyl tubing, full foam Our Reg. short end of it in popular music of Health, Education and Welfare robbed the “nuclear headrest, galvanized 199.701 229.70 Traffic accidents are the day of 1978 with 167 to follow. began. family” of the knowledge .189™ late, but they have something going statisticians, the average for steel frame. No special wiring needed, |ust The moon is approaching its full the older person has gained sixth leading cause of death in for them in another area— longevity. American men currently is 5 feet 9 fvesterdays ) plug in and cool-off! Two speed phase. In 1955, Arco, Idaho, a town of 1,300 from a lifetime of living. It fan for day/night comfort. Quick- the nation — the leading or se­ We have this on the authority of a inches. However, only 14.2 percent of The morning star is JupiteT, persons, became the first community has also taken away from mount kit, washable filter. study, reported in Science Digest 25 ycnrs ujjo cond cause for the age group 5 The evening stars are Venus, Mars, in the world to receive all its light the male population actually younger family members magazine, which took the measure of measures up — or down, depending Lydall Needle Factory is sold and Cool^rator through 34. Considering the Mercury and Saturn, and power from atomic energy. the realization that the some 750 individuals who had made moved to Putnam. millions of vehicles on the road Those born on this date are under upon the personal elevation from aging process is a natural 30-Pint Capacity their marks in history — presidents, which you’re viewing it. The iargest Town pigs still under quarantine. process, one in which all SAVE Oft"/" Dehumidifier and the trillions of miles the sign of Cancer. In 1975, three American and two AN EXTRA W\/ourReg.»Orig.*Pt boxers, baseball Lydall brook pond is drained. people participate. traveled, it is too much to American television personality Soviet spacemen linked their single category of males is the 6-foot- players and and-over crowd — 15 percent. 10 yciirs iifio It is common to every Our Reg. Art Linkletter was bom July 17,1912. spacecraft together for historic 169.70 expect that highway accidents successful For women, it’s just a bit less con­ A record-breaking heat wave, ac­ person and not peculiar to Coiorfui16” x16” *149 On this day in history: handshakes and expressions of Removes excess humidity, makes companied by a heavy drain on town a small portion of the pop­ can be eliminated. goodwill 140 miles above Earth. businessmen. fusing. The average is 5 feet 3,6 in­ Stack Tabies your home more comfortable. In 1821, Florida was formally ulation. It is variable in Entire Stock 2.96. In e v e ry ches and that takes in 15.2 percent of water mains, prompts Water Depart­ Ideal on patio, or indoors. Heavy gauge Quiet fan, automatic humidistat. that no two people will category, the them, the largest grouping. But it ment to place a 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ban plastic in decorator colors. Our Reg. .49 "Freeze Guard" prevents icing-up. feact physically, socially, researchers still means the overwhelming on outdoor watering to maintain water pressure for the town's higher and emotionally the same found, the majority, 84.8 percent, is shorter or 1 of Jeans British health care better? areas. way, but by creating average lifespan FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY FAMOUS BRAND WATCHES: taller. A meeting of the Board of Direc­ programs of interaction, Kodak A-100 Instant of those notables measuring under 5 In short, when it comes to height, it added insight into the basic Famous brands, including: Waitham.'Benrus, Bv MARTHA ANGI.K tors and property owners along the Colorburst Camera both the benefits and the problems of fees. Yet more than 90 percent of all feet 8 inches exceeded those topping appears that being average is not the proposed Parker-Oakland streets needs of the aging can be Heibros, Hamilton and ROBKKT W ALTERS , the National Health Service. doctors voluntarily participate in the 6 feet. The shorties averaged 11 per­ average situation, or being non­ connector appears to assure passage gained. Seiko, Casio 29.96 WASHINGTON (NEA) - "God And while Jay and the panel NHS, and only 3.5 percent of all cent longer lives than the lanky average is average, or... of the $75,000 needed to begin con­ Advocacy can play an Get the color right away, and get heals, and the doctor takes the fee." m em bers who flew over from Britons choose to take out private types. Forget it. struction on the road. important role in this It right. Exclusive Satinluxe"^ Leave it to the British, with their health insurance. For the affluent as In short, to be short means being change which needs to take *19J 73 finish prints, automatically England for the occasion were ejected. flair for subtle digs to quote Ben well as the indigent, NHS care is place. Advocacy is both a Our Reg. $29 to $99 careful not to offer advice to Presi­ able to look forward to a longer life— •Carry Case #K8...... $3 Franklin when they want to deliver a dent Carter or the Congress, it was preferred by an overwhelming at least if you happen to be a business process and a formulation Sport and dress models for men •PR-10 Film, 2-Pack...... 9.74 message to Americans about health clear from the discussion that the majority. (The Jays, for instance, success, boxer, ballplayer or presi­ of a strategy to create, and women, including L.C.D., open, improve, and change automatics, L.E.D. and day- care. British have absolutely no doubts have always been NHS patients dent. service programs to meet •Men’s Lee, Wrangier, Maverick SAME , dater styles. In Britain, you see, the doctor although they could clearly "afford” Reflections about the superiority of their system On iho average the needs of people. & Big Yank Jeans g. m m m m q q OFF SHARP 8-Digit doesn't take the lee for the simple to ours. to pay for private medical care. ) Being of average height, on the An advocate may assist Our Reg: 7.99 to 16.99...... 0 . 4 4 to 1 1 . 0 0 30"/< prices Entire Stock of Calculator with reason that there At the heart of their pride in the ■The system as a whole is not, of Hal Turkington our Res- other hand, means being in a minori­ an individual directly by Sizes and styles for all! Square Root & Memory is none. For National Health Service is one decep­ course, really “free.” It is supported Fashion Charms ty- Managing Editor aiding him in obtaining a hangnails or heart tively simple statement made by the by taxes, and costs the equivalent of service or by serving as a • Misses’ and Jrs.’ Fashion Jeans attacks, canker ambassador. “Financial worry $4 per week for every man, woman change agent to improve 2 ’",.25 "' 9.99 Our Reg. 12.99 sores or cancer, associated with illness no longer and child in Britain. But health costs the service. Advocacy also Our Reg. 9.99 to 15.99...... 6.99fo11.19 Our Reg. $3 to 36.97 Bright clear 8-digit L.C.D. read­ medical care is gives evidence, in the case Sizes 5/6 to 15/16. out. Adds, subtracts, multiplies, exists in Britain.’’ in Britain amount to only 6 percent of Findell; M&M Oil Service, Charles 14K gold, gold-filled or sterling divides fast and easily. With Thought The Manchester Green .of the church, that free — whether An illness can be “catastrophic” in the gross national product, while Minicucci; Swiss Laundry; Green |i« silver themes to commemorate batteries, wallet-type case. Businessmen’s Association — it was m em bers are tru ly a •Boys’Jeans - . q - the patient be human terms, but never financially. they absorb nearly 9 percent of our Drug. Charles Barbato; Austin A. special occasions. Styles vary. short-lived. caring community. Our Orig.* 5.99 to 11.99...... 4 . 1 S# to 0 . 0 9 prince or pauper. High blood pressure may still plague own much larger GNP. Hospital We must view our spiritual life, Even today some of its members Chambers Co., moving and storage, The State of Connecticut Sizes 4-18. The British National Health Ser­ a large percentage of the population costs are rising in Britain, but the in­ like all other forms of life, as a when it formed in 1959 remember lit­ Austin A. Chambers. has a program for patient vice. launched on July 5, 1948. is but in Britain it does not dispropor­ crease per year is one-sixth what it is process of growth. We start from SAVE O ftO A and MORE Discount World, Cy Fineberg; advocates to particularly •Giris’ Summer Jeans ^ Mf\ 7 c o celebrating its 30th anniversary this where we are, and gratitude for what tle about it; telephone calls to some AN EXTRA W w / O on Our Reg. Prices tionately afflict blacks, as it does in in the United States. Green Shoe Outlet, Willard Law; Ma Mobil 10W-30 we already are, no matter how im­ of them brought only tew reflections aid residents of nursing Our Reg. 4.99 to 10.99 ...... J . 4 9 to 7 . 0 9 AllSoosons month with a public approval rating this country, because blacks have the ★ ★ ★ M o to r o n All-Season about it. and Bill’s Luncheonette, Louise and convalescent homes in Sizes 7-14,4-6X. Entire Stock of well above 80 percent, the best possi­ same access to treatment as whites The British system is far froi^ mature, is the first stage in that This is what little we remember Leach; Ostrinksy Real Estate and In­ iobtaining needed services. Store stock only, no rainchecks. 'Intermediate markdowns taken. Framed Pictures Motor Oil ble testimonial to its success. do. Coal miners and cabinet perfect. It is still plagued by ad­ growth. about it, and the few pieces we could surance, Ken Ostrinsky; the Green For the most part, these With this country now immersed in ministers alike have personal family ministrative snarls, even after 30 Patience is necessary, since residents are not able to MoblL * Q t . Our Reg. 64c gather from our files. Paint and Wallpaper Co., Harold Jar­ 56 debate about the relative costs and physicians — and the National Health years. It has trouble serving tran­ growth is always slow, and often im- seek these services for 3'".. 46“ S p e c i a l Limit 6 qts. per customer. ■A ★ vis; Knarf’s Market, Frank Our Reg. 5.49 to 69.99 benefits of a national health in­ sient citizens who don’t stay put long perciptible. Hope Is essential: the themselves due to their Famous Brand Tennis Sneakers • Mobil Outboard Motor Oil Service pays the doctors for both. Obremski (his market was his name lo w - 3 0 surance program, the British are hope that from-8ur_gre5ent position, The association was formed in Oc­ confined living. Graphics and oils in woods, Our Reg. 7 4 c ...... 59c Pt. ★ ★ ★ enough to sign on with a family physi­ spelled backw ards); the W.H, For the Whole Family anxious to share their experiences we will ultimately grow into our tober. It adopted an emblem, set Another method to chrome or brass fashion frames. •Oil Can Pour Spout...... 59c Family physicians, in fact, are the cian. While it provides routine care England Lumber Yard, Harry with Americans and clear up some of fully-redeemed selves. Even to be dues, and made plans for its first assure the homebound and core of the NHS — which may sur­ and acute treatment superbly well, England; Charcoal Broil, Joseph the phobias and misconceptions ram­ brought into the situation where such sales promotion. ' institutionalized that there [Wilson by Bata® prise Americans who associate there are long waits for elective sur­ Moriconi; Cooks’ Service Station, pant in the United States regarding growth is possible — this is the work The emblem was a map of 'is a caring community is Jennite J-16 government-paid medical care with gery. Aaron Cook, "socialized medicare.” of a power beyond our feebleness. Manchester Green; its aim was to that of visitation. Visitors ^ Jimmy Connors® I rchrlsEverT SONY Driveway Sealer vast, impersonal clinics. Patients In this country, national health in­ Charlie’s Service Station, Charlie ‘bring friendship and com- ★ ★ ★ It is the work of the living God alert Manchester residents that 7 7 f t 5-Gal. Pail choose their own doctors, and vice surance is a topic of raging political Luce; Advance Electric, John ipanionship to people who Ambassador Peter Jay therefore "...who is not far from any of us, there was a shopping center at AM-FM, AC/DC f ■ # U Our Reg. 9.99 versa, and those doctors — wonder of debate. In Britain, “it is simply not a are unable to participate in recently invited several dozen Manchester Green. Touchette; Sun Life Assurance Co. of Portable Radio Protects against sun, oil, gas wonders — consider house calls a subject of political controversy. No since it is in him that we live, and activities outside the The late Austin Chambers was a Canada, Charles Van Duessen. spills, weather damage. American journalists, government crucial element of their practice. one of either party challenges the move, and exist.” (Acts 17:27-28) home, or to patients of con­ officials, health care professionals prime mover and handled the group's ★ ★ A Lightweight, durable foot­ 24a70OurReg .29.99 •Jennite Private practice is not forbidden. basic concept. The NHS is part of the Sister Katherine Panalitis, valescent homes. Visitors Driveway Patch...... 4.49 Gal. publicity. Plans were made for There probably were more who wear with sure-stop soles. Take-along music. Large speaker, and union leaders to a seminar at the Patients may seek care outside the CND supplement and support ef­ Men's Sizes 7-11,12; • Jennite Crack Filler.... 3.69 ()t. bedrock of British life now,” says joined later. Ken Ostrinsky noted tone control, telescopic antenna. British Embassy which explored St. Bartholomew Church “Manchester Green Days.” forts which are being made Women 5-9,10 In the group. • Squeegee 12" Appllcator2.89 NHS, and doctors may provide it for Ambassador Jav. that the name of Warren Howland Batteries not include. The Manchester Green to improve the physical SHOE DEPT. Businessmen’s Association stressed didn’t appear there. "But Warren and/or mental health of the importance of that part of town, must have been involved. I’ll never homebound and convales- Some were late in eonverting noting that it was the first section of forget that when we moved into that 'cent home patients by Manchester to be settled. area up over the laundry, Warren . providing a stimulus to Ti It boasted of the Woodbridge sent us a nice bouquet welcoming us keep them in touch with Tavern where George Washington to Manchester Green,” Ken said. reality. and other notables laid their weary AAA Recently, a local church DuPont to the tax-revolt bandwagon group transported five of Chatham 72” x90” heads to rest when passing through There are varying reasons why the Deluxe their elderly members Cannon “Very Berry” No-Iron Sheets town. association didn’t stay together. Thermal Blanket ,from area convalescent Dacron® II By I.LK RODERICK 100 roll call votes last year, including Only seven scuaiuia leceived A s. a traditional conservative, scored 36 Some moved from the area to more The Knights of Pythias erected a .' ' homes to a local restaurant Fiberfill WASHINGTON — Many members all appropriations votes in both the led by Independent Sen. Harry Byrd percent, while Oregon Sen. Mark &"»5.66 monument on the Green com­ central sites in town. The England ' ' for a Saturday luncheon. In win Flat or Fitted ' Pillows of Congress have jumped on the tax- House and Senate. Unlike most such of Virginia with 58 percent. There Hatfield (RI. regarded as a liberal on Ideal weight for all memorating Washington’s visit. Lumber Co. couldn’t get a zone tribute to the success of the seasons. 1(X)% polyester, revolt bandwagon as a result of were 15 B's. 33 C's. 42 D's, and 3 F's. anaiysis. NTU's is based solely on many issues, scored 45 percent. ★ ★ ★ change next to the VFW to expand, so luncheon, the patients now nylon-bound. Machine- 088 3 97 Plumply filled for more pleasur- California's Proposition 13. A look at Keg. 9.W w . i / f able sleeping. Odorless, non- fiscal issues and not on ideology. Forty-two members of the House "Our congressional ratings should Who were the charter member it moved to Bolton Notch. The phar­ have fond memories of the washable pastels. Fits mm OurR(_Our Reg. 3.99 their voting records for 1977 in­ twin or full-size beds. Queen m Q 7 allergenic, in no-iron, corded Hence a vote for increased defense received A s. led by Rep. Phil Crane provide more than casual infor­ businesses in the Manchester Green macy also moved to the Notch. day and look forward to dicates it was a late conversion for Reg. 6.99 4 a O l edge ticking. spending, in NTU's view, is as bad as (R-Ill.) with 82 percent. Eighty-four m ation.” emphasized the NTU Businessman's Association? This list Considerable road work was done . -possible future outings more than a few. Full Flat or Fitted a vote for increased welfare spen­ got B's. 121 C's. 146 D's and 41 F's. spokesman. "By this fall, every we found: along East Middle Turnpike to widen .: . with new-found anticipa- "Even the biggest spenders in ding. Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) is politician running for office will Mitten Realty, Ellsworth Mitten, the road, and islands put in for traffic . > tion. In fact, another Congress are claiming to be friends the biggest spender in Congress, ac­ luncheon is being planned 3.96I Our< Reg. Out of a possible — but highly un­ decry excessive government spen­ owner: Dupre Insurance, Edward control. That reduced parking. Polyester-Filled Mattress Pads of the taxpayer." cording to the analysis.. He scored 16 in the near future for ad­ likely — perfect score of 100 percent ding and taxation. This rating will Dupre; Berube Typewriter and They may not have an organization Herculon® Bill Bonner, ditional members. .Queen Flat or Fitted voting to cut spending and taxation, percent in the ratings, followed enable voters to cut through the at the Green anymore, but some Twin Size executive direc­ Business Machine Sales and The concern for those FurnItureThrows members of both the House and closely by Sen. Gary Hart (D-Colo.). speeches to examine past records Reg. 7.49 tor of the Repairing. Arthur Berube; Kramer businesses still thrive there. who are homebound or con­ 5.88 7 7 1 5 60"x70"Size Senate averaged a "dismal" 33 per­ and Reps. Claude Pepper ID-Fla,l before going into the voting booths. " 6.77 Our Reg. 8.99 National TV Sales and Service, Leon Kramer. Residents still tell you that they live valescent and nursing •FuU, Reg. 8.99...... 6.97 # . # 0 R « 9 9 9 cent in 1977. says the NTU. and Daniel Flood (D-Pa.). "up at the Green." Taxpayers Union . Findell Venetian Blinds. George home patients is ongoing. •Queen, Reg. 11.49.... 8.97 Machine washable, , The organization has divided "Our measure pinpoints more Pillowcases, Pkg. of 2 non-slip backing. |,| I N T U I . to ld This is attested to by the •King,Reg. 14.99....11.88 overali voting ratings into five clearly than ever the big-spending SCOOPS lyDon^SnqRl _iii Scripps League three Project Service Anchor band styte. •70’’«90" categories which correspond easily politicians who voted for larger and (CETA) positions designed Our Reg. 3.99 R«(. IS.99... 12.88 Newspapers. r m niiiiii iUp 9 t m a m r to thi shut Fitted Vinyl Mattress Pads 3.17, with grades given in schooi: 50 per­ more expensive government and TIE om senim .' specifically to meet the Delectable strawberries and •70 "xl20 " "They're scrambling now to try to isonoms u n m of thi m m m u . •Twin, Reg. 2.99...... 2.22 cent or more correct votes earned an those who conserve the taxpayer's needs of convalescent blossoms on a white ground. Ret. 19.99... 1 6 .4 0 cover up their track records. The • FuU, Reg. 3.99...... 2.66 Easy-care polyester/cotton blend "A. " 40-49 percent a "B. " 30-39 per­ hard-earned dollars." said an NTU home patients. These three only way to really tell who believes in •Zip Pillow Cases sta^rumple-free. • 7 0 ”xl4 0 ” cent a "C." 20-29 percent a "D " and spokesman. "The analysis strips positions, the patient needs %• Ref. 24.99... 19.99 reducing taxes and spending is to PKg.oi2,Reg. 1.49...1.11 -X 19 percent or less an "F. " away political rhetoric and campaign coordinator, the cultural read a program. And that's what ★ ★ "A promises to reveal actual voting arts coordinator, and the we've provided. " coordinator of volunteers, In Connecticut. Rep. William patterns. The results demonstrate, ★ * * Cotter received a spending secore of have enabled MACC to in­ as in the past, that political labels of vestigate alternative ways^ SENIOR CITIZENS’ DAYS SALE PRICES The "program" provided by NTU 16 from the NTU. earning an F liberal and conservative do not to increase community in-' EVERY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY MUKHEna THNdH ^ EFFECTIVE is the most comprehensive anaiysis grade. Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff got available of congressional voting always accurately reflect attitudes volvement in convalescent NOW a spMding score of 20. for a D grade. ECONOMIC 1145 TDM Tmifln TiMlt(SlHp|*i5Mir THROUGH patterns on the issues of spending toward fiscal responsibility." homes. The needs of 10% OFF Sen/Lowell Weicker got a spending An example: SUWilT patients have been indexed tm g l Nm. tobKtoproducU M diUim aktaity on u lt SATURDAY and taxes. It is based on more than CONFEBENCE DtSCOUMT ON PRESCRIPTIONS IN EFFECT EVERY DAY STORE HOURS: MON thru FRI., 10 AM to 9:30 PM • SAT., 9 AM to 9:30 PM • SUN., 11 AM to 5 PM scnqe of 30. for a C grade Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater (R i. and cross-referenced. V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. July 17. 1978 - PAGE SEVEN PACK M.\ - MANCUKSTKR EVKNlNli IIICHAl.U. Miinclu-slcr, Conn.. Miin., luly 17. 197B Carter Schools lose 600 Thibodeau-Finley J VFW plans (Continued from Page One) in last 9 years Flora L. Finley of Vernon and Timothy Peter July 25 ride traveling to the divided city reminis­ Thibodeau of Manchester were married July 15 at cent of Communist harassment EAST HARTFORD - East Hart­ some of its students to East Catholic Pilgrim Baptist Church in Glastonbury. during the Cold War days. East Ger­ ford public schools have lost about High School in Manchester. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Leon The Ladies Auxiliary of the many also protested khmidt’s ac­ 600 students in the last nine years, ac­ Grasso predicts about 100 students Ouellette of Bloomfield. The bridegroom is the son of Anderson-Shea Post of the Veterans companying Carter to Berlin. cording to Ernest Grasso, ad­ from East Hartford will enroll at Mike Thibodeau of Manchester and Evelyn Thibodeau of of Foreign Wars in Manchester will The third session of the economic ministrative aide to the school East Catholic. Storrs. conduct its annual Mystery Ride on summit follows the breakfast superintendent for personnel. “I’m predicting that East Catholic’ The Rev. Peter Johnson officiated. Gilbert Thibodeau Tuesday, July 25. meeting. West German President Grasso. who handles the enroll­ will take less students than in the of South Wind.sor. the bride and bridegroom’s uncle, gave The bus will leave the post home at Walter Scheel hosts a lunch for the ment figures, said the enrollment as past year.” he said. her in marriage. 608 E. Center St., promptly at 6;30 seven heads of government before of June 23 is 9,578. Grammar school He said the fact that "money is Mrs. Michele Horila of Ashford, the bridegroom’s p.m. Reservations are on a first com- the fourth and final summit session. enrollment is 6.404 and high school tight” and it costs taxpayers more in sister, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Barbara e, first served basis and can be made The president will take part in a joint enrollment is 3,158. addition to the dollars they pay to Baron and Janet Cianci. both of East Hartford; by contacting Bridget Marceau at news conference at the end of the Grasso said the highest enrollment finance East Hartford’s school will Rosemary Thibodeau of Manchester, the bridegroom’s 649-8891 or Doris McCarthy at 646- summit before flying home. result in lower enrollment at East sistcr-in-iaw; and ,Sherrill Rutty of Coventry. 8583 jDeadline is Thursday. he remembers is 12,500 in 1969. Since - With the summit turning to the sub­ Catholic. Donald Thibodeau of Manchester was his brother’s.best •sCSrr then, the public school figures have ject of international trade. Carter Grasso said this year’s figures man U.shers were Steve Cianci of East Hartford; Mike leveled off and declined. }ras able to put forward some were “very close” to projections Thibodeau of Manchester, the bridegroom’s brother; and “It’s starting to taper off now,” he (riticism of His own. made last October. The enrollment Robert Larcau of Enfield, the bride’s uncle. said. Marriage takes Us toll « The United States repeatedly has as of Oct. 1 of last year was 6,385 and Jill Horila of Ashford, the bridegroom's niece, was The average loss in the last few called on Germany and Japan to ex­ years is about 250, he said. The loss is the June 23 figure was 6,404, a flower girl Marriage costs the typical The engagement of Miss Nancy pand domestic demand in order to difference of only 19 students. The bride is employed as a quality control technician at American couple between $700 and The engagement of Miss Alice due to both declining birth rates and Ellen Bonneau of Andover to _ provide bigger export markets. But However. Grasso said the period Coca Cola Bottling of N.Y. Inc. in East Hartford. The $800 a year in taxes. The Conference Mary Donahue to Gary James families moving out of the town. Nicholas Victor Mucci of Colchester .Schmidt has refused, citing the where the greatest changes occur is bridegroom is employed as an inventory controller at j#' Board observes. An unmarried cou­ Wyman, both of Manchester, has J Grasso said he is predicting an has been announced by her parents, danger of inflation. the summer. Atlantic Switch Controls in West Hartford. The couple ple making $12,500 each, for exam­ been announced by her parents, Mr, enrollment of 9,352 for next fall. He ple, is taxed at $1,804 per person, for Mr. and Mrs. Normand Bonneau of 2 and Mrs. Lawrence J. Donahue Jr. of . The first day of the summit Sunday Car hits light pole said he expects East Hartford High ’’Now we’re going to start to lose will reside in Vernon. (Gcrrick photo) took up energy problems and the Mrs. Timothy P Thiliodcau a combined figure of $3,608. A Center Road, Andover. 26 Walnut St. A car driven by Richard F. Krach, 20, of 114 for minor facial cuts at Manchester to pick up about 160 students, some.” he said. "The figures change world monetary crisis — both topics bringing its enrollment to an es­ more during the summer than at any married couple filing a joint return Mr, Wyman is the son of Mr. and McKee St. struck a light pole at Main Street Memorial Hospital. His car was damaged pays $4,304. Under separate returns, Mrs. Henry Wyman of 22 Dougherty that put Carter on the defensive. timated 1,611 students. EHHS’s other time.” Mr. Mucci is the son of Mr. and they are taxed at $2,211 each, for a West Germany and Japan in par- and Silver Lane Sunday at 11 p.m. Krach said extensively, according to police. Krach had enrollment was 1,451 in 1977-78. He said more people move during Mrs. Anthony Mucci of Colchester. St. Depending on your ears total of $4,422. The bride-elect graduated from -Ucular have criticized growing he does not know what happend but he lost been driving southbound on Main Street at the Penney High School is expected to the summer than during the school Manchester High School in 1976 and . y.S.energy consumption and the lack icontrol on the slippery road. He was treated time. (Herald photo by Chastain) pick up 163 students next fall. Its year. The evergreen state The bride-elect graduated from is currently attending Manchester , of a specific energy policy to curtail projected enrollment is 1,796. The largest class in this year’s Rham High School and is employed Community College. She is employed ,, it as among the chief causes for the Grasso said EHHS lost 300 to figures is the eighth grade class. It The state of Washington in the at Dean Machine Products. at King’s Department Store in world’s economic plight. Police report graduation, but will gain many more numbers 780. The smallest is the Dangles for all occasions Pacific Northwest is a leader in Manchester. Carter spent most of Sunday because of a large eighth grade in the kindergarten class with 585 students. many ways - in lumber, in fruit and Her fiance, also a graduate of Her fiance graduated from explaining the U.S. energy situation town’s public and parochial schools. “The baby boom is starting to other crops, and in aircraft produc­ Rham High School, is employed at Manchester High School in 1975 and (or the other six summit leaders and East Hartford York, were arrested Fridav for face. The incident occurred Friday in He said the figures may change, catch up.” Grasso said. tion; its ports on Puget Sound are the Electric Boat Division of General is employed at Pratt & Whitney Divi­ - Treasury Secretary W. Michael Deborah A. Gauthier. 19. of Hart­ soliciting without a permit. The four the area of 51 Mam St. however. beeiTii-Je the town loses gateways to Alaska and the Far Dynamics. sion of United Technologies Corp, in ..Blumenthal said afterwards the ford is scheduled to appear in court were selling magazines for two Miller was held on $500 non-surety East; the great dams on the Colum­ East Hartford. reaction was “generally positive ... today on charges of breach of peace, different companies, police said. bond. He has a court date July 24. bia River provide power for produc­ The couple is planning and Oct. 21 The couple is planning a Sept. 23 ' there was no specific criticism.” third-degree assault and reckless en- Kenneth D. McFarlin. 19. of Hart­ tion of aluminum and irrigation for wedding at St, Columba Church in wedding at St. James Church in "The president went into con­ dangerment. ford and Alfred D. Henry of the There was a burglary Sunday in the rich Columbia basin. Columbia. (Flaum photo) Manchester. (Loring photo) siderable detail.” Blumenthal said. Police said Ms. Gauthier was in­ Bronx. N.Y.. were held on $25 cash room 117 at the Howard Johnson’s Board of Education “It seemed to satisfy the others.' volved in a fight with another female bond. They are scheduled to appear Motor Lodge on Main Street. The Later. Carter said he was at the Cat Cafe on 184 Park Ave. in court Aug. 7. burglar forced the front door open may combine posts “pleased, very pleased” with the Police said she pushed Barbara B. Gladys Ortega. 22. of New York Ci­ and stole a stereo. Parents and teen-agers opening day. Lutzon through a plate glass window. ty. arid G linda K insey. 18. of Garter said he told his colleagues EAST HARTFORD - The Board of terms of the food services and the Ms. Lutzon was treated for Brooklyn. N.Y.. were released on a Someone broke into the South Education is expected to establish four parts of his energy package have lacerations to the head at promise to appear Aug. 7. Green Package Store at 723 Main St. school bus transportation contracts. been agreed to by Congress and he Manchester Memorial Hospital. Sunday. Police said a window at the the position of assistant director for In the absence of the director of would continue to press for passage Police said Ms. Gauthier was also Steven B. Miller. 17. of 37 Lorraine southwest corner was forced open business services at its meeting business services, the assistant Sex: how to tackle topic of the rest. arrested on an outstanding warrant 'Court was charged with third-degree and $55 in cigarettes and beer was tonight at 7:30 at the Penney High director would be in charge. The president said he pointed out assault. Police said he assaulted a 64- stolen. School Amphitheatre. The board will also hear an infor­ •c-■“.'■iwi from 1975. That warrant had charged that oil imports already were down her with first-degree larceny and year old man. The position will combine the posts mational report about the career By ELIJE GROSSMAN since the beginning of the year and he third-degree burglary. She was held Police said Miller was riding a bike There was a robbery this morning of coordinator of transportation and educational and vocational programs pledged the United States would cut staff assistant for business. It will in the public schools. NEW YORK (NEA) - "What - on $500 bond today. and he claimed the man was making at 1:19 at the Sunoco gas .station at me talk to my teen-ager about sex?” its dependence on foreign oil by 2 faces at him. Police said Miller got 430 Roberts St. Police said white pay between $16,000 and $20,000 a The programs are funded by year. federal and state grant money. He (or she) probably knows more million barrels a day by 1985. Four persons, three from New off the bike and hit the man in the male about six-feet tall and weighing about it than I do. Besides, no one about 200 pounds showed a gun andi Dr. Eugene Diggs, superintendent Program coordinator Robert talked about sex when I was growing told an employee to give him all his of schools, said the position will "be McNulty will break down the up and I’m embarrassed discussing money. responsible for administering the programs into the elementary, mid­ it. My kid probably doesn’t want to Soviet defector must use The man took about $100 and drove public bidding process and issuing of dle and secondary school levels. hear anything from me, anyway...” away in the employee’s car. The ear purchase orders.” The board will also take action on Typical attitudes from typical was later found on Simmons Road It will provide “increased day-to- bills to be paid for the 1977-78 fiscal parents around the country, accor­ USSR flag in chess play about one-half mile from the Sunoco dav supervision of the business office year and the coming 1978-79 fiscal ding to Dr. Michael Carrera, presi­ station, police said. Police are in­ processes. Diggs said. year. dent of the American Association of BAGUIO CITY. Philippines (UPI) It also was decided that before release of a wife and son he left in the vestigating. The office will administer the Sex Educators, Counselors and - Soviet defector Viktor Korchnoi each match the national anthems of Soviet Union, waltzed at a separate The new evening feeling for fall is all-out Glamour girls will be making a comeback Therapists and professor of Health suffered his first defeat in the $550,- the Philippines and the Soviet Union fund-raising party. movie star glamour — original dateline: the and "lighting up” the scene everywhere this Sciences at New York’s Hunter 000 world chess championship today be play^, along with Korchnoi’s His chief delegate. Mrs. Petra ’30s. M&J Savitt's smashingly elegant fall. M&J Savitt’s sparkling, asymetrical College. — a full day before the opening of “choice of suitable music” — which Leeuwerick. charged the Filipinos Fire calls earrings, with nine brilliant diamonds set in Typical and, in many ways, not play against top-ranked Russian cannbt be a national anthem. who invited her to the fund-raising "chandelier” earrings of white gold and The issues, which appear to many dance were nowhere in sight. valid. Anatoly Karpov. East Hartford alarm at the corner of Stiver white gold, bring ’’that old feeling” back. various-shaped diamonds dangle from a wire outsiders to be trivial, are taken “They’re all at tne Soviet party.” she Oh, they’re sound enough as far as A seven-man jury of the Inter­ Friday. 9:.’17 p.m.—Vehicle Lane and Whttney Street. SHOPPING seriously by competitors and their said, and repeated earlier charges that hides behind the ear. parents blushing and stammering national Chess Federation — known accident and medical call to Sundav. 12:41 a.m—False around the subject in front of their as FIDE — ruled that Korchnoi, who aides. that Filipino organizers were siding the corner ol Mam and Maple alarm at 869 Forbes St. children. What do you expect from fled the Soviet Union two yMrs ago Aside from the prestige of a world with Russians. streets. Sundav 1:19 a m —Medical people reared in a repressive and currently lives in Switerland, championship, the winner’s share of The psychological warfare before Saturday. 3;47 call to 381 Main St. NEW YORK (NEA) - Still, if you’re set against If chandeliers are too big — for a total of four and society? "There’s also a lot of am­ could not fly the Swiss flag during the the prize money totals $350,000 and today’s formal opening of the tourna­ a m —Medical call to 160 Main Sundav. 4:08 a.m.—Medical Do you know what you can cumbersome, how about a a half carats, to the tune of chandeliers, coils and the loser will receive $200,000. ment is not unusual in top chess tour­ call to 497 Tolland St. BAG bivalence on tbe parents’ part,” he championship matches. St. do with the holes in our depending diamonds, she Sunday. 4:24 a m —Medical coil of pave diamonds in $6,500? (Actually, they says. “What language do I use? What The 4-2 decision, with one absten­ Korchnoi had no statement on Kar­ naments. In a match last year against Saturday. 5:56 earlobes’’ recommends your a m —Medical call to 70 call to 63 McKee St. silver? Pave means the don’t drop so much as de­ should I take a position on?” It’s far tion, was a decisive psychological pov’s victory and it was thought Russian Boris Spassky. Korchnoi You can hang pend from that hole in your sandwich your ear for $1,- Risley St. Sunday. 8:18 a.m —Medical stones were sunk next to easier to look that teen-ager in the victory for the Karpov side, even possible — but not likely — that he claimed the Soviets were bombar­ chandeliers in them and it ear lobe.) 600 between a diamond ‘What — ME talk to my teen-ager about sex'?’ Saturday. 6:01 call to 18 Francis St. each one in little holes. eye and tell him to work hard and put though it did not uphold a Russian de­ could call off the match play for the ding him with secret rays. Sunday. 10:33 a..—Medical W. MNH SlffiET won’t cost you but $900, Then someone — probably Come, come, you must stud edged in silver and a The special aluminum chair Kar­ a m —Medical call to 222 his money in the bank. mand that Korchnoi be ordered to world title. Green Manor Drive. call to 957 Main St. which, for two chandeliers, the same person who dug choose something to hang silver disk that hangs from In the meantime, Karpov and pov will use in the tournament was But by avoiding the subject, you’re ly active and know everything there ah” years back and still can’t quite show the Soviet flag. Saturday. 11:48 Sunday. 12:47 isn't bad. the holes — took another from your ears because, behind the ear with single Korchnoi attended separate parties. taken apart on a hospital operating leaving him to the mercy of society is to know about sex in these times.” The post-midnight meeting today a m.—Medical call to 59 p.m.—Medical call to 27 That's what M&J Savitt tool and pushed the silver says Janice Savitt, 24, and pave diamonds call a spade a spade comfortably, The 27-year-old Karpov was guest table Sunday and given an X-ray and lOCKVIlU in general, and television in par­ Ironicaliy, that first assumption ruled the flags of the Philippines, the Melton Drive. Adams St. iMichelle and Janice up around the diamonds to "Hanging earrings have hanging in turn from it. Carrera says that can be a plus. at a cocktail party given by the and electronic examination to make Sundav. 1:45 p.m.—Medical ticular, which, Carrera says, "see can breed the fact. “I’m convinced “Admitting vulnerability to your Soviet Union and FIDE would be on Saturday. 12:45 Savitt, sisters who design hold them in. For $2,000, always been popular but The disk, not the ear. That Soviet ambassador. President Ferdi­ sure it did not contain any “foreign p.m.—Investigation at the call to 29 Willys St. sexuality as a pelvic rather than a that adults set up self-fulfilling child, saying this topic embarrasses the match stage during play, which classy jewelry) is charging you get one coil for the left now more than ever.” would involve more holes. wholistic concept. nand Marcos attended the affair. elements ” that might disturb Tudor Village Apartments. Sunday. 10:41 prophecies for young people,” he me, gives the conversation a begins Tuesdy. p.m.—Medical call to 47 BAN for a pair of hanging ear. one for the right and She personally likes the Well, this really isn’t "Sexuality actually refers to a Korchnoi. 47. who is seeking the Korchnoi. Saturday. 4:47 p.m.—Wash NIVEA earrings made of three 14- peace of mind. (Would you way they dangle and move something you should rush says. “We sense a teen-ager is doing humanness and young people really down at 936 Silver Lane. Hollister Drive. QUICK- whole person,” he continues. "How it all kinds of wild things and we treat appreciate that.” Sunday. 11:01 p.m—Motor carat gold bars suspended have the nerve to fall out if on her ears and yours. into. Get yourself a tuna on feels to be a man or a woman with all Saturday. 5:24 p.m—Motor CREME DRY from a gold crossbar. you cost $2,800?) They can be worn with just rye with a few coils of him that way so he, in turn, may The point is, finally, if the parent vehicle accident at 936 Silver vehicle accident with injuries ban those variables — psychological, in­ at the corner of Main Street Each bar has a diamond If the coils arc too about anything, she says, onion and think it over. think that is how I should act. This is doesn’t try, perspiration, stuttering Lane. LOTION ROLL-ON tellectual, social and sexual. Unfor­ Saturday. 6:03 and Silver Lane. in it which is why they reminiscent of mattress night or day, in or out to Should only cost you $2.25 what’s expected from me.” and all, his child is destined for the 10 oz. 1.5 OZ. tunately, many of us are taught our Some pretty picture and one your same ordeal with his or her own p.m.—Medical call to 185 Park Today. 12:11 a m —Motor aren't selling for just springs, what about the bank to make a fat or so, with drink. You can vehicle accident with injuries REG. $1.63 sexuality has to do only with vaginas iocal school won't enhance, Carrera Ave. $14,95. diamonds that drop in deposit, if they’re on your depend on it. children — generation after genera­ on Burnside Avenue. and penises, and that has a per­ says. "Sex education is taught tion embroidering the problem. Saturday. 8:52 REG. $1.85 graduated sizes — small to ears. p.m.—Medical call to the Today. 12:43 a.m.—Medical nicious effect. Since we’ve also separately in the schools and that “I think parents should look at helped sustain the notion that there’s Ramada Inn. call to the Mark Twain Diner only reinforces the idea of it as that,” he says. “They should think, if Sundav. 12 a.m.—False on Main Street. a different set of rules and something apart from all other my youngster is going to reach his n *1.28 regulations for sex, that further con­ aspects of life. Ideally, it should be full potential as a human being, this .43 fuses the matter.” taught as part of science or literature is an area we should communicate Moynihan to seek So what’s a parent to do? First of or history, when appropriate.” about.” all, face up to the idea that “ there is It should be taught, in fact, in the So get the topic going some way no such thing as sexual morality. third House term HEALTH home because parents — society and and then "try to listen to yoqr EAST HARTFORD — Timothy D. Moynihan. D-East There’s other morality which dic­ TV notwithstanding — are "still the youngster in a way that com­ Hartford, has announced his candidacy for renomination Lawrence E. Lamb, M.D. tates our choices and decisions in all most powerful influence on young municates a certain amount of sup­ to the state House of Representatives from the 10th areas. The role of parents is to make peopie’s values and development.” port, even if you disagree with him. Assembly District. clear what their own value system is, Ideally, it should start when a small The skill comes in accepting him as a Moynihan is the assistant House Majority Leader. He how they see things generally. For child first touches himself. young adult making decisions about EXCEDRIN PM instance, I tell my youngsters not to will be seeking his third term. He was elected to the two- "The parent should say that’s a sexuality and allowing discussions to 30’S year house for the first time in 1974. be self-destructive or exploit other vagina or a penis, instead of that's an develop values which he may reject. BODY ON TAP Barium test is helpful people and that their bodies are Moynihan has served on the house’s Education Com­ ah-ah,” and progress, as the child And try not to judge. REG. $1.59 BEER SHAMPOO beautiful. mittee and the Government Administration and Police DEAR DR LAMB — 1 have had does, from there. But if you said “ah- “Of course,” he concludes, “that’s tive or not. Contrary to what you think, Committee. 11 Oz.! diverticulitis off and on for 10 years. A friend of mine told me that she tough.” But no one ever said it Diverticulosis. those little pockets offspring do want to hear what you During his latest term, he has served as the assistant^ Rtg. Nine months ago I started having had read that sometimes as you grow wasn’t. $2.59 of the colon, is commonly associated older you get smaller. In that case I have to say. That’s another conclu­ Majority Leader, which makes him a liaison to the joint >1.49 diarrhea and last month I had barium with spasms of the colon. In fact would hesitate to marry. Is this a sion Carrera has come to after nine Appropriations Committee and the Banks Committee. tests. They showed nothing at all, no many authorities think this is the un­ fact and is there anything one can do years as an educator in sexuality, Moynihan served for eight years as chairman of the reason for the diarrhea. Now my doc­ DIGEL HEAD & derlying cause in some cases. The to correct it? and host of more than 200 "parent Barbs Board of Education in Elast Hartford. He is presently tor says I should have the Gl series. spastic colon is a sign of an overac­ SHOULDERS DEAR READER — It’s partially and teen-ager sexuality” seminars By PHIL PASTORET chairman of the town’s Sixth District Democratic Com­ LIQUID What will this series show and how tive colon and this can result in true. Lack of activity can lead to around the country. mittee. does diarrhea connect with anything either diarrhea or constipation, or in­ in the Gl scries? some gradual decrease in size but “Teen-agers want to know how to The fellow who stands be­ 12 OZ. termittent diarrhea and constipation. make decisions, what alternatives hind you is either a friend or DEAR READER — A Gl series that’s rather quickly remedied when R*g. The areas of spasm may show up there are and they want that infor­ someone who wants to see PAINE, WEBBER, refers to X rays of the gas­ one becomes active again. The other what you're up to. Fence target am $2.29 during the examination of the gas­ mation preferably from their UOUIV trointestinal tract which normally in­ problem is that as your get older and trointestinal tract. past the menopause some women do parents. But this really doesn’t JAWS0N& cludes looking at the esophogus, First, the good news: You I am sending you The Health Letter not have sufficient amounts of happen,” he says. bought that dingbat on your CURTIS, INC. stomach and the intestines. In some number 5-6, Diverticulosis, to give They learn about sex from their at Seabrook female hormones. This leads to thin­ revolving charge. The bad instances it may include a small you more complete information on friends, most times, which is un­ news: It’s spinning already. SEABROOK, N.H. (UPI) — A fence has become the bowel .series which means looking at ning, drying and problems in the Investment your basic problem. Others who want derstandable because "going to peo­ latest target of demonstrators against the $2.3 billion the small intestine as well as the birth canal. The tissue irritation Securities this information about the small ple with similar concerns is often Seabrook nuclear power plant. large intestine and of course a means that lovemaking is painful. 1 About two dozen Boston Clamshell Alliance chapter LISTERMINT RAINTREE pocket of the colon can send 50 cents This can be remedied by a local supportive. It makes them feel barium enema is included to outline with a long, stamped, self-addressed ROBERT C. members Saturday marched in a steady drizzle to the the colon. application of creams that include a they’re not alone or strange in what 32 Oz. envelope for it to me in care of The they’re feeling.” The only thing is HEAVISIDES plant gate to protest a fence on the facility’s access road small amount of female hormUne. 8 OZ. FREE Any time a person has a change in Manchester Evening Herald, P.O they come aWay, most times, with Inquiries that blocks access to town docks. bowel habits as you described, a good If this is the only reason that you Box 1551, Radio City Station, New would avoid getting married again, I myth or misinformation. Invited The group tried to deliver a petition against the fence to ^*1.63 Have no more guilt feel­ look at the digestive tract is impor­ York, NY 10019. kill, while they want parental in­ security guards and two state policemen, who ignored tant Sometimes this is a symptom of think you should see a good physi­ ings about that after-work DEAR DR. LAMB— 1 am a widow cian, have him examine you and let put, they also don’t want it: they’ll drinkee. Cocktail time is 278-2100 them. a tumor in the colon which mav be in my late 50s and have been a widow now known as the “attitude The guards said the letter would have to be delivered to 4 Oz. malignant. him correct any problem that you start telling me what to do; they’ll 10 CofMtltirtlon P lau BAGUIO CITY, Philippines: International Sunday. At center is Federation deputy presi­ Rtg. for several years. 1 would like to adjustment hour.” the main office in Manchester of the plant, builder, the Reg. By watching the contraction of the might have. Certainly you shouldn’t start asking me just what it is I am HarMord, Conn. Federation chief arbiter Lothar Schmid (r) dent Florencio Camponames. The World $2.25 remarry. However,, before my hus­ deny yourself the happiness and com­ doing, the youngster thinks. Public Service Co. $2.00 digestive tract during the examina­ band died I was experiencing pain Turn tbe other cheek and shows World Chess Champion Anatoly Kar­ Chess Championship is scheduled to begin “The fence is illegal and was put up without proper tion the doctor can get some idea panionship of a good marriage on the Worse yet, Carrera says, "Many the worst that can happen Is when we made love. young people are angry because pov (1) the official chess board during an in­ here Tuesday. (UPI photo) authority.” said the group’s lawyer. Jan Schlictmann of ■\____/ about whether the bowel is overac­ basis of your stated concern, because that you’ll have matching that can be taken care of for you. parents often assume they’re sexual- lumps. spection of the Baguio Convention Center Newburyport. Mass. PAGE EIGHT - MANCHESTEH EVENINU HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon., July 17, 1978 Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 17. 1978- PAGE NINE GETA workers are big help Contract for use of school to East Hartford schools to be reviewed by board

'T SOUTH WINDSOR - The Board of portion of the building, and that no located at the side of the building changes would be made that would nearest Orchard Hill School where By MAL BARLOW who they are, what services are open at the O’Brien Middle School from a Education will hold a special to them, what their SAT (scholastic CETA tutor. Alphonso Ford, 26, of meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. to prevent the building from being used the current outdoor basketball court Herald Reporter aptitude test) scores are, and more. 235 Main St„ East Hartford helped review the contract for town use of in the future as a school. blacktop is located. EAST H A R TFO R D -“CETA peo­ The profile is something like the get Kevin in shape for seventh grade the recently closed Wapping Elemen­ The board’s decision to charge for The courts will be paid for out of Tijt.- ple have done a lot of services for the booklets colleges make for giving to math next fall, she said. tary School. town use of the building, as well as town and state or federal funding as a schools that wouldn't, coudn’t be prospective students. Mrs. Paulus’ daughter Stacey, 6, is School Supt. Robert Goldman said all buildings used by the town for project submitted and controlled by done otherwise,’’ said Art Jennings. Jennings has also done follow-up now taking tutoring from Ford on that the contract which will be recreational purposes came , the town. Jennings, 24, of 75 Syracuse Drive, surveys on past students. Are they all summer days at the EHHS library. reviewed by the board Tuesday is a following the Town Council’s F225,000 Residents have complained that East Hartford is a worker in the working? What are they doing? Stacey had asthma during the school new one which he requested slice from the Board of Education the courts located at the high school federal Comprehensive Employment Where have they gone? He learned year and fell behind. She is catching following the board’s decision regar­ budget. and Wapping School are inadequate Training Act (CETA) program. He more are doing about as well as most up fast now to be ready for second ding town payment of expenses. The board felt that school use fees to accommodate the growing number has been assigned to the town’s other high school graduates. Most grade at the Norris School this fall. Goldman said that he asked Town would help in meeting the budget cut. of tennis enthusiasts. school system and has been working are working or in school. ”I think it’s a great idea,” said Attorney Richard Rittenband to in­ The board is also expected to dis­ Board approval for the use of since March as a “guidance He has also surveyed the junior and Mrs.. Paulus. corporate the sense of the motion cuss and approve the town’s request property under board jurisdiction is technician" in the EHHS guidance senior students to assess their needs passed by the board in January. The for permission to construct four ten­ required. Goldman said he endorses office. and goals. Their answers help the board has offered eight rooms for nis courts at Timothy Edwards and recommends the use of the area He is one of about 73 CETA school staff plan how to serve the Along the road town use with the understanding that School. for the construction of the tennis workers in the school system. They students better. The school system is using the 21 j there would be a pro-rated share of The courts are expected to be courts. are assigned as follows: 21 in the This summer he is gathering data multi-arts CETA workers to help itl expenses for the operation of that “multi-arts” program which in­ on the school to help EHHS keep its m - run a new program called “Along the I cludes five musicians, five artists, accreditation. Also he is trying to Road to Learning.” five dancers, five “humanities" peo­ help individual students solve their They work in teams of about five, ple such as poets and writers and a fall scheduling problems. He is each with school staff members a t ’ Hartford Club of the Deaf coordinators; two health aides; six trying to insure each student gets the five sites. They are at Slye, Center, Makoto Hiranuma of Tokyo, Japan, raises a carton of milk in guidance technicians; 16 reading courses he needs. Mayberry, EHHS and Penney. The tutors; eight math tutors; five atten­ Much of Jennings’ work was done program at Slye has grown to nearly ’ salute to the cows which produce it. He was a visitor on the dance associates; two athletic Here's to the cow will sponsor ‘ awareness day' Adrian Conlin, 11, of 142 Forbes St., East tutor during the school year helped him write before by harried staff members. 40 kids already and the others are all veekend tour at the Gerber dairy farm in Vernon and trainers; four lockerroom atten­ Much of it was never done before. expressed amazement at the size of the cows which weigh a book about baseball. This summer during doing well. , day's program. Other speakers will Hartford reads "The Fat Cat” book to his dants; and eight office workers in­ EAST HARTFORD - The Hart­ hearing communities ”we are en­ The kids come to the Road school about 1,400 pounds each. (Herald photo by Richmond) be Dr. Ben Hoffmeyer of the tutor, Ann Levy, 21, a CETA worker in the sessions at EHHS they are working on his cluding two computer programmers. ford Club of the Deaf Inc. of 20 couraging social interaction" Individualizalion each morning Monday through American School for the Deaf and East Hartford school system. Adrian said his reading skills. (Herald photos by Barlow) Bigelow St., East Hartford, a Com­ He said because of the gap in com­ Jerry Marcus, assistant Thursday. They combine music, art, representatives from the Commis­ prehensive Employment Training munication between the hearing and Sitting, listening superintendent in charge of per­ dancing, poetry, singing and more sion for the Deaf and Hearing Im­ Act (CETA) program will sponsor a the non-hearing, the public seldom Jennings completed his work on a sonnel, said the CETA workers have with reading. Size of cow amazes Japanese paired and the Connecticut Council of “Deaf Awareness Day” Saturday realizes the non-hearing persons' BA degree in sociology at Keene helped the school system “imple­ Oranizations Serving the Deaf. from noon to 6 p.m. in Bushnell Park capabilities. State College in New Hampshire last ment more fully and refine” its goal Any resident child age for to grade The Greater Hartford Club of the Entertainment wil be provided by in Hartford. December. He searched for work un­ of individualization. The system can two can take part. Dr. Marcus said the Peace Train Foundation, the student on farm tour The “Deaf Awareness Program” Deaf — CETA have undertaken many til he got into the CETA program this focus better on each of its more than one of its goals is to untap hidden music department of the Community was set up to establish public projects to promote deaf awareness, past March. 9,500 students. talents kids possess. Renewal Team, the Consortium of relations and to work toward in­ including sign language classes for “We’ve already discovered some none that are close to where he lives The cost of beef in Japan is about the Arts, and Mallory Bagwell and By BARBARA RICHMOND tegrating the hearing, non-hearing police and fire department personnel He has worked with John Morosky “The program not only provides artistically gifted kids,” he said. in Japan. five times more than it is here, he Betsy Thurber. Herald Reporter and the hearing impaired in the Hart­ so they can better deal with who heads the social work depart­ employment to deserving people, but Also, they hope to inspire a keener He also was impressed by the added. He said the Japanese govern­ emergency situations and similar Interpreters will be provided by ford area. ment at EHHS. Mainly Jennings has it is providing children with services joy in reading. “I’m surprised how big a cow is,” amount of equipment at the Gerber ment, however, has to protect the classes for senior citizens and per­ the Commission on the Deaf and done “support services” for that they might not have,” Dr. Mar­ Michael Kiselica, 23, of 1 Lynn St., .was the reaction of Makoto farm and the fact that it is so Japanese farmers “from cheaper Keith W. Pinkett, social recreational coordinator for the club, sons confined to convalescent homes. Hearing Impaired. students, teachers and parents. He cus said. “ And it’s doing it without East Hartford is a math tutor. He Hiranuma, as he visited the Gerber modern. fo ^ s .” He said the Japanese govern­ Classes are also being conducted at Also, Sen. Lowell Weicker will fur­ said the general public’s attitude in has not done any counseling on his impacting town taxes.” was hired in May and worked at dairy farm in Vernon Saturday. “I think American milk is tastier ment considers self-supporting of nish information of his functions and the past has been built around misap­ the recreation department, for own due to his lack of experience and Silver Lane, McCartin and Goodwin The Gerber farm was one of many than Japanese milk,” he said as he food one of the most important from concerns for the well being of all of prehensions regarding the deaf com­ youth. These classes will establish his job description. The federal government pays for schools. farms in the state opened to the enjoyed drinking a carton of milk the viewpoint of national security. better communication between the the citizens of the state. the CETA program. East Hartford’s public this past weekend. The tours which there was an abundance of for Makoto said after he finishes munity. There will also be a demonstration He won his BA degree in political' He said in order to eliminate this hearing and the non-hearing youth. But Jennings has done a lot of sit­ use of CETA people in the schools were planned by the Connecticut all visitors on the two-day tour. college he would like to come back to of a teletypewriter communication science from Southern Connecticut, Hartford Mayor George Athanson ting in on conferences with Morosky. appears to be much better than other Farm Bureau Association. Makoto said he thought the reason this country for more studies. His and to build a better understanding College in New Haven in 1976. The will be the main speaker at Satur­ system sponsored by the club. He has listened to the problems that towns in the Hartford region. Makoto, a native of Tokyo, Japan, for the milk tasting better here was ambition is to become a consultant in between the hearing and the non­ only math he took there was designed come through their office and has is in this country this summer atten­ thd fact that in Japan it had to travel the retailing field. to help him study politics better —' heTped carry out agreed upon “Things are working very ding English Conversational School. so much farther before they got it. Makoto was among 1,483 persons courses such as statistics. smoothly,” he said. He is also studying American history Whereas the milk from the Gerber who visited the Gerber farm. The solutions. “I had no idea I’d be teaching and sociology. He is currently a farm only goes from there to the crowds were large Saturday despite Reaction from teachers and kids,” Kiselica said. “It came as a senior at the University of Tokyo Moser dairy, a couple of miles away, the heax'y rains in the morning. Other work Jennings has done in­ parents has been good so far, he said. total surprise when I got the job. “I where he is majoring in international to be processed. One of the cows in the “maternity cludes preparing a school profile. He Mrs. Hans Paulus of 60 Mohawk enjoy it. I enjoy most working with Institute and the Capitol Hill con­ economics. His host family this past Also his background in economics ward” obliged by giving birth while AARP picnic Grange meeting has gathered facts about the school Drive, East Hartford said her son the younger kids. They are so un­ gressional offices of Connecticut weekend was the Neal Grolnic fami­ makes him more aware of prices. He the tour was in progress. This was VERNON - Members of Chapter VERNON — Vernon Grange 52 will such as how many students there. Kevin got math tutoring this spring predictable.” governmental officials. ly, formerly of Vernon, now living in said a gallon of milk here is about one of several calves borrt during the 1275 of the American Association of meet Friday at 8 p.m. at Grange Acton, Mass. $1.30 whereas in Japan it is three week. The females are kept at the Retired Persons, and their friends, Hall, Route 30. Following a short Join Marines Makoto said he never visited a times that much. farm and the males are sold. will attend a picnic Aug. 9 at 11 a.m. business meeting, Floyd Langzetell, Three members of this year’s dairy farm before because there are at Henry Park. The rain date will be a gospel singer, will provide a graduating class at Tolland High JimisirTniTmBraBSa!^ the following day. musical program. School have joined the Marine Corps A sit down luncheon will be served Grange members, their families and will be leaving for Marine Corps and outdoor events are planned in­ and friends are invited to attend. basic training at Parris Island, S.C. Town Committee endorses cluding entertainment. Chief Neighboring granges have also been The eight enlisted during their Strongheart, a direct descendant of invited. senior year through the corps’ Stacey Poulus. 6, of 60 Mohawk Drive, East goes on to the second grade at the Norris the Narragansett Indian tribe, will Sludcnls attend delayed entry program. present a program of instrumental They are: Paul Blac, Mike Morosi, Hartford makes her tutor, Alphonso Ford, 26, School this fall. Ford tutored her older VERNON — Two Rockville High candidates for fall elections music. School students are attending a Brian Reed, Roy Dimrock, Bill laugh over a joke about their math work. Her brother Kevin this spring at the O’Brien Mid­ Reservations should be mads with week-long national Future Farmers Markunas, Harland Harris, Daniel COVENTRY — The Republican Lewis Rome for the gubernatorial counts from more than 200 area mother, Mrs. Hans Poulus. said Stacey has dle School. Betty Marco, High Manor Park, Ver­ of America leadership conference in Dimmock, and Guy Gallant. Town Committee endorsed several nomination was tabled after backers merchants, according to had asthma and was behind a bit in math. She non or phone 872-9008 or 643-4540 for Washington, D.C. candidates for the upcoming elec­ of Congressman Ronald Sarasin spokeswoman Ruth Smith. It should be presented to the dealer prior to information about fees. Nicholas P. Vanvilis, son of Mr. tions at th is m onth’s reg u lar voiced their opposition. making a purchase. The card in­ Disco lessons and Mrs. Peter Vanvilis of Somers Six killed membership meeting. Another motion to support the council’s proposed 68.5-mill budget cludes a color photograph; the SOUTH WINDSOR - The Recrea­ and Ron Frost, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Continiieil from Page One) Thomas Connell, who is running Lewis J. Frost of Rockville, are proposal at Tuesday’s town meeting owner’s address, phone number, and tion Department will sponsor Disco unopposed for the Republican attending the training sessions. Both ’The motive obviously was PZC will tour properties was defeated in a split vote. Budget signature; pertinent health informa­ dance lessons, July 27 through Aug. nomination in the 2nd Congressional are students in the Vocational- robbery,” said Mundy. "After the District, was backed for next Satur­ opponent Jesse Brainard said an en­ tion; the name and number of an 31 at Orchard Hill School gym. The robbery, the six employees apparent­ Agricultural School at Rockville day’s convention. Claire Connelly dorsement would close the door to emergency contact; and the holder’s program will start at 7:30 p.m. The ly were taken into the freezer and High. was endorsed for the 53rd State other options. Social Security number. fee will be $10. shot. It appears all were taken in at Besides the training sessions on House of Representatives District, Firemen elect Those wishing to register should do once and executed individually. They to prepare to review requests 'ID cards leadership skills and the national and all three of Coventry’s delegates The North Coventry Volunteer Fire so at the recreation office in the were not bound or gagged. The Windham Regional Council on heritage, the group will also visit to a July 19 convention pledged to Department elected the following Town Hall any day between 9 a.m. ’‘Obviously we are dealing with Aging will be issuing identification and 4 p.m. For more information call Mount Vernon plantation, the support her. Andrew Repko of cards this week to persons 60 years of house and fire line officers at a re­ National Archives, the Smithsonian some very dangerous people. We’ve COVENTRY — The Planning and On Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. the hearing on a nine-lot subdivision for 644-2511, ext. 34 or 28. Willington is also seeking the district age and older so that they may par­ cent meeting: George Ross Jr., pulled aii the stops. We have police Zoning Commission (PZCI will tour PZC will hold a special meeting to the second part of Coventry Woods on nomination. ticipate in the senior discount buying president; Carl Hicking, vice- cruisers all over the area.” several area properties next week discuss sewer service areas and the Carpenter Road and Broadway. The David Rappe, a local attorney, was president; Lawrence Beecher, that are involved in applications pen­ master plan of develbpment which land is owned by R.C. Snyder, and the program. chosen for judge of probate, a seat he On Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 3 treasurer; Kenneth Hicks, recording ding before the commission. has been drafted by Town Planner applicant is John LaBelle. Area police report held for several terms until he was p.m. cards may be obtained in secretary; and Richard Bartlett, On Tuesday members will meet at Gregory Padick. Padick is expected the second hearing is for a defeated by Democrat Charles Pop­ Mansfield at the Storrs Grammar financial secretary. the Town Hall at 5:30 p.m. to tour to make suggestions for changing the river/aquifer permit requested by ple two years ago. Margaret Jacob­ School. On Thursday from 9 a.m. to Fire line officers elected were Vernon Lewis Hill Road at the site of a zoning regulations to protect the lake the Manchester Fox and Coon Club so son and Gertrude Haven were Thomas Hicking, chief; Robert planned seven-lot subdivision. The noon and from 4 to 8 p.m. seniors Peter Frazier, 21, of 110 Prospect St., Rockville, was area from excessive development in that a pond may be constructed on selected for re-election as Topliff, deputy chief; Richard group will then go to Old Eaglevi'le the club’s North River Road proper­ may register in the Windham- arrested Friday on a Common Pleas Court warrant the event that sewers are installed Republican registrars of voters. Eberle, first assistant chief; Alan Road, where three lots are awaiting there. ty. The final hearing also involves a Willimantic area at 645 Valley Street charging him with first-degree larceny and second- A1 Brodersen, a former Town (Wilbur Cross). Schmidt, second assistant chief; and approval. Finally, the area slated for The commission has scheduled river/aquifer application for a three- Council candidate, was voted a seat degree burglary. Bill Pettit, 26, (left), Michael Kiselica, 23, students each day during the summer. They To be eligible, seniors must reside captains William Volkert, Peter He allegedly broke into a Davis Avenue home on Nov. a pond on North River Road will be three public hearings for its July 24 lot subdivision on Old Eagleville on the town committee. And Pat (center), and Alphonso Ford, 26, all work on ^re all paid through the federal Comprehen- in one of the following towns in the DeCarli, Kenneth Hicks, and 19,1977 and took items valued at more than $6,000. Some visited. meeting. One is a continuation of a Road owned by Philip DeSiato. Dopslaff was nominated for a post on their math tutoring preparations in the EHHS sive Employment Training Act (CETA) and region: Ashford, Chaplin, Columbia, Lawrence Beecher. of the items have been recovered, police said. the town’s Board of Health. Com­ Coventry, Hampton, Lebanon, Rene Bouffard and David Donohue Frazier was held in lieu of posting a $20,000 bond and library. They give math lessons to about eight also tutor during the school year. mittee chairman David Larry Knight Mansfield, Scotland, Willington, were elected lieutenants. Outgoing was to be presented in court today. was chosen as a delegate to the dis­ Windham, or Willimantic. The cost chief Richard Cooper was presented Robert Burke, 22, of 166 Terrace Drive, Rockville, was trict convention to replace Rappe, of a- card is $1. with a plaque in appreciation of his charged Friday with disorderly conduct. He was arrested who decided not to accept that post. The card entitles seniors to dis­ many years of service. on a Common Pleas Court warrant and is scheduled to Morrissette named as coach A motion to endorse State Senator ^ p e a r in court in Rockville on July 25. South Windsor Student offenders Paul Shepps, 51, of 34 Charter Road, Ellington, was DRIVEWAYS Friends of Library donate charged Saturday with driving while under the influence for Bolton football team of liquor or drugs. Police said the arrest was made when pose problems Shepps was stopped for a routine motor vehicle violation. AMESITE0.HOTMIX He was released on a $250 nonsurety bond for BOLTON — Norman Morrissette of South Windsor has The Tigers are members of the Southern Division of appearance in Common Pleas Court 12, East Hartford, been appointed head coach of the Bolton Tigers Midget ALL WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIALS funds for all-purpose room Eastern Connecticut Midget Football Association. They GUARANTEED July 25. football team by the Bolton Football Association. were division champions in 1970,1971,1975,1976 and 1977 VERNON — School officials reported that a total of 549 programs. They have made it possi­ have been elected. Sally Clark, presi­ Michael Gardiner, 20, of 20 Overlook Road, South Wind­ Morrissette replaces Gil Boisoneau who served in a • A check for $1,500 was presented to and conference champions in 1977 and co-champions in suspension orders were issued to students at Rockville ble for the library to continue giving dent; Phyllis Courtney, secretary; sor, was charged Sunday with failure to drive in the coaching capacity for the local football program for eight CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATE the South Windsor Public Library by 1975. High School in the period from when school opened in children’s programs by arranging for Nancy Braender, treasurer. years. Boisoneau vacated his coaching position with a its Friends organization at the annual proper lane. Practice for the midget “A” and “B” squad will begin September to the end of April. . , the use of the space at the Wapping Members of the Board are as Police said he was driving west on Niederwerfer Road, combined regular season record of 78 wins and two meeting, in June. August I and for the ”C” squad on August 7. All practice OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Organized about two and one-half im m u n ity House. follows: Joan Cicco, Cathy Cooney, went off the left side of the road and into a ditch. His losses. Cathy Coulter, Sue Fitts, Nancy sessions will be at Herrick Memorial Park. Many of those suspended are repeated offenders. The years ago, the Friends of the South A reading program was begun for court date is July 28. Morrissette served as head coach of the midget “ B" Horsfield, Eileen Lane, Claire Physicals for all players will be given July 27 at 6 p.m. majority of offences, 347, were for cutting classes and the OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT Windsor Public -Library have pre-schoolers and this summer Tolland football squad in Bolton last year. The team ended the at the park. Registrations will also be accepted at that members of the group have been Richardson, Helen Welch and Edna next hipest number, 77, were suspended for smoking in designated that the money be used State police are investigating the report, of a rock­ year as conference champions. Prior to his Bolton posi­ time. bringing paperback books to the local Iciest. the school. for the multi-purpose room of the throwing incident in Lakeview Heights in Tolland. tion Morrissette coached the South Windsor midget foot­ playgrounds in cooperation with the new library being constructed on PZC decisions Police said a storm window and two inside windows at ball program. He also coached basketball and baseball in day camp run by the town recreation Bolton. Other infractions included; Fighting, 32; truancy, 13; Sullivan Avenue. This room will be The Planning and Zoning Commis­ the home of Arthur Sajecki, were smashed. The incident OF SAFETY forgery, 3; stealing, 2; vandalism, 2; disruption, 6; used for adult and ch ild ren ’s department. The Friends have sion has voted to approve the Boisoneau said. "We are 'very fortunate to have delivered and picked up books for is under investigation. someone of Norm Morrissette's ability to coach our Tiger leaving school grounds when school is in session, 16; programs and other community following applications: using profanity and being disrespectful, 43; throwing events. It will have a seating capaci­ elderly and shut-ins. They have • The application of Robert team. He is an established and successful coach of youth Lightning is more than a ssist^ at many programs such as a the hazard, U much more snowballs, 2; threatening a teacher, 1; being on school ty of 65-70 people and a small serving Simons and Simon Konover for a site r activities. He did an outstanding job as our "B " team just a bolt from the blue. school-library cooperation program Happiness Is... coach last year.” You’re more likely to get likely to be the one yhoae grounds while, under suspension, 2; and lighting kitchen. plan of development of property I killed by it than by a tor­ life is in danger. firecrackers, 1. The goals of the Friends’ organiza­ given in conjunctipn with the schools. located on the southside of Ellington What should you do if a This summer the group has been I A REALLY CLEAN LAUNDROMAT nado or hurricane. It kills tion is to be effective in creating an Road in a RR zone. more than 100 people a Rtorm comes up when helping the library staff conduct an I ir MR CONDITIONED Yr you’re in the middle of School officials said.that over the past several years awareness of, and stimulating use of • The application of Russo year—and injures several that vandalism has moved from being an ancillary and inventory at the library. A newsletter hundred more. Many of play? You’re taking a the library, developing services to Brothers Inc. for a gravel removal I occasional problem in the secondary schools to a portion is published by the Friends several TUE^AY, WEDNESDAY these victims are golfers. chance If you keep on play­ the community, and contributing permit for property located north of I It’s not usually the profes­ of oppressive and ever-present dominance. time and energy for supplementary times a year. Used book sales and tag North King Street, about 3,000 feet ing or stay where you are sales are the main fund raising ac­ sional sportsman who is the and wait for it to pass. The 646-0437 programs. west of Main Street in a Flood Plain I S P E O A l victim, says the National They said as a result of this it is forcing the school ad­ In the recent past the Friends have tivities and next fall the group will be only smart thing to do is to Zone. I I Weather Service of the U.S. ministration to devote increasing amounts of time and DAVIS CONSTRUCTION CO. selling a cookie recipe book which it Department of Commerce. get off the course and take sponsored and assisted at such ' • The application of H.R. Delasco 8UI$.DIIYCU«IIIG*2.00 Tucion, Arizona claims to have 3,800 hours of sunshine energy to apprehend the violators and maintain the safe­ is assisting the library staff in annually. ’The average recreational shelter in the clubhouse as MANCHESTER programs as a garden fair, the for a site plan of development of fast as you can! ty and welfare of the students. golfer, who is not aware of “Booked For Lunch” series, food publishing. property located at 20 Jeffrey Drive jpELCOM LAUNDROMAT New officers for the coming year preserving and cookie making in an Industrial Zone. V. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Mon.. July 17. 1978 — PAGE ELEVEN FAOE TEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn.. Mon.. July 17, 1978 '-•■a*--' Mrs. Louise A. Meyerhoff Obituaries Mrs. Louise A. Meyerhoff, 83, of 88 Florence St. died Sunday at Sox flying high ' .< ,1 Manchester Memorial Hospital. She Stanley J. Rogers Jr. Arthur N. (Iosco was the widow of George H. Stanley J. Rogers Jr., 73, of 28 Arthur N. Coseo, 71, formerly of Meyerhoff. Woodbridge St. d i^ Friday night at a Phelps Road, died Saturday at an Mrs. Meyerhoff was horn Nov. 5, Manchester convalescent home. He East Hartford convalescent home. 1894 in New Haven and had lived in in AL East standings was the husband of the late Veronica Mr. Coseo was born Nov. 13,1906 in Manchester for 19 years. She was a Jersey Shore, Pa., and had lived in P. Lewa Rogers. member of Concordia Lutheran Lynn is batting .333, second to Rod bats home and they just slipped out out single scored pinch-runner Kiko Manchester most of his life. Before BOSTON (UPI) - Forget Or­ Mr. Rogers was born March 22, , Church and was serving as secretary 'Carew and has stroked 11 homers in of my hands,” Mauch said. “I never Garcia from second base with the his retirement, he had J)een ville and Wilbur. The Boston 1905 in Bristol and had lived in of its Sunset Club at the time of her his last six games. ' leave the-dugout unless I’m right.” run that gave t)ie Orioles their vic­ employed as display manager for the Red Sox are flying high on top Elmwood and East Windsor for death. She also belonged to “Usualiy I hit a bunch every few Mauch was to send Dave Goltz, 8-6, tory. many years before coming to Grossman Lumber Co. During his Manchester Grange and Temple the American League East days. I have a home run swing and to try and salvage one win out of the A'f) 8, Blur Jays 5 Manchester two years ago. youth, he was a well-known football Chapter, Order of Eastern Star. She with Jim Wright as the back-up four-game series. Boston was to Joe Wallis’ tHree-run eighth-inning player in the area, playing for the He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. was a past matron of New York City propeller to their four main counter with Tiant, 7-2, in tonight’s homer snapped a 5-5 tie and gave the North End Cloverleafs and Majors. Granville (Joan) Lingard of chapter of OES and a past national ^American League^ nationally televised game. A’s their victory. John Mayberry hit He is survived by a sister, Mrs. engines. Manchester; three brothers, Alfred president of the Blue Star Mothers of Elsewhere in the AL, Milwaukee his 15th homer for Toronto. Robert (Ruth) Boyce of Coventry; Wright pitched seven gutsy innings Rogers of East Hartford and Henry America. routed Chicago, 10-1, Kansas City Tigers 4, Angels 0 Rogers and Benjamin Rogers, both and a brother, Robert H. Coseo Sr. of She is survived by three sons, Sunday to gain his fifth win in six I'il use it and then iose it. But if had it downed New York, 3-1, Baltimore Jack Billingham scattered 10 hits of West Hartford; four sisters, Mrs. Berthaoud. Colo. Albert Meyerhoff of Rockville, decisions and give the Red Sox a 3-2 aii the time. I'd be a home run nipped Texas, 2-1, in 12 innings, in posting his first AL shutout and Margaret Mcugine of East Hartford, The private funeral will be at George Mayerhoff of New York City win and a doubleheader sweep over hitter," he said. Oakland defeated Toronto, 8-5, Rusty Staub cracked a tbree-run Mrs. Veronica Peterson of Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main St. and Rodney Meyerhoff of the Minnesota Twins. Dennis Yastrzemski, who raised his Detroit blanked California, 4-0, and homer in the third inning to power Newington, and Mrs. Julia Duggan The Rev, Earle Custer, pastor of Turnersville, N.J.; four daughters, Eckersley, a main engine along with average to .305, said he was happy to Cleveland toppled Seattle, 8-4. the Tigers to victory. North United Methodist (jhurch, will Bill Lee, Mike Torrez and Luis Tiant, and Mrs. Marjorie Poole, both of Mrs. Hazel Clement of Manchester, be hitting again and contributing. Brewers 10, While Sox I Indians 8, Mariners 4 officiate. Burial will be in Buckland Mrs. Ruth Dec of Queens, N.Y., Mrs. gained his 11th win in 13 decisions West Hartford; and four “The last three weeks I've felt Paul Molitor and Don Money drove Gary Alexander’s two-run homer Cemetery. when he pit'ched seven innings to take Didn’t heat throw grandchildren. Olive Worrell of Sayville, N.Y., and fwm better than I have all year. I in three runs each and Bill Travers There are no calling hours. the opener, 5-3. capped a three-run third inning and The funeral is Tuesday at II: 15 a.m. Mrs. Ethel Glode of Cocoa Beach, struggled early in the season. But scattered 10 hits in leading the Red Sox Jerry Remy (2) is forced at second base as Twins’ The family suggests that any Bill Campbell picked up his fourth helped David Clyde, 5-5, end a per­ at Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Edith Fowler of now I think I've corrected my Brewers to victory. shortstop Roy Smalley pegs to first base to complete double play memorial gifts may be made to the save in the opener and Bob Stanley sonal five-game losing streak. St. Burial will be in Springdale West Haven; 18 grandchildren and problem, which was dropping my Royal .3, Yankees I in first game of yesterday’s double header. (UPI Photo) Cemetery, East Windsor. Manchester Memorial Hospital nine great-grandchildren. his seventh in the nightcap. The five w back shouider,” he said. Amos Otis hit his 14th homer, a Friends may call at the funeral Development Fund or to the Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Main starters have a combined record of Yastrzemski gave credit to two-run shot in the first inning off home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. American Cancer Society, 237 E. St., is in charge of arrangements, 44-13. Erickson, who went the distance in Jim Beattie, and A1 Hrabosky earned Center St. which are incomplete, “I had problems with my location Harry J. Riril MEXICO CITY. The cabin of. a tanker turned and exploded on a highway 53 miles the nightcap and yieided seven hits; his 13th save as the Royals handpd and rhythm,” said Wright, who EAST HARTFORD - Harry J. Raymond Ryan Warren llierlz truck was twisted into charred wreckage Sun­ north of Mexico City, killing 11 people and and Gary Serum, who started the the Yankees their sixth loss in their yielded nine hits in his first start in opener. Bird. 78, of 745 Main St. died Friday SOUTH WINDSOR — Raymond seriously injuring 200. (UPI photo) last seven games. SOUTH WINDSOR - Warren day, when the gas tank it was carrying over- eight days. “1 threw strikes, but not “Erickson's a fine young pitcher, Rose keeps hit skein at St. Francis Hospital and Medical Ryan, 77, of 1060 Main St., formerly Orioles 2, Rangers 1 Hiertz of 1581 Ellington Road was in the location I wanted to. I was hap­ he keeps the ball down well. They’ve Center, Hartford. of Windsoiville, died Sunday at a Pinch-hitter Terry Crowley’s two- killed Friday night in a two-car acci­ py with the outcome, but they hit me got a fine young staff and if they con­ Mr. Bird was born in New Britain South Windsor convalescent home. dent in Route 4 in Farmington. harder than any team has all year.” tinue to improve, they’re going to be and had lived in East Hartford for He was the husband of the late Police said he was killed when the The win, Boston's third straight, tough,” he said. the past 60 years. Margaret O'Donnell Ryan. Tank truck explodes; car he was driving collided head-on gives them an 8Vi game lead over going in last at-hat He is survived by a brother, Brohamer, who scored three runs Vilas champ Mr. Ryan was postmaster of the with a car driven by Susan Heffer- Milwaukee. The New York Yankees Charles Bird of Manchester; and in the first game and drove in GASTAAD, Switzerland (UPI) — error, two walks, doubles by Joe Chicago took the opener on Dave Windsorville Post Office for 30 years nan, 22, of West Hartford. The cause are 13 games out while Baltimore is NEW YORK (UPI) - Pete several nieces and nephews. another with a sagrifice fly, said he Guillermo Vilas of Argentina won the Morgan and Dave Concepcion and a Rader’s three RBI. before he retired in 1971. of the accident, which was reported 12 games behind. Rose saw his consecutive- The funeral is Tuesday at 9 a.m. at was happy just to be able to play. He Swiss Tennis Open Sunday, defeating single by Ken Henderson — who had Pirates 3-10, Padres 2-6 He is survived by two sons, Robert at 9:21 p.m., was undetermined 11 killed; 200 injured “It's nice to be 13 up on New game hitting streak on the Newkirk and Whitney Funeral Home, is filling in for Butch Hobson, who in­ his countryman Jose Luis Clerc, 6-3, three RBI for the afternoon. They Ken Macha's two-run single R. Ryan and Norton J, Ryan, both of Saturday, police said. York,” said Manager Don Zimmer. 318 Burnside Ave. Burial will be in jured a hamstring. 7-6, 6-4, in the final. ropes Sunday when the Reds scored three more in the fourth on highlighted a five-run seventh inning Windsorville; a brother, Herbert Mr. Hiertz was born in Bridgeport MEXICO CITY (UPI) - A tank charred hulks of the other vehicles policeman said the accident may “But I've always felt it would be Hillside Cemetery. “I never thought 1 would be happy In the women’s final, Virginia took a 9-2 decision from the homers by George Foster and that lifted the Pirates to a sweep of Ryan of Manchester; and five and had lived in South Windsor for truck loaded with pressurized gas caught by the billowing flames. have been caused by a tire blowout. There are no calling hours. more than New York in the pennant just playing wheii they need me but I Ruzici of Romania defeated Petra Concepcion. their double-header with the Padres. grandchildren. the past three years. He was swerved out of control, overturned “It look(‘d like an atomic bomb The blast lit up the sky 10 miles New York Mets, but he kept it race.” am here. It's great. Back in Delhees, Switzerland, 6-2. Ron Hodges singled home the first In the opener, John Milner's single The funeral is Wednesday at 9 a.m. employed as an electrician at Valley and exploded Sunday in a sheet of exploded,” said one witness. away at the town of Jinotepec where alive by punching a one-out Mrs. Bruno E. Amhrosi Fred Lynn was the batting hero in Cleveland, we used to mark the days Met run in the fifth and Willie Mon- with one out in the, 10th inning scored from Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Electric, Canton, He was a veteran Other v/itnesses said a crew people ran into the streets screaming TOLLAND — Mrs. Eleanor flame that engulfed 10 other vehicles, the nightcap, driving in all three runs off the calendar as the season went double to right-center in his Ed Ott with the win’nfng run. Prospect St., Rockville, with a mass of the Vietnam War. member of one of the buses ran in panic. Milanese Ambrosi, 62, of 45 killed 11 people and injured more with a two run homer and a single off on. This season’s going fast and 1 All the way fifth and final at-bat. I'.xpos 6. Asiros I at St. Catherine's Church, Broad Survivors are his wife, Mrs. than 200 others. scream ing — nude and severely Authorities said looters stole a Roger Erickson,'''9-6. Carl Crestwood Road died early Sunday hope we can continue playing like we That one-bounce shot to the fence I National League p Rookie Dan Schatzeder’s seven-hit Brook, at ID. Burial will be in St. Patricia McManus Hiertz; his The blast blew off the roofs of near­ burned — toward a farm house number of suitcases and other per­ Yastrzemski had three hits in the NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UPI) - Cale morning at Rockville General have been,” Brohamer said. — the 29th consecutive game in which pitching, two hits, one RBI and one Catherine's Cemetery, Broad Brook. mother, Mrs. Doris Hiertz of by houses and burned off a half-mile minutes after the early morning sonal goods strewn alon^ the opener, including the game winner Yarborough won Saturday’s Hospital. She was the wife of Bruno Friends may call at the funeral Minnesota got three hits and two Nashville 420 Grand National stock Rose has hit — broke a major league tanez doubjetf h’orite'fcenny.Randle in run scored keyed the Expos to their Shelton; and a sister, Mrs. Karen of cornfields and forests along the explosion. highway after the accident. when he drove in Jack Brohamer E. Ambrosi. home Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 “There were mounds of bodies in­ The tragedy occurred less than a RBI from Carew in the opener and a car race at the Speedway much like record for switch-hitters. the eighth. win over the Astros. Mrs. Ambrosi was born in Ritchel of Shelton. highway 53 miles north of Mexico Ci-. with a seventh inning single off Roric p.m. side the buses,” said ambulance week after another tank truck Willie Norwood home run, his fourth he did last month during the Music The hit came off the third of three Elsewhere in the National League, Cardinals 9-0, Gianis 4-6 Ellington and had lived in the The funeral is Tuesday at 11 a.m. ty- Harrison, 0-1. driver Bias Osornio Luna. “Some carrying pressurized gas blew up at a and second against Boston, in the City 420 — leading all the way. Met pitchers, left-hander Paul Chicago split a double-header with Mike Sadek and Jack Clark Vernon-Tolland area all her life. She at Leete-Stevens Enfield Chapel, 61 Witnesses said at least 10 vehicles "I wasn't thinking home run,” said Albert Pelrello were dead and some were alive. I seaside campground on Spain's Costa nightcap. But the talk around the Yarborough started in his Sibert, wbo came on in the seventh Los Angeles, taking the opener, 3-2, punched two-run doubles to back the had been employed for 27 years as a South Road, Enfield. Burial will be in following the tanker truck, including Lynn, whose roundtripper, his 16th of EAST HARTFORD - Albert never saw anything like it.” Blanca, killing at least 161 people. Twins locker room was Manager Oldsmobile outside Lennie Pond’s after Dwight Bernard had pitched and losing the nightcap, 5-3, six-hit pitching of Ed Halicki, 5-3, rate clerk at ConRail Corp. of Hart­ Hazardville Cemetery, Military three buses carrying a total of 123 the season, snapped a 1-1 tie in the Petrello, 47, of 50 Ensign St. died Authorities said three blood- Gene Mauch, who was ejected after pole position and received the two scoreless innings of one-hit ball. Pittsburgh swept their double-header and give the Giants a split with the ford. She was a communicant of St. honors will be accorded at graveside. passengers and two trailer trucks, sixth. “It was a fastball but it might Saturday at St. Francis Hospital and spattered straw hats and two protesting a call. Mauch threw the checkered flag two laps ahead of Starter Kevin Kobel, 1-2, took the with San Diego, 3-2, in 10 innings, in Cards. Jerry Mumphrey had three Matthew's Church. Friends may call at the funeral were caught in the flames. have been a waste pitch. But there Medical Center, Hartford. He was bullfighters' capes lay on the team bats on the field before leaving. Chevy driver Darrell Waltrip to take loss. Tom Hume, 4-9, got the win by the first game and 10-6 in the night­ RBI in the opener and Garry She is also survived by two sons, home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Ten people were killed immediate­ wasn't enough waste and I hit it pret­ the husband of Mrs. Ursula Morich highway by the shell of one of the the “I’ll just tell them (the com­ the victory, Richard Childress going the distance for the first time cap, Montreal downed Houston, 6-1, Templeton and Jerry Morales each Richard T. Ambrosi and John B. Am­ The family suggests that any ly, including the driver of the tanker. ty good.”' Petrello. buses. missioner’s office) I was taking my finished third in his Oldsmobile. in his major league career. St. Louis split a double-header with had two RBI. brosi, both of Tolland; a brother, memorial gifts may be made to the An 18-year old woman later died of Mr. Petrello was born in Hartford Witnesses said the truck, loaded “I was glad a left-hander was the Giants, winning the first game, 9- Phillies 4, Braves 2 Aldo Milanese of Falmouth, Mass.; March of Dimes, 10 N, Main St., West burns in a hospital. Lottery and had lived in Glastonbury for 18 with more than 36 tons of gas, pitching in the seventh,” said Rose, 4, and losing the nightcap, 6-0, and Dick Ruthven, 6-8, and Ron Reed two sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Frances) Hartford. The fire burned for hours, leaving a years before coming to East Hart­ suddenly began to careen back and HARTFORD (UPI) - The Connec­ “because rny left knee has been Philadelphia beat Atlanta, 4-2. combined for a seven-hitter and Jose Monahan of Falmouth and Mrs. scorched landscape that included a ford a year ago. He was employed by forth as it headed towards Mexico Ci­ ticut lottery daily number drawn for bothering me when I’m swinging left- Cubs 3-3, DodgiTN 2-H Cardenal smashed his fourth homer George (Carol) West of West half-mile of blackened highway the Holland Machine Co. of East Peter Waitkus ty, then overturned and exploded. A Saturday was 789. handed.” Dusty Baker’s two RBI in the to give the Phillies their triumph Falmouth, Mass.; and three divider once lined with trees and the Hartford. He was an Army veteran. SOUTH WINDSOR - Peter The Reds manhandled Kobel for nightcap gave the Dodgers a double- over the Braves. Preston Hanna, 7-6, grandchildren. He is also survived by two sons, Waitkus, 59, of 80 Northview Drive five runs in the first inning on an header split with the Cubs after took the loss. The funeral is Tuesday at 10 a.m. Albert Petrello Jr. and Stephen Mark died Saturday at a South Windsor from Burke-Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Petrello, both at home; two convalescent home. Prospect St , Rockville, with a mass daughters, Susan Gail Petrello and He was the husband of Mrs. Helen at St. Matthew's Church at 11. Burial Heidi Petrello, both at home; three will be in St. Bernard's Cemetery, Euskavech Waitkus. Don’t make any changes Nicklaus going to make brothers. Carmen Petrello and Mr. Waitkus was born in Hartford Rockville. Dominick Petrello, both of East Friends may call at the funeral and had lived in the Hartford area all Hartford, and Rico Petrello of his life. He has last been employed at home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Newington; a sister, Mrs. Olga in massage law: Ferguson The family suggests that any the Cushman Church industries for mark difficult to snap Murch of Fort Lauderdale, F la.; and 4V2 years, previously working for memorial gifts may be made to the us to make changes and settle out of several nieces and nephews. Adley Express. He was a communi­ At least one member of the in the ordinance. Some of the areas American Cancer Society, 237 E. Nicklaus said he was happy to have beaten by one stroke, the champion The funeral is Tuesday at 9; 15 a.m. cant of St. Francis of Assisi Church. Manchester Board of Directors, the that they would like changed include court, we must have a pretty good ST. ANDREWS, Scotland Center St., Manchester. ended his three-year streak without a said, “When Simon sank that chip I from the D'Esopo East Hartford He is also survived by six sons, originator of the town's massage one that virould permit unannounced case,” she said. ‘ Z 'f ' (UPI) — Some day someone is major title on the famous St. An­ thought ‘Oh gosh, here we go again.'” Mrs. Douglas F. Welch F’uneral Chapel, High and Carter Lawrence Waitkus and Michael parlor ordinance, does not want to investigations and a clause that Mrs. Ferguson originally proposed ■ f ’ A i l , A' going to break Jack Nicklaus’ drews Old Course, where he had last Nicklaus rallied at the next hole VERNON — Mrs. Marjorie Rhodes streets, with a mass at St. Rose Waitkus, both of South Windsor, see any changes made in that or­ prohibits certain activities. that an ordinance to guide massage record of major title victories. Church at 10. Burial will be in “These are some of the major parlor establishments be approved in ^'4i captured the Open eight years ago. with a birdie 3 while Owen bogeyed Murray Welch, 65, of 325 Kelly Road Peter F. Waitkus of Hartford, Robert dinance. The “Golden Bear” said so himself Hillside Cemetery. Military honors parts of the act,” Mrs. Ferguson Manchester. Such an ordinance was “The first time I won at St. An­ to drop one stroke behind. died Friday at a Vernon area con­ Waitkus of Stafford Springs, Richard “The town has to stand firm and , after winning the 107th British Open drews was one of the greatest things will be accorded at graveside. said. drawn up by then-town counsel Vic­ valescent home. She was the wife of Waitkus of Chester, S.C., and Donald proceed with the case,” Vivian golf championship for the third time in my whole game. Now to have won Friends may call gt the funeral “My feeling was that if they (the tor Moses and eventually approved Douglas F. Welch. Waitkus, serving with the Air Force Ferguson said of the pending legal Saturday, bringing his total of for a second time it is wonderful, es­ home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. massage parlor owners) are asking by the Board of Directors. Mrs. Welch was born in Saco, in Italy; a daughter, Mrs. Carol challenge to the town ordinance, majors to 17, including two U.S. pecially after not having won for a Rutherford wins Maine, and had lived in Vernon for 20 Munro of East Hartford; his parents, which would regulate the parlors. amateurs. time and wondering if I was ever CAMBRIDGE JUNCTION, Mich. David J. LeBlanc Frank and Frances Shimelunas years. Before retiring three years The ordinance has been challenged “But I’m going to make it as dif­ going to win another major cham­ (UPI) — Johnny Rutherford out­ EAST HARTFORD - David Waitkus of Hartford; two brothers, by massage parlor owners. The case ago, she had been employed as a ficult as I can. I plan to win a few pionship.” lasted a late charge by Danny Ongais Joseph LeBlanc, 16, of 15 Halsey St., Joseph Waitkus of Hartford and Alex clerk-typist for 27 years at Pratt and is scheduled for court today, but in­ Police report more tournaments yet,” the 38-year- Nicklaus, who finished with a 72- to capture the championship car end who fell 50 feet from a cliff near Waitkus of West Hartford; and five Whitney Division of United dications are that both parties may old American said. hole total of 281, seven under par, of Sunday's Norton Twin 200 at Technologies Corp., East Hartford. Satan’s Kingdom in New Hartford grandchildren. be working toward an out-of-court July 8, died Friday night at Hartford Todd P. Daley, 16, of 16-Hathaway $520 missing were reported from Nicklaus, the only man in golfing finished two strokes ahead of Texans Michigan International Speedway, She was a member of the Wayne, The funeral is Tuesday at 8:15 a.m. settlement. Lane was arrested this weekend and apartment on Homestead Avenue. history to win each of the world’s Ray Floyd, Ben Crenshaw, Tom Kite with an average speed of 159,941 mph Hospital. Maine, chapter of the Order of the from Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 Assistant Town Counsel Thomas charged with failure to appear in the four major titiles three times or and New Zealand's Simon Owen. in a McLaren for his first win of the The funeral was this morning from • Auto parts were stolen from a Eastern Star and the Winthrop, Main St., with a mass at St. Francis Prior met Friday with a subcom­ second degree. Court date is July 31, motor vehicle at Rosemary Place Going to have to do a little grounds keeping more, said he was pleased with his For one moment Saturday, it 1978 season. Callahan Funeral Home, 1602 Main of Assisi Church at 9. Burial will be Maine, Rebekah lodge. mittee of the Board of Directors to East Hartford. and Valley Street. current form: looked as if Nicklaus would finish se­ Bobby Allison wheeled a Matador St,, with a mass at St.' Christopher's in Rose Hill Memorial Park, Rocky She is also survived by a son, discuss possible changes in the or­ Patrick McCann, 19, of 238 Charter • Two tires were taken from a Minnesota Twins bat boy has work cut out after he was ejected from game when he “It was the best championship I cond best behind his playing partner to victory in the stock car half of the Church. Burial was in St. Mary’s Hill. Ronald Murray of North Wayne, dinance, Mrs, Ferguson said. Oak St. was charged with criminal basement apartment on Woodbridge for him as he picks up team’s bats thrown protested umpire’s call. Incident took place have ever played from the to green,” Owen, who sank a 25-yard birdie chip twin bill, covering the 200-mile dis­ Maine; two daughters, Mrs, Cemetery, Friends may call at the funeral She said that the owners are trespassing in the second degree Street. Nicklaus said. “I think it was at the 15th hole to go one up. tance at an average speed of 138.72 Theodore (Audrey) Goucherof North The youth was born in Moncton, home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. from dugout by Twins’ Manager Gene Mauch in fourth inning of second game. (UPI Photo) seeking changes to about nine points when discovered trespassing on • Cash was stolen from Subvzay, probably the best tournament of my Recalling how it was on the 15th mph, for his second USAC win in a Wayne and Mrs. Merle (Barbara) New Brunswick, Canada, and had lived in East Hartford for 15 years. property on Wells St. He was 288 Center St. life as far as hitting the ball is con­ last year that Nicklaus was row. He also won the USAC event Frost of Winthrop, Maine; a sister, released on a JlOO non-surety bond. • Bicycles were stolen from I on cerned.” overhauled by Tom Watson and last Sunday at Milwaukee. Mrs. Arnold (Helen) Reynolds of He was a student at Howell Cheney Regional Vocational-Technical Court date July 31, East Hartford. Ambassador Drive. New Bedford, Mass.; nine Anthony J. Lupacchino, 19, of 441 Klaus Boehme reported that ski Mauch fires salvo School of Manchester, Class of 1980. grandchildren and two great­ Main St., East Hartford, was equipment, a color television and He was a communicant of St. grandchildren. charged with operating a motor vehi­ other items valued at $1,422 were Christopher’s Church. The funeral will be Wednesday at 1 cle while his license is under suspen­ stolen from his car in the parking lot He is survived by his parents, Levi in protest of umps p.m. at the Leon C. Roberts & Sons sion, three counts. Court date, Aug. and Helen Dutcher LeBlanc of East at Quality Inn in Talcottville. ' t i: -V, ' Funeral Home, Winthrop, Maine, T, East Hartford. • An unlocked motor vehicle was BOSTON (UPI) — Minnesota Twins skipper Gene Mauch, Burial will be in the North Wayne Hartford; two sisters, Debra Police responded to a report of a reported stolen from 85 Walnut St. known for his temper as much as his managerial expertise, says Cemetery. LeBlanc of East Hartford and Mrs. grass fire at the south end of East Police reported a burglary at Friends may call at the Burke- Judith Senerth of East Granby; his he has a message for the commissioner’s office following his Cemetery near Florence Street Sun­ Lew's Exxon, 110 Center St., from Fortin Funeral Home, 76 Prospect maternal grandparents, Mr. and ejection from the second game of a doubleheader Sunday. day about 8:30 p.m. Several youths where tires and oil valued at $790 St., Rockville, today from 2 to 4 and7 Mrs. Frank Dutcher of Moncton; and had reported a small camp fire out­ were taken. There was also an Mauch protested a call by umpife “i don’t mind paying the fine. 1 can to 9 p.m., and at the Roberts Funeral his paternal grandmother, Mrs. side the cem etery fence; but when attempted burglary in an apartment Bill Kunkel, who called Mike Cub- afford it. But the play was so obvious Home, Tuesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Adelma LeBlanc of Moncton. police arrived the fire was out. Depu­ on Grove Street, police said. bage out on a close play at first. The I could '.bave called it on radio from p.m. ty Chief Roy Stratton of the Town Police also reported vandalism at fiery manager left the game and Minneapolis. I never go out of the Fire Department reported there was Collector's Comer, 487 Main St., threw the team bats on the field. dugout unless I’m right,” Mauch “I’ll just tell them I was taking the no damage done. where a front window was broken. said. bats home and they slipped from my Police reported a break and entry The television replay showed Cab­ at Manchester Honda, 30 Adams St., hands,” Mauch said, when asked how bage dodged the tag of Carl GOP lacks Saturday. When police responded to he would respond to the com­ Yastrzeinski in the fourth inning as an alarm, they observed that the missioner’s office and expected fine. the Twins third baseman slid back to (Cnniiniii'il from Page One) suspects had run off leaving burglary Fire calls elude a pick off attempt from catcher tools and a flashlight behind as well Bob Montgomery. Kunkel saw it it as a motorcycle which they had tried Manchester Fogarty^s how, the other way and ejected Cubhage had no firm canuidate to run against ■ When asked why no definite and Mauch. “I ejected him (Mauch) to steal, police said. A state police Friday, midnight - false alarm. Box Barry. challengers have yet stepped forth, for overacting,” Kunkel said. dog was used to try to track down the 491, Main and Armory streets. (Town) finish fourth "We haven't any candidates yet,” Futtner said that Barry is an incum­ suspects. Police said the dog Saturday, 1:15 p.m. —cat rescue at 843 Mauch said he had no particular Pat Futtner of South Windsor, State bent and a popular senator. followed the scent to a trestle behind Main St. (Town) Fogarty Bros, bowed out of beef with Kunkel’s crew, but said the Central Committee member from “Personally, I don't think he's done the Eighth Utilities District filter Saturday, 2:06 p.m. - false alarm at the Northern Districts of the arbiters also blew a call Saturday the district, said. a good job. But in so doing, he didn't treatment plant where the dog lost Box 491, Main and Armory streets ASA State Tournament as it when Dan Ford fouled a third strike One possibility is that the district's antagonize anyone,” he said. the scent near the water. (Town) dropped a 17-7 decision to off home plate and into Carlton other State (Central Committee Saturday, 2:43 p.m. — false alarm. Box Futtner said that the Republicans Police reported several thefts and C ountry Restaurant of Fisk’s glove and was called out. member, Nancy Owen of Glaston­ normally would look to Manchester, items missing over the weekend. 396, South Alton St. and West Middle “If they can’t see a foul ball hit the Turnpike. Southington at the KofC Field bury, will run. the largest town in the district and • A tennis net was reported mis­ ground, now can you expect them to “Nancy was talking about it. She Barry's hometown, for a challenger. Saturday, 8:21 p.m. — false alarm at 29 in Plainville Saturday night. see anything. I feel sorry for them sing from property on East Middle Rachel Road. (Eighth District) may still toss her hat in the ring," No Manchester residents, except Turnpike. Saturday, 8:51 p.m. — gas odor at 46 The Oilers had to settle for a fourth because they don’t always know what Futtner said. for Cohen, have expressed any in­ Fast polka with mayor • An AM-FM stereo-casette player Campmeeting Road. (Town) place finish. to look for,” Mauch said. David Cohen, who ran two years terest, however. Futtner and Owen valued at $400 was reported taken Saturday, 9:51 p.m. - illegal burning at Dave White, Jim Flaherty, Ron Boston Manager Don Zimmer was ago against Barry, had expressed in­ met last week with Carl Zinsser, a Mrs. Rosalynn Carter enjoys a fast-paced polka with Mayor from a motor vehicle on Linden Street 198 Hilliard St. (Eighth District) Seplowitz and Steve McAaam each asked if he would pull such a move terest in trying again for the seat. Republican who serves on Hans Breitenbach of the Rhine River village of Linz, while Sunday. Sunday, 8:38 p.m. - brush fire at 101 had two blows for Fogarty’s. under similar circumstances. Pair got nothing for their troubles but a tumble Cohen, however, has not recently Manchester's Board of Directors. • A bicycle was taken from a gar­ Florence St. (Town) Seplowitz clouted a three-run homer “Mauch makes more money than I President Carter attended the first day of the two-day Bonm New York Yankees first baseman Cliff Johnson (left) anci been in touch with local Republican Zinsser said that he is not interested age on Princeton Street. Today, 11:10 a.m .-car fireat4Diane In the first inning which gave Fogar­ do. I couldn’t afford it,” Zimmer but got nothing for their efforts as both tumbled head first Economic Summit. (UPI photo) Drive. (Town) leaders, Futtner said. in seeking the state office. • Cash and stereo items valued at ty’s a brief 3-0 lead. said. second baseman Brian Doyle go after foul pop in left photo into stands as ball boy watches, right photo. (UPI Photos) PAGE TWELVE - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 17, 1M78 Disappointing Andretti still holds lead despite Reutemann win mirrored week ; BRANDS HATCH, England plunged him to 11th place following a porary set-back for Andretti, who has pit stop. "I was catching the leaders already won four Grand Prix this After failing behind, 2-1, in the first his recent $5,000 fine and three- r (UPI) — A blown engine in his FOREST HILLS, N.Y. and I was in pretty good shape and year. (UPI) — Perhaps it was fitting set, Gerulaitis won the last 11 games month suspension from Grand Prix JPS-Lotus Sunday slowed then die engine let go,” he said. The Formula 1 championship is the as he forced the play and broke play, was extremely subdued that the final match of the Mario Andretti’s compulsive Reutemann, in his Ferrari, just only title he is missing and now that Nastase's morale. throughout the tournament. He was quest for the World Formula 1 held off Lauda’s Brabham-Alfa by 1.2 he is within a few races of it, he $300,000 Forest Hills In­ "I got the lead and was confident,” particularly quiet against Gerulaitis, title at the British Grand Prix. seconds to notch his third win of the doesn’t understand why people ask vitational was a very one-sided said the 31-year-old Romanian. “But but insisted that he has not necessari­ season and renew the pressure on An- him why he hasn’t quit auto racing at then the balls got heavy and I was ly mended his ways. But the American veteran remains event. nine points ahead of his Lotus team­ dretti at the head of the World 38. It was hoped that a showdown playing shorter and shorter. Once he "If I had a chance I would have Drivers’ Championship. Ulsterman ’T ve no idea how long I’ll con- started to get ahead I wasn't confi­ complained today, but there was mate Ronnie Peterson and 14 points between tournament favorite Vitas ahead of race winner Carlos John Watson took third place in tinue. It’s extremely lucrative. I’m dent at all.’ nothing to complain about,” said another Brabham-Alfa to give 12- having a lot of fun, I’m winning Gerulaitis and the unpredictable Hie Reutemann and second finisher Niki Nastase had broken Gerulaitis in Nastase, who earned $40,000 and was cylinder engines a clean sweep of the races, so the thought of stopping Nastase wouid offer all the excite­ Lauda with seven races remaining. the third game, but Gerulaitis broke the crowd favorite. "Maybe next 76-lap race. never occurs to me unless someone ment befitting a center-court final at Andretti was staging a typical the West Side Tennis Club. But in the back in th(! fourth when Nastase, week I be bad again.” But Sunday’s loss was only a tern- mentions it,” said Andretti. committed three straight volley' Gerulaitis has now won $405,766 SJ- comeback up the field after a flat tire Not everyone can stand the pace end, with Gerulaitis overpowering ■'rrr' had robbed him of the lead and Nastase, 6-2. 6-0, to take the $100,000 errors. From that point on, the this year, second only to Bjorn Borg, like Andretti, though. Jam es Hunt, first prize in an hour, the disappoin­ match belonged to Gerulaitis. and almost half his winnings have wor'd champion two years ago, says ting finish mirrored most of the “I attacked more than he did,” come in World Giampionship Tennis- he’ll probably quit next year or the week's play. said Gerulaitis. ‘T m almost 10 years sponsored tournaments. Sports forum year after. Early in the week all 12 players in­ younger and I'm a little quicker. He and John Alexander split “I don’t want to risk what is the volved in the round-robin tournament was a little tired and I just happened $25,000 by defeating Fred McNair It % V lion’s share of my life,” said Hunt, — many of them just back from the to be a little more aggressive today,” and , 7-6,7-6, in the Disappointment a meeting of the full Committee and whose misfortunes this season con­ rain-soaked grass courts of Gerulaitis and Nastase have now doubles. It was the last doubles Sitting this one out I am writing to express my the arbitration was allowed to stand. tinued Sunday when he crashed after faced each other nine times in tour­ match for the long-time partners; It does not seem to be an unusual Wimbledon — had diffculty adjusting An exhausted Hie Nastase sits on the court deepest disappointment in some re­ only eight laps. “It is not a question nament play, with Gerulaitis coming Stewart has decided to join WTT, Tennis Championships. Nastase was swept in cent events at the Manchester Coun­ request to allow death or the quest to the heat, the clay and the light after his match against in of being fed up with racing, but of balls. The re.sult, with few excep­ out ahead in seven of those meetings. leaving McNair to team up with Raul straight sets. (UPI Photo) try Club. One week ago Saturday in for success to be due cause for excep­ taking a sensible attitude to the risks Nastase. perhaps as theresult of the final round of the Forest Hills Invitational The Duke of Kent (left) presents winning tions, was sub-par tennis. Ramirez. my efforts to succeed in my new job, tion to the starting time rule set forth involved.” I was required to put in a few mor­ by the USGA and PGA. It is most un­ trophy to Carlos Reutemann after he took the ning hours. That same week death fortunate that the reason we could struck the Hilinski family without not play in the afternoon was because Standings serving notice. As a result of these these two committee members did Carner first time in career two untimely events, Stan and I, both not trust the integrity of a number of ISational League the competitors. Keep in mind, this Regalado holds off Fred Marti American League members in good standing, were is not the U.S. Open and there KilsI KhkI forced to seek special permission 000 to u rn am en t a t the par-71 W L Pet. GB W L Pet. GB from the Tournament Committee to already is a precedent for setting COAL VALLEY, 111. (UPI) ’1 played poorly on the front nine,” backed up as far as 1 could go and aside USGA rules for tournament Oakwood Country Club. he said, “but I didn’t give up the ship, made up my mind I was going out to Boston 60 28 .682 Philadelphia 48 36 .571 play our Club championship — Victor Regalado had to over- 45 42 .517 4Vz successfully qualifying rounds in the afternoon of Marti’s fourth par on the back nine I wasn’t going to back up. I had play on the back nine.” Chicago defends crown Milwaukee 51 36 .586 8‘/2 come complacency induced by Pittsburgh 43 43 .500 6 that same day. Permission was MCC one may repair spike marks, came on the 15th, tying him with Baltimore 49 41 .544 12 ride golf carts, and post enter. ^he leader board to hold back 47 41 .534 13 Montreal 44 47 .484 7'/a DUBLIN, Ohio (UPI) — It was the first repeat performance of granted by a member of the Tourna­ Regalado. But Regaldo birdied 15 New York Certainly we can be casual enough Fred Marti Sunday and win the Detroit 44 44 .500 16 New York 37 53 .411 14 JoAnne Garner’s career. ment Committee over the phone and and led the rest of the way. Cieveland 41 48 .461 20 St. Louis 37 55 .402 15 Carner, one of the top players on “It was a little right,” Carner reinforced by another just prior to friends or at least gentlemen enough $30,000 first prize in the Quad It was Regalado’s second tour win Toronto 32 57 .360 28‘/2 the LPGA tour for the past nine laughed, “about 120 yards.” our initiation of play. to allow these occasional exceptions Cities Open with a 1-under-par since he began his professional West W L Pet. GB years and before that, the premier She then missed the green with her Only after we commenced play did for our Club tournaments when a yg career in 1973. In 1974, he won the fellow member presents due cause Pleasant Valley Classic and has now W L Pet. GB San Francisco 55 36 .604 woman amateur in the country, cap­ second shot, but hit a fine chip shot to h third member of this same com- “I was watching the scoreboard on because they are intended for the won $54,798 this year and $282,592 Caiifornia 49 41 .544 Cincinnati 52 38 .578 2'k tured the $85,000 LPGA Classic Sun­ within 18 inches of the pin and sank jnittee storm upon the scene and in a every hole and I saw everyone was Kansas City 47 41 .534 1 Los Angeles 52 39 .571 3 day by one shot over Pat Bradley and the par putt for the win. nlost arrogant and rude fashion in­ maximum enjoyment of the throughout his career. membership and little else. staying where they were, so 1 thought Jack Renner, Don Iverson and D.A. Texas 45 43 .511 3 San Diego 44 48 .478 ll>/2 Betsy King. earner’s final round 71 on the par- form us that we had no right to play I could shoot par and win,” said Oakland 46 45 .505 3Vz Atlanta 39 48 .448 14 “That breaks the jinx I've had for 72, 6,265-yard Riviera Country Club in the afternoon and that our scores However, we must be consistent and Weibring tied for third at 12-under cannot let the rules be bent back and Regalado, who finished the four-day with scores of 272. Iverson shot a 64 Minnesota 39 47 .453 8 Houston 38 49 .437 15 28 years,” said Carner, who claims course gave her a 7-under-par, 54- would not count. We decided to con­ tourney with a 269. “Then, I saw forth to meet the whims of two for the best round of the day. Mike Chicago 39 49 .443 9 Sumlav''n she had never suecessfully defended hole score of 209 as compared to 210s tinue play since we had permission Fred start to move and I knew I had members of a Committee of 12 and a Morleyr-^he defending champion, Seattle 32 60 .348 18 Pittsburgh 3, S.D. 2 a golf title — although the LPGA for Bradley and King, from two committee members and to get going. I was kind of shaky for a pro who by design should stay out of SiimlayV Pittsburgh 10, San Diego 6, player guide had her winning the Bradley led by a shot after the 16th await a ruling from the entire com- few holes on the front side, but 1 shot a 72 and finished at 281. Tournament Committee affairs. Marti, who trailed Regalado by one Boston 5. Minnesota 3 Chicago 3, Los Angeles 2 Pacific Northwest title in 1958 and hole, but bogeyed both the final two idittee. Fortunately, or unfortunate­ played really well on the back side.” It is a shame that a minority can stroke going into the final round, said Boston 3. Minnesota 2 Los Angeles 5, Chicago 3 1959. She said she couldn't remember holes, costing her the $12,750 first ly, we each shot respectable scores Marti birdied four holes on the St. Louis 9, San Francisco 4 doing it. prize, and didn’t even stick around tarnish the name of the club and their his performance in the early part of Kansas City 3, New York 1 of 77-75 and easily beat the cutoff back nine to finish second with a total San Francisco 6, St. Louis 0 for earner's final putt. mark. championship because 99 percent of the game could have been better. Baltimore 2. Texas 1 Sunday's win, moreover, was no of 270 and a $17,100 purse in the $150,- Milwaukee 10. Chicago 1 Montreal 6, Houston 1 cinch. “When JoAnne chipped it up so However, the stormtrooper of the the members of this club are fine Detroit 4. California 0 Philadelphia 4, Atlanta 2 Coming tc the final hole with a one- close, I knew she had it,” said committee had picked up a disciple. gentlemen and some are among the Oakland 8, Toronto 5 Cincinnati 9, New York 2 shot lead, Carner hit her drive so far Bradey. “1 just headed for the locker The two of them with the assistance nicest I have ever met. Somehow, Cleveland 8, Seattle 4 'I'oduy’H Ganies right, it came to rest almost in the room.” o( the pro decided for the committee this event brings out jealousy and 'I’oduy's (fiiitit‘s Los Angeles (John 10-7) at Chicago No. 1 fairway. Carner, who had won only one of­ of 12 that same afternoon that we greed all loo often (other years there 19th hole Minnesota iGoltz 8-6) at Boston ((Reuschel 8-6 ) ficial tournament all year, said early ymuld not be allowed to participate has been a controversy over whether (Tiant 7-2), N New York (Espinosa 7-7 and in the week she felt her game was and the pairings for future play were or not Jr. members could compete) c Texas (Comer 3-1 or Umbarger 4- Hausman 0-2) at Atlanta (Devine 5-4 Games reslated about to come together. quickly assigned before the matter and somewhere the ideal of a club Country Club STABI.EFORD POINT and Mahler 3-4), 2 "1 really felt confident coming in championship gets lost in the shuffle. TOURNAMENT- A Flight -Gross 6) at Baltimore (Flanagan 12-6). N CliainpioiiN in the Town could be resolved in a meeting of the Semifinalists have been decided in Kansas City (Splittorff 10-8) at San Diego (Perry 10-4) at here,” she said. “I can’t wait to play full Tournament Committee. Despite Respectfully submitted, —Tony Steullet 36, Net —John Sigler l.illle League major and the Club Championship at the New York (Hunter 2-3), N Pittsburgh (Kison 1-1), N in the (U.S.) Open now.” Kathy a later appeal to the president of the Michael J. LaFrancis 33-8-41, Mark Schardt 31-7-38, Henry Manchester Country Club in play last Chicago (Barrios 5-8) at Montreal (Grimsiey 12-6) at Cin­ farm loiirnamrnlK were Postlewait, who shared the lead after d u b and the Chairman of the Tour- Member Manchester Wayner 27-10-37; B Flight —Gross weekend. Milwaukee (Caldwell 10-5), N cinnati (Borbon 5-1 or Sarmiento 6- not derided Saturday as the first two rounds, fell from con­ nhment Committee, there never was Country Club —Don Wennik 29, Net —Art St. Louis Winners out of the round of 16 were Detroit (Baker 1-2) at California 5), N tention Sunday with consecutive 27-11-38, Dick Bell 25-13-38, A1 rain foreed postponement Woody Clark, Ted Backiel, Len Hor­ (Brett 2-4 or Griffin 0-3), N San Francisco (Knepper 11-5) at bogeys on the sixth, seventh and of both eontests. Parker returns Boxer dies vath, Rich Riordan, John Herdic, Hopper 23-15-38; C Flight —Gross Toronto (Garvin 2-9) at Oakland St. Louis (Denny 8-6), N eighth holes. She finished with a 2- —Terry Means 23, Net —Frank Unbeaten Carter OGDEN, Utah (UPI) - Boxer Sher Ferguson, Lon Annulli, Bob (Johnson 6-5), N Philadelphia (Christenson 6-8) at over 74 and tied with Alexandra PITTSBURGH (UPI) - Pittsbugh Damon 12-38-50, Charles Jesse Trujillo, 26, of Denver, Lennon. Sign of victory Cleveland (Clyde 4-5) at Seattle Houston (Niekro 5-7), N Cb<‘vrolet is srheduled to Reinhardt and Debbie Massey for Pirates rightfielder Dave Parker Romanowski 20-25-45, John Howard staggered by a stiff right during a In the quarterfinals, Clark (Colborn 1-71, N I’ui'sday'H Giimrs meet onee-l>eaten Medies fourth, at 212. _ came off the 15-day disabled list Sun- 19-22-41, Richard Day 16-24-40, Joel With clenched fist, Victor Regalado raises his arm in victory bout with Cookie Valencia of Ogden I'uesday's Gunics San Francisco at Chicago in tbe double elimination Nancy Lopez made an early charge ■ _ day, forcing the team to option defeated Backiel, Horvath topped Grout 19-21-40. after assuring win in Quad Cities Open. (UPI Photo) - Catcher Steve Nicosia back to their Friday night, died of apparent head Riordan, Herdic defeated Ferguson, Texas at Baltimore, N Los Angeles at Pittsburgh, N major tourney tonight at for her eighth win of the year with ^ium bus, Ohio farm team. injuries, authorities said Sunday. and Lennon topped Annulli. Chicago at Milwaukee, N San Diego at St. Louis, N Lebi-r Field at 6 o'rloek. A birdies on the third and eighth holes Cleveland at California, N New York at Atlanta, N to go 5-under par and move to within Parker went on the disabled list The state Medical Examiner’s of­ The semifinal pairings are Clark Detroit at Oakland, N Montreal at Cincinnati, N win by Carter’s would give two shots of the lead. when he cracked his left cheekbone fice said an autopsy would be per­ vs. Horvath and Herdic vs. Lennon. Jai alai Philadelphia at Houston, N it the titb‘, a triumph Ity But her usually reliable putter let in a collision with New York Mets’ formed Monday on Trujillo, who died Clark is defending champ while N C Toronto at Seattle, N catcher John Stearns at home plate. in a hospital shortly before midnight Horvath and Herdic are former JAI ALAI ENTRIES tbe Medies would foree her down on the ninth when she 7lh Came Sinftrs loth Came Sinews TUESDAY EVUMG 4th Game Sin{les Saturday following brain surgery. winners. 7 Poinis 7 Powts another game Tuesday three-putted and str.uggled home Monday Evening l$t Game Doublet 7 Points BEST 12- Class A —Bundi Tarca lOtkGAMSMGUS 1. Rio 1. Chasio I 1 lascaran 7tti CAM SMUS 7 POUTS 7 Points ZabaU 2 Elerrio n ig h t. with an even-par 72 for a 213, tied for m fiUI MUt 4tk um SMUS 1. U-larturen 2. J.1. I irtm 1 rarrs rarrs 1. QmIiW 3. Solaun 3. Guernica A seventh with Debbie Meyers, Janet 44-5-39, Dorn DeNicolo 43-3-40, Steve 2. Ze{» Asis N 3 .7e{ui C i vital! and Dairy I. M l i r t n 1. U l.Q ittiftl 1 Elente 4. Aai 4. Ochoa 4 Aica Manchester Legion Matava 43-3-40; Class B —Pete Z M i l U i l is 1 Am 3. Pete-Carea 5 Joey 5. Cvamendi Coles and JoAnn Washam. Baseball lUpi 4. lavy-Kepa 5. Ser{io f^ueen are also on tbe Taylor 45-6-39, Roy Riggott 45-6-39, l.KlS«|lo 1 ilVJ 4. GwiOcal 6. Javier II 6. Emma 6 Asis Barbara Barrow, Vicki Fergon, 4. U M a l 4. ms 5. Mift 5. A ^ a R-Sergk) 7. Corostola 7. Javier J 6. Ko-lsiu 7. Olave Don Anderson 48-7-41; Class C —John 5, |_ S.( 8 Hendi agenda tonight at Waddell Janet Anderson and Murle Breer all COLT INTERTOWN Crispino’s is slated to play tonight iAib 8. Carea 8. Arriasa I I . C mi CraM 7. IHtfti 7. Arri-lavier II Sub Carita Sub Caramendi take comeback win Field at 6 o’rloek with the finished at 2-under-par 214, Patty against Marlborough at Moriarty Cooper 53-9-44, Vito Agostinelli 53-9- t w 1 7. GmteU 8. ltiirre{iii-0lave Sub Pete Racing to an early lead, the 7.«m Ikmi 44, Bob Cavedon 53-8-45, Lou Betko LBriMel Subs Enmia-Chasio II Sth Game Dotdiles Sth Came Doubles llth Came Doubles Hayes, Donna Young, Betty Manchester Merchants held on for a Field at 6 o’clock. Ifem adC aiM Lkri S M k M e 7 Points 7 Points winner eliampions of the MSsZaOdM SNNte SMSSdntiaB 2n Came Doubles 7 Points 53-8-45, Hogan Zamaitis 54-9-45, Ed llthCAMNMUS 1. ).I. Asis II 1. lAendj-Carea 1. Guernica A-Kepa farm tournament. Burfeindt and Sally Little at 215 and 5-4 win over Hebron yesterday at ALUMNI JUNIOR MCHiMUt SIkfiMEIOnHiS U i GAM DOMUS TPOITTS 7 Points 1 Tabala-Marcoida 2. Corostola-lriottdo Coming from a 7-1 deficit, Manchester Legion baseball team Wadas 54-9-45; Low gross —Steve 7P0MTS 1. Pete Serjio 2. Rio-ttave Judy Rankin at even-par 216. ipom 7 r a m 1. Gmici I SeOutim 3. Zesui Sertio 3. Setaim-lavier i [rmua-Marcoida Rham High. Behind the two-hit pitching of Doug 1 E nn Zm I 2. lavy-Sarturen nipped Windsor, 8-7, in a Zone Eight clash last Friday at Eagle Matava 74. l . M i a n i , 1.UM IS c tM lifir 4. ttune{ui-Chasio M 4. Qorrio-lriondo 4. Zabala-Javier Cary Coffin and Steve Pyka led the Whitaker, Nassiff Arms topped I H « n ^ I 2. Hvracri M ir I ISeluMlImMi 3. EnM Gvita 3. Ze{ui X ^ 5. Joey-Oeboa 5. Doaio-Ecenarro Having winning feeling IHniCkttiel 4. Iturretui-Asis H 5. Pele-Ecenarro Field in a game called after 4 Vz innings because of darkness. Merchants offensive, each stroking a SWEEPS- A —Gross -D o rn X U A f t l II Nti w im i 4. Gemtdi llamMi 6. iavy-lavier 0 6. Corostola-Carita 6. AsiS'Oehoa Moriarty Bros., 4-2, last Friday at iUiAtlil 5. Hrtete Ctaie I 5. U-Carea 7. Asis ioqui 7. JAendi-Garita Manchester upped its zone mark to DeNicolo 75, Net —Steve Matava 74- i Ani-Olave 7. Solaun Kepa Manchester won it in the home Joanne Carner plucks ball from the 18th hole after winning for pair of hits. Pyka knocked in two i fimtiia S«|ii S -ftte tiC m i Adt Ecenarre 8. Guernica l-Ecena TO 8. Jocy-lspa the West Side Oval. i. Arriata l-bpa 8. Zabala-Oarturen 10-5 with the win and 15-10 overall. 5-69; B —Gross—Bert Davis 78, Net C . 0 ilr M i L Am M er 7 HiftOi Meade Subs Gorostoia-Zoqui Subs Afca-GarameiK'j Subs Bascaran-7o(]tn third. Mike Giliberto walked and Steuernagel gem second straight year the LPGA Borden Classic. It was first time runs. Whitaker and Mike McKenna each 7. Ir< C m 7. Qwili lirtm 7. Dwrii Gvtti LOerrieZepi 8. Bo-lavier N 12th Game Double. The Post 102 entry was slated to play scored the tying run on a double to Scott Coleman notched his sixth —Don Anderson 80-14-66, Roy Riggott tknOaisf ‘ i Migi I Cm L GwriAci I OdM SMStkerebOciM Subs Aica-Ecefiarro 6th Game Doubles Sth Came Doubles in her career Carner has successfully defended a title. (UPI knocked in a run in the first inning SMS Ckinli G r m ii 7 Points 7 Points 7 Points in Vermont over the weekend but no 78-11-67, C -G ro ss -F re d Tracy 87, SmCtaniiMi SMS k rj 9 m 12th GAM NMUS 3rd Game Doubles I. Afca tcenarro right by Eric Gauruder. The latter straight win for the Merchants. for Nassiff’s with McKenna stroking MGAMIOMUS 1. Corestola-Asit A I. Aica-Marcoida Photo) S N O H E m U S ' SthOWENMUS 7P0MrS 7 Points i Gorostola-Javier 1 Emwa-Carita report was received. Net -B ill Tomkiel 84-16-68, Bob 7PCMTS 1. Zetui-Oarturen 2. Solaun-Ecenarro toed the dish with the game-winner a two-run single in the fifth frame. 7 p m 7 M m 1. Ohnia HerMida 3. lascaran-Garita 3. lascaran-Javier paces EH Legion 1.1 IC M G ir it a 1 Pele-Chasio I 3. Zabala-hiondo Manchester will return to Zone Cavedon 89-16-73, Alex Eigner Sr. 98- 1. k n Snm m i lAMGerite 4. Asis-bpa 4. Mendi-Odioa as Mike Linsenbigler singled to Bob Claughsey hurled a strong McKenna had two hits and three tC M ttm lA m t ElerTie bfeade 3. Rio-Asis I i Arri-Garita 25-73 S. Emua-Zoqui i Mendi-Zoqiii 5. Asis-Garamendi Eight play Tuesday against Bloom'- center. XMiOdM 1 ‘ ' 1 4. Erwe laiier 4. Arri-Carea Joey-Qiasio A 6. Elorrio-Marcoida With Craig Steuernagel game but his counterpart was RBI to pace Nassiff’s. Whitaker 4. Elmto OdM 5. Iturretiii-tavier 0 i Bastaran-Garamendi i. field at Bloomfield High at 6 o'clock. called after six innings MEMBER-MEMBER- Dorn 4.UCVN 4. 5. Head Ecrim 7. Guiimica A-Ochoa 7. Joey-Zoqui Gauruder was the winning hurler tougher as Colchester topped i lw| llfl m i i Irlarta OdM i Arriaga l Aepa 7. Arriata l-Marcoida twirling a tWo-hitter, East fanned seven and issued three free 5. A OdN 1 Aica-Qiasio I 6. EJorrio-Garamendi 8. Guemka A-lriondo Windsor scored twice in the top of because of darkness. DeNicolo-Doc McKee 69. i Cmtib Zipl i lAsbZefd 7. iavy Olave Subs Zabala-ltpa in relief. Chuck Marchuk the loser. Manchester Crispino’s, 3-1, yester­ passes in going the distance. 7. SliHiAili Subs lavy Carea Subs Ermua-lriendo the first with a Paul Haggerty double Hartford Legion blanked LADIES ABCD- Lynn Prior-Sue 7. ■ ■ L Gwake I GerMeni 8. ).J. S ^io Gliha was 3-for-3 including two steuernagel, lanky left-hander who day at Moriarty Field. . Paul Tucker’s third-inning single t. Anf Jnlir I ■ umirij L Atb Sdutia SMS Gemteli OMie I Subs Solaun-Kpa and Tim Burke single knocking in the Passman-Mary Presti-Ellie Smith SMS Sdm ChMie I doubles to pace Manchester. Burke Bloom field, 9-0, in a Zone will be entering his senior year at Colchester stroked eight hits, in­ knocked in both runs for Moriarty’s. runs. Mike Freiheit got a run back Hisle, Mil 61; Yastrzemski, Bos 54. plus 17, Cora A nderson-B oots and Rusty Pacino each had two hits Eight engagement last Friday East Catholic in the fall, fanned eight Batting cluding some timely blows, scoring TERTH CAM SMCIES SfVER POMTS Slolen Bases Standings: Liggett Parkade 12-0, 8 Mendi 13.80 8.U 4.00 for Manchester in the home first with for Windsor. as East Hartford ran its zone mark to National la-aguc single markers in the fourth, fifth Carnelia-Hazel Piper plus 14. JAI ALAI RESULTS a solo homer. at Bloomfield High in a game National League: Moreno, Pitt 4l; Mari-Mads 10-2, Nassiff Arms 7-5, 6 Joey S.40 4.N 13-2. AB H Avg. and sixth innings, Crispino’s, now 8-3 Saturday Matinee FOURTH GAM SMGUS SEVER POMTS SEVEJTTH GAM SMGIES .SEVER POMTS 3 Oenn 5.N Windsor scored five times in the Richards, SD 27; Lopes, LA 26; Moriarty Bros. 6-6 , Credit Union 4-8, Tallwood 6 0(ave 12.20 5.40 3.80 2Charola IIM 5.20 3.00 QuinieU 6-8 35.20 East Hartford struck for four runs Burroughs, Atl 269 86 .320 for the season, could only niuster PerfecU 84 14110 top of the second highlighted by a Taveras, Pitt 24; Cedeno, Hou 23. Moriarty Fuel 4-8, Krause Florist 3-9, FIST GAM DOUBUS SEVDI POMTS 3 Javier A 5.40 3.60 4 Arriaea A 4.40 3.D0 in the top of the second inning. Phil Clark, SF 334 105 .314 Jour safeties and a seventh-inning SWEEPS- Gross —Tony Steullet 4 B « b H 17.N 6.40 4.40 5 Chasio I siO 3 Zibala 5.M TrifecU 8 4 3 354.N American League: LeFlore, Det Heritage Savings & Loan 2-10. 3 U Asit I 3.60 100 QuinieU 2-4 34.80 OEVERTH GAM DOME!! SEVER POMTS Tom Sharos sacrifice fly which ac­ Shiner doubled and scored on Jeff Parker, Pit 287 90 .314 72, Net —Terry Means 67, Jim Auf- (knela 3-6 39.60 32; Wilson, KC 29; Dllone, Oak 28; tally. 2 Pete Obve 3.40 Perfecta 6-3 10160 PerfecU 2-4 120.30 SAmIriondo 8.U 720 420 counted for two runs and a two-run Scanlon’s single. The latter and Tom man 69, Mark Schardt 69, Sam bneU 3^ 51.60 Trificb 6-3-5 65120 Trifecta 2-4-3 1,116.90 2 Dascaran CariU 7.N 420 Madlock, SF 246 77 .313 Pcrfecti 4-3 273.60 homer off the bat of Joe Baltronis. Cruz, Sea and Wills, Tex 27. FTTH GAM DOMUS SEVER POMTS EJGHTH GAM DOUMES STVER POMTS 4 Elerrio Marcoida I N Ahern toed the plate on Steuernagel’s Valentine, Mtl 331 103 .311 Sapienza 69; Kickers —76, 78, 71, 74. TrifectJ 4>3-2 4S4I0 OwieU 2-S 39.20 Manchester rebounded with five 1 Kwretui Ghasii R 13.00 5.00 3.80 2 Am SebastiM 19.20 6.U 280 triple with the latter scoring on a Lee Simmons, St. L 213 97 .311 u e m CAM DOIMES StVDI POMTS 5 Jary Ecenarre 9.40 140 1 Oiirda Cvamendi 6.U 2N Perfecta 5-2 77.10 Trifecta 5-2-4 259.20 markers of its own in the second, DeAngelis single. 1 Be Asb I lOJO 5.00 3.60 3 U Sebastian i4 0 7 Brernica Ecenarre 2.80 Rose, Cin 377 115 .305 Pitching 5 ItercCH Serpo 7.00 6.00 QdnieU 1-5 3U 0 (hMieU 1-2 47.20 TWELFTH GAM DOUIUS SEVER POMTS four on a grandslam homer by Jamie lArriOm 4.00 Rick Lewis tripled and scored Whitfield, SF 283 86 .304 Vielories Dairy Queen Perfecta 1-5 121.80 PerfecU 2-1 126.30 5 Bey hiende lliO 4.N 6.20 Gallagher hitting in the ninth slot qf EASTERN DIVISION BMeU I S 34.00 Trifecta 1-5-3 48300 TrifKU 2-1-7 885.90 I Am Ochoa 6.N TiO ahead of Carl Guzzardi’s third inning 364 Periecti I S 121i0 Griffey, Cin 110 .302 National League; Blue, SF 12-4; Lions 59 (Mike Robinson 15, Nigel SHTN GAM OOMUS SEVER POMTS HTTH gam DOMUS SEVER POMTS 3 Elorrio Caramendi 4.N the order. Dave Blake singled and Trifecti 1-S4 606.40 QumiHa 5-8 3I.N homer. Jeff Scanlon drove home two Puhl, Hou 332 100 .310 Grimsiey, Mtl 12-6; Knepper, SF 11- Edwards 14, John Zito 12), Dairy annexes pair 2 Erma baa 9.40 4.N 120 8 Jeey 7mm H U 6.U 4i0 scored on a Ray Gliha hit and run V m GAM M »U $ SEVEA POMTS 4 Arriaci I hiiade SiO 3 i0 3 Heodi hiende 5.20 2U PerfecU 5 -1 139.N runs in the fifth and Mike Cook’s TrifecU M1.30 American la'aguc 5; Rogers, Mtl 11.7; Rau, LA and ■Mart 57 (Tim Ryan 16, Jeff Kiernan 1 PeU C m I4J0 4.40 S.OO 8 Am Ghasii I 5.W 5 Guenuca I Mvcwda 7.40 double to cap the frame. sacrifice fly closed out the scoring. Hartford Road Dairy Queen won a 2 2eciieim 4i0 4i0 Mmela 2-4 2120 QuinieU 34 29.20 NARDU 3I1.9T1 AB H Avg. Perry, SD 10-4; Zachry, NY 10-5; 16). Back training 4UHeN SiO Jeff Scanlon and Shiner each had pair of State League contests yestM- Pvfecta 2-4 64i0 Perfecta 1-3 75.N ATTERDJJICI 5.517 Open camp Carew, Min 304 108 .355 John, LA 10-7; Niekro, Atl 10-9. Running Rebels 70 (Eric Hall 31, VERO BEACH, Fla. (UPI) - 1 1-2 37.60 Trffecb 2-44 680.40 TrifecU 83-5 497.70 two hits for East Hartford. Joe Bed- day in Southington, upending the Perfeeb 1 -2 115.S0 GREENVILLE, S,,C. (UPI) - The Lynn, Bos 291 97 .333 American League: Guidry,-NY 13- ■ ’John Grych 19), Indians 68 (Mark Veteran New Orleans Saints’ Trifeda 1-2-4 56120 naryk took the loss for Bloomfield. Lezeano, Mil 241 79 Southington Rec, 4-0, and the New Atlanta Falcons, seeking to improve .328 1; Tanana, Cal 13-5; Flanagan, Balt Murphy 23, Bucky Wilson 15). quarterbacks Archie Manning and 117 Haven Blue Jays, 6-1. Bowling last season's best-ever 7-7 record, Rice, Bos 366 .320 13-6; Sorensen, Mil 12-5; Eckersley, Bobby Scott are among 17 veterans in Sundberg, Tex 286 89 .311 ’The Queens now sport a 9-1 league Saturday Evening FfTR GAM DOIMES SEVER POMTS ...... -MRTR GAM DOMUS SEVER POMTS began pre-season training Sunday Bos 11-2; Torrez, Bos 11-5. training camp, but the bulk of the 4 Zetui Chasii I U N I I N 5.N 6 Iriarte Gvaamdi IIM 4.U 4.20 mark and 22-10 aggregate ledger. FK T GAM NM U S SEVER POMTS 4Beybpa 4.N 3.40 CAPTAIN- Geneva Jackson, Cal 252 78 .310 Earned Run Averngi* veteran squad is scheduled to report 6 Arriaea I Asb I I N 4.N with 15 draft choices, 23 free agents Softball 1 Cindi Birdsey led off against A ln y A s h l 11.60 7^0 S.20 3 Kwrecui Ser|io UO 3 Gerestda iavier 5.20 Lagasse 186-496, Barbara and 22 veterans working out in inter­ Knapp disqualified Brett, KC 293 90 .307 (Based nn 81 innings pilelied) ’Tuesday. 2 Kanpi Mer I 4.40 3.N Maddi 44 46.40 lUadeU 44 34.U 304 Southington with a homer with the IBelvtm 120 Pwfeeb 44 181.N PerfecU 64 N .N Sullivan 176-477, Sue mittent rain. ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPI) - Pitcher Yaz, Bos 93 .306 National League: Rogers, Mtl 2.12; Among those due in this week are M i l 2-4 31.60 TrifecU 64-3 N3iD TONIGHT’S GAMES locals doing the scoring in the first Trifecta 44-3 1.338.N Reischerl 457. Head Coaeh Leeman Bennett said Chris Knapp, unhappy with his $40,- Reynolds, Sea 307 93 .303 Vuckovich, St. L 2.27; Knepper, SF running backs Chuck Muncie and Pcrfecta 4-2 N.70 SnTR CAM DOMUS SEVER POMTS TERTR GAM SMGUS SEVER! POMTS Cooper v». Laslrada, 6 three frames. Kathy Walling had a TrHccU 1-M 285.60 3 Mead 11.N 4i0 4i0 he was pleased with the brief session. 000 salary, refused Sunday to return Bell, Cle 325 98 .302 2.41; Reuschel, Chi 2.45; Blue, SF Tony Galbreath, defensive end Elois 4 Bri^a I Gnaendi IMO 6.40 I N —Fitzgerald pair of hits and an RBI while winning am GAM NM U S SEVU POMTS I Am C m 4-N ^N 6 Brier 7.N 6.N HOMK BKACH - Shelia to the California Angels and was Home Runs 2.61. Grooms, ^ard Conrad Dobler and 1 J m Ri m 9i0 141 4.20 5 Erma EceMin I N 2 Am S.N placed on the disqualified list. He had National League:' Luzinski, Phil NEFire v«. Beleon, 6 —Rolierl- hurler Barb Startup tossed an eight- I Bn Am I 7.20 SN Mhada 14 3D.N teiaieU 34 S4.N Price 179-177-538, Edith Mitton champ American League: Guidry, NY wide receiver Ike Harris. 5 M l C m SiO Pirficta 4-1 6110 PerfecU 34 25S.N 21; Foster, Cin 19; Kingman, Chi, «on hitter. Her teammates gave her MUl-l40iO TrifecU 34-2 741M Mason 193-489, Barbara NEWPORT, R.L (UPI) - Bernie refused to pitch last Thursday and 2.23; Matlack, Tex 2.31; Palmer, Trifecta 4-1-5 1I7J0 Winfield, SD and Clark, SF 16. Crispino’a v«. Z ipaer, 7s30 errorless support. Perfecta 1-6 132J0 SEVERTR GAM SMGUS SEVER POMTS OEVERTR GAM DOUIUS SEVER POMTS Goddard 199-490, Cheryl sat -at home while his agent Alan Balt 2.45; Johnson, Oak 2.53; Gale, T riM a 1-6-5 1.626M Mitton of South Africa Sunday sur­ —Roberlaon Add Simons Dairy Quten didn’t score until the 1 SdiM IS-N 6.N 4i0 SUrwUbM 9i0 I N 4J0 Meehan 178-457, Eleanor Hendricks tried to negotiate an in­ American League: Rice, Bos 23; KC and Keough, Oak 2.54. T M i GAM NM U S SEVER POMTS 2 7aSi < N 4 .N IGhvria Brier SiO 4.N vived a double match point and went Peter’s vs. Fogarty's, 7i30 1 M l 0b«t ISJO 6 i0 5.N 4 Gaetrica I Eceaarn 4.N Lively 176-175-506, Marilyn crease in salary to $70,000. The Baylor; Cal 21 ;• Hisle, M il'20; Sirikenuls VERO BEACH, Fla. (UPI) - The fourth inning against New Haven Briical 2-N on to defeat John James of Adelaide, —Fitzgerald $ Jivi Mir I 7.N IIO Bdmia 1-2 4120 IBBieU 1-5 34.N Hewinson 180-465, Dot Angels called up righthander John Alexander, Clev and Thompson, Det National League: Richard, Hou New Orleans Saints Sunday acquired when it erupted for five markers. 3 Iipi Cm 161 PirBcU 1-2 134.10 PwfccU S-l N N Australia 6-1, 3-6, 7-6 to win the $75,- B&M Pizza vs. Regal’s, 6 —Nike Madfl 1-5 42J0 TrilicU 5-14 241W Whitehead 178-510, Shirley Caneira from their Salt Lake City 19. 167; Niekro, Atl 129; Seaver, Cin 118; defensive Uckle Keith Simons from Leading the 14-hit attack against Trifecta 1-2-T T84.N 000 Newport Hall of Fame Tennis PirMa 1-5 134.40 E«TR GAM NMUS SEVER POMTS TWEUTR CAM DOMES SEVER POMTS Runs Balled In Aeadia vs. Walnut, 7 i30—Nike the Kansas City Chiefs for an un­ the Blue Jays were Judy Lauder, who Trilcda 1-5-3 514i0 Eldridge 180-188-190-558, Championships. farm club and said he would start Montefusco, SF 108; Blyleven, Pitt 2GhmlaZa«d l l N 7.» 4.20 SBiyGvmead 720 120 I N Happy Nicklaus family against Detroit Monday night. National League: Foster, Cin 66; and Blue, SF 102. Methodist vs. Postal, ft —Nebo disclosed draft choice. was 3-for-3, and Jean McAdam, Star­ FNnN CAM SMGUS SEVER POMTS 1 Erma M i 0.N I N IMeadhBade 4.N I N Pat Thibodeau 451, Bee Mitton earned $12,750, his biggest Clark, SF 65; Winfield, SD 62; Wendy’s vs. Crispino’s, 7i30 Simons started every game last tup and Betsy Gilmartin with two 7 Mm IlM 4.40 4.N 7 Girestda Mmida IN 4EBrriiGiriU 421 Moquin 489, Elaine Gordon single paycnecKpaycheck whilewniie James, 2727, Caneira was— 18-4 'i, with" T i . the’a'" Pacific— Garvev LA 60-Cev LA 59 American League; Guidyy, NY 4Sir(li tiO 5.40 M l n S120 (BirieU S4 32.N is flanked by his wife, Barbara (right) and — N e h o year for thd Chiefs and broke into the hits apiece. Startup was the winning l O w i i l 4i0 PwBcb 2-1 16UD PerfecU 54 K .N 465, Jean Archambault 493, 137; Ryan, Cal 132; Flanagan, Balt Mdnida 4-7 46i0 TrifecU 5-14 16T4.N . ’ Norton vs. jC Blile, ft — pitcher again, this time twirling a THIecte 2-1-7 1.I35N Teresa Priskwaldo 452, 102; Uonard, KC 97; Matlack. Tex starting lineup for six games the Pirlwta H 14150 RAIME N1I27 'heck. pionships Saturday at St, Andrews, Scotland, (UPI Photo) Staub, Det 71; -Thompson, Del and 83. ' Eastern vs. BSJ, ft —Cheney previous year as a rookie. five-hitter, all singles. THlMb T-4-S M120 ITTOMMCU2S3 Jane Toomey 462. PAGE FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn., Mon., July 17, 1978 MacKinnon, Rinhart race Peoplatalk Keaperlulth* speci* so many people.” There his fans of the Tchaikovsky Gold Medal in were — a quarter-million strong — Moscow — did his first American Miami Dolphin quarterback Bob dancing, singing along with him, performance since his return Sun­ * Griese says he has to wear glasses waving torches in the dusk at day, playing to a packed house with likely to bring primary • now because, in a fit of childhood Blackbushe Aerodrome, a rural air­ the Pittsburgh Symphony at Temple . vanity, he once cheated on a grade field in England. It was the climax of University in Ambler, Pa. ... Author HARTFORD (UPI) - A primary held. Jr., 38, the executive director of the ’school eye test. The result was Dylan’s month-long European tour Taylor Caldwell, 78, whose books He apparently gained some battle appears likely in the 6th con- state NAACP, was tapped to ■ ampblyopia — blurring of vision and and Sunday he gave it everything he “ Captains and Kings’’ and strength before the balloting when challenge 1st District incumbent gressional District where headaches — and the necessity now had. Backed by such top-name "sup­ "Testimony of Two Men” were made another candidate for the nomina­ Democratic Rep. William R. Cotter. photographer George Rinhart this of wearing the specs he once port” acts as Eric Clapton and Joan into television mini-series, was weekend gained a surprising 71 tion, Jay Valentine, M, of Nevv Bri­ Delegates at a 2nd District dreaded, on the gridiron. But some at married July 7 to her manager, meeting In Norwich formally gave Armatrading, he belted out a solid delegate vote to Daniel MacKinnon's tain, dropped out, claiming he did not ; least will profit from his mistake. three-hour concert. At nearby Robert Preslie, .it was announced have enough financial backing to stay the nod to Vernon attorney Tom 104. , He’s now Florida chairman of the Waterloo station, chaos reigned. this weekend in Los Angeles ... There was no opposition Saturday in tbe contest. Connell, 43, to challenge incumbent Society for the Prevention of Only 100,000 had been expected, but Former Boston Celtic basketball star In the other districts. Sen. George at five of the state’s six Republican Democrat Rep. Christopher Dodd. blindness and director of vision 250,000 showed up. It was Woodstock Bill Russell will be a sports and news Guidera, D-Weston, was the choice of John Pucciano, 38, a business con­ congressional nominating conven­ education with the American Optical all over again. connmentator with television station delegates meeting in Ansonia to sultant from Orange, was nominated Corp. Says he, ‘T ve gotten a lot of tions, The five candidates were Secret punrii-line KABC in Los Angeles ... Basketball nominated by acclamation. replace incumbent Rep. Roanld A. at a 3rd District meeting in Hamden letters from parents who say how great Wilt Chamberlain and former to try to defeat Incumbent Democrat But in Torrington, Rinhart, 33, of Sarasin, who is giving up his 5th nice it is their own kids wear their The honor of delivering the final pro grid star Rosey Grier were auc­ Rep. Robert N. Giaimo, the dean of Goshen, surprised the favorite, District seat to run for the gover­ glasses because I do.” joke at Ve Little Club in Beverly tioneers Sunday at a fund-raiser in Connecticut congressmen. MacKinnon, 53, in gaining more than nor’s chair. Hills, Calif., fell Sunday to Joan Los Angeles for the Junior Olympics Pucciano, who was the GOP can­ Rivers, but it won’t go down in 40 percent of the vote. MacKinnon The only other Republican incum­ WooHslork remembered program of the Southern Pacific bent, Rep. Stewart McKinney was didate in 1976, said Giaimo’s 20 years history. Club owner Marshall Edson was the state's first administrative Bob Dylan surveyed his audience Association AAU womens’ track and nominated to at a meeting in Fair- in Washington has put him out of says the 22-year lease on the long- services commissioner until he was with awe. Said he, ‘T ve never seen field. fired Gov. Ella Grasso in May. field to seek his 5th term as represen­ touch with his constituents. Pucciano popular comedy showcase is up and Rinhart's 71 delegates are more tative of the 4th District. He will said if elected, he would propose he doesn’t plan to renew it. But EM- than enough for the 20 percent probably face Democrat Michael legislation limiting congressmen to son wouldn’t say what Miss Rivers’ necessary for a primary. Rinhart Morgan of Stamford. six terms. parting comic shot was, and there said he expects to win if a primary is In West Hartford, Ben F. Andrews weren’t many to hear it. Ye Little Club, living up to its name, only seats 75 people. David Brannen, 23, rests in his bizarre that listed its body type as coffin. (UPI Have coffin, will travel Coll claims 25 violations motorcycle trailer shortly after the State of photo) The advantage to David Brannen’s California issued a registration for the trailer trailer is that it’s small enough to fit in tight places. The disadvantage is, of beach access regulation it sleeps only one. The Department of Motor Vehicles registration lists its learning a lot — how people are being anything until he was requested to Arts festival proves OLD LYME (UPI) - Social ac­ body type as “ 1973 model coffin.” either by a sjtate agency or official. tivist Ned Coll, after walking the treated as second-class citizens The 23-year-old West Covina, C alif.,, Coll made a similar beacb walk shoreline from Black Point in Nian- because of the lack of enforcement of mechanic says he originally bought last year, covering the state’s entire tic to Griswold Point, says he turned state laws,” said Coll, head of the the coffin to make a stereo, but up about 25 violations of state law 253-mile coastline in an effort to people want to perform Hartford Revitalization Corps, decided it would make a better allowing public access to beaches. He said one obvious example of show people the beaches belong to trailer and portable bed. So he JEFFERSON, N.H. (UPI) - The Local participation stems from the Chorus, “we’ve enlarged it so this He said he found "a ballpark figure attempts to block the public from them. hooked it up to his motorcycle, put it certain beaches was a pile of He said his corps is forming a The campground is close White Mountains Center for the Arts Jefferson Chorus, which came into year we have a specifically New of 25 violations of state laws” during on wheels and now he’s ready to roll his 5'/2 day scouting trip with two boulders along one beach which cut shore patrol to receive complaints is finding art is like tennis — expose being about the same time as the Hampshire series.” It’s tenting tonight in the old backyard as Wallace, 11, front, and David Odom, 7, work — or to rest when the rolling grows companions. Under state law, all of off access from either direction. from people who think they are being people to enough quality perfor­ festival and always has appeared The Jefferson grade school asked hard to drive the stakes in the ground. The wearisome. the shoreline below the high tide Last week. Coll accused Attorney illegally denied access to beaches. Allan Borgida, left, 8, and Susanne Pergollat- mances and they want to become with the festival orchestra. North Jefferson Chorus director Nancy to, 8, adjust the telescoping support pole (left campsite happens to be in the youngster’s performers themselves. Country people from all walks of life Winsor if she’d run a chorus free, mark belongs to the citizens of General Carl Ajello of failing to en­ He said he may make future walks Joan Rivers Glimpses Boh Griese Connecticut force laws to open up the shoreline. this summer, probably in the photo). Securing the stakes will keep this tent neighborhood at 481 Spring St. (Herald photos Cellist Nathaniel Rosen ,— winner Six years ago, organizers had to get their teeth into such heady stuff because there wasn’t any money in the school budget. Her effort was so “We learned a lot and the public is But Ajello said he couldn’t do Greenwich-Fairfield area. from blowing off its campsite as Vicki by Chastain) push, pull and scream to draw 5,000 as Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and people for the first two-week concert Mozart’s Requiem. successful the children from grades The Lighter Side series held north of the White Moun­ This year the Jefferson chorus of one through six, with some assist on tains. This season they expect 35,000 about 50 people is being joined by the adult leads by area music teachers, Biebel suggests lie test people for an eight-week series North Country Chorus, based a little are putting on “The Sound of Music” Testimony to start For Pei a piece of cake where many of the stars will come west and south in Woodsville, N.H., for the festival. from right down the road. and Wells River, Vt., and by talented Berlin, a pulp mill town of 15,(X)0 which is the only city north of the By DICK WEST willing to admit having been back up, believe me. “We traditionally think of art as amateur singers from all over New in Grasso primary dispute associated with that project. But' I Q. I can see where that would be a being involved with viewers and England and New York. mountains, has “probably one of the on SCM damage award doers. You simply can’t ask people to finest amateur community theater WASHINGTON (UPI) - A smash finally managed to track down U.R. problem, particularly with respect to “They rehease on their own in test by an almost 2-to-l margin. hit of this summer’s tourist season in keeping the filing cabinets from be viewers all the time,” said the smaller groups prior to arriving up groups in the state,” Goyette said. NEW BRITAIN (UPI) - May 2 primary, claiming the ads HARTFOD (UPI) — A federal jury SCM charged the Stamford-based excluded from it. However, they said Gingerbread, who has been accused Bietel said Sunday there’s still the Washington is the new East Building sliding to the lower end. How did you center director, John Goyette. here for a choral workshop July 29- Its Theatre North is doing “ West Republican State Chairman were deceptive. this week begins hearing testimony Xerox violated federal antitrust laws SCM was illegally pushed out of the of serving as an architecturl consul­ discrepancy between the testimony 'of the National Gallery of Art. This year hundreds of people are 30, which culminates in the perfor­ Side Story” here in August. Frederick Biebel says a lie detector Superior Court Judge Robert Wall on what damages should be awardeo in moving to sew up the copying market after 1969. tant on some of the blueprints. solve it? ruled July 6 that linking the names of of Mrs. Grasso and New Britain A. We eventually hit upon the idea being asked to be doers, on stage mance of Bach’s ’Magnificant’,” The Hartford Ballet will be joined test might prove once and for all just SCM Corp. for Xerox’s hold on the market and exclude competition. Several court officials have said Mrs. Grasso and popular lawyer Democratic Town Chairman Thomas Since its opening in the spring, the Following is a partially edited with the festival orchestra and Goyette said. this year by the Louis Falco Dance what role Gov. Ella Grasso played in paper copying market. After 11 months of gathering they believe the lawsuit is the longest of building it from the top down. That Edward Januszewski was deceptive ; museum has drawn capacity crowds transcript of our conversation: visiting dance teams from Hartford He said building on the successful Company of New York for an August campaign advertising for the New Comizio. Mrs. Grasso said she knew The jury concluded the first stage evidence and five weeks of in history. The second stage of the way only the bottom ends were at and been the subject of innumerable and New York. participation of the Jefferson dance workshop. Britain delegate primary, because Januszewski was not a can­ nothing about the ad campaign, but of the antitrust case last week by fin­ deliberations, the jury last Monday trial is expected to last only about different levels. newspaper, magazine and television Q. One of I.M. P ei’s biggest Lt. Gov. Robert Killian, second-in- didate for probate judge at the time. Comizio said she did. ding Xerox did have a monopoly on ruled Xerox did engage in illegal two weeks. Q. That was brilliant thinking on Biebel said the important thing is features. challenges Was making the new Raft rare grows Minchtttar Evening Herald command to Mrs. Grasso and now But Wall refused to call a new the office copying business for monopolistic activity, but disagreed It is estimated SCM and Xerox somebody’s part. Visitors to the AL GENTILE museum fit on a rather odd-shaped ESSEX (UPI) - It her challenger for the Democratic prim ary, saying there was no who was telling the truth. He said a several years. with SCM’s contention the activity Rayburn Building are especially im­ PubllihNd every evening except lie detector test of Mrs. Grasso and have sunk two million into the anti­ triangular plot of land. Were the started out three years ago .Sundays and holidays. Entered at the gubernatorial nomination, asked a evidence it would have turned out The panel Wednesday will begin began in 1964. Most of the credit is given to the pressed by the utilization of natural Manchester. Conn. Post Office as Se­ AND HIS ORCHESTRA trust case. Both firms sent brigades designers of the Rayburn Building as a good excuse for some court to overturn the results of the differently without the ads, Mrs. Comizio might settle the issue. The jury ruled there was no .architect, I.M. Pei. From all ac­ light in the courtyard. How did that cond Class Mall Matter. FEATURING MARY RICHARDS deliberations on what damages of attorneys, staff and a secretarial confronted with any unusual spatial friends to get together, Grasso won the winner-take-all con­ should be awarded SCM. The New copying m a rk e t in 1964, and counts, he has created an architec­ concept evolve? core to Hartford for the duration of problems? guzzle beer and spend a Suggested Carrier Rates CHARITY BALL York City-based firm wants $76 therefore SCM could not have been tural gem, particularly in im­ A. It was made possible by the fact Payable In Advance the case. lazy afternoon floating million. Federal antitrust law per­ aginative utilization of natural light A. Hoo, boy! Were we ever! The that the courtyard, being an open Single copy...... 16* 9 PM - 1 AM from the Deep River dock W eekly...... 90S FUND’S RESTAURANT LEGAL BEVERAOES mits the jury to triple damages as and ingenious solution of what was a cockamamie block we had to build it area, is exposed to sunshine. We felt One m o nth ...... $3.90 Connecticut briefs to Knotts Island. Three months ...... $11.70 Rte. 6, Bolton, Conn ______fiVAy^ABU- J special punishment. rather awkward space problem. on starts at the bottom of Capitol Hill that sunlight would be ideal for il­ BENEFIT SIRE INC. Six m o n th s...... $23.40 Xerox has said SCM’s damage and extends about half way to the luminating an outdoor area. Now everybody’s in on One y e a r...... $46.80 SAT. JULY 29 Organization for ttw Mall Rates Upon Request Salary offer prostitutes looking for business, it is Telephone Companies, said. claim is too high and it believes U.S. Pei, understandably, has been in summit, which is several feet higher. The most striking thing about the the act. natural to wonder whether your The 1978 Connecticut Subscribers who fall to receive Price, who’s from San Marcos, District Court Judge Jon 0. Newman big demand for interviews. While So our problem was to figure out how courtyard lighting is the dramatic I their newspaper before 5:30 p.m. $10.00 Per Couple Raeervatlone 646-0014 HARTFORD, Conn. (UPI) - A (police) department has a policy of Two men go overboard River Raft Race Saturday should telephone the circulation' Tex,, said small companies must use should dismiss part of the jury’s ver­ waiting my turn, I thought it might to keep one end of the building from contrast that occurs on cloudy days group of Hartford businesses are casual enforcement, or infrequent is expected to draw 5,000 ) department, 647-9946. • all modern communication dict which could be the basis for a be intersting to interview one of the being taller than the other. and after the sun goes down. preparing to pay the $22,000 salary of enforcement, or selective enforce­ techniques to stay competitive. The designers responsible for another of We also faced the strong possibility Q. The way you explain it, sir, even spectators and 130 rafts. West Middle School Vice Principal ment of our anti-prostitution laws,” large settlement. on Block Island ferry group is holding its annual summer the capital’s architectural conversa­ that the floors would be slanted, my readers should understand it. The race committee has in­ Wayne Williams in an effort to main­ Ludgin said in a letter to Police Chief meeting at the Sheraton Hartford. tion pieces — the Rayburn Building. which is fine as long as you’re on the Thanks for coming out of hiding long corporated itself. And the tain quality education and draw peo­ Hugo Masini. BLOCK ISLAND, R.I. (U P I)-T he they’re both going to drown,” Smith The Tet offensive It was difficult finding anyone downward incline, but is no fun going enough to answer our questions. sponsors are shooting to ple to the city. The Hartford Corant Sunday Coast Guard is investigating whether said. In the “Tet offensive,” Jan. 30, raise $10,000 for charity. Williams’ position is to be dropped a Providence man fell off the Block He said he was later told there was printed an interview with a teen-age 1968, the Vietcong and North Viet­ because regulations require that the prostitute who is living in a motel un­ Island ferry Yankee or jumped off to a $150 bet “ to see who the first man namese attacked 30 provincial I sE1AND 9:35; "Last Waltz" 2:30-5:00- Advancement, Bonuses TUESDAY r O Sm a U T O A H M LEFT OVER 7:30-9:45; "Heaven Can Wait" * everV daV all day t Paid Vacation and POOLS M O m CARTONS The Town appreciates 2:20-4:45-7:15-9:30; "Convoy" Hospitalization. htexite ^oo^: ^^0^0 2;004:45-7;30-9;50; "Jaws 2" supen^EAL your cooperation 2:10-4:45-7:25-9:45 MIGHTIS 777WTMIES SALAD FLATE $1.79 IndudN: Dwdi tnd F tm , The Super-Tough U.A. Theater 1 - “The No Experience SMmmtf. FMpf > V y u m . Cheap Detective" 2:00-3;50- All-you-can-eat salad from our tantalizing Oltac HMdilt pfwpofflonwWy Driveway Saver 5! Neceeeery 5:40-7:45-9:45 salad bar, served with Texas Toast All inquiries held CWIolSlfiMMiacO U.A. Theater 2 - “The EXTRA CAarOUFREEl The best buy in TownI in confidence. 1-eoo- Swarm" 2;00-4;30-7:00-9;30 For interview call MAHCNESTER U.A. Theater 3 - "The “MANCHESTER-SHOP.RITE PLAZA” 382-4529 Jungle Book" and “The Sign SPECIAL ARTISTIC POOLS HARDWARE of Zorro" 2;154:45-7:10-9:20- “MANCHESTER-WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE” ^ 7 1 -9 1 2 3 877 MAIN STREET Vernon Cine 1 — “An Un­ Manchester — 119 Spencer Street (Silver Lane) Phone 643-4425 Read Herald Ads married Woman" 7:20-9:30 Hartford - On Prospers Avenue coa u,i j Vernon Cine 2 — " The (one...... block North of...... King's) Windsor — 590 Windsor Avenue Goodbye Girl" 7:10-9:10 Gin Windsor Shopping Center) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Mon.. July 17. 1978 - PAGE SEVENTEEN PAGE SIXTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HEKALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon., July 17, 1978 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••#••••••#•# a*aa»aaa*Aaaaaaaataaaaaa«« Help W anted 13 H9lp WMt9d IS H9lp WMfd 13 INDEX Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 Commentary National Weather Forecast NOTICES SALES POSmON - Straight CLERK TYPIST-9 to 5 p.m. ATTENTION - PARTY PLAN 1 — Lott end Found commissions, leads furnished - New exciting 1978 Toy it Gift Eased rules 2 — Pertonele Monday thru Friday Send 3 to homeowners. Call 242-5402. resume to Box Line! Dealers and Manager 3000 — Announoementi 'V needed. Highest commissions. 4 — Entertilnmeni Manchester Herald. REALE REALTORS on marijuana 5 — Auctions IF YOU ARE an attractive No investment. Or take ad­ HC41TOF Homosexuals in church life motivated woman we need vantage of our Special IS A FINANCIAL Summer Bonus Offer and mis have support e — Bonds-Stockt-MortflNQft you. If you are looking for a MASSEUSES - Expel fl — Perionel Loens lamorous, challenging nqsi- Book a Party now. Call 10 — Iniurtnce Cion, with a nevi Perfsian or will train for' the BODY Collect 673-0494, or write problem now facing Methodists SHOP, MANCHESTER. Call SANTA’S PARTIES, Avon, H O U S E S O L D WORCESTER, Mass. (UPI) - A EMPLOYMENT cosmetic line, you need us. 646-9880 lor Interview, ap­ 13 - Help Wanted 236-2381, 633-3366. Conn. 06001. slight majority of the state’s MM FluSSScO 14 — Butlness Opportunltlet' pointment. WORD 15 — Situation Wanted residents favor removing criminal V I I ) members of the group voted down Evangelical Seminary, a United WANTED - Gas station atten­ MANAGER / TRAINEE. For By DA E. ANDERSON. retail fast food outlet. Retail penalties for possessing marijuana Methodist school in Evantson, III., to lO tA N O ttM \*ATUNTA EDUCATION dant, full or part time. WANTED - Real Estate help, DPI Religion Writer that suggestion. 16 or fast food experience help­ but most do not favor outright dismiss two homosexual seminary — Private Instructions Mature, responsible person experienced not required, DANIEL F. REALE, REALTORS The 10-million-member United "It was our opinion,’’ Ward said, 19 — SchooIs-ClaeseR for thirdshlft. References, licensed or taking the course. ful, but not necessary. Call legalization of the drug, a poll by students from the school s Master of 20 — Instructions Wanted Methodist church will be the next "that there is serious question about iOWIIT tlMNMIum > Call 871-1698. Fantastic earning potential, Bill Husted at Bess Eaton 6 4 6 -4 5 2 5 Clark University reported today. Divinitv oroeram. REAL ESTATE Donuts, Vernon, Conn., 875- 175 Main atr» major Protestant denomination the appointability of a homosexual 2i generous commissions, h’ifty-four percent of the 1,005 per­ — Homes for Sale TOOLMAKERS - Machinists. referrals. Join the largest 8708. engulfed by the current religious regardless of his effectiveness in his 24 — Lols-Lend for Sale sons surveyed believe penalties for That decision has attracted 25 ••* Inveitment Property Apply 81 Commerce Street, Real Estate Company in the debate over the role of homsexuals in present appointment.’’ 26 — Business Property EXPERIENCE Delicatessen, Help Wanted 13 Help Wonted having a small amount of marijuana widespread protest, both on and off Glastonury. PTG Company. world. Call Noi-ma or Don at 13 church life. 27 >- Resort Property Century 21, Tedford Real weekends, apply in person. should be eliminated, while 43 per­ Good News, a conservative, campus, but a statement being cir­ 26 — Real Estate Wanted Telephone 633-7631. An acknowledged homosexual has IZE3* Estate, 647-9914 / 423-8958. Highland Park Market, 317 SERVICE DEPARTMENT PART TIME HELP cent were opposed and 3 percent un­ culated among the school’s alumni urtW IA TH IM POTOCAtT € > MI8C. SERVICES Highland Street, Manchester. received, for the first time in United evangelical caucus within the Pricing and stockroom clerk WANTED. We are looking for decided. denomination, contends that Abels defends the dismissal as in line with 31 — Services Offered SALES PERSON FULL TIME POSITION for HVAC Contractor. Figure housewives interesteu in Methodist history, official sanction 32 — Pelnling-Papering Experienced Full Time Retail continuance as a pastor violates the school’s position as a Methodist For period ending 7 AM EST Tuesday. During Monday 33 — Bulldlng-Contrectlng available. Must meet tough EXPERIENCED Bartender aptitude a must. Parts making good money for part- But only 34 percent agreed that for service as a pastor of a denomina­ night, rain and or showers will be expected in the upper 34 — Roofing'-Siding Furniture Store position with ualifications. Must also be M.portunity for advancement. experience helpful. Please time hours soliciting from our Methodist doctrine which considers seminary preparing students for or- 35 ~ Heating-Plumbing "the sale and use of marijuana tion. Mississippi valley and portions of the Gulf coastal area, emphais in Carpeting and 3ependable, willing to work, Full time in Manchester call 643-2192. East Hartford office. Hourly homosexual practice as “incompati­ 36 — Flooring Draperies. Call Mr. Lariarco. should be completely legalized," And a m ajor conservative group in dination. while mostly fair skies will dominate the rest of the nation. 37 Movlng-Trucklng-Storaoe honest, strong, quick, agile, Ixiunge. Call 646-2125 for in­ rate plus commision and ble with Christian teaching." 38 — Services Wanted Watkins, 643-5171. intelligent, able bodi^, plus terview. bonuses. Monday thru Friday while 63 percent disagree and 4 per­ the denomination, expressing Minimum readings include: (approx, max. temperatures in AMBITIOUS PERSON - Good “As in any professional school,” MI8C. FOR SALE some. Apply in person, 7- 9 a,m.-l p.m. / 5 p.m.-9 p.m. cent had no opinion. "profound astonishment and regret,” parenthesis) Atlanta 68 (87), Boston 63 (78), Chicago 67 (88), BOOKKEEPER - Immediate WAITRESS for Manchester character. No experience the alumni are being told, “the 41 — Articles for Sale . Eleven Store, 509 Center Call 569-4990 between 9 a.m.-2 Supporters of decriminalization may bring ecclesiastical charges “Under present circumstances we Cleveland 61 (85), Dallas 78 (97), Denver 58 (88), Duluth 59 42 — Building Supplies opening. Experienced needed Street, Manchester. lounge. No experience needed. Opportunity for $175 a p.m. Ask for Teresa. 43 believe marijuana is no more harm­ agaimst the pastor. believe that a recision of Mr. Abels’ seminary sets its own standards and (75), Houston 73 (94), Jacksonville 72 (90), Kansas City 71 ^ Pels -Birds- Dogs for busy office to work with necessary. Call 646-2125 for in­ week. Major company will 44 — Livestock accounts payable and learn you. Benefits. Car help­ ful than alcohol by a 66 to 17 percent The issue surfaced during last appointment would be the wisest and criteria for admissions, advance­ (91), Little Rock 72 (95), Los Angeles 64 (77), Miami 76 (89), 45 — Boats & Accessories OFFSET PRESSMAN, AB terview. ' LEGAL SECRETARY - Ver­ most practical means of avoiding ment and graduation on the basis of Minneapolis 67 ( 85), New Orleans 75 (90), New York 66 (81), 46 Sporting Goods receivable. Mature person Dick 360. Call 649-2741 ful. Call 528-3869, between 10 non Law firm seeks full time margin, but opponents of month’s New York Annual 47 — Garden Products and 2. Equal Opportunity the requirements of the profession. Phoenix 83 (107), San Francisco 53 (71), Seattle 53 ( 70), St, preerred. Call for appoint­ between 8:30 aiid 5 p.m. OIL BURNER MECHANIC - legal secertary with good decriminalization were divided, with Conference, a regional meeting of further divisiveness,’’ the group said 48 — Antiques ment, 528-9680. Permanent job on staff of long Employer. In the case of the United Methodist Louis 71 (91). Washington 66 (84). 49 — Wanted to Buy ^ping and short hand skills. 37 percent saying it is more harmful, United Methodists in the New York in a statement circulated throughout PART TIME John Deere established fuel oil company. RENTALS Friendly atmosphere. 36 percent saying it is not and 27 per­ the church. The Good News group Church, a determination of fitness loader-operator, to grade Must be licensed and have area, when Bishop W. Ralph Ward 52 — Rooms lor Rent MACHINIST - Experimental. AUTOMOTIVE - Large GM Competitive salary and fringe wants local New York Methodist of­ for ministry is an important part of S3 — Apartments for Rent around swimming pools. Mor­ references. Mellen White & cent undecided. Jr. affirmed the appointment of the Must be experienced in Dealership needs experienced benefits. Experience ficials to examine Abels on the ques­ the credentialling process” 54 — Homes lor Rent nings or afternoons. 742-7309. Palshaw, 107 Burnside preferred. Phone 646-1974. Rev, Paul Abels to New York City’s 55 — Business tor Rent Bridgeport and Lathe. Must Avenue, East Hartford. help in the following area - 56 — Resort Property lor Rent be anle to do own set up. And supporters tend to believe Washington Square Church. tion of “consistency and obedience" OFFICE / CLERICAL - Full- Mechanic, Lubrication. to Methodist doctrine and seek to dis­ 57 — Wanted to Rent Scharr Industries, 243-0343. Excellent pay, bonus, pension A BOOKKEEPER Full marijuana use doesn't lead to other Abels, a graduate of Drew Because the doctrine of the church 56 — MIec. lor Rent part time. Mature, MECHANIC WANTED for charge for secretarial duties drugs but opponents think it does, the cover whether any “substantial dis­ prohibits practicing homosexuals experienced person for varie­ general repairs. Experience a plan, medical insurance, Seminary, has been at Washington AUTOMOTIVE MILLWRIGHT - Experienced vacation. Call Joe Thompson for state funded day care. crepancy’’ exists between his 61 ~ Autos for Sale ty of office duties. Figure ap- must. Starting pay fe.OO/hour. poll by the university's Public Af­ Square church since 1973. from ordination, the two students in machine repairs, on textile at 249-1301 or 643-0213 alter 6 Manchester Early Learning 62 — Trucks for Sale titude/typing skills required. Must have own tools. Center. 647-9659. EOE Affir­ fairs Research Center said. Last fall, however, he was quoted professed homosexual lifestyle and would not meet the “fitness for 63 — Heavy Equipment for Sale and coating equipment. Excellent working conditions. p.m, Slie Herald 64 Young progressive, fast mative Action Attitudes toward decriminalization the requirements of ordination. ministry" criterion. — Molorcycles-BIcycles Scharr Industries, 243-0343, All company benefits. For ap­ in newspapers with regard to a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 65 ~ Campers-Trallers-Moblla growing company in follow political lines. Democrats Homes Manchester, 646-72M, 10 to 5. pointment call 688-2233. PURCHASING CLERK - "covenant" service he performs for General office background REAL ESTATE Marketing favor decriminalization by a 53 to 44 “If a pastoral resolution of any dis­ Neither case is fully resolved nor is 66 — Automotive Service Representative - Manchester, homosexual couples as well about his — Autos for Rent-Lease WANTED JANITOR - required. Duties include: percent margin, but only 40 percent crepancy is not found,” Good News the issue of the role of homosexuals REAL ESTATE SALES Peo­ PART TIME GENERAL East Hartford Vernon areas. own homosexuality, ple needed - Two full time CLERKS, for evenings and Experience helpful, but not Tjqiing, filing, phone contact. of Republicans favor decriminaliza­ said, “charges should be brought as a in church life likely to subside in the CLERICAL POSITIONS . Hours 8:30 to 5. Apply at Multi Earn lucrative commission. Frank makes a new friend During the conference meeting. S e c re ta ry sales associates. Members of weekends. Must be mature necessary. Good starting pay. Receive professional tion and 55 percent are opposed. Ward and other Conference officials last resort.” United Methodist Church — or any. 2 multiple listing services. and flexible. Call 643-5147 for Paid vacation, insurance, Circuits 50 Harrison Street. Diversified position in our engineering depart­ guidance, education, com­ Attitudes also follow age, educa­ Frank Yesonis of Manchester pets an owl held by Barbara recommended that Abels be put on a The New York case follows on the other Protestant denomination for; High commission paid. Call appointment. manjl more benefits. Apply prehensive marketing tools. ment. Requires accurate typist who enjoys Bob Wolverton, Group I Parkade Lane in person. No tion and income lines. Generally, the Ulkus of the Littz Junior Museum. It was part of the museum’s leave of absence but ministerial heels of a Ho-i-inn hy Garret- that matter. CHOOSE YOUR OWN Call Mr. Sammartino, younger, better educated and higher statistical typing. Light steno preferred. Realtors, 649-2813. ACT NOW - Join the OLDEST phone calls. EOE. HOURS at home on the phone Fireside Realty, Inc. 647-9144. Toy and Gift Plan in the Coun­ income people favor decriminaliza­ recent animal presentation for children at Camp Kennedy. General Clerk servicing our customers. 249- RN / LPN - Full and part try - our 31st year! Com­ RN, LPN, 7 to 3 and 3 to 11 7773. tion. the poll said. (Herald photo by Chastain) College picks president General office position offering a variety of time. 3 to 11 shift, (jood missions up to 30% PLUS shifts. Good pay, good duties, including typing, filing, and posting. salary, benefits, working con­ EXPENSES. Fantastic benefits and working condi­ DEMONSTRATORS: Earn tion. Apply in person, Vernon WARWICK, R.I. (UPI) tract at an annual salary of Accounting Clerk The first.vice president of the ditions. Apply in person: Ver­ Hostess Awards. Call Collect $1000 or more, trip to Nassau, non Manor, 180 Regan Road, 673-0494, or write SANTA’S Manor, 180 Regan Road, Ver­ — The state Board of $41,000 and will assume the United States to resign from free kit. Sell name brand toys Business Opportunity 14 Must have good math ability and working Vernon. PARTIES, Avon, Conn. 06001. non. and gifts (Fisher-Price, Regents has appointed position Sept. 1. office was John C. Caihoun knowledge of numeric and Alpha files. 2 years’ in 1832. ALSO BOOKING PARTIES. Tonka Fenton). Treasure SMALL ENGINE Service Edward J, Liston, presi­ experience in related fields desired. MACHINE OPERATORS for RELIABLE B a^sitter for 8 House party plan. Call 242- Corporation - expanding dent of Los Angeles Pierce Hardinge Chuckers, Milling PAfUr TT’ME HELP year old boy. Part time in HEW tightens up rules The above positions offer attractive salaries and 5830 or collect person to per­ dealer netork. No experience College in Woodland Hills, Lost and Found 1 and Drilling Machines. Small WANTED. We arc looking for summer and after school. son for Miss (5arol 491-2100. necessary. Complete training The Person! Waddell School area. 646-6067, Calif., to be the next presi­ benefits package parts. Interesting work. All housewives interesteef in Also booking parties. program. $500. investment LOST - JUNE 8, female cat. benefits. Apply in person only, making good money for part evenings, required to start your own dent of Rhode Island Apply or write to Personnel Office INVITATION Chestnut Street area. Multi­ 9-12, and 1-5 daily. C&W time hours soliciting from our POWER PRESS SET UP - business. Ideal for retired or Junior College. Who Reads VEEDER-ROOT colored, green eyes, pink Manufacturing Company, 74 East Hartford office. Hourly WAITRESSES - Part time Long and short run. Minimum part time. Details on request. Board chairman Albert TO B ID collar. REWARD 649-8209. Eastern Blvd, Glastonbury. rate plus commission and openings in our dining room on payment for abortion Sealed bids will be received 28 Sergeant Street Hartford, Conn. 06102 of 4 years experience. $5 to Mr, Barker, ESCAA Field Carlotti said Liston bonuses. Mon. thru Fri. 9 a.m. and counter. Hours: 11 p.m. to $7.50 per hour DOE. Excellent Training Division, Box 619, in the Office of The Director REWARD - $25 for the return -1 p,m.,5p.m.-9p.m. Call 569- 7 a.m., Friday, Saturday, and passed a law late last year limiting accepted a three-year con- 527-7201 benefits, Fee paid. David Wading River, New York. WASHINGTON I UPI) - HEW The law allows federal money for of General Services, 41 Center ______An Bqvtl Oppertunllr em p hrv W f '______of a Fugi 12-speed bike which 4990 between 9 a.m, - 2 p.m,, Sunday. Excellent working James Personnel, 649-7000. 11792. Health, Education and Welfare fun­ Street, Manchester, Connec­ Our Daily was last seen at Manchester MARKETING Represen­ conditions, fringe benefits. Secretary Joseph A. Califano Jr, has abortions in cases of rape or incest if tative - Manchester, Vernon, ask for Teresa. ding for abortions. ticut until July 28, 1978 at High at 9:30 am, July 13. Call Apply in person only, Howard TOOL & DIE MAKER - MANY PEOPLE only dream issued regulations tightening the the crime is reported to the police or 646-7690. East Hartford areas. Earn Johnson Restaurant, 394 to public health officials within 60 After a six-month battle last year 11:00 a.m. for the following: lucrative commission. PIN CHASER NEEDED - No Minimum of 4 years of owning their own business. rules under which federal funds may INVITATION For sale of rye grass, experience necessary. Tolland Tpke., Manchester. experience with aircraft Perhaps it’s time for you to days. Previous regulations required between the House and Senate over “Fun Ads” LOST Female Angora cat. Receive professional be used to pay for abortions. Manchester Industrial Park. guidance, education, com­ Knowledge of small tools tooling. Retirees encourged. pursue that dream. I have only the address of the victim, the financing of abortions under the Answers to the name "Pud- The three changes are: TO B ID The Town of Manchester is : FACTORY OPENINGS prehensive marketing tools. helpful. Good starting pay. $6 to $8 per hour, DOE. over 1,000 businesses for sale government’s Medicaid program. din.” Tanner Street area. Call Must be 18 years or older, —The two doctors who certify the —When doctors certify that the The Manchester Board of an equal opportunity Call Mrs. Sammrtino, Excellent benefits. Fee paid. by owners. Many for Congress settled on some fairly And Has 643-8487. dependable. Apply Parkade U R 8E PROFITS minimum down. For free abortion is necessary must be finan­ mother's health would be affected Education solicits bids for the employer, and requires an af­ Fireside Realty Inc., 647-9144, David James Personnel, 649- restrictive language limiting the Eatabllahed growing company needs Lanes. No phone calls. EOE. MINIMUM 7000. brochure write; Interstate cially independent of each other. without an tibortion, the address as Typewriters/Business firmative action policy for all availability of federally funded abor­ Machines maintenance for the machinists, engravers, N.C., and Bridgeport INVESTMENT Business Marketing, P.O. ^ x Under the law, federal funds may well as the name of the patient must of its Contractors and Vendors Personals 2 1978-1979 school year. Sealed operators. We make specialized machinery that 1888, Pueblo. Colo. 81002. be used for abortions only when two be given to state and federal tions. as a condition of doing The Item. N.C. MACHING OPERATOR This language, tightened by bids will be received until pffera challenge and variety. Good starting rates RIDE WANTED from HOT FOODS, INC., a sub­ doctors certify that the mother will authorities. business with the Town, as per Set up and operate vertical N.C. Machining SERVICE BUSINESS - With Califano, is attached to HEW's 1978 11:00 a m., July 31, 1978, at Federal Order 11246. Manchester to New Britain, sidiary of a national com­ $800 a week income available suffer severe and long-lasting The old regulations required only and company paid fringe benefits. Call us for the early morning hours. Call Center. Requires ability to read blueprints and use appropriation bill, which expires which tim e they will be Bid forms, plans and beat opportunity. pany with 10 yr. track in this area. A cash business. damage. Califano said the new finan­ the name of the patient. publicly opened.The right is A “Fun Ad" will appear dally somewhere after 5, 643-1257. precision measuring instruments. Applicant should Sept. 30. specifications are available at record, is now in the Minimum investment cial independence requirement will Califano said the requirements will reserved to reject any and all throughout the Herald’s Classified Pages. If you have 3 to 5 years’ experience in set up and operation required. 203-627-0550, 203-481- Califano said the latest changes the General Services Office, process of setting up dis­ TECHNIdAHS eliminate conflicts of interest. enable HEW and state officials “to bids. Specifications and bid have the Item, whoever appears first at The of a wide variety of machines, such as Drill tributors in your area. No 9544. were the result of comments 41 Center Street, Manchester, Entertainment 4 —The name and address of both the ascertain the appropriateness of forms may be secured at the Herald the following day between 8:30 and 12:00 NOBLE & WESTBROOK Presses, Millers, Tappers, Boring Machines, etc. sailing required. We need R a D Connecticut. TO FULFILL the last stage of payments for abortions." solicited on the original regulations, Business Office, 45 N. School noon, with the ad, and the Item, will receive $5.00. Good starting rate and benefit package. sincere, honest individuals victim of rape or incest and the per­ Town of Manchester, 20 WESTBROOK STREET HALF PRICE on Guitars 01 vnansion program' we "rhe original regulations were which were put into effect without Street, Manchester, Connec­ Connecticut Everyone Is welcome. A new "Fun Ad" will appear etcetera. Rivers Music, 7 who arc interested in son reporting the crim e must be EAST HARTFORD Apply or w rite to Personnel Office RAD TECHNICIANS will De looking for 2 full-time issued in January after Congress the usual comment period because of ticut. Raymond E. Demers, Robert B, Weiss, Main Steet, New Britain, 225- supplementing their in­ listed each day; be sure to look for them. An Equ»f Opportvntty Employer Immediate openings for Research real estate salespeople. Call the need to clear up the situation. Business Manager. General Manager 1977, Free price list. Open till come by servicing com­ F.J. Spilecki Inc. Realtor, 643- p.m. VEEDER-ROOT and Development 'Technicians with 040-07 039-07 28 Sargeant Street Hartford, Conn. 06102 pany established accounts, very strong mechanical and 2121., 3 to 4 hours weekly, your electro-mechanical backgrounds A 527-7201 high school diploma. 2 years MECHANIC POSITION AnCauMlODD«tunllrFmDto.,rU/F______choice. The vending in­ technical schooling and 3-4 years experience as a Research and Legal Notice 1 r -r AVAILABLE dustry numbers in the Development technician required. APPLY IN PERSON billions of dollars yearly. High vacuum and optics Situation Wonted 15 TOWN OF ANDOVER, CONNECTICUT COMPANY BENEFITS INSPECTOR Get your fair share! experience would be useful. A Fly fishing museum ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS When in need of a Service or Product CECCARELLI thorough knowledge of hand tools, SECOND SHIFT TOOL, DIE, & MOLD Minimum investment shop machinery and an ability to WILL CARE FOR Con­ The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Andover, Connec­ conceive, design and work from FORD/PORSCHE Requires experience checking tools, jigs, fixtures, required — $3,000, secured valescents, days or weekends. ticut will hold a public hearing in the Town Office Building, ROUTE e by equipment, investment drawings is necessary to perform Experienced, with references. draws many visitors Wednesday, July 19, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. to hear the following PROOUCTION OPERATORS COLUMBIA. CT. and dies, or mold construction. Also make complex precision assembly, disassembly guarantee and locations. and testing of complex laser Please call 872-9785. application asking for relief from the zoning laws of the town of inspection set ups using wide variety of tools. At­ Don’t hesitate, call now experimental apparatus. Andover, Connecticut. tractive salary and benefit package. toll free, phones are RESPONSIBLE Mother will Dwight D. Eisenhower and Herbert CALL A PROFESSIONAL We are growing fast, and are now starting a care for children in my home. By KEN FRANCKIJNG #162 Roger Zito - requesting relief from zoning regulations Apply or Write to Personnel Office staffed 24 hours a day. Hoover, requiring minimum lot size of 40,000 square feet, and road aocond ahlfl. Applicants must have prsvious CRY8TALLOQRAPHER Call 646-1076 • 5 to 8 p.m. only. MANCHESTER, Vt. (UPI) - The WANTED AND X-RAY Hoover was an ardent fisherman who frontage of 200 feet, A variance of 19,150 square feet in lot prbductlon metal working experience, using VEEDER-ROOT history and passion of angling are being DIFFRACTION wrote two books on the subject, including size, and 100 feet in road frontage is requested for a lot drill preasee, millers, lathes, grinders, etc. 28 Gargeant Street Hartford, Conn. 06102 TECHNICIAN preserved a stone’s throw from the (To put this Directory to work for you, call 643-271^ AREA 1-800-325-8400 one called “Fishing for Fun and To Wash located on Lakeside Drive. Hours are 3:30 to 12 p.m. Air conditioned, am­ 527-7201 Seeking a high school graduate. 2 Battenkill River, one of trout fishing’s At this hearing, interested persons may appear and be heard Operator 60 years of advanced technical school Private Instructions IB Your Soul." ple parking and good fringes. ADVISER An Equet Opportunltr Employer M/F training, and 3-4 years experience storied streams. Other space is used to rotate items in and may submit written communications. Hot Foods bic. in crystallography. Must have 1 TAILONINB I Must Have Car REMEDIAL READING and The non-profit Museum of American Fly the collection whicn includes more than The above appeal is on file and may be seen in the office of the 4470 CliaiMei OiimooO) lU. comprehensive knowledge of all Fishing is celebrating its 10th year in this Town Clerk, Town Office Building, Excellent Job lUiiati, Ci. 30331 aspects of crystallography in­ math: individualized work 600 fly rods. 400 reels and thousands of For Only LUCA’S TAILORING cluding grinding, sawing, program, (lst-8th grade) by southeastern Vermont town, and draws an HIGH STANDARD, INC. for Houswife polishing, and lapping techniques, flies. The oldest rod, a 12-piece Dated Andover, Connecticut 9 July 1978 of master's degree teacher. 568- estimated 25,000 visitors annually. BeautHul SeteeUon 31 Prestige Park Circle MPUISE atM OrS JEWEUY work with precision tools, operate Greenheart and Lancewood model, dates 17 July 1978 *2.90 Per litonday Han's a Woman's Wear 6 4 7 -99 46 complex electronic equipment, be 8075. East Hartford DRIVER knowledgeable in photography and Displayed in the cramped quarters are Zoning Board of Appeals nio u ta t. Oklrta, O U tan , to around 1832. Manulacturing/Merketlng Sporting FIrearma Aak for George darkroom techniques, and able to WATER SKI LESSONS and items from a vast collection of fly fishing Andover, Connecticut Your Ad Can Joana, Pants a SuHa MEMIBKPMfITS keep accurate records. Will be rides are now available. Star­ memorabilia. It's a stop for anglers Mary C. McNamara, Chairman 1721i Spam SI M3-77S7 NEEDED responsible for the care and All items were donated by a variety of Richard L. Higgins, Secretary B e H a r e . . . GROUP genera! alignment for X-Ray dif­ ting at $2.00. Call before 9 passing through town and those kept from This Directory. fraction goniometers, powder a.m., 742-6173. sources, including sporting goods firms 02(M)7 Children’s jewelry manufaclured cameras and single crystal equip­ favorite waters by poor weather. CARPET CLtAMINB MEN'S HAIR STYLING SUR6ICAL SUPPLIES under a Walt Disney license sell The “Herald" has a LEADER ment, Will be responsible for and the estates of late fishermen. Museum quick and return quick profits. We preparation of samples and obtain SUMMER TUTORING. TOWN OF MANCHESTER Hairstyling are a division of a national com­ Route open in Bolton. diffraclograms and diffraction College recommended tutor in trustees are currently trying to get well- HUWDIITY MEDCO pany and are looking for sincere, A person is needed to But it also draws thousands of visitors known living flytiers to add samples of honest individuals to serve com­ scans. math. Elementary through I.EGAL NOTICE SURSICAL SUPPLY CO. pany established accounts. You Good opportunity for a assume responsibility college studens. Call 646-4007. who know little or nothihg about tbe sport their work to the collection. (MRPEriUHIHG • Wheel CfM fn • Welken will require a $3,000 investment Excellent starting salary and com­ • Commodes for maintaining proper pany benefits. Please call B. of catching gamefish with artificial flies, Flies now on display include some by "Spaetaliaingln ITaillo Wair secured by inventory and display mature, responsihle Hodeers. 569-8900 for an appoint­ The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing • guivfcaf (iippatfi A a n e a t centers. If you are interested in work flow, repairs and which dates back to the third century A.D. their designers; ’Ilieodore Gordon, the ANUMialACoaMrdal • Johet Custom Supports ICLIP OlAilJ ment. making big money part or full time on Monday, July 24. 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Hearing Room of 457 MaIH 8ta aamm Mausclomy forms 4 Sms person. general maintenance of Schools-Clesses "Ninety percent of our visitors aren't father of dry fly fishing in America; Joe • ... call now. toll free, phones are 19 the Municipal Building, 41 Center Street, Manchester, Connec­ 846-3489 M inchttttr OQi’ llO f m ow n. U 44in staffed 24 hrs. per day. production equipment. fly fishermen and have no idea what it's Wrooks, Edward R, Hewitt, Preston Jen­ ticut. to hear and consider the following petitions: • U n lM TMCfNtologiM RESTAURANT Aurp serBIM NAME Applicants must have RMMnreh CMtor FOR THE BEST - Manchester about," says Paul Schullery. the nings, George LaBranche, Poul (cq) PAUL & SALLY MARTE - ZONE CHANGE - WEST MAIL TO: CALL TOM Ea«t Hartford Gymnastic School. 3 to 5 Does He See Your good mechanical ability tetqmlOmftmttfbiykm pupils per teacher. FREE in­ museum’s young full-time executive Jorgensen and Ernest Schwiebert. VERNON STREET (M-31) 1-800-824-S136 and prior supervisory director. "We hope they leave with a MAPLE Mobil ADDRESS 647-9947 troductory lesson with this ad. To change the zoning classification from Rural Residence to CARRY NATIONS OPERATOR 24 experience. We offer a Call 646-6306, or 646-3549. better insight and perhaps some interest Residence AA for a parcel of approximately 5.9 acres on the Super Service, Inc. H e ra lb The museum’s 1,000-volume library in­ 643-1305 CITY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING in the sport." west side of West Vernon Street — rear of 176 West Vernon OAS - OIL • LU1MCAT10N - good liberal benefit cludes many first edition and out-of-print FINE LUNCHES Acciaaomia Street. TIRga AND aATTIMia P.O. BOX 591 program. Apply Mon. works, plus the complete angling collec­ Com w of Cantor A M a in 8 1 STATE thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Homes For Sale 23 ZONING REGULATION AMENDMENT (Z-42) zto mwci ManchBstar, Conn. 06040 The museum was incorporated in 1968. tions of Gordon and Gingrich. rM a.l4M 4IT Its founding was suggested by Hermann Schullery is completing a slide presen­ To amend Article I, Section 2.L. to read “Lot frontage shall ZIP AMF CUND MANCHESTER - 9 rooms, 5 mean (a) the length of a lot line which abuts a street or (b) the FRAMINB tation which provides an introduction to LAWN AND GARDEN EXAMPLE: “READ THIS” North Coventry bedroom Colonial. First floor Kessler, for many years art director of length of a line drawn across a lot parallel to the street lot line CARRIER the museum’s work and the history of the exposure lim ita ii PHONE 15 Words for 6 Days DIVISION family room, 21/2 baths, 2 car Field and Stream magazine. at the required front yard depth when such method of deter­ MOMEAU UWN A 47 Main Btraat STONEWALLS . garage, $72,900. Call Arthur or "Every sport needs its Cooperstown sport. mination is approved by the Commission for the specific lot." CSS70N nCTK flUNNC Results of the 1977 Gailim Poll Imm aculate < 7-room Raised Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233. J. BMDEN EQUIPMENT INC. Only •8.10 Talcottvilla, Cl. Ranch. Aluminum siding. Double (home of the basebal hall of fame),” mnmmmmmemm □ CHECK ENCLOSED NEEDED claim the indoor HOUSE PLANT Watson Beach Co., The museum is funded by donations BARNEY T. PETERMAN, SR. ET AL - SUBDIVISION - Onvety Treeton mmemmemMom COMMG boom may soon surpass all other Equal Opportunity Emptoyar garage. Fireplace. Pine trees. Schullery said. “Flyfishing is one of the HNBAinnaD forms of Lawn & Garden activities Across the street from Ihe lOth Manchester Office, 647-9139. from backers and membership fees. Its GARDNER STREET (P-26) StiM, Ports and Ssrvics few sports which includes art forms — rod dM AM ffl — over 33 million households are hole of the golf course. Only Equal Housing Opportunity. 600-plus members receive quarterly To subdivide a parcel of 5.96 acres into 11 lots on the west side of PWTMHflC UIM1M FILL IN ONE WORD PER RUNK - MINIMUM 15 WORDS spending hundreds of millions of $53,900. making and fly tying. They deserve 423-6351 Fountain Village dollars annually. If you would like publications and are eligible for research Gardner Street — Residence AA Zone — ,362 Gardner Street, SOOH? preservation as part of our cultural m M l n. m m m 2 3 4 5 an opportunity or------to —service ■*------es- PASEK REALTY by its experts. BARNEY T. PETERMAN, SR. ET AL - INLAND Manchester tablisilished PLANTERWARE dis- am YOunsoF a noMoruM. 2nd M0HTUBE8 heritage." PAPER SUPPLIES INSURANCE BUILDINB SUPPLIES plays manufactured by the largest Gel a job where you can be your The exhibits are shown in rented rooms WETLANDS - GARDNER STREET (P-27) & oldest company in the business 289-7475 Mart honwoinwra h m put Uwlr The visitor is greeted by a visual in­ 1 9 10 own boss and earn what you're Iniut In Coon 1 Conn Compnny adjacent to the Orvis Company’s retail Application to deposit material in and construct upon a t • also • and have $5995 to Invest for Inven­ really worth. Start a career In real lor SO yooro. Low Intoroot ntoo. KEUY-FRAOET tory, then Inquire about our troduction to fly fishing — which uses bits designated inland wetland in conjunction with development of a W .J . IRISH estate. 10 jroor loom. Crodll un- store. Orvis, manufacturer and seller of RO-VIC INC. Carriers Needed warranted distributor program. EF1A* America's original elec­ noooooon, CoO Syd H. Coon, of fur and feathers to imitate insects and LUMBER MART 12 Is 14 15 This might be your chance to earn fine angling and sporting goods, has no subdivision plan — 362 Gardner Street. Hoodduorlon For AS Your INSURANCE AGENCY , 11 • tronic realty network needs sales South Windsor 370-4000 2nd mortgogo bait fish. FspsrUssdS! 73 WIndtor Ava. (R t S3) up to ^ .0 0 0 per vear, part time. associates in this area. We offer formal affiliation with the museum but BARNEY T. PETEHMAN,.SR. ET A L - EXCAVATION/FILL For AU Your for Our employees ana established dis­ thorough training and strong There is a mock-up of a fly tier’s bench; Cofflmonlil a H otfdtotM VERNON tributors are aware of this adver­ Krciilar Driveway has encouraged its development and - GARDNER STREET (T O ) Insurance Needs! i f , ik IF 20 national identity. displays showing how split bamhoo fly (WHOLiaaLf • RITAIL) OaMand Street, tisement. Fh'omote yourself Into an exciting, Just listed custom built growth. Application to excavate for construction within fifty feet of the 14. aHELDON RD. 444-U3Z 7BIFINNE MMaSD 871-2245 profitable career In real estate. . 7-room Ranch, 2'A baths, rods are manufactured; and a mix of Manctwotor The museum offices, library and banks of a brook — 362 Gardner Street. 21 22 23 2 4 ' I f " double garage, 2 trout, salmon and salt water flies from the South Street, MAIN STREET storage rooms are housed down the street At this hearing, interested persons may be heard and written FUEL TIRES fireplaces, ultra-modern size of a silver dollar to those tied on t-S00-32B-8400 |2(K> i>q. fl. Inl flcMtr modorn of* at the original Charles F. Orvis Co. fac­ communications received. Copies of these petitions have been 1 26 I f 2S 29 30 and Lillian Street kitchen. In-law apartment firr n|inrr. Amplr frrr paHiln|t> microscopic hooks. filed in the Town Clerk's office and may be inspected during of­ ROLTONOILGO. tory. M Y H R E MAN Operator 81 possibilities. On a clear Irtrul offlrr. AImi, 2,000 nq. The permanent exhibit includes angling fice hours. ■ RESOWED Areas in day you have a 30-mile (I. hrunti nrw( Ul floor nparr “In good time, we will get our own Fuel Oil Co., »A Friendly Place 12 S3 u 35 RREA'rARIERICAN uiallnhlr. I'rirm nlnrl al 87.00/nq. equipment used by some American PLANNING AND ZONING building. Wemeed five times as much dis­ That Saves You to Re-Tyre” Manchester RROWINB COMPANY BLANCHARD AROSSEHO view. Only $69,900 ft, inrUiilinic liral. notables. There are delicate fly rods and COMMISSION FORVIHI GBOUP I play space as we now have,” Schullery Ronald Gates. Secretary Money 357 BROAD 8T. I f 39 4A ^ other items of writer Ernest Hemingway, Call Marga or Joa »• 646-2482 PASEK REALH Howland Baalton said. “But our errent location is advan­ Dated this 17th day of July. 1978. ll«iteNrikSt,lhaelMto 643-2444 artist Winslow Homer, Esquire magazine ■1 D43-2711 643-1108 tageous. It draws in people who stop at Or­ 029-07 646-3523 CALL 647-9946 Esch offict hidieaMH MNHd Mri o^orsM 289-7475 founder Arnold Gingrich and Presidents vis to shop’’’ PAGE EIGHTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Mun.. Ju ly j7 , 1978 i FIMK MB ERNEST MANCHE.STER EVEN ING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Mon , July 17, 1978 - PAGE NINETEEN ACROSS (prefix) Anawur to Previous Punie 4 Mangy I Comedian 6 One of the A lMOf^D Op Caatar Garahwina Charlm M. Schultz 4 FamilY 6 Kitchen vMsal mambar 7 Compact a n u n n o ' a d v ic e AEO lir I Dear Abby 7 Term of 8 Infirmities * addraaa iriLuiinan m nnauu t Kind of bread anin iBDCin nnon I HEAR NOT TO VISIT, TO S TAV ! M C E . . . ! lOUnIta 11 Place ALTH0U6H.HE HASN'T I KNOW THAT FEELIN6., THIS □□□□ DnDQ DDn W R BROTHER THE COVOTES KICKED By Abigail Van Buren 12 Period 13 Spanish gold □□nann mnnQDCi FELT WELL LATEL‘t'„.HE'5 I'M ALWAYS a f r a id DON^r EAT i 13 Sola 18 Building SPIKE IS HIM OUT... HE HATES 14 One time only LOST WEI6HT AGAIN, ANP I'M 60INS TO I DEAR ABBY: Six months ago I left my wife of 17 yissrs addition U C lG □ □ □ [T 1 ■ ] CCVIMN6 TO LEAVE NEEPLE5... for another woman. (I'll call her "Dixie.’') It tore my wife 18 - d a Cologne 20 Conatallstlon a HE'S BEEN PEPRESSEP... OUTLIVE MY TEETH! ANYTHIMC9 You ? up, but Dixie and I had been having this terrific love affair 15 Regulation 22 Shell IN E TO VISIT •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 17 Located I s E Strvicti Offend 31 Servlcee Offend 31 Petnting-Pepering for two years and I had to make a choice or I’d lose Dixie. 23 Soaks In Butiding-Contnetfng 33 CAM'T COUWT. 19 Dancing 24 Concerning (2 Well, two weeks ago, Dixie and I spditup. Now I ’m going ahoea girth 45 German T R E E SERVICE - Free wda„Lai, cm GRAVELY TRACTORS - QUALITY PAINTING and FIRST CLASS Carpentry - ■ RtKve^ 7 -/7 to confess something to you that may sound silly. I love my 21 School (Fr.) abbr.) 39 Congeal article estimates, discount senior Sales, Parts, Service. Paper Hanging by Willis Remodeling and Additions. freedom. I enjoy being able to come and go as I please 23 Fiber 26 Petitions 40 Compass 47 Spinning toy citizens. Company Morneau Lawn Si Garden Schultz. Fully insured, Kitchens and Rec Rooms. 35 without having someone ask me, "Why are vou late?” 27 Plaa 26 Claopatra'a point 48 On Manchester owned and Equipment Inc., 423t635I. references, 649-4343, “Where have you been?" "Who were you with?” 32 Raaponalblllty years experience! For Free bane (pi.) 42 Ether 49 Hawaiian operated. Call 646-1327. Storrs, Conn,, 1 mile north of Artlclee for Sele Apermente For Rent 53 Wented to Rent 97 Autos For Sale 51 33 Scouting PAINTING Interior / Estim ates, call 646-4239. Abby, I know I don’t really love my wue, but I owe her a 28 Noosa Mansfield Center. ' lot for raising our two children. group (abbr.) compound goddais EXTERIOR. B e s t 29 Gumbo ROOM ADDITIONS, PLYWOOD FOR SALE - 2x4, TWO ROOMS - Private bath. WANTED TO RENT - Four or 1970 AMBASSADOR WAGON, 34 Sooner atate 30 Small valley 43 Air pollution 50 Pindar opus Dormers, kitchens, garages, Workmanship! Quality Paint! CUSTOM HOMES, Additions I don’traalfy want to go back to Dixie although she says 2x3, 2x10. Living room, 2 Stove, refrigerator. Apply five room apartment - power, brakes, steering and (abbr.) 31 Sweet potatoet 44 Word of 52 New (prefix) W nttirop rec-rooms. suspnded ceilings Lowest Prices! Dan Shea, 646- recreation rooms, roofing, she still loves me and wants me back. My wife wants me 36 Secondary siding QualiW Work! Best bedrooms sets. Call 646-4160 Marlow's, 867 Main Street, Reasonable rent. Retired cou­ air conditioning. (850. Call back, too. I don’t know what to do. 33 Having largeit division 54 Today and roofing. 528-8958. 5424.______Manchester. ple. Call 6498708. school BUILDING Maintenance and Prices! Bud.talaga, 742-8732, anytime. 643-1274. Don’t send me to a shrink. I don’t believe in them. And Repair Service - painting, » ■ — 36 Japaneaa GRADUATE STUDENT or 6464501. don’t send me to a preacher. It’s been 17 years since I’ve currency 1 2 3 4 1 6 7 I 6 LAWN MAINTENANCE. remodeling, carpentry, or KIRBY Vacuum Cleaner, THREE ROOMS - Heat, Autoe For Sele 61 1973 CUSTOM FORD, (700., J'P BETTS? (SO Reasonable and dependable PAINTERS- Free Estimates. been to church. What do you suggest? 37 City In Utah whatever, com m ercial and Very good condition. Sham- utilities included, parking. No also 1966 OLDSMOBILE, (100 10 11 12 13 H O M E /A M P college veteran now accepting Fully Insured. References GENERAL CARPENTRY, 36 Masting residential, 667-2367. pooer, attachment and much pets. Security deposit. Porter PLYMOUTH VOLARE or best offer. Call 742-9238. UNDECIDED HAVE A b a t h ... jobs in your area. Call 289- Available. Very Reasonable Repairs, Remodeling, 40 Bridges 14 16 16 more. 643-4612 after 5 p.m. kreet area. (210. 6499092. Prem ier 1976 - blue with wood DEAR UNDECIDED: Loving your freedom as yon do, it 4535. Rates! Call Joe or Jim, 742- Garages, Additions, Porches, 41 Encloauras COM PLETE LAWN CARE 5555.______Decks, Rec Rooms, grain, luggage rack, slant 6, .TOYOTA? 1969 CORONA, 4 would be cruel to go back to your wife and tear up her life 43 Joined with 17 II 1. 20 SERVICE. Mowing, edging, LEAVING STATE - Yardman 1 Hatchways, oofing. Gutters, FIVE ROOM APARTMENT - low mileage, power steering Vylinder, 4 door automatic, again, so don’t go back uMesa you can be a faithful 46 Arrangement shrubbery trimmed, weed and INTERIOR - EXTERIOR snow blower with electric 21 REWEAVING burns, boles Form ica, Ceramic Til. Call Second floor. Front and rear _ and brakes, electric rear win-. (425. Call 644-3291. husband. It has obviously cooled off between you and 60 All (prefix) pest control. Reasonable Painting - And odd jobs. Two start. Call 649-1706. Zippers, umbrellas repaired Dan Moran 643-2629. porch. Available after the ’ dow defogger, standard shift. Dixie, so do yourself a favor and stay away from her. 51 Noun suffix 23 24 26 26 26 26 30 31 rates. 647-9260. experienced College students. N Window shades. Venetian 15th. Call between 9 and 5,649- Must be seen to be ap­ PONTIAC 1970, 2-door, You need to discuss your problem witb a professional 63 Not closed ■ Please call 568-4641. 66 Adore 32 „ blinds. Keys, TV for rent. FARRAND REMODELING - 6622. preciated. 649-9868. Catalina, small V-8. who can help you get your head together. And make NO MAGNAVOX authorized fac­ Building Supplier 42 66 Observe 1 Marlow’s, 867 Main St 649- Specializing Cabinets and For­ Economical transportation, tory service on color and Building Conincting 33 major decisions while yon ere “undecided.” 57 Society game 3S 3 . 3 , 5221. mica Tops, Roofing, Gutters, ATTRACTIVELY Paneled 1974 MUSTANG GHIA - (750. Call after 5 p.m. 643- black and white TV. Stereo, NATURAL STONE for 68 Sell 1 WES ROBBINS carpentry Room Additions, Decks, Two room apartment. Stove, speed, 6 cylinder, 4 new 2259. DEAR ABBY: I am 12 years old and my brother is 7. 31 36 .0 phonograph. A&B Electronic, retaining walls, veneers, 59 Crag ODD JOBS Done - Cellars, at­ remodeling specialist. Ad­ Repairs. Phone 643-6017. refrigerator, heat, electricity. radials, (2 snows), excelent Our mother and father split up, and Dad is married to . 1160 New Britain Ave., West patios, etc. Pick up by the 60 Recant 41 alLAu u : ------tics. garages, yards cleaned, ditions, rec rooms, dormers, Adults, references. No pets. condition. 228-0475 or 228-9550. 1974 FORD SUPERVAN, another lady now. Mom is going to marry another man in Hartford, 561-0655. pound or delivery by the ton. F moving, trucking. Loam for built-ins, bathrooms, RoofIng-SIdIng-ChImney 34 (175. 6463167, 2293540. custom interior, 46,000 miles, November. 7>/7 Bolton Notch Stone Quarry, DOWN 43 44 46 47 46 46 sale. Lawn service. No job to kitchens, 649-3446. WE PAY (10. for complete good tires, excellent CARPET INSTALLATION - 649-3163. Mom’s new husband has a boy who is 10 years old. After big or small. 568-8522. BIDWELL Home Improve­ junk cars. Call Joey at Tolland mechanical conditon. 646-8029 BO 61 62 53 64 Priscilla** Pop — Al Vermeer Stair Shifts. Repairs. Carpels. Mom marries this man, his kid is going to five with us and 1 Cbnal ayatem CUSTOM CARPENTRY - ment Co. Expert installation ATTRACTIVELY Paneled Auto Body, 528-19M. after 4:30 p.m. In northern Steam Cleaning. I^ree Dog$-Blrd$-Pels 43 be our "brother.” (His own mom is dead.) He don’t know 66 56 67 COMPLETE CARPET & Tile homes. Additions, Repairs, of aluminum siding, gutters four room apartment? Stove, Michigan E stimates. Call 649-6265. how to hold a fork, he walks like a girl and talks like a installation and repairs. Free Cabinets. Call Gary Cushing, and trims. Roofing installa­ refrigerator, hot water. No 1972 CHRYSLER - Full 1971 BUlCK LE'SABRE - 2 Hotels WHV WHVIMOr?)/ LIFE rw HITTING I'M ENTER­ IM GOING DOG-CAT BOARDING baby, and we don’t like him at all. What should we do? 66 66 60 estimates. Call Pat, at 646- HOUSEWORK GOT YOU 345-2009. tion and repairs 6496495,- 871- pelts. Adults. (165. 646-3167, power. Excellent condition. 4 Excellent condition! Air con­ 3 One-tenth 17 SO IN A FEW /[B E a N S THE PRIME ING THE INTO A bathing/grooming.Obedience ROCHESTER, N.Y. 3745, alter 5 p m. DOWN? General cleaning, 2323. 22f28-3540. door hardtop. Call 289-2543. ditioning. Low mileage. (1300. HAPPV,' PAVS I'LL V T 40.' NEW ANP f\ prtection classes. Complete (NIWSPAPtH ENTIMfllSf ASSN) OF U FE.' BEST VEARS TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Call 569-2335, after 5:00 p.m. steam extraction carpet modern facilities. Canine BOTTS? BE40VEARS, OF MV m a n ­ EXCITING cleanng, floor waxing & strip­ Carpentry and general con­ CHILDREN St PE TS OK - 1973 CHEVY IMPALA-4door Holiday Inne, 200 Sheldon OLP.' h o o d .' PHASE.' EXPERT FURNITURE ping, window cleaning, carpet tracting. Residential and repairing chimneys, roof, new Heated 2 bedroom duplex, in­ sedan.power steering, power FOUR T IR E S -L R 70-15. Less DEAR ROCHESTER: You and your brother should be Road, Manchester. For reser­ refinishing and antioue & upholstery shampooing. commercial. Whether it be a rofs. F re e estim a tes. 30 cludes appliances and yard. brakes, CB radio and antenna. than 10,000 miles. 3 and 4 extra nice to this motherless 10-year-old boy, Ife may be a 3 vations please call 6495971. Win at Bridge f restoration. Free estimates. Professional/Insured. Free small repair job, a custom zyears Experience. Howley, Only (220.' Rental Assistors, Good condition. Call 875-2732. speed standard, and slow learner, but he has feelings. Be patient with Um, and f E. Loveland, 649-8%3, Estimates. Call built home or anything in 643-5361. 236-5646, small fee. automatic transmission for try to teach him. Kids who are the “hardest” to love POODLES - Guaranteed tiny DOMESTICARE at 643-1945. between, call 646-1379. DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS sale. Call 528-4903. usually need love the most. ED ’S LIGHT TRUCKING- At­ ROOFER WILL Install roof toy puppies and stud services HEAT St ELECTRICITY Paid Mr. 'S Automotive World. 289 at fair prices.1-423-8789. tics and cellars cleaned QUALITY CARPENTRY By CARPENTRY St Masonry - siding or gutters for low dis­ - Charming 2 bedrooms, with Oakland Road (Route 30), P L Y M O U T H - G R A N D DEAR ABBY: I am a very busy plastic surgeon but I am Learn when not to finesse Reasonable rates. Call 646- Harp Construction. Additions, Additions and remodeling. count price. Call Ken at 647- appliances and yard for South Windsor. Speed/Van FU R Y , 1976, loaded, steel taking time out to ask you PUEASE to tell parents 4 ADORABLE TIG ER AND 1943 fr free estimate. roofing^, siding, decks and gar­ Free estimtes. Call Athony 1566. cnildren. Oniy (200. Rental Accessories. 644-9395. belted radials, 4 door, NEVER to allow their children to stand up in eiuier the WHITE Kittens looking for ages. Call anytime, 643-5001. Squitlcote, 649-0811. Assistors, 236-5646, small fee. excellent condition. Call 646- front or back of an automobile while it is in motioni good homes. Call 649-6480. tract. West opens a dia­ ROTO TILLING - Established Heeling-Plumbing 35 PONTIAC LEMANS SPORT - 5805. These last few weeks I have been called upon to make mond. If Soutn takes the Gardens St Flower beds. STEREO & TV REPA IR - By CARPENTRY - Repairs, FIVE ROOM DUPLEX - Good running condition. NORTH 7-17-A Livestock 44 some extensive repairs on some beautiful young faces that diamond finesse and it Reasonable. Call 646-7644, Licensed Technician. Used remodeling, additions, gar­ SEWERLINES, sink lines, Excellent location. 2 Automatic transmission, FORD THUNDERBIRD, 1967 were seriously mutilated from accidents that came about • K953 works, he will make five or Captain Easy — Crooks and Lawrence after 5:00 p.m. , Equipment for sale. Call ages, roofing, call David cleaned with electric cutters, bedrooms, finished recreation bucket seats and console. mint condition, 59,000 original • A972 maybe even six spades. It RIDING LESSONS indoor in just this way. All it takes is one abrupt stopp for a Jack. 643-1262, evening. Patria, 644-1796. by professionals. McKinney room, I 1/2 baths, carpeting, (850. call 742-7054. miles, must sell. (2,800, ask • AQ doesn’t work. East takes his riding ring. Western stock youngster’s face to strike a windshield, dashboardI or the THERB SOE& PONT WORRY- I'LL BRICK. BLOCK, STONE i Bros. Sewage Disposal Com­ dishwasher, appliances, hook­ for Mike, 528-1386. • 643 king and leads back the RI0HT1 HE WANTS seat, saddle seat, and hunt back of a front seat with such force as to break face bones, ANY CHANCE WE (SET U 5 b a c k to PRYI Fireplaces, concrete.Cbimnev PET-MINDERS LEON CIESZYNSKI Builder - pany, 643-5308. ups. Adults. (290. 646-6297,643- 1968 CAMARO Convertible - WEST EAST queen of clubs. Eventually, YOW OUT OF THE WAY, repairs. No job too small. seat. All levels 228-9817. knock out teeth and cause disfiguring iqjuries. HAP OF BEING LAND!,.,JU5r eOON / FOR FEAR YOU'LL / HOW ABOUT Going away on vacatlon7' New homes custom built 7023. Body excellent. No motor. • 4 #72 South loses four tricks and Save! Call 644-8356 for es­ Trucks for Sale Today I worked with an eye surgeon for neinearly two PICKED UP BE­ WITH WHAT YOU HAVE HIM COMMIT- ( T^^UR MERBER remodeled, additions, rec NO JOB TO Small - Toilet Must be seen. Call after 3 62 • 10 543 WKSS c o m p la in s about two FORE PARK! timates We will care for your pet In Boalt-Accessorles 45 hourslOurs in a vain effort to save the eye of a A-year-old4-year-oId boy WERE TELLINE^ TED- BUT WHAT'S I ASREBMENT? rooms, garage, kitchens repairs, plugged drains, LIMTED INCOME? Check p.m., 649-7166. 4J9753 4K10 82 finesses out of two being .the familiarity of hIs own 1971 C H EV Y C E Y E N N E who had been standing in the back of his mother’s car HE SOT ASAIWSr remodeled, bath tile, cement kitchen faucet replaced, this 2 bedroom, dining room • K92 4QJ10 5 wrong.” M B l STEVE ARCHAMBAULT - home. Reduced rates for ■ repaired. Rec rooms, 1974 FURY - 16'A-foot and garage. Won’t last long, THUNDERBIRD, 1972, full Pickup. 3/4 ton. Sliding win­ when she slammed on he^ brakes. (’The child’s eye was work. Steps, dormers, SOUTH Oswald; ‘‘The man who’s General Carpentry and more than one pet at one bathroom remodeling, heat fiberglass,tilt trailer, with just (125. Rental Assistors, power, sun roof, excellent dow, Call 289-7274 after 3 p.m. gauged out as he struck the ashtray.) Please print this. residential or commercial. • A Q J 10 8 6 worth his while at the bridge Roofing. Quality address, 649-1352 Call 649-4291. modernization, etc. Free 1975 55 horse outboard Chevy 236-5646, small fee. condition. (2500 FIRM . 633- Such accidents are always on the increase in the table counts his wiitners and workmanship, reasonable Estim ate gladly given. M & M engine. 2 tanks, (2,500. Also 50 1816 evenings and weekends. 1964 FO R D ECONOLINE summertime. •QJ losers and sees that he e 64 rates, free e.stimates. Please Plumbing St Heating. 649-2871. horse Johnson outboard, ONE l ‘A St one 2W ROOM VAN, rebuilt engine, asking ALBANYSURGEON doesn’t need any successful call 646-0793. (300.228-0475 or 228-9550. • A87 Painting-papering 32 SUNSHINE Apartment - Available August 1976 DODGE CHARGER SE - (475. Call 875-8045 evenings, finesse to make his contract. MANCHESTER PLUMBING 1. Main Street. Heat and hot Resembles Chrysler Cordoba. 643-6662 days. Vulnerable: Both Then he plays dummy’s ace CARPENTERS NEED CONTRACTORS PAINTING - Interior and St HEATING-Repairs. S A IL F IS H - A lc o r t water. Appliances, Lease. All luxury items. Excellent WORK, siding, roofing, lAtuminum siding, .storms, gutters. I DEAR SURGEON: Thank you for the timely reminder. Dealer: South of diamonds, draws trumps, exterior, paperhanging, ICarpentry work. Interior, exterior I Remodeling. Pumps repaired Fiberglass. Daughter’s prize Security. References. Call condition. (4,000. Call 646- 1969 INTERNATIONAL loses the heart finesse, but remodeling, additions, West North E ast South excellent work References. Ipainting. Electrical work. F reees-I / replaced. Free estimates. possession. Super excellent after 6 p.m., 646-3911. 4358, after 5 p.m. MAIL TRUCK - Runs good. will be able to get rid of any etcetera. Free Estimates. Itimates. 1# Free estimates. Fully in­ Electric drain-snaking. 24- care! Canvas cover. Nylon 49,000 miles. (750, or best potential losing club on the Call Mathieu Carpentry. 569- Pass 3# Pass 44 sured. Marlin Matson, 649- 643-4453 or 64341367 HOUR SERVICE. 646-0237. sail. Telephone 643-8837. LOTS OF ELBOW ROOM - TOYOTA 1969 - Some repairs. offer. 649-3834. Astro-graph ace of hearts in the cool of 0930, ask lor Norm. Pass Pass Pass 4431 King size with 4 bedrooms, Best offer. 1973 Chevy \e e a , the evening.” Alley Oop — Dave Greue 22 FOOT WOOD Boat, bunk carpeting, washer/dryer and $450, Moving, must sell! (jail By BERNICE BEDE 0 8 0 L cushions, camper top. much more. Just (200. Rental 646-8362. Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Opening lead: 4 5 Tandem trailer. (750, or best Assistors, 236-5646, small fee, •Lots-Land for Sale 24 Arlirlcs for Sale SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ^ COMPIETE CAR CARE CBIllR 41 offer. Call 649-9402. PONTIAC 1970 - 2-door HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1973 'four Ingenuity and efllclency Catalina, small V-8. FX-1200 - 871-2511. today will not be fully appreci­ A New York reader wants THREE BUILDING LOTS - EAST HARTFORD available '•Top Quality Exhaust System •Brake Service ^ August 1st. Three bedroom ated by all. Someone who Is By Oswald Jacoby to know when New York’s Next to each other, between ALUMINUM sheets used as Economical transportation, Cavendish and Regency Antiques 45 Duplex in newer two-family (750. Call after 5, 643-2259. TRIUM PH 1976 Bonneville jealous of you will try to and Alan Sontag •Engine Tune Up •F ro n t End S enice Parker St Earl Streets, on printing plates, .007 thick, 750, 8000 miles, oil cooler and demean your achievements. Clubs were founded. East Middle Turnpike. Zoned 23x32", 25 cents each or 5 for home. Includes stove, base­ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Oec. Alan: ’’Are you the author The Cavendish Club was WANTED. Antique furniture, ment, back yard, 1 1/2 baths, . 1965 CJ-5 with plow needs rack. (1,750. 289-4042. July 18,1978 •Shock kbsorber ReplacementoProfessional Rustproofing for 2 homes, possibly 3. Write (I. Phone 643-2711. May be 21) Financial conditions are of the lines "rhe man who’s founded in 1925. The Re­ glass, pewter, oil paintings or wall to wall carpeting. Heat work. Must sell. Best offer. This coming year should be a John Liapes, 18 Saratoga picked up A M. only. likely to be a mixed bag today. worthy is the man who can other antique items. R. Call 643-1653. 1976 SUZUKI RM 370 - Very series of socially sllmulating gency Club in 1936, but in •Quality Used Cars Avenue, South Glens Falls, not included. (300 monthly. You'^re equally as adapt at smile when all his finesses 1964 it merged with the Harrison, 643-8709. Security and references. No good condition. Must experience# lor you. Take spending as you are at making New York, 12801. UNIFORMS WANTED -Cub go wrong?” Whist Club founded bl 1893 Muffler pets. 649-6354. 1970 CADILLAC. Good condi­ sacrifice, (890. Please call care, however, not to neglect a profit. Scouts, Boy and Girl Scout, Oswald: “No, I ’m not. But and became the Regency Wanted to Buy 49 tion, low mileage, call 649- 649-2094. old standbys In order to woo CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) RernlKSS' Brownies, nurses. East new pals. the man who knows when Whist au b . TH R EE & HALF ROOMS In 0865. Socially you'll be a big hit Catholic School. 649-1225. not to finesse can wind up 389 MAIN 8TBEET. MANCHE8TEA Investment Property 25 CASH PAID Immediately - Manchester South end. Good COME AND TEST RIDE our today, but persons Important to (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN. I your career are not apt to view smiling whether the finesses MON-FRI. 6-e, WED '111 0, SAT 0 AM • 3 PM for gold jewelry and location. Heat and hot water FO R SA LE 1967 DODGE Hercules Mopeds. Cycle Gear, CANCER (June 21-July 22) (Fora copy of JACOBY MOD­ 846-2112 Be you In the same light. Strive lo are ri^ t or wrong.” EIGHT FAMILY HOUSE - In­ diamonds. Licensed broker included. (165 per month, plus Convertible, heeds wiring 63 Tdlland Turnpike, careful today not to force peo­ ERN, send SI to: "Win al TWO 300 AMP Rectifiers - Impress them, too. Alan: ’’Here’s a good Bridge," care of Ihls newspa­ come $850 a month. Tenants for over 1/2 century. Savitt harness, front windshield, Manchester. 647-1022. Open til ple you're fond of on your mate J Good condition. Good for security. Available im­ AQUARIUS (Jan. 26-Fab. 19) If example. South is in a nice, per, P.O. Box 489, Radio Oily pay own utilities. Price $65,- P.O.M.G. Jew elers, 35 first (100 Ukes it. 1974 VEGA 9. If he or she doesn t lake to Homes For Sale plating, or welding. Call 649- mediately. Call 646-0156, after you adhere to your automatic comfortable four-spade con- S tallon, N e w York, N. Y. 10019.) 23 Homes For Sale 23 00(5. Financing and manage­ Asylum Street, Hartford, 527- 6 p.m. WAGON excellent condition, these people as enthusiastic­ responses you're capable of The Flintstones — Hanna-Barbera Productions 3439 from noon til 6:00 p.m. ally as you do. Find out more ment available. Call 423-6711 0163. (1000. Call 646-1478. 1977 SUZUKI 250, 850 miles, surprising accomplishments ASHFORD - 3 bedroom water­ TWO BEDROOM COLONIAL in Willimantic. mint condition. Call Mark 568- about yourself by sending for today. Too much soul-search- NCR CASH REGISTER - ROCKVILLE - Four rooms in your copy of Astro-Graph Let­ front home. Oil fired hot air WANTED - DODGE MAIL 5623. Ing evokes a negative attitude. Berry’s World RANCH - Quality home, dou­ Reconditioned, with many renovated building. Stove and CHRYSLER CORDOBA 1975 - ter. Mall 50 cents for each and a OK heat, fireplace, prch, double ble landscaped lot. Excellent FOUR FAMILY HOUSE - In­ TRUCK - Righthand drive. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) '^ ..W E c a m e V e r y c l o s e totals. Call after 5:30 p.m., refrigerator. Adults. No pets. Low mileage. Clean. Air. long, self-addressed, stamped ill* lot, (100’ X lOO'l. Lake come $600 a month. Tenants Any condition. Please call 742- Friends appreciate you for T O A f f o r d i n s o u r o w n location. (45,000. No realtors 228-3957. S ecu rity. R eferen ces. No Stereo. Leather, and so forth. envelope to Astro-Graph, P.O. Chaffee. Excellcnl for year pays own utilities. Price $45,- what you are, but you may have s t a n d a r d o f l i v i n g ’fi please. 646-3026. 7308 anytime. utilities. (175. 643-9743. (3500. Call 646-2944. Campers-Trallers Box 489, Radio City Station, difficulty In believing Ihls today t h i s m o n t h / round living or as second 000. Financing available. Call Mobile Homes 65 N.Y. 10019. Be sure to specify and try to buy their good home. By owner. 633-8927 or 423-6711 in Willimantic. birth sign. MANCHESTER, OAKLAND MOLDED FORMICA top and AMC 1973 HORNET, 2 door graces with material favors. 7/- Ml-4322. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) It Isn't ARIES (March 21-Aprll IB) STREET, $41,000, 6 room paneled bar with two shelves Rooms tor Rent j 2 Homes lor Rent 54 sedan, 6 cylinder, standard 1973 IN TR EPID - 20 foot For ••••••••••■ ••••••••••••••• Travel Trailer - Stove, like you to try to skim the best results financially and older home. Lot 135x200, and four stools.(175. 6 4 6 -^ 8 . shift, 49,000 miles, good condi­ cream from a collective effort. Business Property 26 refrigerator, heated. Full careerwise loday, keep no- Marion E. Robertson Realtor, THOMPSON HOUSE MEN - PROFESSIONALLY tion, (1,450. 646-6793 after 6 Today, however, you may look shower, and toilet. Tandem nallgned parties out of the act. Simple Lines 643-5953. TWO PAIRS of bucket seats Birch House Women. Central­ decorated Colonial with acres p.m, lo fatten your coffer while KIbbItzers could muddy the A SOFT ICE CREAM Truck from Pontiac. 1 pair red, 1 of privacy. 2 adults preferred. wheels. Call 688-0383. , denying helpers. ly located. Downtown VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) MANCHESTER - 6 Room ready to go. Call today. 203- pair white. Excellent condi­ Manchester. Kitchen (5()0 includes snow removal, 1971 M ERCURY Monterey, V- TAURUS (April 20-May 20) In 677-8116. LAKE RIGHTS Go with this Today's fun happening could Cape. Oil fired hot air heat. tion. $50 pair. 633-0131. privileges. Call 649-2358. gardener’s fees. Call 289-1342. 8, good running condition, (395 social situailons today make or best offer. Call 646-2946 lovely 3 bedroom front kitchen lurn somewhat sour If those sure your conversation Is light Fireplacee living room, you're sharing the good limes MANCHESTER - For sale after 6 p.m. Mobile Home, set up on 3/4 and breezy. Serious subjects porch, 1 bath, detached 1 car SCREENED LOAM - Gravel, BRIGHTLY FURNISHED - C H IL D R E N St P E T S with fall to pick up their share commercial building and acre lot, overlooking the lake. Important to you may only bore garage, small lot, convenient sand, stone, fill, processed Gentlemen only, kitchen WELCOMED - (Jarpeted 2 of the lab. Avoid tight-listed liquor store. Call for details, Excellent financing available. others. location. Owner 633-8927 or gravel. For deliveries, call privileges. Central location, bedroom and dining area. BUICK OPEL 1968. types. Marion E. Robertson, Asking (7,995. The 3/4 acre lot GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Con­ 281-4322. George H, Grilling, Inc. An­ references and security Laundry room and lots more! Everything new, (400. Call LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Don't ditions appear profitable today, Realtor. 643-5953. is available for purchase. dover, 742-7886. required. 643-2693. Only (185. Rental Assistors, 646-0281 anytime. spoil what should be a pleasant provided you don't divide your Born Loser — Art Sansom WATERFRONT - 3 bedroom 236-5646 small fee. Please call Broker, 376-0911, day by Insisting that those with elforts between work and play. you must marcri to the tune you home. Oil fired hoi air heal, DARK LOAM Delivered - 5 ATTRACTIVE SLEEPING 1969 VW - GOOD running con­ Concentrate on the former. (5.00 TO THE FIRST tool. Lei their melodies and fireplace, porch, double lot Rel Estate Wanted yards, $34. plus tax. Also sand, room. Gentleman, shower, ACREAGE - Secluded 3 dition. Asking (800. 646-5026 Eliminate the latter. PERSON who comes to The yours blend. INEWSPAPEn ENTERPRISE ASSN.) (100' X 100’). Lake Chaffee in gravel and more stone 643- bath, private entrance, free bedrooms with fireplace, after 5 p.m. Manchester Herald with this Ashford, 40 minutes Northeast ALL CASH For your property, parking. Apply 195 Spruce basement and plenty of ad tomorrow morning Bugs Bunny — Helmdahl and Stoffal of Hartford. Excellent for within 24 hours. Avoid Red Street. extras. For more information eHTJbyNEAlnc between the hours of 8:30 a m year round living or vacation Tape, Instant Service. Hayes ONE PAIR ANTIQUE Satin callRental Assistors, 236-5646, home. Owner. 633-8927 or 281- Corporation, 646-0131. drapes- Austrialian valance- small fee. 4322. Jade, 144x84, $45. Touch and Apartments For Rent DRIVE SELLING your house? Call us sew sewing machine with MANCHESTER - 7 room, 3 first and we’ll make you a Maple cabinet, (65., 25 gallon LOOKING for anything in real Otilces-Stons lor Rent 55 bedroom Cape on large lot in estate rental - apartments, A Automotive Service cash offer! T.J. Crockett, fish tank with filter and nice resiential area. Realtor, 643-1577. accessories, (35. 2 Rupp snow homes, multiple dweliiiigs, no BOLTON NOTCH - For rent, Fireplaced den, garage, gar­ mobiles-40 horse power, best fees. Call J.D. Real Estate small rustic barn, suitable for Asociates, Inc. 646-1980. sun spcialists, factory den space. Call Katherine IMMEDIATE Cash for your offer. Call 568-6559. store or’ office. Parking. PIAN WILL BRINS SPORTS FACILITIES Bourn. 742-8646. J. Watson Inexpensive. 1-223-4460, 7 am. 1 9 7 6 FORD trained, one day service, 114 property. Let us explain our t o EVERY CITY BLOCH! THAT MEANS Beach Co., Manchester Of­ TIR ES - Ski boots, skis, bikes, 474 MAIN ST R E E T - Second - 9 p.m. Gran Torino Wagon, V-8, East Main Street, Rockville fair proposal. Call Mr. TOTAL PAKTICIPWION BY THE fO P U -, fice, 647-9139. Equal Housing sewing machine, and tent floor. 3 room heated apart­ AT, PS, radio, alr- 871-1617. Belfiore, 647-1413. LA CE-THE flOLDEN AAE OF SR5BT4 / , Opportunity. (10x16). May be seen at 108 ment. Call 646-2426, 9 to 5. 474 MAIN ST R E E T - 3 room condltlonlng, beige. MAY WE BUY your home? Scott Drive, Manchester, all offices, second floor, across THREE BEDROOM Con­ Quick, fair, all cash and no day Saturday. CA REER WOMAN to share from post office. Call 646-2426, • 3 8 9 5 dominium - 2 full baths, 2 half problems. Call Warren E. duplex. July 1. Residential 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. baths, family room, all Howland, Realtors, 643-1108. SINGER SEWING MACHINE area, East Hartford. Call 289- 1 9 7 6 FOXD B i n appliances, air conditioned, and cabinet, 9x15 brown rug 6932 after 5 p.m. MANCHESTER STORE for 2-door, v-e, AT, PS, wall-to-wall. Fully decorated. WOULD LIKE TO buy four with pad, bathroom sinks and Rent - 249 Broad Street. 600 radio, alr-conditloning, Choice location. $44,500. Prin­ bedroom older Colonial - faucets. Call 649-3331. 44x10 FOOT MOBIL Home. In square feet. 643-5681. silver. cipals only. 646-7799. Preferably in the Porter Sreet Bolton. Working single person Available July 1st. area. Please call private par­ FOR SALE - William and only. No pets, animals or COLUMBIA - We have just ty, at 647-1567. Mary Sterling hy Lunt, Four, children. Call 643-2880. MANCHESTER - MODERN listed a clean 2 bedroom, 5 four piece place settings, five O FFIC E 400 square feet. Main 149 OAKLAND STREET. 1977 RMC QREIRLIN KNOLU-HOUJ room Ranch near center of teaspoons, one serving spoon Street, H/AC included. Call 6-cyl., AT, PS, radio, alr- 8 1 4 0 town with a country setting and three other pieces. Call Four rooms, heated apart­ 646-2469. COUNTS IS condltlonlng, green. for $38,900. Petreus Realty, Household Goods 742-8991 after 3:30 p.m. daily, ment, (240 monthly. Security. SERVICE! /z r :3 r < T A few simple darts and 742-6270 or 228-3777.______646-2426. ROCKVILLE - 19 X 39 foot • 3 3 9 5 seams . . . presto, a com­ REFRIGERATORS - Washes, WASHER - and like new store on busy street. Large SERVICE! fortable dress. MANCHESTER - ONE Year ranges, used, guaranteed and MANCHESTER MAIN dryer. Pool table, coffee display windows. (125 1977 7999 9X9X90* SERVICE! No. 8140 with Photo- clean. New shipmnt damaged, ST R E E T 2 and 3 room apart­ New Colonial. 3 bedrooms, table, lamps. Telephone 569- monthly. Lease required. Lee 4-door, 6 cyl., AT, PS, Guide is in Sizes 8 to 18. "country kitchen," fireplaced GE and Frigidaire. Low ment, heated, hot water, St Lament Realty, 8758000. Size 10, 32 >4, bust . . . living room, hardwood floors. prices. B.D. Pearl and Son, appliances, no pets, parking, radio, alr-conditloning, 314 yards 45-inch. Aluminum siding. (47,900, Call 649 Main Street, 643-2171. ONE OF A J4IND - 7 foot security. 523-7047. MANCHESTER, Main Street. red. Patterm available only 649-5125. No agents. padded bar with railing and Modem offices available 400, fn eisee shown, LOVE SEAT. Like new condi­ formica top. (400. 643-5968. DUPLEX CENTRAL 750 or 1100 square feet. Heat TO OIDTII, in d TI4I0 for m b ■lltira, T ill ZSt for poifoio OflO FIVE ROOM RANCH - tion, orange background with LOCATION available August and air condition included. Boo4llfl|. Recreation room, 11x24, Lot white floral print. Call after 4 SINGER SEWING Machine. 1st, (240 monthly, plus heat 646-2469 or 646-2755. ANNE CABOT 60 foot frontage, by 137 feet. p.m., 646-116 With maple cabinet. 6 years and utilities, one child and one MandiMtor fforald car excepted, references and use An. of Amorfeu Gas heal. Many extras good oid. Buttonhole attachment. 1 Now Yofk. N.Y. loose location. Call 649-1706. DO YOU SEW? BRAID year guarantee. (125 firm. security required, no pets, ask hlof ffooio, Addroii with tip RUGS? New fabric rements Call 644-2967. for Die* 646-1180 or 6 4 ^ 1 4 . CODE, stylo ffombor lod SUo. MANCHESTER - Garrison for sale. For (5.00 really The Spring & Summer *78 Colonial in Forest Hills area. packet it in a shopping bag. LANE OAK C O FFEE AND BASIC FASHION con- 8ll Main Street Manchester, 9 tains a Bonus Coupon. 9 rooms, 5 bedrooms, END TABLE - (50. Ideal for fireplaced family room, 2 1/2 am-5 pm. Price . . , (2.00 a copy. large livig room or office. baths, 2 car garage. Call Add (2.00 for the New Arthur or Suzanne Shorts, 6 ^ WE BUY & SELL Used Fur­ SUCCESS IN SEWING. 3233. J. Watson Beach Co., niture. One piece or entire Manchester Office, 647-9139. household. Cash on the line. Equal Housing Opportunity. Furniture Barn. 646-0865.